W "WIWPW-w pffr-M. yjsii ,- t -Rr-trr'-r.' '" BSf -mfnyM.nnf.iqgijj si Hi Hi k. fcfl ! it. Ml "VJ ! 1 ?I I I HE PHOTOPLAY a,;, citl who wants a career has got oqt and make It 'op herself' said '?nirn. lnRenue. under direction of psw vi O'Neill, at J.bln's. "If she waits Birrr 5f .: . .-., nnnrnvnl. she'll Walt ti ntll iu til IHIIHI7 "I ' t. m-s come home, particularly If her Wen recr happens to bo an Innovation Mttliome tradition I Know, because (n r Announced one day that t thought tt, mert flBreeaWe wav to make my llv Mtln this world would be via the staKo, jfrtr relative, near relatives, frlemli, iWllriancee and neighbors held up their Hands In horror nnd wondered Jltre 1 Kot 8,"'h n01'0"" t0 Pet(r the ftW l" Tnc " SltJlotlie Secretary of State-hla grand- C, ( bo exnrt was held to be an BJ5S ,rgiimeiit for my remaining home, S. why. I or.""' see Hi believe that a Klrl Bhould he per- Sited to choose that line of work which ?r.ihlnl(S will best develop her highest f?7.ii- 'h it (lpmonsirntlnir In v. ii. h r iirmniisinim k 11 u. uruc Sore or flmg ' aeroplane; nnd jet l in these FO-caiieii huvhiucu tmya iwearo onl otic or two professions that fSrl' people are willing to sen her en frtifUhout opposition ingot I, una wrong about tho stage A rtir In stock ronvlnrcil me of that. L'n tou n l COINS' to be a Ilernhardt or a iiV. Flke. the 'movies" offer Immeas- ititir belter rlinnces for tho Blrl with (ItllU And even the great stars have tot icorned the (Urns, for that matter mr & movie actress Is not the rnslost Ih'rf In tho world tint t am convinced it'll one of the mnst IntprcMInR. Some thou reat hardthlpi li.no to he pn- Jjrtd, Many a lime l nnvo nnivorcci out L j,t open riiinin in a thin chiffon Wck en a cold winter's day, simply he rttut tho picture we happened to bo Joint was a summer one. Many a time, iui ilia film actor Is asked to risk life tnd limb ao that a good picture may be rjl remember In 'The rollege Widow' I frtctlced Jumping from a second-story Vtodow to the branch of a tree 12 times h in endeavor to do It gracefully for tit picture Hut, alas, the twelfth tlm" jrillpped, missed the branch and tho em rlio was to catch me Rnd rpralned j7 ankle severely, with the result that lorie one else took my placo In that tin. That is one or tne mscouragemciilE There are mnnv hopeful features, how W. to offset the depressing ones. 'Jlrtlnr for the movies Is, perhaps, more hcratlre than the mnlorlty of proff!- ion that women engago in Moreover. drsptte the stll things one leads, I have jet found Its environment iinreflnliif ttrlilnly not Immoral On tho contrni:-. the movie people aro ncnilv nlvvnvs llve lrM, Interesting to tho nth degree, ver Htllt and cultured To the girl who A tu ambitions, I would ho.v rirst of nil (t jure vouvp enoscn rightly tnnt you (tie tho stuff In .ou which maken fwauccess- then go ahead nnd reek out your opportunll And don't -stop nnlll mi find it " Esjsnay Gets Viola Allen Vl6la Allen Is tho latest to Join He movies Slip has been engaged lif the Essnn.iy 1'llm Company and will CHILDREN'S CORNER PUN FOR A SACK FROST never had tho chnnce fo go to school whon he was a boy, jiyou do, so no wonder ho never learned B? write as well as you can' feTiafs that oti ..ay? "You didn't j5ow 'Jack Host (ould wilto even a lillle!'1 Dear me. ot course be can' JJo only a little, but n great deal! Ho Tilea to write, snends a good nart of it) time writing. If you only knew it; JLb'Jt the trouble Is, he writes so poorly nt lots of folks never enn read what tt laja, Isn't that too bad? ? lot course he might tiy to loam bet- .irkes tae aleaiit tlarlt lo come out of the .tuACKic apom, nom uour aiass ci p ...tic uuova inv apoui L,(r writing, hut It's awfully hard to fmitr K ... ,.. . - r--- "" uiu person liKe jacK irrai in. ,enqi ou Know how It la .Jim your own father and mother. lioev ilnn't I.,.., tt.A nt.n..i n Iffliy-work, or the origin of tho trade IWMi. or cubic root hnlt ns well as fv.. .J' et you know perfectly well tf'l If you SUCirestetl thnt thev en tn UStool-they vtouldn't eo, no more than B E, r?T'P lwTTl'f '"I1! MIWH TfW WIliJI,WWHWWei'MM "MADE IN PHILADELPHIA' This company haB 490 Stockholders: 6 Officers; 32 District and Yard Superintendents; 122 Clerks; 35 Sales men and 1247 Drivers, Yard Men, etc., totaling 1932 per sons, 99 of whom live in Philadelphia. Its coal is purchased from and transported by con cerns closely identified with Philadelphia and heavy con tributors to the local tax levy. It is, therefore, not far-fetched to say Newton Coal is "MADE IN PHILADELPHIA." as probably 95 pf our gross income is disbursed in Philadelphia and helps to keep the wheels o( Quaker City progress in motion. This company is a Philadelphia enterprise for ' Phila delphia people, and on this basis, it solicits the patronage of Philadelphia's Manufacturers and Householders. Egg $7.00:- Stove $7.25; Nut $7.50; Pea $5.50 25c added if carried GEO. B, NEWTON COAL CO. 1527 Chestnut Street imcB woo nACK 3800 go to Chicago In a short time to be- ?ame;r IZ w,!h ,,ie movl tM' It7. ii P' ls ".' prc,ent ' N'ew York fame 2f.muand. 8,,e nehleved flr..t n I i2iuMnl. ,f ';"blr Co' '" "The King." ml In th r,aPe of '' New- Philndclphla Slnr Those most notable successes-living In the hearts as well ai the mlnch of lovers of the drama In Its finest form, will 'in doubtedly remember f.atira Nelson Hall and the talent with Which nhn presenteu "Trilby" and "Bveryuninan ' In New York, Philadelphia and London. An. now she. too, has consented to star for . Arccn' nnrl hai" signed Willi the Art Him Company, of Philadelphia, for it. i. ot rnaaler productions, and as Miss Hall states: "You know that unless the studio Is complete In everv possible form with the most modern nnd up-to-the-minute ma chinery and lighting devices, the work or the nrtlst In the role suffers Con sequently, when Mr. Cook, who In th president of the Art Dim, Induced me to Join I felt Hint success was certain, as fiom an artistic production stand point he Is surelv n master "And here let me tell a little nhout mv early enrer" adds Miss lfnll "1 nm n Phllndelphlnii bv birth, hut. of course, hflvo heen nwnv. excepting lo nppear on your hoards at recurring Intervnls, but when I was a llttto girl of seven years of age, Mr, Cook wnq mv first manager and leading ninn We were next-door relchhorn. and 1 having been somewhat Ihentrlcnllv Inclined, hail him erect : singe on Hie back porch of hln house, where he became mv business manager and stage director nnd f, the tending Indv and mistress of the wardrobe "Wo plnved everything from 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' to 'Richard tho Third,' and even went so far as to write our own ploy. It Is n met remarkable thing, that after rears have passed I am back here In Philadelphia (starring for Mr Cook " Photoplay Baedeker rllKSTNVT flTItEHT OPKHA IIOt'SB -The beautiful photo production of Hsll Cnlno't Til.) Eternal Clt' will begin tin fourth week at the Chestnut Street Opera lions thl afternoon. This ltnpresli film play Kromt In roiiMnrltj em It neek It In h happv combination of the Rpertacular nnd rtritna nuprme Willi ltn ntaKnlftcent actual scenes of Itonie and Its powerful, nbtorblng Mory of love nnd Intrliue The ma int: menl of tlin Cliestnul Strict Opera Koine tirxes nil pnlrons to be In their eat by - .10 nnd H :'0 p nt nr each prrormsnc tn order rot to mini tho beautiful icrnto prelude which immediately preceIes "Ths r.ternal CIW." detdctlnff tho niter Tiber and Home by mconllitnt llten ISO and 'J an p. m. nnd 7 "W and S SO n m omo comedies featuring Charles Chaplin are presented. irtlS Mondiy. "The Hlnck flox," nrt cpltodo 'linrlen t'lnpltn In "Hl Mftht Out" Tus. div. 'nxploltn of Klnlne." No. n Wednes dnt llotcri i:rteon tn ' Tli nirl I Left Ilt'hlitd Me" Thursdaj, 'ltiinaa June." No. P. JFPFEIIRON -Annlvtrenrt neek "londat. Ilentrlt Mlehelena In "Mlgnon ' Tueslaj, l.llllan Iturrell In "Wll.lflro " W1nra.la . Wilton I-arkaje In "The Pit." 'Ihuradat. MarKnrt-t Wyi lierlet In "The Fight " Krl. .Int. 'jf field In 'OH tiutch Saturrtaj. ' Zudora" and "The rnllen Idol." KMPRKPS Monday and Tuesday. Annette Kcllermann In "Neptune's Daughter." Wed- COLD DAY will Jack Krost! That's; the way with grown folks, I guess. Hut since there Is no hopn of teach ing the old fellow to write better, why don't you teach ourselr to rend more easily what hp does write? Some sense In that, maybe "Rut how teach oiirself" jou ask. Listen nnd I'll tell J on. C!et some pieces of window glass anv size will do Mabe your mother has tho glass from an old picture frame that she will loan you for an hour. Or you may find a broken bit of a mirror or n window glass. Somewhere, somehow, I am suro you can get some glass. Now shine It up until It sparkles bright and clear nnd you nre ready for your les son fjft mother or vnur big sister to light the lire under the teakettle Whu the steam starts to come out of the teakettle spout hold your glnss a little above the spout And keep It there till tho under side of the glass In all covered with little beads of steam Then run nnd lay the glass out of doors, steam side up. If there are several of you playing to gether take turns at tho teakettle. And as quick as one person's glass Is steamed let them run outdoors with It while an other takes his turn at the t,pout. After the glass lias been out of doors a fnv minutc3 ou can begin ti s,ce queer things on It If tho day Is very cold, pictures will como In a few minutes. If tho weather Is moderate, you will have to wait longer. But sooner or later Jack Frost will wrlto you a messa-go on your glass. Ho will write It with tho steam you put there for him. And when the message Is written and firmly frozen onto tho glass, brln It In tho house nnd see If you can road It that is tho most fun otnll! Slaybo he has tnad.V a picture! well, what Is It a picture of? A house? A boat? Mountains? Trees? That Is wh.it ou are to study out. Or mavbe he baa written In queer hieroglyphics. Take youi pencil and con nect his marks together till they make real writing. If you are quick nnd clever, you can make a whole story before It melts. Try again and again till vou have learned to translate Jack Frost, Isn't It fun? EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JTABCn 22, 1915, neaday. "Lnla,'1 with Clara Kimball Teuni. Thursday, "Vhe-ller," Wond Film feature. Friday, A Gentleman from MUtKslppI," fturln Tom Wle Saturday, William Farnum In "Samton" OAntiBN Monday, "Runaway June." No. Bt Charles Chaplin In "Ills TryMInu Place " TueMiy flara Klmhall Veunir In 'Myvjfll clal Wife " WHnef.ley, "Tha Kvll Men 10," featuring Maurice Coetello; Charles Chap lin In Ills New Job" Thurnlas. "A Fool There Wad" Friday. "The Pllent Plea," featuring tlllth Storey Saturday. M'lian," lih Iinrhnra Tennanl I.l-niN MANfKACTUIllS-l COMPANY h epene.l offlrea nt lllil Vine street fur the dis tribution of tho special photoplays Mr. Hebrew la In charge WOItt.U rrt.M The World Film Corporation announce the relenne ef tjeorge nroadhurat'a rle treat cometly. ' Whnt Happened to .Jonea, ' with an nll-atar raat. Inrludlng Tred Mace. Jeeale Sadler and Mary Charleaon. Theatrical Baedeker AUKM'tlt-Per o' Mr Iteort." wllh an x porailar Atul rpllent rnat Hartley Manners' tiimiainK comeuy or inn Inin.lti.n. .tiutltf irixii Kiri Jltl.l vhaf IhA Hni, tn A .ill(. FncHafi faniiu nral tnte itmuaimcnt. R 11 1 pttllKHT- rho UirtiMi t.ictmen'a Motion Plrtnrf of ihe War, 50 feel of bailie with tho Knlaer well to the fore. The na of thr p-Mt war In action Ijvat Tiek. 2 no and a OAIIHICK- Sleen Keya lo llaldpate, (it- raa i phnn a imatfrlr rtramatliallon of tha itnrv of th oun nuthor who went up to a. dMfrted inn In winter to writ n novel. Tho ntidlfn t encMintnfa nuny nirprUf" nnd mut-h humor Th principal auceea of 'nt aeaaon .... a i, l'l -fTt.E-' Tho Brrtont In the Ilouao. with lllth nin Matthlaon and tho real.lrnt compatn. Chnrle Itann K.nnedy'a tamlllar and ttSrrxwt, rlay bout tho rlaraynian. Ih drnlndlRger and tha myetlo Manaon Oponlna tonlnht ......... ,.t(i '') HtC-"A Mia Up," with Maria Dr.Mler A arro hunt around Mlm Drtaaler n n, reined burloaqua queen. She arrhea at the Mat or a hnpplly married youna man at Juat the. wr.mc lime Openltnc tonUrht 8 IS W AI.NI'T "llunnv In Fnnnyland " ulth th nno nnd only John Iltinnr In tha (leah A arlegatfd enlrrtalnment Including llunny'a rbll.J nilneirel. and all that itnea tn mnka ;nu"i-m comeny. Matinca dally, openini VAtJtiF.VIM.E KJ';,.T."''! Slmoa. eeeoml week In "Vr I'rldM'. Malthena, Hhnyno and aompatiy In 'llrcnmland linx in Ttorci. llnch Monkoa. Charlra Cntr I.Uhtner nnd Jordan. J.otii rnlna fialrmont Urolhera nnJ Hrnrat-PclU Mrturca NInNs (HlAMi-The Sen Adaa ItoUiK-, l"'m onlj nnd Margaret obb, Ihe (Inr iilnfT Trio I Imln nno Tompl-lon nndlnorr and foulc Lleorgo C lail and mined mol(?a OfyirF-IlRrrlni:ton Rejnolda In 'The Haber dnahen". Low nnd Molly Hunting;, Jo oolc Hrown nnd McCormiik, Mnrehnil and ' retnller In Chance." Knlnm and rnmrani, Aren Mnllli nnd Part lompanj in tho 'ItARRnKO anm.hrra" mi.l.IAM PBN'N ltf.1 Croa Mar." Mullen aril Coomn Htty" .nrr, I.eRoy and I'aMs Imrto nnd Oeorcetto fllOSS kLVS (rtr bAlf nf werkl-The Ca tliKlral Clinlr. the tnnnifano Comedy Tour, Antnnm Mnni-I Crneat nrr nnd company In Iho (irarifr." Joaphln Sabel, Ann liurkntr. -cllt. STOCK AMBllrv-.fti inqh Cor So Much." a cnniMv drnmn In ulllnnl Mack, who wroto Mck In I irm performanc in Phlltdel- iii'm.K.sqi'F: CSINO--CharIei noblnqtn'a Carnation IVau. !!" .w h "la.d) Wilbur. In -Tho Prlto Heautv TniiCAni.nn-nilli. Wntenn'a Oriental Pur lorquor. with I'rlnceai ,nh.ij, in "Tlio toy I.lno DKM0.N"r " l'umont'a Mlnatrcla In "I'eBej-M-lleart " with Mr. Hoyden na "Mioe Pig " Lauds "Hilly" Sunday's Work The rrrnrt nnd endurance nr "Hllh" Sunilny nnd Ihe Rood results nf his cam paign uero praised tndny hy frofeoor Oliarlwi It. i;idman. of rrlneelon, who nildreaoed tlic I'reabtorlnn rnlnlstcrn nt their roRulnr Monday meetltiK In West minister I (nil. Ir Ilrdtnnii tlimiRht the effect of the Sunday relvals would be lasting nnd of Kreat ljeneflt to the com munity. Tho ministers wont on record diirlns the meeting In support of n lilll Introduced by ltepresentatlve Dlckcrmnn In the State I.epMsInturo to enable Hie rnilrnnds to (rr.uil tho old cheap rite of car fnre to clergymen. Aged Woman iMystiflrs Police The strnnge silence of Miss i:mll nroomall, 51 years old, who refused to tell the. police, the, whereabouts nf lier relatives after she had been burned out ot her home. Klfi Vine street, caused her to be iemoeil to the Philadelphia Hospital for oberatlon Isat nlRht She llcd on the top lloor of the three-story roomlnK house, and snvs she started the fire In attempting- to light n gas stove. Leg Broken hy Kail From Horse A fall from a horse resulted In n frac tured lesr for Frederick .1. Silver, a mounted pollrcmun of the Oranelitown station. He Is In the Jewish Hospital Pller who Uvea at 432 Summervflla ave nue, Olney, was thrown to the ground at Mh street and fireon lane Inst night when his horse became frightened f f JlclyplidL tCafie 1(1ML The Expositions in California the Panama-California Exnosition at San Dwrm nnr1 the Panama-Pacific International Exrjosition at San Francisco, everpresented to the American people to see something of their own country. Choice of routes, including the wonderful Colorado Rockies, Salt Lake, beautiful Cali fornia and the Pacific Coast; the enchanting Southwest. A number of limited trains to choose I 1 rrJ3l' 1 -mNm1 i JTSW im I I rf K5 d fPiX THE DAILY STORY Incubated Romance deorge Cooke looked over the morning mall ns It lay on the breakfaat table ba side his flngcibowl. There were sever.il letters for him, one for his sister nnd one for hla mother. At his mother's re quest ho was attending to her correspond ence, while she was awny on a vlalt, nnJ he promptly opened the envelope ad dresied to her. The communication was from the direc tors of ft large hospital nnd Its contents were particularly Interesting to the joung man rending them It put Into hla pos nesalon a bit of Information regarding his very early life, nnd he wondered w'iy hli mother had never told him of It. tic finished the tetter and then reread It. "The directors of the hospital." It ran In pari, "are planning a celebration In honor of the fiftieth anniversary of the laying of lis cornerstone Among the In teresting things arranged for the week will be i reunion of the Incubator chil dren It haa taken car of ahd aent out Into the world. We have a. record of the birth of a son to vou. George Cooke, nn November 25, 1S07 If h la now living nnl can find It convenient to he here during our celebration week we will be glad to pay lite expenses to nnd from this city." "I'll go," said the joung man lo him self when he had finished the letter. "Kunnv mother never told me I wns an Incubator bnby." Thnt dav ho utole to his mother nnd Inclosed the letter from the hospital. He told her of his Intention and naked her to Join him nnd attend the reunion with him. He had Intended to tako his vaca tion at about that season of the ear, nnd na he had planned no tt Ip In particular this one would b novel and Interesting. "We'll show them thnt I'm very much alive, won't tne. mother-'" he asked, when somo weeks Inter he Joined her on the way to tho eastern clt.v where he whs born. "And none Ihe worse for .vour early dns In the small glass house, mv son," returned Mrs. Cooke proudly, looking up nt the tall young ninn id her side "t wonder If there will be mnnj gradu ates there"? he laughed. "Ornduatcs? What a name for them. George' Well. I remember several little ones who were there while you were growing strong In Ihe care of the good nurses I might even remember the names If I heard them again." And no doubt I'll inert one or two fond parents who will remember 'little George Cooke,' eh mother " Mrs Cooke nodded On the d.iv of the leicpthin lo former Inculnlor bnblc.s George ami his mother sought the hospital with pleasurable an ticipation. Vim wiiin,; iii.ui had nltended (lips reunions, fraternity leimlons nnd even farm.) rri'iilnns. hut this was n nov clt.v It dated too far back for hlni to remember hih of his colleagues. The gutsls ranged fiom voting men and oung wontn of his own aae to i lill dren of one. two and thiee jeni". Hut Georse was p.iitlculnrh Inteiesled In looking up and meeting Ihe "graduates" who'had Icen In the incubntma when he was there. Thiriigh nil old surgeon, a friend nf his mother, he was ptesented to Virginia l.nwRon, n tall, slender girl "Vou, too?" a,hc asked, showing two dimples In two pink checks 'Yen. rirn't vou remember me?" the vnuug man asked. The old surgeon left them togethet. and at ltnst one of them decided thnt he did not care whether or nrtt lie met other members of his "graduating class." This pretty j.oung woman would keep him busy during the teunlon dns. "Mother thought it wns vviv aillv of me to come," Virginia told him when the hail studied out together to view the grounds about the great stone build ings "And mv mother had never even told uiu nf m.v fragile beginning," oung t ooke explained. "It was only thiough mv having opened the letter from the directors that I learned of It. Something promptl.v told me td come," he added, not without Intent of purpose. "I.ove of adventure novelty of situa tion brought me," said Virginia. "Where Is our homo now?" Cooke asked "In Virginia -I in the namesake nf mv State." she laughed "I happened to ba irom, including tne tamous "Golden btate Limited," "Kocky Mountain Limited," "Cahfornian" and "Colorado-California Express." Low Fares for Round Trip from Philadelphia Liberal stopover privileges. Long return limit. Get a copy of our folder on the a.t 13 rpoilio', Tells you how to go and what you can see. Automatic Block Signal Finttt Madtrn AUStttl Equipment Superb Dining Car Servici We maintain a Travel Bureau at 1019 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Our representatives are travel experts who will help you plan a wonderful and an economical outing, give you iuii iniormauon ana look after every detail of your trip. Phone, write or call, or use coupon. H. M. BROWN, Dittrict Pmangtr Agent Phonal Walnut 123 Both Expotitiont included in on p1 icAt at no extra cott ' H. o r- I csan Francisco I 'San Dltttra I Pimm tend full Information about Rock jan uiego Win!, Sctnic clKle Touil t0 ClUoraU Ex. poauwni. I born up hero, hut Virginia i my mother' native Btate nnd she called me Virginia. She will have It that I'm a Southern girl." "And well she may you embody all the ehaims of the girl of the South." the. young man said, looking down at her radiant beautv. Virginia swept him nn old-fashioned curtaev nnd dimpled again ' And the grace," he ndded "Anything tnoie'1" she asked merrily "I'll reserve the rest until I enmn to Virginia. . It's onlv natural that clnsamntes-nfe tve thntt-sliould grow chummy nnd be naked to visit each other. Isn't It7" "1 suppose It Is," she ndmllted. with dounenst ejes. "Though We reallv onlj met todav, did we not'" Cooke did not reply nt once HtiddenK hit looked up "Come nnd meet my mother. I'm sure she would temember you-or .vour mother or somebody. I'm sure we nre old friends anil need not act like strangers. .Miss l.nusnn" Virginia turned with him to re-enter the grent hnlls where Mrs Cooke wns tin dotlMedlv renewing old nctttinllitnhcos Thev found her with the doctor who had Introduced them, nnd us thev came toward the elder pair tltete was the same thought In Ihe tnlrds of both mother nnd surgeon: "How romantic If--" ".Mother, don't vntt remember little Virginia I.nwson? She lived In n glnss house near mine, didn't she. doctor'" The old doctor laughed "Ves-bul she was ton little lo throw stones, voung man " "I remember her mother," Mrs. Cooke "Hastened to say. "Hhe wns hero ever' time I enme to see mv tlnv son t ntn snrrv she Is not here." 'She I bought I was ho silly tn come," laughed Virginia. 'Sometimes It's I'ate that leads us Into ntlveiitiirc that seems strnnge lo nnv one but ourselves," remarked the sur geon soberlv And Vltvlnln and George Cooke looked at each nlher fr,t a second. As thev turned nwny together, having promised to loin tholr elders for ten Inter in the afternoon, t'ne young ninn looked down at the girl nt his side. "Wfifl It a kindly Tate. I wonder?" "Kate Is always kind," Virginia nu swerd. "Is It not"" CopjrUht, Hi!,, i CITY HAS CHEAPEST BREAD, SAYS EXPERT Head of Housewives' Says Philadelphia's Are Lowest. League Prices Tim cheapest nud best bread In Ihe I'ouiilrv Is mndc nnd sold In Philadelphia This statement wns made bv Mis. Julian Heath, nT New Yolk, picsldent of Iho National Housewives' League nftcr visits of Inspection to several bakeries In this cilv The retail price of n L?i&-niiui) loaf at Gluiliel's Is Ti cents, she said, nnd nf n SN'i-numo lonf 111 i.'iils At Ihe Acin-, bakery she round In cad selling nt .1 fonts lor 22 ounces nnd '! ciils fin II unities "11 Is the I'henpest mid lies! bread I ever saw." said Mi. llenlh "In New York the ll-oume loif sells for f cents, ni 2 cents more thiiu In this city, and rienleu often , ui it to u ami 1. ounces Itakers lecentl) refused In nccept the II ntince loaf as the .Vcent Htnndatd. Prices In llnslon and ChUngo range, about the sump ns those M n Voik. "ThlH remnikahly cheap hi pail, which 1 tasted, was IelU loup. nnd Its Ingiedlents seemed to be ns nutritive na thovi. of other more expensive breads II tasted more like home-made bread than any other bakery bread I h.ivo eaten. Another nolnble price was that of Hie buns, which I sampled In the snmii bakery. Nineteen nf them sell for 7 cents, whereas the pi Ice for the same buns in New York Is 10 or 12 i ems n dozen I nsked the 111.1 n ngeis vvholhi'i thev wcie losing inonov on these piiccs, nnd thev snld thej were not." When told Hint C Albert Krelhofer. of the Krelhofer Unking Compnnv, had sale NEW PIANO $150 t.V l.lhll f MONTHLY 1129 fHKSTN t T ST. offer the trreatest nnnnrnnirv 9 --" M. BROWN. D. P. A. Reck Mud Una ioiecbe.tii.tst.. Philadelphia rfl pillS ) that h naver heard of. bread lllnt! at cheaper flure than 6 cent for 16 ounce and 30 cents for 32 ounces, Mrs Heath wan amuied. "It Is true (hat I didn't weigh tha bread," she said, "but my eyes certainty didn't deceive me as lo tho alia of the loaves I saw r went to the bakeries In ceraon, with n witness, and I feel suro tha no misrcprcaeiitatlons were made to me." Tho organization of which .Mrs Ifenllt la n! the head Is endeavoring to Impress housewives with the neceaslty of having nt weight laws for bread, whereby n. label telling tin weight nf the bread la pasted on each loaf "It la unsound economics to demand n standard loaf, either In weight or In price," (he said "Droad, the product, cannot remain nt n fixed -price when whent nnd flour, the materials, fluctuate It Is wrong to agitate for cheap bread when wheat Is high Hut n net weight law would enable the loneumer to know what he is receiving for his money." Another reform whlrh the league favora Is the replacing uf the customary cloth flour sack with paper sacks The cloth sacks, which nre nn longer In use among largo tnllleis. except In Philadelphia and New York, said Mrs llenlh. are Iinnnl taiy nnd wasteful nirly moisture entera the snrks she sab and the vvnsle of Hour sifting out of the porous sacks nmounta to hundreds of thousands of dollars n venr In the aggregate Hevernl linkers In this clt told Mrs Henth tli.it thc.v art about to adopt paper sacks. Il Is the Intention of the National Housewives' I.ongue to found a local league In Philadelphia, the onlv largo city In the . iinnt ry which Is not repre sented In the league. There nre WW) housewives In the organization SI'NIMY SCHOOL SIKPTlNti IX TABERNACLE TONIGHT Prominent Clergymen Will Address Hiblc Teachers nnd Students. Sunda school teachers nnd workers will nssemblo tonight nt the "Ulllv" Sun d.i.v tabernacle for the Bible study tally of the Philadelphia County Sunday scIiooIh. Addresses will be made by prominent clergimcn A choir composed of leathers will sing, dliected bj H C. l.iniiiln. I'.very delegation vvlllcnrri n banner, and ieervntlons for 4iVi persons have been made Addresses will be made hy the Rev. Pi. Alexander llcnrv. superintendent of Ihn Presbvterlan Hoard of Public Kduca tionj the rtcv. Dr. Flo.vd W. Tomklns, the rtev Ucotge n liowle. general secrctarv of the I'hllnilelphln Coiintv Kundav School Association, nnd the flev Virgil ". Ubrer. tmstor of the Arch Street Sletho illst Hplscopnl Church A recognition service for tlm workers will ho conducted bv W. Ci. Lnndes, gen eial secretary or the Penns.vlvanla State Sabbath School Assochtlon An address will be made by Miss Hmlly F. Kearnev, of the teacher training section. MODKICN IIWCINfi THE CELLWOOD CARPENTER SCHOOLS OF DANCING ll-'.l CIIESTNUT RTItnKT 112.1 The nMt slrps of the Modern Dincn tsusht by competent nnd experlnceii Instruo tom dally from 10 A. M tn 10 I. M STRICTLY rittATB I.HSSO.WI VIIIVATK CI.ASSKS BVERYWHBRB INDIVIDUAL LnsSO.Vfl riANvtft taught In or out of city Information h telephone. I'll bo rt 20T. SELECT PHOTOPLAY GUIDE TOI1AVS FHATUrtKS TULPEHOCKEN 'rinanIown .Wo. HEATRE nl"' Tiilpeliocken . Today Soldiers of Fortune llrnr Organ with t iinilerfilt lllimun nice Empress Theatre ,Vn,!yunk heniing f'npnclu, lOPn Pull Orchestra Admission. Mat rind i:g "i niiil 10 rtw. Today ANMVITi: KKI.I.KRMANN The Perfect ttomnn. In NKITl.NK'S DAtltillTKIt Af.HO rmul.ES CHAPLIN In his flrst conii"ilv with the i:isanay Co HIS MS IV .1(111 GARDEN I'n'n.ilniTiie We. Ill NAVtA'V .It NR. NO. II. ( hni.. Itnplln In HIS TltVSHNfi 1'I.ACIS JRIC IIIKlTltE TODAV irvio K,.n.liii;lcin Jt Alleglirny Ave III.ACK nox. NO. I. CliRplln In HIM NK.IIT HIT ltook Thru Inhibitors Booklns Office FORREST S IMiIIadflphU'i isnusointit Thratrn SAMUEL F. NIXON USSfi?" 25c and 50c M.I, RKATS ItrSKItVlUl EVENING LEDGER'S REAL WAR PICTURES Flrnt IIIitory-Maklnr DlapUy Anywhere of Stupendously Sensational. Soul-Stlrrlnr. Actual Flrlnc-Un Motion Fllma ot tha World'! Greatest Conflict, Secured at nik of Ufa and Limb hy a. Special Corpi of Camera ExperU. INTIMATE ArIEWS OF EVERY EUROPEAN BATTLEFIELD KngilBh, French, Jlueilan, Derman, Austrian ami nelglan Armleg In Deeuerata Combat. Kaleer Wllhelm at Che Trent Germany'a Kamoua 4S-Centtmetra Gun In Action. Ihousanda of Cloeo-Vteiv Detalla, 1 1 Expositions j y SO persons are going to the Panama-Pacific and San 1 i Diego Expositions as guests of the Public Ledger- 1 n Evening Ledger, Not one of them need spend a cent. I 1 They will see everything, travel first-class and stop I 1 at the best hotels. If you would like to be included 1 1 in the party, send for particulars. I E furs m. I CONTESTANTS ENTRY BLANK I i till Out I I This !- I I Public Ledger Evening Ledger I B CoitDOn Independenca Square, Philadelphia I M i Fleaie enter my name aa a conteitant for the I D QJld Panama-Pactno Exposition Tour. 1 Mail I H J JJjA J "send'me all the necessary Information and ub- I acrlptlon blank. 11 ASSAULTED WOMAN, BUT ESCAPED ARREST Vice Squad Men Testify They Saw Saloonkeeper Attack Pa tron Judge Staake Aroused. How mom hers of tho vice squad wit nessed the assault of a woman by a snlnon-kccper without making any nr lest, was disclosed today through testl monj In the Mcenso Court, when peti tions were filed to hnvo the license Of Charles I. Kllenfeld. of MT Callowhlll strett, revoked. Tho story of the asefttilt was disclosed when Policemen William Palmer and Thomis t.eo, nttnehed to the vice sound, lestlflrd tliat the saloon owned by Illlenfeld was a resort for dls ordrlv persons Tho policemen said that the saloon wns tho scene of nightly brawls and assaults upon patrons. According to Palmer nnd f.eo, while, they were In the place recently they saw Kllenfeld assault a drunken woman, who later was evicted. When Judge Staake heard the testlmon of the policeman he asked. "And wasn't the man arrested'" The policemen replied thnt they had made n reixirt of the case to their au pel lor, Charles F. Lee. who la at tha head or the vice snuad. Judge Staake, who appeared to bo ureal lj niitioye.il nt the replies of the policemen, nsked further questions. Then Palmer and Jo said that thev didn't mnke nn arrest because thy didn't wish to reveal their Identity. Later Le was sent for When ho ap peared In court he sold that he had re ceived a report of the alleged assault ana had turned the report over to V. J, Coolev, of the Department of Public Safe ty Coolcv nlso was sent for He stated that he took no action In the mntter because It was tils duty simply to look out for tho legnl end of remonstrances filed, Kilenfelds' case was taken under ndvlsa ment. Burglars Get Prison Term George Drown, of 5M North IDth street, and Joseph Laws, of 2111 North 2d street, who were surprised bv Id- ear-old Flor ence Bnleman an they were looting her father's home, nt .slum pike, and Or thodox street. Frankford. were convicted In Quarter Sessions Court today on charges of bilrglarv, and each sentenced to a three-year term In the Kastern Pcnltentlarj PHOTOrt,ATS EMPRESS THEATRE MAIN ST MANAYfVK Today and Tomorrow Annette Kellermann The Perfect Woman in NEPTUNE'S DAUGHTER Also CHARLES CHAPLIN in HIS NEW JOB Admission Ti a nt 10 ct THEATRE SUBJECT TO CHANGE CHESTNUT STREET VimrsA Home of World's (Irrnlcst Photoplays Arn:itNnop i.iin to itxii ioc. isc, sst KIKMM.Si- 7:JI to 10:311 Hie. 2.1c. Sue FOURTH BIG WEEK IMMUIH l'I.. KKS' I'll. VI CO.'N sru I'KMHIlih I'HtlTO-SI'KClACI.K THE ETERNAL CITY Hy HAM. CAIM: With PAULINE FREDERICK Tube Dally Si.tn nnd H30 I'. .VI. Preceded h Lhaplln Comrdle icprcDCOM isrii ,i.vn jj-iiLiwun IIXII1 UN "If. llculrlie MIGNON Vllchelena In If you want Information nhout a Titration, Toiutlon nr rtlucutlun, tunnult tlie xirrtt at 1 rdcer tVntrat. SEATS NOW SELLING FOK THIS WEEK 1IIO.MAS .VI. I.OVH. Hulnrn .Vlauiixrr MIOVVS TtltK i:kk 1W 2:308:30 I J U I t tiWJiM K k-xia- f I I f B u-MbSvM rl Bj!Jv.jf,i,JJLJ i !) H