!. -K.iWg'iiT. Ill III IIP I III! JIUfT evening ledger-Philadelphia, Thursday, march is. 1015. 0 Social finance? and ana 7jJedding? PB rV ,S (f73rm h) n 'I ' ' -util -P V7v its Wffl 11 TO) JEJ(flJft 3M) .VSi-J ,ng, CHAIll'''" ' "' "' """"1 " ' .......,. Ittt IV ultA)fu .. mo I Vl South 23d street, la Rlvlnrj a inntltico imrly, Ifllodcd by lcn "l ,ho tllCtirlti)ii, tm Knt- JFJ jvj,rn 10. in honor of Miss l.ui'lllo Lug P' dAURlilc "f Mr- a,ul Alrs- Louis Olircy fhison, of AMlmorc . unci Mrs Nloliolni Hlricllc lirlVo 1icn Jim? ft fe ilny I" N'w Yorl- l'lei" en rrf.lncil nt u illniiir of 12 Ktlcsls last nlRhl ft the St ItfKls Hotel. ,. (,,( Mr llolicrt woifo uissntt navo rnttd tlrnvrl ' oil". .MirniHiiiisi.il. iivciiue, Vjrrport, I'll" HI" summer buiisuu. irk. I'lsn "" I'lnycrri litlil their lfltli 5l.h nlelit I."' pxpiiIhR In tlielr limine nt K Smith istli slicrl. THo program mciiKletl -The Uenllctiieil of tho Itoatl," li' wo plays. fc IM jt,-An mill "Over the IIIIIk," by John rainier yijr I.ISIF llli-tlnii:u .tun. ifl'uin i.wiihii- It jl,B laiih ilonilnii. .Minn S. rilenrtnle tjutrd,' M". Maunr" WiiIhIi FaRitii. .Mm. Snimicl K-oodwnrJ, Viiuon Fieeillcy, iionry u. anop- jf n. Rilinllci. ir., e. vruiiir i.ovc, iinnelt Colcsiirn . ..mils J. f. ainoto, Wlllium Ofllnff to tin- ilcntli In Hie fnntlly of Josotill . p Junldii. nei!cnl of tho Orpheus Club, thelntltntiu"9 for ihr- liiuslcnlo today lmvu been jKCiliw. Mr". FrctlcmK V. Alihotl, president of tho Ititlncc Musical rluli, will attend a icccntlon jljbeclvcn on Katunl.i', Mnrcli SO, In .Vow York Ry (he nubliwt-in Club, of that city. Tho llu- blnatcln Club Ih tho leauniK women s musical icclnl organization of the metropolis. Tho last oince of the i-erios of llo Riven this season by fte Matinee Musk-nl Club Is scheduled for l'H oij evening. Miuch W, nt the Ilooecvolt. Tho 'flub dances Imvc been well attended nnit have bW much (llstinellon. The coming event will bo w charge of Mm 'Ionise Wcllcr, Marie (.5. ju-hney, Helen Hciiners, .Mis. llnrold Uur.by, ErolUp TrlcUc, Mii Krnnk .Mc.Manus, .Mrs. Charles Miller and Helen Walnut. A musical nil! ie rIvcii tomoriow niiortioori lathe School of Observation and Practice, 13th Tod Spring Gaitleu streets, by the pupils of tho Khool for their pnrciilH. .Mrs. Unvld Wood Is Thilrman nt the .Music Committeo and has ar tannd the affair. ft ....... . - Hiss i:ilzahcih JJrocldo lias returned riom tchool and Is spcndliiK tho spring vacation with Iff parents, Mr. and .Mrs. William G. Warden, cflted Gate, West School House lnne. v Cjllss XIars H. Clark icturncd this week from jTcatovcr l spend the holidays with her par- mti.Mr. and Alls. Ileibcrt Lincoln Clark. Miss "llirraret Han Is. daushter of Mr. and .Mrs. V.Andrews Hairis, Jr, has also returned fiom ij'eitover. & lUr. and lira. Thomas H. I'almor, of Scranlon, ybofiave been vlslthiB Mr. Inlnicr'8 slater, Airs. graham. In cgtvllle, X. J will lcavo today for Atlanta City Illlss Anne W. Mclrs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. fiilchard Wain Melrs. who attends school at K'estover, is home for tho holidays. ilr. and Mrs. Howard Chilstman, of rtoechtrce line, Wayne, arc lccelvlng congratulations on '.tie birth of a daughter on Monday, March 15. ilr. Chrlstman, it will bo icmcmbered, was ls Mary Abott. CHESTNUT HILL Mrs. Edwaid JelTeison will cntcitaln the mem- Got of her brldgo club this afternoon, at her rae, Zl Hast Durham street. Her Kuests BW Include Mrs. -William T. Sherron, Mrs. Elllam S. Kimball, Mrs. K. I). Thompson, Airs. U C. Kellogg. Mrs. AVIUinni T. Hetts. Mis. Ewrje Blraubiidge, Alls. C. K. Hagley and Mrs. .Shyster GERMANTDWN lUr. find AITS. K.ltmiul Tr fnllnin f RAO lTnna- Iwry itreet, cntei tallied at dinner In their homo IM night, before tho ilanco of tho Germuntown LVnwet Club. Their guests vi?rn Mr. anil Mrs. 7oeph Lucas, Air. and Mrs. Talhot niclianl. In and Mr. ond Airs. Wlllium II. Cookman. Ill', and AITS. Arthur Ilnlntvi. nf McIvVnn nvn. Jp and Clapler street, entertained at dinner li"t night at their home. rank SI Bannon. of 15 i:a.xt nhnltr-n nve. i will leave early next week for Atlantic Htf. "Mens ho will icmaln till after Easter. Edward C nmn nt i;i -.. i.i.... i.. LA has been spendlnB somo time In ritman, I&J4 has returned to his home. UJta. Charles llcurv Volet, nf iVrsf 'I'liino. Wen Btn-oi ,....., .,,..1.. 1 .... ..... , .. k ., ...uiniiimicu u iier uii, vliurii:a Uynry Void. .i .. m 1. ItiV' n ' "Ml " luinorrow lor oca. lysClty to lemaln till after Kastcr. WJU" Teresa AU-Conashy, of AtcCallum street, altpendlng a row ,in., 1.. n 1. ,v, ijm of her cousin, Alls. John Cunningham. Bfi William IT Alaxwell, Jr., of JO West Kfehocken street, win !,, ,. nrn...tn.. .,.v. LWr;La !(,.., ... ..WW,, ,-. J. !lMnd Mrs !.... n - . J...... ,. in . - -J ..Htcwiaa, vi llfll AlUlt Lhave been vlb'HiK Mr. and Sirs, Owen sku uurness, of 600J areene street, have re BSM to their home. ft Mary Harillmnn nr rw r ... IBS? her home, "'.''ert Foster, or khm h.,vi.,., .ir.i cMrt8ln 0t lu"c,le0" tomorrow, followed Pi It honor or Mio. Mn. i.-irh.. nt n S?taei. t. " ' " " rv" . -. -, Joseoh Tt ..! a Ti.11 - a DmC a i v.Ho, ui .w triiiuui uuu, If. lea, from until 6 o'clock yesterdav at tV-ermantown p,icket club. The recelvlns , .as entertained at dinner afterward at . b ana attended the club dance. ALONG THE READING i 1,r'e H, Bentz. of I.ocan will entertain lnbl: f her card club at her home "itrnoon Her EueatH will lnclurie Mis " Clark, Mlia Anna Rmn'n Ml Tllla. fmb, llisa Florence Baker, Miss ISIsle Mtas jttnB cylly. Miss Alice HcPolle. fincog Kirk. Itka Uirion rni.Jii, Ml,. , Wee m,, jjthcl Martin, Atisa Eltabeth V allyji Marv RaaTa K.fli.u 1.... It' illl.. ...a r.wlM Weaver and Mlsa Helen Dutton. Av.Hkii of the Kauai Buffraco Pp 'm ea orsaotwia in l,ogn, ta be Ittiown ns the I.oaan Suffrtino League Tho omcers nio Mis j. p. Uoclmnt. prcoldoiit Mis Wolstnn Dlxcy. vice president; Mrs William IVtloiv, recording sreretnty; Mis. W. H I'hris tlhe, curiespondlug secretary; .Mr. At 1 n. blue, treasurer. The league will meet loiilaht In the itofnnncd nplsctipal riiiirch, 10th ntid ItocUlaud sireeis and Will he nddtewd liy Henry John ;iMion, of the Pennsylvania Men's League for Woman Surf race, and his topic will bo "The Suffrage Issue from tho Alan's l'olni of View I! I'. Hutchinson, Accomao load. Wsneote wns taken suddenly 111 yesterday and rcnmvp.i to tho Ahliigton Hmpltiil, wllcro he underwriK nil operutlnn. His speedy recovery l ex Pccted. T1k fill Oninina Sorority of the Heading w. lion will Rlvo n dance nt the Old York Hond Country Club on Friday cvctiliig. Apill !, at .m o'clock. Airs. Thc-mag s. Waters, Jr., of :n Wathiiu ton lnne, .lenklnlowii, Is spundlng some time a the guest of her sister, AIih. F. T. i:;Im or Wnlbrooh, Ilnltlinon', Md. WEST PHILADELPHIA .Miss Katharine MeKcown, of Gll Spnue street, cntertnlued her "."00" club last night Covers were laid for II, ntid the derorallotis used were ferns, ranmtluns nml shainioi li ltaskots were nitlstically ai ranged as tuor Thn guests Included .Miss Alverta Smith Allss Mllliin Aiidcrsnn, of Hlveisldo, N , Allsa Frances Ae. .lls Sydney Stair. Alias Alargarct Hreen, .Miss .Marguerite Shlvo, Pro fessor J. Ho), or Syracuse, . J.; Dr. William dimly, of Monichilr, N. ,I.j F.verett T. Slade, ot New Vork; Ur. Hurry Alcllor, Jack Hngel, Charles Cook, of Hlvcrslde, N. J., and Jack Arnold. Air. and Mrs. Louis Jaeobson eiitci tallied on Sunday night at their home, I0.'7 MniKcl stteet, In honor of their daughter, Allss Anna Jacob, si n. The house was elaborately decorated, and the guests Included -Miss Sarah Wiubul, .Miss Alberta Wruliil, Miss KlUabcth Alelyzer, Allss Hosamond Jaeobson. .Miss Hstella Flels, .Miss Alnijorle Ilerger, Allss Dorotheu .Miller, .Mlsj AIolllo Diamond, Allss Clarice Diamond, living Piidtillii, L. Hlklus, Lester Hubcl, Ilniold Flels, Wlllium Diamond, Sidney Lang, William Wolfe Llewyn, Air. and Airs. Alfred Welsh and Air. mid .Mrs. Jtuberg Alnrtln Itailcr. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Air. and Alls. Alexander 1. Irwin, Jr., 313 South 12th stiect. leturned home today irnni Panama, wheie they have been for fk months. Allss Pauline AIniks, 3LU South Tth street, will spend tho week-end hi Washington, D. C, vis iting frleudif. Several dances hiivc been planned In her honui. Dr. Charles Kellmau, southwest corner of tth and Whaiton sticcls, has abandoned his plans to go to New York In order to tuko up tho study of law. Ho will continue his practlco of dentistry In this city. AIM Bessie Tuicr, 239 Christian sttcct, has Just returned fiom a visit to Washington, I). C. vhere sho was thu guest of Air. and Alls. A. G. Silver. Air. and Airs. Jacob Wclnsteln. I23D Soutn Uaileu stiect, entertained last night at their homo in honor of tho hiithday of their daugh ter, Allss Aliunlo Wclnsteln. The hoilsu was elaborately decorated. There wcro game) nml dancing. Among tho guests woio Air. nml AIis. Lewis Wclnsteln, Atr. and Airs. Hairy O. Hear, AlUs Kster Goldhnbcr, Allss Paulino Jncobs, Allss Sarah Duck, MU Lsther Wvlusti'iu, Allss Alary Wclnsteln, George Fayko, Hcimiin Godills, L'dwaid Kudaue and Jacob Wciustclu. Air. nnd Airs. L. Cohen returned from their visit to Omaha, Neb., where they witnessed the mairingn of tlielr son, David Arthur Cohen, formerly of Philadelphia, to Allss Sophie AN person, ot Omuha. They spent tho whole month of February there, and will receive their fi lends Informally at their home, 1102 South street, on and after March 21, between 2 and 7 o'clock. NORTH PHILADELPHIA Tho Brown and Gold Club gavo a literary and vaudeville cntertalntalnment last night. Among thoso present were Allss Jennie AI. Brown, Allss Alnno 11. Carroll, .Miss AIuilo A. D,iIdson, AUsi Mnrgaret At. Flynn, Allss Alnrla It. Gartlaud, Allss Blanche C. Gintert, Allss Alnrlo It. Glackcn, Allss Floicnce AI. C. Goddaid, Alias Josephine A. C. Grass, Allss Jean V. Hnmincll, Allss Kllzabeth A Hllbert, Allss Anna A. Kelly, Allss Knthrjn T. Kelly, Alias Hose C. Kramer, Allss Alary V. Larkln, Allss Anna II. Luchiier, Allss Anna AI. AlolCrlane, Allss Anu.i It. .McDowell, Allss Lucy U. Martin, Allss Olive A. Alans. Miss Kathryn I Naulty, Allss Kllzabeth At. Itoyle, Allss Isa bclla C. Toland, AVilllam J. Michel, Hmuiett J. Nevln. Joseph V. Bradley and Anthony a. O'.N'ellt. A St. Patrick's Day entertainment wa given last night In the new Assembly Hall, tii street nnd Allegheny iivenue, In aid of thu par ish of the Corpus Chrlstl Catholic Chuicli. Tho program Included n lecturo on "I i eland: Past, Piescnt and Futuic," by tho Ilov. Chailes F. Farron, of Perth Amboy, N. J.; reudlugs by Alios Helen Kustnce and W, Bennett; several vocal boloj, Irish llgurc danclns and a tableau depleting the Alald of L'rln und the Daughter of Liberty. Thbi tableau was posed by young girls, representing the four provinces and the 33 counties of Ireland. ROXBOROUGH The fourth Lenten literary and debate night of the Catholic Club was held In Its clubrooms, on Hermitage street, on Alonday evening, Mr, Whitehead presided. The entertainment was opened with a five-minute talk by the former president of the club, A. Cronln, which was or considerable Interest. This was followed by an Interesting lecture by Doctor Hlchman, one of Alaiiayunk's leading physicians, which was listened to with great Interest. A debate followed, "Should the Full Crew Law Be Repealed?" This projred very Inter esting, und was decided In the arllrinative by the Judges- The alllrmatlve vide of the ques tion wga defended by Edward Seholea and Joseph Kaufrnuii, mine the negative was handled by James Byroaa umJ Joseph Ulaub. The nest meeting of the club will takopjce pa Mwiday evenios. v MRS. CIIARLKS .Mrs. Weild will he remembered ns Miss IClla May Young, lau(litcr of Mr. nml Mrs. Ccoi-ko Youtip;, whose ninrringo took pines quite recently nl Trinity Lutheran Church. Mr. nntl Mrs. Weild returned last week from a trip to the South. OSSEO COUNCIL ENTERTAINS A Kitchen Shower Was Given by Council No. 10,"i for Miss I'razier. A kitchen shower was given Allss Sadie Frazler at the Odd Fellows' Hall, llioad and Federal streets, by tho Osseo Council, No. 10.1, last night. Many persons weio piescnt and tho affair was elaborate. Numerous articles were presented to her Following this there was n dance. Air. and Airs. II. Allller. ltlfi South Broad htreet, entertained tho guests at a supper. This was gleu to eclebrato the 23d nnnhernary of their wedding. A meeting of thu council was held and tho entertainment followed. Among those present were Air. and Mrs. Wil liam Jones, Allss Jones, Mr. and .Mrs. It. Ash hrooke. Allss Josephine AlcClaue, Air. and Airs. J. S.uln, Air. und Mrs. Joseph Hussell, Miss Bussed, Air. and .Mis. Charles Strauh. Mrs. 11. Lauderhack, .Mrs. C. .Mandler, At ss .May Burke, James Buike, Frank llutke, Air. and .Mrs. James AlcPhee, Airs. AI. Kllpatrlek, Allss Anna Kern, William Stanton and Allss Stanton, Air. und Airs. William Frnzer, Alls. C. Degaii, Airs. L. Flaherty, Airs. I'mlly Grim and Air. Gilm. Allss AI. .May. .Mrs. K. Albright, Airs. Lisle Warden, Allss Lllllo AleNally and Allss .May AlcNally. TIOGA Airs. Louis Dawson, nf 3S31 North lMh Rlieet, gavo a delightfully appointed luncheon clcr duy at her home. Tho decorations wcro gieen nnd the favoia appropiiato to tho day cele brated. Alls. Dawson's guests Included Airs. George W. Allller, Alls. J. Slehrecht, .Mis. lluriy Stortz. Mrs. Henry l Landls, Airs. Frank J. Webb. Mis. Lemuel II. Foi ker, Allss Nettle roersier, .irs. uooeii n iinin, .,na. ,,.,,,,i, , Airs. Frederick II. Huth and Airs. Louis Uis bort. Allss Alary Ball, daughter of Chief Ball, of CJermnntown, Is spending some time a tho guest of Allss Kdna Irey. of 3112 North leth street. Air. and Airs. Samuel Berger are occupying their apartments nt 331(5 North Itth street. Mrs, Berger will bo remembered ns Allss Peart Apt, daughter of Atr. and Airs. Alax S. Apt. Mr. and Airs. Simon Well, of 3300 North Broad street, arc entei tabling .Mrs. AI. Well and her daughter, Allhs Hosamond Well, of Balti more, Aid. WILMINGTON Air. and Airs. Wlnlleld S. Quiglcy and Allss Charlotte Qulgicy will go to Atlantic City, N. J., this week I" lake up their rcsldeme. Airs. James Hobb, of Chetitnut Hill, Pa, and her small son hnve been visiting Air. and Airs. Secison (I Cooling the last week 1'hotcj by 4pp StuJlu. MISS FRANCES CROWLEY Mtsa Crowley ia ao extremely popular member -" the Regal Club, of South Philadelphia. MILLKR WEILI1 I II'"" Ml tl ill I I- I I DANCE AT MEUION Third of a Subscription Series Will He Given Tonifrht at Cricket Club. The subset Ipllon danco organized by Alls. William HobrrlH Howell and Mrs. Kane S. Gicen w III tnke plare tonight In the .Merlon Cilcket Club. The members Include Atr. and Alls. W. Kemble Vniinvr, Mr. and .Mrs. Wlllium Weil, .Mr. and Alls. Joseph A. Janney, Jr., Air. and Alls. James 1. Lliieawcaver, .Mr. and -Mrs. .Matthew tinlnl, Jr., Mi. and .Mrs. Gcoigo W. Keudtlck. 3d. Air. and Airs. Felt on Hent. Mr. and Airs. Walter Clothier. Air. mid Airs. Isaac H. Clothier. Jr., Air. and Airs. Howell Lloyd, Atr. and Ali. 11. Allen Dalley, Air. and Mrs. II. Uaitol Brazier, Air. and Airs. Hlchnrd AI. Iltckoher, Mr. and Alls. Ilciny I. Held, AI". and Airs. Charles A Porter, Air. and Alls. Charles S. Starr, Air. und .Mrs lluriy J. Verni-r. Air. and Airs. Aithur Wilson, .Mr, and Alls. Will iam L. Hirst. .Mr. and AIis. Fayette Plumb. Air. and Alls. Hdwlu II. Filler, Air. and Airs. J. Hairy Colahau 3d, .Mr. and AIih. Clayton French Banks, Air. and Airs. Hlchaul I J. Noitiin, .Mr. nnd Alls. Ilciny alu, Jr., Air. and .Mrs. Steven son Ciothcis, Air. and .Mrs. Knulton Hariishuvv. Seveinl dinners havo been arranged to precede tho dance. Air. nnd Airs. Clayton Fieuch Hanks, of Hryn Alawr, will entertain In honor of Air. ami Airs. Krsklno Smith, of Now Voik, who tiro guests of Air. and Airs. Unnks for mmo llmo. Harry C. Yanow, Jr., of 10.1 Wnlnilt street, will give u dinner in tin .Morion Cricket Cluh. His guests will ho Air. and .Mrs. William I.. Hirst. Air. and Airs. Hlcliard AI. lleekkcher. Air. and Airs. Christian A. llagen. Air. and Airs. William A. Hollu, Allss Kdltli D. Patton. AIIsh AI. Louise Townsend, Airs. William Huberts Howell, Hlcliard Crozer and William AlcAIecr. NORTHEAST PHILADELPHIA A rainbow paity was given last night by Allss Alurgaict Green, at her home, S40 K.ist Ser geant street. Uach girl woro a different colored dress. Among tlitwo present were Allss .Maria lloban, Allss Anna Duupby, Alias Isabella Lloyd, Allss Anna .May Couucll. .Miss llanna Develln, Allss Anna AlcIInle, .Miss Jean Atu Hale, Allss Alargaiet Alcllale. AlUs Anna Ala Butler. Allss Alaigaret Butler, Allss Alary Hednu aner, Aliss Alary Green, Alius Flo Galage, Allss .May Walton, James Duiiphy, John Drlticoll, ot AVat.hlugtuii; Lvn AIcHule, William Lynch, Juck Br.ulely. William Gobi, John Corkery, lliirfh Cirlln, IMwaiil Kusknskl, William McGunUle, William .Martin, Wlllium Downej. ' John J. Murphy will be given a Mirprlso ru'ty by n nuinbei of Ills fi lends tonUiit In honor ut ! his birthday. Airs. Noble, of SCI North 5th street, was given a birthday party by her children nt tho hunie of her daughter, Airs. Brown. Tho guests were I Atr. and Airs, (icbliurdt, of Alcrchmitvlllc; Air, and Alls. Noble nnd Samuel Noble, Jr., Jlrs. Smith. Alrb. Whitehead. Allss Nclllo Carter, All cialrlda Browne, Ilussell Browne, Mr, nnd Mrs. Browne. Samuel Fox, of 3032 Frankford avenue, has returned from a trip to Harrlsburg, Pa. The Boss Club met at the home of Mlh L'thel Butterworth, 21U North 3th street, Sunday eve. nliig. Dancing, singing, card playing and a recep tion filled the night with pleasure. Each week the members meet at the respective homes. Those present were Alice Marian Travlx, Alius Carrie Fbrler, Allss Adah Cornelius, Allss Elsie Schell, Miss Catherine Schiller, William Bohr, L'dward Edwards, George Kuhn, Harry Hau, George Hau and Gottlelb Schiller. The llflli annlveisary of (he wedding of Air. and Airs. Hurry Homer u celebratvd at their residence, 1S33 East Harold street, this week. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith, All. and Airs. Charles Loin?, Ah. and Airs. JIarvey AVayner, Air. and Airs. Edward Turner, Air. ar.d Airs. Hajry Smlthdetter. Allss Bcusle Smith, William SthuMU, Frwlerlck, Will iam and Lester Straub. The Ascension School Alumni Piaimitle Asso ciation presented ' The College Widow Hi thu new auditorium, at F sud WestniMi'eland street', last nisht OM: of the most Impoitnnt of Ihe enrl sptlng weddings . t Itt of Miss Flmenrn A Tidi.iniin, tlaughtrr of Mr. and Mrs Hubert II. 1'iilKinan. to Puiucls H. ran-, which will be temnled In the Church of SI. Francis de -les. 4;th surrt ami Siulugllelil avenue, oil ! nsier .Moudnv, Atirll 6. Mis Ki in 'ridcinnti. a sisier of the lirltle. mil in- her nnl attendant, and Stephen1 Carr " ii a t ns best man. After Uu reiniiony a ''lilini! breakfast will Inlto place nt lhi hoinu ! in,- bride's parent, MS South tcth strret, fnr '" Ininiedl.ite fninllle. nml a few Ihtlnialo I rlnis mis Sanili llahlnowltx, 13.1 Pctiibdrtoti street, .n.l Lnuls Sacks, 6M i:nst Pnssyimh nvtntid. ' nulled III mnirlago estenlny h Itflhbl II. I i.- intlinl. nt hlN home, Jir, Plhc stieot. thu i'ii Ir. unir ii rowii of while satin, tilimneil wltli "'I ihm. and a hrldnl veil. She rnrMcil a boil i i' i "f I It Inn ,if the valley. .Miss Iterthn Wln i. i.ei was maid of honor und .liilui Wlrt .linrtri n ihi. hist man. A feature of the i ime retppiion, hehl at the home of the bride's i 'I Ml-, was tho Filming by .Miss Cthel Alml.ii '! nf Oklnhoma. Domlnltf IJItllllo nnd Wll Immi Fields no sang seveial selections. Tin marihigp of MP,, .Minnie II ilrnude. iiuhter of Mr. and .Mrs. II. W. Uraude, to .Max HARTVILLE CLUB ENTERTAINS St. Patiick's Day Was Celebrated by Club Last NiRht. i Patrick's night was ii'lnlu a toil bv the meiiiliers of Hip llnrtvlllo Club nnd their guests ery befitting manner at their clubhouse. -M 1 D stieel Hieen pievnlled In the decoiatlons. The flub house thioughoiit was decorated in an emeinld hue At tho vestibule entrance over the door wax wan a huge shamrock, emblazoned with Kieen ilectile hiillis, -.villi the Inscription "Top ' the Evcnlu' tn Ye" suiroundlng It. The te ceptloii room on the ilrst floor was banked with n bower of palms and Irish foliage; aim huge harp made of gieen carnations was used. The lance anil conceit loom on ihe second lloor was draped with nepe shamrock paper. Uneh guest upon entering wasi given a small hunch of real shainiock. The evening's entertainment was opened bv dancing, after which the Irish Allnstiels en tertained with songs and stoilcs of mi Irish natuie. some member being made the point of each Joke. The minstrels made a very good appearance In gieen satin dress suits. In their act they offered many novelties. The perform ance began with singing "Come Back to Kiln," followed by a bagpipe number; then as the curtain was lifted the came on singing "It's a Long Way to Tlpperarj." For tho opening number tlioy sang "A Little Hit of Hreen," fol lowed by an Irish Jig; then In turn .sang "As Long as tho Shamrock Grows Green I Will Lovo You." "Little .Mickey Dooley," "Kil kenny," "Irish Tango," "Hlver Shannon," "When I Dream of Old Krln I'm Dreaming of You." Then closed by singing "Tip Top Tlp pcinry Alary." matching around the loom, en circling tho guests and at the same time throw lug scipcntluo paper, entangling the auditors in a mass of green. At the conclusion the guests declared It to be the best ever. The minstrels were made up of members exclusively, com piling Hcrnaid Crossou, intcilocutnr; John Mullen and Philip Hurst, cuds: Dan Ortllp, Jacob Hoffle, Hugh Huston, Fred Scheff, Sam Desher and Lock Cameron. The llartvillo Dra matic Club presented a i oaring fitrco on remi niscences of childhood times, entitled "School Days," which kept the guests In an uproar from beginning to end. Gicat credit Is duo Philip Hurst, who coached both tho minstrels and dramatic (loupe, for the successful manner In which they perfotmed. Tho favors consisted of gicen paper hats, hliill.il. ill, police clubs and pipes. At 11.30 supper was served. Tho Committee on Arrangements was com posed of A. Vogt, Joseph O'llnni and David Huston. FRANKFORD Air. and Airs. T. I. Dlngce, of Holmesburg, have it-turned to their homo after upending bever.il weeks visiting the South and Cuba, Allss Elizabeth AlacElroy, of O East Fisher's avenue, Olncy, will entertain the members of tho January cluss of 1012 of tho Olney Com bined School on Friday evening. Air. and Aire. C. F. Overpeck, of Fox Chase, are being congratulated on the birth of a daughter. Tho Community Chorus, of Wenonah, N. J., will render "Tho Story of the Crot" April 1 nt Wenonah nnd on April 2 at Pitman, N. J. Air. Stevenson, of Fruukfoid, will conduct the choruses nnd Fiauk Alcllor, of 1123 East .Mont ginnery avenue. Is to bo the accompanist. There will bo aulto a number of Frankfuid people (iltcnd both performances. Air. and Airs. II. N. Faunce will give a dinner of 12 covers this evening nt their home, 1123 i East Montgomery avenue. Among the guests will be Colonel John T. Nicholson and Alr. Nicholson, Air. and Alls. Elizabeth Alcllor. Air. and Airs. A. II. Alcllor. Allss Janett Alcllor, Ear. old Dobbins and Fiank Alellor. LANSDOWNE Airs. Florence Llviey and Allss Eva Hurt will entertain nt a dance nnd supper at their home on Owen avenue next. Wednesday. Tho annual luncheon ot the Novelty Club was held yesterday afternoon at the home of Air. John Jackson, on Owen avenue. Thirty mem bers were present. Air. and Airs. Thomas G. Cooper, of South Lansdowue avenue, are In Plnehurst, N. C. for a thort stay, Mrs. II. C. Hunter, of Essex avenue, is enter taining Ah. J. W. Alojer, of New York. CAMDEN AND VICINITY Airs. U Hercnelroth, 437 Stevens street, Cam den, entertained ut "UU" yesteidjy afternoon. Those present were Alls. C. It. Smyth. Alerebant vllle, N. J.i Mrs. William Lalferts. Allss AI lid red Buckle, Airs. Helsler Bow den, Airs. Ray Sooy, Mis. Wellington Barto, Alib. Warren Baxter, West Philadelphia, Airs. J. AY. Busteed, West Philadelphia; Aim. Arthur S. Cohen, Diexel Hill, Pa : Airs. Harry Apple. West Philadelphia, Mrs. Ci 1 Waller, West Philadelphia. )Ira. U liarvo Knight at tlU and Linaen strt. bi bean cotertamlnt tier daughter, lira Cbailca 1. MaxweU Uaiiin will take phire Suiidav afternoon, at 1 ; o dock ut the hoine of the brides parents, f920 Wnlnilt street. Dr Samuel Firdmnn will of t flclale. Tho bride wilt lir unattended, and . tho btlilfgrooiti will have his brother. Alortls Haunt, of Nmv Vork, ns his best man. A din ner for the IliunedlHte families will follow the 1 ci.einon. Dr and Mrs. Frederick J. Voi, of 2ttJ Itich mom) street, ciiti.rtuliied at dinner followed by tlnnrlng hist night In honor of their giiMt. Allss1 Hrleti Friitt'ley, of New Vork. Among those , pit-sent wcro Dr. and Airs. Wlllium Hamilton, Dr. Herman Iliilsier, Air. and Mis. J. .Mtmtsoin ery Wnodslde. Jnines Whyte, Air. nnd Aim. John Lyiitou Siiillh. Mr. and Mrs. L. J Weanr, nt'titge Coles, Italph Duncan, Lawrence Whyte, Dr Adnlph Vos. John .Martin, Francisco Ahinlnii, t" I!. Argniton Hlul H .Moreno. The KiiIbIiIh of Columbus gnvc a dcllghtrut show nntl ilnnee Inst evening Ih St. Phllomeiia's Hall. Those who took pntl In the program were .Ml5s ''nihrlne ilajton, .Miss Adeline Dennet, ChnrlMt n'Dniiell. Willliun Grncy. William Davis, Philip Dennet. Atr.. Colter, Air. Boulden, I'nint; tilnrk, John Lous. William Burke, John Walsh and Husk Kcllv William J. I Mil was chairman of the committee. CHESTER AND VICINITY Frederick W. Ousley has returned to his home nt Washington. I). C . after spending a week with relatives In Chester, wlieie he formerly . 1 1 siilcd. Frnncls lliddlr, of East Jib stieet. Is visiting j Ktntlvrs at West Philadelphia. William Fenton, or East 10th street, is spend ing a week with fi lends at Haltlmuie, Aid, I Allss Edith AtcClMiiPiit, of West 1th street. ' If. lsillng friends nl Seafoul, Del. ' .Mis. Annie Grcmmlnger. of Crosby street, Is entertaining her nephew, Bernard AlcKlwce, of Kiookhu. N. Y. Wlllinm Orcenhalgh has returned tn his boms on East 13th street, nrter spending a fortnight with fi lends at Wilmington, Del. AMUSEMENTS P.hpctrmt- ?r 0I'E1'A I om o w orw VjlltibUHIL C3U HOUSE Rrrnlrst rioloplam AKTHrtNOONS 1 :U to 4:30 10c. 15c. '.'5c. UVU.NlNtiS 7:30 to 10:3 loc. 2.1c. 6we. 11UV SEATS IN ADVANCI. AND AVOID STANDING) THIRDBi'G WEEK FAMOUS FLAYERS' F1LJI CO 'S .STUPENDOUS l'lIOTO-SPUCTACLK THE ETERNAL CITY BY HALL CAINE With PAULINE FREDERICK TW1CJ3 DAILY 2:30 AND 8:30 l It. I'KLXT.UCU UV CHAPLIN COMUDIKS Metropolitan Opera House wL-Sk JJe;-Vy oil L'oppei Ami i ho citi.nnnr 4 SULLIVAN OPUItA CO. IOLANTHE TONIGHT AT 8:15 TOMOHHOW AND iat. Ntcsirr. N:tS AND SAT. MATINEE, 2:15 LAST TIMES OF The MIKADO Large Chorus & Orch. Trlcei 25c. 50c, 75c. ft, J 1.50 1000 'i?, Seats $1 .'i 50c, 75c Scats 1100 Chenlnut St. and Opera llout; B. F." KEITH'S THEATRE EVERY WIFE SHOULD SEE NAZIMOVA in "WAR BRIDES" KOR WOMEN AND UNIVERSAL PEACE I'aiil Concha: OI.iuJIuh A Scarlet; Mack & Orlh; ltO. I.MIUH &. U , UttlLlH FORREST !.1o iihl TiMc All .Sent Heservrd NOW TWICE DAILY, 2:30 and 8:30 EVENING LEDGER REAL WAR PICTURES SECOND WEEK OP BATTLE THRILLS BEN8ATION OP MOV1N1J I'lCTL'ltE WOULD T VPTP LAST FOUII TIMES U 1 IV1VJ TnnlRht ut N j,t Mat. Saturdtr WM. A. HHADT rresents ROBERT B. MANTELL In 8haketpearran ami Claialo Ttcpertolrt TONIGHT "HAMLET" IQMOIIIiOVV MtillT "KINOJOHN" MAIIKI7T HTHEET fi! rT2TP AND JUNU'Ell br Li U Jd Jii SS,ABi3,,,,.vfiuSS,,i!,M. STALEY & BIRBECK VAUDEVU.Lr.'S OBBATEST MI'BICAL NOVELTT MIt. . MI18 MARK ML'HI-llV; WESTON & CLAUKt DYKII t'AV. UTTI.B MISS JEAN, OHIEIIS " MKTIIOPOI.ITAN OI'CIIA HOl'SE Tumi V!vb.. Manh '.'.'l. !'. rlrat time In ilda city hy Tlw METIttll'lll.lTA.N Dl't:itA CO., NEW VOHK L'AMORE DEI TRE RE Miu-. noil. EsMier llrailuu. Ducliene. MM l'trrarU I'imiaiia. Amain, IiMur I'miducior, Mr Tuavanlnl, Smi. linn I'nrainul M Walnut 70.15. IUc tl? V A. M. to Jl l M PALACE 1214 Market 10c & 20c VAUDEVILLE Imernatlnnal Comlquta Wtlur & Klllou Other! PHOTOPLAY WlnKrert KIliKstnn In "LOVE ItOUTB A TMi"T lOUT I'Oi'L'LAIl II MAT TODAY. 2 j AUlliljl ril lo.Muirr at h.is Oliver Mormco Frtenta J Hartley Manntra' PEG 0' MY HEART THE 1'LAV EVEIU'BODY WDVES MAltUtTT BT. AIIOVK IUTII lMt-ruitEs Jl A. M TO 11:16 I', U. MAItaUElUTU CLAItK In THE Stanley "UHLTNA OREEN" ADDKD ATTRACTION FIRST SIIOVVINO CIIARLKS CHAl'LI.N ID "SIUIIT l. THE I'ARK" CROSS ROUTAN'S SONG BIRDS irrivo ' lb'r Irilorlou Acli lVl!. tO Proxiaui ChaueeU Monday & ThuraJay THEATRE J 10c f15'' -t A wrTrT4r T0'1 SI Weak. Kv. at a. 13 lrAKKlvlVMiHlnt Wad. and Sat. at 2 13 COHAN i HARRlt' ..- 'Arl C!i. Ill - ...inilL 1-1 K' t-ta U tr-v V -r-S. -. n n. . 7 "m tSAJ-iUATii riTpuiar l'rte WaOne.day lleit Heata It SI vixrjN"S UiMUUft.UA IU, UAltTO 4 VA -VTT- LLAHK. UARRETT A OPf, nT? A NTj CONRAD It Ut.lU.SO. bOBETTl jX.Xi.il U a. ANTOlNtnTE. SE.SATOa' Today -SLBtJ 8 -"lJ- lJ.ujhinjr lkiura frr"Pnf?TA UTl ASX mawkbt sTttetts V 1J A VivJ-XX , Mail Dreamer ami Cbarlta ALDEV1LLE I Chapltnln Tlllle'a PunciuraJ I'llOTOl'L.Wa I llomanca'; MaUl Koada 10c. 30c I Troupa. Olbera. BROAD Last 3 Evgs. feW THE BLUE ENVELOPE Ar.r." DUMONT'S D.T.T,? Kf Burlaaaue- 'JIIB DOPE P1KNDB " ' PASTNO W 8l BU- Talca D..r TROCADER0 1 Ti J-Azetft