EVENING LET)aTCT?PTTTT,AT)-plT,PTrTA:. MONDAY, 1VUKCH 8. T0T5: S3E1AL dJKJ BOH i mmmammmmmml' i i ii immummatmmmmmmmmmm TFA !i r j 1 -irii n u it v JJt fnflSyL 1 . . . 5 el I? iMONO thoae who attended the Wtjj-Carlton A -upper club dance on Saturday were Dr. 4 Mm Albert P. Franotno, Mr. nnd Mr. J. iat Roberts, Mrs. Harold Sands, Mr. and ir Caner Weldershelm. MIbb Margaret tt'rtaht Ml" rhoebo Adams, Mlsa Eileen Moly 7ui Miss (lertrudo Khrot, Miss Ellen Jaquett filers Miss Elizabeth Bcott. Miss Ocrtrudo rlncoast Miss Anno Spencer, Miss Christine sLkton, Miss Katherlne II. Kremer, Miss Ed- im . Elklns Druner, Miss Margot Ellis Scull, mim Mary Evelyn Chow, Miss Eltse Hopkins, itinrv Movlns Adams, Harry Clifton AdamB, Vi.Tsnder Mercer Diddle, Jr., Charles P. Davis, rhird McCall, Whitney Wright. Urooko Ed- dj Edward Nnsh, Georgo J. Harding, lvei Henry. Wolcott Henry, Barton C. Hirst. U winant Johnson, J. Thomas Liggett, Bar U?tcFadden. John W. Mcars. Ashton Sender, II B. Hodge. Lewis 1'arsons, Forrester Scott, Holland Hunter. Mr and Mrs. Charles Osborne have issued lnrlUtlons for a dance at the Old York Road Country Club In honor of their daughter, Miss Carolyn Osborne, on Tuesday frrentng, April 6, at s o'clock. The guestB, who will number SO, will be mostly from the school set. Harold Mason gave the second of a series of tmislcates nt his studio. 1714 Chestnut street, this afternoon. Ho was nsslsted In receiving by Mrs. Mason and her sister, Miss Mary Elsa La Vie, of New York. The ladles of the Quaker City Motor Club will serve tea In their clubrooms nt the St. James on Wednesday, from 4 until 6 o'clock. The committee In charge will receive and will In clude Mrs. Edward G. Hollowell. Mrs. William ff. Ingram, Mrs. Frank G. Stockloy and Mrs. E. Schellenberg. 'Owing to the death of Mr. Morris" mother, Mrs. Effingham B. Morris will not entertain at cards on Wednesday. ' Mrs. Alexander W. Wlster, Jr.,. of 424 .,..-. ct,noi Tinner, lnnp. will trlvo a smalt treat ovi.w. nd Informal neighborhood tea on Wednesday afternoon In honor of Mrs. J. Halgo Dalngcr fleld, who has recently como to Gcrmantown to live'. Receiving with Mrs. Wlster will be Mrs. Walter Morgan Churchman, Mrs. Charles J. Wlster, Mrs. Thomas Earle White, Mrs. E. L.. tioUiar l Mnr and Miss Dorothy Huey. Mrs. .Alexander W. Wlster will preside, nt the tea table. Mr. and Mrs. Theodoro W. Heath, of 1538 Pine street, will entertain at dinner tonight. Their piests will Include Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ap pleton, of New York; Mr. and Mrs. Horatio G. Llovd. Mr. and Mrs. Rodman E. Grisoom and Wf Vi. arA Trn HnUmnn Wllnnn. tlTi' Mrs. Walter Langdoh Eustls will entertain the Monday Euchre today nt her home, 2015 Pine streets. The members Include Mrs. Wlll dm TV. Marls. Mrs. Clifford Lewis. Mrs. Wlll- I, lan M. Lycett, Mrs. Jnmes Mifflin, Mrs. John 1 T. Lewis and Miss Nina Lea. l 'Miss Ellon Ide Kenney, of the colonial, inn 'and Spruce street, will be at home, Informally, ' this afternoon. Miss Konney will give the last ,rcf her "at-homes" next Monday. No cards. h The marriage of Miss Eleanor Moyn, whose ; engagement to Albert D. Barton was recently , announced, will tnke place In June. The Sigma Kappa Fraternity held its dance at the Rlttenhouse on Saturday night. The Cavaliers Club entertained at dinner prior to ! the dance. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Howard Williams, of tin Greene street, Germantown, hive gone to .Atlantic City for several days. K The dancing class organized by Mr. and Mrs. ..Clarence Blackburn, of 3203 West Penn street. ' met Saturday night at the Wissahlckon. Mr. end Mrs. Blackburn entertained Informally at (upper afterward at their home. Among the "'members are Mr. and Mrs. William T, Brown, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. William H. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs, Irvlns Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brldenbaugh nnd Mr. and Mrs, George Leltch. Mrs, niackbtirn has Just returned from, a visit to Eston, where sho went to witness the play '. In which her brother, Raymond Hitchcock, Is "- starring. Miss Margaret Waterman, of California, who spent the winter in Boston, Is the guent of Miss Grace A. Pennypacker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac R. Pennypacker, of Bleddyn 'road, Ardmore. Friends of Miss Helen H. Hodge will be qrry to learn that she Is 111 at. the home of her parents, the Itcv. Dr, and Mrs. George Woolsey Hodge, 334 South ISth street. ALONG THE MAIN LINE STJMVlD-s-Mr. and Mrs. William R. Verner, .. Bt, David's, announce the engagement of their dauchter. Ulna TT.tVinrinA Vomer, to fChannIng Williams Daniel, formerly of Rlch-f-ond, Vr. r. D. Miller Shaeffer is visiting friends In Pittsburgh. s-jCharles b. Walton, aceomrmnled bv Miss Martha, Walton and Joseph Walton, left this v -. lor raim Beach, "where, they will join b&Mrs. Walton. r. ... i- . x. CHESTNUT HILL Mr, and fra t a.i... ni.n iax nv jfc, ' " "" " '"w "i " uuue, spent the week-end as .the guests or Byrs. Rulon'a brother and sister-in-law, Mr. Faa Mm- Robert W, Steel, of Bryn Mawr. .Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Dlsston have re- "turned to their home from Bellalre, Fla. kiMr, Frederick Ward, of Halifax, is at pres. at visiting her sister. Mrs. Edward A. Ander- pion, of Mermaid and Navahoe avenues. GERMANTOWN Mrs, John Duffy, of 148 Mavland street, and Ur. Robert Foster, ol 6106 Baynton street, sui give a large euchre and "500" tomorrow ,t St. Vincent's Hall, East Price street. The PWoceedj will be devote4 to charity. Mrs. Percy E. Kriabcl. of SO West Tillne- ifcockea street, will entertain at Junchcpn fol wd by bridge, this afternoon.. gy ' Agnes FlUp&trick Is spending a few j m Germantown as the guest of her "'brother. James A. MimiiHl. nf ESS Eat ,wahingtoU Une. ffr and Mrs. Unrthn mtihtna.Neir. of 3204 rtVn G f'Wt ps street, O.uo taw Manor, are spending some time as the guests of Mrs. Neff'a mother and father. Mr. nnd Mrs, Grellet Collins, 4111 Walnut street. The next dlnner-danco to take place at the Automobile' Club, Carpenter nnd Emlen streets, will be on Thursday cvonlng, March 18. Mra. H. S. Prentiss Nlcols, of Mt Pelham road, has Issued cards for Thursday morning, March 11, at the New Century Club, 12th street below Chestnut street, to hear the Rev. William A. Sunday. Mrs. William 8. Lloyd, of 23J Harvey street, will hnvo as her guest In a few days her sister, Mrs. I. F. S. Gray, of Snn Diego, Cal. Mrs. Samuel Blspham Bowen, of 8407 Wayne avenue, has returned to her homo from Bos ton, where sho was the guest of her two daugh teis, Mrs. Harold McNeil and Mrs. Walter Alvln Carl. ALONG THE READING Miss Elsie C. Sutherland entertained tho Betta Kappa Sigma nt her home In Logan on Saturday afternoon. Those present were Miss Elsa .Scheuerle, Miss Lillian Scott. Miss Mnbel Peterson, Miss Marlon Lott, Miss Mary Steltzer and Miss Mabel Becker. MrB. Charles K. Scull, of Elltlns Park, hns been spending sevcrnl weeks nt the different winter resorts of Florida. Mr. and Mrs. William II. McCormlck, of Elk lns Park, hnvo gone to Florldn, where they will spend several weeks. Miss Elizabeth Lukes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lukes, of Oak Lane, has been tho guest for several weeks of Mrs. James Bradley, of Vcntnor, N. J. Mrs. Harrison Landls nnd Miss Esther Lan dls, of Lawnton avenuo nnd Oak Lane, have Issued cards for a tea on Saturday nftcrnoon. March 20. WEST PHILADELPHIA Mrs. R. W. Spelcher, of Scranton, Pa., Is tho guest of her daughter, Mrs. J. P. Ulpprc. nt 65 North C3d street. Mr. and Mrs. G. Howard Shrlver, of Baltimore avenue, hnvo returned from Washington, D. C, where they wero the guests of Mrs. Shrlvcr's brother, Congressman Stanley Bowdle. of Cin cinnati, for soveral days. Miss Laura Thompson, of Trenton, Is nt pres ent the guest of Miss Ethel Leinau nt her home, 4216 Sprtico street. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA A theatre party of South Philadelphlnns was given at the Chestnut Street Opera House Sat urday evening, after which a banquet was held nt Hnlnes' prlvnte dining rooms. The guests wero Miss Emma Beatty, Miss Olive Boehm, Miss Bertha Christie, Miss Gencvla Duncan, Miss Ella Field,, Miss Emma Field, Miss S. Gertrude Field, Miss Mary Mosler, Miss Flor enco Schrleber, Miss Laura Schroer, Miss Mary Starr. W. L. Loffard, Jr., of 2440 South 16th street, entcrtnlned In honor of Harry Malscnwlke, of New York. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. E. Toffard, Mr. and Mrs. William Mlntzer, of Overbrook: Miss Madallne Toffard, Miss Mable Keller, Miss Agnes Slmlster, James Conley, John Loguo, James Delhanty, John Conley, Tho evening was featured by the singing and playing of E. Toffard. The many friends of Andrew F. Shields, of 20th and Christian streets, will be glad to learn that he is gradually recovering from his recent accident, and expeots to leave the hospital to day. Mr. Shields sustained a serious fall some time ago on nn Icy pavement. Dr. William J. Donnelly, of 2019 Christian street, has Just returned from a short trip to Wllkes-Bnrre, his homo town. NORTH PHILADELPHIA Miss Jane Ewlng, daughter of Mrs. William C. Cooley, of 2815 North Broad street, will give a tea with muHlc, from 4 to 6 o'clock, on Sat urday evening, March 20, In honor of her en gagement to Dr. Robert C. Shields, of Ger mantown. The hostess will be assisted In re ceiving by her mother, Mlsa Charlotte Fleming, Miss Bcss'n Sobernhelmor, Miss Margaret Lukes, Mlas Rachel Craig and Mra. William O. Shields, Jr. Mrs. William G. Shields, Sr., and Mrs. David Martin will pour tea. Miss Flor ence Welghtman, a young harpist, who la win ning laurels In all sectlops of the country, will take part In the musical prigram. The tea will be followed by a dinner and an Impromptu dance for the young people who will attend the bridegroom and bride at the wedding In June. Mrs. W. HInchcllffe, of New York, Is the guest of Mrs. Walter R. Eastburn, of 2141 North 18th street. The Sigma Delta Sorority of the William Fenn High School for Girls held Its annual dinner-dance Saturday evening, at J he Adelphla HoteL Mr. and Mrs. William J. Gilbert, of 2027 Co lumbla avenue, are being congratulated on the birth of a aon, William Irvln, on March 6. NORTHEAST PHILADELPHIA The frlenda of Miss Anna Stockman gave a surprise linen shower at her home, 2634 North Howard street. Those present Included Mr, and Mrs. Philip Lair, Mr. and Mrs. William Corbett. MUs Clara Corbett, Miss Reba Lair, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Klug, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Maynes, Harry Maynes, Miss May McCusker, Albert Porch, Mrs. Thomas AVallace, James Wallace, Mr. and Mrs John Da.vIdson, Miss Resale Davidson, Miss Emma Hlcklng, Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Morrison, Mlsa Dorothy Morrison and Philip G. Lair. TIOGA Mrs.'Mlnnle Shlnkle, of 3513 North 19th street, wait given a novel and delightful surprise party on Saturday ulght. The affair was a comedy week-end party, with the following participants: Mr. and Mra. John Nuttall, Mr. and Mrs. Will iam P. Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fischer, Mrs. Bonsai. Mr. and Mr. Frank Vandegrift, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Weckerly. Mr. and Mrs. Max Mayer, Mrs. Rlstlne, Mrs. Gay, Mr. and Mrs. Wllberforco Johnson, Mls8 Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Herschel, Mr. and Mra. Mervine SWokle and Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Fried, the latter belny the gut of honor. MRS. J. LESLIE DAVIS Photograph by Evans Studio. Mrs. Davis will bo remembered ns Miss Izora V. Hunter. Dr. nnd Mrs. Davis will leave today for California, whore they will spend a month. DAYS AT HOME A Number of Persons Are Still Receiving Informally in Lent. Among thoso who will receive todny are: Mrs. Joseph H. Brazier nnd Miss E. Josephine Brazier, of 1E03 Pine street, nfter 4 o'clock. Mrs. William D. Wlnsor, 2019 Pine street, after 3 o'clock. Mrs. Edward F. Beale, 120 South 23d street Mrs. William Horstman, 319 South 17th street. Mrs. Robert Alexander, of Pelham Court, Germantown. Miss Ellen Ido Kenney, of the Colonial, 11th and Spruce streets. Mrs. John Lyman Cox, of 1235 Spruce street, will not be at home this afternoon. FRANKFORD Mrs. Edward Monroe gavo a delightful lunch eon of 18 covers Saturday, followed by music and dancing. Mrs. Maurice Bert and Mrs. James Wiley assisted In receiving. There were piano solos by Mlsa Alice Traid, violin solos by MUs Pauline Martin nnd vocal selections by (Miss Ethel Moland and MIbs Fanny James. Among those present were Mrs. James Bertolet, Mrs. Albert Maddock, Mrs. Maurlco Llndy, Mrs. Charles Grant, Sirs. Bert Jackson, Mrs. Charles .Herman, Mrs. William Wledner, Mra. Albert Green, Mrs. Edward MacDonald, Mrs. Harry Campbell, Mrs. Thomas Moore, Mra. Ralph Talley, Mrs. George White nnd Miss Marlon Harmon. WILMINGTON Mr. and Mrs. John Kearney Rodgers re turned this week from Jensen, Fla., where they had been visiting Mr. and Mrs, Robert T. Gar rison for a month. Mr. and Mra, Alfred Curtis, who have ben at Palm Beach, Fla., for some- time, will re main South until the 1st of April, MRS. BARCLAY WARBURTON Mrs. Warburton is one of this city's prominent matrons. She has been most active in working for the Emergency id. I m isl fW'f i- ,w ENTERTAINMENTS "Masquo of tho Primitive Peoples" to Bo Hold Easter Tuesday. Attractive from their very qualntness are the Invitations for the "Masque of the Primitive Peoples" which will be held the Tuesday after Easter Sunday. The unique entertainment Is explained In this greeting: "The Purpose or this billet, Gentlo Reader, la to crave most courteously the Honour of your Presence at a most unusunlle Entertainment to be given at the 3d Quarter of the Moon which being trans lated, means Tuesday, April 6th, at 8 o'clock and at the Hall of Horticulture, which la In Broad at, nr. Locust. On this oocaslon the Spirits of the Pagan Past will return agalne to earth, and disport themselves, masque fash Ion, for your Delectation. There will bo Scenery most weird and gorgeous with Dances barbaric, and Muslo and Costumes which shall entrance you by their richness. Here you will see old Rameals and his train fresh come from the Pyramids under the care of tho Fellowship ol the Academy of the Fine Arts. Or do you prefer America? Have patience In a trice the scene will change to Mexico and the Aztecs, redone by the T-Square Club. If your fanoy craves Byiantlum, it shall be at your beckoning with the help of the Pennsylvania Museum School of Industrial Art; or Chine and Its Mandarins and the whole civilization of Cathay directed by tho ladles of the Plastic Club. There, too, will appear the Indians of the West, shown to you In their original civilization, and without circus tawdrinees, by the Sketch Club. Yet again Imperial Rome you have It anew with all the resource that the Art Club has at Its disposal; and lastly the Occult civilization of Persia, which shall come to you with the School of Design. "In 3 or 3 turns of the Hour Glass you will travel to the uttermost parts of the earth, and into the very pit of Time, all In goodliest com pany. And when the MaBque Is finished there will be Dancing until the morning hours, when you may clasp the hand of Araby and Egypt and show them a thing or two of our modern foot flinging," The masque will be given under the direction of John F. Harbeson, with the following com mittee: Mrs. C. Shlllard Smith, School of De sign for Women, Mrs. Stauffer Oliver, Plastlo Club; Miss Emma W. Thomas, Fellowship of the Academy of the Fine Arts; Henry R. Rltten. berg, Art Club; Charles K. Stephens, Sketch Club; J. Frank Copeland, School of Industrial Art. and E. Lewis Dales, T-Square Club. John Frederick Lewis Is honorary chairman, and the honorary committee Includes Mrs. Cornelius Stevenson, lllss Violet Oakley, Miss Emily Sartaln, Miss Cecilia Beaux, Miss Har riet Eartaln, Leslie W. Miller, Charles Grafley, Hugh H. Breckenridge, Dr, Thomas II, Fenton, Herbert Welsh, Dr. A. C. Abbott. Henry Mc Carter, Charles L. Borle, Jr.. and Abbott Mc Clure. ' CAMDEN AND VICINITY Invitations have been Issued for the mar riage of Miss Helen Whltaker, daughter of Mayor and Mrs. Arthur C. Whltaker, of Brldgeton. to Dr. Alfred M. Elwell, of 40T Cooper street, on March 20. Dr. E. A. Y. Schelllnger, of 8th and Cooper streets, Is still confined to his home with Ill ness. Mra. William MacAIUter. of Merehantvllle, l recuperating from lier recent illness at Atlantic City. LETTERS from the Southland which con i stantly arrive telling us of the many dances which are given morning, noon and night at the beach clubs or hotels would make It np pear that there In a dearth of social gaiety here In the North, but this Is by no means tho case for, although the large formal affairs may be given over until another season, nu merous smaller affairs nre continually cropping up, and these, with tho regular sewing and study classes, not to mention the dancing classes, which are an essential part of the Lenten Bcason, keep society from being over come with ennui. The dansants which nrp given each Saturday afternoon have taken n firm hold on our af fections, nnd even for thoso few who do not care to Join the throng on the floor the exhi bitions nnd contests prove most entertaining. Many groups of pleasure seekers found their way on Saturday afternoon to tho ballroom of the Rltz-Carlton, drawn thero to watch tho dancing of Monsieur Roberto, tho refugeo Pa risian dancing master, who Is exploiting the latest French tango. M. lloborto danceH with each of the guests. Theso thes dansanta are under the direction of Mrs. II. W. Hawkes worlh nnd Mrs. J. Hutchinson Scott, of Now York, Mrs. Scott usually acting ns chaperone. Mnrkel'a Orchestra, which Is brought from Now York, Is one of tho drawing features of the dansants. Among those who entertained parties were Mrs. J. Harrison Smith. B. D.awson Coleman. Mrs. Davenport Plummcr. Mrs. Thomas Earle White, Mrs. George Fritz Chandler, Mrs. Scott and Samuel Wetherlll. Mrs. Scott's party was In honor of her daughter. Miss Betty Scott, who will be among the debutantes of next EMERGENCY AID A Concert and n Dance Will Be Given Tonight. Beside the daily contributions that am con stantly flowing to tho Emergency Aid funds there will be several entertainments given to nlirht. The first will be a Lentcm concert of I "English Songs" given by tho Ofphous Quar ' tit In the ballroom of tho Rltz-Carlton. The program liaa been carefully arranged, and tho following artists will participate: Edna Har wood Baugher, Mnbel Addison, Henri Merrl ken, Donald Redding and Ellis Clark Ham mann at the piano. Tho patronesses Include Mrs. Honry Brlnton Coxo, Mrs. Richard Cadwallador, Mrs. William Masters Comae, Mrs. James Elverson, Jr.; Mrs. Edward T. Stotcabury. Mrs. Edward Browning, Mrs. Stanley G. Flagg, Mrs. L. Webster Fox, Mrs. John C. Groome, Mrs. John White Geary, Mra. Cyrus H. K. Curtis, Mrs. John Grlbbel, Countess of Santa Eulalla, Mrs. George Qulnt ard Horwltz, Mrs. Austin S. Hecksoher, Mrs. Arthur H. Lea, Mrs. Walter Llpplncott, Mrs. Efllngham B. Morris, Mrs. Byron Moulton, Mrs. George C. Thomas, Jr., and Mrs. Barclay Warburton. The second will bo a dnnce In the Rltten house. Flowers, cigarettes and punch will be sold by tho following nldes: Miss Helen Fry, Miss Marlon Montgomery, Miss Helen Haines. The patronesses Include Mrs. Frank S. William son. Mrs. John Swan, Mrs. George Washington Edmunds, Mrs. Charles Street Mills, Miss Clara H. Dorfner, Mrs. John Honderson, Mrs. An drew Jordon Klnkade, Mrs. H. H. Pelley, Mrs. Haltert Powers Gillette, Mrs. George Henry Beck and Mrs. J. Willis Martin. LANSDOWNE The usual luncheon of the Twentieth Century Club will take place next Tuesday afternoon, nnd Mrs. Robert F. Irwin will preside. The luncheon will be followed by nn afternoon pro gram, which will be In charge of Mrs. Seymour Eaton. The speakers, as scheduled, will be Mrs. Edward Blddle, former president of the State Federation; Mrs. Kane Foulke, Adviser of Home Sanitation nnd Household Economics for the State Department of Agriculture, and Miss A. M. Archambault, chairman of the Art Com mittee of the State Federation. AMUSEMENTS ACADEMY OF MUSIC PHILADELPHIA ORCHESTRA LEOPOLD BTOKOW8KI, Conductor Symphony Fri. Aftern'n, March 12, at 3:00 Concerts I Sat. Evening, March 13, at 8:15 Soloist: HAROLD RANDOLPH, Pianist PP.OGP.AMs Overture. "Don Olovannt" MOZAnT Concerto No! 4. a Major BEETHOVEN "nuitlo WediJIns;" Symphony GOLDMARK "Invitation to th Dance" WEBER Bean Now n Sale at Hepp'i, 1110 Chutnut. METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE mrvMTr'TTrp TOMORROW NIGHT. SAT. i UJN van. X mat. ana Saturday nioht MR. WM. A. BRADY Presents T-vm XITfXT Tjl and ,he GILBERT A LJLU ULlV SULLIVAN OPERA CO. In hopper The Mikado Wed. Mntinee I PinSlfni'P and Wed. NHht I x11irtiHi and TRIAL BY JURY ThuFridywiiii. I Pirates of Penzance Large Chorus Orch. Prices 25c. 50c, TSc, XI, 11.00 1000 ? Seats $1 rSUSST, 50c, 75c Eetts 1109 Chestnut St. and Opera Home. ACADEMT OF MUSIC TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 16. AT SUB vT-mTTTTiT A XT TRAVELTALK NTC WMAN Co,or View IN U YY -UArxxT Motlon Pictures if rT V T AMU Benefit Penniyjvsnla Medical rlULli. IjVINJJ Missionary Society TICKETS. It.SO. 11.00, 7Bo AND 50c, AT HEPPE'fi. 1110 CHESTNUT MAHKET STREET AND JUNIPER Continuous VaudevlIU GLOBE 11:80 A. M, to 11 :.10 P. M. "THE LAWN PARTY" WATSON ft RUTWND. AL BURTON'S REVIEW BYAL t EARLY. "SENATOR" FRANCIS .MURPHY BVA" " THE LOWES. AND OTHERS " 9 A. M. to 11 P. M. PALACE 1214Mavket 10c. 20c VAUDEVILLE NEWSBOY SEXTETTE AND OTHERS PHOTOPLAY BLANCHE SWEET In "Warren of Vlrglnls." CROSS I sor1!tr Arabian Nights trivc I Ft Other Meritorious Acts XXLu 1 i- Frocram Chained Monday & Tbureday THEATRE ,U0c f&W 8 DUMONT'S DTra? jffiSiFS?8 MAT. TODAY. IQo. 20c. rPvnnnAnvn 'B OHARMINCI WIDOWS and lTOCaUerO riUKCE38 KA mi "MA CHERIB" season. The guests Included Mlsa Juliet Schuyler, of New York; Miss Christine Stock ton, Miss Polly Graham, Miss Lisa Norrla, Miss Gertrude Pancoast, Miss Katherlne R. Hunter. Miss Alice MacCabe, Miss Estelle Sanders and Mlsa Anita Sanders, William Hopkins, L. Brooke Edwards, Nathaniel Davis, Herbert Bell, Barton Cooke Hirst and Charles Wharton, An other party Included Miss Dorothy Dlnsmore, Mlns Georgtanno Pltfleld, Miss Llndsey Batter field. Miss Eleanor Orton, Calvin Satterfletd, Jack Rlegle, William Douglas and Frederick Sattcrflcld. Tho Bellevue-Stratford the dansant, which wan held In the North Garden Instead of the Rose Garden, drew a throng of people. Among those who occupied tables were Mrs, Warren Powers Laird and her daughtor, Miss Mary Hall Laird, who entertained a number of young persons: Miss Anna Mary Walthour, Mlas Elis abeth Kennedy, Miss Katherlne Hunter, Geof frey Bunting, Thomas Dice, Frederic Brewster, Naval Constructor Edward Klntner nnd Mrs. Klntnor, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Smedley, Dr. James A. Dabbltl, Joseph McAleer, Mrs. Van Court, Mr. nnd Mrs, Edwin G. Close, Miss Helena Smith, Mrs. Hclon Bancroft, of New York; F. Avery Jones, Mr. nnd Mrs. William H. Folwell. Miss Leonora Walz, Miss Edith Walz, Mr. and Mrs. Francis McGrnth, William A. Atkins, L. Brooko Edwards, Miss Lnurn. D, McCowen, Miss. Helen G. Murray, Miss Lonore E. Kaye, R. Norrls Henderson, Gordon Urquhart, Mrs Charles Knlttel nnd Mr. Kollock. Mrs. May Temple, the chaperone, has com posed a fascinating fox trot air, which re ceived vigorous npplause. A dancing contest will be the feature of next week's tho dansant, which will bo held In the Rose Garden, as formerly. ROXBOROUGH Tho nnnual dinner of tho Men's Bible Class of Ebenezcr Methodist Sunday School will ba held on Thursday night, In the chapel of tha church, Gay street and Mansion avenue. The Itev. Dr. Arthur Sf Walls, pastor, who la tenchcr of the class, will make an address ot welcome, and Charles A. Flanagan will be toastmaslor. Othor speakers will be Frederick J. Shoycr, cx-Dlrector of the Department of Supplies, nnd the Ilev. Dr. Linn Bowman, of the Spring Garden Street Methodist Church. The addresses will be Interspersed with vocal and Instrumental solos. A profusion of spring flowers and ferns will form the decorations. AMUSEMENTS , THE MANAGEMENT OF B. F. Keith's Theatre ANNOUNCES MAY IRWIN HAS BEEN ENGAGED TO REPLACE EVELYN NESBIT WHO WILL BE UNABLE TO APPEAR THIS WEEK OWING TO ILLNESS MAY IRWIN America.' Most Popular Commedlenne In New Eontfl and Storlea. Supported by a Tremendous Show Headed by EDDIE MABEL LEONARD and RUSSELL NAN HALrERIN: PEKIN MYSTERIES! BILLY McDERMOTT and OTHERS FORREST 25c & 50c -TrTTl7 All Seats JLN V VV THIS WEEK ONLY BrtnhlnK MATINEE TODAY a& TWICE DAILY, 2:80 and 8:30 EVENING LEDGER'S REAL WAR PICTURES FIRST ACTUAL FIRING-LINE MOTION FILMS INTIMATE VIEWS OF EVERY EUROPEAN BATTLE FIELD Secured at tho risk o( life and limb by a special corps of camera experts. CHESTNUT STREET 8S5& Home 0 World' Oreolelt PhotopJay AFTERNOONS 1 :30 to 4:30 10c, lBc, 25a EVENINGS 7 iSO to 10:30 10c. 25c. 50o BUY SEATS IN ADVANCE AND AVOID STANDING IN LINE 2d BIG WEEK FAMOUS PLAYER8' FILM CO.'B STUPENDOUS rilOTO-SPECTACLE THE ETERNAL J I J. X HALL CAINE With PAULINE FREDERICK TWICE DAILY 2:S0 AND 8:30 P. M. TRECEDED RY COMEDIES WITH CIIA8. CHAPLIN GARRIGK Tonight B Ullt. COHAN & HARRIS' New York Company In Gft?- COHAN'S p'l5!? 7 K E Y S TO 1 BALDPATE Popular Prlco Wednesday Matloees. Best Seats MS0. LYRIC Beginning Tonight at 8 wti. a. ukaui presenta ROBERT B. MANTELL In Shakespearean and Classlo Repartolra TONIGHT "KING JOHN" TOMORROW NIGHT 'MACBETH" A "nPYT .PTTT TON-iaiiT at 8 as sharp iuaumx POPULAR ti mat. thubsdat Oliver Monaco Presents J. Hartley Manoara" PEG 0' MY HEART THE PLAT EVERYBODY LOVE3 BROAD Last 6Evgs. "SSn i THE MISLEADING LADY Popular Price Wednesday Matlne. Bast Ssata (149, Next Week TUB BLUB ENVELOPE. E.tU Thai THE MARKET ST, ABOVH 18TU PICTURES 11 A. M. to JIilB P. K ELSIE JANIS Caprlcaa ot Kitty Stanley EMPIRE raSnTheE&ape I MATINEE I i DAILY ( Sm:PL "rl CASINO tfte DUy Walnut and Kfc Ufa, SLlDi.MJ BILL VVTSON