. f '. EVENING LEDaMIl PniLADlfiLPHTA". FRIDAY, MARCH- 12, 1013. 13 ... KS CLOSED WEAK fAFFER EARLY ADVANCE (Lthitf of Southern Raihvuy ife preferred Dividend Caused hBellln Movement. KfcmV TOnK. March 12, The RtionRiir Kf- the mnrUet In tlio late, trntlln ?..,da became mow pronounced rtl flu einln of the Stock KxOhOime to. Kb Thete wfl ft" native uninti.l for H6ck,itfl prices iM..w - - $Ll of yesterday. Kloof traders wL th principal buyers, while there l. some Investment buyltiB In upeclnl Set In which the principal trading wan L' In th early session, Kuntncss was done m .ii..rfi.,A, hii, iimrft &UBto be a quiet accumulation' 1y faj'VoTd'orr after midday and the BStMKS "u' i,-.,..P Hnifl nf lie Kisrf issues went below the nmil of &'".. I. market closed Willi IKVihw "'.f-" .i'S8"."f Kiirtowon. Jltl In aomo cases de ir ere even larnor. There was no It :uxn , ... ?1r;"..i nf the weakness or tho Kk.t In the afternoon aesslon canvi E" "V !.. iv,. Hnfheni Tin 1 way had SSrfth.;erred d.v.dend. th, P K stock of the company Bold down tho announcement to 1.1, Siottrinn before Uie ciose 10 w?4. .11. Statable action was also rcsponslblo iuu" . .. l A4k.i laatirtu nml n W.V "K""f "'. ..La " ;.iilm Mnwnl resulted JXL mnini- Isnuea contlnuiil to attract further attention, and became .Upmarket Mm on the upward swltis. The JHW11'. t - ..-. .. rtlfthlllll4All flrtatth lntnese snares wujj umuu,o, ... lirtt ernlngs resultlnpf from the onto iilM by all of tho companies of Inrtro :Iv.v nf machines, and supplies to :itietlllgrent Powers abroad, thus cut dlnf out We aelllnff costs. These stocks niritheoutstandlnK reatures 01 tne uay. r.,,,.! Motor, with an ndvance . of t'rt tfl 9N4 In the morning session, was ilhe feature 01 uuo Hvur. --.. .. ...... aV7.. e .tnolr nt the Maxwell 'Motors ihswea substantial Rains, partlcu arly tie first and second preferred, but later lold oft slightly from tho high, jrolns below' the nnal of yesterdny. , E There was very little roreign Heuing, Fanawnai mere wna wa "" . " " llljh griwia ruiii-uuii uuiiu., ...; ,.,,.-- 'iw comlne crinolnally from Germany. ;The reported movements of currency ?M, wiek Indicated a Rain In cash by iiinlu of 11,215,000. They received and Ihlppea H,ai,ww iu mu iiiiuim, mi-iuu-i lt.CT9.000 national bnnk notes snt ffto Wishlnffton for redemption. Tho fain irom inn ihihi ., v4.,,w. .,..,. thihM-on SubtTcasury operations proper jyu aia.ooa if Iffleig 7or; ffonrf Sales HlKh. Iow. Close. lirmn AliiAi Goiii nr 6n rct-iau li.irt '- ?jii nwT nm i rrr iin. .1(14 104 104 STH 112 1U MV, I'll l0 '4 KS11 S5 K ),UBfr Tel clt 4: .. .. S7V .. Mi. .. 02 .. m .. sji .. fltji 8TS 02 111, f.i',i 103 baw do m tni : 2000 Ann Arbor 4s , WW) Armour Co 4V4 S0 AtclUwn tdi s SKOO ! cv 4 J 158 13000 do cv 4 1D00 1000 Allan Co Line Ut 4a. a) Bill & Ohio 4 IA00 do cv 4lta PS4 B.1 .WIH nslh Stnel 1st SB ICO SOOO do rfa 5 S7H SOOO do rfa 5s S7"t !', ii 5011 Brookb-n np TV (Vs-.IOIH im$ 101 v i'.i tairn do Sa 11118 BUS P0H MIMfinf T.1Tl. 1t 1 nMl nsvo ;?UjO0OCent Fue lt 4s STV, asi5 PI4 site 70 nn CO'i MIS So14 711 onm lO'i mt iniu 74 rcv.i 1IMI ino firt-ii nnnj 74 47M, 77 40V, irtij ni si'4 ym ctitt) h on cv J'ia. ... w, 4000 Ch t Onlo 4H MU tool Chi Ol VTnt 4a 70 iwioo chi n & joint 4a. . . pnu KM I'M n & Q (ten 4a M ISOOOChl n Q rex 4a.... MK nn : c if & st p cv hj rct.ioni, loui . lonooc m & m p rd 4H-- RWV 5s"i MCIUSt? D1V 4.. H.'' f.'ii ; 10MI C M & Bt V 4a 0S, I S'i moo c m & st p cv 4U.. navi nr.-i; 7000 C M A Bt P Kn His- .110 ion 8001) CSI Men) Dv 4a ROW W4 looo immiun ,iih k.ioo ioo DOWCumborland Tel in.... Dm; nru; 1WM & Hud 4a nivt, nnJ ; VO Dn &. Rio Or 4s 741 741 MOO Pen & Itlo Or rfd 6a.. 47fj 47'4 8000 prtrolt United Ms. ... 77 751i 1000 Dlt Secur Corn ?a 40 4DVS M10I1 ErtB ennv Ja Her A mil IVU'. 14000 Erlf oonv 4s aor II UT ntV I"" Krle prior la 81 Vi nt MOO Fla & East Co 4Ha SO Sll KU SO0OGenral Motor 6a 101U 1I11U IOIVi 1000 ln Elfo dh .la 10.T lOfl 10.1 iwo iiud Man In Sa 27 villi '.X1K1 ooo in Bt.i deb 4s KHi NlVi 1000 Iowa Central rf 4a ..l M , 1000 111 Cent 4s 1MJ1 S2'.i Ki S2Vi lniMti 100 7S 07T. 7B". 71114 R2 nt IfMH' 02 !", r.n 7K 7' tii'i 41; lj no f 3)000 In Cop cv 6a. . 10rti W!V Vm Inan cv re i)d od 0a '10.101 iro; "a v.i 711 -nvj R2 I'l 1001, l'""4 02 i"-V PO 7.1 72 I III, ni5 11(1 w inierD Jet 4Ka .ii WV lnterb It T rcf ,1a 07'i .IW) Japan new Oer sla 4is 7.",is 1SW0 Japanese Itt 4'5a 7nij " wkb tsnoro reff ;i'a.. m Tnoo lake Sli dob 4s Mil.. 01 an Mr ft M T (la lP"i iWOO Trlllar.l 7. i' 02 ' ..I lu. ;". "-- . .' ' - r,:"i iiuia ft Nuah 4a . . t'lOrtlailrh Rlnt TVI K . . f1W) Minn St I. 4a ... . Btjf Oft Mo Kan .t- T lal 4a. ftlNWty) k & T Ken 41.4a.. 7" Pljpon to Tan cv Sa 4TU Ij'uiMO I'ae col ,i 11117... i""i HI'S ni'4 IllWlN V Canal linn 4a. .V ies; iiik, a.iuwv v 0 I. H aii..:... 71 71 :i 1M M Y C M f col .1!ia.. 70U 70H -on nmo n v r Jh. m nu. . . . TOTL . 70r, 7i 1' .xn 101 10l4 .liaa) N Y O ft II a W I ...Ml BVI.Jbl.Ja R4K mi, !,!?( JSP city 4a iriii reer. n n OS J5?J! JJ T City 4ia 10(10. . . . on; ,no; lou?, 0-H.J 01 m4 n-iu, on'; lmij ofi'4 Kl oiu, Kilt in or, Vi 01 niij oo 14 imi; Fill imii "'.4 lot PO RTi f'H 01 SI POU rsti ino P"li P7 07H 'Rl4 nTL; RIU. R"t JVM n y ntr 4 HHtl mJ IJ00O K Y na II P 4v f S3 "TKII ft H Vv .lila, I14 " .1 r hwv aoi rji .n fJV-fl V Y Bl... 1. Ifiltl fl'ITi JWft w V Plate 4H 10i bfKHH V Tel em 4Ua,.... (" i. -V,' ?or' a "Mt PIV 4a. . "'' i!X?Nnr le P'lor 4a oi4 8fti'( 0O'4 ll 114 1014 Jim:, . wil 07i IP""'. si; i" fira; p"H pi i P'14 P i'"H p' iffiJQ si'ort'i.'rei'ia!;!! fon. i.,J" uno't line r.a Ii''i N2 Taclfle TV) .la '.'. . n'U w."vv .-enna, ct tv i'". rvrn a r. n e. c. r 01 rM o bS!S 3W. s"v n j si! : ! t; anr nock Taland 4a 81 OMto,h iBun1 'rt 4 0'4 SKJ ? ! IV tBa na,i : " N H F Bn H...J" IVIkAU i 1 ...I K A HZ? Rra"f A I, rfil 4aii I" urn fH o'U, 1" i', r f'l f'H4 5lt JJ2 PoJ'tt fof rV i " " ; .' ; r. i"n rf.l 4a ' pi4 1 omh ian Term .... il Mm "".'" I'w1' a;sn a. .. n rio run ai .'.. l' 1 ''Taa rn w R n"'. ll Run J.'44 j TMr,i Kyr new 4..!.. ' 'dl M f"- SM V s Pel Be " ipon ...I IPOH ivi. 5J t''on Pe tat 4 "" "1 Fiw vn f"M'. ltA''ft n ,M i W & u-v.' .r'Tj"' p-' 1 . -1 1 i SK" ",s .. . :. ;: t . ' t'4 'h r i,. . J...'. ' I i , 1PI. py ., ftil'.."1."- Htta-ono. -.vnMre.(Vi ' . r.r..V1 inua ' ID.a wv MU.UKa.uiiu: period last weak, $13,3fiCOa m9 yVriON Marb 12.-TW4IIW In aacurlltea MTVa-'" L.B,MP!fc.e' "?. Jf'.r,v ttl.nrv ...ii.ii. i, "7l""j"'." ,,c' i.: ''.'".. j jihiu uv!jrii ,on. B,T,el. irr,TOiiriy. ll.all.lmr tt)i BS M. t" ' . ri; 'ia on im ravor- -. - ..uw irom int. i-nnnon r, t c!o. eo"H W '"opper 2'iU r ri'.ilo k Paclftc P.t Weal i F: Paul K fc ll l . I'll Pff "a c. iitrnl . Teii ' tniral Jk U ffhii k V. cat V7f9.Qi l- .-. r a.a, A, Ol OMi K Pat; .j; ; ib.ii; n , - i4 It in, - a7i, , l HI v "' "- , ' "', (If ... t""" ::Mtr m .'4 "St 2 " iris 1 A'cw rorA fiocA: 5acs Last close. '(i-rThMMltiM.... aitj AmnironnM,,.. ..,,.. ,fil Am Ar Chern pref 01)4 Amllbugaf 39 Am Csn... ..i...i,,,,., 27ti Am Can pref....ii. ,.11 o.l Arret Car&fdj AM llHth. :rt r,'oH on 4Wi 27J I'fl 41 41 4ft 07! Low. Cloe. :it'; ?H m c:i'j Dili H M)H 27 nit( 41 4R)( 81H 4(1 P7M B0 20U 2SH l 27 '21 n to 27' ( rt'f 41 4SU am 10 !)7J So 20U 2851 0 27 21 r, (KM Am CI lie. titer. km AmctCoaU'rod... AtnCollon Oil.... AmCotlcnOlliitef Al'SMj. Iihlau. . 1. 84 sri Am Ithle & Leather pref 27U 20'. "! ice..,. jo 21)15 flmi.inscetl i Am r.lnseed nref mu 0!i 27 21 ft rutf AmLocomotle. ....... 20)5 AmMlt.. r, AmRmcHlnj AmBrnplllne pref ., AmSuwr Am Steel Fdy Am Tel .V Tel Am Tobacco pref. .. Am 'oolen Am Woolen ptef. .. Anaconda Cornet .. Atchison A trM!on pref Ilaldwln I.ocj Hull ft Ohio rlti oiio rrer.. IVM 03 ...102H 102X 102H 102H .KMU 1(VIM ltw '-, . 24,4 SM 25 23 .12(iH lauli I'M 12f. 108 107JI UI7H luct inu 17ti 17 1 80i K 8 20M 2(l)( 20' im iMi d:.H 03 lis ns 31 3(1 30 (I7M COM COM r,SH 08 08 fiits nn r.iH h7U cMI H7M I'l 4U ( 17)j 17!i !" 60 SO fill hi 20! no 07U tl4 neia steel. 6ri I'rcoHtn Iran!! itamlt V7t inuninlok Tcr.nlnal .. 4)j t'altroinia IVt 17i California l'e pref IS!i ran pacific Crnltol Leather Central Leather pief .. Ches iohiov Clilno Copper Chic Mil Jtstt" ChlcA Kotthw Chlcaco, 11 1 & 1'aclfJu. ConsoHiaa Corn I'roductJ Corn l'roduclspref.... Den & ItloO Erie Krlelst pref Krlc2l nref !!) 160M lOiHS 160M . ;3M MM y:i)t ?;( .102 101M 101M 10IM . 42 42(4 41 U 42 . 3((l 33 SUH 35U . h7!'j ii7i SnU J-0'f .123M 123l 123M 12.Ti . 22 2IM 20M 21 .ll.W 110'i 1HM lM'S I1M 1H. ID.'i II- ... 71) ... 0)1 ... 22i ... 37 71 OM 23M 37). 30 71 71 O'i 224 :.( 10M 13H)i 00)5 00)5 3l.'j OS 110 22h 30)5 20)4 ... 2UU General Klcctric. ... General Motor General Motor put Goodrich Co Goodrich Co pref . ...140 ... u:i ... (10).' ... 32H ViW 130 UHVj 04 00f oou 33!.' 35M 00 0SI$ OS 110 3(W 10)4 uicat northern pref ..11U Great Northern Greets 31M Gliffcnhelni K.ip filM HomestadoMlnlnz ...lKJS lntnloio-Me 12)i InteiLoro-Met pref ... SM Inspiration Com 2(U Kan City Soullicrn pre! 0K Krefecc 11 110 31 f.0 110H 12M fiO 204 fi."i m uriif us .) 12'f fit)i i'S j 10 t 20 fi.'i fii 110)5 lHUi 111 Kreseco pref 100'i 103 100 10 Lehlth Valley 13fi)i V.Mi K.1M 131)4 Mtsett 4. M Tobacco. .210 218)4 21s 218'ti Llfcett.lM Tob pref.. 118)5 118)4 USM 11S!4 Loose-Wiles llbcult ... 0 S) 1j). 10". Loulsv.tNash U3!i 113 113 113 Maxwell Motori .11), 3214 3!4 30U Maxwell Motori 1st prof 74'.' 70l 72U 73H Maxwell Motors 2d pref. 30i 32.U oDI. 'M'i MStl'&SSM 114 111 114M 111M Mexican 1'ettoleum ... t)0! 07 . '0 00 MoKan&Texas 11),' 11JJ 10J4 0'4 Mo Kan 4; Texas pref . 3') 27 27 17 Mlsml Copper 21 21 l".1' 2IJX Missouri 1'aclftc ........ 11H 11)4 :0)5 101.' National Ulscult 120)J 120K 120. 120U National Knarnelinj .. It;?.' ItlJi I'll. lOii NatLead .Mi fiJW .'2 fi2 NYAIrBrako B7 G'l fi 00 NcvauaCon 12'J 12Jf 12 12l( NYKlJ&Ii 62 S2 01U 51M NY Central HW 84 83 83 NY04W 2SM 25 25 25 Norfolk A West 102 11)2 102 102 North American GO OS OS OS Nol'acllic HUH It :t' 10i'?4 1WH Pacific Mall 20 IStf 184 IS'i l'enna It'fiM 1U5H 1"5M HWM Pittsburg Coal 20?f 2m ill 20 Pittshuri: Coal pref ... 021. 02)4 01 l'-4 I'icssed bteel Car :7 l8ii 17H U7H l'reesed Steel Car pref . SOW 80M b0)4 S0J4 Pullman Co 10U 151'M 1C0M 150)4 Quicksilver pref 2 2 2 Hallway Steel Sprins .. 10).' 20)4 20)5 20.4 HayCoiu mf 17X 17 17 Jteadlns 145),' M5t 1434 1434 llepubllclron&St .... 205 l'.iJi lOJi 10, Hcpubllc Iron & st prof 7.7 '.04 70). U)j Hock Island U H H H Hock Island pref 1. 1)5 1 1 tcaboardAirLlng 13U 13 l.tJl 13)f 1 tatcard Air Lino pref ;3i '.'Si I2j 324 Sears Hoebucfc 2U3M 2j3V 2C0ij 200)i Southern t'JcUlc Mil b-Uf Nt 83v fcouthernlty 15!i 154 )4Ji I4J5 toulhern Uy prer 50 48). ' 45) htandard MUUnj 404 454 45). 45'i ttuuibaker 47)5 48). 47 47 btudebaker pref 1)34 04 t4 14 lennessco Copper IS j. :bH 27). 274 lcxasCo 13i.)f 1H3 132 132 Texas Pacific It It .... lijf lil 14 144 lhlldAveiiua 51J5 62)' 51)j 61)5 Toledo St LAW .. L uiou l'adup Un llwy lnv Un llwy lnv pref . U S Itublxr 1st prof Lb bled U S bteel pref ....120M 120), 110.4 110)f ....JO S 8 8 .... 10 21 21M 23 ...103 103 103 103 ... 46.4 45!.' 44)5 44)5 ....lOSh IfSU U'4H li4)4 .... .34 63 52 12 L tab Copper West Maryland West Marj land pref (StClIt LIHOIl V eating tiouuifclertru: West Klcctric pref .. . I..JS IjU-nJliu .... Wlllss overland prof Mi 23 214 21)4 37 3ti)s 304 304 14.4 14)4 14 1.1 .11) 10)5 184 184 US 117 117 117 .iliuM 112 1U7J. iOIH . 07)i lu())5 004 100 Wcolworth 103 1044 ia 101 (jH.Hed ax dlvMcml In New York today: Utah Copper Company. 7. cents per sharo: tlu'jgen heiin Kxplorutlon, S7V4 rents per share: Amorl cart Express, It per sluro; Chlno Coppur. W cents por huro: 7exaa Company, ai. per cent.; Nevadu Consolldatoil Copper, 25 cents per Hliara; National I-cdd, ; per cenL: American Knurr, 3 ler tent.: American Knilfr proferreil, 111. per criii. ; rittsburgh, fort Wayne and Chl coko Hallway, 1?. per cent.; Pittsburgh, Fort AVuyr.e snd chlcaira Hallwny preferred, li pur rent.: South Porto ltlco Sugar. 1 per cent.; South Porto ltlco Sugar preferred, 2 per ifnt.: Wcyman-Iliuton Company, II per cent.; Mey-man-llruton Cnmimny prererreu. Hi per cent. Thtal eales today. IMt.fJOii sliares, compared with lilS.oco shares yesterday; thus far this neck, l,iil7.70o shares; same period last neck, 077,203 shares. nn Sales in Philadelphia Vea. close, High. 1iv. Cloae. 10(1 Amul ( opper.. 2b Am (Mu 4 Am Mllllns .. . Am Huy pfd. S2.'. t'nl.l Un .... 12 Un prof IS Cjni Sleel . . HO t'nii '1'rarr N J so Ulao .Sl,imc. . . 1 lien Akplialt pfd HI 11 Hunt A It 'P nrf 14 atl lt Co N Am... is I ' 2tti JS I4ihn Nay.... 71K UK 2 lhlglt Valley.. "Tfe Orti in Mlnehlll ....... S5K ID Mo Pacific If. PeiiiM R It 12.1 Ponna Bait Mfg. 170 I'hlU lileu 2f Phlla IIP Tr.... 104 l'enna It R . a.1 P R. T tr ctfa. . S( Iteoilljig Ill Mo Pacific. 217.1 Toiwi'iili 111 li.. .T.'.l Ton Mining 1 no Term Copper . . , ian Union Tract Jot l Oai Imp liaa u fi steel wi w j .t si M 20 Westmoreland C i!l. H0NDS, Lnt prev . sale. HUB. Iiw. 4 Cam S fc-rlo U1T MP St an a ':... . ' R, i.i.ll imu i3on Tr N J Ri & PeoTV.-ii. 1 11M4J iJS t. Kav uui 4la. t. Vol ffu.e 4Ua. tf7 t.W ark 81 ,& 1AGQ PbUa Elec as. .102, looo WKYI IM 1U!S SJ cjoT payaWa Mreb t to stuck 5Trr1 "vlifpr 'T1H Maiblne Cwawuy, 11. is 0l iuiitiftitaa un coutuy. ,.b aiuiririy V'lSSw i 'ai?h. fir M.i. .oVlSn "Iw " tyw A' ll ck f t-cprd Marvji IB. FORfilON BCUANGB 1 Zv I.I looii Un H i It"). W 3U ' 3 KM) nai Jim imi :!(; mi :u ill iii u.'i ha as 42 4li 4li 41. 7'-4 V!V T2Vi 72-, 411 41H1 40 40 Oil, . 1114, III 'j 14 11 11 SI 44 m 1171 07 H . 'H ' .i . ll ll u KH-18 MK .124 S24 MH MVi- f?tl(, 21(5 21 23 2:t ii. kiv Tn to4i 51"f K! fisfi 52'",, 10 1(11 lllK Kill 7SH Ta K 72 .. sit4 .m mi, 3 O .1 5 TS T. 7. .' 2-i i as a.i as aiu .n MU M44 8t5 S2-, m m i ja 4H4. 4inf 4"W, 4Ut OS OS! 02 2:10 P. 11. 0T m n 4?p SS 25k ikm T 1I7H l'7 .or 10P IM ioTh .JotH lulu ntic imi' NBW t I'Mllgtt 1 tmrlUia "a bled Ucuiuail ynuk Usiuli 1-frne toreigii Iff., mX - ,,iitt' ovcowi steady, with aeawuil 11 Sterllns rjW!' QuHAm UNITED GAS SHARES IN STRONG DEMAND Locnl Market as a regular Rise ia Belmont. Whole Ir Tonopah Mixed Raln.t iititl lomsew marked the closing' nuotntlona on tlio local oxclintme today. Kor a time this liKirnlim nn Im provlin? tendency wns In evidence. No piirtlcnlnr explanation vn fortlicom Ini? although tlio sUpuestlon was made tlutl the lintnmcrlnK of tho locnl traction Issue had been somewhat over done, lb. thnt as tl may. covering of abort contracts In Rapid Transit slatted a rally In that stock and general ad vanie.s followed elsowhnro. Aided by tho nnntinl report, t'nlteil C!na Improvement moved tip atroiigly tin buy ing by Investor?. The Daldwln Locomo tive stocks nlo hardened, the preferred e.itnbllahlnir a two-point iialn. Itendlnpr and LohlKh Valley Mere In better demand than of late, white activity continued in tho Tonopah uroup, Ilelmont Rolnif to B',i. Tho recent btiylnjr of Ilelmont iu oxplnlntMl by tlio announcement thnt the company had secured on option on tho Klco Prlnco mine t Oold Circle. Nevada, nveraKlna: about "5 per cent, iiold. Trml Iiir fiuloted down after tho tlrst hour, but tho tone throughout the remainder or Ihn day remained generally hmoiI. llunt liiHdon and llrond Top preferred, which linn been Inactlvo for n lona: time, sold at 14, down four points from tho last previous Bale. The arbltrnRO irroup weakened nt tho end of the day and n. number of fractional declines wero estnbll.ihed elsewhere, notably In Cam brim Steel, Hiomiro Mattery. Philadel phia, nieetrU; and t'nlon Traction. l)n the whole, sentiment In the flnnn lal illetrlet iippcarR to be mildly bullish for the lotnj pull, nnd eoiiBcrvntlvo btokera of late have been nilvlslns their I'imlomcrs in pick the lilh-Hiade Invest ment Isauw, Mitfh itfl Westmori'Intid Coal, I'cnnsylviinln Sail, United Clns Improve ment, Pennsylvania, Northern Cent nil rind others of it similar Btnndlmi. T-lio icsult Is thnt several of these stocka have become somewhat haul to obtain ut nny thln cloae to solnr itiotiitlon-. Hon 1 dealer.!, loo. imto nn Improvtment In tie mnnd for their wnroi, but moat of this clnss of business la conducted over the counter rather than through tho stock exchange. I'ASSKS I'KBFEKKEI) DIVIDEND Southern Railway Announces Dis bursement Will Not Uc Miiilc, SBW VOUK, March 12. It was nn- nouncccl this nfternoon that tho South ern llnllway Company had passed tlio dividend on tho preferred stock. A month nKo when the dli colors- of the company met that un action had been taken on tho dividend, nnd It was Renernlly assumed that Hint was eiiulvu leut to passlnu;. Tho company had been payliiK 3'a per cent, seml-niinurilly until last O'ctooer whou the rate was cut to 2 per cent, scml-nnnually. It wns stated that the earnings of tho company nro showing Improvement, but Urn outlook In tho South Is not tuif clontly favorable nt present to war rant the continuation of dividends. Financial Briefs K. T. Sloteabury Is eixpected book from Florida on Tuesday next. Tlio Sloss-Sheffleld Steol Coinpuny de ferred tho regular nunrtei'Iy dividend on tho preferred stock. .loslalt Smith wns appointed receiver for the drove Worsted Mills, of Chester. The assets of the company nro placed .at $73,- 000, with. liabilities of JGO.OCO. A special mectlns; of tho directors of tho United States Steel Corporation will bo held next Tuesday to consider the re duction of tho hoard from 21 to IS. If the plan Is adopted It will necessitate tho dropping of only otui of tho present di rectors, ns thre are now live vacuncles. The Krosa Increase of the T'hlladelphht, Baltimore nnd WnshlnRtnn Itallro.id, a subsidiary of the Pennsylvania Railroad, for tho year cndlrip; December 31, wnH $l,17;i,K7. un Increase of $53,353; net J1,:M, 152, dccicnso JHG.fBO. The annual report of tho n. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company showed not carnliiKH cqiml to 29.11! per cent earned on tho stock. iiKiilnst 2S.B2 per cent earned tho previous year. Tho surplus after div idends was $l,'JI6,3i;i. All relliiers have mtvnnvcil llio price of standard Kramihitetl surhi' 13 polnLi to 5.00 cents. O. B. Cnrrlfian nnd .1. Strouli bid tip Itnpld Trnnslt. At tlio niiiiual stockholders meeting of tlio Asbestos Corporation of Canadn, Limited, tlio old boant of dlrcctoi-s nnd ofllcere wero re-elected. Knllowltier tlio stockholders' ineetliiK, n ineetliiir of tho board of directory was held,, when nn appropriation for improve-, incuts was made. Sinco tlio outbreak of tho war Germany nnd Austria luivo been lost as customers of tlio com pany, hut notwltlmtiindlni; this the bus iness shows satisfactory lesults. Tlio un lllled orders as of December 31, 19H, amounted to JMM.OOO. On Jitiiiuiry 31, 1915, the tmflllcd ortlera amounted to JS2T.. POO, nud on Kobrtinry 2S they had In creased to $1,020,000. Total earnings throusli tlio banks In tho United States for tno week amount to ?'.', St 1.936.638. 41 deorense of 12.3 per cent, ns compared with J2.S2S.312, 211 last year. Kxports of copper from New York, Phil adelphia, ninl Ilaltlmoro for the week end Iiib March It wero 0351 tons; since March 1, tlio total Is 10.712 tons and for the same period last year 191.330 tons. AcpordlPS to ttradstrert's exports ut whout tills week were 7,793,000 bushels; last week 8,132.000 bushels; last year 3,761, OCO bushels; ednco July 1. 287,631,00(1 bush els! year ngo IDI.SlS.ooo bushels. Corn shipments this week 1.411,000 bushels, last week 2,616,000, Jast year 96.000, Corn ship meiita since July 1 amounted to 2fl,"ll,flOO bushela, compared with 8.119,000 busheds during the same period a year ago. Local BUI and Asked ToOa iy' YesteiOaya ,UU1 Hid Asked lll.l :io IU1, twill do prer , i; P)&'":::::;::: Wtt AMfell, - IWI liSstWiU ".'.'.:' larl. ltli IP. li.1 74 tfl ., TfUy Trac'.'. Tl . 71 11 jKTWt(itrid"..'." a'tJlS o ... da per int pref da 0 uer cent pr. I Pblta ft stSSdJui? " ' . . TuauuCh Heliuuni . Tobolsk yiulus .. Ifnluu TrBCtWn 2.H. 10 am 714. 4 15-ia iii Itnlted 04M 14UP tr a HUfl Uu pref KK HJi; W B'i NJ5W YORK BUTTER AND BOGS NEW lOBK. iUr'.b 12 Bl'rPBK -Storkel ?Tini1i.ti etainy, SIMM.-. -K.ii!S Marks. !. aevsuuif.. . i.n ; ill 41 BR IWU 0.1 ISh f $ W SB Oil OOSi 2 1411k HI. 11 llli 14lJ !4sJ 01 .! 01 75 74Vi 741. UU 1 V !jJLu ditu iiugu mar 7.1 Till 74V. 0 w li 54s 10 30 is is 7 7. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS CHAIN AND FLOUR M'llKAT," Receipt, 28.0t2 huah Ouialde advices nf re atroncer nnd prlres here synipa-thetli-alty further adwnee.1 Se under a fair erputt demand. Quotatlotie: Car tote, in ex pert elevator.- No. 2 reil. epot and March, SI. ilMt 1.141; No. : red weaiern, ll.rsffl.07i S'n. I Northern lhiluth, ll.illljl.no , (.'OltX-Recelpta, 47,001 btiah. Local cor loin wre firm and higher, but there nun no Imiortnnt change In export dellverlea. Trade M.aa quiet, ijuntatlonai Car loti, hi "Port elftater.-N'fi 2, spot and March, 7nfl7c. ; atoatrlcr, 7t70c ; No, rt, 7afl7Sc. Car lntsfor local Irtide, as In location. No. 2 yellow, .Irff Mle.; eleniner jelloK, 77flt?e.i No. 3 yellow, 7,14) fOc. i No. 4 yellow, .374c.i sample yel low, iwe72c; nev cob per 70 lbs., iiW. . HATS. Recelpta, 73,!W8 buab. The market was ',c. higher with a fair demand. Quota tions: iVo. 2 white, iriHflOlc.i standard lillf, IQHtfiBtc; No. a white, OtMRlKe. . ItVi:, Firm. We quote at I1.10W1.IS per biiiOi., in lo nullity, In export elevator, and at J1.0.14J1.15 for small lots of nearby grain III t'OI'l , FI.IIUII. Iterelpta. 110JV Mile.. 1.218,047 Iba. In eocaa. There was little tindlng, but mill limits wero Ormly maintained In sympathy with the cnnlinued strength nf whent. Quotations er ltl lha. Ill wood It Inter clear, lii..lof i(.T3t dm, straight. to.T.lff .: do., trm J7H..2.1; KilnMn, straight, Jutw lallrm. fo, 7.111 7; acl. fo,7.11ii; 1ik. patent, lute sacks. e7fl .2.1: anrlna. fllat elmir. flt7.VTl7i .In., nlriilehl. 7l ..2.1 ln.. rMtent. (.i.SMiT.iMi ilo.. favoril. ..., ."'.. ,.mii, l.. b, . . !,( ,lu., la.uill. amis, 7.tl.VflN; cltv mllla. choice nnd fanc ii'tii. JlOMis; cllv. mills, regular grades - UIH.lll t"l I I'll Wlntei, clear. l(riiflH.7Si niei. citnr, fiimmti.io; ao., atrnigni, an.i.tii ; uu, iNiicni, eiii i.x.l. Il ll I'LUl'IU Was in siiiull supply anil .Orin but oulet Wo nuoto nearby nnd West ern, In wood, at tfl.Mr?, ns to quality. I'KOVISIONS Hi" market wns quint nnd Unbaiigrd. t)uo lailonv clly beef, In .eto. smoked nnd nlr drled, '.'S)'.'0t'.i Western beer, In seta, smoked. 2,"ifi2ik- ; city hoot, knuckles nnd tender, smoked and alr-drlcl, 27h2.hc. ; Western bfer, hmi'klcn mid tendTs, smnked, 27i&2sc.; heef bm, .1l;i2; pork, faintly. 22.)'fl2:i; name, K. P. cured, loose, 1,'IUOlStiC, ; do., skinned, loose, 12iyi12V ; do., do., smoked, l.'inw li'ir. ; other hams, smoked, city cured, ns to brniid nnl average, I.'PMJ lie. ; hams, smoker! WiHern rurod, i;i'jVlfc.: do, boiled, bone Pas. SlffSle.; picnic shoulders, H. P. cured, looe, lin,t(ll,. ; do., sinnknl, lui(lle.: IkIIIos. In plrltle, aooiuitlm; In nvemgc, Ikos.-, 12'jtil .".c; breakfust h.icon, ns to brJhd ami iiiernge, city cuted. liflilsc; hrealifast Lacon. Wnfti-tn cure.1. 171?lSc. ; lard, Western, re fine,, tierces. lltttllUc. : do., do., tuba. Ilsr 1l'ir. . bird, pure city kettle rendered, In tirnes, utfiiuc.i laru, pure city, kettlo rcr. Ird, In tubs, IHrlHiC. REFINED SUGARS Tho market ruled firm nnd tlio Franklin fuitiir IteOnlng Company ndinncoJ list prl.es to points to a tiisls of .1.1'Oc. lor nn grun iilated. They would Mill fill unlets, however, ml a Imnls of old rates. Quotutloun- Stnndnrd i,-raniitutcd. .".MX-. ; One ;rnnulnted, 5.7.V. ; po.idered, n.KIc ; confectioners' A, ,1.itr,i., soil Knidcs, I.HOh.l.Wic. DAIRY PRODUCTS llt'TTKIi. Kino goods were steadier with more demand, but medium nml low ginum continued dull and weak. Quotations- West em, frenh, solld-piuked, creamery, fnncy, ppe- luls, :tlc; extra, 2.si)j20e.. extra llisls, 2Sc: Orsls, 2(!f(27r. : sccoiids, 2.1,2."i ; thirds, '.'Im 22c.l taille-pucked, Kltlllc, us to (piallt ; nearby prints, funcy, .".2c; nvcrngo extrn, .'lie : IP-Kin. 2ii2!,c. : second. 2.'Ul2-"c. : epcclnl fancy briimls of rrlnls Jolblng nt :if,fi:ille. r.dllS. Were In good demand nnd firm with sOpnllcs well eleitneil tip. QtiotHtiotis: In free cases, nearby extrue. 21e. per dox. : ncai b firsts. K..N.1 er stendnrd easo; tuarby cur rent reeeltits. f.1.70 per .use; WeHlern. extrn llm.s. (.' ,'i per one. i'o.. Urate, 11.70 per case: Southern. x.1.40y.1 7o rer case; fnncy. selected cnildled fresh egg were Jobbed out nt 2:ili2.1c. pr .lo. (.'II ICICSII. Demiuul wns less nctlve nnd tho mnrkct rulnd weak ulid slightly loner. WHEAT ADVANCED ON FREE BUYING Both May and July Showed Gains at Close of Chicago Grain Pit. CHICAGO, March 12, Kree liuylnc by commission houses and local traders caused strength In tho wheat market at tho opening today. May wheat besau at flail, up ', cent, und July showed u gain or V of ct eeut. at 51.20U. May closed nt J1.M. up Ki cents, and July showed n Bain of 14 cents at $1-21. Minneapolis stocks of wheat decreased 9SO,0)0 bushels for the week, nsnltist nn Increaso of 3S1.000 bushels of last year. Woather In Argentina Is unsettled In parts, hut tho markets thcro are weals with pressure from oxporters. There Is an exportable surplus In that country of 8.090,000 bushels, compared with 2.560,000 bushels of last year. LeadliiB (mines ranged as roliows: Yeit'd's Wheat May .. .lulv ... Open. .. LSI .. 1.2(lli , ,W1T? Hlsb. l.M'i i.sm Low. liofe. close. LSI tl.MUI.S"-V4 1.VO 1.21 l.llfh, l.os'i l.OUH l.OS'i September 1.10'J Corn (how delivery)- ,. May 7.2ft ?J ijjl "l.. '..J, July "ltd i.is .11. T7..V1 '4 O.ita- Mny July I.an!- Miiy July Itlbs-- Jliv July ..'.. Meiitember Pork M.iv r.o 5 M7Vi 62)1 . Kl .10.57 .10.82 .lo.ir. .10.17 .10.7.1 .17.70 t.vi!i 10.00 I0.S2 10.17 10.17 10.75 17.W It.. 22 10.57 '10.IW tlO.,17 10. Ml 10.S2 10.77 10.12 10.12 10.IL' 111.4.1 10.1.1 10.12 10.7'-' t10."2 110.70 17.70 17.70 flT.ilT 1S.12 tlh.12 IM17 July .IS. 12 llld! TAeUcd. M IN INO STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPAH STOCKS. llld.Aiked. Jim lutler MnuXnmara Midway Mlipah ExtenMon Montana N'oilb Mar Tonopah nelmont Tonopah lSxtenelon I 'lonopah M'irRer Tonopah Mining nescilo 1-hil.i West End aoi.niii:i,iJ stocks. At Until Illuo Hull Ilootl PiilldoK C o l) i- Comb Fraction , tJlainonJMebi 11 ll Daisy I'lorrmo ....,...., (IqMIIcIi! Consolldaled , loldlleld Mercer lumbo Kilanslnii Kewanas . (Irn ; Hand Ken Silver PUk MISCBW.ANKOP?. Fiilrvicw Alice , Klmberly ' Navnda Hill Nevada Wonder 7a .Kl .0,1 ,10 .XI .17 .17 k .41 7 .11 .55 .!,. .32 ,4.1 .III .1 2".. .fill 7U .10 ,5-S .30 .0,1 .'."l .ICt .0.1 .07 :lf. .ft" .211 7 .17 .00 .07 .IU ..'II ,i.i J'O .01 .07 .(0 .01 ,00 ..IS .ft .-Ss is .11) .f .In 03 .iu ."7 1.P3 . .0.1 . .07 . .2.1 .1.1-0 HANK CLEAKIN0S lUmk clwirlnKS today compaie with corie sindlnu day l"Rt" 5'enIJ,,l ,,,.. I'lilladelnhla 2H,.'S7.0( J'.M.lH.I.ST'J J27,O'i0..'lii8 New Vork..'.l'R..lTI.M 2w,4W,.HO SIM,70,in Chlcaio .. M.I7:i.7St 8T.ISISW .11.380,023 RATES FOU MONEV Call. T'me. ai-s74 2S!s :iWfi4 4 n f'hllaiUlnhla " New Vork 182 uoatnu !:;;.;;"!!; h m CIlllBKO IMI mmerclal wiiw. three to six months, Phil- adslpbla, StV li per (ut. COTTON Yes. clow. Open. lliah. low. Cl'e. R.0S S.W 8.W 8.07 e.8l li.K'l 11. ih 11. ai ii.iiii ii.iit tt.'io o.ai 11.84 0..MI ll. .VI 0.6U u.en O.IM H.IU1 1 Larch .' iisy 14.311 0.11 0,41 O.Gti fec-I January U.TS MPt 8.SS LUOAI. AI)Vl3lliiSb:5Iia.T3 IN THK COUIIT Or COM5ION I'LKAtj yto. 1. of Philadelphia. Cnuiilr. December Term, 1814. No. 106?. Notice Is herelby given that an application will be undo to the abov Court 011 Monday, Match 35. 101S. at 10 o'clock a. in . under the act of April 20. 1S74, and the supplements thereto, for a charter of an Idtenaad corpo ration 10 ba called "MUTUAL BENEFICIAL AND PIIOTECTIV8 ASSOCIATION OF TUB EMPLOYES OF TUB BUItKAU OF WATER. L""ARTMHNT OF PUBLIC WORKS." the rtis.ra.ctcr and object of wbkh la: To Improve tb eHclcncy of lb woikloe force of the Bureau of Water, to develop tb. latelltctual and social companionship of Us members, to promote ibeii welfare generally and to create a fund for the payment of certalu beneflla la cm f slvfcnaas. Injury or deatb of membara, and for tlieae pvirpoeae to bav. and pvaaess and enjoy all the rights. beoeO'e aud ynvllegca of (he said ..t of Ass.inb.y and lla sUPjiUoieatf. Tb nJropasail Cbarlar Is now on file In tb fioUtltor. Quotations New York, full cream, fall matte, choice, 1lttli.' . (to do. fair to good, IW lid.tc.i do, airnnt .nnke, llSittto,' . do pan eklme. Si.1c. POULTRY 1.1 VII. Trade wna fair nhd values were well suttalned on ranry stock, offerings of which were only moderate, ynoieitnns. Fowls, liifilSc ; old roosters, tt',M2e . ontckens, sort-meftted, ti!ftr. ; do., slnggy. 14fir,c turkeys. tnffl7c.i ducks, l.ietirt'.: gees", I2lilc ; gulnens, as to iiualll.v, her pair, iiostfoc. ; pigeons, old, per rir. MWlne.: ilo. loung. per pnir. 2V,V. , l)ltKSSni.--Tbe market ruled nrm with ilenmnd nadlly nbeorblng the limited ri -velnis of desirable stock. Quote.! Inns Frt;sli kllfe.1 tonls, la m W, diy-pleked ond drv packed, fancy selected, lli'ic. : weighing Wfi.1 lis. anleee. !M4c : do., '1'yn I (Pa apiece, lSflisl,r j do .'I lbs apiece, I'M lie: i'o , under ! lbs., nple e. lllnc. Frwls. Ibis., iry-phkKl and dtypifked. tNesiern. II) .1 lis nplece, ISr.: do. do, ;i'.j U.S., IliijririTc.: tio., do., ri ll., and under. I4l.., Old rooslers. Hr)-plched, 14s. Iliolllnjr chlrkens, rientliy, ffHt 41. nllece. 22fl20r,- do., fair In rood, tsfliiie. ; i estcrn, I'sTl na. nplece, .utt.'jo.; uo., nur to" good, 1 1f! Ilo. Chi .kens, ilry-pb ked nnd good. itneb. (lry-pi l I, III to !tl lint... ISC ,1,1.. !1T In I'J lt In tlnf!.. tSc.. tlO.. It to 47 Its. In doe., t.c, : do.. 4S lbs. to dor, i'oc.! do, 00 lbs im! over, 21c.: rorti-fcd. 01 to 12 tbs to doe.. Hie.: do, 1.1 In 47 lbs to lot.. 17c. : do., 4S His. to (ioJ.. tile i do., fin lbs. and over, 20 , i hlrhens dry-picked nnd dry-racked. In t.liK, eelceted. heivv. 10c. Western, corn-'ed. .1 lbs .tnd over, IS.-. I no, CO.. 4 lbs., t7fl7i,e ; do,, do., ilU lbs.. tr.ic,: (M., do.. 2't,fri lis, J4W1.V'. Turkeia. '! plekeil nnd drr-packed 1'nney, nearby. 2le.: do.. Wertern. 21e.: inlr to good. ISfl'.'oc.; old tome, 0fiiu. Ducks, fancy. In boxes. I.M I'r i do., nr.lliinry to roo.i, tinrine tteese. nearby, l2fTI4e. ; do., Western. InjflSc. Squabs per dor., uhlle. neighing II to 12 lbs. per dox ll.SMM.Mi: while, neighing 0 lo 11! Us. P't dni.. J1.il.10 I, ir.; do., do.. 1 lr,!, per dox., s.l n.2.1: do., do., 7 lbs. per dot.. $212.0.1: do , do. Ofrnu lbs. icr dois., $l,'0Jfl.S3; dark and No. '.'. r,flc fl$i. FRESH FRUITS The general market was quiet nnd prices showed llttlo eh.inge. Quotntlons: Apples. New York, per old. -York Imperial. MAM; Orfenlng. S2W2 7.1; KlltR. 1202.7.1: Hny. 11 BBS.R0 IKtlciMln. St.T.lflS.no: Pen !nvls. ll.,1o1!: nttier genrt eating varieties. $l.r,0if2..Mi. . mod urn Jtfll.VI; npplea. Western, per box. i.ic.fflt, tl nnulns. Heinwnro nnd Pennsvlvnnls. per hamper. noBiifle.: lemons, per imx.JSfl2.ia ornngs'i l"orl(n, per box. 112.112 2..: int. I irerit rs i-'oriun. prr strap. M-imui .; hrii. Inrlrla. ikt lins. SMM.i: nllie.ipples. per rrale-pnrto llbo. l'l.7Mfl. t'lnrldi. 'M; crHtiberrle". fainv ln!e inrletlrs per Phi. ll.r.O'o I.Wi: rrntiberrles, .ler-ey. per rrrttc. 2..5I 71c atrnwbcrrlei.. rtorlda. per tl t . . 2..fl..0( VEGETABLES rifTcrlngs were fnlrlv liberal nnd nhies gen erully fiiinrcl buyers. Deiniind wns only moderate. (Juointlons, While potnlo-s, per biub. - l'cnnslvuihi. r.(lf"c; Mnlnr, 4Ar fioc. New Votk. ns In cunllH 40l!l"c.: sweet pilnlnes. Del.iivnrt. per bnmper- Inrge $i.".Vf I..10, medium, OOWT.Ie. , suect pninlms llasl en Shore, per Mil, -No. I. SStri'.TV. No, " KI.,1'Hf1.7,1. swcpls, .lerser. tier Mil.- No. I, i.2iir:i.Mi: No. 2. S212..10: sweets. J, rsev. per InsKet. TJua71l; onions, prr'ui-b. .Icni.',: do., choice, per lOO-lb. bng. 5191.10; do., medium. Per KO-lb. hag. 71e.; do., seconds per lini-lb. bng. Ollc. : cabbage, UnnlJh. per ton sl'.'lill; eaiillllnner. New Vnrk, per ciiite. 118(1.71: spinach, Norfolk, pei Mil., el .."112: Imle. Norfolk, per bid.. 1111.2.1: lettnro. Texns per blU'b.-bHufcet. Mle.fflll: 00.. I'lnrldl, ler bnsl'ot. am 1. 7.1: brans, l-'lnrldn. wax. icr lnket. 12..1O'rl,.10; do.. Klnrldn. green, p. r Imsk.'l. S!Mr,,r,0: neis. Florida, per lit-ket. s.ifitl: eggplant. Florida, per hex, $2(iO.Mi; lucuii.birs. Klnrldn. per Ims'tet. si r,oiir.; eo.iini.li. Florida, per linskrt. r.'.B.lofl; ti'Dpers, Flnrbln, per tnnler. S201.7.1: Icets. Florida. t,er 11.0 Imnchrs, i:i1il: tnmntoos. l-'lnrldi. rer i-iirrler fancy, 12. '.'.iff a : choice, 11I2: ccler. l-'iorhla. per enuc. 11.2.1112; do.. New York, tier bunch, .MiRoc, : murlirooms. per l-lb. I.nsk. t. COc.'Jill SO. IJ.I'UOVHMEXT IX 1.UIIjIHX AND COXTItVCTlXli LINKS Very Little Chnngu Reported in Other Branches of Trade. With Ihc exception of some Improiemcnt In ihn oiilMlt.it u-irt cotitratllnK lines tliere Is 1 tery Utile chence In loral trade .auditions. aeeonllnsr in the Weekly Review by It. 11. Hun & i'o. Collections for the most pari are reported as sluw. .S'o nmlcilal ehaiiKo Is reported In the local i cntlun traue over previous nrreh, buslncrs Is Irregular and immtly in spots. There Is but little ruture Inquiry and lollectlons nro re ported sluw, Mint dealers repoit that manu facturers have pradunlly taken over stoclts of yuili orders on old contract pilcis. No euaiige is iookcq ror in tlio near ruture. The ioci i now ircie snowB no importnnt i naitge, ;e. i p- values iiie tuny uiuiiituiiicu nun mere nml u I,,,, 1 ,tln .11.,,.. .1.1.... n ...til M.....a.. ... I buv nheail oi lmmeiliato remilrementa. Tho murket Is quieter than a couple of weeks ncu i.nd the di uiond la now principally tinm mills innMni; Bimy (roar's, Tliete has been but a ituntii. .iiy (.."'. n, I licit llim liei'll I.Ul It Ilmltiyi amount of business In territory wools nnd but lift to rliaiiKe In prices. There la but lltlll) cnlll Itf P 111 htlBltiPHi iniltllt iinM iimnnir Jnbbm of ho"lory, unctprnrrur. iimtlons. rtc. (Tolltctlons tit thla lino liuvp been eoniewiittt tartly. Tho inarkrt in iron and steel prcaents no fcl'Crbil fratnreu and now UuslHfss In rcportod to ho Fonicnbvt Blow lit comJtiK out. tlioUKb lii.jtilricM arc atntrd to be more nuinriinia am. n Humrwhnt optimistic recline In notfl. Hull road I.uylnx cnntlnue lilit timl tlte plv inm ninrkrt In this ill-strl.-t is quiet. Slih'yurJH rnntinuo to be lullo well employed and .structural mntcrtnl ia futrly active Prlccx are. na a rule, reported reusotmbly firm and collections qulto fair. Thrre ren not appejr to bo any marked im provement In the buret wme line at this time. Wliili prleew remain Hnn. thorp does not erm to be the rime confidence expreped in tlio trntlo a heretofore. Tho stove trade report r rather n tjulet market in staple good., but fnir ni-tlvlty In supplementary heating np piiraturi. 1'oundrlrn are np nlut; at about i' per rent, raparity, JobberH ore futrly busv, prices ure reported Hrm and enllert.otH fair. There If in Improvement In the building and inutraetlm? ic tv past wieli mid ludtru' tlnna re more favorable than they have bcMl lor Homi! mnntliM. The duetllrn? bulldlnt; operntionH recently id.irted ban added mate rlallv in tho toil atu of work under eoursc ol construction and there is wimp IneroaKe noted in new builillnsn and altfr.itlnna nr hn firnventeutN In factories, millet nnd other hual riess bulldluKs. Com petit Ion continue! keen and on most work the marsta or prollt In re Knrded small. A number of ceueral nin traetots report a fair amount of work lu their eMlmntlnK rooms nnd indh-utlous ure thnt a number of proposed ImpnnemeniH, whlrh wo laid abide fomt month iiko. will be revived and carried to completion. NEW VOIMC CUIUJ IJM. iii. Asked. IMI 27li ')i liV. Mi 70ij 01 '1 i III 11.1 117 "l firaden nr-.ia Tobacco old . . . Hr-Am Totaci-o iimv . (ioldtleld Coin ., OreeitcCananoa La Hose I. V l-l Sides Niiibi Oils Ktevntor Oils Flovator pref ... miter-lleie Kterl Hum Toll I'rndurts Tnb I'roductH pref I'nlted liK .Stores 1'iiile.l Tin siorea pref liilted Trot pew World Film , Yukon (iold :: ir, .. is . . 1 n-i . . 2UW ::,r nioy . I'll : 58 . 60 . tl . Ol IP-' '' 2- NKW YOIIK COFFEE .MAItKET NEW YQttK. was steady at adtanceg of follow : March 2. Tb coffee market the nOenhig. In some months points were recorded. Prices Tfldai 'a opening. A70 .$03.i,i M.S1 n.MtM)U ii.no 7.il 7.lfl 7 10 7 ll17.2it 7.2f7 30 VesU'rdty's do. .1 i'5ejr..ilS r.. 7.' .1.70 r..7!Mj.-,.f.i r. Mftnsii li.fi lOll.Ml ll.UlkOll.li2 li.nlkgH.ON T IHJAT 111 March . . . API 11 .... Mav . , . . . .lin.o July ..... AuauM . . .September etnbcr .. Ntiveinlier IVaceinber January . Bid. 7 07.lll 1 7.l.17,l I 7..'oj7.; HAll SILVER .1" lnidou io-1-.v U.r allv ei was uotd ul of i.i. New to lt.c. ier "I .l.lfld. per ounce, a deciui York commercial advanced .. ounce. ' How the Alliance ut sum and electric plants came about Is described In our pamphlet No. 197. en titled, ''lllcclrlciil IIIIKy luveatmrlilH Their Ilri'iirit nud PruBreas." which we will Kladly mail to you upon ro iiuest. William P. Bonbright & Co., Inc. MORRIS VV. STROUD, Jr. Manager is! ciiKiTN'rT HTiiKirr Philadelphia New York llo.tuii Detroit ).unuoui niiuam t'. Aonerixnt & Co. Purls: Boubrlgbt & Co. Stock and Bond Salesman wanted to ell high-grade mtoius iiiv.uu&t sscuililea l.lbsia! Hirangsiuems wilb.esSe will b Iliad, to rljtbi man K.l.rvutea will bw reaidrd Addies? H3 LAND TITLE BUILDING i Fiincrnl of John Oamoml ! The ftinernl of .lohn Osmond, who Was foirteili proplleior of the old Tlirre Tuns ( Hold, in .MontKOtnery c'otin'r. vtia lien 1 today from the Masonic Home, llrijj'l ami Untmio stieets. Ite was lit n In Mil year, and Ills ilenlli Tueaday tnme otter , a protrncted Illness. Me had been nn inmate of the Hmlltntli.ii for Several , Mr. Osmond In Ills younner da fol lowed the rnees. nlul for n tune was t'to fMnnonnl starter of II thl-liaflifss raelng. Jle wns it woihl-wlde ttveler. OBITUARIES THOMAS HROW.V y Retiietl Contractor nnd Ruilder, of Geiinnntown. Thomas tit-own. the last man who anw Flmrlln lloss before lie wns kidnapped, died today nt his home, 0125 Morion street, (lermontown. lie wns n retired eontine tor nml built many of the lintidsuiliu homes In Uermmilown. As many of Drown's operations wete In the territory occupied by Washing ton's soldier during tho devolution he discovered several relies In the Way tif old caution nnd ciiimoii hnlla. ' Those now ndolit historic spots lu (lelinulitown. Mr. ttrown was TO years old. Ills death followed on Illness or several weeks. He la survived by live sons nnd four ditiiKh Ifrs. l-'unoral services will bo held ut the Cliuicli of tho lltinuicuiiite Coliciplliiii on Monday nioriilnir nl 10 o'clock. Inter ment will bo In the New Uatbcilrnl Ccnie tcry. JOHN .M. VANDERSLICE J Member of Dm- nnd Once Active in i Roiiublicnii Politics. 1 .John M. Viindersllce, n widely known I member of the senior linr. died siuldeiil.v ont 1' Mils tnornliiB nt his homo in cm 1eovllle, Moiilttninnry Coiiulv, lie wile 7o years old. nnd practiced In the local courts for nearly a hnlt century. Mr. Vnndersllce yenrs nuo wna netlve In Itepuhllenn politics. havliiB representeil I he 2Sth Word In Common ('ounclls. He also wns n cniidhhiie for the otllce of Aiiilltw Uouornl of IVimsylvniilu, but wad ilnfentt-d liv a slluht iniirelii. He was, n veteran of the Civil Wnr and prominent J In (.rami Army of ino iicpuiiiie circn:. hcliiB it post eommniider and clinlrmnn or the OcltykbnrK Memorial Monument Committee. lie Is survived by a widow, a son nnd dmiRlitor. Milton Scott Lytic Milton Pcntt T.ytlc. n promlnciit law yer, lilstoilnn and a veteran of the Civil War, died yesterday nt Ills home, 1836 Wnlton n venue, lie had been 111 for three weeks with pneumonia. Mr. Lytic, who wns 73 years old, wits born near Spruce Creek, Iluntlimdoii County. lie wna smduatcd from ihe Pennsylvania I Stntc College In 1S6I, at the outbreak of ' Iho Civil War. When President Ltnrnln l.uita.l hid enll fe Vf.lllMlenrH lip vn4 appointed lieutenant of n military o -R'tnlzntloti fanned of students then nt State CollcKe, hut. Inter enlisted In Com pany c, 123th lleglment, Pennsylvniil i A'oliintcers. He was nullior of a hlstorv of the I 'lilted Suites, published In 1S76, and only last Sunday his article oi 'itoniHiiees of Peiinsyliniilii History" np- pen rod in the Not lit Ainerlcon He ,s survived by a widow, three sons and six dnuuhters. The funeral will take place In Huntingdon. iMrs. Klizalictli R. Richer Mrs. Kllzabeth Harbour lilcber. mother of Select Couticllinan William It. Uleber. ol' the IJd Waid, died suddenly today from it stroke of nftoploxy. nt her home, T.07 West Chew street, Clermantown. She I wns In her Sltb year. Mrs. Uleber wns ono of the oldest and. lirM-knnwn meni bers of Ihe I"lrst Presbyterian Church, of I a, , .. .,,,,, Olney. where for yenrs sin. led In churl table movements, nnd participated in Iti varlotiH funeltons. She wns horn In Wit temhei-R, nermnny, and settled 111 this country with her late hiiHbnnil who tiled In bin Kill year. Select Councilman Ule ber. who la one of clKht tmrvlvInK soiih, Is a liaby-i-nrrlriKe manufncttiier. .Mrs. .Alary E. Hechtcl POTTSVIM.R. Pa.. Xlnicli 12. Mrs. Mnry K. Heehtel, wife 0 !X-Stale enu-lOt- and retired Judge O. t. Heehtel, nud mother of President Jtidire 11. O. ISochtel, of the Schuj-lklll County Courts, died lit nor home hero todny after ait lllncra f two weeks. In addition to her hiisbmin nnd son, one dniishter. Carrie, wife of A. D. Kultilc. n prominent ntlorney of iho cnuiity liar, survives. MVE STOCK QUOTATIONS iMIICAHO. Miir.h 12 - linos. Ilecchils, 20.-l.ii- market .ITiloe, blsber; tr.lied snd htitrb eis ii..Kiii',.M: r.'oil heavy so HWil SI; ioiikIi heivv $ll.Ofi 11.00: light, $O.Mfill,1; pies. .1.:,ll H,C..T0- Indlt. JH.70110.W. I'ATTI.l.. flecclpts. 1.100; market rtendy. Iienves .tLO-lflO; cows and heifers. :.2Vu7.4ii. stmkcrs nnd feedtri.. t4.40fiil.IO: Te.acs, JO.'.'j (ii7.r.O: mlvcs. MJlS. , . KIIEKP. Ilecolpts, r.COO: market stead); n llve nnd Western, I.S.".tf.MJ: lambs. t7.2.1 flO.OO. CK.Mi:ri:it!i:H FOIt SALK Cemetery lot Hillside Cemetery, reasonable. Apply 3110 N. 2,1 st. Your Property When you buy a house or a piece of land you become the sole owner. You inquire carefully, you study conditions, you search the title and then, being fully informed, you pay just what it is worth. You see to it that price and value are equal. When you buy a security you buy a partnership. Should you not examine conditions just as carefully as you would in buying real estate? Should you not inform yourself as to the difference between actual value and price? Should you not ascertain what becomes of the differ ence between actual value and price who gets it and for what? Our booklet will interest you on the question of values and price. The White Investing Company WALTER WHETSTONE Philadelphia Manager Morrit Building, Philadelphia Sound Investments a Under our method of an alyzing investments you are assured security, stability and income. Correspondence invited. Frazier & Ga BANKERS 132 South 15th Street . IN siriMUlllAM ltlllKlKll.s. In lovrfrVg rembinee r tu.r d-r Slater and attrii, AHD1E ho dl-O Hlrti 12. 101 1 Tis sweet lo knew we'll rns- again, where parting Is siti more. Ob, be sadly mlsl. BlflTF.lt ASP NlECf: Qcatlts AlUMf. -On March 11. 1G1B. fO&Ptt M ADAAI8 Funeral serMi es on Mondar. at ' . nt. vteciieir, at his ie residence, rveeufti ave. lelow lieinlns tt . ManayunH. Inter inent mlv.te IIAnL'UCH.-0n March to, 1915, ,)OtIV J JIAIK'Ol'ft. Funeral and Interment urtnle Friends klndlv omli (lowers. IIARIL On March 11. Idt. IlKOtNA liAnn.. daiir.hKr 01 Jatnes and Hose llarr. llinvr! on Hn.urHnv. .it 2 p m,. irom 2.131 Houlli bndwlik st. Interintnt Holy Croia ceme lrj HATK.i.- On .March lo. 101,1, l-'AANKLIN bii'.iind n Marina lisle". Funeral aerv 1.-, 9 on satin lay. , March I'l. at 12 bvlork noon, ironi his real lence, 1)2 .(trove si, ljd ddiitield, N. J Interment prlvaie. at Haptl.t t'emelerv. HKItNIIAItll-On March II. I01B, LOl'IB, liueband of Kllnatxll' Ilernhard. Ktimral terrbes on Sunday, nt 2 (1. tn., at hie late residence. Ills North Felrldll at Interment nrunte, Oreen Mount Omoiery. llOlVtlttS. On March 10. 101.1, Dl-ILLA Jl. ttoWKlM inee Forrrsl), wile or Thomas T Lower., funeral services nn Monday, at 12 0 lo k icon, at her husband's residence 1171 tlieMi st , Wayne Junction. Interment ItcMK-hlll tvmel-y. An bier. Pa. IIMMVN. Oil Msrrh II. IMS, THOMAS. In a! and or th. late Mary Hroivn. FtineMl 1 pec. lis late resident)', 0128 Motion si inriiiiniiivvit. 011 Monday, lit f:SO a. m, tllnh V.ifs of Itiiiulem nt the Chdrth or ih Iininiiunbile Conreiu nn, Oerniantown. at 10 n, m. Interment New Cnthedral t'einsler. CANNON.---on Mureli II, 101.1, KLI.AUKTll A., beloved tvlfe of Mbbael J. Lannoii. T.ta telallves and friends are Invltco to attend the fuuetnl, on Saturday inornln. .,IW o'clock, from Ur 'aie -eeldeiKe. 1240 Nor" 1'iont si. Solemn Itrquleiti Mass at SI Mlihaers (Iniiib. tit h o'clock. Interment at New cathedral Cemetery. ,. .... CLAY. At his residence. 217 South 17th st,. Weuncixiav mutnlnx Manh 10, 1IHS, ItlCHAItl) L. CLAY, son of the late nv J.hti Curtis Clav. I). I)., and Simmons Edey Olaj. In the list year of Ills am, .Funeral services Falurdav mornlnir. March ll, 1011 nt II o'tloek. nt lilorla Del (Old. Swede') Ohtirch. Swnn.on si. below Christian t Itiiemient nt the Churchyard. Kindly omit t'OrKIN-.-On Mnrch 11, 1010, CI.AHA ,f I'lll'I'IN. widow of Harelllal ?, Colfln. fu neral from resldcnes or her son-in-law, B41B Nortii Mil St., ynnel.eld, Sunday, March 14 2 n'clncu. Inte'meiit nt West l.aurl Centf- CIII.I.INm'. On March 12. 191.1, HUTU ANNA. doiiBhter of John If. nnd Ihe lato ,1'larn A. Collins, need ai years. Kelatlves iul frl.nd. or" Invited to attend the funeral services on rtindav nitcrrooti, at 2:on clock, it the residence of her slsfr. Mrs. Mannls lioiv.ien. r,nn ciirrenter street. Apartment A. Interinenl at Mount .Morlnh Cemeteey fOI.MKItl. On March 11. 1015, OEOIIGP. .. sun of Hurry K. nnd the Isle Annie .1 ("i.hinr.v. I'linernl services on Saturday, al V in , al bit fulher's residence, 1.111 Norjh .'Nth st.. West Philadelphia, interment on Sunday nt Stanton, Del. . DAKLINOTON. In Philadelphia, on March 11. lOtfi, STEPHEN PAXHON' DArlMNO TON, In the 7Dth year of his age. Funeral from bis lato residence. In West Chester,, Ph.. at 12:00, Saturday. Mnreh 13,1015. Friends and member of Lodf o .11, A. F. fcnd A. M.. invited to rervlceJ. Interment nrlvaie. roitllKRT. On March 11. 101.1, MARA' FOllltl'.ST, vvldoiv or llenlamln Ferteat 1'ue notbe of the funeral will be alven from the residence of her eon. W'rlaht Forrest. 7PI West Vi.nanno st rltKXCH On Mft.-cli 10, lOtf.. MATir ,T, widow of Lewis il French Funeral eerv bea on Snturday, at i2 p. in, t'rec'sely. ill hr lute residence. 1707 North Wlllhirton s' liiteimeni ;,rlvate. (SAVIN On Maroh 11, 101.1, MARY A. iiAVLV. wile of i.harlts P. Unvln. 0. Coiinlv Mayo, Ireland Fnneinl 1I11 Monday, n( 8;0 " . 1.1.. fiom 101.-. I'.itii st. P.rqulem Mass at St. cabrlei's i.liin-ch. ai Hi a, in. inter num Hole Ciojb c'cnietiry. IIALSTKAl). On Mnrch 11. 101.1, JOHN IIALSTEAD i-'uneral nrvlies un Saturday. 111 a p. m., nt his latt rerldineo, O'-IR Calu met t . i'o Is if s In ylklll, Interment rrlvnte. Mt. 1'eaee Cemetrry. ll.UCdl.ll.- (In March 11, lilts. HOWARD HAHtil.n. husbi-id of Annie Harold, rtinenil on Solnrdav. at $::Ui a. in., from 43 Franklin .ive.. Ito cntonl, Pa. yolamn lie MUlem Mais at St Thomas' Church, Villa uovu. ut 10 n. in hiiirtmnt SI. Denis' CemiMerv lIKTItlCK On March 11. 101.1, WILLIAM 11. liu.buud or the Mu Adhnt! uettick HKed N" years Kurcrel on B.inday. it 1 p. m.. rioin 11C2 .;.ist .vlonicomcr aye. To luocecd to I'a nier Ce.neter WiUlt, In onn"nt private. I'crnvi nod Cimctcry .KIHNSON. CHAPMAN LO IJ JOHNSON, fnimirly or I tl 'a, N' Y.. at Lan da.c. Pa son of the !tt lir. Later Pase Johnson an Ann l.ove Forre. . of HL'htnoiul, V'a. . Funeral nt Frederick, .Mil. KNAPKi: On Mnrch 11, 101.1. HKtiEN. ' wife or rthur Kivipke Funeral a. ivlcts nn Suiulav. at 2 11. in., ai her la.c res demo, l"12 Hvirror at, lntermtnt nt NorMi vvii.l t'enietci v. LINCOLN. 011 Mnrch ll.'lll'.l. IIAHRIRT F..'. d.iughter of the late Col. Thnmxs II, Lin coin, of Tcnds. und Sophia Ash Lincoln, Fu m ml srrviccs hi t-iiiii tun 11.. h 4 Siimiu?! sis . on Saturday, the lllth tnsc, at .'I 1). m. Inlciiiient iirivute. .HcII!tllli:.--On Mi. re 11 11. 1015, IfATH Altl.Vi;. v.,u 01 John J. McHrluc aim ilnujclilii 01 tlio lati- Jumea and Knthtrlt)e Flviin. Funeral on Monday, at fi:0O a m Horn 2'!Vr l-.jiii Tlioiniirou si. (ISth Ward) Hohmii lleiiulein Muu. at St. Ann's Chur b st 10 11 111. Interment tit. Ann's Cemeterv .MrCAHTNKY. On March 111, 10Ki, R013QHT ' husbunu o, Hu.un .MiCartticy. euncnil DC Mnuilny. at Ni'tii ,1. 111.. iro-n h s late resi dence, 2:'t'l Munleoniory aie. High -llusn hi St. Kllsubtth s (haiih. at 10 a 111, Inter nient llolv Sepul lire Cemetery MrDKII.MOTT On March 11. 1015. CATH AHLS'K McOKItMOTl'. vvl e or niomas M Porinott. Funeral i.n Mcnuay, nt T:SO n. m. front 2510 Sergeant t. Sniemn Requiem Mus.i nt St. Anns 1 hurvh. .tt 0 a in. lie tormeni New Catliedral Cemateiy. Mr(ii:()(iH.--Oii Murch 11, 1015, IIISRNARU J., husluind or (ho late cl.en McUengh Funeral on Monday, ot Stll a. in.. f!Oii 2I.1S North X'ld nt. r'olemn Renulem Mas at the Churih of the Most Precious illood 01 Our Lnril. at 10 u. in Interment West inln.ier Cenieiery .Mrlii:i:Vi:it On Mnrch 10, 1013, JKNNIK A MiKKHMSK. Fuiitial on Saiuruaj .March 1:1. ut s:;u a. in., .run her late rel deuce, 120 Mooio st. Aiaas u, teUlem at the ; liurcli of the Aiimmt latlou, ut 10 tl. m, precisely Interment private. .MOOlti;. On March ll. lul.1, I.GWI3 N MOOl'.i;. liueband ot Kirancr Marshall. Moore. Itelatlvcs a.iu trlcmli uf Ilia family, also utl ental Lodge. No. 823. V. and A. M. . Mta I'.iat. No. I. U. A. II., nnd inembeis.or Pie t'nlon l.eaue, nro Invited to attend the fu neral, from bis lute residence, r.'th and Alns luv ave., Melroso Park. Pa., on Saturday March t'l. at 2 n. in. Interment private at e.i Laurel III1I Cemetery. NKWUNe On March 10, 1013. JOHN L. NBW1.IN, husband of the late Mary .V Nenlln. Funeral nn Saturday, at 2 30 p. m precisely, from Ms son's residence, Joiepu ll. Ncwlin. 7220 Saybrook ave.. Weal Phlli ilelpbla. Interment private at Arllugton Oi:cilSl.rN. On March 11. 101.1. MARY E.. widow of Hemv I. Orlulln Funei.ll . -v lies on Monday, it I p. in. at l.iOi North I'Jih st Interment private. I'LIHKII. -on Slarch il, 1015. PERCY, hus band uf Mary Pelscr. aged .'!0 years. It. In. He. und friends, aho Llbetly Loi.ge. No 0, ('. It. A ; Philadelphia Lodge, No. 2. TV P 11 I-:., ure Invited 10 uttend Hie tunernl ser Ices, on rtiniday morning, at 10 o'vlptk or; cisely, at his late residence, till North 40th st Interment at Mount (.'atmel Ceine- PIIIL1.IP8. On Mureli 11. 1013. ANNA CLIFFORD, wira of Clement S. Phillips, In the illtb )ear of her age. Uu notice ot fu. neral services will be given later, PORTKIL On March 10. 1013. HOWARD I'dflTnit. Futiernt services and .nturmeiii iiiivate. from Ids lute residence, 2si Souin PYLK.' On March in. 1915. MARK W l'VLH, formerly or (lien Mills. lh.lawa t'ouuiv. in ihe 7"d jear o; his age Iteaitve and frleuis. aim lutirnatlonul l ulun 0. Stsain and uperuling Knglbten, Lo. al No. 4:t5, ate Invited to attend Hie funeral, on Saturday nicrniiig. at fc.ao o'clock, from the residence ef his son-in-law. James J. Dlvle, 1210 South I'uuoli at. High Mu-s pt Bt tiabrlel'a Cbunh. at 10 o'clock. Imaimeii: ut Holv Crols I'eiretcry. ItKYSIll.HS. On March II. 1013. 1AME.1 !; husUmd nl' Cllcu lleynnlds. Funeral uo Mnndav. al b:!(0 a m.. inn 21IJ Nnrib artahi at Sulenin Iteiiulein Ma. a at tlie iliurvlt 01 Our Lady it Meriy. at 10 a m Interment slrl tly nilvate. SANIHIRK-NKIIKKEK. At Rochester. N . un Man H, 1016. EMMA T. NKUKkLlt vvire if Danlet 1' Sundeis and danglite, o Mary I". and, Ihe Vat Or qulla '! Ui l-'un.ral Mcrvlia on itdrdi?y, ut 2 p i.. pee.-lsely. at tbe raldii'e ( her bro.liei-11 liw, Paul tlio. uuilhea.i corner tl. u. Sum. e sis PUHadelphla Interment ir.u'r RC'IIO'rr. On March 11. 1013. lib'URiitS huabaud nt Annie biluitt Fui,.-rul a-iv .. on Monday, ut 2 n. 111 , at his lute rrst'en. t t South 33d st (uteriuent at Mount Mona). Canuilery. Sflll'RR.--On March 10. 191.1, WILLIAM P . huaband or Itoslua P NUdentbal an m.u r Ksnihaid and (he late Mary Scttarr Fuiural rervl ca on Suuday. at 2 P m. rrc dMly. at h la'. raldnce. 2SSrt Ifeei liontlngdon ai Itiinruieut Mt. Vi 11011 C.ae- SmYtH.-Oii star. U 11, 1913. J. HICHAM) SMITH, "" ol Manr.w aud Calbart Suitth. Kuiuial on aiuiiUay. ai 7 JO a. ui . from Ib'tu Norib '"11)1 oIhj 11 It.quleiu Mas el fct atl sa-oib's churcai. at 9 a in liiloriueul al Old Calltvc.al .'inalciv BTAPI.HTON. On laVreh It. I-V MICHAEL J.. Uuahaud o; Morv A tfuid tuu. Funeral on Monday Matvli 13. at 0 to. a w... frm SCJH1 Qroi wIJi si Mass o llaiuuou at lb CUurcli ur Bt Kdaueud. i , lu a m precisely, tnteruisut at Holy Crass 1 ALuiiei-t WUiUN. Suddenly, an March 9. 3815, la urUadi. IU... Mrs. OlOHiitf U JL.. Funeral servue at tutmu ii.uiij l'rk av E'bersn, N J . on Mead. 1.1. ai II 0 a. in. Usrrtagea .. , -t.mn. WINSI-OWr-p Marvb II. IMI VARY Jt, Mox Cy xi S fe HI Qt Milium 11 T gssmwio , f4l(KCl f4M (rum ft etfyp ' Caricoiw M 11 Kb alas c Ratuieui At Ut uioo tiutii UIW. ai luurmaiit Hwl I'lvwa 1 'isioli r . Z4)HIlNljlt Ob M.r. ft 1! 1913 JJax u ,. ljall at Matla and , . A.u.u. i (. i-rnc Fyiieisi ,' aitta livm bis 1U hiom. m "'v . .t ' aud la . lliriowit Jtirt ' 1 . m 31 1 II 11 i5iTu'v. . i.il linn ltc : !', wmip l4t4- uiUad i'. 4 "w ?S?7! 4 sui i.n'i 3 l!Wlt.