Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 12, 1915, Page 10, Image 10

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The Trials and Tribulations of the Shy Man
The shy tnnn, like the Italy woman, hits
pretty poor time of It In thin hard.
Cynical old world t for lie Is hciil up ns
nil object of ridicule, ho ta Ignored and
overlooked at parties mid toclnl gather
ings and ho always seems so ilrciulfnlly
III at case that one feels really Borry for
him, although nt the samo time one
Withes that he wouldn't be quite so awk
ward, quite so gauche, for hla nervous
ness 1 communicable, and wo ourselves
begin to feel "Jumpv" in hla presence.
It Is n very true furt that people do
take Us sit our own valuation. Nothing
sticcceds like success, and If wo nBsunie
a Buccesful, prosperous manner and calm,
cany demeanor, then pcoplo ure going to
grant us a certain measure of attention
and respect. While at the same time wo
may rest assured that If we aio hcrvo"
III at ease, bnshfut ami retiring we arc
Just an surely going to bo overlooked and
In human relationship o much depends
Upon the character of the Individual. It
literally does not do to follow out the In
junction; "You In your miiiiII eorper and
1 In mllio." If we retire Into that selfsame
small comer, rest nssured Hint we will get
leave to stay there. For nobody Is so im
portant nss to be Indispensable to the rest
cf humanity.
If the fhy mnn has a pretty poor time
of It, then what about I be why lover? For
the shy man generally lins some secret
attachment hidden away In his bashful
breast his very shyness makes him turn
from an uuappreclatlve world to some
maiden In whom he se the crowning
perfection of womanhood and feminine
I3ut ho hasn't the heart to tell her so!
No, Indeed, he Is much too shy. Ills very
ears grow hot at her itppronch, bis heart
thumps In unplcnbant palpitations agaln-M
his waistcoat and ho wishes that the
earth would open up and swallow him
and Ills confusion together. He curses
himself for a tool but he Is powerless to
control his awkwaiduess. Yes, It Is al
together very disconcerting and confus
ing, this boshfulucsB of Ills.
But all the same It is seldom the bold
est wooer who makes the best husband.
The llonheartcd man who is so uttcrb
charming ami whoso love-making leaves
nothing under the sun or moon or stars
It had been rubbing It In to ask Did;
Fitzgerald to act as one of tho ushers at
the Craven-Mountford wedding. Dick bud
been In love with Audrey Craven long
before Sir Henry Mountford bail come
, across t'ne water In Bcatcb of a bride
and a bunk accoutjt.
Mrs. Craven bad shrewdly argued that
with Dick acting as one of the ushers
sho would put a stop to the last shred
of gossip. For several years their friends
bad looked for tho announcement of
Dick's engagement to Audrey, und tho
new turn of affairs had not met with
popular approval. If Dick was un usher
he tnlglit seem to give countenance to
the alliance.
No ono blamed Audrey for the engage
ment. Mrs. Craven, hud she been a niHti,
would have achieved credit ns u ward
boss. In her feminine Brmoro sho hec
tored her family, the charitable societies
of which she was Invariably t'no presi
dent, and oven the rector of St. Jude'.s
recognized God. Mrs. Craven and the
bishop In that order.
When Sir Henry was giaclously pleased
to accept Mrs Craven's diplomatic over
tures their set had regarded Dick's fate
ns sealed and, with a murmured "Pour
Audrey," gave their utlentlon to other
affairs. Tho announcement that Dick whs
to be one of tho ushers brought forth an
additional "Poor Dick," but he rather
enjoyed his duties, as, standing on tho
steps of St. Judo's, ho explained to the
wedding guests that the service was post
poned owing to tho absence of Miss
"Wo only know what word was sent
up from the house," he assured Mrs. Pon
dera. "Miss Craven went out to visit
Nell Testra last night. Sho left so eaily
that no escort seemed necessary, but she
did not return home. No one knows
what happened. Mrs, Craven Is prostra
ted. Sir Henry? I understand he is tak
ing It very badly,"
ile bowed her away and turned to the
next comer. There had been no time to
recall the Invitations, and the six ushers
were too busy to give more than passing
Attention to any one person.
Sir Henry waa taking It very badly In
deed. He waa storming up and down
the long hall of the Craven home, and
between disappointment and wounded
prlda the floodgates of speech were
opened and his language would have done
credit to a stable boy,
Mrs. Craven shut herself Into (he li
brary long before ho had concluded his
remarks, and the stolid butler, aided by
tha coachman, ejected Sir Henry from
the house, tothe huge delight of tho re
porters who had vainly besieged the from
door for the last hour or so.
Then Mrs. Craven took lo her bed nnd
vowed that daughter of hers should never
marry into the Urltlsh nobility, while
Carver Craven hurried down to the po
Ure station to ask that a general alarm
be sent out.
Nothing came of this action, and, after
a couple of days, the papers dropped the
sensation. Dick was distracted. Two days
before the ceremony Audrey had as
sured him that things would turn out all
right and had told him not to worry, but
her long silence argued that she had
not been able to make things go at sho
had planned, and that she had killed her
self rather than marry a man she did
not love.
In the hope of distracting his mind the
senior Fitzgerald Intrusted him with a
commission In Chicago, und Disk, glad1
to get away tor a tew uays, tooK. tns
train, after exacting a proinUe that ha
should be Informed by wire of any de
velopment. The trip, seemed Interminable, but at
last he reached town tod established
iiinwelf at a hotel He could not the
--people ho wumd until the following
itionitng. and to dispel hla louaUns he
hunted up Jim Dalton.
Dalton and he had bean chunw ly the
cotless days before Daltoo had gftne
Wtwt to study nidieln. He waa Interne
iu one of the hospitals now, and after
dinner Dick and he went out.
Want to see the animal?" asked tu
Vfauiu after tbe tlrst rtuod oi uiMfUuds
iMul ben ajked anJ anawaied. Dick
nu4k hla l.aad '
"I'd rattier taik,' lui aulti "I ui iu ao
tuoatl iu Ivoa uimmi auSaflUfc- "
ft ui vim tWntMd .' aatd
I'tili.H: tjviuM ' Beu in tag paitacf
aiwaMt ek uu, 4. statute pmly
to be desired or expatiated upon Is not
nt bottom the slnrer, honest, faithful
swain that the bashful lover Is. For
where the hnfliful lover Is concerned, ret
nssured that ou nre the only gl.l he
has ever loved. Indeed. II bus taken
months anil months of gentle encourage
ment on jour pnrl to tunc him up to the
point of propos'ng lie very certain that
ho never before has had the courage to
Iny bate his hen.it to any wtiintih-untll
he met you!
The bold lover, the Ideal lover, on the
contnry.hns such an extraordinary Mow- of
love phrases, c.ttiulj-lte metaphors, tender
Almllcs, and such a bewildering vocabu
lary In love-making that you really won
der where he has leaint It nil until you
Inadvertently hear about some of his pnst
"nffalres-de-coetii", and then nil that
wonderful How or tender talk doesn't
seem Just quite so fleshly fnsclnntlnir as
It did of vore! For only too pnlnfully do
you lenllo llmt jou nre not the first, nor
tho second, nor the twentieth person who
bus !ltcned in these samo honeyed
The bashful Imer lies this decided ad
vantage over the bold suitor. Never,
never before Iihr he screwed up his rnur
nge sufflclentlj to tell a girl that he loves
her. Ills shy stammeilns tells a truer
tale, than all Ihu exquisite metaphors In
the world. Once, and onco only In n
lifetime could he ever hnvo overcome
that dTnclfut brisbrulnesj of his in order
to tell a girl that sho was the ono woman
on earth for him.
The girl who has a bashful lover should
oeafo lamenting the Inconveniences of the
situation and thank Providence for him.
For be will be very, very fnlthrul. No
need for benrt-burnings, no cause for
Jealousies will nilse lu this connection.
For not only hnvo the other girls no time
Tor blm (it fact which, taken alone, is
hhrtllv a recommendation to the average
woman, by the wn.v,) but he, himself
till, Jnv n joys' will have no time for
the other girls'
.And so tho maiden who lias a ory
bashful lover should cruse repining. Once
Mio has secured that eminently suitable
person, It Is up to her to train hint and
educate blm In the way he should go. And
thcie Is no fear that bo will ever depart
fiom tier!
girl with aphasia. Doesn't know who
rile Is or wheru she en mo fiom or where
she ,vnnts to go. The funny pint is thut
rfno Minors fiom none of the causes of
tho disease."
Dick smiled. "It must bo pleasant to
forget everything sometimes." he suld.
"Yuu couldn't inoculate me, could you?"
"I never knew that It was Infectious,"
said Dalton. "Still, yuu might try It In
tho Interest of science. She usually comes
In for u chat III the evening. Sho likes
to talk nboiit her cose. She knows as
much about t lie disease as I do."
He rang the bell and a trim nui-M) ap
peared. "Will .vim usk Miss Smith to
come In if she 'mis not yet retired," he
f.ald, and lie turned to Dick.
"I'll have In Introduce jou as a re
porter," he raid. "She's not llko the
avcrngo charity patient lu n clinic, you
know. It's evident that sho Is gently
bred and she might resent being on ex
hibition." Dick nodded, but when the door opened
to admit tho patient he scandalised the
p'n3lcinn by Jumping up nnd clasping
the glil In his arms.
To Dalton's fuither amazement tho
patient did not appear to resent the
caress, and It was not until he stood be
side them that they uppcured to remem
ber bis presence. Then they separated,
tho girl blushing u rosy red.
"Tho sight of Mr. Fitzgerald has re
called me," sho said In explanation. "I
am Audrey Audrey Craven, am I not?"
she asked. Dick nodded. i
"I remember now," she went on. "I
was to be married to Sir Henry. Where
Is Sir Henry, Dick 7"
"Home," suld Fitzgerald, beamingly.
"Sailed tho other day. He was kicked
out of the house for cursing at your
"llut you said ou lived hero lu Chi
ocagj" Interrupted Dalton. "We never
thought of Inquiring in New York."
"I thought 1 did," she answered. In
nocently. "What n lot of trouhlo I must
have made. Was mother much worried,
Dick smiled grimly. She waH more
angry than worried; angry that the heU
uintrh of the season (from her point of
view) was spoiled.
"She Is t:ry anxious, '' lie admitted.
"She thought ou were a runaway. The
detcctUca trailed me for a couple of
"The Idea," she said with a laugh,
"and here I nus all the time trying to
find out who I was."
Dalton produced a Mack of press dip
pings about her case. "We wero going
to make a scrap book," be explained, "I
suppose Miss Carver will want to take
them home now."
"If sou could sparo them," sho said
sweetly. "I should love to have them,"
"And I'll telegraph your mother," went
on tha phjtdcian. "What is the address?
It's funny that you woio a friend of
Dick's. We were in tho same class In
'It Is odd," agreed Audtoy. "Dick will
wire mother. I suppose I shall have to
wait until slie conies on."
"I'm K'llng back tomuriuw night," he
suggested. "What's the matter with get
ting married und making It a honeymoon
Dalton, scanting a romance, seconded
the suggestion, and presently a minister,
visiting a patient, read the marriage
service to them iu the doctor's olllce,
with Dalton and the head nurse acting
a witneMoa.
The following evening they aat In the
stateroom at the Pullman eastbound.
"It was very nice of mother to take It
ao well." said Audrey comfortably.
"How could the do otherwise when
every paper had the story of our mar
riage?" be laughed. "She had to make
tbe bekt of it."
Audrey uatted the bulky envelope of
clippings that lay on the seat beside her
"Don't you think that waa better than
imply running away from home?" she
asked "It avoided all scandal."
on wean that you didn't have
up)aia?" he gasped
Audiey nadded. "I bad to dq mu
tbictg," Ue exp'atned. "aud a mere run
away seemed so vulvar 1 tbiuit I aid It
er !!."
tUeeaed cbll4.' taiU Dtek tenderly.
Yuu we tbe Banal woudwfyj, wife ever
bolwwed I4W KM "
Mewrtofct, IS.
"A cbe.lp but wholesomo salad fiom
tho brtnfc " Uenumont.
Uaked Apples
Cereal and Cream
Itolls Omelet Coffee
Cold Iloast Pork
Potato Plo
Canned Peaches
Oxtail Soup
l.ntnb Chops Sweet Potatoes
Pens i
Cress Salad
Tapioca Crenm
linked apples rtemove tho cores from
apples and push about a third of a
bannna Into each core cavity. Hako and
serve with cream.
Pojato pie Hulter n pudding dish and
Into It put a layer of thinly sllcqd cold
boiled potatoes. Sprinkle over this pepper,
salt, chopped onion and chopped parsley
and n few slices of hard boiled egg. lie
peal until the tlMi Is full, rover with a
itcotl eiust, and bnke for an hour. Ono
onion ami two hard hollrtl eggs nre
enough for the dish.
Watercress salad Wash wnlerciesS
thoroughly and shake until perfectly my,
then put It on leo and servo with BrenCil
dressing and browned crackers.
One Type of Girl
"There Is u certain type of girl with
whom I come In contact n great deal."
mid the principal of n largo girls' school
tho other day, "and for want of a better
name I call her the sochil grafter. Of
course, many of these gills don't con
sider themsrlves In this light at all, but
they are grafters of thn deepest dc.
"In the tlrst plncc, when they come
to school they look ntoiind until they
find a girl with money. Thin Isn't haul,
as the fashionable schools usually have
thn daughters of rich cnttle owners from
the weit, nnd rich Spanish gills who
want to learn Ihigllsh. and many other
types of wealthy girls. The social grafter
immediately makes it friend of one of
"Why, lust lerently I had a very weal
thy girl girl leave school to go nbrond
with her father for his health. Her
friend, the grafter, t was Informed, wni
going, too, us this girl Just couldn't get
nlong without her. Tho girl was well
icpnld for her 'devotion.' She hud a year
abroad, and cume homo richer by several
Paris gowns.
"A great mnny of these girls arrange
their cainpn'gn with mi eye to their
summer vncntions. If life on a western
prairie, with plenty of sport and perhaps
a dashing voting brother, has nny nt
tiactlonn for her tho clever girl plans
nccordltigly. You will seo her soliciting the
western gltl's attention, waiting on her
wants, Inviting her to tea, or Introduc
ing her to some men In the city. You sec.
a girl who comes from out of town will
often be a total stranger to the young
men lu the city. TIi'h Is a gient boon to
the social grnftcr, iccnuso she can keep
the stranger at her mercy by Indebted
ness. If she introduces her to somu young
"But don't .sou think the private school
Is the real cause of tho social grafter's
existence,?" she was asked.
"Perhaps: but It Is an open question.
In tho meniitinie, manv of this type nour
ish in all our schools. Human naturo
is the real cause, and n long ns theio
Is so.mcthlng to he gained hy (lattery,
thcie nre girls who will flatter.' But it n't!
nminlly ends disastrously. The parents of
a wealthy girl see through her friend's
game light away. And sooner or later I
sue nnils out herself that it doesn't pay
In the long run, by nny means "
Don't expect too much. Many a girl
has scared off a possible suitor on ac
count of her grand Ideas. Tiecauso a
oung man asks you out don't think be
must necessarily be able to afford Mowers
nnd candy ad lib., always the best seats
at tho theatre, and meals at a chic cafe,
whero everything is Just twice ns expen
sive as nt ordinary restaurants.
It is naturally a man's pleasure and
prlvilego to "pay the piper" when out
with n girl, but very few young fellows
can afford to bo as generous as their In
clination,. Knowing this, any nlce-mlnded girl
takes ery eootl care that the "tune Bhe
calls" be n too high
In our own tactful wnj how lilm that
an conlng nicnt In your company doesn't
necessarily mean a big hole in his pocket.
A man Is quick to appieclate the nice
feeling which prompts a gill, of her own
accord, to suggest a modest entertain
ment and an inexpensive meal; an ap
preciation which grows Into something
deeper as he realizes his need of Just such
a helpmate "for better, for worse, In sick
ness and Iu health."
On tho other hand, a girl who has such
rriiud Ideas that sho simply can't do
things "on tho cheap" proves too expen
sive a luxury for the average young man.
Sooner or later ho comes to tho conclu
sion that, as he Is already spending too
much, u wife Is n luxury ho could cer
tainly never afford.
So, mistaking the drosa for tho gold, the
girl loses his friendship and with It all
chances of wearing his ring.
lltart, we will forget him,
You antl I, tonight!
You limy forget the warmth he gave
I will forget the light.
When yoU havo done, pray tell me.
That I my thoughts may dim,
Haste, lest while you're lagging,
I may remember him!
Emily Dickinson.
3jsM. .
m IWA m;
m 'I wi w-
jtyis k $ & p h
Mill I i.7yJI II
L. A- . 1
For the following suggestions Hint In liy
renders of the Ciem.o I.kixiek prizes of $1
and WJ cents Hre guarded.
Ail suttKf Btlons should be ndrirrssed to KUcn
Adair, Kdltor of Women's Page, IJicm.mi
LiDaiut, Independence Square. Philadelphia.
A prize of l lins heeu nivunlril lo Millie
MrCnrmlrk, r,3l7 Cutlierlne ctrret, Phila
delphia, for (he following suggestion!
I had n small flour barrel, which I de
cided to make Into a clothes hamper. I
coercd the outside of the barrel with
cietonnc. tacked on the sides of the bar
rel In plaits. The top of tho barrel was
covered with a box-plaited itiffle. also
tacked on
I made what Is called a sunburst on the
lid; that Is, the cretonne was laid on In
plaits radiating from the centre. A
stitched piece of cretonne attached to the
centre formed a handle. This Is not only
a serviceable article, but a pretty one
A prlie of 50 icnts ha been awarded (o
Mr. Churlrs N, Cook, 7117 HoftiinKlr xtrect,
I'o Chase, for the following suggmtlon:
When you aro shoveling snow, ,lf you
put a bit of tallow from a candle on your
shovel, the snow will not stick to the
shovel. This will do away with a lot of
unnecessary Jarring, as well as loss of
time In cleaning the shovel.
A prize of fin i-rnlx lins been awarded to
Mrs. K. Herbert. IS'iO leilernl ktrret, Mcr
rbantTlllr, N. ! for the following bug
sentient To keep an oll-heatcr from smelling,
put a. tablcspoonful of salt in the oil and
shake It a little bit. This lakes away all
odors and can bo used In any oil stove.
A prize of 50 rents has been awarded to
M. II, Gordon, R83 Kant Main street. Couten
Tllle, Pit., for the following ciiL-BesIloiii
When baby's woolen stockings wear
out, Instead of tin owing them away you
can utilize them in this way: Cut oft
the feet, and make a narrow hem for a
drawing-stiing at the top. Sew up the
bottom, and you will Und ou havo un
excellent bottle cover. This will keep his
milk wurm, and will prevent baby from
breaking his bottle 1y throwing It out of
bed. By tho time his first stockings
wear out, he will bo old enough to smash
his bottle on the crib or floor. By using
this cover you can avoid all this;.
.JjBBP , ijwHfes-, iBi ,m n,KsTNi r st ' JH I
, jga r am
IMeasinjr Decorations
For it small party In one's own home It
Is easy enough to decorato prettily, but
it Is a much mora dilltcult matter to
gho a big, bare schoolroom or hall a
lenity festive appearance. Ono of tho
nlcM ways of doing It is to mnko a
thicket in the mlddlo of the room If It
Is a large one, or against tho wall at one
end If space Is precious.
Begin by laying u pleco of old oilcloth
on tho floor, then edgo it all around
with a beading of wood bccured to the
oilcloth with putty. Flat blind btlcks
mnko nn excellent beading, but wiiatevcr
wood Is used must bo painted green.
Next you will want n number of
branches of trees, not too thick and
heavy, which must bo tied or nailed to
gether, so as to form a kind of cage over
tho foundation. I.cavo plenty of small
gaps between tho branches and let tho
highest part of the cage bo In the cenlro
for a mlddlo decoration, or nt tho back
for a wall one.
Tho next step is to throw some thin
muslin or an old sheet right over the
cage. Color It cither brown or green with
a dyo tint. Pour this dye gently all over
the sheet before It has time to settle,
taking care that every part of the cage
is wet. A llttlo Band sprinkled over tho
oilcloth will ubsorb nny moisture that
runs through.
Tho next day when, the dye has dried,
your erection will look Just llko a. "rock
cry." for the sheet will dry In a stiff and
qulto "rocky" manner and tho gaps will
havo tho appearance of cavities In the
rocks. Fill all these spaces with llttlo
ferns, covering tho tell-tale spots care
fully with moss, and you will have tho
most charming of decorations to delight
tho children's eyes.
I caught my love reclining.
Besldo the inglo warm,
Jfcr silken tresses twining,
About her snowy arm,
A silver rippling murmur,
A dimple half n-peep,
Proclaimed my llttlo Bwcethcait,
Laughing In her sleep.
As she lay there n-drcatnlng,
Had Cupid crept u-nenr.
Beside tho embers gleaming,
To whisper In her car
Some plan for man's confusion?
Soma plot for heartaches deep?
It filled her soul with rapture.
Laughing in hcv Bleep.
Ah, woo bcllde the morrow,
When sho ehall come to wake.
My soul Is wrung with sorrow.
To think how hearts will ache,
For gallant beaux may tremble,
and pitying seraphs weep.
When Cupid talks with Beauty.
Laughing In her sleep!
Popularity Contest Ends Today
All tho votes lu the popularity contest
at tho Academy of the Fine Arta must be
iu today, which Is the last opportunity
for Philadelphia to decide which of the
paintings on exhibition entitles its creator
to the Edward Bok prize of J.S0. Half
of the prUu money Is to go to the win.
nhiff artist and the rest toward a scholar
ship In the academy schools.
Vw tvOsn-,
I have spent n. cheerful morning shop
ping with my Irish friend, Kllcen Fitz
gerald. H was pretty hard work per
suading her Into getting the light soit
of clothes, for she hasn't un ntom of
taslo and would como forth In Joseph's
coat of many colors If I allowed her to
do anything of tho sort.
"I want something striking looking,
Dorothy," she Insisted In her rich but
by no means gentlo brogue. "Sure, It's
handsome. I mean to look and hero's
something that would mnko mo look fine!"
I gtonucd In despair, for slin hnd seized
upon a dieadful and Impossible garment
that would hnvo mado her look twice the
slzo sho nltcady Is. It waa of n nasty
mustard shade, with wldo RUcdo collar
and cuffs of geranium red, nnd a plaid
belt that hung in n depressed wny around
Kllecn'a nonc-too-slcnder waist.
"Please, don't!" I murmured weakly,
for sho had almost mado tho awesomo
purchnse, and my heart quite failed me.
"Don't you think I look stylish In It,
Dorothy?" said Eileen, pausing half-way
In n coy plrouctto before a largo mirror,
nn anxious, hunted look coming over
her placid features.
They do
good for
away by
wore first engaged I was Just ns horrid
ns possible to his people. Somehow tike
mnny engaged girls I regarded my
fiance's peoplo as being my natural
enemies, and thought It necessary to
adopt a defensive attitude towards them
from the outsot. What It was that made
mo realize my foolishness I can't say
precisely; anyway, I did realize that my
behavior was nil on n wrong basl3, and
I set to work to try and remedy things.
Of course, any engaged girl ought to
see that tho fact that peoplo belong to
tho dearest man in tho world should bo
sufficient reason for her trying to win
their approval and affection, and, In
stead of trlng to nlicnate "his" peoplo
from her, she should innko every possi
ble effort (o make them llko her. It
may mean some sinking of personal Incli
nation, some putting asido of "dignity,"
nnd bo on.
1 know that John's people his mother,
father, sisters nnd all of them scrutin
ized mo very keenly whenever wo camo
Into contact; but It took me quite a long
tlmo to understand that their scrutiny
was not duo to my personal bias It waB
just their natural anxiety to see If I was
woithy of the hoy whom they loved so
much. Since wo havo learnt to love eoch
other, John's mother and T had n llttlo
talk upon this very matter, that mado
mo see that what I hastily called "sus
picion," and other hnrd names, was noth
ing more than acute, loving anxiety for
John's welfare.
It BCcms to me that it Is well for an
rngaged girl to try to put herself lu
Seen nt the Stores
A plain llttlo laco wakst for every day
affairs was mado with n high collar and
V-neck In front. Tho mesh of the laco
was filet style, nnd pink ribbons added a
touch of color. It sold for $1.93.
Dainty llttlo hand-cmbroldcrcd hand
kerchiefs with an Initial In the corner nro
selling for 10 cents nplcco in one of our
largo stores.
A flesh-pink crepo combination of
bodice and underskirt, with n. pretty Va
lenciennes lace edgo Is selling for $1.95.
This Is Just tho thing for uso under a
light gown In tho summer.
Filet mesh veilings, in silk thread, arc
most attractive when worn with a llttlo
lint. You can get veilings with broad
borders of bold design-squares, diamonds,
scrolls, etc. They are 73 centB a yard.
A serviceable tailored shirt for office
wear Is mado of a good quality of ntrlped
alllc. In blue, mauvo and black. It has
long sleeves and a Btock collar and sells
for Vi.
Shut-In Society Meets Today
Tho regular monthly meeting of tho
Pennsylvania Branch of tho Shut-In So
ciety will bo held at 2:30 this afternoon
at tho Church House, 12th and Walnut
28,000 tons of steel rushing through the water a
over 26 miles per hour!
Section, March 14th issue of the
A Pretty Evening Gown
"Eileen, take It oft at once. m Ml
snmrtlilnir idmnle oi,.1 I.. ..... . 2? I
- " "" sauay," rrg;
qulckly-for no time was to ba icrf
At length I did manage to dlveuS
nltcntlon, nnd skilfully turned th?
to a pretty coat of silver-grey corjt
Ita lines were excellent, and flnUTO
mado tho purchase. He
"I want an evening gown, too.J
otny," sho remarked, "ana sincs f
hero I may Just as well get Ui iBJt
of your good taste." m
Naturally, I felt very mneb n.iSI
... iireju
Kllcen Isn't nt nil easy to advise, kng
) uu '" iJcrsuaattiB hti
will bo eternally grateful.
Wo soon found a sultabto evening S!
for her. It was of poach-colorH ,
willow taffeta, draped In Grecian ,S
with a htgh-wnlsted girdle of slWR
bon, caught with a large purple hobm
Tho bodlco was decidedly abbwfiw
and shouldrcr straps of silver rlbbojuS;
pleted tho toilette. ,''
"I shall wear a nllver bandeau Ira
I.hIm ...1,1, tUlw, ,1- 41.. ..-.i Ski
with rhlncstones," said Ellci, chMrfJfe
"nnd suro my latest young man wlllSi:
..... ... 2i?
ioso ins ncart to nici
How to Treat "His" People
say that open confession Is tho place of his people, and to adJuitK'
tho soul, so I will start right i attitude towards them accordingly. IiJ'
saying that when John and I qulto possible that their tastes nn ,,
entirely different croovea in ds
things, but there Is nothing to preTfafl
girl taking nn Interest in their Intwoif
It Is a bit nclflsh, Isn't It, to think pm'j
arc not worth cultivating becausa L
tto not into exactly tho things which Si
like? Anyway, I know I have luijft
lot ubout things of which I was uttto
Ignorant bcforci slnco I have chunStj
up with John's people, nnd taken anis
tcrest In their work nnd hobbles. J
When we arc married which wonTtf
very long now John will naturally jd
most of his time at his own homt it
am encouraging him to spend a RoodpE;
of his sparo lime with his people toB
When bo Is married ho will never bin
qulto tho same footing again with theol
.Moreover, J m not making nil tht wr
rnngemenls for the wedding andri
consulting my own peoplo about1
I did begin to get Into the habit
lug ubout "MY wedding," but noJf
talk about "OUR wedding" Andltati
John's people for bits of help and adncij
Ono thing Is certain. Any girl whSJjii
wise, will go out of her way, It mcmJJ1
sary, to put herself upon a good fcotET
with "his" people. It may not be tuj ,
to do so probably it will be a quIteW'
Ilcult matter but It Is worth trylngiaH?
especially when there is the bcstolnT
sons for trying the fact that gettlnsjff
well with "his" peoplo will lncreae,Jfi .
Happiness or tno Dest man in tne wont
Ilo may .-av that it doesn't matter iljlS
mother and yourself can't agree, butTK
will hurt him keenly, novcrtheletfcl
know, because John told me bo m
Employes Attend Dinncr.M,;
Moro than "00 employes of tha ie'nl
companies represented In the FWlsfiF
phla Stationers' Association attendedll
banquet given In connection vdthSljF
coiebratlon of employers night. In
night. In tho Bellevue-Stratford. IViltu
Stringer, of tho Dixon Pencil Compan?,
mado an address on tho cost of rap,
production, and told how this couldjjT
rcnuccu py mo uso or motiern epra
Lamb Sauce
A rnnrl itiitcn fni" lnnili In ninrlft Of CUM
rent Jelly broken up nnd mixed-fiffl
finely chopped mint leaves and ajsr
shavings of orango find.
? "i"i" "r. iii
odu mm uwn -j
niirj tnt wainin rij",i
f,-2 mn a faTOrlta. Tti
trading- stampa for each ""'a
npr. Abe Tonr crocar; "
- 3K
it'll. ifAr.'lf.i III I'' horns with 9-jl
MkM I'" ,.....h",,.K iEi
V, 1,Illt.HII II'
' miimw
The Most Remarkable Photo
of a Battleship
at Full Speed Ever Taken
The photographer stood in a launch, ENGINE
STOPPED, just 75 feet in front of the onrushing
giant! Then his motor wouldn't crank and hel
barely escaped being run down. But he got it S
photo of the big super-dreadnought New York-J
Be sure you get this great picture! It's well worth
framing. Printed on the front page of the Intagljo
iyitW S it-.-
-Trirrarr.iinii-ft-tfft.ir i
fcJ&i8iufct iisiijates