mmsmmift STRA FRIDAY March '12, 1915 fl uetirnn PERSONS, PLACES AND SCENES PROMINENT IN THE NEWS OF A WORLD'S DOINGS DAY BY DAY ;-! yv .. l. jt-v: H ? vsaKWKr v ' .' X . .KiSTfrff- '.j a -vtijj?'-' r4' - a - fr-Y?',-': : S-v- ,- --(. y m 'W, v -''X- 5,t ''" '-'-" "'; '; '- X '.'. (. ' maget '."i i . -, - "i . ... .v' - - jNNaswnsjLiv.. s' : j:""?' '' km: Sit, IBHHSBHKnlnffinH aBKSBHMHHisllli-afc wHKeSHKif V '- -'i-''''V'' ' f If MlvliSlI JSBPiBBBHiHIHHV HHS ;.;; ::!' ' " ? , .uJvW I Jit tsw i Copyrlcht by Underwood & Underwood. NEW PORTRAIT OF POPE BENEDICT Taken on occasion of the recent papal mass when 00,000 persons gathered to pray for peace in Europe. wM.iTWtiii,nTiwiMuiiijiipitwiMiyftiwHwBiwwfwiij ynmjmiui iJK .,, ,. w ..., " BMBB a ,JlMm3c:...-' .'..'a f - AND HERE IS "TONY" BIDDLE STRIDING ALONG He's everything society man, athlete, philanthropist, Bible class leader, author and sportsman. V J ::5?- ft i llltw X- :.'. :y - V tttJX Tr-t. mm ONLY ONE OP HER CREW SURVIVED SUBMARINE ATTACK The steamship Tangistan, well known in Philadelphia, was torpedoed shortly after midnight off Scarborough, England, on March 0 and 37 men went down with her almost instantly. This kodak photograph of her was taken in the Delaware River hero two years ago. She was owned in Swansea, England. v,mwaw Awv.-Mtt:tyy'j &im' JttJm -r ... m 1 hv m ' 'WfzMfiR &&-5rmi2M iySDfet J An MmB$ -mBIMm Ti if iItBhIi Tnr i tmBM 'BBr'' ?a&M JImRn itWI AN OFFICIAL FLOWER BOX HER NEST Hf . aiove ths courtyard of City Hall, outside the window of Chief Clerk Wirtto Gilbert, of the Bureau of Pohce, shown here, Madame Pigeon ia busg hatting out family. Mr. Gilbert has appointed himself her protector sad mm that she is uiuilsturlwd. o HE'S AN ATTORNEY AND A CLUBMAN Lincoln L. Eyre ia a lawyer, and a long and lean one. He is popular Wherever gooifeJloV8 get together. UP IN THE SEVENTH HEAVEN Soma of the dusky fans who daily and delight edly watch the Athletics at practice from high pej-chea in the pines around the Jacksonvula baseball grounds. m