3!WMiWJBSjltU ''""""'''MW.rwWIPilfr-' - mSTfSSj, "NftiiWf-i EVKNTNO T,EDGEK-TTTTT,AnF.T,TTTTA. SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1915. () iWDPlGSb CfTIFTXrir fc.,- mi w 4.frMimrii Hflllti ixixlu.i to v 'l " rp'nrtu mini .ex. ntitl ISr - .- l.- fl.h l,ltl -rr.ifv Id llnltlL .fair, seems i ... . Caleb K Fox. of Hcilhellyn. nxmil, will " -.4i- 1... All-.. XI.... V(i 011 JlOlliin. neenniiniiiiB i uj .mati ."111- t8" ft Croze ' ' i'SH ' imuiiumiip iiuiimiri " . .. l'.nl.in Mlbluu tltMittitt fill iJttmer flM" """ """ "" "-". fci.e tewin. ''i"" wntilzctl by Airs. William t?y Turner will meoi " Ji.unun.jr uiwuiihb; w 'rforttor vl.t.mi Ldce nm' M"1 "llllnnl Wltktns ::'n,',' w' nlirtaln " '"' r "" 'iieauny "i iwir unmc, f.iincmt fmwi. i meet air. nnu .Mrs. unmet J!0"'0': . ttiii . ltrln ii" -'"i-' Mr. nnI Slw w- Vorko ILenson, "f .") 'n uli nth street, will enter ic g( a miKKiiiP nun nunc" ni mo iiauuc Club ;filf. na Mis Avmi"m l'll'',,,' Austin, of Ithmi "jiiiint "'' ,,,lnii r"i"1' Ardmoro, will also 'strt a mmlrnlo nl ilulr home. Th UrEff offnli of the evening will ho one (of Ihe benel), of ihr Hqunl Franchise tirasub, to b plvcn ni tin- home of Dr. and Atr. John fccole Hirst iv 1'in.wdreet. Wednesday mil l'" HI I'M rick's Day, one of i, mC8t dpslmiilo tin m In Lent ror ontortaln-- and In spile f 'ho warnings of Hid Itov. iir Sunday many maids mid matrons nro tnk Ini advantage f this occasion nml partlca ot til kinds nro In older. ann Phornr u lUl.ims Admits, rlnughlpr ot Harry Clifton Adam, whoso liinrrlnRP will tttlto ace on 1..i'n Voi'iln. to Ccorgp .fimiior IUrdlnff. -vx ill ! n"t or honor nl n lunulieou to be given lv Mik Nnncy C. Smith, ilaimhtor of Mr. anil M- ' s 'inrrw Smith, of 1233 Spruce ilrtet. Ljlrs. 0 .r il" Itoii'-ao, of G13 West Ilortler jircd, H1 tiicriam nt lunrlicnn nlsu. IhllM Mnrauoiltr llollnpctor. of JTcrlon, will giro a liridsn in Imnoi nf Miss Knim'n Walton, sholo cnKngciiK nr in Wnllnco llnllowoll was announced nvonll. , tin the cvpiifim Hipk ulll he a dinner, fol- lowed by vaud'iillo 'iinl ilnitvinB, In thu Morion fcrlcket Club, nri.ini.oil by At. R. l?OK-oll, U. J. Uwrcnce, Jr. Loihiop l.oo. W. It, Hosamassler imJEd Y. Timnsouil OnThursdny Sir ,mcl Airs. Claiouco A. Wnr- ln, of Farawiiv r.nm, HncrfoiiI, will ontor- Ula t nn okl-f.i'-lilom il cniinlry supper pilor to the dant'p ut tho Merlon Cricket Club. A Sinner will nlso in kIvpii by Hurry C. Yurrow, Jr.,' of M2i AViilntit .itroct, nml Air. mid Airs. Clayton I'rnch UnnUs, nf Uryn Mnwr. will entertain boforo Hip ci.uico In honor of Air. und lire. Iirtklne .Smith, nf .Now York. Ecsldes tlir spvmiik .ind lilljlo classes thyro rill be- several bildm- p.-iitlpa on Frlilny. AltH JVIlllam Hrnr I.r will cntcitnln in hnr homo. 27 Locust "t .mil Mrs. Uincst I.o I'liy green, or Moili.i, mil Ivo a brldgo paity also. In tho evening tho Hoaiil of (iovcinnrs of tho Huntingdon Vnlle. I'ounlry Club will bo outer ttlned at dinner by IMuaid T. Stotcsbury. Debutantes of Hie . nmiiiR stnsoti are already cemlns to the foic. and on Saturday there will Keernl affair, pneii for that set. Mls3 Bett iniiott, .InuRliter of Colonel AY. J. Elliott and Mis lllhotr, of 317 Soptll 17th stieet. Jill bo guest of honoi at u dinner to bo givqn be her p.in-nis liefcu,- the Satunluy KvonltiR Dancing Class. pir, and Airs Soiiuan (iiey, of 133.1 Spruce Jtfeet, vw ill eiiterialn at dinner in honor of their daughter. AIlss Louise s. drey, who will mako oer debut hpi u i, fin the evonlnp i theatre party followed by Jipper at ihe Ttlu-i'nrllnn will bo slvon by ps JIargaret Ileiulnil, dnucliter of Air. nnn 4!t". Henry umistns Bcrwlnd, in honor or U Elizabeth Uoberis Itenth. ilmiBlitor of Atr. 1 lira. Theoiloie W Heath, and her fluiice. in A. Apnleton. of New York, ipn Sundav aftemnon Mr. and Mru. f!h!irlinn Knall win fcive the last of tholr itiuslcalea Melrhome, I7ih and l.ocust Btrccts. fAIr. and Mix Mum ISiliiton Coxo will en fefNl at ,i hos .,niy at "tho Alnsk nutl Wis -"",r m homir of AIlss Ituth Conc and Mrs IIcnr. Drlnkor Itllnv will .,. grtalnon Thuriday njKht nt illniior before tho fitacriptlon danca nt Alerion. Blr. and Mrs. k. nittqiiliQuso Allllor enter ulned at (lim.o i.,. ..(,. .. .... .., .. , . . . fe fj . . ol iiit.ui. ai inu iiiiinucipma ne"t Club. Tho Ktiosta Included fr. nml g. Samuel Woodward. Mr. and Airs. William f.Tutker. Mrs v u.ioo nn.,.- ...i ti,,,. TT ' "- -"" "HUI tllU IVJlfltllll avltutlona have been Imsiip,! i,v Mr nn.i r.. Jjter BlacKlmrne. of llaveiford. for tho mar. of their ilauehter. AIlss Dorotbv Ill.ick. &, to lianitl Mooar Davis, of Germantown. ;v m take place Wednesday, April 7, nt twekat the Cbuuli of tho Redeemer. Hrvn ,r. A leientinn win f,iii,in. i,t,..o.iir.tAi., S the. ccreniuiii ut tho homo of tho bride. ASege aVAnno it... . - .., iii i nn ii. f' and Mrs. Dnls will l,n nt i,nmn nfto ij 1 at the cieslieim Valley Apartments. 'uiuwn F- 9r"J Air-- John m. Unll.rentli, of Jtns- . announce tho encasement of their B.J T:.. Sl's', Jei" 'sabello GaJlirenth. to " nmeinan Armes. of J'lilladClpliia. son gf-and Mrs. wuuni n .u,, t i i EUass. and MrK lllinno Hr,,ll........l . r4 - " iinumilLH iUIIIUIHICCU IfagaEeinpnr nt i,t.. .1 1.. ...... .... . lortli, to Krederlch Miwer, of WllkejU. K. i V,. " l " 'u,lc''e"' Klvon In their In Chester aJ Airs, A. U Jrwln, 313 South JStU WuQ haVft hpnn vll.l..n 1.. n- lettAH i iiiiirt iii tuiiitiiia. nro tea l,oine nguli, Thursday of next week 'i BoaeneQ of Bix weeks. Allsa Mabel Wi a sister nr ai- i .... .. ,. .. ... IUotL inin. lias neon tueir ilaln Baundersan. ti. ri v o,i i a - -'. ... a. 1.4 mi DHum save a dinner last nieht at Ltagua la llOnor ht Xtw. .l r .. . , Ig:,. ... - - " . nowura j.oiik- 111. . . uro'-1 BnJ Taymaster Hull. Amonfi i ; "" attended tilts danc folloin tha LT,ta llaior and SIr-- J,a""!. WeJWit JUnder and M. n .. ,... . : r... . "" '"hhj, ur. neuter aim poant Sturtevant ptenant Commander Henrv a u.iin tt FEntnt",.Mr3, iIUB""' formerly of thU lty! ITV . """'acoio, Fla.. whaj-e Lieutenant a ti in rid... ... ... . . .. fHMatlna him i.. .. . . .. -,. twuum iue wiiiicr as S of l-olnnel b,,,i m.. rr. x. .. ' Marine ila,, ... ... ... -.....,., ... . ,. --...-.. ,,, ituiiM. A1IK9 f waik.'oT , it ,iA, ... ...... fc' " inn tu l'tnsacola. t.i ''ni 'lUa, ul &X btiruue sr8t. 1 VSiSrlilwT2Vi M iiSIy 7.. sjl's' x 'r.tf ., M&k .rtflSW8 Jra&sHdear' s .2b1ev ' ' Aiti i x jtSBSBBtkr GHl MISS AGNKS HACU.KUTV iMiss llnggorty is an extremely popular member of tho younger sot in this city. will entertain at luncheon and blldite mdn Her guests will Include .Miss Helen Ta.iloi, m. I.olllso Ituckdcscliel, AIlss .Tnno (Jreen, M Allen Uttekdesehcl, AIlss Rmllle t:illsnn. Ml" Helen Iliiff, Alias Llndn Jacobs, Miss Hdltli iai tot, AIlss Ituby Han, Airs. William AIeis Airs. Sidney Y. Keith will entertain at Iniuli non today nt her home, 2J8 South 21st stieei. in honor or Airs. I. Tucker Hurr, who Is the Riic-t of Krntik R. rntterson. of 2200 St. .lames Place Air. and Airs. James Watts Aleicur. of Nellier wnrth, Walliiieford, will onlertnln nt dinner to night at their town house, 32S South 21th stieet, In honor of their daughter, AIlss Denlse II. Mei cur, before Airs. Hutchinson's DnncliiR ('hiss. The guests will Include AHss Hannah C. WiIrIiI, AIlss Alnrlp It. Cross, Atiss Elizabeth Th-inton. AIIsj N'nncy Seller, fleorRO 1'hrp, Ur.ihani Spencer, J. Watts Alercur. Jr., II. Itarton Lewi. CJarrct II. Llndermnn, Sd. Airs. Uaymond Stedman Koycs, wire or Lieu tenant Commander Koycs, U. S. IS'., will enter tain nt bridge today In her home in Oliard ro tate, 2.130 South 21st street. A luncheon will fol lon. Her g'lcst.s will Include Mrs. i'IihiIph '. Dnvls, Airs. Cnvne. AIlss liusrh, or t'allfoinia; AIlss nianch Lane, Airs. J. '. McAlpin, Airs Itnlph L. Kheimrd. Mrs. HJU, Airs. Walter It. llushnell. Airs. La AInrr, AUs. Cnssius Ollletle, Mrs. Allllcr, Airs. Butler, Alls, nolle, .Mis. Hoyt, Alls. Crnhain, AIlss Ooidon, AIlss Ilarned, Alls. W.I I. Allen, JlM. Turner, Mrs, William Atoyer, of Itiverton, X. J.; Airs. Arthur T. Barney, Airs. Oldenhnufen, Airs. Charles A. Lutz, AIlss Clarke, Airs. C. J. Decker, Airs. Lee, and AIlss Salt marsh, of Pcnsacola, Fin. The photograph of Altss IColb publlshod In h'rlday's Evb.vino LCDacn was credited to Atar ccau by mistake. It was taken by !'. Ouloktinst. ALONG THE MAIN LINE HW.A A lecturo nnd concert will bo given on Tuesday, AInrch 1C, In tho Hala-C'ynwyd Audi torium (or tho benellt of St. Alntthlas' new school building. Tho evening promises to he a most cnjoyablo out. Tho Itev. J)r. Joseph Al. Corrigan will deliver tho lecture, nnd a real musical tieat Is In stoio for society folk around Itnla and Cynwyd, as tho well-known nitists, Airs. Mario Zeekwor Holt, soprano; David Orlllln. barytono, and Jacob I'omeranz, will reii dor tho musical program. The patronesses will ho Airs. Clayton L. ISoycr. Alls. Thomas D. Howes, Airs. Henry A. Heck, AIlss Alary .1. Urovvu, AIlss Alary de S. Itond, AIlss Alaiu: I'. Connor, Airs. AleMinder J. Christie, Airs. nlin A. Colgnn. Airs. Thomas V. Cuiinlnghnm, Alls. Albert J. Donahue. Airs. Lawrence J. Downey, trs. James H. Dolnn, Airs. J. Ferdinand Durang, Airs. Joseph F. JuilunnJs, Airs. Aloyslua AI. Fraucnholm, Alra. O, AI. Oalser, Airs. Alartln P. Glynn, Airs. John P. Holt. Jr., AIlss Alary A. Holt, Airs. George AS'. Haskell. Alra. George L. Haskell, Airs. Aloysius Jones, Airs. Joseph P. Kerrigan, Airs. Frank J. Kerrigan, Aire. J. L. Kllpatilck, Airs. Paul A. Keller. Airs. John Kelly, Airs. John 13. Lonorgau, Airs. P. J. Law lor, Airs. John C5. Lorcnz, Airs. Charles II. Lovntt, Alls. Joseph V. Little, Airs. Allchacl Alurphy, Airs. Aloysius J, Alagulre, Airs. J. Howard Alcckc, Airs. John II. AleClatchy, Jtrs. AI. J. AIoMenamln, Airs. J. Joseph Alclltigh, Mrs, James A, Nebel. Alra. Arthur II. Qulnn, Airs. 'J'homns V. Ilellly, Airs. Frank A. Kowsoy, AIlss Zcllo A. Hoblnott, Airs. 'William Simpson, JIrs, Gwynn T. Shopperd, Airs. Paul A. Vauno man. Airs. J. Alarshnll Vnnnemuii. Airs. Hnsll S. AValsh iThe program will be as follows: PAUT FIHST Duet "llarcnrole" Chainlnado Airs. Alnrie Zcckwer Holt and David ariflln I'lano ".Nightingale" T.fszt Jacob Pomerans Ilnrltono Solos Songs of tho Irish Harpist.. Fox o "Aly Thousand Times Heloved." (t) "Tho J'"oggy Dow." David Grlflln Soprano Solos (H) "Irish Folk Song" .,..,.,.. .Lang Two I.lttlo Irish Songs Lobr (a) "I Itemcmber Aleetlnc Tou," (b) "You'd lletter Ack AW Airs. Marie Zeckwcr Unit PAHT SKCO.NP T.ectuie "Iipland and America; Their Debt to St. Patrick". Rev. Joph Al. Corrlgan, D.D. Pinna Solo "Fantafclo Impromptu" Clioplu Jacob PomeraiiK ' Soprano Solo "Shoua A'an" , HeaeH "I'm Wearln' Awn'" Foot "The Years at tha Spring"..., Reach Airs. Alarie Zckwer Holt Hal Hone Solos (n) "My Dreams" Tost! (b) "Itolllng Down to Itlo" German David Grlttln Duet "Now Art Thou Aline" Hlldach JIr. Maria Keckwer Holt and Dv(l Grlflln CHESTNUT HILL Air. and Aire, Albert Smith will give a reemp ttou at their residence, MM Highland avenue. Alouday evening. In honor of the 31st birthday of their son AValter. The invited gueat ar Alias Helen Snyder, AIlss Laura Hoffman, III Henrietta Howell, AIUs HutU. IUuul. allks Anna Honnacker, Fiederlck Hillbridge, Jay Smith, llr and Mr. Thompson Hlllbiidge A delight ful event during the evening will be the an nouncement of the betrothal of AValter Smith and Jay Smill". ihe aoua of the hosts, to Alias Helen Snyder 1 Wtw Lura. lleffman. "--"ajaaiyjA JYGnLXAV - b,xaaiim&J?xi',iXR'SB(., ",& .:ffft $.. v-aBcwwtJssK gEE: il KBStWl f . MB!einM .- !w giffiassssBSwsis ' .-ssx -jir k- i 5aHfi.WKWff.'KB5,tf4!iaiSi R. ?f(iSSff!. - Sf FSJRTOw-fflffif 'A.. ' i fAS!feSStHHffiS wrSCfflwsi&V?Wfw E vv .i'CS'n-, mS-sRMSsm3 ' ' "" i sS&lssSss!8 KtrV-aiJtSfiSSa tilX? ,..r a'i'i . f JSS&gmBBS! IS I " ieSf I - ' fe ?f ' " "pM 'AI1SS Al.HERTA (. K. UIKhS . .,.,, j t S Ati.ss Kicsm' oiiKapemctit to John Kujison Curtis was recently announced i t N T' ' i f X . ) I t in MHfMI (v A, II !' MISS nOItOTHY RUDDOCK Miss Ruddock is n very popular mem ber of the younger set on the Reading. She hns appeared recently in a number of amateur theatricals. DE LANCEY SCHOOL CLUBS Combined Musical Clubs Will Hold Concert on March 20 at the' School. The combined musical clubs of De Lanccy School will give thulr 11 ft It annual conceit, play and ilnnco nt the school, HL'O Pino stteet, Sat in day owning. AInrch 20. The president of tho Glee Club is G. C. Havler Howe. Jr.; of tho Aluslcal Club, Philip Pi Ice. The play, "The Alan NeM Door." will he pre sented by four members of the Do Lancey "Domino Club" Hdward W. Stevonson, Thad deus AI. Daly, Jr., Philip Price and John F. Lewis. Jr. A dance will follow tho concert. Among the patronesses nic AIih. Stanley Addicks. Airs. A. It. Hnbbllt, Mr. Frnnklln Huche, AIlss 15. Knox Ituxter. .Mrs. Wllllnni S. Hlight, Aire. Colemnii P. Ilronn, Alis. Joseph S. Muntlng, Alls. James .N. Caitei, Airs. Thad deiiB AI. Daly, Airs. Fiedoiick F. Porlies, AIr3. Wllllnni 13. llotzel. Alls. AVIlliHin It. W. Ilentz. Alls, John W. Logan, Mrs. S L. Levy, Airs. Henry Pemberton. Jr., Airs. Kdwnrd Powell, Alra. BI1 K. Pilcc, Alia. Georgq H. Itohlnson, Airs. J. F. Sherron, Airs. Alfred Stoddart and Airs. John H. Stevenson, Jr. ALONG THE READING An afternoon meeting ot tho Woman's Club of AYyncoto was held yesterday at tho homo of Airs, AVIlliam C. Kent, Bent rond. AYyncoto. About 10 members greatly onjoyed tho program prepared by Airs. Victor J, Aliilfuid, president of tho cfub. Helatlvo to tho much-talked-of question as to ways of raising lands for tho building of a clubhouse, Airs. II. AY. Kent, nf tho Woman's Club, Iinstlovvno, told how that club had ac quired a valuable property, having started with nothing. Aftor many Questions had been asked tho speaker, the matter was turned over to a committee for a report at tho nest meeting, AIlss Geraldluo Ely rendiired several aelec tlons on the piano, as did Atiss Afarjorle Kent. Tho next meeting will also be held at the homo of Alra. Kent, on the ovenlng of Atarch 2J, when S. K. natcllff, of London. England, will speak on ."Men of tho Hour." Allsa Atlrlam Jiistnl, of lierlsely, Cal., left for her home yesterday, having been the guest of tho Alhwes Alary and Dorothy Alulford, IHvotliam. AVyncote, for tho last two weeks. Allsa Hlzard will make numerous stops en route to visit friends, arriving In Herkeley about the middle of April. Mrs. Edward 11. D. .Neuhauser, of 11th street and Chelten avenue. Oak Lane, entertained the members of the Oak Lane Sewing Circle at her home this week. Those present were Alra. Albert Dudley, Mrs. Albert Gee, Airs. How ard Anthoney. Airs. Tracy, AIlss Lily Ala'rlon. Airs. 11. A. Hltchner and Airs. Denekee. Air. and Airs. Charles Schvvank, of Logan, en tertained a number of their friends during the week at their home. A muelcale was given during the oarly part of the evening. In which the following participated: Dr. Frank Connly. pianist; Harry S. Goff. vocalist: George Schlater, German comedian, and Italph East wood, violinist. Their guests verp Air. and Mrs. George Smith. Air. and Aire. Franklin Herat, Air. and Aire. William Tlley. Air. and Airs. Frank Comb and John Smith, Jr. The next meeting of the Woman's dab of AVyncote will take place at Itatigeomar, tbe home of Aire. AVIlliam p Kent In AAyncote, on Wednesday, March M. at 2 SO o ilotk A lecture on current events Will be given bv Mja Janet E. Richards, NORTHEAST PHILADELPHIA A meeting will be held in the Kinnkfonl Av.ntie ll.iptlst I'hurch .Monday. Altuill 10, nn. lei the auspices of the Aleinoiial Women's Clulftlnn Temperance I'nlon. Tie Alumni Association Dramatic Club of the Ascension School will present "The Collcgo Widow" in Ihe auditorium at P and AVestmoie hiiiil Htreets St. Patrick's nUht, .March 17. This group of amateur Thespians 1ms already made nn envlablo reputation for the club, due to their clever Interpretation ot thu plays they havo staged In the past. i The Ladles' AuMllniy ot tho Progiesslvo As sociation of the ltlth Ward will give a reception and dance Tuesday, Mutch It!, ill 111 AVest Gii'diil avenue. Ilerroshments and vaudeville Will add to tho jivs bf the evening. Tho olllcers of the association are: Airs. Anna Ettluger, piesldent; Airs, tieorgo Splelnian, vieo presi dent; Airs. AVIlliam Hunt, treasurer; Airs. Saia Alct.aughlln, seeretniy. Tho affair will bo mod eled along tho lines of an nhl-tlmo kaffe klatech party. "A Night In Ireland" will ho given by the Ainnilci.'t) Itllle Club at their headquarters, 211)2 Hast Huntingdon street, AInrch 1G. A leceptlon will follow the vaudeville, dancing and musical entertainment. The committee In charge Is AVIlliam Jordan, William Gault, James Kllgnl Inn, Pntilck Lyons, James 1 lagan mid John .Mecnan. All the numbers on the program will bo of an Irish character. .More than 400 young men and women em ployes of the GntP3 Company wero tho guests of tho nun at tho annual banquet Tuesday night at 1(M West .Norrtri street. The night was given over to entertainment along recitative and musical Hues, followed by dancing. AIlss .May TlmmotiB received the guests. Tho second grand annual ball of tho Philadel phia Nest, Order of Owls. No. 139, will bo held at Columbia Hall. 2d and Xnrrls streets, April 23. This i one of tho most nourishing ordors in the city and their affairs are very popular. Atr. and Airs. Thomas Hreathwalte, 2310 N'ortil Hope stieet, gave a christening reception to their friends last week In honor of their son William, born January , 1315. Tho child wan christened In tho afternoon by the Hev, Air, Hoffman, ot Korila Square .Methodist Episcopal Church. The guesln nt the reception wero Air. and Airs. Jiunea Alngeo, Air. and Airs. J. Rrenlhvvnlto nnd family, Alra. Catherine Hank head. Airs. Graham nnd family. Air. ami Alra. S. II. Ilrenthwnilo and family, of Atlantic City; William Williamson, Air. and Airs. Thomas Wiley. Thomas AIoDmiald. Air. and Airs. Ssmucl Caldwell, William Lyons, George Sfflon and Isaac A'an Sam. Horatio Aleclery. of 2213 Amber street, enter tained nt a theatre party this week. His guests were Harry Alnreiock, Harry Qreenhold, AVIlliam Catzenler, Albert Hrown and Fred Jtaker. NORTH PHILADELPHIA Mr. nnd Airs. F. AT. Connolly gave a small dance last evening at their home. 1528 North 19th street. Among their guests were Air. and Airs. AVIlliam F. MacDowell. Air. and Airs. Al bert Rowland, Air. and Airs. B- L. D. Roach, Dr. and Sirs. Arthur J, Clark. William Hartlett, Cecil Hlley, AIlss Louise H. Collins and Jtobert E. Traoyv Airs. AVIlliam L. Antrim entertained (he mem bers of the Tau AIu Sigma Sorority of the AVIlliam Penn lllgh School at her home, 1511 North 11th street, this afternoon, at a daf fodil luucheon In honor nf the engagement ot her daughter, Allsa Ulva Holme Antrim, to Harry IMegemaun, Jr., of North Philadelphia. Allsa Antrim, who le the niece of former Coun ojlman Clarence P. Antrim, has been prominent as a Aocallst In amateur musical circle In this ally for several years. The guest Included Alias Clara Wagner, Alls Alabel Decker. Aliss KUiabetli UeertJ. AlUs Dorothy AVIlliam, Miss C Ilea trice Lewis, of Chester, Pa , AH Mil died Iteeve, of Medtoid, N J , and Mia Cluules r Canham. of Germantown. tiff date has bi;a sat ist Ui wedding. MATINEE MUSICAL CLUB A Folksong Program Will Re Given Next Tuesday nt the Roosevelt. The .Matinee Aliisli-nl Club will have a folk smirf piograni ai the Itoosevelt on Tuci-day nfttrnuon. .March 18. iiiiniiged by Air. Charles P. Collins. The piouram Is as To. lows: u Solo Alio (.My Sunshine) I'Munido dl Capua Ho Sognata tDeuth In tho Desert) Enrico Do Leva Louise Sterrett Fioin the Ijind or tbe Sky-blue U'ntcr. .Cndnian Tho .Moon Diops Low Cadman Lena !'. iluelin Lungl Dal Corn lieno Seech! Her Onei tno' I lugo Wolf The Foggy Dew (Old Irish I C. Alllllgnn Fox Al ranged by I3rlk Luther. Flute Soloist Where'er You Walk llnendel Lass AVIth the Dellcnte Air Arno Thiough the Shady Woods, Alary Stewnrt Rutterwoith Airs. Henry W. Hutterworth Svlalln (Icelandic Folk Song)... Hei man Sandhy linn Kou's Cradle Song L'duard Grieg Gangerplltcn (Danish Folk Sour) Herman Sandhy Airs. William TI. .Mount Harp Solos Emma Itous Hrlologue (live p.uta) ..Airs. Howard A. Sutton Scotch Songs Mrs. Charles Schmidt Folk Songs, with lute accompaniment. Erik Luther Airs. Frederick W. Abbott and Airs. William H. .Mount, accompanists I'niler tho auspices or tho Philnnthioplu Com mittee of the club n conceit was given nt the Nniuiandle Inst Thursday for funds of the Clmiiiu .Memorial Home for Aged Hllnd. Those who insisted weie Siolton de Hoivath, Adelaide It. Lane, Kathiyu Aloisle. Hurncn It. Hood, Mini iieiiyiiiaii-iioweu, iionnrit iv. iierry nnu Ituth M. liuck. Another Pliilanthioplc Commit tee (oncert was that at the Presbyterian Hos pital, at which Edna Harwood Huusher, Kath enno Aloislo. Helen Chance nnd Alra. Joseph Stopp sang. The Y. W. C. A. ut the Xorlll Atnoilcan lace factory was entertained nt noon Friday by Dorothy Goldsmith and Kdna AI. Lindner. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Though ho lost more than 100 pounds In ; sovcro attack of typhoid fever recently, frlenda ! of Chevalier Joseph F. AI. Haldl, who went to linb about a month ago duo to the serious illness of his mother there, were much encour aged by a letter received today. In which he stated that ho Is rapidly recovering ond that It will only bo a question of days botoro ho will bo In condition to return homo, air, Buldi Uvea at S2S South Stti street. Airs. 13. It. Stead, of Forrest Hill, Pa., wilt como to this city today to visit her eon, Ralph It. HasaonphiE, U0I Pino street. Air. Hassen plug has arranged a largo leceptlon n her honor to tnku place next Tuesday ot his home. A quartet of singera from iho Pity Sports I Club, 013 South Ilth street, loft yesterday to ' begin nn extended concert tour of Atlantic j coast summer resorts. Six more members uf the club will Join thorn In Atlantic City, where tho opening concert will be held nest Wednes. day. Tho member of the quartet are Jbiiibs Frano, tlrst tenor: Frank Stinger, second tenors Puko Dundee, barytone, and Daniel L. -wills, basso. They have won much favor In this city. TIOGA Aliss Alarie Alaloney, daughter of All's Andrew Alaloney, of 2116 Venango street, Tioga, will entertain the members of her bridge club on Wednesday, Alarch J7, at S o'clock. The decora, tlons will be in keeping with the patriotism of the day, and there wilt be 16 guests present. Among them will l Allsa Kathleen Cartln, Miss Alarie Wooley. AHss A'era Hrlnkwortli and Alls Kathailne Haines. Pilends of Alia. Andrew Alaloney, of 3116 Ve nango street, Tioga, will regret to learn that she Is il) in the Joseph's Hospital after undergoing an operation. She 1 reported as improving rapidly, but will probably remain in tbe luwpjtal until Hater. Air. John Pierce King, of Chicago, who bag been the guest of Mis AValter Nash, of 4033 North liroad street, will ittuni" lo Illinois to day During the week several Info una I eatei-t-uameatg were lvea in boner e tbe visitor. MISS I-'LOIIA IlVIJIt, itnufthter of Air nfld Mrs. Jacob Uaer. of II? West Chelten ave nue. Oermantonn. will be married In the Palm Itomn or the Hotel Wnllon tifxt .Monday eve ning to Julius Adlcr. of 232 West Tlogatreet. Mis M. A rjreen. of P.tlahuraJi, sister of (lin lulde. will be the iiinld nf honor, and Jtlllua Hofln will act ns het mini, Allns fltephan! i:nnl.-.oti nnd AIlss Janet Hart, nleeps of AIlss liner, hfive been ehoen ns flower Rlrts wpildlns of much Interest to n hnt of niqunlnlnnrps In the tioi'llieasl sertlon nf the lt was thnt or Kntlnyif Slnlko, .136 North Mil -nirpt, to GrorRp Itoftel. SW North Sib street The eerrmonv wna performed lnt Sunday bv llabbl Levlnthal. A leceptlon followed nt the j home or the bride, The happy pnh will reside in the nnr rulute at 3134 Euclid avenue GERMANTOWN Mr nml Mrs. Charles .1 Halnear. or 61" Lin coln dilvp, will leave the end ot this week for California, whrio they will lemain about six wpeks, roIiik by way or New Orleans, San Diego, and homo hi way of Portland, Senttle nnd the Canadian Hookies Mr nnd Alls. Elmer K. Schultz and their i (InuRliter. Allii Mlrtn.ni Schultz. of Mather avo- iiue and Wyncoto road. Jenkliitown, have re turned from Atlantic City, where' they spent nb ml n week. Ati. It. B Wllnier, who ban been making her i home with her won. Dr. Hariy H. V llmer, nl limn Germantown avenue, has teturned to her rami In Centrevlllc. Aid. The marriage of Doctor llmer nnd AIlss Helen Pntker will take place In .May WEST PHILADELPHIA Mis William H. Alount wave a delightful ln roimal tea nt her home, 9iM South 17th street, Tliuiadny nrteruoon to meet Mrs. Hubert Vnii eey. or Dallas, Tok,. who Is spciiilluii: eveinl iveiku wish her. The lecelvlng line consisted of Mi. mcey, Alls. Charles C Colhn. Airs. Ilniaiio Ponnell. Airs. Ilusscll King Aliller. Alls. II. i: Wilcox, Mlrts. ICIennnre Ulsphnm and Mbs Siizanuo hmltli. Alia. L. Unwind Wentn oi ly and Alts. J. It. Aliller pioslded at the tea tnbles. The decoiatloiis consisted of huge banks of pink and white spring llowcis. Air. and Alls. Chailes McHilde. of :.U8 I'airlrh stieet, ciilci tallied on Thuisday night in honor of Air. and Alls. Henjainln Wolfe. Supper was served nt. midnight. Aumiu those pre.cnl were Air. nnd .Mrs. James Kvans. ut Camden, An diew Stuart. All a. James llarr. Miss E Alona Gora. Albert Gosa, Miss Ethel Long nnd Will lam AVnrrlngton. Airs. Felix S. S. Johnson, of Kingston. Can . wlio hns been the guent of .Mr. and Alia. Wdl inm Thomson Shun on, of Hamilton Coutt, left yesterday. Airs. Johniuu Is the wife of the t'nlted States Consul hi Kingston, repieuenting Austria, Germany and Tin key during the war. Air. and Alls. Sherron nnd their daughter. Atlas Josephine Sherron, will open their cointiy hotife at Salem. JC. J., eatly In May. Air. and .Mrs. Charles Shoemaker and .Mr o-ii Airs. Kobert J. Hicks will motor to l.a.ewoou nnu Atlantic City for the Easter holiday) Airs. Albeit S. King, of the Tracy. 3'ith nnd Chestnut streets, is spending thu week-end In Haltlmore. AIlss Hosallnd Alurphy and AIlss Alary A. Clark, of North 03d street, me now In Bermuda FRANKFORD .Miss Lydia Pntker and Aliss Edith Wltzel are the week-end guests of AIlss Ella Paueison, of Holmcsburg. AVIlliam Krewson, ot Cinig street. Holmes burg, Is spending u few days at the Delaware Water Gap as tho guest of his uncle and nunt. Doctor and Alls. Kcssler. Air. and .Mrs. James Wyne. of Hliann street, nre receiving cnngiuiulatluns on the hlith of a daughter. Louise. Alt. Wllllnni Carinll, of 2606 Rhawn stieet will bo hostess ut a caid party on Match 17, There will be a number of out-of-town guests present. Including AIlss Hatched Haft, ot Nor ristown; AIlss Florence Belts, of Aidmore, and Airs. James AlcCall and Airs. Thomas Dudley, of Wilmington. ROXBOROUGH Air. and Airs. AVIlliam P. Kennedy announce tho engagement of their daughter, AlUs Eliza beth Kennedy, to Walter J. Aliller, of Hcrmltaga street. Airs. James W. AVllmarth, of New York, wife of the lato Nov. Dr. AVllmarth, former pastor of tho Itoxhornuqh Ilaptlst Church, Is the guest of Airs. Robert Hays, of 120 Lyceum avenue. Airs. Jennie Alorrison, of 0220 Lttwntou street, is visiting her bister. Airs. Ralph Smith, In Jacksonville, Fla. LANSDOWNE AHss A'lrginla Guildford, of 521 South Lans. dowuo avenue, is spending the week vumiiig friends in .New York. Miss Alary Allen, uf Forrest avenue, will en tertain a numbei of friends at her home IhH afternoon Among the guests will be Aliss Eliz abeth Rowcn, Alias Ellen Brown, Ml Sara, Griffith, Alias Helen Laird, AIlss Ellen Tay.oi, Aliss Alay Wood and AIlss Alary Wateis Airs, J. II. Rucker. Jr., nf AA'ycombe and Price avenues, entertained n number of friends with an Informal dance on Saturday evening A class for the study ot foreign missioiurv work is meeting during Lent at the home of Airs. Isaac T Jones, of Xyauk avenue. WILMINGTON Air. and Airs, AVIlliam J. Armstrong announce the engagement of their daughter, Mis Bertha Cranton Armstrong, to Dr. Hubert AV. Tomlln eu, son of Dr. P. W. Tomllnson. of Wllming ton. Air. and Mrs. Henry B. Thompson entertained at a dinner Of twelve covers last night at iljelr home, at Greenville, in honor of Air. and Air. Henry P. Snot t.. Jr.. who have been spending their honeymoon In Montreal. Cauada CAMDEN ANP VICINITY Alis. A AV. Atkinson and daughter, or Uer chantvllle. are enjoyinjj a trip te Uermuda wad Panama Airs. J. B'ltbiau Tatem uf HmWunueM m spending several mouths in Ute Soulli m m M 11 m Mi m 1 i! MttasattSsBl