EVENING LEDGER-PTrTT,AT,rcT,PmA TUESDAY. MARCH 1G, 1915. S30AL IDD1NGS dlU .-r t'C p11 1 v BOH -J C6j : ' It r vt in a, IT. 19 a e M e ' t n i' 7 1 ;1 Uur ijg--- --n 5 JjgitSV . .NW MUM WILLIAM A. M. Kt'LLEK. MofVprln8oo,l. ilirllciilinin ro,,.l. BrtlleM. ill vi -' , . .,.... t.ti.w.ft nw itloht hi linunr C Wllf- 'l"cr' Mr"- w,"'"m A M '? who will pctcbrnto licr "Stli birthday tti- STPetd Unit Mrs. Fuller-- children will IP imnor. They nre Mrs. .lotm T. Z Mr. George "owcr. Mrs. Itobeit .tl!f.i Grimtl. nml U'tvvronco 0. I'llller. I p'.llcr wm MIm i:iuallh Winner, of Titiir i!,1 nnJ ,icr ""' r,nwre,,ee Hn,er i j,t :I16 Sihupo pircr-t. i- jamn WMH Merctir. of 328 Holltll 211 " ... ........ ... Imu'lionli mi MntlirilltV K-.I will eiiie"'"" "" -- ST' . .. i., .lnncliter. MIm Dcttlse II. Mel" ffkonor ui " "--- . j.hniniitp of next yc.tr, &:, .,,,,! will be Miss Mnry Hroolw. MIm "" et M I'crot, Miss lCatherlno Putnain, tTniiabcth llrliiton, Mls) Ule.inor Lour- JJjH fc .A- t.,l...w... Ulnnl.' ik Mlts Nnnry ncnrrn. .i" ..--..... ... Ml.q Annette VarUo. Miss Minlc IS VWl: jSJltf, Mls ,n"e, 1'"rles n,ul SIM K,ul,erll,c jjoMnson. , Finn Helen Bell, MIm Cnrrlo HIbriUcI nml Ek ..- ,.,i,..i ,- ufimulhii? Hnvprnl d:l.VH In fa Elllc nin"ii - "- " ... ..i. mi MIhs Hell will return on Tliiir- r. .i lio Is cnlr-rtnliiliiu nt n illnnr-r nml Sweat the Merlon Crlrlict Club on Hint night. Elte members of Hip Second Ithetorlc Class ,f the Academy of Notre Dame. West Itlttun rwf, Equarc, will present n comedy In one net. nUtM "IIcr Flrst AsalBiiinent." this nftor foort and tomorrow nftemoon, nl the Academy. laecalt of chiiracleiH. will Inrlwlo Miss Mnry White. JIIsa i:,Ina I,0"ll,,,v' MlHfl l:lM"r M,,N . m'im Acnes llnrchlll. Miss nertrudc Kelly, iilu Wto Conroy. Miss Knthryn MeLenn. Miss jttrgaret Knpin. Miss Frances Sullhnn nml jfl!J niiabcth Doyle. The proceeds of the liar will be devoted to the llclglan Itellef Kund. fieorce Brooke's dnncliiB class for the Sfcnol aet will hold its final meeting mi Sal via evening April 10, nt Mnnhclm. Com petttlve daclns will tnko place nml sliver cups tjve been uonaicu tor um ";ai u...ii..-.r.. ... . A meetlne of the KmerRcney Conimitiee s vision for orRanls'.liiB branches will be held W In the home of Mrs. Kdwnrd T. Stotes Jiirr, 1K3 Walnut street. flirt. Joseph It. Seeds, of 109 Pclhnm road, Cmaintown. has Issued Invltntlons for a Ua ftnm i until C o'clock on Wcdnesdny Mnich IT, fjtlteOcrninPtown Cricket Club. The icccivinc Vr will be cnlirtnlnod at dinner afterward fJl the club and will nttend the club dance. fllra. Kdwln M Smucker, of 113 South 13th Wet, nil) cnlcitalii at cards today at her home. CjiKljeand Mrs. William AVilklns Carr will en fi.rt.ln nt dinner tonlclit at their home. llKM hxxostalrcet. In honor of Jlr. and Mrs. Daniel IfiJdock Farr, of Chestnut I till. S iiAXin rnij-m ir.tTM TTXTn1 SIIRBROOK-On Wednesday afternoon, Jlurch fi( It : o'clock, there will be a bridge, followed lf )n. In thr (l.-erbiook Coif Club, for tha fembera and their fi lends. While tea Is belns S&yed, Mrs. Henry T. Sldcons, of North 13th itrett, will lecture on "Auction nrldce the I'rln- fpalotthe Lends and the Full Imposition of tho Kullo Count." 'Die affair is belns nr rioitd by Miss Adele Moslcr, and the proceeds ill be devoted to tho club. BiBDMOnx-Jirs. Horace Bullock, of Hill Crest, jpodd's lane, Aidmore, cntel tallied nt luncheon today In honor of her sucst. Mis. John McKes- ICB Camp. Tho kucsIh were Mrs. C. Hownnl hut. Mrs. Benjamin Bullock. .Mrs. Matthew Wrd, Jr, Mrs. Buriows Sloan, Mrs. F. L. Mciener, Mrs. WIHInm M. McCawley, Mrs. K. Rfituart, Mrs James Carstnlrs, Jlrs. Clarence Warden and Mrs. H. Hanoi Brazier. Mr, and Mr. William Lister Austin, of Ithnn ;ue and Gulph road, will Klve a muslcale to- Jlit at their homo nt 8 o'clock. CHESTNUT HILL Triderlck Lamed lius moved to Atlantlu City w tha spring and summer months. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred G. II. Steele and their drea spent the week-end in Atlantic City. GRRMANTOWN LUr. and Mrs. Walter I, White, of tha Wltsa- luoa Apartments, Queen lane, have gone to llwtlc City, N. J., where they will spend sev- Rral months, tlfn. I. Herzni?. nf i PMt Tulnplinpken street. ? returned to her homo from a week's visit to LJwUvea In Allentown. Ulia Mary McCarthy, of 6131 Baynton street. wt yesterday to enter tho Orthopaedic Hospital, ttUjind Summer streols, where she will go into raining as a nurse. fl.lkAf n.. 1T1 . . n.- ... . . ..AA.u f "y iiiri, oi 4'ncc ami uayiuuu r..n-c..-, Bl Jllss Saru DaiiBhertj of Church lane, have ji-- iibii m tvasuiugion, u, w., wncru uiry Bit . . . vmuin ior a week. ' bUlSA PtlnV.n.l. I'..,.. . F.I. r MA...n aucui ieuy. o ima utriiuaii.u", Knue, hag returned to her home after a two R..i.. - ian io relatives In New York ALfWf: TTTT? PH4TIINP, ri. B, V Wonrlunnl. wlin rpulrlpu Willi hoT fMer ana son-in-law, Mr. ana Mrs. Charles j o(ck, Jr., of Wyncotc, has gone to Atlantio If. Where she will remain fnr several weeks. pturning jutt before Kaster. iThtOak Urne Houal Suffrace Leairue will hold ril..-. . Kf-.b'e oaiaar on Tuesday, March J3, fioin 2 to ipviocK. at the residence of Its president, Mrs. IJVlluan, i. . . . 10 , ,. .-. . ,, V..UUCH, i.uemuo uvenuu uuu j mere will be on sale all kinds of fancy 4 household articles. Buster clfts. cakes. CQ(ly and hnmpmmla lalllac an.. nrMArVP. A Kkjue feature will be a gipay fortune-telllns BmP. In charge of Mile, Alme de Vrabant, or IctUWels. Beli;liitii nuuUtA,! ku Mil, r?hnrlotta ilHi'Ceir' 'rom 3 to o'clock a musical program Mf" w given by Mrs, Lulgl dl Vlncenzo, bo- inn r ..... ... --.. ucurge L'. Jiulpaso. tenor, and airs, is. Whitney, pianist. The tea room will be in a or 4irH. av, Harry Miller and Mrs. C juuiy. 'QJll 4 to S n'lrmV tl,a will Via n UArtAK Of r' '""faee speeches, given by Mis. George ?-". wra. William A. Wood. Mrs. Scott ft'1"? and Mrs. J p. Dechant. committee havliiif the baaaar In charge niuiain l: Groben. Mm. N II. Hand, W a MacFarland, Mrg. C. II. Anthony, A- T Urilfrl Mr AIK.rt flam lra A hart, Jlr Hanr MUler. Mr. J? V. Utth I LY M " A ' HHIIIIlllll nut, Mrs. 11. It. Denrden. Jr. Mis. W. 11 Shri- f tnlre mid Mrs Oorc W. Stewnrt. I WEST PHILADELPHIA Mr. anil Mrs. Thomas F. Conners, of 523S Wal. nut siren. ciiIpi tallied at dinner last ueck, Amotiff tliosc inesrtil were Mrs. Anna tlm lev Mist Mni-R.-iret Conner, Miss Marlon Conucis. Miss Lurettn Conncie, Jack Snjclcr and Cliailwi Snyder. Mr. ntiil Mrs. WIHInm 1. Heed, their daimhtpr, ' Miss Anna Heed, nml son, IJJwnrd ration It.-cd. of .W09 Lliillow slierl, tiro spcndlnR the Lenlni spnson wllh Mrs. Brssle Demon, of 110 Unst Davis nvenue. Holly Beach. N. J. A stirptHp party Wns Riven to It. It. Yuhy nt his resilience, flS North Feltou stiect. on the occnslon of his ,12,1 iinnlvcrnry by sevtrnl of hli friends. Amon thosp present were D. tl. K'nlser. .1. U. Hnslctt. J. V. Brown, .1. Collin. Itois ItomberKcr, Hum fitpsnr Tlmti-hpi .In N. Van Often nml Dr. J. P. Dlppre. Mr. Ilnulctt Piitriinlni'd nt Hip nlnnn. whiln Mr. KiiIp nml Mr. Tlintrlicr rendered scvcrnl vocal selections. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Mrs. Hobert M Cunllffp will cntcrtnlu on Fri dny at th lunclipon follounl by cnids, at her home. In Ihp (Jlriird L'stntc. 203.. South Cleve land nvenue. The docorntions will bo In laven der nnd uhllp. Unlets and mntdenhnir ferns Iip Int,' used iirtlllcally. Her Riicsts will Includo Mrs. A. Itobcrts, Mlas HltiRPily, Miss May Hpii fjcti, Mis. Culrr, Mrs. i:iy, Mrs. Kerne. Miss JInr.iKnrct Smith, Mrs. Panccnnst, Mrs. Heinr.e. Mrs. .Ionian, Mrs. Tnvlor, Mrs. L. Wllllums nnd Mis. Hill, of New York. Mrs. T. II. Winters, wife of Lieutenant Win ters, U. S. .V.. of 2S09 South Garnet street, In tho Glrnrd Lslnte, and her lltttlo ion, Hush, are nt present the guests of Mr. and .Mrs. D. L. Winters, nt Ciiinden, t. C, wlieie they will iPinnln for about a month. Mrs. George W. Hhlsler, entertained the Mon day afternoon bridge Club yesterday aft ernoon, nt her home, 2013 South Broad street. The game was preceded by an attractive lunch eon at I o'clock. The membcis of Die club are Mrs. Thomas Kcpfcr. Mrs. George W. Yoijiik. Mis. Thomas Simmons. Mrs. Finnk B. Stock ley, Mrs. Wllll.un M. Weiid. Jr.. Mr.. Parks, Mrs. Kdunrtl J. Ilaffe, Mrs. Gcorgo W. Unles man, Mrs. II. Fremiti. .Mrs. Itobert Iiankln. Mrs. David Mi'l'oni'li, -Mis. George Kerr, Mrs. Kd wnrd Storey, Mis. David llMcy, .Mrs. Joseph McMorils and Mrs. Geotgu W. Slilsslnr. NORTH PHILADELPHIA Mrs. Henry Mailer, of 1337 No.th 33d street, enteitnlned .Sunday afternoon In honor of her daughter, Miss Alice Maltcr. The guests wern Miss Utah Klrshbaum, Miss Mnthlldc Frankel, MIhs Mildred Aaron, Miss Sarah Adler, Miss Jeanette Besg. Miss Helen Dilshelmer, .Miss Lisle Freeman, Miss Florence Glnsburg, Miss Itoitense Gordon, Miss Mlrlnm Greenwalt, Mls Clnlre Karneles, .Mlsa Juliet Kind, Miss Milium Levy, Miss Until Llpper, .Miss Sophie Loeb, .Miss .Mm Kin et Lowengrund, Mls Katherine Itosen baum. Miss Josephine Scgnlbaum, Miss Tcsslu Strauss, Miss Jeanette Whltehill, Miss Juno Vcndlg. Miss Mildred Whltehill. NORTHEAST PHILADELPHIA Mrs. Rose Mnginim and her daughter. Miss Itlta Maglnus. of Newaik, N. J., are spendln-, n few da) s with her sister-in-law, Mrs. .Michael Donohoe, of M13 Cast Lehigh avenue. Tho "Idnnoc" Club met Inst night In the home of Miss Teresa Keogh, 2M0 Salmon street. Among tliowe present wpi-p Jllss Helen Donohoe, Miss Iteglua Fariell, Mlbs Ldna McBrlde nnd Miss Margaret McBilde. The Hartville Minstrels and the Hnrtvllle Dra matic Club will entertain the members or the Hnrtvllle Club nml their guests lit the club house, ail D fitieet, on Si. Patrick's night with an Irish minstiel show by club members ex clusively, comprising t lie following: Bernard Crossln, Intei locutor; John .Mullln and Philip Hurst, ends; Daniel Orlllp, Hugh Huston, Jacob Ilollle, Samuel Dcsher, L, Cameron and Fred Kchcff, This Is a eort of Innovation among social clubs. The Ifartvllle Club has tho proud dis tinction of being one of the first to organize a dramatic club and minstrel troupo among Its members. The minstrels made their debut on New Year's Kve, and their act was very good, Their second effort was on Lincoln'.) birthday. The dramatic club will offer n one-act farce, entitled "School Days," that will recall pranks of childhood times. Tho committee an arrange ments is diligently working on plans to makn this a gala night In the annals of the Hart vine's social affairs. The Stetson OrclicMrn, under the leadership of Prof. II. .1. Chopourian, has arranged to give a benefit concert In answer to many re quests for an evening of enjoyable music. The concert will he given hi the big .Stetson Audi torium, on Montgomery avenue between 4th nnd Clh streets, on Thursday evening, March IS, nt S:1C p. in. Tho .Stetson Orchestra is innde up of volunteer talent, but the orchiHtra has inudo vpry rapid stildes under Professor Clio pourlau's tutorage. They play only the best high-class muilc and it is n privilege to belong to the organization. The orchestra rehearses every Thursday evening and plays for the Stet ion Sunday school every Sunday afternoon. Any one seeking to further his musical education Is welcome, provided he is willing to attend rehearsals and also play on Sundays for the Sunday school. There Is no charge for the In struction, and the Stetson Sunday school fur nlbliea all the music. In addition to the orchestra there will be fcoms nuiuoers by Professor Chopourian and Ills cele bra ted banjo and mandolin performers, cornet solos and other attractive numbers. R0XB0R0UGH At a meeting held at the home of Dr. and Mrs, H. K. White, 460 Green lane, arrangements were made to form a committee or 100 prominent women of the section to provide for the enter, tainment of guests on Saturday, May 8, tho Patriotic Older Sons of America day n the 21st Ward. There will be a flag raising, and supper will be held on the athletic grounds on Kast Walnut lane Bfter the parade. The mem bers of the Grand Army of the Itepubllc oi the ward will be the guests of the association and will ride in the parade In automobiles of prominent business man. About S600 men of the section are membrs of the order. WS&t&r mzBWfflE&Mi iiiiiii ' IMOTilfffflnfflWMiifsW BarMnHHHESwllnffi nim'MsHKaKBBilHBnRH i MRS. EDWAUD T. DOUGHERTY Mrs. Dougherty will be one of the prominent matrons thut will nttend the St. Patrick's dance Riven by the ReRnl Club. CHARITY AFFAIRS Musicales and Lectures Will He Given for Charity Today. Tonight hi the home of Dr. and Mrs. Julin Oooke Hirst a muslcale will bo given for the bcnellt of tho I ft u it I Franchlie Society of Phil adelphia. The palionesses of the affair an- Mis. Charles F. Hnchmaiin. Mis. II. II. Burrell, Mis. Itudolph niaiikriibiirg. .Miss Maiy A. Burtiuiiiii, Mrs. W. C. Burl, Mini Fanny Travis Coehian. Mis. It. Perrv t'uinnilns, Mis. Henry Davis, Mrs. Frank Miles Dnj. Mls,i Sophhi II. Dulles, Jtn. Alton Laveii'im, Mls Cornelia Frollung ham. Mis. Nathaniel Glnnburg. Mrs. IMvvin C. Grlce, .Mrs. K. (J. HullUaii, Mis. Giorge 11. Hewitt, .Mrs. John Cooke Illrst, Mrs. I W. Holllngslieail, Miss .Mary II. Ingham. .MIs Caroline Kalzensteln, Mlts Marie K. Kenned), Mrs. Charles '.. Klnuder, .Mrs. Laurence Lewis, Mis. Wilfred Lewis, Mis. Horatio Gates Lloyd, Miss Kllzabeth S. Lowly. Mrs. Harry I.ovven burg, Mrs. G. B. Mlddleton, Mrs. George Mor gan, Mrs. John II. Musser, Miss Hlten McMur trie. -Mra. William L.ittu Nassau, MIsh Mary U. Xcwkiik, Mrs. T. Cuyler Piitleranu, .Mrs. itlch arl M. Peaice, Mrs. J. Archer ilulon, Mrs. U. AY. Rtischenberger. Mrs. Helen Sawyer. .Mrs F. M. Shepard. Mrs. T. P. Stelnhart, Mrs. T. Soinmervllle Stownit, Miss Sarah G. Totnkins, Miss Margniet Wilcox. MrH. Henry T. Williams nnd Mrs. William Albert Wood. Tho following artists will take part. Howard Ilnttay. violinist; John TompMnson. pianist, Madame WIHInm Latta Nassau, soprano; Mlis Mnry Newklrk, contralto, and Dr. John Hirst, tenor. The program Includes: PAItT I. 1 "Allegro" (from Sonata for piano nnd vlollni Sjogren Mr. Itatlny hihI Mr. Thompson 2 Violin, "Intiodticllon et Hondo I'apilc- closo" Saint Niti-ns Mr. Batln J-Vocal. "Le Nil" Leroux Miss Newklrk 4-PlHlin la) "Aufschwung" Schumann lb) Etude Hnitlett ID Minuet K Hat Beethoven (d) Scherzo K minor Mendelssohn Mr. Thompson 6 Vocal, "Song of tho Woods" Draper Madame Nasrau InT II. 6-VloIln la) Caprice Vlennols Krelsler (b) "The Bee" Schubert IP) Valse Trlste Sibelius Mr. Itnltay 7 Piano m) Ballnde O minor Chopin lb) Nocturne F shnip Chopin (c) "La Campanula" Usat Mr. Thompson S Vocal nil Hols apals Lully (ICSI A. D.) tbi A Tol BoinborK Dr. John Cooke Hirst There will also be several lectures In tho eve nlng, one of which will be followed by a conceit, Tho lirst will be h lectuio by L M. Newman, MISS MARGARET FOX Miss Fox, whose engagement to Sydney E. Martin waa recently announced, left yesterday for a visit nt Hot Springs, Va. iiinler the ntisplces of the Junior Branch nf tho Medical Mlsslonaiy Society. Tho cause W n most worthy one, as the society Is emlvnvoitiig to raise funds vvheiehy poor students may ie celve medical education In order to help t lie pour and xlck In fmelgn hinds. Mr. Newman will give one of his tiavel talks on the Holy Land, "Jerusalem to Galilee," in the Aculemy of Music. The inembprs of the Junior Blanch nf Ihe Missionary Society in,- MKs Lllnbetli r.lchiirds. preslileut, Ilnzelhiiisl itvcmip, Merlon; Miss Keliirah Stnuckei, Mis Anna Tioth, Miss Anna Fieedley. .Miss Floienee ItolierlJ. Mls ttulh Blake. Mls.s Miuai.'t Wllcnv, Mls Mar jory de Kiafl, Mli-s Gladys Krrr. MIhs Wino fredii Itlchaids. Miss Helen Sh'iemakei, Miss IMith Shoemiiker, MIh Itnchel Rohliihon, Miss Annie Ludeis, MIsh Isabel Gcst, MNs Frances McCollln. Mlas Kinuin Luders, Miss Lllllnn (li'il, .Miss Fllznbeth Howell, .Miss .Mary Holster. Miss Margaret Watklus mid Miss Lllza. Davis, A lecture will he given In tho Hnlu-Cnwa Audltoiliim for tlie benefit of St, Matthias' new school. The Itev. Dr. Joseph M. Coirlgan will deliver the lectin e, and will be followed by a muslcale by the following artists: Mrs. Sialic Zeckwer Holt, soprano; David Grlflln, baritone, nod Jacob Pomernntz. The patronesses will be Mrs. Clayton L. Boycr, I ..ire. i iiuiii,!!. lj. tunc,, ..ua. tieifry v. neci.. Miss Mary .1. Brown, Miss Marytde S. Bond, Miss Mary P. Connor, Mrs. Alexander .1. Chris tie, Mrs. Joint A. Colgnn. Mrs. Thomas F. Cun uiuglinm, Mrs. Albert J. Donahue, Mrs. Lnw renco J. Dowucv, Mrs. James II. Dolnn. Mrs. J. Ferdinand Durang, Mrs. Joseph F. IMuurdi, Jlrs. Aloyslus M. Frauenhelm, Mrs. O. M. Galser, Airs. Martin P. Glynn, Mis John P. Holt. Jr. Miss Mary A. Holt. Mrs. George W. Haskell. Mis. George L. Haskell, Mrs. Alo.vsius Jones, Mrs. Joseph P. Keirignn. Mis. Frank .1. Keni gnn, Mrs. ,1, I. Kllpatiick. Mis. Paul A. Keller. Mrs. John Kelly, Mis. John L. Lonergan, Mrs. P. J. I.HWler. .Mis. John G. Lorenz, .Mrs. Charles B. Lovatl. Mrs. Joseph V. Little, Mrs. Michael Murphy. Mrs. Alojslus J. Mnguiie, Mrs. J. How aid Mecke, Mrs. John II. McClatchy. .Mrs. M. J. McMenamln, Mrs. J. Joseph Mcllugh, Mrs. James A. Nebel, Mrs. Aithur H. Qulmi, Mrs. Thomas F. Tlellly, Mrs. Frank A. Rowsey, Miss Kelle A. Iloblnett, Mrs. William Simpson, Mrs. Gwynn T. Shepperd, Mrs. Paul A. Vanneman, Mrs. J. Marshal Vanneman and Mrs. Basil S. Walsh. The program will be as follows: PART 1. Duet "Ilarcarole" Chainlnade Mrs. Marie Zeckwer Holt nnd D.ivld Grlllln Plano-"NlBhtliigale" I.lst Jacob Pomeranx Bnritono Solos Songs of the Irish Harpist Fox (a) "My Thousand Times Beloved" lb) "The Foggy Dew" David Grlllln Soprano Solos la) "Irish Folk Song" Lane Two Little Irish Songs l.obr la) "I Itemembei .Meeting You" (b) " ou'd Bettor Ask Me" Mrs. Mario Xecker Holt PART II. Lecture "lieland Hnd America: Their Debt tn St, Patrick." Itev. Joseph M. Corrigau, D.D. Piano Solo "FHntnsie Impiomptu" Chupln John Pomeian Soprapo Sclo "Shenu Van" Reach "I'm Wenrln' Awn'" Footo The Yeara st the Spring-' Beach Mrs. Mary 55ackwer Holt Baritone Solos (a) "My Dreams" Tostl (b) "Rolling Down to nio" German David Gilftln Duet "Now Art Thou Mine" Hllilach Mrs. Mary .eckwer Holt and David (Srlltln LANSDOWNE Colonel and Mrs. George A. Hlllotl, Kdwaid Brlnghumt, Sth, and Miss Mary Brlnghurat have returned from the Adirondack's, where they enjoyed winter sports. The friends of Mrs. John B. Geraghty, of S07 North 40th street, will be glad to hear she la recovering from a very severe attack of appen dicitis. Mrs. Geraghty will be remembered as Miss Marie Mullen, of 76 South Wycombe ave nue, Lanadowne. CHESTER AND VICINITY Miss Georglanna Green, of West Philadelphia, Is the guest of Mrs. Harvey Ward, of 13th street. George B. Ditchfield has returned to his home at Park Place, after a visit to relatives In Ches ter County. Qeorse Pennington, of East 7th street, la vlaltins relatives at Wilmington, Del. 1 I3 PlUiMINIINT rtitlong ItirtlglU's Vveildlllgs will lie that nf Mls.s Agues Lllleiiberg, iLuiglilet' of Mt ami Mrs. Nile Lllleiiberg, or 3s3 Itochelle iiceniie Wlsahlckon, Hi John Clark Tlcldeit, of lloiismn, Tct . which will be solemnized nt the home of the bilde's pureiits il fi o'clock. Tho Itev Dr Albeit Sloik, lector of St. Stephen's I'lOiesiant episcopal Church. Wlssnhlekoii, will ollli'lnte nl the reremony. The bilde Will bo gun In inuiHaue by her fnlliei. She will wear a charming vhlt gown fashioned with thn new iiiMllitr skllt. This Is of chiffon with tho foumlnilnti sklit of taffeta, similar In cut. Tlio Hi. Ifnn skirt Is itlmmeil with festoon of chif fon loses. The bodice, which Is plain nnd tight fit ins. Is nf white satin. Her Veil of lullo will be arranged Willi n cap, held In place Willi teal orange blossoms. The house will be deco rii.oil with orange blossoms, southern sinllnx nml skiing Howeis seal to the hrlde fioui Georgia nnd Florida. lcr bouquet of theso southern Dowels will be arranged In the old fitshi'ined pilm style with n Into holder, The bride, who Is an Illustrator of note, Is a grndiinte of the Gills' High School and n stli- dent of the Academy of Hie Fine Arts. She in 1 also well known for hrr fashion drawings for Philadelphia iievvspnprrs. Mr. Tldden, who 1 Is n well-known pnitinlt painter, Is head of tlm department of drawing nnd painting In Rico I Iustilute, nt llnustnii. The man Inge Is the culmination of a lomiinee that begun when the ooupl,' wcro students In the Academy of the Kino Arls I'hn ceremony will be followed by a huge icceiit'oii. Aiming (he out-of-town guests will ' be Mr. nnd .Mrs. IMwnrd Tldden, Frits Tldden, MATINEE MUSICAL CLUB Concert Will Take Place This Afternoon at the Roosevelt. This afternoon the .Matinee .Musical Club will give a concert In the Roosevelt. The pro giam arranged hv .Mis Chailes C. Collins will be composed of Folk Sonus, Including: l) Snlo Alio i.Mv Sunshine). ...L'dunrdo ill Capua Ho Soguat.i I Death III the Deserl) Knilco Do Leva Louise Slerrelt "nun Ihe Land of Ihe Sky-blue Water. .Cndman I'lif Moon Drops Low Cadman Lena F. Hiiehn Lungl Dal I'nio Reno Seech! ler Gaeitner Iluco Wolf The Foscv Dew mid Irish). ...I". Mllllgau Fo AinmgPil by Hrlk Luthei, Flute Soloist Wlieif-er Vim Walk Haeudel l.ns. Wllh Hip DcIIciiip Air rno Tlirmigh Ihe Shnrlj- Woods Mnry SipwhiI I'.utterwoilh .Mrs. Henry Y. Ri'tlei worth vlalln (Icelandic Folk Song). ..Herman Snndby linn Kou's Cradle Snug Ldunrd Grieg (iangeiplllen (Danish Foil, Song) Herman S.indby Airs. Wlllliini II. .Mount Imp Solos ICmu-.a Rous llrlclogup (live parts) ...Mrs. Howard A. Sutton Scotch Songs MiH. Charles Schmidt Foil, .So n km, with time ui'couipaulment Hrlk Luther .Mrs Fiederlck W. Abbott and Mrs. William li. .Mount, accompanists TIOGA Dr. and Mrs. AI. W. Benjamin, of 3S0.' Old York road, are being congratulated on the blith of u sou, Kenneth Wells lli.'nj.imln, on Wednes day, AInrch 1U. .Mis. William Ill-lb. of 18-T. West Ontnrio street, entertulned nt luncheon und curds yesterday, when her guests wore Alia. John Snyder. Airs. Harry Ilelst, Alls. Franklin Appel, .Mis. Kluier E. .lohntnu. Airs. Geiugs I'hlch, Airs. II. G. Querns, Airs. Gustavo Scluietzle. Airs. Waller Ho)er, Airs. Henry Bauer, Mrs. Oscar Schmidt and Airs. Carrlet l.entz. Tlie nuirrlagp has been announced of .Miss .Minnie liner, daughter of Mr nud Airs. Julius Wiener, of 72H Rising Sun lane, Io Allltnn Hlkan, of New York, on AInrch I. AMUSEMENTS PliQtsfniif Qf "1'nRA I Home o World's vfJlaUlUL OL, llOL Mil f llrtalest riioloulaui AITEIINOON-S--1 :30 to 4:30 tOc. ISc, Mc. nVKNINCJB 7:30 to 10:30 10u, l!5c, 60c. nL'Y SEATS IN ADVANCR AND AVOID STANDING IN LINE THIRD BIG WEEK FAMOUS PLAYKItS' riLM CO '8 STUPENDOUS J'HOTO-SPECTACI.E THE ETERNAL Gill HALL CAINE With PAULINE FREDERICK TWIOU DAILY 2:30 AND 8-30 P. 11. ritECBDKD HY CHAPI.IN COMEDIES B."F. KEITH'S THEATRE AN EMPHATIC TRIUMPH NAZIMOVA I.N THE TIlltll.I.INli I'DACIJ TI.AY "WAR BRIDES" I'aul Cnnrhas; Claudluii & Scarleii; Mack A Orth, I.e ll. Ljtion i. Co., Oihem T -VTTJTri POSITIVELY LAST WEEK U11V1U Tonluhl a I S Matinee Tomorrow WM. A. uilAur rretenta ROBERT B. MANTELL In Shakespearean ami Clanlc Itepertolra TONIGHT "OTHELLO" Mai Tomoi Macbeth ' Night 'Merchant of Venice" MAIlKtn' HTUEET A.NU JUN'll'EIt Contlnuoua Vaudeville II 30 A M. to 11:30 P. M. GLOBE STALEY & BIRBECK VAUDEVILLE'S ORBATEST MITSICAL NOVELTY MR 4 MUH MARK MllHI'IlY: WESTON A CLAHK; DYER & FAY. LITTLE MISS JEAN: OTHERS Academy of Music Tonight 8:15 NE W M A JN Color Views INi-J YY "LX-,-a-1 Motion Picturet ttz-vT T T A XTT Beneflt I'ennylvnla Medical HUIjI LlAiNlJ Mllunar ilorleiy. Tickets. 11.50, 1, 75c.50c. at Jleppe'e. TVTr A T Thl and Neil Week. Kvgi at 8:15. KKUAJLJ Matlneee Wed anil Sat. at 2:11. RICHARD LAMHERT Plcaenta AN AMEKICAN KARCK IN 8 ACTS THE BLUE ENVELOPE WITH A CAST OV BXCEITIO.NAl. MERIT i,.nuiar I'rlca Wedneaday Matlneta. lien Seata 1 Ofl GROSS ,' The Hunter ?ff Maids r,T,n I Five Other Ueritorioua Acta iVJSj 1 O i proxrain Chanced Mon. 4 Thura, rnTTTTV A rntJTi1 UAH. 1 lln i t.vtijiua( T & 9 J. Tl.UJ.tt. J- XVJfJ Ata;l - t IO. IS ItOci NIXON'S GRAND Today i!il5. 7 A OUAR OPERA CO.; BAHTO 4. CLAKK. BARRETT & OPHi CONRAD ft MERINO: KORKTTl ANTOINETTE; SENATOR" MURPHY . laughing Pic lure. "xrTPfrnTJTA "th and market btheetu VIUi IVJlVlA i Marie Dreaaler and Charle. VALDBVILLK Chapllo In "TiUIe'a PunclurM PHOTOPLAYS . 10c. 20c icomanca , siacei f o Q a a Troupe, Oihera. TROCAPERQ yi3i11 AZ Myjinr I of Frceport. J.. I ; Paul Tldden. Miss Margaiet 1 Tldden. Dr. and Mrs. Ldwnrd Colic, of New j tk; Ml. and Mis. Hnr y Heutiell, of Brldge- poll, Conn, nod Mr. slid Mis Hluitrt West, of Savannah. Ha. Mr. nnd Mis. Tldden will llvo in Houston on their return from their wed ding Journey. PUt.fcS SMVH.V A wedding of Interest In title State as well as In Philadelphia will take place tonight at Ihe home of Mis. Chthl.i T. Snivel)-, of Mil Wt-st Tlogil si I eel. when her daughter, Alias t'rllln Snivel), will become the bilde of Go rge U. Pniiles, funnel l of York. Pn. The ce-emony will bo perfoimed by the bride's uncle, the Rev. Herbeit ('. Hni-tiiian, pastor of the Luthcian Church, of Baltimore. Aid. The ceremony will be n unlet one, but will be followed by a large 1 leecptltm. ' The bilde Is the dnughlei of the Into Dr. I. Newton Snivel), who, nt the time of his death, wan dean of the .Medical School of Temple I nl i verslty. Mi. nnd Mr. Panics will leave for nn i extended Journey. On their return they will j live nl r,M3 Ti hilly place. West Philadelphia, I mid will be at humo In June i MYr.n.a nr.MA ' A unlet wedding will Hike place today, when I Miss Linda. It. Ileuly. daughter of Mr nnd Mrs. ' Jacob Henl), will become Ihe bilde of Herbert 1 Mycin. The cetemony will be perfoimed In the j home of Ihe bride. 1500 North 17th street, by ' Rabbi Joseph Kiauskopf. On their return front their wedding Journey .Mr. and Mrs. Jlyeis will live In Railway, N. J. FRANKFORD Alius .Martha Toiikuc, of Tacony. left last week for California, vvhurc she will tour the Paclho coast nnd visit the Panama Exposition. Miss Lllxaheth Alurgaush, of Easton, I'A., 1 the Rtieat of Aliss Loielta AlcCann, of 7010 Tulip xtiect. Air. and Alr.s. Benjamin Renncr. of Illaka ave nue. Vox CliuEe, nre tccclving consrntulatluna on the birth of a son. CAMDEN AND VICINITY K. Wajland Ayer, of 401 I'enn stieet, entcr tnlnecl Or. S. Parker Codman, of Brooklyn, over tho week-end. Mis. , S. Wells, of lid and Petin eticetu, la In Atlantic City. .Miss Helen Itleakley, of 4t: Linden stieet. la visiting In Ihu .Middle West. The Mlsi.es Shaw nnd Alius Helen Schioe cr, of Illi and Arch ntreets, have gone for u 111 days' trln to Bermuda. AMUSEMENTS FORREST THE A TKE FIRST, ONLY BATTLE-LINE REAL WAR PICTURES TWICE DAILY 2:30 P. M., 8:30 P. M. 25c and 50c All Seats Reserved UNDER THE AUSPICE8 OK THE EVENING LEDGER TRANSPLANTED BATTLEFIELDS VIEWED BY AWED CROWDS Every riiaaa of the World's Greateet Conflict on Land and on Kea Shown and Described In Intimate Motion lua Secured at Rlk of Life and Limb by a hpeclally Deputized Corps of Dara-devll Camera Ex ports. Every Arm Pen In Action Every Notable KJcure- of Eier Nation Shown In Close View at the Scenes of Strife NO FILMS LIKE THESE IN ALL THE WORLD This Afternoon at 2:30 Tonight at 8:30 Metropolitan Opera House week Tonight at 8:15 and Sat. Mat. at 2:15 DE WOLF HOPPER And the niLIlEuT 4 SL'LMVAN OPERA CO, In "YEOMEN OF THE GUARD" Tomorrow CnPr,TT!T?T?.T? '1 TRIAL MKlU Ollly UVHWilHUH BY JURY Thursday Nlghl Only IOLANTHE !-XS?rx "THE MIKADO" l.ame Chorua A Orch Trlcea S.lr BOc. Toe II. Jl ,,0 1000 Vi"; Seats $1 ,?;!?, 50c, 75c Seals 1I0U CheslnutSt. anil Opera House. METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE " TUESDAY MARPH 9Q AT 1 First time In EVENING iUrXXXOn. .0 a:jB thlaclty uytae METROPOLITAN OPERA CO. NEW YORK L'AMORE DEI TRE RE Mints Ilorl. Exener. UrasUu. Duchene. MM Ferrari. Fontana. Amato. Dldur. Conductor, Mr Toscanln' Seal sjla begins tomorio morning, UU9 Cheatnul street Walnut TOUo Race tiT. """" n-nir I MAKBT 8T ABOVE "jUTH K CONTINUOUS oT.flTllPV No Seau rveU KJMIIXJ E1,ti )e M tth, In THE COVEHNOlfa LADV" rhursda, Frlda, Satuida M.VItlllEUITE CLARK III "ORET.NA UREEN' AUUEU ATTRVITJON FlitbT SIIOIVINH CHARLES CHAPLIN In "NIUHT IN THE PARK Am?T PTTT TONIUHT AT 8, IS SHARP AUUiijm.1. pop st jjat, TiiLnsoAv Ollter Moroaco Presents J Hartley Manners' PEG O' MV HEART .THE PLAY EVERYBODY LOVES PALACE 1214 Market VAUDEVILLE Musical Comedy -WARD Ti " Olhr. PHOTOPLAY WM II. CRANE 111 DAVID HARUU" U A M. to Jl P. U. 10c &20c W1THBHSPOON It ALU Wed Eve.. March IT. ai . NEWELL DWIGHT HILLIS 'On HENRY WARP BEECHER TH'KBTH. 50 ami TO Ceuie Extension Uox-OtSt.. Yltherapoon Jiulldlox PAPRTPTl" Thla Next WeeJc. Lln.itlil9i. VrilIVl.v,lV Mallneca Wed. It Sat at 3.15 W&Yu13" 7 u8 BALDPATE Popular Price WedneaJay Matiaeea. Beat Seata ft JU. DUMONT'S Jr?i0LiS5SrIwfc" Rurleaque- THE DOPE VIEND3." VAPUNV BQWRlvY BUHl,gStUJjT.g m m m ,