Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 24, 1915, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9

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    .. evening- LEDGEnPTTTT.ATifflT.TTrTA-1 Wednesday, march 24, mis.-
Wsl "t i'"' , .. . ' " """"
'-' " ' i lUnmii .niti.i
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of 'a
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DELtOHTFUti house party will lie Riven
over Easter by Mr. mid Mm, Henry Paul
1 . i ... nt 4hnlr rnitnoA Im tlit
fi,5,' which fclll u opened Tlium.Isy. April 2.
ntrt ffl'l " K""'1'''
r.n- Af AmillUic, n. .-.. v.w...r. ... .jt.j
L -ifdtn party nnd bazaar will he held on
L tnds of Iho oBtale of William I,, lilltlns,
n Elfctna Park, during tho first weol In .lime,
TorlM benefit of the Alilngton Memorial Hon
y of which Mrs. Cleorjro XV. Klklnp, Jr., Ib
.,'.l nreeldent.
Ellr. snd Mrs. Charles O'Donnetl t.ce, .lr., lime
L.i their house on Kent road, Ardmore, nntl
flirt token apartments nt tho Wynnewood,
'i JTanklln McKnddon entertained nt dinner
nit week In Miami, Ha In honor of Air. nnd
ki nMrenrri T-ouber Welsh and John Iiawber
feelt, Jr., of this city.
Pwr. Ha Jlrfl' l,pnr' 'n Uarro -fnyno nro
liUrUlnlng Lady Gregory nt their home, 1015
t. -a. at, a nlli1 In nt i t rl-i f n it rt Ml
riie nreei. ouu mincu ,o- ', "" "
Tt,t tomorrow. This avonlng Mr. and Mrs.
JJJjm will hold a reception to meet l.aily
cJory, who will read n paper on "Worlds
lyiraons tbo debutantes who will make their
nnjl bow to society next fall will bo Mian
jiirpiprlte Burton nnd Miss Eleanor Wundcr,
imihttrs of Mr. nnd Mrs. Maurice C. Burton,
illl Test Coulter street, Gcrmnntown.
tilr. anJ ltrs- Kclt" Downing, of 31D Cnrpen-
Uf itreet, Gcrmantown, wm oiuertnin nt uin-
ttf tonight. In honor of Miss Evelyn Hnrrlng-
(on and John M Holton, whoso man logo will
tik place on April 6. Tho guestR will Includo
kr. and Mrs. Harry Butterworth, Jr., MIhh
Ur. and Mrs. Harry But
Helen aormley, Miss Audr
f..j Pnvurlr. Howard Holti
rey Kane, Miss MII-
W Caverly, Hoivnrd Holton, Linton Matthews
KA Orlna Godwin.
9il!obert G. Wclmer, of tho Hotel Stcntnn. rc-
tonti on Monday from a tour of the west
feilt of I'll
nt weeks
hirt. B. F
nSih utreet. 1
lorlda. Mr. Wclmer wns Bono for
ffjlrs. B. Franklin Whcalmnn, of 416 South
fUUi ttreet, will open her houso In Oecnn City,
W. J., 'or the Eas
W. 0. J. Do Ro
Easter senson.
Roussa entertained nt luncheon
itijdir al her home, 615 West Hortter street,
k . . . , , ... .. .
tOtrnianLOWll. vuvuib hcid mm iur nine Kii(-a.a
foEHDnooK A largo bridge will be given this
afternoon at 2 o'clock nt tho Ovcrbrook Golf
Club for the mombeis nnd their friends. JIlsi
Jidele Marguerite Moslcr Is In charge of the
i.Tilr. the moceeds of which will be devoted
furnishings for the clubhouse. Following
trito lira. Henry T. Slddons will discourse on
Auction Bridge the Principal of the Lends
end the Full Exposition of the New N'ullo
Count," while tea Is being served by n number
1 younger girls. Including Miss Elizabeth
Ihiddards, Miss Helen Engluml, Miss Loulso
jlcCurdy, Miss Grace Myers nnd Miss Con
lUnca Barnes. Miss Dorothy Fell Wilson will
"llnf, and llttlo Miss Avn Mulholland will gave
IB esthetic dance.
Among those present will be Mrs. Harloy T.
UeDermott, Mrs. William J. Coane, Mrs. Wlll
Um Mulholland, Mrs. Paul Wolfe, Mrs. Eugene
0, Hosier, Mrs. Frederick M. Mitchell, Mrs.
Clifford T. McCurdy. Mrs. Paul Mllhollnnd, Mrs.
yinsor F. Evcland. Mrs. Hnrold War. Miss
Virginia Charlton, Miss Villetto Walnwrlght,
Mils Florence Richards, Miss Dorothy "Wilson,
JIlsj Buth Elsenhower. Mrs. JoseDh Vetterlcin.
TUrs. Channlng Wegefnrth, Mrs. George Oat
Btuddards, Mrs. Francis Stevens. Miss Kath-
,jrlBe Stevens, Miss Murguerlte Lesher, Mrs.
(Wtrles Kendrlck, Mrs. .1. C. Snlvas. Mrs Ben
lunln H, Ketcham, Miss Eleanor II. Grnlinm
teham, Mp, Gertrude Crane. Mrs. Fred
erick Harding nnd Mrs. Oeorge Smith.
gMre, Frank Collins entertained nt luncheon
J51 brldjja yesterday afternoon at her home,
j---v.ui hiu sircei. iier guests were the mem-
'5 of her bridge club.
lOJEMO.Yr Mrs. Frederick r. MUrlioli I. n.
Jfrtalnlng Mlag Virginia Charlton, of Boston,
u her guest during tho holidays. Miss Charl
a attends school in Washington.
Wri. A, Darker Mcllor. of Mermaid lane, will
MM In a few days for Atlantic City, whore she
J Pend the Easter holidays.
ri. ThOmaS Dllnn Will nnlnptflln at r)lnnB
ro the dance at Huntingdon Valley on Frl
ir Blsht of this week. Covera will be laia
w wht Kueata.
" J. A. Ilnllnhnnlr if Vnnlra. XT V
OttR th fTIIUt lf lis. .Intk. Utt. TI t.
Wuler. Of Her nVAntl if BAral rfl.l..u
T and Mrs. FHwr,i t k-Ai1ii nt ui ri,n
(glena atreet. will give a dinner at the Ger-
f---.... .ngnei uiud on Saturday evening,
Wl io, n hnor of ther gon Warthman
wlrlc. The guests will afterward attend
'Mnclng class, chaperoned by Mrs. George
OfOOke. Spring (lowers nnd eren will
l!fe!Vhe ,nb,e decorations. The guests will
Ei in Judlt Jennings, Miss Janet Kalr-
. MUs Nancy Smyth. Mlsa Elizabeth Van
jj5n. Mls Eleanor Wunder, Miss Margaret
, Hon, MISS Marian Button. MIm Mnrllin Hv.
,R Miss Mary Bonner Daniel, MUs Josephine
Cti ' "aS Marv Prlmrn.. TIppv.b Rrtn-Hrd
iVWMra. wmi. vi... ,....' -r. j
fyr. oi! "' nusseI noblnn. Allen Moln-
nffii. ,rtM Taylor' Charles Carrlgan. Gordon
m.S' ,rt'nne Kitaen and Mr, and Mrs. J.
rrl Warthman.
lu'ri ,W",lam B- Kurti. of Manhelm street.
F.. d at ,un yesterday at her home.
t?ers wera I. ,,, - . ,n . ,, ,....
l . -" u v Hucfiia. juts. uri
K& itavs today for Greenfield, Mas, to be
!, oi ner daughter, Mrs. John B. White.
kr!1' 13. J, Lavfnrt ana I... ..... . trl..
, laVInO, Will EDenri Kiiln. a , ...
t'l ' ' ""
Dd Mrs. Uanrv lr n. . n o .......
' nave a. thlr r,,.., in.. m.. r,.
jft'f. of Bewlclciey, Pa,
V- na Mrs, A. Raymond Raff will tnter-
, wv- ,nU evening; at their home. 1300 .
MB avenue Thn. ft h. nunl r
m$ Mrs J F c Kiel, ur. and Mrs, Pelrce
f aim Mrs Franklin Betts. Mr. and
- u Vail ArtsHalAn ur .. nf it.hpv
V", A. MUU , U-
Kolh Mrs. B. i. McCnllnnd Mr. and .lt. will
lam Glasgow.
Mra. do.eph A. Mojer will be hoMev. nl n
'WW on Friday nflernoon nt h-r home Those
to bo present are Mr.. Thomas P. Walker. Mrs.
William K. lie,. Mrs. Charles Henri Fox.
-Mrs Urorge Child. Mrs. George S Ornhnm.
Mrs George ti. Kane. Mrs. K J. Herlet. Mm
Frank A. Pox, Mis. J. Howard llnlmes. Mm
William T. Hrown. Jr.. Mrs. t). Ilonnnl nvnti.
Mrs. William T. Gsand. MIm Kdn.t C Wells.
Mls Elizabeth liagatz and Miss Anna II otler
bailt. Miss Mnrjorlp Taylor, dnuphler of Mr. and
Mrs. Waller M. Taylor, of Oak Lane, will be
honor guest at n small illiiucr-dniice which will
bo glien bv her uncle nt his home In Chest
nut Hill tomonoiv evening,
.miss .Marjorlo Taor, daughter of Mr. and I
Mrs. Walter M. Talor, of Oak Lane, will bo '
honor guest at n small dinner tlance which will
bo given by her uncle at his homo In Chestnut
Hill tomorrow evening.
Mr. nnd Mrs. William A. Longshore, if Llklnn
Park, are receiving congratulation,! on tho birth i
of n son, William Allen Longshore, Jr., Friday, I
Match 12, 1015.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Morris J. nillunrtli. of l'M:
North 1.1th street. Logan, will motor to Con- !
ncctlcut, whole they wilt be the' guests of Mri
Dlllworth's lister.
Leon Strnt, of 4046 Pnrksldo nienue, was
given a surprise party on Saturday evening,
Mnrch 20. Among those present wero Miss
gllen Jones. Miss Harriet I'lnsky, M. Weiss, A.
Abrnhnmson, Miss Anna Zelgler, A. Schwnrtz,
Miss Leah Itlff, A. Oilow, Ml,n Hose l.clrn. 1,
Strit, Miss Herthn Wnlnsbalr, H. Stmt, Miss
Miriam Stmt nnd Miss Clara Silver.
Mrs. Harry Smith, of 1915 Walnut street, will
spend the ucok-end nt the Mnrlboiough-Blen-helm,
da the guest of Mrs. Thomas Martin.
Invitations halo been received for the SOth
nnnlvcrsarv of the Loval Legion nt tho Acad
emy of Music, April 23. Colonel Nicholson, of
1125 North 41st street, will lie one of tho speak
ers. Theie will be n reception the following
day to tho members nnd their wives nt the
Academy of the Fine Alts.
Samuel Il'icknll, 4li) Tnsker street, nent to
New Yoik todii), where he will vl'lt frl"uds for
.i w eel:.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Morris Slsnian, of nth and (Jueen
streets, gave .i birthday party Irsi night, In
honor of l.!-.ienr-old I.owli Sisnuin. Novel
gomes were plnjed, and theie nolo several
musical selection") rendered by Miss Lenorn
Weber and Isndnr Weber. Refreshments worn
served at a late hour. Among the guests wero
Mr. nnd Mr,. David Weber, Mr. nnd Mrs. 1.
Feldmnnn, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Schlnehtcr, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Harry Gicenmann, Dr. A. L.
Schlnehtcr, B. It. Mltzbnh, Morris Flncberg,
M. Lcboivltz, N. Levin, Ester Morgenstlne, Lora
Rlchtcr, Samuel Frlcdmann and Lewis Bcrn-
Thlllp Gordon, 1933 South 5th street, Is en
tertaining several friends from Pittsburgh this
Mr. and Mil S. J. Cailln, of 2126 South nth
stieet, hnvo as their guests at the present
tlmo Miss Angela McMnnus nnd Miss Anna Mc
Manus, of tho Bronx, N. V. Several delightful
nffnlrs have been nrrnnged In their honor.
PROMINENT iiinoug today's weddings wns
that of Miss Selene L. James, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. James C. James, of Ilex avenue,
Itoxborough, to Percy J. Slyors, of Tioga, which
was solemnized nt noon In the Roxborough
Presbyterian Church, Rldge and Port Royal
avenues. The ceremony wns performed by the
pastor, tho Itcv. 7.. Montgomery Gibson, Mr.
James gnvo his daughter In marriage. She wore
a lovely gown of Ivory white satin, made with
a court train, nnd trimmed with chantllly lace
ami orange blossoms. Her veil of tutlo was
nttached to a chantllly lace cap, which was
held in place with a spray of orange blossoms
bride roses and lilies of the valley formed her
Miss 8. Kvo Mosteller, tho maid of honor, wore
nn exceptionally pretty frock of pink silk crepe.
made with a full skirt trimmed with lace ruf
fles. The waist also was made In "ye -olden-time"
style with lace ruffles for trimming.
Her hat and flowers matched the gown In
color. Frederick Myers was his brother's best
man, and the ushers were Waller B. Myers and
Howard Klemm. The service was followed by
a breakfast nt the home of tho brlde'u parents
which, like the church, was decorated with
palms, ferns and white dowers. Upon their
return from a tour through the South, Mr.
and Mrs. Myers will occupy their new home,
Greystone, Township Line road, where they will
receive on Thursdays, May 20 and 27.
Miss Emma Simmer Pay, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred lay, of 1333 North Broad street,
will become the bride of Frederick E. Aubel,
Jr., of 1207 Wagner avenue, tonight at o'clock.
The ceremony will be performed at the home
of the bride's parents by the Rev, Dr. George
Scherr, pastor of the Reformed Church, 6th and
Huntingdon streets. The house will be dec
orated with palms, ferns, smllax and orchids.
The bride, whose father will give her In mar
riage, will wear a lovely empire gown, of white
crepo meteor, trimmed with chantllly lace and
pearls. Her veil of tulle will be arranged with
a cap effect, and held In place with orange
blossoms. She will carry a bouquet of bride
roses and lilies of the valley.
The bridegroom's sljter, Miss Emily C. Aubel,
who will bo maid of honor, will wear n gown
of pink pussy willow taffeta and lace, and will
carry pink roses. John' Francis nay, th bride's
bi other, will be Mr. AubelVbest man. The
ceremony will b followed by a large reception.
The bridegroom and bride will leave for a South
e,n trip. ai)d will be at horat after April 15 at
4S33 North Broad street, I
.VCTiASiU-u rr i-
1 mMMSMmtim - '""liMBWIMlfi i
ImPiSWHFflPi HF ' JiiiiH
IIIIiiiSiRisiSiM I W .iff iimmim
:iM$PP 'm mMWiSBM
Thoto by Rembrnnill Hltnllo.
The eiiKaKcmcnt of Miss Lipschutz to Dr. Joseph II. Marcus, of St. John,
N. B,, Cannda, is announced today by Miss Lipschutz's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
1). Lipschutz, of 2035 North 33d street.
Mr. and Mrs. Williams Will Give Farewell
Party to Mr. and Mrs. Lucius Beebe.
An nttinotlie and unusual uffnlr will be
given tonight bv Captain Alexander Shrlier
Williams. U. S. M. C, nnd Mis Williams. In
their home. 2.1:2 Smith 21st street II will bo
a "Despedlda," which means In Spanish .
fniewell party, in honor of Mr. and Mrs LiicIiih
Keehe, who will le.ne shortlv for theli new
homo in Wnlllngford. Instend of tho eunven-
llon.il Honors fin decoratlnns, theie will be I
fruits of nil kinds. Tho tnble will be decorated i
with n huge mniind of fruit, candelabrum, with
Japanese blue shades, and Japanese mandarins
will be placed about. .Mrs. Williams will be
gowned In n simple flock of peach-coloied
pussy willow taffeta, trimmed with tulle of the
same shade.
The guests will Include Commandant Will
iam Sheppard Ucn.son. U. S. N., and Mrs.
llcnson, Colonel Littleton Waller T. Wal
ler, U. S. M. C, and Mrs. Waller, Lieu
tenant Commander Guy A. Ulssett, U. S. N.,
and Mrs. Blssctt, Lieutenant Commander Itay
tnond S. Ifeycs, U. S. N.. nnd Mrs. Keyes.
Lieutenant Commander William Lee Pryor, U.
S. N., nnd Mrs. Pryor, Paymaster A. II. Court,
v. K. N., and Mra. Court, Paymaster Manning
H. Phllbrlck, LT. S. N., and Mrs. Phllbrlclc,
Commander Alfred Hinds, U. S. N., and Mrs.
Hinds. Commander II. H. Ulcrer, U. S. N., nnd
Mis. Ulcrer, Lieutenant H K. Welte. IJ. S. N
nnd Mis. Welte. Lieutenant W. F Cochrane,
1' S N. ami Mrs. Cochrane, Lieutenant Charles
T. Blackburn. U. S. N , and Mrs Blackburn,
Lieutenant Chniles It. Bullock, U. S. V. and
Mrs Bullock, Lieutenant Colonel (' G Long,
I' S. M. C, nnd Mrs. Long, Major Smcdley
Butler, U. S. M. C. and Mri. Butler. Major H.
Lre, IT. H. M. C, nnd Mrs. Lee. Cnptiln O. W.
Van 1 loose, U. S. At. C, and Mrs Vnn Moose,
Captain XV. XV. Low, U. S. M. C. and Mrs
Low, Lieutenant Ralph L. Shcpard, U. S. At. C,
nnd Mrs. Shcpard, Lieutenant Charles A. Lutz,
U. S. AL C, and Airs. Lutz, Lieutenant Samuel
XV. Bognn, U. S. jr. C, nnd Airs, nogan. Lieu
tenant J. P. Willcox. U. S. AL C, and Airs,
Wlllcox, Lieutenant Walter B. Decker, U. S. N.,
end Airs. Decker, Air. nnd Airs. Hanilv Hall,
Air. and Airs. T. S. Fillmore, Air. and Alls. J.
T. Fcnner, Air. nnd Airs, l'rederlck XV. Graves.
Dr. and Airs. Paul Casald, Dr. and Airs Halite
Dr. and Airs. Klapp, Airs. George W. Grant,
Airs. Vulte, Airs. Hoyt and Alessrs. George Da
Bonneville Kelm, C. Barrett Hickman, Captain
T. C. Turner, U. 8 Al. C; Lieutenant A. II.
Allller, If. S. At. C: Lieutenant John Qulncy
Adams, V. S. AL (; Lieutenant li. O, Bartlett,
Captain Alacker Babb, U S. AI. C.j Captain J.
C. Beaumont, U. S M. C; Alnjor C. S Hill,
U. S. AL C; Captain .1. It. Hnrton, V. S M C.
nnd Paymaster James A. Bull, U. S. N.
Harry Turner, of 2253 North 16th street, is
making a tour of South America, to be gone
until tho latter part of April
Mr. nnd Mm. J. Robert Carlson have returned
from their wedding trip through the South to
their new home, I21 15th avenue, Brooklyn,
N. Y Mrs. Carlson, before her marriage on
February 21, will be remembered as AIlss Valma
Graver, the daughter of Airs. Jeannette Graver,
of 481S Cedar avenue, West Philadelphia.
Airs. Elizabeth Earnshaw, of Cincinnati, P.,
Is the gutat of her daughter, Airs. Joseph
Yonkers, of 1718 North 15th street. Last eve
nlng Airs. Yonkers, assisted by Airs. William
Ingham, entertained in honor of Airs. Earn
shaw's SUt birthday. Among the guests, which
numbered 50, were Airs. Anna Reich, AIUs Verna,
Reich, Mrs. Jean Alegargee, Airs, Walter Dun
gee, Alios Sara Carson, All is Alatllde Hunting
don. Joseph Yonkers, William Ingham, Joseph
Ellison, William Alalone, Herbert Dungee, John
Temple and E. Hlckey.
AIlss Elsie AI. Carroll, of Lakeside avenue.
Oak Lane, and Mrs. Arthur Hood, of German
town, are the guests of their brother and stiter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred W. Carroll, of
Brooklyn, N. Y, Mrs, Carroll's mother. Airs.
Franklin P. Wagner, has Just returned to, her
home, 6527 North 7th street, Oak Lane, having
been her daughter's guest for the last few days,
Friends of Miss Nancy Fullerton wilt be sorry
to learn she Is seriously ill In the Woman's
Homeopathic, Hospital, 20th and JUueJOii streets.
Mrs. W. E. Groben Held Bazaar for the
Equal Suffrage League Yesterday.
Shadowbrook, tho home of Mis. Wlllluiu H
Groben on Lakeside avenue nnd Vnllei loud,
presented a gay sceno .le.-iterdny, when a bazaar
mis held for the Oak l.nno Eininl Suffrngp
League. All day long bu.iers came and went;
taking with them tho luscious looking pies,
cakei. lelllei. pieseries and candles, to say
notlilng of thr- household nrtlcles unit Kaster
gifts. During the afternoon special fr.it men
held swny. From 3 until 1 o'clock a inuslcnle
was given by Mrs. Lailgl 01 Vluceiuo. soprano;
George Malpai. tenor, and Mis. Edward It.
Whitney, pianist. I'lom I until 5 o'clock tlieie
were short surfiage addresses by Mm. Geoige
Plersol, Mrs. William Albert Wood, Mis Scott
Nenilng and Mrs. .1. Franklin Dechniit.
In another section the superstitious and thoio
curious to know what tho futuro held for them
gntrerod around tlio gjpsy camp, where Mile.
Alme do Brabant, of Brussels, Belgium, as
sisted by Mile. Charlotte Mulcey, told foi tunes,
danced and sang.
There was nlao a tea room, where tasty
sandwiches, cakes and tea could be had. Mrs.
W. Hnrry Miller and Mis. Charles Asbury
wero tho ushers.
The committee In charge of tho day Included
Mrs. William E. Groben Mrs. Nathaniel II.
Band. Mrs. Wnlter G. MacKarlnnd, Mrs. C.
Hnwnicl Anthony, Mrs A. T. Bruegcl, Mis.
Albert Gee, Mrs. A. L. Carhart, Mrs. W. Harry
Miller. Mrs. J. Finjiklln Dechant, Mrs. Itobert
It. Dearden, Jr., Mrs. William if. Rhelmlio
and Mrs. (leurge W. Stewart
At the annual election of ofllcers held by tho
Holmcsburg Alen's Association the following
were elected for the ensuing year: William
Boal, president, T. Wilson Batten nnd Ueorgo
W. .Morrison, vlco presidents; Albert Ferry, re
cording secretary; Thomas Grimth, financial
secretnry, and George R. Stevens, treamirer. The
association, which him been Biich a powerful
factor in Holmesburg since Its organization, has
completed the most prosperous year In its his
tory. It ban frequently taken up matters or
town-wide Interest and has brought them to a
successful termination. Tho organization has
recently Installed In Its rooms a shuflleboard
and pool table, both of which are very popular
among the members. Tho membership now
numbers 300, and if it continues to Increase
with the enme rapidity as of late larger quarters
will have to be sought
Mrs. De Heeren, who it will be remem
bered was Miss Fernanda, Wanamaker,
is at present stoopin? in Palm Beach.
MBSf '- IMhitsiiirPllll il
TIIU season ml in neon tilt "eletiml
eminliie" In wnnmn turns In ihe sttlily nf
rowiii. of mils, of fiuclis niiti blouse", io srty
nothing of hats and frills. JlrtCh tUy llinong
the sliiippcis new creations rtlipcnr In elery
uirlet.i of shade nnd weave.
.Mrs. Henry Miller Wntti weals n stunning
Mil Ins street costume of dark ntuc IJnKllali
iiiceil, which I" cut on soveielj nlain lines Tho
coat Is rather short with n lirlt ncross tho
back over nn Inverted plait, wlillc ihe aldrl la
quite short mill lurmw mid 1ut n little trim
ming of brnlil of the smile color. The eoat Isnlsii
slightly brnldeil. nnd cm ries out th very ioiu
Inr military erfecl Mis. Wnlli' hat N n most
beoomiiig i,rk ,.ilp. sallnr shape, with n
flat white wing , n,e ,,, nr ,he ,In
which U set on the How it side nf the lint,
i mlcincntli the tlm on the loft side Is niiother
U.1I white uRl p ,l0 ct0Wll ,, ,1,Ij.
en. Ircle.l with nnrroH blnek rllibnit. With
hi. Hl.iniilng co..tiiiiie. Mis. Walts wears cloe
pearl cnrrlngs. sol in ,iiier, mill gray spnts.
Mi"-. Margaret llerwlnd. n ileliulnttlc of Inst
"""""" 111S eho.en n ie,j. ,mH wl of VpV
I'mk blue, which u strlrlly tailored. All I
iienilml'q l.nt N ,, seitil-lnrg,. model of hemp !
stinw '
Mis 'lliinnns Jnelison .lerfrles was noticed
e. euili- nt Ailnnili- i'ii.i ncinlni; nn .tieincly
"wan Milt
of blnek broadcloth, whf'li wm
Ono of the must delightful affairs In the
iHUtheiist dlllltiK the lam w ,.cl, Wla the biinnr
and ilnnre nixon In n, A,mi., .FSrlt
i.r tlm Kensington Hospital for Women. I.V, Pin
stieet, Thuimlay night, a large sum wns
ciediie.l town id the p.i.i meiit of the new ma
ternity building, iccently added to the hospital.
AIlss Floieiic,. i:. ),.ck was chalimnn of the
committee In charge nf the nrrnlr. All the prl
mte, looms In Hie new addition wero lltte.l up
as booth, In which .M.idnino Thelmn told foi
tunes, pnrcel post packages were vended and
numerous uthei orlgliinl nimit.'ements were of
feied. Tho nrrnlr Insted from .1 until 12 o'clock
midnight. The dancing nits held on the sec
ond llooi. .Men and women distinguished In tho
mtdicnl pioresslon attended. AIIsh Han let Par
ker, superintendent of the hospital, received
the Urge number of guests. During the eve
ning n dressed doll in a Kensington Hospital
muse uniform wns raffled oft to the guests.
Dr. Joseph I. Levy, of 1323 North 7th stieet. Is
in this city on n shoit leave of nbsenco from
sen Ice, nt tho I'enns.ilvnnla Stnte Sanatorium
for Tiilieiculfisls, nt Crosson, Pn.
.Mrs. Powers and Miss .Marion Powers, or 2S11
Friuikfoiil avenue, nie spending some tlmo nt
Atlantic City.
"A Nautical Knot, or Hie Belle nf Barnsta
poolc," an operetta In two nets by William
Rh)s Herbert and .Mamie Elizabeth Inch, will
be presented In Dlsston Ilnll, Beacon Presby
terian Chinch. East Cumberland ami Cedar
stieets. on the uienlngs of .March 2.', nnd 2fi,
under the nusplces of tho Sunday School Asso
ciation. The cast in, with ono or two excep
tions, the snme Hint successfully produced this
best of Herbert's productions at Beacon four
years ago. Those of the cast are AIlss Gertrude
Wldmnnn, AIlxs Anna Jones, AIlss Ethel Buck,
AIlss Ethel Novln, AIlss Elizabeth Curry,
Charles Hammond, Forrest Buckley, Alvln
Illnlne. AVIlllam Ciibkey. Bob Given", William
" tToga" "
.Mrs. Albert U. Tutnei, of 3731 North 13th
street, will give an Informal1 tea tomorrow
afternoon, when her guests will Include Airs.
Daniel Aluilinch. Mrs. Wm. Heller, Alr.s. John
J. Bannon, .Mrs. Ilcniv Hurk. Jr., Airs. Harry
Duncan, Airs. Chailes Leedom, .Mis. Thomas J
I'ortello. Mis. Ullmer Krusen. Airs. AI. F. Han-
con, .Mrs. llmrj I, Sheip, Jr., .Mis. George Bacr, ,
.Mis. .Madeline Dovine, Airs. Daniel Longncic,
Airs. Charles S B.irncs, Alls. Terrcuco J. AIc
llvninc, AIlss IMltli ("leaver. Alls. George Young,
Alls. II. E. Campbell, Mrs. Charles Steele, Airs.
G. AI. Ferguson and AIlss Eleanor GUI.
The members of the Tuesday Card Club, of
Tioga, wero entertained nt luncheon and cards
jesterday afternoon by Airs. Arthur Custer,
at her home, r012 North 12th street. The guests
included AIlss Helen Luchmann, AIlss Alnr
garet Alcfurdy, AIlss Loulso Al.iuier, Airs, Wal
ter Whitman, AIlss Sophie Spencer, Airs Harry
Walton, Alts Dickinson Shaw, Alls. George
Eslcs, Airs. Edgar llobsnn and Airs. Chester
Airs. James l.mvry, 3531 North Alanine stieet,
entertained at "J"0 ' yesteidaj afternoon, when
her guests wimp .Mrs. Charles J. Curran, Airs,
Alfred Giuell, .Mrs. William Craig, AIlss Fries.
Alius Woodbpr). AIlss Alarple, Airs. Kathryn
lliight. Mrs. Edwnrd Fawcctt, Airs. Harry '
Turner, Airs. Woodbury nnd Airs. Morse. ,
The annual dinner of the Ladles' Aid Society I
nf Ebeuczer Alcthodlst Church will be given to
nioriow night In the social hall of the church,
which will bo ilecoiated with palms, ferns and
spring ilnwers. .Mis. William Al. Bovard will be
tuaHtmlsticss The very attractive entertain- t
meiit will Includo an address on "The Woman
of Toilaj" by Dr. Ella B. Custer, selections by I
AIlss Esther Hillesley, n popular reader and im
personator; vocal and Instrumental solos by I
Mrs. James Hindle, AIiv. Iva Du Gan, AIlss
Anna Du Gan, and the presentation
corned), "The Lady Masons." The cast
of the,
nl in
in hub
little sketch will Include AIlss Atartha l,cc. Airs
Frank Flanagan, Airs. Arthur Walls, Airs. John
Elliott Flanagan, Airs. Charlea Flanagan, Airs.
Howard Lukens, Airs. Frank Spleso and Airs.
John Clink
The guests, who will be lecelved by Airs.
Chailes Hlllesley. Airs- Frank Clark, .Miss Emma
Chappell, Airs. E. T. Pepper, Airs. Frank Flan
agan. Alia. Lukens and Airs Walls, will In
clude Atrs. Walter Earley, Airs. V. Hunter Loid,
AIlss Jennie Frame, Airs. AI, Goodfellow, Airs.
Dunlap, Airs. Atmore Norrls, Alrs Anna Clarke,
AIlss Edith Zell, AIlss Marian Zell, Airs. Charles
Penayl, Airs. Ralph Farrand, Airs. James Flan
agan, Airs. Andrew Flanagan, Airs. Pennock,
Airs. William Hilton, Airs. Harry Turner, Airs,
Alorrls Turner, Airs. John R. Nice, Airs. Harry
Blrkhead, Airs. Theo. Baldwin, AIlss Edna Bald
win, Mrs. Clifford McMaster, AIlss Ruth Ale
Alaster, AIlss Elizabeth Black. Airs. Ralph Ale
Alusler. Airs. George Nice, Airs. Walter Syl
vester, Airs. Anderson, AIlss Helen, UcAIasler
Mlsa Rose. AIlss ltlsley. Mrs. 1-avlnla Taylor
and Mrs. George Strickland.
fnshloned with n long sklited slioi t-wnlsleil cdat
The skirt nf this stilt was plain and circular,
nnd the coat wns edged with wide bands of
inonkei fm. Mrs. Jeff lies, who Is considered
one of the iunitest of the Dolmnn slsteis. Who
me certalnli imletl fol tliclr stunning rostumes,
chose n small hat of black hemp
An emplie gieen tailored suit has been se
lected by Miss Katheilhe Herman fcrcmer,
which scents speclnlli suited Io her fair com
pleMoli mill bMntu hair. The skirl is made with
cloe plnlls. The coat Is setninttlng. ftnlshlng
Just below Ihe wnlst line. With thin costume
MIsm Kremer usually nciiis n smnll Tlpperary
hnt nf the same shade ns the suit, nnd which
lull tiio small ."tt miners over the hnlr.
Atls Elaine Taylor English Is westing
Miring milt of tan-color cloth. The skirt Is
made quite wide nnd on tnlloted lines. The
oat Is short, nnd hangs loo"e. In the back Just
below Ihe wnlst line. Hrown bone buttons nre
used on thn sleeves nnd down the front Allsa.
llngllh wears n chic black inllnn stiaiv hat
AIlss Flnienre Elliot weiirs an afternoon gown
of white broadcloth, made In seven military
st.ile, trimmed with black fiugs and buttons,
nnd a diop skirt of blnclt satin. AIlss Elliot
i wenrs with this n hnt nf white satin faced
I with blnck, turned up III the back nnd trlmined
, with a black feather fane.i In the fiont
Airs. (.'. Cecil I'ltler nnd her lstcr. Alias
Clarice F. Frlshmutli, have returned In thulr
Uiveitiiu liiniie after ilsltlng their patents, Air.
I nnd Mis. John C. W. Filshinutli, at Muntlcellu,
.Mis. .IiiImi W. Croft and dnughtci.s. of 227
South tlili street, will sail Thursday for n trip
to the ceiMisltli.ii nt Snn Francisco, ila the
I Pniiaiun Cnnnl.
j Air. mid .Mi". W. ('. Starr have returned to
I thdr home at Plnlnflelil, after spending severnl
i.'.ek" wltli Mr Stair's mother, .Mis. John F.
Starr, nt Ml Linden street.
Ith'hniil AL Pnncost, Jr., son of Air nnd Aim.
It. AI Pancoast, nf 20." Cooper stieet, has been
.iilliutled In '1110 New .lcrfe.i- hnt He ls n.
nephew of the late Judge D. F. Pnnconst.
nhnufnilf CM (J,,1'ILV I Home nf World's
Vjllt-atllUb Ob. HOUSK I nre.uo". I'huioplnyi
AflK I ::'.(. in I ::inti)c. ir.c. 2,V. Including Snn.
l.lenlliKS . 811 In l(l:300i'. 2.V. n Few fiUc.
liHliulltig Snlui1a.
ul 1 j. iiir.i. caini:
TIVICK OVH.V 2 .'III nnil 8 ,:trt 1 M
ACADUMV OF JICSIC Thursday Kig.. .Murch 2S.
Will Sing
Agisted by
. iftmnEriT withkrspoon
Alemhers nt the 1'hllndrlphln Orchestra.
TIcheK. SI. nn. $1 23, si.uo. 7.1e
Heppe, 1110 Chenlnut Strrt
A C A I) V. M T O 1' M 11 S I C
t-ev .Miirielmi I'lciurej nf DeHrri nf Sahara
and .he Midnight Sun
i'.V. !ne, 7.V-, Jl.ou at Ileppe'a, mo Cheatnut,
Much En
thusiasm!" Ev. Led.
tub anii'PiNa pi.ba ron pbacb
HOCIli:. .MONKnVS. HOW l nOCCO, and Othtra.
J-J J J X-i I'cmtlnuoiin uudevllla
11 :'M A. M. lu II .,'ln p, Jt
EnEllal. Comedietta
Jim I'ook, Alallla . Hart Co.; ,ew 4. Mollis Hunt
InK, Ilronn &. AlcCormack, Kalma & Co , Suva Ar
pen; Oil.era
TWICE DAILY, 2:30 and 8:30
In lUr New rarL-kal Triumph
" A M I X U P "
PALACE akm4 '.ffr''o,,
Chas. Chaplin in a Night in Park
AmrT.PfTT 'rONlallT AT SilB SHAP.P
A.U&UI ni ,,m. MAT. ToMonnow
oilier Moroacu Preaenu J. Hartley Manntra
Cathedral Choir KS,,S.SrjffiftfKlirj.
'10c ytT.'fu 10c, 15c, 20c
rv , -1 Piert 1IE3
KJUlAilAlV.T MuiitV iA.lt.I MUitb
"AtB Yflii rVfasnn"
Tliur , Krl
Sat , Th Coinnundlnt Officer '
Garrick,5S Mat. Today &V. ?1,50
Jill 5. Wka.Evga . g IS Ketular Mat 8aturdj.
Today 3 18, 7 4 0
UUai TlTob Uu, anp AlttH m
CA RTNO wALNtw. tb. ijc dou.