Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 15, 1915, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 12

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Ex-Brave Great Base Run
ner and Strong Hitter;
T ........ Vtnn nt, 4V
lUOiail XlaS OlianCe lOl
. .
rnl-flnlrl Qliif t rv TVTnnf
vJUbllCMU OH lib LU lUUUb
Kor atAif rnanrsposngsT 1
6T. PETKIlSBUitfJ, Via., March 15
Gcorgo Whlttcd look's Rood to Pat Moiati
fop ccntl-GllcId position. II may be Hie
c-Btave will displace Uode Pnskert . who
hns hold that position ever since Olnrk
Grimtli trndod him to the 1'hllllcs In 1911.
In nenrly nil the Rnnips last week Whlt
ted was In centre, with Pnnkert on the
bench. It I believed Moritn llgures that
WliMcd' batting ability makes his np
ponrniiec In games regularly a npcesislty.
Not only Is Whlttcd it great cleanup hit
ler, but he In wonderfully artful on the
sack, and belongs to the I) pe of player
who can score on "nothing."
Whllted liaa not struck his real 'batting
stride Set, ami Mornn thlnKn lip will bat much
harder than ho lin tippn ilolni. Tlip fait
that lie Is lielns- f.iiorpd for Hip lob In iciitn" i
field docs not menu that Paskert will rcldoni
te n In ganiri,
t'nquenlonnbly Mnrun tITiiIU'li Ida oulllild
when a left-handpd ull.hpr nimorca Hip I'hllili
In that easp. Ileiker Mnran'a Imrd-hlltliiK l'fl
ll'ldtr, will tip offered an afttriioun a rrst
hlle rnskert taken his iiMip.
finch an arninaenieni nlll te a hindlrati for
. southpaw, far he then "III bp idtclilnR to
only one letl-haitded halsiTtaii, Caiilaln
Alt baseball erarllee ns susm ndpil Sunday.
The plaerr ellbcr nnglcd or spent the clay
lRiit-etnir, Krsklne Mater shotted only n
few scratches aa mititenlrs of the aiilo smash
In which he was n semiwctlin
Weather at Lakeland May Halt
Game With Louisville Play
ers Go Fishing.
rami a srArr comiEsro.NDE.ST
LAKELA.N'n, Kla Match 1J. Harry
Havls will start Bob Shaw-key against
the Louisville team this afternoon In the
nndfiliiO onnl.tt nt ll.u ft.n,mn.a carina
Harper and Myers 'alo. probably, will
have a chance to work before the game i
Is over. Schanjr and McAvoy will dllde
the catching as usual. The Athletic line
up wjll be the same as It was against t lie
Phillies and Cubs, except that Bostlck
will replace J.ajole .it second base.
The weather today Is again thieatenlng.
but Jlie rain yeterday did not put the
diamond In bad shape
Hajdeu had his Colonels out practicing
this morning. Alljf Jack's pitchers arc
afflicted with sore arms and he was un
decided this morning whom he would
start against the Athletics.
Von Old, Savls, Tom Shlbe. Shaw key.
l"oc, Ebellns: and Harper weio up at
daylight ready for their nshlng trip.
They caught 19 perch.
Weitz and Foley Gain Honors, at In
door Meet at Pittsburgh.
Sam Welti, nf the Mercury Athletlr Club,
and J. J. Poley, or the Shnnnhnn Catholic
rtub, of this city, showed uelt In the Indooa
stamps held in Duquesne Garden, Pittsburgh.
Pa.. Saturday nlxht. Welti ran such a struiis
race In tho 1000-yard eent that he as neer
headed, completing- the dlstauco In 2:1'U "-.", a
nw record.
Foley. In tho tno-mllo championship rape,
was narrouly beaten by Joe Organ, of the
Pittsburgh A. A., In new record time. 10 min
utes 10 seconds.
Penn's tno-mllo relay team, with Meredith
missing, put uo a Rood rice aRalnst Princeton
nd Cornell. The 'risers won the event, with
Cornell a close second
To lead hi the Individual standing
nearly all season only to lusa out by two
points the last week was the not over
pleasant sensation experienced by Mc
Nlchob guard of Penn's basketball
team of the Intercollegiate Basketball
League. Drown, of Cornell, landed the
Individual title
Eddie Collins Happy
Reports from the Chicago White 'Sox
training camp declare that ISddle Collins
Is more than pleased with his new sur
roundings, and that he Is fa.st developing
Into, field leadtr of Itowland'a clan. The
practice games indicate clearly that Kilille
Collins has not lost his batting eye with
the change of atmosphere.
" only expect a victory on points for the
White Sox players are convinced that I Cleveland boxer, but also predict the
.Manazer Rowland Is a regular guy. When I "22". pound kingpin will stop the bantam
Schalk was chased by Umpus Finney, j boss before the finish of the limited half
How land eNhlblted a repertoire of arbiter dozen rounds.
bait that drew a banishment for hhn also. I Jimmy-Dunn, manager of Kllbane, In fact,
George Davis, no-hit pllilier for the Boston
Braves, wilt nut Join the. world' champs until
June. He la .oncludlng ids law course at
Harvard, lilll Jamea la with the Uravea. just
as It he had never acted sill).
Watch Bert NicholT!
Predlctlpns from St. Petersburg are ,
that Oscar Dugey. acquired ''om Boston,
will be the ritlls' regular second Backer
this year, and that Bancroft will play
abort. The prophets have failed to take
Into account Bert JWehoff, who will be
heard from when Uie season opens.
Cy Pltn, Yankee plteher. who always has
h4 a- 110000 arm. never worked inure than
abb calibre brain until this year. Tv'ow
h looks like a 4J-mInielre. VVarhou re
liniked yesterday. ny. jou old rube, ou
niusl nave ar. ii iir oraiil uuruig
winter" Cy married during: the winter.
The nct big Indoor track and fltld atlruc
Hen will be held by the Y it. V. A.'a of the
country next Saturday The hexathlon ion- i
(est. In whUh the law of averagea will da- i
terming the winners of the itiamplonyhfn-Tif
America, will be tbe feature. All the Y, M. ,
I' A.'a of the country will urap4e on thai I
night, and It la estimated Hut Sti.pOO atbletta J
will be til lb reckoning. l wla ate us '
the urogram, a 110-yard, puta'a rue, nj-yard '
paia-i4 rajLw. icnc .sua. i-iwtun anoipui. i
1 uovlna- high Jump and 4antllii brcoid Jupip. ,
County Club and Scaviow Links Scene
I of Merry Impromptu Matches.
I . Mulling anil local golfers thronged both llm
I lhil.ii at ihp Atlnnrlv ritv.tVuntry I'liili nnd
Krnvltw lolf Cluh rcM'nlfiv In preparation
i or i ho cnnilng i urine iniirtinnicnt Snum
terser Mill linv nulla n list, or i lassies this
season, mitt Lnkewnnd will also umtrlbiila In
Hie ninttrntu The onh tournament ilennltrlv
niraimeil linn Ic-ii tln one lor the Atlantic
I i llv I'mmlrv ( In!) on April 2H. HO nml May I
I akovvond mil probably select il r within
n week of the Atlinth- Cltv umiiieiltlon x
i " "" J". Anotlirr lite solf classic nntlel
I imte.1 Is Ihe Inaugural tournament lit l'ln
Valley which In mm being rn.bod In tnintih -
"" mi In th direction nf Oenrap A Crump.
,,i riillailelphls. rrnvlew will likely open ihe
I Atesaiidtr II. r India)'. .1 I). Williams, II. A.
Itnuw II. 1 Hmwi nnd H A. tuig. nil o'
Piillede'nhln. noio ioii on the Eeavlcw tonfso
Arnnni oilier Phllndclnblahs ill S'nUeiv werp
M V keiin.m, Mr, nml Mrs. It. K. Olscom.
Pp. nnd Mm 11 Tollman .Mr, ami Mih II
8. Ill l.n .Mr ami Mr Mnn I) Win-on and
Mr anJ Mi llMh Wilson
Players, Except Mnyer, in Best
of Trim Light Practice on
for Today.
IrnoM a-UFFCunHRarovnRNT I
ST. PirriSliSHL'ltil. Kin.. .March 15-
The Phillies opened their tlijA week of
sprlliK trnlnliiR this nmriiliiK nt Coffee
Pot Park wjth it llslit woikout on a aogBy
Held. Afrfi' two days of Idleness Hoss
.Moran and liii strliu; of g lenBiiera H
polled In pink of condition with the i"t
ceptlon of Macr. who look manor easy,
as n lesillt of sore lingers on his left
hand, Injiueil In an auto accident.
Kroni the appearance of the sky this
moniliiB It Is believed the ovenlnu news
papers will reach tho leaileis free as the i
huh Is a little b.ickwnid In shlnlns. The
I Plills me trlni? to limber up for the
Kiiine tonioirow at Tninpa with the Chl-
caRo Cubs,
I Manager Mniiiu this morning posted n
' list of those who fire expected to make
the tilp to the Cub' Jungle. They nic:
Manager Moian: Ad.tins. Uiirns. Bamn-
K.irtner. Itlxey, Tlnrup, Muttlsoii. Luder-
I us. N'eholT. Unncroft. Byriio, Stock,
Wliltted. r'tavath, Becker, Paskert and
Business Manager William Shcttsllne.
Should the diamond dry up this aftci-
noon il prnctli'e kiuho of four or tlve In.
iiIiirs vlll he pla.ved boLween the iegu
lnrs and leseivlsls. The pitchers will
I have IIeIU woilc, bh Manager Moran will
I run no risk of Injuring any of his small
j squad of hurleis.
Havana Races Off Today
Last Gameof League Season
Will be Played Next Satur
day at Reading.
W. I,. I'.C. W. I. P.O.
Heading ... 21 14 .1112 Greystock . 17 21 .-1.7
Camden ... 24 1.1 .ntr, Do Nerl ... 17 22 .41H
'Irenton . . IS 20 .471 Jasper ... . 1.1 2.1 .31)3
tchPdtilo for week Tonlcht. Heading at Tren
ton: Wednesday. Jasper at Camden; Thursday,
l?rp iturl. at JasDPr: Krldav. Trenton at Grev-
eincK; tiurany. ua ieri at ucaainc.
1 Tho Eastern League basketball season
will end on next Saturday night. Reatl
I lug Is In first place. 17 points ahead of
I Camden The up-State team has two
games to play, meeting Trenton on the
jotter's tloor tonight and winding up
' against UC .N'erl at Reading next Satur-
day night. Camden has onlj one game to
play, tills belli? with Jasper, who beat
them lojit week at Nonpareil Hall. If
1 Heading wins both Its games they will be
Champion Weighed 121 1-2 Yes
terday, Below Ring Require
ment Forecast of Fight.
Will Johnny Kllbane scoia a knock
out against Kid Williams when the cham
pions meet at the Olyinpla A. A. Wedncs-
I day night? This question has caused much
discussion among tho fistic fraternity,
who helltve that tho featherweight title I
holder will have little trouble beating the
Bnltlmorean. Of course. Williams has
about as many constituents who are of
the opinion that the Kid will defeat Kll
bane. However, some of Kllbane's fans not
the man wnn reauy ueveiopeu Jonnny and
iimde him the beat featherweight In thu
worm tooay was asaeo tne aooe interroga
tion by a reporter for the Kve.mno I.cdukb,
He refused. to commit himself, saying:
"The probable rtsult of Iho right Wednesday
night la not norrylng me any In the least.
i.-Mlly think that Johnny will hate no trouble
Miiateter defeating N lllfams lloweter. speak
ing of u kn 'knut, li la a hard matter for u
i.., f.'tlnift. Ilk IfllhnnA fr ntifvtinea irill
unu, who. I hellete, Is the most aggressive
limp leuon i iva.a e. rr hvii in action.
"If the bout as a 10, 15 or 20 round affair,
I wouldn't hesitate a moment In saying that
Kllbane would return u victor by a decisive
"My opinion of the result of the light Is,
though, that the spectators will see six rounda
of leal tough milling, with Kllbane returning
a winner, rllx rounds are nut sufficient 'or
Inhnnv to extend Williams Into the thinking
end of the gamp. Hut If the to champions
tvir get together In a flRht of 10 rounds or
more, I will Uo the moat surprised man In the
world unlets Wllllama la counted out before.
the end of the tnusa " .
K'lbjiie neighed l'-'I'i pound jesterday aft.
erruMin at Jimmy Dougherty's Crum I.ynne
training . anin after a hard afternoon of bag
lkunchlug shadow boxing, rope aklpplng and
taxing with Uunu. A large crowd witnessed
the workout.
Fordham May Abolish Cage Game
Tbe KiNullve L'ommlttM of tbe Fordham
t'uivrsty Athletic Assuelatlon will decide tbe
fate at basketball at Fordham. Tha alumni
advltory committee Is In fsvor of abolishing
ib afwn ann it is more tnan propaeie trial
the UHdernradustcs, avIII concur.
' ' (&. P f ' w O fa
W m "'- W W
RcaditiR from left to right the
pitcher; Conwav, third base;
catcher; Jackson, rijjlit field;
KotlenbnuRli, first base;
I The Cull of the Sun
. Thcu mre priced us you miff tntj
In' the sweat hen)) o ihv throna:
' They havr chained us to the fob
t And ihc man not break oicoj:
.fltid tic ma) not follow uotn
Where the ted load tolndi nlonu
Through the -mil mid tulnrf nml tain
To the cdpr of night and day-
They haia pifined n lion and me
I fur our drcmiis have aiuippcrf the ihains;
I And t'-lft rait and paek hare left
I Ilu the Mill uncharted tialln
I Throuph the Marllpht and the storms
By tho mountain peaks and plains,
I ll'ftere the Seventh Nea unrolls
I To a thousand gleaming sails.
They may look on in as slaves
1 Or as captlies of the fotuii,'
j Hut toeVI (miffi them back In scotn .
Though our weary bodies bend.
i As our free souls tango the hills
Where the torrents hurtle daion
i tnd toe take an untiod path ,
1 By a road that fcnotos no end
I It'c are off to come no more
Where our weary bodies wait,
I Through the grasses and the woods
By an ever-singinp stream,
Through the wind and sun and rain
On beyond the city's pate.
Drifting vagabonds at home
In the Romany of dream.
Ball Field Rivalries
Mention has been made before or tho
early collegiate llvalry between Eddln
Plank, of Gettysburg College, and Chrlstv
Maihcwson. of Bucknoll. But probably
in tho game no rivalry extends further
back than that between Ray Fisher, of
tho Yanks, and Ray Collins, of the Red
These two pitchers were first high school
rivals In th'j box for two or three years.
Then Fisher went to Mlddlebury College,
Vt.. and Collins went to Vermont Univer
sity. Here they continued the old tight.
In 1006 Fisher came to the Ynuks, and
Collins, at about the same tlmV, Joined
the Red Sox. So through high school,
collego and the big league the two Rays
and old A'ermont hate been battling
against each other on tho diamond for
over 11 years, and both still have n num
ber of seasons left In the Big Corral.
Detroit's Revised Version
There is a guy tit our toicii.
Ills name is Tyrus Cobb,
Anil tWieu trc ucid a run to win
The bloko f-i on the ;ofc.
vliirf If said Tyrus ioct not ilsc
And give the ball a slam.
Instead of worrying, we sit
And wait for 11'nJioo Sam.
The Way Up
When I'Ishcr was nt Mlddlebury he had
no Idea of ever taking up baseball as
a profession. But ono day one of his
college mates received a big-league con
tract. "When I saw this contract," says
But I never-had a thought that any one i
i in-" ,.i eti p, i uniinciv more
He wilt take part in the Middle
Atlantic Association champion
ships at Pittsburgh.
players nre; Stuntling Kcinhart, pitcher; V. Landis, centre field; Neall,
Plizenmaycr, second base, and McGrory. catcher. SittinK T. Aliincr,
Ritchie, left field: Joseph C. Gnbriel, president of tho Athletic Association j
Allah pitcher; K. Milncr, sliortstop, and N. Landis, catcher.
was aftci me. Two uuys later Arthur
Irwin came up for the Yankees, offered
me a contract and 1 signed. The day
after Billv Lush uumo up for tho Giants,
so l Jusf missed being a Giant by one
da." Which Is to say that by ono day j
i I'Ishcr missed tho JSOCO extra he would i
hitvu earned In at least three worlds I
series. . I
The Modern Player
Those who figilio baseball a strictly
frivolous profession might get a new
angle from study fug Fisher's case. When
tho big pitcher has finished his day's
play he eats an early dinner nnd at 7
o'clock he Is In his room with n big law i
book befoic him. Every night for tlnee ,
hours he dlgestB ,15 pages, the limit he I
1ms set. and at 10 o'clock hits tho hay. '
He intends to practice law In his homo
town after losing his grip as a ble
leaguer, or maybo before.
Winning Independents Prepare
for Another Season Many
Amateurs Issue Challenges.
The baseball team of tho Atlantic Re
fining Company, claimants of the inde
pendent championship of Philadelphia be
case of Its 10 victories out of a total of
19 games last year, again will demonstrate
on the diamond this year. All of the 39H
Beason plnyers are working out for the
nine at present
I. Rovenbaugh was elected manager of
the team at tho recent annual meeting of
the Atlantic Athletic Association. He has
started booking games. The team will
open Its season with Vlctrlx C. C. May 1.
The Athletic Association olllclals elected
for the ensuing year follow: Joseph C.
Gabriel, president; K. K. Llpplncott, vice
president; J. B. Glover, treasurer, and
Raymond K. Clifford, secretary. The di
rectors are W. D. Anderson, William H.
Albertson. William 8. Hamilton, D. W.
Johnson, T. Parkinson. K. II Porter. W.
H. Starr, A. C. Hill and W. It. Howe.
West Philadelphia and Tiop;a Clubs
Hold Monthly Meetings.
. the West Philadelphia and TIokr Kennel
'hit... both f this .liy. mil '"hold t heir
I nimithlj intatliiBs this etcnlng. The TloRans
i mil meet aa usual nt thu Hlnaham ifm.i
about s o clock. A dale, will probably bo
seleclea at this meeting; for tho Tioga Club
to hod an open spring show
The West Phillies regularly scheduled to
meet on tho second Monday of each month
were forced to postpono their meeting lost
Monday on ac.nimt uf tho scilous Illness of
Vbe President Morse's wire Secretary Jtaler
nnnouncvv that this menlnc's meeting will bs
.'jn ",' mls 1,on"' m Nor,h COth llr"t. "out
Is Trained for Middle Atlantic Ureast
Stroko Event March 24.
U J. Heraty, of this city, one of the swift
est breast-stroke swimmers In this aectlon,
will compete in the Middle Atlantic Assocla
llon'a UOO.jard event In the natatorlum of the
l'h"t"'fgh Athletic Association, Wednesday
Heraty ha been going like a house aHre.
and In tho national championship held at
Chicago swam third to McDerniott, one of the
iwedlest breast-stroke swlmmera In the world.
At the Chicago meet tha Judges experienced
difficulty picking the second.plico San,
At Pittsburgh will be staged also the Na.
llonol Amateur Athletic Unlou 100-yurcl lack
stroke championship. Tbls event will be held
on the same night aa the Middle Atlantic
2l)0-ard breast-atroke event.
Heraty la Middle Atlantlo and Canadian
2uo-ard breast-atroke awlmmer, and besides
Is able tu lompelo with a great degree of
aucces In other than his specially. Re be
gan swimming In Chesapeake Bay about
IU jours ago. lie la now 21 years of age.
Ho Is a member of the Junior lelay team at
Ilia University cf Pennsylvania,
More than 600 entries have been received for
the diamond meet of the Manhattan College to
morrow night In the (itlth Iteglment Armory.
Tbe three-quarter mile, with Mike Devanney
In the running, will be one of tha features.
Fourteenth Iteglment Armory, Iliooklyn. will
ba tbe scene of an Indoor meet March 2T.
United States Golf Associa
tion Executive Commit
tee Provides Method for
Deserving Players
Slighted on Rating.
Those golfers who feel nggrleved over
tho fact that their names were not In
cluded on the national handicap list
made public yesterday by How aid F.
Whitney, secretary of the United States
Golf Association, should remember that
a method has been provldod by which
they may be placed on the list and so
become eligible to play for the national
amateur championship. AVlien It wns
decided to oompllo a national list of rat
ings and restrict tho championship to tho
golfers rated. It was realised that It
would be Impossible to guard against tho
omission of some, golfers who should be
on tho list. Therofore n way wa pro
vided to avoid tho doing of Injustice to
any golfer by barring him from the
championship If he really weio good
enough to play In It.
procedure to be followed ny
who wish to prove their right to a placo on
tho list la printed on tho bottom of tho or
flclal copies, which will bo sent to every 1. 8.
O. A. riub In a few dtys by Secretary Ahlt
nev. It reads. '
"If any Plajer whose namo does not ap-
fienr on the offclal handicap list desires a
inndlcap he may submit to the secretary for
consideration by the Hxecutlvn Committee
tin eo scores, verified by a marker nnd cer
tified bv the secretary of his club, of three
rounds of IS holes each, played on different
dajh over the regular couise of a club, n
member of this association, togclhor with
such other evidence us the lTxecutlve Com
mittee may requlro. Any player whose name
appears on the official r-andlcap list In llkn
manner may apply to have his handicap
changed, provided no player shall be eligible
to enter the amateur championship, except
by special Invitation of the Kxocutlve Com.
inlttee, whose name Is not on the official
handicap list on Hie In the office of tho secre
tary of the association at least .10 davs prior
to the date fixed for the beginning of such
Maupome Plays Benson
Pierre Maupome, the local represents tho In
tho Inieratate Thrce-Cuahlon Billiard League,
will plav Frank Itenaon, of St. Louis, tomor
row evening nt Alllnger's, JUupoms s de
sirous of winning tho league championship
and then chellenglng tho winner of the world's
championship tournament
Horse Dealers' Fourth Renewal
June 9 Bids Fair to be Record-Breaker
in Several Ways.
Cntrle3 for tho fourth renewal of tha
Horse Dealers' Svveepstnkes, to be trotted
over Belmont mile track on Wednesday,
Juno 0, will close on AVednesday of this
week, St. Patrick's Day. and If talk
counts for anything the list of nomina
tions will exceed anything beforo known
in the history of tho event. A fow minor
changes have been made in the condi
tions governing tho race to meet the
popular demands of horsemen, tho most
Important of which Is changing the dls
tauco Hag from CO and SO yars to SO nnd
100 yards, to bo governed by the number
of starters,
Tha Frankford Driving Club added 45 men
lo ita membership roll yesterday by reason of
n roast pig dinner given to members at the
clubhousu, Devereux afreet and Bristol pike,
Thoe present had a very pleasant afternoon,
and that the atrangera were Impressed was
shown by the rush to Join the club, which now
numbers about 160 members, That the club la
established on a Bound basis Is shown by the
fact that a 0 per cent, dividend was declared
on stock ror the year Just closed. Tha racing
season will open on Easter Mondav, with an
interesting matinee card, this club, aa usual,
being the tint to start the ball rolling
Tha Philadelphia County Pair AsroclSIIbn at
Ita annual fair, held on the Byberry track, will
commence racing on vvednesday, September 1.
and continue over to Labor Day, Monday. Serii
tember 0. Flour hundred-dollar purses and
stakes will be announced by the new racing
secretary, Albert H. Entwlstle. .-'
Greatest Show Ever Staged
March 17 WED. KVEMNO March IT
National A. C. National A. C.
OEonan chaney vs. kddib morgan
Jack McCarron vs. Soldier Bartfleld
Adni. too, net.. II, ft. 3. Ma Higher,
fll YMPIA A A and Ilalnbrldie
ULimrift . rt. u Kdwarda, Mgr.
Adui. S3c. Hal. Ilea. SOc. Arena Ilea. 73c, f 1,
Club Offers Ono of Season's Heat
Boxinjj Bills.
Manaepr Harry IMwftrda offers for the rcgu
In? &y show nt the Olvrnrln A A tnn'aht
nhat ho fonildtrs one of Iho test nr.ls of the
"Pib"l. ... u,. IMJI.
O'Kenfp nnd
fiillana, t; of the "' '''" T ih!
in inp unii iiwiiuh i
t'.V nroVown iorrppaY th'lr lhlnmllt
of n few vve-ks ago A pair- nf sluseM. K. p.
linker, of V'llmlngleti, nnd .lark Iwnnd. the
lad "A i hits been "Wing. M th" ,V""!'?Zi
come together In the rejt encounter Tommy
Coleman, of this rlly, whose work the sin.
allon of the ring. Hpn fed off with nn rnnnlly
rough opponent In, Kid 1 enry, of Irnc. Wl lie
Herman, who ranks HUH hi the ocal boxliig
world, hns frr nn opponent , rankle Burke, nf
Wllkes-Unrre. who Is certain to make a lilt
with the fans The opening evml w .11 be b
tween Hainmv t'irker. ihp ei Philadelphia
flash who need in rpc n-ntrendatlon to the
boxing piihll' nnd l'lcli'lne Hob. nf Allenlnwii.
w'io Is llkelv to spring a surprise on the clever
who nan- iiiei ."- ',;:,.,"",
Meadowbrook Contests Show
Sensational Track and Field
Marks Ellcr Makes Record.
It Is tho consonsiiB of opinion at tho
exports that tho Meadowbrook Club
games at convention Hall wore tho bcRt
over held In thin rlty. Records of all
sorts wero rwlstered during tho meeting.
Jack Kllcr amashed tho world's record of
O.ni In tho low hurdles bv .l-f, or a second.
Ted Meredith ran tho 440 In 41) 2-fj seconds In
a rclnv rnrpvognlnst Boston nnd New Jork
.Meredith established a 1 "il 2-.1 mark for the
Maxllchl. of Uifnelte. broko the middle
Atlantic record ror the 12-pound sliot-pul. 41)
Alma "lib hards, of Cornell, the Oljnude
champion, established n new middle Atlantic
record of 0 ft. :t In. In the high Jump.
Penn's four. Knuffuinii, l.nckwood, Llppln
cott and Meredith, set n new Meadow brook
innrk of .1 20 2-B for tho inllo against Cornell.
Alvnh T. Meier, of tho lrlsh-Amcrlcan A. C,
won two nrsts, tho open 60 and the Invitation
insh ! . . ...
Jop Lnomls of Chicago, wna second In the
Invitation high Jump and second In tho Ml
yard dnsh Invitation. ,. ,
William Rchllllnger, of the Itojs' Club of tho
Church Club, won the nine-mile street run from
tho "go" mork In .Willi. Nick Olnnakopolls,
tho Greek from New York, tho scratch mnn,
was sieond, and 'Charles Pores, tho wlnnor
of tho Sengalo maralhon this senr, third, from
a low mark
.Johnnie Gallagher ran a splendid mile
ngnlnst Mike Pevnnnev. of New York, getting
second In a 4 20 2-r race.
Don J.lpplncnifs effort In the Cornell race
was a wonderful one. and with a remarkablo
hurst of speed In the last 100 yards opened up
a big lend for Penn agnlnst Cornell.
Jim Patterson, tho 101.1 colleglnto 100-ard
champion, started In a heat of the to open
dnsh, but waa forced to rctlro when another
runner etruck him a severe blow on tho right
leg. Jim has a badly bruised muscle as a
Philadelphia's police relay team put up a
game race against a superior four from New
Lehigh's four ran away with Temple Uni
versity's quartet
Mlllroso's relav won a pretty contest-from
Meadowbrook Tho time of tho mllo waa
3:14 4-8.
Mercury A t". men put up a great raco In
tho club relay, covering the mile In .1.12.
Tho official handled the meet In style, and
at 11-30 all ovents savo tho high Jump wero
Middleweight to Meet Ahearn
in All-Star Bill Wednesday.
Other Fighters in Training.
Jimmy Clabby, tho Hammond find.)
middleweight, claimant to the middle
weight championship of the world, nr
ilved In town last night from Chlcngo for
his encounter hero at tho National A. C,
Wednesday night. Ho will meet Young
Ahearn, of New York, In the final bout.
Larney I.lchtensteln, Clabby's manager,
accompanied tho lighter.
Charley White, who Is boosted by Chl
cngo light fans as the next lightweight
tltlo holder, will arrive In Philadelphia
tomorrow night with his handler, Nato
Lewis. Tho Windy City boxer Is sched
uled to meet Sam Ilobidcau, of this city,
In tho semifinal. Both Whlto and Clabby
will put tho finishing touches on their
training at Adam Hyan's gymnasium.
Eddie Morgan, the English featherweight
champion of tho wurld, probably will arrive
here tomorrow afternoon or evening. Ha will
como from New York, where ho has been
making his home slnco coming to America,
Tho llrlton Is scheduled to square off with
Ueorgo Chaney, of Ualtlmore. This match lo
creating much Interest, as each boy la pre
dicted aa Johnny Kllbane's successor by their
respective constituents.
.loo Horrell and Tommy Howell, local Italian
fighters, nre training for their match. They
will meet in the second fight, and the winner
will bo recognized us the Italian champion of
Pennsylvania. Many fnna believe that Howell
has the ability to score a knockout over Horrell.
Tho opening number on tho program will
bring together Jack McCarron and Soldier
Tlartfleld. The latter will reach hero from
his home In .Brooklyn Wednesday morning.
McCarron has won hla last few fights handily,
and his upstate follow eis are pulling for a
knockout victory over tho Brooklynlte,
Bo ' .,!3
"No-Glare" Auto Lamps
aownvvara raya to retain tne same brilliancy as from regular """.
Ask fur demonstration which srlll convluce most skeplicsi.
o ana voirbamp, it.au per pair .,s
sn sr-l. i i en i ' o. sli. I i an nef paid
in tuh i.aiiijjf fiiuu ier pair fit Toil t-niiifl vww r- '
For sale by all dealers, or ....
H.C. Roberts Electric Supply Co. 90s arch su
110-JD. tnarnpion. iz-id. vt-.
What's the Verdict a fitrhtar or a haxer? '
OLYMPIA A. A., Wednesday. Evg., March
Ttlln Minis-nil.. n .
A wu x, iv.rv.aua, VjOnphno ill
tr..i . vuiAl
vvuriung Teams tal
Shape for Meet ApritM
on the Schuvlkili d1
n " i
Althoush It Ih still Mftrbh vt,,h
.1 ?I?.,SMd, "lvJila crews a SSM
,"olu"ii or "Pccn. They havpTIT'
to no rcaay for the r twb.mn V. "W
will be rowed on the Schuylinte
urdoy, April 3, less than hSi
fercollcKlatc rowing season uP.,?,U,fl
inuch attontlon. ' ' ttfe
There are good reajon, ttt itiB
tcrest. First, t will .. T.i?r (!fi.
rowing relations: between trV.I .-M
sltlcs, nn
tnd In a spirit null. ;m",?
that which
mark. . r'"ra t
athletic meetings. The Yil n T
to bo tho guests of the m
crew for several ri JXZ .l'"rtnJ
That kind of athletic 1 ZpZa, Sffil
tunatcly, Is confined aim? t 'h.I
college rowing, but It Is B0l lfiM
n cementing tho friendly ttVM
tweon Yale nnd renn.ii..Jf.u,?!l
branches of sport. '' lav!!
. . .... . . B.
(ho" caotain" of ' tl ! oMS
K2 t:!'"iLln?.MThC,,te,,A'fia
both "coaches" AW'JJ1 W." V W
crews speed work viith . i. .. 1 t
that they are v?brklmr ai-5i.c?SMe!" W
The Iennsvlvni.rS.nJ!Ji.,r'.tlrti
un,A. !.-. .L.l Y'B.,'"L'1 IISTB CHS.k,
Veterans h.. i'i. '"..- rl?a ef
nvorlte.- Tho QUaker-',nn,a"vT.V,enia. L
s without the services of ' nti bsSU?
5,'n lh."".'roiif:. "?
At Least Six Teams WillBepf
sent City in Championship!!
at JNew York.
Secretary George M. MotslV Uul
National Bowling Association, sanJSi
least a dozen five-man teams vylll rew
sent this city In the national chaniflS
ships to bo rolled In Orand Cwtnil
Palnce, New York city, beginning liSl
27. The teams will be Pirates, woo Uji
tho honor of being first to enltnili
tournament; Tigers, local chanffar'
White Elephants, local ex-cjumjloua
Wyndham, Giants and Algonqula teaiaB
all of Casino Club Section A; Uijeiu;
Wllmot, Terminal and ContlnenUlSjjl
Section li; United Republican aoa?S
German-Americnn League; tha Al BiS
team and probably two teams from tN
West Philadelphia alleys.
In addition to the nve-man mstchti. taw
teams will compete In tho tiro-nisn suits.
vidual events. It costs ." to enter to roil i
each of the three divisions, snd thi eoBtet-
nats knocking down the highest urate: !
pins share In the prize money dlstrlbotlm. f
tries will close next Friday night Teewptti
learns or inaiviauai9 must do memscn oi
cttv associations "&i
Tha Tleera will leave for Peoria. lUrlKft
Friday, where they are to roll their Signal
matcnes in tno American riownng icosrenn
next Sundnv. followed by their two-mni In
ana single games on jionuay not.
Forfcv-fivG Round Battle SchedaE
Dates Advertised. ?j
HAVANA, March 13. Promoter JtckOu'if
today announced that the date for th4
Johnson-Jess AVlllard battle for tks-ioMJ"
weight championship of the world, l4,t
definitely set for Sunday, April 4. TtiW'
scheduled for 45 rounds and will borlitsig
o'clock in the morning. It will UjitMW"
race track course. J'J'i
l-ut-lov h, hnrf fltlierllflinr mitUT UfSri
no. ...(... !. .,,.. n. An. II J RUnftlT VII ff
Ipjted, as It was believed the attendaucB ou
be much greater on that day. .
Joe Maver to Display 6UU
Joe Mayer. Philadelphia's new1 anstrtr
HnrH rlimnnlon. will nlav a SSIIU JSM,
balk-llne games with Albert Cutler, mm
ton. at tho Kcgent Billiard AcadW.
Market street. Two games will tisBW
each day. afternoon and etealnr. fs5"a
today and closlsg Thursday,
Entirely eliminates elaro of headlights and nt the same time u'5
Why take milk if you can get cream
Something Philadelphia has never had
Not near, but TWO real cltamniont
PRICES' $1.00, $2.Q0, $3.00, $S.OO, $7,50
.r.c, ,-, L 2LJi?, 1 IZIZ J ,.,. , jl , Y0?ZthJrr?, I AFTERMATH- ' JTHg tOOt- QFALUTHEFvt- BUT JUST THElj
& - 4ZZ ,---., -A''-w , . ." ,. Ak4fea4.-s iiJsifiiiLJeaVt-i...i T-- -jfes . ..rfaitftBsfc Mk,. j&smi$E5flm&$kzj&- Z5,JJt t. ,- fl -., . .. iHraaHalllalllaK . . .. ' sm