Htttaitffeiil SSKSISfSV? T&!&rft fs'p&W - vt- J" i"rH j V ' l?''JWr " EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, MAROH 6, 1915. 12 WW -IfS VM mm mm 81 i . ATHLETICS ATHLETICS ON JUMP FOR FIRST REAL BALL CONTEST OF SEASON 1 Two Squads Will Play Full Game This After noon Jaylown Fans, on; Half Holiday, Eager for 1 -Fray Weather Good. i rxoti aTtrr cottncsroNnrNt. .UCKSONVtM.n. Fla.. Mnrch 6. All Jacksonville h nwnltlnp tho Itrnt lent, baseball gntnp of Mm senson tills nftor hoon. H vltl be played by two nrtiml. of Connie Mack's aggregation of Ath letics. One of these will bo based on llio I.ajolc-Brtrry combine nnd the other on' the Kopf-Mclnnlt duet. The nninos of the tcami will be X anil Y, because neither of the pciionhel Is ct hnonii.) Mack, stntei), however, that he would en-. denvor to Ble cacli as ninny rcyrnlais ns possible, In ordei that the il,i tnltflll lie ciial. This ho llmircd would Kcoji tho! men on the Jmnpand ""l allow them tul loaf, ns the. often do when the regulars piny the Ynnlfinns, Thl opcnliiK contest of the season "III1 bo a Rood drawlntr card, it has been ex tensively advertised and the lucnl biifHj me sure to ,bc out In full rorce, us It Is a, linlf-holldny heir on Saturday. Tho weather Indications are perfection. Vcstetday the Meld was so wet from rain that only the pitchers nnd catchers wero allowed to ko on the Held. All 1.'. of the hurlers wcic out by 2 o'clock nndi bad Instructions from .Mack, Davis and' Thomas. They had a big afternoon of It, pitching steadily as lone " each thought best. The result was. that by the thno tho day began to wane sonic of thn ouii(; men bad sotten a bis bead of steam and were sending the balls Into tho cntchcrs with all the speed they pos sessed, Curves aro still tabooed. I.ajolc encased In batting drill until he -was forced to retreat to the shower bath because there Was no placr left to chase his dttves. "1 don't know when I felt so cood," said t.atry ns the per spiration trickled from his forehead. COOMBS, IX RARE FORM, VOWS HE'LL COME HACK "Iron Man" Sure of One of His Great est Seasons. j DATTO.VA. ria . March -.lark Coombs, the famous "Iron Man' who helped to pitch the Philadelphia Athletic to more than nnn worm's championship. scotTs tit tho throry that "they ncer conip back " .lack Is com Ins bnk, h i. and In hopca to help pitch thu Superbas to Ictory In tlif com In rampalsn. "I never felt better In niy life. nald Coombs Jat nlsht In rcsponsn to a query rcRanlliiK hla health. T feel na strong an cter In hII my life, and. In fact, I mav truthful!) h.i th it this U tho bent training irlp I har ever put tn. Now tt mav bo that t ant apcaklnK a little too soon but nil slsns point to n complete recoxpry. I hap brcn tutltrs mv arm, and It has Htnod up well under It I can put n lot of Htuff on thn old leather when I rut looso a little, but I'm Koine alone casll.", WHITTED, IX JACKSONVILLE, EN ROUTE TO PHIL CAMP Ex-Brave Declares He Expects to Sign Contract. rnoM a Rxiri cor.nnsroMii:NT.l TACKSONVIW T. Kin.. March I, Oeoriti! TMllttcd, fomcrl of Ilia i!nton . II MMert throiiKh thin cltv on iTiCu wav lh J,Ftenblle, lust lltuht lln ntnle.T llint hn linrf not rlKnert a contract et wlthvthe Phllllcii. hut thomiit that hn wouhl iln bo Jle ilcnlcil the iitnry thai appeared In Krlrtay-mornlns' pipers to the rfTcct that he had accented the terms offered bv the Philadelphia National T.eiiruo Club hut confirmed the HiENtNO LEitora's cxcIubUc atory of hlw plans. LOSS COSTS READING LEAD Groystock Five's Victory Upsets Visitors' Calculations. Eastern League L.AST NIOHT'S RESlTl.TS. Ore stock, i". neadlnc. in. standing or Tin: owns w I. p r w i. p r mden . -! 1.1 Kill lie Nrrl .. 17 M .4.VI tjcadlni; .. 22 11 .ISO UlcvMnck . II SI .100 Trenton ... ISn 4SII Jasner . 14 'J'-' ."!i scircw i.n i-on tonioiit Grevatoek lit le Ncrl I amden at nradlm; Tre Orejttoek hjtkeiball team nminued Ha Mctnrtoiia career, il-reailmr lleaillnir. L'T to in in Cooper Ualtallou Hall last nlchl In an T.nMern Icaarue name The ilctori knoi krd tho upatnte team out of flrat plaie. which por tion Cnniden nniv occupies. The rliala m clah tnnlKht In Tleadlns. Incldentalb ihe triumph enabled tho Oreia tn climb nut or last place, a position uhlch the Jasper team. nnn vuaiiiuiuiia, now noin In an exrltlne; eitra-perlod itame. St. Aloyelua defeated I'. II. n. Y. M, C. A.. 27 to i'R. Two rout tosses by Palato In the extra play off clinched the icamo for the "Saints." Anchor Club beat Ardenca IJos' riub. of Starr Onrden plavsrouod In n hotly foucht contest by the score of .VI to an. Tho OrmanloHii Prlcnds' School fle orr whelmed the Ambler HIkIi School team on the Queen Iinu floor yesterday, SU to 20, Defeating Quluteic last nlirht by tho score or SO to 2d. Kmrrson clinched the pennant in the Camden City League. KELLY BEATS KItAUSE Wind-up at Quaker Club Was Pretty Bout. Freddy Kellj drfratrd Johnnv Kniuse In the wind-up at the Uuakrr Ity Athletlu luh last nlcht. In the Heinlwlnd-uti llnbbv Wlllama defeateil Tnr.imy llllev tn six hard rounds Tommy Hudson shaded Joe I'helan in six lively rounds, Jimmy Caialdv beat Dannv Mu Mahon In a bout, Johnny Mc.Vvoy ahoweil that lie ran still pumh tome, by ttonphiK Johnnv May in four rounds. In tho openim? bout Harrv Rrenncr beat Tommy Dunn in six roujxh rounds, fleorRu Chancy last nUht at ilaltlmoro nut1 foucht "Oal" Ifelaney of Clet elaud. In a JO-round batth? Iicforo .'nOO perfeoiiH, 'I ho Ital timorcai. had the belter of his antaitoiiut in virtually every romd. but the Westerner was Kame. lie fouctht baik to the beat or hla ability, but I'hanev wuh the stronger of tho two. lita purches tarried more vvelRht. and he displayed a keener knowledge of the tlner points or tlie same younjt Ocorca Chip of Tamanua. eave Youna I'sllly, of Allentown lb sreatest punching of hla life before the Tamanua A. C. at Tama oua laat nlsht t hlo punished Itellly hard to the Jaw ami body In every round but was unable tn deliver the sleeper. The bell saved Itellly In the luth In .he amlwlnd-up Kid Hbune. of Allentown, knotked out Younj Maurtry. of Nes'iuehonlne, In the first round K O Drown, o' the Kast Hide, outpointed Frank Demeycr of Urooklvn. In ID fast rounds oi liKhtlnz at the Vauderbllt A. C. In Ilrook yn. last nlsht. Johnny Pnunmie. of Jeraey city sparrinc paitnrr to Joe Khuitrue, and Joe tSoldbersr, of Iloobester, louKDt 10 rounds to even honors at the Flonecx A. V Nw ork last nlaht. Ralph Continues Good Work I-.dward Italph ronrer world's champion at povket bllllarde. dsftaud . II. Clearwater In their Wu-pulnt match at Allmser's Academ laat night, Ut to iVJ. Italuh evidently did not Intend to allow ilaarwater to ataln regalu ihe TO balla ihat he ntev'ed to get on an equal Mid with him. for he started Ut with a rush and pUrtd close and .oas,aient pool, roaklBE t tuffti run oi zo ai'a ueivre i leerwater naa baBce to set in Ihe am In the fourth itiuie FUlpii had a irai i ' a wiw. and from thU S4se held Clearwater at a ear distance. Gym Exhibit at Uieatnut Hill A a, Uwa to a ulh-.,' ul seasoB. Hudent f the Conut Hill Ata.em Ukw a gjpa Baatli: xMbJtIon Ust evening Ui thetr uauuaa 5T t MrlUi Thr ckMWtioa inarka Hie oJ uf the moat KK-ieeavil season of eu .iaUe wWk tin, aufdemj has eve had riitU irti year axunaaik work lias been a dead !u lait tbroush the vfTeru vt Coach Uuk-- ix new life hM been InaiilUd In that line of spin i. German Swimmers to Meet Memoiis or the vvnuiun.a viae ut ihi f'hlla .tcltdiia Turosjs-mrlua 'H J 'tooed i,vSttlU)lll iutt,l !iui'tt ! Msiih 1ft. JfffmUt f naUv. evenia arc UWed STAGE FIRST : . hnnnnnnnrlnnnnnnn JQV DaQaaaonnaoDDomi r-n nnnnnnnn m.Rn rn.sw5tf-Trr -Of U U U UUUULiwu a onQoaaoquuuuiaia DnaoaapnDpDODDQn a nnFinnQaaoDnooBq & nnnurn mj uuu lii iu u u u . - . Ksfe? Wmmik i mrVA? i -Tp i 'A"w- m 0 ojpr-- & J im ci scy ERNE AND COLEMAN MEET AT NATIONAL Gray's Ferry Veteran on Edge for Comeback at Frankford Fighter Other Bouts. Tl VI IJrne, Gnu's Kcrrj veteran. lll ciitlcasor lo pioo his supcrloiity ocr Tommy Colcmnn, Kmnkforil's clever, w hen the pair clash totilRlit at the National Club. In their last bout Coleman won ihe ilcclslon but JJrno tliouelil he 1 It 1 not hnvo a fair deal. He la prlmoil ns nevct before ami piomlaea Coleman u sl-toiiiiil IiosIiir lesson The pioRiani follows: , I'lrpt limit V mintr Ti.h.r. 17th urtl. vii. Kd- dle 1). 1 Ittlo lUll ijetnnd . uuiJ unti hcrKUiion, ManRjunU, vs. Jack niira, Nc lork. Thliu I out -Willie Mack, Soulliunrk, s. Tiiiunn Allen e York SeinlAluii-tip ,liinni I'ux, Han Kranclsco, vs. IMrrj Hmltli. IMh Wild. Whid-uji inline. Line lra's Ferr, vs. Tommy t-ulcinan, t rankforil. Kid Hroitl. tho lmal nilllkcn boxer, will fight In Npm lork tonight Ho meets Charley 'Web. bcr. ot llrooriln, ut the wuetnsboro A. C. WILLIAMS STARTS TRAINING Kid Williams, the bantamweight tltleholdcr, cot down tn real work toda for hla bout with .lohnnj Khbune the foatherwclKlit klnc, which is scheduled to tuko place nt tho Olympla March 17. 1 Ida mornlnK Williams burned up thn roads in 1'ulrmount Park, and ho villi continue thla form of exercise tveri morning until the day of the match. This afternoon ho worked out at llcrrmunn'a Kmnaslum, box In? with hla sparring pal titers, skipping the lope, plnjlns handball and taking up other physlcul e, clnra Kllbune will be In town next Wcdnesdav and ho will train at Jimmy loughert'a Crum !.nn aiup Haverforil in Gym Jlect The llaverford Co lese Rvmnaslum team meetii New lork I nlverallv at Atlanilc citj tonight 'I en urn are lo reprr-iint eath 10I Icbc. Walsh as First Baseman Connie Mack Is giving Jimmy Walsh, outfielder, a try at fltst base. It la not probable, that tho Athletics' leader la thlnklns seriously of shifting Stuffy Mc Innla to third, as soma believe, but merely pursuing lila policy of preparedness. Harry DavIh can scarcely bn expected tn step Into the broach us lip did three jears ago. Mack would hardly undertake to "make over" two players, creating two problems, when now bo faces only one developing a third baseman. Neverthe less, It should be remembered that some of the Btars of tho gume havo been made over. The most notable Is Wagner, of the Pirates. From a mediocre outllelder he became the greatest of short fielders. Danny Murphy was a product of Mack's shift. Walsh Is u promising player, so much so that after disposing of him once Mack lost little time In bringing him back to tho Athletics' fold. He has not the "reach" of Daubert or Schmidt, but li rangier than Mclnnls. He Is young. As a utility first sacker he should make good. Sherwood Magee has recovered from IiIh slight Injury, caused by a full, and h again In active practice with the Braves at Macon. Another Alclnnis? Ilunny Drier Is making; a strenuous hid for first sucker's berth for the Chicago hite Box After one practice came In Callfurnia Manager Rowland put Drier on the first souad and put Jack Kournler on the second. Ilrlef haa made a touple of home runs and wma other healthy wallops since the Sox landed In California. "Rip" Hagerman, pitcher, has Jumpel back to the Cleveland Americans. ThlS action was taken after the youth had signed a contract with Tinker to play with the Chlfeds. Hagcrman's lawjer advised the second jump. Mel Sheppard's retirement Is a distinct loss to the athletic world. His Injury last month puts him out of sports per. manently. Sheppard holds ejght world's championships and has won more than t00 merals. James' Idea of Air. James Big Bill Juniaji la now the only Brave niUwlng. Pitcher Strand reached Macon yteterday. The world's series hero con tinue to demand more money and threat una to jump to the Federals, although bound to a three-year contract signed after a substantial raise in salary follow ing hla victories Ust October. President ailmore, of the Federals promises to keep hi ha lull off James, at the urgent re quest of President Oaffney. of the Boston club, ailmore. at the same time, curtly advU Uaffna xnd his associates to fol low tne Fed Utility about tampering with players It probably would have a salu tary effect on Mr James ei larfc-ed ago If both factions of uaudom would treat bun u tbey appear to bo ucatir.g C Mui shall, ou-tlun Plully pUier. BIG BALL GAME TODAY YALE FIVE MEETS PENN MEN TONIGHT r .r-.v-T . - aui - " Ball Camp Notes 1 OS ANOlM.n.s, Oil , Mnrrli O.-Klrpfor nml Iikict will pltcli in Hie t'hlraKu While fnx rractlre Knnio Willi In Anuelr? lnla Tlp ftdwlnnit mitiiul rut out mornlnK drill for tli lo hiul wnt onleind in rrport for crk jt noon TA.MI'A. Pin . Mnrrli -.limm Archer lw 1 I'oeli nppolntril manxrer of the ChlcnKO C'uli ' lo.nni, which will iiliv Ihc Phillies t ft lvtciburR Mnmlm The rubs lltnhcreil up on tin- high ppou In the hall Mini arb ti"la nml ulll pln n pecnlnnlnc Knine brtwpen I1VVNV Cuba March il diaries Peal who hopped from the world' champion Proves to the "t 1 ou'i I'ccR knocked out the Ihst home run In the UrM Kame of the Sloo-T ed trohilnc m-ason The l'eda will play a team which Marsahs has gathered up, MACh.V, na . Vlarih i! -Oeorse Tiler 1 al leai.v liolllrisr under the lleorcln sktfB Three hive rrnpned out nlcolv. vlacee In Imrrovlnit lapllh With better weather todiv the chain Plons chased tl.e pellet nil the fnster to mako up for vrsttrdav'a enrorcnl Idleties 'JAV ANTONIO Te Mnull 11 -When the Indians nlav their tlrat exhibition came th'i nrterniwin wlih !-iin Antniiio Ilav llmpmau will have Nap Uitnlea old place 111 the bat ting oroer. Chapman lccl In tho bnttlnK on tho all-etnr tour iast fall fiAVTONA Fla.. Miirrll II Charlel Ubbetla has to havo his hollditv. Toda, when tho icKUlars uiiili'i .lake Dauhert line up acalnst thw VnnnlKlina under Hummel, tho Iodeers president will present a Mac to the Davtnni Athletic Association utlu HtenKCI Is on tho hospital list CHAnLOTTKSVII,l.l:n Manh ll.-Snow nnd rain combined fnned Orlrflth'a NatlonnN to the cvninasliiui for their training todiv In addition to their bar ami truik work tin ulaverc pracllred for n minstrel show, planned to welcome Griffith on arrival Monday. COJtXELli KEIjAYISTS jIEET I'EXN'S AT (JAMES 1IEKE Meadowbrook Meet Will Bring Mile Squads Together. 'cmell I nlversltj has sent In lis relay team enir ror the one-mile raio asalnst the t'nl vcrslty of lvnuslvanla ot the Meadowbrook names !-alurda night. Mureh 11, nt Conven tion llnll Lew fa, houdcr. Starr and Hcckwilu are the. first four, with I'rim Howard, Ache son, Kchllcter, Hartsch and Irish ns substitutes Cornell doesn't ippear as formidable na In for mer j ears, nnd It doea not look aa If this team will stand n chance against the Tenn four, composed of Meredith, I.lpplneott. Ixickwood and Kaufmann Ahah ltlehaids, the Olympic champion IiIeIi Jumper, was also entered bv the Cornell man agement, itlchnrds will ttv his link In the blah lump -hot put and pole vault. He i lo iln , onlder'd one o the best all-round nth Me In Mnerlia an,i will tie a lotitestaut In tii'1 deLiitlilnn nt tho renn itiajs lu Atrll i nts will also npfeir in n scratch high luii p ns lompetltion with Joe Itomls. of Chl cuK Jennings, of New York, Ilarwlse, of I liostou nnd Ciane of Meadowbrook. if tho present plans materialize. l,oomls wired vta terdav thut lie would not compcto In handicap events I.lpplnudt. Jones. Patterson. Mejer, llrewer n-id I'olltzer have been Invited to run against iiln at ." jnrds c A Sehtll, of the Artisan A. A . will bo a competitor in the BO-yard handicap. HUHN-JENNINGS IN FINAL Men Who Fought for 1913 Squash Racquets Titlo Again in Limelight. W. II. T Huhn defeated W J McQIlun in the scminnal round of the Ilacnuet Club's squash racquets championship, and will meet Jennings In the final round ror that title. Three other squash matches were plaved ea terdav. J. M. Wlstcr defeating A. II. Mellor by threo games to two in thn semifinal of Class A singles handicap, and U Curtis win ning from II. K. Itally by three games to one in the second round or the same event. In tho semifinal round of Class D. Witney Wright defeated Walter Clothier by threo games to two. Tho mueh-delajed 1011 squash racquets match has been decided, W II T. Huhn win ning the title. It Is a singular coincident that Jennings and Huhn are to meet in the 1011 championship. HORSEMEN DINE TONIGHT Ritz.Carlton to Bo Scene Gathering. of Big A large group or prominent horsemen of i this ard other cities will attend the dinner tnnliht at the Tl U-Carlton, which Is primarily I given In honor of William C. Wilson, master of the Chester Valley Bunt. The dinner will I be made, however, an occasion for Ihe iIIb cusslon by national authorities of the hem means to promote Interest In horses and their development. . An elalwratB pn grain of entertainment, I music vaudeville and amateur talent haw lieen piovlded. The roirmlltee in charge rnnslsta , n IMi-irlea If llnnvlllnn ehilrniom 1Vnn.,lu ' iv i i lift i ire iii iiiiiitivii iiintiiivii 4 iaiiv,iO It Straw bridge. Charles W Walker, Harry C Yarrow, Jr.. Nathaniel Kwlng. Jr. Charles W llray, Francis D llreves, Jr., Walter U, Sibley nnd William V Kottcrall. Decisions in Gayety Bouts Three bouts In the 12.'-pouiid preliminary class tnd two special bouts made up the box ing program at the Uaet Theatre last night, 'Ihe dret special bout was bet wen Johnny ( lark and Joe Drown, who were too heavy for the ISA-pound class, but wanted to fight any. bow Clark made Drown quit In one round In the second special Jamea Laskley, of the llrookbn Navy Yard, knocked out M Pearson, of the Philadelphia Nav Yard. In one round The results of the other bouts were. l'JS-pound elats-Bditle Kelly beat Kddle Smith, three rounds; Johnn Kelly iieat Paul Smith, nn round, Harry Hughe beat John Flood, three round j Foursome Play Results AlKKN, C. MarUi 0. In the fourth dav s play tn the mlied foursome hand leap on the Palrnetic Unas twr ptiee ihivcwu vr Oliver lseliu th results were as folio 'almetto links for prills offered b; Mrs owe: Mine ClaudLa Pbelpe and Oarrlek Mallery US) tied wltb MUa Tappln and Brnet t Thompson (IS) . Mlee Alexander and I.. Hough toii (111 defeated Mr C. Oliver iMlIn and Hairy I-a Uonugne (111) 'J up and 1 to play, Mr. and Mrs Oliver Perln (9) defeated Mr. and Mrs John Mtgte (83). J up. Mr (leorge IU111U ana 1 vv nisi ,ur aeieavea JAre Joetan c iuaw ua ui Jeorge I 3:ett (12), a and . Big Ed Walsh Routed OAKLAND al March 0 b Wslsb trteil a oatetHu.kNsiuiii sgalnat ami Franclaco terdja and was knocked out of tiie box tne Seal a, tuning fiwu tne gut, secvad, U to 2. fW Pf f DEPARTMENT STORE GOLF SUNSHINE FOR PHILS' BIG CONTEST TODAY Bert NichofT, Ex-Red Infieldcr, Tries Workout at Second Base. . ST. PBTmtSIlL'RG, Flu., Mnrrli G.-TIip fcun shone with August wmmlh this inoinlug, when the members of the Phil lies' baseball sfuuil emerged from their sleeping nuattciH and prepaicd for the hlko lo ConV Pot Park. Mutiager Pal Mornn niinotinccil Hint Ihcrp vvoitl 1 stttely ho n practice gnme this iirternonn between th regulnis nnd tho "Irrogulms" Since thn iniinagcm nt Is pcimltllng the totirl.itH to wltncis Iho icheuiHnls ftce of clinrge It N ppocteil thin ilii sl.iiids and Held will bn Illicit with rani. Bert Xlehoff. foimcr Cincin nati pl.ijer PNchanged for Oooln. pnic tlcctl this ltioinlnsr with the sound for tho llrst time. Part of l'no tlnin ho worked out nt third and tigaln he spent a long session at second. Bob Barrett Defeats Proctor At Desmond's Irfhlch llllllard Itooirs 2lnh street and l.ehlgh avenue last night Unhert inrrett defeated Don I'roctor bj tho sioie or 7." to 01. "Alight Have Been" Jlcrc's In "Thr days that might have been": line's to "The llfr I mipht havr led"; Thr fame I miqht hair finthcinl fu Thr filoi'ii waii I mlfhl hair airtf Gicat "Might llair lice i," rfiiiifc fo you fnoii ri ftioiir whcie thousands hail ,l)i(J then there looms another tino olso "might have been" in jail. 0 "fOiirf of Might llaxc lleen," tco (tun ll'lli aching henits to where you wait; Where crimson flics of glory burn, And lauiel orotcits the guarding gate; Wo piay not sec across your fields The sightless skulls that kneto their woe The spears the shattered shields 7inf "might have been" s truly so. "Of all sad troifis o fondue or pen" Ho wails the poet in his pain The saddest are, "It might have been," And world-wiilc runs the dull rerain. The saddestr Yes but in the jar This thought brings to mo with its curse, 1 sometime think the gladdest are "It might liaic been a blamed sight worse." Explaining It Dear Sir Will you please explain to me tho reason for all this sympathy or alleged sympathy for the eteian ball JIMMY FOX The clever coast featherweight will make his second appearance in a Philadelphia ring when he opposes Little Harry Smith, the local hard-hitting southpaw, in the semifinal at the National A. C. tonight. Fox is primed up to show to the best of his ability. iiBe II mF Tl i.i.ii it liTUnMY .480 v. QMi-B)' L m I THE. GE.RSAAr- TROCHES MOTHIrO(3 ON THIS HAVE POUflEXHUIMJ. IX RAI.E F01l.ll. IMJFBATS BIIHEXB .MILUUKX Kinal Billnid Score nt Union League is -100 to 200. am vi turn nit.i.iAni) W. I,. Il.nve. H, run Mayer ... 'J I) in 1-"1 " i'nFgenburK . . - o " iri-,l HS Lot d 2 I 11 Ifl-'Jl 47 I led Ion . IIS )-1.1 f.S Unidnee .... 1 I 11 IS-STi '' Mllturii 1 2 T SH-sa fid lluilon 0 I 7 117-11 :it Hreek me; CJreek In the ninth gnme ot the tournament list night nt tho Union Ix-ngue for the national nmileur 1S.2 billiard cham plonshlii, when J Terdlnand roggenburg, of tho New ork I.lcderknnz SneUty, Interni tlonnl nnd flve-tlinn national champion, staged .1 finish of teil championship calibre and de feated another wearer of the laurel wreath In llugeno MUhurn. of Memphis, champion of nil DKMatid, Uin to Kill, coming rrom the lear ol a ,'1-pnlnt lend b ruiM of 40. fit and .IS to win The afternoon game waa won by llotiert N Lord. Chicago, from Coiwln Hus ton Detroit, 100 to L")l Superb use of a dend ball and excellent position plnvlug enabled Hubert N tyrrd, of chtrugn to gain his second victory esterday ifternonn, when he defeated Cnrwin Huston, of the Detroit Athletic Hub. 4 to 2111 Lord plnjed a spectacular game coming from the real In thi lltb Inning, but his Impetuous neF.s cost him ma- polnta. whllo Huston worked tho safety game lo tho limit. Yale Oarsmen on Itivcr Early NKV HAVnN. Conn. March n Tho Yale vaislly crew enndh'ates as boated oftei a Mhake-up bv Coach Ou Nickalta, wero out on ihe Quliinlac Itlver vesterday afternoon This in the i idlest water practice for tho candl dites In ninny years. plnvor who loses out? Am a rule, 'ne Is still In possession of his health and is Kcncrnlly under 40. I'll admit such sym pathy Is all be.vond me. r. r.. .1. The avernfie veteran who drops nut isn't tt star nnd never was one. As .1 title, he has Riven Ids career to baseball and has mado only cnoiidh money to support his fatnllj. As u rule, he is thrntiKli ut l". supposed ti bo fno prime of life. At that nee he has Riven his best years to a profession that leaves him trained for no other Job. nut thero Is somethlnc beyond all this.' Baseball brings tho player beneath the fcpotllBht. As a birr lenmier his Maine and 'ills record aro Known from coast to toast and back again. He has frrown ac customed 16 tho old hlp-hlp nnd the Ju bilee. Ho has been favored with the nd miration of thousands. And then, al most without wurnlnR-, he drops Into the night. The Case of Walsh It is hard to see how tiny sport-lovins citizen could refrain from sympathizing with Ed Walsh. With him It Isn't a matter of salary loss to any great e tent. Milt hero Is a great pitcher wlio had grown accustomed In game after game to swing In, amid the cheers of tho enraptured populace, from the far corner of tho Held to rescue a battle hanging In the balance. And then, wjhlle still a young giant In tho best of health, something crarks In the shoulder blade tho old rubber wears out or tho main spring snaps and Walsh la a spectator and thn old huzza Is hushed. Sympathy doesn't nlwas Involve finance, even Ip this commercial age. It often sinks riulte u trifle deeper. With Apologies tn Maude Frank llaker, on a suntnier'a day, Ilaked the meadow sweet with hay, llenealh his old cap glowed an eye That used to 7i( 'cm Jar and high. And as he grappled with the bean Jle pondered on the Old Machine; The Good Old Days when long ago He waved a bat a ltd not a hoe. And as he raked amona the rocks lie thought of ilarquard in the box; lie seemed to hear a dashing clout And then a mighty cheer and shout, Frank llaker on a summer's day Arose and beat it from the hay. Arose and sent this wire to Mack "Pleaso can l have my old job backt" "I see where the Irish are supposed to be disappearing from baseball," comments I, h. J. "Aren't there still moro great Irish players than any other nationality?" An all-star elub would have for catchers Archer, Irish, and chang. German; for pitchers Johnson. Scotch-English; Alex ander, Scotch; Mathewaon. English; Ru dolph, German. For tho Infield Mclnnls. Irlih; Collins, Irish; Maranvllle. Irish; I)aker-an English monicker. The out nUl would be Cobb. Speaker and Craw ford, being neither Irish nkr German Just the plain old American name minus ihe bjphen, rules the games by a wide margin etui. YALE BATTLES PENN IN CAGE TONIGHT Contest Will Have Important Bearing on Collegiate Basketball Championship. coM.i:r.i; uaski:tbai.i, standi mi. I"t. I"IS. It. for ng'st. r C. 2 ls.1 ll!J .711 2 151 14U .711 It "JO I IM .rt!7 4 'Jll m .,-"i ii ini 2is . " 7 1.111 2U1 ,IW) Yalr r. Princeton r Cornell 11 Columbia r, Pennsylvania :i 1 artmouth I) TONWirrs" sciiumji.n. 1'rnn, at Yale, Dartmouth, ot Princeton. Ynlo will bo lighting for tho basketball championship ronl-ht when she meets Pcnnaylinnl.i at Wclghtman Hall. At present Ynlo is leading tho leaguo and .1 lotory over IV1111 tc night will mean at tho Ynlo will tlo for the champion ship, anil If Princeton should bo defeated, will win the title. With such a big Incen tive for good vvoili it Is assuied Yalo will put up n despot uto gamo tonight. There are n-anv followers who believe Pcnn 'Jlvania will turn tho trick. They bao their relief 011 tho bis Improvement tho Uani has made the post month l-ost week It defeated Dartmouth deilHlvcly nnd showed torm thit was up to tin' very best In tho league Pcnn's squad vvos defeated by Yaln on Iln uvvn lloor and Is determined tn oven tho score. Tho freshmen will ploy the Central Hleh School team preliminary to tho big mutch. I his should bo n very Rood came, as both teams aro fast. After tho eamo. as usual, dancing will ho permitted. This has become iiulte a feature of basketball nt iVnnB,u,,ni, and Is lust heglnnjiiR to be appreciated by tho undergraduates. .iii iiue-up 01 me twu teams is as toiio.vs ),ennslvanla. Ullllamson J iNlfhnl... frtolhach "allace .. .. Evans Yale. forward Slackpolo .forward Kinney rentre s. K. Smith guard Yrnold ..uunrd Tatt Penn Freshmen. rhllBdclphI.1 C. 11. S. Jeff rods.... Hums Welch Williams .. Oram..'. ... ....fnrwnrd Ward .lorwani iowier cntia Turr ..guard ltutler guard DeUuig C0RXKLL PUTS COLUMBIA OUT OF BASKKTBAMi BACK New Yorkers Lose Interesting: 212 to 19 Battle. Cornell defeated Columbia In a hard-foushl bosketba I gamo at Ithaca last night, iL' to 111. taking tho lead at the start and holding It throughout tha game, except Just before tho closo of the first half, when tho Now Yorkers made It a 7 to T tie for a few mments. Cor nells victory puts Columbia out of nny possi ble chance to win. ' VANDERBILT CUP RACE STARTS AT NOON TODAY Weather tnd Track Reported Ideal Cooper Out of Con test Burman in Case. SAN FRANCISCO, March 6. Under Ideal weather and track condl tlons the Vanderbllt cup race will be run today on tho Exposition point. Thirty-one cars will face the starter when they aro sent nway nt 12:03 p. m. Ex pert drivers state that tho race will be won by a TO-mllo paco. 1 T'lerohave been two Important switches In the list of drivers, nob Btirntaii takes Uto place of Harry Grant In the Case car that made such a Rood showing in the Grand Prix a week ago, and Grenat will take the place of Earl Cooper lit the Stulz car. Cooper was taken seriously III ast night and will be unable to compete In tho race. , The Francis Special Is n possible post entry. The race will be finished about 5 o clock coast time, or S o'clock Eastern time. NEW YORK RACING DATES Four Months of Sport Arranged by Jockey Club. pLrVVee'-tei, here veeterdav Thn i.-im1,, ,.":?. f" reopened and meets -will bo held there and a? Aqtteuuet and at the Bmplre city track fn honkers. a well as at Belmont piitv .2 rhlch last both 'sprlnVtid falTdT1'have been assigned. As usua . the entlro nwnth of Aurusi in given over to Baratoei. The orS 5P"" .-for .Lh "an ' longe? and mo?e dler" Pl?.ttan f ,y time ln"e the pasage of antl-tiettliut legislation In this stale nil year. ago. TKe 'outlook la that restricted lit! Hob will not be Interfered with thli aasJi The date, for the New Vork racei "aiT0"' , estoheeter llaclng Assoolatton. Ilelmont IPark. Queens, Long Island, Thuraday. liayso! to Wedneaday. June 8. Sixteen days. Metropolitan Jockey Club. Jamaica. Long &unt Th,urdy' June i0- i0 Vrlday, JuneS? Queen. County Jockey Club. Aqueduct. Lone fjland. Saturday, June 20. to Tuesday, July 13. rifteen dass. Empire City Itaclng AMoclatlon. Yonkers, N Y. Wednesday. July U, to Saturday. J.uly 31 Sixtsen days. earatoaa AuocUtlon Saratoga, Spring. N Y . Monday. August !. to Tueeday. AuguM 31. Twenty-tuo das. " Weatchuter Racing Aawoclatton Belmont Park Queens. t.oug Island Wednesdaj Sep tember 1 to ruela, September 14 Twelve dav. Pii'iiik limit Ha- iog Aij'i.Utlon lousi tal-l- 1j) 15 UUiid Wednesda June , and Sat ui'dn) June J. X tla. PENN TEAMS ARE OFF FOR STAR INDOOR MEEi IN NEW YORK TONlGIii Quakers Enter Seven m Nine Big Track and riem ivenis in p,, Great Collegiate Contest .uuie onanges Planned) A squad of nearly so" men. if,. ..,.. tho track nthletes of fno UntvcMU,' Pennsylvania, left nt 2 o'clock (hi. .. noon for Now York, where they win 3 pete tonight In tho llrst set of bS? games ever hrld by the IntercoCn A. A. A. A. Tho Quakers will ffi In seven of tho nlno event. .1 5 program. This Includes rive relay 1m' and two team field events. The V tm races in which the Quakers will fU7l hh ioiicivvh: -" Itnce for teams ot five men, e,i,, run ISO yards; inco for teams ol 1! men, each to run 300 sards; rc 1 tennis of four men, each in ... yards; race tor teams of four m. ... to run 2000 yards; race for teams of ll men, one to run 200 yard, one Mo v.,78 one 500 yards nnd 0110 1000 lards tl learn licit! cvonts In which the flint,, will compete aro tho ldRh Jump and ii vntilt. They havo scratched tho ihot-i tho Miot-jJ cveui Th 3 meet will brine toscther tho !. number of slnr college men that evers! tlclpatcd In any set of Indoor names. liinS tale, Princeton. Cornell, Dartmouth. CoiniS Michigan, Penn Htnte. Ocorjretown. SiriS ami Pennsylvania nro tho tradlns Inatl'jur piitcicii. ine i-enn team win lonccntrui' fntnotls nuartet of Captain r.tnninnt ,.t wood, Knuffman nnd Meredith will rcmSJ th"in, llio folloivlnz men left for .Vew ri with Coach Orton nnd Assistant IttsuJ r.iii.nnnrl Iti nlinrft nimlnn T, n- ..A man, Castor, Patterson. rerR-'uson, Lock it Cay. Itotvlev. In addition to decldlnB vvhero the 19H in, will ho held nt Ita annual ronventlon u Afternoon, thn association will pass on ft porlnnt amendments to Ita ruin If t ,i tho proposed rule that nil runnlne trsrsi iv. be measured li Inches Instead of 18 in, ironi tne pnic. iv win iiican mat every ts Icro track In tho association must be elacm Tliero Ii not much doubt but that the imnt ment will bo passed, for It will then cenfm to tho rule of tho International Amitri Athletic rederntlon, whose rules haye tw adopted for the Olympla names and hj e. Aiiiiuvur ,iiiii'iivj 1 11, ,111, iii-it ruio ti innkn It Increasing difficult to bctttr nfc Ine intercotlcclftte tccords Another Impoitnnt rulo nlmovt certain It), passed Is that prnvldlnR six instead c! v throe trlali In the shot-put hammer tlun and broad Jump. It passed, thn rule tilling tn tho preliminary tontcsls on the first tt of Iho meet onlv, the men bclnir retltlcWt tho usual three trials in tno nnais. Spcitlcn Out of Meet ITHACA. Mrrchn-C A Kpelden, CortiCi crack mlloj-unner, will not bo able to compii for the tthacans In the Indoor Intcrcollfini cames nt Madison Snuare CWrden tonl(ht A turned Ills nnklo In practice and Coach Unl it decided that It would not be nisi to him to try to run Therefore KpeldcndMr nccompanv the "quad or -S track men U left hero la-vt nlKht for New York Sprtfcrt tiinro in thp Hsio-vnrd rctnv tram hat lea taken by Me toller. 'Ihe other three meirlm of 1I1I1 team nie Irish Soudcr ana Wis? initio WKESTLER GOOD INJUREI) Lehigh Man Sutlers Torn Liganus! in Cornell Meet p.H'TH r.nTlll.KlIF.M. Pa March .- neirs wrestlers last nlsht won from whip, in to It. The wlnnimr of the meet Unn on tlio t7."-pound class but the fatfa to nc,nlnst I.ehlah Her wrestler. Good by num lmd captain Galloway h shoulder vlrtuan pinned down when he was suddenly aeni j dlsfcss. and sprawled flat on the mat Gaft waj, who seemed almost all In, inanarw 1 fnnl on ton of Cond and both stayed in tfcl roslllon until the end of tho bout. Dtltirl with enough cnercv to wrestle Good at- ttid.lenJy torn u. muscle about 11 rib. COLUMBIA ' TIGERS DEFEAT Princeton defeated Columbia at w resiling; lit nlsht In the latters R ninnstum dv an ott iil.Almlnt- Kcnrn of tLt In N Tho Tl2rB W live bouts. gettlnR all three ot the vino on falls. REGIMENT MEET TONIGHT I Stars of Local Clubs to Compete fa Honors. "" Tho otflcrs of tho 2d ItcKlment Athletic it sociatlon nnnounco they havo received rwi than sno Individual entries for the mt nlRht This is by far tho Rreatest numrra petiiiR In nny of the Mllltnry Athletic Lap mcep, so far this winter The best tract. B Held experts lu tl.n district havo expressed tie willlnKiicss to act ns officials Tho prcrru Includes overythhiR from a ro-ard dain tm Ico to a tnllo and seven-elRhths relay The I nlversltj of Pennsjlvonla has entnw nine men In the running hlEh Jump, ana any men In the twn-and-one-half mile A. A V handicap race In addition they have enlt'r threo rclav tennis in the medley contest. T one-mile intercompany relay will brlni Rethcr the championship teams of Comis; C. 1st Infintrs, and Company I, 2d InfaaW ,m. A-.l .ll . ! In.lfa.lnn maiV tVtl l IIO lllini IIIIIC Ml HID ,111, a, v . , (I. will hrlnff toirether some of tho Rreatest b runners who ever started In Philadelphia. JJ the University of Pennsylvania. Elsls rt bear tho ncd and nlue: for Vlctrli. raul U l'una; for Ciermantown Hoys' Club. Mellon Duff will run the final mile. Mercurl W threo teams entered. YALE WRESTLERS SUCCESSFUL Penn's Crippled Squad No Match Elis. i The Tenn wrestling team suffered defeat- fn 11, tn the dual meet with . Vale at " llav en, last night Yale got three fall '' decisions ana a draw out or tne sevr" a. ......... .... cuuiiiiai ipo. !l!i-poisnd class-Sherman. Tenn. won frfj llirharda, Yale, on a decision , . A ISO.pound class-Wallace, Yale, and iq IVnn, went 12 minutes to a draw, s tc it ir.n-pnnnn class lireiaer, laie, i" -s Mlfhell, penn, on a decision, . J Mfi.pound class Mclntyro, Yale, won nw Tazewell, Penn, on a decision -I Ull'.pound clasa-Lowry, Yale'woa 'ffl tjivln, Penn, on a fall, half-nelson, tetj 0 o. i,J ITS-pound class-Smith. Yale won '"J Statler, Penn, on a fal. half.nelson. TVi 80 seconds. , lleavvvvelght class Dalrldge. Yale. o fg Jones, Penn, on a fall, full-nelson, Tin". PENN SWIMMERS SHOW WELfel Aro Runners-up in Big Collegi Meet. VaU wnn Him Intercnlleelatn swimming nlnn.hln u t Wan. Ilavnn last llllfht In ft Cb fought meet in which Pennsylvania runrer-up. Yale scored IU points to "Jv, I'enn ana ju ior uoiumDis, ah " "vifli rolnt. were scored by Vollroer, boe wtjg sprinting wsa tne ttniuru o nw m..----Summarlest .,. Mi-yara swim won ny iiwwwi., -- i . l'nti thlr.l. Slhlaet, l Time, i.'01-n seconds. , lUO-yard wlm Won by vollmer, Colu and. Shrjock, Penn; third, Bthlael. lime, 'Jv 10 aeconas. . c..,,i Plunge for distance-Won by Sboemaw n.,,n Hi.i.nM ns far R Inches a?!:! ?!'! Y'li..'''5. J58 Aii J n"1,; aa' Vancy dive-Won by MfAUenan. Yale. SS-KK) point.; second. Frtssell. Prloa ll O-IO points: liuni, urereiou. !-W.nb,yoUrrtol, lime. :ui'9. avvoiiu. om -, fwpmAR Yate Final score Yalo, IS, 10; Princeton, -I. Penn, 15, '"W Another Victory for Kur -re Kura dafeated Walter Conway 1 Alleshcn Kmporlum, by X00 to S3. In a Itoo kn.rjuV Poeket-BUllard match at the Eev"5 roour Iloom. this being the second Mrtory for Kurt. Antr tne niaicn ji ' Charles Wood played two games, uood tak ing the flriTby tOO to 7T and Leon.rd the tecond by TT to 65. olympia a. a. ss;?i?dVu;rffi iinvmv vroiiT nfAlirir M m-3 ItATTUNO lllVINSKY s. TOM McC lit .1 Adni. :3c. UaL lie.. S0C Vrrua Ilea. )4i. ( XOMOHT JTOMCiHT TOMUlt Sensational Uelleruelghl CvntWt A n tllUitaiHsi-ixieSH. iiutiuimi x- v ,Ja k Ma nsaa irua, l II K1IM, v lOJl'll lOLiI4-1 Wiifi.