Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 12, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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    y ijiu jmmu.1 i.fuuiv j
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Cause" Horn oenra u! i-
crisis In and about Philadelphia
grains" ... ,,i nr.
Bi . .... i ptirrv uu ." vit-.-w "-
fir..!.. .1.. tM, week. Today's pro-
2"...(. of a number of meetings
6C, plans for the spring and summer
' v of the "cause," nnd also several
.TT i.ii. Im nonrliv Ron
Prtpdganda osscn.u...;..
km f New Jersey.
IS. h. nnenlng of the Bprlng cam-
hV, (..raided Wednesday by a largo out
Sr meeting and varlou's other nctlvl-
L throughout the city, suffragists nro
r . i things well under way for
coming season. To further these enda
SfL-fciMiion Committee of tho Equal
Lchlw Society. 33 South 9(h street,
fetthla morning nt tho headquarters and
nrrangements for cnrrylng on
K,', no
1VV -'
. . .. ..-t. in tl.n vnitnna app.tlnun
It. V iiv The branches will continue
SiiocKtrs " "" .,, ;; "
j bold demonstrations nnd meetings to
& those in charge of tho district
HIJlBiv i., wt wit warn nti
l&hls morning were Sirs. M. C. Mor
8g from West Philadelphia; IMrs. F.
ffi itappird and Mrs. William Albert
Kfrom Chestnut IIIll; Miss May K.
'Snnerv. Wynnowood; Mrs. A. M.
IffWer-Smlth. Central Philadelphia; Mrs.
vKi" ...AHt,itrrt nnrl Minn Acnea Ilnm-
mom North Philadelphia, nnd Mrs. Anna
iRl0!.i:T ,,n, Phll.-idnlnhla. Many
IliiVri who' are Interested In tho society's
CxVcre on hand also. Miss Mary II.
iMham, chairman or uio urgiuiuauun
ICommni". v.
ft nffnglsU In Haddonfleld, N J., this
Kftenioon, at 3:30 o'clock, when the Worn
Kb', Political Vnlon meets at tho rosl
5?" ..,..,. tinhort Trviiiir. Sirs. Irvine
ItYthe president of tho Haddonfleld branch
lr..i.. Trninn. Kncechcs advocating votes
iht women and others pointing out that
Kronan suffrage Is tho only real means
ht eradicating many existing evils will
:' . -.ni nntni- nt flin affair. Miss
fjlarr II. Ingham, a prominent Phlladcl
TCi. Jiffmaiat. will bo nmonir thoso who
Irtl address the. meeting.
ftThh evening thoso who aro Interested
En the Question win nuvu u. iu:wm w""-
tjnlty 01 IIStCmnK to uuuitsacn ui. V.1U.U
nttigt. The Haddonneld Civic Associ
ation meets in uurutjr hum u " w.,
when "Suffrage" will bo tho theme.
Evidence Confusing and Accused Are
gj Acquitted.
WA Jury beforo Judge Terry, in Quarter
Sessions court, touay was unuuio iu ue
iVelite which of three defendants In cross
Stills charging assault and battery was
Itclllng tho truth, and to relievo the di
lemma all three defendants weio acquit
ted. The coats of prosecution, however,
were placed on Robert Hansford, Jr., and
ifa father-in-law, Samuel Williamson, of
Poriar street nbovo Broad. The costs
intresato about ?50.
.The prosecutions aroso out of a. fight
between Ransford and ills' landlord's
Vmt. Rnmucl Fletcher, of 1411 North 16th
)treet. Tho former occupied an apart
ment nt 1524 Poplar street, nnd on Juno
3 list attempted to "Jump" an 18 months'
lease which ho held on the premises.
i)r. James II. McKco, -who lived ncioss
"the street from Ransford, however, notl-
1 fat 1?tA,nl.o,. tl.nt lila lAnnnl wni mnv-
Wj5ir' nnd tl10 lat,or Immediately came
.According to Ransford and his fathcr-
B(o-Iaw, who was helping mm to move,
Vr)iB FlAtnhitH until Kim mniiliiff Iia Itcntl
physical force to restrain them. Fletcher,
itowevcr, sold that when he nppeared
ipon the scene Ransford and Williamson
HTaAt lllSAn V In nwl ofnfjl 4V YAfl n 11 lin
IKBV. UfUJI Itlill UI11I DU1I ICU IU UV'tl. (Ill !
Itt'Ia the flght "Williamson's llttlo linger
'oa nra ten nana was uruit.cn uiui it iuuui
4IWAeU UUL. J.lUlUIlUr riilUl II1UL 111-
lllamaon bit his finger and broke Ills eye-
i glasses.
iCongressman J. Hampton Moore
K, Talks tn Hiirh Srhnnl Stnilpntft.
fc"We ought not to bo led into war nny
We to satisfy tho whims or nmbltlons
Of tdventurous or profit-making spirits."
Congressman J. Hampton Moore mado
tkls declaration today In the couse of an
i on wongroEsionai I'roccuuro oe
ftretheBtudents of the West Philadelphia
he speaker mado It very, plain to the
B?ojs that running ona's home was similar
running the country, and that tho
ountry shouldn't spend more than It
rnalr.. r.. .... .. .
(-' uur prouiem, no saiu, "la to
pMs the receipts sulllcient to cover the
..u.iures. out mo tendency of Con
tresa l.itAiv i,n i .- .... .,..... ...
5m -' " "con io cui uown our ro
iSSf'f an.d bo ver' "uerl '" approprla-
ia oirections that aro not wholly
Cfva t0 the welfare of tho more
populous sections of tho. country. "
Waware Women to Continue Their
fight for tho Frnnchise.
WILMIMP.'pnxT r.., ,, ..
Its d.cT;r.".V"e.V'.. 4"arc .-av-
Jentav f i "l."' '""eneon given yes-
fehi. ..j ,. """i aicuue, or l'lilladel-tf
mBalumn I' LJiUna H-l Latimer, of
fS l who have assisted tho Det-
fcrmmTT ln tnelr nBllt ,or votea
Bmo. S' . ?.'. campaign was
Lining Vor it. " ""s male ara now
'Buresti50fse by thB women who aVe
" Hat (mi mrf,m?"! !???"
iRn ad there will be meetlnga
Bn8ktiiro cveiy as tnougn tne
next i meeting instead or
-. -..inn ucing- io years on.
Pnnn mrcir -rmr. .
&. u. , "uai1 x u" Aw
LtSum " H"ed4tha houae at M- " w-
S? S0,i.f"a r?a2frd avenues, watting
wtribuT. . n",c?, "no nas Promised to
m ir t0,iay; alf-clad and suffering.
SMso8.alm tcd to o house, which
Wttavn.t.ij " Ulal ,uter anlvals had
Kb m 5W?e ThQ distribution of cloth-
Etarns frn . "? aa Mrs- Ketchum
EP houle hef WOrk ,n her Ann Btreet
"Movie" T .. ir.j ,
if..i o uiau iccusea
ISShJSaS.1'. ""?? the Motion
ItoU. win k " Uf? league or Pennsyl
K?lbearralfne'1 before Magistrate
Sttb hTvint JJ warrant charging him
ilYBotn"?.5'J?Wn..ft "" entitled 'The
r hibi.S 7. "ounavjng previous-
Mm dih"'u4,.,b..w www. J-
BWtar of .hVV J.,B, was a"stea at a
Kiea. the teguiative, Committee of
KPrtetornf .J..-1 lr He1lt w tho
nue, Bl"!e' ana J-ansdowne
Mnrla r-..lll T... .
B 'S'i W.h 1.-Warle Co-
h 7 Yi '"" " n nonorary
iOfRn.ri "":"""" WOIHMV8
tk5? .. haa wrltten R tetter to
: ofn-, . "' x-rocior, secretary of
vrganlxatlon. irom England, saying
!li ,,. T """" rra an injury
uX? ""a,ne4 rntly.
fmin9 WM to cotton wtH) & moto
Thiovcs EscnpoWlth $5000 Loot After
Shooting Actor.
NEW YORK, March 12. Oeorgo T.
Ityan was In tho rear of his Jewelry
store nt 708 8th nvenue, between 44th nnd
4Gth streets, nnd his wlfo and his clerk,
Cleon Williams, were In tho front nt 7:40
Inst night when n brick btoko through
tho front window, In which Ryan said
nfterwnrd thero was Jewelry worth
The brick broko a hole two feet In
diameter In the glass. Instantly n small
mnn thrust both arms through tho hole,
stuffed his pockets with diamonds nnd
other Jewelry nnd lied. s
William Nelson, nn nctor, saw tho rob
bery, nnd ns tho thief darted across tho
nvciiuo tho nctor knocked him down with
it blow on tho chin. Nelson then fell
upon tho robber and was holding him,
when a big, nthlctlc follow ran up nnd
with vicious kicks drovo Nelson from
tho top of his prisoner.
Tho smaller man lenped up, drew nn
automatic pistol nnd fired nt Nelson. Tho
bullet went through tho actor's nrni nnd
he fell.
Tho robber nnd his cnnrrtlxrntn .inM.i
.Into tho hnlt of 707, ran to tho rear yard
mm nun iiiroiign a gate cut in tno fence.
Both escaped, but later two men wcro
nrrested on suspicion.
Mayor Makes Appointment to
Fill Renshaw Vacancy at
City Hall Station.
Mayor Ulankenburg today named Mag
istrate William l' Ilcaton to servo ns
committing Mnglstrato at tho central po
llco station nt City Hall. Ho will begin
his duties April 1. Ho will 1111 tho va
cancy caused by the retirement of Ben
jamin II. Renshaw, whose appointment
by Mayor Blankenburg In January, 1011,
tho Supremo Court declared Illegal.
Maglstrnto Beaton, who resides In tho
13th Ward, with nn offlco on 15th street
near Vino, has been Identified for tho
Inst fow years with tho Washington
ipnrty. Ho was elected Magistrate In
1910 on tho ltepubllcnn ticket.
Tho Mayor suggested that Mnglstrato
Carson, the present commixing Mngls
trato In the night pollco court nt City
Hnll, and Magistrate Benton confer and
decldo which shall conduct tho day hear
ings. It Is the Mnyor's opinion that tho
Magistrates should sit ln the night court
on alternate weeks.
Charles Soger, chairman of Councils'
Subcommittee on Appropriations, has an
nounced that ho would lntroduco a bill
In Councils to reimburse Ilcnshaw for
his services. Mr. Itenshaw consequently
sent to Councils' Finance Committee a
bill for $2S11.DS, repicsentlng the amount
that would bo duo him at $2300 a year,
and which Mr. Sosrer has declared to be
a "moral obligation" on Councils.
Saloonkeeper Identifies Robbers Who
Looted His Place.
Tho Camden police nnd Thomns Mc
Donald, a Camden saloonkeeper, today
Identified Joseph Summltt and Joseph
Brown nt Chester as the men who held
up McDonald In his saloon Tuesday night
nnd escaped with $21. Summltt and
Brown were arrested In Chester last
night nfter attempting to break Into n
hardware store.
Tho night before t'ney had ,opernteil In
Wilmington, tho pollco say. McDonald
was robbed Into Tuesday night by Brown
nnd Summltt, ho testified, after they
loafed for an hour at the bar under the
pretext of waiting for friends. When
tho barroom was empty they struck Mc
Donald on the head and broke Into this
cash register. Tiio men were held under
$1000 ball to await trial at Media.
Declare in Favor of Vivisection
Vivisection has enabled the world to
curb the "whlto plague," and to keep
the number of deaths In this city at
practically the same as 20 years ago,
despite the large gain ln population, la
the answer of physicians to the sponsors
of the nnti-vtvlscctlon bill now beforo
tho Legislature. Members of tho Path
ological Society, of Philadelphia, at a
meeting in the College of Physicians, 22d
below Chestnut street, lost night adopted
resolutions protesting against Represen
tative A. C. Stein's bill to prohibit ex
perimentation on animals.
Thinks Dead Man Is Her Husband
A ring with the Initials "W.K." caused
Mrs. William Kcser, 1214 North 33rt street,
to say sho would go to Camden later to
day to view the body "of a man who was
killed by tho Trenton-Camden express
train at Fish House crossing, four miles
from Camden, on tho Amboy division of
tlie Pennsylvania Itnllroad, yesterday
morning. Tho body, which was mangled
almost beyond recognition. Is thought to
bo that of her husband, because a ring
with tho Initials "W. K." was found on
tho body.
' Boy Killed Stealing Ride
Whllo "stealing n rldo on a freight
car, according to tho pollco, Thomas
McGurlf, U years old, of 2012 Latonn
street, was beheaded in the 23th and
Tasker streets yards of tho Pennsylvania
Railroad. Tho lad was playing about tho
cars yesterday afternoon and fell under
tho wheels of a heavily laden steel
freight car. Tho body was taken to tho
Polyclinic Hospital and later removed
to his home.
Quadruplets All Well
rtEDDINCS, Ccl., March 12. Mrs. C. O.
McKnlght, wlfo of a rancher of Bella
vista, Is tho proud mother today of fouu
babies, two boys and two girls, born
within two hours' time.
Each was perfectly formed and nor
mal In every way. Mrs. McKnlght Is A0
years old and now tho mother of 13 liv
ing children.
Fire Damages Poolroom
A small fire ln the rear of Conway's
poolroom, 3U8 Frankford avenue, nt 9;30
this morning, damaged several of tho
tables. Most of the damage was from
the Honeymoon express
13I.KTON, Md-. March 12. The Honey
moon Express to Elkton today had on
board six couples who were granted mar-
riaga licenses at the County Courthouso
to wed as follows:
John H. Fisher and Florence McDIm
llrig, Philadelphia; Charles "W, Vlguers,
Jr., and Clara E. Pearce. Elwyn, Pa.;
Walter Willis and Frances B. Bryan,
New London. Pa.; II. T. Vandergrlft and
Hannah N. Smith, Chester, Pa.; Mahlon
L. Klin nnd Margery E. Kemp, Lam
port, Pa., and George W. Hall and Mar
garet M- Jordan, Baltimore.
MrouBoaberr.U22N. Franklin t, and
Dora Schwaru. 1513 N. Otn at.
Nathan Zlpln. 8213 Mooae at., and Anna
Light, 358 Mercy at.
Charles Wood.- lg N. 10th at., and Pauline.
Cromwell. 1320 N 16th at.
Flllco mwlo. 1200 S. 12th at., and Paollua
ilandl. 1731 S. Cfcadwlclt at. ""
William nradley. 17SU N. Newltirk at., anii
Mary Kent. (B30 Qarroantown ave.
Andrew Yoat. 142i Cadwaladtr at, and
Tbirwa JUlnaa. 1S22 OadwaUder at.
Ghefpard Arlington, 122B Poplar at., and
tSara it FarriU. 1301 Poplar at. ,w
Alfred IT Walker WSJ Market at. and Matr
M McCardall. 2T E Noirie at 'T
Alfred Matihewa. 228 N 12th at . and JWeaa
Drayer. 170U N 0u at
jamaa M rirew 3 ganeoro. at . and Mary
Uay. 86I CutWirt at
Harry Pougharty, Jramden. n J . aad Mar
gSit a Sfloa. S. mhat ""'
v Bilwooa BtruBfc, 3t6 N FrankUn at . and
Mtt H. COUUsh. Teneial. E
Ten Extra Bluecoats Will Keep
Watch for Gamblers nnd
Other Lawbreakers.
A new blockndo of tho tenderloin was
Instituted today by Pollco Captain Tem
pest, who threw ten bluecoats- from
various districts Into his division In tho
tenderloin to establish a quarnntlno on
suspected disreputable nnd gambling
nouses, llnlds may bo mado nt any mo
ment, according to tho pollco.
Tho movement today Is similar to that
ordered by Director Porter morn tlinn n
year ago, when moro than a hundred po-
Ilcemen wcro Installed throughout tho
tenderloin In addition to tho regular pa- !
trol force, with orders to arrest habitues i
of the district who attempted to get Into
suspected disorderly houses.
Three steps have been taken by Super- '
Inlondent of Pollco Iloblnson to prevent
tho reopening of gnmbllng houses. Lieu-
tonnnt Hnrry L. Myers, of tho 15th and
" Bireeis station, ami Lieutenant
William Dlnlockcr, of the 20th and Dut
tonwood streets station, havo been trans
ferred and Special Policemen O'JJrlcn nnd
Crook have been sent to the 7th nnd Car
penter streets station from ICth nnd But
tonwood ttreets In exchange for Special
Policemen Gold nnd Sclhy.
Captain Tempest snld today, tho trans
fer of tho lieutenants Is no reflection on
them. Ho declnred It was duo to tho
Idea that new men In the district, not
known to tho gamblers, might havo n
better chanco of ferreting out their
A quarantine hns been plncod on vari
ous cigar stores in tho tenderloin and
outlying illstrlcts, suspected of being
resorts for bookmakers who take bets on
Iho winter races.
Calendars of Both Houses Aro Clog
ged, But Must Be Cleared.
DOVEll, Del., March 12. Tho Legisla
ture today entej-ed on tho Inst day of Its
session. Both branches will meet ngnm
Monday and Tuesday to pass on claims
and tho omnibus appropriations bill.
Calendars of both houses nro clogged
with miscellaneous legislation, which
must be passed beforo adjournment to
day. It Is probable the session will oou
tlnuo until 4 o'clock Saturday morning.
Upon convening this morning at 'J
o'clock, tho Senate without dissension
concurred In tho IIouso bill empowering
tho Governor to mnko' nd Interim ap
pointments when United States sena
torial vacancies occur.
Senator Hnrrls bolted from a Repub
lican conference early this morning and
threatens to block tho Ilepubllcon ma
jority program In tho upper branch. If
ho throws his vote to the Democrats, tho
minority forces will havo a majority of
9 to S. Harris is disgruntled because Itc
publlcnn Senators joined Democrats In
defeating his bill to repeal tho law per
mitting Intoxicants to bo sold In bottles
to bu drunk off the premises.
Charge Against Law and Order Soci
" ety Fails in the House.
DOVCK, Del., March 12,-Chargos that
the Law and Order Society employs
minors. !: "Wilmington to obtain evidence
ngnlnst salc-onkecpers wero mado ln the
Home today by Representatives Rush
and Elliott.
They made the assertion while speak
ing in behalf of a "wet" bill providing
that minors misrepresenting their ages
should bo equally guilty with saloon
keepers. The measure also provided
punishment for persons Inducing minors
who misrepresent their nges.
J. Bibbs Mill, representing the society,
denied tho charge. The bill was de
feated by a closo vote.
Temperance forces also defeated n
liquor measure providing that when
saloonkeepers havo obtained signers to
petitions they aro not required to renew
tho signatures on the applications unless"
removing to another district. This bill
was also defeated.
James Kane, pioprietor of a Wilming
ton hotel, describing difficulties of liquor
men in obtaining signatures, admitted as
high as $15 for each signer had been paid
by Wilmington saloon men in tho 1st
Hospital Authorities Keep Close Guard on Drug Pa
tients in Hope of Preventing Unfortunates From
Ending Their Lives.
Extra precautions aro being taken to
day by nurses and attendants of tho
Philadelphia General Hospital to prevent
115 drug victims from ending their
lives. Tho patlent3 are confined in tho
nowly established "drug habit ward."
This ward was organized after tho Har
rison law, forbidding tho trafficking In
heroin nnd other drugs, which went into
effect March t
The extra guard to prevent wholesale
suicides of victims of heroin, cocalno
and opium was decided upon today fol
lowing personal observations mado of the
patients by prominent physicians and
specialists. The physicians said today
that In many cases attempted suicide fol
lows after tho drug patient Is placed
under treatment.
Kvery attendant nnd nurse who Is de
tailed In the newly organized ward has
received Instructions to keep an eyo on
tho drug victims and to carefully seo
that they do not confiscate knives or
other things with which they might make
an attempt on their lives. On retiring In
tha evening every patient is carefully
searched. Often tho mattress In tho cot
occupied by a patient is examined. This
Is dono because recently In hospitals In
New York, where drug victims are being
treated, broken glassesiand knives wero
found. Following an investigation: It
was disclosed that a number of tho
patients had formed a plot among them
selves to cut their wrists.
The suicide mania among drug vlctlrns,
It was said by physicians today, usually
follows nfter the patient lias ben de
prived of his favorite drug. Many of
tho patients who havo placed themselves
under treatment since the Harrison law
went Into effect. Superintendent Seltzer,
of tha Philadelphia General Hospital,
said, havo shown signs of Improvement.
A squad of patients who have Improved
aro known aV "Colony No. 1," and they
hava been Bent to tha Byberry Farm for
further treatment.
Among the 115 drug victims at the
Philadelphia General Hospital SO are men.
Seventy-nvo per cent, of the men are
between ha ages of 13 and The re
maining 25 per cent, ara btw b
ago of (50 and. 60. There are about 35
women patients. Fifty per cent, of tha
women patients are between the ages of
21 and 80. Tha other 60 per cent, average
EO years and over.
Victims of heroin and cocaine are
Booking daily to the Philadelphia, General
Hoepltal. Tha new ward U now taxed
to Its capacity. Superintendent Seltzer
eatd today that It the patienu continue
to come as fast a hey have been with
in tho past few days K wW be necewery
to create another 'drug &blt wwO."
. 'Where a the pla.c to ,e the doctor T
HF flfi i
He snys his nnmo is Austin Mc
Clenry. e He wns found on tho
steps of St. Patrick's Cathedral,
in Now York. Ho is four years old.
Eagerly Join in Effort to Iden
tify Austin McCleary, Lost
in New York.
Every boy and girl In Philadelphia's
public schols has been naked to servo
ns a detective In an oltort to restore to his
homo n four-year-old, flaxcti-liulred boy,
who was found lust September by n po
liceman on tho steps of St. Patrick's
Cathedral in N'cw York.
Tho child, who apponra to bo unusually
bright, says his homo Is In this city and
that his namo Is Austin McCleary. Dili
gent search on tho part of the Philadel
phia and New York police has failed to
roveal his address or to dotermlno
whether the name ho gave Is correct.
Walter II. Walker, a Manhattan lawyer,
has Interested himself In tho little fel
low. AVnlkcr has engaged John M.
Mltrlicson, an nttorney with offices In tho
Stock Exchange Building, to represent
hint In this city.
Walker and Mltcheson having exerted
every other possible means of finding tho
child's parentH, they have enlisted an
army of 200,000 school children In the
work. It Is their belief that the boy may
at some tlmo havo been n resident of
With this Idea In mind, tho public school
authorities havo permitted pictures of tho
lnd with an accompanying description to
bo hung In every classroom.
Wedding Guests Obtain Verdict
Mrs. Koslo Knlserman and her hus
band. Simon, were awarded $323 damage?
against Louis Savldoro In Judgo Carr's
court today for injuries sustained by
Sirs. Knlserman at her son's wedding on
November 21, 19H, nt Lyric Hnll, 6th
street, above Carpenter. As Mrs. Knlsor
n'nn was leaving tho banqueting room
she fell through a trap door Which she
could not seo because It wns dark In tho
passageway. The hall had been lcnted
for tho marriage of Morris K.ilserman
nnd Florenco Block, nnd It was charged
that Savldoro should have provided for
Iho safety of the guests.
Rev. Dr. Nichols' Condition Critical
ATLANTIC CITY', N. J.. March 12.
For a tlmo early today physicians nnd
members of the family virtually aban
doned hope for tho recovery of tho Ilov.
Sanford M. Nichols, foimerly superin
tendent of tho Camden district of the
New Jersey Conference. Doctor Nichols
is much weaker than at uny tlmo since
he was removed to tho City Hosplta.
Philadelphia specialists have been called
ln consultation. An operation will be
ordered only ns a last resort.
said a youth, today, as he walked up to
the gate-keeper at tho entrance of the
"Thoy are coming every day," sald-the
veteran keeper.
Pollco of tho 11th and Winter streets
Station, In whoso district many burglar
ies havo taken place within the last
few months, committed, It Is believed,
by drug victims, said today that tho new
law would probably result In a decrease
In crime.
Special Officer Thomas MacFarland,
who has been detailed ln the Tenderloin
for more than seven years and who
knows the faces of more drug victims
than any policeman in the city, said
"Many of these drug victims, especially
tho men who use cocaine, never commit
a crime until they take a dose of the
drug, or charge themselves. After taking
a charge they become bravo and seem to
have more nerve. I know many cocaine
fiends who would never think of stealing
or committing a burglary until they havo
taken a snuff. Therefore, I believe the
new law will result In a decrease In bur
glaries In our district, many of which
havo been committed by drug fiends. On
tho other hand, I fear that many of theeo
unfortunate persons who won't go to a
hospital for treatment will become moi
rose and make attempts upon their
Over at "Tho Arsenal," a little restau
rant at 10th and Winter streets, which
has been raided almost weekly by the po.
Jlco, a group of cocaine fiends sat about
tables today, drinking coffee and eating
cake. They discussed the new law and
spoke about other things.
A reporter of the Kvenino Ledger who
entered the place tried to Interview sev
eral of the women and men.
"What'B the use of agklng questions?"
said a middle-aged man. "The world's
against us." The man said no more.
He walked to the roar of the store, sat
down and burled his face in his hands.
One friend told us a few
days ago that he had
been our customer over
thirty years!
Only fine workmanship
could win such a long and
valued patronage,
) J D UJ Lofm ftft CLirr..
I 3iiS
They Come From Three State3.
Accused Millionaire Remains
in Seclusion.
NEW HAVI1.V, Conn., March 12.-SIX
women wcro enrolled today In tho tangled
nffnlrs of Vlrglnlus J. Mayo, New Haven
millionaire. They camo from at least
three States. With somo Mnyo'a alleged
rolatlons were still clouded In a tnnglo of
assertions and denials.
Pennsylvania authoiltlcB wero Investi
gating charges of ...rs. Vlrglnlus Mayo,
Scrantou, that sho was Mnyo'a second
wife. Thoy also sought to unfold Identity
of tho alleged former wlfo whom tho
Scrnnton woman asserts had died.
Tho Scranton Mrs. Mayo was reported
prostrated and confined to her bed today.
8he has retained counsel. Tho present
Mrs. Mayo, of New Haven, a former
stenographer of her husband, while refus
ing to indlcato her probablo courso of
nctlon, was reported to be planning a
dlvorco suit.
Mnyo was Involved further by Miss
Susan M. Welders, of New Haven, who
claims rolatlons with the millionaire.
The father of Lillian M. Cook, of Brook
lyn, Mnyo's stenographer, who killed her
self last week, today was satlsllcd that
tho body burled last Tuesday was really
that of his daughter.
Mayo continued ln closest seclusion. Ho
hns prnctlcally abandoned his club nnd
authorizes discussion of his case only
through his lawyers.
Director Cooke Announces tho Im
portant News.
Philadelphia Is to havo another clean
up week this spring, when householders
will oxtend their scrubbing activities even
to tho cellar floors and when ashes nnd
debris will bo scraped from backyards
and other points of accumulation.
Director Cooke, of tho Dcpaitment of
Public Works, nnd Ciller Connell, of the
Highway llurcau, nro sending out litera
ture pointing out to tho housowives of
the city the necessity of spring house
cleaning. Forces of city laborers will be
Increased during the clenn-up period, nnd
vacant lots nnd nlloys will bo thoroughly
purged. Lnst year clean-up week ex
tended from April 20 to April 23 nnd
moi o than 140,000 cubic yards of rubbish
In excess of tb usual collection was
hauled. Statistical experts In the Public
Works Department say It would have
required a freight train 12 miles long to
hnul the rubbish collected from the city.
Dltector Cooke said ho hopes to extend
the length of the freight train to 20
miles this spring.
Supply of "Dope" Exhausted and
Victims in Desperate Straits.
WASHINGTON, March 12.-Washlng-ton's
"dope" supply, lnld In by habitual
users to circumvent tho Harrison law aa
long ns possible, Is practically exhausted
at last, local physicians said today.
For tho "llends" It wns admitted tho
hltuatlon had becomo really serious. The,
hospitals aro beginning to bo besieged
by them. Many ore declared to bo
actually on the verge of insanity for lack
of their accustomed drugs.
The Dmergency nnd Washington Asy
lum Hospitals reported, tho psychopathic
wards, established for such cases, already
filled, and both had set aside extra wards
to care for tho overflow.
Tho authorities said the majority of the
victims, however, would bo cuied, now
that they can no longer get "dope" at
CHICAGO. March 12. Alarm of city
nnd State officials over the "dopo" situa
tion occasioned by tho Harrison law,
growing hourly, public, Stnto and private
hospitals today Joined ln a mighty effort
to ease tho dreadful suffering of drug
victims who have suddenly boon cut off
from their usual doses. In Chicago alone
hospitals and similar institutions offered
accommodations and free treatment for
1C00 sulferers.
A man who gave his name ns Hex. A.
Swegur, of ICth and Spring Garden streets,
wcro held under JjOO ball for court today
by Magistrate Belcher, at the 10th and
Buttonwood streets station, after being
identified by Mrs. Gertrude Hagelman, of
603 North 13th street as tho man she saw
leaving .the apartment house at that ad
dress by a fire-escape.
Swegar was picked up by special police
men Barry, Kniest and Clark, on a de
scription furnished by Mrs. Hagelman.
Sho missed her Jewel case containing a
valuable diamond brooch and J30 ln gold,
nnd ran Into another apartment In time
to Bee a man sho Bays is Swegar leaving
by tho flre-esoape.
Penrose Going South
Senator Penrose will lenvo Washington
this afternoon for St. Lucie, Kin., to be
gin the month's vacation which he has
been planning for several weeks. The
Senator will be accompanied by his
brother. Dr. Charles B. Penrose, and Dis
trict Attorney Ilotnn. Tho departure of
the Senator just at the opening of the
local option fight in tho Legislature at
Harrlsburg Is regarded as significant. The
local option forces believe tho Senator Is
going to take no active part ln the fight
and simply leave tho liquor people to light
their own cause.
Negro Horse Thief Caught
Harry Hall, a Negro, who stole a horse
at Paxson, Pa., early this morning, was
caught four hours later in Llauerch by
Constable Thompson. When arrested,
the constable says, Hal) first dented hav
ing stolen the animal, and then con
fessed that Tie had taken it from a farmer
and was bringing It to this city to be
sold. The animal Is valued at about JlW.
Hall will be given a hearing In Paxson,
which Is SO miles from the place of his
Wilson Take Up Ohio Strike
WASHINGTON, March 12. President
Wilson will meet the operators of the
eastern Ohio coal mines today in an
effort to bring about a settlement of the
Your last chance
to save 10 on
Spring Suitings
Our 10 reduction on Spring
fabrics in stock ends tomorrow.
Act at once. Fit, finish and work
manship guaranteed.
JONES 1U6 Walnut St.
Custom Tailoring Only
Woman on Trial for Murder Anxious
to Tell Own Story.
nniDGEPonT, March 12. Mrs. Helen
M. Angle today eagerly awaited her wit
ness stand ordeal to answer tho charge
of murdering Waldo Ballou. Sho declared
Bhe was anxious to toll tho whoio story
and refute the charges that sho was dl
lectly responsible.
Tho prosecution expected to concludo
Its side today. Mrs. Angle may tako tho
fctand Into this afternoon, although ex
amination of preliminary witnesses for
Iho defense may postpone her testimony
until Monday. Contrary to Connecticut
court custom, tho trial will continue on
Monday, tho Jurors having been notified
of an extra day's session to bo held on
thnt day.
Tho defense, will rest largely upon tho
testimony of Chief pf Pollco William II.
Brcnnnn that Mrs. Anglo told htm Uallou
died In a drunken "brawl." Urcnnnn hns
been a lifelong friend of tho defendant,
wIiobo attorneys vehemently deny that
she over usd tho term "brawl."
Miss Hambright Unable to Ap
pear to Press Assault
Illness of Miss Iluth Hambright, tho
Continental Hotel maid who accuses Mrs.
George II. Jackson of having nttacked
her there, today resulted In tho post
ponement of tho hearing of tho charges.
A warrant for Mrs. Jackson's nrrcst was
sworn out and tho hearing beforo Magis
trate ITarrlgau was set for yesterday.
Miss Hambrlght's Illness, resulting, sho
says, from tho Injuries received during
Hho attack at the hotel, prevented the
hearing yesterday and again postponed
It this morning.
Miss Hambright, who lives nt 6114 Lud
low street, was attacked whllo she was
cleaning Mrs. Jnckson's room Friday
mottling, she charges. She was taken
to a hospital on the ndvico of Dr. Wil
liam Illchman, the hotel physician, after
porters anil other maids had rescued her,
according to her story.
Miss Hambright has said she would sua
Mrs. Jackson for JiOOO damages ln ad
dition to prosecuting her for ussault. A
warrant for the arrest of Mrs. Jackson
wns issued yesterday, but Miss Ham
bright was too 111 to nttend a hearing.
Tho warrant was served this morning.
According to tho storv of Gustavo Hey
mann nnd Edward Kulm, two guests at
tho Continental, they henrd cries for
help coming from Mrs. Jnckson's room
a short time after the Hambright girl
had entered It Friday morning. Neither
wns dressed, but they telephoned to the
office, nnd Samuel Moran, a clerk, with
two porters and maid, hurried in an
elevator to tho Jackson suite. On enter
ing they found Miss Hnmbrlght prostrate
acress the bathtub and Mrs. Jackson
pummellng her and pulling her hair, they
Miss Hambright was freed and taken
downstairs, where Doctor Ittchmnn said
she must be treated at a hospital. A
short time later sho was tal.en to tho
Jefferson Hospital, where It was found
she had suffered severe bruises and was
ln a serious condition from shock. Later
she Insisted on being taken to her home.
She remained ln bed for threo days, gain
ing strength gradually, and determined
to prosecute Mrs. Jackson. According to
Miss Hambright, Mrs. Jackson was
known to all tho employes as a woman
with a violent temper. Miss Hnmbrlght
tried to avoid attondlng her, but could
not escape the assignment, she says.
N. J. Order of United Workmen Post
pones Action on Schedule.
ATLANTIC CITY. March 12. Delegates
to the annual convention of the Grand
Lodge of the Ancient Order United
Workmen today for the second tlmo de
ferred for a year action upon the addi
tion of a new schedule of rates. It was
shown that the order In Now Jersey,
which seceded from the national body
live years ngo, lost 112 members by Srat'n
lnst year and paid out 203,000 lo bene
ficiaries. The present rnto of $2.40 per
thousand is said to be Insufficient to
meet demands. Theso offlcers were
Grnnd master workman, William Hoff
man, Trenton: grand foreman, Chailes
Lee. Newark; overseer, D. Georgo Bead
ing, Woodbury; guide, H. C, Avis. Oak
lyn; recorder, J. II. Llpplncott, Camden:
receiver, Goldson Test, Camden: medical
examiner, Elmir Barwls. Trenton; grand
trustee, A. 13. Davis, Camden.
When Thomas Hoban was Informed at
the Polyclinic Hospital today that he
would recover from the effects of swal
lowing a quantity of poison he snld ho
was sorry tho doctors had used the
stomach pump to revive him. Hoban was
found unconscious at :3th nnd Oak
ford streets last night by Special Police
man Cope, of the 20th and Federal streets
Btatlon. His mouth and hands were
burned by acid and a bottlo which had
contained poison lay nearby on the
John Pascal, 69 years old, of Freeland,
Pa., died this morning ln a patrol wagon
as lie was being rushed to tho Jefferson
Hospital. Arrested last night for Intoxi
cation by Policeman Mose Barrett, at
10th and Locust streets, ho was being
detained In a cell at the station houso
to "sober up" when he was taken sick
this morning. A physician was called
In and advised that he be taken Im
mediately to tho hospital. He was pro
nounced dead when the patrol wagon ar
rived at the Jefferson Hospital, where his
death was said to have been duo to natur
al causes. His body was taken to the
True faith does not Imply the avoiding
3f all doubt. The unwillingness to doubt
Is dogmatism. The reat Infidels are those
who fear the spirit of truth. The Intel
lect of tho dogmatic man Is tied by his
faith. The man who trusts In truth and
seeks It may be called an Infidel, but he
Is free and truly religious. His character
ean generally be trusted even more than
the character of one whose faith consists
In belief in outer authority. It Is harder
to be true than to believe In any state
ment of truth. For a fuller expression
of this principle In religion you are In
vited to hear a series of sermons at 8
o'clock the next three Sunday evenings
as follows:
Wrch 14 "The Faith of VnbeJlef."
March SI "The Outcome of the Revival,"
March 88 "Manhood nnd Religion,"
in the
Gerroantown Unitarian Church
Cneltea Ave. and Greeno St
Former Financier and Owner
of Hotel Majestic May Die
Before Summer.
Adotph Segal, whoso skyrocket career
as financier and .former owner of the
Hotel Mnjestlc, nt Broad street and
Glrard avenue, ended last September
when ho was committed to tho Norrlstown
State Hospital for the Insane, has grown
weaker tho last foW days and may not
live until summer. This was tho state,
ment mndo today by Dr. S. M. Miller,
chief physician at the State Hospital,
Segal, according to Doctor Miller, Is sub.
Ject to apopletlo attacks which would re
sult fatally without warning.
When Segal wns committed to tho hos
pital In September, physicians who at
tended him said he hnd but n few weeks
to live. Their predictions were Incorrect,
howover, for, after' arriving nt Norrls
town, ho showed decided improvement
during tho full and enrly winter.
sognl, who roso from obscurity to tho
summit of wealth within a fow years,
todny Is mentally obscured. H1b mental
decline began with tho collapso of finan
cial deals Involving several of tho largest
sugar refineries In tho United States.
H was not until two months nfter his
committment to tho Insane nsylum that
Segal learned where he was, Doctor Miller
snld today. Ho was taken to Norrlstown
still believing ho wns on his wny to n
sanatorium In the country, Tho rcallra
tlon that ho wns tho Inmato of an Insane
nsylum camo dramatically.
"Segal looked forward to his discharge
from tho 'sanatorium,' as he called tho
asylum." Doctor Miller sold. "No one
told htm whore? he was, nnd he was not
curious. But ono tiny n fellow Inmate
gnvo him n newspaper nddrcsscd to tho
State Hospital for tho Insane. Segnl came
hurrying to me, tho newspaper In hi
hand. For a tlmo ho wns Inconsolable
when I admitted that ho Indeed wns In nn
asylum. But presently I switched tho
conversation, and In n few moments ho
hnd forgotten tho discovery thnt the
sanatorium' was for the treatment of the
Friends of tho mcdlcn staff at the
Roosevelt Hospital aro planning an en
tertainment to rnlso funds for the pur
chase of a pulmotor for the Institution.
The doctois had to borrow n pulmotor
from tho United Gns Improvement Com
pany on Wednesday night when Mrs.
Clara Llpplncott. of 1010 North American
street, was carried In suffering from gas
poisoning. Sho died. Dr. Franklin
Brady, who organized the hospital, de
nied today that Mrs. Llpplncott wns suc
cessful In her attempt nt suicide, because
of tho lack of n pulmotor. But he' ad
mitted that the hospital was badly In
need of one but could not afford to pur
chase It. Tho hospital is heavily In debt.
Doctor Brady said tho hospital needed
at least $4000 for needed equipment.
Philadclphians on Fishing Trip
Nine big tarpon, besides a big haul of
other fish, is the reward of Nathan T
Folwell, president of tho Manufacturers'
Club and a party of prominent Phlladel
phlans, who put Into port nt Myers, Fin.,
after a successful cruise on the house
boat Nepenthe, nccording to a dispatch.
Tho others ln the party nre William F.
Gray, vice president of tho John B. Slot-
son Company; Samuel E. Landls, of Lan
dls & Co., and George Henris, of the
Bailey, Banks & Blddlc Compnny. The
fishermen will be joined at Fort Myers by
Alfred Burke, Michael Price, William H.
Folwell and Robert Kingsbury, of Xenla,
Ohio, and they will contlnuo the sport un
til April.
N. Y., P. & N. Buys Cars and Coaches
The New York, Philadelphia and Nor
folk Railroad Company hns placed an
order with tho American Car and Foun
dry Company for 70 ventilated box cars.
It has also placed an order with tho
Pressed Steel Car Company for tw'o all
steel 70-foot passenger coaches.
Only Today
and lomorrow!
Spring Overcoats
Alterations at cost.
Here's the story in brief
The quality all the way
through is Perry Quality!
The prices are ridiculous In
comparison with the com
fort of Fit, the Distinction
of Style!
$10 and $12
Winter Suits
that were up to $20
It will pay the most par
sinionious man to invest in
one or two of them!
Spring Overcoats
$7, $9, $11
that were up to $20
Swagger Coats, semi-conservative
Coats that you
can wear for several Spring
and Fall Seasons!
Spring Suits
for Easter!
Perry &Co.."n.bx
16th &, Chestnut Sb.