.AJSTO, THURSDAY March 18, 1916 taimttg Sleiger PERSONS AND SCENES THAT FIGURE IN THE DAY'S NEWS AS RECORDED BY THE PHOTOGRAPHER . - ml i MISS WALLIS WARFIELD Baltimore girl with many friends in Philadelphia, who has been a houso guest at the home of Major General Larnett, of the Marino Corns, in Washington. She has been much entertained at the capital. Left to right Governor Carlson, Stato Representative Spencer i referee, and Young Hector, a Denver heavyweight. Tho big boss of Colorado began boxing after recovering from a recent attack of pneumonia, aim now live in six ruunus is pun ui ins uuu uugiiiui. Photo by Underwood & Underwood. THE QUEEN OP GREECE She is a sister of tho Kaiser and as such may soon bo compelled to cheer on tho soldiers of her kingdom as they march out to battlo on the side of the Allies against tho hosts of Germany and Turkoy. .. , ' j& -'ft. T V . -. ! ' 'fM ."" , rI St Photo by Underwood & Underwood. THEY WILL RUN THE NEXT DEMOCRATIC CAMPAIGN Members of tho Executivo Campaign Committee of tho Democratic National Committee, who met in Washington recently and discussod campaign plans with tho President. From right to left Homer S. Cummings, of Connecti cut; A. Mitchell Palmer, of Pennsylvania, chairman of tho committee; Cato Sells, of Texas; Fred B. Lynch, of Minnesota, and Thomas J. Pence, noted publicity man of the committee. I'hoto by International News Benrlce. ZEPPELIN WRECKED ON DANISH COAST These nro the remains of n big air vessel which caught fire nnd was destroyed in the course of a flight toward England. The Danish Government melted down the metal of tho frame and will hold it until after tho war ends. The crew of tho craft landed safely and burned what remained of tho equipment. They then gave themselves up to tbo interned. Peasants and tourists came in crowds to see tho prostrate monster. I'hoto by Underwood & Underwood, ORCHID GROWING IN HUMAN SKULL An exhibit at tho International Flower Show at Grand Centra! Palace, New York. The skull is that a && eld tfjbal chief of the Philippine Islands, who yffVMmvtmd jears ago by Guana, & gurfago chief. PHILAPELPHIA'S CHINESE BALL PLAYERS These three youngsters are Fulton Hung Yung, Harry Chuck Lee and John Paul LI. They are out for the Brown Preparatory Schoolbaseball team and. are enthusiastic over the game. Fulton Hung Yung- Is the sort of Shane Him Yunsr. Director General of the Chinese national railroads, who ia a erraduate of Yale. His father was cantata In tha Chiae Jiavy during tha AJ&anese-Chinese War and sites Ww Raya;btUaitJV'fluiAV'a33rMd9-orjimodi:e. THE DADDY OF THE MODERN PH'B This ancient pipe is on exhibition at Ostrow's cig store, 702 Chestnut atree. It is believed to i been tha original pipe from which Sir nw" . ;BaWgh.go$-li!4 jarftjnUfaiyirginiawfJ. - i m