mvi"immjwwtyvMH EVEKiyQ LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, MARCH 8. 1015, LNEItAL OP VETERAN ..! Comnloted for Burial sfifntor B. P. RHtenhouse, KStara been complete for wPnitlnhoue, who comm ttted fa F, h, home. 13 Lciper street. W " hJ! SZmtav. as result of I ? to wound sustained by him t aue o "" . ntnfor was one .milt band of heroes who lictrl 'i4 d against IMckclt's charge nt rjgiw lr,M of a K" tDe "aamj "om '"ui i to the veteran's mouth, when , iwinil. was an envelope & S0 marked "For funeral ex !P". "g There wnS also a letter ad '& in "no cllrard Trust Company ". .iV. delivery of h s will and tenti of "a safety deposit box to ?aoni Captain Benjamin. F nit , lonf. J- t, s jtarlne Corps. w,r .-' wrriji nittenhouse, of a v tnent. now on Its way to the ,W w".., nittenhouse. who T.hrmisb the Civil War with Grlf 'JSAiI " a a second lieutenant at .inatterr. """'' ,,1 rlirtrirn when 'S and other superior ofTtcers IP ''? ,r2 ,.. l.ndlv wounded. ejkiueo. - OBITUARIES Miss Kate Cummlnjrs . .- f MISS IVntC V. ullllIUIIHt tufc iSSnJ Mrvlws will be held to-,Bt- .(itinoon nt 2 o'clock, nt St. 1VJ. .Church. Uroad and Mt. il"f ", i. .nrtn her lonir and active non airm '. ,i.oi.. She Instructed r . m.- nt nrom nent men and Caof the city , lui TcummlnRS. who was nearing iier tear, guccumuv.-" ,..., ........ 153 North Md street. She was born !...t.r County When a girt sho .jj th her parents to this city and .tL a member of St. Matthew's -i, tn isso she was appointed supcr- adent of the Infant department, nnd I nat position until a few yeara ago. a III health compelled her to retire. n appreciation lor ner uiciuhk worn, Cummlngs was awarded a gold lit In 1312. -For a tlmo she was prest t'of th Woman's Foreign Missionary litr and secretary of tho Dorcas So- ' Gn. George S. Anderson BW TOIIK, Jiarcn . ungnuier un KCcorse Smith Anderson, U. S. A., red. died yesieraay in me uuucraiu i in this city, whero he had made hla i.'.ilnce his retirement from active lc tn October, U12. General Ander- who was In his BGth year, was prad- i,i from the United States Military dcrny In 1371. He did two years" field rce In the FMilppmes, irom lKrj to JJ colonel Ol vuiuiiiecra. Joseph R. Rhoads Iseph It. Rhoads, who was first vice) lldent of tno .Mcrcnanis union Trust hDany and a member of tho Union Irue, died yesterday at his home. City avenue ueiow b-sa street, uverorooic. i Rlioads, who was "I years old. Was lion of Professor James Rhoads, for Iti a member of the Central High ool faculty Ho leaves a widow, a I J. Howard Rhoads, and a daughter, . Henry V Marston. F. L. Estcy . U Estey, who died nt his home In M0 Saturday, was known by news ier men throushout tho country. He automobile editor of the Chicago imlner and one time was affiliated hatha Ford Automobllo Company, of Irolt. Mr, Estey was well known In city as an advertising writer. IN MKMORIAM 1CK-In loving- memory of HORACE p, whedltd March 8, 1013. tiirr,. sun ,.u UAUUll'l'mt, lUUETv la lovtmr remembrance of our lltir, ANNIE. E. ECULLEY, who died lirea 1314. DAUOUTERS. eatfjs; R. On March S. 1013. JOHN, husband inm iwj. fuLerai on 'iLeeaay. at t:ju x. from his late residence, UtiS North adolDh st Solemn Renulem &fn nt Kt ' Ctinrch. at u a. m. Interment at St. rtrrs Cemetery, f t.vr-At Mt, Holly, N. J., on March 6, 1. WALTEIt C. husband or M.irv r. noL Funeral service on Tuesday, at 2 m at hta late realiln 1-i.t Rrniit.n,inp rjilt Holly, N J. Interment private. PB. On March S. 1913. ANNA M. QUOD let Stnuwhelm). wife of Frederick P; lluob. tonril services on Tuesday, at 2 p. m., at hue residence, 212S North Howard s:. rmnt private. German Lutheran Ceme- r- K March 5, 1913. JOHN, husband of JuIU ey i-ralg. Further notice of the funeral u m given. IJIWGS-At her late residence. 1823 fcWMHINaS. In the both year of her age. luiuvta and friends are Invited to attend rtuiertl services on Tuesday afternoon, YCUCIY at ? n'rtiM.Ir a. 3 t.ttk.w ... 7U Chureh. TtrnaH anA Vrt V'apnnn ub terment ortvate. gTKXElt. Suddenly, on the 7th Inst. IU1I PAWKNER, wife of the late Levi w. Itelatlvee and friends of the fam- ' art rtSOeCtf UltV tnvftnd tn n,tnH it,. e. 2J Mrvlcsa. on Wednesday afternoon, at 2 ," reaiaence ot ner uaugnter, S. Oliver T. Aeber Rin Hfnnhlm a n... "". Interment private. u" itiin. V liS.!'r' K- J" on March 0. weace. is Main at.. Mt Hoiiv- N j nn Sy&nSf.' "' at 2 "' m- 'nterment Mt. B.iitiT?U.'r,!;Tr.0.?Thlrd Month Bth. 1013. irj3L.ri.iiutf.!?"i. wire of. llan. 'hm -"'" iieuuvea ana menus ars imS.I" .L,.en.a .!ne funeral services 3n S!'. S Jwnin uin, at x p. m.. 'VS SIS.. COlltnirawnr Kf T ill.,. .,. Utwnwnt trtetlV prlvktV UCOnta.. N'sur llmn.kl. i. u. L.k S.MI ffivtSr.'SS a..!in"'."? H - . ' .... UlLrauiCt MIX LLLB if, ,tJ,yde JVarren Lovell and Susan r Lovell. of Laconla. New Ilamnahlra. i- ,19ls- SAMUEL H., hua Fkk Iw1.!" i5 B,vrn- ftDm b residence l-H On alarph X tflm An "St BlUbani Of Jor,hlr, If.1. . .... il to L20n' t nf 'atlvea and friends, also K.5: ".? 'L. are invited to attend i . "-. on Tuesday, at 3 o'clock, at l late residence. 1B37 kJhi, i,n;i..'.. nU1, LS?hi.W"e. " "" l3CyJ&?a!wS?ta' 8 to lu o'clock. 1?.naerallntrmerrtrlit",,' fc'JLiayralCem'e-t.rv. SWAF?" On March a. 101S. wiiT.Tivi IIU ui Jy' rcn u. at S.30 o'clock 13'Tallenc, 1313 ifouuTrod is"' Jaa. Ut.-ment at North cidi? lllil axFV8?'1''-. " March T. 191B. JO. iTal win" iu"i notice of tb. RSSSngW W fram ki. VT.V ' "" m wedne. silS? ".reslaen-. 4ai3 ipp ,. tSrSZi, iS?, Arllagtin. Va! IjIFISS.r-Oa Thlrd-Month Bih tats tate WlUlln. BASEilt,ncLt uhMf WUalif '?.S'..,tti ""?.? Uo el. ?., Rslatlv"rn,.,K;i"'L . tad the f.fn.r.i r"1 "" ar uv ted hTTT '"5 ural services on four,sia Uvlted "ssTVofla n. oclacl. from her uts r--Etm.?""1 t. aermantiw"' lour. KBrLi3SS ,!;" REBECCA msMw '' Third Month""V.fc. S? twotdUf: .safi "'S"' pT-mT lutumlnV llii :'Sr"'u"1e at a 45 sjod 4 a .' r3 Tw.7f: i.VV WMIW h late $r ity J KaUves and frl.nds arj Wtrovent pnvats. at EsltateocSS: HWiai Pa-, on February 5. 1 E5iT . Ct"? McAloon (nee Magulre). ISLja.IU"Sil' " ' V- rn HIT E. Gr..?'Sni "lulm Mass st -. m. Inter- IlKATHS simersi services at the residence of hr daughter Mrs. Hsnnah rtowntrce. 331 Jef ferson ave, Ilrlotol. Ill . rn Tuesday, March li, at 2 p, m interment at Erlstol Ceme tery. WUODIttlFI'. On March i. 10IB. DAVID B. WOUUHUFF. Mineral services on Tuesday, March P, at 2 b. m precisely, at his late residence. 6021) Walton ave., West t'hlladet phis. Interment Fcrnwood Cemetery. , CLASSIFIED RATES DAILY AND St'NIMY rills BTVt.r: TYPE (or like this) On Insertion t. ... 15c perllns Tbree tnnrtlnfn In ft week . 12Heprllne Feien consecutive lnscrtlena... lee per line Situations wanted, three Inser tlans In a week . , 10c per line THIS IZE TYPE (or like this) Permitted In all clasalncattona except Help and situations Wanted, let and Found, Per sonals, Hoarding and Ilooms, One Insertion 20c per line Three Insertions In a wee.. .. 17'Jc per line Eeen consecutive Insertion. a lfor prlln All rates are toseil on agate'raeajurement, 14 agate lines to th Inch. DKATH NOTlCE.-lther paper- -; iihth one iimo WVJ Three Insertions t." DA1I.T ONLY In Efftct Dicrmter I, ItH COMBINATION RATE for Insertion In both the morning and evenlne papers of same day: PUBLIC LEDGER (MOItNINCI) EVENING LEDGER (EVENING) Add four cents per lino net to rates riven aboa H5fc!!. ANt' SITUATIONS AVANTlin iy?51E:UT'SiN't in the pudmc t-nocinit MAY n INSEHTni) IN Till: KVCNINO CHAHOE W,THOUT ADDITIONAL There is a drug store near your home that will accept Ledger want ads at office rates. HELP WANTED FEMALE a FnnK sbrvici: to i.cDonn , , ADVEllTISnriS Bookkeepers, stenographers, clerks avail spurself of this srvlco at once. See "Miss Dean." at Ledger Central, (is she Is constantly helplnc oun ladlei secure satisfactory positions, and can undoubted! help you bEMO.NSTHATOIlS, house to house, to taka wu nouacnoiai necessities. VM34 y. Taa lor. EDUCATED WOMAN, preferably teacher, for vacation work. A las. Ledger Offlce, QlltL wanted for cleaning. Obesity Parlor, 1.13 cum urpnu at.. 'q noor. UlltfjWhlto girl for cooking and downstairs work, good reference. 2:i5J North. I"ar!t ave. HOUsnwonK airl wanted for general housu vork. .1338 North 11th at. HOURBWOItK Expertenced girl for small lal""ji kwiu ret, requireq. 4(M iiazel ao. JiAlJJS .1 comp maids wanted, Uerm. pref. , cook, td; wait's, 3: laundr"s, fO; laundPs to do cnm. wk. ; wait's to mend; perm, place, aenshora In sum.: good ref. Ana by letter. jira. u. u. jjick. worwooo ave., Chestnut Hill. OPEItATOtlS. EXPi:ltIi:NCED, TO WOItlC ON MEN'S N17CKWG.VR: BEST OF WAOE3; STBAY WORK. 1401't S. 4T.II. . , Philadelphia. March 1 1011. twiner i,cnirai. Hroad and Chestnut sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Gentlemen Accept our thnnka for ance of joar Help Wanted Department In nillnB position wc had open Miss Dean's personal attention saved us much time- and trouble In making the solcctlon. Yours very trulr. The Baglo White Lead Cn , (Signed) W. Ei MATSO.V. y Local Manager. M. RESNICK. 2SIT SALFLADY wanted. North 22d at. SALESWOMEN SEE JIT ADVERTISEMENT "J PUBLIC LEDOER EVERY SUXDAY. i,A.n,?C' rOSTPAOn. s. Wllbum ISoxven distributer n. r. Ooodrlrh Telephone Re- Waimit 1H0 2I rarkWtty U1,'?' rhono TKACKDUS wanted for private school n suburbs: college or normal graduate; must be experienced. M 187. Lodger Central. HELP "WANTED MALE A I UW worklngmen and mechanics of good appearance nnd clean habits will be paid to assist In organizing the meetings and pnrade to rdvertlse the Calabur Emplovmcnt Insur ance Plan Apply nt Calabur offlce. 8th nnd Diamond sts., mornlnxs, between 7 nnd 0 evenings to 8. Only high-grade men wanted. No loafers admitted. BRIGHT DOT. about 18 years of oce, for clerical work; one with some experience pre ferred: state references nnd experience. Ad dress P 403, Ledger Offlce. METAL SPINNER. light work, steady JobT The Hero Manufacturing Co.. Claul & Adams. 1111 South 30th sr. Phlla., Pa , March I. IBIS. Dear Mr. Hunt: Ledger Central, Philadelphia: Allow me to thank you for having secured a position after being out of employment for eleen weeks. Two weeks ngo'I filed an application with you at Ledger Central and on Saturday t waa rewarded by receiving a position with he Public Leiweb. which holds forth good opportunities for the future. Again thanking- you and Ledger Central, t am. yours sincerely. (Signed) P.OBERT E. WARD. SALESMEN SEE MT ADVERTISEMENT IN PURLIC LEDOEIt EVERY SUNDAY. PAItCEL POST PAGE. S. Wllbum Rowen. distributer B. F Goodrich Telephone Re ceiver Cushion. 210 Parkway Bldg. Phone Walnut 1540. SALESMEN I want three young men. ncthe In Christian work: good education and per sonality. Call 727 Walnut. Room 3, U to 12 and 4 to 8. MR- COWER. TOUCHERS-UP and Fre"nch polishers wanted" must be experienced on touchtng-up and burn ing In fine mahogany cabinet work, nhvs tcal examination necessary. Apply Victor Talking: Machine Company, application offlce. 13 Market at., camuen. jr. J VERY GOOD OPPORTUNITY for salesman who can finance himself; only high-grade men need apply. A 111. Ledger Offlce. WANTED Working farmer, who understands gardening and stock raising; man must be temperate, orderly and disposed to keep all equipment tn good repair; wife to milk, make' butter and care for chickens. Answer, stating alze family and wages expected. I 731, LedjerCentrst. . WANTED Bond salesman familiar with cen tral and western Pennsylvania; good oppor tunity; experience and reference required. I" 031. Ledger Central. WANTED An experienced engineer to assist in editing Lefax, Apply lOOd Pennsylvania Building. WATEIl RUDDERS wanted; must have fsc tory experience on fine cabinet work, furni ture or planes: physical examination ni sary. Apply Victor Talking Machine Com pany, application offlce, 23 Market at., Cam den. N. J. . SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE An you Interested tn helping the unemploye I bookkeeper, ateuograoher and clerk? If so. wc ask jour co-operatlsn with our free Commercial Service Department at LewxiT Central, where are luted competent, xnerlcnced buttnus women seeklne poJltlona pK Mlu Dean. Walnut 3000. If ou have an opening to fill. This service la tree to Lsdcxs Advertisers. fMlAMUERM.UD and waitress, competent, city C ref irx. 1403 N. Wllllngton St. Phone Poplar 0080 VV. ., UIIAUIIEIIMAID. good atamstrws iff ' ,U'I . S82Q faschull ave. nurse: tDi.rn.ij" CHAMPHRWORK or hou..vvk. In small Um.r rer. coioren wni. ph.. -, - CHILDUKSB-Intelligent young woman, ei DeVSneed. well recom'd. O 257. Led, t-entrel. COMPANION. American, seamstress; good rl M. v.. Jim vv. -'fc i .f...... ..-- .. COOK or chambcTmald. "ZJliiJ"aXT Catholio rectory, city. L tiJ. Ledger urnce COOK wishes sltuatloor flrat-class reference. FboK and cbsmbermaid. white, wish i ooaltlons eh": SllRoolja2aaLedgerOmce evening gowns specialty Phone vI. - -wiTovr-OLASSncOOK and houaekeeper.witb. boy F5rs. wStsjMlllon 7B- Calumet at. f.iXit Prut., etccaat cook, very capable. w-HlA,i.5re. il. i, .nuntrv ref. 1024 tI7eeuT Alltr 1U -" vy -,.. ncnifiiH nurse. Prot.. younr. wUhex notllKm; fhildren8-5 yaVrsref. 1&4 Oreen at. tllRL wishes position as maid with Brat-class family. So vWo,1 t!fiF'1"Zl2rh,W iZTU Law wardrobe. A l.. Ledger Ofdcs. aiRL wants downstairs work and cookto. 4." Maplewood ave.. Gennantowa. hnVERNESa. visiting 01 resident, educatsd abroach UeTrnan. eacb. lollu .and pUnq a. "SKltr G Ledger Central , NEAT, eitwrlenced colored slrl dislres eookUK pThousework. lettreaces. Phone .Prs.taa 4351. NURSE, tiaduais. wlsb jwslttoo s nuras to "tnvail3 or companion to elderly lady ref- eroei C Ml Xsdger Office wianee yw--- ----- - - : j.z Nli USE Rillef wurk or elderly per raJalWKa L U H4I N 11th rson best of f Ol 1S1I QlitL woatl leoersl bous'-woik 18.13 i ayujB ii r,,t-f.w .. HI WISH itl vien'e Bn tM)Ueot suu &xk. 5u.Uj wuk W D-Ullli. Klciloi. Q. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE ' po" ition fuLiTJrjr i"Tn I" locate m ?,!!. whfre development la possible. riShi .!;?' .' experience In teno Centrir "cr,cal worlt- 340. LIrer S ,5fortS?5Arj?B,t 7.PnipetenT. , conselentloiia er?n i.'K? Pfhlen. moderala salary; ref ernce. n aj iner ornre 8I,n;0nrVJAi;,fIL'" " .bookkeeper desires eve JJJl?,5rkof any knM.i0MiCenlwl. HTjunntMUy htlaht C WT, Ledger Ofilce. Sml'i"."' VMM'- ambitious, accur. iidmijj5oj(iUjp 751 loiter Oenlral. ."capable, accurate. 4 rears cxoerlence U 440. Ledger Centril hllSS iV0XIAN f l,hc "O'1110" a mother's SITUATIONS WANTED MALE A;!fr'llh' "' eipcrlencTUn" ihargo of the entlr books of various comp. li J", o "."! similar permanent position. tJ34S, LdgrCentral. ACCOl'NTANT fhor compu to manage office correspondence and credits, 12 years expert' cnce licsteferencc. (1 031, Ledger Central. ACCOUNTANT Keep, open, cloao books; spe cial reports. J', o llox 3SU,Phlladelphia. '.VCCOtlNTANT-UOOKKKEPEH Cap., age 28" dcslres position. Alref. U 458, Liger Cent. ADVERTISINO-Voung man, four yeara' "prac tical experience. nw employed, will accept a nominal salary It there's a future. Address BoCJ 13(1. Ledger JTcntral. At'DlTOIl-Accountant, qualined. wllfcnnstruct a stem, conduct audit or Investigation; pre pare bus. statements books opened, written up, bal'd, clowd, expert fenrtcn at minimum mat. Address Auditor. P O. JloxJSJS, Phlta. TiocfKUnhPEIl-Capablerexp. office man de sires position with reliable firm; moderate salary, Pest reference o All). Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPING by the day or hour, small seta lnoks taken- charge of moderalo charges. Expert Accountant Dell phone Walnut 1x37. i. CHAUFFEUR and capable gardener, single, sobcr, reliable; best refs. CJ3,.Ledger Office. CHAUrFEUR, white, exper. driver." mechanic; 8 j ears' reference. R. N. S.. 3131 Hemberger. CHAtTKEUtt White, married, exp; do minor repref J.C.Peden,20 W Sprlngave .Ardmore. COl'PLE. with, daughter 18, want pos.7 butler, cook chambermaid. Lnuenroth, 838 N "th. HOl'fiKMAN", colored, reference; New Jersey cr Penns linnU. waiter, butler. Ills Dalnbrldge. JAPANESE wants position, cook, butler, gen eral housework, has II years reference and experience. Write Ax. 1.M2 N. lflth. JAPANESE couple for small family: cook. . butler entire charge. O740, Ledger Central. MAN ANI"WIFE, first "class, marTunderstanda alt nork; garden, automobile, wife first-class cookTiO0O Lnneasteravc. NEAT. HONEST." respectable man and wife! butler nnd cook, or house cleaning by day or week Phone Poplar .1200. 2140 Jefferson. SALESMAN", experienced haudluur high-class merhanical and electrical apparatus, who can produco results, desires proposition of merit: salary or commission. O 243. Ledger Central SALESMAN Furniture nnd draperleB- Al rer crenrca furnished. O 440. Ledger Central. SALESMAN Young mnn, good edit., will ron slder prop., state partlc. o 3tt. Led. Cent. SALESMAN, tnsldo, 18 years' evnerlence ns llrm. tens, coffees, groceries. O 153 JLed JTont. SOUTH AMERICAN "EXPORTERS" Spanish translator, many years' experience, legal, commercial work, expert In export trade, "de sires engagement: moderate chnrges; highest jreferenccs. F 74'). Ledger Central. YOI'NO MAN. 29, private secretary: good character, ability, references, now emploved In another city, but desires to locate In Phlla delphlt will come hero for interview. G IMU Ledger Central. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES BAYLOR'S EMPLOYMENT AC1ENCV, 4010 LtTDI.OW ST. PRESTON 5448 AUTOMOBILES CARS STORED, $4 per month, regardless ot Bite; wo also buy and sell cars. Gillespie O.irnge SW1-M N. Both st. Belmont 48.11. - .BUSINESS NOTICES PRIVATE LOCK MAIL BOXES TO RENT; FINEST IN THE CITY. 38 N. BROAD ST. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES A REAL OPPORTUNITY A growing business has an opening for a young mnn. with (2.100 to 30 000 to Invest, as n.anager of a department. The Investment Id sound, attractive and pajs large profits. Salary with services. Your strictest Investi gation solicited A great chanco for a clean cut oung man wlta some ability and a de sire to make toed. Address L 520. Ledger Offlce. INVESTORS COMPANY REQUIRING ADDITIONAL CAPITAL WILL SELL A FEW SHARES AT PAR. CHANCE FOR INVESTORS OF JflOO OR J1CO0 TO GET ISf. RETURN. STOCK HAS Al SECURITY. Q 133, LEDGER CENTRAL. AN tntorest In an established and well-paying painting contracting hualness doing better cla3S ot work: a good opportuulty for a com petent man of good approach. L 21 1, Ledger Central. WANT INTEREST In established business can bo extended by use of moderate cnpltal: prefer mfg. or mall order. A 7. Ledger Off. CARPET CLEANING WEST PIHLA. MONARCH STORAGE CO. 3c. PER YARD. .1870-72 LANCASTER AVI.. CLEANING AND DYEING OSTIUClT-"FEATHERS AND FANCD3S CLEANED, DYED. MAILHOT.1B10 Chestnut. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY DRD3SMAKING taught, short, prac. course, McDowell, 307 DcncklaBldg llth.v. Market. ilkaiSTITCIIINO done while you watt. A. Ilelehard, H1.1 Chestnut. Pictorial Review pat. GOWNSfor all occasions, remodeling; moder ate price. 1510 Walnut, l-ocuat 077. fiTSTSTlT.lIINO done while ou wnlt. 8c. per j ard. Pleating also Nachman, 700 Arch st. FOR SALE IHLl.IARD, pool, combination, 2d-hand bought sold, rented, exch'd, Keafer. 320 Olrard aye. FI'LL1RESS SUIT, sue 30 and Tuxedo suit, slxo 38, will sell cheap. 241 North Oth. SUBTENANT must vacate at once; furniture Bold regnrdlese of price. 1.10 South 00th st. INSTRUCTION JfAGTIME PIANO LESSONS taught In 20 lea sons, write for booklet Chrlstenaen Schools, 3S2I1 Gcrmantown ave.; 1320 Tasker at. OLD GOLD BOUGHT. BOLD DIAMONDS EXCHANGED. WINDOLPH. i APPrtAISEIl. 2S N. 12TH 8T. STORAGE WEST Monarch Storage Co. Auto and pack PHILA. Ing and shipping. 3aI0 Lancaster ave. "" WANTED FEATHER BEDS Extraordinary prices paid t his month, antiques bought. 1337 N. bth at. U I 1 R N IT. I R E Antiques, pianos, etc., part w--- - or entire nousa bouxht. Kens. Furniture Co.. 3143 Kensington Ave. I ROOMS FOR RENT ARCH. HIS Fur., uiifur.; prlv. bath; ex celleat house and services: gentleman. UAHlNO'aT.. 3218 (Tlia Ullll,TO.N)-3 ttrat noor roouu; suit dentist, doctor, or apart meats. Mrs. Hells McClalq. uian-tger. 11HOAP, N.. bZO Iirnlihed rooms for lUht housekeeping; steam heat; hot water. flilOAD. 8., 529 New management j fur, rms, ;' clean; atcam heat: baths, very reasonable. IiitliWN. 1510 Exceptionally nice rooma for tight housekeeping, reaxinable; telephone. cjlIKflTNUT ST.. 4010-Very dealr. fiirn. or tinfurn. room In refined private bom, nice neighborhood; convenient to city, reference. CHESTNUT. 4.30--Excep 2d-story front, suit- able fot gentlemen, soon tobe vacant; phone. DIAMtNP."2193 Welt-furnished rooms, single or en suite: board optional. DUmoad 2321 w OHAT-C 15H-FurnUhed sitting room"; adjoin-, inn Lath: bay window; redned home; phone. iTnAT. 21-K (above Diamond) Second liontT ioarried couple boatd. rnu..q home: porch. TJoOTGOMERY AVE. 2S3t-Nlcly furnished r'XllsT ItlUt-HT' taiu'il ej-x.e.-Bjsrgjn leaiiae DOarQ. jiXUK AVM..K. lTSJ-Cooi and single rms., runalng water. lst-lass board. Diamond 0T38 W Photo displayed at Ledger Central. PINE. ItCS Cbwrlul single room, neatly ruj htJDlcktasaB. 3&Jd D. POWELTON, SS08 Two or three rooms, "with private Jiatb.d floor, modern conv'a. Phone. 8PRUCE. 1208 Very, attractive single and double fur'd yacs.ill corns. Wal. 7W3 W EPRUCB, 20S2 Desiiable suite, with UJIvate bath open fire. hone. ouer gHRUCB. 1624 -Large attractive aecond-floof roows single or en suite, private baths. XKNANGO, 1412-Private family desires to rsst furn. suite, cotoplete far houaakseplng ; slso parlor, board optloaal Ttega 4811 W. WAI-NUT. 4f01-Laire sltttua roam. Sd Boor; ucfviro. also anall ngm, PfttUm STS4 D. BOOMS FOB RENT 11TH, N, 2044 To nicely turn arts. , Jteam heiit, prlr. baths, running waier. Zdt 3d firs llTH, 8.. 110 Delightful rooms, adjoining bath i quiet, refined; het-water heatiJ)hone. 12TH, S., ltO-Central location; dealrsbts rooma, larnisnen. sj anti weeKiy , pnone. ISTir. N., between York and Dauphin Three unfurnlshetl rooms, gas range, porcelain sink. . Owner. Adult family. Diamond BJ0SJJ l&TH. N., 180S-Flnely furn. rooms, home com . ferts; phone; excellent locntjonjreasonable. lmir, N, 1701 -Comfortably furnished room on 2d floor; board optional, Diamond 1)418 W IflTH. P., JlO-Comfortabtv furnished room. wlth all conveniences, also attic room. 17TH, N., 3,135 Furnished room in private family; gentleman. Photo at Ledger Central. ioTH ST.. n.. trzi-o'Ni: ltooM. FURNisTfr.o. tJUrt YKfll KX L-fiH ; PHONE 407IH, 8.. 11.1 nicely furnfshed room In con venlent nelghborhotdi south, exjgmrehone. 41ST.. 8., ai.TWeTTTurnlshed rooms in refined neighborhood; home com'ts: conv't. Pbone. 62D. NI"i5f NIcelyTurn. rooms: reffnedneTgK bQThood; near L; private family! phone. " THE ROOMS YOU WANT Single or en suite, with or without kitchen ette, all newly nnd elegantly furnished; hot water heated throughout; awnings at every window In summer; parlor suitable for rtoe tor's otnee, 1313 N. 13th st. jiplar 315TD GENTLEMAN who will" appreciate well-furnished room In an apartment; steam heat, private family; best location of West Thlla j neighborhood 41th Walnut Ph. Paring 237. HANDSOMELY furnished front roonirTn large. modern, private home, electric lights: 10 mm utcs to City Hall. Telephone Baring 413. IIACIIELOii APT 1 or 2 beau. furn.T With. excius. section w. rhlln. jrrestoti sail u 32d and" Sansom Furnished rooms, men only; meals; WEST BRANCH shoner baths; near L; all the Y. M. C A. comforts of home. Phone Bel mont 4181. Key . West 3.SH. BOARDING CICFSTNUT. 2013 Well-furnished second-floor room: excellent table: phone. POWELTON, 4V17 Prlv. family, bright front room, wisn renneu inuy or gentlemen. RACE. 34L1 Trained nurse has pleasant home for refined people desiring good accommoda tions, special care of Invalids or elderly per sons. iTeatnn nauj u SPRlfCE, 10211 ?Kecrful rooms, single or suite; private bath; excellent board SPRUCE 1224-20 (Brlsmotule) Furnished rms.. single, en suite, privnie nntns. laoie iwi SPRUCE, 1230-Sulto ot rooms, prtvato bath" and also id noor front: injuoooorn. SPRUCE ST.. 4010-Rooms with board, single or en suite excellent table board. phone. WALLACE. 1S21 Nicely furn . well heated, hot water. excellenttable: convs., phone WALNUT. 3003 Warm, plensant rooms; beau tiful nelghbrhood: board; Preaton 0421 A. WALNUT, 4014 Nicely furn. 2d-slory front, suitable gentlemen or couple, iwimont ,"'?' WALNUT." 3042 Nicely furnlshcf" 2d front; also single rooms, conven.. good tabl;phono, THE Cl.irinont.TiTfi Xc Walnut-Attract furn room for couple: South, cooking Bar322w IOTH. N."l23-Lnrge third-story front room. with board; other yqcnncles, phone. 40Til. N".. Too-Private famTTy T1T hoard " re- iln ed gentlemen; conv. to city. Baring 8 is. 41ST. S., 202 prlvote family has nicely furn. rooms, ooartl optional, conveniens jjiiujic. INVALID or elderly couole riven excellent care- nurse's private home Helmontjggl I Siilmrlian G-ERMANTOWN. 213 W. Rlttcnhouse st , be tween Wayne and Greene Desirable rooms, with board: homelike. Phone fltn. 1573 X. Tnble Ilourd CHESTNUT. 4048 Good table, nice nelghbor hood: convenient to city. Preston C32 D. APARTMENTS BROAD, N.. P04 Two-room suite, unfurnished; steam heat, electric lights, parquetry floors. bav window and window seat, open fireplace, private porch, largo, excellent dlnlnp room: meals optional. Photos at ledger Central. WALI-ACU 18.11 2 UNFUR. VMS.. PKIV. BATH, 2D FLOOR. WALNUT. 1222-24 (Kenwood) Desirable vacs.. single or en suite, nrtv baths: wilt fumlh to suit tenant: moderate rent. Walnut 8184. BROAD, N 830 Housekeeping apartment; 5 large, rooms: bath, all conveniences. Apply. SPRINOARDEN. 1010-Excellen't opts. In 8 different houses; some furn'd, kitchenettes. 13TH. N., 1820 Comf. furn. bachelor apt., with private bath; quick transportation. CHILTON APARTMENTS ;i21i iiaring at. .... ,, Two first-floor rooms, with private bath: sim- nble dentist or doctor or nnartments. Mrj. nell. Mcclain irotr. Dell nhona Presinn 03BT DOCTOn will rent In his private home two largo rooms, kitchenette, private bath. 3 North 20th st 1 TOM'Q HP AH "Handsomely furnished U1U1N 3 nCAU aptg 1213.15 Locust. West Philadelphia. BALTIMORE. 4530 Sublet hkpg. apt., 2d II. : 8 rnia. ; uuiu. ijuh;ii, ,,., . ... "-,. -" - OVERBnOOK Rooms, single or en suite; . , .. . ..(.. fan l nva.h.ftnt, 1 fjlll T). uuaiu vif, , ... ,,, w...m.. . FURNISHED APARTMENTS 12TH AND WALNUT Will sublet handsomely furn. housekeeping apt.. 3 rms. bath & kltch enette. rarquetry floors. Phone Walnut 0,8. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS 1230 N IOTH ST. Small np-irtment, first-floor front, private bath, hot-water heat, low rent. i'opiar invi. DIAMOND, "21111 (apply 2112) I rooms, hath, kitchenette, hot-water heat, telephone, I.15, SPnTNO-OAIIDEN, 1701 Sullo. private bath: furn.. housekeeping: plenty heat hot water THE DAUPHIN APARTMENTS ,. n vn TrtATi ?T. TsltlUllTV EXCLUSIVE HKPG. FLATS. ONLY TWO (2)Lr2FT,Tfrroit on premises. WRITE, call or phone Walnut PfiO for March "Apirtment Vacancy Bulletin." Free Apart ment Bureau. 13th and Spruce ata REAL ESTATE TOR SALE Ambler. Pa. WB SPECIALIZE In auburtan property along "?':.--.. v . ti.,t,t.v,am in, rkiDlHtnwn branches; we offer suburban homes, farms. Improved .'ountry places and building sites; we can satisfy any reasonable purchaser. II. J. PAGER. Inc.. Ambler. Pa. nt. ". iiu x... u.tutc-.'- ...... - .. . .. .. O lenolden. Pa. NEAV 8-ROOM DWELLING, latest Improve ments. Apply 31 Parker aye, Haddonfleld. N. J. HAVE SEVERAL FINE PROPERTIES at bargain prlcesT WM CAnEY MARSHALU mt Fe.leral st.. Camden. National Park. N. J. HUNaALOWS. lots 23xl50; near trolley: over. inSitin.r Del. Greater N. J. Co.. 33 8. 16th PENNSYLVANIA rAllMS .u ...nva tnNtlnn land hulldlnea. water 1 .,, riiiriad facilities all first-class: has ArvthlnK that goes to make a good farm: Several slock T farms cheap 150 2S0 and 23-5 acres- th3 very jest or land and cheap; state 1 JONATHAN C HAimVatJShesterra;. 35rA"cREf""frult farm, 10 acres apples, 10 acris waches. pears! J730O. J. D. TIIOMP- DV, .-. . .; - - . BUTXCRES. 11000: 1H miles station; 230 peach SON. v, esv i,hhl,- 11EAL15. Weat Chester. Pa. RjJAIi ESTATE SALE OR RENT own- a home Houses ilbOO to 10250; small nrit paymit and 17 to 150 per month, II. a nerinjjwstnut. st. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE Atlantic City, N J. HOTELS, cottages, apartments, etc.. to ex chsSiv for Philadelphia property. Chas. y" y.ll. 38B. Penna. ave.. Atlantic City. BEAT, ESTATE FOR RENT WE8T PHILADELPHIA f ItAVB OCCUPIB1) my NEW OFFICES AT 1 Na 8U3 IMAHKKT STRBET, just across the Tlreet from, my present addreos. No. 51W Market St. am going to make a specialty ol collection r rents and tare of properties. "commVnctng April 1. I will coflect rents for as low aa S per cent., accordlag to tiMStlon ot properties, class of tenants, responsibility for Inspection of repairs, etc It would Py aa- to ca" ani1 m about my new,. fi M WAgg now at 5133 Market street. vtMh phones. (Formerly 5140 Market at.) nvviCES, HUSINKSS II0OM8. ETC. tIk ROOM, all conveniences; Keystone PS .rcV la Prry llldg. M 240. Led. Cent. I'rofeeslanal Offices. TnTfvKESSlOiNAl- or business office; all -on7 1 ii.ncts. centrall low rentat 2W S, lBlh. AtUntto City. N. J. 7irTELS. IiaHDlNO 1IOUSBS. VILLAS, "cOTTAaES, APAHltBNTiS. any season, all loiatuns. Atlantis City. Cbslsea. Ventnor; automobll service. ,ujl U HARIllB & CO.. Bartlett Bldg iioTELS. ooardlnK houses, oottages, etc. " DEAN &MOORE. 40 8 Florida avj. MORTGAQES AMt m- t C1H6STNVT. 1H0 Cae-Jtam St. asMnmsi iiissseisMs.seiiesaesss.sii. ssii.sssi.i.ttMaseeaagiassi..ewsjstVM ' I ull ,isili i ii , rwis I il. w sfcsasgtw) - ...-,.. . . . , ... u .. 1 SCRAPPLE $ The lltiB Thnt Couscs Sleep THE PADDED CELL. Trll&SHtXJvitJST Qt?-S CAVJS&rAATHE PRESS J , P OH-oo I THIA1K Vte's V V SZ W. V ( THE DEAREST THlMfii) YpO . . -gssaslBstlM &mJ Y. WrlHxH S In a Harbor Shop Like Father's Clothes HWHBH It wns In it suburban barber shop, and Llttlo Jamos had been telling: a visitor $WSf8nKm?WP ' I ta .mfr ,wl,h .a r9.6,1''8 ?I0.wth ot J,t!,bbir that his fathor had sot a. now sot of mWmeL sli Vr benrd had sontcd himself In a chair to , , . ., ft gigJssMaax. tJsaMseT linvo his whiskers cropped. WISQ tcotl1' 8ssIbbbbbbbbI "Guess you'll have a tlmo glttln' them "Indeod!" said tho visitor. "And what i? $HrepflH ; off." ho remarked, us tho barbor began will he do with tho old set?" W 9Kb9rslY 4' rubbing: on tha lather. .-oh. I a'pose." replied little James, u'JSItWM., v-v ",h' f d0"'t.kUKW'". "W ho barber "thoy'll cut 'om down, and make me wear &W?Vtt&F W', 5 carelessly. "All beurds look al ko to , , , ... ,. S-leKsFv ? m 'em." New Torlc World. i jaKg5Ji wm V. ,- " me- 'fftriMist ftoiWirr "Wunat I went Into a barber shop to li? iih-iWai a j- gt shaved," resumed the farmer, "and Comprehensive Ignorance -Sketch.,n.brm;,dIma'" J-men were ph.losoph.Z.nB. Raid New rtecruIt-Lumme. BUI II.r. Xllnele" "l' tiL" ," "Dll '" "top to think wan half an officer! What are wo supposed to icii, you haven't got anything' on me' of t,le worl1 don't know how the other do? old man. If all burbers wns llko you. I'd "a,t ff8ts alonu?" Second Ditto I dunno. Let's cut let my beard grow.' "Columbus DIs- "You're right," says Mike, "and neither him deadt patch. does tho other half." New York Post. THERE'S NOTHING TO IT j5- TW &- (C2- -OP A (tOOOORP'A " " London Cartoon. I Dcc . V cujtv.-ci.ucK-- I "'E's a fine llttlo lad. ma'am I I GROOOO; VcuK.n-uci-ucvX' ain't seen a finer. And bless ye', I GflOOOO1 j " been gardening- for 20 years at tha ( reformatory round here, too!" 1 Jt- r. mjW - Km&hW& . mmiiZ- ai stz&z. ft, jm: i-rwtAm m 'zm& S JSri: vr. ,"JSi . l S i china W r X P s?k wmsrM -sks 5?- s'-sS&piL SZ0"' s- "jry S5fe?v-" "Say, Uncle Bill. I dreamed you S -7S?fi5raSSJJ "-SfigSS-S-i-ta?1 a.v? m "J"" '-" n'sht." L ' - --T' -go.ijeSiWrV- "Very well, Willie, you may keep It" THE PROFESSOR THEN WENT AND GOT ANOTHER SOCK AND WORE THREE , , m i - . .JJ JM, Y pj xiJjJ o--"-C, i--" i. - ;g!g'?3LJ 3b-Z sy j fi "J vi af- y 1 j ..... iK- S' - ! THERE'S rtOTHIM' I H fcoT-Sv V To IT J J Hil F' 1 J