11 wJipiAJiHl- TTON PRICES SHOWED SHARP GAINS AT CLOSE-LAKE SUPERIOR ACTIVE IN LOCAL MART EVENING fcBDGEB PHILADELPHIA. THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1915 IEIGN SELLING OF STOCKS WELL TAKEN Lies Sold Off in Lrite Trading Kn Heavier Utterings lu-om rjlome and Abroad. i-e it.l4 QZ .1ViAtA una tor Toiw. .'Vu'v.,.r i,i,. ..;:i; Mnart"'; "bit! thi Mr-tone wan Pj Prices rtt tli opening weie gener JTV, -ilonAUv above the. final of xei f 'ro. ?,. .liowlnR Hull Inn flonllni iW,i',f stock xvns Btnnll. Sre Ifla nllnir Ho fore tlio Wilie first limit- heavy renllzlng salei ff Jiil which caused n recession In ".Hi from Iho man. i' mj !" ffriiM-f ihi final of ycslcrtlny. Home TO. its were ma.le for weak hulls P.' a.slred to clean up their ftcrountR. -a -- . irti,f,H trt tlin HPPlmr lAc""o nrwicd! Tl i.T ifnnn nunln icsumcil Its upward The market l ,, nA lm poon mw i " "',""" i-rf when nn ",u m......... - .-.- "i. had been taken enro of nnd the mip f'.rtln became smaller than the do fi f"V.ii.i. nrlpe.l Issues were more rnffrrlngs both for homo ami foielsi. nc E i wro larger in tho afternoon scs- ;.h nd the mnnict nom m irum m fiSif the da -M.e principal supply o 5?.e seemed to conic fiom Individual Srttcrs ho xnro taking prollts. Atchl- tovuruiiio mtuciiicu. F' :..o.i in tho favo !?;.;., hv nilvnnclnt; n point above wreviunw - ... . M... it.. , Mill PtlSCU Oil 111 1110 osed at last night's Sinifvf"e,l,,v ,ijr trading n"'1 cl ni crtcrlnKs of 'took became larger n.i 'fitflernoon advanced nnd tho llsc of irkft appeared u c m-ui-ij . nv.n.u. f... ih close sonio Issues wcro down to 1Mb final flgurn of last night, while mid a numbci of sliarrs, In fact the ., majoiltx shotted gains Tor llio uny. Jk. favorable enrnltig shtnteinents of Jmr railroads issued during tho day jTJ m a brake, and helped to austKln Mil Interest secmod to be Bwltchcd from K(in to the cotton market In the lalo Irtllni. an(l Prlco3 ot cotton advanced juUr to new high polntB of the year ft faltly active demand. lOn the decline there was also consldor itl sqiount of foreign selling. Thii was lit In larKe measure to the fact that .ri.-.i have now climbed to n level ot Stu at the close on duly 27 settlement Seep, and therefore Institutions in T.on 1 can rcsumn ll(uldatlon of collateral Lni. The iclling in Union Pacific es Jirfijr was largely ot this kind, hut It Is (iytveil that this has been about cleaned jl'nlon rnclflc again resumed Its upward m and crossed 125U. before noon for ID advance ot nearly 1. nnd with ltcnil fer ind Southern Paclllc, hecame one of it! leaders Baltimore and Ohio still 10- i!nd In the foreground nnd ndxauced nif 2 points The rise was based on 'fij favorable Kebruary stnt'inenl. fi'eW that tho Oovetnment proposed to tstlgnto complaints tlint tho Hethlu lun Steel Company haa been supplying .'(jbmarlnes In parts to tho Hrltlsh Qov Ipument did not nffect tlio stock today, ind the pi ice loso nbovo the final of jos ttrtay at the close, however. It weakened iairrnpathv with the rest of the list. Jn the budget of news was tho nil pcunccineni ui iiiiuit'r iiiimuiim ui h(iu Irani Ottawa tills time 11,000,000 being cn jied for shipment to Now York. In tomequence, the foiclgn exchange mar- 'jst as a trlflo stmugei The belief Is 1 -Toeing u:uij uiiu iiieni isiiiniii win uu impelled to establish 11 big viedlt here, (rooaDiy -iuu,uivuiv or more, 11 our cx lort cpntiuuc on as largo a scale an rtofore, which will muse further weakness In torelgn exchange. New York Stock Sales t-t cle. 11.. 1 . r. .. ... ' Allb-Cialmets pret .... w 3 Amal copper ni'f wi. "" nujar . . . Am nrako Rhpe pref Am fan . . Am Tan pref .. . .', Am Tar ft tlr . . Am Coal rind Am Collnn (111 Am Hide A Leather p'f.'iw Am Irn . . . ... ,, Am l,ln-eed .. .,, Am Unseed pref ... Vm Locorniiilre .... Am I.ocomotheprrf Am Hmpltiim Am Smelling pfd .. AmerSnuil pref ... AmHujar An Mmm Pdv Am Tel & Tel Am Tel & Cauls.. . Am'lobicco Ar 'I oh lore prof. ... Anarondl Copper , . Alrhbon Atchison pref ....... Haldw In lro Hallo A Ohio . . , Halto A Ohio pref , Hank of Commerce . Heth Meel . Hetli Sleel pref lirookljii Itapld Transit .8 diutiriiiti rei California Pet pref ... Can Pacific Central I cither Central Leather pref . Chen Ohio I hlnt ( opiwr hie Ureal W Chlct.irat W pref A.. Chic Mil A St I' . . ( hlc Nnriliw. . Chicago It I A. IMoirio I't'l'iM t.ouljpref Col 1-uil A. irou Col A South ContC'an Cent Can pref , ConsoKiaj..., Corn rroducls Corn Products prof,.., Cuban Am Sucar , Distillers Securities... Den .t ItloOprcr... Krlo Hrlo 1st pref Krle I'd prel Fed .MAS Gen Chem pref Ccneral Klectrlc (Irneral Motor . . .. (ieneral .Motor pref . Hoodrich Co (Joodrlch Co puf flrcat N'oilhcrn nref . Cheat Noiihvrn Oru (lusscnhcini i:-p ., HI tmlral Int llarr Corp Int llarv ( orppref Interhoro-.Mel . ... I IneerUiro-.Mul pref I lnt'l Paper ... jitri 1 pi'r pre, .... Inspiration Cons .. Kings Count i:it'C. Kresege pre! J Kayser Co pref .. Kan City Southern . Kan City Southern pref 5S Le high Valley lus'f MggettAM Toh pref.. 117 Long Island y( l.oui4V..Nasli in Sfuxwell Molori :f Maxwell Motors 1st pref 7.1' j Aiaxwell Motors Sd pref ;) High, t.ow cloee :tM t'f 3IU n7' 38 (Wi nn ni'f 4n up- tuu .ini 4. .Vt 1,11 j (( M.'i l:U!i 1.1!i l.Tili 'MU ,'ill!( Wi i9)j n" m oti ;. I6f 411 4 Wi SI K 81 81 17 47U -17 -'H )f 27U an' i un'i 2HH L'H'i 1!8( HU B!a lint li'j H"k 2.Hj 'Jh.ij 27 'JH'i 8(1 20'S W'l tl Sl' Rt'S M' 81'( 07IJ bS'j 07'( 7' 10.P HU'i (H'( l(U)i HI4 Hit 1(11 101 uu'i mvi mm lmu 'JO'S lintj 2fl 2(S 121)1! 12J 121'j ViVi J5HJI fiS'f fisU rm .221 LVIU 2"! 221 107' 107'i 107'i H)7'f . 2 ( 211 2S 2S'( 184 Wj !IS'( OS'S Wi Wa !ish fmi-j :n ;ui, :n tn r.05,' 71' 70 7I'f 111) "II), (KPf 0'i 107,'J lfkVf IO.V4 lflf.'f avu 70 (is ris, toriif nio'f m in.- hi!! S8'i f,8'i lWi m'f int inij 17 471. 47!ii 17'. 101'f 102U 1C0U MHj :wj .ir.'f :)4t ,ii' HU'f 102 102 102 New York Bond Sales. iltm.Ktntr Asr Si ItiWAmer Cot Oil 1'iS . MM lmj.p lll.ln A 1. l(a mm Amcr 'lei til 4 tewAmer Tel ct 4h b.i jirniour i. o 4ta ElOVI Atrhfann mil Jq tSUfU Itrhlvtn ou i, 1 fVA IIKWl Atclllmn n 4s 111U0 aiKw Allan To i.ino 1st 4s fllSOOOHaU .t Ohio 4n itvzn nait oh . 4i.,h aliiiOO BJ,Q i I.i:&VV 4u StftWH P.lh Klal .I'll r.a alMtrj Rrookn flan Tr f.u 1U18 Olf. 3W Brook I'n i:n Hi .w loH traaiKni Leattid' 1st .la . tisi IbOBll f'n linn la, la bUl.. ItieflQ Pent n It M I r. 111V. BiWJlUJMM . Ohio OV 41iS Tl'i (hl ; Uast 111 .'.a . I 1111 ill l'A Ju pgwchi s, Nwn aus . . nir9 -"' ueb n nisi. i mi li . Q Joint 4s b.ww ini li &. it ileh HlKll. I.nw .1111 lWlti .W2 . HT1t .1IH) . UI . 84 HJJi Oil . SSH N1 II'.' r.i M 111) IH1U n jr ii iIaii rm iitLL BlCCOChi II f.- 6 iten 4 . . IU15 till & ht i' tv r.a ret lOH 101 H14 Mil & tit 1' 4a... I'OlI I'll', 10W Mil St l ll 58 10J, 1021, i(l 1 lllll I'!? chi n & q in ;tws. 11 Wlfl Phi It A, O lwu A. a ja-jv.T ';.". . t. '- - 1'J U M of ht t raScS k?K! W1' l "1 C -1WS Ulivj I!U1 Chi M H 1' can lUu. mil? IOC Cl. A- St 1. ROll 4s 0')(5 1 ClCV Rl, l.ln ilka fLt iiooo ri x rm.iv. i. .i. u.i RSS Co1 S-outli ret ti,s . -' fttSS PM "d 1:iulp 4i.js tno'5 JIIOOO p.n . tlio Or 4 ... 7S IMM Detroit Kdlon 1st Si 10 M m Detroit linlted 4U . taVi WMDU Hecur Coni i: . . 49tJ BUM) till linn, Ht. .I'tl.u Qd twi n "- "7" - " i-v- iiii, rnnv 1(11 lUOli STJ4 1C S4 -'!4 ! ni Wf 7MJ ST-i. J 00' llfii 8X AT' Mil, 110 Hint inns in', wtj imj nu "JOErle rnnv 4a snr li 30M r,tn i"An .IbI-. r.u JOWllud -Man In An I00Q lnora f'-mti-iil lu j 13 1 Crntrai rfd Is i iHU mt jt 5.1 llrji J"T "'I' v.. -..- J Interii Mot ETTA Tnl..k tl ,n i R. ?M Inter M.r M.r'jui iSjl, In, al ii n- nl. Eweu lnrl AlMnhAl R.. nnit rarj. .." ..,v... nacv ret ;m iki tui 'jii.iiiui 4 Via mv. ni as BwS9 'paneaa new 4Ua'.. iSSJ S?n ciiy ' oa; 4a ip-t Ulaal R giJUcka Steel U v.ai I in j. rn r.,t II '..? Ji t i3 ("00 ch State Tel fa iff Minn tit 1. la l& "LP" j. Mm) da col .-u lull iwat Knam & Htp r,a.. US(, Em J. Airnrana oil r.a,. ".. . . liil, usi. hi lm 4H, 4iv; phi. H 4t.v ffilTC.I ' S. 11 " on 4a Jr? do 1U null a;5.M'uni, BSSW.VNli Hcva!.. !o 101 ' . tU-i .lfl. . s US 0211 H '8.1 .101 . U7U 100 u nii'Si llll'-, n.1 K 8l4 iriu iool ni' ii 102Vi 711 mi 88 IV! 10U, J mil 2Ti IK! Rl. 8.' , niitj 108 inn 7n 11714 M 1KIH 7S tl'll WIS 8.1 oo!4 101 l(i;4 iiwi' ion osi, M 4HVj 41 ll.lj III M'.i iuo'4 Hit. UA1, nuii 'Slj mi 7U!, M 111 T05 lifll llliy Will 104 I'W rioao. till null 103 '. IrlM ll'J ht -" no Nil, 7M. h7h 0'i iooK nsi, 88 1)H 731i IU 57 Bl'a 81 110 mi imji Kl'j on, no uoi; im(4 1.11. (LI 81 Ki inij 7.1 nil, 7H ' 40 . 8S ai IDHi llllji msj? 10(1 ' 'SSI 78 ss 8.1 11)0 !0 11.H 411, UflV, u-la UI 87 14 84K km 8I! oa(( 71 ' AIU ,a 71 li 02 II21 nit! nmj 101 ' ,o?,J ,ia!i !3 .y?. W . ;i7 . ii'j . .in', HI 12.1)!, 21'. . 6.'tU 27', ... 25 ... Mii ... 1121 3 ...117U 1, ... 7." ... fiOtf ... SH ... t)',' ... 2H', ... ;is' ... ;!. ... 8 ...107 111'. .. 110 . Hill ... :i7'i . !! .117!, els ;i,l'i .. 2U .. 107 ... 72 ... 1-fi'J ... 12J. li2!j . II .. ah 2.1 ...120',' ...107), ...107 .M'i A'i .11 ll't .'IHc till' I II .'lll'i in, :ioij so i.Vi 125'. 221f 57 27', 25 rVl !I2J. 1175J 11), 7.1 CI 8!j 10 21 Mi at 8 107H 107IX 112 111). 112).' 110 Hill, III)'. jisU :i7'ii 0'1'i Oil'l US',' 117', .'us m, 52 514 107. 7;i lto rjif el'. 8U 22'. 121)',' H7 It 1171, II'. :io). no 1251, 27). 25 fit 1)2). iV 01 U7'i 25 5 I!,' t)J!ii 117) 1175, 113, 72). 50 fi)i 10 2J1'. .'IS a i 8 1071,' 7:1 101 12'. (l2'3 II :;cm 2.'i' 120'i 11(7 lOS'f 1011, 22". 2.'l 571,' lU'a IKS a 11(1 :i.'i. 7Hi ,'IOlj 70U M. II), 72). fill 2.1', ,'IS), .'it 8 107). 112 lllli 10'a :i7'j 110', 117s, :u'( 52 107', 7.1 HO l-' OP a su ;i'ii. 21',' 120'. 1117 IDS'. 23 .', i.'jsj,- ia) 111 lis 35 115 7:u, an euJj 2.11S 114 11 11', 1 1 l-JS. i.:i),' O'll. 101 5S,' co 12',' 571. SO 2li lIMiJi 12. 123 100). o7), 06 1-'). 51). S5 25). 105 102',' 20 2IU,' 10(I' 122 15 is;,' on, 70 20'. 1)0 :i; 110 :i2 7-n. .'lO1. 00' 4 2.1), 115 1M. M'i :u). 51), 100), 11! '. 12.1 iw, 101 57). lib 12J 501, 85 20 1051 ( 102.'. 20 Hi!' 100). 122), 15 201. 01). 70 'Mi 1)0),' TEN-POINT DECLINE IN LAKE SUPERIOR 5S Philadelphia Company Bonds SuiTercd Moderate Setback. General List Steady. There was Icbh activity on the local ex t limine toda t linn on Wednesday, Imt the trading was none the lesi qulto huintl An IntereatliiR fcnluro was the unusually extensive dealings In Cliliio Copper. Tho lluny In the Philadelphia Conipnnv nrnup appeared In lime sulnld od and United llnllvwi Inveslinent Rs rc aeted n. tiolnl, while Philadelphia Com puny scrip fluctuated snmowhat IrrcKU Intli, nnd the 5 per rent bonds reacted 2 points Tho Iniotno nccniitil of tlio United Itnlluayn Investment Companj for tho llsc.il ear ended Pecemliei 11 shows cainlngs tiut to 4B per cent In Iho prcforrtd stock, ngallinl fi C6 per cent the pievloiiH Jcar, and 6 18 per cent In 11)12 Tho company's hnlaiico sheet, as of December 3, 1914, Rives tntnl nsnets (GI,3(Ki,MS Tho laruest item Is $(i2.475,12l, repiesentltiB securities owned In the subsidiary romiialil'"' Notes of the 1'nlted llallroads of Han Vrnnelsco recolvnblo atnnunt to $700,000 and cash $IO,0'n Tho other assets In rludo $727,O0i) scrip, received In dividends from the Philadelphia Companj Liabil ities Include $16,000,000 preferred nnd $20, 400.000 common stock, nnd bonded In debtedness of $IS,2C0 000. Loans and notes pavnhle nro $!i.!i.0S7 nnd iiccrueil nv cntintH pajable $211 412 The vnrloiis Phil ndplplila r'nmpnm suhsldbirlcH lsued Ibnlr IVIirunr lepcirls todnv Most of tlicm shoned model nte srocs losses, with allsht irnlns in net There was a ten-point drop In Lake Su perior Inromo Bs Hut Ibis was due In tlio fact that the lait piexlous salo was some weeks njro, before restrictions wero removed on bonds. Htijlns of the stock was nftiiln In exldonce. Tho market for thla Isstio has broadened out considerably of Inte, despite somo sclllns for foielun nccoutit. Tho company Is said to bo In a sound llnanclal condition and pre pared to take advantage of an boom in tho trndo which might occur with the eudlns of the war. United Clns Improve ment mis still rather rcactlonan, al though Ibern seemed to lm a fair In vestment demand fur It nrnutid RS Thero whs evidence of profit taking In United Slule.s Steel, despite tnlk of an- ntlint fitllfiMi'ii hi tlm ill lens nf Mtnpl mnilitplH. HrnWi r uhii linvp been unlrh- ing the 11 el Ion of the Htnck closelv f.,iy th.it It looks as If a lingo short luteie.Ht hud been forced to cover on tho iceent rise and Hint therefoie Its technical market position Is not so strong as It ns (in ti other bund, high-grade rall lond stocks were in bettet Invttdineiit ile in.tiKl. tuit.ilily Pennsjlvnuin IchriiHrv statements coining in hand are on the whole, cih-oui aging, and with the In eie.ised ftefglit lates cninlngs should con tluiio to iniprnve Humors of dividend le diittlnus by impoitant companies have so f.u- failed to matcilallze, and It looks as If expenses nie now no well In hand that, wllli the coming of tho ciop moving peiitid, them Is less likelihood of dividend cuts than there was before business be gan to pick up and freight lates advanced. IP 11-J . ....limi ina lla erv NJ .la ,,. R7V 8JIJ ? u iopper 0a tlOVi 110 linU B fen la ftlS iw! vav. ,lHJrf.,lo o. ,Xa' , aPKSi t t. n 4 u Hi,0?? NWf fc Wat 4 . Wm&& f!r i? j' . X,. 4)a , . liv.: I.::" issKsat H".l Hiu run 1 Kaadtno gP Ir & 8 S 1010 tiWiftft "Wl" j'anq 04 8SSEL,.Ha7 :?.. sfflsiffiUVKtt KZ Kl.Ttnn ,ia si.. rsrvm arx :c A'.". .. Bi(v; "" '" OH ,1 lltrmTlf, " ex lit'!! J1'"! Ae 4a E1"0 Tot' p2"- ,T." ',.' W0 Iih liTTi.!?. ."i.1- J 8 H ., rear la ton!0"" ," i uloo p, reg j. ! .' 1 1 ft r?"l aM lt 4s 70 I XVr.t E A II . v R. rv 01U l afa 12 .. , 114W1 ...mAnJullhll ri ihn tf itau J,9S7WV w iH w jiesunop. ni . no . fnl s: B1V5 so nn 01 82 KM, m SH 21.. (& id .kill IWK VSal OSK null As. iH ii K H loK iJhk mjg li Ittli MtW 4V 4T 4T RBt, nH 8l fia w ao. inn, ("s OUa ttiil ilevlcdn l'ctroloum ... 71 iluml Copper i.'l' HNH1.1I1M 1111, 11,-, Ml'siourl Pacific U 12lf t.i(lllill A. lead! IP, 2U Sip Kan 4 Tem prui' . .'.)), :i.')S Montana Power . ... 51 51), Montana Power pref ..ino 100'i Kin'; .ationjl iiiscuit . 122 National llUcuit pref.. 121 Nat Cloak X Suit Nat Cloak & Suit pf Nat Lead 58U N jMillraka CO'j Nevada Con 12! n vNiut ii am N Y Central MSi N YO& V 25 No Pacific 105 Norfolk & Weil 10JIS 10.1 launi. Mail 20), 20 Pacific T&T 25',' 2(1',' IVnna KMi!, 10(1); People's (las 12,1 122), lVtllbuno.Mliim.cn 15 15 PltUburg Coal L'fllj 20lj i ills Liu l' -oai pref ... (llJi UHj Pitts OO.v St L 70 70 Pressed Slecl Car .... :i() .'ifi'li Prrssed Steel Car pref . K7)j UOlf Pullman Co 151 15Di 151)ii 15I).j Uulrkaiiriv . Hi Uulcksllverpref 1 Itailw ay Steel bprlng .. 2.HJ Hay Cons IS); Headln;- 14ft lirpulme Jinn A 2)1, Hepulillc lion X. St pref 78 loi liianu M Hock Island pref .... J; Heaboard Air I.n pref ,')5 btLbonlhwest pref JKI WoiS Miellleul 2Mi f-oulhern Pacific h(U, Southern Ily lHlf bouthern Ity pref 51 tUi.uaiU Annul." 5,'1'i Standard MUllns praf.. 72 Sludehaker Wi Studebaker pref 1)5 Tennessee Copper .'10 Texas Co ...134',' 'luasl'aclfki It It .... II) Third Avenua 523$ 'IwinCltyH T 07li Union Dae A Papor 5'i Union Pacific 12Jf 12ft 124g 125 Uunlon Pacific pref .... MIH hll), b0) hi)); Union l'acltloar .... 28) , 0 2U 21) UbUndUlcholpre.' .. 70), ho 80 h(l Unltwylnv pwi .... 2W. 27 20 211 U S Itubbjr (1:11, lll'i IWif (11 Uhltubtwr 1st praf .ai lf I0!f Ifki USmeel 4S)i -10 -tH 48), USMeelpref 10A 10(1 105)i 10ft Utah Copper x 55)i 5ftl 6.)j 65),' Va-CarChem ami a-far Chem pref ... 81)5 Va, Iron Coal 1 foka Co 10 Wabasn ii abash pref l' West Mainland 2.1 Western Union ... HH Wenttoghousa Klectilc . 72U Wlacounsl Central .... flHi Welti Vanca UJ),- WUlM Overland 118 vm tsdvtruu.1 pref . IK)U Woolworth 1W1 105) 105 quotol Ex Dividend Total nale. 4j;7.nol ,harf, compared Rfn.nou aharea joawrnaifi inua ir una v7.;:. r.u. ..i.d.. .inia ru. Sales in Philadelphia i.i HHI Vea cloae Vtn licet huzai Amal Cdiuwr .2' mii 1I.IH inn, .'.(I Mil H.llluiija snii 21 Aniprlnin Mnelt. il7 ii I 21',' 101, 117!,' 21',' 77 J, i, 1 :i5)i 31),' 2S i-7)i Dili 51 5.1',' 72), 18U 01 ."10 i;i m U4 54 !' 07 Wi ?i 1 I '.'i's 21 IS), 185. H5I,' lift 21),' 21?i 77li 77'5 H ii '. 1 28 :il',' .'1,1 28 851,' lftl,- 5U!,' 52 72) j 48 01 20', i;i;i'i UH 07 II 10), 51 52 72) IS lit i: nu 5l)i 07 (1 leu ll.ildw In l.io 1 do pref . . Ml Tam Sttrl 1' iln rhino Copper :;!() Krlo . -" (len Aanhalt ni Co N Am. KelaUMie Tele Key ITl to nfil ui l.akn Hup Corp IP' i.rniKii .n . i.i-j Lclilgli V'allHi.. lin3 l.i li Val Trail 11 .XIn riiciili- IVnn, 1! II . Sli, I'einia Silt MfK Hi.j I'lllla Co nref . :il I lilln rice . Plilln Tract Heading Su IMp .. Ton tielmont Ton Minim: Tiilon Trap I' (i.IH llll II H Hteel. . do nref . . West J & S H 1IOND8. l-i at cloae. llcth Steel t .. . I'ain s serin '17 tH4 Con Tr N .1 rn.l0iij I,, hup lnc .la, 4.1 I ell N rona 4lva Pin; In B rona 414s II7'5 l.VTi la 'IS rcg. .. Pen 1'ai.H 1 p 4a. NO l'l.lla i'() lal .la. H7 in cons na . . 7M' I'lills ' crlp '111 IU In PUS .. ,S1 I'lllll nice la Kit trail Imp 4a. .. . Spli-Am I I'm 101 1, I'n Ily Inv Sm ill V NYAI- 1st Sa.ion, 10 ID I'll :i i l.-.ii Pi "17 10 101 I nw PHI WO :imi m .".ii I.. : hi 20 21 H' 2l'i 2 ' I I'l is'! ..ii.nii t illgll. tl-, 101 1, lOV, t.7, :: i IIIP.. ?! 7', 7.1 Ih'I'j I5)j 0414 7.11 S7lJ Rlt. IS', IIWI 1SI1 Low 44U lll'i. urn, .in or a irn', ii' 21. 21', ai' 14), III 111, 71', up); .'.''J 81), .11 SI 70'J 721, I'.. 7H 100(1 IS 1000 :i;o leoo inun iiiixi .mm Mil 1lHl lm." 20(1 ".nn .icon .1000 Mm) 1000 lllKh. lli.'j P0V, iniij iei'r, 07', hll 111 7S P7 si! Ml 117 101 no ton. 47?, 1(1(1 IM, 11 v lllllil PIP, io nj inn, II7J ii'H. W) 11 7i pn M so 1)7 llll 1.0 101 CInec 141. Mjs llll', :m 1171. .1.1 211. h.: w hi, 74" null imJ Ml. M'4 :u 21 7(11, 7IU Si ts'j ton IS', (.'load, lllll) lll'i lOHi 8.1 PtlU 071, P'li, si 1 111 V 117 Ml vil 117 llil Ml on; BANK CLBAKI.NGS Hank (leannua todj nuiiaro ivlth corre npnnillPR till) 1.'"' l" jcara p inn inn ion iPhiiaiieiphii 2.' psn 00s s.n.iiin.iis x.m,4 i.. in "loitan .. . SMMftxl 2.12SI.I1II "2il.ll7,OflB Siv York MM,?'.' (H7 2"-' 1't mil 27I.OH17I1 Clllcnsn 47H74.R12 .10,'j,7 S2S I 72'l,PH7 Ht. l.nuls II.SISIHIT 11 WM IA ll(J1.7M KATKS FOR MON'KY Call. 20)f 81Ji 11 2.1 (H)i 7J3, IU 1IH 1IMI 20 M'i 10 H O 22Jj (l 72 33 02i 117 100 :o KJJi U H 1 2d lll)i 72), ;m 01), 118 100 1U5'. Willi (mw. &KI DOU aaare4 )9iTilttYi inu ir una worn, t uJikStm tar! twme pro! aa( vveek, .K.M)0 NEW VORK GURU IIP). Aakrd. :::;:: I??? d is U1 ;.:.,.5-?o 'ii old H V HtnJen ., llr.Am T itr.Am T Qold Co.- Urreuu ven do rf . IllktMiav Btarl Oum , Tob Product n.i. liroil tire I Unltad Cla-ar Ptr x: ::: Slj ::: I .. u ... OlVj ua U:9 ao J. (J. SttSS3 ....;.:...::. :::::: k U Yukon OoU China Orders Tin l'iae Ifere ilarn i;,-i'n uovwnuienl urueru ,ih putie norm dun I boxu. to he rollad ud Tin Plata Company P1TMBI'11P" tarh JJ "r, Amwttin SIk Vji JJKW VORIi METAI MARKET KXV YOIIK Mairli jW-Tlit.iufU) maiket ..utv VOI If Ov" lao li. JSSO''- 1M4. i I ffl& RAR 8I1YVER VBXV Blv Mari.il , lUjumen Will ttal UlM Mann 2D Th quolaiian for aiHcr todax a,, HU cui, u iUAlm at, asi mui, rime i!ut Phllade ulila ty' JWI New York affJ .7 7n'i hoalon ... 'I'iWI Chlroijo ' fl.l'i WniK rommerelal paper, thrna to aix montha, Phll adelplila, aiaCt per cent. FOREIGN EXCHANGE NBW YOIIK. llarch 2.1. Tho market (ur Hurling opened BtronB at about I, nlium tlm Una! ngurea xflerda. Demand aterllntr una quofe.l at 4.70V4. and rabies 4 TUU In tlia afternoon tv further advance vvaa aiorrd In blorllns ratta Demand bold at I 7UU-1I1. an.l calilsa I. TH IS-ltHi I so. Irani a was luntul fi-SQ), for ,ablea and D SO?, lor checks, ftelch n arka waa S'lStitvllj riicrnnf rtauca. jiama eia Oalilea Demand ii!M i'j(." Mh . . . i7,,ia Wii riiii',, aux. DIVIDENDS DECLARED riiaiuilne Company of America, reanlar nuar. tfrly li of 1 ri xtm "' preftrnd atock, paviblu Apill Sfi lo alovlc or record April II rfiiilhorn CallfornU IMiaon Company, mania r OMarterly Il.SH on preferred, naiabla Apiil 13 10 slock et racord ot March 91 American I'hlcla Uorupan),, regular .monthly I pt tent, on lommon. uaable April .11 Alao. resular nuarierly 1H per cnt pn prelerreil '"Vian "yui!i( Trust Company, enilannual S per em . iuablB April lu to atoik of rocori "aiatuarhuaella Oas Companlta. rrsular tjuar ler'y l.5, payable iay I alock of record Ai'ioalon Conaolldaied Oaa Company, regular tiuarierly 2 per venl Hell Tlepl")e Company of Pennavhanla. reiiuiar uuatleily U, I'T.eenl. MaUla April 1.1 to atock of rord April ft. Norfolk and W'ern. JUIlvvay, regular quar terly I per vent, on aiUuatment nrefriieO, pa atila Uay'lU lo 'lock of record April :ia llelnware, lckuanna and YVealtrn, rrfruar nuarierly ill f vent, pa j aid, April vru In atock of racortl April R, Stewart Mimne A)iany, . 'ffu'ar qqajlerly 10 per cent., I able April 15 (u alock of rex ord April 3. Ilearinu on Central Rond Issue CQLUMUUa. a, March Vl,-Tuomaa W. La. nwut, Vt Neva York, member of the banking Urm. fl iu ' Mergar, h. Co. , and Clarence H. Venner. New YorH banker, today appeared before lli Statt PuVUo Utilities Commlwlon, In aotcrdapa wltll ha aBpllcallon of the New Yurk Ctnlral Hellroad Ctfnpany for prmUai(t to lMJ JlOaOVAtM) ot lla ,u-year 0 per oeii-. convtrllbie debntur lionda and to increasa fbe authorited amount' of its capital atock; from. ,m0fiO,WM to 1400.000.000. 'rt,, railroad In lenoa to uae the proceed of the aale of Iheaa bond iu pay an equal amount of Ita unuqed debt Incurred ou capital account. Albert II llarrl. of New York city general counael for the New York Central, and S. H XX eat of 1 Iceland, gcueral counael for the lake Shore Railroad attended the bearing ljmont HarrU and Weet a Poke In favor uf the (tvvJltatUm Venmr eppoaed th Pflua lion un the ground that tho pripoaal I illegal tU uattin-HitiU. IEW1S NEII.NON Rp-clcctPil gecrctaty of the Penn sylvania Rntlroad Company. Local Half-hourly Sales fi Pon Mln 7 .-O !() 7 lm Tnnprnh IP I .Mi I' H Slpid J Wl f X S H iV I'ciini K'll KNn 10 In Klr.'iO A. ,M. ,-.13-in VII. .0 i.1-111 . .in . .IP. ,'i i-id 7m, is .-1 1 4 nil I nkc S n .illl-in irm y u HicH . 4T'x 'i di ir), f'ptinn . Ma-tit Ki On . ll'J Km l s Hlrel in .17 1'enn.i Ml. Id in f H Ktrcl pr l.lod ItONDH I'hilii nici- la 'ii nu in r.a .eh Nnv inna 4I3V ... 'Iijla Co IMS. .; 'Ilia i'n lllld li ia in Mi la I'n lm) 1'hlin I'm "lll'i Mpnnlti Am 1 ,X S i.s. 11 mm hteel s-rlp IM7 IOi.'IO to II A. iM, 2nd ItcadlllB .(I I'lllll Klrcl 1(111 .Vnni mat 7 111 lla) in 7 III I iln. I", II) likc H IS'i ir,i Itnldvvln '. 11 rriinn . .. . .1.1. . un . 21 I I'lilla Tin. . 72', 111 r H !tn-l nii '.'11 I mimi II 11-10 lll l H Hiei-I .X2 ill (il 11 Itilll. Mil II. . c0 . lid : LH1' .. id . . Ml .. 117 . H7 ..101 .. Illi I'tl f S Sleel. 100 iln . . x-. I'cnna I'l I H Steel in IVntn 2((i Am ('oppci 211 (.'lilnii fnppir ton iln 2 IVitnu . 1 till Clilnn t'npicr 141 linndlnit inn Chlnti I'nppcr ino do .. . PHI (In too iln . HI I ch Nni ion Clilnn Copper 2.1 Am Hmell .. loo Chlno Copper . 47'm Inn Invito H C. 171, IKi d(i . M :.l.l(nl I S Slnel 17a, ino ,1,1 Mil-Ill .1 l.fh Nnv III., ii n-io ii t.'i-in ,s,.l II .. ..-- I , -, M'i m a-10 a- . IH , (SI !.'', 111 I'rnnn Salt Jill IVnn 1 ... .1; 1(1(1 I' II I l-IO ih, t' H Hlocl :i7 ion 1 11 1 7'JI. ' I'enln .17 Ifil Chlnn C(iiincr II :i7 4fi0 Uike Hup Cnr 11', 1, ((.-' (' n fieri 17 ll iln . 71 1 00 Tim Xlln .".00 f S Sleel. ll dn 211 Krle '17 II7V .17' ; WHEAT DECLINED ON HEAVY SELLING ORDERS Reported That Russia Has 80, 000,000 Ruahels Ready to Ex port Through Dardanelles. iMIK'Aflli, Mnrrh 2R -Al tlio openlns of tlio llnniil of Trndc today Mnv wheat vvns ',o helovv the Hunt of jentcrdnv nnd on follow Inu; unlcs xvent to Jl.52',4. off l'4 rents July ntnrtctl nt $1 22Ti. 1111 rhiinucil, bnl dropped to Jl 21', down 1, rents I'oiiinilssltin lioiises weio Hie li rp tst nelleiH mui tlio IiiivIiir iloiniitid vvhh vrr. lltnliod Muy ilnned nt f I M, Blinw Inu n loan nf l'i cents from jrstcrdiij. While Julv pniliMl nt $1 21,, nfl Pa ifiils ftptmit curient Hint Hussln lias ffl.000, 000 IiiikIipIh of vv Ileal nnd ije, nceumu Inlrd nt Hoiitlierii Ittisslnn poita for ex liiitittion In the event of tho openlim r i ho liniiilatipllt'S, cnnspil n iteprensliiK iipIiik In the Undo today. Tlio Ipoent i pshps of llusaln on tho Held of battle up nlso produced mi tineimv feellliR. i led to this li tlio ipport Hint two- iiihIb of llii wlicnt slock hv Cnnnila Is ivvnllltiR fHrlllllei for (dilpmont tin Uip ollipr liniiil. ttrnln dcnlern cay Hint export liiiplnrsH In wheat nnd limn will piolinblx rcmnln large until tlio middle of April Pi nimbly tho mint ilppipnlin- thliiK In the innihpt wna tho vnt Ions luportH Unit ordpri for vvnr immltlons for tho bclllB cront rotmtrles bnvn been rniicelpil, -I'lip PiPlirl) rinvrtiinioilt linn stopped bnvliu, nrtlltetv liorps here All this. It is pointed out, Irmls fvoiv nno to bellow Hint Hu- vvnr will nnn bo nvor, nnd thus our InrRp stipplips nf vvIipiiI will not bo iippiIpiI Tlio utlllnfilf for tlm uliPIlt I'lnp III Ore Ron Is thnt Hip rrnii will ho nbout tmr mnl. Tlin mitloolt In Finnru B (ronernlly fnvornblp. I.i'ilcllnit rulurea mnerd as fnllnwa Vnl .da i iirni npen. iiiftu PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND KLOUR UIIIlATr-neeelpts. BO.OIt Iniahele Ppecu latlnn vva hcailsh nml prices declined. 1e I. a, port Irnulry fair. Quotatlona Oar loin In ejpon elevator-No. a led. spot, M.fiKM '1" No 2 red Weatern. JI.I1IW1 (CI Hound lots. In export elevator- No ! red. spot nnd Xtnrcli. Jl .M.'ft cl(. No 2 red Western. l.01'ft 1 oil). No 1 Northern DuliKh HI H2'4fti.i!7' fllllN. -Itecelpts, 2nnil Imaliela Iemnnd w list li l nnl prices were aC Inner Muota tlona I's i lots In export elevslnr Nn 2. spot nnd March. 7fit,771sr ateam'r. 7W7fl( . . I, 7lp7.lc. car lots for loiai iMde na ( Inrntlnn Nn ii vrllmv "KiflHlp , sleumcr yel lnw. iNflill, . No 1 ifllnu 7ll77r . No I jellmv iv75c . anmnle vellovv, 0!Hf7.1e . new col, fer 7(1 lbs , 7.1ft7e lllld. Iterelpls. 100 0.12 bush Demand was alnw nnd with nenrlch spenilaltnn in nnini lioniB crnln centres prices declined Hffl'lc ijuninlli us No 2 vvhllo, (Hiyf1iii,i! . stand nnl ivhitp H2i,niH, Nn while, nlMHi-IV. Hill "as ilull e qunip Hi 1 I8 I JO Iter luii-h as lo .iialltv, In export e'pviilor. ii'id nt l aim 1,1 for omall lots nf iifnrby Brim In Pass I'MII It, Itecelpts, 800 Mils and 0211.018 ' i in e.iiKF i nerp was lime unniiiK nn.i .Mnv .in v Sept r, I I 1'2, 1 Kill Is I M I. I lll'i Low ciop. eloe ( orn (new deliver) Jlll . . . i.imj i i'a ,12 II .VI l.lli, us', ft nn t.inij ails- May ,',S'A as', ,1'i'v .. r,iv, t,it September ,. ml, lit'; lird Mn . 10 22 11121 dull III 17 III .11 lllbs- Ma . Kin) 10.00 lulv . urn in '11 September- IP 02 In 112 I'nrk - M n . . . 17 17 17 .m .Inlv .. 17 S2 IT li? Sppleniber IS2o Tit, M 111 72H tat tasu 10 t7 in 7 110 22 7 Til' ft" ii n.i rn ii7 0 27 liii.n tin: 17 17 17 sj IM' i.i7, r,in, t III". 10 17 10 4J li IIX tln"il III M 17 4n 17 NJ Hid t Asked. LIVi: STOCK (JUOTATIONS 11 to 11:30 A. ,M. '-""i I nko Sup Cor 2t)tt ln 7 'i do .. 0'. 11X1 iln T 1-1 2lii) iln I Ualilulii pfd in i' n i I' 8 Steel VII llenill'ic . '.IKI Chiun ( nppel 11(1 I'hlll Hlcc . Ml r H Sleel i r n I II 1'hlla i'i) pf.l II C II I l-lil 7 I'hlln Co pfd ii" j ino llPlltlllllf .. si ton iihe Sup Cor 'Si, 'n c s Steel . 71 "NI iln Id', Wi ill "li, IPC do IIONPS I SIT it. 77 1(1 ClllCitit). Manh '."i HPIlrl - llriclnla ixi, 00.1 uiarlirl atwidv . Inlxeil ntel tml'liers. $0 1') j-'i iiii ", koiiii ne.iiv, in '.iinil in. touch heavi ttl'a j ll IBttil Ji lUht sillnvilTJ, plpr. J.'i 2.1ti il.SJi I limn. '' ...... .... I'ATTI.I. He. ell In n'4"0 liurkel HlelKlv . I.foitn. X.1 7'.'ils 7.1 ,ns in i helrrra, 1 2.1ff 7 mi lexalia i! .',- T Id iiilien $S .",nf)lll 21 SliniU'. Ile.pliils 1ll.nt.-0. niaikel stenli imtlie mid Mxsitrn. J.I (f,s lu. Innilui, 7 r.o S(, values weie lame nnminal 'unlallons pir Inn His In wceid. Winter. ctcHr filM(i0 71, t'o airahhl. u.i."07. do, pnKnt. J7(J7 if., Knn.iis Mtralaht, Jute sni ks I7HT 21. 0o . piiriii. Jute snik, 7 2.Hi7fiO. sprlnn first. leu fili.lflT. iln, alralBht. t77 2.1: do . patent ?7 JI'ifT 4(k do., fnvnrltp liranda li'll ft.s. If x mills, choice nnd fnl y patent. I7.M1 fiP do rcKiilat' Krnilev winter, ileal. JO f,0W 117.1. dn. straight, JU7.1H7, do.. alent. 7 fff vl Ill I II. Dili vias nulet tint steAdy under lifih nnerliiKs X quuto iienrhv and M catern. In wood, nt til 7.MI7, na to quMltj PROVISIONS The mnrhot was qnlel. hut prices were sipadllv held. tluntnllniis Cliy t cef . In ,etn smnt.ed nnd nlr-drlcd. S.IMJfic , Vtsi llli Peer In sets, smoked, 21)120,'. t Itv href, knuckle and tenders, smoked and air. drltu 2ifl!l"r Mesirrn Peer, hmirkles an 1 tenilera. smoked. 27fi2Sc. heef hams. 1115(12: poru. rniiillv, 2J 21ll22 7.i, linms, B I' cuied. Inn, A I'll.f, 1 !.. il, aLltittn.l Inn. t'Jh. 18 V. "In t,n . qiinked. ni,lf1l,i . other hairs siunkpi! lt cuied as tn litand nn.t airrajte inlilb hims smoked VVi.iern Hired, ri'ult I li , 10. hnlled. lionelcsf. 2.IH2I pli nie hoplders. H r curl, lnnp, tm,fliii An smoked, Kii,,iiiw , hellles. In pickle, a--lordlnK to nveraRe, lonae. i'J'il.'V . hrtik fasi liacnn as to Inand and avirnpe c tv cuied, 17(1 ISo , hrelkfilMt bacon, Western cuted I71hc , lard Western reOnel. tleices, ttQir , do. do , tiihs llff1l',c , lard, ptiro (lt, ketilo rendered. In tier. c, ll'Jll'n : lird. iiurc ill) keltic irnderpd. In tuba, 11W llv,c. RKKINKD SUGARS T)f market rutffl flrni Imt oulet Ilcnnpni Mot prlio Htnn Janl Krnnulatetl fiOfir.. flno nmutntp(, TWc : powiifrcrl. rtr.: ronfrc-Ilon-r' A r iSOc aoft tirades. fV 4Vlf?A 0.1c. DAIRY PRODUCTS HinTKII. nptnand uan fn.rl active nnd pripfi ruled flrni under modrratr offerltiRB. Quotations Wcntun. frsh. nnl id prkel rrpamt r fnn y. uptMUtu Mr : rxtrn, -Or , ftia flrftt Ific llrnta, Wtt'Ji't . nr-Minds l"Kf 2li. UilrdF. JIQ'JU( ladlo imckH. IliftUlc . an io ,tir,lit, iirnrb prlnlw, fnnry .2 , nnKKP rir.i. Illc . flietfi STffiWo , bo ondn, iit'nL'V,, Fppi tnl roi.r brandH of printa Job lilnp nt .lii'a.'.lK h(t()S. U pre firm nnd In Rood dcminri. Qti.ilntlona In trte i .isrs nenrby eirn IT-V. per dirt, ncrtrtiv flrni Jrt 1 irr Bland:, rd rjjj( nearM ruirem rptPlpiH, $d ppr iaha, U'eslnn i-xtra first, fdlfi per cnun, lo , nintn, rt Mr uii" Sntiibrrii " tlTi 70 ppr kikii. fun m1(mIp'I fiiudlnl frrih pkra irre Johlit'd nut nt Ul-ilk' ppr dn CIIKKSK -Thero uhm n fair Intiutrv for drhiiallo Htork and vuluei Hue uoll Hiistnltid i him pi Unlit oiTprltiSK tjimt it ( inn Sv Vnrlt hill .renm fall mike chnlce H.,y.7c . do, dn fair to gonri, li.tjlb'j dn (urtont I li ah" liMjti.r do., part skim?. 8tft,V ' POULTRY M i:. -Tbff mrket nulet with urnpl iN fprlnM t former ratpn Quotatlont Fowlw. lfllte , some fnnry mtvy fttmk hlltnef ia rwMrr. llffilV rliltkens, soft-rnpaicd. HV 17c : Jo., ataggy. UfflSt turkeys. 1G I7( riurt.ii, intTIOc- , ftcMo, 2$Qc , frulneas. nn to niiftl.ty per inlr, notfTOCf pigeons, old, per pair, a-Mi-Uw t do. oun-, per pair Jrt! DIIIISMI',!! I'Oll.Tll.r- Ths market for freali-kllled iwuliry ruled Arm under ee&rclty, Imt denmnd only moderate. Frozen poultry was dull n.iid barely steady, Uuotntlnns. fieah kllled fnuls 12 to box. dry-picked and dr patked, fancy relrctud, 20c . uclKhlnic UffO lbs nplece, llic Uo ;!ll lbs. splete IViff l!'c do., .1 lh npleco. lOfTtfc i do under .1 lbs nplete llffliV" fowls bids , dry-picked nnd rirj'-pnckcii. Western, Itn lbs. apiece, laili i do, iln. Hi lbs.. litJIKc , do do., .1 Iba. fhd undei, III, Inc. Old roosters, dry-picked, lie. Hnuatie, per dor . whits, nelghlnn II to 18 Ihs. per do , I4 2WIS0. vvhlto, welghlna; n Ip 10 Ihs per dm , f I lOtrl I... in., do, 8 Ibl. pef tin , JlSf.lSA, A-)., do, T ,bs per dot , tiU 2.(11, dn , do., Bfliixx lbs i rr iloi.. l.COflt.Mi dark nnd No. 2. flOc 8tl Fioien poultry Pnnls hi to quality lontfic , chkkens dry Picked ard rlrx -picked. In boxrs. milk-fed II pau Iba. to dnr , l"e , dn., n,ff 12 Iba. lo dpi.. ISc , dn. 414ri7 lbs tn do , llc.t do, i Ihi. to doz , 20c. do , M) 1b nnl o, er 2H.i torn fed, niitM2 lb. to do 10c. do -mi-II lb to dot, lie.: ('0, lbs. to dot. 10c,! do, (10 lbs nnd oxer 20o. chlckepa. dry-picked and dn packed In bbls Wealcrn, cornered, 6 Iba. anl oer, ISc do, do, 4 lbs., HeTlTUs., do., do., Ri, iba. IBlic : dn, do, 2lttf'l lbe, 14e IV , broilers, 13 to bnt, nillk-fcd. fancy, 1S1 24 lbs. to tin. 27c , do, fami. 2Vf20 Iba In dot, Sli , inrn-red, fancy lff-'4 lbs to do... .Tn . dn prime, 2SS.10 lbs. tn dot , Kc. Tur kfis. dri.plcked and dry-packed Mm v, 8' ii 22c. fair tn gcod, l".5120o , old toms, 10ifr20-M ducks, (unci In boxes, 7?Sr. do. ordlnnrv tn Rood, rjfin- ceese, cliolco nnd fancy, ISO 10c, do. No. 2, Iffjlle. , FRESH FRUITS Dcinntirt Inlr for rholco Block nnd values gen prallv nell suslitlr.eil nder rroderate offerlnss Ountailnua Apnlea, New I oik, per bhl York linierlal. JJfl'i. (Ireenlnjr J2?i2 7.x Klntr f2,7.1 ffivi. &p Jj 7". naldiiln. KftS i'i Hi n (mils. Hi 7fiTi"J.7.1 other ennd ealtnr larletes. l Wmsaii minium KM V) arples, Western, icr liox tt'it 71 do Dslannte and I'enntxl xanla. Kr hamper, nOIVXo ; lemons, per boil, J2H2 7.1 oranaes. Klnrlda, per box. li2W 2 21 lanRcrlma, t'lnrida, per stian, el.niiils jrn. Rinpofrult. Klnrlda, per bnx 1..VW2 fid. plueiprles. per crnle Porto lllco, H Tfift'll Kim Ida, 2t,1 iranberrles fancy late x rlctles, per lid l Dontl rv cranberries. .Irisey, per irate, 2Ht.ic , et raw berries, l'lorlda, per rpiart, 2'ifM)c. VICGHTAHLKS Tt.e ceneral market ucak under fairly liberal olferluic, and a llKht demand Quolatlona' While potatoes, tier bushel-PennayhanU. W)i1.v.; Maine, 4olTli0e , Npvv York, as to pialtty, "iritf llio. ; aeet potaloea, Delaware, per hamper l-nrise. (1 2SW1 Wi, medium, (nil, iV sneet nniatoes, naaterti Shore, per bbl, Nn 1. 52 2.1Q1. Nn 2. 911 filial 7ni sweets. .leisex. per hid -Ni 1. $1 75114 7,1. No 2. .2f2 .V). sweets Jeney, per b teket, 73c fiTll. onions per hush , I.VifSnc do . choice, per loo-lh bait. HOc 511. do. medium, per IM b. tax, 71c, do. aoconds, per 10O-lh bait, f, , eahbiKc, lianlsh poi ton. $H?I1H do, Hnr"u, ler baskei. Jl 211(1 111 laulinoncr. New York. per i inte H.71fl2r0, Hplnach Norfolk, per Mil. Sll.'ffivn, let'ucc. letaa, per busli i.,.Lai r.n., rr. ,1 '.-. .i.. i.'tn.i.in ... ,.-... i.U2 2ii beans, i'lnrlda. win ' per baskei,' J .loll I r,0. do, Mo-hu Hrcen per basket, .In.". r.O peas, Florida, per Uisket. JISl.lli: pRRPlanlr, rlorlda. pel box, I2ii! 10, lucum ber. rlorlda. per basket, j.1 SdJfH, squash. I'lnrldn, per linket. 2.-,B'l peppers, rinrlda, per carrier 52p1 7.1. beets Klnrlda, per 10 bimrhas fin I tomatoes Florldn per rarrler. Imipv. X2 2:.?i1 i link e. SISJ. lelcry. Klnilda, jcr i rate, f I 23112, do. Now ork. per bunch. .".liMit , miishroonm, ptr 4-lb basket, OtK.if .11 7H. IMlJ JS'. 41 'ooo thlln '' 1st " nam 1et N V ,X- Tn lit fia :iki I'ltiii Co Is- .is .. .. nvsi hhlln Co I at .Is. train I'nii line N I ,1a. .r.'ia ii 1(00 nk( (11 fnrn In, .la lulu (n cons .ii . . 0.1 .1jJ, '.'. n'i .. 7S NKW YORK COKFKK AIARKKT Si; YOIIK, March 2.1. Tho cnlfen market opened mrnd). ruiures wore unchaiiKcd to 1 iniinia niKiier. r-riccs iniuiw Tndnv's iih:iiiuk. FINANCIAL BRIEFS 11:30 A. nl. tn 12 ,M. 10 l.h VhIIpi. . iJll! liii Pennn . .. Vl :i Id .1 t nlnn Trac. . av 3 ,ln .. . In. 21 (leu Asphalt. 2l'i .21 l.nki Hup Cnr I'i in IXPlslnlin -Pl l I', inn l.en .xhi. . 7 1 V II I - Ml ltllii B C..T 1 In .'(ni r f? steel i Uiko S ' Ifil 10. 2il dn Km I'hlla nlec X.1 1(11 dn.. 4l, 1(10 iln 7 l-lil 1(11 dn 7 1-tH ' 1 Ph Npi .7 I HI 40 I'onnn . . .'I 21 Am lti HONIlS Vn .vprll .Mnv . . Iiiiio .. . .luli . . August Hoplcmber 1 1, totier Noi omber liei iiibcr jnnvnrx . . 1 ihriiari hales, Mum bops. . .. .m.ifiiHiii ii.lii .......,I.j2fi7..:i . . . .7 27.77 2 . ...7R.1 ..mm III . . i. nn? ii Vxslerdni'a cln3e -ill i. .ii .1 X7.1.xx .1 mil. I'd .1 ieinn.nl 7 ll.rl.1,1 7 HI7 111 7,,1117.,'ll 7 T.'fi7 .!! 7 !!707..'IS T I lT 1-. 7 18117' Iho I'pdetnl ttcieix-e Ilnnk of Plillndpl- iililn Ii.ib lionr-hl' WxCJO municipal xxar- I mills mill :oo,000 ncceptiiiices Tlia ill- recliirn of tlio lunK met todiix, anil niter tin ipcuIIiik It xx na wild thero xns iioilitiiK 1 1 kIvp nut 7i-.tn ! NUW YORK UUTTKR AM) K(J(JS mis i'hlln Co seilp HUH . .. . Hmi Ijiko Sup Cor lnc Rs HhV) l.eh Vnl den enns llja 12 M. to 12:;i0 P. M. 10 r S Hleel.. . ISIa ,10 I' 8 Hlcel Km like S i' I l-l1' II' ihlim Copper, 10 l-oh Vnlle Oll'i 10 II H Uteel.. ! iJikc Hup Cnr 7 III) Ijikp Sun Cm Phi dn. ..7 Ins (n N Am inn lake Hup' Cur 7 inn TiiiliikiIi Xlin ,'n do 7 in 11" I! III.- . ." Ant Has tOI'i I I'ennu ... Vl l.el! Vnl Tr.. I.nj 10 I' O I .Vi dn ... WI, Mi Tnn X 111 . 1 21 Am ItWl . I'll s Wiat I X. HONKS. l-lll III, .VH r,0' :i.i ll7-4 fill 1 Ni:V lonk. Slnnh 2.1 tiUTTHIt-MarkBt I Oripcr. rpioipts lllh tuckaciu. oxtrn 2H .. 1 hlKlur snulnK, 2ll'i,li in, Male dalrj 27T(2i . I Imit.itlo'i Titimcrv 21.i22( I DKIM-Miirki'l ul-r. pielula 22.1S1I carps, i una Urals 2(U,'i'.'li. nrMs. l'ii.,20V-.o. ; muriy 'tulip 2.H mixed minr, 2(itt21t' K. I. K Otiuis lins been clectPd pre.l- T.Xlili.AS I "en' nr I"" MoriuiK i.uiu i-inupniiy. nu I ..... i.. T.-. I' ............ int.. 1...I ... j mil li'uiiii r. i ' iifiiniin. UK itni.'i ii- ! ii:i 1 1 ih on tlio 1 nut t il of ilii octors. Y. 1 1. I Slii'iirinnii Imp H'sIkihmI us heerctnry T. I X. ii il. tidibiiirr of tlio coniinli, xitll risii ,iiu -tic pci.suion in secretins. AMERICANS ACT1VK pvxi I'hIK Co tat Kin Held HKd Ha.. la 211, 7 7-tf. IX'j . 03 .1 Ill's in I'cnnn 1ii rtu. . lot lake 8 100 do. . 12:!!0 t(i 1 P. Jl. .-.I l-lil Ki l.ch Xal lr IV, f.'lli Hit) .uko flip Cnr UTS C .0 13-1(1 too I s Hlcel .. 4S)I iv; 11QNI1S. 1I0 Ub al Tr la IMS rcu 1 to 1:110 P. Jl llm Chluo Copper. '.7 100 1(0 Ton HpI I 11-10 2i) StruiiKtli in New York Had Kavorublii Influence in London. I.iiNImuS". xhreli 21- Aimrlcnin dlsplae, aitp Ity nu th" stock pxihanKe tmliy, In iluin(.it hv Hie eliiiiih In New York other It parliretitu were quid, but sentiment wna ihrtriiil. illlt-i'dnou su unties wire sieadx Tlicio was bin lm; nf the wnr ln.ui nutwlib Biiitiidm; the tatt that an Instalment of lo vi ienl. paid tod i ills, nunlt-il nu .nhan.i. Ci'iiOUn racilU pauaed Ih.husii o-f the ion tinned liiltlm; idf fu cnrulniza Arftontlnp rails wen sit mix on in Improieineut In revenues AiKenilne tainna wire IntiMir mi mi aiinnunie i.ipnt nf iiokoU ttlona lor Tieasurv wairams lu the I'lilted Htatrs. 'Ihs tone nf lluailaiis una i;ochI. Thcri. was huln nf shell irans- I'MI l t-iMd AniulvaiiiHtPil C'opikt Atihlwm 1 l.ultln.nrp and Ohio i i uimdaii l.trlflj ISJS t l'li.ti4culte uml Ohio l.ondiiii ,N. . Ioho. UuuH IHI Un rhino roppcr .17, i0i inkc Hup cvir i c Inumn ilrrai UfMurn ;:5: 11(1 KniHIi I'ailtli Hip. 'a I lit -it; Ijikn Hun Cnr in dn I-'. Hi llcaillns :jii iiii ii rt-in io i iii LIKI Tun Hoi ..I 11-10 211 H . Sleel xi. Inn r H hteel .lxji Iim) i1 Ino 'upper. j7 nil i iiiuii I ni'i'Mi . -, i i'n iiii . 2cn Itrndlnir .... 71,J Ino Houth 1'aclM '.K I' H hleel KH IKiNDH ,'aiHi llraillnc Imp la 1UI7 totm I'eoti Paaa t o Ir 1:30 to 2 P. Jl. ... SIM HO t 8 Klecl im, W, Ml ". 1'eiinn Hi Kev Tl pfd. HI inn Am he . 211 lake SCO I.Vtil 21 Am Uwy l.i Am in puiiar m. .ii I'inna IIUMVa S7 I'hllil Co scrip 11)18 .... 2 lo 2:30 P. Jl. I Hnldwln pfd.. lid SMO m ltixj .. SO 10 West J & H S 4Ri 2" lliwdlns ...73.1-in 11 do, 181, "'' lake Sup Cor (l' S I.eh Valley. mi, 200 Lake Hup Cur (d. HI riilli Co Pfd 112 .. "(I I . M HOSllH lonn i'n rtny Inv .Is.. Oi 10() l.i h X'allev annuity Id lltaVj IhiiOO I.c4i Nttv rnna Ida tnilj InhJMi MM bl 1'iliii line ... In 1st pri.f ... lllluiila Central .. . Iiiuiaillle uud Nnshillle Neind.i Ifnusau und Texas Ni.w 1 orli Cenirul . .. .Nnrlulk uud WeMcm I . 1 117", ,T' . W' llll .IIII XXI, .IIHI rciir.tylviilll.i lliMdlm; .Ni-w mk Oiunrln nnd Wist 2.11, . 7.1? . KM SX"lf nc huiiilixru Itiillw-ny . nullIllll ratine . . ... I nlnn 1'ucilhi . . . . t'nlied Hlstca Stn-I -flnituatt -dlcireaKc nil. !i7'!i 0.1 KIM, Sx(T 2rt'5 :i7 lira, III' ill, 1(111 -iii 11X11, 1 IM' I.V s,iC I2.-I1, 4M, i-S KNfiUSH RKSKRVES I.OWKR :30 to 3 I'. Jl. of" 2 ? ,1 All! Ina .1 Cam Hlfil ft Cnm flleel IT Hn, sioru lop H Kteel tin (in 10(1 I' S Sleel ,'i ICey Tel pfd 10(1 Itpadlnir ion Tone tali Ik I 7 I'ulnn 'Imc . 100 It H Steel H'l I'lln 2V1 4 I'eiiiu nn I'hlla Klec... 21 irn, I i,ke S C. 23 Am nt Suuar Hi; Ui Tun Mln . llxNll.S ,VH1 Aiurr (las k Rlectrin ,'ai r.iai Anier (laa Ac nieitric ,1a . .11 n I Amrr Oaa A) CmvIiIo ,1.1 . 'jam 1'iilicl ItjIUay Inv fa 11)00 1'nlted Hallway luv ,1 . . t Canibrln ileet scrip lliin . I C.iniUrla Steel .rlp lull iraii) Phlla i:iec 3a . , .., i, i am ciieoi cri)i ii'if i i am mrri nci 8 Cam hteel avr (1 Cam Uteel her n 'I Cam hleel r li ifllil 5(K'l IVnii-i rona Hi" ll'l vm Am liaa it kii m.... inn Vurk lw pfd serli loon I eli a gen rims, l's. inai I'hlla On rona lla. IfXKKI I'enna enna 4Ha WW t KKiO I'hlla. Co scrip llHtl II IHII i IUI7 up, . n .. u ; in 4st! . .vn. II I '1.1(1 7 T-l'l S.V, . x-.tj .11 . 5'i, III "II ini'j id .. OH lal . Ill '""Ji inia; ni . Il7 I" ifal 07 Hnuxv Kxnnrls of IlrcndfitufTH WAHIIINntflN, Marih 21 The chief nf lbe lluroau of SlatwICH. licpannniit of Cumniprrn a,,., I nlie rwiUirlH Mia t.rlm Inal tlrnneAtl.. ov drimeatii en porta for February and ilifhl months ending hAr.r.iurv n I'.h.l ,3 V, . W. MM. J nreadalufra . . . Cottonseed oil Cattle, alircn, no(s. 4c .1.7X2 14, '111 iltut &. dairy produvU 21 .117.12-1 10.',XI70 Cotton S7 2l!H.I-tt 47.1RI4S1 llln.rul nlla II US nil II aim fltl l!)1 11)11 t,J,X7.1.nl JX 77J.2.11 2,'Wi.n.Jii l.llil.io.' Tfllll Hitl.WT.tim 77,II U.T KlMht months ended February 28 lireauaiwia ,, .('W'-M Ckittoneew "H 12, 115. US uailie. iHaa, e.iMjvfii -.XX ait.i. Ulniral Vila .. S3,74!.itl ua..'ii,ti,xi I P.lll.ujk) in i. lean uai.1lW7 4&K.UI0...X 08 UOl.l.C Total taOI.SVUTM IU,S6T,131 United Railways Investment Report icvcoma arauBi er me i nuou tuiiwata ,Wnt Ooairaiiy (oj tlw tiacal ear ended ider 31. lull, rorppurea with the ore- Tha locum. - '. . -'". 'A lnxisinjy ceding year as Hunk Alao Repot ts a Decrease in Rul lion. I.ONpON. March 23.-Thero was a dcereasn of mer 2.(00,(kHl ivounda lu resrrxm rejHirled by thu Hank of 1!uk1iiuI fur tho week. 'Ihu PiPbortluu uf resi'ivxa to liabilities felt from 2,1.1s per rent io 2.'. 11 per ienl There was also a Ins. nf about 2.OHO00O in bullion Th dUiouut rate remained uiulluiej, Detail follow This week Last neck Last j cur J; s Circulation ai.HMni .iiodimi 2s.,isn,iirai i'llhllu deimnlts. IrJ.OlS 0011 711.11.10(1111 2n,71U.iII4) I'rlmlodepoalta u.'.nso ikbi ioo iai.(ni it.l.'l nnn Hum. securities :i.i.:s.1I,iihii .10(11 1 hmi il.i.il ivi Other keourlt'a t.'il.ni tl f ski lll.II'.i.l.al 4Hl!lli,(HNl lleserlH ... . l,M.'l,li(ai I I.Ml'.OiVI Mi.Illt.U'O l'roi"irllon of rc- terxp lu 1Mb.. 22 11 LMftS-i 4 1 7lW. iiiiiiiun 3T.-ih.iKxi ri:),iui,ood u.v,,i,kio liank rato ... S1 U NKW YORK CRNTRAIAS YKAR Hirlit eiouiimlia were tuacllced hi the New York Cin'ral nollroid In 101 1, arcordlnj- to the annual report lo luTaft n iiup In irp4 earnings fixmi ?122 iMLsM) III Vila to ?I12.7I1, U3I In lull a iUiiohm) nf i'l llJ 7.1X utpenaaa mn. n'di'ied fnm Vil.4ll.41d to JSl.cAl 10. miklnu the lna lu nut revenue frum railway iinerailiina only HU 127 The falling off In InlBht rexeiiuea Ian year was tn.73.ISS8 Almost eveiv lomtuimlty on the llxt." aava Crerl'leiit A II Snuili In Ihe etockholdera. . uli,,u.u a Infcu in vnluinc and the LutiMbiiuiiiil ! ilvuraaae in Ihe dm, ily uf freight traffic tr mile nf load wa W1 '""mil's Tha 1 dxxrtaae IP. passeriner inITIp .'.illi;! wa.l ; in Uilh lo.al and Inierlli'ii limine. To me exii-iu ui na uppiicaiitui toniinuaa rrea'dent Smith icaMlik' of the liiterataU i onunerco Conunlanloii's urant of higher fielght rates tu the Kstern raids ' the ilerlalon of tile romndaslon la heluTul. Iiesldea luaiilrlnx lonfldenc III ihelraencral allltudo toward Hi allroada" Net iiuoiue waa toqual to 3.M pr rent, earned un Ihe stock, aualntt 5 8( per cuit. thv prexlous ear. T SHARP RISK IN COTTON NEW YultK. Mar-h 23.- Cotton openml ateadt. S lu U Iiilu.U ilsher The adiauea brouifnt (orlli rwall.llin rulea around ti n iwn lex el for 'VtoUr, and mum of the blit lieal traders aetiuiod lo te working for a re; acilun Noiwrtbatandlnc ihe prmiauie. th Hjt field xvetl and at Ihe end of 111 minutes eSauad a jam of 3 ladno oxer la( nUht't olase. I. IV. erpooliabUiej were about as bad been inpeclcd. Tla Conll'ietil was a buyer asaiii al i.ivanwul. In the afternoon demand developed for Jul, lilting H Points- October up 1 palnu and iWceWVr Vm 0pen u , ,. M ilOs liig. er 3a. i'.il 3fX uarcn aulif " ' QotoJlief Pecamber lllva oa stk own II W4.6i7 Jl lain $.10 Ini ealujiia. .. 1 10. ail 1 111 171 J 1 1)12 1 Uxl 172 21.11)7$ 2 2ia 2CH I 27u HU.1 IM 3 Hu 2HU A4J mull VWI IKIWll Hil. auivi'JS ".WS.Sa li.U2.tUa 4.2iU,5a nl a 1 I ni amB Ch , tP Net Ipiome 1'iev surplus AaJ iriflll f.W1 .. I ft .-I ?Sf HSli 1 27 kMI Al 20fl UttA 'XI I 3 32S.9r 4 2.KI Ui U I I oil Il All 1 1UOB .10.11 10.SI B!H "ft! .9W .S52 ?" !"'? IUIJ JU.ll 1U.I' m 1U.3J ADDITIONAI, OLD FOR IMPORT NKW iOBK March 25 -Ladenburg, Tbil- . mau & o haxe engaged: si liuouii) I'alted I btaua gold mm at Ottawa lor ahlpaieat to 1 Nt. lork The luttruailuAal BankUig t'ai- i ..ration Bas eugagea suulsalKol in. aapawvae mo at ukotoaiy for sbiiuBeiit to Saa Fran CUlO. Sulca nf prima luliu cupper linvu been mndc ul lo'n ct'iiH for Imnicdl.ite alilp mciit. Pin Ink tlio post ".'elf tho Tieasury lins illlidrn-aii fi mn iinlloii.l1 linnks 3,(O,0O0 In Government funds. Ilv dcrlnrlns n noml-Htiniinl illxidend nf 5 per i ent. todnv tlm dlrnelors nf tlio MnimyiinU Trust I'omp.iuy Iticteahi'd the niiminl into 2 pet cent, piovioun I'nj iiieutH linvhiK been S pci coin, iinminlly. Tlio pliin uf lentk'.'tiilzntlon vxliloli will prnlMlilx ho ncccpted by representatives nf t lie St. I.uiiIh nml Han l''rnnciscn Ituil rnntl f'ompiitiy enlls for nn nsseysiiiPhl nf 415 a slinic on tlio throo rlnssea of stock. Tills would inlso J7,aOO,000 In return Mliareliolilnis will tocelio u security of inliio, pprliitpi nn adjustment inconio liond. Tn Hank "f Spain. taKInc nilxnntaKe of tho prpsont high x-nliie nf petctas lins tuiriliiiseil un Important stock of cold, with u view to psttilillslilnir u Hold nl.iml uril In Hip iionr futuro. The illreoliir of tlio Nnitliciu Ccntr.il linllMiix romp.uiy nt tliolr meeliiiK for or KiiiiUiitlon tp-elci'luil President fiainuel lU.t n ml ntlier otllciuls. Tlie l'(iurili citreet N'atloniil Hank will tntilinl lv imrtk'lii.itP In tlio now ?I5.0"O.OTO loun that Is to be obtained by tho Amui tlne niii'irmiiPiit. on Iln treasury notes, from luinKiirs lu Now Voik, lloston, I'ltl cnBo, PIltsluirKh nnd this city. Tlio wur ninlfl me. to bo in snrlal form, patt f them muturins cxary three months Tho directors nf tlio Cambria Steol Com pany mot for orsauUdtlon today, anil re Blectcil tlin iirescnt ulllcers of tho com pany. FoioIkii brokers think London has fold In tho Inst xveelt sonio 50,000 (shares of t'rion I'aclllc . II 1 enoli .t Co and Kountz Hro.s. A; Co. were tlio successful bidders for llie 5 per "ent bonds uf the I'lly of Quobee, Cniindn. to tho iiimuiut of 12.123,000 A. II. l.e.ieh pi Co. havo ulsu beep awarded liSO. 000 St. Paul, Minn., waterworks refunding lii-ear I'rs. $20u,Miil a)-enr bildset 48 and 157.W1U 20-sear euor 4li per cent, bonds, Willlt.ni II Arnold, formerly xlth liexlll. Tilmhlo Si Co. Is now associated with tho noiiil department of William P. lloubrlglit A; Co. A large lonnnge nf bessemer and Initio pis Iron liaa been tentatively engaged with x alley blast furnaces for export to Tine laud. Tho Texan Company reduced prices for Caddo light rrudn oil 10 cent a f.arrel tn 6d cents, and tie Hoto liuht cnide. oil 10 cent a jiarret to 5d cents. So far this week the New York banks have lost J1.437.COO through Suhtroasury operations. lieoige A. Iluhn A Hoim and Mnntsoni. ory, Clothier & Tler xvere the chief sell ers of l.ako .Superior The United States, Steel Corporation has live blast and 3K open-hearlh furnaces now actlxc out of a total of eight blagt and i open-hearlli furnaces, and Ibis week will add one more blast and six opeii-lliailh furnaoes, piaklue the tglal active nix blast am) 38 open-peai'lti. The Oary mills will then he ruiininjf 0r SU per cent uf rapacity, epipln)lng about e9 luen. anaiiwit a capuuliy ma.imuiii of WOO. a Jlidglug from the large number ur liPpUuatlons rceixe4 by William Dick, uf the MmmI ot Kduaatlon, (tie ,C.Ti).i) school loan should be overijlirib.l leMnerlca have nilvauccil tlio list pries qf reflnpfl Branul.ited susni to 6 centa. up ." poinlH Tho prlro of somo Rtnilcs of prlpt cloths was todny nilXMncd 'i cent n nrd. This Is Bald lo Indicate higher prices fcr other snotta. A New York Stock Kxuhnnge nipmher ship sold for JII.OOO. the same price ni tho hist prcxlous transaction At the orBanlzallou niPctltiK of t'ne Tpmir and Paetfln now board of directors, Oeorife .1 Clnuld wns elected chairman of tho boanl nnd president Klnijdon (.inuld wns re-elected vlie president. E unrd .1 Pearson, llrst vImi president of MIsFourl Pacific, was eleiled vlco presl- I dent In charse of oporatiou C V Beltcll was re-elected secrolnry and treasurer. n.S flauW BaaV Hank jtaak Baua Tie pnus lvarda and Mci'ahan sugar ' 4pB- Kiir the second time Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company deferred action on the quarterly preferred dividend .MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPAII STOCKS Hid Atkeil Jim Duller W M llac.N'amnra ni ,H .Midway 11 11 Mlzpah i:xt 27 .20 llnntnim 17 .40 Nor li Snr 1.1 in Ton "el -lit -111 Tnli Hit 2 11-10 3 V 'I oi. J1erncr " 10 Ton Mln 77 10 7U Itesciip Klila Ill 12 West i:nd 17 ,.1 ciot.nriin.n siocki Atlanta XI vtn I'lna Hull "-' .01 Uootli 27 ,M IlulldoR uj 01 COD Oa .00 Comb Krao l niamnndncid It I! W ,01 Palsy ." ., 07 ft I'lorenin , .11 .M floldncld Conk I 1.1C l, Ool.inel.l Merg 2! 21 lumbn Hxl . , I'll PS Kewaiuia 17 .t Oin u .n fiimd Ken 07 .n Silver I'lcU pi in MISPKI.UNi:ol H Pall x lew Aztec 0J .nl Klinbeilsr ,01 Nx Hill, , S ,.Vfl Vox Wonder IM t.M RAIMIOAH EARNINGS TI7XA3 AND PACiriC 1015 Decrease Third week March . . SHU, 177 7,.171 rvm Julv I ri.llisn sij.'t5" hi pkai.o, nociii-;si'Kii A. I'lTTaiiiiniili ttilnl v.eeH March . . II7.1.7SI tU.m r-iom July I 7.H73.UIS I.518.TU CANADIAN I'ACIKIC 1113. Decreaae. third weak March . Sl.TIUMO WH.iaai Horn July I . . . . Tl.703.Ktt 22.8a3.BT4 MIM.-Oflll I'AClPU. Third week March . . ll.oi.iiao flit f hi pfmu Jui l ... ri.mi.Kt l.w,oi IXKhTBIlN MAltViaND. Second wreK Manh .. JI.'f.N.K I2,C.S7 rVoni July 1 fxl'lkvir. l,Cd wllU'AiICi. INl'IANAl'pI.ia AND I,OLS- Tlilr.1 weeli Manh , ' "l'.'IX2iC 4 4'U Pmm Jul I ... a,,i,u1l STlWIM CIIKHAl'llAKK AND OHIO. Third weK March . tilTILini V1',VS,S43 Prom luly I ... ST.fSl.bUO IM MIKSOl'III. KAN8A8 AND TEXAS Third week Manh fSSVJrM M'J.aia l-riim July 1.. . 21,112,575 iJl-IIS DaS'VBII AND ltQ nilAN-D-A Third week Pebruary M11.70O n.iKO Prom July t 15.lil2.20i) J Tui.pui A'lX'lllfeON February gioaa . 1S.IXH1.21I1 J oil ji S'et . . . 2,rti0,ilil SIJI.JVI Klkht months' grosa 71.S7U.7T1 4 MT tan Net ... 2I.0(U,U2J 'j.liilXptl liu-r.'ase Russiit Si'i'M S50.000.00Q Cred.lt HOMIIKAU Marih Jl - llli reported liKt that the IliiMilan (loieniu'eiil la reeking a tii) OfOOfO ciedlt In Canada and lh' Vnlted Stgtea. It Is understooil that It will lake Ipp fri o one- ear TreaiPiryWlhh Pennsy 0rlera llrldgo Tae I'ennsvlvenla llallroad has placed a rhorg. T4te bridge. la, fur Ihe C'umlajrlaPd Valley llallfoad a BuUl.lUry of the I'onaiyl xanla Itsllioad (SOVERNMENT 3s of 1M0 reelatered . .. in o. lUw coupon . . . I'aparoa rrsieirr . Panama new Ss reststered jsmgTJhstsr 4s or mo mWM Ha pr s -mp BONDS B U, Asked. it : iiftS nn U0 Foreign Discount Rates Kauk ruSt Bask laa. of Knalaud of Fiance . , at lleriuanj .. . uf Belslura . .- . of Aiuula . ... of Italy uf Swttwlmd 51 " ii IO, lusal or er.vedeii r,r Denmark nf Norwav f .v'd . llaak Wis- EQ . 6 .. s nam tf last change. i1- Jr Aug. 8. lull in IHU taii it. fia- si- m xtay 0 mint 10 Inlr Sfr Bol I 4u 14 Jen f Jay r. All U titl 1611 10', t'-U 1 Ii il