Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 12, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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Plans for Municipal Sta
dium Must Be Well De
fined If 1916 Games Are
to Be More Than a
Dream, Says Berlet.
Business Men's Committee's
Activities Have Paved Way
for Passage of an Ordinance
by Councils Providing for
City Athletic Field.
Plans for a municipal stadium must be
Wei) under way before Philadelphia can
offer sufficient Inducements to biing the.
IMS Olympic Games here. In tlio opinion
Of E. J. Borlot, chilli man of the business
men's committee which has taken tlio
Initiative In working for the piojcct.
'We must lose no time In arranging for
tho 'bowl, " he sold this morning, "If
we are lo make a stiong bid for tho In
ternational athletic meet. We must hae
definite plans If they are to have weight "
Effort of tho committee duiltij the List
few months has paved tho way for tho
successful passauc of an ordinance us
SOOn ns one can bo Introduced In Coun
cils Many Councllmcn have been told
of the stadium plan, even before (he
chance to bring the Olympics to this tlty
came nlong. They have piofc3sed entire
nympathy with the Idea, and tho Park
Commissioners have said the.v nie nudy
to assist tho movement to have the sta
dium erected on the J3d and Thompson
streets site, on the Schuylkill rtlvcr bank
north of tho Glrard avenue bridge
Doubt as to the holding of any Olympic
names next year, however, wns exprcsed
by George F. Pawling, Philadelphia
representative of tho American Olympic
Committee. No olllclal Information has
been received by the American Commit
tee, he said, although a definite decision
to hold the event In this country would,
as tho usual procedure, be communicated
Immediately to the committee of which
he Is a member
"I doubt If It would be plivsicillv posI
bie to handle a set of Olympic games In
131 nnywhere." he said "No one who
has never taken part In the mnnmrement
ot oven an oidlnary largo athletic nuet
can know the enormous amount of detail
work Involved. If these woild games
were to be held next year, the preliminary
steps should be completed now.
"The management of an Oljinple sei-Us
Is not a simple matter of sending out
Invitations for the thousands of athletes
to assemble at a certain spot Thousand?
of letters must be exchanged with ath
letic bodies all over the world Arrange
ments without number must be made for
transportation, housing and entertnlnlng
the corteatants I am afraid we aie
chasing a wlll-of-the-wlsp In this Idea
of holding the 1916 games heie 1 doubt
If they will be held anywhere."
Tho business men's committee, however,
will proceed as rapidly as possible with
preparations for making Philadelphia the
choice of the American Olympic Commit
tee, In the belief that enterprising meth
ods will make n 1916 meet In this city
an actuality, with all the advertising
value which It would have. The commit
tee will meet on Tuesday. Immediately
following the return of Guy Gandnkor.
the secretary, who Is out of the clt Spe
cific plans will bo outlined at that time
Dr. It Talt McKenzle. a member of the
American Olympic Committee, said that
eneigetic work by (he ofllelals of the meet
would result In Its being held at the
scheduled time, once this city was selected.
Dr. McKenzle said that diligent effort
by public-spirited Phlladelphlans would
make it possible to convince the commit
tee of the advantages of staging the af
fair In this citj
"As for the benellts to the city, too
much cannot be said," he remaiked "The
advertising value of tho event. If properly
handled, would be tremendous, because
the name of our city would be carried
to every city and hamlet In the world."
More Serious Than His Friends at
at First Supposed.
Or Itnbnrt Amorj Hare, the vvll
known specialist of this city, Who went
to Atlantic City this week for a rest
nml to recover fioin Illness, lg said to
lie more scrlousls 111 than ho would like
his friends lo believe.
Ooctoi Hare Is now confined to his
room ul the Hate Strand with a trained
nurse in attendance. Dr. lhnoiy Marvel,
of Atlantic City, Is attending him. Dr.
Kdwftfd Martin, of the Fnlverslty of
PcnnsjIvaniHi ft friend, Is with him.
32d Ward Residents Plan to
Have One Running in Week
or Ten Days.
Startling Statement Is Made
by Noted Chemist in Mer
chant's Suit.
A proposed community 'bus run by an
unincorporated group of Individuals Im
mune from nil restrictions by cltv or
Stale Is the latest development in the
Jltnc) situation In Philadelphia.
llesldcnts of the 3Jd Ward, uJinpilMui;
the section around Diamond Btrcet ad
joining I'Hlrmouiit Park, under the leader
ship of Joseph A Comoy, 2111 Diamond
strict, are planning to buj a 'bus costing
some KVU) with a capacity of "i persons.
The 'bus will run everj dn, rain or
shine, regular!) from the Diamond sticet
entrance tu Palnnount P.uk, over Dia
mond street mid lUo.id street and Mnrkot
stieel to the fctilcs. Those Intel csttd
are pledged to ui the bus lino at eveiv
oppmtutilt mid lo do all thev can to en
courage the pntrumiHO of thch friends
anil uclghboiM
A meet lug will he held within the nett
week or 10 dns In the looms or the
Notthwest Husliiess Men's Association,
when tho bus lino will bo olllclall In
augurated. It Is claimed for the pio
poscd plan bv Its bickers that, slncu the
company running tho bus will not bo ln
corpoiatcd, no legal icstrlctlon can
i each It
A Himll.ir plan Is under consldeiatloti
by the residents of Logan. They propose
to run n line cllieet to Cltv Hull and to
Toriesdiilo from Logan by way ot tho
Klvo Jltnev buucs In opeintlnn cm Mar
ket street within a week 01 10 dnjs seiiii
to bo mi assured fact unles some legat
lestilctlon Is placed on tho little cu
rlers before that time.
Ai cording to O. l'lchard Kendlg,
manager of the Suiting Motor Uomp.ui),
a gioup of Western citpllullt Is en
denvoilng to Incorporate In Delaware a
t'O.ooo coiporatlon to operate Jitneys m
Philadelphia Mr. Kendlg savs thev nie
negotiating with him for the purchase
of ii number of Maxwell cms fur tho pur
pose "Thej need no franchise under the
present law, but I suppose thej are In
terested In the lnws now proposed, said
Mr. Kendlg. "As far as 1 am concerned,
I um lutciested onl) In selling the Iiusch
I have nothing to do with the companv,
und cannot reveal the names of Its bnck
ei.s until thov give me pel mission.
"I understand thev Intend to opciate
lirst on Market stnet, owing to the fact
that the P. It. T bus reduced the num
ber of suiface cars on thnt street. The
believe they sec a golden opportunity
there I do not know whether they In
tend to plate buses on lit odd street oi
not Piobably thej do. '
Can eggs live forever?
This ipiesllon Is being serlotudy ronsl'l
ered bv egg dialers anil biologists Some
snj that If dependent upon Its own te
sltiinre nn tag soon lots Its quality In
other wolds, If let alone It gels tired,
which fact Is easily proved without tho
:tl1 of SClPIICO.
Those who take eggs serloUsH piiv thev
hnvo a normal tendency to longevity, but
Ihelr life Is Impaired by commercial on- ,
tllthms Tor instance, many eggs Imme
diately after denth are thrust Into dark,
cold storage hotics, ntnl. according to one
dealer, Ihtlr life Is from the batti to the
lnoigue ,
Tho serious Interest In eggs Just now Is
due to a legal entanglement In which
they nre the unconscious defendants. It
appears that a consignment of preserved
eggs, brought fiom China. In lios by
Hoberl llcrbst. wim seized by a deputy
collector of the port Mr. lterbst has
brought suit against the deputy for
Among those Who have decided lo aid
Mr. Ileibst In his ease lit Dr Ilrnest I,
Smith, who formerly occupied tho chair
of biological chemistry at Fordham I'nl
vcrslt Mo mild nn egg can live a hun
dred vonrs, without being spoiled.
It wns also learned Troiii local experts
that, If eggs me encasod In liquid glass.
tho ran live Indetlliltelv and be Just ns
good when brought out for ncllnn as tho
ihiv that their proud inothei flapped hoi
wings nml aniiounr d to the wmld their
ennillil.K v foi the morning omelette
mwMmmmm?,imj" i
mm "sB
ill&i 0& W
. 1. 1 'tn:
! Order of Elks and Germantown
Improvement Association in
Line for Taylor Plan.
ron m
Wife of tho oil millionaire, who
died today at tho jiro of 75.
Continued from Pace One
feature. After referring to tho In
oi eased sales of Bibles and tho wave of
religious enthusiasm he said is Hweepln
over the city, he reiterated that thn law
cannot be swayed by religion, nor .'ii
tnUBiusm, not public opinion, that it lo
mains as It hue been di.iwn, to be In
terpreted accordingly b) the Judges.
Precedent was shattered In another case
b Judges Staake and Patterson when
they virtually started the trial of a
man who had been indicted for con
spiracy, as the result of a remonstrance
filed against the renewal of his saloon
license. Heretofore, In the case of a
saloonkeeper, who has been Indicted, ap
plying for a renewal, the court has post
poned action on the license until after the
trial of the indictment.
The saloonkeeper in this instance Id
nton K. Abraltls, of 413 North 9th
ttreet. Indicted Jointly with Italph Flshei,
familiarly IcnoVvn in the tenderloin as
"Millionaire detective," for conspiracy to
extort money from a crippled cobbler,
Pominlck Stefron, of UA! Itlilge avenue
According to counsel for Abraltls, Fls'ner
Is lesponslble for the failure of the case
to come up for trial In the regular order
The former deteotlve Is now said to be
spending his time on a farm, and mean
time doing all in his power to have the
indictment quashed. Gossip in the
License Court toduv was to the effeet
that Fisher never wants to Bee a big
city or a bright light again,
Itemopstrance against the renewal or
Abraltls's license was filed by the 1-uvv
and Order Society, on the ground of the
indictment. Instead of postponing action
the court decided to look Into the con
spiracy charge and started what amounts
to a trial ot the case. In which there
Will be no decision except the action the
rnurt may take, on the renewal applica
tion Stefron testified that Abraltls and Fisher
came lo his house nearly a yeai ago 'n
an auiomoDtie ana tout mm tney pad u
warrant for hl arrest
They took him to Fisher's ofllce, adjoin
ing Abraltls' saloon, according to the wlu
ni-ss, and Fisher stepped out for a mo
ment In his absence, the wltneen alleges,
Abraltls said he might escape prosecution
by paying Fisher $S0. Stefron refused to
do this and the next morning appeared
lor a hearing before Magistrate Hmely
and was held In M0 ball He did not
Know the charge against him, he testified.
Abraltls then took the stand, and said
Fisher had a warrant for Stefron's ar
rfcit. tharging non-support of hla wife.
The saloonkeeper testified he provided
tho iXQ bail for Stefron, and for tbl
mad the iwe ot Ms automobile to and
front yisher'B qfltee ehsiged (ha cobbler
W. at this amount $5 w paid by
Fiefron, Abrattla said, und the ret t
srtftl due.
Another reason for the remonstrant e
against renewal of a license to Abraltls
IV th charge made by the Law and Order
Mieiety that he soid liquor on Sunday.
.Wfton testified to this rharge, saytuj
Jj went to the saloon one Sunday In
June last a? with Policeman Martin
;tUrn and saw AbraJUii serving drinks
iAjr um tar Ar.drfttvs eorruUoraud this
t-ittitiy but Vi-iiiUJi desiM tu uutli
Keys Found on Wilmington Desperado
Bear Out Accusation.
WILMINGTON'. Del. Maich 12 -Toda
the llrst positive evidence connecting
Peter Kiakus, alias Mdba, who inuiduied
Policeman Finncls N. Tlerncy litre cm
Saturday, and Beinoid .Montvld, alia
Charles iron Is, tho companion of Krakus,
with the muider of the Hev. Joseph V,v
biovs and his housekeeper, Lva Oilman,
In New nrltnln, Conn , hi February, was
obtained today.
Tho piisonors had In their possession
kevs on two pecull.u l.fyiings. Tho keys
weie believed to belong to tho house of the,
dead priest and to have been taken fiom
the muidered housekeeper. The numbers
on tlteiio kes wero sent to New Hrltaln,
and today a reply was iccelved to the
etfect that the numbers on the keys eoi
respord with tho numbeis on the locks In
ihe house of the dead pi lest TIiIh Is
ronsldeicd positive evidence, and while
Delaware will not siinender Krakus, a
eetalner will be lodged for Jluntvlil and
the chances are that ho will be taken to
Connecticut to be tried for murdei.
According tu the local police, Kiakus
Is now sh miming iusanlt) Asked where
ho got the wounds on his legs whlth wurei
Indicted by the police In his capture, he
declines that a snake bit htm.
Young Mother Says Shu Will
Fight Until Bitter End for
Little Girl.
Determined to shriio hei.llttle gltl vvllh
no one dining the l',3 precious horns
that sho Is pel mil ted to have her once
in cveiy two weeks, Mis. Ilvclyn Huntei
Donaldson, who has been waging a verit
able hand-to-hntid eotilllet with hn
motliet -In-hi w, In sa nothing nC the
logul battle for the po.ssesslon of the
child. Mis AVIIll.im F. Donaldson took
her out this afternoon Just an soon ns
tho piobntlon olllceis brought lier to hui
ap.utmeiit, at lS.'fi Itace htieot, mid left
no woiil as to hei destination
New Intel est was added to the case
lodav bv tho pemlstent minor tht the
one-time "million-dollar Initio" vvs con
sidering nn offer to appeal In a modern
dancing act at a local theatio
"I have always been a good dancer,
said she when approached on tho sull
ied, "and since I must have money, I
have decided to iiinko iso of the talent
tnat has boon given me. I have b.ul
an offei fiom cne nf tho big vaudeville
malingers, bat I nmv change mr mind
after liaise lliowu gives Ms decision.
'Tho Judge who look niv little gill
away from mo, ' she went on, "was
cruel He docs not undeistand n
mothoi's love, but I am not done el I
will light ahvavs It Is to do that that
1 am constricting the stage"
If Mis Donaldson takes up dancing as
a piofesslnn, it Is ininoretl that Anton
Uo'oerts, whom sho danced with aluoiiiT
In amateur contests, will be 'ner partner.
fonllmiril frnm Time One
bad no use for golf, although her hus
band revalued his health by plovlng It
The itoekercllers had four children
Bessie, Iho oldest, was born In I8GI1.. She
became the wife of Prof, Clvurlcs A.
Strong, of Columbia I'nlversltv, on
March 22, I8S1, and died at Cannes, Franco,
November II. 1DW, having two children.
Alia, Mrs. Rockefeller's second child,
was hoi n In 1S7I. Sho became iMrs I J.
Farmalco rrcntlco.
Kdlth, the tlilnl daughter, was born In
lfi"2. She was mart led In 3895 to Harold
I'. McCormlck
John D Rockefeller, Jr.. tho onlv son,
was bom In 184 llo was giaduatcd
from lliown University In 1S97, and In
1001 married Miss Abbey O Aldrlch,
daughter of Fulled States .Senator Ald
lich, of Illiode Inland.
Mih. Hockefellci became ill In ISO" an
IIIneKH wild to have been brought on bv
vvony over the cty of "tainted money"
Hint was iali-ed over some or her hus
band's Rifts lo chniltj She never cu-
'lielv lecoveiod her health. Sho was
dcorlv alTected bv tho attacks upon Mi.
Rockefeller at that time rtganllng tho
methods by which he had become tho
richest man In the world.
She was reported as seiloewly III last
liny at Hot Springs, Vn , where she had
Mine for her health So ciitlcal was her
condition foi a time that her son was
summoned to bet bedside.
The Tnv.!or plnti for real rapid transit
was Indorsed Inst night by Philadelphia
Lodge No. 2, of Iho llenovolenl and Pro
tective Order of L'lks, at a
bamniot at headquarters,
Juniper nml Arch streets, nnd
bv the Germantown Improve
ment Association, at a meet
ing held In tho Odd Fellows'
Orphniinsc. Cliclton nnd Ogoiitz nvenuos
Dltecter Taylor spoko ot the Mies' ban
nuet, urging that his auditors vote for tho
KMM.OOO lo in at tho special election, April
29 Without a delivery loop, he declared,
the llroad street subway, earning 100,000
' ,M-U(,t, Inln .lift Ix.clttnaa itletflnt llflllV.
.lOVIta llltl, lllj WllOIIIVCd u,lfc...b U....V.
would mean death nnd Injury to pnsscn
oers and Inndcnuate servlco as a whole
"tntioditced as "Tho Man of the Hour,"
tho Dltector was wildly applauded and his
work for better transit facllitTcs In Phila
delphia was Indorsed unanimously. Other
speakers at the bannuel vere William
Ward, Jr, W. Freclolid Kendrlck, Robert
.1. McKenly, warden of the Uaatem Peni
tentiary, William Niolor, Thomas C.
Fleming and otheis
At the flermiinlown mooting a commit
tee wns appointed in io-uperotr with tho
ntli'eiis Conimlltrr of 10eo, which Is to
dlleet tho tuinslt tight
Falling Timbers Hit Men.
Children Carried Through
Hallways to Street.
Judgo Warns Jurors to Disregard
Inaccurate Reports.
WILMINOTOM, Del , March 12.-In tho
Federal Court today tho Insurance fraud
cases were continued, navmond r
niraidl, of Itrookljn, was presldcht of one
of the companies admitted signing nu
merous papers becauso ho had conlldenco
in the other men In the company. Judge
Bradford warned Jurors not to pay nny
attention to Inaccurate newspaper stories
and saf notice that If such Inaccuracies
were repeated the offending reporter
would be excluded from tho press scats.
Makes Ante-mortem Statement
in Hospital Son Overpow
ered Assailant.
Two llreuicn .ire suffering fiom injured
hands toilnv as the result of a $7000 lire
at COT I'liie sticet, which was maiked by
tho leseuc of live children and a strugglo
on ladders with a twisting hose In which
feovoral lliemen narrowly escaped being
hurled to tho giound. The dwelling Is
occupied by Alnalinm Raco, his wife and
live children Race conducts a rag and
paper sloiohouso In tho llrst and s-econd
Race and nis wile weie absent when
tho flro started. A servant cuirled the
live chlldien to tho sticet through hall
ways llllcd vvllh thick smoke. And when
fliemcn united the entlio place was
ahlnro. Jacob Klischner and Fiancls
Smith, of Unglne t'oiupan No. 3-, were
huit bv burning tlmbeis which fell on
tliem In the llrst floor.
m. Carolinn Hrulm made nn ante-
moitcm statement at tho SteUon tlos
pllal today, accusing llclnrlch Kunof or
shooting her In the head at hor home,
1710 North Oi lamia fiticct last night.
Kunof Is 60 J ears old. Mrs Uruhn Is 4G
Tho woman has a husband In Hungary.
With Iter son, Hmll, alio has been mak
ing her home nt the Orlanna street ad
dress, where Kunof lived until a sho-t
tlmo ago and vvus known to the neigh
bor) oh the w Oman's husband. Some tlmo
ago he lost his position as an Ironworker
and Mrs. Ilinliu. accotdlng to the police,
seized the oppoilunlty lo rid herself of
the man's attentions. He was oulcied
out of the house.
Last night while Mis Hrulm and her
Min vvoic convcnslng with llctny Ilrtihn,
the former's biothci -In-law, who conducts
thn Orlanna sticet house, Kunof lntig
the bell. He was admitted, and after
talking for several minutes suddenly
drew a now revolver and llrcd at Jlrs.
Hrulm. The bullet entered her left car.
Ueforo ho could fire again he was ovei
povvcred by Mis. Rrulm's son nnd locked
up In Iho 4th and York streets police sta
tion. It Is believed that tho woman will
not recover.
Lured to Hotel in Camden, She
Declares Met the Accused
in "Movie" Theatre.
Famous English Novelist Passes
Away at: Melbourne, Australia.
MULUOFRNC. Australia, March 1.'
Thomas Alexnndei Rrowne. tho famous
KiiPlish novelist who wrote iimlei the
name of Rolf Doldrewood, died today at
the age of SS ears.
Mr Ilrowne was bom in I.tfndou and
was edur-ateri nt Sydney College, New
South Wales llo was a pioueei "squat
ter" in Victoria In 1S70. and became pollen
magistrate and warden of Ooldflelds, N.
S. W holding office until li03.
Ho was the author of "'Robbeiy 1'nder
Arms." "Tho Miner's Rl?ht," "A Colonial
Refoimer," "A Hdne-slde Saxon," "A
Modern nucenneer," "The Squatlei's
Dream," "The Crooked Stick." "O'ri Mel
hotiiue Xlemotles," "Tlio Sphinx of Higle
hawk." "The Sealskin Cloak," "M Itun
Home," "Plain IJvlpg," "A Canvas Town
Romance, i'he Habes in the Rush," "in
Pari Company" "Ghost Camp, ' "War to
the Knife," "The Last Chance" and 'A
Talt ot the Uolden West"
Mayor Approves .?35(000 Grant for
6 Pumping Station.
A tempoiaiv sewage pumping station
neai (ild Vol I; toad and (,3th nvenuo, to
cost 3.1,040, Is provided for In an oidlu
nncc signed toda liv Mnor Uhinkcnbuis.
The low- area which will be drained by
this station Is bounded by Lawnton ave
nue. 1.1th street. Oak lano nnd tho County
Line It Includes tho Kllwoori school
building, dinltiago of which has been
a pioblem befoie the lioaul of Hducatlon
for borne time.
An oiillnuiHO appiopriating JW.OOO for
the relief -jf the unemplojed in tho city.
In addition to former .ippiopilations, lo
mains unsigned. The M,iot Iihh not de
tlded what action ho will take on thu
proposal, which a committee of pi emi
nent Phlladelphlans objected to ester
iln He signed an ordlnanie res,lorli u
to lellef woik $15,000. which was a pan
of last jear's appioprlatlon of JM.OiO, but
was returned to tho general city fundi)
by Dr, Rlchaid II Harte when he ie
signed as Dliector of the Depaitmont of
Public Health and Charities.
RKRLIN, March 1! -General Rnron
Slevers, who commanded the 10th Rus
sian army when It was destroyed by the
German forces, committed suicide as a
result of Ids rout in the Mazurian l.akn
region, according to a prlvato Petrograd
dispatch received today, nays tho Frank
furter Zcitung,
Students Hear Piann Recital
A piano recital, ui ranged by .Morris I
Cooke, Director of Public Works, was
given by II. Roy Schow, pianist, before
the students of the Northeast High School
this morning in tho school auditorium
The program Included "Am Strande." by
George Pasen, and Mendelssohn's "Pre
lude" and "Cupriciosso "
jkAjQviC- mf'iliVt 7 fi l
Ily Retting up early today Sam Blake,
of Somervllle, N. J., managed to obtain
six breakfasts from as many doorsteps
In Kensington. As soon as ho finished
the bread and milk on one step he moved
to the next, and was half way up the
block at Lehigh avenue and Jasper street
when Policeman Meenan interfered with
his., appetite.
"For pure nerve," said Meenan, "you
git the medal."
"Slf-prervatlon Is the first law of
nature," deelared Blake, unperturbed
"That toundu fine." said the cop, "but
you can tell It to the court "
With a bottle of milk under his arm,
BUke was taken to the Trenton avenue
and Dauphin street station.
He said that he was a student of
sociology, and eame here to ae In an ad
visory capacity regarding ways to set
tle the problem of tbfcjwor.
Hlake had about 160 tetters stuffed in his
pockets from ofttelaU. ble apd Jlttle, in
all parts of the country. Some of them
ware Invitations to speak on his pet
Magistrate MecUary. however, failed to
be. tmpfcsted "You have a An &ow of
word." to aatd, "but you vvera caught
mmUaf bd od milk, and If you
want to write anything about your ek
piiiMi tu give ou au opportunity la
th catuiU fait"
Vtbittwr the pert went dejtetadly
Tlie mjsterlous movement of a pair of
shoes and the disappearance oftt L?i
caused the police of Germantown con?
sderable anxiety. Daniel O'Shea and
Udward McDevItt, It appeals, went To
sleep I,, a garage. When McDevItt awoke
he sa d he found his feet shoe ess and
5hh 'C0VWJ hat "a1 'lUappeared
with the shoes. As O'Shea was the only
?",?. nea,hlm MoDevitt accused him if
taking the money. They argued and
finally went to the police station and
asked Sergeant Guneon to act as a?bi
trator. Their talea became so I I
cated, however, that Ounson chased both
men out. "u"
Later the argument was renewed -in,i
O'She-, according to MoDevltt. pulled a
raior as a means of settling the subject
qulpkly. O'Shea, was disaniied by w
Outohier, a. passerby, and arrested' by
Policeman I.eary. wi"u oy
McDevItt went along, too. In order to
he sure that O'Shea would get nron.r
punUhment When, bo; men attempt
to espial., the case to MagUtrall Pen?
noek their argumente became so com
plicated hat the Judge w obliged to
the rayatery of the ehoea. nd an O'Shea
wag n with a raxor in hhj bnd sent
him to the House of Correction tot JJ
McDevItt w duwharged gut m eu
seema to know wht uteaina of the tt
A teaiiul l,:- ear-old gltl appeared
ag-ilnst James Cantiodl. who gave his au
di ess as ok! Queen street, when tho man
wus aiinlgned befoie Magistrate Pcnnock
at tho l.ianchtowtt police Elation tills
Sho Mild he had lured her to Camden
and theio kept her a pilsoner In a hotei
loom since Wednesday night.
Cantiodl, who was anestert as he
stopped fiom a car, was held under $1000
ball. The girl,- Anna Tiacey, Is piettj.
Tho Federal authorities Intend to piess
a cliai,,o against the man undei tlio
Mann white slave act
Witli tears streaming duwn hei faeo
Anna, who Is mature for 'net jeurs, told
the Muglstrato she bi lievod she had been
drugged Sho said alio had only a hazy
recollection of what happened during tho
three days she has been missing fiom
home. A wauant foi I'aiitiodi's arrest
was sworn out by Mrs Albeit Hager
mun, with whom Anna lived, nt llth
stieet and Chelten avenue, Hranehtawii,
when the gill fulled to appear on Wed
nesday night.
The police have since been scnrehlne
throughout the tl.i. They watched all
tialns and sticot cars
Shortly after 9 o'clock last night Special
Policeman Davis, ot the lli.iuchtown sta
tion, who hnd a deseiiption of Anna, saw
hor In the company ot a man. Tho pair
alighted near .Mrs. Hugerman's home.
Coutrodl was ai rested
Between sobs the saung gill told of
meeting Cantiodl In a moving plctutc
theatro on Market street on Wednesday
night. Sho said she had been Intioduccd
to him In Germantown and that ho tried
to get her to dtlnk a glass of beer.
When she refused ho took her to a hotel
on 7th street near Ttace. Anna snya that
Is tho last thing the remembered until sho
nwoko In a hotel the next day in Camden
She believes Cantrodl gavo her a dtugged
glass of soda water She also charged
Cantrodl with stoallng on opal ring, but
the man denied feeing it.
Portrait of Former Mayor Lawtencc
Bore Too Many Dates.
Although tho poi trait of Thomas Law
lence. a fonnei Maoi of Philadelphia,
has been hanging In the Mnvoi's recep
tion loom since City Hall was completed,
hundieds of isllois who have admired
the likenesses of Philadelphia'! chief ex
ecutives, which gaze down lit dlgnltj
from the wnlls, have never noticed that
.Mi. Lavvicnoe was ciedlled with twb
terms of office after his death. ' A bias
Inscription on the painting, which hangs
on the south wall of tho reception roonj,
until tod.tv bole t'nc inscription' Thomas
Lawrence, served as Mayor li.T-:S, 1731-13,
and 176.1. 175S nnd 1701 "
A descendant of the foimer Chief In
centive visited the Major's oillec a allot t
tlmo ami. anil after gazing nt the icpie
sentatlon of his famous ancestor an
nounced that he had died In 17K. t'itv
Statistician H I r"nttoll then got busy
mid rectified the mistake He learned
that formei Mnvoi Lawrence had n son,
also named Thomas, nnd two of tho terms
with which the father was credited be
longed to his equally distinguished sou.
The bon's portialt was never painted, al
though a brass plate with the date or
his Itu'iimbency was put -on the elder
Lawience's likeness by mistake
Collier Vulcan Will Also Take Coal
to United States Battleships.
The collier Vulcan, carrj Ing gold and
food fot relief work In Palestine, nt earned
from League Island to Ci amps' ships urd
this atteinoon. to take on coal for tho
r S S. North Carolina and Tenncsseu
and to receive mlnoi repairs before sail
ing totnonovv Lewis H. Levin, of this
city, and 13, V. L. Epstein, of New York,
will go with tho ship 'to Bupeivlse dis
tribution of tho tellef Mores Lieutenant
Commander 13. B. Fcnner commands the
The (list stop will be inndo in the Med
iterranean, to transfer 7000 tons of coal
and medical supplies lo I'nlted States
ships theie. Two consjgnments or gold
will bo cuirled, for tho Sjrian Hplscopal
ilisiiops -and tho Franciscan Order of
Ft lata in Jerusalem The food Includes
K0 tons of rice, ItO tons of canned goods
und CO tons of sugar.
EXCKKDEl) $1,750,000
Exccutois of His Will File Account
Showing $1,028,020 Ralancc.
The estate of Stuart Wood, who died
M.ucli D. 1011, amounted to Jl,"G2,007.f.3
according to the Mist accounting filed
today with the Register of Wills by
13d vv n Ml It. Wood and the Provident Life
and Tiust Company, executors. Tho ac
count, wnlch will go before the Orphans'
Com I fot adjudication, states that a bal
ance or $I,C!S.G2C 13 icniains for distribu
tion among tho heirs In accordance with
tho lorms of tho will.
Investments Included In tho estate are
Bonds, Cits of Philadelphia, duo 1913.
?71,27.r: city of Philadelphia hchool loan,
jlC.OOJ; Amcrlcun Telegraph and Tele
phono Company, Jil.010, Tampa Water
Works Co, JCJ.X00; 300 shares Ameilcnn
Telcgi.iph &. Telephone Co., $21,000, J 130
shares Cambria lion Co, $141,200; 104
shtttes Floioneo lion Works, $10,100, 500
slimes Insuinnco Company of North
America, $11,000, 233 shales Miuket Stieet
National Bank. "S12.D3j; 120G sh.ues Mlllvlllo
Gas Light Co , $00,300; 33 shares Philadel
phia National Bank, $11,875, 2,112 shares
Tampa Watei Works Co , $231,21X1; 45
shaics Vlnelaud National Bank, $15,030,
I6.'3 shuios West Jersey .mil Seashore It.
R. Co., $I41,fil2: 100 stint es National State
Bank, of Camden, N J , $20,000
Allen Ciithc.ut, who died iccently nt
flJO Wcstvlcvv street, Indicated onlj bv
Initials In his will the beneficiaries of
his $3100 estate He gavo the Initials of
his father, motliei and thico sisters, but
mentioned none by name. In a signed
petition tho heirs requested that tho will
bo piobatod .The testament stipulated
that If none of tho legatees survives the
testator tho piopeity at C3G AVcstvievv
strei t Is to go to tho Chestnut Hill Bap
tist Church.
Thomas II. Wilson, who died at the
Abltigton Memorial Hospital Mnich 1,
left his entlio estate of nioro than
$110 000 absolutely to tho widow, Sarah
13. AVIIson, who is also named adminis
tratrix Other wills piob.ited today are those of
William M Mills, lato of 5123 Chester
avenue, whoso estate of $27 (-37 Is dlsttlb
uted In private bequests; Henry Foster,
fonncrly of Philadelphia, who died In
Los Angeles, Cnl , $13,170; Chailes Sturde.
v.int, 1530 Regent stieet, $11,000; Wllilnin
Allen, Jr, Haddnnlleld, N J, $S000;
Heniy A. Fredericks, St. Joseph's IIos
pltnl, $3000; Bessie Harris. Twentieth and
Wliuton stieets, $2500; John II. Rose, G1H
Hcechwood stieet, $2200: Rebecca A
Walton, 1306 Christian street, $2000, Mailo
Hull, 1912 North Lawronco street. $2000
Personal property or William II. Helver
son haw been appraised at $t(S3.43
U. S. Detains Ship With Munitions
KI3V WHST. Fla, March 12,-Ordets
wcio iccelved heie today from Washing
ton to hold until f Hither notice' tho
stenmshlp Honduras, which had put Into
Key West for lepnlrs. The vessel caules
arms and ammuriltlon consigned to Gen
eral Carraiua.
Stockholders of Intni
tional Lumber Co. p
pare Nation-wide' M
test Against LeniSl
.tor convicted iJromotE
Vid0W8. School trmnlmi.- M
Merchants, GoverhmenbM
ployes, Even Some in vfit
T-Tnl1nn Atv.nMn. CIJ ... S
ixvMov, muiijj oigneraj
Swindled stockholders of the Ifif
..mm. uumuurunu uoveiopment Cooffi
prcpnieit today to send n Petition IfS
ldcnt Wilson urging him not i"5
clemency to the fivo convicted offlctS
flin pnmiitihv tUn -.. . .
" ' ' """ ,,l:UBavcatrofti5a;
dlatc imprisonment through a SOCaf
"f"" Kiuuieu ui mo eleventh hour.al
The respite was granted alter eiK
grcssmau A. Mitclioll I'almor, DiimSS
National Committeeman from i'enultR.
nlu, ha'd made a pcisonal appeal laiffi
of tho convicted swindlers to PrS
Arrangements aio being mad. liflii
hundieds oC widows, sc.iool UtaS
biiiall met chants nnd others whoosltT
savings affix their signatures m iS
tltluti. It Is planned to circulate thllfi
.imi iiiiuukiiuui me country and Kir
reach President Wilson before the M,).V5
icspltc expires. 'w
President Wilson will be asked !n
grain a p.iruon to the convicted offlffi
who. nccorilinir in ..,. .... """v
holders, aro now living in varlom wt
or the country In luxurj SL
Among thoso who have dcclatcdffi
they will sign the petition ate J
Government employes stationed In mS
itigton. Many or thoso who were tm
aro old men In different GovernraenlS
partmonts, some being employed jT
Cheater A. Ashcr, of 5623 Qcrmaiffl
besides signing n ietltlon asking pfe
dent Wilson not to grant the men 'S
don, ho would write a personal letted
the Picsldent j
United States District Attorr.fi Y.&.
Fisher Kano will oppose any movemsi!
to have the convicted men pardoned. hY
wns busy with his assistants today S
over volumes ot testimony taken atttj
trial two years ago. He Intends iBr
the opinion of the Judgo who president
mi- irnii ua wen as or mo proiecnUi
uiuccjr unu uuiiaucccu mo ciovernmenti
enso. a nor getting me opinions he i
send tnom to President Wilson.
Lad Escapes Death When Vehlcleflfl!
Reduced to Kindling Wood. J
John Allen. 6th and Wood streets. Tu
killed today' when aloaded hay WMS
he was driving waa reduced to kindllut
wood bv a frcleht locomotive at till 3
sticet and Pasiyunk avenue crossinjote
the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad tmg
I3rneEt Coulter, the lf-year-old son of M
Ham Coulter, a wealthy farmer of EunB
I'n, who was on the driver s seat ,mm
Allen, wns bulled about 20 feet, tuWl
caped with minor Injuries "a
According to Special Policeman McGlffl
of tho 20th and Federal streets statlg
Allen diove lo his deatli urtconsciouiw
Impending danger. The destruction of,JB
wngon likely saved one of threj otfcgi
fiom a similar fate. McQInty says tow
was no watchman or light at the croaS?
When Allen slnrteil tn rtrlvn mtr'tli
tracljs with his load of hay shortly beS
daylight jj
yvuen uau oeon living on the comut,
lairn at i-ureKn, out the police say tm
parents live on AVood street nearBlifll
He went to Kurekn a short time ajoj,
response to nn advertisement, having Wt
unable to obtain cmnlovment in thls'dSl
Young Coulter, who had a marvelous Mjl
min; irom cue iaio oi tne man, Jf l
llld not tiont- thn Indnmnlltia nn ItlAt CS 1
bell or whistle was sounded. EvuTfljl
uwens, engineer or the train, eaiaiHl
fiiomon rang tho bell before aDDroacklJE I
the ciosslng and blow tho whlstleSJsJ.I
Lunula inni. Alien s viow waB oDsirwiwj
by tho hay on tho wagon and belljwj
ino driver and his employer's son r&
doling Owens lives at 6310 Yocum atmH
this cltv. 1M
Policeman Jordan and McCulloushMij
10 fearcn some time beroro tney m
find Allen's mangled body The reattM,
were sent to tho morgue
Unidentified Man Found Dead
Heart disease Is believed to have caused
the death of an unidentified man who wo
found In the vestibule of 412 South llth
street today. Tho dead man is about 55
.veais old. and wore a giay flannel trhlit,
a pair of overalls and u cap.
Continued from I'UKe One
had a family or in what business lie was
engaged, but did refer to him as "of
It also mentioned his deatli ns having
occurred "following the departure ot the
Carransdsta forces "
It vvus not expected an answer would
be sent to the Biazilian representative
until after the Cabinet meeting at which
the incident was taken up at once.
NEW YORK, March 12,-John B. Mo
Manus. who was killed in Mexico City,
was chaiactei-Ued today by New Yoik
men who knew him as "a venturesome
man - jjcaiauus went to .Mexico City
14 yeais ago and wus said to be well ac
quainted with leaders or the different
Mexican factions. He was engaged In
tho dulry business lust outside Mexico
City on the road to Coyacan,
Berlin aAsserts Advance Also In
Przasnysz Sector,
BERLIN. March 12.-,nother defeat of
the Russian forces In Poland Is announced
in todays omciai report from the Ger
man Genera) Staff It states that the
Russians retreated hurriedly north of
Augustowo to avoid complete defeat The
Germans took more than 4009 prisoners,
three guns and 10 machine guns. Among
th prisoners are Ihe commanders of two
The eapture of more than 3200 Busalans
In the region of Pnasnjs is abo an
iiQUBOsd n the oSlclal report, while north
of Ostrojenka .'30 prisoners wfr taken
Th StJrman advance Ualwji the Vis
tula nwi 5Iieuo u ragjte& tus Wwr
omv iteOre.
Altercation With Wife as Result of Being a "Kemist"
Results in Trouble and Sentence for the
Rev. J. Wesley Williams.
The police today nie looking fomteS
ing tnief who entered the home ot vyb
nam Kvans. of 62 West Pomona ternra
Inst night, nnd carried away clothufl
winch was In tho loom In when nuvs
tint slept. Entrance to the house WJf
gained by smashing a rear window.
thief looked through Mr Evans' coatJ&
kote, removed a number of letters'WJ
left them lying on a chair, and then jWfl
an overcoat, n suit nnd n. nalr of sfi?I
Silverware und other valuables IfljSL
Jiouso wero left untouched.
When the spirit Is within the Rev.
John Wesley Wllllgms he is happy. But
the spirit which he had within him today
was not obtained In church, hLa wife,
Mattle, sajd. She met him at the door ot
their home, 744 South llth street, to ex
piess her opinion, When tho clergyman
eventually found the keyhole and the
knob, husband and wife came faco to
While AVUllams is it forceful negro
preacher, hla sermons fall fiat when hla
wife comprises his entire congregation.
"I uevah heerd tell ob no etch church
what keeps a-goin' all night," she said
"Dat's becose yo' don' know nuttin
'bout It," replied her defiant husband.
"Yo nlnt gobV to git by wid no com
mon talk on me,1' replied the determined
wife. And she took a step backward.
The Iter. Mr. Williams didn't under
stand the movement, but rather than
await explanations, he picked up a, Bible
and knocked Mattle flat. v
But not for long She was up in a
second and a moment later the preacher
was lying under a sfa, TJi crash of
a, vase against the wall accompanied his
Policeman Wychafter saw a number of
things coming through the windows of
the Williams home which Indicated that
all wm not veacefut witldn lie forced
his way inside and discovered Mattle tr -ing
to ttra&k a broom over Um Rev. Jtilay
Williams' head while lie was wedged
face downward under a chair. The no-
oe,';,1ea,pocleeBlatn.onba,tla Wtta
.e 1,rtainer1was Indignant and started
o show his influence by calling up T en-
ti.' 'u,. " on tl,e ,on "anco pljpiie,
The police were overawed. '
Through the telephone conversation thov
harnA?i l?at & ml,,Is,er orof
"'r7 ;"' toiu nun instruct Bea
con John Kinney, who Is a barber dur
ing the week, to oome down and get him
out of jail. But from William,- oonver.
satlon it appeared that Kinney told htm
that the matter would have to b0 turn-d
ovor to the Ladies' Aid Soeiety
Magistrate MacFarland could not Pro.
slstail in rr .",. uo MBttle In
.. .,, vs,,, lllB ureacner
,"W llf III
Ofiiclal Forecast
For eastern Pennsylvania and Jftwjiji
sey Fa r tonight and Saturday: moo1
north winds.
Tim TCewf numllnnr? illHtnrbnnce haO
vanced eastward, and following ItitS
northern portion of the crest ot nigaj
sure has moved to Ontario. As a ri
there has been a general drop In t'1
nttlm (n tho TqI.a panlnn nml (lirAUCli
the northeastern part of the countiTiM
otner boctlons the changes have una
lecular and trenernlK slleht. eXCCPl
the Dakotas and Montana, where i
considerably warmer. No preclpltt!9
conseejuenco occurred during tne i.
nours, anil clear skies prevail ia
districts this morning.
' U, S. Weather Bureau Bullelfi
n-KB rniin...t.. i.u. ..... ... vl.ttnr
ditlrs Ihrouehout the oounlry, refi'S
rport to the United states vveaiuer
at w a in today
Inst nln VIOT
Station. 8a,m n't fall. Wind UyWg
in his
Ha plays domlnrui .1,. i,i. .!... .
wid 'in when ho ain't pujln' 4 he'
In hig oonserbltory. Ho ag he's one o
'em kemuts an' lv iuonlTes aroi?n?ii0i,
uoiuea an- tubes cm a shelf
ain't no kumiu ..,,... .;." iai
SSS? '- ii rui,Tb g'o-oa1
The recital of the pieacher'a past was
eliminated from the reeord, however, and
Mattte waa told to oounn hei self to the
case before the court
When she luul finUkmi h. ...
MatUe mfeseji to feuw tiro wod-by
Abilene. Tex.
(Atlantic City...
DUinarek. N. D.
uoton, Mass
:it .11
30 -M
i 4
20 2H
Buffalo, N X. . 18 18
Chlcaiio. Ill
PleveUnd. O ..
Denver, Colo,
jna Molnae. la
Detroit. Mkh. .
Dtiutli Minn..
0IvesJUn,T(w .
iTatttras, N C
3Ilena, Mont ..
Sluron b . u.
14 H
23 1
U 10
sa iii
Ell so
vi as
as ss
:s so
Jacknonvllle, Kla. 4S 4
Kansas City, WO. z (
Louisville, Ky . J2 1.'
Mempbhi, Tenn. . 31 .It
KtwrP(iuu 51
Kmr Vork .. SS S
H Platte, Neb 20 M
Oklalioiiw, Okli. 32 33
llltburh Pa SS 20
Portland. Me. 21 21
PorlUnJ. Ore. J
Ouebec Cu . 18 It
St I Aula, Mo 30 Hi)
Hi 1-iluI Minn 33 -h
IWa rtth IS ",2
Han Frunlku Sp 4
f4iiunu.li Pm 20 W
Tumt i '-4
iuu . m "
. NVV i
, sr i
. NW 18
N 1
8VV i
.01 N
N 8
N 1J
w .i
H 12
NW ,
01 KB 8
03 N j
NW 16
rr.' MS 'i
N l
04 NVV
H t
" - s
V t
m II S