pglUDiiiii yw9wmm EVENING LEDaEK-PniLABELPHlA', FRIDAY, MAttOII 5, 1915. Wt 0 Social JDaneGj and CJedctncfcy $pj kA I ?s 3- (j&) I l.ltTrrAi.WIW ""y -" '""I t '- II '- ! ' 1 I ... -tmmf (tin I an to. so seldom danced T 't,.retofore because of Us Intricacy, Is quite IX ner .i . f thin oltv'n sncletv folk il race, i11 """' - . h4JLorrow afternoon at the ItlU-Carlton dan K l Mrs K. Hutchinson Scott and Mrs. It. W. -,i" kMW'orth havo procured the services of $oLcUr Roberto and his partner, of New York, '11" ... j ....train thn latest tan co uteris 6h0 will """" ....... .u. ..... . H dance Willi l"0 guests uuimu me unei- !6Tne tanwnt chaperoned by Mrs. May Tern i l .. ti.iiHtHit.umfrnrd will nlao take fL tomorrow afternoon, and Miss Joan Saw- , .nd Cyril iinrcoun win .....,....-.. dances durlns tho nftcrnoon at Brooke House, f ma Walnut street. f ,, Mrs. Wilbur Taddock Klapp, of 1716 .'. jtrcct, will Rive a small danco at the .CnClub on Thursday, April 8. In honor of VtaB I Ktapp and Edward M. K. Klapp. M KUPP has "t ct mndo hcr lcbut' ... .i. ti...nn nf nhln. who has been ' , west of Mr. and Mrs. Uenson Mann., Jr.. of J..L. rjrnvora lane. Chestnut Hill, has re- f turned to her homo In Baltimore . ... rrrti, nf Tinlllmnre. Is visltlnir i Miss taroiyii m. .. --- - ;im Martha Cameron Whltmer, tho daughter f Mr. and Mrs. Robert Whltmer. of 4703 Klns- r'c!slng avenue. . -., m.. Wllllnm J. Elliot, of 317 L Colonel nnu "" south 17th street, will entertain at dinner be- foro tho next mcciuiK " ' ... j i-,. nin nn Friday. March 12. In fj honor of their daughter. Miss Betty Elliot . n,i Mrs Clarence M. Clark, of Cedron. Indian Green lane. Ocrmantown, will leavo on J Wednesday for a several wecKS inn imuuB.. the West. ir.. tr Allen Dalley. of 200 Glen lane, Ard- m'ore. will entertain at luncheon today In honor of Mrs, B. Marshall Scrum, oi uverorooK. The" guests will include MIbs Pauline Davis Bowie. Miss Mildred W. Lee. Miss Mnrlon O. rtnrtnl. Miss Elennor G. Bartol. Mrs. nenry h snydcr. Mrs. Gcorgo K. Crozer, Jr., and Mrs. William Joyce Sewell. "f. ThB Woman's Suffrnso party of Radnor .- hl mn, vnufprrinv lit til H homo Of MrS. lOWHaiui' ...... ,-" 1 William Wright, of St. David's. Mrs. Walter M. Nowklrk, of Radnor, presided. The spoaner ih nftnrnoon wnfl Mrs. Isaac Rhoads, of Bt Tjmsdowne. prominent In AVomen's Club move- ments In the Federation of Clubs. Tea fol- lowed. K Edwin Greble Drccr Is spending several wceko p" touring In tho South and Is at present In Jaclt- 'onvllie, ia. Mrs. Oswald J. De Rousse, of CIS West Hortter itreet, has as her guest for several days Mrs. a Tenn Smith, of Strafford. Mrs. De Rousso entertained at lunch Wednesday. Her guests Included Mrs. Ferdinand V. Bonnaffon, Mrs. Ed ward Davis, Mrs. Michael Trump, Mrs. Fred trick llurlburt. Mrs. Nicholas II. Larzelere, Mrs. Tbrmas Hulme and Mrs. George A. Wagner. Ihv and Mrs. Do Rousse will dine at the ker- fmantown Cricket Club tonight before the reg ular weekly dance. Mrs. R. Pcnn Smith will be their guest. ALONG THE MAIN LINE OVERDROOK Mr. and Mrs. II. Attmoro Prlzer, Jr., who will entertain at dinner on Wednesday night at their home, 6396 Overbrook road, will have as their guests Dr. and Mrs. J. Leslie 't Davis, Mr. and Mrs. R. Walter Peterson, 3d. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Harvey, Miss Gladys Trlnkle and Arthur F. Hagar. Mr. and Mrs George E. Shaw, of 636S Drexel road, will open thci. cottage at Chelsea for the Easter holidays. Their daughter, Mrs. John P. Dalton, has closed hcr house at Newport, and Is making her home with her parents while the battleship on which her husband, Ensign Dalton, U. S. N., Is stationed In the South 'American waters. CHESTNUT HILL Mr. and Sirs. K. Rlttenhouse Miller will en tertain at dinner tomorrow night at the Phlla- Edelphla Cricket Club. Their guests will include 5Ir. and Mrs. Walter Schwartz, Mrs. Burton Price, Mr and Mrs. Francis B. Bracken, Mrs. William W Smith, Mrs. Francis Wltten and Miss Florence Bell. Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Weill, who have lately taken a house In Chestnut Hill, entertained informally at dinner Wednesday night at the ! Oermantowtj Cricket Club. Mr, and Mrs. George C. Thomas, Jr., of J Sunset avenue, are spending some time In At- jlUntlc City. Miss Dorothy Bennerman. of 7328 Boyer Wtreet, has Joined the Lenten colony In Atlantlo !,city. GERMANTOWN i Xltmm .J... ... . .... .. . ueio Alexander, or AIDany, JW. x is pW guest Of Mm. Howard Hnhnrtn. nf 49 Raat JValnut lane, for the remainder of the week, libs Alexander Is a civil service examiner of the New York State Board. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carson, of 4M Harvev itreet, gave an engagement party to her daugh. iT ana her fiance, Leonard Stiles, of 328 ywinona avenue. flMrs. Philip J. niley and Mrs. J. J. Riley, St Jeannette. Pa.. ar vlaltlntr Mm. Thomas jpVhalen, of 170 East Sharpnack street. Mr and Mrs. S. E. Falrchild. of Winsahlckon vemje above Hortter street, have sent out In vitations for a dance, In honor pf their small p". "isnauet, tonight. About SO suests are fcepeeted. Mrs Henry P. Brown, of 133 West Uosal ftreet, has decided to spend several weeks at 1 shore, and has sejeeted Atlantic City, , Mrs Frederick V. Knellsh. nf 9t(5 1Vat flahnnl ouse lane, has organUe4 a sewlntr class, whiah M every Tuesday afternoon at her home, ew more especially for French sqldlers. Mrs. Horace A. Reaves, Jr., ot 33 West Wal. Ift Une. is in Atlantic City fqr the Lenten won K Kiss Ethel Jackson teadtrd a reception to p aumber of her frKiiula at her home. MB Basi lowt 6tieot Ut wegj? Anwg the Bu,u -i mis UertruUe Binder, MW SJlldrtd Mc- Caffery. Miss Knthcrlno Kane, Miss Susan Sharp, Miss Kathrync Rclgan, Sidney Deppc, Leslie Howard, Archibald Garvin and Carroll Llncrty. Mrs. Harry Llpplncolt Cnssard will give n dinner for hcr son, Edward Cnssard, before MrB. George Brooks' dancing clas on Satur day, March 6. Mr. and Mrs. Nevllt B. Craig, of McCallum street, are spending several weeks In At lantlo City. Mrs. Robert Matthews, of 621 West Hortter street, l spending the winter season nt Galen Hall, Atlantic City. M. I.. Lloyd, of 373 Church lane, Is at Tarpon I Springs, Fla for n short stay. Dr. nml Mrs. Thomas C. Kelly, of 105 Weit I School lane, are spending n few days nt tho Hotel Brighton. Atlantlo City. I C. Harold Marston, who 1ms been In England, returned to this country last week. Mrs. J. F. Hnrrls, of School lnnc, Is spending some time nt Pclham, .V. Y. ALONG THE READING The next meeting of tho Woman's Club of Wyncoto will tnko placo at tho homo of Jlrfl William C. Kent, In Wyncotc, on Wednesday afternoon, March 10, nt 2:30 o'clock. There will bo several readings, followed by music by Miss Gernldlne Ely. Mrs. Kent will net ns tho March hostess of tho club. Mr. nml Mrs. M. B. Megargco have returned to their homo on Fernbiook avenue, Wyncote, nfter spending tho winter nt their bungalow nt New Smyrna, Fla. Mr. .and Mrs. Edwin L. Cross are tho guesta of Mr. Cross's mother, Mrs. William A. Cross, of 11.1 Cednr street, Jcnklntown, for a month Mr. nnrt Mrs. Cross will occupy their bungalow at Gwnedil Valley about April 1. Mr. nml Mrs.. Philip S. Collins, of Wyncote, will sail on Monday, March 8, for Bermuda, where they will spend three weeks. Mies Anna S. Kent, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wllllnm C. Kent, of Nnngcomar, Wjncote, has returned from Flushing, L, I., where she was tho guest of Mrs. Ralph Morgan for a week. Miss Marlon Gerhnrt, of 7th street, Oak I.ane, left this week for a visit to MIs Marlon Smith, of Frceport, L. I. Mr. and Mrs. F. Plerco Trump will enter tain nt "GOO" at their home, C200 North Broad street. Oak Lane, on March 10. Among tho guests will be Mr. and Mrs. Wllllnm Glas gow, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. r. C. Kiel, Mr. nnd Mrs. Franklin Betts. Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Kolb, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. W. Van Artsdalen, Mr. nnd Mrs. E. B. McCall and Mr. and Mrs. A. Raymond, WEST PHILADELPHIA Miss Ethel Leinau, of 1210 Spruce street, gave a bridge yesterday afternoon nt hcr home. Miss Elennor Bement, of 3817 Spruce street, Is spending some time In Spring Lake, N. J. Mrs. Truman L. Palmer, of 5001 Pine street, will entertain at n luncheon and "500" nt the Manufacturers' Club on Tuesday. There will be about 50 guests. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA - A reception was held at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Ball, 2123 South Opal street, this week In honor of their dnughtcr. Miss KlUabeth Ball. Those present wero Miss Knthryn Langdon, Miss Roberta Baun, Miss Gruco Tully, Miss Mario Kelly, Miss Ernestine Bonner, Miss Marie Langdon, Miss Helen Baun, Miss Mario Baker, Miss Ida Tully, Miss Marie Patterson, John Fnrrell, J. Lea O'Neill, John Anderson, John Morrow, Frank McDonald, Vincent Tully, Hugh McCollough, Edward Ball, Jesso Casker nnd Joseph Brctherlck. Miss Ida Simon, of 2530 South 17th street, en tertained this week. Among the guests were Miss Mary PIckford, Miss Lorctta Iscman, Miss Beatrice McAdam, Miss Frances Repetta, Miss Edna Tatem, Miss Adeline Waldron, Miss Jane Bruce, Miss Edith Thornton, Miss Miriam Wat son, Howard Rehman, Norman Bowden, Harry Campbell, Earle McAdam, Harper Moore, Hugh Campbell, Edward O'Brien, Lester Bowden. Harry McMaster, Peter Kenny, Thomas O'Brien and Joseph Roberts. Miss Reglna McLoughlln will entertain the members of St. Monica's Oulld, 1836 Rltner street, at a euchre this evening. Mlsi Nan Mohan will assist In receiving tho members. Miss Nan Hageman and Miss Emma Thomat. were given a delightful surprise party at the latter's home, 2030 South 22d street, thl week. Among tho guests present were Miss Dorothy Cralge, Miss Pear) Richards. Miss Hazel Fisher, Miss Mario Hilton, Miss Myrtle Hughes, Elmer Mason, Harold Carson, Ray mond Ranger, Allen Russell, Hubert Qulnn and Lionel Blair. Mrs. Henry J. Selbold, of 2626 South 18th street, In the Glrard Estate, will entertain this afternoon at n novelty Bhowcr, In honor of Miss Ethel May Hayden. of Overbrook, whose engagement to William Creepier Johnson was announced during the Christmas holidays, A most attractive tea wHl precede the shower, when sweet peas In pale sIircIcu of lavender and pink will be used for decoration. The centre piece will consist of bisque figures representing Jove, happiness and beauty, which will be filled with the sweet peas. The table will be fee. toomed In garlands of smllax. Spring flowers, arranged In Japanese fashion, will ba Used throughout the house. Miss Hayden will pre side at the tea table. In the evening Mr. and Mrs. Selbold will en tertain at a dinner of 10 covers, when their guests will be Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Hayden, Mrs. John B. Bosson, Mrs. Henry C. Eastwood, Miss Ethel May Hayden, Harold F. Hayden and William Crmer Johnson. LANSDOWNE Among those who will meet during the Lenten season to sew are Mrs. Croswell MoBee, Mrs, Franklin Ross, Mrs. Harlan Statteil, Mrs. A. V, O'Danlel. Mrs R C Newbold. Mrs. William Budaara. Mrs. William Davis. Mrs. W. L. Tin ds.ll. Mrs. William Austin. Mrs Karl Ceilings. Mrs. Culver Boyd, Mrs. Hdward Martin, Mrs. Henry StSitzell and Mrs. Charles Mercer Bally. I MRS. SAMJJ&Li BERGER rhotosrarli by Marccau. Mr. and Mrs. Berger have recently returned from their wedding trip. Mrs. Berger will be remembered as Miss Pearl Apt. DANCING CLASS Mrs. Edward Troth's Class Yill Meet To night at Manheim. Tho regular meeting of Mrs. Edward Troth's dancing class will bo held tonight In the ball room of tho Gcrmantown Cricket Club at Manheim. Among tho members of tho class are Miss Emily La Fnrge Claxton. Miss Margaret Crulce, Miss Elizabeth L. II. Browster. Miss Eleanor Noble. Miss Reba Duhrlng, Miss Dorothy Dlss ton. Miss Mary Boyd, Miss Josephlno Dodge, Miss Kathleen Dennlston, Miss Margaret C. Fok, Miss Lois D. Field, Miss Dorothea Obcr teuffer, Miss Elizabeth Dalo OberteuffeT, Miss Fiances S. Mears, Miss Louisa Rodgers, Miss Isobel M. Rodgers, Miss Huberta Potter, Miss Katharine Potter, Miss Helena S. Robinson. Miss Isabel B. Stoughton, Miss Frances Stough ton, Miss Edith M. Smythe, Lucia A. Warden, Miss Isabella Wndsworth, Miss Elennor B. Wntt, Miss Mnrgaret E. Atlce, Miss May But ler, Miss Elinor J. Bean, Miss Eleanor Blspham, Miss Mary Ballard. Miss Llllle Crls fleld, Miss Florence M. Dreer, Miss Louisa Gib bons Davis, Miss Katharine Davis. Miss Llllle Dunn, Miss Elennor Gnrdlncr, Miss Dorothy Foltz, Miss Margaret W. Hobnrt, Miss Ethel Hastings, Miss Marie Lorlmer. Miss Mildred Longstrcth, Miss Elizabeth P. Dallas, Miss Edith L. Smith, Miss Florence Sheppard. Miss Anita Stetson, Miss Elizabeth MacCuen Smith, Miss Elaine English, Miss Evallne Taylor, Miss Marjorle Taylor, Miss Eleanor Wood, Miss Marlon Brooks Snow, Miss Anna Le Conte Know, Miss Elizabeth Grammer, Miss Caroline I. Brlnton, Miss Anna B. Brlnton, Miss Eleanor Porcher, Mlsa Blanche M. Patterson, Miss Emily Wagner, Miss Christine Rehn. Mrs. Robert C. Heyl, of Wynnewood, will entertain at dinner tonight before the class. Photo ty llarceau. MISS GRACE MAXWEL.L Mlsa Maxwell, who is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis D. Maxwell, of Lansdowne, will be married oa March 'O to G. W Curtm, of Northampton, Mass. , fc wmmm LENTEN CLASSES Sewing, Current Event nnd Mission Study Classes Will Bo Held Today Friday Is about the favorite day In society for meeting together to read, study or sow, according to tho end In view, In tho formation of tho various classes. .The Farmlngton Circle will meet this week nt tho homo of Mrs. Isaac W. Roberts In Bala. The class, which sows for the poor, meets every Friday morning at tho homes of tho different members. Mrs. Henry Karnshaw Is chnlrmnn of tho circle, Mrs. Arthur W. Sewall, vice president. Miss Virginia Llp plncott treasurer and Mrs. Howard Butcher, Jr., secretary. Tho members lncludo Mrs. Isaac W. RobertB, Mrs. John Koarsley Mitchell. Miss Eleanor S. Gamble, Miss Frances W. Gamble, Mrs. Louis R. Lemolnc, Miss Henrietta Ely, Miss Lucia A. AVarden, Miss Mary Thompson, Mrs. Henry B. Thompson, Mrs. Walter L. Foulko, Mrs. Edwin N. Benson. Mrs. John Strawbrldge, Mrs. Francl3 M. Brooke, MIhs Katharine Thompson and Mrs. William AVood ward Arnett. A class organized by Mrs. William W. Porter, of 1S04 South Rlttenhouso square, to discuss current events, met nlso this morning. The members Include Mrs. Samuel K. Reovcs, Mrs. de Forrest Wlllard, Mrs. T. Hudson Rich. Mrs. William M. McCawloy. Mrs. Matthew Semple, Miss Helen Semple, Mrs, John W. Townsond, Mrs. Richard Norrls, Mrs. John Norrls, Mrs. William J. Clothier, Mrs. William B. Church man, Mrs. Robert N. Williams, Miss Louisa Rodgers, Miss Allco Smith, Miss Mary Schott, Mrs. William E. Littleton and Miss Harriet Blanchard, A Lenten class has been formed which meets at the home of Miss Margaret Clyde. 100G Wal nut street, on Friday morning of each week. Mrs. Clarence Clark Kantzlnger will continue) her sewing class during the Lenten season for the benefit of tho Emergency Aid. The class meets on Friday mornings. Among the mem bers are Mrs. Joseph Sill Clark, Mrs. Fred erick Grnham, Mrs. Daniel Haddock Farr, Mrs. John Story Jenks, Jr., Mrs. Evan Randolph, Mrs. Wain Morgan Churchman, Mrs. Alfred G. B. Steel, Mrs. J. Andrews Harris, Jr., Mrs, Arthur II. nrockle, Mrs. Albert Atleo Jackson, Mrs. Joseph R. Carpenter, Jr., Mrs. Joseph Walker Wear, Mrs. Joseph Price Tunis, Mrs. Howard E. Seaver nnd Mrs William Lord Sexton Mrs. Joseph Sill Clark. Mrs. Charles Potter and Mrs Dorothy Potter have nlso a sowing class for the Red Cross. NORTH PHILADELPHIA The monthly meeting of Class No. 7 of the West York Street M. E. Church was held at the home of the secretary, Albert E, Neely, 2628 North ISth street, this week. Among those present were David Burton, Clinton Cochran, presidents) R. Rapine, Horace Beatles, Harry Hudum, William Emory, II. W. Lewis and Arthur Warrington. Mrs. Howard II, Colehower, of 17S6 Diamond street, will glvo an old-fashioned game party for children this afternoon at her home, In celebration of the fifth birthday anniversary ot her son, Howard H. Colehower, Jr- The decora tions will be green and white, appropriate to the coming of St. Patrick's Day. The favors will be toy snakes, pigs, pipes and haU, oopled from the familiar Illustrations or legends pf the patron saint ot Ireland. JiiB. George Wollard, of 2722 Hutchinson street, entertained the members of hsc em broidery club at luncheon yesterday. Her guests were Mrs. James Craig, Mrs William Schencle, Mrs. Frank Emery. Mrs Frank F. Boral. Mrs. WlUiara Slner, Mrs Charles Fox, Mrs Weirlch Lord and Mrs AUn WeUen. MR. AND MRS JOSEPH IX. HOPE, of 1122 North 41st street, will entertain tonight nt cards, supper nnd dancing nt tho Adelphla Hotel. There will be palms, spring flowers, ferns nnd I Southern smllnx In the decorations, nnd supper will be served nt sninll tables. , Tho guests will Include Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry j P Atlemnti, Miss Violet Dnrtlctt, L. Webster Burns, Mrs. Helen Bloxsom, Edwnrd It. Burns. 1 Mr and Mrs. D. Graham Craig, Dr. and Mrs. 1 H H. Colehower, Miss Rita Connor, Rlchnrd Cheney, Miss Elsie Clnylon, Mr. and Mrs. Alex ander Hopo Crnlg, Dr. and Mrs. W. Clyde Decker, Mr. nnd Mrs. D. K. Davis, Mr. nnn. Mrs. Charles F. Collier, Miss Lillian Ar,ey, Miss Rose Durlnn, Dr. Seneca Powell Fnnr, Mr. nnd Mrs. O. A. F. Gentzseh, Dr. Charles II. Grimes, Mr. nnd Mrs. Sntnucl L. Hope. Mr. nnd Mrs. Chnrles R. Herrmann, Mr. nnd Mrs. James Jar den, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. B. Hupp. Mr, and Mrs. J J. Krldcr, Frank Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Georgo M Kerr, Mr. nnd Mrs. F. J. Korte, Mr. nnd Mrs. Stephen Kent, Miss Josephlno M. Kelly, Mr nnd Mrs. Thomas J. Lnppln, Mr. nnd Mrs. Chnnntng Potts Lord, Miss Elslo Michael, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. F. Mack, Harry Morgal, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. H. Maroney, Arthur Leary, Miss Ella Mnussner, Mr. nnd Mrs. II. W. Phillips, Mr. ' NORTHEAST PHILADELPHIA John Burton gave n theatre box party to a few of his friends last evening, when tho party Included Miss Elslo Wood, Miss Anna MacEntce, ! Miss Elsie Koty, William Deynnn, Michael Gos 1 and John Burton. Benjamin Pnrtaln has returned to his homo In Dunellcn, N. J nftci spending tho last week i with a number of his friends In Kensington. Samuel Wilson, of 2332 Coral street, has Just returned from a short stay In Andalusia, Pa. A surprise party was tendered to the Rev. C F. C. Suckow at his homo by the members I of tho Fifth Reformed Blblo class. Tho affair was given In celebration of Mr. Suckow's 75th birthday. Among those present wero the Rev. and Mrs. C. F. C. Suckow, Miss Anna Suckow, Miss Etta Suckow, William Lelnlnger, Charles Schlmpf, A. Groesch, G. Orocsch, N. Saylor, i Welkcr, L. Kelsllng, L Schopfer. Jr., G. Voglor, F. Uhlmnn, J. Ilurhnnna, Jr , William Schlmpf, William Schneider, J. Murhanna and C. Weber. A "Kitchen shower" was given for the ben efit of the Actors' Rest at Cornwall, Pa. The nffalr was held at the Black Bear Club, C23 East Glrard avenue. Plnno selections wero rendered by Miss McCoy, Miss McGovern. Mr. and Mrs. Mcaley, Mr. Ruth. Mr. Mageo and Mr. Door nob. Song ballads were given by Miss Connor. Mr. Menley nnd Mr. Nichols. The masters of ceremonies were Wllllnm Gallagher nnd How ard Connors, to whom great credit Is duo for their efforts. TIOGA Mrs. Benjamin T. Neall, of 1S2S West Ontario street, entertained the members of her sowing club nt luncheon yesterday afternoon, tho data being tho 2oth annlversnry of her marriage. Tho decorations, which wero green, wore In keeping with tho traditions of St. Patrick. The fnvors wcio bonbon baskets tied with green ribbons nnd filled with green candled fruit and bonbons. Tho guests Included Mrs. Frank Thompson, Mrs. William Cowperthwalt, Mrs. E. G. Cowperthwalt, Mrs. Hannah Rav Fox, Mrs. John Davlcs, Mrs. Louts Mlddlrton, Mrs. Miller Burkhardt, Mrs. James Dallas, Miss Hannah Fox Ncnll and Mrs. John Calno, of Upsal. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Peters, of 3433 North ISth street, are receiving congratulations on the birth of n daughter, Virginia Peters. ROXBOROUGH Mrs. William Wilson, of Sumac fitieet, Wlssa hlckon, entertained tho members of tho Rox borough Whist Club on Wednesday afternoon. Her gucsts were Mrs. Charles J. Nice, Mrs. Arthur Johnston, Mrs. AVHUam Bush, Mrs. Horacu Kcnworthy, Mrs. Alfred Johnston, Mrs Frederick Fowles, Mrs. Harry II. Thompson. Mts. John A. Struse, Mrs. Benjamin Hender son nnd Mrs. AVUllam Ames. Mrs. James Frame, of Martin nnd Pechln streets, cntcrtnlned Informally last night at her home, when her guests were Mrs. Walter! Early, Mrs. Theodore Baldwin, Mrs. S. R. Borer, Mrs. Jninew Frame, Mrs. Charles Haber leln, Mrs. Clifford McMaster, Mrs. James Roth well, Mrs. AVUllam Stetler, Mrs. A'crncr Frame, Mrs. AV. Leonard, Mrs. Robert Whiteside and Mrs. Joseph Sumner. Mrs. AVUllam R. Hnggart, of 63U Rlghter street, wns hostess to the members of her bridge club on Tuesday afternoon. FRANKFORD Mrs. Benjamin Richardson, of Easton, Md., Is visiting her sister, Miss Charlotte Haltvell, of Dlsston street. Miss Bertha Miller has left Tacony for nn Indeftnlto stay In the mountains for the bene fit of her health. Mr. nnd Mrs. AVUllam Kuhn. Jr., will enter tain tomorrow evening at "500" at their home, 4S3S North 5th street. Those who will be pres ent are Miss Amelia Manning, Ah ram L. Hack man, Miss Clara Stortz, Miss Helen Klnnlng, Mlsa Ivy Hamilton, Howard Patterson, Thomas Noble and Kirk Broadwtck. Miss Gladys Jackson, of Tacony, has returned to her home after a visit to her sister, Mrs. E. Mandol, of Buffalo, N, Y. Miss Anna AVlley, of Portland, Pa., Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Mabey, of Edmund strut. Tawny. WILMINGTON Mr. and Mr. Joseph Swift hv announced the engagement of their daughter, Mrs. Ger trude Swift Ogden, to Everett M. Haw lay, of AVaterbury, Conn. Since last October Mm. Ogilen has bean director of the social service department of the Curtis Publishing Company, of Philadelphia. , Mr. and Mrs. Alfred D. AVarner entertained Monday evening for Mr. and Mrs. George W. Stone, of Santa Croz, Cal.. who are hr for their golden wedding anniversary, which they formally celebrated Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stone, of Detroit, Mich . and Mr and Mr Seymour Stone, of Boston, Uua., have returned from a visit here. and Mrs. William J. Pcchln, Mr. and Mrs Fred erick C. Rlghtcr, .Mr. and Mrs. Samuel II Roth well, Mr. and Mrs. Wllllnm F. Roth, Dr Steln metz, Mrs. Pauline Selvls, Mr. and Mrs T P. Stephens, Miss Alberta Smith, Herbert Smith, Dr. DaUd S. Smith, Mr. nnd Mrs. L. II Swlnd, Wllllnm Osborne, Jr.. Miss Theresa Weldil. Mr nnd Mrs. It. L. Worslng, Edward Vogdes and Miss Martha I. Taylor. A mimbcr of social affairs hnvo boon given this week In Wilmington for the approaching tunrrlngo uf Miss Madellno Davis, daughter ot Millard F. Davis, and Frederick Clemens Zeis berg on Saturday nftcrnoon at Trinity Episcopal Church, the Rev. Frederick M Klrkus officia ting. Only tho Immedlnto families will be pres ent. On Monday of last week Miss Mary Raynef gave n Jelly Bhowcr for Miss Davis, Tuesday, Miss Allco Spoer gave a Imskot showers Wednes day evening Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Davis gnvo n dinner for Miss Dnvlfl nnd Mr. Zelsberg, nnd tomorrow nftcrnoon Miss Margaret Hudson will give a serviette shower. Mr. Msberg's home Is In Abingdon. Vn., nnd ho has lived In this city nbout three yenrs. After a woddlng trip Mr. and Mrs. Zelsbe'rg will resldo at the Grace Mar on Madison Btreot. CAMDEN AND VICINITY Judge and Mrs. Howard Carrow, of Merchant vllle, nro spending several weeks In- Florida. Mr. nnd Mrs. S. L. Clark, of 311 Cooper street, have been entertaining relatives from their old homo nt Glen Campbell, Pa, Mr. and Mrs. E. I. Hoso have returned from their wedding trip and nro residing on North 7th street, near Linden. Mrs. C. E Hnncock has returned to her home nt Providence, R. 1., nfter visiting hcr par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Robblns. AMUSEMENTS CHESTNUT STREET OPEHA HOUSE Home ot world n Greatest Fhotoplaya AFTCnNOONS 1 :30 tn 4:30 10c, lBc. 250. nVENINGS 7-SO to 10:30 10c. 23c. 80a Reserved Seats Selling Ono Week In Advance. SENSATIONAL SUCCESS ! ! ! FAMOUS PLAYERS' FILM CO.'S STUPENDOUS PHOTO-SPECTACLE THE ETERNAL Gill HALL CAINE with PAULINE FREDERICK TWICU DAILY 2:30 and 8.30 P. M. PRECEDED BY COMEDIES WITH CHAS. L CHAPLIN METROPOLITAN OPERA " HOUSE ru weeks, MON MARCH 8 Ma""e WM A. DKADr Prcent DE WOLF HOPPER nnrt tho Gilbert and Sulllian Opera Co. nd;.yTrt I THE MIKADO Wei -Matinee I PTMATTnTJTi1 and Trial nml Wed Night I JrllN1.17 VJXVilj i,y jury ?-X-lBah.'a I P,roVes PENZANCE La rpo Chorus nnd Orch. Prices 25c 00c. 76c, SI. Jt.60. 1000 SEATS $1 SiSSr 50c, 75c Seat Sale Now 1100 Chcitnut Street. ACADEMY OF MUSIC TONIGHT 8:15 and TOMORROW 2:30 ELMENDORF ARTIST AND nACOXTEVn NORTHERN EUROPE LONDON, BRUSSELS, BERLIN, VIENNA 1'iticna ssc to si. iim-rirs. nio chestnut MAIIKET STltEKT AND JUNIPER Tontlnuouj Vaudevllla GLOBE 11:30 A. M. to 11:30 P. M. George Felix & Barry Sisters HAKKY bKiliUJJN BARTO & CLARK KENNEDY & ROONEY; Others LV T) T f IST 3 TIMES 1 It llj LAST MATINEE TOMOItnOW "DANCING AROUND" with AL JOLSON Direct from lhn N. Y Winter Garden NEXT WEEK SEATS NOW MR. ROBERT MANTELL In shukespajrejndClaslcItepertolr. B. F. KEITH'S THEATRE Unrivaled Bill of Features I JOAN SAWYER & CO. GARRICK nF&t LAGIOCONDA StfuoGRAND OPERAS Sat. Slat, MARTHA. Sat. Ev TROVATOUB Next Week !s cXAoVc,a" 7 KEYS TO BALDPATE VICTORIA Se"- Continuous 10 A. SI. to 11 '. M. First l'resentatlon Lubln'a Masterpiec gSS5nS5fdi "EAGLE'S NEST" "wMureaqull Sensational ArtlitUI nnftQC I DAILY -I n I EVENINGS. T & CKUbo I at a:lS J-ut- I 10c. 15o, 20o -K-T7.YS ROSEBUD MINSTRELS rrvrTT A TTT? FOUR DONNELLYSj OTHtltS I'rcgrarn Changed Hon & Thun. SIAHKBT ST. ABOVE 1BTU 1 I C T II K E S 11 A. SI TO 11 15 P M. WALLACE KDD1NOER In "A GENTLEMAN OF LEISURE THB Stanley ADELPHI Matinee Tomorrow x"-,XJ-u,TONKlHT AT 8US SHARP Oliver Slorosco Presents J. Hartley Manners' PEG O' MY HEART THE P1.AY EVERYBODY LOVES 0 A. SI. to 11 P. M. PALACE VAUDEVILLE Wm O'Clare and Ills S Shamrock; Qlrls, Others. PHOTO-PLAY JOHN EMERSOM li "A Bai-halor's Romance-' 1214 Market PR10B8 10c aoc T-irMD-DTTCT1 ' twice daily FOKlvWDl Week t S SO and 8.30 FHSiSP WAR PICTURES PHlsyr ACTUAL BATTLE FILMS' Prices 20c fiOt. ttTt- rv A T" TU nd et Week. Etenlsc at 8 20. l)KU.ft-LJ Matlneee Wed and Sat at 1.Z0. THE MISLEADING LADY Popular . Wednesday Matluee. Rest Seats ft SO. VIXON'S Kittn Konl Dracoons, Jo J-TTVtt-v Co' Joho p- Wade r VJ.Cv-tS-,-L"' Dohertye, Julia oniJ Tody :lt. T ana o umfning jnctures EMPIRE inTrt'lHf A MrriiQ DL'UQOTS ; U U HI U tH J 1 A BUKLKSUUfc. BREAD tk. TROCADERO Zallah CASINO THEATAX FOLU1W O1 MAT1NKK DAILY, EXCEPT MUDA 8T BUJO TS IJg A. " ni 1:1 Stl
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