Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 06, 1915, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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Magnate Says He "Will Be
Glad to Discuss Transit"
With Executive, B u t
Will Have Nothing to Do
With Taylor and Norris.
Stnrtd Is Taken to Indicate Bit
terness Toward City Offi
cials Director Norris Is
sues Statement Reiterating
Challenge to P. R. T.
fidward T fttolesbury, vlrtunl lipttd of
the Philadelphia Itnpld Transit Company,
In a telegram (o Major rjthnketiburg
made public today, declined
to enter Into r conference
with the Mnor upon llic
transit question If Director
Taylor and Director Norils
wero present.
The statement of Mr, Stotcsbury was
generally taken to Indlcuta his bitterness
toward he directors, who recently chal
lenged the transit company oMlclnla to
declare openly their attitude toward the
'rake" transit ordinance, and who
charged that Mr. Stotesbury linil not ucd
hi best crtorts to obtain the co-operation
of the t'plon Traction Company, to the
co-operatlvo agreement between the city
and the llnpld Tinnslt Company.
The Mayor withheld publication of the
Stotcsbury telegram until he hiul con
ferred with Director Taylor nnd Director
Norfls, Immediately after the confer
ence he save out the telcKram, with no
statement excepting that he felt It need
ed no reply. Director Taylor likewise
made no Btatcmcnt.
Director Norris proceeded at once to
his ofTlcfc In the Bourse, where, as tho
mouthpiece of the administration, he Is
sued a formal statement supplements
the challenge he made to the Uapld Tran
sit Company on the night of the mnss
mcctlng In the Academy of Music, Fch
ruary 21, explaining his present position
and discussing the controversy which has
arisen between the administration heads
and Mr. Stotcsbury.
The telegram which precipitated the
latest developments In the complicated
transit situation follows:
Tho Breakers, Palm Beach. Florida.
Honorable. IWdolph Dlankcnburg,
Philadelphia. Pcnna.
I am In receipt of your telegram of
March "A suggesting a conference upon
rapid transit matters. 1 will bo glad
to dlscuos the matter with you per
sonally ori my return, but In view of
thd fa'ct that your directors. Taylor
and Norris, have failed to retract their
public expressions upon my personal
and official Integrity. I must ducllne
to tako-pait in any conference with
them. K. T. Stotcsbury.
Dhector Norris, hi Ills statement, de
clined to withdraw an inch from the posi
tion ha took In making the challenge, lie
declared that the door la still open for
the Hapld Transit Company to let tho
people or Philadelphia know exactly
where it 'stands on the public Issue und
whether It still Is favorable to th, Taylor
plan as Indicated last May in th,c 'co-Operative,
That Mr. Stotcsbury already Te dis
avowed any sponsorship for the. "Take"
transit ordinance Introduced by tho Fi
nance Committee, Mr. Norris stated, Is
cause for congratulation, but tho'Dlrcctor
asked furthur that tho public be assured
that'll! ''the officers, agents and attor
neys'1 'of "the Hapld Transit Company arc
In the sarue position In this matter as Mr.
StotesnjJTl" himself.
The Director further declared that he
had uoiioi tho Rapid TranBlt Company a
favor-Jo opening an opportunity for them
to clear- themselves of tho odium now
resting upon those responsible for tho
ordinance before the Mayor.
The receplt of the third telegram from
Mr. Stotcsbury In tho course of the long
distance controversy Indicated that Mr.
Stotcsbury Is unwilling to allow the tran
sit tjlffereiices to rest until ho return
from. Florida as requested by tho Mayor.
Mayor Blankenburg, when asked whether
he would bo willing to meet Mr. Stotes
bury without the two directors, replied
that lie had conferred with tho magnate
many tlmea before and saw no reason why
he should not do eo again.
The statement of Director Norris fol
lows in. full.
"Mr, Bt'oteobury does not realize how
hard it U'or- persons familiar with local
conditions, to believe that Senator Mc
Nlchpl, ahd bin lieutenants In Councils
ero npt playing the transit company's
same ttf this matter. We know that thoy
have ho real objections to the proposed
constitutional amendment, or they would
have Sjtattd' them two years Bgo. We
ltnow that they have no real ear that
Director Taylor's plans would involve an
increase In the tax rate, or they would
have proclaimed that fear long ago, and
5Ir. Connelly would not have Introduced
an ordinance that would bilng about such
n deplorable result. We know that If
they had any honest doubts about de
tails or ins pians iney woma nave lls
cussed them with him, with Chief
Webster apd with other engineers none
of which things they have done. We know
that they are trying to utterly defeat
real rapid transit.
"Now, having the next mayoralty ap
parently In their grasp, why should the
Organization run the risk of raising an
Issue upon which they arc almost cer
tain to lose that mayoralty! All that
they stand tp win Is having tho ji.OOQ.OOO
of contracts that Director Taylor would
let this year, let next year under the
new Administration. Is that stake forth
the risk? Any intelligent man would re
Tlr In the negative. The only remaining
explanations are (1) that the Organiza
tion la playing some one else's game, or
(J) that It has utterly parted company
with the. last remaining scintilla of com
mon sens?.
' If Mr. Stotesbury will let his mind
realize the persuasiveness of this reason
ing, he will appreciate the fact that I was
doing tho Transit Company a real kind
ness when I gave It the opportunity
which is stilt open to declare Its position
in this matter, to state Its contempt for
the fake ordinance, to line Itself up with
the people and against the councllmanlc
pullbacks, and to use its Influence and
that of Hit pincers and dlreetors toward
the prompt earrying out of the plana to
which u gave Its approval last May.
"I refrained from making any com
ment upon Mr. StotMbury's first tele
gram to the Mayor, charging1 that I had
rnade slanderous' remarks about him,
eiause t supposed that the telegram
H'ust have been based upon an Incorrect
tsort of what I had said, and that when
Mr $tabury learned what I had actu
.iilv said, he would withdraw the adjec
n,t In lit telegram of yesterday, how-
. : r. be rvfeia to 'public anparslon upon
.10 ji tonal and official integrity.'
t am triad to ttuit h tela.
A. mat ae couscsiimyiic now-up or
Hapld Transit Is such an infamous thing
that no reputable, citizen can bear the
thought of being connected with It He
Is wrong, however. In thinking thnt I
have said anything 'slanderous' about
him or reflected upon hi persoiini or of
ficial Integrity All that 1 did was to
extend an Imitation to open a door to
him. He hns already partly availed
himself of the opportunity. I hope he
will avail himself of It fully. I re
ferred to the 'ucll-deflned suspicion'
that tho Rapid Transit Compnny wns be
hind the Councllmanlc hold-up, nnd called
upon that company to clear Its sklrta by
disavowing tho Finance Committee's fako
ordinance and urging the passage of tho
real ordinance.
"Air. Stotcsbury wired tho Mnyor that
neither lie nor the Mayor had had any
thing to do with the fake ordinance. 1
knew that this nag trim ns to the Mayor,
and 1 am glad to have Mr. Stotesbury's
assurance that !t Is true ns to him also.
Now let Mr. Stotesbury take the next step
nnd assilie us that It li truo ns to all or
the officers, agents and attorney of the
Transit Company.
"This Is not an Issue between individ
uals. It Is a gleat big Issue between the
public, which wants teal rapid transit,
and the t'ouneilmanle ro,ue wlilili xn
seeking to deny it rapid transit, nnd what
tho public wants to know Is Just exmtlv
whole the TrnuMt Pompni y ronlh dues
stand on this public Issue."
Senator Vnro today refused absolute!'
to discuss the transit situation, giving the
lenson tliht his vacation In Florida lind
kept him out of touch with the situation
"I have been In Florida, nenrh nil the
tlmo during the public bearing on transit
nnd cannot discuss tho present situation
until I become ncnu..lnted with It In !
tall," he said. The Senator dcelared lie
expected no hitch In reporting tho amend
ment to the State Constitution Increasing
the clt.v'H borrowing capacity for transit
purposcn out of the Senate Committee on
Almilclii.il Affairs. "There Is lots of tlmo
to net on that amendment," tho Seimtor
Continued from I'ace One
live forever. The Blblo sajs heaven or
hell, so why do ou resist?
"Religion wiih the first need of the
world," he continued. "Religion will bo
your last hopo In your dying hour. When
you He down to die you won't care about
your money or tho things you hnvo
prized. You will crave for assiirauco that,
jou are saved. Don't be hoodwinked.
Believe nnd you will never say you nro
an alien to God."
In closing he made an earnest plea for
his hearers to come forward nnd profess
their faith In Jesus Christ.
"Now. It's up to you," Hilly shouted.
"On the Judgment Day the Lord will
army the blessed on Ills right and tho
damned on His left. It Is up to you to
say where you will stand. By your voice
you can fit your eternal destiny with
the saved, or can make yourself one of
tho lost and go to hell. What do you
say? Come and give me your hand,
joung people; do It today while you are
young and give the best of your life
to Him. Theie are few who Und salva
tion after they leach their declining
"Billy" began his activities this morn
ing, when lie addressed 100 employee of
the Reach sporting goods factory at Tulip
and Palmer streets. Ho was at home
In the "baseball atmosphere." ns ho
termed It, and was enthusiastic in his
praise of the part the men niul women of
the plant played In making possible what
he declared to be one of tho finest sports
ever devised.
"A good many people don't realize what
a line lot of people there arc In the fac
tories of' our country," ho said In the
course of his address. "I tell you tho
working classes arc the mainstay of a
nation, and without It no country could
last very long."
When Informed that the
forwarding n dozen of lis
company was
llnest baseball
bats and halls to Winona I,ahe. Ind , to
his two young sons, Mr. Sunday replied.
"Well, they'll be appreciated all right.
Those oungsters are crazy over tho
game, nnd the youngent one seems to
bo pretty good. He has the wing, jou
know. You can always tell a baseball
man by that."
After Mr. Sunday had completed his
address, Mr. Welsh nnd "Jack" Cardiff
spoke on various phases of tho revival
work being conducted in this city.
Sunday dedicated n big motor ambu
lance to be used In tho European war
zone this morning before going to tho
Reach factory. In hl dedication address
ho depleted the horrors of war and
prayed that the vehicle might bring much
relief to suffering and dying soldiers.
Tho ceremony took place In the pres
ence of a large delegation of prominent
society peoplo nnd representatives of the
Emergency Aid Committee, in the head
quarters of the Hulck Motorcar Com
pany, iXi North Broad Htrcet. It was
very Impressive.
The ninbulanco will be honl to tho
American Ambulance Hospital In Paris
by tho British Relief Committee of the
Emergency Aid. It was bought by the
commlttco with the proceeds from the
sale of a enr given to Mrs. Bessie Dn'jBOn
Altemus, after the 'Mnde-ln-America,"
bazaar last Decembor. Mrs. Altemus and
Mrs. E. Burd Orubb wero among those
present at the dedicatory exercises this
There has never been a car of tho
same kind shipped to the war zone. It
Is said. This ambulance Is a mlnlntuie
hospital. It has a capacity for six wound,
ed, scats for physicians nnd nurfies, and
is equipped with cases, closets And hos
pital tmpplics.
Although he had a tooth drawn shortly
aftor midnight, the evangelist was feeling
fine this morning, and Is In trim for ids
strenuous work today, nnd tomorrow.
Policeman Bradley, tho old-time baseball
player and friend of "Billy," who guards
Door No. 2 at the tabernacle, was a gucut
with the evangelist nt breakfast today.
The sermon this afternoon will he for
high school students, mid It In expected
that tho meeting will be one of tho most
enthusiastic slnco tho campaign opened.
Sunday's Sermon on Page 11
Continued from Tage One
tho pursuit one of the men halted and
reached Into his hip pocket. A shot rang
out, and Tlerney fell shot through the
groin. He attempted to rise, but fell
back with his own weapon half drawn
from his pocket.
The report of the shot which killed
Tlerney attracted several hundred per
sons to the scene, and before the fleeing
thugs reached 6th street a crowd of more
than 1000 persons was at their heels. At
Stli street the men separated, and one of
them btopped and threatened his pur
suers with a revolver. The foremost of
the pursuers stopped, and as the men dis
appeared down 5th street. Motorcycle
Policemen McDanlels and Jam Scott,
together with Patrolman Sharpleea,
dashed up to the corner.
Before they could force their way
through the crowd the flaaing men had
gained Shapley's stable, near Hth and
King streets. Here they Intrenched
themselves behind u pile of refuse und
both opened tire on the policemen. Be
fore a detail of blueeoats. summoned on
a riot call from City Hall, could reach
the stable, hundred In the crowd had
pushed up to the stable doors shouting
for the life of th policeman's murderer
UeDoiiBi and Seett, after several inef
fectual attempt! to MVtu.ru toe &re of th
lntrefcd HMMMt, prWlre4 a wagon
and ftwwn jfi ! 0' Ubl du
oharBlmj tle - a tjwy for4
their way cloar to ttt theater They
La Tout-nine, which sailed from New York for Havre lust iSnturday, early todny sent out wireless distress
calls saying she was on fire about fiOO miles west of the Irish const, Stcnmshipa which henrd the calls
have altered their courses and are rushing to her rescue She belongs to the Cnmpagnic Gcnorale
had gotten to within n few ynrds of the
stable door when it was seen thnt the
men In the place had climbed to the
hnv loft and had begun to open fire from
tho upper floor of the stnble.
The fimt bullet which came from the
hayloft struck McDoncl! before ho had a
chance to leap back, In rcspoiiso to tho
warning shouts of the panic-stricken
citizens. Then more than a dozen shots
uere heard In rapid succession and Scott,
with blood streaming from his shoulder
nnd neck fell behind his brother offlccr.
The sight enraged the mob, who pushed
closer to the stable. Efforts on tho part
of tho reinforcements of bluccoats which
had arrived in automobiles, were power
less to hold the infuriated. mob In check.
Unablo to help himself Jacob Zimmer
man, a Councilman nnd well-known busi
ness man, was forced out Into nn exposed
poHitlon In the line of fire.
Mnnlovc, wno alo had been attracted
by the shooting, tried to reach him and
pull him to a position of surety. As his
arm touched tho official ,a bullet struck
him In the neck nnd he fell unconscious.
In the meantime tho crowd had fallen
hack out of inline and the police dingged
the fireman to fcnfety, using tho wagon
which had been rcqulstloned by McDon
nell, to protect themselves from tho dead.
1 lire of the desperadoes.
Manlove together with .Immcrmnn were
ruslirii to tho hospital, whore thoy were
Immediately placed mi tho operating table
with the wounded policeman. They arc be
lieved to have been fatally shot.
Enraged nt the casualties Inflicted by
the revolvers of tho gunmen, moio than
a icoie of policemen descended on tho
front door of the stable. Ah many crept
behind to the rear nnd at a signal given
bv a police whlstlo entered Ihn idnen
i ," """ "u niirmi in
f,n'" the front arid rend nt once.
vtiicn Ihe.v gained cutiance a fiiKlllml
of .sIioih gieeteil them, followed bv gro.ms
Horn the upper lloor of the stable. Two
of tho policemen tnw the leg of one or
the men through a chink In tho bom ding
and llred. A spurt of blood followed tho
shot nnd a voice from the darkness
offered to surrender.
The police then loie out a poition of
the flooring nnd. holding bales of straw,
nay and a number or bonida in n out
of them, rushed on their quarry. They
found both hud been wounded, hut the
men did not give up without n light. Both
of their rcolvers were emptj und thoy
had no more ammunition.
The prisoners were taken by a secret
route toth e hospital, Neither Is bellovcd
to be seriously injured, nnd, according to
cider of Pollco Black, both of tho men
nro foreign-born and strangers In Wil
Passengers on Liner Witnessed Dis
aster in English Channel.
NEW YORK". March fi. Passengers
aboard tho steamship Ryudham, which
docked at Hobokcn today, said they saw
a big freighter blown up In the English
Channel off Dover, cither by a submarine
or by a mine, on tho afternoon of Feb.
ruary II. ,
The freighter canted no flag, they said,
and her crew was taken off by a de
stroyer, which signaled tho Ryndham to
hoop away iih tho channel was full of
When a man cats two loaves of bread
without stopping to answer questions it
Is taken for granted that ho'a hungry.
John Schmidt, a liomeloss man. per
formed this feat today In less than five
minutes nt tho Park and I.ohlgh avenues
police station. When he had finished tho
task he said he had room for a couplo
more loaves. The pollen bought him a
meal, and when this had disappeared
Schmidt declared that ho had been starv
ing for neurly thrco days.
Ho wob arrested by Policeman Nickels
Just after he had taken two loaves of
bread from doorsteps. The bread was
used as evidence against him, but as no
prosecutors would appear Magistrate
Emly decided to let the man eat the
"I walked all the way to a railroad
station," said Schmidt, "Just to sit down
and rest, because I could not sleep any
where. I was chased from the stutlon
and also from Beveral doorsteps. Then I
concluded that as Ipng as I would get
arrested anyway, I might as well bo ar
rested by getting a meal. I offered to do
odd Jobs )n many place Just for food,
but people would not let me In their
houses on acoqunt of my clothe."
"What would you dp If I discharged
you?" asked Magistrate Urn ley.
"I don't know," replied Schmidt.
He was committed to the House of Cor
rection ifor three months, and exprewed
his thanks.
If you saw a, tall man going In the
pockets of a small man and the latter
looked helplMe, you would suspect that
the little man was being robbed. Bernard
Olllen, foreman of the 15th, street and
Cumberland streets car barn, thought so,
too. He saw Thomas Jenks searching
the pockets of Fred Gilroy, of 5d and
Brown street, and phoned for a police
man Jenka bad a violin with htm. and when
tbe cop arrived, he was sure that he had
captured tig game.
'Mvritils's all right, ' said Jtipits.
Gay and Worldly Resort Is
Having a New Experience.
Western Evangelist There.
ATLANTIC CITY. Mnich G. Something
hns happened to Atlantic City, onco ac
counted one of the wickedest of cities.
Despite nil Its gaiety nnd worldllncss, tho
spirit of "Billy" Sunday has crossed the
Delawaie, (.panned CO miles of Jersey
farmland, pluo barrens nnd meadowa and
Invested the cnpltnl of plensuro by the
In the big Exposition Building, front
ing tho Boardwalk Itself nt Kentucky
avenue, n mldBiimiier ccntro of exhibits
of ecry description and thronging
crowds of curious visitors, were enacted
last night scenes tho like of which At
lantic City hns never seen,
John (Julncy Adams Henry, a Western
evniigcllst, with a rolling voice, a win
ning smile and an unlimited supply of
dynamics, has come to town by Invita
tion of a dozen pastors to do battle
with Satan nnd all his satraps. . It wns
I he blth night of n revival that bid
fair to become a soul-saving campaign
of ticinendous pi opor lions.
Within the big, bnrn-IIko structure, tho
heats of which fnce, a whlto banner
stretched enthely ncross olio end of tho
building and bearing tho words. "Make
Jesus King." Fifteen hundred persons,
drawn from nil walks of life, stood nnd
a,ng Joyously old-fnsliloned icvlvallst
Responding to the winning eloquence of
the -tiiigcl!st, MOO lunula went up last
night to pioclalin t hat their poscssors
nckuow ledge Christ as their leader.
There Is no "wiwclust trnll" In the big
auditorium, but n dozen persons, chiefly
men and women of mature years, worked
tholr Way through tho crowd and march
ed, bends erect, down the nlslcs to the
platform and took tho hand of tho evan
gelist. Practically every Protestant pastor in
tho city, tho Salvation Army, the Y, M.
l- A. nnd tho Socloly of Ft lends are
backing tills concerted movement to not
only ninko Atlantic i'lt better than it
ever lias been, but to make It one of
the cleanest nnd best cities morally In
the Stnte.
Just boforp tho close of tho service the
Rev. Thomas J. Cross, pastor of the
Chelsea BnptlHt Chinch, caught sight of
tho Itev. Charles .Martin Nlles. iceipr of
the Episcopal Church or the Ascension,
in the rear of the hall and led him down
tho nlhlo to Invoke a blessing on the
city nnd the movement to make It a
belter place to live in.
Cottago prayer meetings nlicady are In
progress In many places throughout the
Ut Peoplo everywhere mo talking of
mo rcvivni.
University Extension Course
Tho ouug members' course of tho
University Extension Society wns con
tinued tills afternoon at Wltherspoon
Hall. Two of the Important features wero
leadings for children by .Miss Lilian
I.elKhton Lampton. of Now York, and
educational motion pictures.
"Don't try to con me," replied the cop.
Ho brought Jenks and CJIlroy to the 26th
und York streets station.
Jenks admitted that he was "going In"
GUroy's pockets, and by way of explana
tion, added, "Qllroy and me have been
pals for years. Wo wero at a party, und
on our way home, Gil said he didn't know
whether he had any money In his pocket
or not. And ns we wero hlttln' them up
a little, he couldn't find his pockets. So
I searched his pockets for him to tell him
how much ho had. Then nlong came the
cop. We'ro musicians, and we always play
"I don't want to mar the harmony of
your friendship," said Magistrate Morris,
"and if Gilroy will play us a tupe on the
piano over there In the corner, and you
play the violin. I'll accept It as a vindi
cation." The two prisoners willingly obliged, and
In a few moments the cops were regaled
with ragtime, grand pper.1 nnd other se
lections, The court thanked the musicians for the
concert and discharged them.
En route from Bath, N. v., to Palm
Beach, William Kump dropped in to
pay a, social visit today to the police of
the 15th and Pine streets station, His
costume was In keeping with the tropics,
but his tennis coat and white tlunnel
trousers were insulted by the presence of
a pair of brutal leather boots.
The visitor admitted that his finances
were at low ebb, while his appetite was
In emphatic contrast. He offered to chop
wood, scrub the floor or shine the badges
of the blueeoats for a little Interior satis
faction, so Magistrate Hagerty and eome
of the oops contributed to a feast.
It was not until he had finished his
breakfast that the police got a proper
Hue on tbe caller He whispered to the
Magistrate confidentially, "the trouble
nowadays Is there's not enough ostriches
In the world " The Judge Immediately
toncluded that Klmp had walked far
I enough and seut him to the Philadelphia
1 Hospital-
Continued from Fase One
course, stand for the cause of tho
Allies, but, Just as yourself, discretion
should always be used. We out hurt
Germany much harder If we pretend
to be strictly neutral thnn by taking
the stand of llcustls.
Deal friend, do what you can In this
matter nnd myself nnd nil my fi lends
will be thankful to you.
With kindest regard and west wishes,
1 am, Yours,
The communication wns written on sta
tionary of cheap grade and tho envelope
containing It bore a postmark, "Feb. lBlh,
4:20 p. m." The mark of the postal station
where It hnd been mnllcd wns ernsed.
Tho letter was shown Mr. I.udlngton.
lie nt onco snld that he had not w'llttcn
the communication and that the signa
ture attached was not his, lie mild thnt he
did not know Mr, Van Vnlkeiiburg or
Mr. Heustls, nor wns he an (englishman.
Mr. Vnn Valkcnburg hns been 111 for
several weeks at tho University Hospital.
Mr. Vnn Valkcnburg was seen In bis
room nt the hospital. Ho was shown a
copy of the letter addressed to him. He
said that he had never received such a
letter, that he did not know Charles 11.
I.udlngton nor did he know any man
named Ludlngton,
Ho was asked whether he knew Charles
It. Houstls, of the liujulicr. llo replied
thnt he ltnow him slightly. He was asked
whether ho thought ho exercised sufficient
Inlluenee over Mr. Heustis tu cause lilm
to change the tonor of his war writings.
Mr. Van Valkcnburg laughed hcaitily nt
this question. He added that ho Knew
no person named Dwlght, as mentioned In
tho letter.
Mr. llcustls was told about tho manner
In which his name had been used dining
tho course of an Interview in his ofllco
nt tho Philadelphia Inquiicr building.
He entered a general denial of tho truth
of tho charges made in the letter.
"The whole thing is so manifestly ridic
ulous," ho said, 'that It Is hnrdly worthy
of a reply. I have u nodding acquaint
nnco with Mr. Van Vnlkeiiburg. I do not
know Charles If. Ludlngton. I go to
Km ope every year. During my Inst visit
to Huropo I decided to write general im
ptcssinns of conditions duo to tho war.
but there wna nothing secret In this, iih
tho Inquirer made several iiiinouiicemeutH
concerning the special article which I
was to write."
Mr. Heustis said that the charge thnt
he hnd received a bum of money from
tho British Government was too ridicu
lous to merit an answer. Ilo said tho In
quirer had been In receipt of numerous
letters from Germans who complained
about tho headlines, that lettors had been
received from partisans of both sides,
and that na a icsult of this It was de
cided to publish no letters whatever con
cerning tho war.
Charles II. Heustis Is edltor-ln-clilcf of
tho Inquirer.
F. W. Lledtke, the leclplent of the let
ter, is an ardent German-American and
is at loss tu understand how the news
that ho received such a communication
leaked out. Ho declined at Hist to give
tho letter for publication, but finally. In
a spirit of fair play, thought It only Just,
Mncn the Impression had become general
that the signature of "Ludh.gton" meant
Charles H. Ludlngton, that tho public bo
made acquainted with tho contents of tho
The unknown writer who Inclosed tho
Van Valkenburg communication wrote tho
following to Mr. Lledtke;
"Mr. K. Lledtkes
"Unclosed letter was npt stolen or
found, but it wns thrown In the waste
to be burned up, and as waste is nobody's
property this letter becamo my property,
and I make you a present with It. I liavo
hron In your place several times. You nr
a good. fearlcsB man nnd stand for tho
right. I cannot sign my name, as I don't
want tn lose my Job, but I like the right
more than I like rascality.
Mr, Lledtke declined to enter Into uny
discussion of the Inferences In the Van
Valkenburg letter jegardlng newspaper
favoritism concerning the war. '
"Le tho newspapers thresh tho matter
out." h said.
Forbids Evasion of Tenement Law
Real estate agent who have been rent
ing out rooms to three or four families
In houses for which which they collected
rents for the ownrs win have to stop
the practice. Magistrate Renihaw, In
the City Hall police court, warned of
fenders in this re8ard nnd pointed out
toVh" that they were subject to a
tenement tax and had no more right to
evade the law than a bartender had o
sell liquor outside of the saloon where he
was employed.
Wilton has definitely abandoned his trip
to the Pantraa-PaolAe Bxpcwlilon this
month Tho international situation and
Mexican developments are given as tUe
Continued from 1'ase tine
on board, sailing to France to Join the
French Red Cross service.
"1 wns greatly Impressed with the pic
cautlons taken when the ship sailed," he
snld. "Kvery person nolng on board was
scrutinized nnd nil the luggage Wns ex
amined minutely. I attempted to get a,
photographer on board to tnko some pic
tures, but the officers would not nllow
film theie,"
aidi;d huhxim voi.tuuxo
NttW YOIIK. Mnreh fi.-Cnplnln CniH
sin nnd the crew of the liner La Tour
nine, teported burning In mldocenn, were
heroes of the disaster that overtook the
t'rnnlum liner Volturno when she. burned
nt sen with a loss of 1.12 lives 1J, months
The La Tournlne steamed lo the assist
ance of the burning Volturno. Captain
Cnussln. despite a heavy sen, got n boat
over nnd took off 42 Of tho Vollurno's
pnsscngers, reaching New York with them
on October iR, 1913. Tho captain nnd
members or tho ciew were given mednls
for bin very
Captain Cnussln tried to snvc the Ill
fated Tllnnle. He signaled her a wnrn
log of the piescnce of Icebergs In her
Representatives of the French Line,
whose innln offices nrc In New York, ln
foimeri the KvKNi.Srt Lcnnnu over tho
long-tllstnncc telephone todny thnt no
Phllnilelphlnns hud booked passage on La
Tournlne. Many of" the passengers nro
nurses nnd physicians who arc on their
way tn Prance, Intending to Join tho war
hospital corps. According to the steam
ship company officials, tho majority of
the mimes nnd doctors nrc natives of
NEW YORK. Mnreh 6. The French
liner La Tournlno can led 1.131 enscs of
cartridges In her hold when she left New
Yrnk. Tho ship's manifest, on file nt the
custuiiiH house here, brought to light this
in format Ion today.
In shipping circles Ilio fear was c
piesscd that If flames reached the hold
In which the cnitildges weie stored nn
explosion would result.
Ofllclals of the French line told a
United Press icporter thnt there were
no munitions: of war aboard the liner, nnd
thnt her enrgo consisted largely of food
stuffs. Her manifest showed thnt In ad
dition lo the supply of cartridges, slio
can led 130 mpld-llreis, and that her 1200
ton cargo was mndo up largely of shoes
and uulfoim chth for the French nnd
Belglnn army.
if the cartridges. EOO cnes. weighing
K.euO pounds, nnd vnlued nt $21,000, were
for rnpld-flrc guns, nnd fiM cases, weigh
ing r.3.00O pounds, and valued nt 523,000.
Avcie fm' other guns. In nddltlon, the
Touinlno carried wheat, hnms, lard,
blankets, turpentine and many cases of
E. T. Gill's $50,000 Herd Shot
by Inspectors of U. S. Ani
mal Bureau.
How would you feel If somebody took
M 1000-dollnr hills belonging to you. set
them ng.ilnst a wall and blow them tn
atoms with a hlgh-powcicd rllle, bejond
nil hopo of icdcmptlon?
And -how would you feel, further, If
fho snme somebody dcstioyed In Clio
samo fashion a possession of yours
which, because of years of association,
was valued far heyond Inlilnslc worth
and hnd become for sentimental icnsons
well nigh priceless?
This w.ih tho realization csporionccd
by F. T. Gill today when Inspectors of
the United Sines Iluieitii of Animal In
dustry, as ruthless us the ravages of
tho foot ami mouth disease which t'uey
nro attempting to check, shot and killed
120 head of his cattle so Infected on his
farm nt llnddonfleld, N. .1,
For tho Inspcctois It was merely an
other Job In similar work performed In
nil sections of tho country, nsido from
the fact that todny they disposed of
the moat valmiblo herd so Fhtug-litercd
In tho tlnst.
flut for Mr. UIII It wns grim trngrdv.
Because, In general, nsldo from tho loss
nf n small foitunc. SS of the herd weie
tho icsult of i ears 'of careful biccding
and caro from nn importation of aucrnsoy
eattlo mndo In tho early SO's. But In
particular because ono of tho hhota blow
out the brains of fJlonwood Main Stay,
n IK-year-oId prlzo bull, tho head of the
herd nnd an nnlmnl whose blood circu
lates In hundreds of offspring distributed
fiiroushout nil heetlons of tho country
from Maine to California.
So much does Mr. Olll think of Glen
wood Mninstny that tho bull will not ho
burled In tho trenches, as nro tho rest of
the herd on tho spot where tho bullets
deprived them of life, but In a separato
grave especially dug. to bo marked by
a monument; and as a special tribute ho
will wear In death a bluo ribbon, one of
the many ho flaunted so proudly In his
long and serviceable lifetime.
Mr. Olll did not see nil this; ho only
realized It. He remained nt the farm this
morning nieicly long enough to welcome
tho Inspectors and then hurried away In
Ills automobile.
Mr. tllll valued his herd nt about ;o,000,
which is what they would have brought
at public sale. To him. po-ionnlly. sev
eral of the animals wero priceless. The
aieuwood bfeed Is recognized by many
authoiltles as the highest cattle develop
ment yet made in America. Many of this
offspring receho the highest rating In
cattle circles. It Is the breeding capacity
of Mr. GUI's herd that renders It eo
Mr. Gill will bo recompensed by the
authorities to the extent of about JIOO
per head or fJj.OOO In all.
Forty-three cows and calves, owned by
Samuel Huffey, Castor road nnd Oxfoid,
pike, Frank ford, were also shot on his
premises at 2 o'clock.
Strict enforcement of tho quarantine
continues In this city, from Glrard ave
tme north to tho county line, between
the two rivers. The State Sanitary Live
Stock Board said yesterday tlio quaran
tine would be continued Indefinitely. The
police are enforcing tho order which pro
hibits the movement of cattle, hay, fod
der and skins outside this area.
Attempt to Holt Advanco of French
Troopa Causae Sharp Fight.
PARIS, March G.
Violent night attack by German troops
northwest of Reaiuejour, m an attempt
to halt the 1'renoa advances In cham
pagne, have resulted In desperate fighting.
The communique declares that all of the
attacks on the Beausajour were repulaed,
however, and also claims that the French
progress tn the region of Perthes Is being
In Belgium, in the region of Nieuport
and Ypres. lighting was confined on Vti
d1Jf. l? llv'y riliery engagement,
while further south there was an Inter
mntn cannonade between ta L nd
the Aisn.
One Hundred Carpenters Oit
to Return Electrified Fenca!
uunrcig .rowaer Jlant.
trnoM a STArr coniiEsrosMiST J 9
heavy snowstorm effectually ii.j ..a
operations on Plant No. 2 of the FA fj
mi I'oni-ue fsemours Powder Companr
nt Carney's Point, near here, today, fj
iiiuukii moio limn auu or tho carpentcn
wmii muiii. uii pliihc ior n Kfller ...
reported their willingness to rtturn J
worn. .Most or tne sinkers came W
from Philadelphia. Non-ark and Camdn
wiih Dnreiy cngugii nothing t0 M,
in ii,.lt..,,H !..!. I 1 . '?'rlni
tn rnnlliiUtv Inlim lrtw1t, - ..... li
, innor lencicm are Unable !'
i enthusiasm over the proeosV
the workmen, most of whom
nrnnsn tvttli hHiiiIhi.i.i ... ii " V
tn nrtrnntzo I
."-'. """" ii
hi-h not nrmifttou tvith Any union.
An rlcHi'Iflcd fence which wan trtcUi
n round tlir grottm! of tho company duHhl
inn iiikii- hiso uaiuprnpa in ardor of hi
iIl!snliRi1cd carpenters, man of vhm
Irft for Wilmington thiit morning A y
iuiiui, iMti'-uMicuucni oi i no plant d
clarcrl thnt the ntrlko wns a nettle.' fc
nrimlilDrl flint hr etnfm 1,AJ -.. L,
fun fortr of rnrpontorji from coin h
work todny. The wharves of che com.
puny nro bcinff enlnrKCd to facilitate (hi
shipment of a number of large ord5r1
which havn been received from rcrrtjl
vmilllt IVPn nf linMrtna Miinirnr1 It tls. ...
: - -..-,. .o'-o'.v. xv war
Some Esciipc in Nirrht Clothes Down
Sheet Ladder.
Fire In a bakery and dwelling linutf at
nil Catharine street early this mornnlr
drove 12 persons Into the Btiowstorm Inn
mpir nigui doming nnu several wer,
forced to escape from tho third Hon
of tho house by sliding down a wire to i1
Tho house Is occupied by Sylvester Or,
Inndo, his wife and their four chlldrjnjl
and Fredeilck Pnsscl, his four brother."!
nnd Hislcrs and his mother. The mttr
occupy tho third Jloor.
Jlascl slid down a wire to n shed In thil
car and Passcl Ipwcred his brothers and
slstera down by a sheet Mrs. Paisc(
muffled her head In a shawl nnd mn
aged to reach tho street by a stairway. .
Firemen cnslb extinguished the ftamw,'
Tho loss was estimated nt ?:00. j
. r
Mrs. Laura H. Wnsltabnuch i
C1IKKTI211. Pa. Mnreh fi -Mr. I...,.!'
JI. Wnshabnugh. widow of Col. Perry MM!
M-o.iuu.iuhu, men iifjn- tunny luiiQwinr;
ti trnF lllnAun CM.-. ... . . t.TA
. ....ii iiii'ton, out- ivun upaoujiuea will,
tllO LlldlPfl RlMlflVnlftllt Rinoi nt.rl !-.
cetcd in chin Itnblo woi k. She was aj
dauirhter of the lnt Y s. Wnif-t H
fonner member of Hip I.cKlalatuie. BhflM
lu ,, It", 1.1 1... ,.. ..t.M.1. 1. .. HH
... .....,..lM .... mm i.'iiiiui on. vtnuefj
University of Virginia; Frank. o(
i-niinma; airs. Walter II. Hart, and Al
hert, of this city.
Official Forecast
lftl n.iolm... f,... ...... t......... ...
.... ....... .,, , i-uui iviiiuii nam 09
snow tonight; Sundnj unsettled nll(
to fresh northeast lo ensi uiiirlu
For New Jersey llaln ur snow tonlghtM
Sunday unsettled with piobably Iocali
auB or ruins.
Too western storm has moved slowly'
uuiiiis uiu uiai .i nniira una iH apparently
cent! ;il over the southern enri or t,i,
Michigan this moinlng. A second 'dfii
nirn.inco developed last night off ttin
South Atl.intlo const and Iihr mniwt
iioithwnrd lo Norfolk. Vn. The precipitin
tlon flnm the coast storm hns been rntn
ill districts south of Philadelphia, bull
uas uccii mostly snow In Pcnnsylvnnfej
Tho Western storm has caused light to.
modciatelv henvv Nnnu f iIia rimd,
coming under IIh Inlluenee. The tenvS;
i-t-.u.viii-n ij,iiwM,t-ii in riuo in ine i.a.BM
icgloii and tho North Atlantic States. M
U. S. Weather Htire.iu Hiillnlln
(ITiirnallunH nmdo m Sam. cuMtrn tlnm.''
I.tn " " " ' '
lUHt ItfLlll- Vrlm 41
Station Snm. nt ran u tmi t i tether
Ahllene. Thy .'Ill ML- . vw' in .iinM7?
Atlantic lt.... tin lit ,i;o i: nu Itatn S
lllamarvk. N. I). l!0 no .01 N III l-lowlSBi
t tinlnn Mlii ll wl .ii d
lleston. Mute
.11 ::t) N in i-loudr
Ilurfalo. N. Y
I'hlinKo, 111.
Cleveland. O.
:;ii ::o ,iu ki: id Know
.-it :;2 .;w ,Hv 12 -ioii.ly
.".ti :m .u'h hi: l-l- cloudy
Ilflivrr. Col
i-j is w i ."now -H
lies Mollien. In., is in m N jt .Snow UB
lii-irolt. Mich
i -! ill hi: k 1.1BPV
: l
nn uth. M nn.
ill ai 1 4, Ni; in loudy i
Cnhentun. Tex., nil M
n in , irar
.'111 NW ill 1'louJy
llaltcras, N. C. II 41
Ileletlll, Mnnt... is '.'8
lluion. H II. . " "L'
H I i lear -M
in N ill louily
Jnrkianvllle.ria. .11 .'.!' "- W
2 Hnoir
KUIInaH 1-ltJ. Mo. "."J '.M "! w
lulnviiif, Ky. .. ::n :t
Mcmnhl, Tcnii., .11 31
New Orleann .. Ri .VI
to mv ii cloudy
.iv 1- uiear
. NW a Clear'
New York ,TJ M
oi n is unow
N. I'lutle. Neli.. 111 HI .1l NW 12 Cloudy
Oklahoma, Ok... ill id
NW li Cloudy
I'lilliulelrlila .. . .11 :.-
Tlin,ilY. Arl. .. I' 40
RK 4 Clear W
l'lttsbursh, I'a... ." .".0 .71 RK lo cloudy
Portland, Me.... is ill . . N 8 Cloudy
Tlnpllm.fl n.a Jl .11 .O'J M 4 I'loUdV
Kt. IrflUli, Mo..'. iS SS ."I BV HI Cloudy 'j
HI I'aul, Minn., sh ii .- kb i couoy
Halt fjike. Utali. :il .13 SI3 -1 cloudy
Han rmnt-ltco... 4H 4S i: t clear
Somnlon. I'a.. . '::0 30 M XIJ li Snow
Tampa Si .'- nt w II clear
Waahincton .. Ill ii" Si NK IS HaW
Winnipeg fl 0 N 10 Clear
fan thern ho such a thing as an
unpardonable slu? Unitarians, ear
neatly, thoughtfully, and In mala;
leuaiice of a worthy conception of
(Joil. ufllrm thnt there cannot,
Thla subject will bo treated tomor
row at 11 n. in, nt the First Unltft
rlnn Church. 2125 Chestnut street,
when Itev. Charles B. Ht, John will
fil cat , w,.
The Unpardonable Sin
In Iho evening at 8 p'cocl Mr St
John will continue his special lee
turos on tho lllble, the topic for to
piorrow being;
How the Higher Criticism In
Studying the Bible Has
Changed Our Views
About Jesus
U Is growing more and mors ovldtnt
to thoughtful people of tPday thst
there are modern questlotiathat cso
not be silenced merely by ii quota
tion from the Bible. All Ihe ouoU
tlon reveals Is what the writer
thought to bo truo. That thought
must he ablo to hold Ms own ?'
side with the honeit thought of v
Ing men. . ......
tu D"v nf tl, nlhl In that It
has so many thoughts that stana
ii.,. .... .t lf..A n.l. !.. nt hll
(111 lfc WUH Hw, -IIP few,j ..-
man freedom today Is that It cheer
fully oasts into ouuvion tpe pruw
texa that do not enduro this coin-
nurlsnti. Thn vernei that have 8UP
f.-.. .Inll...' Hnlo i.iv ltallf III
demons and witches, human i ruelty
ana uogmuiism, mo vereea n,
make the Bible " bloody book
away, with theml Blot them out of
your Bibles, and that book, at sst
made lovely as Ood Is lovply, will
nestle to your heart as It never oil
1815 North Logan Square