Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 22, 1915, Night Extra, Page 10, Image 10

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BVEatrarG- mjdgeb-- Philadelphia, moday, MARCHggi, ldl
Thorns on Lmrfsjfaf,
A Smart Girl's Diary
The Failure of the Scheme
The lone nftBMeht la frequently cited
p n. perlbd of ecstatic Joy and of unmiti
gated bliss, the minor quarrels And dls
' agreements which, of course do occasion
Ally occur being looked upon ns merely
tfla very necessary rift In the Joyous lute
ot perpetual love-making.
While It Is perfectly truo that the period
of tho lonp encasement ought to bo a
iery happy time, tho reverse aldo of the
picture Is too often Been. But tho fault
tn this Instance lies not so much In the
fast thnt tho engagement Is n, long one,
but In tho disposition of tho woutd-bo
happy couplo who have presumably given
their promises and their professions of
eternal love to each other.
Human nature Is a curious thing, it
breaks out In tho most unexpected place
and In tho most curious ways. And lova
certainly has tho oddest manifestations,
r heard nn odd talo onco concerning a
man who was engaged to a very charm
ing gill. Hut he didn't realize that fact
ft bit. Not he! After ho bad duly pro
posed to her nnd been accepted, ho told
her that they would probably have a ory
long engagement live years at tho low
est estimate.
"But, my dear," said ho cheerfully,
"that's something to bo rather glad aSout,
stneo, I shall regard It as a time of pro
bation for you. I Intend to spend tho
flvo years training you for tho position
of my wife. I hope that you will mako
an apt pupil, for I shall spare no pains
In teaching you my ways nnd methods.
I am of rather a peculiar disposition and
I hato to be crossed or worried In any
nay. So It will take nulla live years
to get you Into my particular methods
nnd ways of lhlng
"If at tho end of !Ko jcars I nnd that
you have not entirely adapted yourself
then I shall consider the engage
ment at an end. But let us trust that
nothing so unfortunate will occur. If you
rcsolvo now to devote yourself entirely
to mo, and to study my overy mood and
to strive perpetually to please me In
everything, taking criticism and advice
In tho spirit In which It Is meant, I
thlnlc that you need have nothing to fear
in tho way of an ultimate rupture of ou
And the extraordinary thing about the
above-mentioned harangue was that tho
llttlo fiancee meekly listened to overy
word! Instead of being amazed, furious,
Indignant, she considered that such a
speech was tho mark of n strong and
wonderful character. She started In
patiently to study that Impossible little
nnn Shn gave up the pleasant society
of most of her friends for his sako. Sne
endured nil sorts of Impertinences and
minor insults from him cheerfully. In
fact, It Is nn open question whether she
ever did tee either the Impertinence or
tho Insult of his attitude toward herself.
Xho engagement dragged out foe the
promised flva years. And at tho end of
the allotted period t'oo happy couple were
married. By this time, of course, tho lit
tle bride hnd all of her Inltlattvo nnd most
of her spirits driven out of her Fle
years of "training" Is a long tlnip, nnd
only tho verv long suffering could ever
survive any such course.
Unfortunately, however, tho marring"
was a very unhappy one. Hon could it
bo otherwise? It Is truo that the bride
had learnt the worst about her gallant
bridegroom. But even n worm will (urn
at last-nnd she did turn To nil nut
ward uppcarnnres she was tlin tnieket
little soul that ever walked this sinful
earth. But the process of ' educating '
had leally been too much for her And
after about threo months of connubial
bliss, she elenred out of that home, never
to return
Tho husband was much annoyed But
he refused to run after her. "It Is a
direct insult to my method of training,"
said ho to his friends, "and nothing will
Induco mo to overlook such a slight
Why, I spent tho flvo best ears of m
llfo In molding her will to mtno' And I
thought that I had succeeded so well
But women arc sis. even the best of
them! Never ogaln will I tnist n woman
No, nothing -would Induco me to agree to
a reconciliation! I havon't tho heart to
start in 'training' her again "
Mot other instances of this form of
"training" liavo ended disastrously. Very
few ever reach the stage of matrimony
at all, by tho way. For long before tha
altar Is reached, the unfortunate damsel
Is scared off. And small wonder that
this should be the case!
For, aftor nil, the one great essential
in matrimony ts love. And love Includes
forbearance, kindliness and o. very broad
charity for any little faults on tho part
of tho other.
More Spring Hats
I hao been making quite u study of
spring stiles In millinery lately, and llnd
It absorbingly Interesting. You sec, hats
appeal to eery woman, If sho has one
single groin of the feminine, In her. A
woman may take little Interest In sultH
nnd dresses, although I haven't et met
(VlA l.YAt Tlllt till, HH 1n.u nl.n lll.n ..
' now 1,4 1
Increased attention Is now being given
to larger shapes in milliner. This
doesn't necessarily mean that tho small
shapes will bo put In the backgtound
Hut It will bring about a better nisoit
ment of medium and largo stle
Tho sailor shape Is very popular and
tho tendency Is for It to grow larger In
size. Tho Hat, wlde-brlmmed Bailors are
very much to tho fore at present, nnd so
are the Bailors tilted at vnilous angles to
suit tho face. A cry smart stjlo Is the
sailor with the uplllt at tho back
The better clnss hats nrc made In line,
soft ml! an. For the smart knock-about
hat, n variety of matcrlnl li offered,
among which are llscrle, cscargot, mllau
hemp nnd flat bamboo A new braid baa
also como In qulto reeenllv known as
For the following aurgcstloni cent In hi
readers of the Etsmvo Ledoks prizes of 11
and 60 cents are awardod.
All BUECestlona abould bo addrcaaed to Ellen
Aualr. Editor of Woman- Fate. Etzsino
"wii, Independence Square. Philadelphia.
A prize of fl lia been awarded to D. K.
I., 4373 Monayunk STenufl. Itoxboroagh, Ta
tar the following suggestions
Here are some of tho uses for old news
papers. Furs and winter clothing may be
stored away in them In trammer. Tou will
have no moth holes If you wrap each
article In a separata sheet of newspaper.
Small pieces of newspaper when wet
and thrown on the floor on sweeping day
will brighten the carpet nnd lay the dust
To keep tho extra piece of Ice, wrap
It In a clean cloth nnd then In news
papers. Tho lco will last longer.
A prominent physician told me that
newspapers make valuable pads for the
sick room, and that people who have
Insufficient bedclothlng should sew sev
eral newspapers together. TJsed like a
quilt, they aro very warm.
A prim nf RO rents has beea awarded to
K. I., 5710 Richmond street, Philadelphia,
for the following suggestion I
When my black, white or colored gloves
aro too old to wear, I out tha clasps or
snaps off and sew them on the bands or
yokes of my underskirts. I And them
most satisfactory, as they do not flat
ten, like hooks and eyes do, In the laun
dry They do not coma off, either, like
buttons often do, and you need have no
fear of Iron rust. I have used them on
the wristbands of working shirts for boys.
A prize nf 50 cents has been awarded to
lira. J. Kelly, S8lf South Croaker street,
Philadelphia, for the following- sugcettlon I
Your bed springs will never soil your
mattress if you cover them with white
oilcloth, which, by tho way, Is very Inex
pensive. If placed glossy slda upward it
is easily brushed oft In tha mornings, and
your mattress can always be turned
without any effort. The oilcloth lies
smoothly on the springs and always
looks clean,
A prize of So cents has been awarded to
K. M., 110 North 60th street, Philadelphia,
for the following augceslloni
The water will never freeze when you
are washing windows If you add a table
spoonful of denatured alcohol and one of
Ammonia to It when you use it.
"Let onion atoms lurk within the bowl.
And half suspected nnlmatjr'tba whole."
Sydney Smith.
Hominy and Cream
Creamed Codfish and Kggs.
Rolls. Coffee.
Grilled Sardines.
Cup Custard.
Chocolate Cake. Tea
Chicken Goup.
Veal Cutlet
Stuffed Sweet Potatoes.
Onion Salad.
Orape Juice Jelly.
Cream codflsh and eggs: Mix a cupful
of creamed codfish with a cupful of boiled
macaroni. Heat thoroughly with a little
extra milk If needed, and put on o, hot
platter, and surround It with scrambled
Grilled sardines: Use boned nnd skinned
sardines, and drain them. Then brown
them In hot olive oil In a shallow frying
pan. Servo them on thin slices of but
tered toast and sprinkle with pepper, sa't
and lemon Juice.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafJIOl T ifMMSmMSiMXSi II
rax .mmmt awmryo
plP - wnF? rT
NllSMaaaaaaaa!iv 0- .' ' MMKY I
w Tl K B w M 9 B IVTk
Learn bow much time and
labor is saved by the use of
Dobbins. Then you'll Join tbe
big army of happy housewives
who hare found Dobbins, on
washday, a household necessity
for over 62 years. Trading
stamps for eTrr wtapper. Ask
your n-rnce.
Jova. It is of rough braid mounted on
net, and will be used qulto a lot for orna
mentation. Hair shapes will have a sale too, 1
understand. They will bo used in deli
cate pastel shades for garden hats.
Where street hats aro concerned, wo neo
combinations of hair with other straws
and this to give the chic transparent brlnt
I adoro leghorn hats Lnfortunately
they nro Just r (.hade expensive but oh,
so becoming!
When midsummer comes in 1 expect to
seo leghorns flourishing ever where. Tho
rather large plcturo shapes will bo popu
lar, and tho prettiest models aro trimmed
elaborately with ribbon, flowers and loco.
I saw a lovely model with a shirred laco
brim tho other day
Streamers olwas look smart with leg
horns and so do loop bows. Velvet is ex
ceedingly chic on leghorn.
The hats In tho picture, photographed
at Llt's, nro very up to date. The upper
one Is a black mllan In sailor shape with
a smart wing worn at tho sldo. The wing
Is divided by the brim and has qulto n
military effect.
Tho second hat Is a largo leghorn with
a double brim. Tho upper brim Is caught
up by a big French rose, whilo tho lower
brim Is faced with Saxo bluo chiffon. An
other rose Is fastened under both brims
toward tho back, and tho whole effect is
UTMuiMta iHoi
Designing. Indelible Ink
Marklno, Plnklnn and Pleating
10c Per Yd., All Materials
A corset that la a
little wrong Is all
Experts in
Coraei-Fittino- wrong. To assure
you of n fitting per
fect In every detail we employ only ex..
perta They will gladly adtlse ou of
your needs
Walnut St.
At the film
of tha
Golden Ostrich
work done note.
Wo are showinc
the latest exclu
sive styles of Ostrich
Fancies which we can
make from your old
Your old Paradise can be
I cleaned, dyed and rebranched to
iook, like new.
Mw Ostrich Plumes anil Fan.
cie8, Paradise, Coura and Numidi
I at Jqwest prce3.
Preach Jfaxl&rr
JBn,-r ami Vvvujr
Ma4 lihm 1'ioiupt AUeatloa
I (
One of our many new Sprins: models, In
plain leathers and various combinations. A
marvel of shoe makine beautiful to look at
delightful to wear. The stunning combinations
that have called for the highest skill in de
signing and making will be worn by every
style-loving woman of exclusive taste,
H Niederman -
"Vrff?g?j!TfeV AND BBAMJUES J'Mf
Does Love Come to All?
Surely ho docs, or alsa tho world -were
indeed a placo of Injustice and hard
ship. But many, alas, do not percelvo him
until too late. It may bo t'nat the man
ner of their woolnff Is so shy, so wrapped
In awkwardness, that they never know
that tho luckless wooer means anj thing
nioro thnn ordinary friendship.
It is tragic n hen this happens, for
there mls'nt have been happiness on both
sides, since a shy man Is by no means
the least desirable, of mates.
Therefore, it Is truo that practically no
Klrl can say that sho has never met love
on her way through llfo, If she la n,
normally placed person who is not buried
in n remote and manless wilderness or so
uncomfortably shy a? to fleo from n
masculine presence as sho would from a
Ten Years in Business
Our First Anniversary
r?K$5&$6 HAT
Reduced to
For This Week Only
Our Higher Priced Hats
Reduced Accordingly
A boutonnicre with every sale.
Katherine Rowe
205 So. 10th St.
.T Doom below 'Walnut.
The Third Party
There Is a raying; that "two Is com
pany and threo ft crowd." Tt Is not un
true In tho case of newly engaged lovers,
or of two peoplo who lmvo something
to discuss that only concerns themselves,
but It Is not to bo taken as always tha
Tor sometimes tho presenco of n third
person keeps off those hasty nnd foolish
little storms In tcncupi that spoil tho
happiness of sweethearts.
They cannot very well eay bitter or un
kind things to one nnother boforo an
other person. And by tho time that third
person ban left them, they havo probably
reconsidered matters nnd como to a. bet
ter fratno of mind.
Indeed, If a third person Is tactful and
unselfish enough to withdraw quietly
when no longer needed, thero Is much
use nnd r. decided helpfulness In his or
her presence, oven whon It Is bo
stowed upon two devoted lovers. A
breath of outsldo Interest ts no bad thins
In tho atmosphere of lovo.
They nro part of v t J
and wo must learn to ftr,."1 Hi
nnd that they nro us nothing l'm 4fc
son with the sweetness which ilTl
tcct. ' wa
After nil, wo do not valu wt., ,. 3
had, what any one can ?
Ing. r !
Indeed, there M even nn .!. . 1
that the sweeter the roso the gl
Every lover worthy the nam th J
lolco that his rosa Is hard to XrlaM., 1
woro not so. where would be Ui L,n M
find thn trtnrv nf a i, ... .. "WH
And sho also would feel dleapWntM J.
there wcro a dead level of mntt.... I
her path: no small excitement of mu. J
,. .. ..., "u uncertain, ,.
maybo of opposition to overmm.
No, tho travelers enjoy the ro4 tt, 1
tlTs" nrov T&L I Ths "SE? -4 M
RAVAfA. Thn rnnA In lha . -' '
nnd eho nhoutd not bo too lightly wSaJ
Bonwit Teller 6.C0.
cV5c 5paual c5"Aj)6 ofOrtglnationA
Announce for Today and Tomorrow.
A Special Sale of
Waists and Blouses
Georgette Crepe, Shadow Laces, Crepe
de Chine, Pussy-Willow, Striped and
Hand-Embroidered Handkerchief
Linen Blouses
Georgette Crepe Blouses
InWhite, Flesh,
Beige, Standing
Collar Closing
Low at the Front
How I Made My Husband
From a Clerk
Into a
in a large department store by the
simplest kind of an idea. But it made
the store a household word in the city.
It cost the store nothing to carry it out.
And any store can do it. The won
der is more haven't done it.
In a few words the wife tells the
idea in the great series "How I
Helped My Husband to Make More
Money," in the April
Ladies' Home Journal
Fifteen Cents a Copy, of All News Agents'
Or, $1.50 a Year (12 issues) by Mail, Ordered Through Our Subscription Agents or Direct
Independence Square, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
rlJ-Jt t
s f