HE THEATRE CKeys t0 Melodrama I8.UY Zn nAt.iiPATE. A mystery VEN KKJ aria with prolonuo and nn Tt '" VI" n, m M. Cohan, foundeil on .ftlieira, b2i.nr torr. Onrrlfk Theatre KmM. " ""&,. araham t1sSjnr-ffi"i&H'Rsu & Norton. the newipnP" ".-.- Franci( ? kt. the disrmln widow. ..,, W .h. Knit of "aWp-t". -Jotoph Atltn , the Major', man ."- nwhu ccn. th. crooked Mayorft ujon. m..rbi?b8anm!1!!0n?!rec.n,Kied.';nrioJ?; ;i,, Kennedy- ". V7.Cnrlcton ,Macy anwftf WiJu-li ' cauao of It gl. 1 .t. office ot the nitdpato Inn. ysxn.' H M"1-.- mrri.ru mlcllt httVO Written Vb! Ill Wi Klnal (t,1C "rflnal" f Hhat in ,.. Viva In Tlnlil- botn ".; iiclnit L.u" when no " ju" - r.tlcKet' himself. (Tlmfn what ho r, ... railed tho dramntlc editor of the K .?n Traveler when ho held down tno Wt For Mr Mngeo'B remark Just ills !-' i,iPmntle story of crooks nnd "i" i..ii.nm laav rcponcrn uuii.4.4.. 8IT t hi. novellst-hero into when ! K"l..rthft summer hotel In wlntcr- , write b hook on n hot In 21 hours. IS irruo ,n.niir.i rinrrlck rocked LTrcared over last nlnht was a very R L7nt Tort of thin. GeorKe M. Cohan tftitf brow, naa hi" -, r : lZ Harvard mnVs story Into a play that ana u" nirltlnc. a cood deal -- . t ..n.ln n n 111 II1I1 I I f' I'l I'rll I. aaV9 ": j v..ran Iinnvr.q how much KtMi : because It laugh, at Itselt-and JaaP5". oil Mm (Imp. 'For Instance, seo what hrppens to the afnitn " ,'. . .... ,, nn,.,,,! that department sino - " n,.,.v...i.a .rion's i red wives, and fcat Mr. Cohan says nbout It In tho next '"" . .... ..., Maeoo: "That's my line! I used It In 'The I-ost IJmo nolnn' 400.000 conies. One or mo "i ..n"! "I killed a Un once for laugh ing at me." I I'll bet you read It." The amo "baa "You've Rot SlnBco: "ion may not beliovo It. but really, old chap, I've written you over and over again." Mngec, when rob- "."!' . trnnd never to lilk like that with run In front or. ifcemr face." j bery piles on ro faiee. to the filrl mance-, "i get riu of one best Bellcr and along comes continued In our next." Anho haa just come a: uo yo " ilero In love at first ilghtt" J Tho crook: "Aw, it.., "if vnu I "I've read tnat in (harm that girl I'll I books." nt you If It's the iiogce: i vo win liitactof my life." ton It In books.' A lor tho story of what happened at ih. Inn which had so many keys, no Sipectator would thank a trlclcct even aaaaTlcv . .. i A1lln lilm Mr. lilggers nimseu iui n.....o more than what Masco says ,aioui n. plitol shots, policemen and dead people walking about tno nans, uunurao u. thousands of dollars and keys and keys and keys. Twenty-four hours! why, I couldn't write a book In 24 years In a place like this." Mr. Cohan doesn't leave you wltn that plot or those sarcastic comments on It. 'When he's got through having his Jnuocent novelist go Into raptures over flpdfng real life Just like his hooks nnd having mm piay up xo u in eruui . Mr rntinii snrlncs a sumrlso that Mr. Diggers never dreamed. It knocks tho whole underpinning out nnd leaves Mr. Diggers' tale a mocking, ludicrous, roar- ! .lr Anrl thnn tlVintVlAr ttim that ijoea Mr. Blggcrs' best seller from Bos ton, and Mr Cohan, best seller of Broad way, 'one better. 'All In nil 1'CAI.an VaVCI fn Ttfltrlnntft" IS qBaa well acted and as well set as It Is In iMstnlously and bralnliy written. There aro jHflawi In the cast but It stands up very V 1. J. ...- a. L . l-.lt.. n 4llf& wen 10 ir.e one inai oriKiuuuy ai u piay There is tne new uonan smgo nmn- real room down to as real n mysterious aimnesa, ana io Knit me aciing .ogeinui Into tomethlng that seems almost ns close) to reality. OeCrgo Parsons points his lit- .ran .l..i..l.Ma 4..n lk, n iA nln.m tl.A ! .13vi-iii juoi t,iit auu ULij0 fc..u whole mad tale In ns mad a spirit. Fig ures like Joseph Allen's Hermit nnd Ed gar Halatead's caretaker aro rich with character. In fact, tho company seems almost capable of that marvelous piece of unuroviiaiion, m ine manner oi me com- E.,is.ui uci una, wjiiuu fuu win it-ut mi about when which, of course, means very -uvm juu i;u in mo uurricn. Mr. Mantell Re-Qreates Shakesneare's Kitip- John fr XrtlMfr-.il .---. 1,1- a.-.-....--... .- -ftfiement nt the Lyric, ffave students of ith pI-ObIa Artnmr rA . 1U luaniian "' v.w-iw UlUIllti. UIIC Ul lilt. Ill I C-IUCII, opportunities to estimate "King John" at r Mfciu vuiue ana in lis irue environ- .- mo mage, ana not me cioset. V Ikln 41.- l - ri.. .... 'i.i, mo uccuur, iiir. Aianieii revivcu it! before It had seldom record on our atagej since It, none. I iiiuuuci or snaxespeare s earnest Iperfed, of chronicle plays, purely poetlo dramas and adaptations which trans. mill A i.ti ... a... r'" rAioniii; junys inio someining eu Kwi0r by the mas' touch of genius, i & jun mcKS mo quality or me 1111. B. A .4. n. - .-.4 atiu Hrcuier ur&mits. ipe lorrn is itatrlcted to historic pageantry; It Is not of close knit labrlc; It Is seldom suffused Wltk vl-U Ix .. .--.- .... iM iv44, ibid pueiry, ll lacKS greaiiy 'a the analysis of life which, proceeding -..( vuimici or motive anu ciasn ot cnar- aeter. make fha nilthantl,. ,1-nmn V-f Mplte these limitations, the chronlclo 4ir, una -nine jonn" ror a specimen or it ha historical Importance, both as a remind- -r it,. --.. . -. . " " '"i' " 4H- utty wiien uiv biuko t4 u iw.DooK us wen as newspaper, ana a. a stage in the evolution of Shakes Pe, as a dramatist. . t wsnieu a acting version compresses "- " "j:i;iaoie oi seven acts ana ten "tings the year of tho troubled reign c tackland, It discloses his usurpation oeaa Richard'a throne, dellance of tho i-OtM. Tntir-- -p A 41... . . v ii. "..-4 ui 44iiiur iu-uur-y b Bun;, Sj.wal heir; conflict with the barons. a later save England Magna Charta; ;jm oi me cnurcn and hideous th i Ths burlen "f tho action rests on S Infamous, megalo-manlac monarch, i..v vt" nepnew, aiatressea Constance, -nrijiura bereft mother. Hubert rtn nurch tha rtrl-n i,- -i .---. rL - 4-4..4-.a 44-cpcr, uiiu 4Aiconoriuge, mo ggorous, yalorous love-child of Couer-de- The John of Mr. Mantell Is a strik ing Impersonation, from tho physical and Psychological standpoints; its aspects wi characterized usually broadly but Qmetirnea minutely; a young and ap Pntly strolls' man, he eliowa the Plllptold tendency spoken by history and hatantlv ltatrava li l--1i. nl - .. mmmji ,H UbV,VJ.lUUB . gch and action attendant on desen- ri. i " '" Dlun ana oiusiering 1'ii.nta Ffnt breed, yet h vacillates, hesitates, w crafUly, Injures by Indirection, ever M tasentially timorous, cringing and too Wi words and deeds. In tho ppwer- jT ' WHn l,,e PaPal legate, .'anauipn, fa in tho subtle one. In which lie suc- MU the murder of Oeoffrey's son to urgh. ha was every inch King John, HI itfrtl.n- 4. 4 - 4 Ife- 4 41.n- .... "444wt4 acta iiiu iruiio viiav i,vi4- ,reh. :,j-1 PUntagenet In robust form, rude wtter and stralahtforward methods, the fweonprtdya of Jriu JUeiber (play-d by TnCIS McGinn fn tha farn-ai rvtv&lK : McOmn In tho farmar r)vlyiU rtSrd red a mlwart eqntfgMt t? Ibe 'Wtk' I -f t' relative, he itfm wlifonous U aad, aU4M4 Ws btoek vr ? a fffoSaSaJtCaaarBnP!Saa&, DAISY ADAMY At tho Broad in "Tho Misleading Lady." with nbsenco of affected elocution. In Htntcly person nnd nffcctlng acting, Flor ence Aucr (successor to tho l.ito Mnrle Booth Hussell) realized tho battling, em bittered, betrayed Constnnce, who found How utircllnlilo nro royal pledges; sno was particularly effectivo In her pas sionate denunciation of forsworn kings; her Intonation vltnllzed the verso she spoko until It seemed of living speech nnd not n thing of meter. Genevieve Hamper enacted young Vrthtir nnturnlly; partly due to her touching but never tvi4rn1i Inpliri'mnait nnrcntin linn. IllOFO. of course, due to the poetry with which tho role wns enriched by the playwright, the fate of tho hapless prince seemed piercingly poignant; tho dreadful scene In which his tears ami helplessness melt the heart of Hubert played with some strength by John Burke and save his eyes from tho branding Iron was pos sessed of moving pathos nnd delicacy. De Wolf Hopper's in Town Thero aro all sorts of Kokos. There have been all sorts of Kokos. nnd thero will probably bo a great many more varieties before Gilbert and Sullivan's "Mikado" Is laid upon tho shelf. But thero has never been ono quito like Do Wolf Hopper's or ono so good In Its own peculiar way; and thero never will be again. Of course, there was Illchard Mansfield nnd nil the rest of the "original Ko kos." Once upon a time, when Frank Moulan wns a much better singer nnd a much funnier comedlnn than ho scorned in "Fads nnd Fancies. ho mndo the Iord High Executioner, who never exe cutlonatcd, into n perky llttlo monkey of n man with tho longest and shnrpest aword that ever quivered In a stago plank. And out In tho Middle West, when tho present critic was young In years and thentres, one John E. Young who sang "The Girl of tho Saskatche wan" into fame made a Btock company Knlin nverv summer which a then very Inexperienced critic still thinks Is tho best regular edition he ever saw. But Hopper's la Hopper's. At the Met polltun Inst night Koko dropped his part into tho bass, nnd "colored his tones" with a vocal misery that nny tcar Etrlckcn grand opera singer might envy. Instead of a short, ngllo person, ho stalked on somo eight or nine feet high nnd created tho excruciating spectacle of a shaking mountnln nay, n Plko's Peak of fearsome Jelly. But why keep up tho fulsome eulogy? Hopper's may not bo Gilbert', but It la Hopper's. So U his curtain speech. As for the rest. There wob nn ex cellent orchestra for that miraculous music; Arthur Albrldgo Indicated nnother milestone In his pilgrimage toward act ing as well ns singing; Pooh Bnh Pooh Buhed with all Herbert's AVntorous' skill, nnd tha women, Idellf Patterson and Gladys Caldwell, ncqultted thomsclves ns they should In operetta with tho voice. Miss Matthison's Piper The Little Theatre's revival of "The Plner" last night was marked by tho Bin- cerlty of Miss Edith Wynne Matthison's efforts In tho title role nnd her splendid reading of some of the most beautiful lines of Josephine Preston Peabody's pontic drnma. Her supporting company. If not wholly adequate, satisfactorily filled In the background to Mlsa Matthison's vivid portrait of the Piper of Hamlin. No part of the entertainment was mora convincing than the children of tho pla. whose spontaneity and charm contributed In a large measure to the lyric illusion which tho play undoubtedly conveyed. Ida Hamilton, playing Veronlkn, the mother of little Jan, expressed with tenderness the sorrow of n mother whoso lame baby hnd been lost to her. Michael, the Sword-eater, was given n virile In terpretation by Itobert Dempster, and Cheat-the-Devll, tho Piper's other com panion, n simple-minded, timid creature, wan well portrayed by Dallas Anderson. Miss Matthison's part In tho production. however, quite oversnaaowea wie toai. She BUrmounted the handicap which la given to any actress who essays to play a male role. Sho "impressed at all times, as ehe displayed tho Piper's varying moods-cunning nnd simplicity, deceit and sincerity, indignant honesty and softer pltv, cynicism and gaiety. Her Piper will be remembered ns a work of real art, standing out from, rather than blending with the work of her company. This ex cellence signifies the play's weakness that Miss Matthison's acting and not the play as an entity Is tho clearer picture. Mutt and Jeff in Our Midst Again David and Jonathan. Damon and Pythias, Itoland and Oliver why must all the modern Inseparables go In for comedy? But they nre a noble line, even If they lack pollsli-Koster and Blal, Weber and Fields, Mutt and Jeff. And Whatever they are, the pair that "Bud" Fisher made possible will go down their llttlo & .141 awAHA nnnlfll m. distance into History wim mum ....v...... and more loyal legions of rooters than any of tho others ever won. The occasion of the return of Mutt and Jeff to the Walnut Is a second descent on Mexico. If they aro tho ne plus ultra In clowns, Mexico seems to the musical comedy writer tho muljum In parvo of farcelands. So we laugh once more over the efforts of tho loyal pair to. worst each other and tho native population at one and the same moment, and we rejoice over their mutual triumphs. And last night we whistiea a ie u .4.0 .. that cheer them on their trouble-strewed way. VAUDEVILLE Keith's A smile began to radiate wnen way Irwin Ba.vo the audlenoe a veritable hand shake at Keith's lest night, and although she took the head line spot" at very short notlc she proved that In va4uevUle, as elsewhere, her nanoa be longs lo bi type and elwtric lights. Mlsa Irwin sans new song, hot off th 8r from the Irving Berlin -on jklfshea, and tt Vf4 Pitt W. ? tetuHB tar thx pluMd lotp gm o Mr ijla, favorite and wwwed that sha EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY MAItril 9 "can como back." Incidentally ho told n story about "Jimmy Duffy's neck" and a dramatic lalo about her father's beard. Thero was a punch In each. Acrobats who simply turn flip-flops for a living ought to see tha Arnaut Broth res, tho tumbling clowns. While they nro doing break-neck falls of all de scription, each plays different selections on a violin. Their playing Is ns good ns that of many who poso ns musical artists. Then, ns n climax the versatile -t1nttlija Ailna . l.ta.1 MAa lfl j J ffYrtrlB Liiuiun givo ii uirn u)crft( wiiiuii u.kj.v-o pftch a clinnce to do somo remarkable proval. Tha something new In Iho way of a single girl act Is fodnd In the offering of Nfn.l tli.tn..li. Ul. mham .. ItlA 01111- 411,1 4 ittiiivi ill. cue uua IIU1II -.-- lime to the ridiculous nnd back again with songB ami clever Imitations nnd she pos sessos a personality which makes one feel ns though she were nn oia rnenci. 1 11111). McDcrmott stirred things up con- I sldcrnbly with harrowing experience In Mexico nnd spasmodic opera. He showed also In his spasms ot melody that he had I n voice worth while Hnn Ping Chlen showed somo cievor tricks In the courso of his "Pekln Mys teries" nnd wns nbly nfolstcd by two fearless acrobats. Eddie Leonard, of minstrel fame, and Mabel nusscll won npproval In n number of original songs nnd dances.. It was I.eonnrd's first appearance In white face, nnd while he got good results he seemed somewhat out ot his clement without the cork. .i.. Sam Henrn nnd Helen Elcy got all that was possible out of Aaron Hoffman s sketch, "Wanted an Angel," nnd also ren dered some appealing musical numbers. Edward Marshall, a chalk artist, drew types In the audience. Including tho fea tures of Albert Fisher, a locnl newspaper man. Gaston did some clever Juggling. Here and There There Is not n dull moment In the bill nt the Nixon Grnnd. Tho Five Naval Cadets arouse pntrlotlsm nmld nn at mosphere which Is In keeping wim mo times. Their offering might bo Justu . 1 - ..n..lnn1 nnMrAllll nil OnO SOtlg ICrilll'U II nuuiia, vi'i... "- ---- follows the other In quick succession. Tho net Is staged with careful attention to detail. Tho clever tomfoolery of Harry Brcen kept the audience In good humor, nnd his rnpld-tlro songs mndo on the Bpur of the moment were a fitting climax to bin artistic nonsense. Brcen writes his entire net ns he goes, along nnd ho usually manages to get good results. Others who pleased were Low nnd Molly Hunting, tho Oakland Slaters and Will Norrls. Catchy music, elaborate scenic surprises and capablf performers combine to make "The Arabian Nights" a worthy attrac tion at The Cross Keys. "Tho Battle, of Haddington" Is prosented by Burns and Archer, two Phlladolphlana who won laughter and npplauso with good comedy and good voices. They have a novel style which attracts attention from the outset of their military operations. Percy Waram & Co. in "Tno uosns .-uaic, and Edith Moulth followed the pace set by the other acts on the bill. Tho pictures wcro In keeping with tho show. There is an nrt In being nonsensical, and Clnrk and McCullough, nt tho Wil liam Pcnn. prove that they nro past masters. Ono would find It a dlfllcult task, no doubt, to discover their supe riors ns pantomlmlsts, and their comedv Is backed up by some daring brenkneck acrobatics. They were rewarded with rnnntlfiqa Inui-hs nnd nrolonced annlause. "Tho Haberdashery," presented by Har rington Reynolds and compnny was punctuated with good comedy lines nnd nbounds In funny situations. Eddie Barto and Florence Clark won new ad mirers In ".Mnrooneu, a comcay sneicn with songs nnd dances. Joo nnd Lew Cooper sang snappy songs which pleased, and Dupree nnd Dupree. cyclists, and Kremka Brothers added much to tho value ot tho show. Many of tho stars of stogelnnd are cleverly portrayed by Juvenile perform ers in "The Lawn Party" at the Globe. Tho comedy Is supplied by nn acrobatic constable, who ondeavors to break up the party nt various stages of the game. Songs nnd dances of the day nro well presented by Carl Bynl nnd Dora Early. Senator Francis Murphy explains how tl.A iinvlniia nnllllnnl IrrtttlilAa nt thfl PHlin try can bo straightened out by following j ni BUKgauuils. uuu lltt iicuia vij 1.44,.- dldly with serious problems. Stoddard nnd Hynes won favor In "Tho Absent-Minded Professor," while Borden nnd Shannon In "Bits of Vaude ville," nnd the Lowes, lariat-throwers, and Richards and Brandt, In a gymnas tic act, were rewarded with abundant applause. The pictures are of exceptional merit. Theatrical Baedeker ADEWHI-'Tes o" My Heart." with an ex cellent cast. Hartley Planners' popular ana amusing comedy or tho Impetuous young Irish Klrl and what aha does to a aedsts English family. Firm-rate amusement. ..8:13 BIIOAD "Tho Misleading Lady," with Paul Dickey. A broad, "sociological" farce of a gentleman from 1'atagonla who kidnaps and tames a flirtatious young ornament ot good Bocloty. Into tho plot wanders "Napoleon." Good fun 8:20 FOrtllEST Tha Evimno Lidoer's Motion Pictures of tho War. 7600 feet ot hattlo, with the Kaiser well to tho fore. Tho news of tho great war In. action -.30 and o;d0. OAHItlCIC "Seven Kes to Baldpate," with George Parsons and Je&nette liorton. oeorgo Cohan's maBterly dramatization of the story of the youne outhor who went up to a de serted Inn In winter to wrlta a novel. Sea review 8:15 LITTLEJ-"The Piper." with Edith Wynne Mattlilnon and tho resident company. Joseph ine Preston Peabody's Stratford prize play, which deal akllfullv In blank verse with u version of tha "Pled Piper." Bee re view a:,io LYIUC-Uobert Mantell In o fortnight of Shakespearean and classic ",Pr,?I7.,,r."i week Tueaday, Macbeth". Wednesday matinee, "Romeo and Juliet": Wednesday evening, "Hamlet", Thursday, ''King lar"; Friday nichelleu''. Saturday matinee, "The Merchant of Venice.' and Saturday evening Illchard III." 8'u0 METROPOLITAN De Wolf Hopper and Oil bfrl & Sulllian Opera Company In a fort night of repertory. Viral week-Tuesday Sa urday matinee and night, "The Mikado ; Wednesday matinee anil night, "Pinafore and "Trial by Jury"; Thursday and UTlday. The Pirates of Penrance." See revlew...8:ls WALNUT "Mutt and Jeff In Mexico." A new edition of the familiar mualcol comedy, with tne scenes ii in n i"i . ...,.-..- . tha south. Bee review s.a Vaudeville jrpiTH'B May Irwin, with new aongs; Eddie Leonard and Mabel llus.ell Nan Hal. perln. Pekln Myatcries. Hilda MoDermott, Arnaut Brothers. 6am Hearn and EllenEley. Edwin Marshall. Welling Levering Troupe and Heirat-Sellg pictures. NIXON'S aRANr-Madden and FlUPotrick, In "The Turn of the Tide", Harry , Ilreen. the Five Naval Cadets. Lew and Molly Hunting, Sa Oakland Slaters. Will Morris and comedy nLonE William J. Donley tt Co., In ''The li5i? Party1'? Carl Dyaf and Dora Early. W.uVndutland.-;S.n.tor-. Fr.ac.ta iSIur. nnndedrArfeneviewrihe t nwfa ana iiirii.r" ! ". XAio About Nothing' i Dupree and Dupree and S BSnte A ti?.bAtS uivoVb-"Count von Stroroberg," tabloid op- "i.VrJrlti : Wood: Harold Crane and com- XSiJ In Justice8 1 Evan, and Vldoeq; Beaux SndWlea; TroJ.tt. and Bennett, and comedy photopieyi v Stock j-u-inntfAN "The Bllndnea. of Virtue," Co. M?VK" -J m-Sn dram, of the danger. r-rhi.""' P& Arnutron. ftYehtc" melodrama of the slum.. Rurlesaue CASINO Slldln" Billy Watn and hl GAYETY "The Taxi Girl." la a musical UAlRii ---- TBOCaSbRC 'The Charming Widow.." Prln- DUMONT-S-Dumonf. Ulnainl to a char actetUturbW ot tr.ve.tr and aong. Champ Clark to Speak Here Speaker Champ ClMk will address tha dinner guests of the Friendly Bona of St Patrick a wek from tomorrow. Mr Clark; accepted the Invitation to attend ls.t nlaht. He vrttl arrlvo in this city next Tuesday and will ba the guest pf Bpr KBtattvaa l Pdi Donofcoe, wLUAM PENN-lUningto-n-RVynold.. in "Thl Haberdashery"! Joe and Lew Cooper. Eddle.parton and Ftorenc. Clark, in, ("Ma. CONTROVERSY CAUSED BY CHICKEN A LA KING Who Invented Dish? Prominent Hotels Problem. Chefs of Discuss Take some breast of chicken, mince It finely! place It In a pan with cream sauce, season; add small strips of red and green peppers; If you prefer, you maj' add some sliced mushrooms, but this makes It n veritable chop suey; servo In n chafing dish; add a tittle sherry sauce j ami nut a llri of truffles on the ton Thero you have It chicken ft la King. Take poor "Bill" King, tho Inventor ot tho dish, who died at his home, fiU2 Osago street, last week; ndd Henry Hornlckol. a retired chef, of New York; then mix Paul Sehwclzer. assistant chef of tho Belleviio-Strntford; Simon Cotes, chef of tho Adolphln; Joseph Cnttnneo, chef of L'Alglon; Louli Tlasler, chef ot Kuglcr's, nnd Angelo Ztichellt, chef of Green's Hotel, nnd then garnish with. King's widow, and you have nnother dish, nlo served steaming hot. It Is cnlled, "Who Invented Chicken n la King." Tho story went tho rounds when King died that he Invented this now Justly famous dish to satisfy tho fastidious tasto of a patron of the old Bcllovue Hotel, who could find nothing palatable listed on the menu Now from Now York comes the protest of Henry Hornlckcl. Ho claims that chicken a la King was born nt nn nl.i rirnnklvn choii house. King's. Ilcnco Its name. , ,, , "Bill" told mo ho Invented the iIIbH In a chafing dish, about 12 years ngo," said Mtb. King, in reuuuni, j-u;nii . "I never made much of a fuss nbout It. nnd forgot tho wholo thing until It was In the paper when he died. Wo nover could nfford to have It. so I don't know what It was like. Bill always was a waiter and never worked In the kitchen. All this agrees with tho expert testi mony of the alienists for the prosecution, with tho minor exception that they con tend "Bill" did not Invent tho dish. The following Is a stenographic report of tho testimony taken, but no effort has been made to keep tho characteristics of the Italian, French, German nnd Spanish languages: . Q. Who Invented Chicken n la King? A. (In unison)! don't know. 4-i itrh.n wqa ll Invonted? A. Chef Zuchelll, of Qrcen's Hotel: "I don't know when. But I'vo been !n tho business for 3t years and wo'vo always had Chicken a la King." A. Chef TlPfller. of Kugler's: "I know Bill. He used to work with me. I don t want to hurt his feelings, but he never Invented Chicken a la King. He was n very flno fellow, though." A. -Chef Cnttanco, of L'Alglon: "I've been In this country only a few yenrs, about nine, so I couldn't say. But when I camo over my masters all told mo that Chicken n la King wns very old. It wns what you call n national dish." A Chef Cotes, of tho Adelphla: "Hornlckcl Is right. If King Invented tho dish he wouldn't have to be on tho floor. It's a vory old dish." A. Chef Schwelzcr, of Bellevuo-Strnt-ford: "I'm afraid King did not Invent It. How could ho and still be a captain on tho floor?" a. nn unison) "We have somo flno Chicken a la King, today, sir." Significance of Firo Waste "The Economic Significance of tho Flro Waste" will be the topic for discussion at tho noondav luncheon of tho Philadel phia Association of Credit Men. at the Hotel Adelphla, today. Franklin H. Wentworth, secretary of tho National Fire Protection Association, will bo the speaker. PTHECAN M CZARINA WALTZ SHIFTS FROM DREAMY TO GAY This article fs the nth of a aeries on Anna Pavlowa's New (Social Dances living authority on the art of the ilance. By ANNA CHAPTER 'XVII. There should now be Infused Into the execution of tho Cznrlna Waltz a sp lit of gaiety. The preceding figures lr ng th. dancers through the Jw,r"0" to one of livelier sort, and In this flgme there comes a return to the face-to-face "open" position which Is so effect! e In social as well as In fancy stago dancing. In the preceding figure the dancers ?".!' xrtLrx&.to The lady. U will bo remembered, was on tho right of her cavalier, and her e evated rg t hand (held over her head) Is sup norted by the raised right arm of her par ner. while their left hands are ex tended before them at a point somewhat oelow their wnlatllnes. Tho figure now to be executed calls for dancers to move from the position de scribed into one wherein the lady has turned about and Is facing her cavalier, each folding the hands of the other and separated by a distance of some 18 Inches. The figure requires tho dancers to move forward and back on two bars of the music, which would be two counts On the? counts of "one" and "two" the lady withdraws her raised right hand from her partner's nnd pivots on the ball of her left foot (to her If"), steady. Ing herself with her left hand, which her cavalier still retains. On the count of "three" sho advances her right foot, pointing tha toe of her slipper, na'e?' tending her right arm across her left, permits the hand to ba taken by her partner. Her body Is now Inclined F0RRESTS"-" SAMUEL P. NIXON KRSSr 25c and 50c AI-Ii BEATS HESEKVED EVENING LEDGER'S REAL WAR PICTURES .,,,.. .4.1,1.,. m.iinv Aniwhira of Stupendously Sentational. Boul-8tlrrlng. AOi't 0PreatMt Conflict. Secured at Btok of TtufeViEws oTevery Kpean battlefield IWlWUllW 2 ? " P. .v . n.i,.,n Arml In Deanerale Combat. it.,7.u Vr.,h ,f-i.n T..rm.n. Aiuo-tan ."""' nnVSZ! .7 .X S. n.nv'. Famous e.-ceotuneire ttuu IISIK, " 4444 44 -... - - seen nowhere else and never before PANAMA CONTESTANTS WORKING OUT OF CITY Attracted by Proportionately Higher Number of Credits for These Subscriptions. Somo of tho men and women working In tho subscription contest of tho Evr.K iNO LRixmn nml Punur Lr.DOisn, the BO winners In which will bo sent freo of chnrgo to the Fannmn-Pncltlc Exposition nnd the Pnnnmii-Cnllfornla Exposition, nle devoting nil their energies to out-of- town subscription". All theso must be nnlil In ntlvnnce. but for I hem tho con testants are given a proportionately higher number of points In tho list of I ci edits. Tho contestants also Pud there Is lcs competition for subscriptions In some of the many little towns surrounding Phila delphia and Cnnnlcn. Subscriptions from such points nro rapidly Increasing for both papers. Contestants are still hard nt work In tne city, however, nnd nro devoting every, leisure moment to make their standing In the contest higher. There Is still plenty of opportunity for others to get into tho contest nnd win ono of the vnluablo freo trips, ns tho contest hns nearly four months to run nnd much ma) be accom plished In that tlmo. Send In your name today to tho contest editor, second floor of tho Punuo LKDann Building. Ho will supplv you with nil Information necessary nnd hints on how to obtain subscriptions. Delay may mean thai somo ono olio will beat you out by 4n... .nlnl. fr... ,mn .if tlinKP lircllt frt'1 trlpi to the Pacific coast, so send In your name at ouco If you want to Join tho contest. HOSl'lTAL nODY MEETS Hahnemann Association Opens Ses sions nt Bcllevue-Stratford. Thu annual meeting ot tho Hahnemann Hospital Association began this morning nt the Hcllcvue-Ptrntford. Reports of tho pnst year wire rend ami prominent speak ers delivered flddreses before 123 mem bers of the association. TliAon ii.lirt tannUn wpri tho RCV Q. BlClt- lcy Hums, Dr. William A. Pearson, dean of Hahnemann Medical College; Dr. Thomas II. Cnrmlchael, Dr William W. Spenkmon. Dr. D. Bushrod James, Charles D. Harney, president of Hnhnemann Med inl rvillpcn. and Charles P. Perkins, treasurer of the collogo nnd hospltnl. Tho officers of tho Hahnemann Hospital Association arc as follows: Mrs. Thomas II. Cnrnuchnel, president; Miss Sarah M. Llvezey, recording secretary; Mrs. Qldeon Boerlc'ko, corresponding sccrotary, and Mis. M. J. P. Jenkins, treasurer. Open-air Treatment for Convicts Open-nlr treatment for convicts Is ad vocated by Dr. O. F. Lewis, general sec retary of the Prison Association of New York, who believes that tho "cago sys tem of such prisons as Sing Sing Is tho crowning disgrace of tho Stato." Ho was tho principal Hpeakcr lnet night nt the fourth of a series of meetings In the In terest ot prison roform at the loung Friends' Association meeting. 15th nnd Cherry streets. Doctor Lewis declared that tho reformatories at Great Meadow, N. i Y., and Ontario were moaei ones. They had no lnclosures, he said, nnd thero wim plenty of opportunity for self-expref. slon, ns prisoners wero trusted to govern themselves. Evangelist at Narbcrth Samuel W. Foster, an evangelistic worker, Inst night addressed n mass meeting for men In the Narbcrth, Pres byterian Church, under tho auspices of tho Men's Club. The Rev. John Van Noss also spoke. PAVLOWA slightly to tha left, while the cavalier stnnds on his right foot, the left ad vanced with the toe pointed and his body inclined n trifle to the left. On tho second count of "one." "two," three" (or "four," "five," "six") each dancer advances on the forward toward tho other, dragging the other foot behind over nbout half the space, nnd raises tho arms. This should ba a deliberate movement, occupying fully three counts, thero being a pause of approximately a count and a hnlf nt the completed for ward advance step. On the next three counts (which would ba "seven." "eight," "nine"), the dancers step backward, tho lady using her left foot, the cavalier his right, nnd permit ting the other foot In each Instance to re sume Its former position. The ilnal for ward step on the last three counts pre pares the way for tha final figure of the Czarina waltz, which will ba taken up In the next article. MODEKN DANCINO &IB A. Sins. II. D. WAONEIt. 1T80 N. BltOAD Scholars' e Tonight IunT:: Novelty Dance Tomorrow (Wednesday) Evg. WIE-C. ELLWQOD CAHPENTER. STUDIO, 11"S Chestnut. Open dally all the year. The best sen Ice In l'hila. Latest movement, up to the minute Telephone. THE CORTISSOZ SCHOOL 1B20 CHESTNUT ST, Thone. Locust 8192 am?1 This Week Only THOMAS M. 1.0 VB, Iliulne.. Manager SHOWN TWICE EVEIIY DAY 2:30 8:30 and Belgian Arml. In Desperate Qombat. Rarmany'. famous 42-CMilsictre Oua la AHlaa. 1915. THE PHOTOPLAY i . iJiH ITALEA MANZINI of tho Itala Films Questions and Answers The Photoplay Editor of the Evbm inii LEDonn will bo pleaBod to answer questions relating to his department. Questions relating to family affairs of actors and octroasea nro barred ab solutely. Queries will not be answered by let ter. Ul letters must bo addrossed to Photoplay Editor, Evbninu Ledoeii. Many Inquiries have been received ask ing If ono can copyright n motlon-plo-turo play mnnuscrlpt. A writer cannot copyright n motion-picture play manu script aH such The production enn bo convrlchted after It Is filmed, but the writer of nn original plot cannot send n copy of that picture play plot to Wash ington and obtain copyright protection thereon. Attorney Frank B. Willis, recently elected Governor of Ohio, Introduced a measure In Congress a year ago asking for copyright protection to motion-picture play plots, classlfjlng Cham ns "dramatic compositions." Up to date, this bill has been buried In tho Patents Committee and hns nover seen the light ot day. Iho Photoplay Authors' League of California, It Is said, has engaged legal talent In an endeavor to force out the bill and obtain nctlon thereon. Whether this attempt win be successful lemolnsto bo seen. Lcgltlmato motion picture manufactur ers will not Illch the plots submitted to iimm in, nniimrfl nnrt tho nnltatlon for copyright protection develops from tho fact that somo raw odscufu oi ,-.. -!..... companies have appropriated Ideas founa In submitted manuscripts. Ibsen's Umbrella The famous umbrella without which. In rain or shine, HGnrlk Isben, the Immortal Scandinavian dramatist, was nover seen, has been brought to this country by Betty Nansen, tho great tragedienne, who created most of the master-playwright's hectic and unennny heroines. Miss Nan sen, who also posesses several of Ibsen's original manuscripts, with notes and stngo directions In his queer, crnbbed handwriting scrawled on them, has been imported to this country under tho high est salary over paid for a foreign actress to poso In a notable series of feature lllms. Tho first release is n wonderfully powerful screen version of Echegaray's drama, 'The Celebrated Scandal." The Ibsen umbrella was as famous In its way as Oscar Hammerstein's hat or George Bernard Shaw's whiskers. The dramatist carried It nlways. It figured, sold Miss Nansen. In tho only episode In which sho ever saw Ibsen loso his temper. He was ordinarily a timid, shrinking man, living all ulono In a. huge house of 20 rooms. At the theatre he rarely Inter fered In rehearsals of his work. On the occasion referred to, however, an oftlclous stago manager had naa tne temerity to rewrite one of the dramatist's speeches. Ibsen ordered It put back In Its original form. But tho next day at rehearsal It was still changed. Tho dramatist's face turned purple, his eyes blazed. He rushed out of tho wings nnd. ejaculating "Fool, ho brought down the heroic umbrella with fult force on the unlucky stage director s head. The umbrella In Itself Is not one of which any one would be proud. It was a cheap affair originally, and time has turned Its original hue to a dull green: but to Miss Nansen It Is mora precious than even her famous "golden gown." which is valued nt J.0,000. Odds and Ends Edna Mayo, leading woman with ESsa nay has established a new precedent In photoplay work, In Insisting on thoroughly learning her part before posing In scenes. Under Essanay's new system of drama tizing nil Its photoplays Instead of merely writing scenarios, Bhe Is enabled to learn the words. She Btudles her parts care fully nt night Just aB on the speaking Btaga nnd talks Just as the character SELECT PHOTOPLAY THEATRE TODAY'S FEATl'BES CALENDAR JEFFERSON 20 111 below llniiphln St. CHESTNUT ST. ? Home ot World', dreatct l'hotoplay. Afternoons 180 to 4 ISO 10c, ISe, 5o Evening. 7iS0 to 10:30 10c, tSc, SOo HUV SEATS IN ADVANCE AND AVOID STANDING IN I4NK SECOND IIIO WEEK . IRISTHEATRE Kensington and Allealirnr A Tee. SJSf&iM DaDk TULPEHOCKETr"gtTXnehr"ue"t. RELVIDERE .". ". bel. Urarcr's Ijne 83d St. and Tqnadowue Ave. Grrmantown Ave. Si Sharpnack St, GARDEN PELHAM ZUDORA IDEAL Sixth und Jackson St.. VERDI HALL in Christian St. MARCONI EUREKA RIDGE 1S18 South KllUtli St. AVOCA mh and McKean St.. ARCADE CEDAR SOS0 Itlchmoad Street 60th St. and Cedar Ave. ioth St. and COLISEUM Market &U. HAVERFORD atAth C a. MI. H a? effort! At. l'OTKH 1?. UI-HSiN. Heprtatlf 8f tfKIC STHISKT ' -.. .-m III I ! 11 speaks whllo going through tho rn6tl6nj. Instead of making a mere pantomime ot It Miss Mayo declares that In this way sho Is enabled to put much mora feeling Into her work nnd make tho actions np' pear more natural. Marie Hespcrla, who won flint prize as tha most popular player In Europe; In trle recent big contest, Is soon to ba seen In an umistmlty strong four-part Klelnd 'fen, ture entitled "Bartered Lives." The sub ject Is a double exposure negntlve In which Miss Hesperln Bhows to advantage In tha dual role ot herself nnd hor wayward sis ter. Thoro aro somo very tensa moments' and some unique photographlo fonts, One of tho most Interesting scenes In the film was taken In tho famous "Bal Tabarln," Paris, nnd shows this celebrated Bohemian resort at Its gayest. The scene Is staged In highly realistic, but entirely Inof fenstvo fashion and furnishes an Inter cstlng and entertaining transcript of night llfo In Paris. Jnck IUc'hnrdson, of tho American-Mu-tunl Stock Company, finds it dllTicult to believe that n certain otd Joke, long dis carded by professional humorists, Is u.ll.. .!. Mil TTa wai namlnff an 1VC44IJT W41 14V 44. -W ..w - --- f loin tho East to Join tho American Com pony In Santa Barbara when an trata conductor said to him, "Take your suit, case oft tho seat4 "If you don't," tha conductor continued, seeing Rlchnrdson hesitate, "I'll throw it out of tho window." "Qo to itl I should worry!" Illohard. son replied humiy. But seeing- the oon. duotor pick up tho suit case the aotor Interfered and became Involved In an altercation that was About to lead to blows when tho man who owned tha suit onsa coma down tho car alslo and Inter ested himself In the affair. Answers to Correspondents Ambitious Yes, manuscrlps must ba typewritten. Lubln's Is the only producer In this city. You can got a sample scenario from Lubln's scenario depart" mont. Evelyn M. Tto There Is an actor named Wallnco Eddlngor appearing In "A Gontloman of Leisure," Tha film Is produced by tha Jesso L. Lasky EVtaturo Play Company. Mrs. L. T. M. Thero Is no Irving Moors as far as I can ascertain. You probably refer to Owen Moore. Address Famous Playora Film Company, New York. Mlsa Plckford enn also be reached at this ad dress. "Grentcr Library" for Narbcrth A "greater library" movement has been started In Narberth, under tho dl-' motion of E. A. Muschamp, a prominent member of tho Narberth Civic Associa tion, With the assistance of residents of tho community, Mr. Muschamp alms to get 600 additional hooks for the library, which Is loented In tho Y. M. C. A. com munity centre. Fnrm School Commencement Fourteen students will recclvo diplomas and certificates from tho National Farm School, at Doylestown, tomorrow night, at the commencement exercises of tha school. Class day exercises will be held tonight. Tho ofllcers of tha graduating class are Charles Nusbaum, president; Harry Shor, vlco president; Elmer Klein, secretary and treasurer. WHAT'S DOING TONIGHT i Sunday revival, tabernacle, loth and. Vina streets: 7.30 o'clock. Free. Annual banquet. Ushers' Association, Central M. E. Church, Orthodox and Orlscom streets, Trankford: 8 o'clock. Discussion on 'Tublle Health." by Chief John A. Vogelson, of the Ilureau of Health, heforn tho Soclotv of Municipal Englnoers, Kn ulneors' Club. 1317 Spruco street: 8 o'clock. Free. Lecture on "In and About Jerusalem." by James Clarency. Wagner Tree Institute of Science. 17th street nnd Montgomery avenue 8 o'clock. Free. Belmont Improvement Association, 3l)0 Oirard avenue: 8 o'clock. Freo. Cohockslnk Doard of Trade, (Ith and Diamond streets- H o'clock. Free. Thirty-fourth nnd 44th Ward Buslnesa Men Association. 6315 Havcrford aenues S o'clock Qermantown Business Men's Association. Vernon liulldlng. BUM Uermnntown aenue; 8 Feed' andr Grain Dealers. Bourse; 8 o'clock. aeorge'e Hill Improvement Association, 1SS0 North F2d street: 8 o'clock. Free. Krankford Business Men, Marshall School 8 o'clock. Free. .... .nn o.iu tounaera "., i;. v..c j--"'e-. - .",.". fwtfart V HI. 4.. 4 njr,,.,UJ.j w,w,c4,,4, 1421 Arch street 8-15 o'clock. RESORTS OLD TOINT COMFORT. VA. HOTEL CHAMBERUff V OLD POINT COMFORT. XX Booklet, at (ASK Mr. f- f iTABtr. nhestnut and " 12th Si. Raymond A Whltcomb Co., 100J Chestnut Bv.: Thoa. Cook A Son. 18.7 8. BrpaU St.! Hayes Dickinson. 010 N. ISth St.: Alt house Tour. Co.. 1330 Walnut St.. or addres. Geo. F. Adams, Mgr., Fortress Monroe. V. Atlantic City. N. J. leading high-class, moderate-rate hotel. Al RRMAR1 P Virginia Ave., near Be. ALBCAlAKLE Cap. 8B0. Bteam heat, eli? vator. .un par ore, prl. Data., etc. j .excji. , is liS air. "an ... -4w 1)n.lrl., J. I. CVWG2. Hotel York ft- Hot and cold running Nw York Avev & Ben. llUOWN'B.MlLLH-IN.THE.rlNBS. N. J. 'run INN For health, pleasure and n 1 HE lllll .no,,. Favorite resort. reore- for tourists. Under new management. 1. L. 1 M. S. UUDDEBB, aTTn.Tttrrr TO CHANGE A FOOL THERE WAS VAMOU8 Pl4AYE8' NUl CO.'B BTUTENDOUB I'lIOTO-SPECTACI-B THE ETERNAL CITY HV HALT, OAINB With TACUNE FIIEDEIUCK TWICE DAHiY S30 and IlSO V, M. ritECEDED 11Y COJIEDIES WITH CHAS. CIIAI'HN It'a a Long Way to Tipperary Joe Welch in Time Lock 776 Madge LeMJng in The Blue Mouse THE MEANS AND THE END THE REGENERATING LOVE WHEKK 18 SIY WANDEUINO 110Y TOWailTT No. 3 Dutch Cheete Maker No. 3 Dutch Cheese Maker No. S PERPETUAL GLARE WW MM1 1 ilrnUngviru-'Ave. No.6--Cae of McWinter Family jftVdl,g,s,Av".'1 No. t KIDNAPPED" S20.OQO.000 MYSTERY No, 2 Menage From Heart No. 4 RAID ON MAD HOUSE No. S MISSING MILLIONS No, S-MISSING MILLIONS No. J5 MISSING MILLIONS