It m IhtarAKozra wantememam " . . ... - V MA As tM" Xlc wage f n 1 wYVtCMiU r &'&&& .o... rator Prlv nle .branch tire- -.,,!m'tf nocrator, private bransji pre- . In nrtiato families, ", " "" l&r n,r fine .mending' and shirtwaist iW.'lt!B Nottli t. . r. t.uvY deslrci poH!n s n"lr'i SlXtJATIONS WAHu-i ii i..i.ikM tint-Ann rnn . Lodger" II""""0 " .'. C"S fi eYnerienoed S.!n lISSKS-' houmen." nlcte. cooks. Billiwrt. 51,,n'i,n,!(, to Ledgor.Artvertlscrs. IPm JWO Suite SHI-SHI Lodger lu" ""' KiniMtiitit sis ' rltttftf AM and hooUUeeper-ohenvi I ledge r. AWiKE,a counts, also costs nnd financial '"S3 .in i ret, H, a", euger. ." AOT-Vt manager., credit, collect, ?,. t.ires position. 11 mo, o, -ui. '"Vi nosltlott. X,rAtn- -Keep. open,, close book: ape iCC?ViSJr 1' o! boA3S-. Philadelphia. T-mstiK or office assistant wants sltua- !. Addrtss It 45!I-edjter.i;emrni. i kxf ppKlt. double entrs', , cashier or LSFE' trustworthy. Industrious! wltlr ITi 6 fSJlVw JK iexp. II OS. Ledger Cent. FsSWwFi l'LR and accountant, married, 10 r"2f .id In office work; paBt d months with C P. A-Left reference, n uiu.. ciii Ri,irsntiSSlSwl?nai,,?or I'XttifJ advancement, 11 ill. Leaner wtura.. mokKEErER and stenographer IB, deslros r .niin for geneini wiko numi - ,v..- k -Sis?. IHU. Ledocr Ccntrnl. . 2fikKEBlTM and cashier) nged 21; -I yenra' Cl?.tSii: reference! moderate salary. 11 ti3. VT.Vr ' renfral. SnnpcKEEl'KIl. somo knowlcflRo or sicnog i2S,K o Bit. Jxiaer Central. iiiar-.-r.rrrr KSXvftcKKPRtt. nccountnnt! thorouitlily cx WCediALrcfercneelLlCa Ledger Cent. JnniCEUrEm. clerk, s yra,' exn,! rell.iblo MMbllri rcf. I c;,T. LcdKor Central. ffeoKKCBl-KIl drslrea noltlpn! best refer "Kiiy.V II 1W, Idae.rCqnlral, BUSINESS MAN, cnnablo. cnerKollc wldn Bixpeilence, hlahest rc;cronces, scelta aultnbln (ntinictlon! lIlorouKllljr cuiiiuuivtii. ii. "' Sfflimmcnt. buylnc corrospondenco, credits. Q9S1JUderCentrali . . . , FwCUFKKUlt. mechanic, 0 years" oxpcrlcnco Slb.r rtllabloi'ronno,. Now Jersey llccnso. yr.m i-aciut A"wjyi t! 7. . lltHiril 11.111 IIIIICIWI.I IjJ'. I1II1L. VTIIIB IL'l' HAUrr ..,,-., BintTlA innnhnntn: tenntvn irrnce M chaurteuri alnglo: mocnamoi Known ,ah ini cnuniiv. 41 lun .uu,l. ,....., . , HAJFEUlt ainglo; iuanu imn.cifc usc.u, lnflr.' ... -., e If n .Jim! anttunm. tffill Diatnj f. .-. --. " .--" - rMtlTFFr.UIt. white, experienced driver. m ekinle: 8 yrs.' rcf. R. N. H, 31311 Hombcrgcr. Ff55iXECTOIt, 40. good appearance, tenipernto, R, mttly own l""'d- ' -M' Ledger Central. TO? expert refs rbonaiA US. LcdVbft: rLECTHlUIAW wnm.i wom, wiruiK uiuluib, nshtt. repairs, etc. Phono Tioga 7i.'j8 A. lNaiNfcUlt Einclency or production; mar . .t.4 no 12 ears exceptional oxpcrlenco and -- euttlllcatlons; capablo suporlntcudent or fnc- ttt torymaaager; references, u tji. l.en. upni. iAItDKNEIt and rarmcr, many years oxperi tnre! thoroughly competent to hnndlo all do tUls: married, honest, sober; best of rof- Crtuces. j , aav wfc.n,a. PllOTEb MAJAQUIl, younp, widely expert- ud percentage. II 247, Lodger Ccntrnl. feAN, oung, mnrrled, 2, yoars old, dcstiTs Miitlon: sales or estimating dent.: Binall 'L.concern: experienced; refs. H 02, led. Cent. 1. 1 . . . -nr. TV r If In and wife, ivhlto. I'roteatantH: wlfo cook: JrirtQ, gardener, lioracs & cows general. pe- IBi; DfSi. reicrciites, j uj, xjciikt uirue. MAN AND WIPI5 lst-claea; man understnnds All worK. iiorsos, cows, nuio, ; good nouso roan; wlfo lst-clnss cook. &Q00 Inncaatcr nvc. VAN', 27 years, desires position any It hid; best reference. 11 zw, ix;QKor ucntrai. K,runcirASiNO agent on business moil TQorougniy experienced man open ror cn tsgement; familiar with praotlcally all bup- Rr, ply lines, it ii., imager ucntini. ,. l(r.i.tAOUL, EicnoKrapiicr, youn man, i years m siperience. n in, i.cager ucnirni. E ItEPHBSENTATIVE. calling on drug stores. will consider good side lino; enn produce re sults, II 260, Ledger Central, SALESMAN Aggrcsslvo young man: oxp. In i'upf., criuiis, collections. 11 ,n-', l.ea. lent. 'BECftETAItY, stenographer, arount., off. . ronnag r; vast msnng. oxper. it ;w4,i.ea. tent. 'KTECOClllAPHlTll Thnmnr'lil.f rnmn.liint ti.l " accurals ouug man, vhoro application to ttonc win oe appreciated: understands uooK kteplng. a 840, Ledger Central. fSTENOareAPJIEH, bright, competent, reliable; fnoROUGIILY c-cporlenced-bookkeeper will , p books In rpnro time; moderate terms; .re(ence. n 210. Lcdgor Central. .'TO0NO MAN. 21, of'good education and ex- r F'1."1ee. desires clerical position where -f.., mu iuiuiivu, VUI1 lUrillBII lillb-I.UliU reference. 11 232. Ledger Central. -Pi''? .MA N, rlrong and willing worker, nge ti . A 1.12. Ledger K lOUKQ MAN, of 21, with 4 jrs.' business exp. ,4 vicncai ann executive capacities; pest references. O 050. Ledger Central. I0UNO MAN. crnduntA nt hlph .ehnnt. alert, refcr- ambitious; knowledge of clo'lcal work; n 1.1.. Laager cenirai. ttOUNU MAN. 10. with venra Avn In l.rl.-nl gtt'wirx! knowledge of stenography; graduate of jejuni school, o 848, Lodger Central. i r 1 Vi MAN, refined nnd educated, vlsiies kr-i ' "" worK, win go anywnero. 11 -10, yilr Central. t-TOUNG MAN. in. With f VAMP.' nvt. In l.rl. lV0I't nowlodge of stenography: graduato I'M high BChool. G 8 IS. Ledcer Central. P'T2HK.0iS,AN' aKed " would llko position. In ,r "..' ,.m i. i mi, aiikui tr,i,rai. lUUWI , V, . ..-I -.!. -.-.. imsrrled! employ, urcent. a IVIT. Led. Cont. i fJWJJP MAN would llko position In hotel. . , Ledger Central. TOtrNO GERMAN couple wish farm work; ;-. experlejced. 233 Parrlsh st, EUPLOYIVIENT AGENCIES i'Sffi RUPLOYMBNT AGENCY, 4010 p-LUDLOW ST. PRESTON 0448. WORK NEEDED QUICKLY A. . narttnt ,..., , .. , ....,. r?n , tS? "0 ?bly carried on by the Emergency 'snd J2Ii'iU,A Society for OrganUlng Charity tlovm. "" Workers' Bureau, In securing em. K. ih ': .w., utr.erving men ana women, thJ..?.n7.LB''a,!1,ani1 Evenino L-rxiisn open Bnt if... i! " ine iree uae or 1110 employ BPot Branch of these organizations. tViii .tX .u w' nni ''s'ea from day to day Ist.tH.?'? ' BPeelflo eases that have been id tfi!iVldi bF tnem nd found to bo worthy RiS? EM5tlc,ilar'Ir H'ent ones. The persons listed tthiir nc eninloyment through no fault of I cmmiSJ' Applications from drinkers nnd in. r.i.nmVr- r"lual"urlu uiuiviuuam are not lK".,lJsil by the organizations, but are pro- l&nln..5. w ?" Immediate Relief DUislon. Sim ynn"k,"al,1- experienced men sii ir "ii""i iiiererore, employ tne men ir? Mten llitei1 wl'n h ossuranee that they .SrsVen.J5 deserving workers who only art nt ihJSfS t0JelP themselves. They do not :aJ3tatl!yl They want " must have 1m. '0 a e. "l?loment. Will you create a Job lollf,ot ."i1"8 who can fit Into your or. IT,it iKSi-J' n?1 w" . d? VOT share, this ' RiL.n . ' "" quicKiy soivea, EM. 'TO CASES llv Lriiq and Kiii"-1- $K Tn trASllD E- A." FORWARD OF. Si! fQ THE lur.nnpvcv nn I-nuuiT. PBPAfV'! UOILDING, MEN'S WORK 3iS' BITVlT?..'3'ilE JUVENILE WOnK. KSi S"JIEAU, 1501 ARCH STREET. MAMS KrwSirrV JK52'?:. L JSA -' "& Itnonlri' iSm BQWK 5ucJ.,w' children de llrlt"L' "i? ". S. O, C. 730. (Eastern DU, fTXnrftkZ; -"?- """'n Lawrence st.) i months i wit -W "w ur nui a oi Ifagssi. noss: i1 j." v,.v-,"-,"n- " "' gent of work b .ii-.. kuuu.V. I.KFBRENCE8. San .:f r.orr" fl. months, wl I take anvthlhe h. VI.Jt kV-ji."a-c .WS,,.A K?.5.W. nch!i' Si. Whaetdn si ;) ' r.i. o. v. l-AUOnER l-V.Tn. r r E Pttr ei..Jll.n. . "" " UNS EM. latVi 1 i. . ''",, fenos; no work for d iPSisS fetes4TiWif&.i5i,a HSP.EK-WAB A CrtATf-nD . SSL" -4: ffifiiBftE: t? SitfJua Vila tf'asd ,t)No- T8T- SoutK IBORcin hln1"?." ,&rAN WITH WIFE ,P? f"ur ' em, Jl. ,1,., 1 . . ',jw- .IW4U S,,., it-vlas mn. honest .ml iir. V 202 Boiu MAN WILL DO Alr-ClHOWf us 1 and bbu chlldt.o 1 MMPrt. jrsed for t lire 1 . W fi IKt - ti . ttirti (Jtjoii jti;jeiMjSccB is tins 1- -iPl;t M ir d llv ' ' .Vo uau usioisjm; Dug,, - v.r WOBK NEEDED QUICKLY Ti'nJlltA'V"0 M'sTe'oMlicaHoa on fl21nii2n ?'y Ambrr. M piren nnrl hoto tJecjMtl!jndiiiJuatitanJiit-cachetl . qutckrv, MALE LAHORE!! -AN ITALIAN, WITH GOOD -references, has been out of work o months. P.-..?.-. c' 70 (Southeast Dlat., MO Wharton etreet). t,AJ!!JSirtiff.'RD'luv,'" ooon hr. !,?."". fill take anything ho can get to da to support hi four children 8. O. C., No. 90. Southwest District, lain a 22d at,) LAttonnn, 4K yea its or1 aoe, rourt ciul. --..Lon' employed for Iff jeara with one ron r?.rJ!l.5h?. tIllM..h.0 t,e not drink and la a nusticr rj A. "Hi, tATiir.rt--iiAa aooo itF.FniiFNrKq; rott. iner ctnplover would give him work If bo had Lt-.f0.r lll,m' ,1'1? .t"n . "f work nil winter: t?J ?.tV,fS, nd two email children. 8. O. c! ilo. (Woodland tilstrlct, S. O. c, 12H3 S. 4;tii LATltRtt ii .n n;.M(s OLD. WITH VF.Tlt '"illF"1 ,3rt .vnAns, old, vnttY good w.Bfa0f;ev7nt;fmal?rchf,0d,,renmoyPenden?,'on ''ATHRn'ff i:Mnn-anoi) itEricitrNrns trlct!'iR &il&S D'I'oltonJJl-- LBATlIRn COniltMH-HAS WOltKBU O.V Bole leather! worked in last place for two jcarai will mk to do any kind of work s. O ?," . Nov M- (Northeast District, Z14u N nowr.rd et.y LicENsr.D r.r.nvAToit oiT.nATon - has Bopd references for character und ork. Ha lA H18 iSy man for the Job ou liavs open" L. A., Zio. LltlllT WOtXK roil TtmcTtCULOSIS MAN- If l. wit. u.be7cu.o,l.' WV f"nnrn,1l'Cno'nfl1 tton la so dcsnrrateihat he will attempt llRht wotk' mother unable to leivo home beoaun of an infant. 0 montha old! will dq laundry work at hornai eldest bov. 1,1 years old, wants work as ajjeloer onn wagon, j, w. n. SSI. LINEMAN AND m.ncTni'oiAN YOUNO and energetic man, nho has been out of work for B months, Is willing to take anythlnc n can net to do. He has 8 small children, and whtlo he has been out of uoik his wlfa has roiio out to work by tho dny. , she Is now ill, 8- O- C. (Nlcetown nnd. Tioga District, tl o. C Clarissa street and Hunting Park ave nut.) LONClSUOItUMAN OU LADOIIEII HAg worked In tannery nnd soap factory, energetic rollsh man; will tnkn anything ho can get to do to support his wife and a children: his wlfa hftB been doing washing to try to earn tho llv Ing. H. O. C, 701. (Southeast District, S. O. C, 630 Wharton si.) LONOSiioifuMAN on LAiioncn. wTfii good relercnces. family of 12 have been de pendent on earnings of 10-year-old boy; her health la now broken from overwork: this man will take nnvthlng ho can get to do to upnort hla family, s. O. C. 712 (Southeast iii-,.. iv,u ,11 nriDn ..!. L.NUHIIOltK.MAN AND DIllVKIl-MAN HAS Decn out ox worK 4 inonins ana will taka anything ho can got to do. Has a wlfa and small baby depandent upon him. S. O. C. Ml 7. Eastern District, S. O. C, 333 South Lawrence street. LONOHHOnEMAN, 2 YEARS OLD, BTIIONO and steady; mnn of good character: will tak ncy kind or work ho can got to support his i children. S. O. C, 1112. (Southeast District, K10J'hartonBt.) LONaSHOItEMAN-2S, POLISH, WITH GOOD references: will tnko anything he can get to do to support his wlfa and four small children. 8. O. C., No. 077. (Southeast District, 6JU Wharton st.) MACHINE WOODWOIIKEH-30 YDAH8 OLD: uver 10 years In one place; excellent rofer ences; no Ptcady employment (or three months; ban n wlfo end flo children, b. O. C. No .SO. (Northwest District, ' 14U N. Howard st.) MACHINIST FUUMCIt E3I1IX)YER SAYS: 'Hate known tho man many years and have tho utmost confidence In his nonesty, sobriety and general character. It docs not seem as It ho deserves tho hird knocks that have been his lot." E A., 222. MAOIIlNIHT-MAN, 27 YEAIIS OLD, HUN-" garlan, who Bpeaka Englleh: haa a cry good w-ork reterenco from last emploer. Has 5 1 1.11. dren dependent on him. S. O. C, COL (Easto District, S. O. C, 33S South Lnwronfo street.) MACHINIST'S HKLPEIt MAN HAS WORK.' ed 8 years In one pluco. Whllo hu has been out of employment, his wlfo has been sewlnp to help support their 3 children, S O. C, 5M). (Northern District, S. U. C 1430 North Marshall street.) MACHINIST MAN HAS WORKED U years In one place and has been out of work 4 months, lie will tnko uny kind of work h can cot. S. O. C, 007. (Northeast District, S. O. C 2310 North Howard street.) MACHINIST SIX YEARS' EXPERIENCE IN erecting shop lost position through buslnc- depression; good references; has a wife an I six children. P. O. c. No. 1147. (Woodland District. ;:.- a 4, in st.) MACHINIST. SSI YEARS OLD. GOOD IlKI." orences; has had only odd Jobs alt winter. S. O. C, 1117. (Powelton DIstrkt, 401S Pow elton nve.) MACHINIST, 32 YEAI13 OLD. EXCWCl KNT references: served four years In tho U. 3 Marines and has an houoniblo discharge; has a wlfo and three children. S. O C. 703 (Woodland District, 12.12 H.471hat.). MACHINIST-EMPLOYED FOR FIVE YEARS by a traction company, who say that he Is thoroughly reliable and competent; ho is mar ried and Is In need 13. A., Slid. MACHINIST'S HELPER Has worked In one place for seven years. His employer says he Is "willing, sober and Industrious." A wife and seven children are dependent on him. He hns been out of work nearly all winter and lias had a great deal of Illness In his family during that time. S. O. C, No. 6(H). (Northern District. H3 .v. Jiarsnau st.) MACHINIST'S HELPER MAN. THOROUGH, ly familiar with work about automobiles; has very good work references. Has been out of work all winter. Six children under 13, the youngest 4 months old, are dependent upon him. 8. O. C. 010. (Powelton District, S. O. C. 4018 Powelton avenue.) MACHINST-S HELPER-HAS WORKED 14 years In ono place, and will tako anything he run get to do: a family of small children Is dependent on him. S. O C, 033, (Powelton I'l't . 4"I8 PoWHlton qyo.) MAN OF WORK, ITALIAN. HAS KAMI I V of seven children: boy of 14 In family; good bright boy; could make himself very useful around a store; father Is a laborer; would bs willing to do any kind of work. J. W. 11., S73. MAN. JEWISH, 45 YEARS OLD, OUT OF work 4 montha. One boy working In family of eight. Wife Is HI, but has not asked for any help. Neighbors told Investigator that her Illness Is due to worrlment and lack of nour lehment. A most deserving case. J. W. P.. 602. MAN. HAS BEEN HUCKSTER, OUT OP work two months; T children, all under work ing age. Two oldest boys, 12 and 13, soli papers. Family are about to be evicted for nopayment of rent. J. W. B.. 887. MAN-05 YEARS OLD. ABLE BODIED. WAS a puddlct in rolling mill for 35 years: mill has now gone out of business: will do any kind of work. S. O C No. 1150. (Northeast Dlstrlct.2310 N. Howard st.) MAN, JEWISH, TAILOR, OUT OF WORK S months: 4 children, only one of working age, a boy, who will also do any kind of work. J. W. B 801. MAN OF 14 YEARS' EXPERIENCE, ASSIST- ant to expert meclutnlo on repair work; out or work 12 months. Thiee children, wife III. Urgent ease. J. W II , 020 MEAT CUTTER. WITH SPLENDID REV": erences. seeking work to support his sick wlfa and crippled daughter, S. O. C, 701 (l'owelton DUt., 4018 1'uwelton aye.). MKCHANIC HAS WORKED FOR THE LAHT four years In one place; will takt a iv kind of work ho can get 10 support his wlfo and four small children. He has been out of work Ave nonllis and his wife did sewing as Ions as she was able to to support the family. 8. O. C. No. DOS. (Nlcetown and Tioga District. Itanlllig t'OTK se. nnn i lantw n.i MECHANIC, 31 YEARS OLD. 11 YEARS IN one place; good referneces; has a wife and 3 small children dependent on him. S, O. C. 754, (Northern District, S. O, C, 1133 North Mar. snau st. F.CHANIO. 41 YEARS OLD: VERY GOOD references: will takeany kind of laboring work ho can gelt has had no employment for a yrar: has u wlfo and two small children. 8. O. C-. 170 iWoodland Dliulct. 1.J2 S ilm MEClTANlc4l7YRSOLD":lIASr"HAI) no work since August: very good references: his wife will take sewing or anvthlng she tan get to do ot home. S. O. C. 700 (Wood- I and District, j,. E7. i.i, n.i, LL ... no ' . .twnini XT MECHAN1C-38. AMERICAN. WITH GOOD refarenccs! will do anyth ng he t4n get to do Has been out of work all winter. 3 O. 0 No in. (Woodlsnd District. 1232 S. 47th st. " ETeCHANIC, 35 YEARS OLD. 20 YEARS' experience, has naa no work lor u months; has a wife and 3 children. S. O, C, 75T. (East- .rn District. S.0 C, 338 B. Lawrence st.) MBCIlANIC, WITH GOOD REFERENCES; formerly worked In a laundry; haa a wife, and 3 children. S. O. C. 1101. (Southwest DIs. trlct. 1310 B. 22d st.) FE3IAM3 A YOUNO WIDOW WOUI-D LIKE TO DO oftlce cleaning to help support her child e tS timulhajut nl.trlet. 1318 B. ISA .t ., VllllUIVU. cikWoiAte' biPPfen and PAckBri.-ia. year-eld gill; gooajefejences; his had uo work for 3 months; she and a brother, who la out of work am the support of a Urge family, b. o. Q , 1101. iWoodland District. 12B3 b. itn st. i ngoKKKBJ'ER AND CASHIER 7 WOMAN vvanis posuioo; s "" .uv'uivep.i i"' elry dnu fur Mvaral years . aim is highly rae- emmsnmd by tnsro: wouia (jreier u, pari-aay ltlcu. E. A. 3 r.Ai rurirri WOAN. BO C'hi LD. v-v-...-f . ------ -- -------.y. -.v-. wished days worn; gow rwereoees. b. o. , 1110. (Northeru JJIstrletT !! N. Mr- nll ut.V shaU UaVs w6ftit-ima wsh woMAN437vvTfj. good reference would, Uk to fp; out to wvtm vy -iS .':'. tr . " t- vena tUMfK ?Si5-i' DAY'S! WORK OR CLEAN1NO COLORED widow, with good freuces. U saektBg work t esdii- ana v"-!". "7rlrr woo are. TtJ2 DSiiEtTo. C-. Huntlagark av " aid cHa at.jL OAVS WORK - MIDDIJB aukp WOI4AM ullli Sk4 iJW.i- uW Il.e work t iu dy or cleaning; Ltytog to wovUle tor bit crippled husbaad. 8 O. C. Tig. (3eirlgv Oarvfin Dlsttfct a. O. c , AMS IiaoiyB Wi EVENING LEDflER-PHILAPBLPHIA. FBI DAY, MARCH 12, 1915. WORK REEDED QUICKLY incitHerdy (nrflvfrfuan may be reaehtAjiuMelv. riHIALR UAX?.WmK (CLKANINll Oil LAUNDItr)! hed.r,fIfnP"i ,wli0WJ wo"' llko work (o neip aupport her 3 eh dren 8 o c fim. Ilwcltonjuistrlct. ls ""welton aveCj' Ei5Vu.ftTIC. 'or.isii womanT "wiio HAB Iell5eii,r. ,i'!?n,,fWjn ono of ho Urge, ho work ihJ.l1.cif' w,"lcao.nn '"nd f cloanlng !! "afif'tW" s- c No- 631. (South east l)lt Mo Wharton street.) 1Iill".'T.n Wr-AVKIl-THIS WOMAlTIiAS .IJ'' tc I srtport; hs"hid "IS tl.riftmas. !. o, ( v iiioi I'iMrlrt. 2110 ft. iioUr.I?t) ",n-u ,,, rnrs in nno llnre: ha. Ihrea worK pinco (Northeast T,Ahii!!!I15B?.iv,t,0JvrATo sVrrortT a ,"?,,,.L ..iin'f wnrK dy ine nay. K. A. no-i 1... ii1 ,'.l'Jl',.''tinient r In nrlnte families; J?.. '2 JliU"" hcr luhter. who la In dell j'nvT""!. 8', cm No W. Nlcr,town anjTjoB, ltuntliig Park nve. and Clarissa St.) MIDULK-AUni) ITALIAN WOMAN: VKIIY li'Pkl' eprnrrtent dressmaker on children'! clotnee: must have i help soon; this la an urgent rung, j. y. ij, 1K)7, M2IJJC". ANU TWO HAUOIITEn8 WANT i.?..t,t: .father of family recently deserted, leaving tho mother. with S children! all aro "'" j"e younnesi ! monuia old! mother ann two eldest daughters, .1(1 nnd 14 years old. nam any kind of work nl onrn n linm.te.s voung woman, 20 sears, old. being carod for In this family also seeks rmnlovmcnt: alncs nomeies desertion, motl er has been doing laundry work j v 11' R?7 onger noia to gel it. I'Ooit woman, wi bow," TTviNO i5? aoutheaat Bectlon of tho city, wishes laundry work to do nl home; has four rhlldren, on working after several weeks of Idleness; boy of 13 In tho family needs poslton; would mako good errand boy: has worked In furntturo rncinry: ramiiy lmcny in need or Clothing! girl of IT, boy of 15; girls 8 nnd 10; urgent case. SILMSTlu;sS-WOMAN"irSBnKINO lIOStT5 sowing so that she can support her three small children. S O. C. "us. (l'owelton Dis trict. 4018 l'owelton ae.) BWEfilPIt WOMAN. UESEIlTrfD UY HER . husband, Is seeking day's work to support her child. 8. O. C, No. 7tS. (Powelton DIs- trlct, 4018 Powelton qvc.) Tina womanHias woiiiTiiD 13 YK.Mta iT) ono nlaee; has !t children to support: has had no work slnco Christmas. S. O. C 740. (North east District R.O. C, 2340 North Howard St.) TYIMST-aiW,. 21" YEAruTol.t)," WILL'TAKIS offlco work of any kind, quick, bright and energeilc. with good references. H. O. i' 1122. (Wnodlntnl Ulstrlrt, 12.12 S. 47tll st.) m:avi:ii3-tvo hnuLisiT" womiis,' with good roferonces, have worked sccrnl enia as cotton tapestry weavers. 8 O. C. 7.11, tFrnnkford District S. 0.C iMI Unity at.) w 1 bSWT" REPn WfilNo r. n" t! h n L YU ro 5 her own resources, has been out or work oyer a month; would like sowing by tho day or wll) ssw nt homo, ory urgent case. J. W. n.. H. WIDOW DEIMINUINO KNTIItllLY iJPON her own resources haa been out of work over n month: would llko i-owlng by the day or will sew at homo; cry urgent case. J. W. II., WINDER IN MILL THIS WOMAN HAS had to become tho bread-winner on nccount of her husband's Illness with tuberculosis. She Is trying to support her 3 small children. For 8 months she has not been nbl to get any work, 8. O. C. COS (Northeast District, S. O. C. 2310 North Howard rtroet.) WOMAN WITH 2 CHILDREN AND IIUS band not strong, wants place to cook. Very capable and the best of references Husband willing nnd anxious to work. Can do light gardening. Will go to tho country If place can be obtained for them. This rase is worthy of nsslstanco 1. A. 335. WOMAN, JEWISH, MUSTilAVH WORK TO support family of 0 children. Husbnnd Is s.rlously III. When Investigator called he was shown a box of stale bread, which waa put In tho oven to soften. Here Is a woman who must have work. J. W. B.. 888. WOMAN, 27 YEARS OLD, WHO HAS I1EKN deserted by her husband, wants ticlorv work to support her two small children, will tnko anything she tnn get to do. S. O. (., No. 711". (Eastern District. 33S South Lnw roncojrt.) WOMAN OF EXPERIENCE.- FAMILIAR with single entry bookkeeping nnd tho nee of typewriter, wants work immediately, only support of widowed mother. J. W. II.. 1122. WOMAN. OIJhERTED'HY IIL'OUANI), WIT II 7 small children nnd Infant In arms and nge,! mother to support, wnntH da'H work of any kind. Pitiful Munition, E. A. 302. WOMAN, WITH GOOD REFERENCE? would like washing and cleaning to do S. O. C , 1101. (Northeast District, 2.14U N. How- jrdBtO WOMAN WANTS SEWING: lfoT'isTjlibT.'fi has been out of work for a month; four llttlo children between 2 and 12 jenrs of ago; very good references, u. A. 3 in. WOMAN WANTS GENERAL HOUSEWORK by tho diy. has a son nnd daughter nl-o un able to nnd work: very well rccommondod: needs Immediate asslstanrc. E. A. 340, WOMAN. WITH 0 CHILDREN TO SUPPOr'tT wnnts any kind of work by the day, houso work.cleanlng or laundryvork. E. A. 3UU. WOMAN." fiS YEARS OLD. WANTS POSITION as housekeeper, capablo and well rccotn- mendeil 11. A 3,"0 WOMAN WANTS HEWING TO DO AT home; has excellent loferences. E. A. 317. WOMAN. DESERVING.NOT VERY STRONO. waMB clenninr 1 v tho day. E. A. 351. YOUNO MARRIED WOMAN WOULD LIKE work as a waitress, neat and attractive In appearance: Is trying to support her husband, who Is 111, nnd 2 small children. S. O. C HOO. (Woodland District, 1232 S 47th st ) YOUNG WOMAN. 22 YEARS, WISHES" Po sition oh companion or nurse to nn Invalid; has had six months' hospital training as child nurse; hns been out of work one month; urgent case. J. W. II , 023. YOUNG WOMAN OF REFINEMENT, ED1I-i-atlon and pleasing personality would llko position as companion or as an assistant to n physician or dentist; good knowledge of art work. ,LV'.H..035. YOUNG WOMAN STENOGRAPHER. ORAD uate Pierce Business College; out of work two months; depending nn her own resources for n living; urgent cnBe. J. W. I!., 021. YOUNO WOMAN WANTS SEWINOTO DO at home; father unahlo to work on account of Illness: biother unablo to find work: three smaller children at home: well recommended. 11. A, 348. YOUNO WOMAN TELEPHONE OPERATOR, experienced in opcrntlng private branch ex- change; out of work 2 months. J. W. B . 025. YOUNO WOMAN. INTELLIGENT AND F.N ergetlc, wishes position In office: would llko to learn telephone operating. J. W. B , 010. YOUNG WOMAN WISHES POSITION AH housekeeper In small family; good references. J. W U.. 041. AUTOMOBILES CARS STORED, l per month, regardless of slie: no also buy and tell care. Ollleeple Oarage, S32-0I N, O'lth st. Belmont 48.U . AUTO PAINTINO AUTO OWNERS. . j The right place to have jour car painted. I'crd cars as low as (13. John Iloulton, 3013 Cambridge at. Phono Preston 6072. business" OPPOBTUNITIES A REAL OPPORTUNITY A growing business has nn opening for a soung man. with 12300 to 50.0rl to Invest, as p.anager of a department. The Investment I, sound, attractive and pays large profits. Salary with services. Your strictest Investi gation solicited. A great chinco for a clean cut joung man with some ability and a de. sire to make good. Address L C2U, Ledger Office. AM LOOKING for an active energetic partner to purchase Vj Interest In established sales agency for contractors' machinery; prefer exp'd man with fcllowlng. M 482. Lsd. Cent. f300 SECURES equal Interest In desirable of. flee business, very profttable; references re. quired. Universal Exchange, 608 Chestnut at. BUSINESS NOTICES PRIVATE LOCK MAIL BOXES TO RENT; FINEST IN THE CITY. 38 N. BROAD BT. CABPET CLEANING xT'EST I'HILA. MONARCH BTORAtlB CO. 3cTPEll YA1U3. 3870-72 LANCASTER AVE. 0LEANIN0 AND 3JYEINO OSTRICH FEATHERS AND PANCHSS CLEANED. DYED. MAILHOT.iaiO Cfitstnut. DBESSMAKINO AND MILLINEBY DRESSMAKING tausbt; short, "prac course. McDowell, 807 Doncila BIJg.. 11th A. Market. HEMSTITCIIINa done while you wait. A. Relchard. 1113 Chsstnut. Pictorial Review pat. GOWNS for all occasions, remodeling; moder ate prioe. taflo vvatnuu tocust eit. ltBM .II1KQ done while you wait, 8& per eating also Nachman, 70O Arch it. ytrd, FOB SALE JlILLIAHP, pool, combination. Id-hand bought said. rtcteJ, exch'd. Keafsr. 3 qirard av 1'IRST-CLASa binUrd table; price, 380. SOl 41h ave., Iladdon Heights, N. J. INSTBUCTI0N RAGTIME PIANO I'lAYINO taught In 20 les soos; write for booklet. .Cbrl.tsjisen Sehools. Jfd qsrmsntown ave. ; 13 TasVer st. OLD GOLD SOUGHT. SOLD DIAMONDS -CHANGED. WINLOLl'H, APPRA1MEH 88 N. 1TH ST. STOBAGE WEsTf oo,arcb Storaga Co. Auto and iaot- run ltJT, WA.NTEi FBATHBn Unus-Ettraordlnarv 'price; paid this month; antlguca boughLlMT N, Sth at. f-I fRNITI HJP Antiques, pianos, efo part rUKlNl I UKL or enrg House bought. Kens. Fnrnltiire Co.. auajKenjIniten Jve. booms ron bent BATIING ST., 3218 (Tho Chllton)-Two first floor rooms; wiilt dentist, doctor or aparl inent Mrs. Hello McC'lnln,Manager, IlltOAD, ft., 029 Now management! fur. rms.: clean: steam heat; baths:cryrcnsonable. CttDaTnrt, 4I30--Dolr. rooms, 1 with balcony fronlj board opt., good trans'n. Pira, 3S7T.V, OIIER1NUT 8T 40tn-Very, deelr. turn, or unfurn. room In refined private home; nice neighborhood! comcnlent to el'y; reference. CIIESTNt'T, 4 130- ETCep. 2d-story front, suit- nine ror gentlemen, soon to ie Tacantipnona. DIAMOND, 2102-Vell-furnlahed rooms, single .-Orjenjiu'ieijMiard nptlonalI)lamond snaiWj OIIATZ, 1044-Furnlshed sitting room; adjoin Ing bath; bay window: refined home; phone, TArtK AVn, N., 173S-Com. and slngla rms.: running water; lsfclaas board, Diamond 07.18 V. Photo displayed at Ledger Central, BI'ltUCE, 1206 Very attractive Alngle nnd . doublo fur'd vacs.; nil conVs. . VI. 7 131 W. VENANQO, 1112 rrlvato family desires to rent furn. sulto, complete for houeekeerlpr: , also parlor ; hoard optional. Tlogn 48 1 1W. 11TH. H.. 210 Delightful rooms, adjoining natlij quiet, renned; hot-water neat; pnone. 12T1I, 8 ltO-Central location; deslrabta rooms, furnished, $1 and 4 weekly; rhone, 1CTH. 8,. 210-Comfortablr furnlahed room, with all conveniences; also attic Joom. 17TII, N., 3335 Furnished room In prUnte family! gentleman, ljoio a ijpgejcli' ri' GENTLEMAN who will appreciate well-furnished room In nn npnrtment: steam heat: private family, best locnllon of West Phlla.; jlgorhol44th & Walnut. 1'h, 11a ring 23. HANDSOMELY furnished fron'. room, In large, modern, prlvnto homo; cloctrlo lights; 10 mln utes In City Hall. Telephone Daring 413. 62 1 and Ransom Furnished rooms. mn only! meals; WESTUItANCH shower bathn; tear W nil tho Y. .M. c. A. comtorts 01 noino. i-nono un- monl 4S1; Key.. West KSrt. BOABDING BALTIMORE, AVE.. IdlO-PIcas. slnglo room, next to bath: gentleman; Jhoordoit. ; phone. CEDAR, 4711 ror thoso desiring home couif., excel, ncu'ns: ref, home. Wood, .IHI2 -. CIILSTER AVE., 5124-Prhnte family has 2 ntrclv film -d-tory monies conv. to cltv; hoard ontlonalijilce neighbored; owner! phon IOWELTON, 4037 Private family, bright front room, w Ish refined Indy or gentlemen. RACE. 3413 Trained nurse haap"lcas7 homo lor ref. people desiring good nccoin. : 1 of Invalids or elderly persons, l'r special cure 'res. 3305 I). SI'Ri'CE. lii'S-SO Desirable suite with private hath: -holco table board. Walnut 7-.i5 W. SPRUCE, 1221-20 fiirlsmonde) Furnished rms , single, en suite; prUate baths; table board. SPRUCE, 12.':o Sulto of rooms, private lath, nnd also third-floor fionl; table board, SPRUCE, 10211 Checrfuf'rooms, single or en Bulte; private bath; excellent board. THE Clarmont. 44th " Walnut "Attract furtj roiirn for couple; Soul h. cooking. Un r7 22 . WALNUT, 4044 Nicely furn. 2d-storj' front, jsullablo gentlemen or coupleJtelmont 2808 D: WALN'ut. w'lft Doublo" front room; pouthern exposure: all conts. : home comforts m'd table, gentlemen pref, ; reasonable. llel. 08L WALNUT," 6012 Nicely furnished 2d front; also single rooms: eonen.: good table, phone. IlTII, N.i 717-"Boord, with rooms or withuut; sitting room, comniunlcatlng: reasonable. iin'H. N , 12.V-Largo 3d"-ntory front rooms, with board;other acancles: phone. 4IRT," B"20- I'rlvTte famllv-hns nicely fiirn rooms, board optional, convenient. Phone TnhleTtiuril CHESTNUT, 41)18 Good tablo: nice" neighbor- hnod; conv to cltv. Prerton (t2l D. SP. GARDEN. 4023 Good table board; lionio cooking; quiet, refined neighborhood: phone. Suburban OERMANTOWN. 235 W. Rlttcnhnuse, St., be tween Wayne and Greene Desirable rooms, wl t h board; homelike. Phone Otn. 1073 X. OVEII11ROOK (("110 Woodbine ovc.l Desirable vac: nimts. of table excel. Overbrook 7004. APAKTMENT3 WISStAHICKON AVE.. 5220-6233 B. APARTMENTS. J55. (1 roomrf and bath: awnings, screens and sfcower hlthR. . JAMES W. IAtVS. ATTORNEY 013 LAND TITLE BI.DO. Ke with Janitor in renr. WALNUT. 1420-311 to 4 rooms, with buth, furn. 01 unfurn.; excellent service; somo housekeeping; also prof, offices nnd business rooms. Lo-ust 33IW. Inquire of Janitor. WALNUT. 1222-21 (Kenwood) Deelrablo vncs , single or en suite; prlv. baths: will furnish to suit tenant: moderate rent. Walnut 8184. WALUPIl. 1s.11. 2 VNI-UII. RMS.. PRIV. HATH. 2D FLOOR. BROAD. N., 830 Housekeeping apartment; 5 lnrgo rooms: bath, nit convenleneos. Apply SEDGELEY APARTMENTS, 45th and Plne-5 rooms and bath: seo lanltor. SPRING GARDEN, 1010 Excellent ants. In 8 different houses; soma turn ; Jlti henetlea CIHLTON APARTMENTS ' 321S Baring st. Two Prst-flnor rooms with private bath; sun able dentist or doctor or apartments Mrs. Relit- McClaln. mgr. Bell phono Preston n3T DOCTOR will rent In his private homo two large rooms, kitchenette, private bath. 223 North 2flth st. I inN'; HPAD locust, 1213-10 Furnished L,iviN anciu. tlngl9 or fn . IVest l'lillndelplihi. BALTIMORE. 4550 Sublet hkpg. apt.. 20 in.: 5 rms.; bath, porch, heat, h. w.; Baring 20H8 W. EUBNISHED APABTMENTS SPRUCE, 2022 Desirable aulte. with private hath, onen fire: phone: owner. HOUSEKEEPINQ APABTMENTS DIAMOND. 2110 (apply 2112) 4 rooms. bBth, kitchenette, hot-water heat, telephone: 133. THE DAUPHIN APARTMENTS H E. COR. BROAD AND DAUPHIN EXCLUSIVE HKPG. FLATS ONLY TWO (8) LEFT. JANITOR ON PREMIBE3. WRITE, call or phone Walnut 0S0 for March "Apartment Vacancy Bulletin." Free Apart ment Bureau. 13th and Spruce sts BEAL ESTATE POB SALE Ambler, I'a. WH SPECIALIZE In suburban property olong the P. and R.i Bethlehem and Doylcstown branches; wa offer suburban homes, farms. Improved .'ountry places and building sites; we can satisfy any reasonable purchaser. H. J. DAGER. Inc.. Ambler. Pa. Hnddonfielcl, N. ,T. HAVE SEVERAL FINE PROPERTIES at "bargain prices. WM. CAREY MARSHALL. 531 Federal st . Camden. National l'arb. N. J. UUNOALOWS, lots 23x150; near trolley; over. looking Del. Greater N. J. Co.. 83 B. 16th. 1'KNNBYLVANIA 1'AIIMS 100 'ACRES, location, land, buildings, water and railroad facilities all, flrst-class: has everything that goes to make a sood farin; ieveril stock farms cheap, 160. 200 and 230 acres' the very xst of land and cheap; state y JONATHAN C. HARE. West Chester. V. HTXCRES goo.1 dairy and poultry farm, UO0O, J. B. THOMPSON. West Chester, fa. BEAL ESTATE SALE OB BENT OWN a home Houses 1800 to ID250: small first payment and 17 to 50 per month. II. S,r,ii!:1 717 rheitnut at. BEAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE Atlantic City, N. J. HOTELS, cottages, apartments, etc.. to ex. change for Philadelphia property. Chas. E yell. 88 8. Penna. ave., Atlantic City. BEAL ESTATE P0B BENT Professional Offices. frr.. 411 Physician's offices; first. floor pariprgjhot nn coiq runainy vvatsr, iSTII ST-i .. ail PP.ysu.uu s onice; largo, PTtOVaSSlObNAL or business office: all con? "Ounces; (.antral; low rental. 280 s. h. Oak Iue TWO-STOHY porch-front bouse; 9 rooms; al conveniences; stationary tubs, jord side and rear. iv .-. Atlantic City. N. J. HOTELS, POTtrJINB HOUSES. VILLAK CorfAOBS. APARTMBNTS, any siasoo. all locations, Atlaatla City. Chelsea, Ventnorj antainobll service. n. a. liARHis & co. BUr ilOTELS."boardjig cottacaa, etc. 40 S. Florida ave. I DEAN & HOBTGAGES jluMCK for ojortgagaa: any amouat: Wouu aiiUuisnt fens Square iRealty Co., 1114 bouttB f win tg. f taae boru.-a Swl iMU&TlDR 1WT AND ill UORTGAOES. SAMUEL It. eVrWUT, lilt) Cbutaut at. The Hup; Tlial Cnusca Sleep No Evidence A well-known Judiro dtticd recently nt a Weat nd hotel, wlioro tlio man who tnkca enro of tho linla Is celebrated for lilti meiiiory nbout tho ownership of lioailRcAr. 'Slow tin j on Itnovv thnt Is my lint?" tho J tic! He osked ns his slllc hat was presented to hlni, "I don't know It, sir," said the mnn. "Then why Uo you clvo It to mo?" In sisted tho bewildered Jlidgo. "Jiccauso you envo It to me, sir," re plied tho man, without moving- a muscle, of his face. Tld-Blts. WELL JOHN, WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO vTODAV' "Two years ago I could have bought that valuable piece of property for a sonc;." "And you couldn't slue;, eh?" Oh, I could sing-, but I couldn't get tho right notes." Victress "Jtndam," nnld tho mnn In tho street car, "I know I ought to get up and give you my sent, but unfortunately I've re cently joined the Sit Still Club." "That's nil right, sir," replied the -woman. "And you must excuse me for staring at you bo hard; I am a member of the Stand nnd Stare Club." She proved herself so active and con scientious a member that the man began to feel uncomfortable under her gaze. Finally ho rose and said: "Take my seat, madam; I guess I'll resign from my club and Join yours." Boston Tran script. 9 vj YEf". I'M JOiT BRCK.A S ROM THE WAR.iONE J Z. A I fVM?BeLIEVEME,- ? I - rrftavj) ) JZ.l Lr. PROCEED IJ. .YT - ir" V"J mEc7TiE s J irn Jtytft t (HI 5 FEET VERE ) COLD AS ICE-7 Shy Msi f& vjSeffiVftSvmulUL I Y I II tPrao idffl 1 SCRAPPLE THE PADDED CELL TKG. LAjaST. I DOW BE SHOCKS- I I "rblJ HAVjtAl'T AM j&1, I ARGUMENT- FOR ftrSfSrv ? ,; f XEM (SPAAl&AAA. tSss y ) AMATEUR NIGHT AT THE MOVIES THIS IS OOINOTO I SOME RES- CITATION.' THERE'S c.i it,.rs. THE BACKBONE OF WINTER IS , s(A-HEM.') QfjTjNue; tHEP'PN'TMAVE (fOFSHOES S? A fl? A (HE LOST THEM- lSHAKEA CVjOLLINGDICE leg- j&5r ' ' M H-jC' y Kn. s JQHrary -&f c-S wm VI I fr0UL BALL?) 1 ' -' UBll """ ' I, JIMMY WASHED ,s HECK AND BgHtNP HIS AKS f SMjilly 15 (THE B0Y5TO0D ON J TH.E BURNING; PEfK-- P vJEALd-US-Q Z, NOTHING TO IT BROKEN! fYl Billy ' "7 n J n lL SS& T L foUARD HOUSE? 3TUFr THI4 WAY J : I ' II II 1 I - I I J I iirfS "r,ifr