BTEKING lSD0BH-PHlIABTSlr3a:iA MONDAY, IVfABOg 8. flftB; 10 m NEWEST STYLES IN MEN'S CLOTHES, AMERICAN COIFFURES NOW IN ASCENDANCY Hajrdressing Show Proves De cline of Foreign Modes, Authorities Sny, The readiness with which the women of Philadelphia have accepted the Made-ln-Ametlciv modes of coiffure launched at the recent Hnlrdresslns Show held here, U proof positive, according to local au thorities, that the heretoforo Inevitable Influence exerted by the foreign experts has finally given way to saner, less ex tremo styles, more suited to the American fact. "The beautiful pompadour," said one tradlrigr coiffeur, "which admits of so many different treatments, Is with ua train, although, ns e. matter of fact, even when It was more, or less 'out,' about 25 per cent, of the women those who Insist on giving becomlngness the preference over ultra-styles stuck to It. "Now virtually every woman wants It, and tho result Is going to bo a marked increase in their good looks, because tho pompadour can be varied to suit so many tj'pes of countenance. It can be ar ranged to fall to tho right or to the left; It can be made to llo lint or to stand away from the forehead. Thero is no other style to equal It." Another triumph which tho hair dressers are patting themselves on the back for achieving Is tho fact that for the first time In years the milliners are meeting them half way, and Instead of coiffures having to conform entirely to the dictates of tho hatmakers, chapeaux aro being fashioned with head sizes roomy enough for tho full, high halr dresslng now in vogue. Two years of simplicity In hirsute adornment have proved ample, too, for my lady of ckle tastes, end all the llttlo hair accessories, such as puffs, curls, bang's and psyches, are coming to tho front again. Fortunately for the feminine pocket book, there Is a large supply of hair goods on hand In America and foreign Importations will not have to bo depended upon In these cxDenslva war limes, other wise the smart woman with scant locks would have been In a quandary, Indeed, "A year ago," said a local expert, an alyzing tho situation, "the hair dressers of America anticipated that there would be a big demand for false hair and we stocked up with It, but wo missed cal culations slightly. The women were not ready for it and wo faced a loss. How ever, things have come our way now and false hair Is In demand. The Incident, nevertheless, proved one thing that we are quickly coming to realize and that is that you can't force a fashion on the A'merlcan women. They won't havo so much as a little curl until they are ready for it" In addition to curls and puffs not the stiff, sausage-like variety, but the soft, natural, entrancing ones rhlnestone nnd Jeweled combs will bo smart for evening wear, when the hair Is, of course, piled high. For afternoon wenr, tho three quarter psyche, with tortoise shell adorn ments, will be the favored mode. Smart Hairdressing Knlrdresslng this spring has undergone quite a distinctive change, showing three different styles high, three-quarter and law effects, and each style has Its own Individual attractiveness. Puffs, curls or small braids may be worn with the most becoming effect In any of these beautiful designs. The masculine style of decided parts so popular for a tlmo Is now being replaced by a softer and moro becoming arrangement than that of the trans formation effect with a slight expression of a part on the side. These transformations, so becoming to all faces, are decidedly natural In ap pearance, and are achieving great popu larity, for they; defy detection. No woman who Is Interested In tho appear ance of her hair, especially during the warm months whether at homo or at the shore should be without one. They are naturally curly, easy to arrange and are being shown In all the up-to-date shops. The marcel wave still continues in favor as a boon to those who are not favored with curly locks. It. BRENNAN. Parasols, Spring 1915 The spring of 1915 bids fair to excel Its predecessors In the showing of strikingly attractive and novel parasol shapes and designs. An Increasing popular shape known as the Nippon has Incurved rib ends In con trast to a vogue of last year on which the rib ends curved outward. The Nfppon is also a very attractive parasol when closed, Shirring Is still in big demand as Is shown in La Plelse, shirred pyer all La Vlvlnn shirred half and La Tontour shirred top and bottom and plain centre. There are also shown the nipple and the Flapper, which harmonize with mi lady's tucks and ruffles. And the Mor ningstar for the tailored lady. The Toklo Is an extreme Japanese shape and La Petite is a modified Japanese shape that bids fair to remain a favorite. Sand color, Belgium blue, bat tleship gray and old rose are the colors in demand, while black and white combina tions and the popular greens have a trong following, JOHN M. KING. What Women Wear Smocking and shirring are both seen on some of the fabrics. It Is favorite trim ming for hand-made blouses or sheer ones of the French variety. Crepes of all weaves are good this year, particularly the ones with what la called the nub stripe. These stand laundering beautifully, and even the Georgette crepe, though the most delicate- of materials, will outwear a wash waist. Black and white promises to be most fashionable among spring color schemes. Colorings themselves will be soft and quiet, with no Indication of the futurist about them. The old-fashioned pointed and buttoned up basque effect Is very much In vogue ait present. It is said that soon milady will wear tlbbon-trimmed gowns, -- .. Coat tails and notched rovers like the lapels on a inan'a dress coat hayebeen revived, and one-piece cloth gowns are nen on (he street. These have some faint resemblance to the fashionable ridlnsote of last fall. Street costuraea are made In very con servative, styles this sprint".- Colorings In clude taupe, seagull and battleship gray, teta da negre, peau de chamois, buff, light tan or biscuit color and Belgian or jiavy blue. STROUSE'S Hairdressing Parlors "gamrial Fashion Mm OSTwr" rh, lwt quality hlr far Mm M HA- ft 5. tth Street, 1st floor THE NEW SUMMER CLOTHES FOR MEN TO BE CONSERVATIVE IN TONE Art of the Designer Taxed to Meet the Pronounced Disposition Toward Sensible and Seasonable Garb. By W. HANCOCK PAYNE It Is less difficult to write with authority on men's fashions this spring and sum mer than It has been for n number of years. It may Beom a far cry to say that the man who selects his suit for t'ne day's wear In Philadelphia this morning Is affected by tho desolation that Is spread ing ovrr Europe but It Is n fnct never theless, i The wnr has had a sobering effect upon tho minds of men, which accounts for the conservative tone which will pro vail In suitings and In suit patterns fnrough the new season now at hand, An era of sensible clothing for men prevails. Moro than ever, this fact ac centuates and taxes tho art of the de signer to produoo lines and forms, which, while not extreme. Impart that spirit of youth so necessary to overy mnn In these days of progression nnd competition. SOFT TONES AND LINES IN VOGUE The fabrics that will be most In evi dence will be soft grays, soft blues, faint ovor-plalds with checks, with a decided leaning toward Inconspicuous greens. Of course, men's tastes run tho whole garn et of the Aurora Uorealls and, there fore, clothes to meet this demand will be uvallnblc, but for the really well-drcsbod man they will hold little appeal. Always there are fads and fancies In men's wear. Men of good taste In variably may bo depended upon to rec ognize them as having no relation to legltlmato style and therefore to reject them, but departure from strictly con ventional dress Is always permissible, even upon the part of tho man In good taste, during the heated term, and It may be stated with the voice of authority that for extremely warm weather the silk suit will be quite popular this sum mer. Such an Innovation Is certainly a reasonable one. COMFOItT FOP. HOT WEATHER Crashes, silk goods, mohairs and cash meres of exquisitely fine weaves are al ready available nnd certainly are most suitable for the oppressively heated term In Philadelphia. I predict a very wide vogue for them among Philadelphia men this season. Wo will set aside any consideration of strictly formal dress, because tho rules governing It vary so slightly as to be of meagre Interest. Every well-bred man knows when formal dress is necessary, nnd what Its requirements arc. How ever, there Is a tendency, becoming In creasingly popular, toward a greater use of binding, braiding, piping and decorat ing In unusual ways, particularly for young men, but I would warn against the uso of velvet collars for dress coats and piping for tho edges and cuffs-thls safely may be placed under the head of fads, and will disappear with ns much suddenness ns It has appeared, so that this season men who hnvo evening clothes with velvet collnrs will feci more or less embarrassed next season, while those who have clung to conventional lines will have proved their Judgment as well as their sartorial good taste. rniNCES RULE NO MORE. Fashion Is no longer governed by the foibles or deformities of some distin guished personage, but more than ever the aim of tho successful designer Is to build clothing bo that when man puts it on It will look as though there Is a man Inside of It, Instead of a mon strosity. The vogue Is for perfectly natural clothing soft In texture, soft In lines, constructed to fit tho form without extreme In length, extreme In breadth, or gaudy details of finish. STYLE FROM HAT TO SHOES Let us visualize the correctly dressed man as he steps out of his front door and starts for his downtown office dur ing the dual seasons at hand. For tho weeks of spring he will wear a soft hat, and the one now In high faor Is a pearl gray with black band, the crown unusually high, shaped so as to fit his own Ideas. During the sum mer months a greater diversity will rule hlH choice. Leghorns will be very popular. Panamas will also be good form, while the split or sennit straw hats, always In high favor, will have crowns slightly higher than usual and a trifle more tapering even than last season. Hat bands, espe- Our Prices Are Low for First-Class Hairdressing and Hair Work 31-33-35 SOUTH' KITH STREET PHILADELPHIA Fashionable Hair Dressing Medicated A4 to suit individual needs in connection with the very latest appliances for the convenience of patrons. irN A JTlVil JL SjKJKJJUL Sill t-konruUrt -ti COIFFURE daily leghorns, will prevail mostly In plain nnd fancy crashes. Ills collar will be as his fancy dic tates. Men's necks nro of such varying lengths that to Beck to establish a stand ard stylo would bo ridiculous, but the collar most in favor will be a low, turn down, rut-uway effect. Itli shirt will bo of silk, linen or madras, as he deems wisest. It will havo soft, turn-back cuffs, and young men will show a decided preference for broad stripes In virtually overy color of tho rainbow. The epllomo of good taste, howover, for this season will bo n plain white shirt of soino soft material. BOW TIES HERE ONCE MORE A great many men will welcome the news that tho bow tie again Is coming Into Its own. Whllo the silk four In hand will bo plentifully In evidence, the man who Is careful of his detail of dress will wear a pin I n bow tlo of Bolld color rather than a figured one. Of course, hose of every description, In plain colors and In fancy combination, may be had, but tho socks that will be do rlgeur are either plain black silk with white clocks or plain white silk with black clocks. .Shoes, of course, will be low, and rus 'cts will ha more popular than tho more reilato black. Mahogany will be the shade In better taste. Heels will bo broad and mostly will bo capped with rubber whllo a great many cloth tops will be seen. ONE-BUTTON SACK COAT IS "IT." And now as to his suit. You have al ready seen what tho prevailing preference will be in fabrics. I believe the man and young man who will be In best form and greatest comfort this spring and Bummer will be seen wearing the new one-button sack coat with long, soft, roll ing lapels and slightly cutaway front, the lapels somewhat wider than ever. Ho will wear a five-button vest, with the collar also slightly toft roll and cut low. His trousers will be hlp-flttlng, with or without cuffs, as he prefers mostly without. Leading ready-to-wear stores In Chest nut and Market streets report this partic ular stylo of suit as to bo full of the promise of populnr favor. It Is form fitting, all Its lines are graceful, and It is constructed so ns to be handsome as well as sensible Topcoats demand a little leeway as a matter of course. The Oxford nnd black Chesterfield coat will bo in evidence, ns usual, but all fashion authorities this spring agree that the lightweight top coat of covert cloth, with a suspicion of green tones, will be the sign manual of the man who knows style In Philadelphia, Tho coat Is made to be snugly form-fitting, with slightly bias pockets, and blunt (not peaked) lapels. In the matter of sticks tho Malacca cane continues to bo In strong favor, while, of course, gloves for street wear will bo tan capes or light colors. FOR THE OUT-OF-DOORS. Tho American man has been sharply criticised by the sporting Englishman for his almost complete disregard of the proper observance of correct out-of-door clothing It Is true that tho average man seeking recreation Is more than likely to select an old cast-off suit and pair of shoes (so old as to be comfortable), any sort of a hat, tako his golf stick or his racquet and seek exercise at hla club or country home. A few men are working quietly, but none tho less earnestly, through the power of example to overcome this tendency at the country clubs In and about Philadelphia, and thi v are meeting with some success. Briefly I will try to lay down a few rules of dress for the out-of-doors that certainly will not lessen a man's enjoy ment, whllo It will add vastly to his ap pearance. Tweeds In knickerbockers and heather effects built norfolk style make a won derfully comfortable lounging and knock about suit for a man who wants to spend an afternoon at 1i!b country club without participating too strongly in its athletic activities. Hair Goods and Dyeing will do as Mvr much- vvashingmgi Don't Uk out uM 3S i55Kji loru. bat W tut TOredffitPifeif I Hit liooiur. un- llnr.s zSA I droll of bouu.liei '2Cr3figJ 1 (111 till roa tin Mil OJ ItoSC r 1 itonr "J ther'ti u) AJB21flr'Blrf B it our 82 inn. UTyMl- ft Tridlni tUaM for nKor3S2S Wtf nur coo. Soapfe'rJ n half tlQim&jjggp We are expert in fashion's latest modes and will adapt them so as to give you a pleasing style to suit your individual requirements. Special Transformations Permanent Waving Henna Dyeing Original Pesign Coiffures Shampoos WOMEN'S DRESS ACCESSORIEgAND THE CQIFFUR THE PART OF FLAX AND LINEN IN INDUSTRY Some Interesting Points and Figures on Usefulness of Blue-eyed Plant. From the dawn of civilization the cul tivation of the flax plant nnd tho spin ning and weaving of the fibre havo em ployed the active hands of many of the world's Inhabitants, yet history does not tell us who first discovered that the deli cate, beautiful blue-eyed plant contained a fibre so useful to mankind, While In some countries the flax plant Is cul tivated for both the fibre nnd Che seed, In others the seed Is considered of great er Importance, and this Is particularly true of our own country, where there Is a greater acreage each year under flax than any country In tho world, with the exception of Russia, nnd It Is estimated that the market vnluo of the linseed oil and the byproduct of oil cake produced from this crop amounts to nbout J0,000, 000 annually. Flax is grown for the flbro In many countries where labor Is cheaper than In the United States, notably Russia, Hungary and Relglumi but tho average yearly importation of linen Is only $20, 000.000, or nbout one-third of tho market valuo of our annual crop of flax products. Flax intended for the manufacture of linen Is not cut, but pulled up by the roots; and In order to produco a flno flbro must bo gathered before It Is qulto ripe. Tho next process Is called "retting," which means to sepnrato the flaxen flbro from the woody core. Thla Is accomplish ed by steeping In water for from 10 to 14 days. Next comes "scutrtilng," tho op eration necessary to romovo tho shell (which Is flax) from tho pithy stalk, fol lowed by many other processes known us "hackling," "leveling," "sorting," etc., until the flax roaches tho stage where Is Is ready for spinning. So fine can this flax be spun, It Is re corded, that In the exhibition In London In 1851 were shown specimens of linen vnrn hnnri.snlin. one-DOUnd Weight Of which would measure 228,000 yards, or about 130 miles. Next comes weaving, an art as old as civilization, and tho loom may bo reckoned, among tho earliest of man s Inventions; In bygone ages tho loom used was a vary simple affair, and the com mon hand-loom of tho present day docs not differ rpuch from that used by tho Greeks and Romans. In tho National Exhibition of Industry, held In Paris In 1S01, n machine was shown, Invented by Joseph M. Jncquard, for controllng tho wnrp threads of a loom. This machine made possible tho producing In a woven fabric any figure or design. This Is dono by perforated cards denoting tho pat tern, In conjunction with nn arrange ment of lifting hooks, which raise the necessary threads of wnrp to produco the design. Numberless Improvements In details have slnco been Introduced, many of which doubtless wero brought about In the last 25 years by the American public's demand for moro elaborate de signs. About 20 years ago a border could not bo made on table damask of a greater width than 10 Inches; now they can be mnde 20 Inches wide without repeating tho design. These elaborate designs cost considerably more than Blmplo ones. The drawing, painting and mounting Is more Intricate; for Instance, most of our de signs aro made by three machines on a loom, one picking up the thread from another to produce unusually wide borders, and It Is necessary to cut from 12,000 to 15,000 cards for a single ono of these designs. These cards are about 3x6 Inches nnd perforated. Wo havo moro than 300 designs In table damask mado each year exclusively for Strawbrldgo & Clothier, 'necessitating the cutting of over 4,000.000 of theso cards, and have from KM to 600 looms constantly engaged In the weaving of humidor linens. Weaving Is followed by bleaching. The old-fashioned way was by exposing tho linen to the sunshine and air. Tho exigencies of tho present day, however, demand a moro rapid process, and bleacherles now form a separate depart ment in the perfecting of linen manufac tures, humidor linens being Bhlpped often times hundreds of miles from the place of manufacture to bleacherles, where the water, air and other conditions are Just right. After being thoroughly bleached, the linens have yet to bo subjected to various finishing processes, such as cal endering, beetling, etc., all of which must be carefully watched to Insure suc cess with the finished article. THOMAS POWER. Fashion Novelties The first warm day of spring brought out all that was new In gowns and hats In Chestnut atreet. One military waist seen recently was made entirely of white voile. Red buttons were used to close It down the front. A taffeta girdle of dull gold color completed this very modern costume. This blouse was worn with a navy blue tailored suit, and a natty hat of white kid finished the costume. Its severity of line and the fineness of the material In the suit a gabardine of the beat qual ityattracted much attention. Eton styles are seen in both suits and gowns, They are even shown to some extent In the newer blouses .although these are not common by any means. Tassels, epaulettes and braidings aro used on a good many of the new blouses. Peter HAIR DRESSING PARLOR AT 1431 Walnut Street Hell Phone Locust 3700 Ilnlr Dressing; Manicuring 3Inuulnsr Shampooing Special Attention to Hair Work, etc. Quinn's Superior Hairdressing TRANSFORMATIONS When In doubt let us suggest a really beautiful transformation. We are experts in all the latest modes of smart and conservative fashion. Don't cut your hair, wear a "CASTLE WIG" most becoming and natural. Special transformations for the summer and travel, TREATMENTS Effective shampooing for any condition of the hair or scalp, Our treatments are of lasting benefit and bring out the luster of the hair. We permanently remove any dye or bleach, TONICS AND DYEING Mo need for you to have thin or scraggy hair. Use Quinn's celebrated Parisian hair tonic compounded from famous French formulas for all ailments of the scalp. Tinting in any desired shade. Our dyeing ia beautiful and cannot be detected. E. &R. QUINN 106 South Thirteenth Street TA leading flair Dretttrt Fine French Hair Goods Facial Massage Manicuring Neckwear Novelty and Its Raison D'Etre Queens onco enjoyed tho distinction of retting the styles In women's neckwear and Judging from somo of tho specimens preserved by tho process of art, It would seem they sought to defeat the guillotine or tho nx. Now that each woman la a queen by divine right of chnrm, tradition falls to bind us to tho ruffs nrtd uncomfortnblo ncckflxlngs that framed the roynl visage. Mrs. Vernon Castle, whose kingdom covers Tcrpslchorenn territory, intro-duced-revlvcd rather the trig little col lar nnd Windsor tie and tho renais sance Is worthy tho nttentlon of thoao who enn wear It with equally pleasing effect. It Is chic, It Is laundornblc, but have n care, my lady, as every "femalo of the species" Is not a Mrs. Castlo and cannot wear this simple but trying llttlo neck rigging. Bo not dismayed because thero aro col lars, collars and still moro collars of all sorts nnd conditions; your stylo Is ob tainable no matter whether nature or art fits you for Its requirements. Tho Exposition collar Is new, dignified and promises to become populnr for Its own name's sake. Dainty bits of organdie In monotones. Immaculate white or combined with deli cate coloring, are shown in myriad forms and Btyles. Organdies aro very sheer, still there's a severity that marks them as belonging to tho outfit of the most conservative ns well as tho more ornate outfitting of womankind. Time-honored laces mndo Into neck ac cessories, aro, like God's poor, always with ua, and may they remain until tho end of time, for whnt Is thero about tho eternal feminine that stamps the quintes sence of refinement moro surely than laces handed down from generation to generation like tho sins of tho fathers7 Drldes revel In the thought of a bit of lace from William tho Conqueror (or tho conquered, for that matter), and a mere touch at the throat serves as a credential. Just as surely as the coat of arms real or spurious. Military neckwear owes Its popularity to preBent-day belligerency, not so much that lovely woman approves the cause, but her vanity admires tho offect. "Vanlta vanltatas" Is nil very well as an excuso for most of women's move ments, but when It comes to reasons for this season's neckwear, "reasons aro plentiful ns blackberries" and overy sea son Is met with a becoming bit of neck wear, each vying with another In beauty, charm and distinctive feature. Fashion Hints Side plaits are Been on most of tho dresses adapted from mld-Vlctorlan mod els. Borders, with contrasting effects In braiding or mnde In varying widths, aro worn. Hip yokes, fashion's favorites of sev eral years ago, aro being resurrected as long lost friends, They aro very attrac tive when properly renovated. A cloth eklrt, with a striped faille or taffeta blouse, was used as the founda tion of a very striking gown seen re cently. An underblouse of sheer white muslin was used to make the lining for the little Jacket, and the white sleeves gave a pleasingly fresh touch. The skirt was perfectly plain. Just about four yards around the bottom nnd gored at the top. Fashionable Hair Goods Made in America and as shown at the Hairdressers' Fashion Show. The most modern ar rangement of switches, puffs, curls and transformations, wigs and toupees on sale or made to order at short notice. Beck's Hair Store 36 N. 8th Street, Phiia. k 9 -' J SPRING STYLES IN WOMEN'S NECKWEAR Illustrations from N. Snellenburtr A Co.'s Nockwcnr Shop. Spring Styles Moro material and simple lines will be tho Important points about tho newest spring frocks. A pretty blouso of black chiffon over white satin, with corselet, belt, nnd cuffs of white satin. glgfef 1 G drJlOp 922 Chestnut St. Extraordinary Sale of Real Lace Collars, Medallions and Cuffs $4.00 Real Lace Collar Now i50c $3.00 Real Lace Collar Now 35c $3.00 Real Lace Cuffs Now 35c 85c Real Lace Medallions Now 15c ? Transformation iV HAIR COLORING AND TINTING A SPECIALTY Hair Pressing Shampooing Facial Massage Manicuring mfi$M K o4gf Smart Styles in BWI! Blouses are gettlne mnr. .j ... rl tractive as tho seasons go on .)$! models seen In tho sto?e ?iu M surpass in elegance of mattti&l i Biiiipiitiuy oi line anything slin.?' former years. There are certain ..c1 umcii:iiv;:o uaiwccu ine 010U"to . 9 AaftnM ttnA 4l.nA .. 41.1- . " OX U-Li ..uw.. ...., t.wau Ul HUB Spring 1m kCH first place, tho kimono sleeve U . M ous by Its absence. Not h.i ' ..".Mca tlrely disappeared, but It Is not .7.' ..... .... ........, iiiuubh, th. .-,:tj sleeve Is fashion's favorite ,M Various pretty ways of makin u,. tA in sleeves nro shown. A liuii ..J', hemstitching to outline the plRM lwi the sleevo Is Inserted is one of thtm M other most attractive way Is g, jtAf5$ koiu ur nnver oeaainor nt .i... : -i shoulder line. Hand embroidery e iiJ ccrlo blouses and VAl.n,.l.n...'0''M are variations of this. '""WtfJ This season's fashionable rnn..,.?? for blouses are mostly of the thiii Zl type. This is true even of the titoS1 models, which nro mads of nunm .nt taffeta and satins. Georgette crewr most Donulnr. ns well n ,. , ' " Ml satin combinations, which are goes tho year around, Tho latter are trlnj with satin ribbon In ."Hi Tho sprinp colors have taken a.S.. turn toward tho artistic In blnu,. i." tnl shades, flesh, Nllo green, grey A white combinations nnd black and. mm' effects nro In vogue. Mates l .:.iJ. standard color. These aro used in ,jSi color and combinations of two or mmLi Tailored models are entenalviv .vJ ioned of black and white fabrics, mSa'. willow taffntn beintr ihn tnna .-. .11 An Interesting fcaturo about (hS lars this season Is the fact that theyBiilll bo worn either high or low. gnc, errent manv vwomen rnnnMor mi.j , M foro style, this Is a most welcome con?! straight up the front to the high c$ mi, iiiujf ut uiituvu in. mu inroai, and (Mil will detract nothing from thn IhiMa..iD appearance of tho wearer. 1 The name, "minister's stock." t... i.'.?l given to the new collar, which la .,.! Mil fcli .UIIUI ... V.UU..t, Linens are being worn a great dtal iS now, and promlso to become even men popular Inter on In the season. Tk.i are to bo seen In almost any light tfoth and white, of course, Is the favorM Stripes are also worn. ? ELIZABETH SIcCARTHT . We beg to announce the opening of Pattern, j Tailored Hats nnd ? Millinery : ' Week of March eighth , Nineteen Fifteen Geo.M. KeeWer, Inc. 1428 Chestnut Street Philadelphia v GOLDMAN'S SIMPLEX TRANSFORMATIONS A COMPLETE HEAD-DRESS IN ITSELF jl f V, .With the m tffi HIT -. rL T f l. I" & J. ' irHHSIIIfllldllUU, f &3 '1 f . Ladies with heavy heads of hair can easily adjust them. Ladies with thin and straggly hair will find rnE sisirix inANsronstATioN a cojifobt and a necessity THEV AltE ALWAYS WAVY AND AKE DKYONP COMPARISON OP ANY OUDINAIIY TRANSFORMATION SHAMPOOING FOR EVERY CONDITION OF THE HAIR AND SCALP GOLDMAN 1S23 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia Newest Creations in Hair Fashions j We are showing latest styles in fashion able evening wear, fascinating braids and transformations for less formal occasions. A little additional hair and a lasting wave imparted to your own hair wilrbeautify your appearance wonderfully. Hair waved by our harmless process is npt affected by dampness or washing. ' mm mitamit 4& Jir&tj -0 QoAUTriUaSnor ttillADEUWA, mm s&f.WlSLtir