MM fptmmmmmafm4iH-m" "mm Vlm- 'P -sJAVJef1 --Bf -j-"-Ji-r J"imgnH.aelS)Hi III I MWJIP iJliWII EVENING LEDGEB-PHTTJA-nTCrpnT. WEIWESBAY MAttCir T7, 191 S; IS COBITY MARKETS IN A COMATOSE CONDITION SHARP DECLINE IN PRICES OF WHEAT ' LAR DIVIDENDS Iniiard COAL SHARES I j$al Disbursement on Ilcad EL, and Lehigh Valley Im proved Sentiment. mnt(. March 1.-Tlie toc)t ih .;.V,,,i n wnitltiK nttlliulc nt the WML ihls morning- on the Hauling nntl Mam 7. 1T. ffinsj m? 1 for? ia. i,m T7tJ autdlj Uiftf m "SI "ttf 'tot nutjl TCilfl "lt )ioi; Si, ef tUmaml nnd I There, wna nn no one nppenreil .rSaBTj to do nnytlimu until these .in- tt&K&uM i ,,l"r,("!',,1 ot. J100 SB2 et the opeiilnK wro Irrrgulai. iM'L.. nn mnrhoil ivcnttncp". In nny ? Trader nls "'' n" "icllnii. .hH off on political development. tf the T protest of the fulled ? Iho rmharKO on eiiitiiriercc rnVrmany nn.l "Tj. .airiince mm tlio war. in fflw anm-il that mioul. TOV. conflict It wnul.l piot.nhH BP ".. ,.i0n 0r the war IffficO J m . ,,.. r tho pomlhllltv or tho war. In many il Itnlv mean trZJtmtnt of the reRUlnr Wir, Letter feellnB t renulnr dividends e HenilliiK thronuhout ffurttL but Irndll.K did ot broaden 5 Although thin action had a yety EmV effect on the nmrhet ns a, wliolo K .hare to he materially affected tie o tho ad 4fi P-taj ICStf mai t in "tot! Ttirt 'olll v w-i. tfUj' IM -tin talon alefl nut. Till 5ly til Hit,' j if. A UW; for SI tni eta loir bill ml! id XMamucu "' QSiioie of the two companies At oiv Itenhrh Vnlle. wm up Hi. whll Kx which be. ame strona; in "j iiwrnoon. toiiciicii m, r - "H, kf ii. before the dividend was an WSLi i the rr critic of shorta In 1J.fecttlon "f the reRUlnr dividend. aL,rtet wenkencil ft ninat before the Zeni man) ls-ues sank below the ?.irVsteri1ny MtlmuKli Heading nml UMff. Valley lost pmt or their ndvnn.-e. (flfuilhm Steel nnd Mexican retro irc the ftroiiR rpota of the mar .TI former als.. bell.K the most EU Ralnlnc point hefo.o noon. sEatrM i "pws "' c,n,",, for ,1,e ."nVtth la Bethlehem, hill tho stock was !,.nrbly affected M the report., that HSon orders Horn the hclllKcrcnt ilov Mnunta have not been uanocle.l. 1M..I Mlncwas the onh reason ndvnneetl for fti itrcngth in Meiaii rctrolenm. that rtockteln? up 2'i points befoie noon. ICoMt shares ere not nffcctrtl by the wooit f " decrease In the visible supply f tapper In Inland, Kranco and nllnat to tioe countries The vWlblo supply tetreaied 6173 tons from ilntch 1 to Ittreh 13. beltw .'1.2 tons on the latter j.U The fortnitthtly stocks decreased tMioitsaml copper In slht fell filTH tons, ftpjtr prices ueio hUher nRalu In Lon- ... 1wt.iV. hsuUment. on the whole, Is decidedly th.mni for several reasons, the most tocrUnt probablj bclnu the lingo e. Itfti Of the country, the forelRii trade USbco liow standliu? In our favor nt flit highest point in history, ami this In KM of tho blockade declared by Great &Wn against Ucrnmny. Thus thu In Itratlonal credit situation is strotiR, and lioili sood belief that our position will w&uu even Btronger. fihelpful feature was the report today till i credit of $20,000,000 had been cs Hilljhed by the French Oovornment In 'trTork. This report could not bo con fjosd,butln mam cpinrters of the Sttcet fjiU held Uiat the establishment of a lujl credit bv I-'rance would not bo nu-hMcted. Ih tfllct is xpi eased that with the fill Oi Constantinople money raie-i win h&t lipard, c-pci-lally In tlie liilerna ttail market AVItli tho fall of tho capi tacf Turkey the Iarso Itusslan whent inpplr would be released, nnd thus the etdlt o( tlio Czar would bo materially jjajrired. M COTTON S.WVOHK Jinr li IT Onltnn npeneil flrm- W I1H ClorninK " 10 il ininxn niKKr iiii'i i&r H fctart tirifcn moved up ttiree taln's bttif. The nuirket at Liverpool mnne nn rctUtnt howltic. the list ilirru Prlng 111 bdlik points better .lian ha. I teen exported km Thtadvsnre lit Liverpool wan utlrlhute,! ti Contlnrntftt and imdn htivlnir. Lnfeil on n nl:cll3n of SO uer cent. In tho cottoa nrc.i ll dipt. WIl etreet nml Liverpool bought tin. brokers with German (omurttoni an I n Orleina Interests sold. 8pot tocpln kflzht IIiv iLml sohl Uitober. Julv and jmcfitr nuae ltiv nntn rproniH. J1 Yea fioae oprn. lllicli . tii I.OJ n 'in ti.iu tn OMI New York Stock Sales Last rlote. Itltli. Low. Close SI'f 32'f !)' 3f tA'i 4l OIK 105 1 27' HUH 32H OM 35JS RtH 'J' IHU II 27h 82li Adams EjptMs 85 A'mi r i tr 3.1'i AIIIChalmcrj II Allls Chalmers pref .... 3t)f mil Copper filjj Am Air Chcm 40 Am AcChemprcf Illjj Am Umissi 4n$ AroCan "lit AmerCoal Proil 8Hj Amer coal rrou prer. Am L'jprMS Am Ire Am Smelling Am Smelllns pref II. AniSuuar AmleM lei Am Tobacco '.. Am Tobacco pref Am Woolen Anaconda Copper .... MrtiKon I)ju Atchison pref..... 03 IlalilRln t.oco 31 I'nlt&Olilo (17 flelb Ktrcl o7H Ptcoklyn IlapM Transit bOM California Pet lim California I'e pref 18' 4 ran Pacific lili lfiOU 168W IfiStj rrntral Leather .VIM .,;) i .'i.'l'j a'i Central Leather pref ...102 101H 101H lOJ'a Chcj AOhio JHX -llts II is 4 Is 83'( 33 U iltf 3,-M M' 40 01W U't 2lj 82'5 100H ICO'f lOflH lOIMi . NJ-i 0(1 00 00 . IMJ! 20 2Sj 2S! . ni( n-i! n nt . 78)1 80 Si 80 102 UUii U)2i 102H I20U I2n) 120 J20 .221 221 224 224 .i07jj lonn ioo)j loow . 17 17 17 17 20! 2(13 i 20)( Mi HO 32 07l mi olll, l(l') 48 on 07)i 32 57l( 48 PR 07'f 32 07X r7 80! li ims 18 Chlno Copper. (Iilc Mil .tStt1 Chlc& Xorlhw , rtiienqo. It I .V I'aclllc Col l'uel S: Iron . ... Col & South 1st pref . font Can Cent Can ptef I tinol (jnt Corn PrrohifU.. Cuban Am SugJr pref. IdMlllllN Ml .Il.tilM ... IMA Hudson Den .Mtiotl Detroit & ildlnson ... Kric r.rlflFt pre! CenChein.. ., llrr.cral Motor Oeneral Motor ptif ... Ctcdilch Co (1 cod rich Co pref .... .ileal Northern pref . tlteal Northern Ore els .'II J Oiipcenhelni l.xp I!i( InlcrLoto-Met 2'i Inlriboro-Mi't pref ... 0(1 Inspiration Com 2IS hanf ity oulhcn .... 211 ( Laclede Ci.n Oil 1 phlch Valley Ul'i l.ouLsv .V Nah ll.l Mackay Co pref 0.) Majwcll M olo.i 31'f MaxMell Motrrs 1st pref 7,'l-j Maxwell Motors L'd pref. :(; Mrs Iran I etruteti u Vi'i Mrlejn relrolruni pref 3JU Sr,H 30lS H'( 0U (!) 124'f 124'f 121 20 ;0' Wi 2I"( 2.1) S GO 48 0,1'f 115',' 1U( 1KI 7M 140 II Hi 23 37 181 101' j LOIS Mi Mo Kan a li'.tui Mo Kan & Teiai pref Mhmi Copper Mlonrl Pacific Montana I'oivcr National Kn undinj . Nat Lead pref N Y Alrllrako Nevada Con k y Nii& it N V Central n y o& w No Pacific , Pacific Mall i'onn.i Plltsliurg Coal PilutiurirCoal pref .. I'iriMcl Meel Car pref Pullman Co Quicksilver '.... (lulcksllvcrpruf itaj Corn iieatllDi; 4 . 48 03)2 mi's li'j 0.1 7 117 . I)!.' 1M.U HfT'i 182 103'f 1.8'f 0.t'f 11)0 .1104 llfi'f :2'( Itl'i i2i m 21t 21W IH'i' VMH 11.1 Cll' ..l'i 734 .!' mi'; 7," OH I'sJl 2l'i ID1! 411 12 2.1 ll'f 48 ).Vi 11..' ll' 03 !J nn o us 22" J sn ( ISO 3,pi)S 80U 121 20 21t 70 48 03 llflH Ills 01 73 i 110 i; ii;, 22' l 31 S ISO New York Bond Sales ncn ah am- a Siw .1'..s HY '"'K Vnll,, 4' (mm Amer Aur s .. li'jKi Amer tltuc ft I, in Jl"' mf' Ttt clt 4s.. P .MM Am.r Tl cvt 4i,4 -w Ann Arbor 4. i'lKPO Armour Co It, .. S!IWi Atrlilson rv 4'it'i5v! IU iir,. ..":!"""".." ""'O. I'." SMiltl li.ut a, iihin ii l.VKI" Hill A, (lh cv 41. KlRh tflw Sl'4 Mi 1IX' j PI Kri . S7'i PS;, . . now M'4 4 w; inlt & o Hnn .'llj. Hum I L-eth Hteil rfd n JiW) ilrwik City 1st fls . "Ml. !roo,kl.r! il..T 1W .jooo lirook Cn Ki lt ,-, row em tins & r.i .-,'. iiIK. 'Xn: Leathxr 1st As SItAlO Cent i'ac 1st 4s .. .. wksi ft nt far sjh I. . l-it-) Chl & unst III As " . 101KI Hill II. ... I. loti) chl & Nnn iff.." 440MI Chl U ai g joint 4s loon fia it x. .. :.-.. i. Rpm; Chl II & tj Ton a is Ul' SIJ .M, !l Psjlj ifn, HI twj, 111. I'lil mi 11 1 i t. S4, .! I Oil tun. ini " '.i i1 loufi IIKJI4 11 J lis', s;i mi r.-u 7U tri P-.1, SO-v. Rill u . IV IU . liUH Pip, . 1'lP, Ml 111 111 ns', us. 'B w -- 2000 C M & HI I' 4s 11 f M ft HI P l)lv Is 10K1 C. XI St I' , ,-,, WHI C M a: Hi ! cci, ma HK.1I 1 M ft I' S 4s .. . 2;i Chl It I A V col 4s.. 1(0" C HI l M A O Ueb fii :'(h Chl II It 3s 4(141 f)H ft Itu.l rfd 4s Win pen ft Itlo Or 4s . , lirfu I'en ft Itlo Clr rfd rVt 10(11 tvtrolt ndlson 1st 01 Ifii'i" f'ls Seciir Corp M .. ..rnin Oon .Motor lis . 4(i('U (ln i:iee deh (,t iimi Mud Man In r,, . i'i Hud Co Gas r,s .. tvi lovvn Central "s . 11)111 111 i'nnlr.1 .f.l I. lump ns ron tv Rm Vllf S'lll (norp In, 17( Ins Pill Itil ti'tli : $o' .101 . t0. '-' ' 'it J mil., . 4k; .Kit', 101 . -ir nn el 101', rv rt :ld pd Cs "10. IM Met Kis ui.' iwm OMj 01 ' 3I'X 3 11 1 100 10 1 Ufilf Jiri.T 32 3.') J'.-'f 40'1 I2' fi'Jj 21' 1 21 if. 01'j )2r BOi,' 21 2l'f OHt 13l' 13MS 11. "4' 113 .(I' n7 21'. lH3i 40'i (IV j :tij4 73 30 ' 7 71 li i '.V. :i Kl'i 40 12U (10)5 3u?i 7.1 30 (J.)' "1 .0', liS'. 21 H l(i,' 49 ' 123 j l'J .100'f lOli1! 100) 101! 1 . 01 07 01 (17 ll'S 12 12 12 . bin r,H :,Vi r,Hi 83 83),' 82) i 82'i 2Hi 21), 24j 213, 103 103 1023 i 102; . 10-,' 181 IS lSli l(.'.j iojh iu.-. iu.-i 20' 1 20 2(1 2(1 . OUj 00!i HI1! 01)5 , 87' 88 5:8 88 lot!, luOW 1SUU lo0'5 . ., u ; ; Hi iu 1 li, 17IS 17U 17 17IJ H.'llf Mtlj 142) 1 143) sin ( ) 0 v (I 1111 H77 suo llicli. Low. Clobe. Mi)' S.7I1 " 7n 11.11 1 Nn.: s.'.U n w p sa ii -1 II III II. Vi '.I .l (I . I P 7- P 7 I P. VI tl.Kll !l "-It , .. M'3 Vlnk w; .llr ,. Drtunfar Juwy . tx ..... V BANK CLEAIUXGS tk d'arlncs todns comrnre with eon iHa&if day lout tvvu ycurs Uin Ifitl. ima. fiHiJlphla Mi. 017 401 ?7 4-17 MM $5i.fiiil,; wimii sw,si.vrr,i n4T.7iw.smi iuiwuis, i;iixtm!1 ia.(.si,:ii 1 HATES FOR MONEY JSUtlohla lorn wlton pi3 IConmer mtmirtt rem. CoajMrelal narer, .'I :i(.l 10 O month. Risi I ::'!, 1 :Uii i'4 Phlladol- Itepubllc Iron & St pref 7U, 77 Itocfc Island !( 3, ICiuncly Co I Hi tratotirtlAlrUtio prer .''.'US :3M Sears Hoebuck 133 131'i Soulhcm fj-in- ... .'l)i 3'i boulhern Pacific clfs .. 07 Otl), toutlieiii uy o J63! couthem Hy prof 471J 4S)i ttandard Mllllns 1J35 4(it5 fatandard Millins pref.. 08 0SU ttudebaker 47)i' 47 Tennessre Copper 27)j 28 Tews Pacific it K .... 13)5 11 'IhlidAvenuo .. 51 51' Toledo St L S. W firtf . 7 7H I iiitii tuiuio 11WJ 12() Onion Pacific pre,' .... 7U'' 7P) Uh t'ndi Alchol lOJj 223 Uu IU) lav pief 2 Ll), U 8 Itnlilier C5tf 50 U b Itubber 1st pref ...102li 11.31 W.i'i Uhbliel 15 45'u USb(eelprei 1013, il'.'i b tab Copper 524 L'ii Wut Maryland Lhi '-lh Western Lnion Uli t4)i wnreiuis ft. i. ii i"j Wisimui.t'Use tiectrn: ..Ii8!-i iii) uverland Ml 1 UllijsOvcilJnii pict ..H11 VUUIHOllll 1U.1 H Hi. 33H 13l'i Si' 00' 15 48 4Glj 083 4(1'! 2??i 13!,' 51 7)5 HO) 70'4 2.1 21' 51. 1U1' 21 21). frU. 77 3! ii: 33 '5 lbl, t.Vi 00' 15) 4S 40(5 C8' 403! 28 ki;j 513i 7)5 12ii 70!i 22 , 21' 5(1 10.11 443! lC'-Hi 52) 213! bl!i 2' tS3i 1(8 , lUiin .U3 Rt3ere Hanks' Discount Kates lllohli rVb Zlrhmnis ko ... . WtoaU ,, bun n. 51M ..... iTtaelico II I .10 or IMS. .. 4 . 4 . 4 .. 4 : ! .. 1 1 1 1 4 . 4 Days !!0 or CO or Over IV). 4 4 4 4 4 4 I I V' I I PI). III). ) 1 r.l? 44 41' V1 n Mi r Foreign Discount Hates S;ijr,E"'a.5' ,Jk it 0mianj J"J J Bclcluin fcj Auitrta RS" liny '"k ot Portu ES.JJ tHnniark . Ij of K'.thcrfands " Hank nite. . r. . 11 . r. . . n .. 6 . II r , Mi 4 ::5a Data nf lam chauBO Auk. s. nil l auk. in, lull Dec. !, auk. VT, Oct. 31, Mav 11, fent. 10, July 111, Kept. I, .Ian. 14 Jan Jan Auir. Au. 101 1 tut I lull llitl mil mil nut 1IU4 r., 1IU4 fl. 1IU4 12, IPI4 w, ion FOREIGN EXCHANGE IP.Yt Yrtll T.B VI . tiiSnX,';?'-?V" .,'.T"aa.Lf i""( lariiiis. .-. '. ,,K,t ficia rV-Tt". a! runt innr. market clonal on the tar&iun : . ?. "I'TiiiiiK. ino KHN. ItalM fnllr.ur E55- an4 4 TO'i - ' ""Tfil 'clle'r . Srw ii' '. tllt-ks . . . fi.2!l sll vm, checks . .. Bi. sit? DIVlnVUnc nrm limn BSnijlr !'J"I Rallroaa Company, regular """tJ 'o,UViE'r. ".V1 .i"1 common and pre- I7. - - ir nnn.-,..... .. ! -fc.".M1i"y. rrsuiar Quarterly oar wi iorll 51J. May ,s t0' Kiockhofderi of Pf's'oVr ?.8n1n,nit Company, rejular quae Knock ft2iL.2n. Pfeffrred. payable April 1 ISi. ? 1 o'arcii 13. .,, r"5 J4 Teleplione and Teltgraph Com- M1CK Of tlfnrA IT...I. 1 " tWkcBr rH'i,',ul regular quarterly 2 oer!.t.l"ltL Payable April 1 to mock Vr svcui. tui tj iia ua 'HJj is ''," April l to stock of record ?lwanfriV,l1t an'1 rer Company, rea- Br-.., ----- slock oj recara uarcn so. KB ku,r8hur,ty. Coropiiiiy. JV4 p.r cnt., Euui. l "ocI' "' ,',:0,,, "! b Bail vwr l orapany. ". JwiiuVtJJf EypPny' quarurly 2 Mr cent , < T W ,0 tcl, ' Ttco"i "arcb s- oiuTrt.Vt ;,'.,na ut Company, les 3e inii",?'.14' oent n prefeired, -P1 la to stock ot record jiarcb 31 lrt7r,r ,0 l '' Company, regular m V ti2,Sf .';?'?.? .f!?'.t". w S J.,'r?,'n.?nil Telegraph Company. tlit., 't iw o" vttlottwi. pable l 401 ro. k of u.i. . eoJ10" Company regular quart irly ii7,.k uPo April 18. to aiock . r-,.i . tts ii ., oti, Tpm i "" comi'OJ'' 1 per (8'i, (S'3 K.U 4 10)i 1 (!) 00 4 10.1 111. Cplolrd ex illvldrnda In New York toda , Hiiiokhn I'nlnn t.aa. lis ner iciii . Ouneral cliciuuul preferred, lli per Lent., I'ettlbo'ic Mullllieii I'omiiany (IrM ureferred, l". ptr cent., American Cun. preferred, 1 per cent ; Ame. lean lieet KilKJr ureferred, i' icr lent. To'nl sales tnda, llS..'ii0 shares, comparod vvllli in'iooo sparra yisterday; thus lar tills week, 4I0.1KVI shares; samo period last week, IU7.UO0 ahqrea. Illurh Mr.1 llta T.t! (.Kin Inlerlj It T rer r,s .. tiT'i n) mier Jier Mar (Us . Ill Ofii Jnp new iter sia 4txi 75 IS(s Jnp Im i . . . ,) lorn Kn. ciiv So It .is . 7?t tPfni Kuti Cllv So s .. Ml J""' l.k Wh iteh 4s IPJ . Pin, .KfHl ,, till del. 4 . 01 i""' i iu a m r ,,s . ..nmt, iK'iHi Lnrlllniil .', . PPT. Ii'iiii I i ft s :f . . nt "CI ii Minn ft t I, Is,. . Ml Mho Mo Par In ., , .1.1 "01 n Mn t'a.- .-.a Ill.'li . .. !iCi riin N v iVinni is l!.o . lerti, i'KJI N' V I" I. 8 l',s ... . Til Mil N V C ,V II nigs 7tn, sioin v v ft ii ns i,. lull', lion n v fiii ft si i. ns . mii; I'll n Cltv Is IP.Vl. .11 inen x v i'iiv Pis inrti. nn mn. sai. so mo ui'. IU', Tl'k liii'. Kill, im I'd', inn MP, m !oJ p??, ni 7.1 7n n; so fiPj in mot. in', e.l .MS ll'l . I'M-, . . , V .,S llll.ll, '1 I', , 1.1-4 Viiin V 1 Cltv ti.js Hull. . '.WV, irn, 'Clin N v "v 4'm Mhv MT.tnii, ir, "4(K x v (V Pks Nov r.T.inn; ieii limn N v f.nj If I' Is... Ml, Mi, 'IV II V V Una II X. it liri M(H X V X II ft II 111 ..lO-U, .Mll N Y Itvvy ref Is ... TI W Mhmi X Y llvvv adj r.s . Ml, .'III II X V Tel en ls.. . P.1 im) X Y W f ft II lUs... (UltJ mm h ft x cni .'h inul . hhiV, li i li Xorf A U I'oea Is . . . SS li 7iH4i Xnr I'ai prior H PI 711" n do sen .Is ilPs 1MH) fre Short Una 1st ( t( iniKii ore fill ,'.s iiviv, IVO'I Pni'lCe Tel l-i . 11714 ihiii Penna cv .1i,s .. Inn Wn I'ent.i ,'V tigs . . ir.'Pi Kniii IVnple's Oas Ss ... 1(11 Kicn I'uh rrv N .1 .Is . S7i, J.'lui i II iv foti fotnier Us UK .li'iKi IteadliiK Ken Is P.VC .linn Itepnli I'nliii lis llll . Ill (ll Hi mill HUM 4'HI .. SI'., 7hi l(ni-k Island 4s va KH'II St I. I M ,t So Is (IT limn St Paul M ft M 4'f. IIIV Si0 Senl.ornd A I. Hrtl :. .. (i2(. L'MKii South 1'ne rvli .i. mm i no rv n t r p ,,s tun n m, i,l .1.. r.i t ?,.. OllOl) do rfd 4s 'Jin 4 do Term .s inon South Itvvy Ken 4s. lino do fun rs "r o Texas ft 1'ae 1st I Jfsiim Texas Cn ev no.... lerni r s llrnlty .Is. PVko r s steel .".4 . . '.(Vii) Colon Hair ft ' Ss. Ilnf.i I nlon Pan lt 4 .MOO do I'd l t'lHI l IIVV V .H "nn vvntinRh 1st rnr is Hull VV pt f 'prtrli' "n . iio West Shore ret? Is wen .in I. iron West Colon I Total sales. ? U"i-; lllll illl in in .,--, last week, $7,:inl,000 ." . .10l; innf .ico'J .. in1. . (i7 . vi" . . B71 . . Pii'i 1ST nil PIT, 71', IO" IU, IPOS, vS (mi.. IEI1, mi IPO's P7 HO lit:", im 107 ici in; 61 07 ni iW'j M 17K. III"! I ".'4 inn. nti'i lnisT leni; n'lV IIT '."il 101 oti on r, !W ;,7'.(io, eompire.1 vvllli J is ween, 4.i..i".,,i."ii, same 'lose ll'l til llll V4 P8n iPj IU Ml, '-'. iU M' .Mt no N7'i llKI'i (eis KO'k Pi Si M r.C4 7U lllUi l)ll' PI IIS'4 lop, SI lv, SS IOJI, PHI, M' '.'0 lis) PIH nit) ':. 101's It L'll'l H13 M Ifl'k 11 III 7.1 TI) n- Ml !ll(l HI IWi'k ii", P0. ;:: 7!H, ini .i'ii, ti.i H!C. ini". mi', in i, SP, lr.i ua 71 1, wi, irt (,'!', I'"". Si l'll'l, mi, in1. Him, HT, inn 101 nil -7', 1"7 let Pit .. (17 PIV 13' j "II. PS Sl4 VI ll IV. tl imv pin, fVv Pt"J en pn ST I eei, Pfiij I..S1T.-perlud STOCKS STAGNANT IN PHILADELPHIA Advance in Baldwin- Locomo tive Shares Banks Buying Short-term Notes. Financial Briefs There wns little to ne enid of the ilnv's IradltiR on the l'lillridetphta Stock Kx clinnse. Trnnsncllons Were few nnd far between, the ticker remaining silent for minutes nt it time, nnd price changes wero conilnnl dtirlnu t'no morning to minor fractions. In tho afternoon Uald wln Locomotive roe a iiolnt following n nlmllnr ndvanco In New York. Tlndei were Inclined to wnlt the no tion nf the Heading nnd Lehigh Vnllev homilo of directors on tho dividends of ttielr respeclivo eompiinles before Adopt ing n definite position In the market. Tho gcnernl expectation wne thnt tr.n Heading payment wojild tie the nme ns iisuiil, hut lean confidence ivns e.pressed over tho Lehigh Valley distribution. The declaration of tho regular rate on both Issues created genernl satisfaction. Klectrlo Htornge llattery wns not af fected one way or the other by the re port for the venr. which showed n trllle oter 0 per ecut earned on the stock. Lehigh Valley, however, hardened aft'T tho dividend nniioiiucement. nnd United Ons liniirovemeiit also scored a fl ac tional gnln In the nflcrnoon. Cnnilirla Slecl Scrip lliictuiiled erratically, the Hill) nilvnnclng half a txiint to 97 and I ho lHlT declining a point to M: On the vvhol", the lono of (he local list una steady. Untiiil Transit cased nil sllghtlv and sn did Philadelphia Ti action, wlieiens I'lilon Traction remained Inert. .Mr. Htoteshury ivns still tetlcent im to the trnuslt Kitiiatlou, but developments are expected shortly. Vork Itnllvvnys slinies mode no lesponso lo I he Ki'lniiaiy report of earnings, which showed n sros drcre.ise nf 1.1 per cent , hut n net guln nf I.,1! per cent. The sur plus, nfler nit rhnrgei, wns $."StM, fin In irttse of (ID per rent. Kor the tlnee montlis the mn plus una):?. 70S. nn iiicieasc of 13 S per cent. .Money conditions heie retnnln (ibnut the same ns for sumo lime. past. The nb nornially low quntiitlnn for i-iiintnercinl pnper hits led some Institutions lo reduce their piirnluiKcs and rcplnre the sainn tvlth atliacllve snnrt term seeuiltie.s nlillng fiom 5 lo per cent. Anolher rmiM' for lediti'tloti In purchases of eoin meielnl paper Is the depressed rondltlnu of liusitii'o.s vvlili'h Is relli'i'tid in (lie losers In prnllls nf tnanv ciiiieeriis and I Me passing or I'litting of dividends. Sales in Philadelphia LONDON TRADING QUIET Gilt-ctlno Issues I'irm, Despite Ad vance in Discounts. LONDON, Mnreh IT.-Trndlns on the Sloek Ilxcrnnse todav was ipilet Ollt-eilge Isdiiea vvcrn firm, nolwlthstaiiillng the advance In dis counts. Homo railvviiys Improved ngaln on an nlaento of selling orders and on llirlit sup port. KnrflrH were weak. The react Ion was due (n tho fact Hint the South African Government does not favor leljlnliun Incuuelng nrens nt tho dlsposil of Pur nnsiern Itnnds Companies iliirlng ilio war. Tho advunee In .imminent, ahiiren been checked liv Ine ilovernmeiit'B control of the plants It is evpoi-uil that the ioruu.iiii.ii ' 111 opeinla un a Hied perreiiiago tatals. Ar ientlim rails were uofier. Wcbiish oi the de freiio In "heir eainlngs. llii9lans wot.; ifjad? but Chl neso nnd JopnucKo Ijsucs fnlliil mr .'.'.. i.... A ... r-miueil ii liroier reel- to raiiy. luixhih .m.- .." mg in mo uim. 1 s i lose. Ill .ii. lias . Hsu, llll Ualilvvlii I.,., i. . .11 lo v uni Iron II 'a .1 I' '111 S.ecl 41'. -'I Klei'llte SInraKe 4IHJ ino (irn Aeplinlt .. IV. (S! Ins Co X Am . Vt K LclllKIl Xuv . . T.ILj lil. . 117'., "IT M-Ill i''gli Vnl Tr.. is .'1.1 I. Illk- S lllivlkll! .11 I'.Mi I'eiiun 11 II. .. .1:14 : 7 I'eiinu s-nli Mrtt. sii.. 107 I'hlln Cleftrle.. J:'., 1' "hlU It T lr ct IIP, i I'hlln Travilou Till, IM I tending .. ..71'.. .".II Tonnpnll Uel . . 4 li'.". Tonoi'oli Mill 7 .'tti.1 I tilted Ons Imp s-.'ij U'.l I S Sleel II .ll'l Warwick Ir & S '.)', BONDS'. tjist nrev. site ) Am Ujb . i: " sin; ir.ll.1 Ciim Sit scp mill 117 IM Cjllll Stl scp IIU7 P7 7KII fllee ft P Tr Is 771 j ) 1 ell N cons i ll'l', irtm IM ft M SII lis. 100 HiHiO IVi, IVss t r 4 .. Ii.1 I'h fn s p Itlls sn Sunn fhlln ft Ij Is. 70 inn Phi la & ri .is im :iini llendlni: gen 4s. Itl I'M York It pr scrip (CI lllh. t lufle. In.-, 10., tin', .U .I'J .1" ll'j ll'e II j Ifi, ll'j ll'k 111', l:"j 4'.i'i il '.il '.'I -.'IV ' L'P, 'JH. i.tu (..', ' i r.T ii-iii at is-m JS'i -.'S -SVj r,i Mi, r.i a ii. i ii km, ri si si si if, L-iV :'.i in 10 lo Til Id Til 71' 71 li-Ul 71', t l l . 7li-lrt 7)4 I' j KI s2'v s '. 4M, 4I; II'. P'v H'k '. HlRll. s-.v !1I, (17 inn V" cn 711 10.' irjs. !ll Ixjvv Close. Vi, s-.ij HI Isl ,v,:r Ion M sn 7!) IIT'J llll inn SI in-.' ic I' I Local Half -hourly Sales 10 lo jOiMO A. M. lAmalgarnnlB.I Coprer AtchUnn ... ;;,. .linlilmore and Ohio., 1'a'inv . ., .....Lu c,.rl lllllll foli-nito .'real.Weaie,., Loudon close. , .. .HI . . l'i ... i'"i ..1IHV, II ',',, "1 5K. VlllSaufcrV Ft l-nul vji. llenv.r ft Itlo Ollimle. ', NEW YORK CUKB Braden " Ilrlllsli-Ainerlcau Tobacco old.. HrllUh-Ainerlain Tobacco now.. Uoldlleld Consolidated Urceiio Conanea I.U. l(oi.e I. V ft Sales XlpibSlllg lllla elevator oils elevator pref Hiker-lleBeinnii Sieillng lium 'Inliacn 1'ro.liicta 1 hIuci o 1' ts prof Culled Cigar Stores ...I llnlieit Cigar Mores pref I'lilicd I'rollt HurhiK now VVoild I'llm lukoti Hold Hid. .' K' Jk iM 5'i TUVj HO', :i'i . .10 I'-.", . ni' IU I'l4 ' II? iSked, T 18 . 1'4 711, Pit, T'l :t), in lit U.1 117 ill, WIUE I'UODUCTS ADVANCED NEW YOltlv. JIjis'Ii 17. Tho AnierPan Steel nnd Wire Company liua udvnneed tho prko of galvanized vvlro products J'-' pir Ion by n- reusing Iho "culm" by that much Plain wire and nalla mo not affected by the ad- 'llaUHnlol vvlro Is now quoted at 11 (.) per lis) lounds uud gulvunlzrd baib wire at (i .0 ?wr 1W pounds. This Is the eond advance of li l I"" I" Kalvunlied wire products In the last trine week and Is duo to Iho udviuico in the price of Bpelter MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TO.VOI'AH BlWKa. tllJ. ,13 .(VI .1,1 .41 .IS jlm nutler MaeNainaru Midway MUIUll lisie.isiw.t Vlnnlum Northern Star ,........- r:-T-.t JV, TonOP4lII l.enii".. ,iiT Tonoiiuli J-:menlon iJJ Tonoisih Mrj.'er l'" .Tonopuli Mining ' ltoue KWU West End ."."ii.'AJ.'i'a liui.i'r ini-4 o,wv,.vw. Allanta .. Hlue Hull Hootn llulldQg ;ainPlnat'lo;i ' FraclVoii ' UUiBondllel't I' Dalai- Florence - (loldOeld Consolidated ClnldlisM Merger juaita Bxttnslon ... Kewanaa . two .41 .IU :M .on .OS ,0.1 . lh ,UT .IS ,'- IWO . - 07 pick ;':::.v.v. ailovJllS'ncAJuo Falrv Alted ..... Klmueily,.- Nevsda Hill Nevada Wonder . Ex-dlvidend. . .Oil . .07 . .11 4.8S Asked. .78 .0.1 .17 .no .4H rii .51 .41 .07 ..10 : .in .04 .01 ..V) Jfi .110 .10 .13 .Oil .10 .04 f" too rt.ia 'ilo 1st rrrf Illinois (Viitriil Mlstourl. Kiinsas ft Texan ,..... VnrLr felltral . ill . IS . nil. . "I x Y. rpilv. M', i 14.1 - 'j IsV, 'i, - ; Hi's 111., s?'5 - ii sss '. nn"s, -- i in i sv inn Tonorah llel . I5, il Heading ...71 li-ln In .I.. ... 71 li-lii it Klei Slnrilrfo. Ill', led I'liiln True. 7ll tin r S Ste.l . . II', S.I Timii.iU llel.. i" .1 S I'hlln K TtcIO IIOXDS. TiXn llr.'iillnc cm 4s. ... IIS Cam Steol scrip 1017 fs) I'roi I ass t c Is... ino r s Sseel . Pi I'enna . . PI do ... .1 I'nin lion . . IM do. ... in I II N.'hililUII .1 do II'. i',y .w. -J4 (17 M'o i'ii r a u rennn .. 1IHI Wnrwlek .1 Hen. Una 10:30 to It A. M. i .... wh r. .T.p Ml Penna . I'i'IIOh . . 104 til Item! n . . Tin; rj nt s inijiiiin HONDS. "sij, "ii'l Norfolk Western ,.., '.,' '.jut' ii 3iiw York. Ontario ft West. -J, TM ,, Tennsylianla ;; 7ti uyjs Heading ,- RiHJ Kl't ! iFnuthern I'fieinc ,,, 11DaJ t ifnlnn Paclllo " - Decrcnfce ' SHOUT TERM NOT natsT.''"" JBIfficf.-:.: I Amer Tob crlr. ? Anaconda. Copper. . Argentine Govern . Argentine ( overn Argentine c.ocrn-- j 1Dlri il.iltlmore A""1"' t ' June llilli llethleliem Steel . . r ," 101H July 1015 Apr. 101U Sept. lnir. Mar. 1017 Dec. IIH.1 Dc". lnlil lee. lull '.'""...e,! Canadian racinc. Chicago 'Kiev ii'led.. Erie Krie Krle deneral Motor . . flov of Swltier an.l Oov of Hwjtxer and IIOV OT .1WUferi.ui.. ; Inlernailonal llarv . Ijvckawanna Hteol. J Lk Mi & Mich Sou .1 I J, fh & Mich Sou .1 Missouri l'aeinc... N Y Cen ft Hud It 4'-, N Y Cen & H"d ' X Y Cen & Hud 11 n New York City ... a New York city . . . J Now York Cltv .... J N Y. N II ft Hnrt I'ennsvilvanla. conv .V-4 l ser Corp of N I 1 Seaboard Air Line 1 Southern J Southern .. . 5 I' H Smelt R ft M Union Tvoewrlter. ri llnlte.1 Krult l'nlte.1 Fruit .1 I'Uli . 'J 1',t Venn Trae.. rt July Vl.p. Juno July Apr. Oel. Apr. (lit. Mar. Mar Mar I'eli Mar Sept. De. . June May Sept. Oit. Sept. Sept Sept May Oct. Mar Mar. Ken May June Jan Mav May Apr Mur. 101S lli'Jl 10 in HUB 101.1 lftl.1 1017 lill.1 mm HUH Hr.1l lull Ilil.t mn 11)1.1 1 111.1 1111.1 101.1 1111.1 PII.1 nun 1017 11)15 win mm loin pun 101T loin mtn IUI7 mis 11117 1017 ES Hid. Asked. 1(X11 loot, ion, ioo l(0?i lOlt,, OftlJ IHll'j IPO-II 101 lrai; HiO, lCMA. 10O. H.OI, llsl' lWi'J lOOVi lilts., mil. iiv.' Iirm Srf-if (in4 II t, (131- Hjo lnoii 10'lV IPO'J OS'J (lS1 10114 iiiii m'k imp, HT'i (I7W tm ufiM mu. 1(0 !7.!' AS. uni., urn a 'js i 'mn Meel srrlp HUH 7nn I lee ft I'eop 'I i Is 11.1 nrk Hvvy pfil scrip II In 11::!0 A. .M. Ill Am 7ss llwlls 1.1 I'enna ... I I.h V Tr pfd 'JS 100 do.. . . JO V H Steel.... 4.1 3Hi Warwick I I dof.. ... . I W 100 V 8 Steel. HONDS. HVK) Am das ft 1'leo .la inn Phils Ulec !'; IfsOO I'eop I'nss I o Is 11:30 A. M. to 12 M. 12 Ins Co N Am ZIYt 'J Penna .. . HONDS. innn I'enun ft Md Steel I'h UAt) I'hIU Klec 4s lfTO I'hlla r.U-c 4 12 M. to 12:30 1 M. . T.H4 M I'hlla Hlei . '-'IT, 110.NDS. P.leo .is. nt .:..!). m ..VJO-l'l . .. in, .. IW For the enr ended t'eccmber 31 the Western llleclr'e Company showed net earnings of $I,03M67. ngnlnst 16.DM K In IDI3 The surplus was $3,170.!)), equal to 21 14 Jier rent, earned on the Mock, ngalnst J7.S1 pr cent, earned the previous year. Charles l McCord, of Kentucky, will becomo clinlrman of tho lnterslntc Coni morco Commission this week, succeeding James S. ltnrtnn. t'nder a title of the commission the chairmanship Is passed around each year according to seniority ot tlio members. The gross earnings of "J railroads tor the Ilrst week In March showed a de crease of, or 9 02 per cent Clold coin to the amount of IJO.UOO was received In New Vork direct from London The price ot lend was advanced 15 ccnti. President Wilson dehles Hint the Ad ministration Is considering nn issue ot Oovernmelit bonds. tlrokers In this city, whit are members of tlie N'cw York Stock 15ehnnge. rfl ceivcd letters from tlio exchange today tnqiiesilng Information ns to the mllciiM) of their leased wltes and the cost Why the Information n wanted was not stnted. ''Observations and Mxperleiues In the Wnr Zone of Uuropo" will be tho topic of a lecture hy hldward II. Hnblnetle, member of the firm of George S. 10 V. U....M I.- 11, a .(......liAra nf Itm t'lilln. ' delplila ' Chapter, American Institute of I H.inklng. on Friday evening nt GrllTUli llnll. Theie will iilso be tin Intricllv de bnlo between tho chnpters of this dlt.v nnd Ualllmore. The hoard of directors of the Tinted Slates Steel Corporation was reduced from J4 to IS members Thomas Murray re signed from the honrd. There were nl rendy five oilier vacancies Aeconllng lo usunlly well Informed In leresis plans ate afoot fot Inking tnre of the linck dlvldeinls on Inlerborough .Metiiipolltuii preferred These luive been nccuniuUilIng for nboul eight vents, nnd It Is snld that the new scheme will great ly bcncllt the stockholders. I II Sllvern.tll was appointed assistant tq (lie president of the Lehigh Vnlle.v ll.illro.'id toJn.v. The Hiiiiual report of the Assets Iteall a tlnn Company showed ns.scts of l:.iPi,16l; liabilities jt..0IS.:07. Including JIO.COO.OOO eapllnl stock. The net loss Tor the war vviih $72.5H, milking it total deficit of $:,M,;:,0I2 riesldciit Cobe snld that the net loss of the t'oinimiiy List eur was lntgel.v due to Interest on illrcount charges of t"K?,r..l!. In loses sujtnlned mill amountn written off, less Interest on Income re ceived, of JIIT.SlJ nnd to cvtraoidliuiry expenses contracted prior to 1911 of i ?TJ.'.'s". Theie was n reduction In certain ' liabilities existing on December II, 1.UH, of Vl.7i0.tll I .1 .Mtirkhnm Mnrshall wns elected a dl ' lector of the Assets Itenlli'.atloii Company. The Coiisollilutlon Coal I'oinpiny aiinunl leporl showed H bnlnnce equal to S 0.1 per ; cent, ruined on the stock ngiiliist 9S pep cpiit the pre" lolls .venr. The surplus wns f.".C:'.7:!.', compared with SWO.TID In 1013. The Culled Stales Steel Corpoiatlon has i received older for 12,0X1 tons of portable track nnd SOOO Ions of girder rails for Trance. The (tcninnd for barbed nnd I plain wlie for nurope continues heavy, ns , ijoos stiriipnel steel for other Muds of I shells. I I Chicago Honrd of Trade membership , sold for ?2.','.0. enmpated with $.W0 the Insl pievlous snle, i Chandler flios. .t Co state that nothing definite) can he decided regarding the prouosed Issue of JlO.OOn.c-OO Clermnn fi per rent, short term notes until lifter the synuluntp has been completed and n direct offer made to Hie German Government. RISE IN FIDELITY TRUST Stock Jumps Twenty Points nt Auc tion. V rise nf "ll liolrts In I'ldelllv Tril.l sll'lr.'H wns the ih'ef featllrn of todav s lotal nllello'l sales of eeeuiitles. Corn Hcehange Nutlonal Hsnk Silvanred 8 tmlnls. There was n decline of 13 In 1'rnnklln Nation al Hunk stock and 11 In Provident I. Ha und r-us' I'nfnn Pahrenger Kallwav fell .1 nn! Phltadelplila and Camden Ferrv m. Klre sssoelntlmi roso "', nnd Amerlean Dredging 1'.. SECURITIES AT AUCTION Th fnllmwhiR ftotiirtll-t" urro tal al aurtlon tmlm liv narnrn S. T.nninil 1 n-hr TN-Hmlelphlii Ttuki. Sa't Pim-itt ni.-l hi-uniH- i'n : nur XHii ..72. ..( tim Kj Mon Trloplionr Co fetrnl: par V) I. miles. Kylonn Telopliont Cn . inon nir SI 00 ... . . . j rant ATtitiflf incut . APRIL MATURITIES ARRANC5ED WHEAT PRICES FELL IN CHICAGO PIT Approximately $50,000,000 Alrcndy Provider) For. ll I. estimated In we'l Informed iiinrtera ilint rorporate serurllles maturing In the month ot April amounting to over $".u.isio Mm. have ptnitlrallv all been protvded lor The Inreesi Is4iie I, ai.onO.(4.) New York Cemrnl els months' 1 per eenl notes, due April I. It l expeelcd there will be pnld art ftom proceeds of the JltNl.t4io.txiO Oehtml 0 per ernt. ton vcrtllile debviiitire lasue. although (lral insment on the bonds is not due from Mivkhoiiltfa un lit Alrll ai A temporary nrrnii4.rmeiit with the roads bankers, if neceesatj. miild raHlv be made lo cover the InteMal. . MJ.. .... . . Next .argist maturity Is . IJtlu J ret eint miles. 1 nese have oren piovldeil 'or in the sile of divisional bonis and it now If sua o; or.e-jiar ,i per cent notes to im ,"""'"" ,,; lld.iSKiissi wiil.-h alrn pnrllv reimburses Hie compniu inr iapltl expenditure" In tie si jear. Vprll maiurllles o( ?,' 'MV' 21 S smnller man In snv lirevlotls month of trie jenr with the exception t Kehruary. T hero nro ahend more than twice ns mnnv innlurltles in Mai nnd over two and a half limes ns tnniij In .lime. Sees Improvement in Ihisincss Follnwlng the monthly meeting of, '""';?; high Valley Hoard. U I (Jmlth 1" .p"' dint, sil.1 he regarded the business ''WJSS as rather more rnrmirnplne than It WW reerntlv "Our generel merclinndls" freight business Is not only holding up nlrelv. but Is. In rn. i showing some Incteise . ver a vrar aeo." sil.t Mr Smith , The shipment of munlllins vrsr has helped our r"venues. Mil lite lining on; of Immigration on the oilier listid has bt might aboil ft considerable r";' Hon In i asseneer business We nro ' nuig to our plan of keeping Uin conditions of our roan bed and equipment up In the highest standard of enlrleniw (liir latist rtgtirrs will not show anv reittietlon o.' expiditutes for tnulnteinnce lil view or the fn t mat this polli was m.iln ttlhed throughout ilia reveni depression ' ire In the I el rosilble sort nf . nndliinn lo meel lite lnrr'nsJ budness we hni win soon develop." NEW YORK COI-TEE MARKET NI'.W Vfiniv. Marcli IT.-On the ColTee H rhanje alter the opening a firmer lone was disputed and ftitutea sdvance.1 S to I, points above the final teslerday on ae III Hy. Prices follow. ... . . Todav ' Yeslerdav's April Mav June llllv Atwust September h tober November Derember Jatiu.vrv l'ebruarv NEW YORK IIUTTER AND EGOS NHW YOltU. h IT - lll'TTHIt-Msrkei ntisellled: ieielpls. Tll'. imrkdges. exiin. 3h hlher srorliiR, iifi.'lic . S(nle. dnlr), S.fl "p.. InillHtlon errninerv, '.'ll'J?!' I'KlS Market llrmer. rei-elpts, 'Jil.nsi cases exlla tlists, HlU'JOe . lbs . '.Me . neartiv WlllU'S I'l'siJ'-l,!' IIAR SILVER In Londnn loilnv bar silver lie. lined t-111 penny to 'j:t 1.1-lli peni e pel ounre. .New Yuri, milliner wns illnleil SI ..n'', iciils ter ouii e. nfi irnt ftniii .vesierdav's prb-e opening. , ' l"o .. . fto'jnnol o;o ili'MIO.ut n U il ti T 'J'i ijlTtinis 7 i.'lt1?.H.1 7.IH17 1.1 7.'ll7.3'J 7. 1.1 7 .'.ny7.:i7 j; r,n 7.iifi7 12 7 .-.1117. 10 T4fl7 IS 7 NW7 11 T.ni1T.S3 iMny Dropped 3Vit Cents and July Lost 21ft Gents on Day's Tradingi CHICAGO. March 1?.-At tho openlnit of tho Hoard of Trade today May wheat showed a loss of N nt J16T, while, July stnrtcd iiiichniigtd ot l.23's. In the later trading Mnv declined to tl.BG,, off -U cent', nml July dropped l'i to I.K!J. The weakness wns thought to be due to An overbought tnniket. Some buying by commission houses caused sonic stcadl. nos, hut the volume of trade wns small. Al the rhose Mnv showed a loss of )i ccnls nt Jlfiti,,. and .fills- ended 2U cents down at Jl 21a. Tiiere wns cnnsldcrnhle liquidation In the Mny future throughout the dny and It wns priori) taken care of. As viewed from an Impartial standpoint the longs In Hie Mhv gaev the bears all the loom the) tared to nccept nnd there will llkel.v br s. en n romplele change In conditions before the end of the week StuckH of whent and Hour In 1-lngllsli ports amount to I2.tl1k.u00 luisbels, com pared with (i.l!.(lfW Inst enr Kxport snles of grmn al the seaboard jeslerdnv were I.O0O.W0 bushela wheat, and I.WO.'noO bushels tin- latter mostly for France I railing futures ranged as m Inns V.lJ,t s - --. - vhai Chen lilsh. Low. Close, close. Jtu.v 1..17 I .17 Julv . I MS. I Sl svptcintifr LHP. 1.1 nt, t urn mew 'leiivervi 1 -jS4 1 .Itti tt.B7S 1 'JO'. ! IMt, '1 Mi Mav .ItUv nt Mnv .... Jul) . . .Vl.iv- . J illy I (lbs Mnv . .. Julv . September I 'or en. 7il no-', 74', Til's Ml'. rnv. I (SI 7:i MK 1 O.fii M.10 t7B', tMf. t.1 73, tTlH-i MOTi tiS moj; tMS Msv Julv ork . W On 10.11.1 ID 10 .10 IS I7.TS s:o III. I. 1 ,ked in e,2 It) ns Hi 10 ID I'J 17.7.1 IS I'll lO.M HI VI 10 i) J in.v. 10 no 10.85 I0.B7 10.0.1 1110-1 10 11 1U.S7 10.47 lll.TR IT .V, 1 7.. 17 17 97 tlMIO IS so LIVE STOCK (JUOTATIONS I'llH'AHii, March IT -HOOS -Hecelpia, aS'il. Markets Mild.- 'ner Mlsad ni butrhe'S. til .mill ST. goo.l beivv. ff'.' rnuKll lienvv. $11 Kltl" M I'ljlu 3o.MSn.f41; pig., sn :nrii.4u bulk, sn niM.'-o ,na,., I'Vm.K. Ilwelpls. iui Varkets higher lleeves. s.i 7.1r.1 s.-,. ,.,vvs arid lielfeM, S I -.11117(10 sloi km an 1 I'e. eir. X .ll l.ltf. 'IVmius ebSKi, '.'". .iiHes Jfc1"ilO Hllf.Hl' He. l'll'l" I." I "il Markets steady. Nailve an.l Western. II J.1WH, lambs. 7.uVi in Id PHILADELPHIA MARKETS j GRAIN AND FLOUR HULA!'. Heieltns, luJ.dbl busliels Wheat ruled weak aid .V lnwei under ess et n poris fiom tine We- miotniioiis ur bus, in export elev nior No 2 ieii. spot nnl Il..1s(il.l. No. 2 led Weslein tl.lVliil IW. N t North"!!! llllhllh. HI Mrtil 71 COIIN.- Heflpts. .'.'.'Ill bushels The mar ket iiulrt an.l wlll.oul uin in. mil et aiige. .'uotatlous tar lot-. 1ti export elevatm No. "J, spot slid Mar h, 777s' . simmer, i '.! Til'.-. . No I! 71' fti7.1V' l nr lots (oi loial ln"e, ns In Ifx-allull-No 2 .velovv. sOflMi . mi yellow. 7sii7ln . Nu I .velluw iil'i 77.' : So I vellovv. 7-H'.. sample veil iw i. .m 7.U . . new nib. per 70 Its.. TllliTTi. OA'l. - Heei Ipls. l.'I.KDS bushels llfferlngs moderate nlld tin' nnikel suinv. but tiaiio iill.l. guolatlons. No 2 while. ll.Yil...s stamlard ivhlle, illflli,e . No 11 while, u, JHtlt-ie. llll! was dull and lower. We numr nt ll.lMll I'll per bush, as to ilMlll. Ill export elevator: and nt l olilLII lor wiall lots nt nesrbv grain In bags. I'l.OI It. -Heielpts, 13.VI bbN. anil 1. 121 Hi I lbs. In smkB The inaiket dull nnd w.-nk li sell, giiointlolis per mil lbs. In kii -Winter i-l-ili- HT.'iD.T. v.u , still tlllt. 71 ...... mi plilein T.'.'T!li .K.. Kill S.IS slialglli. JUie mi l.s 7l7 J"i do. tHieill Mile n e. s. ?'-'" 7.V). spring. Ilrt lear, STSiT i'.1. . slialglu IT J.ltiT."'i. do. md ni 7.mti7.s.l: " voille lianiHv ST.'.sl.lS '.'.1; eliy 111. Us i hi ill an I fnn.y nuient. 7 Hitiit 2.1. ltv n Ills, rrg ulur t,ru.les- ll intei. Wear. il...ili: do., sirafghl. 7" 7 2.",, do. plllellt. 7.2.1W,.". lin: ri.lH'll. Quiet but siemly under sin ill supplies. We ipioio nearbv and VVestein Iu wood .ii il.7.'.f(7 per libl., aa lo ipinlliv. l.einli.i. t,l2 lbs in l- i JJV'J'le- "" fair to K'l IS'm'is., Wesiem I',(l2 His. apiece, J0W 22. ilo.. Pill liigsid. IKiISi Cab KlIM, dry; Pl'ked and drv .nikul In lixis ml k-fed, al tn III lb. Mil..;. ISc d-.. '17 to IJ lbs. to dog., I. . do. II in 47 lbs I" .lo. is.: m IS lb,, tn do . Jtle . do nn lbs. an l mil 21''., torn. fid. II I.. 12 lbs to do . HI. . do.. I l 10 17 lbs. In dor . 17e do. C Ins I.. .1.1 Hlr . do.. 00 lbs. and ovor. 'Jo . vhlvkeim orv-plckea and clr -taiked. in bids. peiecteJ. heavy. lc; vesiern, inrn-'e. ,1 lbs .ui i over, isc.i do, do.. 4 llw.. ITIiITi e , no. do. 3", lis. 131411 a lo . L"..5I '. Il.s llilli,. 'iiiiievg, nr Iiii.rn ami drv-pa. i.e i rimy, tuiiruy -ic; do.. Western il .. utlr in t m.l 1-VJ'c. "ll iini-T. uo as inn' in npxes. 4,v il rjfriiic uocee. torn. isr l-T : un , oroniarv .ll 4,n...i uisru.. I marlij. unite. ,li.. Wetn HHil-V Squabs, ter dor.. vvhUe. vvelsl In. 11 to IJ lbs. per Jox.. I tJ1-,,t,, ..I.K.. .. n .., ft .r. Ill 11. n. t :-ii i -ii win'. ji . il -.i vi ni'i" w e .il ill, i' to iu n . V. i do7 . tn.ii.1, Co do., s ll,. ter mi, '.) .1.21. do., ,1 1., 7 lbs. per do, . I 'i'J t'.." do . do. I enri- Ihs ter fuz.. U:o&l SO. dark und So. 'A , 10,. All. I'RESII I'RUITS -. ril till I lllilKi C 'tl . l 7riW-..VJ. IM-Uvln ?1 ""Til! ntlifT Knot! tn PROVISIONS Thn' hub a tnlr lnnili v f r h'l o nitvh mill i(tuctt k nigral lult'i i.ib U.'n m I'nia: Api', .Vcm York, im ;..!, -VtcU SVfil (Incnlnic. lis : l i.,t v ti ' Ti. Sfi FI.TimV ..ll I't II UA . hikr nt ti pm t .Viit'J Vl iltPilluni. Mil."0- milt . Wisitsii ti h. t 7f fi91 .(. nip'i.a UpI.iiia'h himI 1' nnj innlu ptr hauipiT, 'iXfK liMuin, per I ox 7j.7,"; opjusm, Mnrliia. pr hoi, Sl."...i,l' i.'.'i tnn tprinr.-. KI nla vi strHp. ;M v.if;..l0 ura w fruit. rirlrfH. pn hn. S.''if'J '.' itnvantiH. Mr craii lor o Itlcu, 'i7.;tii Horltla 9?ff"i itanlpriln. faruy Into wirlttlo. per b..l., XITttim.:, cmwhorrivE .lf?rm, iwi ira v. 2?nf 7.V., stitiwhrrrlt? KlnriJa. p?p ijt , 25 50c. r. ,v Nn. . 'J.". VMU Klec.. 10 IVnntt .... IS Ton .Mln... iS1 SI ... 321, ..inn Pi . 70 23 .70-10 Wi Nevada Conaolldated pre- iI2i4 i i.iii- II'. par lot SID Copper 1(XA Am Has A. 12::i0,to 1 P. M. I.. !drt, Va....HT IWJ 1 jWam fv; l-t II ail 1.. . . . t " - ".J '., .K ll-llt SI KswJ lisaH R'll, I'll"', ifwn, Hsu! loo', lornj HrtlJ lllO'ii 1IIH, ll'llj 1H2'J lot lmij initj ino 0'1'i I'Ol! lenj nnvj IH llll P7lJ IIT on HHPi lontj li'Vf. 0T14 nn I1T14 inn; ns m Local Bid and Asked GOVERNMENT BONDS 3 of tt0 registered 2a of 100 coapab .. rvcaroa Z rgUtere4 . -Panama aw 3 reristored Panama new 3a coupon U of UHs regtttered - 4 at IKS regUleired 4 of UJJ v-eupvo IP, Afa. imivs ysts 18H WU bIVJ . loiu twit iu um - Tialdulii du pref Cumbria rileel . . . Klec Stoigge (len Asphalt do pref Key Telephone . . do t o I-ake Hup Corp .. 'Lehigh Nav do t c Tthlgh Valley ... Lea Vfcl Tr da pref IVnng I'hlla Klto I'hlla Cn ,.. do S ier cetit . - do 0 per cent. .. Plilla It T do t o Heading ,. Ton Pel Ttinopah Mining t'nlon Tracllon II O I V B Etl Yurk Hwy do pfd - - Key Tel fd .' 'rodav'a Hid. Asked. leaterdaya UIil. Asged .... .11 .l"l .11 " .12 '.. . 1M14 OT 1.1 07 ... 41 III, 41, 411, .... 40 4!lii 41)1', 4-, 2ll . . 10 114 HI Hi 01 (U t . . T .... Til, :::: 4 .... us vftlT Til T 07', 111 . .f. 6214 MS-HI s: 2HI, 21 so M 3J KM. Ii .... 1011 105 TlsJ Tt'f. 710 4 Il-1 1 JlzlO S5V, ait, TS 32 IH 8l & Is, 4 Its Til 3 (Hi 83 ... Ki ... 4Hi ,oi; 5 M. 214 K 11-10 211 , - ll, .10 .ID 10 10 14 71 4j 4 II-1H l 341, 8i5 41 411, J1? Hi U7S4 IS 2&V, ns . u-iS ni May Extend "JIop" Notes NEW YOIIK, l(rh IT. In gome (lnaocUl it U reporlirf thgt th.i2Au00.0OO 6 Mj- cent, note of the MUiourl Paoldo. vihlclj are due on June I. will be extended for another yr. sail Hut there will b an Iwue of preferred fleck. The report aouU tot be cunnxmeB. ... ........ 4. I run- -T. .. ,,.. -n.. ,... ..nhsll '.'11 1'V V.l'.'. ''TriTJ ieil' U 10 1'iiua i.'t-v. ... i. HONDS. ;isi Irfh Nav roue H,.. 1 to 1:30 P. Am (Ins. ll I'enna .. uo. . . . 32 tit lnni ll.H ll-HI ot; M. 10 Heading 10 do... I i'enna l no .. 2.11', 32 ll-HI . . '."i .. 52i S.-I 71 1.1.1(1 2il I'hlla Klec. . . . l- iu i-ennn . . ., 32 11-1(1 :l do ... B2', 7 do Hblla lllec.... Jl!. 1:30 to 2 P. M. .. ... .i.i, i nil ii it n t.. . sn "': ,;; 't, ;. v.. i? a. ii hi lieaiiniu ..... . -. in .-" .. ..... ..., SO VVarwIck I... OH 100 Ton llu ...7 0-18 HONDS. 17S riilla Co scrip 10IS 0 i to 2;30 P. ,M. ,25 a.9.ivi-.:: "Sw -A wwX.;:xiul -- .--.-.. nvu" so ii a . ai. ,..,. ...-.;' v.7s v.' w f .-.... - j- 7 do... da. 4.v; s. Am lias iixrt. an r. iS, V.I...BT 1.1-10 211 " HI 2:30 to 3 P. .M. lti ll H fateel... U Hi do... .. .. 41', 10 Tonopah Bel.. 4, S neiSlIng . . Tl'J Hi Tonopah Ttol . 4 X do ... -- - Tit! 1P0 H S fiieelv,- 'i1 lil Ih V Tr pfd 28' HI Tonopah Mln. T4 lii-ivn lilVll in 4 ail, 7l5. in Am Oas. .. ion; e.m Steel 41 V. HO I'hlla Trac. 7'J 24 ii a i e- 101)0 Cam Bteel acrlb 1010. 3D Cam bteel scrip1 lull .. lK.s Cam Steel acr p I ;HI. . Ill Cam Steel scrip Win.. IS Cam Steel acrlp lul'l STORAGE BATTERY'S YEAR Amount Earned on Common Stock Was 6.1 Per Cent. In common with most Industrial corpora tion,, the Electric Storage Battery Company showed decreases In both gros and net earn ing for the year ended December 81. 1014. NeVertheleee the total net Income wae equal to 0.1 per cent, earned on the common stucK after raying preferred dividend,. Thl ooraparea with a.T per cent, earned )n the urevloua year. The detail follow) 1911 I9U 1912 I?'mVeto1.8tlS.T93 11.648.123 Il.i8a.190 sZZZ ' ...... SIT Iris S91 9AS Al'J.354 jut. .... ...---r v.,..v T::i; J4,t . HIS.HI3 Other lnooro 2J4.60U Tot net Income 1.101.241 Lew dividend, 619. Ml tSurcalu 493,178 Prev. surplus , . 3.312..123 Lc gdl. (net). T3.7iS Tout surplus 3.000,039 LM3.617 1.83T 1.208, ma 610.604 MS. 7.1 2,855.615 101. TM S.SJ 2.622 1.0Z1.M5 101 4ti I.t25.27! oiii.nei 479U13 3 iu.oi WT.SJ1 2.SM.6.5 2101 hrs. 710 SO shn IJO 1 I 4 100 stirs. Kerr Lske Mining Co 4'a 10 ehm. Warrfti nros. Co.. first pre ferred, par KO 31 JIOOO Warren Hros Co.. .1 otr lent., de benture. V'ehruary nnd August, dun IU22 01 Itjnd and mortgage of $gno. at a ner cent., seenrt'l upon lots. Noa. 720 to 7'JH. .. Hejchwrod. l'n 1100 1 hr. I'ldladelphla Hoiiree preferred: pur 92.1 I7i, l'i hrs. Mutual Trust ,'o. . iMr .m. IT, 22 prs. I'nlon I'aesenger Hnllway Co. t'i Hi -.hrs Wells, l-'argo & Co.- par tlOn. m I shr corn KxchJinge Nutlonal Hank: par SIW : 10 shrs Kranklln National Hank, par Jlno 4t1 1 she. Commonwealth Title Insurance and Trust Co.: par lflo 211 ft ahrs. Fidelity Trust Co . par 1100. n.'l I shr fidelity Trust Co.. nar SHsi. . .iv.'d', 1 shrs. Kldelli Trust Co.. par lien. . O.'O 2 slim, l'rovl'leni Life and Trust Cnin nsny: nar lno . . SH t lir I'nivldmt Life and Trust lom- imnv. par Mix) Mil I shr. Hire Association of I'hlladelnhla. par Jin 311 10 shrs. IVniisili-nnla 1 Ire Insurance Co.- par IOO .Ilo I shr. United New Jersey llallroad anil Canal Co: liar 100 . . . . . 222 1 S shrs llunllnedoti and Flmnd Tun .Vfountalu Hallroad and Coal Co : par I vo . '21, .m hrir Westmoreland Coal Co.. par fin Ml I shr. Ameilean Dredging Co.. nar tlOO sfl'4 lli shrs. American Dredging Co.; pap flKl R 40 shn Philadelphia and Camden Kerry l'o par ." IOIV-j 1(1 ?hrs. I'hlUdelphia nourso la.iimiii par '0 . . . r. .1... llnlrl Morris Trust ' v . . I'JPOD CheVapenke and Delaware- c nil Co . 4 per cent , Ilrst mortgigs. Interest januari ami juo. um.- .-. . .. . . NOTES OF THE R ML Advance figures on railroad accidents for the quarter ending Septe-iber 30, I9H, Issued hy the Interstate Commerce Com. ml3lon, show that during the three months there were 181 persona kilted mid 2653 Injured. In accidents lo employes at work, to passengers getttn: on or off cars, to trespassers and others, there were. In the same period !4SS killed and 10,056 Injured. In accidents nci-trtlng to railroad employes, other than trainmen, on railway premises, W ere killed and 2S.C0I Injured The total of kl led during the three months wag 27IS, und of In jured, 47,213. As compared with returns for the corresponding; quarter of 1913, these llguies show for train accidents a decrease of 30 In killed and KM injured, for other than train accidents, a decrease of 362 killed and SOT Injured, and for in, dustrlal accidents, a decrease M killed and 42U Injured, making a total decrease In all classes of 428 In killed u. d K4R in jured. Aa compared with the correspond. Ins quarter of 1913, there was a decrease of E69 In the number of train accident. The mniket quiet and without Important Chung, quotations I'ltv beef, In sets, smoked nnd lill-illeil. 'J.Di'JIl.. Wisletn beef. Ill sols, smoked. 2."fl.'n.. iliv be. f . kiiu.kles nnd lencli is, smoked and nlr-drled, '..ii-s. . Wi.i.rn be. , knuckles and lenders siiiosid. 27V2SC, leef ham. llti.i2. park. fniilll.. 2SH'fiJ:i. h'nr.s. .s. I', .ured. loo.e, lli,u lli-'c. ilo . skinned, loose 12MSl2"iC. : do . do., smoked. i:P,l'n,c . other hams, snioked. i-lty cured, na lo brand and average llijWlic.: hams, si.ioked. Western cured. l.TiJllli'. do. bollnl. boneless. 21M2lr plenle shoulders S. P cured loose, lnxuillc: do., smoked. tO'inllc.. bellle". Iu pl.'klc. ac.oidliig lo nverage loivae. 12'stlle.; brealtrast baenn, as lo hnnl and average, elty cured 17WIS hrealifast bacon, ll'estem i tired. ITfilSe. . lard. Western, re fined, (lines. llfilP,': do do, tubs, llff 11', c . laid, plllae ,lt. Keltic rriinrn-'i. Iliiilli," . Ilr.l puie cliy. keltic rei.rtet'.'d. In tubs, 1 1411 i.e. REFINED SUCARS Thn ino i.iet rulej (Inn. hut there was Utile trailing. Hetlners' list prires .Siandur.l granu isted. .Ifi.le., line granulated. ,1.(ine, , powdered, ik;.: confeetlonera' . ft.fsie., soft Blades, S n.TeJo.oSc. DAIRY PRODUCTS Ill'TrKH. There was Utile trading anil the market mini weak. Quotations: Western, (resh. loll'l-parked creamery, fancy. ll, :ilc; extra. 2Iic: extra llrsts. ic.- Ilrsta -ilvf 27c: seconds. lSl2.1e., thirds, 2lH'J2e.; ladls pleked, 17H)c , as lo quality, nearbv nrlnte, fanev ll'.'e.: avenge extra. :ili . firsts 2701200 . seionds. IMfillr speilal fani.v brands or nrlnts Jobbing at MVoTJe Klili". Fine new -laid eggs were In -giiou renuesi and prices fiinher ndvaneed IV per i-nso or 'a-, per dozen, with supplWa we. I under .-ontrnl .jitoutlu is In free urn s. nearbv extras. 22e per doz . nearbs nrsia. tu.1.1 pir Miiiularil him. nearbv iiirrent rp celnta. ftl per tuo: Wisurn extra llrsts. $i. II per vase: do.. llrsts. il per eise. Snulhern. s.1.4(lti.1.70 per case, fanev selected candled eirga were lobbed out ut 2HI2ilc per dox t'UKKSi: The market rilled steady undei miiderulu o(ferlngs and a fair export einun i Ounlatloi'H New York, lull cream fall make elude.. HI'iJilTe.. do, do., fair In good, IMf Hit,,... do., uirrent muke, 13ij(10e., do, part skims, so 13c POULTRY VEGETABLES I'tuilnot ilutl iiittl'. ltht r CRPiahles tfci'erillv titih I mul v. thoi.t in,( i ikih cutifti Quotailni'H liii i nint ' r ! hh -F'mnsjl vnnlii, .0'a..V . Mninp, irrn.'Oi . .Nmv Vork, ei lo qitrillti, ,;V(iiv. ki. ci piitiitiipn Polawaie, i'r Iminpcr Mrpe. 1 J"ii1 ." ' ir.piJImn (Jflif 7" .. Kuret iKiiiit -m. htif-lprn fl'or" pr bll. n 1 -fl' ?-'. 7r No V. JH.'iUin ;.V ttncptn, Jr nf. pt-r lib! -Nn. I, XI VWl "ri No 2, tJfrrJLfr. Ktttrts, .ltri, pr h.iil.rt, "i(!t$ . onion, per ..iPh , 4'1tw : dn. lrili pit nm-lh hnj-, fie Jl Hi. dn., mcfUutn. prr HK)-li t a. 7-V, do., (ppnrul. p?r Kin-lh hnj? riV .abbac, (anivli, per (nn, ?l UpII afillilovspr, Nw York i mm trail. $tft1 " pptnncli Norfolk, prr MO ?2r2 ;.0 kalf NirrolU nrr 1 11 SI IMM '.". ptu 'IVnn vr faiiF... banket. "IK iJt-l .'. 'o.. I'lnrli.ti t r I.iFkni 1fJt.'5; iiiih t'lrrtun un lifi lu.tUe "Y .n ilo. 1'lnrtftn ir-rrn. urr IwtUtt ttfrin e rifirlrin. per ba-kni, fitit ccunla'it Klnrldi ntr liu. 5?ii':..Vi: i iirtuuIicrK I'lortdii, pef ir.flfr. iviiuuhi I'lorliln per lianlfft S.U.Mi-'l p pporx rinrjilu ncrnrrlfr S'fl'tTT beets. FlnrMu r-r C( hutiilies JVM, lomtnei, I'lorltla. prr mrrler --rnm J'J JMH rmU. lfi2. I'flfrj, Plorlcli. ptr ira'r l.n.iii2 do., N. Yorl. prr bnnh ?,U7Qr mushroom per l-lli bHHkci, mr tf?M."o MEARS & BROWN CITY AND 8UDUBUAN HEAL E STATU VropertUi Manaftd Rnti Collgttd Isjurtnc and Mortt FUc4 Lixetc on appllrtttloa v202 South 15lh Street 1.11 ll. The iniirket ruled steatH under I moderate ufieilnga but diiiiand was nam Quotations Kowla. lftSlfw'. . old inoatrra. ll'nii t'Je c hh kens svift-meated, l(i(17e. : do., siaggy. IHilBc turkevs. ir.1i lTr , .links. 1M inc., geese. n&H.' - sulueus. aa lo qualll). ler pair, .IvMITOc . pigeons, old, per pair, 21fi :uio . ,io. voung, per pair 221t'J.V. IIHK.SSKK. - - Offering, of line deslr.ilile slied stock light and the market firm, with demand absorbing the offerings pf this de scription Prices nf fowls ailvaneed le Quo tations' Kresh-kllled fowls, 12 in box, tlrv picked nil I dry-parked, faue selected. 20 : weighing lliti.1 lbs apleie 111. , do, ,i,ti I Iba. apleie. 1H'4i19.' . do :l lbs apleie. film ISc. ; do., under :1 lbs apine I If, 1,1, . Kowla. bbls., dry-picked and div-patked. Western 4iS lbs aplote. IS'jt . do. do. :p, lis, 174? ISc; do. do., .1 lbs nnd u n ler. I4lilc Old roosters, dr-pleked. He. Hrnlllng ililekeiu Sound Investments C If you want a profitable investment without risk to capital, consult us about our "Sound Investments," Frazier 6 Cq BANKERS 132 South 15th Street An Example When you buy a garment you invest in a finished product. It is a result of past action. Its future lies with you. You invest on a basis of actual exist iir value less a reason able profit to the maker. When you buy a security you invest in a product not yet complete, but dependent upon continuing action. Its future lies with others, You try to invest on a basis of actual value, but un less you buy from the maker, you have no means of know ing how many intervening profits you pay. Our offerings are from the maker to you. There is no intervening link. Write for our booklet. 1 he Y hite Investing Co. IVnller Mhrlslnne. I'hlln. .11Kr. Morris Building, Suggestions for Investors may fa. bad on request A. B. Leach & Co. Infeetment Securities 115 South Fourth St. CbUaio H oaten New York Baltlovor Buffalo London INURING seven years, l-J while the cost of liv ing advanced a7' , the average cost of electricity decreased 17. . Very interesting facts ore brpught out in our pamphlet, "Electrical Utility Investments," No. 199, w h i c h we will be glad to send to any in vestor on request, William P. Bonbrighl & Co,, Inc. MORRIS W. STROUD, Jr. Manager ui rinssTNUT hthket I'hlUdelphia, New orl Iloaltut Hetrelt London t IVIlllaoj H Htui bright A Co I'arlsi Hoi.brlgbi ft Co 4 fl I 4- .