Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 06, 1915, Night Extra, Image 1

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    - H$wk a avuwiu wiBii)ii'ji;iiJji.'i.ir p iwjpippjgiwgw ii)pyipipip
VOL. I-3STO. 140
CortBtoitr. 1815, sr tub resLto Ltnorn Compint.
MmmMMm .Wjii;ji.ii,ii.
0KjbKt tf.
- i c,
Desperadoes Kill Po
liceman, Fatally
Wound Two Others
and Three Citizens.
Hold-up Men Surrender" After
Running Out of Ammuni
tion in Effort to Escape
From Crowd of Pursuers
Following Attack on Girl.
Wrenched Behind Stable Robbers
Defy Police Squaa aim mronp; in
lJattlo to Avoid Capture Bleed
ing nnd Helpless, They Finally
(Jive Up Struggle.
tvir.MINGTON. March 6. Two armed
esneradocs caught In the net of snatching
i -woman's pockctnooK, near me posi
'offlce, engaged In a running revolver duet
with a sqUnd of policemen through the
main business streets hero today, und
when brought to bay In a atablo hilled
one of tho bluccoatB, fatally Injuring threo
others und two citizens. The gunmen sur
rendered only after they had run out of
ammunition nnd both had been wounded
several times by their pursuers.
The dead policeman, who Joined tho
force less than three months ago, Is Fran
cis X. Tlcrney. Patrolmen lloraco Mc
Donnell and Wlllard Hhnrpless aro fa
tally Injured.
Tho other Injured aro Policemen James
T. Scott, Jncob Zimmerman, a Council
man, and Robert Manlovc, a Pennsylva
nia Railroad engineer. All of tho wound
ed, together with the two men who did
tlio shooting, aro In the Delawaro Hos-
' " According to Chief of Police Black tho
men tried to snatch tho pocketbook from
a department store employe as she left
the postofflce shortly after noon. Her
screams brought a number of pedestrians
to her nsslstanco nnd the hold-up men
started to run down 9th street from
Market street.
A large crowd Joined In the pursuit.
nd the men doubled on their track and
started south on 3th street. By this tlmo
more than a score of pedestrians had
Joined In the chaae for tho men. and tho
crowd attracted Policeman Tlerney.
As soon ns the bluccoats Joined in
' Concluded on Pore Two
SCHOOL; LOSS $500,000
.Students Escape From BIa2e Watch
1 mnn Is Missing.
WARRKNSBURG. Mo.. March 6.-Firo
today destroyed every building of tho
State Normal School hero except tho
Dockery gymnasium. Tho loss was
; The Are is supposed to have started In
the chemistry division. The students
were Just arising for the day and all
neaped. The night watchman Is missing.
Again the ancient king of beasts that
pf tlves to March an Introduction, upon tho
Ht world his anger feasts and now Is raising
ii stormy ruction. Behold, with grim, ma
jestic force tho age-old stormy war ho
wages, upsetting swiftlyunan and hprse
and turning dwellings Into cages. Tho
U snow, tho beauteous snow, on top is
5 treacherous, but looks Inviting; it makes
the careless slip and flop and e'en tho
raullous now g kiting. But, what a
wondrous sight It makes for those who
do not fear a blizzard, when multitudes
of snowy flakes aro loosed upon us by
the wizard who reigns within tha frozen
..north, the eager storm's Impatience
checking, then sends the March-tlme lion
;iurin upon the cities, little recking. Be
Mare. and rn vmi linnf., w.t, ...i.,..
yropulsa, ever is to rush, or you may soon
"Oh, slush!"
'''For Philadelnhia nnd iV,V
I'liahl or snow this nDnrnnn,, A -
Yfhht, probably followed by clearing
annual ajiernoon; not much change
temperature; rem easterly winds.
rur ueiaus, see page S.
Observations at Philadelphia
bC1 Northeaat. n'mll?a
.uinimMM ill: '': I
.100 ner n,
fi..:;'"J.m niPratur 33 it a Si
Maximum temptratur 40 St" '. It
On the Pari fir Coast
it& SSaS'T?..::::::!' fita- SSst a
"- . 1CHJD, '4U
Almanac of the Day
&U& &cia
elln Hkj i -.'., -I...'
g:M p. m.
5:51 a. m.
BMoen et
Sllwii rlM
Lamns to Qc T.fchtol
glxto nd other vehlclw etlO p. m,
Tha Tidea
plrt at.r B,ouwa
ijo wiif tomorrow"!;:;:;;;;;;
IIh vrtr tamorraar
8:80 p. m.
12:52 a.m.
8:15 a. m.
tfl llt.h i2 "TOUT BTRKBT Wit,
OJIH p. m.
12:11 a. dl
e.Ol a. ui.
8 p. m
2:52 a. m.
Sll a. 01.
"f ur tomoriDW
. IU!0 water tomorrow
....r ,,EBOY ,8UKD-
L'Min water tonuirrow
Bncr (amorrow
i 40 p. m.
0.34 a, m.
wsita; ioawrrow..,r
Vessel Fills With Water ns Result of
Open Sea Valves.
NEW YORK, Mnrch S.-Wlth her engine
room and hold half nitod with water, the
battleship Malno this afternoon rests on
tho botlorn of Whitney Basin, Close to her
dock in the Brooklyn Navy Vnrd.
The vessel's sea valve, nccordlng to a
report nt tho yards, were left open. As
soon ns the discovery was made today
the pumps were Immediately put nt work,
but thoy could not keep the water going
out as faflt ns It enmo In, nnd conse
quently tho vessel sank. Owing to tho
fact that It was close to shore, tho decks
were not submerged.
Tho stem dipped the deepest Into the
water, tho bow being slightly tilted up
ward. Tho pumps arc bolng kept busy
this afternoon und tugs aro standing by
ready to tow tho battleship to Its dock.
The battleship was In commission ns
a receiving ship. One thousandd blue
jackets were on board. Tho Mnltic was
built In 1001 to replace tho famous' wur
Bhlp of tho samo name blown up In Ha
vana Harbor In 1S9S.
Evangelist Appeals to
Youthful Hearers to
Consecrate Themselves
to God and Thus Achieve
Spiritual Salvation.
The enthusiasm which rocked the
"Hilly" Sunday tabernacle this afternoon
lias not been seen since "Billy" camo
here. Tho service today was for young
people of tho higher and preparatory
schools. Thoro were thousands of men
and women clamoring In vain for admit
tance. Although tho snow fell heavily
outside nnd tho wind was blowing
heavily, the crowds began to assemble
on Logan Square soon after 8 o'clock
this moinlng. When the doors were
opened there was a mad rush of snow
covered men nnd women for seats.
"Ullly's sermon was on thu topic,
"Think On These Things." Before cm
i,:iriimr mi lili discourse, he aroused tho
students to a high pitch of enthusiasm
by extending to them a warm greeting.
Tho bright eyes of the thousands of
young people sparkled with Joy and an
ticipation ins they waited impatiently for
the arrival of the preacher. When ho was
seen passing down an aislo through the
choir loft to tho platform, there arose a
mighty roar of applause. Cheer after
cheer was given him. and "Rodoy," who
led tho singing.
There waa much enthusiasm threo
weeks weeks ago when tho high school
students attended the tabernacle services
for the first time. Bui today's greeting
to the evangelist entirely clipsed It.
Tho sermon was a plea to the students
to consecrate themselves to the higher
things of life. "Whatsoever things are
true, think of theBO things," was the
text, and Sunday sounded a call for the
young people to seek tho Blblo for tho
greatest truths of life. He declared that
tho Btudents read school books to learn
specific thlngB that would help them in
tholr career, nnd Insisted that If they
were to get tho most out of their future
they should study tho Blblo as a means
of attaining spiritual happiness.
"No one has made a success In life
who neglects his or her spiritual wel
fare." Sunday shouted. "Riches on
earth are good tilings to have If they
are obtained honestly, but they will never
get any person Into Heaven. There aro
stacks of people dead to God. Spiritual
death Js worse than physical death.
Every man who believes In the Bible will
Concluded on Vase Two
Victims of Disaster, Given Up for
Dead, Show No Injuries.
HINTO.V. AV. Va.. March 6.-After being
Imprisoned for W hours In the wrecked
shaft of Layland coal mine, 47 of tho
182 miners who were entombed when an
explosion occurred In the mine last Tues
day were rescued alive today.
Although suffering from hunger and
thirst and the terrors of. Impending
death, the rescued men suffered no seri
ous injuries from their experience. ,
are entombed in the Cabeza Del Buey
mine near Cordova, where an explosion
occurred yesterday while 1600 men were
at work.
Rescue work went on rapidly today,
Burt It wbb believed that nearly all the
Imprisoned men would be saved.
Conditions in Mexico City Must Be
Relieved, He Is Told,
WASHINGTON. March 6.-Vlth the
Mexican situation threatening at any
moment to turn Into anarchy and massa
cre, General Carranza today was the key
to Its solution, This Government has
laid down the law to him In the sharpest
"representations" It has ever sent a
Mexican chieftain. Under foreign govern
ments,' demands for protection In Mexico,
the Administration framed a mandate
which officials hoped would bring the
chief to terms. .
Carranza was'fojd that the starvation
threatening the capital must be relieved,
It was pointed out to him that, control
ling the Vera Cruz-Mexico C(ty Railroad,
he has power to alter conditions, lie 'was
warned, too. that this nation does not ap
prove of General Obregon's plans for
leaving the city to Its fate at the first
riot signs.
Villa, too, has had Informal word from
this Government that a massacre of fort
elgners would be the most unfortunate
thlpg, from Mexican and American view
points, that could happen.
What steps this Government plans In
event of refusal 10 heed American warn
ings was shrouded n Ktrecy.
Foreign Governments are holding the
I ntted States responsible for protection
of their citizens Suggestions that an
allied force. imiiai to ie Peking lega
tion guard, should enter Mexico City,
were unfavorably received here.
(U;V. ."fSSr
" I Hsr i iS'yi.vicl. KJ Jriir i.. ' ' JliWWKsw -
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,riar'Mr. van Valkonbmgt- - 'jHiflffiBp
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Above is a photographic reproduction of a letter, copies of which nrc being passed from hand to hand among
German residents of Philadelphia, who have been led to believe that the "Ludington" whose signature
appears on it is Charles H; Ludington, vice president of the Public Ledger Company. The letter is sup- 1
posed to be addressed to E. A. Van Vnlkenburp, editor of tho North American, and, as shown, makes cer
tain accusations against Charles II. Hcustis, editor-in-chief of tho Inquirer. Mr. Ludington denies
emphatically that the signature is his, that he is an Englishman, or that ne is acquainted with Mr. Van
Vnlkehburg or Mr. Hcustis.
(ScT Ly
Above, at tho left, is tho genuine signature of Charles II. Ludington,
vice president of tho Public Ledger Company, which is offered for
purposes of comparison with the opposite signature, which is at
tached to the mysterious letter.
Forecaster Perceives No Sign
of Cessation No Change in
Snow will fall through tho day and
probably far into the night, according
to the offlclal forecast of George B. Dllss.
local weather man. but as little or 110
change In temperaturo is expected there
should be no delay to tralllc. Tho snow
Is turning Into slush nlmost uh rapidly
as It fulls.
If the mercury drops a few degrees from
the 33 registered at K o'clock this morn
ing to 11 point below freezing it will mean
additional work for the street sweepers
nnd the streets will be made dnngcrouu
by the freezing of tho slush.
Several Inch's of slush over the streets
of the city, augmented by tho monoto
nously Incessant snowfall, cut down the
pace of nearly ail traffic for hours this
morning and had all Philadelphia slip
ping, sliding and tumbling in the streets
and on the sidewalks.
Horses fountK it Impossible to maintain
their footing, and fell In all parts of the
city. Numerous minor accidents to pedes
trians were reported from various hos
pitals. Tho snowfall, according to the
official weather forecast. Is to continue
through ?he day. unless it turns Into ruin.
Philadelphia's customary March snow
storm started early last night. Men and
women leaving the theatres, and others
who were out late, laughed at the first
scattering flakes and expressed the opin
ion that the Bnowfall would amount to
nothing, .
This morning they awoke to find about
threo Inches of snow over a layer of
treacherous, slippery slush, and Hakes
still falling hard." They found thut dur
ing the night the Philadelphia Hapld
Transit Company had prepared Its big
track sweepers and snow-ploughs In an
ticipation of a real March blizzard.
A street motor snowplough made its up-
Concluded 011 1'age Three
Victim of Accidental Discharge of
Air Gun.
A 13-year-old boy accidentally shot him
self in the right temple ut Afc'nland.
eight miles from Camden, Just before
noon today and died a half hour later.
The little pellet of lead from the air
gun was found to have penetrated the
skull to the brain.
The boy was William Welsh. He was
playing on the farm of Arthur Hill ma 11
with other boys when the air title was
accidental shot off Or. J. Kdgar
Howard was summoned from lladdon
fleld. but the lad died before he reached
gtie HiHmna farm.
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Evangelist Announces Exten
sion of Campaign in Re
sponse to Demand.
"Hilly" Sunday-announced today, that
he would extend his campaign in this
elty until March 21, Inclusive On that
day he will havo completed the llth
week of his revival, three weeks longer
than ho originally Intruded to stay, and'
one week longer than ho agreed to ex
tend tho campaign when npproached by
members of the local Campaign Commit
tee early In February.
"I Just didn't see how I could disap
point nil those people, who haven't been
nblo to get to tho tabernacle," tho
evangelist explained today. "There aro
thousands of folk who keep writing to
me, saying thoy haven't been able to
come to the meetings, or haven't been
able to get In, and there are hundreds
who have been trying to get reservations
for their employes, so I'm going to do
all I can for them,"
Police Seize "Lemon Machine" in
Cigar Store.
A gambling device, known as tho
"lemon machine,"- was removed from the
cigar store of A. Altman. 101 South I'd
street, this morning and confiscated by
the police.
Ileserve Officer Lane happened to stroll
Into the store und saw the machine.
Altman explained that, although the ma
chine was built automatically to deliver
nioney to the winners, he used trndo
checks and coupons. Lane was not con
vinced that the machine was legal and
carried It to City Hall.
Presid'Ot llcnnpoints Rublee
WASHINGTON. March 6.-George Rub
lee, of Cornish, N. H., was today ap
pointed to the naw Faderal Trade Com
mission by President Wilson. The Irsl.
dent's action completes the membership
of the Trade Commission, which will or
ganize next week.
$15 Dress Stolen From Hasket
A woman's dress, valued at $, was
stoleu from the basket of a department
store delivery boy tbls morning at Greene
and MRitlewod avenue, when the basket
was Wft there by the boy while he made
a delivery at a nearb house The dress
was consigned to Mrs. Kolund Ttolor,
J0 West Cbelten arnue, for immediate
tint Tho ttitsfl was ii-pottco i 'he Ui-
mantown police, who are making an ia
'4bn6 io .top
2K&M.NVK . ....' .
''litWrtk4 h"!
Z.zfixmHr!si .
Alleged Letter to Editor
Used as Basis for Dis
seminating Impression
That Local Journalists
Attempt to Aid Allies.
, It became known today that a story
Is being .circulated among German or
ganizations in this city for tho purposo
of creating the Impression thnt soma
Philadelphia newspapers havo agreed to
color their European war news In favor
of the Allies.
Tho report gained circulation through
an anonymous letter, received hy V. W.
I.ledtkc, prominent in German circles and
owner of n saloon nt 1th and Cherry
streets. In this letter tho writer en
closed another letter, addressed to K. A.
Van Valkenburg, editor of tho North
The Van Valkcnburg letter bore the
signature "Ludington," and tho Impres
sion wob given and fostered thnt it was
written by Charles It. Ludington. vice
president of the Puut.tc Ledobu Company.
Thu anonymous correspondent said that
the Van Vnlkenburg letter had been
opened, and then thrown In the waste to
be burned id" In tho North American
Tho letter follows:
"Please burn this letter."
Philadelphia, Feb. 15. 1315.
My Pear Mr. Van Valkenburg:
Vou will doubtless be surprised In
getting these few lines from me; but
the truth Is. I could not contain my
self npy longer.
I have recently received letters from
Pwight and others of our mutual
friends concerning Charles JI. Heustls
and his absurd pro-British stand.
; items thnt there js no doubt that,
whl 14 he .was recently In England, a
German P7 lollowed him, and this
mm Is In tho possession of convincing
evldopce that Heuatis received a large
sum of money from emissaries of the
British Government. I nave spoken
to rnany about this matter and they
all seem to coincide in the opinion
that something should be dune to stop
hlni copipromUIng the Inquirer and
th Klvnron and Incidentally the
whole newspaper fraternity of the
That his 1 writings are Influenced
by somethlrtk more than "honest
neutrality" I myself have not the least
doubt. But he goes too far In his
endeavors to earn the British money
and everybody is "on to liiiu," to use
You used to have some lufluence with
htm and If you mn persuade blin that
he is making u "blood ass out of
'nself sou mil do mui great serv-
1 .-vis stlf, as an i-nsiumnan, of
Concluded on 1'are Tnu
, !&J$ffl
3? Yi&.wm ana 'skss'y
&Mlo'M! ..
- ..situ.a
PiitBT r.in.v l'ASHVxavna
OX LlXlilt la rouiiAixi:
The following were listed as first
cabin itasscnocm on La Touralne
when she sailed from Xcto York:
AupuH Kwilct, Montreal
Gaston Levi, Xcw York.
II. Frinbcrg, llrookliin.
Dr. Jos. L. Whcclwrlffht, Xcw York.
Dr. J. C. Walker. Xcw York.
Mrs. J. C. Walker, Xcw York.
Miss Cecil Wettach, Ualnbrltloc,
Lewis Tautrand, l'oughkccpslc, X. V.
Mrs. Apnea Cralb, Havana,
Miss Helen Cralb. Havana.
Jules .V. i'ren i If, Montreal.
Mrs. llalnh Nlmnson, Xcw Haven.
Kdmond Gravel, Montreal.
JlcnoUl Velpeuch, Xcw York.
Ilugcnt! Masel, San Francisco.
Joseph L. Maurcr, Xcw York.
Dmtlc Pares, Xcw York.
Mrs. Alice V. Andrews, llosion.
Jlalph Andrews, Boston.
Francois llcpurseati, Xcw York.
ll'oorf Fosdlck, Xcw York.
John S. t. Irwin, Xcw York.
Dr. W. J. llraddock, Xcw York.
Dr. A. O. Jlmcnius, Xcw York.
Florence Gordon, Xcw York.
Dorothy O'Conncll, Xcw York.
Victoria Franco Fort, Xcw York.
Cathlpnc O'Hanlon, Xcw York.
Miss Helen O'Hanlon, Xcw York.
Aline M. McCormlck, Xcw York.
Thomas J. Uurkc, Jr.. Xcw York.
Ilobcrt Alphon.rc, Xcw York.
Jiaumond Swoboda, Xcw York.
Xcllic Btirdcttc Parsons, Xcw York.
Hcda Peterson, Xcw York.
Paul Snpucl, General Agent, French
Eugene Lyons, Xcw York.
Molly McGrath, Xcw York.
Vessels Just Completed
Reported Rushing to Join
Czar's Fleet in Attack
Upon Strait Guarding
Turkish Capital.
LONDON. March 6.
That three new Itusslan dreadnoughts,
rushed to completion at the Black Sea
shipyards, have Jolned'nho-nusslan flee
In Its descent upon Constantinople, was
tho report circulated In Admiralty circles:
today. The Admiralty flatly refused con;
flrmatlon, and declined to comment on
Bucharest dispatches that tho Czar's
naval forces in the Kast aro steaming
southward to nttnek the Ottoman through
the Bosporus.
Before tomorrow night, according to
Bucharest dispatches, tho Busslnn Black
Sen fleet will be pounding at tho Bos
porus forts, less than 18 miles from Con
stantinople. Tho new dreadnoughts aro
tho Ekaterlna II, tho Impcratrlza Maria
and tho Alexander III. Each has a dis
placement of 22,1100 tons.
Dispatches from Borne reporting that
tho Itusslan Black Seat fleet is steaming
southward at full speed toward Forts
Kllla and Polraz. which guard tho en
trance of the Bosporus, declare that
there are 50 ships and some of them are
carrying Itusslan troops. This Indicated
the possibility that the Russians may try
to land troops at Ormaull or Karaburun
for land operations against tho Turkish
troops defending Constantinople 011 tho
Unofficial advices from Athens stnto
that a lull has fallen over tho operation
In tho Dardanelles. In the meantime tho
International fleet Is being replaced with
Concluded on l'ase Three
U-2 Sent to Bottom by Warship in
English Channel.
LONDON, March 0.
Another German submarlno has been
sunk, nccord-.r to nn offlclal statement is
sued last nlr..t by the French Ministry of
Murine. The submarine was tho U-2 and
went to the bottom after being hit by
three shots fired by a French warship of
the 'second light squadron In the English
Channel near the coast of France.
This report brings the number of Her
man submarines sunk during the last two
daje up to four, as yesterday the loss
of tho U-8 was reported, and two others
were sun by merchant vessels, accord
ing to the claims of the captains.
Superior Numbers Compel Retirement
on Myszyniec.
BERLIN. March 6.
The campaign In Poland appears to bo
at present an affair of shifting local suc
cesses for one side and the other without
particular significance..
The Germans have been compelled to
retire before superior Russian forces from
Myszyniec, which lies close to the Kast
Prussian border.
The report that two of the forts at
Ossowlec have been destroyed has not
been confirmed officially, but It follows
tho Itusslan report that heavy batteries
have been brought Into position befbre
the city. If this report be true It means
a considerable success for the Germans.
The lighting In the Carpathians Is grow
ing more intense hourly and the Russians
have been forced to assume the defensive
iesplte their energetic exertions.
British Dreadnought Said to Be Near
ly Ready for Active Service.
NEW YORK, March 6. The mystery of
the British dreadnought Audacious, tor
pedoed and sunk by a German subma
rine off Lough Swllly. Ireland. narl
three months ago. is becoming deeper.
Reports that the Audacious had been
talvagcd and repaired were denied only
the other day in dispatches from l.oudon,
but now cornea a private letter declaring
that the ship is nearly ready fur active
service. ,
French Ship, With
Americans Aboard,
Sends Wireless Calls
for Help.
Message to Lloyd's Says She Is
700 Miles West of French
Port of Brest, But Owners
Insist Vessel Is Near English
Coast, Not in Peril.
Five Doctors and Ton Nurses From
Now York City Institution, Sent as
Field Hospital Unit for Work at
tho Front, on tho Liner's Passen
ger List.
LONDON. Match 6.-TI10 French line.'
La Touralne Is on fire 700 miles west of
the French port of Brest, nccordlng to a
wireless to Lloyd's received this morn
ing. According to a message received at Bel
fast, Ireland, all tho passengers and
crew havo boon rescued.
Tho first dispatch to Lloyds arrived at
10:25 o'clock from the wireless station
at Vnlentla. County Kerry, on the west
coast of Ireland, it snld thnt the steam
ships Rotterdam, Swuumoie, Cornish
man and Arabic were rushing to tho ns
slstanco of tho burning vessel, which had
sent out tho wireless "S. O. S." flash,
calling for help.
A second dispatch, received from
Queenstown at 12:3S o'clock this after
noon, snld that an aerogram picked up
there reported thnt La .Touralne wns
burning fiercely, and said that tho White
Star liner Arabic and the other steam
ships rushing to her nld had doubled
their speed.
The third message from Belfast mn. all
the passengers nnd members of the new
of La Touralne aad bn rescued arrived
shortly lifter this.
The White Star liner .Vablq '.tiled
from Liverpool threo days ago. SKa is
believed to havo been within 203 miles
of La Touralne when tho Uro s'atd.
Tho Arabic wirelessed that alio bad
caught the liner's call for asslntanco and
waa going to her aid. She did not wire
less her location.
Tho vessel's owners, tho Compagnla
Generalo Transatlantlnue, gave out tht.
following statement:
"La Touralne. New York to Havre, Is,
afire off the coast of Ireland. Sho was
duo at Havre tomorrow. Consequently
sho cannot bo in great danger, owing to
her nearn6ss to tho English coast. Therd
Is plenty of assistance en route, Tho
Whlto Star liner Arabic and other vessels
are rushing to her assistance. Tho only
nows wo have received Is from the
Vnlentla wireless station."
Tho origin of tho fire has not yet been
ascertained. Tho company's offices hero
claim to be uninformed, but scouted a re
port which was apparently circulated
without any tangible basis that there had
been an explosion of some sort on tho
La Touralno sailed from New York Feb
ruary X On her passenger list are five
American doctors and 10 American nurses,
bound for Kroner, battlefields. Tha Ameri
can surgeons In tho party are Dra. A. C.
Jlnenln, T. c. Walker, w: G. BMaaock.
Joseph Wheelwright and John W Jwln.
Tlio party of nurses Includes Mmmv Eu
genie Ljons, Victoria Frankfort, Mollis
McGrnth, Kathcrlno and Nollio O I Inn
Ion. Nelllo Parsons, Beda Peterson, .t'lija
JI. McCormlck, Florence Gordo:, and
Dorothy O'Connell. The America.. JIos
pltnl unit was destined for Passy France.
Thero nre 281 persons on tho La Tour
alne 38 first cabin passengers, 43 stxer
ago passengers and 200 officers t.id mem
bers of crew.
Lloyd's wireless npparently conflicts
with that received by La Touralne's own
ers. It fixes tho location of the burning
liner at latitude 48.06 north, longitude
20.11 west, 700 miles off the French coast.
The liner's owners Insist t,';at the liner Is
close to the British con it and that her
passengers arc in no danger.
Ln Touralno Is 0110 of tho big liners ply
ing between New York and Havre. Sho
Is a steel twin-screw steamer of 8129 tons,
f.20 feet in length, built In 1&00, with
accommodattoiiH for heveral hundred Pas
sengers. She has a speed of 19 knots ami
wa under command of Captain Catlssln
Because of war conditions and of tho re
cent establishment of tho German "war
zone" her passenger list was compara
tively light when sho sailed from New
Tho party of American nurses und doc
tors aboard La Touralne comprise n unit
sent by the French Hospital, West sun
street. New York. Funds for the hospital
unit were supplied by Mrs. William J.
Fitzgerald, an English woman living In
New York, who contributed J1CO.0O0.
NEW YORK. March 6.-"l think It
probable that the disaster to La Tourana
was tho work o fa German spy," declared
Dr. J. Darwin Nagel, of the French Hos
pital, toda. Doctor Nagel was more thun
usuully Interested in the voyage of the
French steamship because he was ac
quainted with ad the doctors who were
Concluded oil Vujo Tna
The Kensingtonian Says;
Blllu Barto, the papular Port Rich
mond boy, visited AUentown. Pa, last
week and while there he entered u pie
eating contest. Blllu ate one pie, bur
iid not have the crust to stay the
LOOT A KU lWt. Saturday artomoun Ki
rusry XT. muss from 1Mb asd Oimmui 1 ,
llth and ilrki .. or la bntlbmluri.
Initials G U. i'ugratil ot wind. 01 Ifju,
Reward tuo luattloaa uaktdr II raturiicd iu
J B. Paid ell A Cy . Met Ctwataut at
LOST SUver mh bag .Morris at car ur .u
and Morris, Friday uuwnluz. Baward- lu
turn to ITU Maw "
fiam oli Kroura si . fox tr,-
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