',1 EVENING LEDGEE PHILADELPHIA1, EKIDAY, MAttflH 19. 1915- X, V ir fl mm&& m 'm m wmm m w&&wm m mm'$&&.m sw.o, UJi- m) . &. r ; T.u i.w t, .i iWrfl W ft 4b 7 itf ws toJSrt wsH " :' if ffi r i&V r'H irn m 150 Better Than 100 of Pure Silver to Gross 21 Nickel Silver Base w 111 II &t I. c i Enlarged rictureot King Albert Spoon Actual Blie, 8 Inches LI. s . Ll Ll Every woman, yes, every man who is not wholly base, has prayed that in the hour of sudden danger, he might be found worthy. To Albert, of Belgium, the test came with lightning suddenness. Europe had promised Belgium peace on condition that she should not depart from neutrality. If she allowed any nation to cross her border in order to attack another, that would be breaking the covenant which guaranteed her neutrality. King Albert had to decide whether he should keep faith with this covenant, thereby courting death for himself and ruin for his people, or whether with his little army he should try to resist the most powerful military force that had ever been assembled in the world's history. Today, King Albert is the world's hero, because in the eyes of all mankind he has given an example of unsullied valor. He led his people forth into the straight path that is trodden by men who reck not of danger when honor is at stake. Majestic in stature, noble in nature, pure in heart he has retained the modesty of greatness amid all the plaudits of unnumbered multitudes. Through the lofty deeds of such a Sovereign a whole nation is exalted. Far beyond the bounds of Belgium, a thousand million are made to feel that there are some things in life which cannot be bought and sold; some things that are far more precious than even life itself. One man is the hero of his family; another is the hero of his city; a third is the hero of his country. Albert of Belgium, amid heart-breaking sorrows and the daily dangers of death, has reached a pinnacle which is still loftier for today he stands forth as the Hero of Mankind. Four Beautiful Heavy Silver Spoons King Albert Queen Elizabeth General Leman Cardinal Mercier Start your collection of Belgian Hero Heir loom spoons Saturday. Do not wait until next week. Millions of Americans will want this King Albert Spoon and other Belgian Hero Spoons Queen Elizabeth, General Leman, the hero defender of Liege, and Cardinal Mercier, the hero archbishop of Malines. Get your King Albert Spoon today or put in your order for all four of the Belgian Hero Heirloom Spoons. These are not merely "Souvenirs." These are HEIRLOOM Spoons. These are the genuine Wm. A. Rogers, Ltd., Horseshoe Brand Quality Silverware Spoons. 100 pennyweight pure silver on 21 nickel silver base, 150 better than standard silver plate. Look for the Horseshoe trademark on the back of every spoon the guarantee of this well-known firm.v LZuIOe CAPitaVi, fl 4M Q9 3Bm. A. Sogers, cimitrti SILVERWARE-CUTLERY ALU lUHCIUt mew vomK CHICAGO SAN riUNCIICO 10 IT LAND, OMCOH 1 MAOAJU FALl. X. r, MOXTHAMrrOM. Mill. voarou, VIHUU torn) Ijrlrloom (Tra frrjarm, atamped with our regiatered trade mail, shown above, is told under our absalalr gnarantrr sf tjcrrllrrtrr. Th meUl it fineit quality 21 nickel aiUcrs the dtsifn most (netful, workmanship of the hiihcit orderi Stall Jtir nnrr Suplfx otrttoiui Brlrtfomo $latr (100 Dwt) port BUoir per itom. which ii 150?, heari.r than standard plate. Willi proper care they cannot fail to give aauifaction in every particular. , An spoon which does not harmonue with the abov guarantee will be exchanged II returned with this certificate. WM. A. ROCEPJ, Llall.J .rirr-rr-l-rrtf m Every Genuine Heirloom Spoon it wrapped with thit guarantee These Belgian Hero Heirloom Spoons are made only by Wm. A. Rogers, Ltd., and are sold only by high class dealers, Below are the names of dealers from whom you can buy the King Albert Spoons now, and who will take your order for the other three Belgian Hero Heirloom Spoons, King Albert Heirloom Spoons, 25 cents GIMBEL BROTHERS nowNTOircf auovnsa iimaicr Jewclrr Store a Jacotuon, 138 N. Sth St Cha. 1L Jobruoo. S00 N. 13th St. TJia Palace Jewelry Shop. 801 Market St and Cbeatnut Si, near lh St. U Roeenbauin. '.'.'2 N fcth at. U. J fccbleon. 1233 Market St & J Sehleea, BOH Market St. Hardware Store W U & (J. W. Allan, US Market St J H. Shannon Hardware Co . 8 la Cbeatnut. Morrla Shapiro. Itf N. 0th St. Stationery Star i'hiitp Bander Mi Market St AUroa, 630 Market 8t. l'hlla- Notion & Novelty lfou.e. 333 Market, OITWIUK OF I'lULAUBU'llIA ATLANTIC Cm, N. J. Broak'n IruK Store, 2UB Attfll Ave. Via) In a rharraaer, Paalflc Cor ftantatei. 0tU Apothecary, lliu A Atlajitlo Ave. Park Ffearioacy Atlautic 4t Ohio Avea. I4ltoi ijccra-e V Atlantic . llUcoti Ave. Oulalde of FUU. witlaul on ?;. f Nonni FiiiLAnEr.i'iii.v Department btore lioyt & Son. 1620 Itldf Ave. Drua; Storea Anderson & Wear, Broad & i'alrmount. Arnold. II. P., 6th 1 Alleclieny Ave. Uaer, Howard J , S231 Jlldf Ave. Barlement, Philip U. 24U Kenalntton. Bartholoraew.Aalemalre.FroDt & Wyomlnt. Utile. Henry &, 4001 N. 8th St. , UinaTham. II. C, nids. CallovvhlU & tOth. Boeach, Theo K . OSth Ave. A York Road. Brlncman. M 8.. 10th & Buaquahanne. Broudv'a Pharmacy. 2Sd A: Columbia Ave. Carpenter, Wm. A.. SOth & Parriah St. Clccoae & Martin, 6th & Rising Sun Lane. CompI 11. O., Diamond St cor. Itldt Ave. CrumLlo Bros.. 8M9 N Broad St Darrab. D Wayne. 11th & Montgomery, Bails, a B., York toad k Green. Lane, Dlion. Harry. 29th 4L Lehlth Ave Eheruardf Pharmacy. lTUi MMtjomary. Mlreth's rhrmai.y. 12th a Columbia Ave. Llllnr Pharmacy. 7th 4k dearflsli Bta. North I'blladelphla atwsitd o Pas; ft each, at the Following Leading Stores: STRAWBR1DGE & CLOTHIER WEST PHILADELPHIA Departmeot Storea McCarthy, J, P., 0010 Havertord Av. Morton. Wm., CIB3 Lancaster Av. Drur Hlorea Allen. M. D., 82J V Larehwood. , , Balbirnl Pharmacy Co, 62d & Walnut St. lilackwood. R. T, 82d &, Glrard Ave, Bell. R. JJ.. Ud'as Cheater Ava Wane. SatiKl, 02d & Parkilde Ac Brlibi. W. A 4000 Olrard Av. Butler, Walter T.. elth A Lancaster Ave. Cable, J. O . GOth A Chestnut St. Cedar Ave. pharmacy, Mth A Cedar Av. Cedar Pharmacy, 003 B. 00th St Cloud. Marian. Darby. Ponna. Darby Pharmacn COO Main St., Darby. Dlppre, J Philip, tttiT Market fat: Davit A Co.. Geo. U . -TlOO Lancalttr At. Dunolaia Pbarmacy, Cllrton lleljeht. Pa, Davla A Jeiwup, 601 Baltimore At. Dietrich. 1' A . 00th A Olrard Av Kgotr, William. Md A Woodland Ave. Svana Drue Store. 4811 Woodland A. Holacber W. P. BM3 Sprue St rt Pnlladrlphlav continued on Vf I Dru, Stor"' "BM'JA i3,Mo?,s,rrtb- ijmr A linyder, 15lh &. Taaker St KK i: ?qy2er' J2l! & ChrUtUn Bta, RJtn SnyJ!. l?th & Pederal Su. H?;'1""?. .,5th A Wbarton Bte. Bender. JocaJ.h W. Cor. JSth & Wharton. Braderman. L. Ji.. 0th A Wolf sta. Cameron. E. 6. ISih A Ellsworth Bt. Campbell A Bro., 18th A Market Bta. ?rbon' l:rnf,lr 8U Ca'harlne Bt. ienkln. Sam'l M , 3rd A Monro Sta. Clark, itkhard. 12th & Wall Bta. pa via. S. a. 8 IS Cor. ISth A Rltner 6ts. i;l., 8. B . a JS. Cor. 27tb A Dlcklneon. Drtlbelbl. W. A.. N B. Cor. SOth AiPortirl Kpeteln. M , N. W Cor HtH A Balnbrldie: Krallnaer1, 2nd A eieael Bta. Purman, & L.. B. B. Cor. tHb A Balnbrldie. tlllea E Wj 84 A federal at. tloldhaber. Cth A "Wolt Sta. S( Belgian Hero m Til aW leirloom bpoons America has ,already shown her heartfelt sympathy for the suffering of Belgium and her appreciation of Albert, the Hero King, and the other Belgian heroes, by contributing millions of money and scores of shiploads of food and clothing. Now, every American has an opportunity of buying a personal memorial of King Albert, en graved in enduring silver, a memorial that will last from generation to generation and can be handed down to posterity as an heirloom. Because of the historic character of these Heirloom spoons and because they will be treas ured for generations as Heirlooms, the manufac turers have made them in their highest Quality Silverware, their "Horseshoe Brand," to perpet uate the memory of King Albert of Belgium, the World s riero, and the other Belgian Heroes. Wm. Ao Rogers HORSESHOE BRa4ND tloldhaber. J Holdhabor. J BoulU PULadelykl continued an, Paf S 7th I Mifflin Sta. Dtu & wnanon eta. SPOONS are, as everybody knows, the well-known Standard of Fine Silverware. Spoons of such fine base metal (21 nickel silver), so heavily plated (100 pen nyweight) and sectionally reinforced, and of such beautiful workmanship and artistic design, should sell for 50c EACH, but we are selling these Heirloom Spoons at 25c EACH, that a million more lovers of fine silver may better appreciate the superiority of Wm. A. Rogers "Horseshoe Brand" Silverware. Each spoon bears the great seal and National Emblem of Belgium and the pic ture of King Albert, beneath which the name ALBERT stands out in bold relief. The bowl is plain standardized finish for table use. The silversmiths' art of de signing and workmanship are of the most exquisite quality. Order of your dealer (or by ' mail) a set of Belgian Hero Heirloom Spoons for each one of your children and for your out-of-town friends. Just think what such an heirloom will mean after this war is over and for all the years to come. Wmf Usual msm 50 flwil ent ogffl Value ffiM I1W For lift 0nly II I M Cents iIhIk It Nil I ii V 150 Above Standard Silversmiths regard, as standard, 40 pennyweight of silver to the gross of spoons on 18 nickel base. These Belgian Hero Heir loom Spoons contain 100 pennyweight of pure silver to the gross on 21 nickel sil ver base, Conse quently, you can see that tney are isdvo net ter standard. Mail Order Coupon I jp ill faVFPimn yfflf&i2mr than .JrxiJm7 Jwxwzr &fttir fyjGbr mil,:. &sSr JHT lHB S 1 am jrjjm awaV ' &tkmWWwy Ssapc-'' Order Klna Albert Spoon. of your dealer and plc J aer tor ino otner n, v: glin Hero Spooni. If, "' ever, you cannot get them irom our dealer, vou can aend 2 cents (plu 2 cente for poataoe) ior " KJna Albert Spoon, or Jf.OQ for n four Belgian Hero Spoone, Po paid. Write plainly. Name Addr.M Mali Ordere to Wm. A, Rpe, Ltd Now York Offico, 12 Wrren Street k..iiW