EVENIttfl- LEDGlSIl pniLADELPniA. FRIDAY, MAR01T S 1015. TB jj hi mi url WORK NEEDED QVICKtY MALE Sn tfATHFR AND SON. 10 YEARS WteOn'?, vvjf". "otli hAVe very good ret. vfBCTff.-: - ,,,- Ihrcfl rOUIlK Vllll'tril mn uc- ii t sr , tor support (N cetown a nd Ave. HfflUW " Z. -t. !?V B30 i Wharton M"i fe,... rnLonim man otT or work. 5".? loba it whitewashing or anUhlng lMl".i win enable him to aupnort ft wit Ah chiwreni family In living in the SZSiltttte Uroumitnce In on small "Sr y tv n sjs. . lir ..- YEARS OU), ITALIAN. :0li'SHiivilnl references: has, been out ot lBli'fimln fi " ama c dldren de. "ff ",vn him 8. o. C. No (HI. (Nlcetown fiVWbSi "liKtfM. ItuntltiB Park ave. and lift Ml '"-..-at.) . lnt-ft-lTALlAN. 36 VEAm OLD. WWII W2SB5fcwSK: has been oul , work n in. la ftrS!,s 8. Lawrence at,) n,B Wit. B- ('-- " : S,"t.rn - AN ITAWAN. WITH OOOU US'yL. rlfi lako anV kind of. work ha frlfrtr.c. "',f; n.l 1 rhlldrcn. tha voun. 2??irnW 8,0 C. 716 (Port clton l)I,t.. S.r ton av) . 1I5Sjrow.llon av iarj ' rtb,rf nor. is. ot'T or WOUK tinmB wnonEU-i'Y,1'),, nnythlnB ha ran net tn gianilia. " ".J,rt his w Idowl mother an.1 ! "i-.fi.ra ami lrr"- O. : . : No. 0G2 '-na YrAIl? OI.Di SO YKAIta IS' n0 nro work record, hoi in wife and ant !t' !'.' ." li.Bondciit on him. 8. O C . No pln H-inn""1 WUrlct. f3 W. Chcllen "'SSijiAnn'worrKiNcT man. viu, ,'AD0? FSTinr kind ot iranual labor; hai '" tiln a aouor, nonesi man anu wen brJlnl ?!'""""" ---i' i-rrx?rti touno man with a wikn ;WlPIiiThlld. waa emp)ocd for lnoro than f'HJi. and Mi fonntr cmploj-er iiiijJil j- roa 2S. 5. Wm, o'W ow.ne to tba .icpr'ca.lon of iuet H h ul 0I "'" ri' 'itt'ii. Tnhrn-HAN. 30 YKAHS OID. WITH MSfiftat rettreneeii will tnko anythlnn ha "i ti do to Vupport hi dellcuto wriro and rJ.ltn ae. f-rtnpt. MAN. no YEAIIS OLD. HAS iffi out of work nine montha; has excellent ..im ana win wp hi mius hb u ii kci, ly'tt ottos" (Eastern DHt., S. O. C, 3.1? 8. J.lIJ,vw "V-' r.nnTiEn roLisit. with nxcr.t.i,t:NT ifrit ritVreneeal will take anything ha can tfiw o !VPPort hl wlfo and enftdr. S. n n. NO. WU. ir-iiaieiii wi.uiki, nd a. livrcncBsl.) fTRonr.n (CoLOitnD) - young, kneh. rirBlle man wlin KOOU reicrenrcs. lias wuirou baardlnK Houses, oui ot ucra one monini C V? fa Tand baby 'to support. P. p C. 71, iTroatln Xtt 401 S l'nweltoii ove.). hlionnn-io ynArta oi.n: woiticnu as Hom hand In n ml''. hn" v!r Kootl foord: K.i Ta wife and six children to auonprt. S. O. fc KoV 776. (tlcrmantown District. 52 W. Htn a'e.) . fcTSitEn-MAN. rousii. out or WOIUC ' threo I months; wife tuberculoils; alx children; mr or 10 will 00 any kiiiu ul buir iu neip, Sj Wg of 10 yeara. Very urcent. No. 800, WtlORF.n - HUSSIAN, 27 YEARS OLD, -i,k mfi pnnii references: has hnd no work fer a rear: has a wife and two children dc Want on him. S. O. C. 7S0 (Eaatcrn DIs. liet. S. O. (-. Mli South. Iaw-renco at ) unonEn, with rood nnrnnENCES. ait of work 0 montha, will tnke nnytlilnc ha 'ria ret to do to support hla wlfo and U chll. XA, a. o. c 753. (Southern District. S. O. C. MO lVharloh at.) flAhOltBH, 10 YHAnS WITH ONE EM I flyr. ecellcnt referencea; no work for fl r.&nuii.' has a wlfo and 4 children. S. O. C. 1714. (Northeast Dlatrict, S. O. C. 2310 N. iloarim at.i iUBdIWm, WITH GOOD HEFEnnNCnB; I out ot work 7 months: hns a wifo and H chll rrn dependent on him S. O. C, 7.VI. (South- lent DUlrlct. S. O. C. K10 Wharton at.) LAKOHEn. WITH WIFE AND CHILD, 'ready for any kind of labor to kcoD hla fnni fl (nr(hrr. Can some enn snnnlv htm with rcn tf'fTwrnry work E.A.. 200. iABonBrT-VAs a coal tasser in'tiib 'United Slates Nnvy; has had no work since 111 (nllitment expired S. O. C 71S (South- wilt T)lt 1310 S. 22d at.) LABORER - 30 YEARS' OLD COLORED? isooa reicri-ntv. nus u who nnu iwo cnuaren dKiii)ent on him. h. O c. No. 787. (Sotith jjg!jtrlct,J310 S. 22d st.) iLAWJlEn, NONCNION M'AN. WirirwiFF. 7ind four children, bin Inst ctnnlaver nnenki '( hln as a first-class man, honest and sober. a A., -v-. LAUOIIBK MAN WILL DO ANY KIND OF ou; who ann secn rnnuren ioBupport; iba not worked for three months. J. W. u.. !. RER-jaN Italian, -a-itii nnnn inrrrcnces. han been nut of work ; mnnrha. S. 0. C. 701 (Southeast Diet., MO Wharton I-UICM. UlttREII--COL01tI.D, WITH UOOP REF. Itreaceai will take .invlhlnir hn can -r , An MEui'ivri iiir mur ciuiuren n. j, u , io. tlljo. ifoyhneit District, 13UI s 22d st.) ;UR0REn. 43 YEARS OF AOE, TOUR CIIIL. ,rAi sitrinlm A fnm 1 : rn-. ...lit, CrtD., emololed for 13 venrs with nriff mn. Kiiitii era, who Hates ho docs not drink and is a r i., .-u), UBORElt, ITALIAN, OUT OF WORK SIX loonthii wlfo nnd aovon children, all 111 amtlshed. No. SCS, J. W. D. iATHER-HAB Goof) niijentu-Nf-ns; mn, Unvr emrtlOVer uniltrl l'Iva hint unrlr If l,a l.n.1 St for him; has been out of work all winter: gas a wlfo and two small children. H. O, C. .(0. (Woodland District. S. O. C. 1232 S. 47th LATHER. 34 YrAR OLD. WITH VERY 'JIWJ1 I,trt'rc''. employer saya ho has been tJtractory In every way. has been out of u ,5,nlj afHl. OVoodland MTllEIt, 30 YEARS OLD, VERY GOOD vroraman; out or work four months; has a Ihlm. B. O. p. 742 iwi,.niTt V;,i.."7'7"r?',,i' n Blra Hnn.fc iTti .:V" ..-;. a. kj. m.. M-7" ".,, -...-. Rf ATIIEIl'H WP!.rK-nnn7ir, imr.ii.r,I...m !thl!l.5' laHb0fi"lv-worJ,i 1"". ft "Ifo'nnd t'hreo' WMtm Ponelt?n a'-o!) ,f,wcl'0 "' KSEi 2.. JKy-ATOn oa-KRATOR-mAS b.1!?: "tfjenre ?r character und work. Ha V '. XSry msn 'of the Job you havo open. JuaiiTwpitK.ro it tiXiieITcijlosih man:- ViJPShV ?J:Z2&.i W.f.c "?,.?. "'i.n 2 i to de.oerato Cat he will l Attempt UkbI wort- mother unnbla to leao home Viecauia al n Infant. 0 montha old. will do liund?? Jort V. rtl.,He!t bov- " ver old wants ,ort aaaholner on awaron.JtW. II. R81. ki.ii.UAH Au DLi:CTllniAV ViillNfiT failB man. who has been out of work .We'eSVttV O.C riiM:.i,N'r?'?nn ond.Tlopa Dlatrict. ti: orlt,l In ..:'. ."!' """""--" iA Taii.iT Vn.; ,. ' 7"u aoalJ tactorys energotla JatokS.Y" ,a.ke W'thln,. he can got to ;Sa ffiffij1!1,'? Bnu a eh'Wren: hla wife M'?YhlVwnJilV80U,hea,t D"t"C, S a " OaiipitEifAN ori'dorer" wrfii &at"innt "in,llmil ."'12 have' been d. "imui?B.0r.Sf0Lk.4. n'omha and will u wil fi,;.ciS. AV. ?Av.A' !') and iaUi t,?h. can f" I" d0- Has a wife aria KIr5arX.?,iP! nCenA u0n '" 8. O. a" 507 Jlm Dlatrft. B. O. 6 , 338 South Iwnc r-" vaxgs&ttsmMzmrmsB & I wott hfi ,. .ntf Vi'u'r .' he ran get to mall rhflilrnn. 1ThiTin .v ." '- (Southeajl (Southeajl Dlatrict. 03U 'v(n2aJ,IOUE1IAN- VILLINQaJ Db"xr7Y E. WaS-0-"' lW tt Throiiih lTok of woVlt. -i- - J - Mnr,l5B.XP.iw"K?-l VMARB OLDT .,i,.r." "".. i"-n many Sri ir h. f In, his lioneaty, eobrlety ff, Ara,r!,ri' u ".o" not mm aa It all Jot '-b &?.fa llno''a that ha bain IN18T man. 27" Y-ARaoLrTriiTm: ffiUJ.o ?' KnfflTh. Si bwv looa . -- -, itiiirih rrnm .. t t , . fiVKiJ; u o i. (W8 South lwrnca atraat.) MCIUNISTS HfcIRAN "HAS W'ORK". ; - ui una Mace. While ha has ln ?Tl-nA1W:U BV JP-rt av with very good ref- ZJtrORj-It -V,ein out it work fl months. Ha aWSira and children, the younaeat 8 fft A vt "a!n i.b. n kind ot work tie ,i,i no "t.""vn:...'LU. tn...... . AHtV iSSwi Vi,'?i i lTk sayb ma .ii,.;. ::--." ." j,iiv yeara a St-r.ta'J'f."" yN "IIAS"7W0R"K16D B (BSLtK.0 i', P'h" lt ' l?an out of work o. V --? l l. 007. (tJnrthii nriiiimV -,- c --" -wi mtj -iuu ui lla ulli a .. ir , .- "... i t . . ' U. 2UB Nn. th Ufioiii.i ,:,TT "- INII1 11 -Vanc -. ST -.'--.'-.--T 5n.- cT?o? Vi; WVj,1,,I",J - .1" "' I'opumbli dUcliarg; haa .,u hrea ihlldran. 8. O C. 766 nd I Hint, i lQao H jt.i. . ,i " ,D" iltrffinU,I'OV,SP ;Vf'VH YBAR8 ? "u .i"".'.!,y' "vh0 V t U la la in ,,.! ' c a " Hr - "-" WlMST in i PERIi.-Sorkil"ln""oTii ."JK."10 . Hla iuny'ayi wLimJ :k '-' .;".?.'"'-ir iivus uu juuuLr.i.M '- uir. aatrtoua " A wt( t has ,. lV'- uiinren ara diptndent on him. I ." "-v.. ..t IK niaru all winter lU'SrU, flit 4n.- tuarU of lib jiwe, naa fci -j.t deal of ITineu ln hla urln. ,P, tlI. a vn won-, am u tn.ii i l it .a f. Mara' i. ..,.' --'. .V'MB.I Sfc.. fmiil, --.....,, -, t,.:, .-trw RJArj 1-lTI,nfTj..J i li tjtu about - umohllA- t'a I tun K 'iTw.HUcua ties bu UUt uf ah M. cluhaiwil under 1, tt j' n ,iiu, old. ara dumdMl uubii Li.i ft.nuo.l -"-. . v. KAMI WORK NEEDED QUICKLY ? ,?eJS?, ?L?fy WumbfM li ptrcn and hoto Ihcte needy individuals can oe reneied qhIcWj. MALE ..:.nt? oWi w.lth Rood, referencea, haa been S M.w.,nci&,?b'.n' w'f dead and hla oldest child la taking care of the houio ami her four brother. aSid alsteYe. ft RrarTdywine "I ,Hpr"1 0"dM WU M,'Vl,.,sr.s i't-'''nn-itAg worked u - f"II. .J,nr rl,c' ""J1 "'J' ,,t,, anything hi enn set to do, a family of nnall children li Jet n.ent on htm. 3. o C. CW. (Powelton .ij'i . una i'ouritnnnvo.l MAN Of U-OIlt. ITALIAN. MAS rAMlt.Y btltht bnyi roulil makr hlm-clt Terr uiaml around a atorei fatnfr la n laborer; would ba wIIIIiir; to lo any kind of work. J. W. U., Olft. MAN. JEWISH, 4(1 THAtlS OLD. OUT OF wJ.rk, . m,onln? ?.n, J5f"r wottlnit In family JL"th.1, V'!t!. "i .DUt h"" n(" R"o f any help. Nelahbora tolJ Inveatlxator that hr lllnen la due to worrlment and lack of nour lihment. A moat deaertlnj case. J. W. U., 802. MAN, HAS IlKEN IIUCKBTCn. OUT OF work to montha, 7 children, all under work Ing ace. Two oldest noya, 12 and 13. eell papara. Family are about to ba evicted for naiarnant of rent. J. W. !!.. 887. MAN, JnWIBIt. TAtLOIt, OUT OF WOIUC a months; 4 children, only one of working aire, a boy. who will also do Bny kind of work. J. V.H 891. MAN OF 14 YliAIlS' nXl'KIUHNcT:. AS'IF'T nnt to expert mechnnlr on repair work, out of work 12 months Tlueo children, wife III Ircent -ae .1. wli. ip.'O MEAT riJTTKIt. WITH SI'I.ENIJtl) Tll'.F eirnces, eeeklns work to support his sick wife unit crippled daughter, s. O. C. 7UI tl'owelton Ult., 4018 I'owellon aye.). Mrc'HNic-HAS vouki:i pon Tin: last four years In one nlnce. will tnke any kind of work ho run act to support his wlfo and four aniHH Children, lte linn been out nf vrnrk nva months and hla wlfo did aeivn is Ions; as sho was able to to eupport the family. 8 o, e:.. No. IKS. (Ntcclonn and Tlnaa District. If.inlliir Iark no. and rinrlsa st.) MECHANIC. .14 YEAIIS OLD. 11 YEAIIS JN one place; Rood refcrnecea; has a wife and 3 small children dependent nn him. 8. O. C 784. (Northern District, S. O. C 1430 North Mar. hall at.) MECHANIC. 41 YEAllB OM1: "vEUY OOOl) roferences will (nko nnv kind of laborlni! work ho can Ret; lias had no employment for n year; linn u wlfo and two small children. H. O. r... 770 (Woodland Dlalrtct. 1232 H. 47tn at). MECHANIC. -11 YEARS OLD: HAS HAD no work alnro Auiruat; very Rood referencea; hln wlfo will taku sonlnit or anvthlnR aha can Ret to do at home. S. O. C. 7C! (Wood land District, 1232 3, 47111, at,). MECI1AN1C-3B. AMDIUCAN. WITH GOOD referencea, will do nn thing he can get to do Has been out of work all winter. S, . C. NO; art. (Woodland District, 12:12 8. 47th at.) MECHANIC, n,-. YEARS OLD, 20 Y'EARS' experience, Ima had no work for n montha; haa a wife and 3 children. H. O. C. 7S7. (Enat ern Itrlct.Oj.JWS.Lawrencot.) METAL ROOFER - GOOD REFERENCES, haa had no work Hlnce November; has a wlfo nnd four children dependent on him. S. O. C, No. 705. (Southeast District. KM) Wharton at) MIDDLE-AGED MAN, ENTIRELY DtttiTl- tute, nanta Inunedlato chance to earn a fair llvlnR. i:. A.. 240 X, MOROCCO FIN1H11FR. 40 YEARS OLD, will do any kind of work at his trade or nnv laboring work ho enn set to lo, so that ho can support hla wire, who Is 111. S. O. C, No. Oil, (Kaatern District. :us s Lawrence at.) MOULDER-MAN HAS WORKED 111 YEARS. hai been out of work for five months. There vnuneest. 4 yearn old, Just when the oldeit bov would bavo bco nnin io go to warK nnu help tro rami'.v. no neveioncci tunercuioais. and haa recently gone io .Mont auo lor ireat nient. SpnnK Garden Dlitrlct. . O. C. 1832 llrandywlno atrcct. S O. C. 5i.. MOULDER MAN. 49 YEARS OLD. WITH very Rood references; hna been out of work nearly a year, will toko any kind of work ht rati get to do. S. O. C, No. Ul). (Southwest Plat., 1310 S. 22d st) NINETEEN-YEAR-OLD ROY iTfTHE HOLD support or his widowed mother, who Is III; ho Ills been out of work four montha; a younger brother la also dependent on him. (Southeast Dlst., S. O. C. (121. 530 Whar- ion st ; ODE JOHS OK LAIiORER-COLOHKD MAN. who naa neen niu oi woek nearly an wnuer. will take any kind of work ho can get; haa good referencea S. O. C. 703 (Powelton Dlst., 101S 1'ow e!ton avoj OIL HUliUF.R. WITH GOUl; REFERENCES. Una been out of work a year. When hn Mist lost hla lob hla wlfo tried to earn a living for their two small children, but her health broho down !r. thn ttrugglo and kho had to go to tho hospital. It v. Ill ba a long tlmo before nho will bo ablo to do anythl'iK again. B. ci. C, No. 071. (Woodland District. 12JJ b 47th st.) OUTSIDE PAINTER YOIINU AND ENER- getlo- haa been auxloualy looking for work, but hna had nothln.? tn do nlnce Christmas; rv good references, haa never before been out of urk for tiny length of time: haa wlfo and vear-old babv uenoiiuent on htm. 3. O. C. No. MU. (Sth and Otli Wards District. 1730 Cuth bcrt sL) pa'cker-iield his last position for morn than four years, his employers apeak well of him, he Is subcr, honest nnd a steady worker, never missing a day during the four yenra, ho la married nnd needs help. E. A., 207. . . PACKER. WITH GOOD REFERENCES.' will take anj thing ho can got to do to sup port his wlfo and 4 children. S O. C. 7CU (Southcaat Plat.. Km wliar(on at.). iinvTrn" WITH vnrtY GOOD ifEFER- eucca is jceklng work to suiiport hla fnmtlv; haB bcc:i out of work for n number or months and has had urusunl flnanUal hurdens bccHiise there has been sn much Illness In his family. 8 O. C 703 (Pouthcaat Dlatr'ct. 030 Wluilon at). PAiNTER. 40 YEARS OLD: VERY GOOD refcroncca: la willing to tako nnv employ ment he eun act: hla wlfo Is seeking laundrv work ro ahe rnu help aupnort tho family. 8. O C. 772 (Southeast District. 030 Wharton Btj , PAINTER MAN. 34 YEARS UI.D. OUT OF work two montha; worked ln his last place a year and a halt and has good references; haa a wlfo and threo children. S. (). C. No "50. CSprhgGardenDlst.,I832 Brandywlne L) PAINTER -"VEllY GOOD REFERENCES; will take anything he can get to do. haa n wifo and two children, the youngeat 3 wteks old. S. O. C, No. 731. (Poweilon District, 401 H rowellun ate.) PAINTER. WITH EXCELLENT REFER ences; no work for 1 months; hna a wife and S children to support H. O. C. 747. Northeast District S. O. C. 2340 Howard at.) PAINTER. WITH EXCELLENT REFER- ences: haa a wife nnd 3 children (o eupport. S. O. C. 740. (Northweat Dlatrict, S, O. C 02 Weat Chtlten nve.) 1-AlNTElt - WITH GOOD WORK REKER encea; has had no employment for four months; haa a wife and ono child dependent on him. S. O. C. No. 7UI. (Houtheast Dis trict. 5J0 Vharton at.) PLASTERER'S HELPER - COLORIlOi Ex cellent referencea! n widow- with three children dependent on him. S. O. C. No. 71.1. ( Powelton District. 401h Powelton aye.) PHYSICIAN'S HELPER-COLORED' liOY. 10 years old, honest and reliable, wants work nu nhvuirlnn'M helnor In aunDort hlmaelf; mother and father are dead, and ho had just been drlicn from house ot relatives through 111 treatment. I. W. II. 8 PIPE COVERER AND PLUMIliat. AGED 28. married. 3 children, 0-4-3 jeara of age, and willing to do anything to keep a root over their Tieada. ,E A.. 24 X POilTI.K. COLORED, 30 YEARH OLD: VERY good references; haa a wlfo and two chil dren. S. O. C. 7U1 (Southwcat Dlatrict, Villi rLmfjERVTifiLTcTt-.s YiairacK with good work references; will take anything he can get to aupport hla wife and four amall children. He haa teen oul of work for over a year? SO. C. No. U7H. (Spring (Jarden Dlatrict, lb82 Urandywlne at.) FniNTElT-'MAN. SO YEARS OLD. WITH oo1 referencea; haa teen out of work 6 muntha. He has 2 children and a alck wife. B. O, (I.. bU2. (Eaatern DUtrlcl, S. O, 0.. 3J4 Kouth Lawrenceajireet.) VlUNi'KII. FORMERLY WITH ONE OF TUB largaat rtlntlng.houacs In Philadelphia, who give him naxcllent refarcrra. E. A.. 328. PRINTER-HAS WIFE AND 0 CHILDREN! noeda employment badly: aober, lioneit, cai.ble. E. A 250 X. RIDINO INSTRUCTOR-CAPAnLE IIORSK- Iran, 23 yenra old, with honorable discharge from u. S. cavalry, wlshei employment (Flying rldlnr leaaona or in tha care or horaea. D. A., 1U7. '. . HIOOER AND , 1ILOCIC AND TACKLE m.vir n.li a iob badly; haa U children and la willing to do anything; will work for vary low wagaato get a atari. E A.. ISO. EVKNTEEN:YA"R-OLD 1IOY AV1TII A mother and younger trothari and alatira de pendent upon him, lia a been out of work all winter, one of the vhlldren la 111 In tho iioa plUl at tha preaant time, lie will take any work ha can get (Southeast Dlat., a. O. C, (, ado Wharton at ) SB"ICNTBN-YAR-OLD BOY, WHO HAS worked ln a ilvoe factory, will tak any kind nt won ne can gat.naa aouu rati-rviivwi. , rafi 14 (Kouthwist DUt.. 5S 1.U.n . BHIPl'EIt. "IB ;" W-IKlfAND OKE CHILD; twlll do anyiblag; lait eriplojir tla he la hDcat and worthy. Wld off du to aUck bojl- 0aa.B. A . W. . . . 8ION PAINTER AND UAKJMPB JieLPjBIl--,Si jeara old: ha. wxielleut flreicw , W'aBla iork to unporC bia wife aid two chlldrea. B. O C. No m. tEaatera Dlrxrict. US S Lttwrwoc at ) aOUlNWHIl .111. t IW ..M4IVUU SI. J. PliilAI.E LDKRLY WOAIAN. WIWI aopD BBP8R encea. e-iahaa work in a ixjuIT faaUly. 8. O. o III! isautharxt DUtrlct 1316 G. Ztd atTl. ENEKUISTIO POLISH WOMAN. WHO Ills uuiked aa lauiidreaa lu one of (Jw urg ha Im'Iu thla city will do any kind 0 clean inn tela' In thla city will do any kind Of ch work (hat Isoftirc.t S O C. No. Sl (SodtlP fast 1 lu VV haituti slieet till- 'VLl'UW V,' 'CUT' 1 IKE WilRK an tciatulaliaaent ur in private raiuiiua. iuh stent w-k t uiniuirl au.r ,lun-ht.r nho La 111 d-lt- i.t.- health a) V C . No 603 (Nketown r,l lions Hunting F'ailt ave in I 'lariaaa al.) M1DD1J0-AUKD rTALMN KUUAN VBRJ lxif. konuaeeeiit drawii-akfr on klilldrdr. a cloihca. null have Uulp tooa, thii la an urgaat .,e. J. w. a. HUT. WORK NEEDED QUICKLY At th brplnntno of IMj clatHlcatlori ni Mplunallon of Key Nnmbtra ( pfren nrnt fcoio Incio needy Individual may b reaehtd tuUMti. 1EMAI.R MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN. K NT 1 11 fit. Y alone, ntntw to do rrtndlng cr darning; ran to out b the da pr week, very denerylng; ery much In neet. E. A..J105 MILL .'.VOHKV.R-(1IHL. 20 YEAIIS OLD, ..,.. '"8 heen a looper In n hoilery mill. HI lake nnv work alio enn tet to heln sup port her mother, amall brother nnd rlatcra, who are dependent on her. Haa been out ot wotk live montha and haa good references tram ..r,-.lBfJ employer, s. o. C , No. OKI. dtatern LMMrlet.jwf s Lawrenceyt J . . MOTHER AND TWO DAUGHTERS WANT i 1."" father of family recently deaerted. leaMng tho mother with 8 children; .all are Rlrla, the ounget fi monlhs old. mother and two eldeit daughters. IB nnd 14 yers old. want any kind of work at once: a hom'leie young womnn 2i) years old. being eared . for In this ramllr. also aeeka employment alnca desertion mother haa been doing laundry work Jt ?.onVy if.'lt la no longer able to gt It. BFMSTRESS-WOMAN IS SEEKING HOME ewtng ao that aho can support her three tmall children. 8 ci. C. 70S (Powelton Dla trict. 4018 1'onelton ne.) SRW1NO -. WOMAN WITH 4 CHILDRLN wants to do sewing, to aiipport the ramllr until her husband, who haa been unemployed for aeteral Teeka, gits work, they are abso lutely without tunda. tha Investigator reporta that they are very rrapectnblo end haa a neat hone: the 10-yonr-old daughter aleo wanla a.iy llmi of work. E. A . 217. BEViNo - a oE"irA"NTvciMAN linSiTifis" Plain sowing. She la the solo support of nn Ininlld huaband and lour children ranging rrcm I montha to li rears of age. The hus band la a longshoreman who haa been III (or moiitha aurterlng from rheumatism nnd lack of proper nourishment 13. A.JM2. H KUlSlf "fi-OMANT DKH'r.RTBO IIY llRR husband, la aeeklng day's work to support Inr child, H o. C . -No. 7S8 (Powelton ills met, 401 H Powelton nve.) THTs" WOMAN HAS WORKED 13 YDARS IN one place, haa .1 children to support: has had no work alnco Christmas, a. O. C. 74(1. (North east Dlatrict M. O C. 2.140 North Howard at.) WEAVERB-TvVo'nNOLimr vhxfMi. with Rood rorerencea, have worked aaernt yenra as cotton tanestrv npnirn u n. rv T.'tl. (Frankford District 8, O C. 1014 Unity st ) TiTKnr."T)IIPENr)IN'a ENT-irtfiLY tfroM her own resources, has been out of work oer month; would llko sewing by the day or win sew ot homo; cry urgent caae. .1. Y. II.,Slt. winbw1 liiTiMiNbiNl? ENTlitET.Y UPciSf her own resoursea han been" out of work over n month: would like sowing by the day or will aew at homo; cry urgent case J W U, WINDER INMlrLL'TIlTS WOMAN HAH had to become tho bread-winner on nccount ot her husband's Illness with tuberculosa. She la trying to support her fl small children. For H months aha nna not heen nbl to get any work. R. O C COS (Northeast nutrlri. s n C 234H North Iloward street.) WOMAN WITH FODR .IMAI.f, CHILDREN,' huaband out of work, wanta dny'a work of nnv kind. Thla case la very worthy of naalat nnic, and they are almost destitute for rood nnd clothing. Have been given temporary aid untJInork can bo obtained. E. A , !llo womanTVcwibh." MUST HAVE WORK TO support family of 0 children. Husband Is seriously 111. When Investigator colled ha was shown n box of stale bread, which was put In the oven to soften. Here Is a woman who must nnvo wnra. j. v . .. aaa. WOMAN. 27 rrailSULu, WHO-HASrT)75iSN deserted by her husband, wnnta factory 'work to support her two small rhlldrcn; will tako anything ahe can get to do. a o C, No. ill,. (Eastern District, 338 South Lmv rencoa WOMAN. WHOSE l7t8IIANbIH UNAtlLE to work becnuse of III health, wnnls place to cook. Iluiband could do light Rnrdonlng will. Ing and icry anxious to work. Almott without food. E. A. :iu.'l. WOMAN OF "EXPERIENCE. FAllT"LIA"R wllh single entry bookkcenlnR nnd tho use of ttpewrllor, wants work imnindlntcly: only support nf widowed mother. J. W. 11.. ins. WOMAN. DESERTED RY IIU8nAND,"VlTll . nnall children nnd Infant In nnna nnd ngct mother to support, wonts dnj'a work of uny kind Pitiful jmuallon. E. A. 302 WOMAN. WITH 3 SMALL CHILl'ltEN. In valid hueNtnd. wants day'a work, laundry. cleaning or plnlti sewing. Destltulo ilrcum- atancea: pleads forwork. E A 2011. WOMAN. WITH" SMALL CHILDREN, TIUS: hand In ho-pltnl with brokin leg, wnnta day's work of any kind. Urgent case; verge ot starvation. E. A. 301. WOMAN.'WITH JTCHILDREN TO SUPPORT; wnnta any kind of work by tho day, houao work, cleaning orjaundry work, E. A. 3WI. WriMAN." WITH 4 CHILDREN " 3 0SUpT port, wnnta housework or sewing. Worthy of assistance. E A. 300. WOMAN. WHOSE Hl'SllAN'D 1SA HELP . less Invalid, wnnls to do plain sewing In her home E. A. 30 1. YOUNG AND ENEIianTICVOMAN. 2"T enrs old. wishes place nt servleo or will tnke nn thing aho can get to do to help support hir mother anil father, who nro dependent on i.er; hna hid no work for four months, s. O. C ..17. (Spring Onrden Dlatrict S. C). C, 1S'!2 Hrnndywlne at.) EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES .MRS. NlCIIOl.LH, lflai luinlrldgtf at -Ciirnii! help for nil cnimcltlea. Phone Lniuat 2130. RAYLOIPR I.'mnlovment Agency. 4010 Ludlow st : male nnd femnle heln. PreUnn 31 IS. BUSINESS NOTICES PRIVATE LOCK MAIL ROXES TO RENT; IJTNESlVjN THE CITY. 3S N. RI10AD TJ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES INVESTORS COMPANY REQUIRING ADDITIONAL CAPITAL WILL SELL A FEW SHARES AT PAR. CHANCE FOR INVESTORS OF MOO OR 10U0 TO GET ISff, RETURN. STOCK HAS Al SECURITY. O 135, LEDGER CENTRAL. SPLENDID opportunity for young man with a knowledge of bookkeeping nnd atenographv. An Investment of SluOO will eocuro tn tho right man a permanent position nnd 10 per cent, on hla money, which will be amply pro tected. Addresa G 150, Ledger Central. IIALP INTERIM! In Phlla. corporation for salo owing to active member retiring; only thoso who have about $10,000 and who could tnko nn active part need leply. company es tablished and doing about 100,000 business mutually. A. m., l-coger vJlllce. RARE OPPORTUNITY for live man-For sale Seven (7) set irodel woolen aplnnlng plant In Philadelphia; owner will take half value or machinery In stock of company If formed. David H. Ilrown & Hon. O'Jth and Havenord nv?i'?i1!'!R!?'!Pn'a, . AN interest In an established and well-paying minting contracting business doing better class ot work; a good onuortuulty for a com petent man of good approach. L 243, Ledger Central. GLEANING! AND 1YEINQ OSTRICH FEATHERS AND TANCIES CLEANED. DYED. .IAIL11OT.1310 Olieatnut. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY ADVANCE filyleu in dressmaking: M nnd up- wnru. -uu- p. .mn at. .icKinsoii jtia t,y. DRESSMAKING taught; ahort,"prac. loutso'. JlcUowell. 307 Dancka Illdg., 11th s, Market. llEMSTITCHINO done while jou wait! JC Jtelohard. 1113 Cheatnut. Pictorial Revlevypat. Ui:MSriTCllINCl dona whllo"vou wait, fie. per ard. IMeajtlng alao. Nachman. 7Q0 Arch st. FOR SALE UlLLIAiTD, iwol, comLlnatlonT id hand bought. Hold, rented. exchd Keafer. 3V0 Glrard ave INSTRUCTION W. PALMER 1 1 OX IE, VOCAL MECIAl7s'1 announce lour montha' spring term, begin ning March 8. Speclul urrangrnient for two In clam. Excellent orportunlty to prepare for next season's work. W. Palmer Ifnvl- aiu r-ner iiuninny, .u couin .atn afreet I IT. -. L. . At,, ti L- ul i un I ipoetv-a .n..v. 4J r,.1. 1 . jlAUiimi. i wa.au,ia tuuem III U ISS- aonai vvrlto for booklet. (Iirlstenaen Schools, asd Qennantowii ave.; 13-u Taaker at. OLD GOLD BOUGHT. BOLD DIAJIOND3 HXCHANOKID. WINCOLPH. APPRA1BJSD. 28 N. 12TH ST. WANTED FURNITURE An"'lu' '", e40.. part rul"" Ulvl- or entire houso Uuaht. ?!t-JEi-CU-i? J;u--Jllili5:?iah'Il?,l'AXS: ROOMS FOR RENT UARINO ST.. 3218 ITHH CH1LTONJ-S flrat llooV rooms; suit dentist, doctor, or apart menta. Mrs. Utile McClaln, tnanaiar. HROAD, airW-Kcw manafeimnt; (air rnu.T clau. alajm heat, hatha, vary reasonable SrOAD, N , 820 Furnlahad reomator light houaakeapliiif. ataam hat, bsl vrutar. DTiTViVN, 1010 Exceptionally nice rooow for iinhlhouaakKiiiilna rMwiubli. talajhaoe. AT HAR1NB, K-CleanTbrtght, ooAfortabla! tottua, turn, or unfum Phone Looijit jp7 W CHPSTNUTTr.T 40111-mnit-eiaai roo7 T- i tor Iront, furnlahad er uuturntabad, lib; gentlaioan or buaUiaM womin; rfMocoa. (JHESTNiJ'f, 41'Wfixcep. vw-., warm, chwr- ful rooma. 'onya.. board optMual; Jhuu. CUMlllBhL'AND.k." 2lNlcay'7iruovil for gentleman homelike Prioi.e Kena. WO- A. LKie W . 1420- Comfort-My furnUhed room. loaro optional reaaonaoie .noga 7ia Tv OHAll! i.ia rile. Jl IJ (above Diuiiiuuili loupl,. buaid r lin i JkrFk-HSON. laAsi-Prlv.te lainily doaliw t rent 2d fkr. ilnaio er act twite . furnUlid tr umurnUhid Photo at ledger (iurl IIASTKR. 172U 1 ui mania iiwuis. single ur au auiie nam uouat.v. rvaaooAble, phuaa UoNTGoSflBHY AVK" 22.1 Nli.ly fuinlabad rouuia. tuodaru wuiiva., i.i.aiUut iAhla board. IIOOMS EOR BENT IAHN ak. N. 171V conm. A aiaglo rmi. running water, IM-elaas loard. Diamond 73i W. Photo dlaplsyed at I.dgerfenlral p.OTOH. "TTT -Comfort4(T)ljr'iTiFn. rac., re flntri) homt. ner Md L. RerltMntnptlf; Phone PIN t TJoS-cheerruI alngle room," neatly fur nished. Dleklnaon. Staff u. pGTVrtLtbN."SK- Two or three foorna. with Private bath; 2.I floor, modern corn's. Pnone nntilrnr.! iioq v-,u nin.iiv slnele nnd double fur'dtar ; nil ronva, wn,i. tiki srltUCiT, 20K!-iieslrablo"suTle, wTfli nrlvate lath, open nrd phono, owner VSnANGO, nia-Trlfaie falnllj deilres to rent wcll-fiirmahed aulle, enmnleta for hoiiae- keeplng: nlao inrlor Tioga. 4111 . WAi.Nt'f, 4Sfli-Urge silting" room. 53 floor, unfurn; alao amall room. 1'reaton 27iO ) . j- .v .vj , .. ...b...... - ;--;- ... ..fit r mil. w. .,..- ... npta ; stNvm heat, prlvbalh" running; ivaier: 2d, 3d flra IbTll, .lraifi-SKconj front, alio" room, adjoin' ing nain, sin monthly, pnone ToTlirK.. ISOfi-Plnely furn. rooms," home rem- fnrlai phone, excellent lomtjon! renaonajilf 10111, N, Itoi-Comfortably. furnlslied " room Dnw noor; nonrn opiionui. uinnioim mi" ruTHT .. 45-Well-fiirnllied ftl-floor frnnf. reasonable; home eomforta. locust SI133 W itTfl"."N.. 223.V-I'rlrable front rooms: owolf tiirnlihedi refined ornate fam. Dla.0S3S I). I7TII, N".,"!W.ifV-hir. room" in" prl'vata ; family, gentlfniBn:photoM LedgerjCantral ilsT-T'S. 213-Well furnliheS rooms In redned ncjghtrorhood. home eom'ta: conv't Phone. SEf), N' . liT-Nlcely furn, roomai rellned neigh. Irerhood: near L: prlvnto famllyi phone. Sid' nifd8anaomFurnlhed rooma, mon only, meala WEST URANCII ahowcr hatha, near 1, all the Y. M. C. A. comforta of homo. I;hone llel mont 4U81; Key . Weal IMI NEATniTrurnlsheil room" Tn "refined nojajhhor- hood iJ Overbrook, board optional, lid. 430 IIAClfftLOR APT-1 or 2 beau, turn . bath. exclus. aectloti W. Phi la. Preaton 2201 D BOARDING CHESTNUT, 204.1 - Well-furnlahed 2d-Honr roomsexcellent tnhle: phone Locust .12111 PoTVelTON," 4(fl7-Prlv. family, bright front room. wlsh refined lady or Ren(lemen. fiA5H7.l4T!-''f rained nurse hna pleasant" home for retlned people dealrltiK good aocommoua tlona; special care or Invalids or elderly per- sons, Preston 3311.1 D. . SPIUVli, loifi clicerfur"re,orns. Blnge or en sutto: privnto uain, rxceueni oonn 81'RUCi:. 1221-20 (llru'mo'nde) IMrnlfhed rm., slngleeii aulte prlNnteJintlisjhlnboM'd 81'liUCi;. I'iSo-Siilto "of" rooma. privnto bath. nn,l alao 3d floor front: tablo board. SPRUCE ST.. 4(110 Rooma'wlth hoard. sliiRle r,ren sultOLCXrellont tnljle bonrdijilione. WALI.ACE, IS2I- Nirelv furn., well heated: hot water: excellent tnblo con va. : phone. WALNUT. 3IK1.1 Warm"." pleaiant rooms; beau tiful nilghbrhood, board; Preaton 0121 A. MTU. N. M20- Desirable vacs . with board. single or en aullo. good table. Din. 3SliD. 1CTH, N.," 1020 Well-furnlahed second-noor room, next Jinth. elcctrlellghta: bnard. TPrir, fCfw-lTlvatn" family" will "jaril,";' tlnedRentlenien: eonv. to cllyv ll.i.rlngHI. 4IS'1 s".. 30.1 icpnieolim Dorlr. varan.; end linuie; ntt.nctlvojocntlnn: excel, tablo lioani. TIllffUVllMdNT. Iltl' Wnlmil Attrnctlve. fuin. rm. for couple, Houth. cook g. liar 7522W. . INVALID or cldrrlv couple Riven excellent cire; nurse'a privnto home. llelmonti2i.iX... Huhurhnn OERMANTOWN. 2.13 W. Rtttenhouae St.. ce- t ween Wayne and Greene Desirable rooma, vlth board. Phono Gtn. 1573 X. with Tnhle Hiinnl . CHESTNUT. 4018-Good table; nice nelghbor lionil ; convenient to city. l'reston032l lj. BOARD WANTED WANTED Hy phslcln, office, liedroom, with or without board: with refined family In llvrt,r,mlr. liAl. Itflth nnii ftltll on OCrhm0k. Sherwood or Drexel nve. L 33d, l,olgorCent. APARTMENTS 5TfllN(rOARDKNrilM(--nxwllent"aipt'riir8 different houaca; some fiirnd:ltchenett' WIS3AHICKON AVE.. .1220-.1230 11. APARTMENTS. 1.13. (1 rooms nnd bath; awnings, screens nnd shower hatha. JAMES W. LWS, ATTORNEY, PIS LAND TITLE I1I.DG.. Kcyl(li .lanllor In rear. WALNUT. 1222-21 (Kenwood) HeilroMe acs., single or en aullo: nrl. hatha: will furmsh to stilt lenniiti inndernte rent. Walnut 81H4. 13TH. "N.. 2221 Comfortably furnished suite, 3 rooms and hnthprlntofnmlly: phone. i.'iTH.N.," "lvjii Cnmf. iurn.lmchelor apt., with privnto bath:nulcktransportntlon. 17TII. S "E COR WALI.ACE Two hlrgo rooms; nrlvnte bath: hardwood floora; refer- encp. Poplar ISO. . T7T1I. N.. 1721 Cnmforthblr turn, npt., 4 tonma nnd Uitji. will divide: private family. OVEIIIIROOK Iloniii-. alngle nr en alllto; board op.; prlv. family, (ivrrbruok louu I). CHILTON APARTMENTS S21K Raring 8t. , Two flist-flnor rooma. with prlvato bnth; aiiit nblo dentist or doctor nr npnrlmenls. Mrs. Ilelli Mtclaln. mar. Hell nhone Prnainn reifl. I mfvl'S HP AP) Handsomely furnished UIUIN O MCAU np(. ism.iB Locust. BKdiOE LEY "APARTMENTS." 4.1th and Tine 0 rooms nndjath; arc Janitor. DOCTOR will rent In his privnto homo two larae rnu , kltch'te. prlv. bath. 223 N. 20th. FURNISHED APARTMENTS 12TH AND WALNUT Will sublet handsomely furn. housekeeping apt . 3 rms bath It klloh enotte. rarquetrv Moora Phone Walnut 078. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS RV.ii N. KITH ST. Parlor, iilvnte bath ani! Kltrl fnme nns-wiucr neai. fi niuinuii, 1110 Glrnrd ave. Poplnr 1108 IIAITIMORUT 4.150 Sublet hskpg"opt 2d n.TB rtns..bath.poj. Jieat Ali'ot ". Raring UotMW. 1.101 MONTGOMERY 2il floor, I rooms, bafh; modern porch djanl-rj hot-waterheat. WI'.I'l'F. call "nr phono" Walnut PS0 for March "Apartment Vncnncy llulletln." Freo Apart ment Uurenu, 13th and Spruce eta. REAL ESTATE FOR SAIiE CITY OWNER of four 3-atory 7-room dwellings near Front and Lehigh will sacrifice same for a nulck sale: rent $12 per month each' assessed at jit"" each: water rent, $0 each, tlrat mort gage $H)0 each; are underdralncd baths, toilets, ranges, gas. etc.. and are In rlrst I'lasa condition. Address P 002, Lodger Of nee Ambler, la. VI) SPECIALIZE In auburtian property along tho P. nnd R.; Hethlehem and Doyleatown brnnhea; we offer auburban homca. farina, Improved jountry places nnd building allea: un ,nn aatiafv nuv reasonable nurchaser. I f. J. DA (in R j Inc mbler. Pa. Glennltlen. ln. NEW H-HOOM DWELLING, lateat Improve " menta. Apply 31 Parker av. Hndilnnrtrld, N. J. HAVE SEVERAL PINE PROPERTIES at bargain prices. WM. CAREY MARSHALU S.R Federal at.. Camden. Natli.ral Park. N. J. iTuNOAl.OWS, lota 23x150. near trolley; over, looking Del. Greater N. J. Co.. 31 B. Ifith. PENNSYLVANIA I'ARJIS 100 'ACRES, location, land hi,ll,ll,i vm mil,. and rnu r.irilllln li nrai. class: has overvthlna that goa to make a kochI farm: ?ifl;i Sioek farina chenn. 100. '.io and 23t) acres- tho very beat ot land nnd cheap; atata Jonathan c. hare. wi cheater, pa. Ho ACREST IS000: k mile from al'otlon. 20 miles from Philadelphia. Media Division: icroat producing farm; fair houie, elegant barn- great building allea. MOOD can remain. A. D. 11EALD. Weat Cheater. Penna. r7fT ACJIKS Grain and fruit farm In Main Line section, 00 per acre. What'a your propoal "ton "jThornpapjitViajt Cheater, Pa. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT OWN a home-Houaea flMO to I90l email flrat payment and 1T to $50 per month. H, JjSjlllf Chaitnut it. REAL ESTATE WANTED HAVlTCLlIiNTxl FOR HOUSES ON l-TH OR 18TH ST. NE.VR OIRARD AVE. "VALPMAN, 1110 GinARD AVK. REAL ESTATE TO EXOHANOB ootta Mdln apartnienta. ate., to 8 Wl -fa W aTOgy- Chai. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Ol'l'lfBS. lll-SINHSrj ROOMS. Tg. pr"M 'irwtimH.hiiF ft Nicholas, lttti Aroh. l'rofeaalaaal Office. CUBSTNUT. 311-PhyalcUui'a office. ruBAl4g vaater. yawe Spruca WW. - HOTELS. ' hOAplKt. TiibiitisTYiLiXS. ' cArTAblCS. APARriH-MTO, r aeaaoo. all locations, aiumw v.y. knewa, vaav uutuinohUo aarvK'e. IIhiimo Dwtraiail iwilHa, conaaas. eic, is. coltaca- DAN ft 4 g. Vlorida ave. MORTGAGES tiu Ob Full laT ANU I MUKIUAUfctl i -.- . ,. , ii. . i i - - - i .. i-- . . . & I SCRAPPLE 11 Mil .I I I Ml I I i , , , . , , . . . . . . . . -... 1- In, littflhl, at OOll hllftl ninnnr t '. , ".nuar.j oijiviji inr, riuurjif Vi'ilaU yKrJOVJWEM-T DUKE1--. " " " ' " MUSHEDEO AND I -" KMOVM UM9T MflLLTYWC ) f ar- I I I TOO ANO 1Ht E-n-L 1 tfa f- I Vop nooi'Jt-.Pon.T- r- I J- - Vs 5l $$fcS! f ( VJOAiT HURT0, ) CT JT ) University of Illinois proreaaora are hot on I xi JSV VL. V. w S ?r I tho trail of the bug that cauaea. Bleep Newa I y "S? jj-d li . sj Sy rm? QiTirA'i'inv iv urivnti 'flllf yv u &ia)f?y . -r-fY-- "ALLITERATIVE ANOMALIES FOR INFANTS AND INVALIDS" lilp J i A Rf -Iindon Opinion. fF !A W rL British (Jrocortllo (to the Mesltnt Itip A JK? l Wy rrrf TurlO-Come on In It's tine! X' jfV jV M S7tffi?!3 i Strictly Professional 'CfSZ -" J Mfa Strictly Professional 'Jims catno to blown with the lundacnoc nrchltcut Ills wife employed over Ills clmrccs." "What happened?'" "Nnturnll)'. the Inndacnpo nrtlst lnld him out." Bnltlmoro Amerlcnn. THERE'S NOTHING TO IT AS IT WAS TO HAVE DEEN 7 " I jsoovpnlrdp rariajse-r,' -; N r i.f. 3 jc " Swl v ' "t ' , iBsrl grrmm t i, n a 'S (rrSe's'riorrtisM ml Ik "& fiff tfPjji " ?1iS?C5'5k V " "Hut supposing Just aiippoalng, --4Jy.y m ? 'ty Colonel a hundred thousand Germans . vvI-4j4jU) . 7?3y sbhrs ,a iarul ln Kngiand. What operation i8blk W-lfT- I .feSgl-t1 b' i ouW jou ndvl.e?" WJ" -:.. i .aiuut'L. ' J i "Burying 'em!" COLONEL HENRY CLAY AIEDDEItS, OF KENTUCKY, IS MISLED BY A COUPLE OF GLASSES ON TOP THE PHONOGRAPH WvvYyW -OOGHT 3 I b zr jtxttiMn JU. . -- -& so qv s' jxursuitessgE mw &z&'- --b mzT U-- er&- Aesthotlc anthropoid apes ndoptlnK WvTtrt wtuh ff-CV 0 A JJerJIn PoBtcord. -- V I nbnormally npntlietlc nptltudes. ;?; III 1 il -i -41 N . J 5 s I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers