sHS XT V rwH rJtriFVRvrr. Whi 5 . I , MAliUa JLZ-, HE PHOTOPLAY n.iMJlons nml Answers -h.. r1,ot6plny KJltnr ot tll Jr'vp'N- rnnkn will be please.1 to answer iM Sm retiliVw to hl department. flffi Unff to family nrtalrs of JSom !W are barred abso- hota?rl will not be answered hy lot ? All taller mint 1)0 nchlresse.l to Uopiay Udltor- KVBMHia i.w. ,. Bara, French actress, has the If. nart In "A ro1 T,icrc Wn8' l" S',Uf : .i..nnn of the Klplln poem W: .. .1,. "fool who made his prayer to If"" t . . - . - Until nC tilt lr " ft frac, f..""i,.; not been without Ha t1!er, ' Wldcnts. A few years oko a irln Wiled himself In her dresslnB Kcause she had spurned nil ovo ".".... .1.. iniiii nt nn Must tn- ll!!'nekwar. who had given the actress 'll.rfully wroUBht snnko bracelet lis ?U'T"L .., in.llnn poison Mile l?.f u showing tho younc "inn tho ? snrlnc hy which tho polBon was f",scrt P''ni " ,, nf ,i1n hollow f'7 lake when he suddenly seized It &1 hUf and. ptacln tho rnaho to I.H "iiV. Aled at her reel. :! '"-." ...1... .iii foot nn IhPV ilo Toil as iu3 " .-- -- --- i i l.t Tint iinivr In ikotit tie vnnHim- " pry i'" i.i l. n uniimlro nnil til lip." "-..i. ;ii o JEK vampire cannot bo fat. Tliero never ?"?L., will be n fnt vamnlre! r "t . foninlroq ftfP fliirk WOtllPn. ffigh omo have blood-red hair and n snake-lino r.vca. . vniiun "i J"'" .... ....I If 1 over fall under tbo -Jill of a'mnn, I know that my power ; klr men will bo Kotio. Hyor.v woman ",.,, diooBC whether sue win love or no nil. She ration! hope for both! The tTMt Is why she makes foolH of men. ..o.ii fnr every woman vnniptre thern f1... in mn of tho sainn type men who : like everything from women-love, de- I ..nsn. heautv. youth, and Rive nomine ' in rrturnl V standi for vamplro and It ' ll4nd for vciiRcance, too. Tho vamplro ; I rly I' ho vcnReanco of my sex upon : 1U exploiters. You seo." Jtllo. Bara L ended, "I havo tho faco of a vampire but thi htart of a rcminisioi Arcadia, New Photoplay Theatre ! Ttt lint ot tho city's nttractlvo places c( photoplay cntorlalnment will shortly 'U augmented by tho Arcadia Theatre. fhs now nlnyhouso l now III course of itn nn thn north flhtn nf Choslnilt irititvu " -- - --- Utreet cast of ISth, and It Is nxpected 'that It Will or compieicu trior xn mo .ji t lint nrninnl mnnlli ll tclll Tin '' i..i.1nl nrnliltontiirnlK mill fihanllitnlv j-(lpr6of and safe from a building stand- i polnu lis capacity iwn ue nuu. nn ucmrm lOCftllon IS suro in hhiko u pupuinr wun th particular clientele. Announcement & if. ,, (Tain rtt minntiic nf tlin nnti 'theatre will bo mado sbortlj-, nnd, at tho lime umo mo pouey 10 oo louowen will h niadc known. "irst Aid Sought i.ADDtnded hereto Is a neat little entstle. f -- offered In evidence as exhibit A. It came toFaul Scardon at tho Vltacranh studios. accompanied by a plcturo all duly nnd B properly diagramed: Dear Mr. Scardon: T innrl nf vntit- tinrrnnt 1 1 lninli it i jou make up, and I havo Ioiir loved K to (ico you on tho serpen each tlmo tk you nere In a picture In our tonn. "" Xoiv, I am a young Indy, and my CHILDREN'S CORNER TIMMY GRAYTAIL CELEBRATES .m HEN Tlmmy Graytnll realized that .yV spring was actually here, ho rolled round and louiul on tho soft mushy fermUnri. Whaf ftl,l lm nnA If tin nM,t r-t W ill over mud? Whnt did he caro for anything-? Wasn't spring, nlco, cheerful, Klloomlns spring hero? Nothing' elso 1'ieenied to matter. After rolling till 'no was nicely pasted W with mud, bo suddenly thought of Billy Itobln. "Guess I'll go and talk to him," he said to himself, "and I'll let htm know that I know about spring be lts here." So ha rambled off towards Rwhero he had passed Hilly. Hello, there, Blllv nobln," ho called ,hcn ha snled lllm. "Ilnillnir irnnrl forms?" Billy Itobln stonned his search Ion- sough to look up to see who was talking t him. t "Worms?" hn nttlfnri 'in nlnntv If T m$s hard enough. Hut whatever Is tho er with you, Tlmmy Graytall? xou j'' 'Pf right on lauoMno fill TOnmu got to laugh, too. 1J?B lok like yourself I What have Z f doing? You look as though JW haa been licked in fne worst fight J th season!" "T, 0h. I'm celebrating! I like to "V ttll.1 VIUVI" Vn1lanl 'l'l,nii. llnJIaw . 'MCVI 111 I II -! tail i ukr'ul" "wl,yT lan't ou ,11e "" I' !;uld ay I don't! I always was i-i. . " jvu, xiitiiii viiayioiii iuu K, , . n'91 and gentlemanly, But .v..,url5r ahamed of you now. What. Ifm, ? 'ou heen doing?" i-'lve tust i.. ..i ti llTImn,;n".r"?.?''.r"u. !"' he said the words, he realized T. ful Ue muk 'ook. and he was iYmtd f himself "Oh, dear," ho d "i wl,h j waa clea, l"l "'. Uly Itobln leaned hl head r. . ," ho iiu ittu&ucu yvi, bit K-LL0UJ,r 1 WttW. He laughed till K J ' uyH got real offended, then rV KtDt on tftltohlnc- 4111 niimmi- nt all Saw., l , " -"--o,,,fi n.l ,14,1,, I,ui ! Boo vl offended and began to laugh Btr .' nq aala' nq cares about tno xl '. ' ' scratch off. I never worry ""' ui you do look; funnyl" ' flmmv rirnL-ratl eAnnA ImitAilnoi f4 besan to primp. n.r. X"mota hl whiskers, and he ISVAM. k. , " " B111WW111CU Will lilJM K.n i. on hl8 sllm' racefu body; m.w Bala "ow guess you won t ahi at my unUdlnes any more, Billy ?n!I; T.B't ,18 t to answerl rUIy UnHlnl' t. uriiii.. ti.VI.I Bor ar you?" HEI IOIOLH NOTICKS JewUU ertt o-i Ilur.1. .. ..-w ,ww. nu, sv,. urls. in . , , s E .-urnar Broad and nll,tJiU ifiu.1. b.a..... cbl i. . . 41 I' II Si I h. Ulait.m .. h .lfc.ll.. In : hUl,, li Hoi.t.l Hmn TtrVnu,ll. All WSH V" tl THOMAS MOORE Of tho Knlein Stock Company. frlpiids sny I mn erv attractive, nnd I wont tn bo mnro attrartlve. You will seo t'y m v picture, which T send In dosed, that one of ln pjea Is sIlKhlly rrownl nnd tliero Is a. arl mi tlio left clde of my noso uiiil then- li nn olher one on thp tip of II. I have marked tho plnees on the picture with croscs (xi, although you can see them plainly. I don't want you to hao no ttoublo on my account. Dear Mr. Scardon, will you ploaso tell mo how I can mako up so as to cover theso things blemishes so I will ho more beautiful than I am now. Also pleaso tell rno how I can cover up tbo hulr that grows on my upper lip. It keeps coming back, although 1 shave. It ore every day. Exceedingly sincerely, (Curtain.) Tliat's all tliero Is-thero Isn't any more. World Kilm Activities General MnnTigcr T.pwls J. Selznlck nn nouncps n deporturn for tho World Kllm Corporation. It Is to rcleaso the ono reel star comedloi now bolng mude. Among tho stars arc I,ew Fields, now nppearlng In "The High Cost of Loving;" Mellaril CarlP, po-star with Ilattlo Williams, In "Tho Doll CJIrl;" Kathryn Osternuin, re cently starred In "A Pprslnn Oarden; Tom Wise, now In "The Song of Songs:-' L,ulu Cilaspr. famous as "Dolly Vnrden," "Tho Madcap Duchess and "Dolly Hol lars;" Jeff do Angells, Htnr or "Fantniia"; Florcnco Tempest, noted for her work with "Tempest and Suiiihlnp." nnd Paula Kdwardes, who, as "Winsome Win nie," U plcaaantly romembered. The tlrat relenso will be Richard Carlo In "Tho Dancing Ueetlo." Answers to Correspondents H. S, V. P. Apply to scenario depait ment, Lupin's, for samplo scennrlo. Claudia Sorry cannot answer (luestinn; N'o answer. ".Vow I'd Just llko to know where that old robin person hns gone!" cvclnlmed Tlmmy. "Hero I'vo cleaned myself -all up, primped and fussed, and hn Isn't here to sco! Wonder where ho hna gonn to? Xev-r mind, I'll find him!" And ho started ort on a hunt. Ho had not lontf to seatch, for In Just a mlnuto who should 'nop nut on thn grnss In front of him but Hilly rtobln himself! "Where you been. Billy Itobln?" asked Tlmmy. "Hush, don't sny a word," whispered nilly Impressively, "I'm building a nest!" "A. nest?" asked Tlmmy, "already?" "Ves," replied Hilly, "tho best nest f ever mado!" And Just for sheer hnppl-pps-i and hprlngnpss, they both rolled over nnd got all muddy again' Copyright, U9IS Clara Ingram Judaon. SELECT PHOTOPLAY THEATRE TODAY'S FKATUIIES CALENDAR PELHAM IRIS THEATRE CHESTNUT ST. (Jcrninntowil Ave. i Hliurpnack Si. Itenslno-tnn AlleRhrny OI'KIIA l(lt.SK nml Avrs. Jlnuio of World's firratest riiutiihi)s Afternoons liSO In -tiSO lOr, IBe, SSp Evenings 7l3l) tn IU:3o 10c, He. Ma HUY SKATS IN AltVANt'K AMI AVOID STANIJIXC IN LINK SECONII IIIO AVKKK IJI7I VinrPl? (irrmantoivn Atp. U.L.Y lUE.Kt. bel. (iruirr-s I.une TULPEHOCKEN GARDEN JEFFERSON PARK (iermantnvvn Ave. Tiiliielioiken tit, ",13il St. unil Iinsdovrne Atp. "i!Uth below Dauplilnht. ""ltldeAv.i-Ilouphln Slot. ItlS. Kvr.7llS BELL ,1th ami Cambria "ins Chris. Han St. 3103 North Front M, MESSINA HALL HOWARD $20,000,000 A. B. C. 33S3 Chest nut St. "Franklin and l'alriuount Knit I'ulls FAIRMOUNT MIDVALE "iiU long shore tit. - LIBERTY FORREST! rtilludelphla' Handsomest Then Ire SAMUEL F. NIXON '? 25c and 50c ALL SKATS ItESKItVKD EVENING REAL WAR Hlstory-Mkklnc Dliptay Anywhers of Stupendously sniUonl. Boul-Sllrrlnr. lrtni-lJnt Holloa Films of ths World's droaWit Conflict, Scud t Ulslt of First Actus,! i Life and i iY ind Limb by Sp uorps 01 vamsra, uh?bviews nP T?VEIfV utellsh Frtncb, Ilus.ln. tlsrmsD. Austrian K!r WilhalS ib rrom German TUuusaad ot Cloaa-vnw Detail. SEEN NOWHERE ELSE tt eomes tinder tho heaft of personal." James ll- Impossible to get inforrrt llon concerning vaudeville team of -which you -write. Nobody seems to know It. M T.'s Admlrer-,laek Varten Kcrrlsan Is his own manager. H. T C.-"The Property Man" was n Keystone production. rrlscllla Wrlto to O. M. Anderson, hi caro of tho Rssanny rompony, Nlles, Oal. MarRarct M'C'-In "The Savins rtraco" Dorothy ejlah took the part of Tcss. &B 3 THEATRICAL BAEDEKER IDHM'III ' Pee "' My Henri." wltli an : cellcnt mat. Hartley Manner' popular anil Kmulnff p(im,ili nf thn lmllunil.4 OVIItlS Irih pirt nml whnt tlio don In n '"'"'J nnslleh fanillj. I'lrnt-rme amu(iemcnt...l n OAD-"nie Mlslendlni! t.ndy." with Paul nti kv. A broad, "soclolnfllcnl" fnrre or Ci tilli-mnii from I'nt.iitonlii nlio kidnaps si"' in'iifn n nirinunii! tnunie ornani'iii """,': nnolety. into tlio plot nnnilera "Nnpoleon. 'ioivl fun S.-D KoimnST-The llvr.MMi I.rmirn 1 'o,l.?', r'lrtiirei of ih War, 7IW fft of Imttle, with tbe Kaiser ncll In the fnrp. The ne".ru,,n? Rreat war In action 5 -to and SMU. OAHHtt K-' Roten Krvs In PaMoate," with 'leoreo Parsons nnd ,tfnntl Horton Oeorga 'ohnns tnnntcrli- dramatization of tho tory of ,i vounie nuthor nlin wrnt up tn a ne nTtol Inn In lntir tn write a novel. ruPi ex..lemrnt nnd nntlrp s '5 IITruV'Tha Piper." with Krtllli Wynne Milfl lilinn attrl Ihn ,n,lilnt riimtAnv. JOtOPn- Ine Preston Peahodv's Rlrnlfnrd prlzp Play, whl. h denln nklirnlly In Mink crn nll',a pmloii of tho "ricif I'lprr." s.' lAHir-Kohert Mnntrll In n fortnlEM of Hhnkcsponrenn nnd rtasale repertory. !-rldav, "Itlchelleu": Katnrd.iv matinee "The Mrr ilmnt of Venire" nnd Saturday eeiilnK. Itichnrd tit." SO" MIJTIti He Wolf llnpper nnd (ill- hrrt ft Htilllvnti i).ern rnnnmrv In n foil nlrht nf reperton. l-'rldny. "TIk- Plral' of IvnroiHP '; Satimlav nfiernonn and ppiilnB The Mlkniin" 1 ' W M NI T Mill I and .leff tn Mexico ' ti edlllim "f the niunhnt mllledi. nllli the s.eiies l:i 11 In tlio turbuluit rciiubllr tn the toulh ".15 Vaudeville KIJiril'H Uy Irwin, with nw eoni: IVIillo Leonard nnd Mnhal Itucll. Nan Hnl rerln, I'ekln Mjntorlee. initio McHormottJ Arnaut Ilrntliera, Snm Hearn nnd I'.llcn Eley, IMln Mnmhall, Welllns Lcvorliiff Troupe nnd ltejrEt-Sellu clotures. NIXON'S nilAND Madden nnil Fltznnlrlck. In "The Turn of tho Tldo". Itnrry tlrren, Ilia Kle Naval Cadets. Iviw nnd Molly Iluntlnx, tho Onkland Slatera, Will Morris and comedy movies. GLOBi: William J. Donloy & Co.. In "Tho Inn Pnrty": Part m-af nnd Horn Early, IVnlton nnd Hutland. Senator" I rnnela Jlur phy Stoddard nnd JInet, In "Tho Aljaent mlndd Prnfeaaor"; Al nurton s Itelow, tho I.onea and Itleharils nnd nrandt. WIt.I.lAM ITJNN HnrrtnEtnn neynnliln, In The Haberdashery": Joo nnil Low Cooper. Kddle nartnn nnd rlnrence Clark, tn "M i rooned": Clark nnd McCullmmh, In ".Mu h Ado About Nothing": Duproo and Duprc and Kremka Prnthera. CItOSS KKVH (second half of weekl-' Tho Ainblan NlRht." HIM K. Wells, comedian. Celmlns nnd Desmond, sIiirIiik and danelna. llari'Hy and company In "MnRlenl Mysierv "; r.HtPlle Hose, comedienne, ,-ind tho Fle Mar- lells VIXON'S "Count nn SlroniberE." talilntd op- oretta, tlrlti Wnod: llarnld crnno and com- oany In "Justice": Kans nnd Vlilocq; Pleaux nml llelles: 'l'rojettl and llennctt. and LOmeJy idiotoplnjs. Stock AMEItH'AN "The Hllndiicss nf Virtue," Co ino llamlltnn'n movlni; drama of the dancers of southri.t Ignnranep of n-x r.MPIIU " I'hv Kscnpe," Paul Armstrons'a oucenlc" melodrama nf tho slums, Htirlos(iie CAStNO "StldlnB" Billy Wntson and r.ts show. GAYF.TV "Tho Taxi Cilrls" In a muslial lomedy. TUOcaDKIIO "The ( harming Widows." Prin ces'! Ua nnd "Ma Cherlc." HL'.MONT'S Duinont'B MlnslrcU in a rhnr acterlstlo bill of travesty and sone. WHAT'S DOING TONIGHT Sunday revival, tabrrnnrlf. l!Uh anil Vino streets; 7 to n'rlnrli. Pre. Dinner tn lllrei'tnr A. Merrlt Tajlor. of tho Deimrtirrnt of city Trftiielt, Ten and Tencll Club: 0 10 n'vlonk. I1lscuinn on "Our National Dofcnse." Hoo nomlu Club. HclleMir-Stntronl, 7 o'clork. Kortv-ninlh Slroet Stnllon Association. KlnBScssInc avenue ami 17th street: S o'clock, l'rpn Ilobcrt Morris Club. l'JO North ISth street; S o'clock. I'rlends' Central Schnol d.inco. rhllomuilan Club. Cosmopolitan Club, lloueton Hall. University nf I'onnaylvanla: K o'clock. riioTorrYH "empress theatre 4441 Main St., Manayunk THE HEAD HUNTERS 5 Reels OTHERS TO CIIAKOI3 ROMANCE OF AN OUTCAST EXPLOITS OF ELAINE No. 4 l'AMIH'S I'l.AVnlt.S' 1'IIAI ros STl'l'ENIKIUH I'HOrO-Ml'KCTAfl.K THE ETERNAL CITY HY HAM. CAINK Willi I'AULINK KHKUEHICK nVHJK DAILY 2:30 ami 8t30 I'. M. I'KEOKDKII HY fOJIKDIES WITH CHAR. CIIAI'MN SHADOWS OF THE PAST THIS JS THE LIFE " " " KDITII STOUY In O'AAKY OV 'llll! IIOVAL -IIOl'NTKD Iva'iVivicic in AHas Jimmy Valentine I'ltANCIS x, HUrlHMAN In THE ACCOUNTING (& ZUDORA No. 2 SLEEPING HOUSE No. 3 DUTCH CHEESEMAKER No. 3 DUTCH CHEESEMAKER MYSTERY No. 2 Message From Heart No. 2 Message From Heart No. 3 BAG OF DIAMONDS No. 4 RAID ON MADHOUSE EKi&T This Week Only THOMAS M. I.OVK, Duslnen llaaattl SHOIVN' TWICE KVliltY DAY 2:308:30 LEDGER'S PICTURES ipris. TCIinOPRAN TiATrLEFIELIl and Belgian Armies In DesparaU Combat limout ,X-Csnitoir Uun la Asllaa. AND NEVER BEFORE Last Night Plays At tho Metropolitan yesterday evening Da WoU Hopper nnd tho Gilbert nnd Bui llvnn Opera Cotrtpany repealed tho excel- lent performance of "Tho I'lrntes ot Penzance," which has now been a feature i of their repertory for Homo years. The volco of Arthur Ahtrttlfto Is still heard to excellent ndvatitnRc In the part of tlin 'prrntlco pirate, with the daredevil name of Ktcderlck. Arthur Cunnlimham ran nver hope t excel the Mnjor ticneinl of OeorKo McKarlalne, but ho run ntlll Klve n very ntnualitK nnd wntlttn.iiiliko lin perfmiallnn. As (of Kilmird, Servant of l'ollce, hla may ho a er.v small "bit," but Do Wolf Hoppef puis hla teeth Intii It or perhaps wo nhould sny, tnkei It in hla mouth-for all ho Is xvotth The re milt Is a lolly oVcnltiK with a nnlin nil m.-imcrplece. No other American actor plays "King l.ear" tllPRn llnlrt. tnrlnnil. It (n n v.i-v lontr time altico wo hnVo had nut but 'tock company linpersoiiatloiis of tbo tn- llllle Oltl kllltr. Mil ItitmlfH urn rlun in i Ilobort Mtuitoll for somcllilnir hraldea the mere artistry of IiIb l.ear. Yet even If there worn ilngnlm nt litnilnrttntin nf Hhakppenro's piny oery Boason, the per- lormnncc at tho I.yrle last nlKht would anil no notnblo. I.cnr Is easily ono of Sir. Mantcll's best Impersonations. It Vlelds IllnSt rniwllli In Mm Ufilinrnll. 1 nl,in .nd tho eaually Hnnorous manner of tlio iinKcuuui. To Jnll Cor Stealing 1 1 Ccnls I'ollceman Wlmiomore, of the 19th nnd flvford streets stnllon, found today that John Coletnnli, whom Im arrested as a witness rnllowlliR n street llRhl nt 22d and lloltou streets last nlRht, was tho youth ni'i'ii.Mcit of robbliiR in-year-old I'reslnn I'l'iybulii, of 311 1 Tinner street. I on I'ebruan 13 I'ln.ihurti Idontltleit I'nlriiinn al a tieiirliiK bcfnio MiiKlsttalc ! Morris this mornlliu t'nleinnn, ho said, hnd robbed tilm of II cents as he wns stiindliiK nt tho corner ot ISth and ox ford streets. JlaKlslrnlo Morris sen tenced Coleman to SO days In the county prison. Bemhardi Writes With Pprmi.s.sion of V V .A IgA OJi. atia '. h .-- - rfEN. VON BERNHARDI, whose books in the present war caused a sensation through out the world and who is now commander of cavalry at Posen, has written exclusively for the PUBLIC LEDGER the most im portant article since the war began. He not only discusses the war, but criticises the mili tary movements up to date IN NEXT SUNDAY'S PUBLIC He tells why Germany entered the war. He tells of Germany's grievances against England, Russia and France. He says Germany did not enter the conflict for the sake of material conquest over any nation. He puts a new interpretation on the battle of the Marne. He analyzes the military operations up to date. He insists that Belgium was a member of a hostile conspiracy against Germany. He insists Germany's advance through Bel gium foiled a French plan to attack through the same territory. Von Bemhardi9 8 German argument written exclusively for the Public Ledger, in Philadelphia, by permission of the Kaiser far overshadows in importance any article heretofore published concerning the present war. To Avoid Missing This Feature in Next Public Ledger Order Your Copy 1 M. STACKHOUSE Who h:ta rnmo out openly na n I cnntlitlulc for Mayor. .Monument to (icornc Poinsett Progress Is bolui? mado In tho campalRn Ui raise funds for tho memorial to Oconto Poinsett, tho young seaman who was killed during tho American occupation of Vera Ortu Inst April. At a meeting of the l,oj;nii Improvement A"Sorlallon List night niinoiincemeiit was made that n mninmient to the young hem would be placed nt IJiond street and Olney avenue Mid would bo ready for unvelllr ? on Memorial Day. SiiRar Importations Increase l.nrge Importations of sugar linvn been received at this port this week. Tho sugar rentiers; are woiMng tn capnclt. The ni'liwil of the steamship Ksperntin tie I.HrrlnnKii'.'. from t'lilhailnn. today mnl t-s the seventh cargo reicUed this week. The sugar canto ft "in Iho Philippines. Ilnwnll and Cuba. Tho arrival ot Iho sugar gieatly Increased tho custom receipts for tho week. DG "DUTY" IMPELS HIM TO RUN FOR MAYOR Plcrson M. Stackhousa Admits Mo Hnsn't Heard Public De mand His Gandidacy. Plerson M. Stackhousa Is tho only cit izen In tho city who has the courage to announce, lie Is h, candldato for tho mayor Hltv nomination. He came out today, t'nllko other political cnndldates, ho ad mitted thero wns no great demand for His eutranco Into tho fight. Ho Is going to run becauso ho feels that It la Ida duty to do so. ,, Tho voluntary cnndldate contendi that nn cRrly announcement gives the people plenty of opportunity to get a lino on him Ills plntform will nt least be popu lar It follows: Opposition to civil service. To the victor belongs the spoils. Work for all nnd all for work. Loyalty to the Organization. Short hours nnd good wages. Tnlvcrsal harmony with tho lid wide open Neutrality on transit. Mr. Btnckbouso said lie had tho back ing of several financiers and would carry his campaign to evory nook nnd corner of the rltv. The candidate, who Is In the real estate business, lives at 1702 Master street. Ills Campaign Committee will mako prelimi nary nrintiKenicnts next week. Mr. Htnckhouse has frequently run for the mayoralty nomination before, tegard less of tho plans of polltlcnl dictators, lie says ho doesn't know who his rival for tho nepubllcan nomination will bo and doesn't care. Moose Officers Elected II. M. Moo has been elected director of the IionnliiBioMii l.oynl Order of Monvo. Oihi-r nlllcers elected nre: Vlro ilk'tnlor, .1. A. Kngenhnubor; prelate, A. V. Thomas: treasurer. If. W. Sheridan: trustee. Charles Hawaii; Inside guard, H. M. Aloxandcr; outsldo guard, 'William Pothrass. Facsimile of Gen. von f7Cf On LIIC Copy of Gen. von Bernhardi's Letter Posen 20-11-14. General Commando, Dear Sir: I received yesterday your letter, written on the 30th Oct,, and am personally willing to write the articles you wish to have, accepting the conditions by you proposed. But being for the present in active service I must have the permission from his Majesty the Emperor. Accordingly I wrote yesterday to headquarters, and as soon as I will have gotten the asked for permission I I shall send you one or two articles on the present war. Very truly, (signed) von Bemhardi, General of Cavalry. NsMstiMlillW ECONOMIC CUm TO MSCtISS "OUlt NATIONAL- DBPB W Prominent Men Will St)6ak Cit Sub ject dt Dinner 'fonlfeht. "Our National Defense" will b dis cussed by prominent speakers at thfe first dinner of the Economic Club of Philadel phia, which will bo held at tho Bllvue Blratford Hotet lonlglit at t b'tlock, THa speakers will bo Dr". John Qfahftrn Hrooks, Congressman Augustus P. OntA' ncr, of Massachusetts: Dr. Samuel O. Mitchell, president of Delaware Colleg. and Herbert li. Satterlce, former assist nnt Secretary of the Navy. George IV. Norrls, Directors of tits De partment of Wharves, Docks and Perries, will preside. a The Economic Club Is ft new organisa tion started by the National Economic League, the executive council Of which Includes I.olils D. Brandelfl, Ddvld Starr Jordan, Jacob Gould Schtirmnn ahd John" nraliam Hrooks, who Is author of "Tho Social Unrest " Tho purpose of tli club Is to dlscura questions of the day, with addresses by men of national reputation who are specialists In the subjects on tho program. .Many prominent Phlladel phlnns nre members of the organisation Ofllccrs will bo elected tonight after th nddressen. Tho first meeting was ar ranged by an organization cbinmltten composed of Morris I Cooke, James Mopes Dodge, Franklin 8. Edmonds, Oeorge tl. Hvnns. Alba IJ. Johnson. Arthur K Newbotd, r. S. W. Packnrd, Harold Pleice, Wllllnm II Scott, Thomas Itaeburn White, Walter Wood nnd Ham tiel li. Scott, secretary. (lorninntoivit StngcrH In Concert Six hundred persons Attended tho Ger nmntown Choral Soilcty subscription concert In Association Hall. Qermun town, laal night. A chorus of lodfvolces, under the direction of David K. Crozler, Bang selortlons from the works of Vng nor, Soliubcrl nnd Handel. The aololsts wero Mrs. Ituth Kingsbury Townscnd, soprnno, and Noah II Swayno, 2d, bass. Mrs. Albert M. Hoyt was accompanist Schubert's "Hnrk, Hark, the Lark" waa excellently given by a chorus of womon. ar aiser Bernhardi's Letter hsrt& G) Sunday s Today. w m 1 l M m V'lBs! --,.,