- , ii.ii iiii.iii. ,.gi,,.i.i.....ii m nmwin II) 10 EENIG rBD'GBR-PHTL'ADEEPHrA:, koKDAY, MAJl'OH m IQffg-' WHAT EVERY WOMAN WANTS TO KNOW NEW'Va'SHIONS AND PRACTICAL SUGGESTION! OLD MEMORIES By ELLEN ADAIR On Brooding - certain lender radiance, clings around eld memories. We wonder why? For distance lends enchantment and tho back ward vleiv Is nlways jtlorlfled, Particu larly as wo arrow older Is this tho case. '"These, were tho days!" wo say with a e'ghi "and tlioso days can never come back any more." Old memories bring a gentle melancholy In their train a melancholy which Is hnlt pleasure as well as half pain. Wo sit down In. a quiet mood and wo brood over tho past. Tho tender graco of a day that ts dead Is with us onco more. It A Is very real, very vivid. The scent of n. flower, the faint perfume of an old val entine longr-slnce forgotten, a strain of Jnuslc, tho sobbing of violins, tho sound of falling ln will bring old memories back to Us once more. 3"hcy aro very sweet, these old memo ries, although a certain sadness clings around them. For wo look Into tho past through rose-colored glasses, and -ague regrets come to us at tho Joys' which never can rotuin. Wo must not dwell In the past, for tho present Is with us and tho future lies before us, vital, keen, alluring. Some beautiful lines of a hy gono writer carry a great truth with them: Mr eyes r dim with ehllalh tn Sty heart l Idly .tirred. ..r.J.h" ams sound l In my wira Ahtch In thoe days I heard. ' 'Thus fares It still an n&a conies on. But yet the lser mind -H"18 lM' for wha' It takes away Than what It leases behind. And so no vain regrets df a day that Is dead mUBt hamper our present or handicap our future. It is hard to break links with tho past but Idlo dwelling on old memories Is profitless, Tho girl who hoards old letters and re reads them all at Intervals Is not nctlng wisely. There she sits In tho firelight nd her heart Is beating a Ilttlo quicker than usual as she goes over the contents of that unlocked box. For she Is looking Into a picture of all that has long sinco gone by. JSh,o draws out an old letter, and there In the firelight she sees a steamer deck and a man bending over the taffrall In tile moonlight as he bent when she said "no," Sha remembers how she cried that night. Now her hands are touching the letters that he wrote dear, lmpulslvo letters but, although she liked him dreadfully, dreadfully much, she couldn't love lilm enough to accept him and so he PRIZE UGGESnONS PRIZES OFFERED DAILY For tba following suggestions sent In by readers i( tlio Evknino Leheu prlies of 1 nd 60 cents are awarded. All sucseitlons should be addressed to Ellen olr. Kdltor of Women's Page. Eveiiso Lxdoeb, Independence Square, Philadelphia. A prize of SI Man been awarded to Mary A. Thomson. S13 Cedar rm-mie. ConnellsTlllr. in,, for the following; Huggmtlnn: When furnishing my young daughter's room In pink and pale gray I wished to have the pictures as dainty as possible. I had a collection of water colors and photographs and enough odds and ends of glnss to cover them, but T did not wish to resort to passe partout and I could not-afford the frnmes I wanted. In the upholstery department I found an English chlnU In a beautiful, rosebud pattern. I cut two Inch strips, hemmed both edges on the machine nnd nllowed twjee the circumference for each piece of glass. Then I Joined the ends, ran narrow elastic through the hems and - slipped the band over the nlcture and glass. The Bhlrred frames were lovely against tho gray walls and have been the most admired objects In tho room. A prfte of SO cents has been atrarded tn .,r.A; S; H." !LSS.'fru,h Wilton avenue. Philadelphia, for the following suggestion! " I find a very quick and satisfactory Way to bake fine or two potatoes ts to put them tho top of the coal range under the )t lid back of the Are box. A medlum-alzed potato will bake In ?i oc an hour without forcing tho fire, nnd It also saves heating a gas oven for a small quantity. A tirfr nf Rn .-nt I. a. I. ... . Philadelphia, for the following suggestion I If yqu have any cane-seated chairs In your home you nrobablv hav nnHri their tendency to sag until the bottom drop outTl'ds can?work can easily be out stage by washing It In very hot sonn. .(-. .v.w.w . ivuuinj UIO U tupping mW? ,nuds. leaving the suds on the canework "and putting the chairs out In the open nr to ury- iney win ary witn the cane work as taunt as when It was new. A prtis of So rents has been awarded to Mrs. 11. n. Stevens, S070 Norwood street, (irrraantown, Ph., for the following sugges tions The best way to wash baby's bearskin coat la to make a warm suds of white soan and take the coat and lav it on a washboard. "Wash each part of the coat GEORGE ALLENjnc. 1214CHESTNUT ST1214 Extraordinary Display EASTER MILLINERY Price Extremely Moderate Embroideries EmliroJ derirj or the New Flounced Gowns. . fe 10, 27, 4? tnchM wide. I Organdy, Voile and Batiste anil m combinations pf Net and Organdy-., $1,JS yd, to $8,75 yd, New "Importation Crepes, Plata ttti lltnhralderei. $1,28 to 4.75 yd. 'Mi Over the Past married some one quite dull and tlnat- tractile! Next comes a dance program, lis glossy surface scratched by many nencllllncs. Jim took many dances that evening. Poor Jim, fighting at the front Just now! She wonders If she will over see him again 7 And hero comes a broken heart of sil ver. What memories It nrouaest She wonders If dear old Ocorgo has the other half still. She was only n schoolgirl then but It was a very serious love affair, all tho sntno For a whole long year she cared for George. Then comes tho thing thnt hurts her most. And womanlike, she lingers long est over It. It Is an old ring, battered and worn, and given her for a keepsake. She thinks now on looking back over the years that she must hnvc loved the man who gave It to her only she didn't quite realize thnt at the time. The ring was to bo worn for ever. He said It was ono day to be a wedding ring, nnd only returned as such. He said but there, thev often do, nnd end by marrying tho other girl. Here Is great-hearted Claude's little bundle of mementos poor Claude, who died out In Africa. Ho loved her to the very last. How was It that sho couldn't fall In lovo with Claude? Ho was tho finest of tho lot and ho died like a hero. Sho holds Claude's package for a very long time and her eyes arc rather moist there In tho firelight. Shall she keep theso old letters, with tho memories they arouse7 For soon she Is to be married to some one sho loves very much. And yet and yet she hates to sever the old links. There- Is a melan choly pleasure In brooding over the past. But finally she decides. "Tho future lies In front nnd tho future Is his nnd mine," she says bravely. "Theso aro relics that tell of a girlish heart and of many happy times when tho hours wcro minutes, and tho minutes too wonderful to bo true In this world of sad realities! But I shall burn these relics, for brooding over the past can only sadden the present and hamper tho future. 'He' would not like mo to keep them." So sho burns tho letters, and her heart feels happier. Old memories are very sweet and we cannot always shut them out. Hut nn Idle brooding over past glories will only enervate the present, and tho wlso girl will remember that In time. separately In the suds, using the hands to do tho rubbing. Rinse with warm water two or three times, by pouring It on tho cont with a small cup or pan. Now squeeze most of the water out with your hands nnd hang tho coat in tho sun to dry. It will look as well as new. TOMORROW'S MENU "Give mo but a bit to eat, And nn hour or two. Just a salad nnd a sweet. And a chat with you." Arthur Macy. BREAKFAST Apple and Rice Sausages Popovers Coffee LUNCHEON OR SUPPEU Baked Mlnco Beef Fried Potatoes Oraham Bread Sliced Oranges DINNER Vegetable Soup Pork Chops with Tomato Sauco Apple Sauce Mashed Potatoes Celery Salad Rice Pudding Apples nnd nice Quarter apples, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon and bake. Cool and serve three or four pieces on a saucer of hot rice with cream. linked Mince Beef Melt with a tea epoonful of butter or drippings In a fry ing pan, and when It Is bubbling add a teaspoontul of chopped onion. Brown It carefully and then add a teaspoonful of flour. Next add slowly a cupful of hot water. When this Is smooth add a cupful of minced, cooked beef. Add a couple of tablespoonfuls of catsup and salt nnd pepper to taBte. Put It In a but- teren Dawng disn, cover with fine crumbs u"d3 bl,a of bulter and bttl8 to "In- Grauner Gowns For Street and Eveninj? Wear at Moderate Prices Ordera Filled at Short Notice (Hell Telephone) 1531 N. Broad St. Hosiery Women's Silk Hosiery, Black and colors. Regular $1.50 value. Special, $1,00 Pair AAromens Imported Hosiery, Special, 3 pairs for $1.00 Men Hosiery, 50c quality,' Special, 3 pairs for $1,00 y THE DAILY STORY ! WAITING "Clara Scott, you and I are chums, aren't we?" asked Miss Dorothy I.ang. "Ves, of course," was the reply. "Wo have been chums for three years?" "Ves." "And we have never quarreled about ; anything?" , "No." "ftll liava aalrl a fril itliir VAIt n Alllil fi ,,., na j. have done tho same by oU7" i ..Yts .. ' .ni jou noni Kcl nm, t w,t 1 nln crtimr in mw. uiu vmi7" "No. though I hopo It's nothing awful." 'It Isn't so awfully awful. It's Just Ilttlo bit awful." "Well, let me draw a long breath first. Now go ahead." "Do you know what folks nrc saylng7" "Mercy, tioj" "They aro paling that Stephen St. Clair Is trifling with you." "Dorothy Lang, you don't mean It!" "I've heard It a dozen times," "How do tho gossips know that wo are not engaged?" Miss Clara nsked with some show of splrjt nnd mnny blushes. "Just as easy an pie. If you wero you'd have told me nt once, nnd I'd hnvc sol emnly ptomlsed to never, never tell, nnd then gono around telling It to oven body. No, you can't bo cngnKed let." "But who says I wnnt to be7" "Why, what a question. Of coiirso you want to. Uvery girl docs. You nnd Stephen should have been engaged months ago. "Hut who says we are In love?" "They all think otl love each other nnd thev cnn'l make out why tho ni gngcmctit I: n't announced. In one vwi.v It's none of m.v nffnlr, but being we mo churns, nnd being I've nlwn.vs hoped you would Bet n good husband, and being Stephen Is certainly .i nlco loung man, and being" "Hut suppose he hasn't nsked me tn marry hlni?" "Oh!" And suppose he does nnd I say no? "Oh! Oh!" "I nm going to do Just as I please about It." It was Miss Clara's fault thnt there wnn tnllp nM.l Mm, m nfrntTfimpnt linil yet been announced. Soon after she nnd young Mr. St. Clnlr hnd become acquaint ed tho question of American girls mar l.vlng title-) enmo up. Mr. St. Clnlr was aggressively ngalnst It. nnd more to he nil flin nunnoltn alrtn Minn fnr IlflV OltlPr reason tho girl hnd said: I "I don't blame .them one little bit. its only natural thnt u girl should want to marry n man that Is looked up to bv a large circle." Thnt wns a blow for Mr St. Clnlr. He was not a foreigner. He had no title. He wns a cashier of a hank, nnd not 500 peo ple knew him As to how many "looked up to him" he had never figured, an It was hli business to demand good security from all borrowers. As time went on he was In lovo, nnd ha would h.ivo admitted It but for the girl's stand on the question of titles. She. had n rich father nnd money In her own light, nnd was hand some besides, and most any day n money hunter might drop over the water nnd soe-k her hand. Sho seemed to be keeping herself free for such an emergencv. It Jolts a good man to propose mar riage nnd he tinned down Stephen St. Clnlr wns a good mnn nnd hn feared a Jolt. Therefore, things dragged along and tho gossips hnd something to wonder over. When n mnn is mystified and Irritated bv the attitude ir another man ho can say: "What In thunder do 5011 mean by such conduct 1" What cm a girl say? Nothing! Less than a month nfter the conversa tion on tho veranda what looked like a climax enme. Tho Baron Shmldt came over frojn Germany In search of a wife. Sho must be handsome. Sho must hn charming. Sho must have money. Her father must have heaps of tho long green, so that when tho Baron hnd frittered nway her dowry tho father's bank account could be depended upon. How did tho Baron find out about Miss "Clara Scott, who didn't live within 50 miles of the port of New York, from which he first got a sniff of the air of freedom? Why, even tho hotel boys of Gotham keep a list of tho heiresses of the whole United States, and their charges are said to be very model ate. Baron Shmldt was made acquainted with Mlsl Clara Scott. Ho was a baron and a colonel nnd a peisonal friend of the Kaiser's. Ho owned several castles on tho Rhine. He was the biggest frog in the pond at court and had sevn medals for braery. He had six decorations of honor. He didn't make the mistake that some foreigners do of popping the question half an hour after ho was introduced. Indeed, it was all of 40 minutes beforo ho said that his life was lonely without a wife. It was 10 minutes later when he attempted to take nnd hold Miss Clara's hand. It was Just 60 minutes Inter by all the town clocks and dollar watches that ho sighed a long, quivering sigh and remarked that he had never loved before. That evening Mr. St. Clair called. Miss Clara told him of the baron, and narrowly watched his face as she did so. He didn't WHK DOBBINS ElECTRICiSQAP mikes wsibdi sailer cad jour elotbes eUsn, er. Btmsmbsr. there's C2 Teiri o( rspnUUoa b.blcuj It mil It's worth trill. Two trsStni tumps tor stirr vrsopsr, Ask your trocar. ufflmiusHnfl&L. I i U IK& NsT M litis i bE ANNOUNCE THEIR IMPORTATIONS FOR THE COMING SEASON OF MILLINERY, MODEL GOWNS, WRAPS AND SUITS ARE NOW ON EXHIBITION. 1624 WALNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA isWlaiiiiMillii --' ---, ;jr- mt $, i- lBrP&-4nyfefe' p - ?$&' " 'Mr! '-i" ' vNx.r' h r- if fSk jiZ Ml ' Jffflw'liMlMwvw v wllli J$mS$8Sm$. If fir5"" I rU 'LK. I llssssssssssssssssssssDsHiBHIBlxjBlstSBJIHIfK4?, .-!' j. 7iiiXSmrOiX'' .. jj frxJafflfeUSSa3 ATTRACTIVE give a stmt, lie didn't scowl. J!e didn't work up a look of murder. On the con trary, he smiled nnd said: "The baron doubtless comes for a wife. It Is a Rolden opportunity for some American Kirl to wed a title." Miss Clara could have boxed his cars for thnt, but hadn't she brought It on herself Tho b.-tiou camo cheerily on tho next afternoon. lie hadn't tho least doubt that ho wns solid. Why not7 Hundreds of other American Girls Jump nt titles. Why shouldn't Miss Scott? Ho bowed. He save her hand a squeeze. Tho two walked out In tho grounds nnd snt down on a bench beside an artificial lake. "I will speak to your fndder soon, eh?" queried the baron. "What about?" was rather carelessly nsked. "Thnt he may elf you to me." "Did you come over here wife-hunting?" "Don't ou understand dot I nm a baron?" "Well?" "Dot vhas a creat title. 3Iy wife vhlll be a baroness." "Well?" "Sho shall bo reech und llf In a cas tle " "Well?" "I love jou, nnd you vhlll be my wife, eh?" "Never!" "Vhat! Vou toy mlt my heart? You VrWti U- JNOP LW cJtlready Latest Importations of French Millinery 125 S. 16th Street miuuw AN b 7ACR M Am" Ta ilk mSn I iWlssstlllll ii ii "n":rmK"tl J;,., .-f.. ,j ) I LACE FROCK ninks samo of mo." "Sir. I am eolnff back to tho house!" said tho Kirl. "No! No! I must havo your promlso!" "Vou can find your way to the Rates alone!" N "I shall not ro! 1 vhaut to talk!" But he went. Mr. St. Clair camo stroll ing alonp th cpath, and ho picked up the baron, and gavo Wm a lllne into tho lako nnd stood and watched him wado ashore and take himself oft. Then ho turned to tho Blrl and said: "He's nn Impostor from head to heel, Clara, will you bo my wlfo?" "Why why didn't you nsk- me before?" sho half-demanded. "Because I was watting for you to meet a man with a title" "I was a llltle Idiot!" she replied. (Copyright, 1315.) J "The Thirteenth Street Shop Where Fashion Reigns" ' i 'fli If lltxW Importers M I fV fffi i I Spring pentng lliTnP VI I! of Exclusive 3 1 ill I X iMiim m I Gowns, Blouses and Suits 11 I vul ''MW I 1 I Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday ' I a I ( M d' 1 March 16 16 and 17 II I00 lll 1 I S 107-109 South Thirteenth Street 11 1 Wl'uS I Just Below Chestnut Street I 1 ND V M)rVv 9 S I. , I No. 32253.00 For all strsraire full finru. ,FW I support, Medium skirt withUid- , eurve-Bttk. Mediant bust. SIim XA. fW. In tr slses, up to - JrMr Wo. 328 Is nune. with tongsr Htt. z; ssmrzm. c No.403-$4,oo opting CmarEwb summer mmgiuai Sntpotter of iHtlltnerp Announces the Opening of the Spring Season. A cordial invitation is extended to You. Week of Monday, 18 Rue des Petils-Champs Paris ASMARTGIMS MJU .iRf DIARY The Afternoon Party Kllnor Is stilt down at Palm Beach, nnd this morning I had a letter from her. "The weather Is simply perfect, nnd I'd give anything If lou wero still here, Dorothy," she wrote. "We aro all having a very good time, though things nro not quite so lively as when you wcro here. Your admirers go nround with a discon solate, depressed look! I hear of one young man who Is coming to soo you In towri! He Insisted upon my giving hint our address. I hopo you don't mind 7 I 11.. !.i. ,'t .f,tnnil anyhow ho could easily have got It from the oHlco here. "Clothes still continue to be as smart as over. My new lace froclc has Just come, and Is all that could bo desired. Tho foundation Is Nile green charmeuse, nnd tho lace oversklrt comes Just to the level of tho knees, "There Is a wide girdle of tho char mouse, and tho bodice Is In tho form, of a Ilttlo coatee. Tho sleeves come Just below tho elbow, and aro rather wide, finishing with a set of Ilttlo frills. "Tho collar Is high at tho back, but cut V-shaped In the front, and I wear a narrow black velvet ribbon which gives quite a French touch to tho whole." Elinor expects to return to town qutto soon. I am looking forward to having her back again. This afternoon I went to a dreadful re ception with mamma. All tho people were quite old, nnd tho conversation wns most uninteresting. I tried to introduce vari ous topics, which wero nil severely squashed. Tho ono subject which seemed popular was "marriage." Tho mothers of marriageable daughters talked about this till I was bored stiff. Nobody listened to what anybody clso said, and all talked nt tho same time and nt tho top of their The Sign of the Pine Mrs. A. D. Cummings of Ilnston Cordially invites you to nn exhibition nnd salo of Italian nnd Austrian decor ative linens, collected by her nbrond. Dainty Easter Cards Trench boxes painted In tho Modern Spirit and tilled with exqulsito flowers, nnd many charming novelties suitable for Kastor Klfts. BELLEVUE-STRATFORD Miirch ir.th, 10th mid 17th March IS, 1915 , 1615 Walnut Street Philadelphia I for f M 31 is a !) Three lis Get Your ZViJl0 fc Various J, v$k g Cor5et First SSS rxxSS. tyf5 KT''m I? Our models greatly assist tailors of the I Ml , (Jm ifc re and dressmakers to obtain do- . VUU , SaJikgB sired effects. Pleased to glvo you ! StOttt wjfir 3 tho benefit of our experience In - ySRvYV it I J"i?are v ( (Pkr i3XG I 5 1 i III 1 1 557fe9 Walnut St. 1 ySPS&i, U M M I FlilK in m aSSI. voices. It seemed a sort of ,...... as to who could speak loudest. ""i In tho midst of It Mrs. Van rt0Mn M,l In Sho is quite a young sri .J?! llBhtfully pretty, with Wonderful ti.uI colorlliff. Her lmlr 1 ki.u .... 11U6I her eyes match It exnetlv. tkn. L. "' clexlon Is very dellcntn. .. .... . .'. . "' """"noreoM. Her suit wns of tete.d.n.n.. that smart shade of brown which u-' popular just now. Wo had a v-l l,"'1 so amusing nnd will liven nn of. ..''; .....w ....w. u. c,llttl. n BHA I. . ". Vlll nn bty, however dull nid unprornlsln.f.ve.m, "O , UJ, CORSETS The ONLY corscls that sell best in "hard times," because they wear best therefore are THE MOST ECONOMICAL. The ONLY staple line o! corsets in die market haVe steadily grown in favor throughout the corset mad ness of the last two years. - 1 TIlP ONII Y rnrcnl. iL.L combine perfect up-to-date STYLE with really effective HYGIENIC SERVICE. The ONLY corsets forwhich there is no SUBSTITUTE- Ilitdlspemsabte I 1 f p m r m m a Mi M 0 I And So Regarded by '1 5 Millidns of Women I i! The JMr&9 .1 n Three m$M UJ ?, Best 38$ Corsets C- m & Ever Y, V 1 Made j V li A ' i . i ii i i For Urge flaurss. flsih vsoly i tributed. SemMUstlo lUlUf toxU ivo fine support. Medium bu, W" skirt with tattcurve-Bk. &jM to 88. la str sliss. up to ,- No. 523 $5.00 For full, heavy flgurss. FaowWI UstKopi ilandlet gives Prf,t ".'T port from underneath. Strongly w" ommended by doc tori. Medium feu! and skirt. BUes 23 to 36. Oar Latest Invention No. 34113.00 "Invisible" Self-Briueln. wl concealed upporting trsp. A ready a great favorite with womtn who need Nemo Self-Reducing, " vice, but like a contra bit lighter. Be a Wise Woman! Get the Nemo Habit saw jEVEavwoesE t. W... ttu.t.rIUaa liiUia. 3. K ip m Irs-' IW m t ma wmiaitTnwnwwiwiw