Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 24, 1915, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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Official War Reports"
Gigantic Battle Rages on
65-Mile Front at Lupkow;
Dukla and Uszok Passes
as Russian Reinforce
ments Engage Defenders
All German Positions on Lo
retto Heights Now in the
Possession of French Troops,
Says an Official Pans Re
port. A vigorous and violent Russian of
fensive along llio 65-mllo Carpathian
iront Is acknowledged by tho Vienna
"War Office and substantiated by oftlclal
statements from Petrograd.
Tho battlo Is gigantic, Vienna nays,
nnd was precipitated by vicious Rus
sian attempts to forco the pusses at
Dukla, Uszok and J.upkow. Such for
midable reinforcements have been
hurled against these gateways Into
Hungary tha. tho Austrian staff
XranUly admits Inability to forecast
Petrograd reports progress in tho oil
Vanco on tho front from Dtikla Pass to
the Upper San River and repulse of
enemy attacks In tho direction of Uszok
Pass. Admission Is made of retirement
from Mcmel, but success at Mariampol
!b recorded, as well as capture of a
J6-Inch German gun at Ossowltz,
Whore tho German bombardment Is said
to havo weakened.
All of Iiorctte Heights is now In tho
hands of the French, according to an
ofllclftl resume Issued at Paris today,
Tho War Ofllce declares that tho cap
ture of the German positions Is of great
strategic Importance, ns they havo been
held by tho Kaiser's troops since last
Heavy bombardment Is reported
nouth of Ostend, and the Germans have
brought up many of their heaviest
guns. '
Formidable Slav Reinforcements
Hurled at Hungary Gateways.
VIENNA. March 21.
Tremendous losses nre being Inflicted
upon tho Russian armies In their renewed
offenstvo along the Carpathian front, the
Austrian War Ofllce announced today,
but Russian troops aro arriving anil It ,s
Impossible to predict the renult ot the
conflict. Tho reinforcements arc de
scribed as "formidable."
The Russians brought on a great battle
by making attempts at Dukln, Uszok and
I.upltow passes. The correspondent of
Die Ncue Frcie I'rcbse nt Austrian head
quarters says It Is estimated 1,750,000 nc
tlvo and reserve troops nre concentrated
by the opposing commanders along tne
65-m.lle front on which are tho three
passes that servo as the gateway to
Our detachment which reconnoltered
Memel has retired to Russian tertl
tory. On tha left bank of tho Nlemen,
Iri the region of Marlnmpol we have
repulsed a German attack. Inflicting
upon the enemy heavy loiscs.
On the road from Kalwarva. to 3u
walki, near Pllwlszkl, our cavalry,
profiting by the darkness nnd n snow
storm, captured a German convoy
with a quantity of provision wagons.
The escorts either were killed or mads
Our artlllory at Ossowctz h&s ob
tained successful results. Tho (lro
from the German batteries has per
ceptibly weakened.
On the other sectors on the left
bank of tho Vistula nnd the right
bonk of tho Nnrew, thero has been no
Important chnnge.
In tho Carpathians our troops con
tinue to successfully progress on the
front from the Dukla Pats to the
Upper San River, where they have
captured up to the ptesi-nt 3500 men,
16 mnchlno guns nnd 3 guns Attacks
by tho enemy In the direction of Uisok
were repulsed
In the Carpathians, particularly nt
Dukta, t'srok and Lupkow Passes, a
gigantic battlp Is In progress. The re
sult ennnot bo foreseen et, an tho
Russians have received formidable le
Inforrements. The position of the Austrian! Is very
favorable. Up to the present all the
Russian attacks have been repulsed
with heavy losses to tho cnem.v.
fine division of the Belgian army ad
vanced jesterday on the right bank of
tbp Yser. Another rnpluti-d a German
trench' on tho left bank
At Hnrtmannsweller-ICopf we cap
tured, after the first lino of trendies,
as reported In the preceding torn
inunlriue, n second lino on a front of
thrro companies. Our troops aro for
tifying themselves hejond this second
lino and a short distance from tho
summit of the heights. We look some
prisoners among whom there wore
soveral olllcers.
Wounded Number 20,000,
According to Latest Fig
ures 119,620 Prisoners
Taken City Ravaged by
Famine and Pestilence.
Main Russian Force Delays En
try Into Captured Strong
hold Until Sanitary Precau
tions Are Made Red Cross
Takes Charge of Hospitals.
"PiizmtYsts" .vo Loxauit:
.vow c Au.au "vniiMvsr."
PV.TllOGTlAn, March 2J. The
Russians have conferred one boon
on UnoUsh'4ficaklng people by
changlnp tlu name of the city of
Prxcmynl immediately after its sur
render. In ail official dispatches the
.card will hetcaftcr he shorn of the
"rx" combination of letters, which
has it led the tongues of so many, as
the city is to be. known by its an
cient Itussian name of I'ermysl.
Travellers Tell of. Fleets Concentrated
at Brussels nnd Cologne.
Germany will launch Us great aerial at
tack against England within two weeks,
according to travelers who arrived hero
today from Berlin. They stated that a
great fleet df Zeppelins and aeroplanes
had been concentrated at Brussels and
Cologne, and that these ships probably
would set out on Kaater Sunday If
weather conditions are favorable.
The ninth Zeppelin constructed since tho
war has arrived nt Cotogne. Another will
ho completed within a few days. Tha
Zeppelin raids ort Paris and Calais, tho
travelers aiscrt, were only tests.
Reports from other sources state that
German submarines are preparing for a
raid as far south as Gibraltar, where they
will attempt to block the straits by sink
ing ships there.
War's Alarms Are Stilled
at Yuletide and Its Hor
rors Wane for a Brief
Space as Focmen Meet in
Little Italy Stirred by Situa
tion Women Prefer Hus
bands to Patriotism.
T'KTROGRAD, March 21.
Twenty-four thousand soldiers of the
Przemysl garrison were killed during tho
long siege there, according to dispatches
iccclvcd at the War Office today. Twenty
thousand more wrr" wounded, making the
total loHies of the Austrian defenders
11.000 men.
A division of Itussian tioops enterud
Przemysl today, but the main forces that
besieged the stronghold will not march
In until neccs'.iry sanitary precautions
havo been taken. The single division vvl'l
police the city.
Two hundred thousand Russian troops
and many batteries of new artillery were
leleascd for tho Cracow and Hungarian
campaigns by tho surrender of Przemysl,
Archduke Charles Francis
Vigorously Opposes
Transfer of Foot of Land
From Dual Monarchy,
Trent Dispatches Declare
TtOMK, March 21.
Archduke Charles Francis, the Austrian
Crown 1'rlnce, has emphatically vetoed
tho proposal to redo any port of Austrian
territory to Italy, nccordlng to dispatches
from Tient to tho Idea Nnzlonale. Tho
Crown Prince hns Just returned from tho
eastern battle front. Ho declared that
the Austrian army would regard such a
surrender as more humiliating than
It was stated on good authority today. I defeat by Italian arms on the battlefield.
Bombardment Declared Weakening.
Success Reported in Carpathians.
PETROGRAD, March 21.
The War Ofllco announced today that
two of the 16&-lnch mortars brought up
by the Germans to reduce Ossovvitz had
been destroyed by the Russian artillery.
Russian artillery at Osfaowitz bus ob
tained successful results. Tho lire from
tho .German batteries has perceptibly
In -tho Carpathians Russian troops
continue to progress successfully on the
front from the Dukla Pass to the upper
Ban. Rlyer, where they havo captured up
to the present 350O men, 16 machine guns
and 3 guns.
Attacks by the enemy In tin- direction
oi uzsok were repulsed.
Ketreat From Memel Admitted by
War Office.
PETROGRAD, March 21.
Tho T'ar Ofllce today reports succesjes
In PolaniJ along tho eastern border of
East Prussia, but admits retirement from
Memel, In the northernmost section.
On the left bank of the piemen. In tha
legion of Mariampol, Russian forces 10
pulsed a German attack, inflicting upon
tha enemy heavy losses.
On the road fronf.Kalvvarva to SuwalKl,
pear Pilwlskl, cavalry, profiting by tho
darkness and a snowstorm, ranturcd n
German convoy with a quantity of pro
vision wagons. The escorts either were
killed or made prisoners.
At the Italian consulate they say im
phatlcallv that the 200 able-bodied men
who boarded tV Ancona jesterdny for
sunny Italy am not lesrrvlsts. Oh. no,
they nre Just tiavelers going abiond for
their health and pleasure: but down nt
715 South Peres" street thero Is a sad-looking
woman who wcepci bitterly as she
bends over the washtub.
Round her feet llvo bambino play apa
thetically and wonder what the matter 13
with "nudre."
Klcna Gaspern " rrylng hecauso
Ciugllplmo has gone to the blgga war.
Yesterday down on tho pier when tho
bands were playing nnd thn colors were
flying and evrrjliod seemed In holfdav
humor I'U'iia felt very happy Phe was
very projd, too, that her husband wns
one of the tlrst 'wild upon to serve his
country, but today, when the big ship
hns gone and Ulena Is left with tho wash
ing nnd her thoughts, war does not seem
such a grand and glorious affair. Elena
wishes Gugllelmii had not been so brave,
but had stayed behind to look after the
llttlo pushcart.
Llttlo Vlzzola and Pletrn. thr two
younger ones, marched around the
kitchen this morning In soldier fashion,
singing a martial air. but Rosa and Ini
maculata nnd Rafaelo aro older and they
have talked things over with their
mother, and so they Just sit around and
wonder what Is going to happen to them
If "padro" doesn't come home any more
Elena doesn't tnlk much English, but
In broken language she can tell you that
Gugllelmo hnd to go.
"Could never go bnck any more If he
didn't," is her wa of sa log that her
husband and his family would have been
exiled from beloved Italy forever If ho
had refused to respond to the call of his
Gugllelmo may get shot in the war,
nnd It is plain to seo that Elena thinks
sho will have to bear tho brunt of it
all: for Rafaelo, tho eldest. Is only nine,
and Vlzzola, tho youngest, cannot be
morn than three vphis old. and llttta
stomachs have to be filled and little
backs rlothed
Thero is a tpnso .ilr around little Hah
today, ot inui-li work Is being done
Groups of men stand on the corners and
at the curb, and with many a gesture
and upraised eyebrow discuss tho situa
tion. Tho women, however, wear a
taciturn expression nnd stoically look
things in tho face. Judging from their
oxprcsslons. It might bo safe to say
that If patriotism depended solely on
women, It would soon become an obso
lete virtue. Somehow they seem to love
their husbands and their children a little
better than a faraway country.
This big Slav army, fresh from thn crcal
est Russian victory of tho war, In pre
pared to strike a crushing blow against
the Austro-Germons as soort as troop
trams can carry them to the front.
The War Ofllce, thus far, has made no
official announcement of the size of tho
Russlart nrmy investing the. Austrian
fortress. Tho official statement that 113.
620 Austrlans laid down their arms and
that tho fortress originally was garri
soned bv 170,000 men convinced military
critics here that at least Ave Russlart
army corps formed tho ring nbout Prze
mysl. As rapldlv as possible the Austrian pris
oners are being hurried out of Przemysl
and across the Gnllclun border to Russian
prison camps. Several thousand alreadv
have arrived at Kief, their clothing In tat
ters, some of them suffering from disease.
The work of transferring the captuird
garrison of Przsmysl to Russian prison
camps Is expected to take a week, llntij
of the wounded cannot be moved vet.
The hospltuls have been taken over b.v
the Russian Red Cross, which also has
begun a systematic campaign against
The civil population of Przemysl will
not be disturbed. A Russian military ad
ministration, temporarily In charge, will
bo superseded by a civil administration,
as was the case at l.emberg, and every
effort will be made to restore the normal
business life of the Galiclnn town.
General Pearson Says 40,000 Men
Are Engapred in Building Them.
NDH' YORK", March 2I.-Germany has
160 submarines and the Government Is
working a force of -10.000 men night and
day to build more, according to llilg.
Gen. Samuel Pnnison, who arrived todaj
upon tin Scandinavian-American liner
llallf Olnv Urig. Gen. Pearson, who was
a quartermaster In the Hoer army, comes
direct from Germany.
"I believe that Germany will win this
war with her submarines," declared Gen
eral Pearson. "When sho gets her great
fleet In operation In British and French
waters Germany will bo nblo to starvo
Ergland and France into submission "
Official Beport Says German Posi
tions, Held Since Fall, Taken.
PARIS, March 21.
Capture of Notre Dame de I.orette,
northwest of Arras, Is the most Important
salri made by the French in tho recent
operations, according to an official re
ume'of tho last ten days of fighting Is
sued from the War Ofllce today.
Tha Germans, on their retreat last fall.
Installed four lines of trenches In tho
hill of tho Lorette region. These
trenches were supported by strong artil
lery batteries with heavy howitzers sta
tioned lit the rear,
Kor several months tho French have
steadfastly battered away at tho German
trenches. In the last few days, supported
by some British detachments, the French
havo captured all these positions, tho
tienohea having prelvously been wrecked
by mines and French shell-lire. The
enarny )U 100 dead and lost 110 In prison
ers. yho French captured two machine
suns and a telephone station.
SInco the capture of the German posi
tions the French have repulsed threo
fierce counter-attacks.
French Cavalry Chief Reported
Charge of Warsaw Defense.
I.ODZ, Poland, March 2t.-General Paul
Pau, of the French) army, la reoorteii to
Itave command of iho Itussian troops in
tho district gt Warsaw.
Other Fre'non officers havo been sent to
slt the Russians and England U also
prpjrlng to send a number, according to
JtportS received at German headquarters
tOttVOXy March 21.-A news agency
djsjwlch inia Geneva, says that, during
ttm yeuural vote upon the budget in the
iSVtaian Rfehstag at Berlin, 30 Socialists
Um M Alttlusr. Pr. Kari Llebiiecht. the
flMtelkit tder, woo was, tho duly mera
ttf r t tti Kelclistag to vote against tha
,-;;- mm boa. VoUd against th budget.
Fallen Stronghold Manned by Com
paratively Small Force.
VIENNA, starch 21.
The heroic defense of Trzemysl was
conducted by a garrison which never
numbered more than 25,000 men, according
to Qaron Samuel llazal, Hungary's Minis
ter of National Deferrse. A dispatch re
ceived from Budapest today quotes Raron
llazal as follows:
"Russia's claims that moro than 100,000
troops were captured at Przemysl are
without any foundation In fact. At no
time did the garrison number more than
23,000 men. This number Included trench
diggers and other military laborers.
"liy their efforts, however, these gallant
soldiers held at bay a Russian army many
times their number and forced the enemy
to bellevo that tho garrison was much
Bryan Informs Moore of General Car-
ranza's Order,
Congressman Moore received wonl from
Secretary of State Bryan this morning
"that General Vcnustlano Carrarrza has
consented to recall the order which closed
the port of Progreso to commerce." Mr.
Mooro took this matter up with the Sec
retary of Stato a few days ago, at the
request of Philadelphlan cordagn manu
facturers, whose shipments of fibre front
the port of Progreso had recently been
cut off.
The Edwin If. Filler Company was
among those which sought to havo thn
port of Progreso opened. The manu
facturers aro now making binder twine
and It was said that unless they could
obtain their raw materials through tho
port of Progreso It would be necessary
to suspend operation.
Government officials, while ndmlttlmr
thero w.is every reason for the country
to ho on the alert, Insisted today that
efforts to win over Francis Joseph have
by no means been exhausted. They
pointed out that thus far there havo been
no direct negotiations between Italy und
Austria; only Informal exchanges through
tho German Ambassador, Prince von
Uuelow, have taken place
Leaders of the Italian Interventionist
party today announced plans for mon
ster pro-war demonstrations in Rome,
Genoa, Nnplos nnd other Italian cities
uet Sunday. Their aim Is to fan the
flame ot public (.entiment and forco tho
Cibinot to deliver an ultimatum to Aus
tria that will mean war.
Government officials received the an
nouncement without comment Thero
was no Intimation that any attempt would
be made to prevent the war meetings,
innugu u vns hinted that n statement
might he issued later In tho day. It wai
pointed out that no arrangements were
made for a meeting nt Venice, whero a
large part of the population Is Austrian.
The formidable concentration ot Aus
trian troops near tho Italian frontier con
tinues. Reinforcements to the number of
i",w, including several Bavarian regi
ments, have been sont to the province of
Goritz for the protection of Trieste.
It Is rumored here that Austria Is pre
pared to make peace with Russia br
eeding Orthodox Ruthenlan Galicta In
exchange for a portion of Catholic Po
land, or, if necessary, by still heavier
The Austrian censor lias again vetoed
all discussion of the Italian problem, so
that tho Xouo Frcie Presse and the Cleri
cal Uelchspost appear with their main
editorials ruthlessly blotted out.
It Is reported hero that the Government
has ordered that all nrt objects In
Venice be removed to plnces of security.
The martial solrlt Is evident overx-
whcie. ewn In the churches. During the
services today nt he Cathedral nf 1'dlne,
near the Austrian frontier, a Capuchin
filar pleached n patriotic sermon, nnd
tho Archbishop blessed the soldiers. In
voking victory. The national anthem
was plaved orr the organ.
It was announced that a loyal decree
will soon be made establishing rules gov
erning tho sojourn of foielgners In Italy.
The P'upose ot this Is to protect the
cnuntrv ngalnst spies. A movement is
tinder way hero to substitute women for
men In industrial occupations In the
event of complete moblll.ntlon The men
will recelvo their positions back when
the armies nre disbanded.
LONDON. March 2t.-Kfforts of the
owners of the cargo carried by the Ameri
can steamer Wilhcmlna have failed t
secure n hearing from the Admiralty
Court during Its present term. It was
announced today that no Immediate hear
ing could be granted.
British Take Revenge on Explorer
LONDON, March II. Because of his de.
fense of Germany the name of Sven
Iledln, famous Scandinavian explorer, has
been stricken from the list of honorary
members ot tha Royal Geographical Society.
I Villi Creams and Icej
Social Tea BiicuU aie small,
dightly sweetened biscuit that can
be used with creams or ices, with
dessert, for luncheon or dinner ox
at any tine of day,
Ahmyj iaoM for that Noam
Kaiser Decorates Son
BERIIN. March 21. Emperor William
has conferred tha decoration of the Order
of I.a Merits upon his son. Prince Eltel
Friedrlch, for gallantry In action.
Artillery Fire Breaks Down Hostile
Attacks in Alsace.
BERLIN, -March 21.
French attacks In Alsace were re
pulsed, the Vt'ar Ofllce states, and In
Champagne only artillery duels took
Place yesterday. In tho Prlest-Wald (I.a
Pretre forestl, northwest of Pont-n-Mousson,
the enemy was repulsed while
trying tn wlrr back ground gained by the
New attacks by the enemy northeast ot
Badonviller and at Relchacker-ICopf
broke down under tho German artillery
lire Fighting is still going on at Hari-mannsweller-Kopf.
(Copyright, lttltS, by United Tress.)
LONDON, March 21. Thero wero Ihreo
Americans In that marvelous Christmas
truce In my part of the trenches, Eugeno
Jacobs, of Pawtucket, R. I.i Victor Chap
man, a Harvard man from New York,
and myself. Wo belonged to tho Foreign
Legion which hnd been made up In Paris,
of men of all nationalities, nnd wo had
been In tho trenches for 20 consecutive
days before Christmas dawned. For 20
days wo hnd faced that strip ot land, 45
feet wide, botween our trenches nnd that
of tho Germairs, that lerrlblo No Man's
Land, dotted with dead bodies, criss
crossed by tangled masses of barb wire.
That llttlo strip of land was as wide nnd
as deep and as full of death as tho At
lantic Ocean; ns uncrossablo ns tho spaces
between stars; as terrible ns human hate.
And tho sunshine of tho bright Chrlstmns
morning fell on It ns brightly us If it
were lovers' lano or tho aisle In somo
grand cathedral.
I don't know how the truco began In
other trenches, but In our hole, Nadecm
began It Nadocrn, a Turk, who believes
that Mahomet nnd not Christ wns tho
prophet of God Tho sunshine uf thn
morning seemed to get into Nadcem's
blood. He was only tin enthusiastic boy,
nlwas chlldlshlv hnppy, and when we
noticed, nt tho regular morning shooting
hour, that the German trenches wero
silptit, Nndeein begnn to make a Jolto of It.
He drew n target on a board, fastened
It on a pole and stuck It above tho
trench, shouting to tho Germans: "Sea
how well you can shoot,"
Within a minute the lara-el had been
bulls-eyed. .Vndecrn pulled It down,
pasted little bits nf whltn paper where
shots Tiad struck pud held It tip again
so that the Germans could sen their
score. In doing so Nntleem's head ap
peared above the trench nnd we heard
him talking across the No Man's Land.
Thoughtless, 1 raised my head, too.
Ot'ncr mcir did the same. Wo saw hun
dreds of Oerman heads appearing. Shouts
filled the air. What miracle hnd bno-
pened'.' Men laughed nnd cheered. There
was Christmas light In our eves and I
know there were Christmas tears In mine.
There wero smiles, smiles, smllea where
In days before there had been only tlfle
barrels. Tho tenor of No Man's Land
fell away. The BOtlndi of happv voices
filled tho air. Wo weie all unhumarily
happy for that one glorious Instant In
which we all English, Portuguese, Amer
icans end even Nndeem, the Turk, nnd
that, savages as we had been, cave men
as we were, the nvvfnlness of war hnd
not filled the corners of our hearts where
lovo and Christmas live. I think Nndeem
was first to Sensn what had hnppcned.
He suddenly jumped out of the trench
and began waving his hands nnd cheer
ing. AVhilo he was doing this a ponder
ous German, with n happy smile t'nnt ex
posed two rows of glittering white teeth,
climbed out ot the trench and shouted:
"Lleutennnt Schrocder presents his
compliments to your lieutenant nnd de
sires to know If ho will select four men
and come to the middle of tho neutral
territory to arrange for a truce for buiy
Ing the dead."
Our lieutenant agreed In an instant. 1
was one of tho four men ho selected,
and I shall never forget 'now I felt as
we advanced to meet the four German
soldiers and their lieutenant, who wore
coming toward us. We felt ns If wo
wanted to throw our arms nbout these
men; they told me later in the day that
tho same desire was upon them. The
hatred of war had been suddenly with
drawn and it left a vacuum In whlc'n we
human beings rushed Into contact with
each other. You felt their handshn'kes
double handshakes with both hands in
your heart.
The truce was arranged Tnero was
to bo no tiring for one hour and the men
from both sides wero to come out and
bury their dead. Tho soldiers flocked
from both trenches. They rushed at each
other and shook hands.
"I want to have your pholograpns,
said the German lieutenant to our party.
He sent back for his camera and wn
enemies stood with our arms about each
others' shoulders in norsesnoc iorniuun
whlto the lieutenant snapped his camera.
"If I don't havo ft chanco to send you
tho prints before tho war Is over, he
said, "I shall seo that you get thorn
afterward." And ho took our addresses.
At last the bodies wero burled. The
hour of truco had pnssed. Rut tho men
did not go back to tho trenches. In
groups all nbout that once lerrlblo strip
ot No Man's Land tho Germans nnd tho
legionaries snt, talking or playing cards,
exchanging tobacco nnd cigarettes nnd
Joking nnd laughing.
"Don't blame us," wns tho burden of
the Germans' talk. "It Isn't our fault
that wo aro fighting. Wo all havo wives
nnd children, and wo'ro Just the snme
.kind of men lltat you arc. Wo'ro fools,
and so Is everybody who Is fighting."
And our talk ran Iho same.
It wasn't until tho sun began to go
down that the groups broke up.
"We'ro to have a band In our trenches
tonight, nnd ws want you to hear It,"
n.ild tho Germans as they bade Us good-
bv nnd as wo shook tho hands that
might slay us on tho morrow. After
supper wo heard a sudden blast of
music that thrilled us. A llttlo Germnn
band had crept Into tho German trenchos
nnd Announced Itself with n grand chord.
Then enmo the unexpected strains of tho
"Marseillaise." The Frenchmen went
almost frantic with delight. Then came
our turn when the hand played "It's a
Iuig, Long Way to Tlppcrary." Georgo
1'llard, our negro rook, who came from
Galveston, got out his mouth organ and
nlmost burst his lungs playing "Die
Yvnrlit Am Rheln." Tiro sllcnco In tho
German tranches wns n thousand times
more eloquent than tho blnBt of cheers
that camo whrn Georgo hnd finished.
Thero was no shooting all night until
about H In tho morning, when tho sound
of rifles wns henrd far down tho trench.
Rut Nndeem couldn't mensure human
naturo unerringly. Ho had been the first
to feel Iho holiday spirit of Christmas
Day, but on this day nfter Christmas ho
failed to senso tho grlmness of war that
hnd fallen over tho trenches during tho
night. Early In tho morning ho Jumped
out of tho trench and began waving
his hands ngnln. John Street, nn Ameri
can, who hnd been an evangelist Irr Rt.
Louis, Jumped out with him nnd began
to shout a morning greeting to a Ger
man ho had made friends with tho day
There wns a sudden rattle of rlflo fire
nnd Street fell dead, with a bullet
through his head. Tho sun was shining
dew n again on a world gono mad.
Not. Will bo ForwartJ
Berlin nt Onco Mt.i . i
ury Department has transmit 1 ?&
Stato Department evident fd 4fiS
trallty of the American m Ll'U?
Fryc, which wasdesfrVei'l1
man raider Prlnz Rit.i I'lk Uc&
This evidence enni ,"wch.
Uneeda B.scuSt
are more than an incident to
any meal. They are the best
food made from flour.
Moslems Reported Routed After Fnil
urc of Suez Attnck.
LONDON, March 2l.-RoUt ot the Turk
ish forces attempting to attack the Suez
Canal Is reported In a bulletin Issued by
tho Official Press Bureau, which says:
"On March 22 nt dawn our patrols dls
coveted a party of the enemy near EI
Kuhrl, a post opposite tho town of Sue?:.
Shots wero exchanged Immediately and
neroplniics weto sent out to reconnoitre.
The observers estimated the enemy's
strength at about 1000, Including infantry,
cavalry and artillery.
"Early yesterdny morning n force un
der General Sir G. Youngliusband attack
ed nnd routed tho enemy, who aro now
In full rotrcat."
una ovtuenco consist i '?" M
from tho Collector of the 'rflrVU"1
that tho wheat cargo of
consigned to order JjJ .
f"lren' wan accepted , ,r"r ft
ho cargo was not destined tftS? ils
cSan'd antl "t&ftSft
tloVn7olr tWo'sTo? tt'V
completed, and Is expected i J
Berlin without further delay ''lk
Oftlclnls of tho State iw. 4
Pear to bo satlsneli I thWi
Government will Indemnify th"
of the vessel and cargo, and th,Y.s-85
apology will bo presented to fij V
merit for the unwat ranted d X?,?T!&
a vessel flying the Aincrlcan naCtloa
LONDON, March 21.Sev.nl. 1
Klaus, most of them S oiing pea?
shot at daybreak Jostenlay n i?r
barracks, after having been ?oum
by a German court-martlqUl N?m"1
In tho Interest of tho Allies pl("?
All those found guilty t's In . i-Jf
wero offered their lZ. ... J.!""1!
conditions, hut. with the .,.., TO
nil refused.
Prince Adalbert Promoled 1
BERLIN, March 21 rrnca. ,.,M
third son ot tho Emperor, hit t1SS
.noted capiat., of the. "JTiS
of tho nrmy. J
If you can't spare time to goouttal
lunch send out for a paeluge ell
N. B. C. Graham Crackers. You'lllihf
them they will be lunch eaough-M
nourishment enough. 'S
Buy biscuit baktd ty
A twayt took for that Namt
"A D A M"
Election Day in Japan Tomorrow
TOKIO, March 21 A general election of
representatives In the lower house of the
Diet will be held tomorrow.
French Report Further Advances in
Alsace at Hartmannsweiler-Kopf.
PARIS, March 21.
Success for the Belgian troops In Flan
ders and for the French troops In Alsaco
is announced In this afternoon's official
communique from the war office. Tvv t
divisions of the Belgian army havo made
gains along the Yser river, while In Al
sace French troops have captured
trenches at Hartmannswcller-Kopf in ad
vance of the ones taken yesterday.
f; m Unooda BiGcui i H
er oervice
a food to work on, to
think on, to play on.
Buy bUcuit bakid by
Always took hr that Nam
Modeled nnd
decorated in the
exquisite style of
tne famous Adam
period of tke
i8th centur.
Tea, Dinner and
Dessert Ware
mi IT mr liTTOTlii I.
y jspi Untermented v
C Established 1837. C Cp
The new kind of beverage. Spicy. Sparkling.
Delicious. Composed of juice of the luscious
white Niagara grape, choice grape fruit, a trace
of ginger all perfectly blended. Healthful
ana wnolesome as well as appetizing.
Served at leading hotels, cafes and clubs.
Obtainable from leading grocers.
We will send sample bottle for 10c
and your grocer's name,
m rw rJ :i.
WC '
NewParasols and Foreign Novelties
for Spring
u Uir b"yer hP Just returneJ from Paris and London,
with selections of the latest and newest Dress Accessories
in the form of
Parasols, Flounce Bags, Hand Purses,
Belts, Buckles, Shell Pins and Combs
and many other Novelties to be seen in our
, Jewelry and Parasol Departments
This is a limited importation of articles that cannot be
duplicated or obtained elsewhere, r
t t Mdy Choice for Easter h, Advisable
H26-U28 fbestnut street
, 'i n jwrneyt'Siy