EVENING LEDaEIPTrTT.ArP.T.?m WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 1915. 9 oaa 'W x&;fi$'it&?'w& and .. 'ii V"' , $ m.f. -'J,' ;' cs&nc3s . . 1 - ana er& on at Kfs&k-? Ml .t nmyjo- tifMr fi1 , . . . 1 it mm iii a. ... ' .., s'j, "ternf': -" ,t ,liU i v-".driaHBHBHBHBBBHmi.i V"',' ' ' .CSWSEi .e"S' IlL & e AUD Jtllrt J K. MITCHKIjU of 1790 X ! iitreet, limo Issued Invitations for ,,,!( dsnco on Krltlity, April P. In honor of S)r debutante tlaunliter, Miss WorthltiRton jntchcll. XL .ml Mrs Wllllnm Oplexliy Clilflltli, f &("tin Chestnut Mil, lmc Issued I ti i tutlona & dlnner-dnnre for Mondny, April 6, In kL, of their ilauRhtcr. Tltp guests will be Li ., . i,nl net. ns MIbh (Irlfllth wilt tint K,. her ilcbut for some time. ,,., Mnrlh.i McAllister, who spent the week- , n Baltimore, lias returned to her home In fertnut Hill. W. unci Mrs. Alfred Stengel, of 172S Spruce I trfliuelUB coiiRraiuiaieu on uiu inriii in jon'born Monday, March 15. Mrs. Stengel, will b4 rememucrcu, was jiiss .Marina uus jpper prior to her marriage. It ths regular Thursday afternoon the tlnn :. f Broole llouso Mrs. C. Wendell jfeciMrd will pour tea nml will ho assisted S receiving by Miss Jean Van N. T)a Costa, tfu Mary Norrls Oerbonl, Miss Anno II. Mcr- Sfc M4 Miss llclolso Minor llalscy. Ml Frances UlvinESluu nuunmi, uiiuKiurr r.. .-a 1i a .tntue.M IVnnrll Stllllvnn. of .r Mr. hiiw " - -- - jIOJ Walnut street, returned today from I'alm BtcJ- Miss Cordelia Ulilillo has been spending ev- rI dajs I" Jsc,v YorK wmi l" fnm" 0 llcr r. .Httl.i. lliirlinnnri T)tlkf. juice, ..wit,.. BTlie Tlays and flayers havo Issued cards for fin Informal tea In their clubhouse, 13 South iBth itreet. on Sunday afternoon, March 21, at lo'clock. The theatrical proiession in general IP . inoiiA.t tri nlloml. Thpw Will tin ane Ml ccen in""-" w -.- - -r- fdll nutlc. Rjllsa Nancy C Smith, daughter of Mr. and firi J. Somers Smith, ot 123J Spiuce street. Pertained at luncheon today, In hunor of jffij Phocbo "Williams Adams, daughter or Hlrry Clifton Adams, whose marriage to Ert Jasper Harding will tako place -on liaa- Rf Monday. The guests will Include Miss Mdlth IJL Bally, Miss Frances W. Bally, Miss Hllen BJ. Sellers, SIlss Jane K. Warding, Miss nmlllo W?rr ... ... ... r. ti l.t. ...! P. YUIiaiTiS, .Miss r.icuiiur o. vjmiiuic m Sis Eleanor Arnctt. Jlr. and Mrs. G AVInthrop Collin, of St. MTd'8, will entertain at dinner tonight fol- u'td by a dance. There will bo GO guests micnt. At (he March meeting of the I'cter Muhlcn- rj Chapter, I). A. It., held Kilday March 12. the following membnis wcio named to go to it General Congrcsa of tho I). A. It. at Wash irton as alternates: Mrs. S. H. Spcalie, J&i H. C. Coltlson. Mis. I.. A. I.annlng, lh'jj E. E. Spear, Miss K. Itowen, Mis. U. JI, Van Gunten, Mrs. J. Clark and Mrs. V. te, Mrs, I.. Campbell, Miss M. It. Hens Jul Mrs. H. T. Montgomery as regent. Jlrs. Barge Thacher Guernsey, of Itldgewood, In- K?fl.J.... 1 -... .1 1... 1. nt.nn Wfor the next president general. Mils Marlon Chapman, ot Duval street, Gcr- minlown. entertained nt n linen Hhower nt tho nemo of her sister, Mrs, Howard C. Matlack, ij wesiview street, mis aiternoon, in nonor o(,Mlss Olive May Wilson, of Jenklntown, those ensagement to Blrchall Hammer, of Mount Airy, wbb recently announced. The dec orations were In keeping with tho patriotism tho day. Mrs. 0. J. Uc Itoussc, of 615 West Hortter Uet, Germantown, will entertain at luncheon leJay. Her guests wilt Includo Mrs. AVIIllam u, Mrs. William Klsenhower, Mrs. Kdward MCane, Mrs. Frank Wheson, Mrs. AVilllam Uprd, Mrs. Frank K. Weylmnn, Mrs. Alex Rjer Simpson, Jr., and Mrs. Linton Alburger. lira. Itobert N'. Downs, of M16 Greene street, Wermantown. Is Halting her slater, Mrs. Gur- f wnuams, at her homo In Atlantic City, K.'J. . . ALONG THE MAIN LINE OVtHBIlOOK Mr. nnrt Mrs. II. T.nrlmoi. Tl,n,ea fcrmerly of 63U Drexel road, Overbrdok. havo Jjwoved to tho JIalford Apartments, 0703 Car- wier street. Mrs. Rhodes will ba remembered J" UUa Charlotte Blxlcr, of Overbrook. fr, and Sirs. John T. nwi-flt. lmva nn "snlngton, whero they were the guests of gjwetary Daniels and Mrs. Daniels on board S? Presidential Vaeht Mnvtlmi7.r wlilrli onlloil !? Nwport News to witness tho launching of battleshln u.n.,..i .,., .!,. .. vmi.b; ...,.(t jcavciuuj. tU Mr. and. Mrs. .tnhn Ci Wlnck enlertnlnnil ilr evening brldco club in their caraire this tek Tna members are Jlr. and Mrs. J. Charles t?y. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Fleck, Mr. Mrs. AVilllam Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin G. &NM, Mr. and Mrs 1n,.nh V J lr.l Tt nnH Kj". Martin P. Glynn, Mr. and Mrs. George Ulrt ltr , .. .. .. .. .. fcn uim .iirs, wiiuam u, jvraii, Jir. m Mrs. 'William Itelvalt and Mr. and Mrs. itfaic Seeburger. BABBEBTU The Narborlli Assnmlilv will i-iva EffM masquerade ball In Kim Hall this ove L. The decorations and favors will be In pK-a iin oi. 1'atricK'a Day. E. l Dold, iSSnyr Green and W. .1. Hniilpistm nm iha gwalttee m charge. CHTCSTNTTT TTTT.T. B!r and Mrs. Clark Dlttenbeck, of Willow !iI9 avenun. win I..... 1..1.1..., - nAan LfcA K J,, to open their apartment for the y"e anjl summer months. tietnut Hill mntrnn nhn nnxif 11. a woak. 3M St tllR M.h.n ... II TJ... l II Iicl:en. of thn n.i..u Ama lr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Wear, of Graver's j?i spending a week in Atlantic City. il 3, Rutherfnrrl MnAIII,.i- nf e.mlnnU EfiJ Hartftell avenues, will leave in a day or jr r Atlantic City for several weeks. GERMANTOWN i'. Charles S. Ifebarrl nt Bell'a Mill road. LiJndins the Lenten season In Florida. if-1 Henog, pf U East Tulpehocken street, JttUme home, after HRVAral waaWa fitav jBJ'entown, Pa., with friends. fe J M 'Whltall. of SU Church lane, left ?untus City, where ha.wiu remain until ater holidays ' Katbryn r Haloej eatertalneei at card! Nl : 1 Photo by Ilrunl. MISS MARY HUNTER Miss Hunter will take part in tho play, "I Gits Half," which will be Riven to night by the Corley Dramatic Club. last evening nt her home, 4610 Greene street. Miss Haines' guests were Miss Edna S. Under down, Miss Alberta F. do Long, Miss Marie A. Class, Miss Ann.i F. AdainMin, Miss June Cun iloivn. MUs Albcrla I', lie Long, Miss Marie A. AVade, Kussell A. Drily, Frcdcilck A. Schlmp, AVilllam II. Quhiii, Jr., Donald AV. Itcdrcain, Clureiice A. Ilutton, James Hall, George Itoso and AVilllam If. l'atteion. Miss Alary Ulakcinan, of 420 West Oheltcn avenue, has returned from AVashington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. C. I'. Sherman, of the Pelham Couit Apartments, who have been spending some lime nt the seashore, returned yesterday. WEST PHILADELPHIA Mr. and Mrs. J, C. Buck and their daughter. Miss Frances Buck, will close their town house, 3903 Spruce street, about April 20, and will move out to their new houso at Devon for tho sum mer. Miss Buck will go to New York late In April for a short visit. Mrs. AA'HIIam Bonsall and her daughter. Miss Eleanor Bonsall, of 4410 Locust street, aro spend ing u short time In Atlantic City. Mr. nnd Mrs. II. O. Nowcomb, of 4Jth nnd Walnut streets, spc-.t the week-end In Atlantic City. Miss Margaret Gemmell, of 1026 South Salford street. Is entertaining this week In honor of her guests, Miss Marie O'Neill and' Mrs. David Perrott, of New York. Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry Stroud, of D03 North 63d street, ontertalned at "MO." Among tho guests were Miss Mao Stroud, Air. and Airs. W, S. Held, JIIss Edna .Mae Stroud and George T. Hayes. Aliss May Itlnge, Miss Sophie. Rlnge, J. A. Coyle and Clifford Bcatty, of Brighton Beach, N. Y., Tvoro -the guests of Airs. J. Kenney, of 410 Central Park AA'cst, New York, for tho week end. A charity card party will be given this after noon In the Llamar Apartments, 46th and Wal nut streets, the proceeds of which will be de voted to tho Emergency Aid. AIlss Harriet Gra ham has arranged tho affair, and many tables have been taken. Airs. Christopher A. Bergen and AIlss Agnes Bergen have gone to tho shore, where they will visit Mrs. Howard at her Chelsea cottage. AIlss Lorcth Cooke, of 5403 Spruce street, en tertained the members of her "100" 'club on Monday night, ufter which a buffet supper was served. The members present included AIlss Viola MlnUcr. AIlss Alargaret Hunter, AIlss Ella McDonald, AIlss Alargaret Hannlgan, Alias Florence Desjch, AIlss Helen Hannlgan and AIlss Clara Cooke. ALONG THE READING Air. and Alts. J. Smllla Herkness, of Ttydal, are being congratulated on the birth of a daughter on Friday, March JJ. Mrs. Herkness, It will be remembered, was Miss Alice AVeber, Airs. Walter A. Dunn, of Oak Lane, will leave this week for New York, where she will be the guest of Atr. and Mrs. James Fillmore for two weeks. Mr, and Mrs: Albert Dudley, of 11th street and Chelten avenue, Oak Lane, will entertain at "500" Alarch 0. Their guesta -will Include Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gee, Mr, and Mrs. B. A. Hltchner. Mr, and Sirs. Edward B, D, Neu hauser, Mr. and Mrs. C. Howard Anthony, Air. and Airs. Saddlngton, Air. and Mrs. Hagerman and Mr. and Mrs. Denecke. AIlss Reglna D, Lentz, daughter of Air, and Mrs. Charles Lentx, Jr., of Stratford avenue and -York road, Melrose, will be hostess at a dance this evening at her home. Miss Jane F, Curran, of 6S02 Lawnton avenue. Oak Lane, entertained the members of her sewing circle yesterday afternoon. Those pres. ent "ere Mis Keglna. D. Lentz, Miss Ethel P. Kneass. Mis Coostanco A Glosking, Mrs. George Nicholson, Mrs. William BlUetter o4 Miss Minnie Craig- te&IIIIIIIHilllllllHH y i.'iiiiliiiiilHHIiliiiliiHk - . '' -::M-i S A 'HiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiHiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiVi x. s fffr l;-)'. '.' 1II1MIMI ,ln Hli Willi HiWIBBli A',y-i HBVKSVFXv'-irTTBHIniBaHHHB. rt ' r mmar- ' 'M-B.m. w';:- iKF , "ilH mm mjMUB mkm, -----r: ',i)' h ':illllHiKt. JUlHillBRf : ' ' ' jHHf. vv'' V-A iM r 'JKKWHHBft -XL TfflKkH3HiHiBIAlB '-;.. E dBHHVMHBHHIHBHHaBiVtSk 1 onaSK.KflHHBHHBPBBMnHHHB. . - ' ,S ic viroa- HLeWAVHBHkkHBBk9L' wcvkhibhbbbvbk'4 ywmwmm2m,m issmmmmimmmmmwmMm&x3mm&wmHmm&w&.m -.,- MISS MARGARET KBENAN Miss Kecnau is n popular member of society in the southern section of the city nnd a talented member of the Corley Drnmatic Club. REGAL CLUB DANCE More Than One Hundred Guests Will Attend Affair Tonight. The Itegal Club will entertain about 100 of their friends this evening nt tho Phllnmuslnii I Club, 40th nnd Walnut streets. Tho dance committee hope to make this the most successful one of the Lenten season, ami have received quite a bit of encouragement from their friends requesting extra tickets for the nffalr. Thcso dances enjoy the reputation of being among South Philadelphia's most brilliant social functions, and nro well attended by the younger set of nil sections of the city. Dancing will stmt nt 8:30 promptly nnd con tinue until midnight The dance committeo Is composed of the following members of the club: James J. Conaty, John It. Christie, William K IJ.xrnes, E. A, Doughertv. Joseph Dougherty, Charles L. Glllliiglmin, Ilobeit A. Keowu, AVIII. lam !'. Keegan and Francis II. Cnniej., rluiir innii. NORTH PHILADELPHIA The Ladles' Auxiliary of Sundnrd Lodge will present the "Old Alnlds' Association." which has sufllclent wit nnd humor lo Keep the audi ence In laughter from thn rise of the curtain until Its final fall. This is the fourth annual play given by the auxiliary, and If carried out as those previously given. It Is suro to bo a suc cess. The play will be followed by a dance, and It Is to be held at tho Eagles' Temple, tomorrow night. The cast of characters as they appear Is as follows: JeruBha Eliza Bangs (president), AIlss Theresa Schaefer; Rebecca Retrace (secretary and treas urer), AIIs Helen Hess; Mlnty Clovertop, Miss Reba Pollack; Alarlana Alelllssa Plack, AIlss Alollle Alayer; Desire A. Alanu, AIlss Uertrudo Stern; Hcpslbah Odclla Olds, AIlss Harriet Shlndler; Ann Ellen Pntterhy, AIlss Jennie Fold man; Alay Havermun, AIlss Helen Goldman; Petunia PIckels, AIlss Emma Silver; Serena Has ben, AIlss Eva Chntchkon; Charity Hnpcgood, AIlss Fanny Bergman, Hatchet Ketchnm, .Miss Dora Grossman; Ilcllnda llllss, AIlss Itoso Mar berg, and Piofes-ior Mahcriieux, AIoes Price. Tho doubles are AIlss Hilda Plice, as Golf Girl; Aliss .Edith Elllsson, Opera Singer; AIlss Jteba Chatchken, Piano Player; .MI.'h Henrietta Smith, Elocutionist; AIlss Henrietta Stein, Tnpsy; AIlss Katls Glcanor, Society Girl; AIlss Lllllo Green, College Girl; AIlss Lllllo Fclgenbaum, Bride; Dave Simon, Bridegroom; AIlss Bertha Dannen hlrsh, Cook; Mli Emma Silver, Belle of the Ball, and Miss Allnnlo Stein, Nurse. The Young Alen's Literary Institute of the Falls of Schuylkill will glvo a concert, followed by dancing, tonight In the clubhouse on Alldvale avenue. TIOGA AlrB. Frederick Dltmann, of 18th and Butler streets, entertained nt cards yesterday. The game was followed by a buffet luncheon. The guests Included Airs. Horace Klelnfelder, Airs. AVilllam H. AVhltcomb, Airs. Kdward Crawford, Airs. AV. D. Chambers Airs. John C. Allen, Jr., Airs. Penrose Ambler, Mrs. Irvln Hair, Airs. Harry Haug, Airs. J. Ellwood AA'Ick, Airs. Ben jamin Foster, Airs. Edward E. Davis, Jr., Airs. AV. It. Squibb, Airs. Harry lllttenhouse, Airs. John Stlef and Airs. John AA'urst. AIlss Anna Cree, of 1131 AVest Allegheny ave nue, will entertain at cards this afternoon at her home. The decorations nnd favors will be appropriato to St. Patrick's Day. AIlss Cree'a guests will be AIlss Madallne Alarks, Airs. Alaurlce Paul, AIlss Florence Kunz, AIlss Fan nie Kunz, Airs. Earl Dlttmann, AIlss Jennie 'Bird, Miss Beatrice Carman, Airs. Irvln Balthel, Airs. Alorrls Levis, Airs, C. Harry Johnson and Miss Louise Ruckdeschell. r ? v . .r SSSJSIHHtI. w J. J. SULLIVAN AND HlfcJ DAUGHTER, MISS MARGARET SULUVAN Jtlr. Sullivan and bts daughter will lead tho march tonight at the celebration r of Division No. 8 A. 0. H- v '"uL--mtmM.wammmmmmmk. .iw.y.-i K.Wj '' '' -1 J'i n .V t . , .( JW ' fit- V . & 'SWi REUNIONNO. 8, A. 0. H. Thirty-fourth Annual Affair Will Be Held Tonight in Germantown. The Sit li annual reunion of Division No. !, A O. II., will take place tonight nt thu Town Hall, Germnntown avenue and Haines street, Germantown. The giand conductors of thn oc casion will be J. J. Sullivan, AIlss Alargaret Sullluin. AVilllam .McLaughlin nnd AIlss Lilian McLaughlin. The vailous committees of tho evening who will be In chnrge will Include: AIuMu clmmlttee, A'lnccnt Fleming, James Dougherty and Peter Carney; ticket collectors, Patilck Alorrls nnd John Denvan; In chnrgo of wardrobo tickets. 'John Dougherty; hall com mittee, J. AVilllam Alurphy, A'lncent Fleming and James Dougherty; lofrcshment committee, J. Wllllnm Alurphy, Joseph Smith, John A'nsey and James Dougheity. coinmltteo on printing includes J. Willi. im Muiphy, James Doughcio, A'lnccnt Fleming and John Dougherty. The general committee Includes J. .1. Sullivan, who Is also chairman of the whole affair, Patrick Alorrls, J. AVilllam Murphy, Vincent Fleming, Jnnies Dougherty, Pcler Carney, John Dough erty, John A'nsey, William AlcUiughllu and Joseph Smith. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Tonight the Corley Drnmatic Club will pro duce "I Gits Half." a comedy In four acts. In tho Epiphany School Hall, 12th and Jackson streets. This play Is adapted from and has the ame plot as "All tho Comforts of Home," which play met with such great success when It appealed on tho professional stago hero a few years ago. Tho characters havo been caio fully chosen and tho play Is under tho per sonal direction of George J. McDermott, who Is well known In nmateur theatrical circles. Tho production Is for the benefit of the church fund of the Epiphany parish. AIlss Helen Lee, of 1703 Portor street, will en teitaln Informally tomorrow evening. Spring lloivers In pale shades of pink will form the aitisllc decorations. Tho guests will be AIlss Aluile Lentz, AIlss Alay Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Egnn and AIe-srs. T. II. Weinman, .1. II. Alhrecht, Dr. II. Alhrccht and Charles .Miller. AIlss Lee will bo assisted In receiving by her sister, Airs. C. J. Devlin, of Now York city. Air. and Airs. Joseph Jacobs announce tho en gagement of their daughter, AIlss Alary B. Jacobs, to Georgo G. Fitzgerald, of Germantown. The wedding will take place In June. FRANKFORD Air. and Airs. Roy A. Delph will return from their wedding trip through the South nbout Alay 1. They will live at apartments on South 15th street. Airs. Delph was AIlss Helen AA'yn koop, of Ella street, before her marriage Alarch 10. AIlss Elizabeth AlacEltoy, of 111 East Fisher's avenue, Oluey, will entertain tho members of the January class ot 191-' of tho Olney Com bined School on Friday eevnlnr. Lawrence Caskcy, a member of the baseball and football teams of Muhlenberg College, spent the week-end with his parents In Holmesburg. CAMDEN AND VICINITY The Reading Club held their fortnightly meet ing with Airs. Francis AA'lImerton and Airs. Mary Brown, of 413 Penn street. Among the members are Airs. Anna S. Carson, AIlss Flor ence Sharp, AIlss Alary Bobbins, Airs. Richard Develln, Airs. A. AVUbur Nash, Aire. James Bryan, AIlss Elizabeth Sharp. Airs. I. C. Clark and sister, Alias J Crnlsen; Airs. S. Bryan Smith and Airs. Albert D Ambruster, of Aler chantvllle, and Aim Henry F. Stockwell, of Jloorestown. VWw.i "1P H 'fo M ISS HANNAH nn.qg lfltl.i;V, ilntiRhler of Mi nml Mis. Tliomns Huilcy. nf 2213 North AVnodstoik ntn-p. will become the bilde of Frank M. Kaufman, of 4f.64 Mansion avenue, RoTliornuKh, tonight nt 6 o'clock. The ceie tnony will take place nl tho home of the bride's patents. AIlss Hurley will be. given In niarrlHafl by her fnlher nnd will wear an Empire gown ot soft white satin and larc. llcr veil of tullo will Im arranged with a cap of Hrussels lace hrlil lit place Willi n spray of orange blossoms. Rrlde rues and lilies of tho valley will be com. billed In her houiUel. Mrs. Rudolph Striise, of Itortborotlgh, will be nmtiim if honor mid will wear a kowu f Pl blue piiKsy willow taffeta and lace, unit will cniry n bouquet of pink and lavender sweet pens. The ceremony will be followed by II , dinner fur the families of the bridegroom nnd ' bride. Mr. ami Mrs. Kaufman on their return from their wedding Journey will live nl 4?3 tier- I hard stieet. where they will lecrlve after Mny 1. j Airs, timothy Riiddnrli, daughter tif Mrs. J. AValter lluddach, of Noble, will give n dance NORTHEAST PHILADELPHIA The rtntllctd Republican Club gave Its miliu.il ilnuee List week at .Mcliopolltnn Hall, Finliklin street inn! Fnlrmount nvenue. The officers of the nssorlntlon nnd Die committeo In charge aro as follows: President, llllns Abrnins; vice piesl dents. IMwnrd Piilil, Charles Slaw; trciisuier, Edward .Alack: recording secietnry, Charles I.. Scblnter: lln.inolal secietary. Imill A. Ptmloeht: Watson Keighley. Hany Arlck, II. Klwood M.vcrs, Joseph Emberger, Samuel Arnold, George AV. Ruhl, Charles Ader, Jr.; John I. Xvvelg. AVilllam Spang, James Doticgnii, .1. Leo Kennedy, Fred GInesser, Frank AI. Ruhl, Samuel Klrchoff. The lOtb iiniitveisnry and hamiAet of the A'esta Club was celebrated Friday night at 13:1 East Cumberland street. A musical piogrnin added to the dollghtfulness of tho evening. Tho committee In charge was Robert Lcathnm, I'lulrmnti: Thomas Alonow, Jr.; Edward Locke, Representative Harry llackett and Jacob Klouse. Alls. Ella Parker and Mis. A'era Allison, of Jacksonville. N. J aio the guests nf Airs. Alcta Davis, of Jackson street, Tacony. Thn iinnunl minstrel show of the Alecca I Country Club will, be held this year nt llanle.v's Academy, Kensington avenue and Cumberland street, April 8. The fiOth anniversary of tho Columbia Grmiig A'ereln was celebrated Sunday and Monday eve nings t 2d mid Nnrrls slieels. The celo briitlou was iiiiii Led b a romeit Sunday oe. nlng nnd a bntuiiiet and ball Monday night. A big crowd was In attendance. The Cambria Athletic Club Is making "mil preparations for Its "St. Patrick's Dansiiiit," to bo held at Rock's Hull tonight. The Lit Salle Society Is making plans for tin elocution contest to bo held In Its clubhouse Howard and York streets, Alnich SI. Mrs. George Wollard, S722 North Hutchinson street, entei tallied tho members of her Em broidery Club nt her home last week. Those piesent wcie Airs. Allen AVellen, Mrs. James Craig. Airs. Frank Emery. Airs. AVilllam Schencle, Alts. AVilllam Slner, Airs. Charles Fox, Airs. Frank L. Baral, Airs. Welrlch Lord. The Keiihington International Rencllclal Asso ciation will entertain Alarch 27 at Its head quarters, Howard and Huntingdon streets. The event will be known as ladles' night, and an especially attractive program Is being arranged. A reception nnd entcilalnmeut will be given tonight by Division No. ,S7, A. O. II.. sit "900 East Thompson street for Its members and friends. Alls Anna Shaw, 137 West Ontailo slreet. entertained a ginup of her friends Sunday eve ning. Iter guests wcio Alls. Eleanor Hamilton, Airs. Wllllnm AInbus, Airs. Anna Sinters. AIlss Alary Shaw, Titos. Kershaw, Air. and Airs. John AI. Shaw, Air. and Airs. John Comenzind. Tho Darby Pleasure Club Accordion Band will hold Its ilrst meeting tomorrow night at the home of Thomas Sweeney, nt 2827 Gaul street. The club girls have been Invited to at tend. AMUSEMENTS MAKKCT ST. ADOVI3 10TH CONTINUOUS It A M. TO 11:15 P. M No tieatg Reserve! Eilith Wynne JIatthison THE Stanley In TUB I50VEUNOIVH I.ABV Thuitdaj, Friday, Saturday .MAIiai'KltlTK CI.AHK In "iiuirr.NA lilllJKX" ADDKU ATTHACTIO.N. FIHST SHOWINO J'HAIU.KSJflJAPJ.IN 111 "NIU11T IN T1II3 I'AHK" ACADKMA' Friday Kvg 8:15. .at. Mat. 2:30. ELMENDORF AROUND THE UNITED STATES lillAND CANYON. C.M.IKOItNtA. TUT, KXI'OSITION. VOaKMin;. MT. ItANIUll AMI TilU VKL1.UW8TONK. pnlCKa23c la (I IIIJI'I'K'H, 1119 CHKSTNL'T. JIAIIKKT BTIIKKT nT ADT? A,NO Ji'Nii'Eit It I i( J tlPl Coiiilnuom VauUdvllls VJ JLJ Vy -l- Xl it 30 A M tn II :3u p. At. STALEY & BIRBECK VAUDEVILLE'S UltBATEST AICHICA1. NOVIIl.TY Mil llRS. SIAnK Ml'UPHY; WBBTON & CLAJtK; DYE11& FAY; LITTLE MISS JEAN; OTHKHa " METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE Tuckday EK.. March 'J3. b : 1 .1 . firm lime In Dili city by The METROPOLITAN OPERA CO., NEW YORK L'AMORE DEI TRE RE Umu Borl, Egemr. Uraalau. Ducliene. MM. Ferrari. J'omana, Aniato, UMur. ConJuclor. Mr Toarunlnl. K.it ! brftna thla iiiornlns, 110U Chealnut atreet. Valnul 7035. Race T. A TAT7T "PUT TOMUIIT AT 8.15 B1IARP AuiijLixrnL pop i mat. tomorrow Oliver Moroaco Pranta J. Hartley Mannen' PEG 0' MY HEART THEJPLAY EVERYUODVJ.OVEa PALACE VAUDEVILLE Mualgal Comedy. WARD ja," Other.. PHOTOPLAY WM II. CRANE In "UAA'ID 11ARUM" 1214 Market U A. M. to 11 P. M. 10c & 20c GROSS ,' The Hunter , Maids r TrTJiVO I " oir aieruonoui Acta liil 1 3 I Preirara ChauxeJ Mon. t Tbura. THEATRE jR&Z lOcJ 1!1M ! W1THBRSPOON UALl AVd Ei.. March IT, at 8. NEWELL DWIGHT HILLIS On HEN'HV AVARU BEECHER TICKETS, trt aod 76 Centa Eitenilon Box OIBre Wliherepoon BulldlDi TT MfiMT'Q Dl MONT-a minstrels U IVl U iN i. o vru and akcii sts. Doonbrook Fair Mat Today 10c. 1'Oc THvvnflrlfli'n Beauty Tewu ao4 ieuy ana At" rOCUUei O SPECIAL TO.N10HT. AMATEL118 55 hi the Old York Road Country Club on Friday evening. Mulch III. at 3:30 o'clock. The affair will be given In honor of the mcmbeis of the Pnlnt and Powder Club Auxiliary lo the Jcnkin. town Choral who took part In last year's and Mils year's very successful perfoimances. This vear's production of "llotch Potch" was given for the belied! of the Jenklntown Emergency Aid at tho Jeiikliitowit Auditorium several W'eeks ago Willi marked success. There will hi 60 guests pieseht. Mls Mnlthn Sillers nnd Miss Frances Sillers, of toil l:iIworlh slreet. will entertain n HL l'ntili'U's pAtl.v toti'ght. The decoiatlons will be appropriate nf the orcnslon. nnd the fnvois iiulnuo. Among those present will be .Miss Agnes V. Mohan, Miss Kalhryn foil, AIlss Frances Hc.inlon, Miss Nellie Regan, AIlss Agnns Powell. AIlss Nance Kelly, Miss Snia Cunningham. Dick Regan, Otto Becker, John nnllanhrr. Mntthew Unas. Aluit Nichols, Daniel Regan, Jnliti Sillers, George O'Brien, Alovsilis Sweeny hih! .Mies Mae Rjnn, of AVash' Ingiuu, 0 C. ROXBOROUGH The Wlnsnhl kon Canoe Club gave Its annual banquet at the Old Turf Villa House Friday evening. The All-Stnr Atlnstrel Troupe, the Adelphla Melody Four nnd recitations by Ted Hansford ndded lo the enjoyment of the night. Wllllnm Lnwlnn was tonstmaRter. The speak ers were John Nesblt, Doctor Biehcrt, J. C. Snlth and C'aptnln William Dayton. During the- progress of the banquet the lusistuinster piesented to Joseph Gullfoyle, one of tli" mini popular membeis of the club, a gold watch and n gnlil watch fob. tho gifts of tho club nnd Air. nnd Alts AVilllam Alnlnwarlng for the heroic attempt Gullfole made to res cue u fellow member, Russell Thompson, who wns drowned February G In the Schuylkill River while the two were canoeing. Among those prenMit vveie Geoi ge Tnvlor, Jo seph Gullfoyle. Mllnor Williams, Herbert Louden, Bedford Eastwood, Thomas Thrlng. James Smith, Doctor Hiekert, John Ncbll. Douglas Campbell, Rowland T.ivtor, George Aletzter, Herbert Jones, Elmer 1 falcate, Henry Ferschung. Theodore Hansford, William Alnlnvvnrli'g. Carl Ahworth. Frank llennesey, Joseph Gcnslielmer. AA'HIIam l!onon. Charles Louden. Carl Alyeis, Edward Thnmns, AVIIIllam Alassa. Peter Helms, George Dayton, AA'llIhim Lnvvton. Thomas Hohenadel, William lllnrkbiirn. Herbctt Scluner. Harry Barnhinst, Henry Jennings, Joseph AIcElvaln, John C. Smith anil George Gibbons. AMUSEMENTS FORREST THEATRE FIRST, ONLY .BATTLE-LINE REAL WAR PICTURES TWICE DAILY 2:30 P. M., 8:30 P. M. 25c and 50c All Seats Reserved UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE EVENING LEDGER TRANSPLANTED BATTLEFIELDS VIEWED BY AWED CROWDS Keiy Phiine of the World's Greatest Conflict on leaiiil and m Hea ShovMi And Described tn Intlm&u Mnilon V'iewt Keiurtrd ur tXluk nf Life and Limb b a .Specially DtputUed Coins nf Due-dvU Camera Ex iins. Uvtjry Army Keen In Action. Every Notable Flfoue f Kvery Nation Shown In Close View at the .encrt uf Htrltu. NO FILMS LIKE THESE IN ALL THE WORLD This Afternoon at 2:30 Tonight at 8:30 Metropolitan Opera House wee?c De Wolf Hopper An2 MS!?" OPEHA CO. MATINEE TODAY. 2:15 Frl and Sat. Nljtita THE at Kiir, and Sat. -r-v y-v LAST TIMES OF lVIllvAJJU rpr,;Uf m am?riT?T?'I?r and TniAI. XUJllj;ilUS:t5-'V-'-lV-iJAViilA, nVJUUT TOMORIIOW IOLANTHE NIllHT at K.ir,. Large Chorua & Orch Prlcea 25c, 50c, T5c. 11, 1.50, 1000 :" Seats SI uK:?;i" 50c. 75e Keata tlOU Cheainul St and Opera Home. Pliodnnt C!f OPEItA I Uomi of World' OliebUIUt OU hoi-se I arrlt iioronlaua APTEKNOON8 liVO to 4:30 lOo, lBo, Zbo, EVENINUS- T:30 to 10:30 10c, 25c. SOc. UUY SEATM IN ADVANCE AND AVOID 8TANDINO thirdVigVeek FAMOUS PLAYEBS' FILM CO 'S STUPENDOUS PHOTO-SPECTACLE THE ETERNAL L I I X HATJe GAINE With PAULINE FREDERICK TWICE DAILY-2:30 AND 8l80 P. M. PKECEDEU UY CHAPLIN COMEDIES B. F. KEITH'S THEATRE "Greeted Dramatic Triumph of the Seaaonl By Earnest Curtain Calls!" INAZliVlUVA In "WAR BRIDES' EV. L.eil. STL'PENDOVS SUPPORTINQ SHOW! Paul Concha a. CUudlua & Scarlet; Mack t OrtU; Leltoy, Lltou A, Co., Oihra. T VPTP POSITIVELY LAST WEEK " WM rADY8P.3.;!ifl"To"'0""' ROBERT B. MANTELS n Shakespearean and Clatslo Itepertolr Matlnea Today. 2il TONIOHT AT S Macbeth I Merchant of Venicq BROAD ,. MatToday ,'.$i.OO THE BLUE ENVELOPE ? I.aat i Eenloxa l s" . Laat Mat Saturday. "NIXOV8 OMAM OPEItA Ctt j 11ARTO A ITT A -VTTA t'LARK. HAHnETT OPP, CtRAND ENRii.janN0 orkti VJAVX-VA -f k ANTOINETTE. 'aENATOR' Today a:I. T A B MfHPHt . Laujhlnf floturel VTHTORIA ll A NO MARKET BTREBT8 VIUXUIVIXI . Malta Dreaaler and C'Barle. VAUDEVILLE Cliapllo In TUIIaVluncturS PHOTOPLAYS Itouianca" Mabel Fun4a tuc xvo .VWW, UI.HI. Garrick & MatToday 2 ?UQ tosi.tNY.rn,R.,s' 7 hteJ3 BALPPATK Thta 4 Ne Weali Ete i& nt Mat. 8 PARTMfi Wlu k SthtSw. Tsca tWJjr