KVByiffG LEDgER.pmLADfiLPttTA TtTESDAY, MARCH 9, T915. 9 H-siMi mmiiiA,mm A'a M. ., wmtMLwMt Social rf7S cjancGt? ' and fier? onai K-rf4Js'W- Aew ll llfl)i 1 j V '- It3 H nSB SL-J IVlSd BLEANOn AnNETT, of 2118 Pin iVT .(reel, wilt Rivo ft small Informal costumo Jtneo on Saturday night. P -. Rtimrt Wurts. of 826 Spruco Met. Is visiting Miss Mary drecnough. tho laughter cf Mr, and Mrs. David areonough, In Boston. i'... .-a m. William B. Kurtz entertained Wt members of the Science and Art Club at L...i lout nlitht. Admiral C. Goodrich gavo in Illustrated lecture on India. Among thoso ereient wero , - rmts, Jr.. Mr- nnd Mrs. Frank Miles Day, Xlr, ana Mm. ii ' -. ifr James Mapes uougo, mr. anu mra. uuwn Emlen. Mr. and. Mrs. Dllwyn Wlstnr, Mr. and Mr8 Jphn Winston, Mr. nnd Mrs. Reynolds Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Woodruff Jones, Mr. nnd ites. Wlllinm u. 1'OUIKC, Jir. mm niru. iiukcii TAhnnon. Mr, nnd Mrs. Spcry llownrd- if.i. Mr. nnd Mrs. Francis R. Strawbrldge, Dr. Jeph McFnrlan, Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Del Till', Miss Howell nnd Edward Howell. r nii-hnrd S. Edwards, of 211D Locust ltrt who has been on tho house party of i Ai.rnnder Tiers, of Now York, at Talla- lajsee, Fla.. has returned to this city. ' A ta will bo given this aftornoon by the Geographical Society, In their rooms In tho Wltheraooon Building, In honor of Miss Eliza II. Bcldmoro, one of tho most noted woman geographers of this country and foreign sec retary of tho Nntlonal Geographical Society. Mil Scldmoro Is a groat traveler and has writ ten many books, Including thoso on Alaska, IJjpan, India, Java and a rccont one, "Ab tho Hague, Ordains." ) Mrs. Howard Ford Hansol will preside at the tea table at the dansant on Thursday aft ernoon at Brooke Houso, 1813 Walnut stroot. A number of next ycar'B debutantes will as sist In receiving. ; Mrs. John W Townsend, of 2228 Locust itreet, has returned from a week's visit In New York. Vn. Carroll Carter has announced the en gagement of Miss Alice Plunkett, formerly of California, to Charles F. Mitchell, formerly of Wllkes-Barre, now of this city. No date has been set for the wedding. A eubscrlptlon danco will be given at the Philadelphia Cricket Club on April 14, which kill be chaperoned by several of Chestnut Hill's prominent oung matrons. The Glee Club of tho Wlllinm Penn Charter School will clvo a concert on Friday evening, If arch M, at the Bellovue-Stratford, to be followed by a dance. Mlia Eleanor Turnbull, who has been visiting gUrs. Clarence Fontaine Maury Leldy, has re- I turned to Baltimore, Md. The annual meeting of the Hahnemann Hos pital Association was held at tho Bcllevue Stratford this morning at 11 o'clock for tho election of officers and hearing reports. The meeting was addressed by the following named: Itev. G. BIckloy Burns; Dr. William A. Pearson, dean of the Hahnemann Medical Col lege; Dr. Thomas H. Carmichael, Dr. William W, Speakman, Dr. D. Bushrod James, Charles t. Barney, president of Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital; Charles P. Perkins, treas urer o$ Hahnemann Medical College and Hos pital. Tha officers of the Hahnemann Hospital As sociation are Mrs. Thomas H. Carmichael, president; Miss Sarah M. Llvezey, recording secretary; Mrs. Gideon Boorlcke. corresponding secretary; Mrs, M. J. P. Jenkins, treasurer. , The association has a membership of 125, among whom nre tho following: Mrs. J. Albert Caldwell, Mrs. J. Lewis Crozer, Condesa de Bama Eulalla, Mrs. John Grlbbel, Mrs. Charles A, Potter, Mrs. George C. Thomas, Mrs. Ernest jL. Tuatln, Mrs. Dlllwyn Wlstar. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Devenney announce I the engagement of their daughter, Miss Emllle fDerenney, to Dr. Vincent J. Fenerty. I,; Mrs. II. A. Plersol, of Swarthmore, Is visiting Iker mother, Mrs. Albert E. Peterson, of Linden t avenue. j'Mra. Charles Howard Colket.of 200S De Lancey place, entertained at bridge today. Her guests Included Mm. Wnlta. T Tlal.Y Mra TTnronrri n'...:., : ".' ... .: " . uuvia, airs. a. Lincoln Bteelman, airs, nenrjr 8,' Grove, Mrs. Walter II. Bryant and Mrs. Frank Pearson. jfilr. and Mrs. Colket will leave on Thursday for Plnehurat, N. C. to remain for a fortnight. fMra. Charles B. Mathews, of Haverford Court, Haverford. entertained at luncheon to- toy at the Belleyue-Stratford If Mrs. Walter Jackson Freeman antartsJnitd her triage, club at her home. 1133 Bpmcs street, to- pUra. Freeman la entertaining Mra. Barnard jOOpln, of Baltimore, Md., this week. iAt the residence Of Mrs. Matthew Remnla. 1910 Bgrttee street, the Sewing Class formed by iiHi members of Miss (-ni' nihi. rin win .ESj! h' morning and the following Tuesdays. ww.memoers Include Mrs, William W. Arnett, 'kfra. A. J TJflllMa nivnn Xft. -DUn Ti jpompaon, Mtas Eleanor Arnett, Miss Mar- Klu i "-" " iiuain d. aiyers, Alias fen Sample, MUs Mary St. Williams, Miss I'1LtUla. B. Bcott. MUn. Franklin McCrea Wlrgman -will receive Informally thi nii.nir, ,i v,.- t.. m lgn street, from 4 until 6 o'clock. Mrs, John J Pjrgman wiu also be at borne the foUowlng Jpesdaya during this month. No cards have .lb -i t Kpi "Pni QUI. PS Johtl fVlrfiV Ttirm tvIII miivm. V&M. m the Equal Suffrage Franchise League on s"y evenmg, March 16, at her honie, 18JJ f street The following artlats will tako Howard Battay, vlollnlat; John Tomp ?n. planlat; Madame William Latta Nn. LU- Soprano. Ml Uirv NfiurkIrO .nnlmlln pi Dr. John Hirst, tenor. plia Jtssl Wright, who has been the guest v jonn aubert, of "Hilltop," Bydal, for fit ek. t Mid Mr. Morton n. Fetterolf. of Bydal, rSfflejl On Sunday from Delanil. M nrhara m Hani two ftk a thf Swata pf Nji d m, im? MtKa, ws M.T nouao tntre. CHESTNUT HILL Morgan Hebard nnd family nre spending tho remainder of the winter nt Miami, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Moyn, Jr., of East Graver's lane, nre spending several weelts In Atlantic City, N. J accompanied by their two daughters. Miss Marian and Mlaa Etcnnor Moyn. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sill Clnrk, of Highland avenue, left their homo Inst week to visit Mrs. Clnrk'B father, General Dudley Avery, of Lou Istana. GERMANTOWN Tho Sophomoro Class of tho Stevens School will gtvo a tea In honor of the Senior Class, on Friday afternoon, Mnrch 12, nt the Automobile Club, There will bo n concert preceding by tho members of tho Germantown Academy Glee nnd Mnndolln Clubs. Tho walls will be hung with yellow nnd bluo school banners, nnd the tea table decorations will bo daffodils and corn flowers, tho school colors. Miss Mary Bcntley, principal of tho Stevens School, together with Miss Mary Mills, the assoclnto principal, will preside nt tho tea tabic. Tho members of the Sophomoro Class are Miss Charlotte Cherry, president; Miss Jean Speesc, vice president; Miss Nntnlln Bllzard, secretary; Miss .ulldrod Havens, Miss Edith Ketcham, ' Miss Marlnn Hnrpcr, Miss Mnry Louise McCown, Miss Mar garet Shoemaker, Miss Margaret Rich, Miss Harriet Smith, Miss Alicia C. Buehlor. Miss Gencvlovo Dlllcnbeck, Miss Elsie Emerlck, Miss Isabel Brown, Miss Mary Closson. Miss Marian Stearns, Miss Annettn Leo MacGrath. Miss Ellen Lamont Patterson, of Georgetown, Md., is tho guest of Mrs. George R. Green, or 413 West School lane. Mr. nnd Mrs. Norman B. Mathlcu have re turned from their honeymoon nnd will receive friends at their home, 5316 Germantown avenue. Mr. nnd Mrs. John W. Goodfellow, of 232 West School Innc, havo been entertaining their son, Arthur Goodfellow, of Detroit, Mich. Edwin Atlec, of West. Coulter street, recently returned from n trip nbroad. Miss Johanna Sweeney entertained nt "600" last evening nt her home, B3B0 Wlngohocklng terrace. Her guests wore Miss Edna Walsh, Miss Gertrude Conlln, Miss Mario Duffy, Miss Agnea Comber, "Miss Helen McEvoy. Miss Marie Keonan, Miss Gertrude McEvoy, Joseph B. Campbell, Frank Kcphart, EdwnrJ Hague, Al Cunningham, Edward Cnmpbell, Edward Trainer nnd Jack Morton. Mrs. Crichton Mnlcolm and her daughter, Miss Grace Malcolm, of Ml Lincoln drive, are spend ing a fortnight In Atlantic City. WEST PHILADELPHIA Miss Rebecca Margaret Hnag, accompanied by her brother, George 1'nrrls Hnag, of 4837 Cedar avenue, will sail from New York on Sat urday, March 27, for Bermuda, where they will spend the Easter holidays. They will return home April 12. Clarence M. Darden, formerly of Richmond, Vn., n representative of tho draughting de partment of the Louisville and Nashville Rail road Company, Nashville, Tenn.. Is spending a row days here ns tho guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. B. McDonagh, 5324 Chestnut street. While In tho city Mr. Darden will Inspect the Baldwin locomotive plant. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mercer Hlcks will go to Atlantic City for tho Easter holidays to Join a houso party, which will be given by Mr. nnd Mrs. Percival Thomas, Jr. Miss Florence Elliot, of 4537 Spruce Btroet, entertained her bridge club this afternoon. Tho members Included Miss Mary Mock, Mrs. John Morgan, Mrs. A. 11. Davis, Mrs. Thomas Klbler, Mrs. William Motzgor, Miss Hettlo E. Myers, Miss Martha Shlbley, Miss Gertrude Kelley, Miss Grace E. Myers and Mrs. Richard W Nelms, Jr. ALONG THE READING Mrs. Frank T. Kllgore, of 4DI2 Marvlne street, Logan, entertained at luncheon, followed by cards, yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Kllgore's guests were Mrs. Thomas C. Poole, Mrs. Robert W. Klncade, Mrs. Frederick J. Krebs, Mrs. George W. Lord, Mrs. F. J. Glmbel, Mrs. Thomas H. Jackson, Mrs. John F. Costello, Mrs. Alex ander, Mrs. Melnotte Schruffler, Mrs. Morris Peterman and Mrs. Paul Huyette. Mrs. James F. Hall entertained the members of her sewing circle yesterday afternoon at her home, 6301 North Park avenue, Onk Lane. Mrs. E. B. Neuhauser, Mrs. A. U. Dudley, Mrs. C. H. Anthoney, Mrs. B. G. Hltchner, Mlas Lily Marlon, Mrs. Albert Gee and Mrs. Deneke wilt be her guests. The next meeting of tho Pioneers Branch of the Clvlo Club will take place at tho home of M. G. Robinson, North 11th street, Oak Lane, this afternoon, at 2:30 o'clock. T vin k served during the afternoon and Mrs. Robinson will act as hostess. There are about 65 mem bers? Miss Dorothy Stauld will entertain at bridge thl afternoon at her home on Woodbine avenue. Oak Lane. The A. W. T. Society of the Oak Lane Bapr tlst Church will gtvo a chicken and waffle up per Thursday evening, LANSDOWNE A sewing class, which has been meeting for a number of years past among the Friends of Lansdowne, Is now giving Its time to tho mak ing of garments for the French and Belgian refugees. Through Mrs. Luoy Blddle Lewis the things are sent right to the Society of Friends in England, which personally distributes the contributions among the needy. Among the la'dles who are helping are Mrs. Lucy Blddle Lewis, Mrs. Howard White, Mrs. J. E. Baker, Mrs, Samuel Bartram, Mrs. William R. Fogg, Mrs. Anna Comly, Mrs. Marshall Hannum, Mra Carrol C. Llpplncott, Mrs. Samuel Ogden, Mrs. B. Elmn Pyle, Mrs. E. A. Thompsdn, Mrs. Arthur Shrlgley. Mra. Barclay White. Mrs, George Foster White, Mrs. Anna Stewart, Mlsa Emily Wilbur and Mra. 8. Read Warren. Mrs. Walter L. Webb, of Runnymed avenue, a entertaining Mrs. David A. MacOregor. of WestfleUl, N. J. Frank O. O'NtlU and Ms alster. Miss Irene O'Neill, of Sowth Dartmouth,, Man,, will r tsra from 8and te lstltr jrt of this MISS GRACE GALBRAITH Miss Gnlbraith is a popular member of tho younger sot in Lansdowne. She hns appeared in n number of amateur theatrical affairs recently. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA A surprise party was given In honor of Mrs. Adolph Hlrchberg on Sunday night nt her home. 1533 Latona street. A Dutch supper wns served nnd music was rendered by tho Hlrchberg Orchestra. Exhibition dancing wns given by Mrs. Hlrchberg nnd John Hlrchberg, nnd solos by Miss Dlnl.th Futcrmlk and Mlsa Anna Solo- man. Mr. Hlrchberg presented his wlfo with n trip to tho Panama Exposition. Among those present were Mr. nnd Mrs. Hlrchberg, Mr. nnd Mrs. Benjamin Futermlk, Mr. and Mrs. Max Futermlk, John Hlrchberg. Philip Hcrchberg, Mr. nnd Mrs. Bernard Solo man. Miss Bertha Hlrchberg, Miss Leah Futer mlk, Miss Dlnnah Futermlk. Miss Leah Wolfe, Mr. and Mrs, Isaac Wolfe nnd Samuel Goldberg, of New York. Mrs. William Clark, Jr., entertained the mem bers of her Lenten sewing circle at her home, 1937 South Btreot, Inst evening. Her guests were Mrs. Jnckson Downcs, Mrs. William Thackeray, Mrs. John E. Hutchinson, Mrs. Alden Clarke, Mrs. Raymond Patrldge, Mrs. Samuel Mellln.-nnd Miss Mary Scott, Mrs. Will lam Weber, Miss Rose Borkon, Mrs. Arthur Elliott and Miss Catherine Bennett. Miss Gladys Monsalvatnge was hostess last evening to the members of her "500" club, at her home In the GIrnrd Estate, 192S Shunk street. Sixteen guests were present, and an at tractive luncheon followed tho game. Mrs. Albert A. Mcllnrd was tho guest of honor at a delightful theatre party last evening, given by her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Edwin Schlorer, of 1009 South Front street. In honor of her birthday. Aftor the thentro tho guosts had supper at the Rltz-Carlton. Mrs. Hugh C. Mooro Is at present entertain ing Miss Lottlo Thompson, -of Now York, who will remain for about 10 days nt her home, 1522 South Broad street. Mlsa Mae MacNellle, of Atlantic City, will come to the city tomorrow to be the guest of Mrs. and Mrs. George Vnn H. Potter, at their home In the GIrnrd Estnte, 2503 South 20th Btreet. Sho will remain for about 10 days, and on her return to Atlantic City sho will be ac companied by Mrs. Albert B, MncNolllo, who will remain with her until May or Juno. Mrs. Lewis Thomns, of 2103 South Broad street, will give tho third euchre of her series this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, nt the Corley Club, 11th and Jackson streets. So far these euchres have proved delightful nffnlrs, and as the proceeds are generously donated to the poor of Epiphany Parish, the cause is a most worthy one, MRS. H, K. FRITZ Mra. Fritz, will be remembered as. Miss Edna MacMunn. Mr. and Mrs, Fritz have recently returned from their wed- dJjno- trip. ,x! 'vz NORTH PHILADELPHIA In honor of tho birthday anniversary of Ben jamin Franklin Ellis, 3d, n party will bo given by his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Benjamin F. Ellis, Jr., nt their home, 2553 North Broad street, this evening. Thoso who will attend are, Mrs. George Egolf, Mra. A. B. Ellis. George Jenkins, Willis Jenkins, Harry Egolf, Jr.. Chnrlcs Egolr. Miss Miriam Schwlnn. Miss Ruth Delgnrt, Jacob Knapp, H. Kennett Gutsche. Willis Ward, Jerome Ward, Miss Dorothy Ward, Miss Ethel Ward, John Rcldlngcr nnd Miss Viola Knapp. The Ladles' Aid Society of the Catholic Home for Destitute Children held Its monthly card party yesterday afternoon, at tho Homo for Girls, 29th streot and Allegheny avenue. Tho proceeds of these card parties aro for the fund to found nn Industrial Bchool for poor children, and so far havo been qulto successful. Miss Mnrlan Mnnsbach, of 1433 Diamond street, Is spending some tlmp in Baltimore, Md., where she Is tho guest of her slater, Mrs. Maur ice Bendunn. Mrs. Julius Hlrsh, of North Broad street, Is passing the week In Pittsburgh, Pa, Mlsa Irene Weber, of North 17th street, enter tnlned the members of her bridge club last night. NORTHEAST PHILADELPHIA Mlsa Sarah Kolinsky, of 1721 North Sth street, gave a Dutch supper to a number of her friends nt her home. Those present were Miss Florence Mittclman, Miss Lillian Kolinsky, Miss Flor ence Oberfleld, Miss Anna Rosenwclg, Miss Eva Frankel, Mlas May K. Kolinsky, Miss Ella Kates, Miss Molly Nadlor, Miss Mao Schrul, Miss Kathlyn Meyers, Miss Lena Paskman, Miss Bess E. Wesscl, Mies Sara Clarfeld; Mau rice Frankel, Bummlo Burak, Frank Plotnlck, John Boll, Albert Adelson, Isadoro Frankel, Hurry Miltonberg, Lewis Isaacson, Edward Cowan, Samuel Kolinsky, Lewis Flshscraper, Harry Clearfield, Joseph Dublnsky, Maurice Maen, Harry A. Simon, Wlllinm Maen, Leon Iercalwltz. Joseph Gilbert and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kolinsky. Mr. nnd Mrs. William Hackenburg. of 953 North Sth street, made a short stay at tho Royal Palaco Hotel, Atlantic .City. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Lelman, of 918 North Marshall street, announce the betrothal of their daughter, Miss Clara Lelman, to Nathaniel Kalta, TIOGA Mr. and Mrs. J, H, Hnrtzell, of 1702 Erie ave nue, entertained at "600" last night. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. Jevons, Mr. and Mrs. R. Ritchie, Mr. and Mrs. E. Hallowell, Mr. and Mrs. C. Wallworth and Mr. and Mrs. W. Williams. Mrs. Walter B. Lake, of 15SJ West Erie ave nue, a popular hostess of Tioga, will give a luncheon, followed by cards, today, at her home. The decorations will be pink, sweet peas being the flowers used. Her guests will be Mrs, Edward I. Bacon, Mrs. Seton Rich, Mrs. Henry Palate, Mrs. James Turner, Mrs, Harry D. Stevens, Mrs. Charles Jarden, Mrs. Charles Kindt, Mrs. Samuel Larzalere, Mrs. Louis Fort ner, Mrs. Andrew MoICee and Mrs. Frank M. Snyder, of Jenklntown. Mr, and Mrs. Alexander Engelke, of 1815 West Ontario street, are entertaining Mr., and Mra. W, Bowker, of Atlantic City, The Rev, Dr. John Gordon, of 3711 North 18th street, had as his guest over the week-end the Rev. Dr, John L. Campbell, of Cambridge, Mass., pastor of v tho largest church In New England, Mrs. Llnd Mason Baker, of 1805 West Erie avenue, entprtalned at luncheon and bridge yes. terday, when her guests were Mrs. Walter Cregar, Mrs. Clarence Howett, Mrs. Robert McCreary, Mrs. Harry Kuhn, Mrs. Charles McCue. Jr.. Mrs. Louis G. Green, Mrs. W. Class, Mrs. John Roberts, Mrs. George N. Fleming, Mrs. James Thompson and Mrs. Louis Cave. Mlas Helen Eells. of 84U North 15th street, will entertain the following at cards on Thurs day atfernoon: Mlas Emma, Lawrence, Mlsa Edna Scull, Miss Charlotte Flaming, Miss Flor. ence Gelkler. Mlas Dorothy Greaves. Mlas Allca AIcFadden, Miss Marian Jones:, M Mildred Heist, Mlas Peatriot Rottner. Miss Adallne Froelkh, Mtas Hazel Crawford, Mlsa Vlolat Carson and Mlsa Florence MacMorrla, LIEUTENANT RALPH 1 SHEPARD, U. , M. C, and Mrs. Shepnrd will glvo a dance nt their home, In the GIrnrd Estate, 2332 South 21st street tonight. Their guests will bo Colonel Littleton Waller T, Waller, U. S. M. C, and Mrs. Waller, Captnln T. C. Turner, U. S. M. C, nnd Mrs. Turner, Lieutenant A. A. Vnndcgrlft U. S. M. C, and Mrs. Vnndcgrlft, Major It! S. Beikelcy, If. C, M. d nnd Mrs. Berkeley, Cnp tnln Rlcnnrd U. Crcccy, U. S. M. C, nnd Mrs. Crcecy, Captain W. N. Hill, U. S. M, C nnd Mrs Hill, Captain F. F. Ilobards, U. S. M. C nnd Mrs. Rohnrds, Lieutenant Colonel W. C. Neville, U. S. M. C, nnd Mrs. Neville, Captain E, T. Fryer, U. S. M. C and Mrs. Fryor, Major H. Lee, U. S. M. C, nnd Mrs. Lee, Lieutenant Commander Rnymond S. KeVcs, O. S, N., and Mra, Koyts, Cnptnln A. S. Williams, U. S. M. C, and Mrs. Wllllnms, Lieutenant Chnrlcs A. Lutz. U. S. M. C, nnd Mrs. t.utz, Lloutcnatit W F. Cochlnne, V. S. N., nnd MrB, Cochrane, Lieutenant Commander Guy A. Hlssett, tJ. S. N., nnd Mm. Blssctt, Pnymnster A. B. Court, U. S. N., nnd Mrs. Court. Llcutonnnt Arthur T. Barney, V. S. N., nnd Mrs. Bnrney, Lieu tenant Snmucl W. Bognn, U. S. M. C, nnd Mre. Bogan, Ltcutennnt J. Q. Adams, U. S. M. C, and Mrs. Adams, Lieutenant C, T. Blackburn, U. S. N., and Mrs. Illnckhurn, Mrs. Hoyt, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Vuite, Mrs. Wilcox, Mnjor C. S. Hill, TJ. S. M. C, Cnptnln Mncker Uabb, U. S. M. C, Major Smedloy D. Butler, V. S. M. C, Captnln J. R. Horton, U. S. M. C. Lleutcnnnt E. A. Ostermnn, Cnptnln J, C. Beaumont, Major C. S. Hill, Lleutennnt E. W. Sturdevant, .Miss Vnndcgrlft nnd Lleutennnt R. D. Brumbaugh, Paymaster Mnnnlng II. Phllbrlck, U. S. N., nnd Mrs. Phllbrlck, Lieutenant A. B. Mlllor, U. B. M. C, nnd Mra. Mlllor. Invitations have been Issued by tho Enter tainment Commlttco of St. Rltn'n Club, Broad and Ellsworth streets, for an nttrnctlve dance, to bo held In tho clubhouse on Mnrch 17. The hnll will bo decorated with the usunl Irish novelties, and a special musical program has been arranged. Among tho guestB Invited are tho following popular South Phllndelphlnns: Miss Ernestine Bonner, Miss Teresa Dondero, Miss Mnrlnn Miller, Miss Hannah Graham, Miss Hannah McFadden, Miss Ida Vcrulsl, MIsp Jano McBrearty, Miss Mary McMnhon, Miss Ellznbeth Mclntce, Miss Stella McNnmeo, Miss Sarah Rahn. Miss May Hnhn, Miss Susan ROXBOROUGH The flrst of tho spring entertainments of th? Roxborough Sowing Club wns hold nt tho Bcllevue-Stratford. Pink nnd white tulips com bined with ferns were the decorations at the delightfully nppolnted luncheon. Tho members Includo Mrs. Clarence Pnrks, Mrs. William Stroud, Mrs. Wllhelmus H. Hocdt, Mrs. An drew J. Saucr, Mrs. Louis Melvln Struse, Mrs. Chnrlcs Whlteman, Mrs. Charles Gnne, Miss Ray Boococlc, Mrs. Wlllinm Adelholm, Mrs. Mllford C. Fox and Mrs. Frnnces Cantrell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William T. KenncdyA of 6808 RIdgo avenue, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Ellznbeth Kennedy, to Walter J. Miller, of Hermitage street. Mrs. Alexander M. Patton, of 4331 Manayunk avenue, entertnlned at bridge yesterday after noon. The game was followed by a buffet luncheon. Tho guests were Mrs. Alfred Miller, Mrs. I E. Adams, Mrs. Howard Baugher, Mrs. Charles Jones Thompson, Mrs. Adelo Gnrman, Mrs. Elmer Pflstcrer nnd Miss Elizabeth Hard wlck, of Overbrook. Mrs. James W. Wllmnrth, of New York, widow of tho Rev. Dr. Wllmarth, former pastor of tho Roxborough Baptist Church, Is vlBltlns Mrs. Robert Hays, of 120 Lyceum nvenue. The Girls' League of the Wlssahlckon Meth odist Episcopal Church will give n muslcale and literary entertnlnment In the lecture room of the church. Terrace and Hnrvey streets, on Friday evening, March 12. The pastor, the Rev. Frank M. Grny, will preside. FRANKFORD A mass meotlng for boys and girls will be held tomorrow nfternoon at 3:45 o'clock In tho Central Methodist Church, Green lane, by MIsb Gamlln, of tho Sunday party, who has chargo of the evangelistic work among young people throughout the city. Mr. nnd Mrs. Alfred Crosson nnd family, or FalrhlU street, are the guesta of Mrs. Crosson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Mutch, of Wlsslnom Ing. Harry Bally, of 1619 Fillmore street, who aalled for Europe some weeks ago, has landed at Naples, Italy, where ho will remain for some tlmo before leaving for Marseilles, France. Miss Edna J. Reynolds entertained tho mem bers of her sewing circle yesterday at her home, Harrison and Mulberry streets. Thoso present were Miss Josephine B. Mulvena, Mlts Linda Phrelfall, Mlsa Caroline Altkens and Miss Edna Yarwood. Mrs. William Carroll, Mrs. F. Gallagher, Miss Eleanor Gallagher and ,Willlam Carroll, Jr., or Rhawn street, spent the -week-end at Atlantic City, CAMDEN AND VICINITY Mrs. Samuel B. Mackintosh, of Audubon, N. J., who left last week for California, will visit tho exposition and spend EaBter on the I'aclflo coast, returning East the middle of April, Mr. and Mra. Elmer B. Long aro enjoying a stay of some weeks at Ormond, Fla. Mrs. Frank L. Starr, of 527 Linden street, Is recuperating at Atlantic City. Judge and Mrs. Frank T. Lloyd, of 527 Cooper street, aro In Florida. Sailing on the Oceanlo for Bermuda this week were Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Humphreys, of 4th and Cooper streets, and Mrs. Bulllfant and daughter, Mra, John Kates, of 5th and Linden streets. Miss Margaretta, Craig, of Merchan'tvllle, whose engagement to Paul Burleigh has been announced, is spending some time In the South. Mrs. William F. McAllister, of Merchantvllle, la spending several weeks at the shore. Mra. Charles T. Brown, of East OaU avenue. Mooreatown. -will entertain at dinner before the Swarthmora College) dasca at the Rtttenhouie next Saturday eveeUig. Wright, Miss Rose McOownn, Miss Ida T'Jlleyi Miss Frnnces Short, Miss Helen Fngarn, Miss Margaret Fagan, Miss May Kane, Mlsa Mar garot Mary Wilson, Miss Gertrude Wilson, Miss Catherine Wilson, Miss Gertrude Vogel, Miss Elizabeth Thomas, Mlsa Viola Weeks, Miss May Flnley, Miss Loulao Monvllle, Mlsa May Lafferty, Miss Mabel Iteagen and Miss May Reagen. Tho marriage of Miss Ethel Ogden Royeo, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Charles Cllflon Royce, of St. Petersburg, Fla., formerly of Germantown, and Edward Connell, of Phllndcl phln, took plnco Friday, February 29, In tile Church of the Epiphany. The ceremony wn performed by the Rev, Richard Morris, pastor of tho church. Only the two families and a few Intimate friends were present. The bride, who wan given in marrlnge by her brother, Lewis Glenn Royce, was nttended by MIbs Margaretta McAlcer na maid of honor. Invitations will bo Issued this week by Mrs. Louise, C. Thornley, of 208 Mifflin street, for the mnrrlngo of her daughter. Miss Mario C. Thornley, to James J. Lynskey, of 1522 Wolf street, which will tnko place on Monday morn ing. April 12, nt 8 o'clock, In the Church of the Sacred Heart, 3d nnd Reed streets. The Rev. Anthony J. Zollor will perform tho cerpmony, which wilt bo followed by a Nuptual Mass. Mlsa Thornley will be nttended by Miss Mario Cos grovo ns maid of honor nnd tho following brides mnlds: Miss Mnrlo Gill, Miss Marie Phllomohn Dunn, Miss Mnrte Kelly and Miss Marie Evans. Sho will havo as flower girls: Miss Marlq de Less, Miss Mnrle Hobnn and Miss Amelia Mario McCormlck. Mr. Lynskey has selected for his best man James J. Kelly, and the ushers will bo Anthony do Less, Jr., Harry Smcllon, Harry Waller, Francis P. Lynskey nnd John J. Walsh. AMUSEMENTS METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE TONIGHT at 8:15 IKkSiB MR. WM, A. BRADY Presents "nTi1 HTCT TP and th" oilbert & JJJll VV VjJur SULLIVAN OPKRA CO. In hopper The Mikado Tomorrow Mat. 'iwl Pinafore "Sk" and ThurraynnNigh,sJ Pirates of Penzance Lnrce Chorus & Orch. Prices 25c, BOc. 7Bc. $1, (1 60 1000 & Seats $1 JZ 50c, 75c KcntM 1infl rhatnti 0 -. n ' Eenta 1100 Chestnut St. nnd Opera House, CHESTNUT STEEET 2g555 .I'S"10 "' War''" Orcatm rhotoplavt AXr.?n.NOONS ! !30 o :30 10c. IBc. SSe EVENINGS 7:80 to 10:30 10cV 26o7 SOo BUi SEATS IN ADVANCE AND AVOID BTANDIN3 2d Bl'G WEEK FAMOUS PLAYERFILoDCTUPENDOUa THE ETERNAL J 1 1 JL HALL CAINE With PAULINE FREDERICK TWICE DAILY 8:30 AND 8:30 P. M. PRECEDED BY COSIEDIES WITH CHAS. CHAPLIN FORREST25.0cNOW Ilesaned i,v " TWICE DAILY, 2:30 AND 8:30 EVENING LEDGER REAL WAR PICTURES FIRST, ONLY ACTUAL, INTIMATE V1EW8 OF ALL EUROPEAN BATTLEFIELDS A Revelation and an Innovation in JUovlnr Picture Enterprise and Daring. Seen Nowhere Else, Never Before B. R Keith's Theatre Only Musical Show in Town! MAY IRWIN America's Popular Comedienne , and a Tremendous Show I , Eddie Leonard nnd Mabel ftuaaell: Nan llalnerlnr Pekln Jlyaterlea: Billy MoDermott; Arnaut Bras . ani OilierJ'eaturea, ' " rjAT?T?Tnir Next Week. Eva,at 8:11 UAX.I,101V iutlnee. wj. & Sat. at 3-16. COHAN & HARRIS- New York Company In q- COHAN'S K 7KBYS TO B ALDPATE Popular Trice Wednesday Matlncea. Beat Beats SJ.flft. ' MARKETSTREET ' ' P T n T3 TH r. A,ND JUNIPER Lr U U -D Jli ns rrWp' V "THE LAWN PARTY" WATSON 4 nUTLAND. Al, BURTON'S REVIEW BYAL 4 EARLY, 'SENATOR" FRANCIB MURPlrY the Lowes, and others tuu"y" T VPTP MATINEE TOMORROW AT Still "" i'YK1U WM. A. BRADTYrr.VinVT 8 ROBERT B. MANTELL In Shakespearean and Claaalo Repertoire TONIGHT "MACBETH" Tomorrow Mat. "ROMEO AND JULIET" TOMORROW NIOHT "HAMLET" 0 A. M. to 11 P. M. PALACE 1214 Market 10c. 20c NEWSBOY SEXTETTa1 PHOTOPLAY Ant i4ii;ug "Warrann of Virginia," ADF.TiPHT TONiairrATsuBBiLuu ". POPULAR tl MAT. THURSDAY Oliver Morosco Presents J, Hartley Mann,?.' PEG 0' MY HEART THE PLAY EVERYBODY LOVES CROSS I SS$r Arabian Nights KEYS ) p",, THEATRE ffSaiOc &$gfi MARKET BT. ABOVB" IttTU A PICTURES ' 11 A. M to litis P, H. ELSIE JANIS Caprices of Kitty BROAD Last 5 Evgs Utlu THE MlStjiUAiJXJNli LAUY Popular Price Wednesday Matinee. Be Beat ij m. Neirt Veek-TllEBLUB ENVELOPE. Beau SHur, jtvoN'B i MadJa & F,ttm trick. Hat- ftRAND "T' I Ilrkn IMtvak tVwu. ", r "5"f. i,re"? .f1 ,ff,!' Cti. law a- """w'sys!. .oaWwi uBiat LaMttjleg Picture. w . tiVtIU DUMONT'S WJMIS'gfr llPIRE l.gjp TheEJMJjg casino ngj TVnnarleTn wnB CJle.UKa Wfoowit M TUB Stanley n ii I,