8 EVENING THE BLUE BUCKLE A BAFFLING MYSTERY AND BREATHLESS TALE OF ADVENTURE By WILLIAM HAMILTON 'OSBORNE Author of "The Hcd Mouse," "The Running Fight," "Cutspaw," Etc. tCoMrllht. 1M4. Mrllrldc. Nt A. t'o.) 'I'lapo Is full of lawyers'" Monty whls percj hoarsely Rutherford latinhed. It was. Brent lo .s . STNOPflltt dn Wrd Ii'-m.... .. liner. f'''rnl,! 1ST with ii wommt, r. Mr. Talrott tt tn b troubled by soronnw J SU tut .- fii bin help, nnrf upends mrHl of the th WIUi her Invalid liiibilid Also nn b"' U J. Baron llet.lerrnnn. nn tirifrujF"ilj-' nnanrier, WHO iimk h DumnriMi ,,,,-..-- In Ittitnerford and tn a rnnvertlnn ' tlm.lw usntct tha Tleolt of "n""'"1"';; He dlreet attention to a blue buckle wot" y Mr. Txtcott IxUer Helilermnn bribed thl wlrtlcsa operator tn let him take Tbv'rnoimiKii ho take l Ihnt a valuable Heart nrcKlaro In belnir mulu Into Inn ennntrr. An elderly mnn and lotm wnmn are (rtillty. Vaaln mitnlrtnn I dl rwted aralim tlm Talrottn I-ater Mr;. 'falcett 1 attacked bv a nitTlnn. who at tetnija to match the blue buckle from hr Crlt Hutherford rrnciiM her. Fnllnwlue he woman he loven he catohe. a Rllmprt of tier In Iteldcrman'a milte with her anna about hl nerlt, Al the dot-k. New York. Mm. Talrntt forrea her way Into Crnlff'e rail Rnd nk him tu ilrlvo her home, Aa thev etatnlne the tiouw frnl attempt to declar lili lore, but Mr. Tnlcott'a voice la heard, warn ing him of hl presenre CHArTKtl Vlt-(Contlmicd). "Stay whern jou ore!" tlio holder of the weapon commnmlf-i 8he halted, unzltijr lcpnlrlngly nt lirr ftoal but two short feet nway. "I'll set 111 Don't ahoot!" panted the fttoclty fellow, evidently not nintlnR- to make a dlaturhance that inlHht lie heard outside. JJy n lucky twist ho renched rtutlier ford'a pocket CralK writhed nliour until he had forced the man' hand out: then ha Munged lili own In, and crasped the necklace. Acrupx tlm lloor he sent It spin -mil?, in the hopo that IiIh assailant uonlil daft after It. and Rim him a ilinuec to attack nt better advanlaKo Tlio necklace slid across to n spot niir where Mrs Tahott stood She ntiidn .1 feint or seizins it The other man darlnd toward her, and pushed het tnlfiit U upon the desk, but na she fell -she man need to push the Jewels with her foot back Under the rear part of the dealt. The man tried alnly lo reach them, and wore aavngely under his breath. The girl lay so Inertly across the desk that Craig was afraid she una hurt. She made no mocment to seize the tele phone, hut turned her head nllclitly toward the stairs, as If she were listen ing intently Suddenly a voice that fnlrl. roared Its vigorous shout came lo thn man tinder tlio desk, and the two gliugglliiK on the floor. "Coming' r-onilng'" the gieal voice hoUtcd. "Hands up, you cowards! "We've got you this time'" "Trapped' Trapped llkp rats' Caucht like rats In a trap'" another voice shout ed In triumph. It was Mr. Henry Talcott 'itnl some companion. In the nick of tltn rtuther ford, suddeul released, looked toward tho door, expecting to see thut strange man who had kept himself in the back ground once before, now come rushing In with this wclcomo aid Ills stockv nssallant had sprunc up like a creature at bay, and also gnzed at the door. The other fellow had crawled so hastily out from under the desk that the revolver slipped out of his handt. This Mrs. Talcott promptl seized, and tired twice. Just above their heads. The two men lied wllillj, fairly falling down the stairs In their eagerness to escape A moment later tho front door slammed after them. Hntherfoid had followed them to the head of the atalis, hut saw no need of further action, now that they were gone. lie looked nround the hall for the ieui Ing party, but neither hlglit nor sound or human being met his gaze, after the front door slammed "Why, where aio the "." ho asked, re turning to the study. "Gone, as lou saw," she answered. "t mean Mt. Talcott and tho others?" "Since they have frightened the thieves away, what doe It matter?" she asked Ho looked nt her pale, determined face, and knew" that he had all the explana tion she intended to give. It was strange game she was plajlng, n nns tery that was deeper and more eMen.slvo In Its ramifications than he had dreamed. "No, it doesn't matter'" lie leplled, bit terly. "I urn to lw used as u pawn, it seems but nover trusted!" Sho fell upon her knees suddenly, and Craig wondered what thLs extraotdinary Action might signify. Another moment nnd ho was enlightened, us she drew the glittering strand from Its nook under the desk. Her slender lingers had easily reached what the detective had failed to get "Here," she said, slmph, ilslng and giving him the Jewels, "and this." Sho had drawn forth the blue buckle and laid U In his open hand beside the nccklncc. Will vou take care of It for me?" she said wistfully. "It may mean more to me than my own life. You see how I trust you!" Ho hejd tlio watm metal close In hl.s hand: nnd now It seemed to him far more valuable than the cold gleaming stonc3 by Its side. "No one In the world knows you have Jt no one but you and me!" she almost whispered, "I shall care for it nnd guard It with my life. If necessary!" he said, pressing the bit of blue steel to his lips. "And. Mr. Hutherford I I think I ought to tell you one more thing. My name la not Talcott, teally." She paused, as It silently pondering whether or not she had said too much. A light flamed up In Rutherford's face. 'You are not Mrs. Talcott?" he dried. "No, mv name U Ballantyne." "And Mr. Talcott?" "His nime Is Jlallantync, too hut he Is Just my father!" "Miss Haliantjne!" he repeated the name sotly. as though trying to get used to it. "Miss Ballantyne! I like that name. How much better It sounds than Mrs. TftlcottS" VIII. MADKMOISELLE ARANY CALLS. Three hours yater. Rutherford wai Mated comfortably in one of the big leather armchairs, at the Barristers' riub, on -Uh street. He was chatting with an old-time friend and schoolmate, a man with round, clean-shaven, ruddy .heeks. nnd shrewd, bright eyes, who seemed Immensely Interested In his conversation- Monty Brookfleld was an assistant dis trict atorney, Just now In the exact storm-centro of one of those police ln ' vestlgatlQns which seem to stli up New Yorlt periodically. But. busy or not. Vie always presented an appearance of unruffled calm, and always had time to jej-ye a friend especially when that friend was Craig Rutherford The latter came to the point of his Interview In simple but astounding fash Jon. Thrusting one hand into a side pocket, he drew forth and exposed Its contents on the; table In front of Brook field. 'dreat Moses!" exclaimed the attor ney, starting back as though he saw a live snake. Instead of a strand of fias'ii Ing diamonds. "Where did you steal that?" Then, hu surprise giving way to cau tion, he dropped his plump hand over the gem, and cast a qulek glance around the room to If they were observed. "Why, what'a the matter?" ask t'ralg -... ItESOItTS "TlSlne Ub-UM madrel APEMARLE A Atlantic Cltj.Jt. Jr moderate rate hottl AY. Bur bwo. IL Staam twat. ! v&lor. syn Pfcrtora. rri odttt. eu fcxeel teW. waaisg vUoiiMs, effXj. WUI llu nff;wy It up dag. BotE "" Hri1l Vnrk Btek. Uet aT cold ruaoloj .!?i. """ Ww Twk An. i. tieh he at home nan 111 ntnl get rent American humor setvrd Up solemnlv b the Irre pressible Monty Hmoklleld. "It's no Juke, nit the same!" he nsurrd Ida companion, who Wrt- now lingering Ihe necklace with Inquisitive apprecia tion "I should sav tint If It has come to this'" ngtced Monty. "What did you say h6r name wa7" It took Crnlg u serond or two to com piehohd Hint he una being suspected of matiltnonlnl Intentions; then, In spite of himself, he hluahed which mndo Monty more delighted than rvrr. 'Can't we get Into n quieter plnro where we can talk ultliput possibility of Inter ruption"" Craig nslted. "Surely'" agreed Monty. "Come down to the grill and confide, t Just dote on roimnccs!" "You are ntvnv off!" rhlded rrnlg. "Kor ii budding district attorney, I never saw one so uhtuso! Nevertheless, It will he n relief to confide In somo one even ou!" And willi this parting shot, thev sought the grillroom On their wny. Craig pon dered over the change that hnd taken plflfo III his plans When he hud loft thn ship, he had Intended a thi'ce-mllc dnnh tn the Harvard Club nnd n scrlea of handshakes with tho fellows whom he knew would he glad to see him. Then week or so of getting his nffalrs ndlusted, and lastly n plunge tnlo banking life, whole ho piuposed to lenrn tho liU'lne.-n rrom the bottom up Anv thing to be lili and tn foiget u i erliiln person And nnw. one little mesnge fiom Hint prison -"No onn in tho world knnws nu hnvo II no one but v on and me'" had innde li i tn foigel all his plaim and i evolutions He was a kiilght-eriunt, devoted to ,t ingli cause her service! Thnt was whv Monlv's Jlho hnd struck home. But first of all, lie must lid hhnelf of these troublesome diamonds, which seemed to weigh n ton in his pocket. Hverv person he had met upon thn slieet. especially the policemen, had seemed to know about his booty, mid to look nt his accusingly. Then ho had thought of Montv Hionk Held. "Monty, t need on but not for beat mat'," he said, as they lighted ('Ignis in n "ocluded col tier. "This necktaco doesn't bilong to mc " Monty grinned nt him nmlnhlv. "I believe I nsked von awhile ago whore you stole It'" ho obnod "It was wished on me'" Onlg retorted, unable to lesslt the whimsical humor of his fiicnd. "You nlwajs weie lucky"- said Brook field, envlouslj. "Well. vvhnt'a the story?" Rutherfnid told him brlellj, but with careful avoidance of tho two chief sus pects on hoard ship. Biookllold listened without comment, whllo stroking mi Imaginary beard of patrlnichal length, and scanning his friend with his keen eves. "Umpii humph!" he commented, when Craig hnd ended. "A veiy clever llttlo game! The real smugglers have taken advantage of your honest fnce nnd used you to get their stuff Into poit. Those men who came after vou nnd culled them selves seeiet service ofllclaN were rc.illv agents of the smugglers The genuine kind don t go around beating up Ameri can clticiis as If tlioy weie lugs or car pets. You've been nwny so 0ng that you've forgotten how we net over heio'" "Or.inted but I still have tho ekliice f don't want It. at the same tunc. I'm not ciazv about turning It in and being suspected as a smuggler who has lost his nerve What do S'ou suggest?" "I'll fix It." leplled Montj-. once mote the prompt mnn of notion. He rose nnd hurried over to a telephone booth. In less tli.ni half an !,i ur nfter iic re Joined his friend, a qui t business-like man presented himself. elng Iirooklleld engaged in .1 conieioir,.. lie vvns about to draw hick dlsciee:'-j uliuii tlio nt tomev motioned him forward. "Hello, Crowdci!" he snid gonlally "you ate Just the man I need to settle a bet My friend heio thinks he knows what .1 secret service man looks Ilia. and I have nssuied him that lie doesn't' Mr. Hutherford, I vwmt vou to shako hands with Mi. Cronder, 0110 of the re.il ones!" rtiitberford aioso and extended Ills bund The oflieer was about to gi.isp It. when at the moment his ey caught a sight of the necklace left exposed upon the table. His Jaw half dropped and ho entirely forgot the greeting palm. ".Scares you Just, about like It did me!" charted Brnnkllclili who hnd noticed Ills start of sui prise, "Who's property la thnl7" demanded Crow del. "Why? Mo .vou know anything nboul If" pa tried Hutherford. "Wlicio did vou get It?" persisted the ofllcer. "I don't know," teplled Craig. "But t happen to have brought It off tho dothlc vvlllt me rather by mlstnkc." Crowdor teach for the nccklncc. but Cutlg coolly placed his iiand upon it, ns though In deflanco of tho officer. "t must seize those Jowets," said tho olllcer, with quiet authority. "Why?" nsked Crnlg, In apparent In nocence. Ho was trjlng to draw the man out. "Why" Accotdlng to your own story, the diamonds hnvo been smuggled In and I hnppen to hnvo been given this particu lar t.aso this morning!" "Then ou know vvhoro they emtio from whoso they nto?" asked Hutherford eagerly. The officer glanced quickly nt Brook field, who half nodded. "t simply know that they worn pttr ehnsed nt Klrsehwasser's, In Ilerlllii nnd 1 have a description of tho persons who bought them." "How did you lenrn that?" nsked Craig, unguardedly. "How do ynu know It?" tho secret serv ice man Instantly retorted, (King his searching eyes upon Hutherford "Win everynodv on the tlothlc knew It There was a inessTge sent lo some secret snrvlee men on lionid to watch for It." ".lust sav that again!" Cronder ov elnlmed, Ills face stiffening like 11 dog's pointing nt some suddenly discovered quarrv Craig repeated his statement. Ciowder turned to Brorklleld with a look of per plexity. "Mr. Brookfleld, vou know this gentle mnn personally?" "The friend of a long nnd Ill-spent life. Crowdor." replied Monty, with a mock grimace, as If lie were making u serious confession. "His having this necklace Is strange! nnd his knowing about tho secret service mi-aiase Is stinnger," Crowder ohseivrd, half to himself and evidently divided he twien his naturil caution nnd 11 11 inclina tion to take Ituthei-ford for what Broolc lleld thought Mill, lather than what ho might ensllv be suspected of being "I have nliendv heard his stor.v," leplled BinoMleld, "and I sent foi vou because I think there is n big rnso behind It. Mr. Rutheiford lias been mndo tho moans of getting this necklace thiougli the cus toms, that much Is evident Now, ir .vou can find the ie.il culprit, I believe .vou will uneiiith .1 plot hi big Hint the picent hit of clever work will p.tlo into InslKnlll I'UllC" " Montv Hinoklleld's opinions weie enti tled to icspecl. and the secict service man was evidently following the sumo lino of thought, lie now turned to ISutheifoid In a imimicr almost friendly, ns It inviting fuitlKT confidences. "That repoit circulating on tlio Oothlo must h.ive been puio imagination on somebody's part!" "Not a bit of It! Jt wns too clicuni stantinl to bo n product of tho Imagina tion," ptotcbted ltutheiford. "Why, I heard the niessngo myself." "You? fun vou lead wireless?" asked Ciowder qulcklv. "No. .nit I happened to be In tho wire less iv, .. when It came in The opeiator told 1 le nothing, but the man who was with 1110 read it and the next day It was ull over the ship " "Who was thn man with jou?" the of ficer fairly suuppi'd. "Htldermun. of Wall sticol." Ciowdtr's lips shut tight, but he made no filisctvutlun. "Theie weie two secret set vice men on tiuaicl at least I thought lliey vvurc." continued I'ra'g. "nnd they niacin llfo mihciablo foi nil the lest of tho pan sengers bv ovoi hauling things " "Mr. ltutheiford, the whole thing Is ithsuid. Thero wcio no sccrot-scrvice men on boiud thut ship nnd If there had been, those are not their methods. No mes sage htiuh ns .vou describo was over io tclved on boatd the (iiithtc. I know, be cause the vci flint Intelligence; of It came direct to headquarters onlj last night!" Hutherford whistled. "Are jou sure?" he asked slowly, it.i the amazing situation began to dawn upon him "Positive. That what makes your own story so surprising." Rutherford's mind was leaping wildly fiom ono thing to another. Tho men who had hounded MIch Bnllanlyhe so persist ently were not secrct-scrvlco mon. She hud been right Whon ono of them had ttlccl to wrest tlio blue buckle from her, on shipboard, ntnl the other 'nnd Joined him In tho West 10th street house, they were clearly cmplojed In some private nffalr of tho smuggling gnng. Tho buckle had nothing lo do with it, and had been used In tho first Inslnnco merely hs 11 blind, "Mr Crowdor. It will be easy enough for ou to substantiate tho wireless ntory, nnd its for this thlng"-here Crnlg pushed tho strand of Jo- els across tho table lo tho detective "I wish jou'd take charge of Mt It atlrs up loo much trouble'" Jf Crowder had continued to entertain n suspicion that this frank-spoken man was concerned In tho smuggling It died nnw In the fnce of his honest desire to get rid of the diamonds "Certainly, I'll take the necklaeo and Rive you it receipt I may need you In this mutter later. In fact, I'm sure you call ho of service to us " "You'll find me-thcre," tejolned Crnlg. blinding his card to the officer nnd reced ing in turn a receipt for thn necklace which he turned over to Monty, Crowdor wns eager to get nwny Both Hutherford nnd Brookfleld knew that he wns nlrendv Intently pursuing In thought h cnuise of notion he wns anxious to put lo the lent "Mr Hntherfoid." ho paused to Ay ns ho wns leaving with tho gems III his Inner pocket; "If anybody comes to jou nboul this will vou let mo know7" Crnlg gavo instant consent nnfl enre fully pocketed the card which the secret service man handed him. "Well, we're In the thick of It!" Montv observed, dellghtedlv. "Put mo next to whatever linns up " Crowder drew Hutherford for 1111 In stant to one able r'ralg felt that he was uiiilei scrutlnv "Mr. Rutherford," said Crowder, "I wish vou would tell me one thing more It mav throw some light upon n series of events Ynu sav It was Helderman thai took this message " "Yes," said Crnlg. "I wns theie when he received It " "You saj" went on Crowder." thnt It was Helderman who was n fellow pas senger upon tho Clotlilc." "Of course," said Ctalg. Crowder smiled with assurance "Mr. Rutherford." ho went on, "tell mc one thing. How do jou know this mnn was Ilehlerinnn?" "Know II," nnsweied Crnlg "How docs nnvbody know nnvthlng? I recognized him In a Mash tho Instant that he named his name." "You've seen iilni before?" nsked Crowder. "No," snld Craig, "but ho nnswcis the description Ho has the characteilstlcs the character of Heldcrninn, Hit- up start " "You'd stako votir life that It was llel dei num. Hien7" queried Ciowder. "I would," said Craig. "I in ns sum of It as that " Crowder smiled In u superior soil of wav. "Would It change vour views If I told vou something lather Mauling, Mr. Rutherford What would jou say If I told vou Hint llcldeiman was not n passenger on hoard the Gothic?" "But ho was," snld Craig. "I In wns not," relumed Crowder. pos itively. "Ho wns not on boa id tlio Gothic-. 1 lo wns here piesent In Now York." "Wlint." ciied ltutheiford. "Hero in Now York-for the past week. Are you sure-"' "Positive," rnpented Crowder "How can jou bo sure?" askcil Craig "flccniise," said Crowdci, "I have seen hlni everv night every night, mind you for the past ten days, and so have half it dozen other men." "Who are they'"' queried Crnlg "Night watchmen." said Cinwcler, "pa trolling the Drive. Hvery night we have seen Ilcldei mnn the real llclderman tluough the windows of his house, I know the leal llcldeiiiiAii when I see him Ynu can't fool me about that. And for ten dnjs nt least for I vo been leckoning him up for at least that time he has been homo everv night." "Beckoning him up," repeated Craig "Shadowing him," said Ciowder, "If it will suit ou better." "What for?" asked Ctalg. Crowder shrugglcd his slioiildeis "To tell jou tho whole truth, Air. Ituthcrfoi'd," ho said, "I don't know why. I'm acting under orders. There's n big mvsterv con nected with this mnn Helderman, and I'm told to keep hlni moro 01 les In sight. That's how I know that he's been hero In New York That's how I know he wns not on the Oothlc." "You think then," queried Cialg, "that "there nro two Heldrmah-tw!n hroihef CWrotrJhrugle-a W If there ate. you're the tin mftn that ever saw the other Ii eldermati, Mr. Rutherford. I never saw but n.e, ,f onc! know of nobody that ever saw b it ;one. But of ono thing 1 am mlRhly si ire-thc mannboatd tho Oothlo was not Hewer "cialg smiled lncrcdnlously. "We'll put that to the test," he said "Clood," returned Crowder. I w n vou would, nnd If It Isn't " MJ tiouhle, Mr. RUlherfqrd, I'd be glad l know nnvthlng xotl see or lir . Itutherroid fcli himself free at last to go homo. His rtptrtmonU were Just around the comer, at the fi,""'ln"h"m; and thither be turned, making mental reservations as he nodded to Montj. What actually did turn up was so ut terly unexpected thnt he completely for got Brookllcld'H craving for n sharo in tho mj'sterj-. , . At the Hnndrlngham ho wns we corned as a welUpajing nnd uncomplaining guest should be. Porters had already car ried up his luggage; ills rooms had been carefully put to rights, and the cleric now gnvc him his kevs He entered the place he called homo nfter nn absence ot over two yeais. nnd found It gratlfylngly like It wns when ho hnd left II. With n sigh of content, he sank Into his fnvorlto lounging chair, nnd began to glnnce through the pile of accumulated mail readv for hlni on tho table Henri had not materialized, and a letter told the reason why. Henri had married n widow and her tcstaurnut. nnd his new duties precluded hlni from being nny longer a man's man. It wns rather 11 blow, Henri hnd been cfllclcnt nnd had come tn understand his master's moods when to ho In evidence nnd when to bo out of sight This thing of brcnklng in 11 new man was n nuisance. Well, nfter nil ho was at home again, nnd theao things would adjust themselves In time Just at present It wns luxurious to leclluo at ease, with his own things. Ills books, his papers, his letters, his pipe, within easy lencb. Now that he had thai pestlfeious string of diamonds safely off his hands, he could breathe easier; he wns safe from bother anil Inlcnuptton The telephone bell rnng "A lady to seo jou, sir," tho operator downstairs called. Ruthci ford's face flushed. Only one woman In Now York could know Hint he was at home again. Sho had come to seek blin; she must need his help. "It must bo 11 matter of Importance," ho nnsweied, with a quick instinct to make this somewhat unconventional visit as ensv nnd unembnrrasslng ns possible. "Ask her If she will be so kind as to come to my apartments " As he hung up the loceiver ho was un comfortably unconscious that his words hnd not been pnrtlculaiiv effective; and much as ho desired to seo Miss Ballan tyne, bo icgrctted that she hnd found It necessary to seek hlni Ho wanted to shield her In evety posslblo way and had icf rained fiom asking for her name from tho opeiator. (CONTINLCDTOMORROV.) ACQUAINTANCE TAKES COAT Mrs. Mary Hrcnnan, llth street near Norris, met an attractive .voting woman nt the movies recentlj-, and nfter tlio performance Invited tier to tho Brennan homo. When the young woman departed, Mrs. Brennan found Hint her new coat, with a $10 bill sewed in Hie lining, also had depaitcd. . I.nsl night Mrs. Brennan again saw the attractlvo young woman at 10th street and Columbia avenue. She was wearing the coat. Calling a policeman, Mrs. Brennan had her arrested. At tho 19th nnd Oxfoid streets police station tho lin ing wns ripped open, but no trace was found ot tho monej Tho joung woman, who Is Miss Mlnnlo Cramer, of 1113 Hollywood street, xvna held under $500 ball by SInglstrate Morris. WOODEN LEGS FOIt SERVIANS Red Cross Division of Emergency Aid Will Devote $1000. Legless Servian soldiers will be sup plied with wooden legs purchased from funds of tho Red Cross division of the Emergency Aid Committee. Olio thou snhd dollars have been Voted for the purpose. An equal sum will bo given for tho purchase of chloroform nnd Iodine for the Servian wounded. It was decided at n meeting of the Red Cross division jesterday to expend these sums Ilcports from Servln say that nn np palllng number ot soldiers have lost their legs owing to wounds received by the low shots of Hie Austrlans. The demand for artificial legs Is urgent. A groat many of the old-fashioned wooden legs also will be sent nbroad, as the expense of buying expensive artificial legs would bo great. TO DINE DIRECTOR TA? Transit Champion Guest of J, rencu uiub Tonight. tllreotrtr Tnvlor. tt 41, . .r.;;" "."; , : r "?wittf. Ul """" "' "o Honored loat.ij n testimonial dinner by tha rn(fru!! 1110 JL-cii mm xencu VIUO, of wMVk el n llfo member. Mayor BlanktnvT ffl other members of his official ComJ' M a. number or men promlnont In TiJV.iN ncss world have been Invited tn ..,t The testimonial dinner ni .?. "."Htl the clubhouse, 1028 Walnut sirLrl dinner Is entlrelv of e-."'?!, Ik and Is given by tho newspaper Mf1 tho city ns n sign of their 1,1,1. " for Director Taylor. Scores ol ELS1 figures In tho newspaper rotld S? numbered among tho diners. " B The nffnlr in In chnrgo of a ton,,J of which Fred, I'. Whitney, tl S1 of tho club. Is chairman! WlB' Rowan, secretary, nnd William iriA treasurer Tlio other members of thF' tt'W Rico C Garland, Joseph Mclgtn, wS 1 Uomie, T. M. Giles and Ben Tit jfflS! mIIIhii ... t.-.n T,......., "' niiviuu u u.,,1,11 jjniiuru, 1 red r ii ii-- r rioln...i t- ,. '. .,c.u BlS '?' IWfc 'm Equally well, whether with the finest lace, the heaviest blanket, the choicest linen, or the most soiled overalls, R rnost soiled overalls, . washes better and easier without any boiling water. Try the new-born sister of Fels-Naptha Soap. Pels-Soap TOMORROW! The Seven Darlings By GOUVERNEUR MORRIS Latest Photos of the Kaiser at the Front English, French, German and Belgian Armies in REAL Battles A thousand details of the great war captured by camera soldiers who risked their lives as bravely as any of the troopers in the fights ! Two performances daily 2:30 and 8:30 P. M.--taa limited engagement beginning Monday, March 8, at the FORREST THEATRE Admission 25c and 50c Scats for next week now selling These pictures were secured for Philadelphia by the SEuening Sletiger ONE CEN1 1 CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS i Ml TfvjIHSJFHSURMKBMUiiiuiw ' ""Bfc j!l v iitni I vTfcOMLStt' h3I xiDEMlLr w The Weber Pianola j The Steinway Pianola Jggg When self-playing pianos first became a probability, the sole ambition of inventors was to produce an instrument to render automatically every power of human fingers and every interpretation of master musicians. The PIANOLA became the first successful player to accomplish these ideals. Patent after patent was produced by the Aeolian Company. Today 312 patents protect the PIANOLA. On the PIANOLA you can render in the most1 amazingly simple fashion exact reproductions of the best human playing. Through the Metrostyle and Themodist you can simply produce every accent, every shading and every bit' of melody. More amazing still you can purchase a genuine PIANOLA at prices much less than that asked for imitations. The Aeolian Family of the player-piano world is on sale at Heppe's and includes ; Steinway Pianola (grand) $2100 Weber Pianola (grand) , 1800 Steinway Pianola. ,...,,. 1250 Weber Pianola 1000 Wheelock Pianola $750 Stroud Pianola 550 Francesca-Heppe Player-Pianos. ...... 450 Aeolian Player-Pianos , f . , 395 The Wheelock Pianola Settlement may be in (ttfh or' charge account or our rental-payment plan all rent applies to purchase: Write for large illustrated catalogue. C T HFPPF Rt miN 1H7-1119 Chestnut Street V. J. inHiJrrii Ot avlN 6th and Thompson Streets I The Stroud Pianola Cnpe May, N. J. TMH WINDSOR 1444 tecttieo. on th Macs steam Ual, SffS I VW u .rtvfa ib. .Wl- j