Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 12, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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    tei 1
Evuafriya ii3DqisB--PHTirAPBi;pi3:rA fbiday, march re. mfr
emus n. k criiTis. rioiixT.
W&. TRripSZ"' rh,"P S C0Wnt' John "
eimtorial noAnoj '
''tH. K Cimm, Chairman.
r- "r'.yjmBy- 1j .i:wuiu tailor
JOlfflttMAhtW.. ...... qtneral"nulnc Maemtsr
Pul.llth! ilallr Bl Ptnf.td ttwii niiltdln,
Independence Square, Philadelphia.
I.cun CmtMf. , .BreAd nnd Chestnut Bl.Tl
Cl"'!re CIT ..........PrrM-tnlon HmIMItik
IJW iodic .....170-A, Metropolitan Tower
J-"'04"50 ..817 Mnm lnmrnnce Building
' 8 WMerlno I'lace, Pill Mall, S. W.
iiStiJ Ti!?.P.0.?"0 Tho rimr HulMlhS
PiJ)BBtu...., 32 Hue Louis le grand
sunscmrcio.v terms :
u iiiZiZLt rt"! l,,,U;h,,, p rorign poiiisB
h-r infitSj iTiSV? ,'., ' rtollam. All mall aubi
Kv-riptlOns payable In dnnc.
ST tictri'ss all com mini tea I Ion. to llienlng
Titiger, Intcjitndenee Square, Philadelphia.
x.Ktmto iTTiit riiiUM.irim rrmTomcis ..i skcomvT
increase tho cost of orSeratlhg ship under the
American ring to such a flguro that It will
bo almost Impossible for any American ship
to do business.
Robert Dollar, the largo.vt ship owner on
llyj Pacific, who secured American registry
for two or three of his ships when Congress
permitted It, has already announced that If
he Is to contlnuo to do business ho must seek
registry under tho Chlncso flag. Another
Pacific company has let It bo known that tho
new law will Increase Its annual expenses
by $800,000, ft sum 6o largo that It will bo
compelled to go out of business unless tho
law Is changed.
And thus arc our amateurs accomplishing
tho otmoslto of wlint thov Intended, while
Insisting tliat they know bettor than nny
one else what Is best for tho country.
In the meantime the voters tiro awaro that
they must pursue a policy of watchful wait
ing for only about 20 months longer boforo
they can Interveno and fix a limit to tho
reign of blundeilng.
Vonezelog, the Man Who Represents
the Imperial Aspiration of Hellas,
For Five Centuries tho Race Has
Cherished "The Idea."
I'lllMDEU'lllA.tlllDAK MAIICII 12. 1D1S.
Grafters thrive only when the people arc
Tile Port Will Not Develop Itself
THE wholesale giocers of 1'enns.vhnnla,
New Jersey and Delaware apparently un
derstand what It means to have tho Amer-Icun-Hawallan
Steamship Company withdraw
Its ships from this port. They havo adopted
resolutions of protest at their annual con
vention In Scranton. Tills Is the first formal
expression of public sentiment to bo mado
slnco tho decision of the company was an
nounced. It should not bo tho Inst. Wlillo
Philadelphia should lake tho lead In Inducing
tho company to reconsider, tho development
Is hot n local matter. This port serves a
large territory moro satisfactorily than It
can bo served by nny other port, and It Is
tiblo to offer Inducements to shippers nnd
to steamship companies unsurpassed by any
other port In tho country. All that Is needed
Is for tho energetic, optimistic men of tho
community to decldo that no business which
ought to come hero shall go anywhere elso
and then let It bo known that conditions nro
so attractive hero that business cannot go
nnywhero else. Tho port will not develop
Compulsory Voting Is Not Wanted
IV ANYBODY thinks that the great mass
of citizens, indifferent to their public ob
ligations, can bo Induced to go to tho polls
by a fine of $1 or $2 if they stay away, ho
mtSjUdgCS thO ValUO Wlllnll thrsn nnonln nut
on money, Tho man who goes hunting on
election day will not bo deterred by a flno of
$2. Ho will simply charge it up to tho cost
of the trip. And tho citizen who lounges In
his club, or on his country estate on this
Business holiday, instead of doing his duty
as a freeman, would willingly pay $10 rather
than be compelled to go to tho polls and
stand In line until ho has an opportunity to
capt his ballot. If a special messenger wero
sent to him with a set of ballots nil folded
and marked he might deign to select one,
but tho chances aro against It.
What 1b needed to induce men to go to tho
polls Is an aroused conscience and an ap
preciation of tho obligations of citizenship.
Tho verdict of the interested voter Is much
more likely to bo right than tho verdict of
tho coerced citizen.
This Is Not n One-Mnn Job
T1IR President tins decided to dovoto tho
next thrco weeks to mastering tho prob
lems Involved In tho relation of tho United
Stntos to the belligerents. He has canceled
nil his engagements and has lot It bo known
that ho will seo no political callers. He
wishes' to glvo his undivided attention to the
matter In hand.
It Is not necessary to dwell on tho criti
cism of his own Stnto Department Involved
In this decision. Kuough hns already been
said nnd written about tho mnlnblc Inein
elcncy of tho Seerotury of Btotn to siiirico
for thrco weeks at nny rate. Jlr. Wilson
nppaiently uiiderstnuds tho limitations of
the man nt tho head of his Cabinet. And
ho also understands the crlllcnl stnlo of
nffalrs growing out of tho (.Inking of tho
Wllllnm P. Kryo and tho destruction of
other American ships by the belligerents.
Somebody with n broad knowlcdgo of Inter
national law and a firm grasp on tho basic
principles of International relations must
tnko tho helm or tho country will bo on tho
rocks borore wo know It.
JIr. Wilson undcrstnnds that ho Is re
sponsible for whnt Is done, nnd ho appar
ently Intends to be hl. own Korelgn Minis
ter In n moro active sense than ho has yet
been. Although ho Is not a specialist ns
John Bas.tt Jlooro Is. or as John Hay was
and as Kllhu Root became, he has a mind
capable of grappling with tho subject. If
ho can break loose from his temperamental
limitations and will accept tho assistance
nnd tho advice or tho best minds In tho
country he will have no difficulty In steer
ing clear of the rocks that beset him on
every hand. While he has decided not to
receive any political callers he will bo wlso
If he summons to his, assistance tho men
capable of helping him In tho great patriotic
task that now confronts him.
The Law and the Kine
GOVERNOR KIEI,DER'S curiosity nbout
the origin of the law under which
Ephralm T. Gill will be permitted to collect
J2?3 nplcco for his thoroughbred cattle,
'killed by the New Jersey ofllcers, does him
credit. The law was rushed through the
Legislature after It was discovered that Mr.
GUI's herd was infected with tho foot nnd
mouth disease. Without It he could have col
lected only ?37.G0 a head for tho animals.
There Is no doubt that thoroughbred cattlo
nro worth more than others, and tho State
should pay moro when they have to bo
slaughtered for the protection of other stock,
If It Is to pay for nny diseased cattle that
have to be destroyed. But tho proceeding
looks as If thero had been n conspiracy to pro
tect Mr. Gill rather than a sorious attempt to
remedy defects in the law for tho benefit of
every one. The cose demands Investigation.
Italy Awaits the Signal
TOO much credenco should not he put in
the reports that German diplomacy has
prevented Italy from entering tho war.
Italy's Interests nre all with the Allies. The
Italian statesmen know this as well as It is
known by the Italian people who are clam
oring1 for war.
The reason for the delay of Italy will
doubtless be found in tho fact that the time
la not yet ripe for her to throw the weight
of her army and navy into the balance. When
that hour strikes there Is not likely to be
ny hesitation in Rome. Italy is merely
awaiting the signal.
The Building Boom
IF A city about half the slro of Harrlbburg
were lifted up bodily nnd set down in Phil
adelphia the population hero would bn In
creased no more than it actually grows every
year by Hinall accretions. About 0 new fam
ilies come here every working day In tho
year to make their home. Tho population
grows at the rate of COO a week. So when
It is announced that 1400 now houses are
to bo built this spring no one need wonder
where tho families aro to come from to fill
them. Tho normal growth of tho city re
quires several times 1400 houses to accom
modate It, provided each family occupies a
house by itself.
Thero has been no moro favorabln tin.,. i.
years for building than the present. Labor
Is plentiful and building materials are low.
When conditions aro such that from $500 to
$1000 can bo saved in tho cost of a house
the wholo community profits by the economy
as long ns tho houso stands, for the smaller
investment decreases tho cost of living for
those who occupy It and the amount saved is
free for use in other ways. Tho announce
ment that 1400 houses are to bo built .this
spring is likely to bo followed by another
announcement that many hundred moro aro
to bo erected beforo tho summer is over.
How Amateurs Treat Our Shipping
WHILE Woodrow Wilson was still pros!
dent of Princeton University ho deliv
ered a Phi Beta Kappa address at Harvard.
In which he made a vigorous attack upon tho
elective system which President Eliot had
devoted years to develop. Doctor Eliot was
in the company of distinguished scholars who
heard him.
When Woodrow Wilron became President
of the United States Doctor Eliot remarked,
-with flno discrimination, that the Govern
ment was In the hands of a company of ami.
tsiirs. And honors were even.
Tho trail of the amateur is over everything
that has been done in the past two years
the trail of tho self-confident amateur, who
bad peen waiting his,- opportunity to show
to tho world Just how things should be man
Hged. For example, Jt was decided that the mer
chant marine should be encouraged, and a
bill was passed permitting: foreign-built ships
to fly the American flag when they are owned
by Americans. This- was wise and in accord
ance with the advice of experts. Then the
a,raiieura decided that the American tonnage
was not Increasing fast enough and they
tried tfl force a bjij through Congress which
wuld have put the Government in competi
tion with private shin owners nnH sit.
our8S4 the building of now bottoms to en
piste In tho American trade. There was
wMJW Mugh In Congress to reject the meas-utm-
KH In pressure of the amateurs was
uwt Ut force the pauge of the seaman's
IJU, insure nominally in the interest of
sfiy tU'tm tmt h iM-tee(ton of American
rM'B. tewt actually tUe wvw.t stunning blow
' p" wmgBE rjie, i wU
The Power That Kules Us
TTTHOBVRn It ti.au dint n.... ,.iii...i ..
,..,,.,. lot iini in
tention to the power behind tho tlirona
so big that it made tho throne itself look
liko h doll's easy chair must have had
woman in mind No other known power
can bo described ho aptly by tho fnmous
epigram. If this had not been proved on In
numerable occasions tho iccent triumph of
Mrs-. H. E. Webb, of Mlllvllle, California,
would bo sufficient. Both Mrs. Webb and
hor husband wero candidates for appoint
ment as postmaster. They each took a civil
service examination. Mrs. Webb received a
hlghor mark than her husband. Triumph
number one. Mrs. Webb is a Democrat in a
year when a Democratic President Is in
ofllce. and tho Democratic committees make
recommendations. Triumph numbor two.
Mrs. Webb received the Indorsement of tho
Democratic authorities. But with tho his
toric self-abnegation of her sex sho pushed
her husband to tho front, and, although he
is a Republican, she persuaded the authori
ties to appoint him as postmaster. Triumph
number three. Not onlv has Mr wokk
proved that ho Is better fitted for tlio office
man ner nusoand, but that she has Influence
enough to get the Job for him in splto of ills
politics and of his inferior qualifications
This story of her exploit should be hushed
up, or tho men In the States where tlio women
do not yet vote will bo more loath than ever
to admit their wives to the polling places.
It is much easier to build a church than to
fill It after It is built.
General Scott has started from Bluff, Utah
to bluff tho Piutes. '
If the poll tax is abolished It will not take
so much money to carry elections.,
Secretary Redfield is getting to be so smart
that hl name will soon have to be changed
to Aleck.
The date when work can bCKln on tho now
subway does not depend on the consent of
the P. R. T. or of anybody else save the
voters of Philadelphia.
Training recruits at St. Petersburg is n-tereatlng-
more Americans than reading the
news about the progress of the training go
ing on In the British recruiting camps.
Why did the hotelmen reduee the price of
champagne 50 cents a bottle at the same
meeting at which they adopted resolutions
favoring tlie repeal of the full crew law?
Jaume, the Paris detective who dlvcovered
a murder with c trouser but tea as bis only
clue, had aothJng on the Philadelphia detec
tive who njtfd the crime of wle breaking oa
a man by means 0f the collar which he left
ONE of tho great statesman of the century,
ono of the Important makers of Hellonlo
history, ICleuthcrlos Vcnezelos strongly re
sembles in nppenranco tho Pericles of tho
Cresllns bust In tho Urlilsh Museum. Tho
first Impression Is of benevolence nnd mod
eration, tho next of sternness nnd deter
mination. In qualities of statesmanship tho likeness
between tho two men Is- rcmnrkablc. Whnt
Thucydldcs said of Pericles Is largely truo
of Vcnezelos during his flvo years as Pre
mier of Greece. Tho classic historian wroto
of tho "Zeus of Athens": "Ho was ablo to
control tho multitude In a freo spirit: ho led
thrm rnthor than waa led by them. Not
seeking power by dishonest arK ho had no
need to say pleasant things, but on tho
strength of his own high character ho could
vonturo to opposo nnd oven to anger them.
When ho saw them unreasonably elated and
arrogant, his words humbled and awed
them; and, when thoy wero depressed by
groundless fenrs, ho sought to arouso their
confidence Thus Athens vrns ruled
by her greatest citizen."
Won Confidenco by Offending
Pericles learned opportunism from tho
conflict between Imperlollsm nnd the clty
stato idea; Venezolos, from his leadership
or revolutionaries' among tho hills of ("rote
Llko Pericles, Vcnezelos scorned to .attrr
tho populace; he used nono of the arts of tho
demagogue; on tho evo of general elections
ho said unpleasant things to tho people;
but, single-minded for tho welfnro or his
country, he wns so trusted by its cltleni
that in every national crlsliv thoy followed
him united. The Pericles of tho Cresllns
bust wears a helmet, nlgnlfying tho soldier;
aim venczcios Is soldier as well ns states
man. Under tho guidance of Vcnezelos
Grew advanced In prosperity by leaps nnd
bounds, nnd tho people enjoyed a larce In
crease of the general amenities of life. It
wns not exactly another Ago of Policies,
but it marked n national and social revival.
It Is hardly too much to say that Von
ozelos created a Now Greece. Strictly
speaking, ho built on foundations already
lnld, nnd tho nccompllshment Is not yet.
That Is why tho Hellenic people, f,o loyal to
the Ideals icpresented by Veney.Plns. feel so
keenlv tho loss of his sen-ices tut popular
leader and holmsman of tho ship of stale.
Ono of the most distinguished Gieeks In
America declares that "entry into tho con
flict has becomo ror Greece an Imperial
necessity." 'Imperial" is the word.
Tho disagreement between King Constan
tino nnd Mr. Venezoloi nnd tho consequent
forced retlicmcnt of the Premier came he
says. 'Just at the time when all the world
was oxpeuting to seo Greece Using to tlin
exigencies- of her historical nnd nationnl
aspirations, and fighting for the accomplish
ment of her destinies." J-'or centuries
Grecco has been looking forward to "The
Day" tho day of tho rc-cstabllshment of
tho Hellenic Empire. Not tho Emplro of
Alexander, but the emplro of tho Constan-tlnes-and
tho Constantino who is King to
day thwarts the wish nnd will of tho people
to whoso welfare ho Is nevertheless de
The Constan tines of Old
After tho Roman conquest It seemed that
the race, physically and morally, was dead.
Not so. When, early in the Christian era,
tho barbarian hordes- nrcsseil nnnn th n-,01.
ern frontiers of tho Roman Empire, tho
Greeks drovo back tho invaders. It was this
snmo race, with its grit and staying power
and its deep-seated public spirit, which
mndo possible the long history of tho Byzan
tlno Empire and resisted the coming of tho
Dark Ages long after they had settled down
on Western Europe. Then camo Muhammad
II to Constantinople, and Constantino XT
fell by tho Cannon Gato. Tho Greeks gave
themselves up to commerco and religion; for
a time they fought no moro; but their ener
gies and vlitucs had not gono out of them,
but only slept, and their Indomitnhlo hopes
weio passed on from generation to genera
tion. A new Greeco roso from the struggle which
won Independence in 1S27.
All tho time, since tho Turk took Con-
sinnunopio, tuero has been Tho Idea. Ono
day tho Creek would win back his wholo In
heritance. The boys and drl !,,. k
singing, in each generation, tho old song.
They have token the city.
They have taken It.
They have taken Salonika.
For comfort and encouragement speaks the
Ho of good cheer. Lady, ceno from tears
nnd weeping.
After a season, after years. It will ho our
own again.
Salonika la theirs, but not Constantinople.
Tho city of tho Constantines is too much
for them to expect, perhnps, but tho harbor
of tho Byzantine capital was tho Golden
Horn. And, ns Italy has its Italia Irredenta,
so modern Hellas has its Unredeemed Greece
ilvo million Greeks In different parts of
Turkey, on tho shores or the emplro wrested
from them flvo centuries ago.
Enthusiasm and faith were with tho Greeks
In their disastrous war with Turkey In 1S07.
but not organization or efficiency. Greeco
was humiliated beforo her enemy. 'Tho
fthamo burned for 1R years. To Introduce a
more virile eplrlt Into the national life for
it seomed that tho Greek was becoming
again too much like the "political man" of
Kipling's "Finest Story of the World" the
Military League was formed. This organ
ization represented not militarism or Jlngo
Ism, as adverse critics charged, but a move
ment toward national retpnpmiir.,, a .mo
ments were but one Item on tho program of
the league. The main purpose was to at-
tauK corruption, sinecures, softness and
weakness In every department of public life.
The league, however, might have wrought
Incalculable harm, but for the coming of
Venezelos to Interpret lta true spirit and
guide its activities through constitutional
The Liberator of Hellas
This Is the man, now CO years old, who
In a few ehort months became to the Greek
people what Cavour was to the Italians of
an earlier period. He had to fight theJr
factions and refuse their multitudinous de.
mands. but ha Won their confidence. Ho
initiated the Balkan League only after beat
ing down the oppoailton of the Young- Greeks,
who were slow to bury thslr hatred of the
Slav. In the war that followed against Tur
key. Athens was not the Athena of the pre
vious eonfliot: it waa steady and patient, la.
opiMd by &a ioi patriotism ad lessees-
ing a calm confidenco in Venozelos ns tho
right man to steer tho nation through tho
crisis with Judgment and zeal. In all
Oiecce, in tho Tivcr&ean colonies, party dif
ferences wero laid aside. Thero was only
ono party, tho patriotic parly. That result
was the work and wisdom of Venczcios.
In that war tho Greek army proved itself
worthy of Its ancient tradition. To tnko
their places in tho ranks camo men from
the Greek colonies in all parts of the world
.17,000 from America. Students and aclinnl-
ma.sters, lawyers and merchants, formed a
larger proportion of that army than of most
armies. At tho end of this conflict and tho
ono that followed on Its heels Greeco camo
oft with doubled territory and almost
doubled population. It wns n long step
toward the redemption of Imperial Hellas.
Tho Ilellenlzation or tlio new possessions
proceeded npacc. Undovulopcd natural 10
sourcos uorc tapped. Railways Woio pushed
forward in Macedonia. The golden stream
pouring Into tho homeland from tho far
scattered colonics Increased in volume. "So
cial legislation" was enacted. Tho national
spirit deepened, the imperial vision widened.
Venczcios is no hot-headed militarist. Ho
does not wish to wreck tho realization of
Tho Idea by too much hurry. He is con
servative. Ho wants to go slow. But ho is
nn opportunist. That is why ho had to lc
slgn from the Cabinet or Klnn- Pnn.tn -
In 1913, just befoto the imifii..t ...1.1. ii '
garla, ho mado this cool and significant pub
lic statement in answer to those who clam
ored against his lojalty to tho Balkan Alll
nnce: "A great change has come over tho soul
of tho Greek people in tho Inst thrco years.
Every ono does not seo It; but it Is so great
that it permits, nay that It compels, tho
toTnl ."e:d f th0 C!rcck Government
!h, ,, ' t0 ," ,,0o",e- U ' """"nil
hat differences should have arisen as to
tho division pf tho conquered territory I
hope that their patriotism will bo so lofty
that thoy will not shrink from such sacri
fices ns- will bo Inevitable it tho Partition is
lo insure tho continuance of tho alllance-
lT?.ifrt,,T,"r 1'Uml '" ,,p ''"""I "-alters
by the fervid pntriots of their race."
(1) Independent "Tho Women Who
Savo tho Race."
VI) Century "A Woman nt a Prize
(.1) Atlantic. Monthly "London Under
tho Shndow of War."
(I) Delineator "You, Us and Company."
IVowrrii, tcoman, source of nil our blls.il
"It'oman, woman, heaven's in pour Icls.il
From the Queen upon her throne,
To the vialitcn in the dairy,
In this they're all alike, they'ie all control.
T! IIC more you seo oT a thing tlio less It
looks like anything else, and tho moro It
I ron, tl,. WnMilnclon Pnt.
Tlio forls of the T);iv.!-imii,.
Krupp guns of VJ"l,,el, H nl'l I""1 wll'
sweepers, aro mnfain.. ,t,.i- J:5:rM . .D mine-
way to the Atlantic fortification" " "
How long would tlio Panama Pa.mi 1.
against tho attack of aTSnSnVi'8
Queen Elizabeth das,, carrying eiKht ? i, J.?
guns? The secondary d.fen. "of ,i,e canal wo
bo worthless, because its projectiles "Said not
reach the wnishlp. Tho elncln in i.?I
doub.les. would do good servTce" but" u" com"
not be expected to withstand tliemauUo'
eight guns almost us powerful as itself
One ilrltlsh dreaclnnm-i,, 1., .,..... . . .
Mroy the fortification; of 'tie P.,namaCaner
in cither the Pacific or tho Atlantic '
Tho Panama Canal must depend for its
frUr,"y.!,p01.' the United States navy unless
tho fortifications aro cre.nu. .,,.i ,m,eas
rJi'if. "8le 1SJnch sun ' Manama has an ef
fective range of over U miles- thn it. .h!ii
will pierce nny armor Phlie a" U a't ' d sta'nee,1
This gun was mode in the United States
ti i.hy, T0 not moro ot theso gum made? Is the
United States afraid to ,ako them? Or docs
it rely upon the benevolence of foreign nations
as Its greatest defense? "nwons
Filctlon with Great Britain la doveloplntr In
the Atlantic. If the BritUd, Government per
sists In destroying American commerce, there
can bo but ono outcome-war between tho twS
countries. TJoes any ono suppose that CHeat
Britain would bo Idle at the Panama CaVial'
It has several supcr4xadnoushts well might
ba de sjhed from )U t.orth Sea fleet any one
ot whlcl, could dostroy the forts at Panama.
From tlio I'al Mal Oizette.
Sir Edward Grey's use of verae in an official
document s not altogether without precedent
ft h,,nl!!!d,i "crbert Preston.Thomas relate
In his reminiscences that when Knatchbull
Hugessen was Under-Secretary at the IIoniQ
Office, "a series of Inter-departmental coromunl"
cations upon the drainage of Old Romney was
carried on In a metrical form. The final decl"
slon of the Privy Council was thus conveyed
by Granville, the lord president 1
Oh, the bustle, oh, the clatter!
What the dell is the matter?
Why try by more than 'mortal verse
To make a red-tape business tworse.
And waste the Jlome-otlleial 'ink?
Does ancient Itomney really stink?
Why Uien, my Helps, prepare your pen.
Let engineers report again.
And by the force of letters tell
How much tho law abhors a smell!
From lb Now York vnilnf Shu.
The Bahunwude? loves to plug
His little twu with match,
Tbeu slide himself along tJu tug
UaxU the biaitoo scratehis.
iissumcs il distinct inrllvldiinlllv. Twins tirod
no pink and blue ribbons to tell themselves
apart, and neither do their mothers. Just so
with women. In tho old days we assumed
that thero was ono standard, cternal-fcmlnlno
type, to which all proper and rcspcctnblo
women conformed. Rut having mado tho
fatal admission that women havo minds and
may bo educated, a host of subtlo distinc
tions hns followed, until now wo arc con
fronted with tho probability that women nro
potentially ns strongly individual nnd dis
tinctly differentiated as men. Just as tho
only uniform things about men nro their
short hair and trousers, so the only generally
typical things about women nro their long
hair and skirts. And now that Mrs. Vernon
Cnstlo has bobbed her hair and wears pan
talettes, oven theso signs fall!
Tho month's magazine articles by and about
women run tho gamut of distinctions and
present tlio various phases of femininity, from
tho very modern woman writing a cloverly
appreciative description of a prlzo fight, in
tho Century, back to nn editorial in tho In
dependent, .addressed to "Tho women who
savo tho race" (1) the war brides. The
medieval, or perhaps, nutediluvlun philoso
phy of tlio editorial is Hummed up in a quo
ation from "a titled lady of Kngland," who
urged women to inairy the volunteers with
tho remark, "Better bo married a minute than
dio an old maid."
In France, Germany nnd Austria, recruits
who havo fiancees havo been given a fur-
iouku in oraer 10 maico them wives. In Eng
land tho archbishops nro urging tho volun
teers to marry beforo going to tho front. So
mobilization week has been a wcok of wed
dings. In such hasty and wholesale mar
riages thero will no doubt bo many a sad
mlsmating, but this is not always avoided
in times of moro deliberation. A week's
honeymoon and 11 widow's pension are nil
too little of love mid comfort for a. woman's
life, but unfortunately they are moro than
somo women get in tho best of times. Thero
are women in tills country who have lived
lonely lives for half 11 century, widowed in
spirit though not in law, because they re
fused to marry their lovers going off to tho
Women havo suddenly been brought to
reallzo not merely their own Importanco to
society as temporary and moro or less com
petent substitutes for men In industry, but
their supremo and unique Importanco as
women. Just now, when man's energies aro
7'" ,wtuu lunuiu ueairucHveness, Is the
time when women's creative energies are
most needed.
Many women will probably feel that their
realization of their importanco to society is
not so Hudden ns tha editorialist Imagines,
perhaps becauso ho argues from somo sud
den realization of his own. Thero is a pleas
ant contrast between the nuutere patronago
of woman In this editorial and tho whim
sical pokes at male superiority which luest
Haynea Gllmoro writes Into her philosophy
of a prize fight In the Century S):
All niv life I havn wnnto.l tn , ..,
fight. I do not apologize for this truth. I
merely state It. I will add, however, that I
do not think that I am a peculiarly cruel or
brutal person. It makes me weep to see
little boys pounding each other in tho streot,
and I do not believe I could stay throuch a
bull light! This desire of mine has always
been one bridge of contact between me and
the other sex, for I have never considered
that I particularly understood men. I can-
not nm ha nn mv tniiwi nv... u
;, 7tr. , v wui mew. Home
times I think they are the better sex, and
then again I think they're not. I have even
had my moments when I would not admit
that they were part of the human race. I
will confess that as a woman I have been a
!-? J"l lou otJm- I an always com
paring them with women, trying to prove
to myself that some of their superiorities are
purely adventitious. ' are
I confess, and I confess it with a kind of
shame, that I wanted to see a knock-oift
This was not a blood-lust, no? that kuvUtio"
ferocity which, according topmost notion
writers, should have seized me In thb big mo
ments; it was merely curiosity. On the ntw
band, I did not wUh to seeelthYrof tholS
boys knocked out. Certainly not Mw
a,"5r . HBncent defense he baa put un! I . ..
ivwutuuy IMJt iicme, alter the glorious slair I '"" " w v one wuututu gai
lis had wassd. In fact, I could not bear to Www is JTts. "Oniy Qod s "
cith'oV f,t,,,,c,8i"'S withheld fl
thought of -defeat for Jlurphy-Z M
with his long conscientious care? "fi
1 Bn rc,mai'iS lighting years w
I suppose, is tho woman's instinct Ih
savo men suffering. N woman rcally'ffi
Hovos that tho other sex Is built to stiS"
spiritual agony Equally I could not en "1
tho thought of defeat for RUchle-nitchS
with his boyish gaiety and his nit tnfcS
ncnt of his own skill. And that, I dSS
was tho woman's Instinct to spoil tho 3
est child, m fact, I'll havo to admit totS
was cravon onoucli to bavo iu.n .,....
W.ltt, n ,l --w. CttllOUCU
.n b UMllV. j
Ihe Lights o' London and Its Shadow!
A Philadelphia woman who has lhcd
London for SO jcars, Kllzabeth Pennell. wfe
or tho artist, writes in a charming veln.of
"London Under tlio Shadow of War'' In iS?
Atlantic .Monthly (3):
i-Aorytniiig Is strango In mv rinilv tS
? nil ,.a '!ml ",raa'"'t,s- At my tailor's, wheJ
I ask timidly to havo my last winter's boW
it ,,' f, .' ruHKC"' nm .assured that mlffi
t would not f,cem "qulto nlco" to ba getting
..., .,. just now. At my bank I d
cover a woman tvniot i,.t,...ir.i f ,i. a.
time. At tho big Regent street shops, 1M
100K for tho latest modes. I nm stmu-n -Wind
forts for soldiers." When I call to seo ni3
iv,i "" "," " "ooiiH, uasitets w tn dm
red ci-nHsf into,. ,i.nt i...- ., ... .l...
,i-.,,.,i.. -, 11. in jiiiiin, ana m mars
urawlng rooms every ono Is sewing BhlruPl
fill ntT-.,,UA,nm. 1.. ,. . r .. ...
", -""-" '" which i decline to Join out
Of Consideration Tnr. Il,n ,.,.1.1. i
.,1,,,,":, ,'," .,v-'""' .lo "!. a
put. and tho other halt under black shades
minds and curtains down mwmvi.iri. fl
London closes Its public houses and goes .to
bed at 10; at 11 Its streets aro as silent acd
deserted aS tllO StlOOta of n nrnvltmlnl tniv-nll
But this new London of dim distances and.
hum" uniiB ngnt and old churches and bulldj
mgs like pale ghosts against tho sky, and
mvfiforv nvArimrliAH. 1 , i-. I .HI
lence, has tnken on a beauty so rare M
.in . .l """uat "icaii me time wnen peon
,,., m u iiuguc ngam. -1
It is not only tho things that wo do, bo
inose wo don t do that Imvn tliolr lintflrein
and nf M.lu H.A.n I.. .... I. ......,, i. ....
- ...... v..vu i.t ,111 uiivivauiif, iuuw
Hon in an editorial by Krmnn Rldgcwajto
tho Delineator (4). L'ndor a striking plclurl
or l-.ngllsli women in short khaki skirts and
blouses, training for tlio "homo defense,"
.In the February Delineator I discussed o
this pago and heartily advocated mlHUTr,
training for all boys nnd girls of gramnir,
school age. When I finished that dlscuwlo?
...... ,j.-u ,t over, u seemed to mo good.
waited n. ..mmi. nf .i...... , , t. MM
, 'eclned,ono of tho best things I had eW
....mj... .lJ- uaaocmicH an uko it. we i
pected trrent M.lnrru r,.nr.. it t i.,.,i ,..,
l(rtttn mn n.l.r.. ... . . - .. . t. .
-. " oiiui yuu inougni or it, i xeit c;
tain you would feol very strongly about it;4l
.,..i.i. ,i lul m vigorous corrcsponaenj'
from you: I would not havo been surorW
If J00O of vnn l.atl ... pit, a.. ..... !....., It Vvt
may or may not nppreclato my utter annttl
ment when I received Just 17 letters. f
flir. Ridgeway then asks Ills readers w
write and tell him why thoy did not rep
tO that editorial nnil IP tlini- nm nnnnnni
military training for boys nnd girls, to e
so. iio reprints two of tho 17 letters, and t
first ono is interesting ns piobably rcpresenj
Illg the fcellllir Of rnntll l.'nmnii .1
Do you think wo woman go to the Etc
", .Q.ivvii u, uring one t these wee lueas y
fler tn 1....... .1. . . .. ..
u. ... iiuvu uieiii snot tor tno pie&sur&g
SOniO rUler Who limw l.-nnura n, mrM ibOU
tllelr eXlStOIlCO until hn wnntu anlrtlcrs? U
linvn nn ntili, enn t ...i..aI
,- .. wl,,j vj,i, ou a iwiutv niioitwij!
speak. A man not prepared to fight will gej
ernlly ninko somo excuse, nnd nations
but MAN In tho lump. I huvo other I
for mv :m tl..... t i.i i.i... ... nl.t
-.-. ...rf w,, .....ti icautiiiiK linn iu i&"
even to havo tho idea that fear of atti
mn imj u. goon incentive ror uny Knowietw
Has tho great preparedness of Germany wl?
- " ' Ho. air.
Plan of maklnc nil bov
not think tho women will support yoi
Tlla ltal,t,..l ., -- .... ,
... iuu. iiiuucruiion oi siitieii'ciin tjj
aversion to exaggeration, ills Inflexible logic M
,a i.uiici iruimuiiiesg, made hm one oi ;
l.tflD, .M..n l... ... 1. .jl .,.. nrrlr
,..wv iiMouaonu men o( ins lime, ana an vsm
ings a model which no one can study withers
piviit. juqioiui selection from rTn"
writings should constitute a iwrt of the curri
lum of every college and high school tbj
a,nt... 1 a. .1.1... , .. . .. .It
-.,., vu vuuiyuvu in its pupus a puig -j.
"" .u,ot uiurary mste. jonn iseio
A certain Pasha, dead theso thousand 3"1
wnce irom ms liarem lied in sudden tears.
And liad this sentence pn the city's gats
Deeply engraven, "Only God Is great"
Bo those four words above the city's nolss
"lis un nm uceenis oi an angei a voic
And evermore, from the high barbicn
Saluted eaeli returning caravan.
X ... Im V.h Al V. fc
uwv Bit? a giory. avery gust
Lifts, with dead Waves, the unknown Fail
preparedness of Germany w?
the happiness of hor pewl
r, please think again on ,il
g nil boys Into soldiers. I 8
- r