'j f u EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, MARCH 9, 1916; SUFFRAGISTS PLAN IT'S ALWAYS BEEN A MYSTERY TO ME : By BRIGGS OF ACTIVITY Etiunl Frnnchiao Society Will Conduct VigoroU3 Campaign in City. Ths Equal Franchise Society Is prom Inent among; tho suffrage organizations in nnd about this city that begins this Week to formulate plans for the organiza tion work for tho coming season. All suffragists aro anxious to make this a banner year and to gain as much sup port to the "cause" as possible. The general lines of preparation being taken Up by equal franchise sooletlcs aro aimed directly at the voters, as In the fall the suffrage amendment comes up for tho volo of the people. To further these ends the Organization Committee of the Equal Franchise So ciety, 33 South 9th street, will meet on Friday morning, nt 11 o'clock, at tho headquarters to dcvlsa plans to push the work of the society In tho various dis tricts of the city. Branches of tho so ciety hav6 been carrying on demonstra tions and meetings to spread the "cause" during the winter and will take up this with renewed vigor as tho spring ap proaches. Among those who are In charge of tho district branches of the Equal Franchise Society nnd who will be on hand at tho meeting on Friday are Mrs. M. C. Mor gan, from West Philadelphia: Mrs. r. M. Shepard and Mrs. William Albert Wood, Chestnut Hill: Miss May K. Flannory, Vynnowood: Mrs. A. M. Sweet nnd Miss DHIo Hastings, nnd Miss C. Wngcr Smlth, central Philadelphia; Mrs. Harry Lowcnhurg and Miss Agnes Hamilton, North Philadelphia, and Miss Anna F. Davlcs, South Philadelphia, Many others who aro Interested In tho work will be also on hand. Miss M. If. Ingham, who la chairman of the Organization Commit tee, will preside. Mrs. Deborah Knox Livingston, nattonnl chairman of tho franchlso donnrtment of the Women's Christian Temperanco Union, will speak on "Votes frr t mpn at tho Fowler Opera House, Haddonfleld, N. J this afternoon. The same speaker will talk In tho evening on "Tho Chal lenge of tho Day." . Miss Esther Elfrcth, New Jersey State president o' wie Women's Chrlstlnn Tcmpemnce Union, will preside. Mrs. Robert Irving, vice president of tho New Jersey Women's Po litical Union, will Introduco tho speaker. RUNAWAY BOY FOUND Youngster Was Taking Dinner on Train When Caught. Quail on toast, mock-turtle soup, ter rapin and other delicacies concocted for tho Jaded palates of dlnlng-car patrons were rapidly disappearing before tho onslaughts of a 10-year-old diner on a Pennsylvania Railroad flyer which drew Into Broad Street Station shortly 'after 7 o'clock last night. A white-clad waiter, with rolling o.veballs, hovered nearby. Railroad Detective Griggs stopped In front of the young traveler's table and gasped. "Are you Charles Colatan, of 324 West 19th street, New York?" he asked as soon as ho recovered from his sur prise. Tho young diner admitted that ho was and demanded to know whom he had tho honor of addressing. He lost all desire for dessert when his questioner told him ho was a detective. The next outward-bound train took the young man back to New York. In New York yesterday Mrs. Colatan missed $37 from her purse. A few mo ments later she discovered that Charles was also missing. Five minutes later she telephoned a description of the boy to the police, and within three hours Orlggs found the young runaway. He had come to Philadelphia to visit his grandmother, Mrs. Anna King, of 753 Gray's Ferry road, this city. Found Dead in His Bed "William Dawson. 66 years old. a boarder at the homo of John Hosktss, 6631 Morton street, Germantown, was found dead In bed this morning. Death was caused by heart disease, according to tho physicians at the Germantown Hospital. Funeral of French Richards The body of Uriah French nichards, a pharmacist, whose death occurred at Montreal, Canada, last Thursday, arrived yesterday at his homo In Camden. Mr. Fllchards, who was a graduate of tho Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, gavo up his drug business at SU Market street, Camden, Borne years ago, to become Canadian representative of n Baltimore chemical concorn. He was 60 years old, and his funeral will take place tomorrow from the residence of his sister, at 41K North 3d street, uamaen. i in,. ' ii, i , AMVTHia;' J l-CLSe sir? eaTER1.. waiter! WHERE TH- t - -J. -WT' ujhcm K -r You wamt ( city. She was n sister of the late Charles and Henry Borle and of Adolph Boiio, Secretary of the Navy under President Grnnt. Her sister, Miss Emily Boric, who married tho late General Henry Bohlcn, was grandmother of tho present Herr Bohlcn von Hnlbnch, who married Miss Bertha Krupp, of Germany. Miss Borle has been prominent In various charltnble works throughout her life. She was a Child of Mary at tho Convent of tho Sacred Heart for more than 60 years nnd gavo largely to charity In a very quiet way. DEATHS Dr. Jules Koscnbloom Dr. Jules Rosenbloom, who recently be came associated with the medical staff of the Medico-Chlrurglcol College, died last night In tho St. Agnes Hospital following an operation he had undergone several days ago. Doctor Bosenbloom, who was 3d years old and a native of Philadelphia, was graduated from the Medlco-Chlrurgical Collcgo In 1905. He was tho nuthor of several Important medical treatises and contributed articles to medical Journals throughout tho country. Ho was a mem ber of the American Medical Association and several local fraternities. Ho re sided nt 314 Spruce street, with his wife. Funeral services will bo held tomorrow nftcrnoon at the rcsldenco of his Bister, Mrs. Joseph Simon, of 2833 Montgomery avenue. Mrs. Annie B. Hall Mrs. Annie B. Hall, wlfo of ex-State Representative ranklin Hall, and long Identified with charitable organizations, died yesterday at her home, 1318 North 13th street, Sho was In her 67th year. Mrs. Hall for 35 years was an active member of tho board of managers of tho Presbyterian Homo for Widows nnd Sln glo Women, and for a time Its secretary. She was afllllated with tho Society for Organizing Charities, the Daughters of tho American Revolution, the board of directors of the Southern Homeopathlo Hospital and the. Bible Readers' Asso ciation. The funeral will take place Thursday afternoon from her late resi dence. Interment will bo In West Laurel Hill Cemetery. Albert L. Force PLAINFIDLD. N. J., March 9.-A1-bert Ij. Force, 69 years old, one of the best known newspapermen In New Jer sey, who with his brother, W L. Force, founded the Constitutionalist, a Demo cratic weekly, died at his home here yes terday. In 18S7 he started the Dally Press. Mr. Force retired from tho field of Journalism three years ago. He leaves a daughter, Miss Lillian A. Force. OBITUARIES James Watson James 'Watson, one of the best known authorities on the breeding of high-pedigreed dogs and a familiar figure at big kennel and horse shows, died In New York suddenly yesterday. He was 63 years old and had been In 111 health for some time. He wrote frequently for sporting periodi cals, and at ono time was the sporting editor of the Philadelphia Press. As a lover of outdoor sports, Mr. "Watson was a member of a number of prominent ath letla clubs. In his younger days ho was a champion at the sculls and a crack cricket player. He was first secretary of the National Association of Amateur Oarsmen. For the past 15 years he sat as Judge at the dog shows held In Philadel phia, Boston and New York. At the time of his death he was totally deaf. Miss Josephine L. Boric Miss Joseohlne L. Borle died last night t her apartments In the Morris, 311 South 13th street, on her 81st birthday, after an Illness of SI hours. Miss Borle was the last of ten children of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Borle. (she was born on March o, iwi, in this Ezra S. Stearns FITCHBURG. Mass., March 9. Ezra S. Stearns, historian, genealogist and Secre tary of State for New Hampshire for 12 years, died at his home here today at the age of 76 years after a prolonged Illness following a general breakdown. IN MEMORIAM KEMl'TON. In loving: remembrance of MAItY FRANCES KEMPTON, departed this life March 0, 1008. Husband and Son. HEISWANGER. On March 8. 1015. ANNIE i. wlfa of Henry Uelawanger. Realdence, 700 N, 03d it. Duo notice of the funeral will be given. CAItUN On March 8. 1916, HENRY a C'ARLIN.Eon of Sarah and the lata Henry Carlln. Funeral on Thursday, at 1 p m., from tho resldencs of his mother, 1544 South Btlllman at. Interment Holy Cro Cemetery. CLAGHORN. On March 8, 1016, ELIZA STUART, widow of Charles Eugene Claghorn and daughter of the lata Charlea and Re becca Culton btuart, Tho relatives and frlendi ore Invited to attend the funeral services, at her late realdence. 216 B. 46th at., on Thuraday. ltth lnat at 11 a, m. Inter ment rnivatf. DONOVAN. On March 8, 101B, MAROARET. wife of John Donovan. Kuneral on Thurs day, at 7:30 a. in., from 2346 South Sartaln at. Mass at the. Epiphany Church, at 0 a. m. Interment New Cathedral Cemetery, PAAVKNEH. .Suddenly, on the 7th Inst, SARAH PAWKNER, wtfo of the late Levi rawaner. iieiauvea ana rnendi or the ram' lly are repcctfully Invited to nttend the fu nernl service, on Wednesday nfternoon, at 2 o'clock, from tho residence of her daughter, Mrs. Oliver T. Acker. 520 Manhelm St., Ger manlnvvn. Interment prlMite. ,, IITt.IlU. Suddenly, on March 8, 1015. UEOIME W Jr.. son of George W. and the lato Antile Fornoy Filler. nged 10 years. Funernl services will be hold at his lain residence 272 S. 2.M st.. on Wednesday, tho loth Inst., at 2 o'clock, nreclselv. Inter ment private UI11IIS. At Trenton, N. J on March 8, Win. MARY A. (HUBS, runeral services on M elncsday. March lu. nt 2 p. m. Services nt St. Andrew's Cemetery Chapel Mt Holly, N J. Interment St Andrew's Durying Grounds. HALL. On March 8, 1015, ANNIE U, be loved wlfo of Franklin Hall. Relatives and friends aro Invited to attend tho funeral serv. Ices, on Thursday nftcrnoon, nt 2 o'clock precisely, nt her lato residence, 1318 North lo.li st Interment private, nt West Lnurcl Hill Cemetery. HOO.MAN On March 8, loin, GEORGE HOCI.MAN, husband of the late ltachcl Iloo man Funeral on 1 hurnday, at 2 i. in , rrom ill rnnngo st Interment nt Westminster Cemetery. lEI'l'ltlKS On March 7. 1015, ROSANNA, wife, of l'atrhk Jeirrlea umL.daughUT of lha into Charles and Ellen Quisle Funeral on I-rlday, ut n. in., trom her late residence. 2123 South llnrcoclc Ft. Solemn High Mnss '.'.'. Hejiulein nt tho Church of Our Lady of Mt Cirnicl, at S .10 a. in. preclscl). Inter ment Holy Cross I'emeterj KOHMANN On March 8, 10in, ANNA MAL, daughter of Andrew and Anna Kor irann. Funeral on Friday, nt 8 :m n. m , rrom her parents' residence, 1713 North Marshall st Solemn Requiem Mass ut St. Peter's Church, nt 10 n. m. Interment prl vatn. Most Holy Rodeomer Cemetery. MARTIN. On March 8. 1016, ROHERT C, husband of i:mma C. Martin Funeral serv ices on Wednesday, at 2 p. in, at his late residence, inn East Woodland nve, Sharon Hill, Pa. Interment prlvute MCCARTHY. On March 8, 1016, ANNA, wlfo of Fiank McCarthy ami daughter of Snmucl and Margnret Ilrlndel Funeral on Tnurscluy, at 7 so n m., irom her parents' residence. 2(117 Potter at. loth Ward. Re quiem Mam at tho Church or tho Visitation ut l n m. Interment St. Mark's Cemetery' .MILLER. On March 11. 1D1B. r.i.iKiin ,,?.: Lt.lt, aged 00 j ears. Due notlco of tlm fu neral later. 5,,0Ji.'.I!.Y.'.Sn March 7. 1015, Rev. JOHN A. MOTLEY, O S. A., aged 20 years. Ilovcrend clcrg), relatives and friends are Invited tn attend the funeral, on Wednesday morning at St. Thomas' Church. Vlllanova. Pa. W!' vino offlco begins at 0:30 a m Solemn Re. x.T-ll0.".Va"Bt,1.U' '"'"""'nt "t Vlllnnovo. uH,OI., ,n. -Manih T ,0lB- P1ANCIS II., husband of Helen Naylor (neo Iiogert). and son of tho lato Jacob and Rachel Naj lor aged f y.f.ar..Jiela11f', "I? lem'8 of the fam. lly, also Phlla. Lodge, No. 2, B. P. O. E, nr Invited to attend the funernl, on Wednesday. V 7'u0.,'Sl05k' fC?m nl" ,a,e residence, 2339 North ISth St. Renin fin mav t in -- -.-- So clock Tuesday evening. Interment at West Laurel Hill Cemetery. NUOENT. On Marrh 8, 101B. HANNvir wife of William J. Nugent. rineVal on Thursday, at K 30 n. m, from 41)28 RenS at . West Philadelphia. Solemn Heo.uf.m Mas at tho Church of Our Mother of KoS Comcte?y. ' "' "' ,M'- St. Denis' ItllOADS. Suddenly, on March 7, 1015 JO. SKI'H R. UHOADS. Funeral services at the Church of St. Asaph. Uala! pi on Wednesdny. the 10th Inst., nt in 30 a" m Inlennent prlvute. I'leaso omit flowers ItlTTKNIIOUHE. On Saturday. March (I 1015, Major II. FRANKLIN R1TTE.NIIOUSE aged 75 years. Funeral private, on Wednes. day, from his residence, 1013 Lelper st Frankford. Interment at Arlington Va' riease omit flowers. ItOSENIII.UM. On March 8, 1015. Dr JULI'q ROSENULUM. Relatives and friends aro Invited to attend the funeral services, on Wednesdaj. at 2 p. m . from tho reslcenco of his sister. Mrs. Joseph Simon, 2833 Mont gomerv avc. Interment at Adath .leshurun BCATTERCillOIl. On Third-Month oth lOlo" BL1S5AUETII .8. SCATTERQOOD daughter of tho lato William S. and Mary P Halloweli and widow of Samuel s. Scattergood , aged fcS ears. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services on rourth-dav 10th Inst., at 2 o'clock, from her late resl. dence, 6300 Greene St., Germantown. Inter, ment private. ' SCHAAL. At his residence, 1125 Callowhlll st , on March 8. 1015, aEOHOE W.. his. band of Amelia Schaat and eon of tho lata Charles and Carolina Schaal rurther notlco of tho funeral will be given TKAHIC On March 7, 1015, JOHNTA TRA8K. Funeral services at his late resi dence, 1410 North 20th St.. on Thursday, at 2 p. m. Interment private. Trinity Churchyard, Moorestown, N. J, WELCH. On March 8, 1015. MARGARET, widow of David Welch. Funeral services on Thuraday, at 2 p, m.. at her lata residence, 4RSI Germantown ave.. aermantown Inter ment Northwood Cemetery. VOL8TENHOLME. On March 8, 1018, MARY. wife of James Wolstenholme. Funeral services on Wednesday, at 2 p. m., at her lata residence. ll3 Wlllard at. In terment private, at North Cedar Hill Ceme tery. WOOllS. On March 8. 1015, MAROARET WOODS Funeral from the realdenca ot her husband. Terrace Woods, Olaseboro, N. J on Thursday, March 11. at 0 a. ni. Masa In St, Bridget's II. C. Church. Olassboro, at 10 interment at uiassrjoro cemetery. CLASSIFIED RATES DAILY AND SUNDAY THIS STYLE TYPE (or like tills) One Insertion 15a per line Three Insertions In o. week.... 12JJc per line Seven conaocutlve Insertions... lOo per lino Situations wanted, three Inser tions In a week 10c per Una THIS SIZE TYPE (or like this) Permitted In nil classifications cci.ept Help nd Situations Wanted, Lost nnd Found, Per gonals, Hoarding and Rooms. unf insertion -co per una Three Insertions In a week l7We per line Bevcn consecutive insertions,.. 15c per line All rates are based on agate measurement, 14 agate lines to the Inch. DEATH NOTlCES-elther paper 10 lines ono time 8n2 Three Insertions 51.00 DAILY ONLY In E,tccf December 1, ItH COMBINATION RATE for Insertion In both tho morning and evening papers of samo day: v PUBLIC LEDGER (MORNING) EVENING LEDGER (EVENING) Add four cents per Una net to rales given abova HELP AND SITUATIONS WANTED ADVERTISING IN THE PUBLIC LEDGER MAY BE INSERTED IN THE EVENINO LEDGER WITHOtlT ADDITIONAL CHARGE. V There is a drug store near your home that will accept Ledger want ads at office rates. HELP WANTED MALE CANVASSERS wanted; salary and commission. Applv between 8 and 0 a. m., 432 Bansom st, COLLECTOR Must furnish A-l referenco and bond; Rlnte full particulars and salary ex- peeled. Address s.1 ff.".', Ledger Office. COPPERSMITHS, first clnss, with experience on sheet metal work; ateady work and good pny. IMvvnrd G. liudi! Manufacturing Cum liany, 2.1th and Hunting 1'nrk nve. JANITOR, experienced at cleaning electric ele vator and steam heat; stato reference. Ad dress M 118, Lodger Central. HELP WANTED FEMALE A FREE SERVICE TO LEDGER , , ADVERTISERS Bookkeepers, stenographers, clerks avail yourrclves of this service at once. Seo "Miss Dean." nt Lodger Central, as Hlio Is constantly helping young ladles secure satisfactory positions, ana can undoubtedly help you. DICTAPHONE OPERATOR, familiar with Un derwood tpevvrlter. for sales office largo manufacturing concern, stato age, education, experience and sal, desire d. M 440. I.ed. Ce n t . DRESSMAKER wants tall, stylish girl for model. Apply Tuesday, before 0:30 or after 4 '30. 18U! Chestnut st. MAN AND WIFE, white, at students' club to do waiting and lako caro of rooms; no chil dren; references required. A E!8 Ledger Offlco. MECHANICS and other high-grade men want ed at tho Calabur office. Oth and Diamond sts. Apply between 7 nnd 0, mornings ana evonlnga. Only men of good appearance and clean habits need apply. PATTERN CLERIC Young man to take charge of patterns for Jobbing foundry; must have aomo experience. 1' 4U4, Ledger Office 1415 S. Jth st.. Phils., Pa., March 1, 1U15. Dear Mr. Hunt, Ledger Central, Philadelphia. Alow mo to thank sou for having secured a position nfter being out of employment for eleven weeks Tnn weeks ago I filed an application with jou at Ledger Central and on Saturday I was rewarded by receiving a position with tho l'uiitip LtcnoEn, which holds forth good opportunities for tho future. Again thanking you and Lodger Central. I am. ours sincerely, (Signed) RODERT E. WARD. SALESMAN Energetic live-wire wanted to liandlo quick seller locally; experience not necessary, commission only J7.Vt, Led. Cent. SALESMEN-SEC MY AUVUUflgfiSiENT IN PUBLIC LEDGER EVERY SUNDAY. PARCEL POST PAGE S Wllbum Uowen. distributer U. F. Goodrich Telephono Re ceiver Cushion, 210 Parkway Bldg. Phone Walnut 1540. THOROUGHLY experienced loung man for steiiographlo and general offlco work, district sales offlco largo manufacturing concern; ex cellent oppor. for advancement to position of salesman mmo pamry exp. w id,, i.eii. cent. 'rrtrrlll-.?alTr anti liVrnMi nnll.li.rn ........... must be experienced on touchlng-up and burning In fine mahogany cabinet work; nhvslnil Axamlnatlon nccessarv Annlv vie. tor Talking Machine Company, application office, 25 Market at.. Camden. N. J. FRENCH CHILDNURSE, speaking English; etatu ago, rjf. and wages. M 447. Led. Cent. GOOD homo and small recompense for settled refined woman to attend Invalid partly para lved: suhurhii; reference. A 12fi Ledger Off, HOUSEWORK Elderly woman In family of two; good home, small wages, reference. 15, Ix-dgcr Branch 1221 Delmont nve. MAII) 'I comp. maids, wanted. Germ, pref.: cook, $0; wait's, $5; laund's, 0, laund's to do fhm. vk.; wait's to mend; perm, place; sea'horo tn sum.; good ref. Ans. by lot. Mrs. 1. H. Dick, Norwood ave , Chestnut Hill. OPERATORS. EXPERIENCED. TO WORK ON MEN'S NECKWEAR: liEST OF WAGES: STEADY WORK. 1401-3 S. 4TH. Philadelphia. March 1. 1015. Ledger Central, llroad and Chestnut sts., Philadelphia. Pa. Gentlemen Accent our thanks for assist anco of our Ilrln Wanted Department In filling position vie had open. Miss Dean's personal attention saved us much time and trouble In maklni; tho selection. Youth try truly. Tho Eagle White Lead Co . (Signed) W. E. MASTON, r Local Manager. RELIABLE, well-recommended white woman tor light housekeeping duties and as nurao lor child ot 0. Mrs. A. K. White. Harrls- lurg avc. wtuum i.ny. SALESWOMEN-SEB MY ADVERTISEMENT IN PUBLIC LEDOER EVERY SUNDAY. PARCEL POST I'AOE S. Wllburn Uowen, distributer II. F. Goodrich Telephone Re ceiver Cushion, 210 Parkway Bldg. Phone Mrutnt 1UQ STRAW HAT RENOVATOR. Call all week. WAlTREfaS-Competent white girl, with ref erer.ee IUB N Broad at WANTED A young lady to assist as maid in dental office; 15 week; hours from 8:30 to 6, Mft2l. Ledger Office. WANTED Two girls; ono for cooking and downstairs work, other as chambermaid and waitress. Apply 4401 Pine st, before 12:30 o'clock. WORKING HOUSEKEEPER Young, expert enced, white Protestant; family ot two. Phone Qtn. 2330 Tuesday, between 0 and 12. HELP WANTED MALE BRIGHT BOY, about 18 years of age for clerical work; ona with some experience pre ferred; state references and experience. Ad- uresa tuj, tenser uiuco. VERY GOOD opportunity for salesman who can finance nimseir: nniy nign-grada men need apply. A 111, Ledger Office. WANTED Foreman for sheet metal and copper work on open shop work; must be able to obtain competent workmen. Apply to Mr. D. L, Norrls, superinten dent Wldener Bldg,, Juniper st. nnd South Penn Square. WANTED An active, educated man of busl ness ability to represent the New Inter national Encyclopaedia, new edition. In each rounty: weekly salary, with commissions. Wrlto Dodd, Mead & Co.,Porrynidg., Phlla. WANTED Bond salesman familiar with cen tral and western Pennsylvania; good oppor tunity, experlenee and reference required. 1 ll.il, A.--lthV. . .,.. WANTED Several young men as Junior sales men, must furnlBh Al references: salary and eommlsMonAddrcss M 023, Ledger Office. WATER RUBBER8 wanted: must have fac tory experience on line cabinet work, furni ture or pianos: physical examination neces sary. Apply Victor Talking Machlno Com pany, application office, 25 Market St., Cam den, N.J; SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE Are you Interested In helping the unemployed liookkeper. stenographer nnd clerk? If so. we ask jour co-operation with our free Commercial Service Department at I.EUOiR Central, where aro listed competent experienced business women seeking positions. Phone "Miss Dean." Walnut 3000, It you have an opening to fill, This service Is free to Luousb advertisers. ASSISTANT In institution or helper In the . Tln......... til T Alrm rttttn llQIIiBi riuirBiam. . ""-. ..-, m..,..,. CASHIER and bookkeeper wants position; good reference. Addreaa M 450, Ledger Central, CHAMBERMAID and waitress competent! city reference. Phono Poplar 5080 W. C1IAMBBRWORK Chamberwerk and waiting or light housework wanted by an experienced girl; reference. Call 2041 N. Bydnham at. CHILDNURSE Intelligent young woman, ex- perlenced; well recom'd. Q 257. Led. Cent. CHILDNURSE-GIrl wants position. 131H N, 10th. , CLERICAL WORK of any kind; neat penman,' willing to learn. O 48, Ledger Central. COMPANION, American, r'mstras: good ref, M. V.. 3107 West Penn b... Germantown. COOK wants position In a refined private fam ily; without washing! Atlantic City preferred) niso nays vvorv. can ivo vv. Allegheny avo. SITUATIONS WANTED 'PEMALE COOK; best references. 2553 North Mascher tied. CQOK. permaj, irrelevant, mni; .cooking r,M nownaTaiTi' wpiUf. n. f - . COOK and chambermaid, white, wish Pos'llens together. Call Room 230, Ledger umco. . "T , -i Ult tlrnla COOKING, housewora wpm"". ",!;'," ,--yivs tent ulrli good ref. Telephone Walnut 7 1.1. DHESSMAKBn. late filter In W,bl''1n,"Jf?J' will engage by dayi only best work solicited. t Ml, l.engcr icmim. DltlS'SMAKEIt wishes ''m.f,n,,"by,3l,hM'i nulck vv nikerjagood fitter. 1410 N. I3tn. DRESSMAKER, competent, ylshss engage. menUi ' .'0 Pr day. O 41. Lcdgor ranttai. DRESSMAKER of New York : J .Ires '"f ! evening gowns specialty. Phone .ali4gjv FIRST-CLASS COOK and n"fk"r'!;"tl,hlboy vi esrs, wants rwjwinuii ' - GIRL wishes position as maid with first-class family I can "lo all kinds fancy ewlng. take carejady'sjvardrobe. A 113,IdgeLOfTlce GIRL wants downstairs work and cooking. 13 Mnplewood ave.,uermaniown GIRL. Polish, vva'nts housework, speaks Eng llsh. aou fieivcomn si., itc,vi" (IIR'L, Polish, speaks German, wants house- u'nnc. 111.11 CHTUKll rm ...w..." GIRL, rollsh, spea'ks English, want" Keneral nouseworK. lav nniioj""" .""j-" GOOD COOK wishes position, private .family. 2000 Sliver st., above Lehigh ave. Reference. Flense call. Protestant GOVERNESS, visiting or resident, educnted abroad, German, French, violin and piano n speclnltyJa442, Ledger Central. GOVERNESS German. English, refined, with practical knowledge of music, wants position; nesi reiercnces. i.iw ... " GOVERNESS. German, exp. care and teaching chlld'n : French, EngmualC;Ph.Walnut 8408. HOUSEKEEPER." exp 7 les. pos. supervising household, In care of motherless children. Call or ndd. 4SUI ljoirmount av-. j-h. j... .-. HOUSEWORK Young girl wishes position ; good reference. 1217 South llucknell at. LADY'S MAID Trained I:V,B11l"hT.0rm(BS' young; best city reference. L 0,11, Ledgerorr, NURSE wishes position to en re for Invalid, lady or child, or companion to lady. Address M 410, Ledger Central. NURSE Relief work or elderly Person; beat of reference. L. M. C. L"M N. 11th st. NURSERY GOVERNESS North German graduate In kindergarten; good needlewoman. L. 033. Ledger Office. , pianist Will play to Invalids or any one conflucd to the house; moderate rates. Ilelen Rvlvesler. llaveriorn, -.. STENOGRAPHER Young lady, ambi tious and very desirous to '" position whero development Is PO'ble. about a ear's experlenco In stenog raphy and clerical work. O. 340, i.eager yenvrai. nTFN'OGnAFnER Competent, conscientious " TJorkeV desires position ; moderate salary ; refcrenceJn3J,IKrOfnce: STENOGRAPHER, well educated, 4 years ex perience; Al hill clerk, with knowledge of bookkeeplng.GJ,J.eerCentral. STENOGRAPHER, expert; 4 years' experience manufacturing and commercial- c apab . 1 acting as secretary. FJ)30,Ledger Central. STE5COGRAPHER; "competent, experienced in commercial and banking work. O 845, Led ger Central. ; -j STENOGRAPHER, expert In legal rk and conveyancing; 4 veers' thorough experience, capable, accurate, rapid. O 144, Ledger Cen. HTrvonitAPHER and general offlco work; 3 Tear? experience. O T840, Ledger Central. . STENOGRAPHER, some txp., S'bauShlS' desires pcrmanenpstTISJOJiipmn. ni?MrfTitAPHEU. 3 years' exp., knowledge of bl.O.O.'n'e;'ntiraiyi0C. O 248. Ledger CenL STENOGifAPHER and assistant bookkeeper 3 5 ears' exp.; competent. G 158. Leager cent. ffTFNrwmAPHER nnd bookkeeper desires eve &0,qVr"nnv""lnd. G 25J, Led. Central. -. . re' i j..- . Ill KrMn. ? i nurTufllly bright. C 1127. Ledger OCllce. STENOG RAPIIl 5. c"PD'? fc,rfcentTnl on uotaiis: hjuu. p'. - "- - KTENOGRAPHER Neat, capable, accurate, 4 year? experience. O 440, Ledger Central. WOMAN wants day's work or washing; rcfer ence; Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. 223 couom WOMAN wishes position as housekeeper. Rear mi pptiiiii p.. " - YOUNG LADY, experienced In clerical work; fair typist. Q 758, LedgerContral. SITUATIONS WANTEDMALE ACCOUNTANT, with 0 years' experience In charge of tho entire books of arlous compa nies, wonts a similar permanent position, rt n,Q t A.1..A,. PAnl.nl ACCOUNTANT Thor. compt. to manage offlco corrospondenco nnd credits; 12 yeara' cxperi- .... Uai rararnnr,. CI IWI . T.ericrer Central. ACCOUNTANT Keep, open, close books; opo- Clal reports I . CI. tiox qo'i. i-iinuueipniu ACCOUNTANT-BOOKKEEPER-Exp., age 28, desires position: Al ref. G 458. Ledger Cent. AUDITOR-Accountnnt, quallfled: will construct system; conduct audit or Investigation; pro pare bus. statements; books opened; written up; bal'd; closed: expert service at minimum cost. Address Auditor. P. O. Box 275, Phlla. BOOKKEEPER-Capable. exp. offlco man de sires position with reliable Arm: moderate salary: best ref. G 510, Ledger Centrnl. BOOKKEEPER and office man, experienced, wantB position with advancement; moderata salary to stnrt. a arj. Ledger central. BOOKKEEPER, typist, 28; 10 years' exper,; quick and ace; exc. refe. O 151, Led. Cent. BOOKKEEPER Managing ability; thorough; varied exp., clean char. Manager, 8111) N.luth. CHAUFFEUR, alngle white man, 30, 4 years? exp.: willing nnd obliging: understands car. denlng; prom, city ref. tl C52. Ledger Cent. CHAUFFEUR Single; make himself useful genfa place- good ref. It. P., 2040 Sansom. CHAUFFEUR White, married, exp.; do minor rt-ti.i rei. .c.-.j-euen.uvv.ppring ave., Arnmorc. CLERIC In office or store, or floor walker: can como at once; best references. 1717 S, Hicks atraiit COUPLE, with daughter 18, want pos , but ter, j-ook, chambmd. Jjiuenroth, 838 N, 7th. CREDITS. PUnCHASINO8ELLINa Do ypit require the services of a gentle man with executive ability and vast experi ence In these branches? Intend to aever a JJ".ear association with the selling organ. i!?.n.0'. a large machinery corporation. I. 7JO Tails'.. P.iiIhI ft'yfi1'?.. Lfflcency or production; mar-HfSfiP0'..1- ytaT" exceptional experience and qualifications; capable superintendent or fac tory manager; references, q 751. Led. Cent. ERRAND BOY; capable; good reference; i2?m nn advancement: reference. L 033, GARDENER, coachman, underatands duties on gent's place; refs. 023 Glenbrooke ave.. Brn GARDENER Single man, thoroughly under standa care of gentleman's place; all stock; - - -- . ". wisciuuiyo. HOUSEMAN, colored, reference. New Jersey or Pennsylvanla. waiter, butler. 1838 Balnbrldga. JAPANESE wanta position, cook, butler, geni eral housework: has 4 years' ref. rniil tioe. rlence. Write Ax. 1312 N. 15th. " J APA N ESB couple for small family: coo butler; entire charge. O 740, ledger Central! MALE, expert stenographer, desires position as private secretary or stenographer: excellent refs. furnished. Address M tB8. Ledger Office. MAN. young, with B years' wide business exi penenca from atenographer to city branch manager of Urge concern; greater oppor tunlty la my slogan. O 817. Ledger Central. MAN. neat, refined, colored, wants poaltioh'7 Janitor, houseman or waiter; references, soil MAN, young. ID, with 3 years' experience "IS clerical work) knowledge of stenography: araquavo or nun scnooi. ct eia. Ledger Cent. 1TLW UMn YtitU.17. ".t.i. ' . . 'ii,i ...- . I "-. "" positions; wire. lun'wiiu c"ui inii, umier ana nouitman: references. V OAT Tf1ri- rnml T SXTUATIONS WANJE&3 MAN'aND WIFE, renn.,4 . rMi cook: references o 853. tlS.;LlS NEAT. HONEST, re.n., .... --Sjfti butler nnd cook, or hmr.. ..""""l.iSl , or week Phone roplaTsVai SALESMAN, furniture nd"n,Hl . erences furnished q 4j3, Ujf,rltl S9"T," M"iSA!. ."PertTrl1! SP,xB,ht,'.i"'ft- V'te'Vefe. . O 452. ledger central. rf..-"V VwS??!! ' 'A STENOaitAPHER-Thnrn.t...- accurate young man, hJ fi work will be appreciated, uM,VilSS keeping. jO sin, Irfdgercen.r.f11! STENOGRAPHER, clerk T,, -iSSl exp, reliable; good ref O Jvjf'?nl WATCHMAN-OoodTrellahr.-.-iifel t,l nl rrri'n,.VaPJ Bn.7lkl YOUNO MAN. 28!nflit.iI".ElM YOUNO MAN, 28: ntlvni. J?X character, ability, referent. ??-) ' .ltAti,i?s Hflvata In another clt n.1lnl,la Mil O 010, iVlger Central, ;ii. hut i""c' nOtskjl i.i.i. :t' r """" to tVvii.MH u!liuv . vomo, hem ?- JHH fits BTAwt-l SVl 1M I YOUNG MAN. sic 25. rt..,..r- S opportunity of advancement K5 ployed In stock brokerage busfnii?1 f npAik. ,.rMn,. r .,. .ln'S W. "J ':'-' ,"-"""ZJ: ''i Leaner Krm YOUNO MAN. no-iTTir y.-.-.ri-JMl clerk; refs. 8. Wllklnskr. neVtfii YOUNG MAN. 27. elerk.linowLin-l Ing; can operate typewriter, n im rim iSB EMPLOYMENT AOENt THE CARLlSLBHunif7r!Sj has first-class cooks, chambmVJf I resses, parlormaids, nurses, KSvl men, etc.: all references iuin,,4 U nt., b T-n.i nan BUanintM.Jl MISS HARKINS, 2002 BaTnbriSrll o'clock) waltres-es, cooks. Inf .JSI eral vac.; 2 maids together; VaSFJ I Can. 1 UVJs inv a nfw a i i i 1 ' opened 'for all kinds of fltst.?li'J."l' BAYLOR'S "EMPIXlYMnN-r-iTrsrSi LUDLOW ST. PRESTON .titlr"' v.uciivr., riuiiiucr os. KitcnenmiHiTvr etc. Bird's Emp. RureauTinji i Vg1 WORK NEEDED OnifwrV- As a partial contribution toThTtS li. being so ably carried on by ih 5L! Aid Committee, Society for OtxiJiltiS'5 nnd Juvenile Workers' Bureau7lB iSl0 ployment for needy, deserving nin "KSs the rusuo LewiKB and Evsxtxo lvi these columns to tho free use of tS? ment Branch of these organttatiool. 2 Here you will find listed from ..t brief stories ot specific cases thit v. investigated by them nnd fSuni i, t and particularly urgent ones. Thstinw, are out of emp oyment threuth iT their own. AppUcatlons frorn T drinker. competent or untrustworthy Inalr Si? recommended by tho organization, hi.1 vlded for by he Immedlitt n&& Emp oyers seek nor rnllnhi. .t..S.K? and women can. therefore, envSm S Mill, wwincii iiHLirii wun vne nssuranuiv. aro helping dcBcrvIng workers VhJlE1 . w.... iu ,.v.ii lilL'IllBeiVeS. TCtVa wont charity. They want and moitii! mediate employment will you miffi Trim n fA nf it,.. u. -. .WWII w i ut L11COC) Wild Clin III IBln Vim. great problem will b quickly MlTfrSi n'uSb'er. TO CASna lnr "W. THOSE MARKED "E. A." F0nw; FRR TO THE EMERGENCY AD ffi TEE. LINCOLN BUILDING MEVll "S. O. C." TO THE SOCIETY tYlnm.J IZINO CHARITY, AND u1 "J. W. B." TO THE JUVEVlti'SJ w. ..... .vm 1.1-11 HTHEgl. JIALE fll ALL-AROUND BOY, 15 EAnsoiJvii takn inv Ulnrl flf wr.,b h -- -"."l support hi.f family. s. O. C. mW 62 W. Chelten ave.'. Clef . AIITn.lnlill T- i,t nnn .,m . . 4 - .fi1',".wl UJ LAflOH iii iuku unyininK no tan tto4v,l references, hoe six children, thj oMejtnl viie youuKcsv monins. S. O. CuiXti (Powellon District. 4018 Powelton tnlal AUTOMOBILE MErilANIl- "irVSTrJ 11 yenro' experlenco, thoroughly urtoal carburetors and magnetos; has hid ,M for four months, has a wife ana ttutuVbl R. O r TJn 11K fk'Ak.... r.... -fj ? T'.r '.'. "" """re"k "1K..JHI1 """' "' 1 BAKER HERE IS A GOOD MAN. Hfcl wi "i riiiiiiuj iiiciiL Lnrougn no naj g m ....... ,,9 ,.ua ,,..w iiituicit uppcnaicrai for support and has been nut At ,A J long time; his former employers nr Ll honest, sober and a good worbssn uil uvovrviiia; ol coriBiueniiion. t;. a. S174.C 1 BAKRIunnriAn nTr-n jiv vrtWvl whose last employer rays he tristteal honest nnd reliable and In two tnil never late ono dnv. He las been tuttii9 8 months. Has 0 children-olden 11 jM Istrlct. S O. C. 14'IU North Msrstuh BAKER-35 YEARS OLD. 'VVllO 1IA8 W! ed for three vears In one plac anapred for flvo years In another place; vtrTrwB erenres: has been out ot work no fa M monins. . u. i;., cut. tnortneut rta.1 N. Hovvrrd st.) 1 BAKER'S HELPER. 25 YEARS OLnirl ored: very good references: wllHaiil in L-uii BtL iu Hupiiuri ma wiie snainxai, S. O. C , 1114 (Powelton District. Mint. elton ave.) BLACKSMITH'S HELPER AND IB sons who can do laboring work: vQi anything they can get to do; all tout!! r.avo excellent reierences, more trtitrci dren of school ago In this family. 8,'O.C, uis. tvvoooianu mat., izjz b. 4ita tt)i BLACKSMITH A GERMAN. 33 YEAJit .naa oecn out or work plx montni: Mil and one email child dependent on him. Ita Dirt.. B. O. C. 021. 338 S. Lawrtnrtlt). BLACKSMITH AND LOCKSMITH - man la a German and sneaks no Eoill&i his employer states that he Is a trial workman, u. a, j-. att BLACKSMITH, THOROUGHLY HH enced on wagon work, with good t&m has two children and needs a Job kftG&I. oiu. , ULAlKSMlTII'R HKI.l'KR. 45. GOOD t crcnccs, has had no steady wprklfel nionths; has a wtfo and children depes&l him. S. O. a. 733. (Spring Garoeo Dlftfl O. C 18::2 Hrandywlnu st.) 1 nr.lflfaMiTli'o lTr-i.TiT7n9 TEAEsS nHA flpm ,. I.l.k ........ M.A...4 hln, hftVrS V.. D llllll, t,,lii;i, ICVUililllW.Ua.ulw "". vestigatlon shows man to ba badly ajl new, e. a., inn. BLUE PRINT WORK elector. ;i.i vears old excellent references. S. land District. 1212 S. AND .80 1; u years wuj II a. o. c, nosvjj 47th st.) - BOILERMAKEU AND MACHINUU fnnil mfareni-eM haa been outofVOTK- rronths; has a wlfo and 4 children &P? on nim, a. o. c, tss. tLastero wuirev C. 338 S. Lawrence st.) DOILERMAKER AMERICAN. , old. with good refcrencts: ttli m' widower wno Is trvlnir to taxectrrHii email children. S O. C. 03. lOfft I- w . Dlst.. 52 Chelten ave.) '.an iKULER.MAKER'8 HELPLH-MAN C with II Hmnll rhltHren deoendent 674' will take uny kind of work he e I, of tha children Is ill In the hoipllil W baby Is 111 at home. Excellent t'ttrn,i C. 588 (Northern District. 8. 0. C. Knrth MarEhnll street.) ! BOOKKEEPER TIIOROUOHLT IS anced man. with excellent refarM last employer, who laid him off off ot business. Is a sober and stW " E- A. 2ud. BOOKKEEPER AND OFriCH )t& man has been tn this line of orl number of yeara and Is a too3.", office man; Is also a stenographer; tu lent references, is. A. ii-u. i - -- - - -.-.-. . ... .......... .. tnici.ui, iHw. AjQuavr vycnvnii, i unity street.) NO. 61 ASTHMA SIMPSON, THE VILLAGE QUEENLUKE WAS AT LEAST SMART ENOUGH TO GET THAT "EVEN YOU" BUSINESS!!! i ,--. rN w : : i . i iinv in.vnAn.or.n UOYTvVlIU lent references; has been out of u ter: ha la tho only wage earner In a aj 7 children: thu youngest a baby, a, "Sgl he wants a rhanca to help support rgT ana Bisiera kuu iita a """"'.." nh n with them. S. O. O, tUJ. (Powelwo PSy a-owaiion a.vtt. ,.TM WOYl 16 YEARB. j6TRONU. A$ZM American boy, will do any la'S help support an aged grandfatneri lf:M ueaa ana ne ana sister v.u ':' il some months; has worked oa K !E1 tv . vmknd nil, TB TIIR OSL. port of a widowed mother. tSl Istera. lie has worked In . reP?. 'SS1 will take any kind ot work ha ",' C. 60J. (Frankford District, B. al ia n X OOYTA UAU3H AT THe WAV SWART eUH', UTTCe 3CHSMS no MArCfly ' -Q EXPLAIN X J f M I6TUMPCD CONTR.AFHC iS T AMJ Alias SAPSONy Jj3 6o VSM ScS&S ii t i I '' ' ' ' " nw ' Nil III ' ' iJByjlJt"""' m"l' ' lU.wma'iPf rt-".i.iaLiiriw ."'i"M'gSuMwa,'B'"4--KarAi.wr rl i.in i ... i...niiiii.ili .hhaii m laissJf! i ffViimii'"