-"? c EVENING LBDGERPHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1915:, 3DESTR0YERS GUARD ' PORTO RICAN HARBOR Wtftch Odemvald to Prevent Escape ns U. S. Files Libel Against German Ship. WA8IItNrtTON,1 March 21 With the destroyer Warrington, from Guantaimmo, either nltenilv at San .luan, VdrlO Illco, or rapidly hearing time, unit Hie revenue cutter Algonquin follovvlng ns fast as llfl more moderate speed capacity llt Jierrn". otnciaN were confident today that there would be no further breaches of neutrality there. It wna expected In the Department of ,7uMlcn tiat the tterman steamer Oden valrt, which tiled to iuii to rea Suiidiv, would be libeled today Ordein to criire the necessary coin t arttoii wen- Kent to thr Dlstilct Attorney at Han Juan by At-lornr-v deneral Oregorj last night Secretary of War tlanlson and Sect ft tnry of tho Navy Djtileli hive cudernl their respective rtppaftini-nt to io-opernte ltli tho collector of cinlouis In safe guarding American netitrnlllv on tho Island Reports that the German utilized cer tain section) of tho t'orto nican waters In connection with the operation of their whlp and commerce deitrover In i.eit Jhdlmi waters were discredited here to daj "War Department olllclalt s.ild that evcr place where a boat might iHtid wag under guard b the Porto rtican ti oopi Though tho iloet watch Is being kent on all Atlantic ports where Ornmn liners , 4iiicinvii uuiriHin Eaiu incv unvp no fear that these nssils will tr to put to Sen, Illegally Most of them are er Valuable, and their owners would hnidiv rials forfeiture unless there was tutu it to bo gained by dolus so There Is dnngt r however, that small tramp steamers may try to escape under false manifest with arms, nmmunjtlon nnrt supplies for Ger man commerce1 raiders This Is the one thins President Wilson has ordered the Collectors most atrlctlj to guard against. IJMIGLARS SHOW BIUVADO IN CHESTER CO. ACTIVITIES Pny Victims Second Visits and Dis piny Like Disregard of Detection. WEsr CHESTnn. March Sl-UufRlars with apparently no sense of daiuci 01 fear of capture stilt are raiding Chester County between Kennett Square and West Grove, along the line of tho Balti more Central Hallroad, and have com milled more than two score burglaries In that section within slv weeks Thev wotk utth the Utmost disregard of detect! m I and have visited several places twice Police In the louiUlj admit thej are baffled On a number of ocinslona toe thieves have been seen at their work Thev also have held up citizens on i u streets of Kennett Square The latest robberies Just repotted to the polhe of Kennett Square, octurrod at ToilBlikenanion Itobbers obtained tools b bieaklng Into the carpenter establish ment of Prank Dalev nnd then forced their way Into the ueneral store of (ironic ' Thomas nnd plundered the place They then visited the ofllco of Hamilton Men denhall, where their tools wen 11I1111 doned Mr Mendenlnll had dlsp!aed a card henrlim Hip combination of his safe on , the dooi for I he Information of any callers and the mntnudors have been there I twice since On both occasion they have , attempted to force the. safe apparently i being unable to reid the combination. Hoth attempts failed ' ROOT SOUNDS 1916 CAMPAIGN SLOGAN MAYOR ASKS SUPPORT OP TRANSIT LOAN forthiN DANGER IN EASY FRENCH Wireless "Battcau Feu" Translated As Ship on Fne. NEW YORK. March 24 -Humors or a steamer on lire mi miles off Sand Hook 1 caused excitement In shipping circles jesterday. The Iiench Line cm go ves sel Champlalti Inbound from Bordeaux, sent 'a wireless to the company's odlee, stating that she was passing the Tire Island lightship "Lightship" In Trench the language In vhlch the message was sent. Is "battoiu feu," meaning literal!, "ship of 111 e Some one whose knowledge of 1'reuth was attained In six easy lessons pot hold of tho marconlgram and translated It to mean that the Champlnln was passing a "ship on Are ' The mistake was rectified before Champlnln reached her pier the PORT OF PHILADELPHIA Ex-Senator Says Only Repub lican Party Can Restore Prosperity. - Vessels ArrUhiR Today Sir. VlrKlnlan (Anier), tlllo tugar, VV F linear & Son Co Str. Delaware New ork, merchandise, s Clyde Sttnmshlp Compnni Steamships to Arrive FRBIGitr Name .Skjoldborg Cnatlenioor JSandaend . . Iaura ... IJeta Mendl .. Dominion . . i Century .. i Alaskan . ,Crloa .... Tomsk ;Vrlken . . Tanasra . Clirlatlan JUrhnelsen t Manchester bhlpper Inland . . I Vulcan . J Ada . . ACmmi Point jKentucKlan From Co enhnfien AlglerH .Vuplcn Itottcrdam Agna Amarga .HueUa . Calcutta Ililo Clirlstlanit Rouferdam Vlciua lhl.lv;. Hnrtleponl M inchestei ShlfldH Hurnt Inland t.inl rtn I onduti .llilo ParaliM Itottrrdaiii tAlt T Ulnelalund ilatna .... "Tunlranla . Manchester Herd ... . i bommeladyk i Amelia. . ihkula WV erpool Mancheater Miller undefjord vieinei llul.i I ettli Man hesir Shields ttotteriiaiu I ore Antonio Vtacond Shtalil . Manchester . -allfd. Inn I in J I Keli 1 Feh II I-ell IK I'eli l'i Feb '-1 Feb .'S Mar Mar Mar Mar Msr Vlar Mir Vlar Mar Mar Vlar HI Vlar II Mir 11 Mar It VI ir It Mai 1 I VI ir II Mar 1 t VI ir III Vt ir li .Mar Jl Mar -- Vlar il Steamships to Leave s pvssk.ngeh. i Namv. For Dominion t.lceriHiot . , FREIGHT Cro n Point f Jorthetfrn Millar 1 Queen VVllhrlmlna Manchester Shipper London London t elth Maul heater Oatt Mar. 27 Vlar :: Mar. '0 Mar It Mar Jl PORT of m:v VOHK Steamships Due Today 1.,?'arae. From , Uermlne Horueaux Noordyk Itotterdam 3 Vapoli . . .Vaplei 'i han GIorBlo IMIrrmo . . America .. . .N'aplei i HeliB Olav . riiristiansand Vanie .Tatrla . , 1 America .. 4 St. 1'jul . t TuacanJa . Touralne ., ! Minnehaha Steamships to Leavt For. Naples Uenoa .I,I erpool CFlasson llurutaiix txiridim sailet teb IS Feb U Mai li Mar 10 Vlar 10 Mar 1 1 Date Msr JT Mar -" Vlar .1 Mar J7 Mar J7 Mar L-7 FREIGHTS AND CHARTERS fTha market has assumpd n uipr inn, ..a I fretshts oiler niodrrntely nates ar linn. I BTP t lluMilm A " ,,, ll 1,1 fl J Ilhodeaia tUr ). grain. 30 000 iuartcra. At Ku,'c..,rane ,u a Jreneh Atlantic iwrt .r ilareeitles, 10a heav. un I 7a IM oaia vpill J North ilrltaln lUr). (.rain JV.0fi quarters. from the Oulf to apl, lis April .'u Nlrefa t(!reek), l.'.ouo uuarters oats, vtlanilc irantie Ip a tieucb. AtluniU port, h lid. April -3, Jolo (Ur ) I SIM tons irglnia lo Hlo Jam Irn Qt Kiver J'iate, roal. a . March-Airil Janeta tBr). 277W tons. Ilalllinotti to Huen s Aires, coal p. t . Marclt Kdward I'lerre (Araer ) 3J2 Ions .Ne Aor hd Brailt trade, six months p t , April Ksntleern Br ), J8.ll tons, nmt, nina months. Via 6d . April. i Djvon City i Hr ). SiJMi tons traiuallantlc trade 12 months, 12s. lid. delit ertrs United Kingdom, March ; Knutstord (Hr ), -'IS.) tons, same, two round tripe 17a tsd for the ilrst, 1.1a Jor tho sec on 1. prjmpi HI.1NQ VEfcSKIJJ behr AV'Id.iid tfrtnaM V 'if, i,n. n..i . . Britain timber, p t., April ' ""-" Bchr Edna JPiekels (Dr.), 100 Ions. Gulf trtiurao. lumber f a W) ' " lk J. t."3 3ia "" Gu" t0 "th slda Cuba, lumber, 7. I Henry 8 JJttle. 081 tons, Bt Andrena Bay ita Jt6iladelpbla, ties. 2T cents, y Tile sceptre of tonttol has passed fiom the business man and the dis tinctive characteristic of the (Sovern tnent In recent 'i ars has been the conduct of affairs by men who have but llttlo concern In the business of the counlrj Tho men who control the Cluvein ment toduv are the men who hive been flithtlnK the tariff and the trusts and railroads so loan; rtiat when thev c.imo to administer the Government thev could not rid themselves or an underlvluK hotillt to American en terprise The leasou w h busIiicH does not start booming Is because doubt and uncertalntv nie In the liHUs of Americans who fear the lonseciuences or a Government hostile to business Ml this reKuKitlon Inspection and Inoulrv Is dangerous "tillc for the perpetultv of the t'n ion foi the continuation of fieedoiu and for the foundations of Justice Without referrliiK to h. I'ltsldcntl il boom, hut balled n the strongest possl bllltv fni the rtirubllLHii iiomiimtlon next veni ex-Setiatoi l.llhu Hoot, of New York embodied the forcRolnS "tatements in a call to the membtrs of the I'lilou I.esRiie to help revive the condition which biiiusht nbout the election of Piesl- dent -McKlnlev In 1R9i nnd 19jD The v Henator was the Kuest of honor of inoio than l'OO of Philadelphia leading busi ness men last night and was ptesentcd with tho I'nlon league cold medal foi distinguished bervlce to the nation ftei tho piesentatlon ho grasped the hand of all the Kuests present Mans of tho-e who took part In the testimonial nnd til bute Included lendlnc Hepubllcans mid leaders In the bankliiK and commercial llfo of tin citv In outllnliiK what lie chaiacleriicd as the mission of the llepublkan paitj at a crisis In the nation's hlstorv, Ml Hoot i of rained from criticism of the Wilson Adminletiatlon, but nild that It dovolvcd upon the HepubllcaiiH to rctore contl dence and noimal business conditions He paid a tribute to I'lcsldent Wilson and his C ahluet, but laid the lilaino foi the present stagnation of business on Demo cratic legislation which he lei mod mls Bulded and based entlrel upon vhoiib assumptions " ildcd slKlilhcnnce was attached to Ml Root h remaiks becnuse last nlBht s gath tilliu was tesarded as the (list ushemblj of leading He publicans of this lt to launch the lilfi presidential campalKii ' 1 Kileve to see business fnlllnp and men out of work." said Mi Root In clos ing "This la too hlsh nnd too Kreat ,i question foi politics Stiike, stilkc. strike now with the weapon of oui In telligence, stiike on the fields of public tllscuHeloii, strike for the perpetultj of the Union, for th" continuation of free dom and the foundations of Justice" ''enatni Ullvei and Senatoi Reed Smoot, who followed Ml Root, ashallcil the Wll Kin Administration lohti Onbhel. piesldent of the Union 1 JSiie, presided In Special Statement, Execu tive Appeals for Favorable Action on Measure. All clllrens who are anxious to see , an earlv and comprehensive development of trtnslt facilities In Philadelphia aro in Red to support tho 6,000,000 transit loan at tho special election. April 21, In a state ment Issued last night b Major niankenhurff. The Mnvor appeals to tho sup porters of rapid transit to aKltate nmonp their friends for the approval of the loan formal advettlscment of tho npeclat election In the newspapers bejran jester fH In the ndvcitlsement the amount of the total assessed valuation of real and personal propert.v Is ,lveii as t2,:6:, 4SS.JC1 81 The total funded debt if tho clt Is Klven ns JUS EI2 23G II, nnd the net city debt, $1)4,124.161 S3 I In his statement, appealing foi support of the loan ordinance' at the Rpcclal elec tion, tho Mayor said "While, this ordinance and the routes It piescrlbes aie In mnnv particulars ob jectionable, vet It furnishes the basis for a beginning of nn Important transit de velopment for our cltv If the lonii Is authorised nt the special election, and If Councils piss rensnttnblo appropriation oidlnances thereafter, the OOOO.OOO nro- vlded can be used for the const! union ' of pottlons of stibwiiv nnd elevated lints which will lit In coherentlv ns a part of tho comprehensive and wlsclj planned svstem proposed In- the Iinpartment of City Transit "On the other hand, the defeat of tho loan will make It Impossible to submit to the vote of the people any proposl- translt development within a 1 ? tMH li i Ifc IlaX Wf f ! I IMC v 'mm y 4 IssssssssssssssWr JsssssssssssssssV sb , 'o'VssssT iVssssssssssH I MORE PLAYGROUNDS MARTIN MncNKILLE M'NEILLE, VETERAN OF TWO WARS, 84 TODAY Foreman of Special Coroner's Jury Fought Under General Scott in Mexico. The Rev. J. W. B. Stuart Indicts City for Lack of Recreation Facilities. Philadelphia's poor children must play In the sit sets because the city lacks play grounds nccoidlng lo the Ilev J W. B. Stuart, assistant rector of Old St. Peter's riiuieh, 3d nnd Pine stieets Doctor Stu art jpoke nt St Peter's today nt the noon dnv I.cnten smite 'Philadelphia has far too few play grounds" he said "The children of the poor must play In the streets The Idea of 'ofetv fltst sutelv ought not to be applied onlv to Industrial work It should nlMi be biolight to bear on the conserva tion of child life" Tho stihlect of the sermon was "Chris tian Life in Action nnd In Social Serv ice" Doctor Stuart praised the work being done In Slnrr Garden Park, In South Philadelphia nnd the Phlpps Insti tute foi the tieatment of tubctculosla Tho djiinmlts of social service," ho said, Is found In the example of Christ Social stivlec Includes all efforts to Im prove tho living and working conditions of a conimunllv of a nation, of humanity itself The Phlpps Institute and Starr Girdcn Park are two gtcat Institutions rot oeial service They have Improved greatl) sections of tho city that a few crs ago were sink-holes of squalor." FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT tlon for enr "I therefore urge all citizens who are nnlous to secure an earlv and compre hensive development of tianslt facilities, not onlv to vote In favor of this loan at a special election, but to see thnt a full vote Is enst In Its favor hj their friends nnd neighbor" ' WOMEN OPEN CAMPAIGN Blankenburg Supporteis Will Woik for Refoim Mayor. A movoiiunt for ,i cltv -wide orginlza tlon of women to fight the plans ol the llepubllcsn Organization nnd work for tho election of a lofonn Mavor and t'oun cils In 131" his been begun A campaign wns outlined jesterdiv when 1" prominent Philadelphia women met nt tho home of Mrs Freeman Rovnrd, 121J South Mst stieet to reorganise tho 40th Ward Branch Committee of tho Women s l.eigue foi Good Government In is tl more than 2mi women In the vwrd worked for the election of Mavui Hlnnk Mxtv -eight ventti ago Martin Mac Keltic enlisted mh ii drtnnmei bov under Oeneinl Wlnlleld Scott In the Metlcan War, fil veats ago he enlisted under Colonel Small In the Civil War, but was tumble to get past the Ilaltlmore riots nnd retui tied to Philadelphia to le-cnllst under Colonel Morhcad , 1" eats ago ho began a 11-vear term as school dliector ftoln the ."th Wait! and seven venrs ago he was appointed lo his present position ns foreman of the Special Coinnet s .1 in v This In brief is the icionl of Ml Mnc Vellle who is M venis old tndtiv He Is the uncle of Judge Riivmond Ma Nellie appointed to the Municipal Court hv for mei Governor Tenei dining the Inst few ilnvs of his administration Mi Mac Nellie Imh returned a verdict on evetv mm del in suldde that has taken plate In this cltv dncc Apt II. f0S when he was appointed to the jurv bv Coroner Pord "I don t leinember all these rases.' he said todav when asked foi a few Ipcl rients I want to forget the horrible 'de tails so thnt I can keep voung It s bail enough to bnve to hear the evidence with out letalnlng it In voui meinoiv Hut I do lemomber the case of Mrs 1'rleda Trost, who poisoned her husband three vears ago I have taken a personal In terest In hei I even called on hci nt tho Kastetn Penltentinr.v, vesterdav I re call thnt Italian stabbing nffraj nt 7th anil Chi Istlan streeta, two vears ago, too One The Rev. Alfred R. Berkeley Pi cache? Lenten Sermon. lnlcgrltv was never more neeessarv In home and business life of the nation t.inn It Is todaj. according to the Rev. Alfred It Hrrkelov, of IIolv Cominunltj Chapel, who was the pilnclpal speaker at the noonday Ienten sorvlco In Old Christ Piotrstant Gplscopnl Church, Id street below Walnut, todav Ills topic was "I'tultK of the Snlrlt " "Tho evhlbltlon of fntom it , meekness and humllltv," he said, "Is called forth In Christian life Integrity wns nevei more needed In business ns well ns In personal life ns It is todav Meokncss la opposed to seeking pral Most of us who may do any good turns wish them to he widely known In fact vv- publish them outselvcs 'Temperance Is a laiger question than temperance limited to liquor It npplles to oveiy effoit A total nbsfilucr may bo most Intemperate even In his advo cacv of temperance." ttt from St John. sIt.43.; "What I Havo Written. I Have Written." ,, "Tho writing of these words," lie said, "Is a small affair, hut the fact Is that they were written moro for Indelibility than for tho mere thought It Is tho same way with tho little deeds which we tiiinir nr nr small consequence livery ono of them Is being written Upon pur own chnractcr or that of somebody else. Whit we have said or done Is recorded In tho book of our character which we cannot change, and It must stand for good or bad for all time." I)lt. TOMKINS ON LIPS BATTLE The Ilev I'lovd W Tomklns, lector of the Church of the ollly TrlnltV, was tho speaker at tho noonday service held at St t .Stephen's Church, 10th street abovo Chestnut todav "No coward ever at tained n. high Ideal of God," snld the speaker "In tho ngo-old strugglo the battto of life wo are only successful as wo keep boforo Us the vision of tho master. Vlctorv must bo the ultimata re sult If our motive Is certain and our cause te the causo of God Our strength Is In heaven, our courage In the con sciousness of Divine gtlldanco. I,t tis not be overcome with fear He Is with Us, tho I,ord himself Is our leader." BAN ON WHISKY! POSTERS AFFECT ( Advertising Chiefs Bow to J He Sentiment--Oi-ri J3 tends All Over North Ami ica. "THE CHRISTIAN HOME" The Rev P H Casoy, 8. 3 , Bpokn on "The Christian Homo" today at tho Len ten services In St Joseph's Roman Cath olic Church, 3d street and Wllllng's nlley Father Casey urged tho training of children to pray, and said that n. c'nlld Itnprossed with tho Importance of offer ing adoration and thnnks to God would make a bulwark for the preservation of tho Christian home. He declared that the homo should be considered a shrlno and tho lives of tho parents as rfnliilns example of rectltudo to their children, THIEVES CAUGHT IN PAIR No whisky advertisements m "M on billboards In Philadelphia . fP"5i uary 1. ldlit ti, r....... . . - ---r inu ii 1 1 n nsihi. . i. . Inu Company will refuse all C0,,.!N whisky advertising after .. . "' '"'l? of tho present contmri. ... A""i IM WAGES OF SIN CERTAIN ntilmi-tr T I !, Iai.a.tl.. i L. I . .1 u .i'Tarrv U, moment Into cV'" art ! ,ta,"" "' ",to " ."toro "' "uart ''! n.... .I.n.,1 . .h. I'eiinuis lie h Kiven '"Pi "-ce-ni Ing, and when he objected the show com menced He held four men, one of whom was convicted of the cltv The offlecis elected by the branch committee are Chairman Mrs Claude I, Roth vleo dull man. Mis W c Uowrj, secretai.v, Mlirs Helen C. Clement ticnsuror. Mis J J Dull ' It Is our purpose to oig.iule In evers waid, ' sild Mrs Jeioine 1, G Kerrls, vice chaliiiian of the I caguc h ( oininltteH on Ward Or'.inlation "Prom now on we nto going in woik just ns hard as we can to icnllre it TRIBUTE 'JO DEAD SCHOOLBOY Auloist Sues P. R. T. Dr W Jf Wilson of Roslvti. treasurer of AlUngti n townshlii. wliooi uutomnhllii was In collision recentl with a trollej rar on the Glenslde division, nt Oleiislde-, has Instituted suit against the PhlladeN phla Rapid Transit Companv He cites in his bill of complaint that he was in jured and asks damages In the amount of ?:ooo Flow cis Piled on Coffin of Lad Who Succumbed at His Desk. I'loinl tributes from 1700 school children wore heaped tin the coflln of 14- car-old Plank Hvmovllz this afternoon when fu neral seivlccs wne held at his home, M3 Wharton street hemes or pupils of the .lames Wilson Public School 12th nnd Wharton streets, said a last farewell to their playmate, who died jestcrdnj as he pat at a schooltoom desk Prank, a quiet little chap, wns liked b his fellows and pitied hv them because he was not stiong Since his recent re- I ... . i turn rrom u Hospital, where he was treated for heart dlBease. he had been ,i special object of their sjmpathj "When pupils of his own crane, the 7t.Ii U. learned this morning that he was to bo hurled todav, the stnited a fund to huv wreaths and bouquets to honor him Pupils In the entire sthtiol building gave their pennies and nickels and dimes to the fund Miss U C ls0p, the teacher of Frank's cIurr, was petitioned bj her pupils to be allowed to pny their last rispects to the ho His soirowlns mnther and father and four younger brothers tearfully thanked the children who thronged the Hsmovitz house WAITER WINKS IN WEARY LAYS HAS A MINOR NOTE THESE DAYS Mr MacNellle has lived in Philadelphia all his life, except when ho scived In the arm He was born nt "i nnd Greui stieets, when that was in the old North cm Liberties, March 24. IS 11 When be was ten vears old ho went to work as a pilnters "devil' In the shop of lohn (' Claik, C8 Dock street, where ho lemalned until the Mexican War bioko out Ho enlisted In Companv K, Second Scott I.e. glon undei Captain Robert Wlnslow Mr MacNellle strved In everv battle with Gcneinl f-cott and at Vera Ciiu received two bullet wounds In his right leg In 1S50 ho opened a paperhanglng store nt 40S Aich street, nnd kept It until the Civil War Then he enlisted In tho lOGth Pennsvlvnnla Infnutrv and served until thn end of thewar He took part In tho battles of Antletnm Gettvshur Malvern Hill heven Pines and othets Ho was present at AppomattiiN During the flBht ing a bullet took away a bit of the bridge of Mr MacNelllo's nose and n bavnnet was thrust through Ids light hand When Mr MacNellle returned to his home he opened a new stme nt EoTi Spruce stieet, which he kept until he retired from busi ness In lS PYrini 1S70 to IfST he was School l)li ec lot from the 5th Ward Mr MneNellle Is In the best of health Last vrar he was afflicted seriously for the tlrt time He was III three months with penumonln He walks five miles everv dnv, and .attributes his sound phjMqiie to legulir exeitisn Ho saja ho selves on the Jury not foi money, but because he wishes to keep his mental faculties alive. Lcnton Preacher Says The Payment Is Just nnd Inevitable. Tho law of the Lord Is Just as exact as the laws of business, nnd sinners and wtirkcis In lueiiuitv will receive their pt In wages tho pav of sin whllo tho wnc.es of Gotl nrc life, t-nld the Rev Dr Chailes 'mlth, of Trlnlt.v Lutheran Church, of New York In a noonday Inten sermon at ft. John's Lutheran Church, Mh and Race streets Taking as his subject "Commercial Law in Religious Life,' Mr Smith said ' The foremost problem In the minds of men Is wages Tho economist, tho em plovor and tho worker are all deeply in teiested In it The worker Is the Inigest nnd most Importnnt pnrt of society Morallv everv man Is a wage-enrner lie wolks in sin anil Is paid in sin Slit Is one of the most hideous things In tho woild nnd pnvs wages In Its own hideous foim It is nevei bankiupt "The wages of phvslcal sin are u hrokeu .ind ilectepld bodj, diseased painful and full of anguish 'J he wages of Intellectual sin Is a beclouded lslon of life, loss of happiness, moral failure, and the sin against God a law dtavvs wages which me alwavs paid "The Lord s law Is Just as cvact as the laws of business 'I lie time book is ncctuatelv kept When piv iHv comes the workers of Inequity must step up and iccelvo their Just wages Sin pajs wnges, hut God gives gifts Death Is a wage, life Is ,i gift Thiough .lesus Christ the wages of sin can bo changed for the golden coins of love nnd life These ate God s best gifts, and thej are legal tender In Heaven' BISHOP RAPS REVIVALISM Policeman Weldon's Feat Is Warning to Culprits. Thieves who contcmplnto operntlng In this cltv better keep nwnv from tho neighborhood pntioled bv Policeman Weldon, of the ISth and Oxfoid streets station He believes In catching thieves two nt n time A pair whom ho captured vvero held In ball todav Woldon saw a man carrjlng a bag loaded with toola along Oxford street The stranger could not glvo a good ac count of himself, nnd tho policeman took hini to tho pollco station It wns lcnined that the metal had been stolen from tho Commercial Trust Compan, 27th street nnd Olrard avenue Tho prisoner gavo his name ns George Macklus, of 1919 Ring gold street Ho wns held In $.'00 ball for court by Moglstrnto Morris Shortlv after captui Ing Mat klus Weldon saw a mnn pushing a largo barrel loaded with smaller bands along Jefferson vtrcct When the cop questioned him thn man inu to tho real of 1S21 North iM street Weldon followed and arrested him, together with the oecupnnt of the house The prisoner with thn barrels said ho was Claience Maitin, of JU1 .leffcison street 'I he bairels were Identified bv 1 B Cornell, proprietor of n store nt 2110 Ridge avenue Martin and A Norton, tho occupant of the house In which Mai tin sought refuge, vvero eacli held under ;;oo ban end of the year the ban cannot r. absolute until January 1, mt ' The announcement followAff'S Ptaccd upon nil whisky Adve?i?inl b' National Poster Advertising rll' hi the United States and cfnT semiannual meeting il the wV rectors at Palm MlM poster advertising compani,, . " ,n United States, Canada r?ie' '" " Philippine Islands are Tmea tM ' National Association. "he deeui? ct M directors means hat no th !LJ M 4 tlsements will appear on ttl'&iH anywhere In North America .hilboi uary l, 1316. America fttr w H Jj Carey, a member of th. i.fl orato of tho National As,oclitLdlI'! tho manager of the Phllad.oh." posting Company, announced I ifftvjSl ban hero today, and explained VktZHf1 which Impelled the action 0f,?.H tlonal Association r ,ht N5 The prohibition of whlskv .j. . . U Mr Carey declared. ZViM In tho movement to uplift h.PS, ,,! of all billboard adevr sln n .'r,etH Inate any article t Weh m,ht -r! Vi lurlotts to tho Purchaser Th,B?IV rinco wove, now sweeping ovir ih.S trj. has prompted tho director. ,V??J' a stand against whisky advertl'm. U,' Mr Carey said ho did not tttofcl,l ban would bo extended lo be.r SSrJr advertising, elnco there Is but Urn '!' lie feeling against tt.o "u of' ,"! since It Is gcnorallj conceded lh.ln.i.V.1 a?r.iKusf' whon tnk-- ss BEVEIILY WON BY "WETS" i IX CLOSE REFERENDUM VOTE Liquor Interests Have Majority of J aaiiois in Total of 551. Film Men Refused Public Hearing A public hearing of the charges nnd grievances of the Motion Pictuic Exhibi tors' League against tho State censor, J Louis Hreltlnger, hns been refused the lllm men This decision was reached last night nt a conference between David J Smvth, special counsel for the ccnsoi and Investigator appointed bv Attornej Gen eral 1'rnncls fihunk Brown, to hear the evidence, and Samuel P Wheeler, counsel for tho league It Is believe thnt this action will transfer the fight from this city to Harrlsburg JiEVrjRLY, N. J, March 21-Lociii liquor dealers, backed. It Is sM, by if Ing Interests, defeated a prohibition trlLI narce after a bitter campaign, In a i.iS cial icferendum election yesterday, ,3 Ing Beverly In the "wet" column kr S majority of voles out of a total ofW Tho "drvs" led bj U votes la th, u' Ward, but lost In the 1st Ward Tii "wets" hnd a lead of M HORLICK'S THE ORIGINAL Tho Food-drink for All Iges, More healthful than Tea or Coffee. Agrees with the weakest digestion, Delicious, invigorating and nutritious. Rich milk, malted grain, powder Conn. A Quick Lunch Prepared in a Minsk ) Unloas you say "HORU0K'& you may got a Substitute! nupmobife CAR OFHTHg AMBBICAN p-MIt-i ESTATE OF JOSEPH WRUIIIT IN EXCESS OF 500,000 i Movements of Vessels ifjnCir&?h'srr) " 'ruue' im"-1 4& u&Ky" rark m" utZ i?ySe!u'&'ia't New Vorl'' ". Sir CMtMmear lUr) for I'hllsjelphla, at Tn March 7 ' Bit Suwaocs from Philadelphia. SfffveJ at jac)csntili March 1 i Sir Jala. Mandl (Span .uiarriia (rom Asiua. Aiiurga 'or lhIldelphU, Jiaa put into Bermuda, alwrt el coal F I ir AKMlh illrl Port Antonto for Phils. Delphi passed liiamunU Shoal lUbtihip at B t w March S3 wr Toledo, towtoc sefer Dtav.ar Sun -pnudtliihJa for Satin uas 40 roijta west of btr J Jt OglTey Port Arthur rof PhlUdtl iU. was ft mile :ai of Sabine liar at I p Ma narth 2 . Str lo-llan Jfckaonvt t for PhUaaaiBbla fw 15 milts noitbes of rp lookout si T r to- Maich St to SaMoe fi York for Mobile, wis IM liJea Borta of Cf Caoatrral at I p ro Marcii SS. air Ornsfcm. JPWlatJslphl for lkiloii. wss V ihrl, pblUdcfjibU 'or TatnulS, was j1ij3te "' raipU Bar at iwjoo Ji liirf jt DUoare Breakwaisr wmim B, BtMw of ililo at uoon Msrei) zt fjjflt " Heiar Cm At T v w. B I-r r it t, (.-OfiBurS Pj-t ir .ur ruminmw, h lwvtonj Hbsat B at tor CtS.in.r,- . Work Increased and Pay Cut Down, No Wonder That; His Muse Wears Frown, Even Though Spring Has Come to Town. jut Fl.o.litfsjtf fsM Ilia I More work and less pay adtled woe to the lot of Winks, the Poetical Walter The high cost of living anil the scarcity of wages has somewhat marred the ar rival of sprlntr, and there U a note of satinet In the rampant rhymes which he emits dally In the humble little cafe near fcth and liace streets I.M to the plaint which telU his state of mind: "The more you nork. the leas ou set. And the people know It a so Now I'll slack uu a hit you bet. An make more speed join' slou A one-leg-ged man who dispense opera from a hand-organ hobbled In and sprawled on a. chair Winks five hint half a glance and bawled litre s I'eexi fer toinethln' t' eat, -iCh xto brae Fix him right wid mo uin feet r w oot, la th grate An don t b long about it ' grunted Peags as be piped a pitku, te I m as bungry a orfiu on Christmas eve While iess waa taJUng the pigs pettU Into his coafldtttas a Umx, lean (Ban a.ttesl4 br a, Ijwgry dog, drili4 through the door and sat down timidly at a corner table, JIa snapped his lingers at VMnka and held up his right hand Mnks closed one eye and drawled. "Some beefsteak rare with lots o' fat. Fer Tllll ON.ill wboHJean AP, X.h'.n ." lla ouoiile o' that He'll feI quite aerene Bill you know It Harry fair An' don' tat tber thlnas he ought. Al'. , snow it makes blm awful small W 1 en he find that ht la short." This brought a grunt from the lean Ocelli and Just then Tlllie, the cat of the cafe, anlved, She grabbed the dog with the lean customer by the neck and they battled on the floor for a piece of bef Just as Winks started across the floor with a waiter full of meals He tried to kick the combatants out of the ww but he missed them and fell After the crashes had subsided and O'Neill and his dog found themselves In the middle of the street there came from the cafe tn accents strong this warning The doctor mm ma fix yti $, ?(iu& iwi s. tefjf !lni4 Ir Fau bstae' th ran TrU t lfc wit tIr5'' f Account of Executors Shows Biilanco of $514,001.17. The estate of Joseph Wrlsht who died In June, 19M, nmountetl to J59t, 155 73. ac cordintt to the account tiled with the Ites Ister of Wills by tho executors, WIlBon D. C. Wright Albert B Wleinaii and the Provident Life and Trust Companj A balance of $514 001 17 remains In pos, session of tne nccounlaiits for distiibti tlon amoiiir the heirs Investments included In the balance aro IM shares of O I runt Trust Ooinpan, UK. 120 lmres riilellty Trust Coninauj, JT5KK), 70 sh.ms Prov ent Mfe nnd Trust f'nmpaii. JoS.ICO, IEn shares American Se turltv and Trust Compinv, $8,C0O; 50 shares Pennsylvania Compauj for Insur I'ich on Lives itud (irtintliu AnnultleN J30.000, J00 shares Philadelphia Traction Company. Jlo.lOO. 30 shares Philadelphia Trust and Safe Deposit Company, J21.30Q, :oo shares Dexter Portland Cement Com pany, (10,001). Matilda Clalbralth, late of :us Cntharlno etreet disposed of her JK,500 estate by making liberal beouesta m iipra n.i Other relatives and devising the residue In trust to the Hov Thomas I, Dulning, to endow a hospital bed to he known aa the "Matilda Oalbralth Hed " for the use of cny member of the Protestant Rpisco. pal Church of the Jledemptlon Mary M. Best, late of 253 South 51st street. left her JMOO estate to a daughter LUxIe E Best. If the death of the daughi ter occurred before that of the testatrix the entire estate was to go to the Meth. odlat Home for the Aged and to the Philadelphia Branch of the Woman's For eign Missionary Society of the Methodist Church Other wills probated today Include those ;?&?? .. Je't.. J!" Lenten Speaker Also Attacks Scnti mentn.1 Devotionalism. Bishop John X McCoimlck epeaking at a noonda Lenten seivlco In the Gnr rlck Theatre totlaj, continued his dis course, on tho Tlrst nnd Second Com mandments bcKUii vesterda. "I wish to flhon today that tho onlj true religion Is that which comes from the heart,' ho said, "but I also wisli to show that people who do worship from tho depths of their hearts havo two extremes to avoid, uamelv, sentimental devotionalism nnd revivalism "When God speaks to tho licait and soul and mind He does not speak lit the terms of science, but uses the com mon language of cvery-day life. So should our uppeaU to Hlin be simple and dliect and our attitude that of tho child to the purcnt " LENT AND FASTING Catholic Priest Discuss Obligations of Season. Mere fasting doea not include our en tiro I.enten obligations, declared the Ilev. William J. I.allou, In the noonday I.enten sermon at St. John's Catholic Church, 13th street above Chestnut street, todav. ' I-ent Is not onl a tltno of fasting; It Is a time of praler," ho said. "The central characteristic of prajor Ir our faith In Qod We know that when we call upon Him we shall bo heard. The answer to piayer does not always come at once, but soone oi later the answer comes Nor are our wishes always grati fied to the fullest extent Ood knows what Is best for us" IFmr vum nfithin' -. - - - r?-"' "i ui in: Letters of administration we Jrkx In the Intestate estates of Winifred H Greer. I0,817i Davd Jocker. I7O0O Qaorga F Orooket. JMOOi Hugh J Muiholland! WlOO; James W. Smith, i700; Annie C. Smith, $2000. Personal property of Joseph H KHIIan has been appraised at 115,755 91: George Qllmore, 7MW. William R. Smith. fStSI M; Randolph Jones, $2913 73 Seven Draftsmen Pass Test Seven applicants qualified for the posi tion of draftsman In the Water Bureau at a salary Of 11000 a year, according to an eligible lift liautd today by the Civil Service Commission Thev ar John M Eroglnl Phulp D Jfry . r Adolf Oelpko '..,. Ciur A Well " tram XUUr , . ..."!.!! 83.73 Tr5 . trm ... 78 SB REVIVAL IN DAflOV Series of Evangelistic Noon Meetings liegin Today. A seiles of noon evangellatlc meetings vvero begun today In Darby, at the Darby Theatre. It was expected 'that Homer Rode heaver, who had charge of the Sunday choir, would be present to conduct the singing, but at the last moment he sent word Tie could not be present, J. II. Hall took lils place. The address was made by tne Rev. James B. Ely, who has charge of the Qarrlck Theatre and Lemon Hill services The services will be continued through out the week at the npon hour, TALK ON CUAHACTER BUILDING The Lenten sermon In the old Flrt Pres byterian Church, at 7th nd Locuit streets, at noon today, was delivered by the Rev- William Mulr Auld, pastor of Cat. vary Presbyterian Church, whp took; his LETTER'S Best Coal Egg $7, Stove $7.25, Chestnut $7.50 Large Hound Pea Coal, $5,50 Lurgot foqj y0rt in PAtaoVWo OWEN LETTER'S SONS TffBtotj Ave; . Westmere land fc Ask the Woman Who Drives One woman who drives a Iiupmobile, spoke for all others when she said: "I feel when I am driving the Hup mobile as though I were a part of the car or as though it were a part or me. She meant, pi course, that the Hupmobile responded immediately to every impulse or direction she gave it. She meant that it is always as easily and complete ly under her control as her own movements. She meant that she always feels safe and sure and secure, because she always knows exactly what the Hupmobile will do under any and all circumstances. A woman knows, for instance, that the Hup mobile motor will not stall and because it can not, therefore it's safest. She knows the turning radius of the Hupmobile is remarkably small for a car of its length. That makes it easy to handle. With a whcelbase of 119 inches, the Hupmobile will circlo in a. 40-foot street. The motor is so flexible that she gets along with a minimum of gear shifting. The steering is so easy that a child can guide the cr almost without effort. The driving scat is made with a scientific regard for her comfort with a high, restful back, and the seat cushion tilted at precisely the right angle. She gives no thought to emergencies which might require repairs, because she knows that repairs are so few and far between that they can safely be forgotten. The Hupmobile is always a source of pleasure to the woman who drives or the woman who rides. That's why in every Hupmobile home there's a woman who is a Hupmobile enthusiast. Let us give the Hupmobile. merit-test at your convenience. TIOGA AUTOMOBILE COMPANY 3?2 N. Broad St, 1200 to,, 1-iua.Tauhi Car ar RsaJitar ?'iut. leans Car . 91ZZ5 Broad and Tioga Sts, a lf 1 f in i alJioBayBMglMBP - JMb, "" 'wMmemmmmmm. m