Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 09, 1915, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 12

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Moran's Crew Plays All
star Team at St. Peters
burg Jack Martin
Heads Squad Against
truoU a grrlcoKiiBrovt)iNT.l
ST. PETBRSmma, Mnrcli 0. --Mntinircr
Morati ntul his nrmy nf bnll pin vers left
the barracks at the usual hour this morn
ing for a hlko to Coffee Pot Park, whero
batting and fielding practice was hold In
preparation for the series of Barnes which
opens this afternoon with tho Cuban
Al Dcmaree, Milton Stock and Lofty
Baumgtirtner wero discovered rldlnjr bi
cycles to tho park over tho two-mile
course. At first aiannger siornn sinioa
that ha would break any bicycles ridden
by the players, whom ho desired to havo
plenty of walking exercise. The players,
however, united In an argument, showing
the boss whero exercise of great benefit
was derived by pedaling to and from tho
ft appears that Demare", Stock and Baum
partner rented the wheels Ism week and have
been speeding to the nark on these con
veyances, avoiding tho limn nlKi twice each
iny. The players rnld the minimum fee o
"! cents each ror the week's rental of in
ttheiii). which cause the players no little
Hmount nf care and attention
The riders are forced to conceit the wheel
in a Jungle mar the park In order to protect
th tfres from the tactics of the teammates.
The 1'l.lllles will play tho tlrst of a thrce
rame a-rlc this nftcrnoon with tho Cuban
rtes. who hae played the innlorlty of the
Mtr lingue clubs over on ttin Island.
Tomorrow Jack Martin will tako a second
team to play the nirmlnghnm club or f"
Southern League, at Orlando, where that club
la In training. Those to take, that trln for
trm tno-gamo series are Mnnacer Mn""
Fletcher, Irelan. Kelalle. Tlncun Veler Mnt
Jlaoii. Jacobs O't'onnor. t'lah and Tllllv Rhetta
llne. who will look after business affairs.
Glmbel Links to lie Replaced by
Commcrclnl Displays.
The ndoor golf season will be brought
to n closo Saturday when the Olmbcl links
will be ordered closed for the winter sea
son. Thousands have enjoyed many a
pleasant hour, and the success of the ven
ture Is very satisfying to the store officials.
The Philadelphia, Oftlf Association offlclala
will thortlr announce the handicap!, A com
mittee ha been working overtime In an effort
io complete me ratings, it i estimate, that
nooui iduu gonera wm na in toga in tnia section.
Tim man who elected coif for an exposition
of tho nypslhtals that mind la an embarrass
ment to muacles was unkind to the many
thousands of Intellectuals who Indulge In the
game, M'e are also told that good golf Is
piajca mrougit tne loner nerve centres and
motor channels, and poor golf la due to direct
Interference of tho brain, or cViaclousnrss. In
uni coie miai a cnanco ror ine nypnotic subject?
livery once In a while the nerld la solemnly
I,,,,,, mi' (iihl koii is a menace 10 mo eye
sight if many have tost eyea while on tho
links, In a majority of cftees It has been be.
cause, lllo Lot's wife, thoy looked back. When
"fftf" Its naHi.,1 ... II.. .Ik.. .. ...
au 10 vniliu IUIII ijp UlIICI U.
Bush Hit by Two Throws; Mc
Connell Injured Contest at
Tnmpn Camp.
"Ocean-to-Ocean" Telegraphic
Matches Are Attraction.
Plan Liked Here.
Philadelphia In all probability will be
represented In the "Occan-to-Ocean" tele
graphic bowling tournament thla year,
and the local team will have a chance to
win a leg on tho Colonel Robert E.
Thompson trophy offered for the cham
pionship. The filed report will be flashed
April 21. Tho Colonel Thompson trophy
Is to become tho permanent property of
the club winning It twice, not necessarily
In succession.
Local bowtli g offlclala who have been ap
proached on tho subject havo expressed the
opinion that a Quaker City team will be In the
contest. It may bo an all-star aggregation or
It may be one of tho crack organizations about
town. '
The Illinois A. C , of Chicago, and tho Cleve
land Athletic Club. Cleveland, O.. were the
winners In 1D13 and 1014, respectively
In order that nil the trams may bovvl simul
taneously the Western teams will begin at 7
o'clock (Pacific time), tho Itocky Mountain
teams at 8, Central teams at a and the East
ern teams at 10 o'clock on April 24. All the
team scores will be telegraphed tho New York
Athletic Club house. New York city, for the
first five frames honied, and again at the
finish of each gome, and each team Is to bowl
three games.
The final results will be announced by the
committee at New York on Sunday. April 25.
Irnoit STrr coimEsrosprsT
TAMPA, Kin , .Match ".-Hurry Davis
arrived hero at 6 o'clock wllh 1" of tho
Athletics. All the men nrr In good shape
to meet the Cubs this nftcrnoon.
JACKSONVII.LK,-7"la.. Mntch S.Too
Hush and McConncll, the young Inflcldcr,
who Is rnpidly making n name for him
self, were Injured In yetterdny's practice.
N'elther Is seriously hurt; at the same
time, both will not be able to go through
the regular routine for a few days.
Hush's Injury was a dunl affair. Ho
won pitching to Lapp, when a wild throw
came his way. Ho saw the bnll Just as
Lapp was tossing the ball back to him.
Trying to avoid both balls, Joe wns hit
on the left ankle bv the wild heave, and
on the middle finger of his right hand by
the ball Lapp threw.
McConncll wns hurt at third base In
fielding practice. He leaped Into the nlr
after a I1I3I1 liner, and in coming down
hit his ankle on the bag and turned It.
Last night Captain Davis left for
Tampa with a squad of Athletics who aro
making the "Western circuit." The first
game Is with the Cubs this nftcrnoon.
Brooklyn Magnate Believes in Doing
Things in Style.
DAYTO.N'A, Fla March 0. A hush ot ex
pectancy has fallon over the city of Daytona.
N'o one known Just what to expect, but all
nope for tho beat. Thursday afternoon Ehbets
Field, on the Peninsula, will be dedicated. It
wl'l be "Charles) H. Ebbeta Day," and every
last detail of pomp and ceremony will be ob
served. There will bo tho customary flag rain
ing. In which tho placers will march to the
centre field fence, and there, amid the strains
of the "Star-Spangled Banner," Old Glory will
be flung to tho breeze. There may even be a
few speechca. Stetson University will furnish
ernnsnion ror tne supernas on this occasion.
Charles II, Ebbctta contends that things done
by halves are never done right, and Intends
that thla dedication shall be long remembered.
Weather conditions permitting, he will make a
flight In Miss Itutli Law's aeroplane, and while
siarlng orer the grounds some thousand or
more feet In tro air will drop the ball Into the
Negro Takes First Work-out Willard
Arrives March 15.
HAVANA, March n. Jack Johnson today
started training In earnest. Tho big Negro
vvas up early and accompanied by two of his
trainers, lilt the road for his first real work
out since ho arrived here.
Promoter Jack Curlej, upon rorclvlng word
from Jess Willard that ho would arrive here
Marrh l.'i. set the date for the chumplonshlp
tattle as April 11. Tho Havana racetrack
prohubly will be choien Tor the scene of tho
conflict. It Is now planned to have the races
lun off early and to stuge the tight at their
Tho same terms that applied with thn htag
in? of the bout In Juarez will be amnted the
fighters here. Additional training expenses
havo been allowed both principals.
Six-a-side Soccer Match Next
Bristol Soccer Football Club, nf tho United
League, Is arranging to hold a Elx-a-aldc tour
nament, to take plate on its grounds at Broad
and Huntln; Park avenue. Saturday, March it).
Tho committee having this affair in hand h.ii
already been assured or four entries, and as
the winner and runner-up will be presented
with gold and silver medals, respectively, this
should bo an Incentive to draw a large num
ber nf teams. The entrance fee la .V) cents.
Kntrlea can be made to William IJrady. Itms
St. Luke street, not later than Frldav night,
March 10.
Former Tastes 400 to 385 De
feat in Amateur Billiard
Championship Tourney.
Won, list. II. Ave. II 11
Mnjer. Philadelphia.
Poggenburg, New York S
Lorn, Chicago 2
Gardner, New York... '2
lleddon, DovvaglHO . . 2
Mllburn, Memphis ... 1
Huston, Detroit 1
todays scnedute ronovvs
and Gardner; night, Lord and lleddon.
Another champion tasted the c he
has forced others to drain, when tho In
ternational tltleholder, J. Ferdinand Pog
gonburg, of the Leiderkranz Soclots, N.vv
York, was drafted by Charles lleddon, of
Dowaglac, Mich., 400 to SSJ, at the Union
League last night for the national 18.2
balkllne nmatcur billiard championship.
In the afternoon game Corvvln Huston,
of the Detroit Athletic Club, sprung n
surprise and won his llrst victory of the
tournament by defenting Eugene Mil
bum, of Memphis, 400 to 20fi.
Heddon-0 24 H O O IB 2 R 4 5 4 5 2 R1 111
B (I 4 3 1 S K0 7 11 7 O .1 3 3 20 1(1 1 1 O 1 8
BO 13. Total, 400. Average, 10 30-37. High
"i"oB2e'nhurg-0 O 4 4 f S 7 0 O 13 S 20 lfl IB
3 1 fiV74 21 I 0 10 B 0 20 O 2 22 12 2tl 1 11 II
1 20 Total, 383. Avcrago, ID 25-3U. High
run. 74. '
Showing the belt form he has fo far de
ployed, enabled Corvvln Huston, of the De
troit Athletic Club, to win his tlrst victory In
the tournament jesterday afternoon, when he
defeated lluuene Mllburn, of Memphis, 400 to
2(11, In 31 Innings.
Illllton-0 0 I) O 1 0 3 10 a 2 4 11 71 0 20 O S
4 14 ll II (I 4 2 3 0 12 1 O O 1 0 3 11 0 O 3 i 2
27 :i 1". 42 :! 4 7 0 : 0 2 Total, 400. Aver
age. 8. lllirh run. 71
Mllburn-2 14 3 14 1 0 22 B I 9 10 0 O O 1 2
1 0 3 1 12 O 11 2 1 0 17 1 II 3 1 10 10 0 2 0
O i' .1 1 I IS B 3 :t 12 0 0 0. Total. 200. Aver
ago 4 il-BO High run, 22. 'One point toat In
:uth for scratch.
j - ' snrl, , mKKmMM&Wx
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Figliter In Hard Tralntns for Bout
With Kllbnne.
m.r bla rest on Sunday Kid Williams,
vvoVllTs ht-ntr'mw,Tht ehjunploijj wha I-
to be held at the OlymP' .A:..?,,,rday the
SSil iJSl.AVlB..1;.! fn"pfedpa?.t!ehn
lor the pattie.
noon nun morn irniiiiii"r, ...... ---
?"' '" .ML0.'" JJ"J"-.rJuti,. fact that both
latter, never once iet up In hla "!:
tactlcsV nnd both aesMot.s were hotly "ntestea
ones, fr both Hayes and Blerel wore in nno
'"viltlama again wore his peculiar hcadgear
a contrivance similar to that worn by rootnan
Playera-and he saya ho wears this to protect
his ears during practice 0U'"iArrn
Ifllbnne Is eapected hers tomorrow.
Manager Harry Edwards announces that
will be Impossible, to hod ny reservations
.unrcii i, " -
aftir Friday,
niand for tho
Jack Reed, of Toledo, and Joe
Rosen to Clash Norristown
Card Tonight.
A heavyweight bout Is the attraction
at tho Knlrmount A. C. lonignt. jbck
Kerd, of Toledo, will clash with Lengthy
Joo Itosen, of West Philadelphia. I'lvc
other bouts aro on tho program. Kddlc
Moy, the clever Allenlown llgntwelght,
n.m ,r,i .iimmv Murnhv. of West Phila
delphia, In tho star bout nt the Palace
A. C, Norristown, tonight
'PI,. 1, ,ilmntint nrnsrnnl fnllnWR!
First bout Monto llrltt, Cleveland, vs.
ney Clark, I7th Ward.
Whittcd, Bancroft and Dugcy. Can they fill the Raps in the Phillies'
riddled defense? Whitted seems slated for an outfield post, although
he is strong on the infield. Bancroft played a brilliant game at short
yesterday, despite three niiseucs. Moran has hopes for Dugey.
.Second bout- Voting Jack lianlon
ton, vs. Jack Nelson. Southwnrk.
Third hnnt Willie Smith. North Penn, vs.
.. .-. ..,U L',.,.,1
Jimmy utimis. .uui khiu,
Fourth boul -(Ins Lewis, North renn, vs.
r-.,j. - ......,. I MHnlnn.nn
HAmitvin,i.iin vircinin Jim Williams, rair-
mount, vs. Scsaw Kelly, Kensington.
Wind-up Jack iteea, ioicuo, o. ..t.
West Philadelphia.
The Palace card follows: -.iu.
i.-i... k.. iin,,a,,i rnntev. jeffersonvitie,
vs. William McFndden, JUdnor (six : lounds.)
Second bout loung tiva nausn. ;",i" . "j"V
vs. Oeorgo Far and, consnonocKon , "-(
n ,.,.! ..!.- t nlnrtnnn. West PlllladCl-
Dhla. vs. Terrv Booth, rhoenlxvlllo (eiKht
r0WInd)-'up-Mdle Moy. Allentown. vs. Jimmy
Murphy, West Philadelphia (10 rounds).
Harry I'lcrco and Loach Cioss will meet In
a return bout at New York tonight. Their
last contest Is said to have been o. humdinger.
Cross probably will meet Johnny Dundee after
this match.
n,iiin,a n,i, tana win rpa two mammoth
chunks of humanity In action tonight, when
Carl Morris, the original .White Hope, co -lidos
with Fred McKay, Canadian, In a 10
round battle.
Following his victory over Jack 'Poland last
week. Jack Urltton will meet Joo Stein In a
10-round encounter at Now ork tonight.
Knockout Ilrown and One-round Hogan also
a.,,,.- ...,.. ni.Mi.llnVln IIR.nntind bOX-
er. won tha popular decision over Ughtlng
Cabral, also of the United States Navy, In a.
four-round exhibition contest at a smoker, held
,.n t.An...4 .I,,. Tt a Arlrnnnas. nagsnlp 0
Hear Admiral CO. Mayo, at duantanamo Bay,
mba, February .'(.
Al Rue, former manager of the of the Ontario
Boseball Club, has now entered the boxing
field In the capacity of manager, uo warns
to match Joo Bradley, clever 110-pound boy,
against tho best of his poundage.
Bcsldo his bout with Sam Hpmaeau, nere,
XInrch 17, Charley Whlto Is also stgnea up
for a match with Leach Cross, at New ork,
March 5,
Eddlo McGoorty and Buck Crouse are signed
up for two bouts. Tho pair meet In Pitts-
latter meets Sailor Grande at Plratevllle, and
McGoorty tackles Young Ahearn at New York
March 20.
Game Will Practically!
tormine Winner of fil
ern League Champf
""-tung-B um
Eastern Leacn.
Heading ....viu .rtTi lvi wtfi
fremn?o" -.V..-SB ffi $W
Seheduls for tonlght--ne,an, t&
Reading and Camden, of Ui, 9
Basketball League, will wl iS
test tonight at Camden. The tvM
HIP hinges on tho rc,uiu
leading y a Blight margin,
Camden supporters are conndJ"!
reprcsenlatlvca will win tonl ,'
and tlo up the standing. Th, jJ?
bids fair to bo a memorable Jfig!
In a contest that was mom . .
engagement than a sclenlllla ,;k,v
basketball, the laat-movln, ,i .'"Si
walloped Trenton at the T?en?nr'",Kl
night, .10 to 27. renton rn"
PoTuliwa'r'it,!ain,d,,l?., 'ua JfW
M.l.oa M to o, lntathiUSSSS!,g,,'2gg.
The Fiftieth Baptist wsllon n i
nulntej 00 to 10 and tho rae?Jnth n.'3
from lha Flrat Dutch ItfanV In ."IP'
was one-slded throughout, 47 in M Mn;"
..Forest Hill broke the hlV..,5s.!5'. '
Cnmden "city LeaS '."S.J
S...1 a '.
Giants Gain a "Farm" in Deal, Says
N'EW YOrtlC. March 0 Organized bassbill
has at last come to the aid or tho International
League, according to a aemt-offlclal rumor In
baseball circles here today. When the storl.
company which Is to take over the Jeree
Cltv franchUa la farmed Harry N. Hemp
stead, president of the Giants, will take M
per cent, of the stock. It Is said.
Beslden soothlnr the Injured feelings of E.1
Harrow In not being allowed to plate a Iran,
In the Bronx, such a move would also prove
a beneficial one for the Olants. Jeriov Cltv
would be utilised as a farm, which the
Giants da not now possess.
MACON. March 0. When nlr Hill James
stretched himself on the field today the
Braves' squad had all the earmarks of the
cW 'happj family "
With games scheduled for tomorrow. Thurs
day and Friday with Mercer College, Stalllngs
sent all his recruits through stirf practice.
Veteran IJall Player Dead
Th funeral of James Tt. Donnelly, at on
tlm natlonalb prominent In baseball, occurred
at New llavtn. Conn., yesterday. Ha has
rlaved with various clubs In 111 West and
East. Including Washington, of which ha was
captain In 1SST. 1888 and 1M0.
Union May Kill Doxing
The excessive demands of Australian boxers,
wto have formed a union to "further their
raus " will put an end to boxing In the
Antipodes so At Llppe. the American man
ager, aays In a letter sent from Cnozee. H, d
n. January 30. ' Sugar" Flanagan and Dave
Smith. Australians. wer leaders In the forma
tion of the ' union, and. according to Llppe.
tbey 'are going to kill the goats that lays
tbe golden egg "
S21.0QO in Racing Purses
KALAMAZOO, Mich,, March 0. Six early
cluing purses, with a total vsluo of 121.000.
wera ytwtrday announced lot Kalamazoo's
Grand Circuit harness metlng. August S toe.
Travis Has Low Card
PiNKliL'RafT N 1 . March 0 Wall- J
itvurnr4 a ufcrd uf 7t. Dlaytas lu a
four ball mali'b yaMsrday with J. M. 1'twaip-
Tna U
,,1, or iMtftas uavstn 'iviav 'nsvx m
tiamtttao brr will r-Uy PatJier Wailtenaora
a n,l Irving 1 1. Itafcawsa.
New Golf Wonder
Mrs. V V. Carpenter, ot the MldwIcK,
Countr Club, Los Angeles, a novice Just
ono year ago, Is hailed as the coming
champion of the coast nnd a worthy con
lender for honors In the East. Mrs. Car
penter has defeated Miss Kathcrlne Mel
ius, who last year won over Miss Marlon
Holllns and Miss Margery Phelps and
was only one down to Miss Margaret Cur
tis. Le Mugee, pilot of the Brookfeda, forbids
his player amoklrg cigarettea, drinking
liquor and staying up after midnight Tha
lot of the ball players la growing harder
every year. Hut. such rules are conducive
to clean, honest ball playing.
Follows Philadelphia's Lead
"I am going to do as they do success
fully In Philadelphia pack "em In every
Friday night. From two hits to a dollar;
that'll be us." Irving Fordon, manager
of a New York boxing club haB seen the
light and will come down from his (1
to 5 a seat prices.
Harry Smith, a young catcher obtained
by McQraw from the Savannah Club, has
a great record In the minors, batting at a
.320 clip and catching 111 games or the 123
schedu(ed, McGraw Is giving Smith
heavy work,
Where Size Counts
Walter Schmidt, a wonder of the West
In the catching lipe, again haa lost a
chance for a big league berth because of
his size, or lack or It. Hughey Jennings
has turned him down. The Athletics and
Cleveland have owned the little brother
of Charlie Schmidt, but never gaye him
a try. Ho Is only Ave feet sven Inches,
but Bpeedy,
Paddy Bauman la the new- sensation of Bill
Donovan's camp at Savannah. Tha Yankees
have stopped talking about Haker. Th engppy
Inttelder has been pi'ichaaed fron) I'rovtdenca
He waa owned for two aeaaona by Kuxhla
A Pirate Comer
The Pirates have picked up a winner for
third base, It Is said. In Balrd who was
purchased from Slouv City In the West
ern League last season. Halrd played
US games, making 1ST hits. Including 33
doubles. 10 three-baggers and six home
runs. Ills batting average was -331, and
he led the league In base-running with
61 steals. Balrd'a fielding average for I
tug ffamAA nt thtrH haia wa 941 '
Land Games in Billiard Champion
ship at Chicago.
In the tournament for tho three-cushion bil
liard championship at Chicago yesterday Ca
pron and Moore won the afternoon games by
closo scores.
Joseph Capron. of St. Paul, defeated Auguat
Kleclthefer, of Milwaukee, SO to 41, In U7
Innings. Hla high run was S and Kleck
liefer1 6.
George Moore, of New York, defeated Charles
Ellis, of Cleveland, SO to 4S, In 71 Innings.
Charles McCourt, PlttBburgh, defeated Harry
Cooler, Indianapolis, SO to 22, In an Interstate
Three-cushion Willard Leaguu match laai night
at Pittsburgh. In 83 Innings Each hid a high
run of 4.
Frank Denson, of St. Louis defeated John
Kllng, of Kansas CIt), SO to 35, In an Inter
state IJltllard League game at St. Louis last
night. The gome went 70 Innings. Bach
player had a high run of fi.
In one of the best games of the pocket bil
liard tournament at Dovle'a 'Allegheny Parlors,
Kensington and Allegheny avenues, last night.
Heck Davis wrested third place from Janiej
Wartman by tho score of 73 to CO.
In tho flrat block of their .100-polnt pocket
billiard match at the Oermantovvn Cue Itconia
laat night John Dorney eaally defeated Lester
Coupe, the score hetnjr luo to SO.
In tho pocket billiard tournament at the Le
high Iloom last night. Thurston defeated Bar
rett by the score of 78 to 48.
Florida Tournament Finds Men of
This Section Ranked High.
fiQlfera of this section qualified In one ot
tha four flight nt the annual Florida State
championship at. Palm Beach yeaterday
W. JI. Dllks, ot Philadelphia, with 73. vvaa
third, and C. II Oetst, Sea View, landed In
the first flight with S4. The summary:
vv. it. Biauoru. iaudiiai. io, it, i. rar
rlngton. Woodland, 74: W. H Dllk, Philadel
phia, 7: David Wagataff, Tuxedo, 78; L. it
Putt, National. 78; J. It. Hyde, South Shore,
70: J. K. Smith, Wilmington, 70, H. Fem
berton, Montreal, 70; A. ft Plerson. Glen
nidge. 82; C. H Von Vleck, Montclalr. VJ.
V. C. Longley, WaiviamoUett, SI; O. W, II,
Hartlett, London, 8J; H. U, Frcllnghuvsen. S-1;
Morris county. 84; H K. Ilolton Onwentsla,
W; C II, Oeist, Sea View, 84; V II, Smith!
Other 'tarda of Interest to I'hlladelphlans
wro: J. & 8mlth, Wilmington, 7H; 1. J
Pellly. PaU. 87; J. D. Johnson, Philadelphia,
80. and J. Itelter, Philadelphia, 80,
Announce Golf Dates
The Bkwanok Country C,lub of Manchester.
VI , announced yesterday dates selected for
Its annual golf event for the season of 1015.
They are: .July 4, Independence Day handi
cap; July IS. SO. 30 and 31. first prealdent's
iup tournament, September 0, Labor Day
l.tnlljcap, and September IS, 17 and la.
Equinox cup tournament.
Garfield Heads Williams Five
WIIfMAUTOWtr, Mass.. March 0. James
A. Oarfleld. 1010, of West Mentor, Ohio, waa
tUctetvaptain of the Williams basketball
team at a meeting of tha sauad hald hr
Daliadc of the White Man's Burden
have no interest today
In how Jaimn looks as a Joo;
Kor tlo I care what crttws say
About our )ini!j's bitsA Icaiiue show;
It may bo strictly to the Joe,
It may bo stanch (is any oak;
But this fs tcAa! I'd like to know
ll'lll lffflard ever meet the Smoker
J'ou read of how the big guns slay
As out the field the troopers go;
Or where V. Castle leads the play
Athwart tho light fantastic too;
Or Andy with more coin to blow
That stuff to. mo is all a joke;
But this is what I'd like to fcitoti)
Will H'll'ti-a et;er meet tho Smokel
Does nroiflltfoti always payt
Or does it end the liquid flowt
Will T. Ii. And the old-time way
And string again Ms ancient bowt
Such dope is pittifcertasimo.
Enough to make a walrus choke;
But this Is what I yearn to know
Will Willard ever meet the Smoker
And if ha does, who'll cop the dough f
Who'll slip across the tclnning poker
Aye, this is what I yearn to know
Mil" trifford ever beat the Smoker
"Sam Crawford in better chape than
ever." Why not? They're making all the
RIego Guns bigger now.
The Open Ears Co., Ltd., Again
It seems that a slight hitch lias arisen
In forming the Open Ears Co., Ltd., for
golfers desiring Willing Listeners,
bewell Ford writes us that Oeorgo Ado,
one of the original framera of the or
ganization, wants to specialize, in Lop
eared Listeners. "Ade," ho writes, "Is an
Cffete Hooslcr and a private course dilet
tante. Shall we freeze him out or adopt
his suggestion?"
Before committing ourselves we'd
rather Jiear from a few golfers on the
subject. Would you rather have a Lop.
eared Listener, or will any old kind do
as long as he will stay put without the
use of chains or a barred cell I
Johnson's Handicap
A bunch of ball players the other night
were discussing the case of Walter John
son as a pitcher. All agreed that the
Blonde Shrapnel was a pretty fair work
man as it was, Hut It was alto agreed
that Johnson would be almost unhlttable,
bound nil range, If he ever adopted the
tactics used hy most successful Blabmen
that Is, tho policy of shooting a stray
shot at the batsman's onion once In a
while. This system has kept many pltch
ei s up In tho winning rnnks, as It has a
decided tendency to drivo the nthlete hack
from tho plate and wotk upon his norves.
But Johnson never us"a It, and mainly
for tho reaflon that tho batsman would
havo only an outsldo clianco of ducking
the shot as propelled by Walter's nun,
and If the shot ever lauded bquarely John
son would have the ghost or a dead man
stalking his sleep. jThcre nro times when
it is a handicap W havo an excessive
amount of n certain article on hand.
Tiie Bard's Rovery
By Our Own Mr. Gray.
The curfew tolls the knell of winter's lay;
The wild-eyed bug will soon crawl forth
in glee;
Tho umpire Aomotcorrf plods his ghastly
And there will be fat chunks of dope
for me.
Tho breezy call of incensed fan I hear;
The coacher twittering on the first base
The bug's shrill clarion rattles in. my ear
inn purpie areams oring bacK a win
ning nine.
full many a star of put est ray serene
The dull, unfathomed leagues of winter
full many a hick will blow the big town
And spring his benders on the. bush
league air,
Explaining Another Why
"Why Is It," asks an exchange In edi
torial discussion, "that bo many Irish
favor tho Germans In this war?" Simple
Isn't the jiame for this query, If Ger
many aria Ireland ever fell out all the
knockabout vaudeville teams in the coun
try would have to disband,
Tho Giants plus Hans Lobert and Poll
Perrltt ate likely to be quite a different
array from the sagging clan which the
Braves crushed last August and Septem
ber. By hooking these two McGraw has
forced Stalllngs to turn and give battle
to the last d'tch to protect his eminent
abode In the classlcj realm of swat,
There'll be a battle In the National League
after all a battle In which St. Louis and
Chicago may Join with the two clubs
mentioned a Hue or so above.
Crack Five Has Won Its Last Four
Contests in Cage.
WILMINGTON. Del., Martfn 9. Having
won four straight, Saleslanum will at
tempt to make It five on Friday, when It
meets tho Philadelphia Textile team In
this city.
Conference Academy dosed Its season Sat
urday night by defeating Dover High School,
" Dclawa're College basketball team 1 In the
best shape that It has been this season and
expects to win the remaining two games on
lis ecneuuic.
Alorslua Kl to 12 ir?-..5 ,?!.. ??nil
goals. Harlman sustained a fractnSi"''
Magnolia beat the Morton Bov2A?"
to W, in an Intei,?!",!
In n. Ormantown Church Leartta nm'A
kot Square beat St. Stephen Art Ri11
fought, exciting contest. Ini "
Meet in Cage Game at VtM
ton Which May Deterll
intercollegiate Champlofl:
Intercollegiate League
laot NiaiiT's result; 3
i-orncii, 47; Dartmouth, 10. J
. . u I'.c to fiU
nlo H 2 .760 Columbia .. jiai
Princeton .. 0 2 .700 Pcnr t .... ,1
Cornel 7 .1 Ton nii!.'..'i"llm
. .... , .. .,,, .j, tiiJuuiQ V I
uiiB vvuim-s schedule. '
Tonleht Princeton nt Vnl
Friday-Columbia at Princeton: Dtrtwa
x ale. ,v.
Two very Important track and field
meeto are on the carpet this week. Thurs
day night nt the Central Y. M. C. A. the
nnnual Kastern district championships
will be held, and on Saturday the prom
ised great set of Meadowbrook Club con
tests will be staged nt Convention Hall.
The Y. M. C. A. championships will bring
together a classy group ot track and field
athletes. Judging from the form of some of
the entrants, new records will be established
In some ot tho events.
The Meadowbrook Club games are th best
to be seen In Philadelphia this winter.
Johnnie Gallagher, a popular Philadelphia
athlete, Is In great phyalcal condition at
thla time and probably will give the beat
mller at the Meadowbrook games reason for
Meredith, of Penn; Van Wllkle, of Tale: Tom
Halpln, of Doston: D, 8. Caldwell, and Ho
mer Haker are soma of the aterllnr sprinters
who will toe th mark at ths Meadowbrook
Tho championship of the IntercoIltS
Basketball League will bo pracifc
decided tonight when Yale meets IW.
ton. The two squads 'arc tied kit
honors at present. .3
Yalo appears to have the edje til
Tiger quintet, but well-based citai
tlons havo often gone wrong. -Ill
chnnco Yale should lose the contuti
nigni, mo nnai standing would rtlt.
a tie. Yale so completely outdu;
uarimoutii's nvc, which Is to be Etti
tho final game of the league leason f-
uay, tuat a victory ior ine tiuuati
certain. ' ""
Cornell nsllv henr. Dnrtmntilh st filial
f last night by the score of 47 to 19, tSJ
closing Its Intercollegiate basketoul rM
son and keening In the race foruitiert
collegiate champlonslilp, 5JI
Out of nil the league games UiJ5J
cans havo lest but three. Browni
usual, was the Individual star, cbtiiaB
17 of Cornell's points, Lunden, apl
nnd Whitney also showed to edy?!
Dofeat St. Columba in Amtrfli
League Gome for Title,, ;
American League -
t r r- TV'-Kr
Glrard 14 I .778 St. Anne.. !
St. Colu'ba.ia 8 .722 Holy Name. I ,JJB
St. nilra'h..l2 fl .S7 Xavler "
N. P. Y. M.. 8 0 .671 Warwick $Jm
Tho team representing the Glrarf
Alumni won beyond the ahaaow 01
the champlonahlp of the American, p""B
L.eaguo Dy aeieaung oi. v.uiuim, ;-jri
at Natatorium Hall by the acor of atjl
uerore tne targeat crown inai -3
un American League game. It f..'la
cidlng gamo of a poat-aeaaon senw w"j
the triple tie between Glrard, St-.CojamUj
J5l, cuzaurui. Aim . ,i,i Tut l I
euminaivu irum ntw uit,v..,.,. . .a
' sM
Referee Stops Bout Lovinsky Wm
Ashe in Slow Fight. J I
Tha' pugllletle stock of I".'"?
At a recent meeting of tbe Veteran Athletes
ot Philadelphia, at which Eugene C. Bonn!
well presided, the following men, most of them
now prominently Identified wllh municipal af
fairs, and former athletes at some time In
their careers, were elected to membership;
Judge John M. Patterson. W. Kreeland Ken
drlck. Judge Charle L. Ilrown. Thomas Sher
man, Thomas J, Cunningham. M, Neagle Itaw.
litis. Charles II. Kendrlck. The flrat quarterly
meeting and dinner of the Veterana' Aaao
elation will be held at the Hotel Illnghani
Thursday night, April 1.
All-Saints' Five Winner
Laat night AH Saints defeated Tempts for
tha third lima thl season. The final acore was
23 to 11. The line-up follows;
All Saints. J Temple,
Tomtlnson, forward ,..,,,.,,., ..Davis
lianlon...,.,,..... forward .....,... .Btoeum
r.d wards..,. ,.,,... centra ,., Tat
Lynch.,.., ,..,,., guard ,,,,,, Simpson
Kckerd,,.,., guard ...,, Slmpaon
Smith. ,,,,,.., guard , Strong
Field goals lianlon, 8; Tomllnson, 3; Ed.
warda, Tate, 4; Davla, 3, Foul goal lianlon.
S out of 13; Davla, O out of 11.
To Reconstruct Famous Track
A corporation has been formed to recon
struct the track and stand at Sheepanead
Day, N. V,, and transform the famous old
race course Into a hug amphitheatre suitable
for all kind of sports. It t Mid that fi.
oOO.OOO will be expended In th work of reconstruction.
hi four-round victory over Young VW
the rcmlflnal at the Olympla A, A. W"J
Instructed by the club's vr,hJ''tlftull
jteeres, iteieres r run v. .,. v. fcaaal
tllltlea In the mentioned seajton, m
was bleeding profusely. .rZaim
In the second round Tendler (
ugly wound In his opponent's w,J:'
a terrtno leit-nana upperuu.. "1j-lM
.1.,. .... th nam nilnch. COUTiH JJ
stiff right Jab he kept ths 4"Jv5B
FrddyTs mouth gushingly, to auch " "M
mat Doin noya ana we m,iw," mm
ered with tha red fluid. ,rll,5l
Ulggins, BODDing, raisra wi VjisVaal
atop the bouu but th move a JS
The victor weighed 116(4 pound "'.KB
C?n'the wlndup ttllnr UrtrSJ
.lnte.l George Ash The bout oM M
peal to the spectator. Hour ' "rffl
fault of Levlnsky that the flfM Wzm
Inttreatlnr, The Battler did If ''M
ar,A Am taa thlril rnund Until 'rCtM
Aihs .polled matters by W XTM
tics. Levlnaky had an favan'aia
KMi.n tinning 111 h fTV at 111 Vt' . TKJ
Mika'rvufep. iBsa! nounds. and.Jaf'J
L'l7ti. fought lx rounda i to . ."JSaKJ
Wallers. 14nU. shaded Blllv Je'Jj
Bobby Loughrey, v;.. ouuus .
gan, 1S. . . . . ,.J,
Eddie O'Keefo and Louisiana wmi -ja
rlurn match In the star bout P4J
Kid Williams vs. Johnny
OLYMPIA A. A. fiSw ifflj
. -.....,..4 sa IS ana il.r.
Balcony adm.. I, """"JJrclli
No reservations held altar "t's!
civ uvvaiTinNAL COfira"Li
TTnlrmmmf A C. J"? Lffuui
. .-.. t Li
i &
rv? 4Sr r
A 0MI6r1Cri.
p,J ' ' mm r -, -