G EVEHING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, FllIDAY, MABOH 12, 1915. O 9Sp BOY scouts; .... rvt.mATJTkttnNT .?,nPVPUY IS 1'UD J-1 ox --'' -t- TUESDAY AND FRIDAY Home-made Scout Bed I. 1C0UT JOSEPH WILLIAMS &' TROOP 100. w. ... i. ,.r enslly made by use of W.,.n. four or Blx limbs of n tree, u Lul and some safety pin. Iff)1" -..i fnw ntroni 1 nibs. irrt yii -"-.. - . rW, at tlio end. rui mi i- -" . . -Im. nnd lay Hio two staffs m., Two stralBlit limbs are just ns ! tho staffs, or a ropo will do. mod "'" . , .... ,. 4, (nrf US what -l Wnk,t"'you &&..,! nln It tlsht with BOino snfcty P a" scout always Ha, a few safety rln. A c". ,,, 1.1. which ho can nut fer.knS this bed. iSfni ri linlnB tho directions you win ne Kt w?t ut In the morning from n B",,V,in nlcht's rest This Boa is to 'K bug i bUs for bedtime, all you -jR " do , pull tho covers back utid l?"n :u wcj.nt homo- I,. Wireless for Scouts ilftellngs that nppc. w """'"--: "Sii-lnlly SCOUJS WHO hiu ...""- - ??T... corDS, are held on the second "''" DCtCrcPVPVy month at tho Odd in MflVrt Wtalor street. Germnn- Jin under auspices oi inc w .,,i..... S Association. Scoutmasters arc ln 'fiEl to bring their troops to the next 3uie mcctml April 12. at which S. 8. Uoi.rdVft speaker known to many wlre S, scouts, will explain up-to-date re SJlDB and sendlnejipparatus. f Mothers Night at Troop 109 r ... ........... .n,1 frlnntls of tllO BCOUtS !f Troop IM ami n members of tho troop SlS a "mothers' night" meeting Mon J;' night. Tho mothers tcstined what Joed Boy Scout training has done and OPT. "'.u.l. l,vo Snrnnfl.clnSS SCOllt PW of tho BlailnB Arrow Patrol. mints of a second-clans scout. Joseph !L. ; i.n umivw Pntrol. received anoints for a set of scout rules ho wrote. They were rcau ny i-uuu. v ,... lit Hold on to your hand when you nro WOUllOaO Hll uiinum -t.. t Hold on to your tongue when you rJin. rftnAv in Ntip.nlt linrflhlv. it Hold on to your heart when evil per ls... inviin vmi n Inln their ranks. an Hold on to your virtue It Is above I'lll price to you in nil times nnd places, tftfc'llold on to your foot when you aro ! ob the point of forsnklni? tho right. il llolu on 10 mo truin. ior ic win ierr you well and do you good through- '..I all ntnrnltv UUl UN CltlllikJ j;. Hold on to your temper when ou re exciiea or unny ur umcr euuuis um Fnry with you. if. Hold on to your scoutmaster, for ho 9. Hold on to your troop and don't let ether boys lead you away. jl(L Hold on to your equipment and it .in 't fhrnnf If nwnw jl. Hold on to your "good turn" and : cotlt every day. .. Nautical Troops Forininn Nautical Troons 118 and 117. under Capt. Chirles Longstrelh, chairman of the nau tical committee, nckl their 11 rat meeting ofjthe season Tuesday night at Boy Scout ti'tidquarters, Eth and Chestnut streets, Vhw plans wero made for tho perma nent) formation of tho troops and for ttehVi summer cruises. Nearly 100 sea icbuts. about half of whom wcro members if the nautical troops last year, filed Implication for membership during tho romlnc season. The "old" scouts are Franklin Hoover. George JIagee, II, Ernst,. Ralph V. Ogden. Frank AV. Glad Inj, Howard Du Bols, Robert Leyburn, J. Shaw, Edward Martin, Itobert C. Dlckln-lon,- liaymond Tarbuck. Emll Anthor, Erie Edstound. Paul Kallenbach and Fred Gerson; James Murford, of 'Wilming ton Troop 1; E. S. Wood, H. Jenkins, F. Uraeburner and Frank II. Ilolman, of Bnarthmore Troop 1: J. II. Molloy and G. Dawson, of Philadelphia Troop 11; Robert Harris, William Tnylor and W. Riley, of .Troop 17; J. M Hagan. of Troop 21; A. Ijjfrman, of Troop 38; Fred Harmen and jCharks Cocker, of Troop 39; Dan Eyerly, fCfnTrOOn 40: nnnrpn ntnmni- nnH WMlIntr- fAlrams, of Troop 77; Robert Boyle, Jack Ijwiagn, j. AicAlllster, H. Cullln and D. fostw, of Troop 9G; II. M. C. Hewson, Mroon 100: A. I.n. Flnnr nf Tronn 112: I1UB. Felton, B, Yocum. C. Whltnkcr and rfflh Whltakcr, of Troop 122; George iHuninff, or Troop 123, and F, Ilotz, of BTIji "landlubbers" aro Fred R. Pitts, uwies B. Finney, Charles Yf. Mooro and llSyer PAlrlAnhnlmA-. n Pnnn 1. T..naAll j1?, Lynn Palmer, Gilbert Ludwle, wwwuuuon, John Jordan, Winifred :Ulnbach, Clarence Statelier and David J?Comb, of Troop 11; I. Shlckman, ot ,. "nil uuiih mill a-jU" HI ii S?rt Motherwell, Raymond Nichols, i?'l H'laeth Charles Spaeth, William BS .," Kar, Wlndhovcl. of Troop ai hXXon Quckes, J. Gowen Hood. Ed- SSf?. ". Jolln IIunsei Hobert Nesbltt -".jvuruon router, of Troop 67; Louis wSr-T . J8.eph Gaav Max Kendel and g.mnei schultz. of Troop 06; Earl Dague. gjpr Bpackman and Shaw Boswell, of TrOOO 123? AnA-, II., -- n. -n. C;SX InBram. of Cynwyd; George jiv., .ran Jiaciun ana Edward Evans. IF-" Trnnn lit JMbasebail team, organized In Troop S&Mn!is,M,of JosPh Pelkln (captain). Jm Welkin. Edward Moyed. Samuel fflrft. . ert JoacPhs. Joseph BrooRs! B! ',?li?okl1' Leon ilunholland and JSn nich. Scoutmaster William S. sSta1Um Is manager. The Bchedule Is ggirnileij for tho coming season. Max- iSSS .u ."" Jui11- "-ine a. nrsi-ciass raK. m flfth ,n 'o troop. Jay Rurri- Jfa. ' "romer or scoutmaster ffi..0 .w,"' transferred to Troop 6t Kis-rv. '"r"1- At last meeting As- IfffirJ Dou'master Levy lectured on the ISL0.'.. e'ectr'c"y. and Jt was an- IffiB.rr.:..V. "'' ."" n"1 meeting Lieu. .BBwum wft V 2f n!.S""y .- jjp the ftremanBhlp merit badge. Rpcn Argyl Scouts Win Game JgmA defeated the Northampton High JW! Jn a bnakfithall c-nmo nl -m,.v,. DSlu?y nl8ht y a Bcore int rJiVu Vca "ayea a aa( game. m smith shot t'nree goals from the 4. The Mn. 'tn Ami.i ' ... Ber. , Northampton. II, ' "ivra ....it. iiess i,' ' forward ..Slater 'V. .an.... TOI s..q m,,M..cauer itr 8' .......Dcnissier r" Sniflrrt Dnkaiiff.i. ''S from fliH-Hmiii. . T. -i . S'rrl;MiUe.r' 1; Slater. ; IIes8. i- l fr?ou.ls-schissler; t out of 13: a- um oi b. S.77arF.enter was elected patrol I?T BJlrl lvminM Tr.M-.A T ttl? jew Clifton Heights troop ' sjeeting Wednesday. it iral. rr, . . rsirT,Ti "unK "Oop i, Bcoutmas- TfHMrV Bt til. '.. . T. T j DL ifa.napei Monday. Jersey Scouts Bblned llikA an Wnt.!...,.. ... u tbo Boy acoutai of Atlaatto ACOMF0RTAOI.fi 0EO ViK A SCOUT CAN MAK& blanket SAFtrt STAFF -iarf-. I . rms GuiDS. Raft City will take part, will bo held to morrow near Ahsecon, N. J. The troops, under Scout Commissioner D. W. Mnc Mlllan, will board a special car for Abse con, which will leave Virginia avenue and the Boardwalk at 10 a. m. In the vicinity of Asbccon thero will be a gen eral hunt for a pig which has been stolen nnd for whose return n reward Is offered. Scaled instructions us to his movements nftcr arriving at Absocon will bo given to each scout on tho car. After tho hunt, a camp of Instruction will be held and each boy will bo expected to cook his own dinner. Scout Philip Li. Godfrey, of Atlantic City Troop 1, !s one of a party of boys who, through their own efforts, won a trip to tho Panama-Pnclllc Exposition nt San Francisco offered by a widely known publication. He will sail from Now York and will pass through tho Pnnama Canal. Scout Godfrey, who is 13 years old. Is a son ot Assemblyman Carlton Godfrey. Plans for eo-opcrating with the Atlantic City scouts bn spring hikes will bo made at a meeting of tho Flcasantvllle troop at 22S North Main street tomorrow even ing. A Boy Scout banner was presented to Cnmden Troop 13 by tbo Hebrew Ladles' Relief Society nt a ball given by tho so ciety In tho 3d regiment arruory Wednes day night. Tho presentation of the gift to Scoutmaster Samuel Stonchlll was fol lowed by exhibitions of fancy and tcgu latlon drill by the scouts. The troop has Issued u challenge to other troops to enter contests In scoutcraft. Tho Westmont troop, which disbanded about two years ago, may be reorganized In tho near future. B. Fowler is making efforts to rcorgunlzo tho boys, who nro good material for scouts. Tho disbanded troop of West Colllngs wood will either re-form or affiliate with Colllngswood Tioop 2 ns a result of an address by Scoutmaster Robert Claypool. Mrs. William H. Frazcr, of West Col llngswood, who conceived the Idea of re juvenating the troop, has offered tho use of her home as a meeting place. The Cape May Court Houso troop. In two sections, took an afternoon hike last week. Tho first section laid the trail, tho signals being read by tho second section, which arrived at camp and found a lire nwnltlng. The troop then cooked din ner In the woods. Tho four tioops of Gloucester City are forming baseball and track teams, and 200 scouts are expected to participate be fore the season proper opens. The troops are young, Gloucester City Troop 1 hav ing been organized last fall, under Scout master Harry Green, at the Presbyterian Church. Since then the boys of the Meth odist, Baptist and Episcopal Churches havo formed troops. The girl members of tho churches have taken several hikes with the Boy Scouts. Troop 14 Gives Flag to Church Exercises commemorating the second nnnlversary of Troop 14 nt the Harper Memorial Presbyterian Church, 23th street and Susquehanna avenue, Sunday, will he marked by a Hag presentation. In which Scoutmaster Walter M. Reeves, on behalf of tho troop, will give the church a handsome American flug, trimmed In gold and with u Jointed polo of brass. Other troopa will attend In uniform. New Troop at 8th and Snyder A new troop will be formed Tuesdny evening at Sth street and Snyder avenue, with H. Frnnk s scoutmaster. Bird TalkTor Scouts William L. Bally, of Ardmorc, one of the most prominent authorities on bird llfo In this country, will give nn Illus trated lecture, "Wild Bird Photography, from Florida to tho Mngdalen Islands," under tho auspices of Troop 8, In tho auditorium of the Young Men's Christian Association, 1421 Arch street, Friday eve ning, March 10, nl 8:15 o'clock. Letters havo been sent to the various troops In forming them that admission will be 5 cents fio cents for scouts). Tickets may be procured from Henry L. Lovlck. scoulmasler of Troop S, Itala, I'a.; Hoy Scout hrndqliarlers. nth nnd Cheitnut nit cots. tin. newsstand at tSth and Wal nut slicels, nfjtl l the V. M. C. A. Hoy fecouls who are nldln In tho disposition ot the 800 tickets are being given 20 per cent, commission on their Bates, tho com. mission to bo turned over to their troop treasuries. Bicycle Patrol In Troop 22 Louis Nydlck was elected patrol leader of the newly organized blcyclo patrol In Troop 22 nt the last meeting. Twelve scouls, nil of whom have wheels, havo enrolled In the patrof, nnd ni soon ns the weather becomes warmer they will go on bicycle hikes. Tho troop tied Troop 72 In n contest last week. PLACE IN 'LUCKY 50' AWAITS NEWCOMERS There Is Still Plenty of Oppor tunity to Join Contest for Big Tour. The fifty men nnd women prlzo winners In the great subscription contest ot tho EvriMiNo Li;imi;it and Punt.tc I.nnann who will be sent to tho Pacific const, will bo enabled to see virtually nil tho exhibits In tho Panama-Pnclllc nnd Panama-California expositions under tho plans being mapped out by the contest editor nnd his assistants. Most of tho tourists will find so much to seo when they reach tho great exposi tions that unless they hnvo plenty of tlmo they will ho rushing nround aim lessly for days. Under tho contest edit or's plan tho titty tourists sent by tho Evn.viNti Liiuor.n and Pont.tc Lr.noKii will have certain routes mapped out tor them. By following these It will bo possible to ieo nil the exhibits without loss of time. A visit to tho San Francisco ex position will bo almost as good as a trip nround tho world, for nearly every nation on earth Is represented. There Ih still nn opportunity to get Into tho contest and nln ono of tho freo tours. Tho contest has almost four months to run. nnd much may bo accomplished In that time, but those who want a free trip to tho const should not delny longer. Send In your name to tho contest editor, second floor of the Public Lkdokii build ing. Ho will see that you are provided with all the necessnry Information and hints on how to obtain subscriptions for the two newspapers. Moonshiner or 9 Captured BLUEFIELD, W. Va., March 12. Thomas Hurt. Deputy United States Mar shal, with a posse captured tho youngest moonshiner on record, twenty miles from Norton. In the person of Willie Hubbard, nine years of age. Tho posse found tho Hubbard boy, with a cousin, eighteen years old, operating n still with a capa city of thirty gallons. Child's Skull Fractured by Auto Elght-yoar-old Annie Kniger, of Spilngileld road, Darby, Is at her home today with a fractured skull and intornal liDurles sustained when she was run down by an nutomobllo driven by Warren Snell at Main street nnd Chester Pike. The child was crossing the street and stepped from behind a trolley car. Snell had no opportunity to halt his machine, accord ing to tho police. Miss Katherinc Puri. Engaged LONDON. March 12. Tho engagement of Miss Katherlno Page, daughter of American Ambassador Walter Hlnes Page, to Charles P. Lorlng, nn architect of Boston, was formally announced hero today. LETTER'S Best Coal Err $7, Stove $7.25, Chestnut $7.50 J Large Kounu l'ca uoal, 5j.du Largett Coal Yard in Philadelphia OWEN LETTER'S SONS Trenton Ave. & Westmoreland St KSSSIgg I Type your bill. Stop ! It is footed total proved This latest Remington error-proofer ends a needless waste of clerical time. Nl E FROM now on bills and statements will be writtcn-out, footed and pnvtd simultaneously. One operation docs it. The typist inserts a bill head in the Remington Addine and Subtracting Typewriter. She copies the items. But look! Every time the numeral keys are pressed, the figures aro both typed and added. The bill automatically foots with cold stttl accuracy. If the typist prints a wrong total, an error-signal at once calls a halt. Thtfwtingt will bt at cor rect at thouzh ptavtd Ij a unified accountant. The bill neatly typed and proved is mailed with out a moment's time spent on addition, subtraction or total-proving Hereafter, every moment ipent footing bills and provingtotah will be a sheer vraite of clerical time. You can start wing this ma chine tomorrow without alter ing your accounting syitem In the (lightest. Tho only change which occur, ii a change from human inaccur acy to mechanical preciilo.frora time-waite to time-saving. Machines installed five years ago have paid for themselves over and over again, in time saved to say nothing of errors caught before they were made. A folder "The Story of a Day's Work" gives more details. Write for it today. It is much easier to keep up with the times than to catch up. Otfttel TjpiwrUtr Panama-faclfit Exposttttn REMINGTON Adding and Subtracting TYP1SVVK.1 1'iJiK. (WAHL AOOIHO MECHANISM) ilMlals Remington Typewriter Company (IocorporaUd) 110 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. IWlt Tel.. Walnut 0730 Keystone Tel.. Main 3904 Vet mUtt. ln titintt reealt, w Roil brs4 Uutt NW. " ppr si riiboat. m-mm nm&KM NEUTRALITY BEFORE CROSS IMPOSSIBLE Pontius Pilnte Was Neutral, Preacher. Thought He Says Lenten Pontius Pilnte ordered Christ crucified In nn effort to maintain a strict neutral ity, snld the Ilcv. 13. P. Pfattclcher, In Ills second noonday Lenten sermon nt Old St. John's Lutheran Church, Itnco street below 6th, today. This fact nlone, ho said, would prove that there can bo no neutrality before tho cross. Tho preach er said, In part: "Wo must bo either for or ngalnst Christ. Pontius Pilnte, tho legal represen tative ot tho tinman Kmplro In Pnlestlne, proved this point very conclusively. He found himself thrust suddenly Into the presence of Christ when Christ wns brought before him Standing before the royal palace Pllat demanded to know the charges Against their prisoner. Tho shift ing answers were not satisfactory to Itomc. Tho charge thnt He was a pcr vertcr ot tho nation failed. The accusa tion that He refused tribute to Caesar was shown to lo false. The third charge alone had Some semblance of truth, Christ's declaration of Kingship. "Pilnte was not convinced, however, thnt there was sufficient rensnn for the execution of Jesus His attitude In siy Ims to the accusers of Christ 'I find In Him no fnult nt nil' and In washing his hands In their presence was duo to his deslro to be fair to Christ His conduct In turning Christ over to tho soldiers to he scourged, his willingness to allow Jesus to be associated with Barabbas, his sentence 'Take ye film nnd crucify Him, for I find no rnutt In Him' wns due to his desire to nssert an absolute neutrality." LAUDS COURAGE IN LIFE Kentucky Bishop Talks on Fighting for Righteousness. Fighting on the Bldo of right wns tho topic nt tho service nt nooh today In the Gnrrlck Theatre. The Itev. Charles E. Woodcock Bishop of Kentucky delivered a sermon. Ho appealed to hln bearers to endure the hardship nnd suffering which courageous living necessitates. "Men who refuse to endure hardship nlways lose In the end," he said. "Thoy nlwnys sustain a loss when they do what they ought not to do. Many men are In n stnlo of fear and try to protect them selves with n few weak resolutions. These resolutions nre useless. What they need Is n fltlffer, more determined courage." DOCTOR ROSS FINAL SERMON Lnst of Lenten Series Dellvcrediat St. Stephen's. The final In n series of noonday Lenten sermons by tho Itev. Dr. O. A. Johnson llors, of the Union Theological Seminary, dellvcied nt noon today at Old HI. Niephen's Church, 10th street nbove Chest nut, was entitled "Our Debt to Social Worship" Tho speaker said there Is a widespread defection from social worship. due. in his opinion, lu defective, nenso of what worship cft do, "In worship we receive many A mrhtal enlargement." snld Doctor Boss, "nrd forgotten factors In our personal prob lems and difficulties appear, and Ui dlf flcultles arc solved. Spiritual refresh ment comes to us sometimes by the mere suggestion of the building ond congre gation." . PIcn for Acceptance of Christ The Itev. Harry D. Viets, curate of St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Sd and Pine streets, preached at tho nonday Lenten services In tho church today, and took for his topic tho "Imitation of Christ" Ho declared that Christians must choose between Christ and Barabbas, nnd tlia Christ camo intd tho world to show the human race tho path to follow In order baM .tL Christ. He said HI name bollovo In His promises. ESTOItn OPENS Bl30 A. M. CLOSHS AT BlSO P. MAIL Oil I'llOMS OltnnitS FILLED s 50c All-Silk Knit ted Tics 15c Absolutely pure silk in the newest and smnrtest styles. Plain nnd two tone nccordions. some havo nobby cross stripes, .shown in the hand somest combinations. FIRST FLOOR. 7TIt & MARKET STS. HATS TRIM MUD FREE OF CHARGE Double Yellow Trading Stamps With Every 10c Purchase Until Noon : After That, Until Closing Time, Single Stamps Filbert Seventh Market Eighth WOMEN'S GLOVES In the New $-1 ClQ Sund Color.. A JV T VIA Plquo sown: one clasp; 111 IVlU new contrasting backs washable. three-row cm- In Mocha bVoideVcd backs, m self-color or black. airvtr FIIIST FLOOH. EIGHTH BT. SIDE $15 Men's Debonteire Suits tS.E'SgS They are foremost in ultra smart fashions for Easter & Spring. These are fine $20 & $22.50 values Also at this price are ess extreme two button styles of equally smart effect for men of more conservative tastes. They nre nil expertly hnnd-tuitorcd from high-grade all-wool mnterial nnd on any one of them you can save a crisp ?5 bill. But then Easter is only three weeks off, so iuc arc ready to supply every man from enormous, widely varied new stocks at an exceptional range of medium prices. mm ilk Sf Easter Suits In a Newly Opened Special Section $7.50 to $12 Two Exceptional Values in Spring Overcoats New purchases in the smartest styles. 25 Values $ $12&$15Suits,$10 In Thirty Different Styles and Materials I A mirrlifv firm nKnrfmnnt inrdllrlitifr ....f,.... ....w ......... .......... ...... u...f, swagger English plaids, tartan checks, gray and blue worsteds nnd serges. From Now on a Great Many Boys Will be Coming in for Their Easter Clothes $4 to $10 Values at $2.98, $3.98, $4.98 & $7.50 Fine samples. $15 Values $ In black and gray thibets. Wc rifm t Hats free of Charoc Easter Hats Unirimmcd and Rcady-to-Wcar .Largo nnd smart variety of nil the best styles. Including many unex pected values for the height of tho 'season. $4 Fine Milan $0 Aq TTamn TTnfs "& Hemp Hats Sketch Shoios fcOIQ One of thoYU-? it any Smart Sjles. Itnvn dressy. d oe n-roll flnnges. Come In black and an wiu inwk- -y i tlest shades. J Sr1 52.50 Lisere Hats, $1 9g IThoy nro among the foremost In (fashion and como In medium sailor .shapes with rolled edges. Black, brown, navy blue and sand. Suits In casslmores, blue serges, brown and fnncy mixed cheviots nnd nobby pin-striped suitings Itrofrrn ill shepherd's plaid, navy blue serge, covert, casslmeres and brown nnd gray cheviots. Sizes 2'a to 18 years. SECOND FLOOH. SEVENTH AND MARKET ST ft BETS Boys0 Norfolk Suits 3g With two pair of trousers Sizes 7 ti IS years. . Boys' Con- $Q Of Herffo. Sizes 7 to 18 years. to$ $4.00 Ready-to- $9 QQ Wear Hats.... New tailored styles In fine Milan hemp, nmartly trimmed with flow ers, ribbons and quills. Stylish Trimmings IMPORTED FLOWERS 25c, 39c, 49c to 98c . Dniiuipa. rinlnlea. roses, bluettcs. small C bouquets nnd fruits. 32 Lyra Ostrich Bands, 98c .-i.1. t ... tin. It. nntitrn Ttlnnk". f white, sand, gold, old rose and new rbluo. uiJisi fiAJuii, nuivi" Save Yellow Trading Stamps They procure fine nnd dcslrablo mer chandise. Double BtnmpM to iuornlutr Hliupiieri). New Silks That will save you considerable on the fashioning of an elegant Easter Goivn. $1.00 Taffeta 7Q0 Silks 8U 35 inches wide. Ultra-fashlonablo for Spring. In a splendid rango of colors, Including white and black. $1.25 Black Silks, fl5r 35 Inches wide. Standard qualities In Pallotte do Sole, Peau do Solo, satin Duchesso and taffeta silks. $2.00 New Striped $1 AG Crepe Shirtings ... x ," 32 to 3G Inches wide. Latest new sntln-strlpcd effects for men's shirts, women's waists, etc. Flno, washable quality. FIRST FLOOR, SOUTH muutvvtvvitvuvtvvinvmtt mvviviivvi,vvvvv,vivv' vvvMvvvvvvvv'tviv; , r-i 1 1 S ?. I (fCyJ. 7 - ' " A Specially Organized "Saturday isses' Easter Apparel 450 a Fine Display of the Smart- est Easter Fashions for Women For Misses and Juniors $14.50 Suits . . $10 Illustration shows the jaunty Norfolk style. In shepherd plaid with deep yoke, bolt nnd full-flnrc plaited skirt. Also lino men's wear serges in Belgian blue, bcigo and navy blue, smartly plain tailored. $22.50 Men's Easter $1 Ct( HATS X'OU New shapes In Bood -. fur felt. V Derbies of I I S ll t 5jj,V weight: perfect Jet TSSf black. t f Soft lint In latest' "' M , colorings nnd best . ?- styles. Boys "Johnnie, Jr." QC Hats . J7UC New shapes with stitched crowns und brims. Flno cloth. Men's "Stetson" Hats, $3.50, $1 and $5 Spring derby and soft hats of un usually fine quality. 1ST FLOOR. 7TH & MARKET Misses' $30 Suits . . Several very effective new styles. One sketched. In all wool fnille in navy blue, new blue, Russian green and beige, with short plaited jackets, finished with tailored bow nnd tuxedo collar; or in pretty empire effect with high novelty collar and broad revers. Misses' $18.50 Spring Top Coats, $12.98 Fine all-wool poplin in navy blue, Belgian blue nnd beige, in mili tary effect with metal buttons, fancy cuffs and sailor collar. Misses' $17.50 Taffeta Silk Frocks, $ 1 7g A pretty stylo in black-and-white cheek with blouse of China silk that can be fastened high in military effect, nnd full circular Bkirt, with plaits. J22.50&$25Suits14.5Q In men's wear serge, ull wool poplin, novelty suitings, shepherd plaids, homespuns, mixtures and gabardine, of black, navy blue, Belgian blue, battleship gray and green. These nre elegant garments just n few of each kind and su perbly tnilored. i SV ) mi A $22.50 r $10 Women's $20 Spring $f XL Top Coats li? Of jaunty Scotch plaids in new semi empiro topper effects, with raglan sleeves, full-ripple and military collar. Also chic covert cloth coats, fully silk lined. SECOND FLOOR 5tVVVVVV'V.V'VVVVVrVXVVVV't,VUVWVVt.VVVWVVXWM.VWt,VVVV,V'.Vi NEW VICTOR RECORDS FOR EASTER An enormous collection Is ready and Includes a great many new and delight ful selections. They are all here and can be purchased on our Club Plan by tlio payment-oi Small Weekly or Monthly Sums No Trading Stamps lVIIh Vlclrolm or Jltcords, SECOND I-'LOOR Almost Hourly New Fashions Are Launched by This Exceptional Easter Hat Exhibit Tailored styles and dressy fashions the former ultra smart and the latter exquisitely beautiful You can imagine nothing more chic or becoming than a huge black Georgette sailor, with an exaggerated wing shooting out to the side. Nor could anything be more picturesque than a large sagglng-brim shepherdess sailor in soft seagull gray, fit I fl 3 1..1 tnft-tr niiwlAl nllinlo wn osincn crown aim urvau, duihj vuh !""" ytfiil But these are just two of the proverbial "Hundred fflm $4.98, $5.98, $6.98 to $40 MILLINERY SALON, THIRD FLOOR "V" k.- Men Chic Footwear for Easter and Spring Quality, Economy and Variety Are the Key-note. 's Shoes and Oxford Ties "Lenards" at $3 "Stratfords" at $4 "Lit Brothers' Special" at $3,50 "Custom Made" at $5 Reliable trade-mark brands, sold only by us nnd worth at least $1 more. Come In patent coltMUn, guu-metul calf, tan calf and lino kldsktn. Button, luce and Hlucher styles; hand. welted oak soles. Sizes 5 to 11; widths A to 13. Women's "Lenards" $3 Fully worth $1 more I.ace boots In patent coltskln and gun-metal calf with black, fawn and gray cloth tops; also button shoes In all wanted leathers, with dull leather and black cloth tops. Oxfords, pumps, Colonials and De Luxe pumps in all new spring models; all leathers and pretty combina tion effects. Sizes 2V& to S, widths A to E. Misses', Children's & Infants' Shoes fc"."" Children's $1.75 to $2.00 $f f ft Shoes XmlU Misses' $2 to $2.25 $1 OQ Shoes L' ,,. Patent coltskln, dull gun-metal calf with, dull and cloth tops. Button tvl. Sizes 11 If. to S. . FIRST FLOOR, NOR' Patent coltskln. dull nun-metal ralf Goodyoar stitched soles, button stylo; .spring haels. Sites 6 to 11. i'H ;UT BHQTHBRSS-SiPt 0VK BlU UBbTAUHANIWlBST OV UVUHVTHINU AT I.OWHST I'HICMS FIFTH PIJlOU S& LIT IIIIOTHHUS : !'