Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 09, 1915, Night Extra, Page 6, Image 6

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Aged Andalusia Prophet
Stands- by His Onions,
Bristling With Proof of
Storms to Come Ere
Winter Ends.
"There'll bo three more snow storms ero
the'tolntcr ends."
Ola Simeon M. Mokemacher mado this
remark this morning nfler lie had spent
fifteen minutes In his prlvnto garden,
hedged In by tangled saplings cunningly
planted by Mokemacher nnd even more
cunningly Interwoven by nature. The
carder) (n sltuato a few miles from Anda
lusia,) Pa. H Is reached by a circuitous
path that winds through dense under
grdwth and sometimes H completely
Tho old prophet hnd Just been told
what George S. Bliss, local weather fore
caster, had to say about snow. Tho of
ficial predlcter was asked If ho thinks It
will snow any more this year. Ho laughed
a short, sarcastic laugh and replied:
"Nobody tan foretell snowstorms but
goOsebone and groundhog weather
"Theundcratlon," cjnculated Moke
machcr, when thli was repeated to him.
"I'm not a goo3cbono and I'm not a
RroumlhoT Tho nssevcr.itlon ot the of
ficial weather forecaster Is no reflection
On my system, so why should I resent It.
I simply stand by my onions. Mr. Bliss
can't tell whether It will snow three times
moro or not. Take out your little note
book, young man, and mark It down
three moro snows ere winter ends."
Mokemacher has what he claims to to
an Infallible system for prophesying tho
weather. He saya it Is a simple system,
arid today he consented to explain It to
a reporter who followed him from tho
store at Andalusia to IiIh hermit homo
and garden.
"The greatest authorities are agreed,"
ho said, "that thero is little difference
between nnlmnl and vegotable life. Could
Xhej discover tho cciiiiecllng link tho
evils of this world would be solved
instanter. My life work Is searching for
that lint and I may say I am In a fair
way to find It. My experiments are being
conducted on onions.
"To make a long story short, I can
foretell the weather accurately by the
amount uf resistance being put forth by
my private growth of highly developed
onions. Under my sBtcm ot grafting, I
have developed n 07 Ion that Is as mild,
as pleasant to the palate nnd tho nose
ns a strawberry. In Us on 11 season. But
when storm is In the air tho onion mar
shals all its latent strength.
"This special brand of onion Is covered
With a coat of hair so marvelously fine
that It cannot bo discerned by (he naked
eye. Ordinarily, It is almost Impossible
to seo thlB through n powerful mlcro
ncope, but when a storm Is coming this
hair stands up1, like that on the neck
of a savngd dog. It Is Infallible.
"Today I found tho hair standing up
like bristles on my onions. Also I de
tected a quivering In the onion Itself, and
from this I am certain thero will bo three
more snow storms."
"How do you determine the number?"
Siokcmarcher was asked
A'nal" he ejaculated, "that's tho se
cret; that, in conjunction with the hair
standing up and tho quivering of tho
vegetable. Is not only the secret, but It Is
the proof that I have found tho connect
ing link between animal nnd vegetable
"Will you not reveal it?" he was asked.
"I will not." said Mokemacher. "IVhy
should I?"
Exhortation and entreaty were In vain.
Mokemacher was besought to tell, but
he remained obdurate. He was courtesy
Itself, but he would not tell. His visitor
was treated to a cup of steaming coffee
In the little two-room stone house the
old weather prophet built with his own
hands 25 years ago, nhen he started his
experiments, according to his story, and
then escorted to the outside world
through the maze of underbrush
"You keep In touch with me," was
Stokemacher's parting remark, "and I'll
keep you Informed about tho weather.
And also keep your eye open for three
more snowstorms this month and ere tho
winter ends."
I- I..1. I I ... .1. i
PfW Jr
LiBitnn lviuiy tvvsday axv
Housewarming at Now Club Rooms
Attended by Members,
Blxty members of tho Women 'Writers'
Club were present last night at the
"house-warming" In the new club rooms,
1210 I.ocust street, established through
the generosity of Edward W. Bok, editor
of the Ladles' Homo Journal.
Mrs, Frederick W. Itockwell, who is
responsible for the artistic decorations
of the club, and Mrs. Edward W. Bok
were made honorary members. The an
nouncement of a gift to the club of a
practical working library from Mrs. Bok
was greeted with enthusiasm.
Muss Edith M. Burtis, head of th
Preswp&klng Department of the Ladles'
Koine Journal, tho club's president in
sisted "by the other officers, welcomed the
members. Those receiving with her were
Mlsa Gertrude Darnell and Mrs. Eliza
Kleinsorg. vice presidents, Miss Ida Van
Auken, treasurer. Miss Jennie Owen, cor
responding secretary; Miss Rebekah
Elliot, recording secretary, and Mrs. M,
IV Avery, Sirs. IJla Martin, Miss Emily
Carpenter, Miss Jessie Duval, Miss Doro
thy Milts and Miss Dorothy Bauer, the
members of the Council.
Director of Camp Pequa.
TM Is the third of a series 0 articles on
cooking bv Mr, Tlcrncy
Ah stated In a proWous article, this
division of tho general subject of cook
ing Is the hardest to Impart and cer
tainly tho hardest to do, and do well.
My llrst suggestion In connection with
this part of the subject would be care
ful watchfulness and "watchful wnlt
ing" and It Is as applicable to cooking
as to a dellcnte political situation It
requires tho undivided attention of the
cook to the actual cooking If ho hopes to
place before his comrades a well-cooked
Perhaps ono of tho mistakes most
often made, especially by beginners, Is
to place all of the various articles for
tho meal on tho firo at the same time,
rcgardlrss of tho length of tlmo required
for each" to cook, and na a consequence
part of the meal becomes cold beforo
tho rest Is ready. For instance, if jou
were going to have potatoes and beets
for the same meal, tho boots should
go on tho Are nt least an hour to an
hour and a hnlf before tho potatoes.
If ou were going to havo potatoes and
creamed beef, the potatoes should be
cooking 15 to 20 minutes before you start
tho beef.
In other woids, It Is up to the cook to
learn tho length of tlmo required to cook
each and every article and then plan his
cooking accordingly.
Learn to gaugo tho heat required for
different foods Some require Intense
bent and to bo cooked rapidly; others,
moderate hent and to be cooked slowly.
See that the heat Is distributed evenly
over the surface of tho pan or kojile,
Some articles require to be covered
while cooking; others do not.
Somo vegetables are better for being
cooked In several waters; for Instance,
onions nnd cabbage, unless very young.
The amount of grease used In frying
often determines the palatableness of-nn
article of food. Tried potatoes are often
spoiled by too much grease.
Seasoning food Is another very Impor
tant point in cooking to learn to gauge
the amount ot Bait, pepper, etc., required
1h one of the most difficult things. It Is
also neceBsnry to know when to season
Some articles require the seasoning as
soon' as put on tho tire, or before; others
do not require It until nearly cooked. For
Instance, putting salt in the kettle when
boiling new corn has a tendency to
toughen the vegetable. Some persons put
the salt in Just before removing the corn.
Personally. I like to leave the season
ing of new corn until It Is to be eaten.
Most of the vegetables can bo cooked,
nearly or quite done, beforo adding the
salt. 1
As stated before, this article is more
In the nature of a suggestion, and the
actual process will have to be worked
out by each individual until he becomes
what Is often spoken of as an intuitive
Anniversary Efficiency Contest
Troop 67 celebrated the rounding out of
its flrst year by an efficiency contest at
its headquarters, Mt. Airy, last night
Many of tho requirements of the flrst
class scout test were included in the
contest, which was Judged by Deputy
Scout Commissioner Patton In tho fol
lowing subjects: Inspection, knot-tying,
first aid, bugling, signaling and nature
studSC Five points were awarded for
flrst place In each subject, three points
for secoii'l place and one point for third
Scout J. Hansel won flrst prize, a camp
lamp, for setting the greatest number of
points, he winning first, place In signaling
and In nature study and several second
and third places. Prizes were won by
Nesbltt. Inspection: Martllng, knot tying,
and Rowe bugling and first aid,
The scouts were drilled by Scout
master Robert McDonald. Scouts enter
ing In the contest were; Signaling,
Guckes,. Magulre, Hood, Thornton, Crld
land.'H. Hansel, J, Hansel, a. Crouter,
Nesbltt. Jefferson, Kaufman, HUlsley, Op
penlnnder, Morris and Owens; first aid,
Guckes, Mortimer, Kennedy, Hood,
ONE. of those early spring days when
-everybody wants to be outdoors, a
red bird began hunting around to And a
good, place to nest.
HaJhUnted through two or three trees,
wound 4 grape arbor and In a lilac bush.
ByvUnUJlme he hod used up all his am
bition ?0r work.
What's the use of my rushing around
this nay to find a nesting ptace when I
ie the whole spring for that. This
land of day is made fpr staging-, not
for woiMng
j!a tie flew to a sunny branch and began
to sl'i. "Come here' Come here! Come
In a house close by a mother had set
tled hwseU at her sewing, "I simply
uuutt p4t these suits done this week;
rfiriaf, wilt soon be hero and the children
Bfi thinner clothes'
Ue etttebad and sewed duthjntlrp for a
A&L idea h stopped suddenly1, and
Ut(3i!- 1
"Cwe hre! Come here! Come here'
tuU the red bird.
N, il not 'come he. she said to
fei$ftlf, "thje sewing must-bew-done!"
t'vmt !. ome here" insisted the
tb nfU' Tk da 1 m S she ad
ir.ttts "nnd v Ml aweH. a Mmw
misUtr u - J bMWhed Mr w
3L irlS3f w W t a wim
, . . ! stc Htw waikan uo and
o,m a eujvtPfl fiitofWB-r mead
the cardinal's song. Of course she pre
tended to herself that she was planning
where to. plant her sweet peas!
But she didn't fool the red bird a min
ute he was used to watching people In
spring time!
After he had sung a note from every
tree nearby he decided to explore.
Like a flash of crimson he darted away,
never stopping till he found the biggest
tree In the school yard.
The morning was warm and the fur
nace was hot (you know perfectly well
how beautifully furnaces work when you
don't need them). 80 the school room
windows were wide open.
The cardinal surveyed the building
"Come herel Come hero!" he called
And then In a minute, "Come herel
Come here!" He sang It as loud as he
For 50 minutes he sang there, calling
his very best to the children shut up in
side. The children lost their places in read
ing and forgot how to add and every
thing, because they Just had to listen
to the cardinal.
And pretty soon one teaober went
around and shut all the windows so the,
ohjldrea couldn't hear the bird. She
didn't believe blrda $uid talk anil she
dtfft't bUve tn fairies either) Another
teatir said. "Children, close your bcoks,
If pe say IP otuay arithmetic we're
f Iimw the yard te u4y birds' '
'Udi Jtooai -wouid you rather be
tifeMtfpM, 4Mf-mW IggHMK 449.
Thornton, Crldland, .1 Hansel, Y Crou
ter, a Crouter, Nesbltt, Jefferson. Illlis
le.v. Oppcnlnndcr. Dunn, Martllng, Owens
id I'm e; hucllng, Thornton, Crldland,
Y. Crouter, Owens nnd Rowe; Inspection,
iiiichi'K, iuortmiir, Alagulie, Konned,
nilbraltli, Hood, Thornton, Cildland,
Hardy, Hansel, J Hansel, Y Crouter, G.
Crouter, Nesbltt, Jefferson, Owens nnd
Gibson; knot-tying, Guckes, Mortimer,
Hood, Thornton, Crldland, Hardy, II.
Hansel, .1. Hansel, Y Crouter, G Crouter,
Nesbltt, Jefferson, Kaufman, II. Gamble,
n Gamble, Hlllsley, Oppcnlander, Dunn,
Martllng, Owens, Rowe and Gibson, and
nnture study, Guckes, Hood, Thornton,
Crldland, Hardy, II. Hansel, J. Hansel,
X. Crouter, O Crouter, Nesbltt, Jefferson,
H. Gamble, R Gamble, Dunn, Morris,
Rowe, Martllng, Gibson and Owens,
Nautical Troops Meet Tonight
The nautical troops, 116 and 117, will
meet for the flrst tlmo this season at
Boy Scout Hendquarters, 5th and Chest
nut streets, this evening. Captain
Charles Longstrcth, captain of tho Nau
tlcal Committee, will preside. Final
preparations for all "landlubber" work
will bo made.
"Roughing It With the Scouts'
"Roughing It Out of Doors with the
Boy Scouts," tho Illustrated lecture given
by Deputy Commissioner Patton, will be
tioueieu nt the headquarters of Troop
125, Scoutmaster Clarenco Williams, at
9J.1 South Front street, Thursdny evening.
Troops OS, CO and -12 also will attend.
Troop 49 Inspected
Tho tlru public inspection of Troop 19,
Scoutmaster Gctz, was held "Friday
night, at 57th street and Washington
avenue. The Scouts, lined up with tholr
scoutmaster at their head, were Inspected
by Scoutmaster Rosenbaum and Assistant
Scoutmaster Sacks, of Troop 51.
Troop 21, Tacony
Assistant Scoutmaster Graham, of
Troop 21, Tacony, lias started n hos
pital corps William Kealey has passed
his second-class test and has been
awnrded a srvlce stripe for one year's
sen Ice.
Gettysburg Service Corps to Meet
The Gettysburg Boy Scout Service
Corps will hbld a meeting nt the City
Club, on the 17th floor of tho Real Estate
Trust Building, Thursday evening, March
18, to confer with n committee of the
Philadelphia Boy Scout Council on t'no
best means of making the organization
more permanent. The membership of tho
corps Is mado up of scouts who served at
the Gettysburg Encampment In 1913.
Poy Scout Training a School
The lessons Boy Scouts 'earn In their
troops aro doing them more good than
thoso which they learn In school. Is
t'no opinion expressed by the Rt. Rev.
Philip M. Rhlnelander, Bishop of the
Piotcstant Episcopal Diocese of Pennsyl
vania, In a letter to Dr. Charles D. Hart,
chairman of the Executive Scout Council.
Tho letter reads:
Dear Dbctor Hart:
I am very glad to take this opportunity
of expressing my cordial approval of
the Boy Scout movement In this coun
try, and my hearty commendation of the
great work for the boys that has already
been accomplished by t'nls admirable or
ganization. I know no other movement
on behalf of boys which seems to be bo
wisely directed and so effective In pro
ducing good results. Competent observ
ers have not hesitated to tell me that I
In their opinion very many of our boys
are getting more good, both morally and
Intellectually, out of the Boy Scouts than
they get out of their schools. I am In
clined to think that t'nls Is very largely
true. I ant quite sure that the Boy
Scouts deservo the cordial support of all
our citizens who havo the training ot
the younger generation at heart. You
can always rely on me to give you any
assistance that I can in this great work.
Faithfully yours,
Bishop of Pennsylvania,
New Scoutmaster for Troop 104
The scouts of Troop 1(H, at St. Andrew's
Church, 8th, above Spruce street, will
elect a new scoutmaster at their meet
ing tomorrow evening. Scoutmaster
George F, Grove left several weeks ago
to Join the Red Cross division attached to
tne urltlsn army.
Gossip About tho Scouts
- Trpop 8 and Troop 61, on a Joint hike
through the woods along Crum Creek,
near Swarthmore, extinguished a large
tire in the grass and underbrush Febru
ary 28. They took off their coats and
beat out the flames after hard work,
Scout William Plerson, of the Consho
hocken troop, prevented two boys from
setting fire to a wooded field on the out
skirts of the town. If the fire had started
It would likely have caused a great deal
of damage.
Troop 8
John Urban, Daniel Leary, Edward
Murp'ny and John Charowskl have en
rolled in Division C. Troop 8, and Jacob
Kraemer, Abraham Baltlnsky and Reuben
Freeman In Division A. They are pass
ing their tenderfoot test The troops,
which Is going to start a fife and drum
corps, received Its first lesson on these
instruments Friday from Instructor
Gross. "Mike" Dorzas, the Intercollegiate
wrestling champion, and Scoutmaster
Senn, of Troop 36, addressed the troop
March I -at an exhibition drill given by
Division U It was the llrst evening the
wrestling champion has been present
since, he was eojiflned to 'nis bed. revision
C hiked to Swarthraere February K,
where the aoouts were the quests of
Mum Anna Davles, head worker of the
Collage Settlement, and her sister, Miss
Abigail Paviea. The division, which was
accompanied by Patrol Leader Bernard
HWliei", ot Btlnjoiu Troop I, in the W4u
t Troop !, V"4r Si-auuiiustw AlUt
Troops 72 and 22 Tie
Troop "2 tied Tioop 22 In n contest
Thursday night, the flnnl score nt 10 15
p. m, being 371 points each. The contest,
which Included slgnnlln, llrst aid, Ihdlnn
leg wrestling, hand wrestling, cntch-as-cnteh-tan
wrestling and tenderfoot and
second-ciass scout qucstlonu, was exfclN
Ing nnd both troops were, pulling strong
nt tho finish. Troop 72, whluh Is barely
n year old, entered the contest with 18
scouts, only three of whim Blank, Car
roll nnd Dolbcy are second-class. -Tho
others are tendcrfect. Tho two troops
will hold nnother contest In a few weeks.
Troop 60 Selling Enstcr Eggs
Tho 27 members of Troop CO, with head-
quaitcrs In St. George's Parish House,
Indiana avenue nnd Livingston street, nre
selllmr eircs for Easter to put somo
money in their troop treasury. To date
thev have sold 31C0 rgs, In botes of 100
each. Tho scouts pntrolcd the race course
for tho Boja' Club of tho Church Club
Troop 100
David Ferguson has succeeded Douglas
Cole as patrol leader In Troop 109. At
the last meeting of tho troop tho 27 mem
bers voted to start n baseball team and
to begin spring practice Boon.
Troop 4G
The buglo corps of Troop 4, under Pa
trol Leader Helms ami acouis ueyDuru
and 1 tanner. Is practicing under tho In-
airuelion ol x'airu. uuuuut w.wo. w
rr- te ...bn nltn 1t tmnhinsr Romo of
1 the scouts to blow tho life. Tho troop Is
nnxlous to reccivo cnancnBcs irom owior
troops In any kind of scout contest. Tho
hendquarters are at the Temple Lutheran
Church, uZd and Race streets.
Jersey Scouts
r-t.. nn.T f.-Amiin linn heen annolnted as
sistant scoutmastci and Hewllngs Wal
lace acting drlllmaster of tho Ocean City
,mn Tt.n f1; mamliprfl nrn nrnctlclng tho
Scouts' pace, whereby they can tell with
out tho aid of a watch how many miles
they hae covered on their hikes Under
Scoutmnstcr J. Edgar Welch they nro also
studying first nld to tho injured nnd the
Morse signaling code
Under Scoutmaster Samuel Stonehlll, of
Westmont, Camden Troop 13, with head
quarters nt 010 Broadway, successfully po
liced and nctcd as ushers at the play and
danco given by tho Young Women's Ho
brew Association nnd tho Young Men's
Hebrew Association Thursdny night.
The Scouts already nro planning for tho
annual camp. A splendid bugle squad has
been formed from tho 45 members and
Instruments nnd uniforms havo been
bought. On the whole, Troop 13 has not
met with one unlucky Incident.
Next Wednesday night the troop will
give nn exhibition drill nt the Hebrew
Ladles' Relief Society ball, in tho 3d Regi
ment Armory, Camden, when tho society
will present tho scouts with a banner.
Scoutmaster Stonehlll, formerly of tho
battleship Rhode Island, reports these
o Ulcers elected: First assistant scoutmas
ter, Joseph Weiss; second assistant,
Simon Weiss; flrst sergeant, Max Weiss;
quartermaster, I. Kalowsky; patrol lead
ers, Robert Nadcn, A. Heine and Samuel
Bcrtman: treasurer, J. Markowltz, and
secretary, A. Heine.
New County Troop
A now troop of scouts has been formed
nt Clifton Heights, Delaware County. The
Rev. n. H. Bonsall Is commissioned as
Conshohockcn Troop Wins Prizes
The Conshohockcn troop has won two
American flags and two regulation bugles
through obtaining 100 subscribers to the
Evening Ledger The troop, which was
orgnnlzed four months ngo, is progressing
rapidly, having 35 scouts enrolled now.
It Is under tho leadership of Scoutmaster
Evert L. Noble, formerly a member of
the State constabulary, and Assistant
Scoutmaster Georgo F. Giles.
First-class Test Last Night
Examiners Goodman, Taylor, Crowell,
Crease nnd Dayton conducted the week
ly first-class test last night at tho North
Branch Young Men's Christian Associa
tion. 1013 West Lehigh avenue.
Party Politics in Troop 93
The Righteous Party, which was or
ganized In October, 19H, and has carried
five out of seven officers In Troop 03,
has announced Its candidates for tho
coming election, April 16 Tho campaign
began Friday. For patrol leaders the
candidates nre; Green, O. Rothflcld and
Porter; secretary, Assistant Scoutmas
ter Gold; treasurer. Assistant Scoutmas
ter Trollo; quartermaster, John Mason
Anthony; librarian. Scout S. Cohen, nnd
house Bergeant, Scout Beckman. The
troop has abandoned troop meetings nnd
has substituted scout activities for the
regular meetings on Friday nights. Un
der Patrol Leader Mason-Anthony nnd
headed by the band, the troop marched
to tho Friends" Guild, 4th and Green
streets, Wednesday night. The scouts
gave exhibitions of their work, Scouts
Green, Mason-Anthony, Rothfleld and
Porter bandaging Scout Samuel Cohen,
who was "Injured." Scouts Porter and
Dubln, senders, and Green and Verlln,
receivers, gave an exhibition of signal
ing. Speeches were made by Deputy
Commissioner Patton nnd Scoutmaster
Martin G. Stein.
Chairman of Brooklyn Guardians Pro
tests Against New Regulations.
Officials of tho Camp Fire Girls denied
yesterday at the national office In New
York that there Is a serious revolt in the
organization. Opponents ot Dr, Luther
Gullck, the president, however, continued
to attack, him, declaring that his aim has
been to make the body "aristocratic,"
thus altering the original aims of the
Camp Fires. Dr, Gullck. at a sanatorium
in Battla Creek, Mich., declined to take
a personal part In the controversy.
A petition circulated by Miss Grace Cot
ton, chairman of the Brooklyn guardians,
protests against the new basis of mem
bership, according to which the "ranks
should be recruited flrst from those who
can help rather than those who need
"Why create an arlstrocracy in Camp
Fires when Us chief good has been due
to Its democratic spirit?" she asks. "How
is it possible to classify girls according
to those who do and who do not need
helpT Are there any girls who do not
need help of some kind, or are there any
girls who cannot, under wise leadership,
give It?"
Several hundred freshmen at the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania are now In a
state of suspense awaiting the "offering
of the bid" for membership In the
various fraternities.
At noon yesterday, by the terms of
ths Interfraternlty agreement, all com.
munlpatlon betweentho first-year men
and their fraternity elders was forbidden
until tomorrow noon. The bid may be
offered at any time until tomorrow at
noon, one hour being allotted for the
purpose. From then until Friday noon
the freshmen may deliberate upon their
bids, and then during the next 21 bovlrs
they may tender their written repllesj
without communication or interference
from any of the chapters.
Ha fraternity ts allowed ($ attgept
reply Wrfr Friday boob Mat SW
gar P. Smith this year jpkffifr advised
the fsMbaoM to ueiu wttfc irjiHio H
tlwy wf sked Mi 4fl Wfc "i
Real Action
of the
-w .- -W IT V jf '.'rJsssssssssPL5-S?
Great War:
Photographer oh Train,
Under Fire,
Risks Life to Get Pictures
of Big Battle.
Standing unprotected on top of the engine cab of an
armored train firing broadsides as it dashed through
the battling lines at Arvin, this daring photo-soldier
captured both armies with his camera.
This is just an instance of the many ways in which
the "movie" men risked their lives to secure the most
wonderful war photos ever taken. These pictures show
you every phase of modern warfare and the magnitude
of Europe's gigantic struggle.
Field Guns in Action Near Antwerp. , )
German Army Entering Brussels.
Engagements Between British Warships' and
German Land Guns.
Siege Guns Shelling Positions.
The Bombardment of Ghent.
Infantry Attacks.
The Great 42-Centimeter Guns in Action.
Latest Photos of the Kaiser at the Battle Front.
And many other thrilling scenes with the British,
German, French and Belgian armies. Don't fail to see
these wonderful motion pictures. These films have
been secured for Philadelphia by the Evening Ledger
for a -limited engagement and are
Now Showing at the
Forrest Theatre
Broad and Sansom Streets
Two presentations dailyafternoons at 2:3Qtand eve
nings at 8:30. Admission 25c and 50c.
2M0nr v
One Cent
CTssaah-gflSiBi Wiptssjgriffil