EVISNING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY,. MABOH 12. 1915. PHILLIES AND THE ATHLETICS PLAY GAME TODAY SOLDIER ATHLETES FACE SUSPENSE . - - - , , r i - ... i - ' FLORIDA FANS HAH ATHLETICS' COMING; ORANGE FEAST GIVEN Both Philadelphia Teams at St. Petersburg Re ception to Mack's Players Upon Arrival. Lajoie Among Popular. MINN'S TWO-MILE RELAY TO MACK AT I'lTTSUUltUll HEART, WIND, MUSCLl OF ATHLETE HIS CHIER CONCERN IN TRAINJ How to Train for Contef Told by Expert-.Rernj; for Sore Muscles, Sri ThroatsTo Bo.vel Will Alcot Princeton and Cornell Ath letes In Feature Contest. Die X'nlverslty or rennsjhnnia two-mile relay teem, minus Ted Meredith, the Olyniiic clmmiilon. will lenie lor I'lllshiirah tnnlK t where tomorrow eienlnit It will meet Cor nell find Princeton in h special race. Peeso l I Who Vinoiih s i luce, ana the other me., bers nf tht Ipnm win i. iiiimt,iirni At.,.,! "'I .V"rwy Since the i)tiakre, even with 12 N V - I MV KID V ' Bo H R JwSTice, I J i llguTi am piiiiKiiB i.i.i.i.i.Hi JBS A. MmKHto .lrrraun. cotim not bent iTinceton Inst went, they do not tjtfioil to turn the tables In their weakened conilltlon It In betloicd that Prince ton will ho the winner, hut the Quakers e'Cct to elie the Ithacami a race. Tho olner members ot the lVnnnj hnnln track team, usln Mtry mailable man, will comrete In the MenfoK brook same here tomorrow lilBht. The ronturo eirnt pmniiacs to le tho nne-inlin re fly race he In era t'orncll anil Pcnn. sMinnla. The 'Junkets are atronir rnorltc-i f, r flr?t nlllie Mid lhtml tn trv tnr nt, lintni- ,nn. est gf sJt Jljr 1 -&m i-iv-lll b. trrlOM A UTAI-r COBRBSrOfinEfT.) BT. I'lSTEHSntma. Kla., March 12. Cantaln nllrry Davis and tits Athletics regulars nrrlved nhortly before 10 o'clock from Tampa, on the steamship Favorite, Mid h, recaption committee made up of locnl baseball fans greeted the White Klo phnnts nt the dock and Immediately set out on a slght-scelng tour and oraime least, There were 21 members In the imrty. headed by Captain Harry Davis, and lr. and Mrs. 'Thomas Shlhc. Larry Lajolo, tho prldo of the squad, was ono of tho first to land and ho Immediately removed his great coat donned n Panama hat rind enjoyed tno visit to tho urniiRo troves, Al Lang, chairman of local linsebnll committor, was pi ot of Hip nulo tour which tided nt the rilioll House, when, tho vliltliiR Athletics w 11 olny duiln,' their two days' series vltli the Phillies. A general reunion of tho playrns of tho two Philadelphia tennis took place it Coffee Pot Park early In tho afternoon, beforo tho same. u it. ... j.fninwrranu irttru i.ia h,nn in n. Iiv the Pcnntjlmnla. runnera anil rniioiinccd to be the InstcM board track on which tiny hne run tliln winter. The nne-mllo team will be composed or Captain Llpplrrntt, tacknooil, KnutTmati and Meredith roach Orton would not permit any of Iheso men to train today. WEST BRANCH WINS BIG INDOOR MEET Y. M.-C. A. Events Best Ever Held -Haslcin, of Central, Makes Record. LAST DAY FOR KILUANE- WILLIAMS RESERVED SEATS Champions Aro Primed for Stiff .Battle March 17. Reservations for the Johrny-Kllbane-KId TVIIIIama Inlrachamploiiiihlp battle, March t7. nt tho Otympla A A., will not be held after midnight tonight. .Vuch Interest la belns mnnl fested In tho bout by local fight fans The ad ance s&lo lias come up to expectations, f The 'eatherwoleht champion had a stiff work out yesterday nt Jimmy iJoUKhcrty'a I.elper ville camp. After cocrlnsr revcral miles on the road, Kilbana rested until after tho noon !?." The1 !!? I0"t(3 for several pictures, (tolnr through his eym stunts, which wan foli lowed by a furious mill with his manager, 41mmy .Dunn. Williams burned up tho roads In Falrmount I'ark yeaterdny rrnrnlnK. but he took nn afternoon off and did not do any cym work, lie also posed for some pictures. Holh lltle holrtern said they are In tho best of shape nrd confident of making matteix Intereitlnj; for tho ether when they sten Into the rlnc. CLABBY-AHEAItN IN WIND-UP Mtddlewcights Will Box in Finale at National March 17. Jack McQulgan announced this momlnc that the final bout or his all-star St. Patrick's nlcht eard will bo between Jimmy Clabby and Tountj Aheam. The claimants to the middle weight championship will meet at 1.VI pounds rlncslde. Tho semlwlnd-up will hrlnir toBcther two of the leadlne aspirants for the laurels of Fred lVelsh, llRhtnelRht champion. They mo t harley White, nf Chlewro, and s-'nm Ilobldeaii. The latter Is In. Rood nliapp nnd liclleies h win inm ine inuy l ny entry, 'mo boya will vtelnh In at lit pounds at r o'clock The other three bouts arc between LMdle Morgan and Oconto Chancy. Joe Tlorrell and Tommy Howell and Mack McCnrron and Sol Her Bartfleld ManaRer McGuIgan hopes to pack Ills arena to Its utmost capacity nt price ranilnB from TO centa to $3. OUIMET COMING HERE Kor tho llrst tlmo In tho history of tho trnck mid Hold clinliiplonships ainonjr the Philadelphia V. SI. C. A.'s of thla district, the West Munich representatives won the title. The Wvst lhitlctH uniiud the leiitl 111 the ory fit nt event on tho proifinni. the Su-yord tlash, und were never hended. the total points at tho end of the night belner 67. Central V. M. C. A, put up n stiff fight with Its star athletes, but had to bo content with J6 tallies. The. meet from tho spectator viewpoint wna i2,b?f.t. over wltnossod, ns rattlfng good competition was seen In ovcry event. In all S'.ii"? cSnl', "terllng performances wcrn noticed. In the half-mllo run Sam Welti, nf Central, comttnlarl tllM Hl.lnnM In n i. the mils run Joe Sehwartx, tho Middle Atlantic !' . . ,V; Junior cros.-country champion, breasted the tape in I..10 .1-,".. with A. Hlsler. of "est Uranch, riinnlng his best mllo In 1.17. jcend The etniEle for llie Individual all-around rli.implniiahli. was a bitter one Martin J II. McDonnKli. of West llrntich. with tlrsta In tho ...i-y.ird dash, stiindlnir bmnd and running broad Juinpn, totaled HI", polnta, while W'nlto Haslelti, the Central star, was second, Willi Waller llaalcln, running for rcntral Ilranch, broko tho leaguo record for the 220, ncgotlatlns the distance In 24 3-5 seconds. The record broken waa 24 4-5 seconds, and was inado two cara ago by ndward llorter. I Sue's fior THt Prettiest here's profile i wait a i 'u& JUST 3oT J BEWARE OF THE MAN WITH A PHOTO OF HIS LADY FRIEND JASPER SPRINGS SURPRISE neadlnc Camden xrcnton With J. H. Sullivan Will Arrive Next Monday From Boston. Francis Oulmet. national amateur coif chain. Dion, and J. If. Siilllvan nro expected to ar rive in thla city Monday from Boston, nud yn Tucsda they 111 play on tho new Pino Valley course. .They will Eo to Wnshlnston Jrom Philadelphia and from Washlnirtnn to Plnehtirat. plannlnc to arrive there Trlday. That will bIjo Outmet a week to become ac customed to the PInehurat links in preparation for the tournament Athletes Receive Awards Tho Crimson and Gray Club, of St. Joseph Cohere, praecnted sweaters to the letter men of the basketball team 'n College Hall this murnlnsr. The presentations were made by tho rnctor to tho following playern. Captain yn. Byrne. Jlelllv, T. Callashcr, J, Gal lagher, Leckle, Martin, Algle. A Philadelphia Golfer Strs. n. II. Darlow, phlladelphia'a noted golfer, has mado a wonderful record on tho Plnehurst links. Tho handicap was plus ono. Mrs. Barlow mado a gross of S3 for a net of SG. One of the mnt notlceablo developments In the bisebill world Is tho return to organized rankH or ball plaiera who line been tcni nidrll) won over b the I'VdcrnN. Hut, there la an apparent cenatlon or the nnnu.il pre dlcltlons that tho I'eds would not last throuzli tlio season. Hal Chase, ono time ball player, was In New York yesterday visiting old cronlea. Hut there was nn llaro of trumpets for blm, tho man who onco was the greatest first baseman in the name. No other player ever held tho spotlight more consistently or basked moro comfortably In the wnrm glow of popular tutor. nut unaFi loaica on jus laureii nnu doveloped tho exaggerated eco. Tho baseball public dropped him. Hal ChoBe Is tho best example of what a ball player should not be. Hill Donovan's Smile Savannah balldom hag awarded the 131.'. Amcriinn I-eauue championship to Wild mil llonot ail's Yankees. That ever-winning Dono van mnllo turned the trick. Tho cheerful leader Is "howd e-doed" nt every turn ho makes In tho Ceorgla town, and two weeks' residence has made him tho popular Idol. JIIIton''nccd, who had a tryout with tho Phillies last year and appeared occasion ally In the box score, Is belne; groomed hy Ico Jtacec, of tho Brookfeds, for sec ond base. Mafico has selected Georso An derson, Clnudo Cooper and Steve Evans for his regular outfielders. Displays Surprising Form and Trims Camden 37 to 33. Eastern League Standing roNioiti-H oami:. Jasper at Grejstock. STANDING Or THU TRAMS. V. I P.C. W. I, 1C. J3 U .IH2 De Ncrl ... J7 2t .417 21 1.1 .010 Clroystock . in 21 .412 18 20.174 Jasper ...15 22 .401 Tllf If.ll. llrl .Tt.ui,,.. rtlll.itnl Hlenln.nrt .n-n.lu. lug form agalntt Camden In their Eastern I.enKiio inketli.-,U gnmo at Nonpareil Hall last nisnt and defeated the Jersey men by u arnm or ,1" to :n. The defeat drops Camden Into eyvuiiu in no in ine icaKiic inco und sues llcjdlns the lead iiualn. I'ntchnrd basketball team dcfriled Hi. James, 42 to 22, in their Urothcrhood l-tatuo gnmo last night. Cor.ey casllj dofcatcd St. Malarliy's quintet by tho score of :id to 10 Inst night. Shcehan led the victors, scoring 18 points. St. Ann defeated Frankford Inst night In tho Northeast I-o.iKuo. at Nonpareil Hall. 21 to 18. I'Irst Uaptlat defeated I.ansdono High School live. 2a to 20, in tho former's hall last night. Vlncome ("ofcated St. Agatha last night in a heavy scoring gnine, .'in to 27. Temple Athletes Honored Tlilrt-n.e hundred Minimis croudid tlin forum and the hahnn In the tillultniiuni of Tainplo Unltcrslty this morning to witness tho prettntntlnn nt Ihe 'I ' lo the membeui or l-io football, bitHketbnII and liockey teams by Homer nodcheaer. of the IllHV' Sunday parly. Mr. rtodehe,ner. In his nddrein tn the s'udtnts, dealt with the value of sacrifice and lib Importance tu life HOUCK VS. HOMMEY AT QUAKER CITY A. C. Rugged Boxers Clash in Star Number of Tonight's Bill. Other Ring Notes. BOOST TENNIS IS NEW BODY'S SLOGAN Wildwood Crest Five Victors WIL.DWOOD. N. J.. March 13. In tho Fire men s I.eaguo of Five-mile Beach here last night, Wildwood Crest defeated North Wild wood, 21 to 14. Holly 'Beach defeated Wild wood, .1, to 0. nnd took first place After nn nhsenco of about tno years from the Philadelphia rlnc;, Tommy Ilouch, of Sit Airy, will show his wares at tho Quaker City A. A. tonlfiht. In inni hat with Packcv Homiucy, of Now York. Both nro npercsslvo, rugged and hard hitting lighters. Tho progrnm follows: First bout Mattv Conlon, North 1'cnn. s. ttendj Crowley, Falls of Schuylkill. Sefond bout WIIIlo Kline. North 1'enn. vs. Tommy Cannon, Kensington. Third bnut-liddlo Dunn. North Pcnn, vs. Phil Lawrence, Falls of Schuylkill. faemi-windup Billy Donnan. Kensington. n l.ddle nratton. Mnnnyunk. Wlndup Tommy Houek. Mt. Airy, s Packcy lloinrni'i. New York. lllle Ilieilirr, of New York, and Jno Aze.do mist lightweight, will rlash at MemnhK Temi.. Innlght. The Cothamltc will Kd $,V'0 for his end. At Montreal, Cnn.. tonight Johnny I.urtlg, of .New ork, will enrounter Patsy Droulllnrd, Canuck battler. In a ten-round contest Jhr.my Clabliy, who meets Young Aheam In tho wlndup at the National A. O. St. Patrick's night, will Ieao for Philadelphia after his encounter with Ous Chrlstlo at Urand Ilnplds, Mich., tonight. Local fight fann nro talking of a Lew Tcm'ler-Harry Smith encounter. Both joutig hters arc hard-hlttlug southpaws nnd a. bout between them would bo a. rattling left-hand slugfest Philn. and District L. T. A., Formed Yesterday, Outlines Plan for Coming Season. FOUR PAIRS HAVE 84 IN GOLFING EVENT pMlGjKpfiAf With a view to boosting tho Intciests of lawn tennis In Philadelphia nnd vicinity n now organization was formed at a meeting held at the Federal Building last night to he known ns tho Philadel phia, and District Lawn Tennis Associa tion. It Is not tho object of tho associa tion to hold tournaments, but to stimu late Interest in national events nnd to encourngo tho gamo wherever possible. That tho now association has aroused wide spread Jntircst waa evidenced by tho fact that 23 clubs were represented ns follows: Helflcld Country Club, W. P. Rowland: Col llngMvood Field Club. Lnndv II. Vrnun. C)n ttvd Club. M. Mnlpuss: Kdgcwaler Tenuis Club. William J. McCnrey; Greehpolnt ljwn Tennis Club, Harry V. Bet; Haddonfleld Club, Ifnrold A. Fumes.; Llancrch Lawn Ten nH Club, " Dos Pnssos: Moorcstown Field 1 11 ivy- Palmer; Moores Tenuis1 Club, iosini. i?Eln!on;-..t.tt,y"1 lMV,n Tennis Club, Joseph Knits. Old York Itoad Country Club, fori;.: iHn ?"brok Uolf Club. Eouls S ASic3Si!tinihlMdeWla,,on? ncadlng Athletic inrinni An'niJJV,' Workman: Philadelphia, iinodnTc,n,'5 fC"i'' &..?; '.HLIna: Pm.l- Ten!!!jC;!W.sh:riMeasanrLavn -Ine,; r-?..r "'.-' ''..."""'": '! Mlo cTuK? HosmeV v. "nni louniry -iul. A. C. Tanej V HENRY HAUBER AVINNER 'l'ennl club, fliv . nienion Ain .; Sprlnghaxen Aianoa fiw Whips Joe Heffcrnan at Broadway Boxinp; Show. Henry Haubrr was returned the ctor over Joo Ilefterann after six hard rounds nt the Hroadwiy Athlotlo Club last night. Tho men wore on their toes throughout nnd neither backed for an Instant. Hauber got his blows started sooner than his ooconent. and ha fre quently beat tho latter to the punch with hard. stralRht lefts to tho face. 11112 Walters, of Atlantic City, was entitled to tho decision over Johnny Mullen bv a slight margin, noth were bleeding freely from tho nose nt the end. In tho other bouts Wllllo ltnn'on proved too strong for Young Terry; Micky Drown outboxed Young Jenncttc, while Tommy Welsh defeated Hurry Tvler. Mthough no decision was rendered, Jimntv .Smith, of this city, outpointed Tommv ,Molo In n fast 10-round wlnd-un nt the West nnd Club, nt Mahanoy City In the preliminaries Lddlo Moyle stopped Young Illlnco In threo rounn.4 nnd Jlmmv llrnnnnn ilrAnt.l lflh Jack In six rounda. Uddlo Moy. of this city, nnd Stcvo Latzo, of Ilazleton, fought 10 rounds to n draw at tho Lvilo A. C Allentown, last night. Latzo sent Moy to tho mat In the eighth, when ho caught tho Allcntonu boxer oft balance, but he was on his feet in nn Instant. Doth fighters wcro cut above tho right cyo and bled freely throughout tho contest Tournament at Pinehurst De velops Tie Mr. Robeson and Mrs. Jillson Best Gross. Four pairs recorded 81 each In yester day's mixed foursomes of tho Tin "WhlsUes at rlnehurst. N C. Irving S. Robeson, of Rochester, and Mrs. Her bert I.. Jillson, of Plnehurst, whoso handicap waa 3; W, E. Truesdall, of Now York, and Mrs, James Rumsey, of Brook lyn. M; II, W. Ormsbeo, of tho South Shoro Field Club, and Miss Lucy Priest, or Portsmouth, N. If., 20, and C. S. Mo Donald and Mrs. II, M. Howard, both from Canada, 15, The best gross of the dav was Mr, Robe son's and Mrs. Jlllson's SO, file strokes In the lead of C. II. Fowncs and Miss Louisa, ftlblns, both ot Pittsburgh, who recorded 01, If. C. Fownes and Mrs. J, Raymond Price, also of Oukmont. made 03. and Mrs, It. It. (Jarloir. ot Philadelphia, and John U. Clapp, of Washington, recorded D3. 3 IL Hyde, a former Florida golf cliam. plon. frorr Urooklyn. Is the faiorlto in the nnal of the titat championship tourney that will be. played today at Palm Peach, lis won over V. H. Vanvleck, Montclalr, by 3-1' and tno winner scored remarkably on the outward round. lis had two twos due to long puts, leU by tlva no at the ninth and had ha finished out his medal round would have been close to u. Thomas Kerrlfun. of Boston, was iilS win tier of the exhibition golf match played at the Flna Forest Inn uolf Club, at Summer. Mile, a C. yesterday, with a score ot 141. Thomas McNamara. of Boston, waa second wtu a acorn of 144 Thomas Mulgrew, Pino Vorost Inn. was third, with a score oC 143. .-unit Vdter llntjen, of Rochester. N. Y., was I1VKI .,u A. ..a main. n.j. unuwg uy X of the guests, aa well as many visitors from Charleston County Club and othsr hotels at HumruervlUe. A. W Piddle, of Philadelphia, sun lied the fourth day's pUy In the handicap golf tourna ment over the Palmetto links for the cud ard by Clarence W. Dolan. aX Aiken, ft. C. Valuable Fair Purges Offered pOrrSTOWN. Pa., March 12. Purses total ise ftuuu will be hung up by the Montgomery County Pair AswcUtiea for the races here BepUreber J. to 4. A. A. U. MAY SUSPEND SOLDIER ATHLETES Fourteenth and Seventy-first Regiments Are Promised Penalty If They Compete Without wnrnlng tho relay teams of tho Hth and '71st Reslment, who aro an nounced to uppear tomorrow nleht In a military relay raco at the jjames of tho Mcadowbrook Club, in Philadelphia, tho ncglstratlou Committee of tho Metropoli tan Association has promised to suspend them, .Th0 .,rca.,on ?or tho Intended action of tl, ..-- .. ti.u viia ii iiisiii. Connellv one, nt fhk .k.;: "L'i.L'1 .J?"n because the contest wiTlb. T an "open" one ' the other teams entered being from Pennsylvania and Mary and. neither of which are represln?ed ly a New York body. It Is Intended that such an action bv ih committee, will ba directly at variance with Previous announcements of that ti members of which hiv i-n..t..,7.. .?'. Pe athletes of the district In the SvenVf int 5rryl5p.SlSSf COmpe,,,,a" " wJ.ihU?d When asked If the committee would warn the teams In question, both Stuijipf and Con" nelly asserted that they had not been flctally notified that the teams w2 Sid corap.?.' Vhjn It, was pointed out that CbnneHyTad warned the members of the 2d Naval Ti. tallon. with which h i. aftlllated, th?ro wis nothing said by the committeemen. ' It waa intimated last night by a. mom., of the 14lh lleglment that the team "hit organization would compete. A. A. u or Hk A. A. U.. so that th lnrirSiV. i-u,..W..' ? Jlrcle' ,lS 'J1.' "" l Is imminent be tween the- St. A. K. or some of Its member. I ana ine new xora A. A, u. Branch. whiVh aJ,.hSrUwh,le f lMi to edjuit a dlffeTencS Which threatened serious results. u""rence Amateur Bouts Tonight .J1!!, featureof tonight's amateur boxing at the Oay.ty Theatre will be the final bout'be' i?',",.11'"!. U,ulh"Jni1 Jimmy RHey. i the 115-pound class. There will be a special contest of four rounds between James Laikle i.J,101" ftm Brooklyn Navy YardT and Ai WfS",1U' a m?i"ne 'r" the 'same plJieT The 110-pound preiimljiary boys will also con tinue. They wilt meet as follows: hnny Itogan vs. Dllly Clark. Joe Moran vs kiS Wo,nIS1VVVJ".fm Keller vt. BddU QlbtSn, and Mleky Brltt vs. Sammy RodsL w""" Hard Lines He strove to be contented with an humble toiler's lot; JSut when ho saw a rich man in Ms auto he forgot; And iohen ho passed a restaurant where lavish livers dined, Tho dreadful pains of poverty fust preyed upon his mind. Exchange. He strove to be contented with a daily poet's pay; Hut when he met the butcher or tho grocer on his way, Or bumped into his landlord or his tailor anywhere 'The dreadful pains of poetry tocro doubly hard to bear. It will ho Interesting to see now just what value tho uddltlon of ono star ball nlaver makes to ail avcraee machine. Collins Is certainly a star ball player, and tho Whlto Box, ilnisliing in a no jor Bixm place, can hardly be classed better than average. Thero have been occasions when ono man mado a ball club, happening to fill tho right eap In tho right way. It may bo that Collins will fill that par ticular bill for tho White Sox. And then nguln. maybe but tho box score season Is still a week or so away. Some miscreant purloined a brace of Sam Crawford's bats. If ha will keep them hidden and furnish his name to SI American League pitchers, he will bs ex tended 64 votes of thanks. The Quickest Starter There are threo men In baseball with about the same amount of speed Cobb, Lobert nnd Maisel. In a JOO-yord dash this trio would probably lead the field and finish together under n clover leaf. But at tho Important art of quick start ing, jTltz Maisel, of tho Yanks, has some thing on them an. dtiis is undoubtedly the best man tn the game at 40 yards. He seems to bound the first 10 yards as It catapulted from a standing start. Which accounts largely for his great base run ning. Any man who. can bat under ,240 and pilfer 74 bases Is a bose-runnlngr wonder, Milan once stole iS bases, but he batted over .200. Cobb once led the league with SI steals, but he batted .420. He had 21$ hits that season, while Maisel acquired 74 steals with 131 safe blows. If Maisel ever batted .300 or better he would slip by tho mark of 100 steals, something no man has dono for many a waning year. Johnson's Rival Ray Caldwell has mado up his mind to filvo tho gamo his best work thla season, and If tho tall and stately telegrapher carries out this Intention Walter John son will have n rlvnl worthy of his best work. Caldwell had a higher percentago with the Yanks last season than Johnson had with tho Senators, but the Kansan worked nnd won a greater number of games. With Uio tall Yank in condition. a Johnson-Caldwell battle will acquire as much class as tho bygone duels between Mathewson and Urown. Fable Onco upon a tlmo there was a pitcher who was not a "tall and rangy guy," who novor "had a hop on his fast one" nnd who was not "a hard man to beat when he was right." Moral But It waa so very, very lout: ngo that wo have forgotten any addi tional details that might bo of po&slng In terest. Playmate of the Morning A playmate of the morning and the dew A comrade of the rosebud in the sun; A dreamer til the land where dreams come true. In the shadowland of sleep when day Is done; Can't you take vie back with you for fust a day, From the shadow to the morningttme of light t Can't you give vie li.st one hour of your play, Who am weary of i7ie darkness and the fight 1 O playmate of the morntng and the light A comrade of the blossom wreaths of spring, From far and far away across the fight 4 nuvc oirauieu juu in neipiess wander ing; I have followed but X cannot find the way The darkness blurs and twilight's shadow spills; Can't you take me back with you for Just a dayf Book to morning where the light is on the hillst .iSSLIiVL'WL 1.n,t,t VV, Krencli: I'nherslty "of hi,trV, i ."" our,. Of, ' KMason, IVissa hl.'kon Lawn Tennis Club, U .Morris: IVood lury Country Club, Paul W. Gibbons; Vjnd moor Lawn Tennis club. W. Cittl ' ""u tl.e.ejif'in"?"1. organization meeting for i iwn 52S..' 1fln of theTrlstate and suburban iflw.?in1E.tn.ll,.L.aKUC,.!l" hc'd at tho Federal renrei?nll"tmn?5;'.t,u "llng clubs being represented: Trlstato League. Woadbtirv ? nn'i,C'nb' C,5-nwyd Club? PlymouthCouK i!KldCrh,,i.OnibnrcSkn,G0lf. Club' Moorestown i L.S.. .-' . "elfleld Country Club, Suburban J University of Pennsylvania Courta. J,'1.!,ciJ, 9?ury Club, stcnton Athletic Club OHlavnIAhlnn? nS"0'" Athletic Association Old ork Pond Country Club, Grecnnolnt J-n Tennis Club. The Overbrook Golf Club rV!!?!?.0 'rom he Suburban LeagSe and naa admitted to tho Trlstato Leaguo. WILIjAUD OFF FOR CUBA; JOHNSON IX TRAINING Fight Expected on Sunday Morning, April 4. Kr. PASO. Tcr March 12,-Jcss Wlllnrd U orf lor Haann. Ho left on tho Sunset Limited ostcrdny morning, accompnnled by Tom Jonea nnd Mrs. Jones, and will travel b way of Key 'West, Kla. Jones cnrefully steered IVIllard Into tho uniting taxleab, crawled in himself and told tho driver to "beat It for tho depot." As ho 'was closing tho door Jones said "Yes. oio going, i nave noming rurthcr to say," HAVANA. March 12. Tho date of tho Jack .inlinson-.Icss WlllarU tout, which was set for Saturday. April 3. was changed today to Sunday. April I. On account of tho warm weather it was decide! to have tho men In tho ring at 10:45. with strict instructions to bo readv to toe the murk at 11 o'clock sharp. Jack Johnson finally has got down to seri ous business. Ho spent all of today visiting dlllcrent places that would bo suitable train ing quarters. He still has plcntv of weight to, take off. nnd by Monday ho will bo In the full awing of n training grind. Eddy Dislocates Ankle NUVV HAVFN. March 12. During baseball Practice in tho lalo cuge yesterday afternoon iieorgo P. ljddy 2d, ot Bay city, Mich., suf- jeieu ji ujsiui-uicu rigui niiKie. Article IV To thn tlyed-ln-the-wnnt 011.1.1. ' tiro few nnglea of tho gome that arS?. moro strongly than training. i tha" llmlnnry proportion tho enthusiast! every reason to enjoy himself for'comln contests, especially If he Is with a toffi' Hero tho social fcaturo is most attracli? and mikes for lighter work. m The system of training for one sUii.uH not suit another, but some Ideas a "nruS lines will be helpful. The man who hJCffl his body ty careful eallsthenle " J ear preceding his attempt to comwSt' track and field will require at least .1. preparation In order to bs nt tor conle.Tat matter what tho event. Som8 S enger period, but a, a rule at the.eS weeks' careful training tho man should K .,s,c, ,orkh?oo0 S begun, and then about the third Jeeul?8,,h nor or Jumper .hotild ho ready to . . " his eient nt n good clip, fly ihe enVW iWV"?1 ",0 n'hleio will b ffl! the Joys or proper training and feel m.J go any distance, Here Is where IrMiM'i1' menl must bo exercised, for (o gotJf. oiorwork would bo a nefloiil inSLSS'i '" competitive erfort, bearing in mlnT'.0. b"1 actual contest taken plac? at th LW. !to sixth week. Tho fifth week vJJij l1"1," "l to lighter training through the di.t.'" sixth week will bo one Tn which onhrB? Ing.up exerc sea should be schM,.!.,. V.11" day of the sixth week : should IbS" lh!i$1t '2 rB,t!'W nnd "e'P. na ptenty'ot'lM bo all that Is neceeoary to find ft J V.S the Pink nf condition Saturday. " n"i2 htirfnesB of tho muscles will enu '. every bit of strenuous work and mt-ff nrst week will lnconenlenco the 2ll5?A L?W, '.? nvm he sorenets $InTj! to modify the exercise tho next few SJL'il1 Sr W8X.a ffcoholl'ZH with a dash nf wlntergreen also will hi , good, nthera tirefcr Stokes" Iminin, 2H1 romo, athletes uso equal mrti o( ".J"5 (or o Ivo oil) nnd alcohol, with ria',hMeOT of wlntergreen nnd ammonia Mar,a,lS,?2 more, effect lyo when the nthlete !fi?S!iS ami permits n "rubber" to anfn! It is well enough, to rub voor, murles .rurn. ii is w-eu enough to rub iam. muscles In trnlnlng. as thla furnishes s 3 exerclao. Hub don n In every s sfJi nr1 Have tho masseur catch th" iMh! at the bin and work tonrd the oes S . lone sncenlPg -trokc Polling of the ma and rs'f mtcclrs is verv errecthe. ',11 Athlete), n' the beginning nf their tnlS r.Tri'.'r,1."1:1." """elating headache s?t?J violent effort They need not worry."iV. jimntom is Inriirntlvn of the enlargfni" the heyt and lung capacities The ache ffi but a few minutes nt most. La,,? whmS heart and lungs are able to stand thttnA strain demanded, the headacho will levt iS ever, so far ns trnlnlng Is concern? tS' iVirfJ."e.h50J,V"rt "end LunB "owe? ne?".iS 1T '.t,h0 t101"' ot exhaust on. This oSir." 55 !,,c'nth,.;'trV "rlnclplea of trn nlng. Alri' go' further ' 'he thou Ves SB F2Cit!,e "w,,ni,,V llX rock candy with aft Sv?,'8 '"a clU ?r distance runner, w experience ilmicss of the throat In ruiBlnr gfaSai'ggflvg"" ""3 tlmn' &d END OF. TUISTATR LEAGUE 1 NEAR; PLVYERS ARE $(M Harrisburg Disposes of Men Seas May Not Open. M ij V,,ub' iof. tlie . Nfw York State Letru "?u the closing deals for the sals of W others, the Harrisburg Trlstato club spoirl ently pn-se.J Into history. Slmultaneouilr ltl ii.'.TL "l?."0 the nntinimci'inent from one eftta1 club owners that the Trlstate League wou'dl dlshand. and the meeting scheduled to be tullj lit tho Hotel Mnjestlc. Plillndelphia. on Mucj 10 would see tho finish of tho organization Tno leleaaen Include Pmersnn. caplalnfol ,ocw .j. b it-uni; uiciz, jtunmnn ana trwntj VV .."."" -ruicKsnnnic win be sow. xm rso Ofnclnl nrllnn la nnacthla nt. h- lMtH nffaln until tho owners meet with Praldtit ,iu.tiaiii. JACK KARST BADLY HURT! MAYER'S SLATE KEPT CLEAN IN TOURNEY Amateur Billiardist Beats E. W. Gardiner, 400 to 380, in Union League Event. By n brilliant break of 40 Joseph Mayer, of this city, defeated ndward XV. Gardi ner, of Now York, In tho Class A billiard tourney In tho Union League last night, hy tho scoro of too to 3S0, Both men Indulged tn safety play, Tho came ran Into 41 Innings, nnd took 3 hours and 15 minutes to decide the win ner. The afternoon game between Lord and Pog. g'nburg wiu another hair-raising finish. !og. genbure winning, 400 to 30O. j, nVENINQ QAMK. o 2!;d P'! 3 a 10 8 2 O 2G 1 0 7 12 IS 12 O E 3aS iA J n 2 2 nl 7 't?.? S?J? 3S.? 1 iisji iuv;,;,! "" """ gr, Slayer O AMERICAN BEATS CHAMPION WELSH Willie Ritchie Led All Way in Lightweight Battle in New York Last Night. High run. 44. Mayer-o 4 1 3o a t" 0 0 4 0 3 0 0 2 111 0 0 18 0 4 0 21 3 R mi 1 311 0 12 1 0 3 2S 8 0 0 1 2 14 run 11U1 4' TCUI' ''00- Average' ""gh AKTEPNOON OAME. , Iar in'.'o wiooi:i0 5iuBa 0 IB 18. Total, 3U0, Average, 8 36-43. High loi'PSWSi 3l2231Ot4080.0oV61033 0 c 3.4S3.3 IAZ IS. V I0-T0UI' "W- " &W Misted both balls. BII.LIAPD BTANDINO. Joteph Maer. Philadelphia... r, 0 It. r. Poggenbufg. New York. 4 1 P. JV, Gardiner. Xew York.". 3 a C. Ileddon. Dowagrac, Mich,, 3 3 It. M. Lord, Chicago.. 3 3 K. L. Mllburn. Memphis,...., 1 I Corwln Huston, Detroit,...,., 1 B TODAY'S BCHEDULE. Afternoon game Lord va. Mllburn. i,ventng game Majer va. Poggenburg, Bakers Hockeyists Win NEW YORK. March 12.-Hobey Baker and his troupe of trained hockey players defeated the Boston A. A. Ust night In tfie nnal iitne S', ,'l?.Mmt?,r, ""l1" League season at the 6t. Nicholas Blnk by a score of 5 to 3 and carried off the league championship with the P.C. 1.000 .800 ,.Vj .500 ,400 ,200 ,100 NEW YOItK. Starch 1" To nil Intents nnd purposes Willie Bltchle, of California, is tho chnmplon lightweight boxer of tho world. It waB u fortunate thing for Freddy Welsh, tho tltleholder, that, under tho no-declston clause of tho Frawley Doxlng Law, a referee In this State cannot give a decision. .I'll"! had been possible tho title, which Itltchle lost to Welsh In London last year, would have gene back to the American. Itltchle clearly outboxed Welsh and landed the greater numher of clean blows In seven ff '" '9, rounds that the boys boxed at Madison Square Oarden laat night. Welsh did not have a clear advantage In any round, but he evened ud the honors In threo rounds. It wa a rapld-llre battle between the re spectlvo chttmptona of. America and England. It waa by long odds the fastest bout that has been fought this winter between men of this division. There wai never a dull second except during tho time when they were locked n clinches. Blows fell thick and fast with ,w u? v . iiausiurin. j)Ul. aeSDlte me shower of nunches. not n Vnnt,HAU,n o scored, nor anything approaching It. Neither m,??plva."hc.u,.iup or .bruised, which proved tw6 ,thlnf that the ilefense work was splendid, tho blocking excellent and the punches light fi?a ?,he rapid-tire order. Ritchie landed the slitter punches of the two. and although he staggered Welsh three times, on Sich oc casion Welsh was side-stepping to get out of danger. Ritchie was the aggressor throughout. Ha ?0,HWi!!,h on M'. hefla a11 f th "me and forced him around the ring continuously. MY SHIRTS AT $1.153 for $3.00 are the best values In town; GEO.W.JACOBY THE 611IP.T WIZARD 620 CHESTNUT STREET Philadelphia Youth, With Brookljf Team, Out of Game. DA1TO.VA. l'ln . Mareli 1"TI, Br.1 .iS OUS neeldent nf thn tralnlni eaasAn K.fnS' the Brooklyn Supcrbaa, when Jack KuitJ uiii I'jiiiimeipnia. wno naa Deen tryuicticr, a place In tho Infield, Injured his leg. Kim suffered n double dislocation of the anlrts Joist and tore the ligaments. Physicians aH that possibly one OP morn nf thn small hnn.( In fall font was broken VJsl Karst will be lost to the team for tlSl season, tit any rate. He will not be ableltt play ball again for tno or three monttuflss fi.iri met nis injury in a practice sum, between the Mallet Heads and the LiwH viiacn, onciing into second base. Eddie Collins Bats 1.000 ioSS LOS ANflRT.rS Tnreh 19 Rnlvlnr lf( men's dellverv In the inth Innlnir. Ih. Cbf cai-o Americans broke a 2 to 2 tie wltnttM, l.ok jvugeies (.-oast Leaguers In the nrst pi Of the second pxhlhltlnn series, fln non'TltS 2. Eddie Collins duplicated his recent M. oc getting tour hits in four times up. Pocket Billiard Match Tonight There will he n nncket hllllnrr! came tonll at Onern nilllsrn ltnil inrtn r'hv.lnut atrcel .h.ln..n .Tnrlr rirmamnn an. IVtlllam ILflirDhfl ono or tho best In Tacony. They will play5!, rlnts. After the game Jack Orossmsn m give an exhibition of fancy trick shots 0i uniiani nan, iui unemnut street, ds"" Local Runners at Pittsburgh Bam Welti, of the- Mercury A, C who me nuu-miio run in ine i. i. -. . if-j-isl ..Innahlna n, e.n,.. Inat nlshl on.l Tin. VTllfrJI nf Shanahan Catholic Club. left town tedjjrl Pittsburgh, where they nro to take part ln,t Middle Atlantic Association Indoor champtJ snips tomorrow nignt. Greatest Show Ever Stagey MARCH IT Paililr'a XlzhtMAHCII MM National A. C. National A. l JIMMY CLAnnY vs. YOUNG AHERNji ailtr nnnrnDii, ... nn , nr nv WIIITBI GEORQB CHANEY vs. EDDIE MOBOAMJ Tuaiair iioivcLL- vs. JOE uoiinow Jack AfeOarrnn vs Rnldler Tlartflfla " Adm. SOc. lies,, $1, :, 13, No lllgbsrg 2 WORLD'S CHAMPIONS- Kid Williams v. Johnny Kilbwwl lin-T.n. CHAMriON i-Ln. ciiA)ina fllVrVlPIA A A Hroait and imiusw' "" " Harry V.tlwnra. aw WEDNESDAY BVEVINfl. 5IAI1C1I VI Arena reserved, 13, IS and 7 90. JM Balcony adm.. II, n.served, S3 and 'M No reservations held after March 1- OLYMPIA A. A. JlrEddl JIONDAY NIGHT, 3IAIICJI . Ailm, 83cf Hal, tes. (toe. Arena ItrWfiJSl EVENING LEDGER MOVIES-SAY, LOUIE, IS IT DILL PICKLES OR JUST PLAIN NUTS? rpi)lllifn nr.nvniirl TnVTilllT Quaker City A, ASfflffl XU3I3IY HOUCK VS. PACKEY HOJIM'i JTUUK UTHKIt bTAlt UUU1S -: wr JQ? ,-J , WS rV W fA JTl ihcV jV fevKNotfC XJ; were new OT SxZfMP?) K J S ) VJU A& M ME I SJ'TH 7w . ftBnfi&V wow?) 1 (low J ) v I WY A TIRES ON THEV PAUL GAME? VVV M J ' fe'S fP i Vl C n r y I hc y VOTTeKMOBiLe) V TWO eFT )v sr V$ V-v P L W "hK' Ypa I c .:. ia r-T -' icfa x icQ.bfQ- gi i 5f . i? d j ' ' ji iS J3SM r - "- '"VL"".1" 'i i.SH mi Lumiwui.m pun j ' ' It 4jB