IT niiiiii HiintHtoSttSaMtmi jpBING MILLINERY, ATTRACTIVE FOOTWEAR, FASHIONABLE FANCIES SEEN IN AB AND FEMINISM I AS SEEN BY MR. LIT jr Prominent Merchant Discusses I Season's Fashions for Benefit I of Women. i .n liken to look pretty, nnd F,rndto beauty now oxtats than !Ert and becoming hat, well adjusted mX:..Il with an eye to harmonl7lng '?,a..nd complexion. It Is extrnordl. 2 1'w . iiole the transformation wnicn iSK'&l chon hat can bring about in the "S-BtiM !''" t the most ordinary woman. 4V7, tewon's hats nro wonderfully at W' r Mvr before lias thcro been ?"1 In Infinite variety In shapes, color-J?-?i.rial and harmonious blending. r& iirlleu r, the shapes of tho new . i. it very Important. They are de M.i'lmln. nnd the colonial and &" rtepnerdcM sailors lead In popu UWMn choosing a hat, the greatest care isvi. whole Too many women are con .! irtlh a pleasing front view and Ig ... Reappearance of tho hat from tho Kit .nil tides It should be remembered ;ft the back view of n hat Is quite as Kl,, any other, and that It ijwff harmonize appropriately with th COi.7... t..-a nf til a RPHflnn flTft PJC- JMt Seagull gray Is very prominent. ?.i . lone known ns crushed rose, while thcro -n til be n great ilcmnnd for ill Hie military colors such ns Helglan ilk Indian sellow. Ilus'lnn green nnJ tftoie wonderful Cossack reds We cer lnlr have an Infinite vnrioty to chooso torn and all are nttrnctlo and smart. ,!.. .mnllrr hats arc generally rather cUtn and "erc In crtcct, whllo the larger hit are dressier Cloudllko extensions cf chllfon or crepe give a charming sha dow effect to the dressier lints Borne lovely models have chiffon brlmi, lth nressod flowers Inserted between law of tho chiffon The effect of this .quite fnlryllke, nnd the blending of tho (lower colors Is softened and hnrmonlzcd by the telling of chiffon A great popu irilv for this pretty style will take place later In the season "Ostrich feather crowns arc very new. They re erv becoming to the average woman and gle a thoroughly dressy rook to the plainest hat Tlnwir trimmings are nbundant. It willv Is wonderful whnt nn Infinite a- rtely can be Introduced In this connec tion Nature can bo reproduced with the greatest nccuracv, and enn almost be Wproved upon, for such fancies as bluo and mnue roses, jellow lolcts, bluo dallies bloom with the moat natural air on the spring millinery. Streamers are ver popular They give laeh a quaint, oUl-fnshloncd nlr to hats, tnd one thinks of old paintings when one lees them Quills, fancies and ribbon tewa are also much In vogue Such mnr Villous things can be accomplished with l few lengths of ribbon In c!eer hands. Jet trimmings nre seen on n great many if the nowest hats Black chiffon and Jet mike a wonderful combination, and sev eral hats of this combination carry no ether ornament at all. 'The new hats nre In a nrlety of straws and tt)les. Neapolitan straw Is smart and there Is a demand for it Bamboo to popular, and tagnl, whllo crepes nnd chiffons look particularly dainty nnd attractive. Leghorn will be much In re quest and It lends Itself to so many pretty combinations of color that Its popularity Is assuied Tho leghorn re quires little trimming a twist of French blue ribbon around the crown and a soft pink rose will mako a charming effect extremely largo hats will bo most popular this season Picture hats are so Kcomlne to the nveraco woman that h I".wIm to Include one In her millinery tii&rtment .Poke shapes nre also popular. One leg horn hat 1s Dolly Vardon shape has a large roll brim with a blue chiffon crown. Ion? streamers of bluo velvet and a large trench rose In front It lnnWs fvniilolto ' ijie display of hats Just now Is qulto exceptional And not only nro they smart Md. attractive, but nt tho some tlmo they are something really new and Original. SAMUEL, D. LIT. Milady's Lingerie r Never before, unless It was In the days of Napoleon's ga and luxurious court, waa lingerie bo appeallngly feminine, end Incidentally so extravagant But nobody stops buying it for that trifling reason for milady wants exquisite wraps and clinging negligees, she sim ply goes out, bujs them nnd sends them home Transparent materials of nil kinds are wed In making these undergarments. Chiffon Is a favored fabric this year, nnd Georgette crepe Is second In demand. Fuasy willow taffeta and handkerchief linen are also used, although they nro not so extensively popular as t'no crep6 at chines and chiffons. Negligees are beautiful in design and exquisite in their colorings this season. any Of them havn nnnmnrlnti. tlHaci such as "the orchid," or "the gardenia," W. One of these was made of flame colored chiffon, with a velvet coat of Uie tame shade. Tho bodice, If you could Mil It that, was made of palest fles'n wiored chiffon, shaded to deep flame and jack to white. These were artistically jraped across the bust, being held In Place by strips of sliver tissue. The Ijj from the shoulderB In a plain line, mnch bouquets finished off the shoul i and were tacked on tho skirt. M." attractive orc"nld gown was car f " u I" the same plan, the trimmings tttog pale.plnk orchids, fcmnch underclothing Is not so com 0B th' season, nnd it Is doubtful If I?!."'' creations could rival our i Cftn 3tyle. Unless it be in fine ona-embrojdered models. One novel tCeatiOn Or fnrlm mal.. .. a nnl. nt wine pajamas with embroidered collar - mat m the pastel shades. Tho em- 'Kii r. con!llted of little rosebuds with l.s 'f1 th natural shades. They wero jjTirr unique and pretty. r"JT.,,op8 combinations and chemises In fiSrf rchlet llnen and nn baatlate, with K vi . and eolii embroidery In front, are C.JTTt "tylea for the conservative lA ul,yi" dislikes colored undercloth- NI-reen ribbons are taking the r n we baby blue and plnU -which J f worn In .former years. ftBelta for Tailored Suits ."7.'" th8 f"19 tor tbo stout woman & tMolce, for, indeed, her hour has come M lt. No longer will she nave to look ?' " helpless envy while her Blender jj-i.c mvow around In wide, graceful gc Bhe wUI never have to ait sllent- 1 '" na watch the conquest of the E'eafriadoff by a clinging vine. The jy fM turned at last, and the "sturdy f?.i . yp of woman can reat assured 4i.i. " woman can I ai"V roinyroom is over The spring lowf'J Prves conclusively that the nar 0 belt has come to atay, Hemstitr.Iiir.o' I Buttons fm SU dona wblla you nit. EV 51,' n". Aeeordlen and Bunny felryat t'h plr,c" od lulek U" Parisian Plaitlnij asd Novelty Co. two ho. iatn hi. ' ZmBtUH PMMWSR smSmJmBlM rtZv"'' "MmmlmS4W!i "-1' l mftxmm-s"- v-,-- .&;' JKTLifiii. ? ;.. .i&XLM New Footwear A pretty foot Is supposed to be a great asset to a woman's appearance If wom en look more time and thought ocr tho purchasing and tho fitting of their foot wear the effect would certainly be In finitely more pleasing to tho eo. So many women seem to Imagine that any sort of thing will do In tho matter of foot apparel Yet the whole toilette con easily bo marred by an Ill-looking shoe, Just ns tho temper nnd the 'ncalth can bo spoiled by a badly fitting one. In purchasing boots and shoes, tho great matter Is to have ft prdper fit. This cnoico or nt snouid really bo left to the salesgirl, who Is trained to study tho re quirements of each Indltldual customer. "It took slzo two beforo I was married, 10 years ago, and I Insist upon wearing the samo now," declared a woman once "But your foot may havo grown since then," murmured tho salesgirl "Impossible," was tho answer, "for I had stopped growing then, I can assure you, my dear. No, I shall look nt size And slzo two didn't fit her In tho least It cramDCd her feet dreadfully and really must hao caused her considerable pain But nothing could move tho good lady from her choice. Sho couldn't under stand that 10 years of tramping around a 'nouso, running up and down stairs 100 time a day at tho call of a large fnmllj, standing for hours In tho kitchen over a gas-cooker, could poEPtbly tend to mako tho foot spread and broken. Tho wise womnn will, therefore, bo guided by tho salesgirl In tho cholco of size. Tho foot should bo carefully meas stired ench time a pair of shoes Is pur chased, and they should be chosen a llt tln larger than necessary. -Many women In Philadelphia have very small feet. Wo havo quite a demand for size one At tho same time It must be admitted that slzo nine is also qulto popular. Out in Chicago slzo 10 Is sold a great deal Western women are heavier In build, though not bo necessarily taller than the women in the East. We are particularly careful not to put anything inside the s?ioo to Irritate tho foot. We aold Inside seams like tho plague. How tho women of England can tolerate some of tho shoes sold over there Is remarkable! Tho seams, the roughness of tho Inside, finish, must really bo painful to endure Philadelphia Is famed for Its fine shoes. Just ns Phlladelpnla Is famed for the smartness of Its women In matters of dress The women drcsa quietly, In ex cellent taste, their clothes built on scien tific lines and of excellent fit. Nine-tenths of tho better grade of shoes nro made In Philadelphia. There SIDE-LACED BOOT Is a close connection between the changes In fashion of shoes nnd the change in fashion of dress Tor Instance, be foro sand-color became popular for wom en's sult-wenr, the sand-colored tops ap peared on all tho boots. There didn't Beem to be any rhyme or reason at first why this should bo so But later, when the gowns and suits of sand-color ap peared, the boot tops were explained. There Is no accident, no chance In the changing fashions of boots nnd shoes. They are created to harmonize with the plot'nes. The shoo pattern man keeps right up to the minute In fashion. There Is this difference In the making of suits and gowns and the making of boota and shoes whllo a gown can be made In a couple of days, it takes four or five weeks to construct a shoe. From 20 to !5 different people handle tho shoe beforo It reaches completion. Prom tho cutter to the flnlsner the processes it undergoes are 'many and varied, but all Important. An average price for boots and shoes 1b 5. The average woman la willing to pay this amount. Tho boot that laces up the side is pop ular. The lace boot and tho spat boot uttomCovere Hemstitching Dress Pleating Benj. B.Lewis 1535 Chestnut St. Take Elevator i IMMsMnmfnm!' Grauner Gowns The fashion ehow of Spring and Summer models enables us to ehow our patronesses the value of fine workmanship at moderate prices. Our gowns and suits with full skirts are known to be unsurpassed. Ladles can furnish their own ma terials. Summer Dresses. . . . $15 and up Linen Suits. ....... 2t5n and. "P Serge SulU ? ""d "P J531 N. Broad St. X' 'roSPiWr itF! -rrr!,'1lrS tM wWimmmm m I iwk . & M&. smm immmm'fmnmn ilNisisKiX stf Ulllifflii'L --dL f ' wFBfMtinF ifi SIHTs . T-7 r skdSii .tW 'v,' ' " " '""" " 1 1 , "' you oan Imagine; high In back and low lllllS?yjiSSSt? irBU SPRING MILLINERY k ' m n ,. 1 -fr. ...v,& -. Zeiss'? S Vri X'-.?..! FN. 7i-)HBv -i" JrL, will be In demand all summer. The ma terials used will be light-color cloth, pearl gray kid, putty kid and sand cloth The short skirts look better with boots of this type than with the low-cut shoe GEORGE L. APGAR. Style Demands Good Fit In Corsets, No matter how new or pood the style in corsets is, unless tho Pit is perfect, the effect is lost Our corset experts devote particular effort to fitting every customer. 1316 Walnut St TAKE a KODAK y&M HAWORTH'S KAHTMAN KODAK CO. 10TO CHESTNUT BT. Atlantic City More. 1CS7 Boardwalk SW i:''5al - u "Vvv 'MIM.UMU, LI -a"-", u. - zi$ttii8r yN r . w.-yf -i -j y. hjiwh" ..I'.tjwy t sa.i. z je:i L I This Week We Unfold I Correct Fashions g Women's & Misses' Dress i m Spring 1915 jgl Coats ' Dresses gjp JH Suits Skirts Blouses B-j I 1222 Walnut Street I I "Style Without Extravagance" OF NEW DESIGNS Milady's Clothes The peasant note In spring fashions is to bo seen at every turn. It makes Itself known In the tiny Jackets and wide, flowing skirts Thero can be no doubt of the origin of such a combination. The newest skirts may be an Improve ment on the tight ones in some things, but they cannot bo said to have the classic grace of line which wo had In some of the draped oreatlons. Great simplicity Is the keynote of the spring street costumes, and nowhere Is this found more true than In the cloth fabrics, where distinction of line and plain effects, achieved mainly by novelty of weave, Is seen In tho coverts, home spuns and basket weaves. Even such an important item as trim ming Is also plain. There Is a perfect furore for braidings of all kinds, In plain nnd fancy patterns, applied by hand or by machine. Tho familiar vormlcelll pattern has been roWvcd, and tho single serpentine borders are applied singly, In rows and clustered together, forming a deep border on tho coat or skirt Black is very largely used for plain and figured weaves. Accessories in Dress Milady may glitter and snap with spangles or shake with tassels from every part of her dress and be right In fashion. Ashei of roses is an old color which is returning to favor. Choker collars are here In every variety t tTkiutHco itier MrsAReichard 1113 CHESTNUT ST. STAMPING and EMBROIDERING DESIQNINQ INDELL1DLE INK MARKINQ PINKINQ AND PLEATING HEMSTITCHING DONE WHILE YOU WAIT 10c Per Yd., All Materials PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS 10 AND 15 CENT8 BY MAIL OR FROM 1113 CHESTNUT ST. PHILADELPHIA IffJVjtJ you oan Imagine; high In back and low In front, and high all the -way around. Tucks are very fashionable on th chil dren's dresses, and smocking is another fa orlte Simplicity Is the keynote of dress goods for the spring. Fullness In the newest petticoats Is very evident when MUndy swhihes post, and some of the sklrtB measure 4 nnd E yards around the bottom, although the major ity are about 2H sards wide The very latest Georgette crepe and chiffon blouses are shirred and smocked at the shoulders, giving a rather round shouldered effect. -A Dye Gowns? Tes, Madam, wo certainly do ij 5 owns, expertly of any material to etlrea ahada In connection with our famous French Dry Cleaning Our charxea ara very fair and nominal for such Important work. rhono Walnut 6503. Primo Dye Works Cleansers and Dyera. 510-12-14 South 13th St. 211 South 15th St. George Allen, inc. 1214 Ckeetnut Street 1214 Opening Imported Paris Model Hats and Our Own Creations Remarkable Sriowmg Untrimmed Plats in all the new fashionable shapes and braids. Flower Department Our department for flowers and millinery trimmings has been greatly enlarged, so that we arc in a position to show you a larger variety than ever of the newest novelties for the coming season. nHJj5"3 Spring Opening 3P an Exhibit & resteer Smporter Foreign creations and Preiser's exclusive designs in ready to wear Suits, Wrafs, Street and Evening Gowns and Waists, all at notably moderate prices. We have an inexhaustible collection of models and fabrics to select from in our custom order department. Your patronage Is cordially solicited. tJDfjc "ETfemw Hfjop 1531 Locust Street Sismimmmimsimmim '""""i 'WiiTTO - For the Smart Woman A simple but decidedly smart spring costume seen tho other day was made of Pin checked material In black and white. It looked so much like seagull gray that one had to look twice to recognize the real color. The skirt was fulled onto a band, -which formed the belt, and fell In Inrge godet folds at the hem. The waist was a plain little Jacket effeot These little sacques, as they are called, reoall the early "Victorian days An old pink silk pongee or moire Is the favored material when a small hat, poke efleot. and ooeked up In the back. Is worn with this, It makes a very piquant costume Berpenttne braiding Is very much worn on tho skirts of the new gowns Sou tache Is popular, too, and military touches are seen In the shnpe of epau lettes, clasps, buokles and such orna ments. onQr nxatao aunt "9 A. M. and the Day'sWork Done " Tho 9-pound Frantz Premier, small and com pact. Upstairs or down stairs it can be carried with ease and operated with scarcely any effort. You can have one deliv ered to your homo for a trial demonstration put it to any test you desire. Don't -wait till houseclean ing time, telephone today. IescUnc Storea and RIectrio Shopa. Cull them or Market 415, (or a demonstration In your home. Frantz Premier Distributing Co. 730 Market St. tiiiiid ixoob Philadelphia TTTrrnrnnnrTfmfirfii'fiTOir -irrfrtriwii 1tW JLW &i2iaAmiJ3i THE STORES The New Skirts Woolen weaves have been made so sup pie and so soft by modern manufactur ing processes, that they serve equally for either Bilk or cloth This resemblance Is oven more clearly seen In the many combinations of the sea son's favored light weinht clotU weave, nnd the host of lovoly silks, ach fabria emphasizing the beauty of the other Even the most conservative now admit that tho full skirt, so long threatening tO transform the fashionable silhouette Hto n now shapo, has actually come Into Its own It promises to mlo the world of fashion for six months, nt least, If not for the whole year. In heavier materlnls the gored aklrt will prevail, nnd for the mors supple plaits, gatherings nnd shirrlngs will bo In style Tho -woman who has laid away for fu ture reference perfectly good dresses of ample width would do well to carefully examine their possibilities. Doubtless, with very Uttlo trouble, they can be sue oensfutly transformed Into fashionable ooertumes for the season. Staed Alone! '"THESE tlireo models among tho best-known Nemos dato back four, fivo and ten years. Details havo been conformed to changing fashions, construction and fabrics nre improved: but tho hyglcnta features novo re mained the same. These models are In greater demand to-day than ever before. What does that mean? means that women who have Worn them can't do without thtm. Thero fe no sulstilulo. No other corset can givo equal style, ease, long wear, and HYGIENIC SERVICE. Through all the foolish corset fads the Nemo has como out stronger, more pop ular than ever. m Three Models that are Friends of Millions ' $ rte m W7 1 L3221 &0O Nr 403 $A9 l IN 523 $CW No. 322 $3.00 For alt average fall figures. Firm support. Madlom iklrt with Lutl. eurva-Oaek. MbJIain butt. Sliei il to 88. No. 320 It tame, with longer Idrt. , No.403-$4.00 For Urge figures, fleah evenly dis tributed. Seml-elutle Kaliaf T&aadU give fin support. Iadlam butt, Lang aklrt with Liitlcarve-13cJc SUM 12 toss, No. 523 $5.00 For full, haary figures. Famous Laitlkopa llandlat gives Darfact aup. port from underneath. Btronsh rec ommended, by doctors. Medium buat and skirt. 81x 83 to 16. CORSETS No. 341 $3,00 The new Tnvlibla" Self -Reducing, with concealed supporting atiapa. Al ready a great favorite with womaa who need N.ino Self -Red uctag nrvle but like a corttt a bit lighter, U4 satosa. i Be a Wise Woman! Get the Nemo Habit SOU EVEHVWKEHE lit Vmm Ifo2K4b ktttai. K. t. irfi'iiiini-iiiir'nnii jiirtmirr"iiiiiririiiiiTTiTrmirn