EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, 8ATUBDAY, MARCH 20, 1915 13 CHURCHES AND THEIR WORKERS RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES OF ALL DENOMINATIONS v ANTI-SALOON LEAGUE TO OPEN CAMPAIGN FOR COUNTY LOCAL OPTION First Broadside Will Be Fired Tomorrow in Score 1 and a Half Philadelphia and Nearby Churches. List of Speakers. The first brondsldo of the Anti-Saloon League against the liquor forcca will be Jred tomorrow, when speakers will ad dress meetings In nearly 80 Philadelphia churches In tho nnmint nelil day of the league- This Is tho boglnnlng ot n cam paign of agltntlon and education for Jaunty local option and In tho Interest cf natlonnl prohibition. The Hev Dr Homer w. Tope, super intendent of tho Philadelphia district of iht Anti-Saloon League, has nnnounced A llSt 01 SpCiint-'IB iiuin ? nna-uam;, ,- tOOnSi FltlSUUrsn unu Jinirisuurii, vvnu will occupy liulplts tomorrow morning and afternoon Sneakers at 10.10 o'clock In the morning wiilbc Wilson Hitler, at the Enat Downing-JL'- iotfin.Iir Church the Hov. c fl. . Brandt, district superintendent ot Aiioona, r ' cffill Methodist Chunrcli, the llev. It. A '"V t..l...H U lh IIav T ahllnlii Jtiiklntown Methodist Church- the Hev. S. II. Soft. Kensington Methodist Church, tho Itev. Howard Tnylor secretary ot the Ilrotherhrol if Andrew nnd Philip, Tacony Methodist Oiurch the Itov. II. M. Chulfnnt. editor of 1st i American Issue. Ml. Airy Methodist rutirch the Hev Scott Nov In district super lntendcnt of Wllkca-Barre. Bristol Methodist church, tho Hev J. M. Bennetts, field ercre njn Madison Slreot Methodist Church, Cnrster: tho ltcv Homer V. Tore. Cookm.vn Methodist I'liurch, tho Itev. Henry I'arrlsh. Yiniley Methodist Church; tho Itev. Irving Lewis. Ilithoro Methodist Churrh. tho Itov. j P. Hnrtmnn, Media Methodist Church, Professor E. tftauffor. of Myersiown, Sprint Cltr Methodist Church: the Itev. W. II. flotwald. Allcntowti Baptist Church, and tho n.v, S. C. McConnsll. East Montgomery Anue Methodist ChurrA. In the nflcrnonn the sneakers will bo tho ItiY It. A. Hutchinson. Centra! Young ifen'i Christian Association. 4 o'clock: C P. Swift. Ambler Methodist Church; tho Hov. Scott Nevln, rrnnkfonl Avenue Methodist Ctuirch. 2i'P) o'clock, and the Itov. Homer W. Tope, Lutheran Church of tho Atonement, Speaker's at 7:.10 o'clock In tho evening; will U the Itev. Hcott Nevln. ItldKO Aven Je Uethodlst Church; Professor C. Stauller, Unwtalo Methodist Church; the Itev. II. C. Brandt, Norwood Methodist Church; tho ltcv. J. schllchtcr. Hulmevlllo Methodist Church; tut Itev. II SI. Chnlfant, Unlvenwillst Church of the Hcstorntk.i; tho Itov. It. A. Hutchln ion. Oraro Methodist Church: C. P. Swift, Ttoira Methodist Church, nnd tho Hev. Homer W. Tope, Eighteenth Street Methodist Church. LIQUOR EVIL THEME OF Y.M.C. A. MEETING Local Option and Prohibition Issues Will Be Reviewed at Central Branch. Tho liquor evil will bo tho themo of a special meeting at tho Young Mon'g Christian Association, 1421 Arch street, tomorrow afternoon nt 1 o'clock, In con nection with tho regular meeting for men at that hour. Tho nation-wide agita tion on local option and prohibition will tie reviewed. Tho Hev. It. A. Hutchinson, of tho Anti-Saloon League, will speak on "Tho Church nnd the Saloon," and many other speakers aro expected. Itlchard n. Wil son will preside nnd special music will be furnished by nn Instrumental trio. Tho meeting will accommodate a largo over flow crowd from the tabernacle. Out-of-town men, downtown men and "trail hitters" will gather In the lobby at 3 o'clock for tho weekly meeting of tha Crop-In Dlblo cUieh, led by Thomas L. Lawton, who will speak on "Join Some Church." A splendid musical program has been nrranged. Four classes of Central High School toys were organized last week for tho study of "Life Problems," undor tho leadership of teachers from tho school faculty. Tho Stetson Bible class, which meets Wednesday at noon, now has Ml members. A special meeting for the branch secretaries is called for Monday, at 12:15 p. m., to outline plans for shop, factory nnd department store Bible study extension. NOHTH BHANCH Y. M. C. A. A "trail hitters' " Bible Class will be conducted at tho North Branch Young Men's Christian Association, 1013 West Lehigh avenue, every Friday night by the Hev. SJed II. Copp, pastor of the Cohockslnk Presbyterian Church, and the Hev. W. B. Green way, pastor of the Gas ton Presbyterian Church. The Rev. Mr. Copp will deliver two addresses, on "Ec clesiastes" and "Jonah." and tho Rev. Mr. Oreenway Ave addresses on "How to Win Men." The young people of the Gaston Pres byterian Church, under the direction of Merrttt H. Haines, will hold a social Jn the men's lobby this afternoon. Tho v. J. D. Hicks, pastor of tho First Dutch Reformed Church, will address the wen's meeting tomorrow afternoon nt 4 oclock on "Tho Whole Man." L. J. Nlttlnser will sing. To conserve tho work of Prof. Homer A. Rodeheaver, of the Sunday party, the "Knights of St. Paul" has been organized among the high school tuaents, who will hold their first meet ing Thursday afternoon. GEIWANTOWN Y. M. C. A. A membership campaign of flvo days' , juration, beginning Monday, will be con- oucted by the Qermantown Young Men's Christian Association, 6849 Oermantown -avenue, under the leadership of Bayard Henry, president. The board of man. pra will assist. Fourteen teamB, of 10 ... tgn, nave been organized to so "Clt new members. The team captains -- i.iiimm uauagner, Donald MCComas. ni..!!ly,Grler' James Craig. Walter K. omit". Horace Schoenhut, Robert Fow r m ri Colllson- J- H. Freas. Eugene t7.ii ?!.. wr JHCKara, Lucien u. JaU ' Pn"'P Moore and Dr, James Bron ion. WEST BRANCH Y. M, C. A. v ' ri. Drexel Blddle will speak at the .iV..Branch Yun8- Men's Christian As oviatlon. 52d and Sansom streets, to morrow afternoon, at 4 o'clock. The ffi, Blddle Bible classes of the West Philadelphia districts will attend. Nw Yorker Studies "Billy" Sunday V,' M-Cousart. president of the Brother Mod of the Doyers Street Midnight Mis- n, in Chinatown, New York. Is In this vity studying the methods of "Billy" Sun day IIlmRAlS n nc t.A hnnna tn In. (v ,UCe tl,a evangelist's methods In New . n '" mission work, where the "Billy" ounday hymn book is being used. The Brotherhood has 6000 members. Material Intended for use as new in the Saturday Rallalous page of the EVENINQ LEDGER should bo sent to the Religious Editor, EVENINQ LEDGER, The editorial departments of the PUBLIC LEDGER and EVE. fi'NQ LEDGER are entirely separate, and all news Intended for use In both Publication should bo mailed ifP fte,ly in order to receive proper at "ntlon. 0c Jfrfcnbli 43ntfj TlinJi tetYn fr?m "" South land and begin to build their nt.fs Thl ti"" W?'.er Aa "'"' M torce. . rem",,,,"I' Patches o the lat noo)al are fast welling axeag. Dare J""! con'f' nder leaves will burst iniii i 0"t ' i"et an,t hroxon WM Ju0ttdS? 6fJU('' foUage and it," ,tcn tn the morning's sun. .nwi n.i0Ut "t,oc c0 'M l "" O'ad tpringtlma Rvergbodg U ready to ex. .,, '?.." a heartV toslcomc. "" thf beauty that brings the sea sons gladness comes to us through von a plan and goodness. The life and growth and splendor of Nature aro alt indisputable eildences of the ejrlalonce o the Qrcat and Good God who rulcth over all. If thcrr is any season of the year when Christians' hrarts should brat with log It Is at this glorious time, when thcrr are such fluid evidence of !io Almighty power and goodness. Xo man can thoughtfully consider Inrse things and nnlldputc their beauty and then say: "There Is no Oorf." 1'hlladelphta Is glad for tho near ap proach of the springtime. Hut the Chitstlan men and uiomeii Jmt'o a special cause for rejoicing on the evo of thti Uastertlde. With the swelling of the buds, as evi dence of the new life of Daturc, there has come to Philadelphia such new re. tlglous life as has not been seen here tn yeais ( ever before. The revival campatgn of "Hilly" Sun. day brought almost a miracle for the Christian churches. The Improvemcrtt if the splHtiml ntul moral nlmospfccro should bring great rejoicing to every man or woman who believes In Christ and the right. Let tis rejotce as once mora too slug "Behold, the Lord is risen I" PUlLLlVa. KELIGIOUS HKEVITIES Tho Hev. U. C. (lutcllus, potior of tho draco Ileformed Church, will pteaoh on "The Sinless Saviour" tomorrow morning, tl. II. Hunger ford, of tho Hcthauy 1'rcsbytcrlan Church, will nddrcsg the llrotherhood nt tl -15 o. m. on "Finding Them Asleep." Thotnan Oray nrlll render seer,il cornet solos. In tho eenlng tho congregation will bo addressed by Dr. A If rod c. Carrctt and n. teacher training class of ir will graduate. The pastor will demer a series of vermons on "The Atonement" at spe cial scrlces oory evening, except Saturday, at 8 o'clock during Passion Week. During Pas sion Week and Holy Week tho pastor's cate chetical class will meet with him every evc nlng at 7:15 o'clock. The Itov. Dr. George Chalmers Richmond will Preach In St. John's Episcopal Church tomor row morning on "Marks of n True Apostle Hurling Stones at Peter and Tnul, but Olvlng Money to 'Hilly' Sunday; or. tho Degradation of Preaching." In the eenlng ho will preach on "Tho Church Working Minister." Dr. Charlea R. Erdman, of tho Princeton Thooloilcal Seminary, will address the Pres byterian mlnlstirs' meeting In Westminster Hall Monday morning at 11 o'clock un 'Tento cost." The Men's Illblo Clns.i nnd Evangelistic campaign Committee, of Pox Chase jj Hock ledge, will hold a series of dally services, De fining Monday, in tho Presbyterian church. The next week, btglnlng March ai, the serv ices will bo hold In the Haptlst church, tho third week In the Methodist church, and tho fourth week In tho Episcopal church. Tho Ilcv. Dr. ntwln IIlvl TtfUr nn.lnr nt Ht. Matthew's Lutheran Churrh. broad and Blount Vernon streets, will preach on "Prom Uarkness tr Ll;ht" at 10.4.1 n. m. and on "Obstncles Made Pedestals" nt 8 p. m. Lenten norvlcos uro held Wednesdays at 8 p. m. and IPrldays nt 4 p. m. Mercadante'a Lenten cantata, "The Seven Last Words of Our Saviour on tho Cross," will bo sung by thtf full choir of tho Church of tho Holy Trinity under the direction of the r eanlst and choirmaster. Italpli Kinder, In tho church, nittenhousc Hnuarc, Wednesday night at 1 o'clock. The soloists will Include Tiemlo Kllle Slauch and Abble It. Kcely, sopranos, Helen Hamilton Ackroyd, contralto, John Owens, tenor, Omrgo E. Ernes, baritone, nnd Arthur E. 1. Jackson, bass. All scats will bo free. The llov. Dr. David A. Lolnaj will preach on "The Authority of Christ" at tho morning Bcrvlce tomorrow, nnd In tho evening on "Splrltunl Manhood" In Calvary I'rcsbjtcrlan Church, I-ocust street, above 1,1th street. A midweek eerWce will bo hold Wednesday nfter noon at K o'clock. At the First Methodist Episcopal Church In Oermnntowt. tho Rev. Charles Wesley Burns, pastor, will preach tomorrow morning nnd thu Hev. n. IWker, of Dickinson College, In tho evening. Tho Hev. Charles tV. Harvey, pastor of tho iSnedenborglan d-uroh of tho New Jerusalem, will pronch on "The Hod of Iron" tomorrow at 11 a. m. Revhal services nt tho Union Tabernaclo Ireslyterl.in Church will be conducted by the Rev. nr. aeorgk O. Many, beginning Monday and ending Friday, nt 10:30 a. m. and at 2:30 and 7:43 p. m. Th Rev. J. O. nolton, pastor of tho Hopo Presbylorlan Church, will preach on "The Seen and the Unseen" at 10:45 n, m. and will ad minister Communion at 7:43 p, m. tomorrow. At the Methodist Episcopal Church of the Covenant tho Rev. George W, Irer will preach tomorrow morning and the Rev. Henry U. Walker In the evening-. "Truth Spoken In Love" will bo tho subject of the nev. FMward Warren, pastor of tho Green Hill rreabytcrlan Church, tomorrow morning, and "Preached Under Him JcaUu" In the evening. Charles Zueblhi will give the last lecture In his course on "The Soul of the City" at tho liroad Street Theatre tomorrow at 11 a. m.. under the auspices ot tho Ethical Culture Society. II. Ellington Wood, evangelist, will conduct the services at the Franklin Homo tomorrow night at b' o'clock. At the First Unitarian Church the Rev. C. B 8t. John will preach tomorrow morning on "Unltarlanlam as an Aid to Spirituality." In the ovenlng there will be u irpeclal lecture on "How the Higher Criticism Hcgarda tho Kplstles and Acts," Mrs. 11. G. Kepler, vice president of the Young Women's Christian Association, will apeak at the Young Women's Christian Asso ciation tomorrow morning at 0 o'clock. The Jtev. I.eo P. Zook will proach at the Reformed Episcopal Church of Our Redeemer tomorrow morning and evenlnr. Vesper services at Houston Hall, University of Pennsylvania, will have Hurry 13. Fosd.'ck, of Montrlalr, N. J., aa rpeaker tomorrow after noon at 4 o clock. At the Central North Rroad Street Presby terian Church the Rev Dr. Robert Hugh Mor ris, pastor, will preach on "The Acid Test for Converts, Old and New" tomorrow morn ing In tha evening the Itev. E. Plgott-Slnkln will preach on "The Vision Men Need Today." ."How I Came from Orthodoxy to Freodom" will be the subject of the Itev. IC. n. H vans' vrmon at the Glnrd Avenue Unitarian Church tomorrow evening. At tho Norrls Square United Presbyterian Church the Ray. Lee E. Rife will preach on "Why Oo to Church?" tomorrow momtnr and on ''Christian Joy" In the evening. Evan gollatlo meetings will be held for a week, be ginning tomorrow. Robert Graham, will preach to the Second Baptist Helping Hand clan tomorrow after noon. Communion service at the Ninth Presby terian Church will be conducted tomorrow bv the Itev Dr. John Axford, Hlggons. when 30 new members will be received. One hundred and ten have been received sloe last June, Including the communion for that month. -The Last Night at Bethany," an oratorio by C, Lie Williams, organist or uiouccrter Cathedral, England, will be rendered by tho choir of St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church. York road and Melrose -avenue, to- Church. York roaa ana iieroit -avenue, to. h...Xtlr .ninr at 8 o'clock, under tha di rection of Prof, Ernest T, Allen, organist and choirmaster. At the Old First Presbyterian .Church. Washington square, the Rev. Edwin lleyl Ij1k raitor of St. .. Matthew's Lutheran church, will conduct the Interdenominational noonday Lenten services Monday and Tues day at :M o'clock, At. a Thnmii EdIscodiI Church. 12th .trVet below Walnut street. Tneouor, u , 'iK X"".- r ;:, IVnrf. of Christ" Will ba rnHrd by the choir of 40 voices under the KaderVnlp It 'stanTey C. Ollbert organist and choirmaster, tomorrow eveplug at JM o'clock. cnoirHi"";. . Lydla C. McClsne. so JrV Sterling R., tenor, and Adolph Hodge, baritone, March Rally pf C. E. .Union The March rally ol the Central Chris tian Endeavor Union will be held at the North 10th Street Presbyterian Church Monday evening, beginning- at 8 o'clock. The Rev. J. N. 8. Jsenberg, pastor of the Trinity Reiorinea vhuivu, nu v we i .nat.lr.,1-. I EXPECT 15,000 AT BIG RALLY IN TABERNACLE Sunday School Teachers and Scholars Will Assemble on Monday Night. Tho largest Sunday school rally ever held In this city will bo staged nt tho tabernaclo Monday night when 15,000 teachers and studonta from nil parts of tho city will gather to glvo Impetus to tho Sunday school movement. This will bo tho first meeting In Iho vast nudltorlum on Logan Square tn bo held nftcr tho drpnrturo of "Hilly" Sttn lny. It may be the last. Ticket reser vations point to an nudlcnco fully rut largo ns thoic which have thronged thn Btnicturo during tho evangelistic cam paign. Korcoful sperUtrrn in civic and religious movements will address tho rally. Among tlic-m nro Mnnr Illnnkenburg, tho Itov. Dr. Floyd W Tnmklns, Dr Alfred Copo Garrett. Dr. Gcorgo XV. Hnlley, prexldcnt of tho World's Sunday School Associa tion! Joseph St. Hteolp, president of tho Sunday Campaign Committee; W. O. Lan dls, general secretary of tho IVnnsyl vnnla Sabbath. School Association, tho Itov. Dr. Auguit Pohlninn: John Walton, prosldent of the Philadelphia County Sunday School Ansoclntlon. nnd Miss Grace Snxe, of tho "Hilly" Sundav pnrty. Tho Rev. Alexander Henry will pre.ihlo. A delegation from tho men's lilblo clnsfCH and M0 graduate teachers repre senting MO Sunday schools In tho city, will occupy the plntform. Half a dozen bands from Sunday schools will furnish tho music. Tho meeting I? under tho auspices of tho Philadelphia County Sundav School Association and was arranged by Mrs Rmlllo K. Kearney, teachers' training socretnry. 'TRAIL HITTERS' MASS-MEETING Methodists Plnn Great Union Gather ing For Mnrch 29. Plans nro being mnde by n committee representing tho Mothodlst churches of the city for a great union Methodist ninsa mcetlng of "trail hitters" nnd workers of the "Rllly" Sunday campaign, to bo held In the Baptist Temple, Ilrond nnd Dorks streets, Monday evening, March 25. BlBhop Joseph P. Berry and tho Itev. Dr. Charles M. Boawnll will speak to nn audience that Is calculated to fill tho church to Its capacity. Music will bo fur nished by a choir of GOO Mothodlst mem bers of tho tabernaclo chorus, led by J. Lincoln Hall. THE "BILLY" SUNDAY BIBLE CLASS CENTRAL TRUTH OF TOMORROW'S LESSON. (March St, 1315 International Scries I Samuel It: 1-18.) HEROISM By GEORGE G. DOWEY. Jonathan, the son of Kino Saul, U the hero of this lesson, in which wc have the story of one of the most courageous and daring exploits of soldier life. Saul, who in our last lesson manifested such kingly Qualities, and, i. glorify his Uod. With this motive and with an unxcaverlna faith in God, he faced an army alone, and icon. History records military exploits and deeds of valor toithoiit -number, but the world's heroes are not all of the past, nor do all their names find place on printed page. The young saleswoman supporting herself and invalid mother on a weekly pittance; the aspiring but handicapped youth struggling for an education; the wtdoived mother fighting away the wolf from tho door by hard labor till her children be grown, and many vthcr Just plain, common folk, engaged in daily struggles that call for real heroism, but whose deeds aro unsung, except, perhaps, by the angels. Jonathan is an example of faith and courage and is a source of inspiration to every trua soul who, against great odds, is engaged in the struggle of life. ASK YOUR BOOKSELLER FOR The Holman Bible "The Beat Edition! of the World's Best Book" Do You Know that the now famous pronouncing- feature In Testa ments, Teachers' and Chil dren's Bibles was intro duced by the publishers of IIOLMA.V llll.lesl Think of the labor In volved In tho preparation of "copy" In which every proper name had to bo di vided Into syllables and dla critically marked for the first time. Up to that time no edition of the Bible was accepted which contained any change or alteration. Ours the task to convince every one that the pro nounclng feature was a rrnl help to Bible reading and that no liberties had been taken with the text. Most of our Bibles are pronouncing; three-quarters at least; a few are non pronouncing, because some still prefer the text without any changes, pre ferring to take crtances on the proper pronunciation of the difficult names. Results: i Type Paper Binding Helps Map Excellence Clearness and legibility. Excellence Thinnest and best opaque Bible paper. Excellence The best quality (no seconds) of each grade of leather, Absolutely flexible and durable bindings. Excellence The most practical In use. Simply arranged. Authoritative. Excellence Complied according: to the latest and best authorities. VERSION AUTHORIZED. Our eosilont aim Is to mak and ktcp tha A. Je Holman Company, Philadelphia FAMILY UI11LES IN SIX LANGUAGES $140,000 Y.W.C. A. WILL BE DEDICATED Whole Week of Exercises Begin at Opening in Germantown Tomorrow. The new $H0,n00 home of the German town Young Women's Christian Associa tion, nt G8M Clcrmnntown nvenuc, will bo dedicated tomorrow afternoon. A week of housewnrmlng and welcoming exer cises will follow. The Hov. Charles Wesley Burns, pastor of tho rirst Methodist Episcopal Church In Ocrmnntown, will conduct the dedi catory exercises, which begin nt 4:30 o'clock Tho hostesses will be tho bonrd ot directors, tho Vesper Committee and tho Illblo Committee. Virtually all the clergymen of Qermantown will nttend. Invocation will be read by tho Hev. S. I. Keeling, nnd tho Hov. Gladstone Holm will lend in prayer. Addresses will ho delivered by Mrs. 12. M. Wlstar. president of tho association i tho .Hev. XV. II. Jen nings nnd tho Hov. Luther DoToe. A reBponMvo rending will be conducted by tho Itov. Wnyno Chnuncll. The building overlooks Vernon Park nnd is three stories high. It Is of fire proof brick and Is trimmed with lima fllonp. Its dormitories will accommodate 3 jotmg women. In tho basement Is a large swimming pool, tho wnter In which In kept pure by mentis of ultrn-violat rnys. rhl method Is new In tho coun try, tho Oerinntitown Voung Women's Christian Association being one of tho first Institutions to adopt It. Ground for the biillillm; was broken last spiing. Tho old building Is nt Church lano and Ger mantown nvenuo. A reception to the Junior members will bo held Monday afternoon nnd there will bo nn exhibition of swimming. In tho ovenlng. nt n housewarmlng to tho senior mrmbcrs, n tiro will be lighted for tho llrsl time on the largo hcnrtli In the nn scmbly room. Miss Mary C. Peacock will mnko an address at a reception to teach ers nnd professional women of Gcrmnn town, Tuesdny nftcrnoon, and In tho evening, ut a business men's reception, Walter M. Wood, general secretary of tho Philadelphia Young Men's Christian As sociation, will speak. Moving pictures of Y. W. C. A. activities will bo shown. Tho week's round of exercises will terminate Saturday night. March 20. with nn "open house," when music and a swimming exhibition will bo tho attractions. iiac 7nny ainers who Have made such promising starts in life hut have fallen by the way, noto presents a pic ture of fear, discouragement, defeat.- lilt forces aro reduced and panlc-strlckcn, with the invading Philistine ready to viakc attack. It Is SauVs and Israel's ex trcmlty. A miracle, or a "man of the hour" is necessary to save tho day. Jonathan steps forth as that man. Head the story and see how he attempted and accom plished the "impossible." Taking only his arrnor bcarcr, he stole away from his own discouraged ranks, performed the physlcalt'task of ascending a dangerous mountain pass to the vantage ground of the enemy, invaded the enemy's camp and actually caused a rout of the whole army. It teas a manifestation of re markable heroism. Hut the central truth lies In the fact that this heroic deed was inspired by a great motive, namely, the desire to save his people and to The Claim of Superiority of Holman Bibles is not confined to the pronouncing text, but is due to the fact that nearly fifty years have elapsed between the publication of the first Holman Bible and the last issue of 1915, dur ing which time the publishers have moved steadily for ward on the road to improvement. Helma fl(tl "Tha Standard ot BteilUnea.' bishop w. f. Mcdowell Bishop McDowell, of Chicago, who for tho first time is presiding over tho Philadelphia annual Metho dist Episcopal Conference, now in its 128th session nt Norristown, was snapped while leaving the Haws Avenue Church. He is re garded as one of the strongest bishops in the church. Bishop McDowell celebrated his 57th birthday February 4. His 'homo is at Evnnston, 111. BISHOP GARLAND TO CONFIRM Bishop Gnrland will preach nnd ndmln Istor tho rlto of confirmation tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock at tho Church of St. Luko and the Epiphany, 13th street below Spruce strcot. Thu clnss promises to be one of the largest in tho history of tho parish. Tho Rev. David M. Steele, rector, will bo tho special visiting preacher nt tho service tomorrow evening In Calvary Church, Germantown. Tho Rev. Philip J. Stclnmctz, Jr., for merly an , assistant nt tho church, will speak at Epiphany Chnpel, 17th nnd Sum mer streets, tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock. Ho Is nt present rector of Cal vary Church, Summit, N. J. IlEI.IGIOim NOTICES llnptM UAlTIbT TEMPLG. Ilroad and lierlta. 1U. A. y. Harris will preach. Mornlnir, 10 Mi. lllMo School, l!:::n. Eve.. 7:45. MAIHCLLi: CHLllIIA.V ADDISON contralto, Mill assist In the evcnlmr. Organ Uecltnl, 715. Wni. l'nnrll Twnddoll, M, D. CHESTNUT STItKirr V " TIST OIIUllCH Clicstiiut st west of 40th. aiJOKOi: D. Ai'AA.- ' I'aator. 11:4.1 llrotherhood of A. and P. lo:10 n. in. Unrshln uml .-.uuun tiy rastor. SM p. m. Ulblo tfehoul nnd Men's Illblo Union. 7-45 p. m. Dr. OoorKe W. Truett. of Dallas. Ti'f. will urcacli Sunday evenlnc at this church. SCLUMI 11APTIST IICLI'INO HAND flASS mirls I1..I0, 7th below Otrard run, Hubert Orahani. wpcakcr. Friday nluht, Frank Keul, tho converuM actor, will speak. Monday night, llli South st, Tucsda, 'llmrsday and Sunday nlKhts, tiothnny Anchorage, 300 N. Cth st. Wm. J. McKee, President. Itrethren niiHT ciiunru of the unuTiniEN (Dunker), Cor. Cnrllslo nnd Dauphin sts. Prcathlnx 10.30 a. in. and 7:13 p. m. Sunday School 2:30 p. m. Pracr Meeting each Wednesday evening. UUrlplea of Christ TiUHD CHRISTIAN CIIUIICH Lancaster ave., IIollj and Aspen sts. T. E. WINTER Pastor. Ill IV 2 10. 7. Drcxcl Hlddlo Illble Clussrs DUEXEL DIDDLE niDLE CLASSES. Chic and eiluiatU.mil rally Uhuraday night. Messiah Reformed L'hurcli. Kith nnd Wolf Bts. Speakers Hon. Hamilton L. Carson, Di rector Porter and Thomas Martindale. You are cordially Invited. Ethical Cult u r Mil. CHAULES ZUEULIN will speak on "The Joy of the City," Ilroad Street Theatre, Sun day, 11 a, m. Public welcome. Uranklln Ilonir FHANKLIN HOME POll THE HEFORMA. TION OF INEUItlATES. 011-13 Locust st. bunday, A p. tn. Senilis conducted by Mr. it. Wellington Wood. Evannellat. inasmuch Mission INASMUCH MISSION 4th Anniversary Week March 21th to 30th, Inclusive. Wednesday nUht. lit. Rev. P. M, Hhlne lander, presiding Thursday night, ueorge Wharton Tepper, pre siding. Friday night, John Grant Newman. Saturday night, Itt. Rev. Thou. J. Garland. hundoy night. George Long. Monday night, Droiel Illddla Illble Classes' Night. Tuesday night, Hon. George D. McCreary. The abovo program Includes many of Phila delphia's moat prominent people. Special music, each night Henta reserve,! for visitors. Doors open -10. Song Service 7. ALL WKI-gQMB-AI.L. Lemon Hill Association "THE WORLD'S HIOIl PRIEST" OAimiCK THHATHB Bt'NDAY NinilT 7.50. ALL-WI5LCOM E-ALL Lutheran MESSIAH LUTHKHAN "The Friendly Church." lOlh and JertersMi sts. DANIEL K. WKIOLE. Pastor. will preach. 10:10 and 7.45. At the evening service Great Revival Hymns will be sung, led by Organ, Trombone and Double puariei. TABERNACLE. Mth and Sruc-Wm. J. Mil ler. Jr.. 10:411 7148- S. 3., 2:30 p. m. Methodist Episcopal CHURCH OP TUB COVENANT Spruce and IStb sts. MILTON HAHOLD NICHOLS. Minister, Ten Thirty. Sermon by The nETVBHEND O. W. IZER. D. D, Seven Forty Five, Sermon by The nBVBRBND HBNHY E. WALHBY A very hearty wclcom'e to strangtra EMMANUEL. 20th and Orown-10:SO a. m.. C. J. Benjamin; 7:43 p. m.. Miss Fetterolf, of the Sunday, Party. THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH IN OERMANTOWN CHAIILL'S WESLEY BURNS. Minister. Morning worship, ten forty-ftva Sermon by the MINISTER. Evening worship, eight THK RBV. ELIAB B. UAKBR, ot Dtckuuoa College. Musis by Tested boy choir. Welcome. BISHOP RHINEbANDER WILL PRESIDE AT DEDICATION Chnpel Furnishings nt Inasmuch Mis sion Presented ns Memorial. Bishop Philip M. Hhlnclnnder wilt dedi cate tho chapel furnishings nt llio Inas much Mission, Locust street between 10th and 11th streets, Wednesday evyntng, In tho prcsenco of Drcxcl Blddle Blbto Classes from nil pnrts of tho city. Tho furniture, which will bo presented ns n memorial to the classes by William ' ..ill- 0-..1I .-111 t.A n..itfl nn liAlmlf nt i.iun nun,,, ,ii ui, iH,tj...u v.. . ----- tho mission nnd tho classes by A. J. Drexcl Middle. It was mado to order In Italy nnd Is decorated with the emblem nt tho class, tho rising sun. Former Governor Pennypacker, Hamp ton L. Carson nnd Thomas Martlndnle will bo nmong tho spenkers nt tho Mes siah Heformed Church, 13th and Wolf Rtreets. Thursday night, In tho second of a series of civic nnd cducntlonnl rallies. Tho Hov n. J. La Hose, tho pastor, will make tho address of welcome nnd Wllllnm Huey. chief director of tho district, will preside. Forty-seven classes will bo formnlly rc relvcd Into the tircxel Hlddlo organiza tion nt n gold button rally Monday night in tho Calvary Lutheran Church. 41st street and Mantua nvenuc. when tho lend rs will bo presented with the founder buttons by Mr. Blddle. E. M. Orton, chief director, wilt preside. Addresses will bo delivered by representatives of the men'B nnd women's branches of tho organiza tion. II Frederick Wilson, managing director ot the Mhldlo Atlnntlo States, will lead tho Holy Trinity men's classes tomorrow morning In the parish house, 217 South 20th street Mr, Hlddlo will give his Im perionntlon of Doctor Jckll and Mr. Hyde. J. Dewltt Jobborn wilt speak bo forc tho Trinity Hctormcd Episcopal Church clnss tomorrow nftcrnoon. Ministers to View Worlts of Art Clergymen of every denomination In Philadelphia nnd vicinity liavobecnlnvlted to be Bursts of tho Academy of the Flno Arts on Monday, from 0 to C o'clock, when they will Inspect tho pictures In tho 110th nnnunl exhibition, Including tho much discussed religious painting by Cmll Carl Bon. "O, Yo of Llttlo Faith." nnd tho canvas by Sir Uenjamln West. "Christ Hcfore Pilate," which Is part of tho per manent collection. Tho Cnrlsen picture, which won tho highest praise from "Hilly" Sunday on n recent visit to tho galleries, received second place In the voting for the Philadelphia prize for the best-liked picture In tho current exhibi tion. The Invitation has been extended through tho vnrlous ministerial associa tions, admission being given to any cler gyman on presentation of his viBltinB card. RELIGIOUS NOTICES Methodist Episcopal Continued TAIICUNACLU. 11th bolow Oxford, A. E. Uniwcll. gerrnons, i w. . .. j. .. -.w. OHBAT UNION METHODIST MASSMEDTTNG of converts and workcra of the Sunday Canu-algn In tho Uartlst Temple, Urend and llcrks bib., Monday ovcnlnic, March 2'J, nt 8 o'clock. Addresses by IMshop P-crry and Hev. C. M. Boswell, D. D. MiibIc by Methodist members of the Taber nacle cnorup. ica uy irroi. j. i.iiw .nnt. IlKV C. H. BRANDT, District Superintendent of Altoona, wilt pck at Christ Methodist Church Sunday mnrnlne. March SI. Itov. William E. Ycager. I'aator. New jlcriisulem (Svvcdenborclnn) "THlJllOD OF IRON" lu the riible.-t of the sermon. Sunday morning, by the I'aator, the Kcv. Cliarlea W. Hancy, at tho Church of tho New Jerusalem, 22d and Chestnut sts. Servlra at 11 o'clock. Sunday School at 0:30. All scata aro free. Everylody Is welcome. ITcslij terlan CCNTHAJ.-NORTH IIROAD STREET PRESllYTERIAN CHURCH Droud and Urtrn streets. KOIIEKT HUGH MORRIS. Pastor. 10 1.1 a. in. Sermon by Dr Morris, "Tho Acid Test for Converts. Old and New." 2:45 p. m. Sunday School. Classes for all tigea tt:4.1 p. m. Christian Endeavor Society. S.oO p. m. Sermon by Rc. E. Plgott Slniklu, "The vision Men Need Today." Ev er onecordlally Jnvltod to all services. DAILY NOONDAY SERVICES FOR BUSI NESS MEN AND WOMEN OLD FIRST PlttCSHY-1 ERIAN CHURCH Washington Square ("ill and Locust sts.) U 12 2.1 o'clock, closing at 12:n0 precisely. Addresses will be delivered aa follows: Monday and Tuesday, March 22-23 nov. Edvv'n lleyl Delk. D. D., St. Matthew's I.uthenn Church. Wednesday. March 21 Hev. William Mulr Auld. Calvary Presbj terlan Church. Thursday. March 25 Rev. W Quay Roselle, Ph. I)., D. D.. Fifth Baptist Church. Frldiy. March 2G Rev. Linn Bowman, D. D., Spring Garden St. M. E. Church. Saturday. March 27 Hev. Charles E. Bran son. D. D.. West Hope Presbyterian Church. ALL WELCOME. BRINO FR I ENDS. GREEN HILL. Ulrard ave. above lath. Rev. EDWARD WARREN, Minister. 10.30. "Truth Spoken In Love." 7:10, "Proached Under Him, Jesus " 2:30, Illble Class. Quar tet Choir. Organ Recital before evening serv Ices by Mr. John Dyson. HOPE. 33d and Wharton sts. Minister, Rev. J. GRAY BOLTON, D. D. Rev. WILLIAM TAYLOR CALDWELL, Asslslant. 10:45 a. in.. Dr. Bolton will preach on "The Seen and the Unseen." 7:45 p. m.. Communion. ST. PAUL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Baltimore ave , cor. 50th st. Rev J. Boverllco Lee, D. D., Minister. 10:45 a. m. Public worship and celebration of tho Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. 2-30 p. in. Graded Illblo School. 7.45 p. m. Evening worship. Sermon by Doctor Lee. All seats free. Solo. Quartet (liolr, morning and evening. UNION TAHERNACLI3 " York and Cnral st REV. ROIinilT HUNTER, D. D PASTOR REVIVAL SERVICES 10 30 a. in. 2:30 n. m 7:45 p. m. By REV. DR. GEORGE O. MAHY Dr Many will continue these services every ovenlng during the week from Monday until Friday. I -Tree chorus choir, Sunday hymns. Vocal soloists: Greenhalgh brothers, cornetlsta. EVERYBODY INVITED Protestant Episcopal CHURCH OF TUB HOLY APOSTLES. 1st ana u-nrisuan sis, MISSIONARY MISSION BY REV. ROBERT XV. PATTON Morning scrvico at 10.30. Evening service at 7 30. Mr. Patten will oltlclato ut both serv ices. Sunday School session changed from 2 30 p. m. to n .10 a. m. OLD ST. JOHVB, Brown below 3d Dr Rich", mond preaches tomorrow, 10 30 and 7:45. You Can Be One of the 50 Exposition Trip Winners The Public Ledger-Evening Ledger offers you the opportunity of seeing the Panama-Pacific and San Diego Expositions entirely without charge. Fifty persons securing the most credits for Ledger subscriptions wilj win the trips; qll others are paid for subscriptions at newsdealers' rates. Send for full information and instructions. CONTESTANT'S ENTRY BLANK MfMMMfffffMMtltltMMIft4M I M a t PUBLIC LEDGER EVENING LEDGER INDEPENDENCE SQUARE, PHILADELPHIA Please enter nay name as a contestant for tb Panama Pacific Exposition Tour. Fill Out Coupon and Mail Today Sand me all the Decenary information and subscription, tJanVi. GAHRICK THEATRE MEETING "Tho World's High Priest", to Bo Sub ject of Sermon. The nll-sufrlctency of Christ' priest hood, In the shop, the home and the (.treet, ns well as in the church or c&the drnl, will bo discussed by the Itev. Dr. James D. Ely, at the nonseot&rlan meet ing of the Lomon Hill Association, In the CJarrlck Theatre, tomorrow ovenlng, His subject will be "The World's Mtlh Priest." Tho special soloist -at the musical serv ice will be Miss Thclmn. Frttx, whose so prano voice won merited applause In tha Philadelphia Operatic Society's pnseLta Hon of "Incla" a few years ago. Her numbers tomorrow night will lncluda Ambrose's "Ono Sweetly Solemn Thought"; D. D. Ackley's "Jesus Thinks o." Mo" and "Sweeney's "Only a Gleam of Sunshine." F. Nevln WIcsL cornetlst. will piny Paul Rodney's "Calvary," and J. Lincoln Hall will lead tho popular sonic service. After the opening of the doors, at 7:16 o'clock, tho organ recital by Park V. Ilogan will Include 8chneckers "Pas. loralo" and Tostl's "Forever and For ever." Bishop Capers to Preach Dtshop Capers, of the West Texas) Episcopal Diocese, will conduct the morn ing services at St Stephen's Church, 10th street nbove Chestnut atroet, tomorrow. Tho Rov. Dr. Floyd W Tomklns, rector of Holy Trinity Church, will preach ot St. Stephen's dally from Monday to Fri day. On Saturday the Rev. James JJ. Halsey, rector of St Timothy's, at Ilox borough, will preach. A young man drunk may possibly be his father's vole staggering around. ju Zta. land OHt. RELIGIOUS NOTICES rrotcatsuit Episcopal Continued rAIHSH OF ST. LUKE AND Mth .. below Sprue T1IB IANr IlKV. DAVID M. STEELE, Rector. 8 a. m. Holy Communion. 10 a. m. Sunday School. 11 a. m. Momlnr Prayer and Sermon. 4 p. m. Anual Confirmation Service, Organ, harp nd violin .prelude and Interlude, Tha Rector will preach. BP1P7IA24Y CIIATPDL . . 170i and Hummer streets. 8:00 a. m. Holy Communion. 11:00 n m. Morning Prayer and Sermon. 2:4S p. m. Sundar School. 8.00 ii. m. Evening Prayer and Address. Preacher morning. Iter. t. W. McQrew. Preacher evening. Iter. p. J. etelnmets. ST. MARK'S CHURCH lflih and I.ocust nts Tho Rev. ELLIOT WHITE, Rector. SUNDAY 7 and 8 Holy Communion. 10:80 Matins. 11 Choral Eucharist. ...... . 4 Choral Evensong, with short address, and Anthem, followed by Organ Recital. , The Rector will preach on Sunday at 11 "" m' WEEKDAY SERVICES 7, 7:4,1 and 0 a m. and B p. m. The Litany will he raid and Intercessions for poaco mado on Wednesdays ana Fridays ai Saturday, at 12 m.. the. Rector's Bible Class (in the Church). Thursdays and Saints' Days aauuionai ceieprnvion. u.o. . ,.. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH 10th su anov uncEinui. .. . Itev. CARL E. CRAMMER. S. T. p., Rector. Sunday Services: 10.15 a. m.. Holy Com munion. II n. m.. MornlngTrayer and Ser mon hy Blahon Capers, of West Texas. 4 P. m.. I-.Y1-1HIIK mjt;, mm .,.-". ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH 10th above Chestnut. DAILY NOONDAY' LENTEN SERVICES at 12.80 o'clock, closing at 12:5.1. A short organ recital will precede each service. MARCH 22-20 , REV. TLOYD W. TOMKINS, D. D.. Holy Trinity. Philadelphia. MARCH 27 nBV. JAMES B. nALSEY, SL Timothy's Roxboro. COME AND BRINO A FRIEND Reformed FIRST N. A.t 1.1TH AND DAUPHIN. HEV. JOHN D. HICKS. Pastor. 10.80 and 8. s. S.. 2:30. Communion, 10:30 a, m. Heformed Eplsropal OUR REnKDMJCR. ltlth and Oxford sts. Itev. LEO. P. ZOOK. 10:80. 8:00. 2:30 (men only). Rev. George Dowey. Bvvedenborgbm SEE NEW JERUSALEM Unitarian FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH, 2123 Chestnut St.. nev. C. E. St. John, Minister. 10 a", ro., Sunday School. Children and young people invited. 11 a. m., preaching by the Min ister on "irNITARIANISM AS AN AID TO SPIRITUALITY." At the rame hour In the Chapel. Italian Service by Rev. F. A. Taglta lutein. 8 p. in , special lecture on "WHAT THE HIGHER CRITICISM SAYS ABOUT Till1. Ui'larijl'.n AND Aua. U1RARD AVE. (15M), REV. K. E. EVANS. 10 45. "Is a 'Bible' Needed Today?" 12. B. 8. Discuss.. "How Men Made Jesus a -ooa.' " 7:45. "low I Came OUT OF ORTHODOXY." TJnlted Presbyterian Till) NORRIS SQUARE U. P. CHURCH Hancock st. and Susquehanna ave., nev. LEE E. JUFE. i'aator. 10:45 a. m. "Why Go to Churcht" 7:45 p. m. "Christian Joy." Evangellstlo meetings March 21 to 2a. University of Pennsylvania VESPER SERVICES. 4:30 o'clock. Houston Hall. Address by Robert E. Spear, Mont clalr N. J. Soloist, John F. Braun. Young Men's Christian Association REV. R. A. HUTCHINSON, representing th Anti-Saloon League, addreases Men's Meeting. 4 p m.. In the auditorium. Subject, "The Church and the Saloon." Drop-In-Class In lobby, 3 p. m led by Thomas L. Lawton. publect. 'Iotn Some Church." WEST BRANCH. R2d and Sansom. 4 p. m.. address by A. J. Drexcl Blddle. Blbl. Class men invited. Special music. Henry XV Uewls, soloist. Young Women's Christian Association V. W. C. A. 1S0O ARCH ST. SUNDAY. MARCH 21. 0 A. M. TOWER ROOM MRS. 11 O. KEPLER VICE PRESIDFNT OF Y W C A. MISS DOROTHY BRADFORD, SOLOIST " WFLCOME BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATIONS 111E SALVATION ARMY. Inc. Philadelphia Headquarters. Colonial Trust Building. Ulth and Market. Colonel It. E. Hols in command. Telephones: Bell. Walnut 3733-4. Keyatone. Race Bits X. m 11 i 1 3 4i ni .