Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 13, 1915, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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    wtprr msnfrm?$m$pr,atm-x
iecrclary of State Will De
liver Address When Na
tional Abstainers' Union
Meets in Sunday Taber
nacle Monday.
The ?rr ""
ii Ilmniiti Cntliolle nnd
iii.iiik will be rcprosoulpil
t i.r the Htimlnv tabernacle
Uedlsli iK1""' '
feu thO Die If"'
iijlcniwy "" "
lhran dein , Hie opening locluro In iho
..... i . i, ii Mnnnirnrv mi nmin
&.,mpa lg" nt ""' Motional vi)sminnrs
ff'hloil Tlii " " tcpicsplits nil oiRnnlacd
wemein tin' lc non-soctnrlmi and
tEjiwt ponii.nl nmiinilon, according 10
i leader ii purpose Is liurely otluco-
'iSnil to p'""'"1 '" the n,on nnu women
W llil'i """ '" "''' stl(,,l,1,lc "ennui's to
sWe tli" ',',c''
, TW mwi'ie I'uiiiBin '"'S n. campaign
jM , pfttlon-" nillns lo do aucircsscti uy
tin Molding mP'
! 'The denm"' fr' 1,p,llH ,ms b?en tre
"Bminilmis Mote """ -i.OflO requests for
'JritrV" nlro'di linie been mado mmlo,
iBIserclal 'I''"1 "' ' h0 '"onuliod, hut seats
iSfCiit nnt iir l' 'I "" the flour nfter C:Ij
K'clock ' '' ''"" "l'0" "t G.4" o'clock,
rnJ thr "'' ' i; '"uil "' " "'dock. Mln
Wilftf' MP1" - .1 'I tickets; hold bj the
'feumlav ,'"1 '"' ' ""ii'iitipp ""I "o non
im1M'" ' 'l ',nr" The Uco presi
dents "f ' I' niniMiihln meeting will
she compn"'! i i i'i iHiiminent men, m
frlurllng effv "n" '' " Delegations will be
prtcsent ''"" "" ,,IP pollfip" I" this Pity
1 . !.. . . . ... i i I ., a rtyi(Ti Minn, nr inn
snAilcm!'' '- 'i '- ........ ... .....
dJul, nnd ini '' "' bonis nml labor unions,
president Nnn ii uplps?. of llnvorfoj-d
t CoIIcpp i i' "-'do nt the meeting Tho
nv. Dr K ii- " Minor is ciiHirmnn 01
Ihe Comiiii1"'! "i on Temperance, wblcli Is
the moving ioiip behind tho Union. Tho
".follOBlns ronn iti' hiding Doctor Miller,
ire on Hip cnmmittpo In charge of the
1 Philadelphia meeting.
John Walton, rlinlrman; J. Jardon
r Duenthcr- scmetniv. tho Ilev. V. .1.
iHelnl'e cvrn l Fns, Jr , r! Percy Vox,
'Roland V r.iiv non. the Ilev. Dr. S. '..
iDittcn, Hip I'm rr O. II Hlclclpy, tho
HcV. 1! liowmd Tnlr and Allan Suther
land ; nni.iGious IIRKVITIES
! Tho hfi II I. HnnlM of Nnv Vnrk. spcre
i Ury ft tin- iiiionii l,nnl m Hrv Alllontc, will
t Ihe infJi" r ii Hip lVi'shvirrlan mlalslcrii'
, meflltiz In w.iiinlimnr Hnll Motid.iy mnrnlnj
titltn'iln It h k iblcrt Is 'Tho Clirlitlati
Sabbath oi i niitlii' ntal .SilmJu ?"
" Tho Hei " I! PIhwps nnxtor of thp Gfr
, uintpwn I rut 1 1 n iliui'h n III urrorli lo--irtmiw
m ruin, i i t n I nUomllm I hurch of
' enioni ii i m nuikiiiB with thp ltov. Dr.
, aba Clari-iu l.r" i iti r. In thp prnlnc Ihu
i Ittt Dr Ip "HI ii n hi ihp rhnrrh o' thn
f Kfitoratlnn n -i I ml Hie PraiwtanL chain
I tln."
. Tin Po rr oportn ciialmirn nirhmoml
,lll rrcai'h 1 1 -i inim l'rnttant p.p'h oral
pChufth twrnirm' mniiilnK on Tho Tatnl IJo
Ufct In Hill' -mi Iim Hnlrltual Authority:
fA Pcalv i" imii Tmnimar." nml In tho
frvcnliu on I i u, nn l'r (.'lralantlonl Trial, or
fchoneallv N n i M.il ItlchmonU or the Epln
I copal Chup h
J. H I'Vi1! pilnr of (ho rlrcir-n I'lLinAl
t0.ilim(int will i liiihiintpr thp narramont of
aptiim mmotnin omliiB Tho rai-ramoiit
rfif th LorJ s -nn ir - lit h ndmlnlalnrn,) f..n.
Uu aiornlni: Mur h 1 lipn ao now lneinlurs.
iwnin or wieni iiui niuiTB irom the tabor-
icte. lull oi ru 1 1 t I
The 1 Pi I ninH Talnipr niRlor nt tho
IProiuect 1'rtMi'M i In n Churrh. Trpnton. v. .T
nlll pirmh i iiih nun nine nml aftornoon
flenlcen ai lli Irinl'v 1'ieiihvtnrlnn rlmmh
fdiistnui Hill timiiirroM He won formerly
raator of iho Summit rrfsbvtprlan Phop.-h.
Tie Rn M npi"l Mlnnlrk will cnn.liixt
llhe lerxli it i'ic- 1'ianklln Home lamnrmn-
'ticntne t h ii k
Thp tto 1 i ml Unrrpn will nri-nnh on
nie Ye Um hi tn ntlt" nt Ihu drMn Inn
riflllitfrlin i imn h tomorrow at 10 'iO n, m.
ltd on 'Muorj itorn IVfeat" at T 13 n. in.
"Tll.ura riMBlluut '1hmln, nrlll f,n !,& ...1..I-1
f tho Ro I'rmrlei V llarey nt tha Sued-
tnborglan ihunlt of tho Now Jerusalem to
morrow momltig nt 11 o'clock
Mr. IIuniMlfnrrt cv III nnpili lit llio Rn.'nn Tlnn.
Mist Helplnc llnd ilm tomorrow nftornoon
I'.vinsetut uiinnn v, lvonnp
nlll mipnk
Liiuir nielli II til II 71
MintccT i onduc tn
Lir rnPtlnj.- nt tin ricihiittv VnchoraitP. "Oil
vonn tun etr ,i Sundiis Tuosd.iv nml Thum.
eiy tventne
WTh ITAl I P I. T tl.lnid nne(n nf .a
Igetal Mrtln t),t PTln oral Church nt
lll(i-Barri. win Himnk nn "Artpr 'Illllv'
af-Whiif at i 'io Phllartelphla-Nrw Jor-
BMtthodlt rrPHrhniH' Tl!nllni nt Vtmtr
ra.W'S "h mippI Monday mornlnir at
felock. Tho mpptlnK Is open to tlio public.
(Rat P i. I . ,I.A D..h.. .. i ,,
Tit t .. "" "uiiinr LiiiiiaiKii
nr7-,: "w ....... yj, ,,,r ,vr, Lilian .
:U3tfl!ls HI II f CllliA Ttnfnrnid f-linr,1, in-
Mrntr niormm. in the evenlne he will
ntft on Wliit N tno lteformd Church?"
"r will be fpc, inl iniitlo.
Thn Tlv T ll.. .. , ,-,,-. ... ,........
rtotfitant hh church. Ilmolclvn. .
ml- Till be tin
i ln I euten eneakor at fit.
IBtPpben'a el m
ittwt. Mirrh 1
P. Oroton of -till
iccak h.it ,i
unit fitrpet, above Chestnut
in in Tho Itev. Nitiltnniel
llinmim', Whttemarah, I'a.,
i Man Ii 20,
feth.,.r,nhKdw'"''1 nu'H "III uppak on "Tho
Laltlt Phasetl - thn iiiVn.iiva friZi k .u..
li ' Tl'PKiro innmrroiv afternoon nt
Wry Smi'ct',' Ule ',l""'u " tho SocUllat
Sfreteli,. ,"V , M hirK1B. mil nre..ch nt ai
Btreot lAmntl" 'i,loi"l Church or th Atone. I w
KeienK1" '""'' "t 11 o'.lout In
Kftnlns ut 7 I.', oiloi-k, the nv. Dr. A. "'
(March U, 1915 International Series I Samuel, 2.)
final. j ui'int in physical stature, vouna nnd handsome, was chosen.
Minted and its, tared tn lm Klnn ot
be had not disidaued nnu real klnalu
"dixitlon, tor Saul, so much so that
WiM'10,1 o those who opposed him.
"i lll CO mm nn nrm.11 r,,l uinrnl
' "ifiriiri, lor. ;,., answer to the
fi't to death this day," aud the closiHU senitnee at the lesson is: "Saul
U the mcn of Israel reloiced aieatlu." The peace he toraught was
mptcle in3 victory was threefold
" ana, best of all, oter himself.
Vannnnimity was the Quality that
mnta i, as the kiuyly quality in Lineal' that enabled him to swallow the
" 'i 'i toleiate the intrigue of
' Ttaliattd. to hand them
" " i a i, -.1,1,, .1,1,1 fL... pii.i r.j.n.,
'' ml I-,, th,-, f,,.,,,,a
il ' i.i ii i &i.. .. nr ,,
i'.i it Hun he that luktth a
ijc Jfricublp Dntf)
Oik. of Ihr Itiilimi ii-hlrh roir
lo in iow thr "Hill)i" Niiiiilnii Inh
rmnrlr (? thnt "it takn mow ncrvv
to (it nut nml nut fnr Jrsua f.'iilif
thiiu II ilun Id Hi c a lift' vf Indiffcv
riirr (;( tin."
A" ol' tun Irllrr tnlify In Ihr
truth tf f?ifi Mnlctnrlit Ihnn hr irho
ha'n minilrirtl frnMlhe pnthof ritihu
tauvwss it nil, tlrilrliuj to trliiru,
finds Ihe wny br.vt'1 villi rounttrsi
obilm:lc3 which were not In rvttJrnec
ichon ho first wandered into Ihr bi
wi. Utirli tt onr Is vvrrwhelwrd with
the taunts nnd jeers of those who
led him tislritj nnd, tilns, with Ihr
siornfnl tnmmvnl of limit; who lime
tiof nandrrrd from tin' strnlplil and
narrow )uiUi, yrt lmr xrmil ;m
tienvr v ilh thrlr Irss fortunate
hf other find doubt Ihr simrrllji of
lilt rencntanee.
"lml better opportunity toiild
there be for drnionitrntlnt the
slrennth of the. Christian llrother
hnod than slrelehlnn out Ihe frlrntl
III hand to a til the penitent m he
stumbles- bllndljj, seel;lua thnt whirh
has been lost lo hhn '
If you are he who seek In ir
turn to Ihe (Irent ftliihwan, mi nhl
If jow ore he who wnll,:i frnrlrsslu
nlonp that ram. Iiarken, Irst nm-h
it call (jo unheeded. VlttLUVS.
S. tturkp will prennli. iniltnln' canlnU. "Tho
SaxcndJiiit Words," ttlll bo rundrrW Weilnn
lay pypnlntr nt 4.1 o'clock Mini tMna Iini
lr will bo Hip T.mlBl; tlnrry Clurmy, (Mine,
aad Iipmilo ('onmsll, Imiic
I'lrpttrntor nervl'S ft 111 l hPbl it llin
1'lmt ripfornipii I1iurh noxt Wnlnpsilny liii'l
! rliluy
Yt aimll fiM Uo.l" MII lip ihi mihj.i't
nr tho llp ttnhert Hugh Mnrrln pnittnr or
tho C'nitrnl orth lllunT Street I'lrabrtfrlitn
Olturclt, tomorrow mnriiltiB at ID IS o'clorli,
and "VVoundod In thn Sword Arm" ill i.fi
oclopk In tho cvenlnj.
"DM .Tosut ruim Divinity-' will he the
iiblppt or th( rtev. K. K i:ana nt tho Hunilay
noon dlei-usilon tor orrort nt tho Olraril Ap
niio fnltirlan Chutoh.
Tho 'npv
.l.inic ltamta Httaln will proai-h
nt the Wootlla
nd I'resuvtcr tin I'liurc
rresbytcrlnn Church tomor-
row ut 11 a in on "Pavlns Faith,"
nn "fovini; lnltn. and nt
S p, in on "Jenus, Saviour of Many
Bishop Nathaniel s. Thon is will addrem tho
nicotine at the vemior (PrvpLS at Hciumon
ilall, llnlprlt,v of t'onnsyljnlai tomorrow
aiternonn ot A 10 o'clock.
'Iho Hp Milton Harold Nichols, pastor of
the MpthnillM IJ ilscopnl I'lnirh of tha t'oic
iiant, iv 111 pronh on Cotiiiutihin nt 111- 0
a. in tomorrow, nnd on "How tho Hattle Sis
Won" at 7 13 n. in.
Tho ltov Dr court! ind Mm em. immor of
Tromotit Temple, hosion. Mo- . tt,U lucadi
tomorrow moriilnt; iiiul ipihiik nt the I'atnlet
Temple. Iirpn.l and lie,k uttete. fie will
also tpach the Rev. In, onnrll'? Hlbl" nn
for Men.
Tho nev Di. Henri Deikowlt. rabhl of
tho Itoleph Shalom Snnmmun nrond nml
Mount Vernon tttiPetx. will preach on "Iho
ltlclita of the Child In the Hinic" tomorrow
mornlnir, nt 11 o'clock.
'Sullen In the Skppi Air' will bo tho mih
Ject or the lloi. Wllllnm Mulr Auld, pnntor of
tho Cnlvarv I'rcnlijtprliin hutch, tomorrow
mnrnlnK. anil In the tvenlmr ho will m co.cn on
"Iho Con tuerlnR Kll " There will he a tnld
wiok scrvhe Wednesday nrtcrncxin. nt u
The TIp Pr I clniv. Holton, patttor of tho
11AI.A Ifpcahttnrlnn ( hlircll. Wtll lircactl Oil
Ichiik mi tho llomp" tomoitow at 10. in a
m A HVinposiUtn on the Kriinibnunh leval
option bill nlll he held b the bo of the
church nt 7:1.1 o'clock In thp efnlntr.
"The I.nat Poul" will be Iho aublpct or Ihe
lln,. I'linrlna 11 nilAt' rtlirtW IlllftOr Of tOP I lr"t
Methodl.it Kplsiopal Chun h In Oormantown,
tomorrow oxpiuhk nt o clock
Corpus Chiisti Edifice Will Bo Used
as Church Till One. Is Built.
Archbishop Vioiidersa.st nnd Hlahop ilc
Cort will ollli'lato nt thp dodicntion o(
Corpus Cluistl Itomnn Catholic Cliape.1,
2Sth street nnd Allcslteny nvcntio, tomor
row. Archbishop Prendereast will dedi
cate tho chupel at 10 o'clock In tho
morning nnd Bishop McCort will bo tho
celebrant nt solemn pontifical vespers.
Solemn high mnss In tlio morning will
bo suns by tho now P. J. Dalloy, rector
of tlio Church of Our Lady oC tlio
Itosary. Tho Hev. Walter P. GouKh, lec
tor of St. Columlia's, will bo tho den
con; tha Itcv. Hush J. Dligan, of St.
Mlchaol's, subdeacon, and tlio Hev. Joseph
It, Kelly, of tho Church of tho Annunci
ation, master ot ceremonies.
Tho now bulldlns will servo as a placo
of worship for tho congregation, of which
tho Itev. Henry A. Nttyloit is rector, until
the now chinch la built, when It will ho
used as a parish school.
Colonel Walter .Ipiiltins, of N'ow York,
cdltor-ln-clilef of tha Snlvatlon Army pub
llcatloiis In this countrv, will conduct
services nt tho Temple Lutheran Church,
62d nnd Unco streets, tomorrow afternoon
at 3:45 o"clock. Colonel Richard E. Holz,
commander of tho Atlantic coast prov
inces, who will preBlde, will speak at tho
Mantua Iinptlst Chuich, 40th street and
Fnirmount aventto, at 10.50 o'clock In tho
Colonel Jenkins will speak at tlio nnu
at ith and Vine stioets, nt S p. m. There
HI ha nmslo by tho PhUiKielpnia neau-
uatteis band and by vocalists.
Israel, but beyond external appearance
Qualities until tho events of this lesson
An enemy caimt against one of the weakest tribes
of Israel and made cruel and Impassible demands.
The people of that threatened tribe appealed to Saul
for aid. The manner in which he tespanucdhnw ho
organized his army, Ms erne and strateov in leadinu
the attack, his eourauo before a daminccrlnti and cou
fldent enemy, and his final overwhelming victory
proved him to be, in the cues of his people, a Klnit
indeed, the kind of a Kno they wanted, one who could
lead n successful combat. Jlut dJ these splendid
qualities, enabling him to put a national enemy to
tout, did not prove his real hlnolV nature. Another
iient transpired, appaiantfy insignificant, which -folded
Baul opportunity to prove himfif a King.
Maht here is the central truth, in verses 13 and 13.
There teas a base and troublesome element among
his awn people hostile to his authority, and who gueS'
tinned his abllllu. This tireat victory was a complete
the rest of the ;ioIe demanded the
Saul would have,been Justified, accord
ulnujlnnt nt his lltlU. Hi CMCTUIIMf
veonln wu; "There shall not a man.
over the enemy without, the enemy
made Saul kingly that day. Map.
his jwUtical enemlee, unit, wnen He
the ckMreet flums oj . e
'ru Van at (lalilee was klnalu
tnr thru know uot what they da,"
hitter tuan the iniahlu . and he that
If . ujja - , ta Ii il
8JHOP JOSEPH F 3E8IZY laiHicAS iSR Sf ZV. J.D G-EtST cuS?r '
Body's 128th Session Will
Convene tit Norristown
Next Tuesday Evening.
Evangelist Invited.
"Hilly" Sunday meotitigs nnd the pies
onco of thp pvanitellat wilt fen t tiro tho
12lth spsxion of the I'hlliidplp'nlo Animal
.Mrthodlst r'ptsenpul Conroionce, Hhlth
will cotivcnp at Nori Iston n Ttiendiu
cvenlnir. March IB.
Pentecostal mppllngs Ml he conducted
b tho Hev. In I'hnilfn M. llnawell pvorv
nfteimmn ni I o'clock for tin" hpiipflt of
tno ministers who nie cumppllpd to lcap
I'hlludelphhi mid tlio tuhornoclp tiiePtlnus
to attend the sessions of t'nc conference
Thp music nt tho prlops will lip under
the direction of l'rofosaois Moll nnd
Mark, assisted by tho P.ev. T. W. DihIk,
t'lmplnlii lit thn StatP Seiintp, and a choir
of TO c'lprByniHti. nishop-c Horry aud
Xeely will nttontl tho servlres.
An Invitation has heen extended lo
"Hilly" Htiniity lo address Iho confer
ence llo In considering the Invitation
and probably will acrept Ills address, If
ho consPitts to attend tho ronforenre, will
hn dellored nt onn of thn morniiiK ses
Preceding t'ne opening session the nntil
veisary of tlio Historical 8oclot or the
Philadelphia Confeiencp will be held in
tho Haws Avenue Methodist Eplscopnl
Church Tuesdav e Piling An address will
will be made by the Rev. Dr. Wallace
MucMullon. anil music, under the super
vision of Pjof. T U. .Mlddlelnii, will hn
furnished bv the church enolr. Mlsa
Penil MnndPl Oaub will be the organist.
Bishop William F'razer McPowell. of
Chicago, will formally open the confer
ence nt 0 o'ploelt Wodnesduv morning.
The nddiPss of weleomp, by thp Hev. .1.
Elmer Haul, Burgess of Noirlatown, will
be followed hj gieetings fiom the N'oi
riBtown MlnlHteilnl Association. The an
niversary of the Women'a Home Mission
ary Society will be held at 2 p in. when
tho Itev. Dr I'recman D. Hovaid and
SIlss W'lnnettn Stacks, superintendent of
tho Dcucoiipss Home, will spenk. Mrs.
Vlrgtl n. Horor will direct the music.
The anniversary of the Board of Edu
cation and l'"roedmon"s Aid Society at
7:30 p. m. will be addressed by the Hev.
Dr. Charles W. Flint nnd tho Hpv. Hr.
J II. Scolt. 1'ndnr tho direction of Piuf.
T. IS. Mlddleton, a mule chorus will sing.
At the samp time a mass-meeting In tin
Intciest of social set vice will be held at
the Klrst Mothndlflt Episcopal Church,
with tho ltov. Dr J. (1. Hlckertoii pre
siding. The Hev. Herbert N. Shonton, of
Columbia University, will be tho speaker.
The program for the remaining days of
tho conference ! as follows:
c ,,. , THlfrtSl AY, MAIICIl IS.
s 30 U in.-Conftivnce eeulon.
"', V.T "" ,AxJ,,,u Church. Annli.r-r-?,r.in?,f
Hi'W "men's Foieleti AI mioruirv Aso
clatlon Addresses U M s Iiura jr. uku. .,t
ft.. i?'i. '""a. and Slliw sumiii c. l...,iije. r
& ii. '"?il,,",l'"lu "" of tin- Women's
I'oriJgii Missionary 6oclu lw White will
speak on "Chhtene Cllrl," nid "?!.. Iige on
'Our Coiifcremo sharo In tho Jubilee "
- Pv,m--ri'oiifcreii(o cxucutlva session in Cul
vary Kaptlat church.
4 p. m. Pcntccosiiil sen Ice conducted by tho
Hev. Er. Charlen M. Hosivell.
7:30 pro Haws Avcnuo Church. Annlipr-
iWlIint6 no'2i01' "oni. "JMl and Chun Ii
Intensions. Addressta by tho Itev Ir F n
lloard and tho Kr. in f'harloa M. Hosucll.
orreaiiondlni; inrtlarin
FniHAV, MAItl'll 10.
.10 a. m. Cuntt-ronce ficslnn.
3 p. in. CaHnry luinln church (let m
f ether ineetlns of Uliklnson Coilcco men, wlin
4Jr. J. II. Morgan. auhiE prssldent, prealdliiB
a'i. i', I"- Annual meotlne of tho Sllnlatera'
Wiles' Aufcociation In the Oalt Street l-hurch
1u,,'i,'.nI-'.A.'!nu'l,!,nn?H,', ot llo Mlnletei.
--- ..-"..., ..uiiui .1IHVI viiiein. oncuu
and Marshall an coin
3 -II) P. .in. Han a Aienuo Church. Annlier
;ary of thn Boird of Homo Missions and Chun h
ifv c'4rhi Weklpy llurna. i.imor of the
l',rS,t, CJiureh, ilfrnuinionn, and the Hoi c
A. 1 Incite), pastor or tho Calvary Church, Phil,
adelpliu. Anminl incethiK of tha toymen's A
WHlatlon at the 1'lmt chun-h.
II. 10 a, m Devotional oxen-lses conducte.l ! i
thn Itev, Itobert c. Wells, paMor of tho I'Iim
Cliiircli. .
in a. in iteport or I'roeram Conunlttie l.v
Jamw C. Iraricls. chairman. Appointment "' i
..iiiiiuiiirirv. iicivcri or me utecutivo i oni
mltteo bv John Mclirland, peeretary, Prcst
dent's addrees bv JUaker Tuttle, Treasureri,.
rerort by f-amuel Hbaiv.
S p. m. IJcvntlonal eicrclm conducted by iho
Rev. Thoinos II l.inna. pauor of the Hann
Avenue Clmrch
2 13 p. m Ileport of tha Committee on neo
2 "0 p. in Address by the Hev J. II, Hinge
lev on "The Appeal for the Superannuated
a p. in. Discussion.
.'I ."i0 p. m Address bv tha Itev. Georso i,
Doivey on "ConsenlnB Revival Itesulls "
4 l p. m. 'Address hy Hlshop McDowell
7 ,10. o. Ill Sunfir service and ileiotlnnnl inr.
else. Address by the Rev. Thompson W. Sh
Kinney -n "A Chipt . From the Ilistury o
Mftilem Kvantrellsm '
8 30 a, m. onferenco session,
4 p ni. Pentecostal bervlce.
7 ai) p. m Anniversary of the Temperance
Rocletv. Addresses hy tha Hev, Dr. Clarence
Trua Wilson, general secretary, on "The Coat
tails of John ilarlevcorn." and C '. milfi.
lenlslatlve superintendent of the Pennsylvania
Antl-Slaon League, on "I'ennsjlvanla's Fight
Against the I.lnuor Traffle."
Sl'.S'DAY. MARCH 21.
B a. in Love feast, conducted by the Revl
Dr. John a. Wilson, at IN Haws Aisrnij
Church. ,
10 10 a, m. Ordination of deacons.
to 43 a. m Sermon hy nishop MoDoreli
7 so p. m. Bvansellstio eervlK,
7.30 p. m. ik street Chureh. Anniversary
of the Kpnorth Lsatrus, vvllh achlress by the
Rev. Pr. Daniel II. Jlrummltt.
S.30 a. ni.-Coitfienc nuslun.
4 p. ru. PenteccxUal service.
7 SO p. in Has Avcbu Church. Anniver
sary of tlw Missionary Sfflihrt!'. with adOresisss
by tb Rev. Pr. S. start Taylor. corraBOlulln
wcretary of the Board of F.uobja Missions,
and tb Rev K. Foirest Hann.
8 80 s m. -Conference sasslen, MlalsierUl
awlguBwaU. Adjournca''!.
Hisltop Rhlnelandcr at Cajvary
BUbop PlUUp jr. Rhinelander. of (be
Diocese of Pennyvnla, will deliver a
Bpcu)l addruss to man at Calvary Cburch,
Ust street above Drown strsat, this
evening at 8 o'clocfc and will officiate
at all the services tomorrow t'onnr
mullon msrvi.es will he held at I oilock
tn Ui .leiiuiB Ihe Uci i-'Uiiica 1
-I..I U itiloi of tlii v-burth
fyt ft Y Imm&gM
Bishops IJcitv iiiul N'cul.v will
visit the confiM'ciico. Tho Ilev.
Mr. Geist in pastor of the (Ink
Street Chui't-h, Norristown, and
the Jiev. air. Wells of the First
Material Intended for use as newa
In the Saturday HcIIqIous Page of tlio
EVENING LEDGER should be sent
to the RellQlous Editor, EVENING
LEDGER. The editorial departments
NING LEDGER are entirely separate,
nnd nil newa Intended for use In both
publications should bo mailed sep
arately In order to receive proper at
tention. Services nt Old Kirtst Church
A series of intri denominational meet
ings ut Old First Presbyterian Ohuivh,
Washington Hanaro, has been announced.
Thpv will begin Monday and will bo held
dallv, Sundav excepted, ot 12 15 p. ni ,
until Raster Dnv.
The Hev. Dr. Edward Yates IIUI, pastor
of the church, will Inaugurate the series
Monday. The speakers of denominations
other than the Presbyterian are the Hpv.
Iir Edwin ltcvl liplk, pastor of St Mat
thew's Lutheran Church. March 22-23. the
Hev. Dr W. Quay HosspIIp. pastor of the
Fifth Baptist Church, March 25; the ltov
Dr. Linn Bowman, pastor of thp Spring
Garden Methodist Episcopal Church,
March 26, mid the Hev. William V. Berg,
lastor ol the Cent! nl Congregational
Chuich. March 30. The Rev Dr. Hill will
close tho aeiics with n sermon Easter
Revival Campaign hy Prebyterians
A revival campaign to follow up the
interest aroused by tho Sunday tabernacle
services la being planned at tlio Union
Tabernacle Presbyterlun Church, of which
the Itev. Dr. Robert Hunter is pastor.
The campaign will be conducted bv the
Bnv. Dr. Georgp Mahy, secrotnrv of tho
Pipsbyterlan Evangelistic Committee. Tim
Tho Hev. Dr. Hunter will preach ut the
morning and evening services tomorrow.
A special cornet progrnm, hy tho Oieeu
ha li hi others, will be rendered In tha
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WBy i onii'iiient site for
vE ('iily family refilling,
W The
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,! 1 TTh.TI V
Home mole
Ha5yolcad tasy to Hold
Crnrismon Will Tell Comrades
Story of Conversion at Tab
ernacleOther Y. M. C. A.
Men who havo "hit tho trail" at tho
tnhernaclo will relate tlio stories of their
vob at the men's meeting at the West
Brunch Young Men's Christian Associa
tion, ,VM and Hansom slioets, tomorrow
afternoon. Willi tho exception or n, car
penter, a plumber nnd nn elect! lelun, nil
of ihe converts ate from the Pennsylvania
Railroad shop, ut ltth stioet and l'nrlt
slijo nvenup.
The fnctorv, shop and carbarn meet
ings held bv 1'iaiik l iJcttv, piomoter
of servlie. will again be iPsumod bv the
West Hniiii-h this week, after having
beMi turned over to thp General Comral'
tee of the Young Men's Christ Inn Apso
clntlnti during tho Sunday campaign.
Meetings are held Ihrco davs In tho
week In about 13 places Tho doubly
swelled ntlendnncii Ih attributed to Iho ro
vlvnl cnmpulgn.
The high school bovs who "hit the
trail" moro than n wepk ago nt a scrv
ko nddiessed hy Prof. Homer A. Itodo
hener. of the Sunday pnrty, have formed
Into a ppimancnt Bible class and will
meet every Wednesday nflornoon from
2 3.1 to 3 o'clock, They will bo led by
William If. Crown, secretary: Stewnrt
W. Glsrlol, director of edticntlon: Prof.
Clyde Lvtle, Harry Wnilng. Russell Pat
terson, Prof. T. L. Hrubackor nnd Owon
V. H. Ball, chief of the Bureau of City
Piopeitv, will nddtess the men's meet
ings In the auditorium of the Central
Young Men's christian Association, H2t
Arch street, tomorrow afternoon nt I
o'clock on the "Thp Manliness of Clirlstl
nnltv." Music will be furnished by the
Messrs Bovell, violinist, Wlcst, cornet
Ist. nnd Kneedlcr, pianist
"Join the i 'hurch" Is thn slogan or the
Drop-In class tomotrow The meeting
will be held from 3 to 4 p in., led by
itm.i'iinrs Mriri"H
BAPTIST TKMPI.r, Uroad and Ucrlis
coiiitlnnd Meyors. D. U . Pastor of Tremont
Tiriiple, Hostnii. MUSH., will Preach.
MornliiE. 10 'HI. Ulble School. 2 30. Kve.. ..13,
sot rami, will usslel I" the evetiine Organ
Lcltal, 7X5 Wm. Powell TvvoiWell. M D.
The Temple lilrls' Oi telle and ridells.
Mnle (Jiiauet will Blvo a cpneort
Tui-Bilni. Maiclil'l.ai'jlSuSUver Offering,
Chebtnut sr.. west of 40th.
IhiirtHK li. ADAMS. D. D. Pastor.
0 IV-Ilrntheihood, of A and P. ,,
ti::io . m Worship and Bernion b raator,
2 in p n nttile Wchool and Mens Ulble
7 I.," p. in -Worship and SertnoiibyPaatpr.
meets a I". 7tti below (llrard avo Mi.
lunnufordP Weaker. Prlday nlshi Inniaii
A. Mi-Kennev. ovanBellst. John Abdlll. so u
t sundav Vucwlav um Thuiday nlBiis.
ilethan? Anchoraee. KIHI N Oth si. William
II MhueireiU:lnus dir-c tor
rirtHT church "op" Tin: iirdthuen
(l)Cnlicr). Cor Carlisle and Dauphin sts.
I'rea'htiiB 10 ao a ni nnd 7.1.1 p. m.
4 inula S hmil-2 'in p. m.
1'iaver Meeting encn nnnnwii 'i'J'llu.l; .
I nlMlpIrs uf ClirM
TlllltH CllltlSTIAN CliyjU'll
Lull1 IISI.T nil' i liwiu ,,". '.-E.., z...
, iuii .... ..-t-.- vr
I '.111
U'lNinn Pastor. 10 is. a an. . b.
llrcvel Hhhlle Hlble CIuivj
luu arc cordlull Invited to . u civic ijncj
iiuiuilon.il iall Thursday night In i Alle
.l.m Vie liupilst Chiiicli. Knnikford and
M.rBhenv avenues SpeaUers' Hon. nobert
I MlKuu. II. P VeaKel and others. Cooa
. nlng and vvuim welcome.
i'laiiUlln llnnio ,
IION (IK INHnitlATKB. Oll-Ul Ujeust .
Kunday, 8pm Bervlce cnnducte.1 by Hev,
iieeu aiinnics.
Leinoii Illll Aokoclu linn
'enniviNn a counth"
TAnCRNACI.K. roth and hpruc-Wm. J, Mil'
ler. Jr. 10-15. T:IS 8S 2 3') nm.
MclhmlUt l.'plscopal
rill-HCH (. Till: COV KNANT
SflLWHAnhLU" MCHOLS. Minister.
? "how'Tho'l&r.lo Was Won " A brUht,
cheerful servlto of song ami sermon,
Mariitng Service, XO 4D, feermon by Doctor
Hums ., . t, ,
Kvenlng Service, S. The Lost Soul."
Music by Vested HoyJholrJIVelccjiiw
TlTKHNACLi:, litis "below Oxford A. B.
V-rovVeH.JSrinon, 10:30, 7.4S: S. 3.. 2:30,
New Jerusalem (Mvedeiibortian)
WHEHK IlW BLUEST TtlOU""ls the sublsct
u( tiw miuuhi Sunday morning by the Pastor,
the Itev. Charles W Ilsrvsy. at tha, Cljuri-h
of tho New Jerusalem. 2Sd and Cbastnut sts
Miller, st XX o'eloik. EanuUy School at p-SO.
All seals aie Irw. Svibo4y Is walcome.
Broad and Oreen sts.
10 3 i ni Sarmon by Ihe Pastor, "Vet
M-il- 1 Eso Oct" Sacrament ot Infant Uap
t ism
.41. p. in. SuBday School. Classes for all
4 'p. .-Crlci lindcMvcr.
7.41 P. ui Evanlni; Servl.s. with Sermon by
iU IVscor. "Woundsd In tba taword Arm "
iivlval Hynuu! vvlll be usad at tlila ssxvice.
Evervoua toast cordially wclcond m all
ORt-N'mLL Oliurd ave., above H-lh." H8i
Y Tuodi lo at"t ,T 45. "Vlesory Krom
Dfet' . - 30. Blbte cij. Music- Uttcier tlw
I ulrectlju uf Mr. -oba Dysoa. mUi. You
HOPE, a.1'1 siv Wbjrtosj sis- MUilstsr. Rv
J RV Btll TON 11 D. Hsv. WILLIAM
lUIUII cl DVV F.IJ. Assistaul jo 41 a
ui ftoi-ior llioii on J. bus tn ilie Hsuie '
7 45 c, in a -niLKMluiu on the ttrurobausu
1 ocal upuou tlllf, toy ilea Ua of iioj,
Churc .
Thomas T I.nwton. It will bo preceded
bv n. tmittlpnl service.
A continuation of tlio noonday shop
mepllngi after tho Sundav campaign H
concluded Is being planned. Volunteers
from pliurches will take the places of the
nftnhfiM of tho Sunday party when tho
tatlcr lenvo Iho city.
rouro of 10 session! on blackboard
lllusiinllotis, with Miss I'lorencn H. Dar-nc-ll
n Inslrurlor, will bo held In the au
ditorium Mottdit.v evening nt 5 o'clock
Thr course li especially adapted to the
need of svhool tonchprs, Sunday school
trainers, sorial workers nnd nil spcak
pis who need thn abllltv to Illustrate, nny
Ipssnn In a simple, rapid manner.
Mrmhrrs of tho hoys department nt
ihe Not th Branch Young Men's Christian
V'toclatlon. 1013 West Lehigh nvemio, will
tnl.e part In a Junior championship atli
I. tic meet nt Hip West Brunch Y. M. C A.
ihh. iiftptnooii The social hour enlcrinln-
inrni icmiHlit will be under the direction
i Wlcst The program will con--i
of local nnd Instrumental musln nntl
i . it.th.iK Miss C. M. Kerr. Mrs.
Ihomii- .tofopli Fnulktier. Miss Elsie
h ii cr nnd others Will participate.
ihe itcv II. 13. Hand, pastor oi me
w c-i York Street Methodist Kplscopal
c hurch. will address the meti' nu'elltiff
ti.iiiiiiiiiw iiftcrnnnn nt 1 o'clock. J. LI"
m.i Hill. Jr. baritone, will be the solo
ii llin iv Sinister, pianist, nnd Julius
Kunt.m.iii, cornotlst.
ItlDDLK lllllliE I'liASSES
Object Is lo Conserve Ueaulla of Sun
day Revival.
I'hp litt gun In the campaign of the
1mppI Riddle Bible Classes to conserve
the vi oik of the "Hilly" Stmda revival
will bo llrpd at the civic and educational
rally to bo held In tlio Allegheny Avenue
Baptist Chuirli, Frankfoid nnd Alle
gheny nvenues, Thursday evening.
.More than SOO classes of Philadelphia
and Camden will Iip represented at tho
gathering, which will be the first of a
series of rallies. Thomas McOarvey,
chief director of North Philadelphia, will
presldo and the Hev. rjeorgo H. Swift
will delivei the nddioss of welcome. Tho
speakers will Include Itobert J. MoKcnty.
Warden of the 'Eastern Penitentiary; II.
V. Yeakel, rnllglous editor of the in
quirer, and A. J. Drexel Blddle.
Rnlliei vvlll he held In vniious churches
of this cilv ami Camden Maich 23. April
S, II and a and May ti, 13. 17 nnd 27 Tho
niimi.il spiv lie nnd parnde of the classes
will bo held April 2j. During the nmil
versarv week, exeiolses nt the Inasmuch
Mission, Locust ntreet between 10th nnd
11th street". "Prcel Bltldlo Bible Class
Night" will ho ohs"rved March 29. "Dnn-
llin Night" will lie celebrated May 3.
The summer liumo will lie opened May 1.
,!,:' "'iocs Noricns
l'relt terlun Coiitlntieil
Iialtltnore itve., cor. Will st.
ltov. .1. HRVPltri'itE LFiR.-l). I)., Minister.
10 1", .i in - PnMIc Worship
2 '!() p. in ciraded Bible School.
7 1.1 p in Evening Worship.
Dr." !-eo villi prc-jch murntni; nnd evenluff.
Muslt bv nolo quartet choir All eils. free.
i. nion'tmihiivai i.i:
Vorlt end Cnnl at
Hev. HOllLUT IIPS'TKR, D D, Pastor.
will preach 10 li n m nnd " II ii m
Revival HvnuiH ni tho livening Service.
Sidolr. Mr H Ilethorlnitnn.
S I0-abl)ath School 7 V P. 8 c.
Itlil and Pino rts..
.IAS HJAMS4V HWMN, Minister.
U tiiiVi orniitp Scrmnn, "SAVINO VAITH."
i'.l'i nibtc Sihnit ado. Adult Classes
s Ui-vv "rehip Sermon. MK8L'S, SA HiUH
"Cnme thou ard all Ihv house
Prntestnnt HpIhMiptil
N. 41st streot. aboio Drown.
a iicmIjI Address lo Men, at 8 p. in All men
i'unioirow. Ilolv t nmmunfun, 7 '111, Choral
KiichatUt lo 'to i m c inrtrmatlon Service.
S p. m TUB IIISHOP will officiate nt all
i rv ii "i All He its free
ciTPhui op tiic holy apostles
21st nnd Christian sts.
nnv. iionnitT w. patton
March II to UI. Inclusive.
A program or progressiva and applied Chris
tianity Morning Senlco at 10 30, Evening Servleo
nt 7.30
Broad and Smith sts. Seat free.
7 RO. 10 ao, 11 a in , 4 p. m.
Frlda.i, March 10. S p. in.
Sacred Song Cyeli
Jessie B. Maatora, Contralto
choir of tlio Church
ivlngiiessing avo. ana nui st.
Pervtcea on Sunday:
fc 11 7M,
Rev Robert Mcl'ctrldge will preach In the
Rev Dr. A. S. Burke vvlll preach In the
Wednesday, March l"th, 7 43 n. m.
Dubois' Cantata, "Seven Lost words."
Miss Krinu Rartier, Soprano.
Harry Ourno, Tenor
Horfitl" Connell, llass.
F.H. IJendle,Jr,Muleal Director.
OLD ST. JOHN'S, Ilfoivii below 3d. "" Doctor
Iltchmond rreaches 10 SO, 7.IR Subject at
free. Public invited.
i(BHlBsWSjS(iMlW'.Vi':5S &Stftv(3S ffi fJflJiStei s
The Most Remarkable Photo
of a Battleship
at Full Speed Ever Taken
The photographer stood in a launch, ENGINE
STOPPED, just 75 feet in front of the onrushing
giant! Then his motor wouldn't crank and he
barely escaped being run down. But he got it a
photo of the big super-dreadnought New York
28,000 tons of steel rushing through the water at
over 26 miles per hour I
Be sure you get this great picture! It's well worth
framing. Printed on the front page of the Intaglio
Section, March 14th issue of the
, ti..i..-t ti xt tt
' Sundny Ilovivfll Uniifrs New Life to
Religious Activities.
The revival spirit In Philadelphia has
swelled Ihe attendance at the meetings
of iho Lemon Hill Association and has
grently increased the percentage of tlioso
who take their stand for Christ, arcont
Ing to an announcement by the aiSocla
llott, today.
Ih spite of tho attractions at the "lililv"
Sunday tabernacle, iho association's au
dlpiiWs havo been considerably larger
than In former season?. In response to
the public need, the ministers of the ad
visory board have unanimously decided
to continue the meetings nt the Onrilck
Theatre until May I, provided the con
trlbutloni allow It
"Senltlng a Countrv' wl'l he the toplo
of the Hev. Dr. James B Ely, at the noil
sectarian meeting at the Oarrick, tomor
row pi, pnlng.
Ridley Park Calls Rector
Tho vestry of Christ Protestant Episco
pal Church, nt rtldlov Park, has extended
a call lo tho Itev. Albert Edwin Clatteh
burg, of Wilmington. Del . to nccept tha
rectorship of the chuich The church hnn
been without it rector lnre the Itcv fi.l
bert Pctnbpr resigned to acpppt the rec
torship of St. Michael's C'hifri h. rierman
town, U'hcro he assumed charge Inst week.
1'roles.lnnt i:plcopn1 Continued
l'!IISI! OP ST U'ltn AM
thp. DPtPHANy
Mill rt , below Sptiiri'.
la, in Holv Cuiniiiunlon.
10 n. in. -Sundav School.
11 a. m.- Morning 1'r.ivei nnd Sermon
I p. ru.--Benlns Prajer, Anthem nnd Ad.
Orgnii, harp and 'cello pieludo and Interlude.
Soprano soloist. Mrs. Helen Yarnall
The Hector will prc'cli at both services.
17th and Summer stroeta.
S On a. nt. -Holy Communion
It (0 a. ni. Mornlnc I'rajer nnd Sermon.
24" p. in. Sunday School.
S O) ti m. livening Prayer and Address,
Preacher morning, ilev, I. W. Mcdreiv
l'rcacher eienlrig, Rev, C. I Biggs
I'Uh nml Ixtcunt sts
Tlio ltov. ELLIOT WIDTH, Re' tor
, nnd S Holy Communion.
10 .'IS Matins.
llcliornl Bucharlst.
4 Choril Ivctisntie with short ruldress and
Anthem, followed bv rirRim Iteclial
'I be Hei tor will prrecli cm SuihI i at 11
a. m.
,. ,.i nnd Ii a. m. nnd Ti p. ni
Tho LHnny vvlll be slid and Intoi. esylous for
peace mado on Wcidnesdajs nnd I rtrlnvs nt
12 ni.
SJlunlaj. nt 12 m. the Rector's Pllile ( lnsv
(tn the chtirchi. 1'hurpilaiH unit Siiinis Da.s
iitdttlonaLccIebraHon, 11.30 a. in
ST. HTni'H KIN'S" ( liritCIl "
ICth M aboio Chrstni t.
Rov. CAUL i: ORAM M BR. S T P Hector.
Sunday Scivlces, 11 o. ni. H ilv ( nninninlon
nnd 8ermnn. 1 p. m. r.vcntng lira er and
ehort nditresa. I be Reclor nfll (trench nt
both sprilioH In the ntteruoini i'i. He tnr is
stiitiB a course or tec tines on The (Ionpel
Uchlnd the Hoi-pelt. "
10th ubove Chestnut.
MARCH 1.-..1P
HronklMl, N. Y.
MARCll I'll (Saturday)
Whltemnrsh, I'a.
FIRST N. A.. Utlfond Dauphin Rev John T.
Hides, Pestar. in M and S - 2 .In Pre.
puratnrv rervicps next Wed. and Krldnj,
SliACi;. "nth and Hcnt'ngc'nn nei. I C.
nutellns. UI ".0. 7 4-. mun i.iv Si honl 2 ,".il
Rcfoniicd liNpnpal
OLit. HCbnCMBR XOlli ard Osford Aiibu -ma
13 Tlarnett, Reclor. 10 Ml. 5 :il S CO
Eienlig. "Seir-Concelt and Si If ( ontenuit
Which Te the More DntiKCiou-""
."oi l.ill-l I llcniry Society
"Theso Shlrtlru; Sienes" en . u il sirnk on
The Latent Phases of the fuffr irc 1'lKlit,"
Bread Stieet Theatre, Sundav, 't p tn Mulo
by an Den Becmt StrltiR yiirtnet dmis
ninn free
UlitAltli AVK tl'iO) HIV K. h TVANS
111 4S: I-. "uio .icsus i nini i ii inuv -
7 13 ROnilllT 1 1. DRUM'S I uhlli i bar.
Ahs'ii '.sinirt.ti Till. S'l VT1 VII. PPI
VATK CI I AH ITI KS '" 1'i-cisc
vkSImsb Sbr'vici:, I .JO o'. Ini li Houston
Hall Adilresa bv Bishop s tlnnlel S
Thomas Soloist, Miss Helen II lule'to
Young Men' CbrUlhin AMiclnllon
CI1IHB" W. IL HAIL. Cln Pniperti on 'T'le
Manliness ol ( bristle nil i," I p. in ui I
niidltcirlicn Oood mi.sii nnd i ikikii nei
lOlli.'. I.iop-'n l l.l-a. I p in, In l.d In one
hour nttrBitlle It hie Mudv ntnlt i Mr tow
tan. Strangers spec lallj Invltcl
T-IIMI-IIITTKIIS' HAY. Went Ilia i n &
and Sntisom I i. tu , testimonies oi
converts. IIenr W. Itvls. eolnlst
men Invite 1
Philadelphia Headnuartcis. Colonial Trust
Building, mil and Market
Colonel R. B Hols In command.
Telephones Dell. Walnut 3733-0.
ieystone, Ita. e 5121 c
. s..4.k-. i