Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 09, 1915, Night Extra, Page 3, Image 3

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I Republican Leaders Decide
and Take the Attitude
That Bill Is "Not a Party
Bcpresentatives and Senators
fo Vote as They Please Pe-
t Minns Reach Members of
I the Philadelphia Delega
jj tion.
i jjAnnlSUUna, March 9,-Qovornot
f Brumbaugh will not bo opposed by tho
e n,publlcnn lenders In his nght for local
Hon. senators Vnro, McNIchol nnd
Cr0ff havo taken tho tip from Senator
rento, i'"1 nro ll"isslntr the bill ns
'not a Party matter. " They havo not
knd their nltltude on tho question,
h,,i have decided to lenvo It entirely up
it , the ncprescntnllvcB and Senntors
themselves to voto as they desire.
o announcement has nccn mndc, and
rone will bo inado by tho leaders, re
tarding their personal attitude, but tho
word lias been passed around that no
orders" will bo Issued. Local option ad
vocates bellovo that this will slve the
hill ft chance, nnd they will push their
- efforts to force the members of the Lcr
Uloture to voto for local option.
Petitions from citizens reached the
members of tho Philadelphia delegation
lost night and today. At tho name time,
the brewers and liquor dealers turned
out In force, nnd nro maintaining tho
itrongcst liquor lobby In 10 years.
Brewers from every populous county In
the State nro In Harrlsbunr. With them
re officers of tho rctnll liquor dealers'
moclatlons They form a Bmall nrmy,
nd aro "buttonholing" every member
and Senator in nn effort to got them to
disregard tho petitions from tholr con
Itltuents. Tho liquor forces nro still confused by
the succession of moves matlo by tho
Governor to force tho passage of tho bill.
The latest word from tho Governor that
the question Is not a district problem, but
& State Issue has caused membc-s who
have been relying upon tho fact that
they represent liquor districts as their
excuse for voting against local option
to consider shifting their position.
Beprescntatio Aron, at Instance of
McNichol, Offers, Measure.
HAItRISBUItG, March 9. A bill to
abolish tho poll tax was Introduced In
the House yesterday by Reprcsentatlvo
ilax Aron, of Philadelphia. The bill was
drafted at tho Instance of Senator Mc
NIchol. The Republican Organization leaders
have not mado an effort to abolish tho
poll tax bb a qualification for voting for
U years. That was In 1887. Tho measure
passed the Legislature, but was defeated
at the polls, together with a prohibition
amenment to the Stato constitution.
Measures Providing for Curtailments
of Rum Trade Proposed. ,
HAimiSBURG, March 9. It will bo un
lawful to Import liquor In any manner
Into "dry" territory In Pennsylvania If a
bill Introduced in tho House last night
by Representative Brumbaugh, of Blair,
Is passed by the Legislature. Tho bill
prohibits "case" deliveries to residences
In "dry" territory, nnd even prohibits
carrying liquor In ono'a pocket Into tho
totally "dry" districts.
Another bill. Introduced last night by
Representative Barnett, of Tork, would
prohibit bartenders from buying drinks
for their customers. Representative Bar
nett also presented two other liquor
measures, one requiring that every peti
tion for a license In a county bo signed
by 12 freeholders In that county who havo
not signed any other petition for n license,
and the other providing a similar regula
tion for petitions for licenses In wnrds,
townships and boroughs.
'Consumers' League Sees Jokers in
New Measure.
HARRISnURG, March 9. An effort
Was made today to have "the women's
hours of employment bill," Introduced In
the Senate last weert, referred back to
committee. The bill was Introduced on
March 1, by Senntor Hackett, of North
ampton. It was referred to tho Judiciary
Special Committee of which Senator
Charles A. Snyder, of Schuylkill, Is chair
man, and was reported out tho same day.
The provisions of the bill work a decided
change in the women's hours law passed
at the last session of the Legislature. The
1913 law provides a M-hour week, whlla
the bill Just introduced provides a 63
hour week. The 1913 law mado any six
Bays 'a Worklntr week, whlla the naw bill
i makes any seven days a' working1 .week,
and also lowers the aee at which a woman
t can be employed at night work from 21
w years.
Tha effort to havoithn bill recommitted
I u made at tho Instance of tho Con-
umerr League of Philadelphia, which
2ie a Publ' hearing on tho measure.
The Hackett bill Is the result df dissat
isfaction on the part of hotel men and
restaurant men with tho present law. It
' framed hv tha Tairlalatlu. f-nmmttt.n
U... 8tata Hotel Men'" Association, of
e. h J w- hazier, of the Bellevue-
L r""ro. or rmiadelphla. is chairman.
ir ...
If " Tiu nnmonumnin mnmv
Measures Provide for a Number of
Munlcinnl Unfnrms.
1 HABRISBURa, March 9.-The Commlt-
" of Seventy's bills for a smaller City
E n!?Ucl, for Philadelphia and for the purl
I .m "" ot the faction laws will prob
I Jod b8 Presented In the Legislature
t ,m..?nUr6 legislative program of tha
I JjoHtM will make Its appearance at
I iiiam" t,me- II Includes measures pro
I fcni2!r tor a pal1 clty Council of one
I nl ' con,l"'lng of 15 members; the ellml-
jr;"0,1 ' the party square from the bal-
C "'" wenaion of the "small party"
ok .' v..tnat a Pa"y "in Bet Its name
i ., llot 'or a municipal election If
iaa? . .? per cent of t,IB total vote
tion i la8' Preceding primary eleo-
W - IS to vlers, and the appointment
' .? earg.
no present bicameral system of Coun-
Get Our Prices
f 420 North 12th
ells and the assistance to voters have
been named by the. committee ns two of
the greatest political evils existing In
Philadelphia. Both measures will be
fought by tho Republican Organization
Tho elimination of the party square
from tho ballot would give the Inde
pendents n big advantage. It would do
away with strnlght ticket voting, by
means of which the Republican Organisa
tion In Philadelphia has been electing
men to the smnller offices for decades.
Two Bills Intonded to Extend Powers
of "Minor Judiciary."
troi a BTArr conBssro.VDKST.
IIAIIUISBURO, Pn., March 9. - Two
Philadelphia Magistrates' courts bills
made their appearance In tha Senate to
day. They were both Introduced by Sen
ntor Patton, of Philadelphia, and havo the
support of tho Republican leaders In that
One measure glees Magistrates tho right
to release on bnll any person committed
for a hearing by any other (Magistrate.
The other requires that n Magistrate's
vuun sunn uc in session every nour of tho
day and night.
"Immediately after the passage of this
net, roads the second hill, "Magistrates
of each city of the first class shall Jointly
provide n system or schedule of holding
Magistrates' courts so that at nil hours
of tho day or night thero shall be a Mag
Istrato s court In session nt such plnce ns
shall ho designated by the Mayor of said
State Representative Campbell Intro
duces Drastic Bill to Check Evil.
from a BTArr corniEsroNDe.NT.
IIARIU.SUURQ, Pa., March 9.-Habltuat
drug users will face prosecution by the
State In addition to tho Federal Govern
ment If a blirintroduced In tho House this
morning by Representative Theodore
Campbell, of Philadelphia, Is passed. The
measure is similar In Its provisions to tho
Harrison act, under which the Federal
authorities have been regulating tho sale
and use of opium, morphine, cocaine, he
roin and other drugs.
Tho Stato Pharmaceutical Board Is em
powered to prosecuto drug users under
tho provisions of tho Campbell bill. Tho
mtnsuro takes tho plare of a bill Intro
duced In tho Scnato by Senator Gcrbcr
Ich, of Lebanon, and wns drafted at tho
Instance of tho State Federation of Re
tail Druggists.
Both the Senato nnd Houso went
through long calendars today. Nothing
of general Importance came up in tho
Sennto. Tho House finally passed the
Allegheny County Courts bills, nnd they
will no go to the Governor for his signa
Soveror Punishment for Tramps nnd
Drunkards Proposed.
HARRISBURG, Mnrch 9. Vagrants,
tramps and drunkards will get longer
sentences If u bill introduced in tho
House Inst night by Representative Gib
son, of Lycoming, Is passed. The meas
ure provides n sentence of ono year for
third offense, but also provides that the
prisoners can bo paroled by tho Judges,
thus providing a system whereby tho
courts will have jurisdiction over the men
for a year.
Measure Would Permit Use of Prison
era on Public Highway Works.
HARRISBURG, March 9. A bill Intro
duced by Representative Isaac Newton
ICuhn, of Greeno County, provides for the
use of convict labor on the public hlgh
ways of the State. Tho bill was Intro
duced In the houso last night by Mr.
Kuhn. The warden of each Jail Is to
furnish the prisoners when requested by
the Stato Highway Commissioner, the
County Commissioners or by the mayor
of tho city or burgess of tho town where
public streets are being built or rcpnlred.
HARRISBURG, March 9. These House
bills were passed finally today:
Regulating the appointment of repre
sentatives in Luzerne County Prothono
tnry's office.
Authorizing detention of neglected or
dependent children In building separate
from that In which are housed Incorrlgl
bles and delinquents.
Forbidding the use of balloons bearing.
These Senate bills wero passed finally:
Mnklng tho Allegheny court a Juvenile
court, as well as conferring upon It Juris
diction In desertion cnecs; nlso regulating
the practice of civil cases In that county.
Tho House took a recess until 1 o'clock.
It will continue sessions until Thursday.
Bungard, 'Westmoreland: Giving any
ofllcer of tho law permission to enter
nny houso and remove therefrom any fe
male ho may suspect of being detained
there ngalnst her will.
HARRISBURG, March 9-The mothers'
pension fund trustees of Philadelphia and
Pittsburgh will attend the public hear
ing on mothors' pensions before the
Houso Appropriations Committee to
morrow night. They will urge an In
creased appropriation.
There will be two hearings today on
optometry bills before the House Com
mittee on Health and Sanitation. These
bills provide for regulation of the prac
tice of optometry, the establishment of
a State Board of Optometry and the
.licensing- of optometrists.
House Amends Third-class City Bill
HARRISBURO, March 9, The olluae by
a vote of 121 to S3, voted to amend the
Clark third class city law of 1913 to make
city treasurers elective by tha people at
large Instead of by city council as at
present provided, It now goes to the
Cigarette Causes Fire
A cigarette carelessly thrown Is be
lieved to have caused an early morning
fire which destroyed the second floor of
Lyceum Hall, Ridge avenue opposite Ly
ceum avenue. The fire was confined to
the second floor, where It started, and de
stroyed a number of pool tables and other
clubroom fixtures. Tho loss Is placed at
Burglar Shot in Capture
BOSTON, March J. One burglar Is dy
ing, shot through the stomach, two more
wero captured and four or five others
are being hunted by the police today, as
the result of four daring breaks In dif
ferent parts of the city.
this week only
on all the newest
Spring Suitings
in our stock. Make your own de
duction from prices plainly shown
on all goods.
Fit. finish and workmanship
guaranteed. Samples gladly given.
JONES 1116WaInutSt.
Custom Tailoring Only
Mrs. Carolina Trunx, widow of n Supremo Court Justice, has tho
distinction of being the first woman rcccivor in the State of New
York nnd probably in the United States. She is the receiver of nn
apartment houso in Now York city nnd is fully nblo to handle the
job. Mrs. Truax is a graduate of n law school and has taken her
legal degree. She is also a bachelor and master of arts and a doctor
of philosophy.
Vote on "Toothless" Substitute
Measure Is Reconsidered by
HARRISBURG, March 9.-The "tooth
less" substitute housing bllt nnd tho
repealer for tho existing code are back
In tho House Commltteo on Health nnd
Sanitation, and will probably be con
sidered by that body at Its meotlng today.
Tho Republican Organization leaders In
tho Houso brought the substitute measure
back Into the Legislature last night.
After the repealer, which was on third
rending, had been recommitted upon tho
motion of Representative Wilson, of
Philadelphia, Reprcsentatlvo I. Gordon
Forster asked that tho voto by which
the substitute bill was defeatod in tho
House on Tuesday, March 2, bo recon
sidered. The vote on the measure last
Tuesday was 86 against it to 79 for it.
A standing voto of 114 afllrmatlvcs
brought tho bill back Into tho Legislature
last night. Representative Wilson then
made a motion to recommit tho mensure,
nnd It carried.
"This measure Is strictly a Philadel
phia bill and wo want to consider It
further," said Mr, Wilson. Many of the
country members who voted against tho
bill last Tuesday then "swung Into line."
A public hearing on tho bill and the
repcalor beforo tho Houso Commltteo on
Health and Sanitation Is now likely. Rep
rcsentatlvo Slgmund J. Gans, of Phila
delphia, chairman of that committee, to
day explained that tho mcasuro was re
committed for .the purposo of amending
It. He said that he did not know Just
how much less "toothless" the bill would
be made.
71 HEIRS TO $1,000,000
Woman Who Says She Is Col. Robin
son's Daughter n Claimant.
It was learned today thnt Interesting
legal complications wero expected In tho
fight for the Sl,000,0CO left by Colonel War
dell G Robinson, of Oswego. Benjamin
C. McPherson, one of tho Philadelphia
heirs, who has offices in the Merchants
and Mariners' Building, said that there
were 73 other heirs scattered over the
country. .
Word wns received hero from attorneys
who had represented Colonel Robinson,
that he had never married, but despite
their assertions tho will has been con
tested by n Mrs. Vera Robinson Coyne, ot
St. Louis. She says she Is Robinson's
Tho will was admitted to probate a year
ago, and it Is considered significant by
the other heirs that Mrs. Coyne waited so
long to file her claim.
Johan A. Salnla. 1023 Cttlnc St., an! Hilda
SI. Korpl, 11) I'elham riad.
John Quarta, Brooklyn, N, Y., and Flora It.
Manly, 2810 N. 2th at.
Hoy A. Dlph. League Island, and IfaUn O.
Wynkoop, WOS mia at. . ,
Edgar Harris. 1510 8. Cleveland aVa., and Car-
rf I Lively. 1015 Mountain at. .
Joseph O'Brien, 4733 Ludlow at., and Floronea
Welnnardt. 2013 N. 0th at.
Joaeph O. dllbtrt, 1713 Federal at., and Mary
U. Hrovin, noa S. Colorado at.
James W Graham. 3331 N. Howard L, and
Katharine A. llruatle, 2027 N. th at.
Michael Coate, 1100 H. 0th at., and Mary dt
Oraiio, 1827 8. Uth at.
Jacob Bchuler, ail K. ttM at., and Clara Mar-
Elmer O, Itigglns. Olbbeboro. N, J and
lllancho M. Miller. 6641 Cherry at.
Howard A. Stockton, Atlantic Highlands, N.
J and Ellen M. O'Neill. 3700 Brown at.
Francis N. V. Jluecken, 2200 W. Cumberland
at., and Helen Y. 8teenon. 2131 N. 18th at.
Charles Zolot, 08T N. Manhall at., and Fannie
Itoee, 087 N. Marahnll at. ,
larael flreilaw. 110 Chrlitlan at,, and Beckte
Cohen, 6J3 Dudley at.
ftaav? """ ?,'
Believe Me
Have an uncommon home, Kuehnle
will beautify it with painting that
you won't see elsewhere. Good ideas
and good paints go hand in hand
Painting and Decorating
Get 0tr Sttimatt Flrtt
Both Phones. 28 S. 16th St
Orthopaedic Uracea (or delormltUa.
KJutU Btacklogi, Abdominal Supporter, eta
Purchase direct tteuj factory.
FLA YELL'Sji eriana gauukn st.
' t - . -,'
hot liy I m.urw oml .V I nileruuml
Tried on Suspects Until It Fits
"Skinny Dan" Identified by
A collar left behind by ono of a gang
of amateur yesemen who tried to blow
open n safe In the offlco of Benjamin
Mooro & Co., 1901 Cnllowhlll street, early
In January, resulted in tho Identification
of tho owner of tho article tooiiy at City
llnll. Slnco Jnnuary D tho collar has
been tried on virtually overy thief or sus
pect arrested In this city.
Tho man for whom tho collar was found
to be a perfect fit nnd who this morning
was Identified by a laundryman Is Daniel
McOonlKle, 037 Melon street. He Is known
to tho police as "Skinny Dan." McGonlgle
and two other men, Harry Parker, alias
Fair, of Mil and Itaco streets, and John
Collins, 2710 Dauphin street, were held
without ball for court today by Magis
trate Grclls at tho 2Sth and Oxford streets
Enough nltroRlyccrln was forced Into
tho safe door nt-the Cnllowhlll street ad
dress, nccordlng to the police, to blow up
two or three buildings, nnd thero were
other Indications that the men who at
tempted the job were amateurs. The collar
was found on top of the safe.
Tho men had drilled a hole In the safe
door, Inserted the "soup" or nitroglycerine
and Ignited a fuse. Then they ran into
the street and waited for the explosion.
When It did not occur they apparently
were afraid to return and fled.
When McQonlgle, Parker and Collins
were tnken to City Hall this morning
the collar was tried on ench. It was a
perfect fit for McGonlgle. Ho denied it
was his property, but tho laundrymnn
whoso mark wns on the collar was sum
moned, lie Identified McGonlgle.
Tile men were arrested yesterday and
Identified today by Lewis Colflesh, a
private watchman, as the men who tried
to force entrance to tho office of Koelle,
Speth & Co., architects, 26th and Oxford
streets, yesterday morning. Colflesh nar
rowly missed being struck by n bullet
that whistled past when he caught the
men at work Several shots were fired
In a chase t'nnt followed, nnd finally
Colflesh, with Special Policemen Hous
ings and Clegg, caught one of the men,
who Implicated the others. Detectives
Doyle and Uenz cnught McGonlgle and
Collins at their homes.
Trade Schools Lack Room
More than a thousand men have been
turned nwny from the evening classes
of the trades schools, due to Insufficient
accommodations, according to a report
of Wllllnm C. Ash, principal of School
?.'o. 1, at 12th nnd Locust streets.
if planted early in March will
produce a profusion of beauti
ful, orchid-like blooms this
summer. Cultural leaflet free.
10c pk(.; oz., 20c; K-lb., 12.
6o pUt.: o.. lfc; U-lb.. 11.25.
Bo pkt.; oz.. lOo; U-lb., 11.
for all purposes are renowned
for their freedom from weeds
and quick growth. 'Twill soon
be time to sow
illcheU'a Bbr ztS-il. Cataloar FREE.
W 1 llP
sfNv s.fsfCiJM Sjsip
1 SaRS
Stop Drifting nnd Follow God's
Chart, Pleads Bishop Wood
cock. The average nonchalant Christian was
condemned by tho lit. Nov. Charles E.
Woodcock, nishop of Kentucky, nt tho
noonday Lenten service nt tho Garrlck
Theatre today, when the Bishop spoke
on "What It Is to Live."
After saying that many men prided
themselves on the classification of "aver
age Christian," Doctor Woodcock said:
"I don't want to dent with tho 'average'
character. It la Just the samo ns If I
were dealing with market products, such
an eggs. Tho 'nvernRe' character has Just
as bad an odor to me ns has the 'nverago'
egg. Don't bo an 'average' Christian. Be
n big Christian. God knows, wo havo hnd
enough of little Christians. They havo
dono more hnrm than nny class of
Many men, he said, arc Interested only
In Just getting along. They do not mnko
nny effort to get higher In the spiritual
scale. Drifting Is the most nhsoluto sill
cldo, selfishness nnd blasphemy. Ho
urged all men to act llko tho faithful
mariner and follow tho chart of God.
Lenten Preacher Says It Is Offered in
Triumph of the Cross
"Our Opportunity In Llfo" was tho sub
ject of tho sermon preached by tho Itov.
J. W Walker, rector of the Memorial
Church of tho Holy Comforter, nt tho
noonday service nt St Teter's Church,
3d and Pine streets. Ho said:
"Our opportunity In life Is lenrnlng tho
lesson of love. Human lovo cannot satln
fy. Tho llfo of Jesus Christ shows us n
real example of love. Tho Cross proves
love's triumph. The home of love for us
must be found In tho church. Worship
nnd tho Sacrament In tho church give us
a chance to learn a lesson of love. This
Is best shown In the change of Saul the
tyrant to St. Paul, nnd Simon Peter
the persecutor to St. Peter."
itev. J. Wcstra n. Stewart, clerk of
St. Peter's Church, will preach tomorrow
on "Chrlstlnn Life In Action."
Tho Rev. Dr. Herbert W. Wells
Preaches Sermon.
The Ttov. Dr. Herbert W. Wells, of
Wilmington, preached the Lenten sermon
at St. Paul's Protestant Eplscop.il Church,
3rd below Walnut stroet, today. The sub
ject of his sermon wns "The Way to Hap
piness." A largo crowd composed of busi
ness men nnd women employed In tho
lower section of tho city intended tho
"Tho lesson of the Cross," said Doctor
Wells, "seems to be this: Thero is noth
ing comparable with happiness nnd no
price Is too high. It Is not likely to come
to us without some soit of suffering. Only
people who Insplro u nro happy people.
How shall we explain It?
"It begins with tho thought of God. God
Is lovo. It goes on to the thought of
men. Our fato Is In our hand, and liinip'
ncss In tho fullest measure is ours when
we will havo It so."
Preacher Scores Selfishness in Len
ten Sermon.
The European war was cited as tho
supreme example of what selllshness nnd
self-nceklng will do, by tho Rev. John
H. Chapman, of Chestnut Hill, at the
noonday Lenten service In Old Christ's
Church, 2d street above Market, today.
Just as the war was caused by the
selfishness of nntlons who desired their
own glorification, rather than a charitable
settlement of the questions that threat
ened to rend the peace of Europe bo, ho
said. It Is In the lives of individuals.
From the text "More Blessed aro they
who give than thoso who revelce." he
drew the lesson that tho greatest acts
wero thoso of unselfish service. Ono's
own Interests should bo subordinated to
thoso of one's neighbor.
Arrested for Stealing a House
ELIZABETH, N. J., March . Nine
men were arrested here yesterday on a
chargo of stealing a house. Discovery
of the theft was mado by tho ngent, who
upon going to look the property over
found -that only a single wing remained.
Tho rest had been torn down and carted
Police Judgo Owen P. Mahon released
the nine, who were foreigners, on their
promise to return tho rest of the houso
and put It together again. They Bald
they thought tho building abandoned.
The driver of Car 227, one of Lit Brothers' fleet of Autocar Delivery
Vehicles, was on his homeward trip through Saturday's snow storm, when
asked, while delivering packages in Riverton, N. J., how things had gone
with him that day:
"There's never any trouble with this car," lie replied. "She's a dandy.
Rain or snow makes -no difference. Every day, six days in the week, we
go from Camden to Merchantville, Pensauken, Maple Shade, Lenola,
Moorestown, Cinnaminson, Riverton, Filmyra, West Palmyra, Delalr, Fish
House, Cramer Hill and back to Camdn. We start out at 8;80 and we'ro
back at 6:80 and we make from 10 tu to stops in each town and average
from 50 to 60 miles a day. You'll see us back in Camden at the regular
time tonight with our work all done, no matter how hard it snows."
This is the kind of enthusiasm that Autocar drivers have the country over,
It is one of the results of this modern delivery equipment. Lit Brothers
own 27 Autocars. AH their important suburban routes are covered by
Autocars. Call at the Autocar Sales and Service Company, 25r4 and
Market Sts., Philadelphia, or write for illustrated catalog. Autocara sire
used in every line of business by more than 2000 cqnearns.
Formor Sonator, With Associates, Ar
raigned for Inauranco i rauds.
WILMINGTON, Del., March 9.-Crowds
paoked tho Fcdoral Court room today
when the cases of Ronald F. Brcnhan,
Hnrry A. Woodcock, Daniel M. nldgcley,
ex-United States Senator Richard It. Ren
ney, Frank W. Anthony and Claire Web
ster Anthony, charged with conspiracy to
vlolato a law of tho United States were
called. Tho Indictments nlloge that tho
defendants Bold policies of fire Insuranco
In companies which they knew wero with
out nssets nnd used the malls In the
course of their business.
The Government Is expected to call
probably 100 witnesses who wero brought
hero from all parts of tho country.
Unusual Interest Is being shown In the
enses because of tho promlncnco of some
of the men Involved, Tho companies
with which the mon were connected were
wound up by a receiver after their li
censes to do business were revoltod and
they were found to be without nssots.
Tho Anthonys have been In trouble
beforo over Insurance cases and I' rank
W. Anthony served prison sentences In
Pennsylvania, while Claire Webster An
thony wns imprisoned In Brooklyn for
Insurance frauds.
Tho cases aro expected to prove tho
most notable tried In Delaware In many
yenrs, and some of tho best known law
yers In the Stato nro representing the de
fendants. Ex-Judgo J. Frank Ball, James
Sautsbury, ox-Chancellor John It. Nichol
son, cx-Judgo Daniel O. Hastings, of this
Stntc, and Thomas Mooro Slmonton and
Myers Stolnbund, of Now York, represent
tho defendants, nnd District Attorney
John P. Nleldfl represents tho Govern
ment. , ,
The drawing of tho Jury was completed
nt 1 p .m. Tho coso first put on trial Is
one Involving Bonald F. Brcnnan, Frank
W. Anthony, Clolro Webster Anthony aiiJ
Harry A. Woodcock. All tho defendants
hnd to bo icprcscnted as It was not known
which case would be called first.
Ex-United States Senator Konney, who
Is one of the defendants, hns been 111 but
wns ready for trial with tho others. Thero
la only ono case ngalnst Kenny, who wns
Indicted In connection with tho others,
some of whom were Indicted on moro than
ono charge.
Equal Franchise Advocates Hold
Rally Demand Vote.
DOVER. Del., March 0. Led by a brass
bond, Delaware suffragists, 2S0 strong,
marched at noon to the Stato House,
where they held an open-air rally on the
Gieon, prior to luvntllng the Sennte and
House gallcrlo to await tho result of tho
voto on tho suffrage amendment. Both
branches will vote late this afternoon.
Suffrage leaders devoted tho morning In
nn attack upon nn amendment to tho suf
frage bills which will be offered by Rep
resentative Downward, providing thnt tho
Issue be submitted to a referendum,
should tho enfranchisement measures pass
this session and tho next.
Under the Constitution, It Is only neces
sary for two sticcesslvo Legislatures to
pass an amendment. No referendum Is
required on nny constitutional amend
ment, a provision which makes Delaware
laws unique.
Tho suffragists object to a referendum
on tho ground It would delay for two
years their nght for tho ballot.
The sufTrago rally was held opposite
Governor Miller's office and tho Houso
chamber. The suffragists arranged tho
meeting so that thfy could present their
arguments before many of tho Legislators
without resorting to a requeA for the
privilege of tho floor.
Three men, two of them Identified by
Joseph Simpson, n grocer, of Sth nnd
Luzerne streets, ns tho men who held
him up last Saturday night and robbed
him, wero arrested today by Special
Policemen Stocckcr nnd Barron and held
without bail for a further hearing by
Mnglstrnto Tracy nt tho 11th nnd Win
ter streets station. Tho prisoners gave
their nnmes ns Timothy Hanley nnd
James Hoare, ot 221 North Dth street, nnd
Charles Thackeray, of US North Sth
street. They were arrested by tho flne
cial policemen on tho description fur
nished by Simpson.
Particular About Shirts?
Then come and pee these wholly distinctive
Anderson's genuine Imported Scotch Madras In
beautiful new 101R deaiEna. An unlimited as-
Madras Shirts
To Your Order
Not "old for leaa than til anywhere else.
Covered by n. atrong guarantee.
COULTER, 710 Chestnut St.
' U 3
Orgnntznjion Necda More Workers
Says Secretary.
Ten additional agents ard needed by
the Travelers.' Alt! Society, which began
business today In Its new headquarters
nt 1S03 Arch nlrcet Eight agents nr
now attending to the work of the organi
zation In Broad Street Station and the x
Trending Terminal.
Miss Mary II. Gillette, formerly sccre-
tnry ef tho Court Aid Society, who in
now In charge of tho Travelers' Asaoclrn
tion work, said yesterday that mora
agents wero needed In connection with
tho work of the organisation to lnvestl-
gate advertisements nnd offers ot em
ployment for girls nnd women.
Mrs, George Vnux, Jr., of Bryn Mawr,
Is chairman of the Reorganization Com
mittee of tho society. Other members ar
Mrs. W. W. Frailer, Mrs, Charles For,
Mrs, John Sparhawlc, Mrs. Rodman Oris
com nnd Mrs. Loutso Fletcher. Funds
aro also badly needed by the society.
"Rats!" Says the President
WASHINGTON, March 9.-Storles that
certain persons were touring tho Wall
street district ot New York city carrying
a letter addressed "To whom It may con
cern," signed by President Wilson, ahd
declaring that tho President was anxloua
to establish tho closest relations between
business nnd tho White House, was char
acterized as "utter rot" by tho President
today. Ho said the report could best be
replied to by the ejaculation, "Ruts!"
For 2 his
Week Only
You can get a
Perry Spring
$7, 9,ni
that Wo sold for $15, 518, $20
Several hundred lucky
men can pick up prizes at
savings on these very serv
iceable coats that won't
occur again in a hurry I
Alterations charged for.
Spring Suits
New Fashion features
in them that mark them
conclusively as 1915 styles
Braid-bound Coats and
vests are running strong,
the smart ones favoring
Winter Suits
at Reductions!
Perry & Co., "n.b.t."
16th & Chestnut Sts.
m-i ries--faJii!r-tJ