14 EVOTING LBDaER-FErrtJADlsrPHI MTJRSTjAY, MAT OH 2$, folfo FRATERNAL SOCIETIES Independent Order Odd Fellows Met-chanes' Lode will hold lis semi-annual flection of officers tomorrow evening. Ths Dominations Uat Friday evening resulted In Jh ehalco of Ihe following Tor N a Chnrlel Lombards v. L. . n. Mitchell) for third member of the relief, Brothers M, I Loner, K. A. Henry, R. A. Calhoun, W, Hedrlck, F, Morton and Ed' ward Maute. Among the visum brethren were llrother Knight, of Anchor Lodge, Cleveland, who brought news of Ihe progress of Odd fallow shin in the 6uekeyg Stnte, and Brother Fischer, of Knor Mtic. who congratulated the degree team for their excellent work. The third degree will be tut on tomorrow evening In full form, and all brothers will bo made welcome. ivy Lodge had the usual number of visitors en Monday night. The third degree was con ferred, among the candidates relng Hrother P. E. Wollklll. a member of dries l,edge, Xerfolk, Va. The work, as Usual, elicited high praise from ihe visitors. Nominations were made for the various offices. 1'. U. Charles tyera was tne only nominee for treasurer to ml the unexpired term of r. u. Mysore, who resumed owing to removing from tho city There were several candlda.es lor third mem her of Ihe nellef Committee as well as for trustee to nil the unexpired term of P CI. Charles Myers, who takes the office of treas urer. Representative to tho lirand t-odge, ?'. u. W. W. Ileedcr, Is anxious o have a aritt attendance of past grands to vote for Grand Lodge offlrers. while Bprtng (Jarden Lodge's expiring of. fleers have had a very strenuous veur, it will not deter the spirit of the Incoming ofllcers A good crowd will be present at the election tonight and on next Thursday. Installation night, when Rood work will be djone by D. U. O. M, John F. Fisher and suite. On Saturday night District Deputy J. C. Henderson and hi start will begin to Instal the follow Ins I'-dges: Itoxborough, No. i0, Mercantile. No. BIT, on Mondays Philanthropic, No. 15, on Tuesday, and Hone. No. 1)1. on Wednesday. Spring Garden's Installing staff Is composed of the following officers J. C. Henderson, IJ D. a. M, Frank p. Sanders, warden. It. K, MacDonald, secretary, John lleeser, treasurer, James Oorman. Inside guard, Alexander ftchott, outside guard, Ilyard 11 Kurtz, grand chaplain, and II, C. Moore, marshul. Good Samaritan Lodge, at tnth and Wolf streets, March 28, Noble Grand William Frits presiding, received three candidates with three more to come next Monday night Interesting remarks were made by Fast Grand Kershaw, I"ast Grand Sldell, of Qunker City Lodge; Hrother Hamilton, of George W. Chllds Lodge: Hrother Kilts, of Metropolitan Lodge, nnd Brother Beyers, of Diiluth Lodge Good Sa maritan Is aiming for ZOO this jcar The lodge Is old but not feeble Kenderton Lodge had two applications for membership March IS and eloped early In order to accept the hospitality of Mr. Howe at the Tioga. Theatre to witness the photoplay Philanthropic Lodge will confer the Initia tory degree upon a class of four candidates . In Its lodge room In the Parkway Ilulldlng next Tuesday night. Tho degree work will bo under the direction of Past Grand William II Nngle. who will be assisted hy Brothers Has selberg, Shaney and Nordmann. This lodge has passed through a very successtul reason under tho leadership of tho present noble Brand. Brother Simon Moore. Olive Branch conferred the second degree In full form last Friday eenlng There were four candidates nominated for election. The association connected with the lodge which provides for all banquets nnd entertainments, nominated officers. tiro F. D. Krnuskopf re signed as chairman of the Entertainment Com mittee. Installation coming on Good Friday, 1t was nnstnnned until Anrll II. There wilt be no Intoxicants served at the Installation. The minstrel troupe had a reheirenl Inst Thurrriay night at Bro. a II. Hobdcll's house Tho boys wero Interested in his hothouse nnd . field mice. Bros. S. Llewlyn and It Murphv have a grent surprise In store for everybody nt tho minstrel show. MlVe Lodge conferred the second degree In full form on four candidates March 1S. The nomination of candidates wns a featucr of tho meeting: Brother L. Brlnton Carhart was nom inated for N. G. Brother James II Wilkinson for V. G. J Brother Charles D. Bird. E. C. Laurent, A. S. Dawson nnd U. G Marklev for the third member of the Belief Committee The election will take place tonight. Grand Lodgo officirs also will be voted for Several vlslto-s urn present. Brother Knight of Cleveland, gave an Interesting talk on "Odd Fellowship In the State of Ohio " P. G. Springer made an Imposing address and said he was glad and proud to be a member of Mills. The degree staff of Orphans' Itcst Indse, ot Parby, Journeyed to Chester, and conferred the third degree on a class of rto candidates, before a large delegation of visiting brothers nt the new home of Upland Lodge. A banquet fol lowed. Ties following officers wero lnstulled at tho Ptlgrlms Home Encampment, of Darby, by Special Deputy Grand Patriarch James Roach and staff of the Keystone Encampment: A. K. Williams, chief patriarch. Charles Martin, senior warden: Edgar Parsons, Junior war den, and A. W. Pope, high priest The degree staff of No. nt conferred tho royal ournle de gree on a candidate. The Grand Encampment officers mot at head cuarteia last night to take suitable action on the death of H Henry Hughes, past grand patriarch. District Deputy Grand Patriarch Thomas Whitehead, accompanied by Past Chief Patri archs Charles Schaffer. Harry McDonald, Wal ter A. Feast. Earl Smith, George Gumney and Samuel Senior made an official visit to tho Temple Encampment and Installed the fol lowing officers: Chief Patriarch, George Craig, ot Caledonian Lodge, senior warden. W. J. Overbeck, of Olive Branch Lodge, high priest. George Graham, of Columbian Lodge, Junior warden, George Foos, of Totem Lodge; guide, Fred Henry, of Totem Lodge; watches, E J. Berry, of Washington Irvlnjr Lodge; B. Mc Elhenny, or Totem; II. Fury nnd S. Lewellyn, of Olive Branch; Inside sentinel. A Anker. f Caledonian; outside sentinel, Thomas White, ot Caledonian, guards, C. D. Hamil ton, of Caledonian, and Charles Dennlnger, of Totem. Aftee the reremnnv tha Inntnlllnr- nrSna- on behalf of Temple Encampment, presented George Graham, the retiring chief patriarch, with a past chief's Jewel, and Past Chief Patriarch, William McM Cull on behalf of the members of Caledonian Lolge, presented to George Craig, the newly Installed chief patri arch, a silver loving cup. Tho cup Is solid liver with gold 'Inlng and Is 18 inches high and bears the Inscription. "Presented to Chief Patriarch George D Craig from the Members of Temple Encampment. 100, of Caledonian Lodge, 70O. I. O. O. R. Token of our lovo and esteem. March 23, 191.1" Both presentations were gracefully made and each officer voiced his appreciation with appropriate remarks. Tito scribe's report showed tho encampment had 515 members, representing 77 subordinate lodges. Thla big night was fittingly closed by the conferring of the golden rule degree n a class of five candidates. in aeiiznaiing tne degree staffs tn nu nn v. wotlt at the patriarchal class In Lu Lu Tem- Improved Order Red Men The 23d annual Jublleo and games have been fixed for Saturdaj, July 21. Wllh the selec tion of Point llrceie Park for this venr'a cclo bratlon again, the committee rcois satisneti mat inis oucuik wlll surpass tho events of previous jears. One of the features of this ear's outlna: will be a list of athletic events confined exclusively td mem bers of the I. O It. M. . Chattahoochee Tribe's Ball Committee, who so success fully handled the big dance. trailed on Tuesday nignt to mo wlgtvam of Wlsslnomlng Council, V. of P., and presented to them two silk Hags as price Won by that council. On tho sleep ot March .11 Ihe committee will trail to the wigwam of HoDltuh Tribe for the name mirnose 'the com mittee has already engaged the hill for a ba 1 for lllld. nnd thev ndlse nil tribes am round's to preparo themselves for any eon test that enterprlsng Chattahooche may pres ent. Tho degreo team Is going down to Augustine Bench on August . 'Ail Bed Men and ladles will have a chance to got ac quainted with one of the very best degreo teams nnd enjoy plenty of fun. l'aconta Tribe Is more than proud lo havo the next Rrent sachem numbered on Its roll Brother Bamucl H Walker. On last I'rldav's sleep Brother Walker delivered ono of his most eloquent nnd enthusiastic addresses to the members of his own tribe Brother Wal ker has been termed the Ullly Sunday nf ftedmanshlp," and In his address he usod scv ernl Illustrations nnd related experiences which mado a great impression on those pres ent Commending ths great amount of work done b the Improved Order ot lied Men, ns viewed bv tho paleraeo world, Hrother Wal ker remarked that tho church takes enro of inn eoui and the I () It M taken care or the Indv which keens tho soul. This being the r7th meeting that Brother Walker hnH attended this year so far In the Intercut or the order, the members of Paconla atl extend to I't-otlicr Wnlker their best wishes for his continued success, nnd stand roadv nt nnv time to help him In the duties of his higher office. Hrother .Tnsnnlt llnturhnrlv ftn,linii In Hit chair, congratulated the members. Who nro attending the meetings more regularly. The fo', owing luist sachems vveio present Nichol son, Greenhalgh, Wnlker. Bunting nnd Camero The newly rormed qunrtet, consisting of Ilclde mnn, O Arnold, Bunting and Nicholson, were nprlnuued on their first Inltlatlvo act in the tribe The llalslng-Up Team, tinder tho captaincy of Brother baniuel Walker, ore trained to the highest notch nnd Will make their appear ance nt Ilepnnna Tribe on April 1, at which time the publlo In Invited. Tho election ot officers will be held tomorrow night and all nre urged to bo present. Wnpella Trlbo welcomed tho Dakota Associa tion Mnrrll 17. turning nm, tiffm. MltMnn nf business, the commodious wigwam to tho uo ", me iissuciniion. Tnu nrimm reports indi cated a steady spread of tho Influence this latest auxiliary of the frnternltj Is everting, riot onl In Houth Philadelphia, but throughout tho cltj. Tho remarks of Great I'lnihct longuo on the benefits to bo dcrlicd by the rrntcrnlty from a more extended edm ,i Ion nt the membership In Its principles nnd , ert - monlnla met a hearty response Grout K. of ,. Tnrrar also offered nn unusually felicitous naaress, nt tho close of which he presented to tho assocli tlon a beautiful coat of be,ids mndo by the Indians, and presented to him when he Sns ."T"'. Jnchoneo of tho Great Council ot the United staten nt Its session In Oregon. l resident Kern, In a few appropriate words, accepted tho gift on behalf of the association, and assured Brother Fnrrar that tho benutirul garment would bo utilized In the ceremonial". Great C of It. Donnalley was back In his old-tlmo form, nnd entertained the asscmbl ige with one nf his entrancing stories of the prlmltlo red man. and was heartily applauded, nthcr addresses were made In Past Sachems Frcarson. Clark, McFarHnd, Thompson, Jov rer, Stevens, P. G. S. Farley anil others, after which tho needs of the "Inner man" wero looked after, and adjournment was taken, to meet with Mennn Tribe. No. T2S, at Broad and v. jiiirin,' ireeis, on me llltn sun Sioux Trlbo was honored on last Thurdn' s sleep by the presence of the Dakota Association degreo team, when the wnrrlerc nnd ehlcfs' degrees were conferred. The cxrcllent work or tho team was malntnlncd and much enthusiasm wns aroused. A number of additional candi dates are In prospect by Sioux Short tnlks were mndo hy Bro'hers rhllllps. McOlnnls, Thompson, Hopple, Stone, La ficosen, Jojner, Parker, Di Nero, Powers nnd others. Wjomlnff Tribe. Nn. 7. rnloe,l n mitl Wm on last Frldaj's sleep, when two palefaces re ceived tho Initiatory degree and were ndopted Into the tribe. The Dakota team la getting plenty of prnctlco these days, nnd the best Is still to come. nn Mnndiv's sleep 'Wlnnepurkelt Tribe rip tured mother pnleface. and the degree team limit r the captaincy of Pist Slcheni r I Elliott performed the ndoptlon eeremonv In i or creditable mnnnpr Great Senior Stri mnre Samuel It Wnlker gave a brief talk, which was well appreciated The trlho ad journed to trail to nn enjnvable spread ar ranged for them by the degree team associa tion Atter some Interesting remarks from Deputv Great ''ncheim Walter I Fixture nnd Past Fa-hem Frank Smlthson or Eynta Tribe eneh brother was called upon hv the tonst-mas-er. Pnst Sachem Frank I Elliott for n, kpeech Wlnnepurkett Is taking in palefaces at every Monday s sleep WHAT DO YOU TALK ABQUT WHEN YOU MOTOR WITH YOUR WIFE? . -,.. 1 FOR MeAvgMi 3iKS . I vu- rbif CAfj; n.- NO" STOP it i DH-i araos aimt TtjAjusT ( stop ohino'! Yool tW.. . T ,i -Sr ,t it auo m ee.Tio wefwoui vjo arc somc BEEM IWRT WMILB I . o VdO AUUJAVi J MAD, I'M -A I , J fa fcjv ' H &i ,. v. f , BEATII8 ntJKIIN. On M:arch M late" runW'aS&iS !uern,enrCunVVmcen1,fe g neral will be given. lhCr no M n? EVANS On March 2.1 loir .-?.. 18 EVANS, !iuHband of A'!.?iBU.CItAltLE f K TnVentVnvare. '"- '?&?& T,5VrVa??frTO h. 23d of M.... t.""' ""'Ri"er or tha la i n'A"' HIS Tho relative, ':rM,4 Ininnncnd, s. Ouolts Tamanend. 12, North all, and the officers arc Jacob Knticrunkl, Bu't, It Tho final games of tho (ournnmenti I elinlrnian Elvvood Sailer.' aid. vUe-.hnlrmun; will l,c held nt Court No.th Fn-st tomorrow j V' treasurer'" rfeuV.iV ofriecrs" or?' 1 nvcning. six games in each tournament unis. Jamef 1" Hinilv, Frank Dune. James Sinkea nnd William (Jorcy wero nominated ns dele gates to the Allentown convention The. two roiilvlng the largest number ( vottfl will bo ilelosates and thf two lowest will bo alter nates The election will be held tomorrow evening nnd all members nio utgri to attend, hlx cnndldntis nio to be Initiated, which will llinko n total of 14 now candidates tnls nunr- ter Mernbei-s nre urged not to forget tho pl on Saturday night, May 8. Grand Patriarch .-vva iubuo m liiuHi puiMjiar cnoice in selecting Cyprus Encampment for tho patriarchal de gree. This Is one of the best degree staffs in the State and the patriarchal Is their best de- free. It Is under the leadership of Capt. A. f. Wilson, as degree master, and It Is about perfect In tha work. In the patriarchal de gree, they use 30 men and a 10-pleco orchestra The uniforms and costumes were specially de signed and manufactured for Cyprus Encamp ment, and are said to be correct In every do tall, Tha best of material was used and In thej shepherd's dress genuine sheep skins are used. This staff .which Is composed largely of Ivy Lodge members. Is specially noted for Its musical ability, end their famous tenor is used most appropriately In this degree. District Deputy Grand Patriarch Charles Bhotwell, assisted by William McC, Cull as grand high priest, V. F. Conway as grand smlor warden, Edward Zeft as grand scribe ISdward Schastlen as grand scribe. Harry Moore as grand Junior warden, O. M. Ent vrlsle as grand marshal and Charles Kraft as Brand sentinel, Installed In full form tba officers of United Brothers Encampment on Monday night. After the Installation cere monies refreshments were served and a num ber of, good talks were made by Past Grand Patriarch F. F, Conway, Past Grand Master Robert Graham, Grand Representative James Avery and others. HAYMAKERS Tho State lfavmnkern' Asnniutinn nnt i.,.. a special meeting on Saturday evening next In John Hnncock Hall. M4 Glrard avenue Im portant business will bo transacted nt this meeting. Representatives and past chief hay makers are earnestly requested to be prcent Wnseea Association was reinstated on March lit under most ravorabla conditions with a membership of 150 A fine set of officers was selected and tho association began Its career In harmony and prospects of greatly increns Ing their membership In the next few months. Foresters of America -DS1;faies (f,m J? r,ourl nsemhled nt AnnaM Ross Hall, Glrard avenue and Hutch inson street, on Friday night last for the purpose ot planning for the annual Associated Courts Foresters' Day celebration. Point Hreeze Park was se lected ns tho place for hold ing this year's celebration, and the date Saturday, July .11 A new feature ndded to Point Breeze Park this ear Is a picnic grove Ullirh nil) , ,, be exclusive for organizations holding outings there. Court Columbia's social night was n great succes. Bro Baner, of Court Southvvark. running for supreme delegate, headed a dele gation from Court Southward hrlm-in- corps of boxers, singers, piano player and a Id-piece string band, -which was highly creditable to its leader, Bro McCormlck. Courts Robin Hod, American Eagle, Pontine, Continental and Darby were well represented Court Amerlcnn Eagle defeated Columbia's pinochle team two games out of three, after a strenuous contest. It wus the most en joyable evening ever held In the berles of social nignts at Columbia nnd proved the general spirit of brotherly love na exempli fied by Bro. Banner, who Is an ambitious and true Forester Hro. Nonemai her, of Southwark, sang popular songs Remarks were made by Bro. Il.inner and Bro Myers, always a welcome friend Court Columbia extends a challenge to Court American Eagle and any others to pinochle contest of three or four men teams Court General Garfield at the lost meeting elected Dr. It. D. Burke and John P. Whito as, delegates to represent this ourt at the Allentown convention. Tho debute on hnr.l times between Frank J Canning and George W. I.ock was again taken up, and the Judge iMerritt Robe, thanked them both lor their very Interesting talk This court was honored by the presence of James B. Shcohan, who tnu been u frequent visitor to tho court, and his talks on "Forestry" are alwas inter- r!!"S!?'rd.1,ae' ,atJUi?ant haa notified the secretary that he Is keeping In toJeh with this court by redding tho newa In the Uvemmi Court Tnmanend Journeyed to Court North lEast last Friday evening for the second c'nsh of tho pinochle i and, quoit tournaments. Tho result was a tie of 3 In each tournament Court North East mado a return visit on Monday for the third clash, which resulted as follows; Pinochle, North Kant. 3; Tamanend. 3. Quoits: North Eaat. 2: TamanendV 47 Tha standing of the tournaments to dale la na follows: Pinochle, Court North East, 10- rhoppers' pnkaire pnrty nnd dance on I'rldny rwcnlnir. Anrll !l nt T,miwraMp, llnll l-.Mf Lehigh nve'iuo and .Miller street. touit Haverford lornlnatcd hb delegates to th, ; Irani Court convuitlon Brothem John wmitn, mud Power nnd Erntik llarba, M. B. While hiving declined, and paving high tribute to Brother llarbt. The court having previously rolved nn In. Motion to attend a 'Night In Irelnnd ' at Court Do Lnncev, proceeded there, led 'ij- tho famous band under Brother ndvv. Smith, The annua) banquet, the committee ptomlFcs. will be one of the largest In tho hls Jorv or the imirt To lnt.re.isp n10 interest In Wen Philadelphia, tho Committee on Visita tions, appointed hv the "ourt, consisting of Brothers Barb.i, Power White, Smith and Nnvvrev, is receiving .rrent encouragement. Ihe proposition Is to h-vve ell courts visit tnch other In a bolj. Brother White, enptain of the famous degree team, after nn absence of four weeks, has promls-sl that the tenm will get In action and surpass an of Its previous ef forts. The IiVKMNn LrtxiFn received a boom when Hrother Wagner presented his resolution com. minding the management for the liberality of BP9CO to the news or the crder Court Phil Sheridan nominated lart Friday evening seven members, from whom nro to bo ci-cied nt tne next meeting two delegates ana two alternates for the Allentown convention. 1 very member 'a urged to bo at tho next meet ing. C. R. r. J Ke.'ser enteitalned the bio hers wit'i a noetic recitation entitled "Uiftka " Next l'rldnv evening quarter night a large attendance Is expected lo hear Hrother John Demp"y give a talk on forestrv. TIcke's for th excursion to Heading on Juno 20 can be had nt the next meeting. Court West Philadelphia at n vcrv largo meeting on March 12 had the nleisure of listening to nddrcs"s hv Brother White, cap lain of Court Havcrford's degree team: Brother Piwers one of Court llaverfoid'a "old timers," nnd Past Grand Chler Ranger Donohue. a moral or of Court West Philadel phia The members nf this court nr, taking great Interest in the nth anniversary on Anrll 21. nnd nil Indltatlens point to nn nrfnlr which will eclipse all provoui efforts Tho Plncchle cxnerta are enir.niMnir In n Hlt-hH- exciting tournament with Court LUcum a. Hllver cup to go to the winner, and som uesperaio oaiiios nro nemg waged nt eirh meeting A smoker will be given on March 2H. nnd the Entertainment Committee promises some thing unusual Court John Paul Jones held an Interesting meeting on last Friday evening. Chief Hanger Claude Smith presiding assisted by Sub Chief Ranger Albert Beers Jr Several propoelt ons were received and proper com mittees appointed Tho chief ranger appoint ed tho teams under the following leadership PaBt Chler Ranger William Seharf, No. 1; Past Chief Ranger John M Kellj, No. 2; Past Chief Ranger Harry Gordman. No .1; Brother Huff. No. 1 A resolution was adopted bv the court to change the final codo of the codes. Past Chief Ranger Max Lalb. William Scharff and J. M. Kelly wero nominated to reiirt'Hein me court ai too Allentown con vention. The pinochle tournament between Courts Dlsston. Falrmount nnd John Paul Jones enmo to a close March 18 nt Court Hamilton Dlsston. All through the plajlng It was nip and tuck first ono In the lead and then tho utlur. the final reord showing that Court John Paul Jones had won bv winning II games Court Falrmount 41 nnd Hamilton Dlsston 4?. Tho lommtttcc expeetR to con tinue this tournament with a few more courts to enter The following members apokn on tho good and welfare of tho order Pnst chief Ranirers Lancaster Goodmnn Schaff Kellv ,,.., II. Int. U,l,t,B.I n...l ..,1 c, nun, "mv... .'""i. m ,,,1,,-ia Court American Easle, under Chief Ranger Stephen J. Dougherty, had as an entertain ment tho pinochle game with Court Columbia which were champions from downtown until Court American l.agle got through with them On March IS Court American llaglo beat them ugain, uiref uuv m luur KumeH una court challenges all courts from tho southern section of the city, and would like to hear from Court Southwark. which has a very good team. Brothers Thomas Gorman and Robert O'Brien, of American Eagle, would )ko to have Court Columbia's girl team for a series of games, as they claim to be much better plajers than the men from Columbia There wero seven different courts represented among the visitors, -vho were Fast Grand Chief Itarcer C. Bradley, of Court St. Albans' Brother S. Me era, of Robin Hood; S, Gamblo' of Vesper. J. Sanger, of Pontlac; Brother Willie, of Columbia; Brothers Mahony and Kelly, of Schuylkill Brother Thomas Gorman has been elected delegate to tha Allentown convention and to the Foresters' Field Day Association All the courts downtown should get Into the pinochle contest as It Is a great drawing tard to the meetings and would boom the order. Court American Eagle meets every Monday night at Ottenbacher's Hall, 24th an I Oakford streets Mall communications to Brother David Klsslck, 1C23 fcoutl, 2 lu, "treat Court Olenwood's degree team association on March 21. had about 70 In attendance? and tha worthy deputy. James P Eoster, 'Bros Jacob bauerwald, John Tressel 8r and Brother Nlehardt, Sr ail of whom have Unl title of deputy srand chief ranger. The whole team rehearsed, using the ritual of Vonw 15 years ago. the one that old Glenwood'a crack degree team used under command of Bro. John Tressel, br, It being so Impressive that th team has decided to use It exclusively In thels degree work for the Order. The association has a membership of 100 In J. 'IreHsel inutnln. John Roth, lieutenant 1 .In (mhI Sniiervvatil, chief rnnrer. charlea Yeager, Miu-hlcl lunger; O. Stontpler, senior "woodward, William Ncwmelstcr, Junior wrod ward, John Treoi, cnplaln of Indians; Er nest Knauth, chief of Indlnnii, John vvlckort, J PC It (and rnptnln or the Glenwood's accordion, bindl. Samuel Mesme, lectuier; William Head, hendsin.in. Albert Wlnlerhnlcr, rood sirrarlt.ui, Joseph Tressel official scribe, Tti'rres'iments wero served. Iho older mem- uent fire aeslsllni llin totn .. ill, ,hi. ,in,nl which makes tho work easier for the captain I bo I'ctter thin that of 14 jcars ago and the best In tho State. Patriotic Order Sons of America The ling presentation of Camp 340, to the Fox Chare Memorial rresbyterlan Church last Sunday evening, was n great success. owing to the onrnest efforts of Bro Valentine Rauden bush, of Camp 1!)7. Sixty members of the uniformed commnnderlcs nnd more thnn 00 members of the various camps formed the line which escorted State President Her man A. Miller, who presented v-., i . ""K lo cnurcn nlvSJl""f '5 flVe yCnn' llmt Cn'"n M4, membes .n'inf' hn'', bec" orEnlzed have the memheis spent such nn enjoyable tlmo to- ?iVn .i '"" .on MBfeh In- The occn nearlv ?nnh0 ra'!,p " nfth anniversary, and nearly 100 members wore present Bros cnr; 8eh1"' S,ru""' Wellens. Coburn ii, f"i '."' an ""nlversary committee. ,le whiM, .F "-ominendatlon for the manner In for . 1 e,P.Bra,ln ,wl', '"''anged. and also Hfnl ill n, n,J .'," "V-1-11 tl,0' B"ve'1 "e l.oun- rt.t.e,.tr,l.nmcnt. """ prner- att" whlel i " ln'g,see.ectlSns"CSlra r,D""e'1 ee"ral '- "!nflfntel?Lror,CSl',",n5 Williams lauded Camp ?L for,tll,e financial and numerical showing, JtMe?Unin'..the. 'ncuniheney of his olllce as ii. xiipres.ldent' An Illustrated lecture on pecima?lv niiiiiri0,r7oin 1"-"n"i, who was tl,i !? e j!.1"0'1' ,,a "'B s' nt man 5enrs in 'ri ,R ..K-M5B.c"n" K-... U. nllfsr whoso r i An i-,' .. "'""''y in apeech-mak ng is well known throughout the northeast hi. VT , hls I,"P"'y hv telling some 'very Interesting and convulsive stories. Bro! Itog- severi rnei?,r" s .tllml "l-"nn. ro, .lerfcl several selections that were well received. Knights of Fhythias Tho tribune of tho Appelate Court of the order met at the office of tho Grand Lodgo last """' """ '" iouowing members of tho .. . l';,'Plnl J- l- Bembovv er. of Unlontown; A. E. Will lams, of Plymouth, Charles p. Lang Pittsburgh v ilium j, Nlckoll. of Phlladolphla and Ji. ,?', Erlndle (recordoil, of Carlisle Between sessions for two days the visitors wero cn talncd by Grand Lodgo oltl- of tho military dcpirlmcnt, and I). (I. C. Lord. Tliero wero visitors from Soulhwnrk, Cosmo politan, Damon nnd Fourth of July Lodges 'iho rank of csqulro wns conferred Inst night by tho degreo tnn", which Is kept busy by tho diligent work of tho booster committee, com posed o the ofllcers of tho lodge, "act busy and keep busy" Is tho motto. Visiting broth ers nro altvavs vvclcomo at tha Castle Hall, BI4 Noith Broad slrcit. Ouaker citv I,)ilcn wilt have n "grit ac quainted night" tomorrow evening. Thero will bo a musical entertainment, dancing, polo game, etc. A "county fair " Is nnnounccd for April ,, for which donations nro soltclted, under tho earn or the ladles' auxiliary of tho lodge. April to will bo "championship night' for the polo teams Fourth or Julv Lodgo conferred the knight's rank on six enquires, two of their own and lour for Fulton 1 odge, March 111. Although handicapped b the uesence of thrto or Its best members, the degice team pertormed in its Usually brilliant m.inncr. imil the vacancies wero ndnilrntuv. filled by Past Chancellors I'uibes, Gallon nnd Peters IMltOn Lodgo at tended In a bodj, and Deputy Grand Chancellor l'ollork highly complimented the loam nnd thanked It lor the work performed. Tho Or iRanuuion Committee la still very active und spe'lnl features will ho given by It un tho fourth rrlday of ench month Notice of such events will appear In these columns lrom tlmo to time. Jr. Order United American Mechanics Liberty Council, No. 33, will present to Tem- plo Presbyterian Church, Franklin and Thompson streets, on Sunday evening next nn American silk flag, alio presentation speech will bo delivered by Brother William 1 . Wnnowceh. ot Liberty Council, No. 3", Acceptance pr the flag will bo by Itov. William Davton Roberts, pas tor Tho closing ailJresa will be mado by Jr. I'ast Coun cilor Thomas U. Walter, of John It Marlln Council, No, -0 All Juniors ore tnvltml avenuo n - " !neet Qt Bai Glrard av cnuo nt , ,10 o clock. nc,inn.Sreie ,eam. "' Marlln Council, No. 20, Sco?t P;;nn'f;' tl,y ti,ato Vlte Councilor a. G ocott. Mate Secretary Charles II Hall Pnst ni?fJal' f'iL'n ""'-JWllllan,iJ1rrey and Mi.,,1 of Sroo'kfrr v".1: fo0KfhelrUcredlmtMXo- 20 Hac""oth " aure 1U0 per cent d for ,srco w,rlc o claS'lnlYlatlTnMeTnTyeVengThe'orS Councfro'" by ,h d ' " Mlta ramMnS"' a,n,klIn, Council. No. 00. Is nr dcSreSVork wii ,lff,,cla "'K'1' " a'oy. The temV7ornoCouc?l''S07ij? by l" dCBrc0 Pl,.!.a'ae!p,n'?a"coutnhca.i.,No Tfi TplS.'S'J A,n,,aFr, M. Wngncr, No 18.": Clniler Oalr, No. ISO; Moses Taylor, No. 1(11; Eureka, No. 3S, and Liberty Bell, No. 170. Fraternal Patriotic Americans An official visitation was made by Stato Vice Councilor William II, Shenomnn and Stato Council Secretary George S. Ford to Port Richmond Council, Rich mond and Indiana avciiuo, last .vionuny evening. Atcompanicii by tho band of Frankrord Council. No. 170 250 members of various councils of this city met under tho command of I). S. C Charles W. Walton nnd , RCnrterl in th entinnlf. wlinsn iiiuers wero more thnn agreeably surprised, tho puanis of Diligent No. 4; Fairvlow, No. nJ, l'rnnkrord. No. 170. nnd Hamilton, No .,., J,liluo e very nno appearance. Jne parade was quite a feature ot the visi tation und demonstrated tho ability ot Brother Walton to make such mcottngs a. great suc cess. Tho band of Falrvlew Council, No. 02, "JJt recently organized, furnished very deelr a oie music. Addresses wero made by Deputy Slnto Councilors Walton, Freeman, MacDon iild, .Sherwood, Trlnmakor, Drain. Bauman, Morton, Jackson, Alrcy, Curry and Bulmer, Past stnte Councilor John B. McKelvey, Stale v Ice Councilor Shenenian and Btato Council Secretnry I'ord After nn evening well spent In nOarlni? thn Crpnt tw.lr Vinln ilnnn V,w 4l,n various councils and some very Interesting addresses, the council was closed, but tho memories of tho occasion will ever remain with tho visitors and members of Port Rich mond Council, No. 234 A largo nltendarco nf members of tho vari ous councils of this city will bo present at a flag presentation bv Old Glory Council. No. 10, which Is Just ono jenr old, to tho First Pres byterian Church, B2d stroet and Chester no nue. next Sunday evening. Tho members of tho various councils will meet at tho corner of Blst street and Chester avenuo not later man ,;u una marcu in a Dtxiv to tho cnurcn. In caso of Inclement weather, members will assemble In basement or church not later than 7 40. state Vice Councilor Shoncmsn will present the Hag In behalf of the council, and Brother Horace D. Gavv. of Old Glory Council, who can Justly claim tho honor nf having Inaugurated tho presentation o' lings to churches of this city will nlso address thos present All members are cordially Invited and carnestlv requested to attend. At tho meeting of John R. Murphy Council on March 10 Brother Andrew L Arnold wen nn. pointed conductor nnd Brother Day wns given tho poslilon as warden. Both nro new mem bers, and their Immediate step Into actlvo work speaks well for them, nsldo from the fact that the council may bo grently benefited ns well. Brother Arnold has a thorough mili tary training and should h ot material osilht Bhco to Captain MaoDonald; In rnct, tho appli cants for now guards Immediately voted him corporal. If theso two cannot perfect a guard perfectly trained It will bo solely tho fault of iiiu uiuiviuuHi iiiumuers. itine IJ. li,nn are Invited to attend ; Yhe fun.? M S Frldav afternoon, at D?3n ovfc' ie"lVti WtWbraSSta 'Foster15' 4 4 Sunday, nt 2 p m , frcXt eh fe"' M et. Interment ill. Peaco Cemet.r"1 Ile IWVMIIL On March ?i ,,7' -Si BETH II FTJ-tVLrat widow. "xVuSaI lovylor. Funernl on Snturdav xri?12Unk J 2"30 p. m.. from i.in tri2?i.?rcli .?? ?'?.d.s.?"l?'d. N. J. lntcrnUi,g2I?ir! ait CllCftft:. nn f.,t. . . 33 tinribl.. daughter oc th laii1? Wtt inompson. 2.130 East Sergeant . Vnii ment nt North Cedar HUlT-.m.5 l"A (iinoux, ii pon svjfflsa ,,.. .., r : " "i Amelia, s r.,." j i un, riii services on Eaturdav .,"""" W": .1y. . at his "parents' &,,' L ., North 31st st HKAI,! On March parents' residence -i. .1015, m GUAF, widow of Frederick Graf ST Al on Saturday, at 7-10 a m fS-l,,'nl Thompson rii." soiernh Hlshta.2,0.,? Gil AY. On Mnrch 24. iftn ft .. t llt'llll'o i . ... D .IVIJlljOi- LGIIIIS-At Woodbury llelgl,,, v , M March 2J, lDlfi, H. HuSiiv F fmuHEa. 7.S HI cars Relatives and friends SSk -J P. Y!a ?' ,3- Helfsnyde? So" & Co i'w.'.K iiritni jjouko. nn. r i i nn.i .'. - .- ' thlan n. A. Chapter No "So pm !;! Vm sCi'urncon1mand, t! ghffir j Consistory A A S. R. Lulu W& Ph!a Odd Fcllnv5s' "A?so.; VeterSn Odr-ktffi ectlvV0SndUF'.r"ev"!m" ""SroVe'raea" 'iSJ rciio ana lire Aseo , are resDptfnit tn v''.?' . " attond funcmi ServlceJ f"o'K i,V eV-" iliK- "sren 2. at 8 o"clock. it i; late residence. Central ai.. A.L1' iieiguta n'' . PI"... wVltarr, anteyC'SFJE!.0" .. th borsof thb ord ";"'",. --. - -. .- u,,,,ucfc unci naa an enjojm ! time, as pratorv was not included Si the program. Tho following membci-i attended John iJkklnson. John V Ilurch, William I Marshall. N Brettinghnrn. James A "tu"Lel R. V. Painter L. Stafford, P. Hurst Chailcs Shultr. William Hutohlnson. R w. Lehr win lam Ilamelo William Hartman. c. Hoffacher William Culbertson and Thomas C. Thompson ' T'e,d!pu,y Br,an,'1 -hancellors met at lo hall of Sanson, Lodgo Monday night and ner- PnaMoJl,,yn? rBvn,z by t",8 fiction of Geoige Pollock, of No. ai, us chairman, and C v T Robinson as secretarj It was agreed in admit the Grand Lodge office? mid paatFand chancellors as ex-ofllclo participants A wso n"?.',r,,f 1?1V.pat.hy "as '"warded to Union B. Hunt, of tho Insurance department, who is SSSS.'i to u,1lorK(; 2" operation. The following deputies responded- George J. Pollock 1st district. Albert C. Funk. 2d "district: Joserjli a Ijrd. fid district, Charles V. Veager ofl, db,: f'ct; Bro. Jackson, 7th district. William I Broadbent, 10 district. C W T RohlnBon l""ti, district Letters of regrets for Inability to at- tfsnil vurA rcwtA foil frnn, Ti T..i v"'. u Ul or the flTh district; and Ifernian it Jii?. or nits Mil district, and Herman id Munterl Philadelphia Company. No 2. Uniform rtnni. will bold Its next montlilv n:i.m,.?rm-n.?Dk day evening, April "n. at tho" sou' th west cofn?r of Broad and Federal streets. The visiting corn mltteo has Becured from tha lodges durlnirthZ month several applications for membership The company expects to confer the rank on theeo applicants on the abovo date! The " com pany extends a cordial Invitation to tho mem. bers of the various companies lu Philadel phia to be present at any of Its assemblies and a so wishes to thank Colonel V. A lliiK' gas for his activities In Its behalf ' ' Southwark Iodse conferred on March 10 the rank of knight on three esquires In long form In an able manner. On Tuesday, March 'if! will be tho "get together" night, when tho Entertainment Committee, expects to have some "large doings." All knights are requested to be present In order that they may know how "Old No. 18" Is progressing, and to have iart In an entertainment provided for their bene fit. Tho slogan for tha term is "Bring In a Candldato." ... Continental Lodge conferred the rank of miifiin ui HM.a uiuuiaiiu lurm tiy the degree team, assisted by the guards and vUtt.njr brothers, which was glten hi a very CIIOI . C. CiCOtt flrrl nthA- T.m.lA- nf Iho ,H 7.v"""" ..""".""' '"""' be present " "" -u5'"n UlstrlCt will tii,t'.1.!innBfr(HUy c?u,nc'l. No IW2. will bo insil tuted at LarBom,al0 ? Frliad 'evening, Apr! list i ii "'. application contains a long hri nine nS "$ t't'en? of Carbondalo nmi mo Placing of a counsel In this thriving lIiv 111 ,?artvteiTnd..haikanl' "ou' .i. 7- A "'"able addition to tho ranks of charter Hit . ".'.' i' ..v"i,." B" Tim aenfstivo a r? t.ii ' u 1 -"aiiona itepro sentaiive A. E. Fuller, nnd the degreo work will be presented by the prize team of West Scranton Council. No. J07 "csl Saturday night. April 3, will be a big night at Spring City Council. No 000. Forty-rtve Candida es are now listed and BO or mora vWli bo enrolled before tho big night vvese acranion council. No, 07 ..,,,.., iiktiiiutiiti cerv ice in the held Its riymouth Memorial Church, of Senn on. "mi MrlrchO An appropriate nrogram was rendered with M'Jt?iV' iVOT?Jivans- ot Colonel t: D iiwli Council No. lnin. nu ti,n n.in. ,, ' ' i'cwis The (CM anniversary "class' inltla lo.. ,.la',V I, making a great lilt all over tha State, 'of tl e Its -membershrp nono has bee'n recelvedw"," such universal favor. Tho thought of cele brating tho 02d anniversary of tha order with a record-breaking dncreasa In membeshlp has met with general favor and will be cnthuslas. tlcally pualied In pvery county. Councils that have not ordered a supply of the free circulars furnlihed by the state secrn. tary for distribution among their members, set ting forth this plan of membership campaign and soliciting their co-operation In making a sixty-second anniversary class Initiation night a big event In their council, should get their order ill at once, ' Tho follo-vlng councils have responded to data and nro redhot for the movement Plains Na i,ui. Benjamin Franklin. No. 00; Now Bloom, field. No. l!2d, Irwin. So 41, Lafayette j, 400, Ackermanvllle. No. 003; Pride of MourN tain City. No 172; While Haven, No? 8t3" Costal, No. 300, Newport. No 014; Wyoming Monument, No 70S; Waynesboro, No 7im. Wlikes-Iiarre, No 101; Ions, No 75; Din ouesne llolghts. No. ISO; Charles A. Gerasch No. 1004; Frledens. No 182; Hooversvllle. No 100; Maker, No. 320; Conoqueneeslng, No. 03; Danville, No. 10: Canonsburr, No. 303; Yough No. 182; Coopersburg, No. 1020: Hermmie, No mil. itnraa f Tlnalr Mr, IRS. H...L ',.".' ."."iS" "' SJ1H ."o" J""VU'""'. All members of John It. Murnhv fTntinclll nlll take note that all applicants, for the guard should show up at tho council on Tuesday evo nlrg, April 0, as the new tactics will bo ex emplified by Bro Arnold, and if thero nro any who want to Join nnd have not already ap plied they should go down on that night and "fall In." Order Independent Americans Tha meeting ot Red, White and Blue Council was fairly attended this week, as usual. Tho Publicity Committee has outlined a campaign f tor tnp purpose ot bringing mora cioseiy together the resi dents of the northwest Boctlona and tho council, This commit tee Is doing good work In the effort to bring many members Into the council through their advertising mediums. A shad ow, however, was cast over the council by reason of tits . , . .. u"2" " "'u. t-uvvari, .Maugan, who Is a brother of Treasurer George Maugan. Tho council extends its sympathies to tha fam ily. Past Councilor Wllhelm was conspicuous by his ubsence. which does not often occur. Tho "boys" missed him. ""TaVuX eatJjs "Iji.-T-i: ,. snri ,.. j -... I; -J I ui HMIRa "'"" '" 4yo; VJiecn Jill ----"-,, - .- . r ";.. i . in oiuuiu. iu. i4.i uwu wneor. xvo. nn- were snort u si"i uy coionei iiniegas, Schenley Park, No. 6j Ashley, No, 110; Fred ADAIR. At his residence. 182(1 North Win. a-naker St., on March 21. Wis, BLAINnY. husband of the lato Margaret Adair. Duo notice, of tho funeral will ba given. HAI1RY, On March 24, 1015, THOMAS F.. husband of Teresa M, Barry, -610: Wayne aye, Dua notice ot tho funeral will bo given, B?ISN2a. "arch 23. 1013. JOSEPH ZANE, BATTEN, formerly of New York city: aged 04 jears. runcral services to be held at St. Luke's Episcopal church, Slontclalr. IS. J . on Trlday morning, March 20. at 10 O'clock. Interment private. IIAUEIl. On March 23. 1015, JOHN J. hus. band of the late Anna O Bauer (nee Diets). Funeral un Friday, at 2 p. m.. from 2.V'6 North 2Sth st. Interment private, at M t. Peace Cemetery. BH'Wiyi On March 2-1. 1015, MARY, xvldow of Mltiiaet Berry. 1-uneral on Saturday, at 7.J0 a. pi., from 107 West Master st. Solemn Renuiem Maes at St. Michael's Church, at U a. m. Interment private, U!:A1.E:,.0n. March 24. 1015. ELLA BLAKi:, daughter of the late William J and Katharine Mead Blake. Funsrap on Tuesday, March 30, at 8.30 a. m., frorri TOO -.,w VeHka xvi- w ntieuuiiyLiuii B 111 t Jji Interment at Hew Cathedral Cemetery. morning, .March 20. loir, FrtH TONKS On March 23, 1015, II1ENB n WIT.,,"1 Y''la'n Jones and dauihtfr .( uaiiiiia Hun rni iniu n-- . -- b Funeral on; Friday, at S-30 p 3L' p,S from 2S1I) North flth st. InterrhTn rprlvtS 1 nt Northvvood Cemetery. "w, 1 ICAIIN. On Mnrch 24, 101C. GUSTAVEvI husband ot Jcrnlo Kahn Funeral on SSr ut a p. m from 2MJ North .loth V.,J.'. ment Knrlnnl, Rhnl.n, r.... mw-- .. .A. """" A-uiivrui irom eiay Baa. nee st.. Chestnut Hill, on Saturday, at st'. Our Mother nf Consolal on, at 0 a. ra. Intir. ment nt Hnlv S.,lh. r-.ii """ I"V?V?s?SG?;Llt7rS5.?Iarch - '' wiuS Friday, tho 2tlth Inst., at 2 p. m. loter-i s.,n.,J2K.nSy,,lte' Plcat! on"' lowers. i MrDIIVlTT. On Xtarch 23 1MB Ml., JANBMcDnVrrr, In her sld'yexr.' We li 2?-rfJT1.fly "t,8"1? '" from 5113 ClS! ie;. J,'sll "eiulem Moss at tn Cliunli fit the Most Blessed Sacrament at 10 a. to,' .i5.,.rJ1,nt Cathedral Cemetery. tF,ivn''b- ,r " "" ID". ANNA. -,D' ttld;v of Rev. Thos. Nichols, In li I i Oth scar. Kuneral services at her lat nil. 1 aencc, .101 School lane, Germantown, Frldu ,' nrternoon, at 5 o'clock. Interment it 0o, J; NOHEL On March 24, 1015, ELIZABCT1I. wife of Arthur Nobel (neo Gooldl. ul 31 j-v.m o i-uiieeai on aacuraay, larca iit H 2.J0 p. in., from 7411 Rising Sun ivenuo, 1'ox Chase, Philadelphia. Interment Orten- j mount Cemetery M O'DONNELL. On March 21, 1015, st hliJ late residence, 12S Pastorius at.. Osmiii-l to.vn, MICHAEL J., husband ot Sarin 0, Hopkins O'Donnell. Due notice ot tn tuncral will bo clven. QIIICIUSY. At her residence, 1023 Biln-S M,uso oc , on .uarcn -. iUID. CAiHAJCI.'Vll M., widow of Francis B Qulgler. Fuaenl on Saturday, at 8:30 n, in., from the imrfc ments of Oliver II. Balr. 1820 Chestnut ifr, SCinVEIIEU On March 21. 1015, PAUL-; '"H)vitst;iiAN HCHWEBEI.. beloved -isin of William C Schwebel nn.i daughter ol Florentine Wischan, nee Hraun and tli late Rev Frledrl, h U'laeh.in I , allves mi friends are invited to attend tho funeral services, on Friday, at 2 o clerk at hrt lata resldenco, 444 EnBt Walnut Une. 0er-i mantown Interment private. .; SEItGKSON. On March 2.1, 1015, L0D1U c. wioow or jiooert sergeson, in tno o'o year of her nee. UMiLtlven and frlendl art Invited, to attend the funeral services, it-a her late residenc. man tc 7ih at., on PrI- " Ha,, ... ..(.. ... n . , .. ..l.t Th,... fS ,. cciiiiik, in o o C'lUCK. iireuiasij. ,-, ment private at Laurel Hill Cemetery on nturdav morning HHOKMAKKIt. On March 21. 1015, ELLES O., daughter of tho lath Joseph arid lucssl Shoemaker. Residence, C32 North 22it It. Due notice of the funeral will be given. SMITH. On March 23. 1015. BRIDQET (ne Gorman), widow of Com ad Smith. Bli- tlves and friends, also Sacred Heart Sodalltr oc or.. Augubtine's cnurcn. are invnea i -tend tho funeral, on Trlday morning, it R.'tn nVtni.tr n.i, 11, n -salrlAtirn nf tiff SOU In-law. Jlr. Finnk II. Palmer, 400 N. 5th it. Solemn Renuiem Mass St AusustlniS; Church, at 10 o'clock. Interment at Holy Cross cemeterv. Remains viewed inureui evening after 7 o'clock , ,.,.! IIIIVV1 W nn,l. lata TlanlAmln Ultl Susanna Stevens. Relatives and friends UK invited lu attend tho funeral services. ; Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at nil into residence, B22c Greene St., utrnuajiiu" Interment private. .,al SWEKNEY. On March 22. 1015, CHARLESJ SWEENEY. Relatives and frlenaj, sjso i- mamKi,, nt th, T?hllnna f rln n T.lterSrV Inlll. tute. aro Invited to attend the funeral, e4M Friday morning, at B ;ao ociock, lato resiaence, an rsortn 41111 i. ,!T""z:'m Requiem Mass at the Cathedral, at 10 "-M interment at cainearai c-emeierr. Vtiri a. 1.n Abl.l&nna af Vl I SOS, t,iiuu.a, ilia icamoMvu - ,, a Robinson Valll. Wlster road, Ardmore fiUS on March 25 1015 JOSEPH IJEHMAa-SIs of the late Rev. Herman Landon (Si Gold Valll of Lltchlleld, Conn. lniernWS at West Cernoterv, Litchfield, Conn., jsj naiuroay, aiarcn -1. fu x v. i"'...nv ,,ns"ai ffUKKsAln March 2J. 1UI5. MART Vfm WiXMi, aaugnier 01 me iio '""."VHwi ..a itfnv-.a 11'a.b, iro aiives and frlnci are Invited to attend 'tha funeral '"'" (Si Thursday afternoon, at 2 . o'ctow. M "a lato residence, 122 ISouth 4UU1 tt. ini"-s AviIITAKKH. On March 21, !?. vJ$J8$i A., vviaow or jonn . vtimii, "vt-j and friends are invited to "tsnd tts fuainj J services, on Saturday rooming, 3?.Jj7 nlaalv nt liar lata residence. Mil iVvfJ college are, imermem pe,s. NO. 75 ASTHMA STMPSfVNr TRTil VTTT.Ani? HTTM TTTTm TTTinaf ariTn TTT. , ' T ' -T ,;' vcx LUivi wAivm mAiviLa ur WATJti FATUUJNiJE FOR WHAT HE LACKS IN BRAINS!!! Asthma, po iau f viol j3ut r KNOW ANVTHlNO.kA CAN tSIVS apout this Heiee yQu a fHYaTERrous n-r A vo, . r am ) 5 ve cc, con. traffic', -r- ' -Aw. i .... v- , 1 ,wv, .. "'fmrorr, Mp THAT J a, e ' w.wiVrvif.Wi HUM'.". J-ANP J7 CrtN'T CV6N M 1 wnA 1 - -i -rnj tAfi?iriNj? hu"" TO-maMseiy-wsvi'iJ--..-:.v j nw . -..sw , . ,.. . ,i 1 ,Lt the iR2i"nNt:. lvv... .. I 1 ".'''. imtrr SgaWffiiitSSiaM aM.TrAFFIc'S JOre8- --siBat J -- -1 Mxmvsmm ,3 7 Wirar!; IS itv shoulp pe kw E,f K -s-f rve Been standing Hef?el ipt aloms ,s m AjRITINQf. rs r-, ' V S vmcKwmPb:; jm r i- ss . -- m 0ACkiaarids f&rl r- ...mJI;