iliit'qWiipjpwwpwpB FINANCIAL EDITION NIGHT EXTRA icuentn iEriiger NIGHT a! vol. i-3sTo. 150 PRICE ONE CENT PHELVDELPJUA, LODAX, MA1101I 8, 1915. Corraionx, 101B, nr tin roauo Lboi CoMrmr. Fn-T idMBMJ" V ir cratMANY PREPARES bm CAMPAIGN TO WIPE atttH ATT T17' llll'I'INK ? Ill I I Ml ll JllAI llllll I 11 1 VI 1 UU1 flwj""' w" ' K K r .. nun in Rnff.lo 'to Destroy British t. .i-1 T? 11 a a i n n Commerce on the Seas. ' Twelve New Submarines Arrive at ZCCDrUggu turn aw ui.ux- sea Craft Building at Kiel for Use in Baltic, Admiralty Official Announces. ' BERLIN, 'March 8. . .ifnl submarine opcrntlonB In- ) .uwrated by Germany against Lnglam i?h "bread war" wcro only the opening ,, in "","" n,,,nn of destruction " IwlMt the shipping of Great Urltnln, & France and Russia. 6 Thin assertion was made today by a 5. high ofliclal of the German Admiralty. who explained the cessation of the sub marine attacks to tup inci mat uunimiiy ias awaiting Englond's decision on tho ?rlpni submitted by the United States incl a-centcd by Germany, on condition 'that Great Britain also do so. '":.. -...I rnr n rntntM pn flint I, "vo are i"" - -.-- ' ' Trill wipe ul" "" - , .,. S llan shipping." be declared. "The oporn r? n nil"' J. Enirllnh shlDS :!? will be conducted from Wllhelmshnvcii -'nu Zecbrliggc, mo naviu ijhmo which - have constructed on the nclglan coast. ft marines have arrived nt Zoobruggo and -. hv nre awaiting the signal to begin Pl operations. .... er the submarine campaign are not yet arallnhle we know that both England and Franco havo concealed their losses. According to reliable reports, our sub marines havo sunk nt least 15 merchant ihlps belonging to theso countries. "Our operations against Russlnn ship ping will be carried on In the Baltic as loon a navigation Is fully reopened thero In the spring. Fifteen small submarines s built ut Kiel. Theso will bo ready April 1. They will be unablo to carry as many torpedoes as the boats used In the North Ifita. hut their speed wilt enable them to -. replenish their supplies by n. quick re - turn to their base. ' "Only eight men aro necessary to op irate the submarines of this Baltla fleet." 'TOISON PEN" AT WORK j Scurrilous Letter Sent to Wilkes- . Banc's School Chief. WILKES-BARRE, Pa., March 8. j frank P. Hopper, superintendent of i schools In I.uzerno County, has received Li a "poison pen" letter In which serious Jarcugatlon ara mailo against several of S ,.m. nurilln nnllnrtl InnnhaM I. H'tll....- I tut; (Juuiiu owiuui ...,,.;., ii. iiiica- v' Bfrre township. Tho letter Is not signed, lot mentioned In Ir aro tho names of acme teachers who. aro alleged to bo In- , competent, nnd lir" some cases the cause ef the alleged Incompetency Is said to bo i drunkenness. vK ouperinienuent iiopper rciuscs to cn- , vuige ino contents or me letter. I'ost- offlce authorities will bo called In on the f, THE WEATHER W Wbifer, tslln varied weather, viovca along. i cc-tci us not, nor sweats us overmucn; t; TVe tolerate it, since it does no wrong . Nor noori In lA rr 1tnh E'i t1, 4. Christmas snowfall, tor the looks of things. ,. a January maw, for it's the style; ifr-i Adit 0 spring, soma of all sorts of l Ihlnns, W Host every little while. :hj And then o horrid, unexpected cold irti.c, u uniuru aomeimny over wrong! A chill that never came in days of old To choke the robin's song I y. That's why tfie always hate and always K Ml If . This wintry month, whose ways are queer; f'"s on unexpected storm at just The tame time every yearl 1 We're getting to be some weather squib . stealer. This one we clipped from the Cleveland FOTtKHA XT f.Pnr ltkllJ. !.. ' I ...-',.. Si , . ' 'muueijwi una victjuiy rmr weawer tonight and tomorrow, Voider tonight. H?. IVJMJ TttnI1 A t, - uctuiiii, nee page z, Observations at Philadelphia tiUnmtl.. . -wii mivm ..... as BRi,- Northwest. 12 mlleu .wtoWtw"jWs::::::::::::::f!l,u.i? iSi&-?,::::::::::::!?.ff.r" n, -- itmtjeniiuie ...,,..,.,,,,, SO On the Pacific Coast & UA fiu5.TVMther' c,rJ temp-. 48. , tan Difo-Weather, cloudy; temp., 88, Almnnnt nf iha Tina. 1 BOH t 1 1 wn rUe, tomorrow... .........,." aSs l.m. Lamnn in Tin T.3liA.1 " and othtr vehlclt. OUB p. m. The Tides Pt r" lVllMUm. fwtJiUr :. :: ::::::; ?iJg-e iv wtl,r tomorrow .::::..::::::" l-fi i s ilhrh"' 2.MD.m. j . toiBonow::::::::::::;::: H f-s- ui u UEEDY ISIANO. fciK." "' S:u.n, .h V.'. '.?r ". m. . ".r 1U4UWTTX. W a 3K a I Ur tomonx BUBAKVATR. - Bu"' T.S8D.BC r. . .., -. - ---- V K o ill , ! wwnvw.Ui,,i!liij,,M,u 8.JT. m, WHEAT KISES AGAIN Prices Sonr to $1.47 for July and ?1.18 for May. CHICAGO, March 8,-Tho wheat pit went on nnothcr rampago today, with prices soaring. Following tho persistent news from Huropo that Greece, Italy nnd po.slbly nil tho Balkans might be lined up on the sldo of the Allies by sumcr, wheat opened today nt M.44M for Jtay and $1.17 for July futures. Shortly after noon prices jumped to ?1.47s nnd J1.1S15 for May and July, respectively. ' Theso prices represented ndvancra of 6 nnd 3. respectively, over Saturday's close. ,. EDISON PLANT AFIRE, SECOND TIME IN THREE MONTHS Flnmcs Sweep Record Plating Mill, Destroying JInstcr Records. WEST OHANQK, N. J., March 8.-For the second tlmo In thrco months tho plant of Thomns A. Edison, Inc., was at tacked by fire today. Tho flames swept tho record plating mill, where tho master plates for records are made. The damago to the building was slight, but the loss In mnster records could not bo ascertained. Edison's lighters, aided by tho town apparatus, checked tho Tho flro last December caused a loss of $2,000,000. , AT FEVER HEAT, CLAMOR FOR PLUNGE INTO WAR Early Entry on Allies' Side Certain, Athens Be lieves, as Populace Hisses New "Neutrality" Pre mier on Way td Palace. ATHENS, March S. Popular demonstrations favoring war with Turkey took place In Athens to day. Early participation of Greece on the side of tho Allies was regarded as n certainty here. Elcuthcrlos Vcnlzelos, who reslgnod ns Premier because King Conatnntlnc would not nccept the Cabinet'! decision to open hostilities, was wildly cheered when ha appeared nt his ofllce to conclude some unfinished business, while QI. Zalmls, who has been asked to form a new ministry, was Jeered and hissed ns he went to tho royal palace for n conferenco with King Constantino. A great crowd surrounding the Parlia ment b'jlldlng shouted "Down with Tur key" nnd "We want war" as tho mem bers of tho Chamber of Deputies nrrived for today's session. Because of tho resig nation of tho Venlzclos cabinet tho ses sion was brief. M. Zalmls, a former premier nnd now head of tho national bank, Is reported to hnvo naked tho Ministers of Finance nnd War In the Venlrclos cabinet to retain their posts, but tho proffer of these port folios was rejected. A guard' was placed about the Turkish legation today. Sallh Bey, the Ottoman Minister, abandoned his dally ride, and kept closely to tho legation. News that tho Allied fleet is making a determined nttompt against omyrna in spired new declarations for wnr from the Athens newspapers todny. They as serted that by joining hands with tho Allies at this time and Invading Turkey, Greece may achieve its ambitions and gnln possession of Smyrna at the close of the war. Blockade on Chestnut Street The vicinity of 12th and Chestnut streets looked like n dumping ground for 20 minutes today when n dump cart belong ing to People Brothers, contractors, lost Its load of bricks, plaster and straw at tho Intersection of the car tracks, tying up all trafllc on both streets. The driver started shoveling, and for 10 minutes he shoveled nlone on the top of his little mountain. The trafllc "cop" obligingly explained that he would have helped If there was another shovel. Some thoughtful person sent In a call fur the P. It. T. repair wagon, and with Its help the driver had the tracks clear In 20 minutes. GIRL SUES MEDICAL STUDENT FOR $20,000 V. M. Brobst, Medico-Chi Man, Says Miss Flory Accepted Others' Attentions. t.fl lr.lanllna "f Tlmhftt. II foUTth- M lieu ,.,,,., d .... --- , -t -,--.-- year student at Medlco-Chl, came down . i ..... .Ilia TTinrnln&r. Airs. John Davis, the landlady, told him hla formor C .1 ., 1,0.1 ennri lilm fnr 120.000 for a,'""" """ --""I" rm'. ' "i.l A. alleged Dreacn 01 pruimoo. ... Ki.. . nurvllle. near LUItr, Lancaster County. tiroust 13 yettra "ui l,u ."o - Vine street. On February 15 his father. Dr. Jamea C. Urobst, of Lltltz, died of pneumonia, leaving an estate valued at l&Q.OOO. Urobst confessed to being sur prised when he learned the girl had sued him. The engagement was broken on February It because lie heard she was friendly with other LItlti youths, he said today. , Urobst and Miss nory mm ui a ymiiiu near Brunnerville In August. They were engaged by October, though it was never formally announced. ,.... "I didn't publish it," said Brobst today, "but Miss Flory went around telling peo ple she had 'hooked' a rich boy. I didn't mina inai uum ,..- - .-- homo at Christmas that other men had ben calling on ner. m .. .u "ii 1.11. T va o nt AnllBD'A Y,a paw any one wu - ..-.v .. Bo the day before Lincoln's Birthday I wroie lier . -- . - nd asked for the ring- "She wouldn't give It back, and I heard from bw oace or twice oince then. iy all news to rae that she has begun a breach of promUe suit I dldn t expect to marry until I had finished college and two yar of tMptua work I'm goluif to flgbt ibe suit, bo but of that, SNOW DRIVES GUESTS FROM ATLANTIC This picture, taken in front of tho Now Traynioro Hotel, is in strong contrast to the scene nt the same spot three weeks ago when the walk was crowded with early spring visitors. The thoroughfare is deso late and deserted, except for tho snow sweepers. TRANSIT CONFERENCE IN MAYOR'S OFFICE To Consider Next Step in Fight Against Obstructionists. Banker for Compromise. Representatives of tho forces which have battled In behalf of real rapid transit will meet this afternoon In tho Mnyor's ofllce and dccldo upon- tho next step to be token ngnlnst the obstruc tionlwts nnd in behalf of tho people, who want progress. Every reform member of Common and Select Councils, together with all members nf tho Mnyor's cabinet, hnvo been requested to meet the Mayor In his prlvntc at I o'clock. It is bollevcil final decision will ln reached then concerning the disposition of tho "Joker" ordinance, which was jammed through Councils last Thursday. Should tho Mayor veto the ordinance. It can bo passed over his veto by a thrce llfths majority In each chamber. Tho nppolntment of a transit arbitra tion board, representing nil Interests con cerned in tho present transit question, vested with power to Intervene In tho controversy and to work out a plan of nctlon agrecnhlo to all factions, was urged today by Frederick T. Chandler, vlco president of tho Philadelphia Stock Exchnngo nnd a member of tho banking firm of Chandler Brothers & Co. This firm, a large buyer of liapld Tran sit stock. Issued on Saturday a stato mentdeallnft wltluijic. present situation. MrTTEnfindlor today discussed the state ment and gave additional suggestions, which, ho bellovcs. If properly accepted, would end tho present transit fight nnd make better rapid transit for Philadelphia n reality. Tho Transit Arbitration Board, Mr. Chandler said, should Include representa tives of tho city government, of tho liapld Transit and tho Union Traction Com panies, prominent lawyers nnd business men. nnd nny others whoso Interests would bo vitally affected by tho construc tion of n comprehcnslvp system of high speed lines for Philadelphia. Tho Mayor, as the head of the city government nnd ns n director of the hoard of the Rapid Transit Company, Mr. Chandler snld, was tho proper official to take the Inltlatlvo in securing the co-opcr-atlon of nil Interests for the organization of tho Arbitration Board. "Tho time Is ripe nnd overripe," ho said, "for better transit facilities In Philadel phia." PRINCETON STUDENTS CHEER "BILLY" SUNDAY Seminarians Give Evangelist Rousing Reception at College Town. MOU STAFF COMIMPONDBNT.1 PRINCETON. N. J.. JIarch 8. "Wily" Sunday took Princeton as If by storm todny. Ho came here this morning nnd was given a rousing ovation by the stu dents of tho Princeton Theological Sem inary and hundreds of other enthusiasts of the college town. At 10:30 o'clock he addressed an audience of 1000 theological Btudents nt tho First Presbyterian Church. At 1:30 o'clock he addressed another meeting In the church, which was filled to Its capacity, so much so that hun dreds of students and others eager to hear tho virile, dynamic preacher of "the old-time religion" were greatly disap pointed and had to be turned away. "Doctor Jekyll nnd Mr. Hyde" was the subject of his afternoon sermon. BILLY" GGTS OVATION. While hundreds clamored In vain to get admittance t the church this morning, the fiery preacher poured hot shot into the camp of tho theologs. The morning services were for the students of Ihe seminary. They are all united for the baseball evangelist and gave him a noisy reception. He came back at them with Just as much noise, and told them he was glad to learn that there were soma prospective clergymen in the world "who had not forgotten that they were human beings." "The best way for a young minister to assure his failure," "Billy" said, "is for him to go around with a face as long as though he were going to greet his mother-in-law. There is nothing sad about the Gospel. Men should be so ha,ppy and proud that they are serving God and Jeaus Christ that they would want to laugh and sing all the time. If a lot of praachers and church members would get busy for the salvation of thoae about them. Instead of finding fault with peo ple, they'd have a lot more sunshine In their faces." Sunday again scored "the high brows" and higher critics who are trying to pick flaws In the Bible. He paid special trib ute to those teachers who are teaching men to fear God and serve Jwua Christ, but he was free with is criticism of those who are Insistent that men must be finely cultured and must u parlor lan guage to lead men from the wrong to the right. ''What the church of Jasus Christ needs today." he shouted at the top of ht voice, "Is real men who balleve In Christ and His Bible, and want to make Concluded en Pole Two RAfT , . - . . '-,. , - . ,' THAW TRIAL BEGINS; CHARGE IS CONSPIRACY Attorneys Declare Prisoner Will Be Proved Sane "for All Time." THAW CA8H CHItOXOLOGY. June 2.i, 1906 Shot and killed Stanford White. February 4 to April 12, 1S07 First trial; disagreement. January Zli to February 1, 1508 Second trial; acquitted of murder on urounds of insanity. February I, 1008 Committed to Mattcawan. August 17, 1913 Escaped from Matteawnn. August 19, 1913 Irrcalcd at Goatlcook, Canada. September 10, 1913 Deported to Xciv Hampshlic. December 21, 191 ( Supreme Court ruled he must be delivered to yew York State. March 8, 19t.ri Trial on coniplr acy charges begun in Neio York. NHW YORK, March 8. With his "Nemesis," William Travers Jerome, ab sent, Hnrry K. Thaw today went on trial before Justice Page, of tho Supremo Court Criminal Branch, on tho chnrgo of con spiracy to escape on August 17. 1313, from Mntteawan Asylum. The end of tho trial within a week was predicted by both skh23.. ? , - . --, - .-i-..' Thaw's gray-haired mother arrived half an hoiir before court convened with Thaw's brother Joslah. They tbok scats In the front row reserved for the Thaw family. Mrs. Thaw nppeared eager for tho trial to begin. Thaw's sister, Mrs. Gcorgo L. Carnegie, sat next to Mrs. Thaw. Thaw was brought In by two bailiffs. He looked vigorous, his color was almost ruddy and ho showed little cvldonco of confinement. That he wns to tnko nn nctlve part In his defenso was evident. Ho sat with his counsel, exnmlncd papers and consulted frequently regarding hand ling of tho case. The prosecution's nttack was outlined pnrtly In questions nsked talesmen. These Indicated that the Stata would ask tho court to Instruct tho Jury that, notwith standing Thnw's nlleged Insanity, he might hnvo capacity to "conspire." Five Jurors had been nelectcd at 2:30 o'clock. Both sides seem to favor young married men. Win or lose. Thaw will never return to Matteawnn, his counsel confidently de clared todny. They and tho prosecution promised sensational testimony. Rumors of thu disclosure of the name of a "hllsher up," who was the go-between In Thaw's escape, were perslBtent. Thaw's sanity promised to bo tho Issue upon which the big fight would come. The State will object to having this Issue dragged In. Thaw's battery of lawyers, headed by John B. Stanchllcld, former candidate for Governor, declared that the defense would force the prosecution to prove for all tlmo that Thaw was and Is snne. or else he could not bo convicted of conspiracy. On tho other hand, the State Insists Concluded on Page Two Bryan to Speak for Totnl Abstinence Announcement that Secretary Bryan would begin n national campaign for total abstinence with his address In tho Sunday tabernacle here on March 15 was made today at tho meeting of the Presbyterian Ministers' Association at Wltherspoon Hall. J. Jarden Guenther, secretnry of the Special Committee of the Federated Council of Churches, read a lotter from the council correcting statements that Bryan was to be here in the Interest of the Brumbaugh local option bill. ON TRIAL Txcentyelght of the lt men charged tolth conspltacu to corrupt the election at Terre Haute in go vern 6er did not plead guilty. Their trial before the United States District Court has begun. The case against these men Is one manifestation of the revolt of the people of Terre Haute applnst the political gang tchlch for years levied lecherous tribute on the city. The Inside story of debauchery and intrigue, of wholesale robbery and retail dealing in jobs and contracts, has been fully told only In the remarkable series of articles, written at the front, which is now running on the editorial page of the EVENING LEDGER It is a story as startling as it is Informing. It is a revelation of Xe rolsm in municipal poliflc. The scene Is not only Terre Haute, but many another American city af fliqted with the same disease whiah has disfigured our own Philadelphia. Gas steals, street contract steals, housing scandals, transit scandals these things are not peculiar to Phil adelphia. They are outgrowths of a condition like that which existed in Terre flaute. They are thor oughly explained by the Story of Terre Haute The next article in the series will be published tomorrow- Order your copy of the Evening Ledger early. CITY'S BOARDWALK CHOICE OF LENTEN SPEAKERS CONDEMNED Reformed Ministers Object to Unitarians and Universal ists at Oak Lane. Members of the Ministerial Association of tho Reformed Churches of Philadel phia nt their weekly mcellmr held In the Reformed Church Building, 15th nnd Rnco streets, ntlopted a resolution in which they "expressed regret nnd pronouncod disapproval nt the published list of Len ten speakers" for tho Onk Lano Re formed Church, of which tho Rev. Dr. S R. Brldcnbnufth Is pastor. According to members of tho associa tion, tho list of speakers contains tho names of Unltnrlnns and Unlversnllst clergymen, "whoso views aro avowedly nutngonlstlc to tho teachings of the Re formed Church." The resolution was offered by the Rev. C. P. Alspnch, pastor of Mount Hermon Reformed Church. The Rev. Dr. Brldcnbaugh did not at tend tho meeting and It was said that ho rarely attends tho weekly conferences of tho ministers. An effort wns made to see the Oak Lane clergymnn at his homo, CIO 6Gth avenue. Oak Lane, this afternoon, but It wns said that Dr. Brldenbaugh was In the central part of the city nnd would not returi( jintll .evening, " The" resolution, which wns . passed by the association, Is as follows: "The Ministerial Association of tho Re formed Churches of Philadelphia hereby expresses to the Rev. Dr. S. R. Brldcn baugh Its deep regret and Its pronounced disapproval of the published program of Lenten speakers for Ills church. In which prominence Is given to men whose views are known to bo avowedly antagonistic to teachings of the Reformed Church." Baby Carried From .Burning House A year-old baby was carried to safety this morning when tho family of Joseph Kohen fled from their burning home at 913 Thompson street. Mrs. Kohen, who wob aroused by n passerby, called to her husband and 4-ycar-old son Morris nnd then fled downstairs carrying her baby In her arms. All reached the street safely. Tho tire was caused by matches Ignited by mice. Kohen bellovcs. SUPREME COURT OUSTS MAGISTRATE RENSHAW Decision Comes as He Was Holding Hearing Mayor's Appointment Null and Void. Centrnl Station hearings were abruptly Interrupted shortly after 10 o'clock this morning when Magistrate Renshaw, who was presiding, was Informed of the Su preme Court's decision that he has been conducting henrlngs illegally. Magistrate Renshaw Is the appointee of Mayor Blankenburg, who has contended since the start of his administration that he Is authorized under an old statute to appoint a committing Magistrate for Cen tral Station. The Magistrate was in the middle of a hearing whon he heard of the decision. Ho immediately continued alt cases until noon nnd sent for Magistrate Pennock, who formerly conducted the night court hearings at City Hall. Before he left City Hall Magistrate Renshaw gave out a statement In which he denied he had ever received a cent of salary from prl vute or other sources. A report to the effect Mayor Blankenburg and others had contributed to pay his salary when tne City Controller held It up on advice of the City Solicitor had been circulated. The decision of the Supreme Court to day reverses that of the Common Pleas Court. It holds the Mayor's right to ap point a committing magistrate, provided for In an old statute, wns reversed by the present State Constitution. Magistrate Carson, who now conducts the night court hearings, or Magistrate Pennock, lilfl predecessor, both elected magistrates, are tho foremost possibili ties to succeed Magistrate Renshaw. It Is generally believed at City Hall Mag istrate i'eunock will he appointed to the day court by Mayor Blankenburg. When informed of the Supreme Court's decision. Mayor Blankenburg said: "I felt fully Justified In appointing Mr. Renshaw as a committing Magistrate at the Central Station, for the law rpad: " The Mayor of the City of Philadelphia Is hereby empowered, immediately upon the passage of this act to apDoInt a per son learned In the law to sit as a com mitting Magistrate at the Central police Btatlon in the said city durinc the time for which the said Mayor shall be elected, etc. "If men learned in the law were elected as Magistrates there would be no trouble In selecting one of their number. "It U a pity that laws are often of so obscure a character that their interpre tation hag to be reversed in the courts. Thero should be more hard business sense In the preparation and enactment of laws. "To Mr Renshaw Is due sincere thanks of the Administration for the splendid work he has done while sitting at tho Cen tral Station. B. B. WINS FARE FIGHT Two-cent Law in West Virginia Do clnred Unconstitutional. WASHINGTON, March 8.-Tha Norfolk nnd Western Railway In the United States Supremo Court todny won Us fight to prevent enforcement of tho West Virginia 2-cent passenger fare law, which It claimed was confiscatory and hence un constitutional. Tho Supremo Court held tho law uncon stitutional. ENTIRE HOMESTEAD PLANT BUSY; 4000 PUT TO WORK All Departments Activo for First Timo in Nenrly Two Years. PITTSBURGH, March 8. For tho first tlmo in nearly two years every depart ment of tho Homestead Steel Works of tho Carneglo Steel Company Is again In operation, 4000 men being put to work yesterdny and todny. Thero Is great re joicing In Homestead. Steel ofllclnls are confident that tho de mand now beginning will keep up for a number of yenrs. FIRE ON LA T0UKAINE ENTIRELY EXTINGUISHED Steamship Will Arrive nt Havre To night. LONDON, March 8. Fire aboard tho French liner La Touralne has been ex tinguished, according to a wlrelesB mes sngo received here via. Paris, late this afternoon. La Touralne will arrlvo at Have about 8 o'clock tonight under es cort of two French cruisers. Her pas sengers probably will not be landed until lomorow morning. SUFFRAGE IN THE SOUTH TOPIC OF DISCUSSION Delegates From 21 States Attend Mississippi Vnlley Conferenco. INDIANAPOLIS, Mnrch S. Tho Mis sissippi Valley Woman Suffrage confer ence with delegates from 21 Stales, opened its business session today and debated plans for securing the ballot throughout the central West. Among tho prominent lenders present were Mrs. Grace Wilbur Trout nnd Mrs. Mcdill McCormlck, Woman suffrage In the South was the absorbing topic of discussion In today's session. Pinna for future campaigns were talked over nnd the recent fight In Con gress for suffrage was told In detail to the women -delegates. Among those who attended today's meeting were Mrs. Cyrus Fields, New York: Aljco Stono Blnckwell, Massachu setts; Laura Clay, Kentucky; Mrs. Mal colm McBrldo, Ohio; Miss Anne Cum mlngs, West Virginia, and Mlea Graco Drake, Ohio. JI0IJ THREATENS VIOLENCE TO ALLEGED SLASHER Pushcart Vender Held for Assault on Milkman. Several hundred men and boys attracted by a fight at 10th nnd York streets threatened Injury to Antonio Verreechle, 23 years old, of 2223 North 7th street, at 0 o'clock this morning nfter the man was accused of having slashed the face of Paul Blank, 2416 Chadwlck street, driver of a milk wagon. Blnnlc Is now at tho Samaritan Hospi tal, his face terribly gashed. Verreechle Is locked up at the Park and Lehigh ave nues station nwnltlng a hearing. The man Is a lamp lighter. He and Blank got Into an argument when Blnnk found Verrecchle's push cart blocking the street, and Verreechle Is accused of hav ing Jumped Into the wagon with a knife and attacked Blank. Policeman Stumpf arrived Just as the crowd was closing In on the man with tho knife. Ho had difficulty preventing violence to the man. TROLLEY CRASHES INTO TRUCK, TOURING CAR IN SMASH-UP Slippery Rails and Streets to Blame for Accidents. Slippery pavement and trolley rails caused two traffic accidents this morn ing. A southbound trolley car struck a wagon at 22d and Harold streets, the driver being severely bruised and several passengers In the car being cut by broken glass. Michael Cleary, 2512 Huntingdon street, the driver, was treated at the Woman's Homeopathlo Hospital. Wit nesses said the slippery condition of the track made it Impossible to stop the trolley car. A touring car struck by a truck at 12th and Green Btreets was hurled across the sidewalk and into the corner of a build ing, knocking out a number of bricks. The machine, owned and driven by M. Atchlcksy, 1502 Green Btreet, was not seriously damaged. He and the two other occupants of the motor refused to go to a hospital. The truck driver was uninjured. The snowfall, which apparently ended yesterday, was the heaviest In four win ters, the total being eight Inches Tho last heavier snow was on December 5 and 6, 1910, when more than nine Inches fell. Kven with the snow melting on the streets, this winter Is far below nor mal, the total since December 1 being 13 inches, while the normal is 33.5 Inches. ABANDONED BABY FOUND Richly Dressed Youngster Held Penny, Though Almost Frozen. A fat, brown-eyed baby, one year old, was found In an alley In the rear of less Federal street early today by Police man McKnight, of the 15th street and Snvder avenue station, in a serious con dition from exposure. The police think the child was kidnaped by some one, who became frightened and deserted it in the alley. The baby Is now at the Philadelphia Hospital, where p'nysiclans are making every effort to stave off pneumonia. The child was warmly clad in costly cloth ing and had evidently had the best of attention and food. A Lincoln cent was found tightly clutched In one hand. Burglars Rob Postoffice NORTH CHELM3FORD, N. H . March 8. Burglars broke Into the postofflce ear ly today, blew open the safe, wrecking it and to postofflca, and escaped with a, email amount of cash and stamps. CHRISTIANS FLEE FROM TURKEY AS ALLIES ADVANCE Refugees Report Mas sacres Already Be gun in Interior Towns. . , Constantinople Reports Two Anglo-French Cruisers Bad ly Damaged in Dardanelles, But BritiBh Admiralty De nies Claim, Though Admit ting Stubborn Defense. Panic In Smyrna ns Anglo-French Fleet Bombards City Civilians Flco to Hills and Garrison Hastily Fortifios Railway Lino Leading to Constantinople. 8ALONIKA, March 8. Thousands of Christians are fleeing from the towns of western European Turkey Into Bulgarian territory to es cape massacre by the Turks. Refugees who arrived hero today asserted that massacres started In the Interior towns ns soon ns tho Ottoman troops wero withdrawn to concentrate along tho Dardanelles, nnd that everywhere Chris tians nre being tortured or slain. According to unverified reports the fugitives brought, E0 Christians were slain nt Tokkct, while Christian homes at Ortaja, Maltcpe and Tchcne have been pillaged and burned. LONDON,, March 8. A French cruiser was put out of ao tlon and nn Kngllsh cruiser badly dam aged during the Sunday afternoon bom bardment of tho Dardanelles, tho Turk ish War Office declared In an official statement given out today and transmit ted here by wireless from Berlin. Unofllctal dispatches, -wirelessed to Ber lin, confirmed the Turkish claims. Turk ish shells exploded on tho deck of the French warship, killing many of her crew. Sho steamed slowly out of tho fight ing line with her upper works in flames. Tho Turkish statement follows; "During Sunday afternoon the enemy's cruisers, Including tho Majestic and Ir rcelstable. bombarded the Inner torts ot the Dardanelles... They suffered heavy damage. "A French cruiser was put out of ac tion. An English cruiser wns badly dam aged. Tho enemy ceased flrlrig within ft few hours and withdrew. The Turkish bntterlcs suffered no damage of any de scription." British Admiralty officers flatly denied the claims of the Turks. They asserted that the latest' official dispatches from Vice Admiral Carden reported the allied fleet bombarding tho forts at long range outside tho flro of the forts. Shelling of tho Asiatic city of Smyrna has been resumed by tho British East In dian fleet, according to Athens dispatches today. Rear Admiral Pelrse's squadroli has been reinforced by a French warship nnd a flotilla of smaller croft. Including mine sweepers, and Is pouring nn Incest sant fire upon the Turkish land batteries. Nearly all civilians In Smyrna, a city of 200.000, have fled to the hills, Athens reported. Tart of tho 33,000 troops in the Smyrna garrison nre throwing up ln trenchments behind tho city to guard the Smyrna-Constantinople Railway. TURK GOVERNMENT TO QUIT CONSTANTINOPLE THURSDAY Courier From City Says Officials Will Go to Asia Minor. SOFJA. Bulgaria, March 8. The Turkish Government will ba re moved to Asia Minor on Thursday, ac cording to a message brought here from Constantinople by courier today. It states that ex-Sultan Abdul Hamid has been removed by tho Young Turks to Konla, to prevent a revolution aiming to restore him to the throne. The defense of Constantinople has been entrusted to German officers. PHILADELPHIAN HELD Prisoner Accused of Shooting Negro Pleads Self-defense. BALTIMORE, Md., March 8Charles Monell, 21 years old, ot 322S North 6th street, Philadelphia, was arrested hers accused of shooting and killing William Bautum, colored, today. He pleaded self defense. Monell came to this city recently look ing for work. He said the Negro Invited him home last night. Early today, ho said, he found the Negro In his room with a pistol. They struggled and the Negro was shot dead. GIRL'S COMPANION SENTENCED Michael Fazio, of New York city, con victed before Judge Barratt last week on charges of bringing 15-year-old Dalla Bellelno, 61 McDougal street. New York, to this city, was sentenced today to a term of two years In the Eastern Peni tentiary, Tho couple resided at 1332 Fair mount avenue. Fazio has a wife and three children living in New York, MI33 Bellelno tuld she knew he was married, but lover him so much she could not re sist the temptation to run away to this city. No Decision in Frank Murder Case VA3mr,u'iu.", Aiarcn K.-vne ynltea i States Supreme Court today concluded "'-. ids reaaing of opinions witnoui announc ing a decision in the Leo M. Frank mur der case. The Kensingtonian Saya: Propit Henderson is getting real rouj.N lately. He was teen shooting pool last Monday evening. LOST AND FOTJND LOST Young Airedale, about S muothV o(4. Bwr to nams of "I'lmk" : sdrM may o clock Satwlar; aullabl reward II "turned t 60 W. WUlaw Orovs TavSI CbMtaut HU1 j lXMiT Silver roeih ba. Morrm r ear rBtE and Merria. Friday morulas KwtM U nt turnad to IT1S Mcon at LOUT SwB&ar. twtwaaa IStth LocuaL Sii a3 pins kts.. ftll atlvat crvcWx ajaO. cfcuJn; raward. 8184 K at. CKJur clojJljttJ ov1Uiili t f4? if
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