it J i '" Hfl je K M i fcVa VT rfPHKtoMLdv1 1 4mp H E'i' y tB nS 11 i 4 .......Vi .flLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLH wnt .T MM S8f JShw eLV' Question1) and Answers M..iAlnit l-.lllni nf ttm Tlvrtt. Tntt 1 I1ULV,,mj .......... .. -.u.. i ivflLEDiiEn will 1)0 pleased to answer Mmeitloiw rclatliiK to his department. Qotstlons relating to tamlly artalra of actors and actresaea aro barred abso- Querlos will not bo answered by let tsr All letters must bo addressed to Photoplay Editor, Kvr.NlNO Ledoeii. t 'Onlni lo great piilillo demand, the movlim 'lim .honing ;vr .cenrs in Lurnpc, f.bth hue rrnnilril the I'nrreat Theatre nil Uui vtccK. l" '"' immune" ""r iiiiuumt iv s,.iif ninv he reerelI for nny liny 1 dniVtch, : r 1 Tho question or scenario writing ana !oH written. Is occupying considerable ipjce In thn New York Sun, In which t.Hira correspondents aro hammering Each other with nouns, ndjectlves nnd 'U Other neavj uriuiery iui- wmuii :..mmnr 1q fnmnnq. nut thn champion lUl!t.ut iw I tl.nn. Vina nnnAnvil ftett tnrntV- ibS red hot shot Into scenario editors Y..Alltr Iia leailna tVila rind! FI m not looking for a Job as scenario editor. "Ui a tuiauy uiikuuwii American citizen, except In a limited tone, where I am known as some thine of an iconoclast and a call or of iTia Muff nf fnkera nnd extravacant tilkers. And on this basis I am go ing to make a pioposltlon to our Wend the scenario editor, or to any ether scenario editor who Imagines that he Is tho only ono In America Kho can put a photoplay over. Here it Is briefly: I nil! guarantee to go to New York uid In the presenco of a properly se lected eommitteo wrlto n. nhotonlav every day for 10 days. I will guarnn- fPA Ihnt pvwv mirt rf tVi nlnva will pass tlio National Board of Censors, ;uiq wnen produced at any given theatre that tho plays will have larger moiences and givo better satisfaction than any 10 plays shown at that houso daring the 30 previous days. This ecems rather strong, I know. Bot it Isn't. And besides that I am ffolnjc to rnakn It sf rnnirpr T it. Ill 1- ..poslt enough money with nny agreed n .1.. . t ..u)lh, tu ilixy lIIQ coi oi prouue- uun oi mo ju plays, tho other party W tha agreement to do likewise. And If tho decision Is against me I wilt Jf course stand tho cost of produc tion. And If It Id nrrnl! U nV.nH 1 tow ha must ngroe to go back to tho Job he had before ho becamo nn editor 91 scenarios wlilph in mu ii M In the opinion of my client, the ri American public, was not a .Terv ImnnWnnt AnA fflt writer's name Is W. S. Storrott o nis homo Is In Durnnt, Oklahoma. Xtw Lubin Release A running fight along the coast of Flor- Bwu. J "'" ocl-iipanra or an automo BiMi 5 I'.1. aeroPl!"iC nd a continuation Kfii.. .1. , " raclt"? "j droplanes. f ur lwl t v,ls cnax in "Tho Cipher Si,A tbln tl,rco rce'er. written and (ffii .by. G,orBO w- Terwllllger, lSn. t0 b8c':ased on the regular taSf.Bram,APr11 7- Th0 P'" ""'era Sit " h"nt of a number of South Ch.Min"ior th0 clpller uy to contracts jor ba uieshlp, carried by the representa- Cv- n Amrl:nn shipbuilding com- ' In Ih. ki , . Kirv ir.. ' T1C 8Cene nnrI sretcalfo and W7nVni6.drrOVO ln n fast nutomobllo hem K".e8 of 1,lorida fonds while over Her ,i ,,.ero'"ano raced Herbert For-Mwnl-.n. Ke,motn Greene. A second St -?,W ' I a Lubln Photographer tuneriT Vl,Z, " L,wmn Piayora and the im .r.i."rlert some strikingly thrilling ftreak." ,i ' plc,urca- The automobile EttpJed fl,ShH,llcont,nued af a high rato Nth 1. n" Grcone. who Is one of tho r?W American spies, Is killed. "ISS UltttlhtQ.. . 41.- O. ..!.- tt LminS!?onf of e engagement at K,l,Ih,ellS ot Edlth Wynne Mat FTOnin -The p ' fAh, ,,r.y.Thcat as th0 8'ea- 'eature It iJaJ'I Production of "The Govern- PMm.n. . ilaaa " Possible for the &11 s' arrange & Hm.h... OI ol,BS Ointtblaon at KL u ln,e,ot t,,e BW Photoplay. Ith c.??. ,nfrmod of the Intention i Usk'vn. Jle"SL I" ?w the khvuld E8ted' nnd Bha waa happy '0 lH bd i sf" tbe Production aj, it attend thT'l": Aocordlngly, she aS?tth Roiir v. '"""011 ol "io Pie K& Mil I h .tanIey il("SY afternoon, and ilNe" Rannmpanled by her husband. :&IH be ?ecni',lnfdy: lhe P'avwrlght Of ih." , v'Hi"ir ui jne una Hf "aUhison11 Hmoml'ty. "Everyman." Jucea n n'J '" vot "nUkely, will be IIFronm i P r8n t0 th8 a"dlence. Beu " "r0l"era in Friendly Tiff I .W a'k."' Starts and my. Weals tho.. j .."' naiy nvairy yest,.! day?' V "Id Daniel Froh- Nes beinJ l ,a JU3t Possible that iy; S arena3 " say, 'The Eternal ytt h i "'"'"'"S ui n 10 wnicil day T, BlV?n no attention. The ..?. . Was describlnir for Charlea Wefn.r.!? audiences In your Oirn?,r,' ?h0 Etr- u of th. i v P'ayea up tho on with -n V vuw aonB a pro- IMl bv 4?elasco- listened gingerly. iothLthe wy Charlea.' I said. f did . . I r amoua Piayera Com. 1 ,,. . " you "avo never done iiq out aa salary to Miss Blank .i. 7 " lwelvnonth ' Z', Z . Pro'estea Charles In a Mt hurl hr.r,. .i -- .r.. 6ot to afford, it,' I renllftd. 'or TIS WEEK'S REAL md-Tfian?s molding, xmM$m?&? 1 mil,, m 31 5 ,v s NJMLL.07fNS,"TH WmMt? f SWt V ,&$ If! " '"N- Mm JL m . H$m?m: ; iHBlr Ir i A' IK I ' w &sLm'tC !WL 4 i mr MAfWhVW. ,hsfinwh! - 'Iff if .' . ixhs Kiv r i mill " i .j. " ir iir vyv wqi rmtttwx f ' V MM yS3 1 If - - y M$$m -3C&V? FJ80M "7AT GOVNOJ5'S L7DY" 27Afy Ttr7rgE 11 a Jf w s Mk5m& if ' ... - - . -. . . Ly JSL7DY3 . H7AJOY, OT TfIC LUBIK PIAYE3 somebody else would get her. The wholo American public demands her, you sec, and reimburses us.' " 'But,' continued Charles, still credu lous, Ms your Miss Blank then such a mlraclo? Is sho tho Eighth Wonder o tho World?' " 'No, No!' I replied 'Not a miracle! Not tho Eighth Wonder, or anything llko that. She's not even beautiful a sort of mag. netlsm; a httlo way you can't exactly describe oh, well, Charles, you know how It is with jour own wonderful star, Miss Blink.' "When I mentioned Miss Blink, who, llko Miss Blank, must, of course, bo nameless here," concluded Mr. Froh man, "Charles nearly fell over. But hi dropped tho subject." Odds and Ends Samuel Goldfish announces that the next I.nsky-Belasco photodraniatlo offering, following tfio production of Edith Wjnne Mathlson In "The Governor's Lady." will be an all-star production In picture form of "Tho Woman." This drama, based on contemporary American life, was writ ten by William C. Do Mllle, who Is now chief photodramatlst for the Lasky com pany. It was a bitter cold day as Edison Di rector James W, Castlo and his players motored Into Larohmont, N. Y., In search for a certain kind of suburban homo. They Journeyed from houso nfter house, getting out of tho machine, walked around tho houso to examine It, only to find that many were closed for the winter beyond use. Bundled to the ears and their eyes nearly covered, with their auspicious ac tions around untenanted houses, were too much for the lonely guardian of the peace, so he pounced upon them as prowling "gunmen" from New York and rode them off to tho vlllago "cooler," much like Caesar dragging war victims nt his char lot end. It took a lot of explanation to prove that tho roughly dressed actors for tho pnlntors In "Their Happy Little Home" -were not daylight burglars in dis guise. ' The Vltagraph Company has added a number of players to Its stock member ship who were prominent on the legiti mate stage. Joseph Kllgour, a Broadway favorite for a number of years; the origi nal John T. Kelly, tho Irish Senator; Lio nel Adams, who will be remembered for his work ln "Ben-Hur," playing the name part, and Anna Laughlln, who won pres tige as a musical comedy star, are amontf the best known Answers to Correspondents E. M, Three weeks Is a bit long to read a scenario. Why not write and In quire? Average price a reel Is J25, but wore Is paid If your name Is known or the scenario above tha average. Dally Header Space prevents Instruc. Hon In scenario writing. Would suggest that you get a sample scenario from Lawrence McCloskey, Lubln's, which will teach you avcrythlng save Inspiration. F. B. Gladden James In New York. Ago near 30, Cannot furnish deft alls of matrimonial status; see box at the head of this column. 3IOIIEIIN DANCINQ I rRCRPC NIXON THBATnU BLDCS. Lucanu o 6.,D Above chestnut st. RECEPTIONS MONDAY AND SATURDAY CLASS TUES.. WED. AND Kill. EVOS. Claiii Fri. 4-B. Children'. Clan Sat.. a.J. Mane?. Wn1 S ?$ S S Mi H8SP, PRIZE WALTZ , "c.b!J.,h St. Patrick's Night '.; Komenlri Prl. Lesaons. Phone Bl, 8039 D, or Bel 3280. WFn nnar ENTRANCE JT30 N. BROAD YYtlgUCr Prvau Leaaona. Phona Dla. 838. I n I 8 11 FAIR WEEK Scholars. Mon, & Tbura Evia.. Mitch 15 4 18. AoViScid Dancr... and Saturday EvenlDga, March IT and 0. Beautiful Valued at i3W! ""'.J?". Souvenlra Vrtlucuan Durlna- the Fair. " SOMETHINO NEW EACH NlQllT .1 CDiri'C N. E. COR. BROAD rKIUNC AND COLUMBIA AVE. ST. PATRICK'S RECEPTION WEDNESDAY N1QHT. MARCH 1ITH THE DANSE STUDIO 23 S BZd St Parle Bid. Balment 2T70. OLa.aoSa.83 00 P1HUPA McOOUOH THE a ELLWOOD CARPENTBH STUDIO. WSnStSut Open dUy all tb. year. Tb. bTt iairvls. la PbEa. Latwt wovenunu up ta tt. njimjt TJeK r ' " .. EVENING LBDGERPHTT,ATigLPHTA, SATURDAY, MARCH 1 PHOTOPLAY REEL Tho concert of tho Philadelphia Orches tra yesterday afternoon ran an undistin guished nnd pleasant and unspectacular course, with nothing more exciting to make It memorable than the rising of tho oichcatra ln tho midst of Goldmark'a symphony; that Is, after tho fourth of tho live movements. Tho symphony Itself (Goldmark's "Rus tic Wedding") was of this pleasant, sum mer's afternoon character; It had lovely moments, but Its chief tones wero those of gaiety and charm and a little wan tonness and case Mr. Stokowskl led It with suavity; ho had tho right pace for Its mellifluous themes, and ho had a Just balanco for tho polyphonic Jlgtlmo which ended tho whole. It neither exalted nor depressed. Somewhere In It tho various choirs of tho orchestra found each a placo to sing sweetly. Tho wind and strings In tho second and fourth movements, tho stilngs In tho dance, wero pleasant to tho ear. One got Into such a powerful good humor that criticism becamo far too arduous. Ono listened nnd enjoyed. Tho "Don Giovanni," which began, and Wober's '"Invitation." which concluded tho program, wore unquestionably tho musical features of tho day. Tho "Don Giovanni" overturn is Mozart In his most rich, most golden of moments. Yet ho does not forget that his opera Is some thing buffa still, nnd the overture Is nn Incessant shifting of moods, not one of which was neglected or passed scantily by tha conductor. Felix Welngartner's orchestration of tho Weber "Invitation to tho Waltz" Is offered to replace tho Ber lioz scoring of this work. Berlioz, It will be remembered, knew so little of the orchestra that ho would occasionally wrlto a passage In a certain key and go afterward to tho soloist to Inqutro If It could bo played In that key Mr. Weln gartner Is more adept, and as ho has all of Berlioz's sense of orchestra color, tho new version Is both authentic and dellght- iui. Harold Randolph was tho assisting ar tist of tho concert, playing the fourth Beethoven concerto, previously heard this season at the hands of Harold Bauer. Mr. Randolph's technique Is not so won derful that it would overshadow his qual ities of Interpretation, were they at all Intrusive. They seem, however, to re main in an Indistinct middle-distance. Tho artist seemed to bring to his work affection and not passion So it was with affection and not with passion that one heard him Tomorrow evening Is the eighth anni versary of tho death of Fritz Schcel. A wreath under the memorial plnque of tha conductor will recall him to the devoted memory of lovers of the orchestra. It may be noted In this connection that the symphony Is also memorial In character. It Is the first work of Goldmark to be played here since the death of thn com poser. "L'Amore del Tre Re" Announcement Is mado by the Metro politan Opera Company that the last but ono opera of the local season will be given March 23. and will be Monte, mezzl's "L'Amore del Tre He" (The Love of Threo Kings), with Lucrezla Borl, Ferrarl-Fontanu, Amato and Dldur, the interpreters who made this opera so splendid In New York last year. Full details of the plot, with some notice of Montemezzl and of Sem Be nelll, from whose play the libretto Is MODERN DANC1NO DANCING LESSONS Our etatr conalata of four danc ing teachera, each of Ions training and wlda experience. Leaaona are given before full-length mlrrora, and an effort la made to Improve the dancer appearance, no mat ter what danca la being teamed. Prlvata or claaa leaaona In all dancea. for bexlnnera or advanced pupil. Telephone Locuat 8183 for an appoint ment, or atop In and try one leaaon THE CORTISSOZ SCHOOL BAKER BUILDING, 1820 CHESTNUT ST. FRED W. SUTOR Maitre De Danse Special Terms During Lent 13 PRIVATE LESSONS l'OH IIS STUDIO M-aiVtALNPT STOEET Cf.ontc' fhnnfr N. E. Cor. Park and ubiiuwnw w.,jr,,f Susquehanna Ave. Prlvat. and flae iniirucuon Taugbt Saturday tet nfd. Dan.. Sat l'ual Aaaembly Old Danoaa St. Patrick's WKOE - KEITH'S THEATRE BALLROOM Mew tbl.dren'. Claaa, Saturday 11 A M Ballroom can b rented- Prlvat. leaaona. PXUZB WALTZ, SAT. NIOHT. D2D 8T. 'wwnnii!iipiiiHini7iiiBpW made, will appear In the music columns of t'nis paper in good tlmo before ' the performance. For the present. It Is nnfN necessary to call attention to tho gen erosity of the Metropolitan directorate Against tho prcsago or disaster It has presented "Boris Godunoff" here a second time. It gave Philadelphia "Mine. Sans Gpno" Immediately after Its New York prcmlero. And now It Is bringing fids splendid Italian opera. Some time ago. when tho opera seison was yet young nnd was beset with n revered but somewhat stupid repertoire, tho present writer ventured to criticise the policy of Mr. Gattl-Casaz7a. Tho reply (via fne generous and amiable Mr. William Guard, who press-agents tho PHOTOPLAYS '"LOCUSTS r-w-tS2nd and LOCUST lMIOTO-I'I.AS OP Till! IIKST CLASS uKAit Tin: sn, ono umiiw.i, iiiican MONDAY TUKSI1.VY STAK CAST I'ranLla X.Iluahman IN TUB in Prize Play Exploits "The of Elaine Accounting" 10TH, 1ITH nnd HeeaU Perila nf 12TII EPISODES inn Secret SerUca WEDNESDAY Margaret Wjcherry & John B Kelleril III The Fight ny Author of "Within the Law" TIIUIISDAY Tho Mu ll Debated I.oe Story Three Weeks Mont Popular Ro mance Eer Written I'llIDAV Mario DrenBler & Charles Chaptln In THlie'a Punc tured Romance Funniest Production Eer Screened SATUIIIIAY DOUBLE BILL Rosclyn and AT THE STROKE OF TWELVE" Both Sensational WORLD FILM CORPORATION PltESENTH Margaret Wycherly and John E. Kcllcrd IN "THE FIGHT" WORLD FILM CORPORATION, 1314 VINE STREET SELECT PHOTOPLAY THEATRE TODAY'S FEATURES CALENDAR TULPEHOCKEN 0mantoii Ave. HEATHH and Tulnrlinrkrii Ht. OIIAY WHEN 1'ATK MELTS THUMP. Hear organ with wonderful human voice-. PPI HAM (it-rmanluun Avr. rcirmm & Hhanmack St. MATINEE. 2 I". M. E KNIN'OH, 7 TO 11 JUDITH OP IIKTHUIJA EXPLOITS OP ELAINE MANAYUNK EMPRESS THEATRE Slain Ht., above Caraon A GILDED FOOL 5Jeels OTHERS JEFFERSON p.'ia. GARDEN 83d Nt. and Laaadow ue Ave. F0RREST Philadelphia' .3ATlfTTI?T 1? WIYnM''.M"' omiiuuu a-, iiiauh j Director 25c and 50c ALL SEATS IIESEKEU EVENING LEDGER'S REAL WAR PICTURES Flrat HUtory-Maklng Dlaplay Anywhere of Stupandouary Senaatlona). Soul-Sllrrlnr. Actual Flrlng-Lln. Motion Film ot th. World. Conflict, Secured at ltlk of Life and Limb by a Special Corp. ot Camera Eperte. . INTIMATE VIEWS OF EVERY EUROPEAN BATTLEFIELD Engllah, French. Huailan, Uerman. Auatrlan and Belgian Ariolea In D.aperat. Combat. Kalter WUbelm at lb Front, aermany'a Famou i2-Qmtlmetr Gun In Action. Tbouaand of Ctoa.-Vlew Detalla SEEN NOWHERE ELSE AND NEVER BEFORE Metropolitan) was that tho company could not afford this year to loso money In venturesome novcltltn. Now tho com pany has Ventured, It Is distinctly up to Philadelphia to sco that neither money nor effort goes to waste Tho Coming Week An tho concert season droops nnd fal ter, music lovers of tho city can con centrate on tho excellcnco ot orchestral offerings This week there nro two pro grams Monday evening the Uoston Sym phony comes for tho last tlmo this jenr. Mire ,HeatrIco Harrison, a cellist "of most unusual quality," according to the notice, "perhaps comparable only to Casals himself," will be tho soloist, play ing Tsehnlkowsky's Variations on a Hococo theme Doctor Muck will con duct Brahms' Symphony In C Minor. Wagner's "Faust" overture and Wrticr's overture to "Der Frelschuetz" complete tho program. Incidentally, tho last concert but ono of the Philadelphia Orchestra will bring "Casals himself." Tho regret expressed In these columns that place could not be found for this master in tho orchestra's concerts happily turns out premature. Next Friday's (and Saturday's) concert of tho orchestra wilt begin with a chor nle from Bach's cantata, "Wachct niif, ruft uns die Stlmnie," and will end with Tschalkowsky's tremendous fifth sym phony Theodore llnrrlson wilt sing nn aria from Mozart's "f-o Nozsto ill Fig aro," which is not "non plu nndrnl," but "Hal gla vinto la causa," nnd nn aria from Verdi's "tin Hallo In Mnschera," whero the first guess comes true, for It Is. "Url tu " Hugo Wolfs Italian sere nade Is tho other number of this rich progiatn. Tho host comic operas of the season wilt contlnuo at tho Metropolitan Opera Ilouso during tho week "Yeoman of tho Guard,-' "Sorcerer," "Trial by Jury," "Mikado" nnd "lolantho" nro their names Clllbert nnd Sullivan did tho words and music some time ngo, and -Mr. De Wolf Hopper nnd tho Clllbert and Sul livan Opera Company Interpret both ad mirably. Newspapermen Honor Tnlor Iiircrtor A Merrltt Talor was tho guest of 'nonor of the newspapermen of Philadelphia last night lit the Pen and Pencil Club Ho paid a tilbuto to the members of tho Fourth Instate and said that ho'icstj, accuracy, vigilance and Industr wcie tho fundamental rules gov erning tho operation ot tho dally pub lications ot tho city. Other speakers were Hobert McCnulev, Frrd C. Whitney, Tho Itcv. Tnomas W. Uals, P. II. Wli.iley and 12. J. Chattel!. WHAT DOING TONIGHT a Tw&n "Hilly" Sunday ltnlMil. tnliermcte, 10th Tnuelera prntectLo Association, 11JJ .Olr- nt-.! utri.t. K nVIm k Itip v Plan I'rntoc uc ,8B0imtinn Lrozcr iiunu inp. N o'clock lc" Prlinte view. Art I'mb exhibition s o'clock 1 ccture, Encilah Polk s-oni;a and n-injea." Cecil I Hlnrra Unlvtrslt of PcnnsIiiinla, S o'clo k Tree IHimmi Li i.iru sUifr linnquet. Hotel Con tinental 7 o clock TIIEATIti: HlttWEltS Barrist & Co. 211 North 8th Street Sell Profitable Picture Theatres PRICES $400 to 100,000. Both phonca. I'HO'IOI'LAIH ru 4- t. Q. OPERA Lhestnut at. house Home of World's Greatest Photoplays AFTEHNOONS 1:30 to 1:30 10c. 15c, 23c EVENINGS 7:30 to 10:30 10c, 25c, 50c BUY SEATS IN ADVANCE AND AVOID STANDING IN LINE The Talk of the Town 3RD BIG WEEK! FAMOUS PLAYERS' FILM CO.'S STUPENDOUS PHOTO-SPECTACLE THE Eternal City By HALL CAINE With PAULINE FREDERICK TWICE DAILY 2:30 & 8:30 P.M. Preceded By CHAPLIN COMEDIES StinJEOT TO CIIANQn BELVIDERE (ifrmantiiuii Avr. lirlim (.Nllrr'tf Ijinu MAIIC MrllEHMOTT In "lviiKin; is iiv n Mii:ni.Nt. HOY TOMOIIT?" IDIQ THKATIIK TOIKW KriuliiKtnn & Allt-Klirny A I'ltANC'IN Hl'fillM S THE accounting: PARK' llidge Avr. and lluiinhln. Matinee 2tlS. Kvenlnira. "O'OAHHV Ol" THE llflaAL MOI'NIKIpI "M.WKH i itujt iu.Hhi;i,r" l'laja Obtained Uhru Manic) Hooking C'c If you want Information about u viuatlon, vocation nr education consult the expert lit ledger Central. TREACHERY and ZUDORA A DAUGHTER OF THE PEOPLE SEATS NOW SELLING FOR NEXT WEEK THOMAS M, LOVE. Ilualnea 3Ianager SHOWN TWICE EVEHY HAY 2:308:30 Plf lm WVWWWmBmm-?- 3, 1915. NEW OPERA COMPANY neorKanizatton of Former Body of Artists Contemplated. NeBOilntloii") have been opened with Bomo of tho lending slant whoso con tracts woro nftcctcU by tho war for the purpona of rporgnnlzlMR tho Clilcatro riilladclphla Opera Cotnpnny. It was learned from nn authoritative nottrce to ttas that tho aKKrcjratlon of cxpenelvo "eons birds" will be reassembled next November, under the direction of Ctco fonto Cnmpnnlnl. Artists from abroad who have been able to commnml IiIrIi salaries becntisp of the scarcity of lending slnpers will have lj bo content with ntnaller offertnt?s for the. PHOTOPLAYS MR. BARRY O'NEIL , Feature Productions I GEORGE W. TERWILLIGER L"-rc(or Atitlinr Hotel Alrnrnr, Hi. AiiRiitliif , Iln, JOSEPH KAUFMAN Director Leads " JOSEPH W. SMILEY Director Leads EDGAR JONES Director Leads ARTHUR JOHNSON Director Leads "JOHN E. INCE " Director I W I IIRIIVPC PROMINENT 'pP k LUDlll 3 PERSONAGES & PKOIIlClMl "ROAD O' STRIFE' ' PIIOTOrlllAPHKTI nv WILLIAM BLACK and A. LLOYD LEWIS CRANE WILBUR MARY CHARLESON "Road o' Strife" "Road o Strife" ARTHUR HOTALING .MnnnRlng lllrrrtnr. Southern btuilln, .Inrknoiivllle, llorlda. JAMES L. DALY Characters WILBERT" MELVILLE Hirer tor Western Company Loa An Helen, Cnl. "WILLIAM HfTURNER Characters Comedy RUTH BRYAN"" INtlENTI I.EMIS Mr. Harry O'Nrll' Company FRANKIE MANN Incenue I)Ire tlon Hurrj O'Nell PATSY DE FOREST Ingenue Leads WILLIAM W. COHILL furenlleR .Ion. , Smiley Co. "The T.nve of loinen,M "Trnjcedy of tho Illllri," FRANCIS J0YNER CHARLES F. LEONARD Clinnii tern "THE j:AM.EI.Isr" EARL METCALF Initn TeruIlllKiT Coinpnnjr Hotel Alcnynr. St. AiiRiintlne, Via, GEORGE SOULE SPENCER Feature Productions Leads "WALTER HiTCHCO"CK"" "The Climbers JUSTINA HUFF LEADS Direction of Kdgnr Jones JACK STANDING Leading Man FLOREICEHACKETT Leading Heavies MITCHELL MILDRED GREGORY Leads KEMPTON E. GREENE Juveniles Terwilliger Co. HARRY E. LOOMES I entun- in Hiding ,V lliiplng A All Clinr nitrra Knonn In Hcatrrn Atmoiihere. CHARLES BRANDT "" CLARENCE JAY ELMER h PATS In "P.VIS HOI 1 Alt" hEltlES FRANK SMILEY "Road o' Sfife" "JU sf dfc ---&& Character. "JOHN fcMlLEY , 1IBAVY CHARACTEIts Inn. Y. .Smiley Compuny. ROBERT E. GRAHAM, JR. With Mr. Harry O'Nell'a Co. LITTLE ELEANOR DUNN" The Child Actress RTWANGEMANN Character Leads EDWARD B, TILTON CUAlt.U'TEHS EIM.AR JIIM'.s (OMPANY DAISY EVANS GEORGE J. GOWEN Edgar Jones Company "MARGARET MOORE HEAMES JOSEPH KAl I'M N CO. EDWARD ABBOTT . CHAHACTEltS JOS. W, hMU.EV CO. LUB11N ujbnj PHOJO THE IN THE Wonderful 1, 2, 3, 4, EVery FILM PRODUCTIONS OF GREAT DRAMATIC SUCCESSES BY GREAT AUTHORS Sir Henry Arthur Jones William Yaughn Moody Harrison Grey Fiske J. Hartley Manners ta Plays bn our Staff Writersi Lawrence McCloskev. fllav M. f!rn. George Terwilliger, Emmett Campbell Hall, Ronutine Fielding, Shannoa Fife, Harry Chandlee, Norbcrt Lusfc, Adrian Gil-Spear, et aL LXTBIN MANUFACTURING COMPANY Philadelphia, Pennsylvania u ' season 'how being; arrang-ed ion It I M The "market" it said to be flooded wltlt artists from Franc and Qermani, and If lialy oea lo war these singers will b augmented by ltalln stars It I d clarcd In thlrt city that chances Tor ob talnlnp; tho best artists at great rcdue tlons over former salaries demadded W.r never better. Miss Mary Garden will t asked to Join the proposed company. Silver for Master Carpenter Ambrose 11. Taylor, master carpehler at the Frankford Arsenal, received chest ot silver last night nt a testimonial dinner tendered him by the 200 employ" In his department nt the plant He hat been connected with the arsenal slnco 189S PHOTOp1,AYS GLADYS HANSON E.pcclnllj- Engaged for Fentiim rrodtic lnn Willi Mr. O'Nell. , ORMI HAWLEY l.rnd TeTWllllgpr Company llotrl Alrntnr, St. Auguallnp; Fin. ETHEL CLAYTON Leads "" LILIE LESLIE Leads LOUISE HUFF Leads roTwainfTfielding Actor Author Director Joe boyle Assistant Director MAY HOTELY LEAnt jlnckaonvllle Ilnrldrt, hllldlo CLARA LAMBERT Characters PETER LANG Characters Tames j. cassady" Chnrnetera JOS. W. SMILEY CO.tlPANY VELMA whitman lyeadn I.iihtn'n Western Company Iafin Ancelf. Cnl. L. C. SHUMWAY Iendn I-ubln Western Company Ioi Ancelen. Cat. ROBERT GRAY IventU IuUln'n Western Company To4 AnKelrH, Cnl. PERCY WINTER Director Actor EDITH RITCHIE IVnture Productions with Mr. O'Nell. jack Mcdonald Clmrnrter Mini "PATSY HOI IVAIl" .SERIES FERDINAND TIDMARSH" uiih HAHHY O'MUL'S ALL-STAK CO. LOUIS MORTELLE HEAYIES Edcnr .loni-n Company. BERNARD SIEGEL Characters ALAN QUINN "SI'OIITINO DITHESS" villll Hoe Cogli Injinnd "IHSrillCT AT7QHNEY" GEO. S. BLISS Old Trupper In THE THAPPEIP.S HF.VHMIi: WILLIAM H. RAUSCHER luienllr JAPIC 1'IIINCE In Patay Bolivar Serle ELEANOR BLANCHARD rharactrT I.eada AKTIIUI1 JOHNSON'S COMPANY ELEANOR BARRY With Mr. O'Nell'. Company FIX)RFCE"WILLIAMS Clinrnc ten Oueen of Corsica Hnted lit Ten .Million MARIE W. STERLING Characters PEGGY ANDERTON MUH, CLABENCE JAY' ELMER Arthur Wm. Matthews Huh Hick In The College Widow Demon Scurgold In The Evangelist GEORGE CLARKE " " In MK. HAKHY O'NI'.IL'H 1 K.VriTItK PHOUUCTIONH EDWAlmTUCK " AbSIhTANT DlItECTOK Edgar Jonea Co. J. H. De WOLFF .11 hT ATMOSPHERE ulth IIEOT HUM IN II I. M DOM ED A. DE WOLFF "Hltl'U TERROIt" and "PAIhY HOI. IN Alt" NKHIES DOROTHY DE WOLFF Queen of Juvertilcs FRANK DANIELS GIL. ELY "NANA BARNES CHARACTERS Direction EDUAH JONES DOUGLAS SIBOLE PLAYS BEST WORLD 5 & 6 Reel Features Week Cecil Raleigh George Ade Charles Klein Wincliell Smltl Clyde Fitch Eugene Walter Edwin Arden lieorge Uobarf m i 1