-MmJAi'W.y.mr' PBTDAT. MARCH 1016. t,J..lMi.lWt,JHl)i(i)4pig 13 iioCAL TRACTION SHARES AGAIN THE STRONG FEATURE-DROP IN BALDWIN PREFERRED m Cg AS 3 i. wS 'brought out. On tils buying .nS Btrength developed nnd nil roM. .5 n nolnt nnd over were qulto eincei ' - ' . ... .u ii-i n ini ed the upward swing, Ieading stocks up A POINT AND MORE U Led in Upward Move .rnent Steei oun, Settled Soon. ....... vntitv'. March B.-Aftcr nn IrreR- Wring today the stock market be " . -L. ftlthouch there was vtry lit- I : ;.m,nH and what trading was dona '. rrlnclpalty by professionals, outsiders iM F .... i short covering and n rc- ,rt tom.MB ..-.rnllnllons jiiHcnce or me iui.. - - ;et, under way for early peace In fci.r U were thought to bo responsible for ft. itronger tone. Around midday prices L. up about a half all tho way round. $! J?" ZiV of shorU nnd a Lwy good Investment demand the lifk mrkot broadened out materially r!' ih. afternon session. Many Issue In ?M " i .i.nll In durlnc tlio morn- thH "'. ..i. ,. n.i iMa Imvltiir .PIS 'jrofi tint. . . , .h st ' 'Slnrokd shares wero particularly :JrrA led the upward swing, nil tfrtuVlly the whole market following their II;-liuri. to higher levels. Many of the Jlt'touri w ' . ,..,, viH(1 for leader- 'MIiIhh tho balanco In favor of tlio Otn Strong spots In this group wero Sffir. which touched 1I5H. for nn nil- Kim of 13VI; Chesapeake and Ohio una 'Sthlih Valioy. both tip over a point, rffilan I'Aclllc wns 2H at tho clop. iLanaul" .I, In Ihn nmo The llrengin n ' "- .. , tL uDward turn was more pronounced than on any uny mute mu n.r.i.h iuii rkiti levels began. .. 9 Traders said that tho strength of the I nitM was due more than anything else k-?6 the report that tho Government suit m,..mt the Steel Corporation would soon ii ettled. Chairman Gary denied that Conferences between the corporation's at sJ...av. hnrt heen held and that a satls- JMictory agreement would be reached, or lud already been agreed on. In many s:s .. ti. oirAAt. Iinwfivpr. It woh Sfouartera m "" -- , - ktld that the courts will lose no time 'in reaching a decision, In view of tho Importance or mo sun. oicm tuumwu touched 4syt up i fh. street aDnears to be more and more iure that the European war will end soon. pAHhough no one professes lo nave any rwsltlve Information that anything definite .v ... Anna It la hrllovnil hv mntiv that MS oecn ""- ' ----- -- iome negotiations nro under way. Strengthening this belief that peaco will joon come is the report that large orders for munitions recently placed hero have i leen canceled. Humors are also current ' that contracts for large supplies of Amer- lean wheat have hIbo been annulled, both i-yfor this reason and on tho belief that tho allied fleet will be successful In smashing ill way through tho Dardanelles. New York Stock Sates A 2Ti 27! S 2(1 Ki 40)S 27 27'fj 2D 30 01 ft ftfIS "urn M Wtj '11 Hi A I tin n u for i l-M it tkl 0.1st ItUl I JiB iri u Mb td'M lorci ) li W) V ita IMtl cilia ,3 8 i,,,... ,,,., l-asleloie. ltlgh, t.ow. close. AhiskatloM Mines .... 20U 30 29)i 29! Am IppL" r,;,! C5 M W Jmi hem W -,J' -IW 40t AmllhuEar 39 , 30!i39j "; 275 2S4 27 28JJ AS!rnr&F,y 41H 4!H 4214 42!5 jLTmS??' "ref'-12'f 112 H 1I2J4 112JJ ;2"'MntBf GO fiO'S f0i 50)8 .."on )M 4d 4(14 AmJti,0ALpa(1)crpref 27, m Ifo 071s i7 'jmAfall prcf so rn Amsmeltine 02'f (Vl'J jw.T"lll,l'rct 101H ltll'i 101'f lows A"6'""T 151 lf,2 152 152 "; l(ll! 102 101't 102 AL'ily 25 241S 2JH 24Ji Anaconda Copper 25H 20'S 2.11J 20' i ..uiiisun k,t jjfj Ail?'!'!'?n.',rcf 07f Haldnln I,oco 'm JJalt&Ohlo co Join Sleel r,i "tOOlilvn Until.! TVHKI, tills t nr . ".,..1. i.tiiisib 01.1 co-i oi;i ii- California Pot !; i8i$ 17' IB1 r",1,fc."lc'.- 150U lfS'i 15rt! 158'S --"iiai i.c.imer ;j,i,'i hjij ;h'( ;i4;t Cenlral Leather pref...l()2h 102' 4 102)4 1024 ChM&Ohlo .n 4'M 41M 42U S5n0 Copper ash 30H 354 34 Che Mi ahip i0( S8 8(i 87 nS W Hl v Dfef '127 123)4 1235s 123! ChcAiNorlhw 121' 122 122 122 Chicago. II 1 &, Pacific. . 21 224 21 224 Col Fuel & Iron 234 244 244 244 CcntCanprcf 02 ol 02 02 CoasolClai 1174 117 110 117 Corn Products 0,4 104 94 104 F,fn. p,pdueis prof f,04 074 Cf4 074 oe Hudson 1444140 110 140 ue r.Bck ft W 410 .,nr, .,,,5 405 Detroit & Edlnson ....1124 1134 113 1134 Distillers Securities.... 8 84 8 S t0'; 214 224 214 224 Erlolstprof 314 30 314 3(1 "enChcm 100 188 188 188 wen Chom prcf 1074 1074 1074 1074 00 054 90 OS 98 OK 28! i 28 584 084 004 0-4 04 0'4 084 CO 55 50 f-84 874 884 RAPID TRANSIT IN STRONG DEMAND Locnl Market Displayed Im proving Tendency Baldwin Preferred at New Minimum. Although not particularly netlvo, the Philadelphia mnrket displayed a distinctly firm tone during the greater part of to day's session. All Interest nt the opening centred In the traction Issues as a result of tho passage of tho transit ordinance, nnd both Union Traction and Itapld Transit scored ndvances. The latter was relatively stronger than the former. Tho Street nppcarcd to he of tlio opinion that the present plan would be defeated at the polls. Ue that as it may, very optimistic expressions were heard us lo the market possibilities of both stocks. In tho afternoon United States Sleel became buoyant advancing across 5. Some of the buying oidem were reported to be coming from Now York. Tho Phila delphia Klectrlc Issues also displayed an linpiovlng tendency. A fracture of tho bond market was u rise of IH points In Welsbach Cs. Hlds for Keystones Telephone stock and bonds found tho mnrket bear and tho pilco promptly advanced for both Issues. I.ohlgh Valley Transit was another strong spot on buying by tho post broker, and Pennsylvania Salt was picked up by Investors at l lie minimum prlco of 80, which Is the lowest point this old Invest ment Issue has sold In many years. It Is understood that n cortnln amount of liqui dation for nn estate hns been completed. The company Is said to bo doing very well under the new management. Baldwin Locomotlvo preferred prompt ly fell to Its new minimum limit at tho nnanlnir tn1i rri.t .... a . 2221 52 m m w m ur&t i, rss z,: tlcnctal Motor 92 92,4 92 Ceneral Motor pref .... 014 OS 05 Oreat Northern pref ..1154 11G4 115 Clrcat Northern Orocts .12 asw :vi "ucccnncim kxp ... Ill Central Inlerboro-Mct Intcrboro-Mot pref . Inspiration Com .... Int Harv Corp of NJ int'l Paper pref Financial Briefs The D0t quotation for raw sugars ad- t-ftt.--AJ 10 nnlnln In 4 77 ntmtM l.uycu A J'"' v" - Exnorts of copper from New Tork, Fhll- JAInM;, nn1 "Hnlllmnr,. fftr tho week ond- "SliliiE March 4 totaled K097 tons against S4C0 hiiijfajear ago; sinco March 1, 43SS tons. trtMU TIiapa urg. lintfirl nn thn lnnnl l.fhnllrR Sllito.000 additional Atlantic City Electric vVMlnipany ihhi aiiu luiuiiiuu ojiirwui u percent, gold bonds due 103S nnd J1SO.O0O ' .iddlilonal preferred stock of the Vlr- jiglnla Hallway nnd Power Company. v. The total amount of money In circula- XHnn rtn -rnfnli 1 nnnrrllni. to tlin FT tt 1 1 m I iM"w" v -" n - Stales Treasury monthly statement, wns 11(50,53,916, which showed a falling off of 3,300,K3 from February 1, but was Jll,- W,60i more than on JIarch 2, 19H. The American Smelting Company ad- mnced the price of lend from 3.90 to S.95; ,Por the year ended December 31 tho Corn Products Refining Company reported tv surplus available for dividends of J2,303, U, an Increase of $ 20,301. ,iThe New York Cotton Exchange mem- tershlp of Louis Starr. Jr.. has been sold Wor 110.600. Last sale was at J10.75O. f.KCQratng to Uraastreet s exnorts of jf wheat this week were 8,433,000 bushels; , -last week 7,3o8,000 bushels: last year 3,- ,tn,M0 bushels, since July 1, 379.837,000 rbushels; year ago 190.8S4.000 bushels. Corn IB, shipments this week 2,616,000 bushels, Inst g week 989,000, laBt year 61.000. Corn shin. I meats since July 1 amounted to 19,329,000 ; ousneis, comDared with 2.05snni lmuimic, urlng the same period ti year ago. Reports from Unlllmnri n. tilnnu nrrt sunder way for the organization of u hold Em!: corporation to take over control'of tho IConsplldated Gas, Klectrlc Light and Power Company, the Pennnvivimfn Wni. p,nd Power Compuny, tho United Railways I? Electric Company, the Maryland P Pennsylvania, with perhaps somo kpther outside corporations. It Wns said that Innnlrlxa rannlh... ,. l?,Iket ,for Car.ad!an Pnclflc In Herman inAtnes brouirht nn imttn i.t.i n. . IS i u.nder th0 mnrkot. Such stock can- f. u lr"nsierreu and the. dividend will lit ir va'" on " ""ring the. continuance y the war. 2S lit lb kli( w )K, tu If Kreseco prof.. Lehldi valley .. Lou Is v & Nash . May Uept Store Maxwell Motors Maxwell Motors 1st pref 084 084 Maxwell Motors 2d prcf. 204 27 MStl'&SSM 1114 113 .Mexican I'otroleum . Mo Kan & Texas Mo Kan & Texas pref Miami Copper Missouri Pacific Montana Power National Biscuit National Biscuit pref National Knamcllnt! .. 10 Nat Knamellnu prcf . . 794 924 95 1154 32)4 .. CO 51.4 51 51 ..1034 1044 10 J4 1044 .. 12 124 124 1.4 504 574 504 574 .. 104 204 20 204 024 004 004 90.4 .. 304 37 MH 37 ..1004 100,4 100 1004 ..1334 1344 1344 1344 ..112 112 112 112 .. 524 53 524 52,4 27 2'.4 27,4 28,4 G74 05! i 10) i 29 20 124 50 20 112 C54 04 20 20 114 50 074 104 27 204 124 504 120,4 1204 1104 1204 122 121 124 124 2G4 113 674 U'4 27 204 124 50,4 104 85 554 124 5i-4 d4 254 104 85 53) t 124 484 824 104 S5 55!t J 24 50,4 84 254 ..1004' 101M 101,4 1014 I . . 1014 1033S 102,4' 1034 ! '.. -V,i 5 5 5 .. 204 204 204 204 ..1054 1055S 105 1054 ...118 119.4 110 1194 .. .. 15 15 15 .. 20 204' 20 204 ..01 034 93 034 .. ISO 1M) 180 180 .. 27 27 27 27 . 1514 1514 1514 1514 .. 104 20 104 104' .. 174 174 174 174' Hifc,- 1454 1434 1454 204 77 H 1.4 14 34 13 .34 251J 34 h4?S 154 48 454 094 474 034 20)4 1U4 7(1 4 14 14 34 124 32 254' 204 14 14 34 13 334 25)4 3)4 81,4 154 48 45)4 094 474 934 .'04 DIVIDENDS DECLARED Continent I. Vn1lltl,l nl.i "'rn.E'eet.Ho Company, recular mu,iii, arch 31 to stock of record .CanidUn lAmmniu-- r. I.,.,,; piy ,', on rrereYrei. EffiJ .""""'".P0" nd tJltht Com- SrWl March -1. "-- "H'l ' o tpcK of i. ,.., "-.. -r ' 4mtr'can 'lec' Sui-ar, regular ouarteriv n - ISterhnrrtiich nt,l,i rrl! . . . s ! u v " ' ."""l iiuiif rvBuiar nuarter. ; .Subway llcalty Company, regular nuart.rii fflP"M.r?v,Vattbl9 A"r" X " "oT'.ir i.ff. ti " ""' Puar Company, regular ouar. ? i;uer.r?orS sa ..?" .V"rl 8tate Rallwava Comn, Per Cent. On inmmAn hAi. ?.?! Avarte: jmy l pr cnt. on common. prlt I ta r.tw" "nf ?.X "S":.D?L' Paiab'8 r ... -n.v.. 18. NEW YORK CURB BllrJen L"!?'Mi'J:" tm :isiu . ...... ?"w tnm i:an Ktf Bt'v ........... .!.:: B prej .,,,.., Ktwlliig (luni ..','..','.'.'.'''"" ESS?r42M JHti Mjo Brf " or nni Mri4 Film skstt rinM Ei aivWendl Bid. Askerl. ... M 27" ::: 4 4 ..,. Tog ... 60S DO ... M rt ... 01 ftl" ... HOVi 0.1 ...J13 III ... 3H 37.10 ... a n ... 2'4 H FOREION LlYnif iVf.u i&srtH l?.i Vr5h 8- ukF?"'b "cUana Erfstfi oinetJ steady, with daman .t.iir.. Tn (ha B a i-n . 1 (U .. m y - . ;rriacUn,?a"t,bewrn.885,,ln' oii iiui. j? tnnsm. aiarkfl. lineUsh Bond Tsani a"'HK. March a -An lu of ISO,- ye aa ar,itoun-A.t ludai ihav A ftiai.ie at i-ar. At , tUre ab!e) and era, St NatLcad 534 Nevada Con 12.4 NYNH& II 4S4 NY Central 824 NYO& W 254 Norfolk & West No Pacific N H It Mexico 2 prcf. . 1'aciric Mall Penna People's Oas PcttlboneMulllken. I'lttsburc Coal Plttsburu Coal pref P Lorrillard Co .... Pressed Steel Car . Pullman Co Railway Steel Sprlns Hay Cons Reading Republic Iron & St Republic Iron & St pref 7, Rock Island 4 Rock Island pref 14 Rumely Co 4 Humcly Co pref 3 Seaboard Air Lino 12 Seaboard Air Lino prcf 32 Sloss Shell leld 254 StL&SFran 2d pref. 455 Southern Pacific S3 Southern Hy 154 Southern Ry pref 474 Standard Mlllinc 45 Standard Mllllne pref.. 00 Studebakcr 474 Studebakcr pref V.i Tennessee Copper 204 Texas Co J3.') 133 Texas Pacific R II .... 13 13 Third Avenue 494 50 Union Mac & Paper ... fl Union Pacific 118 Union Pacific pref .... 70 Uu Rwy lav 10 Unllwy Inv prcf 274 US Express 70 U S Rubber C54 U S Rubber 1st pref ...102i ti sit.H,i 4Sr USSt4prt( United Cigar Mfc prcf. Utah Copper 514 53,4 Va-CarChcra 20 2U Wells Fareo 85 87 West Maryland 20 204 Western Union 03 (134 Wcstlnehouso Klectrlc ..08 (84 Wheellne &LK 24 24 Wlllyi. Overland C9H C0.4 Total sales loday 2G8.000 shares, compared with 174,300 shares yesterdays thus far this week 1)77,205 shares: samo iwrjod last ueek 881,327 shares. uuoted ex illvldfnil In New York today: Hallway Bteel .Sprlns iirefrrred, J?; per cent : Merumtlialer, -" I'"1" eent.; i'almt Un-wlnjs lirelerred, 1 per cent. BANK CLEARINGS Hank tlearir.ga today (romnared with corre .pomllltK -"y I" to years- I'hllarta . .. .$W,4-J4.r.n7 f-'.ytai.7JI) J.11.1UV1SI llottiin -"-' T7I.1.V B4.0O7..121 SI.OIUI.MI'I Now VorK.. 8SI.IMt.4S1 S52.sao.llW 3W,374,3iK! St. Louli.... 11.010.2T4 12,71K.05l 12,73U.:iU RATES FOR MONEY Call. Philadelphia M; ..x .. ." of tho loss. Only a few odd lots changed hands, but tho Street opposition to retain- iiiK any minimiuns on purely local Issues is KrowliiR. Today some severe criticism wns heard amoiiK brokers' ofllccs ronccrn Inj; the commlttco's policy. Incidentally American Railwnys shares fell two points this afternoon to tho new minimum limit of 33. There was a slightly firmer tone to tho local money market. Commercial paper runiiliiK six months with the best names, which recently sold at 3'i to Vi per cent today brought 4 and 44 per cent. The banks are buying moderately attain. The fact Hint all clearing house ccrtlllcntes and emergency currency have been re tired has placed Institutions in the posi tion not only to buy paper but also bonds. New York Bond Sales MAY WHEAT DROPPED ON PEACE RUMORS IMinfrt In luifirnntlntiAl N'cwfl Service. JAMES B. McDOUGAL Governor, of the Federal Reserve Rank of Chlcarro. Sales in Philadelphia Yes. close. High. Ijow. Close. WO Aitin.1 Copper.... ,W,i M 54 ti 84 11 Am Un looij, 10054 Sil Am Hallways .. an M 10 Am Rwy pM loo CM llald 1ico pref, PS Oli f Cam Iron ., 42 42U a Cam Rtoel 4:i 4.1 IV. Elcclrle Stoiage 4814 41) ,,. " I'.pn.iii... . -o i'u ,i i.i 21 21U 14 14 1VI -t 14 217 ilo iiref. . . . . Co N A. . IKI DTK I'.'.", tn (:n 214 Ifpv T.le 4 Key Tel pfd. II LchlBh Vnl.. too r-olj 'a rr.. 10 Mo I'neMi. . . 222 I'cnna It H :.2!4 22l Prima Salt Mf. SO i:so l'hlla i.:ip . vi Wi 1'hlla Itapld 'rr. in-), IH INI., do Tr ctro II 12 2:15 Ton H'l 4(1-10 4'1 r.O Tonopah Mln.... 7',, 7',, Bj Union Trnctlon. .I.IJi art iu itniiPfi ui.!. imp 81T4 HUfc 2 t'n Cn X J....B2.1 220 2110 u a steel 4.Tt 8 West J & sen. 4!) BONDS. l.nat prev. , . sa,. H'lth. 2000 A 1.1 A R As ... N.I', S.,1. 2000 Unldwln 1st .ls..loot lnou 11:1 Com S icri lulu not Wtt in iio 11117 lists ii.vi 70110 Klo d Veo T 4 7P 711 um i'Ii okIh Rn r.3 117 07U r.Hii Key Tel lal Bs mt l)4i :i(xh) ih n emu 4(4 mij rnw, nnn, I'cnn con 4S i:hm n,H ii."i iiiuii r-inia i-.icc 4H.. , IIMNI Phlla Eloo us. .102 100U 3.1 too IK) 42 43 g lal 21 Ui in iS 100 aa 100 otu 42li 43 2tl Oil 2li 14U ll n7n II. 14, U4 01 B OH S'ii ra -i 2' SI ?! i so Ti, aS; 520 4a4 40'J Ml 14!5 4" 22 41 4nn Lon. Cloae. N.i). S.I" 1.1 , illll 1001, nn! us U7l in IH 7R". -.HK 1021$ 10S UMll,, Pftl nj'4 H7tS 114, 7"i 71, HUH Local Half-hourly Sales "liDOO AlaM,a Oolil ev 113 U.N HIM) A 111 l)ocl l Imp ,1s. ..Iicrtji 2IK.K1II Amcr Tel CM 4s U!l', UKN) Atchison cv 4s IUS.1... Mi 2:llillO do c In HUM) lis .1000 ill, iv Tin 11117 101 1. Un (I Halt & Ohio 4s NsiJ 41KHII) do iv 4'kS SS KKIO Iloth Steel rfd ."a M 200O llroiik Itap Tr .".a litis. Iin'i 2UIK) Hush Torin III1I1; Sh... Ml 2IKK11 I ul (!ns it Kloc .",.. KiOii Canada Month Ss.... ."IIK10 int Leather lot ."3. 4IO0O Cent Par 1st 4s lfcOon Ches Oh cv 4(.j IK101- rhes & Ohio 1V4. . SOtio Chi H ICast 111 la 40OO Chi ICast III .Is . WH) Chl Hi West 4s ISS'ioO Chl II . CJ Joint 4a mono Chl 11 & (j itcn 4a IOIHI l 111 II fit w 111 .''ta High. Low, close. . I12'.j ,U!1 . I III . Mltfc . 74 . Nil . 'Jll't . IKI4 . 70 . mi . 1KI . MIL 322000 Chl M&St V ev Sn wi.l016 2lll, cnl .Mil ,M St I" Ulv 4a WUJ 21H1O Chi Mil A St 1' Id 4',s ST, I7S00 Chl Mil ft St 1' iv 4I.a l"'."K, 2111(1 Chl MllSStl' iren 4H,s.l(10,'l 2(K)(I I hi It I & V col 4s... 22U 2IIOII Chl Ml L N O .'is..lll!l'i 2.110O Con Oan c (Is wl ..lt:t'4 Uhii bel ft llml Eniiln 4'i,.ini) HH10 Uen ft Itlo Or 4s 7:n; Sinn Pen ft Itlo 'lr rfil 0s.. 41! sooo Peliolt lllson lat r,s.l02i s HSI i'A HIM 11." IUIi SNIi, M'tH !.S im'i S! P2li HCIjl Nl 73 V, NTi'li 2ll4 112 70U IIS'4 N!l N2 Ull't NN'i SMj (III II ov 22 lO'.U, 112t lsl un ll'.'i, imi, 11 1 "h ns nil'i NS'J NS NS lllrt, Ml 112 V, iiiaji lltt. Mi 74 Ml 2IIJJ 70i PS'k N'.lti N2"h 1111 NN(i KN.V lilt, llsl-li 22V, HP' 1 Un) ni'4 10 to 10:30 A. M. Wi loJS 47H W, (i'JJf A7H J0H i32f i:i.i V2'i 13 Wi noa us so so 11 27f 70 50 103 13 4 11 2SU 103 I5'f 10 i an 1103 i 80 11 L'Stf 71 SON 103 I3)4 10-1M li'SJS HUM li'fl 1013 101,'i 10m oL"S 1!1) 87 ma mi tUJ :!n00 liftroit L'ntteil 1'i.b.. iiioo 01s scour corn n... 1200U iml'ont I'owd I'.jh SO111 Krlo Ken 4a Iiilioo Krlo com- Is for A.. 1200O Lrlo cor.v Is Hor II .. 4(Hi Uric urlor 43 :;(.nn lleucral Motor lis .'.1)1,0 'len Klcc ileb Tis 2(MKI Hud Man In Ss I1K10 llud Man rrd Sh .... 20(10 111 Sleel deb 41j8 7IUHI 111 Chl Jt Ss .'ISfOO ln Cop cv fs "111!!.. .HOOD Insp Cop cv Ha ttOOO Interh Met 4'is I'Ufi lnlerli It T rer Ss 41.00 Internl Paper cvt Sh.. loon Intrrnl Paper fla 21SMI In'l Alcohol Ss 2000 lnt ft Ut Nor lat Oa. . IKKIO J.ip new tier sta 4'h. KKX) .lapancBf 1st 4',b8 Sinai Kan City So lat 3s.. HUH) Kana ft Hi eh Is .... 111)0 l.icka . (eel Ss 11121... 111(10 Ijicleilo lias IhI l!il 87 L'OU mi 2H O'Jii Now Vork llnutou . . Cliiceso :::::.::::::::::!! 314 72'.i llil, .s-ii, (17 112 iii; N2 nil', 102H 2!s HI IHJTg 1(10 KI2'i 73'i 1IH 7I1'4 100 IKIKj US 7SV 7114 Ii7iij Nil imp:, hxiu, 1000 Lk Sh deb 4a llttS... 1KIM. HHKi ix-n vai or iv v iws.ioivj 1000 l.lg ft M T Ss llll iuxhi l.orillanl Ss loo's 1000 Lorlllard 7a 122!i SOOO Louis ft Nash 4s Hl') Hski Minn ft St L 4s SI 20(0 Mo Kan ft '1' 4a 7N ISOHO Mo It ft T 41-18 72 21S00 Mo I'dc 4s 41114 l.KHKI Mo I'ac iv Ss 411 1(W Mu I'ae col Sa 11117.... IM4 2IKX) .Mo PaclHc cons IU. . . .too K):)i Mont Huner 0a t)l HOW) N v canal imp H'aa. . nirn lllioiio N V C ft Hud Us w I..1IPH 1000 N Y City .mis 1US3 N4' .1500 N Y City 4a 10S0 IIS',j P(XX) N Y City 4'4a 111(10. .10(1 WOO N Y City 4Hs UH.. HO, (1000 N Y C 41,3 May 1017.101 1000 N Y C 4'ss May 11IS7.1044 IIM'O N Y CI II & 1 4s N.1 1000 N Y N H ft II cv 3'js l Sllmo N Y Rwy adj Ss ,W 100O N Y State 4'ns lONi-. ::ihh) N Y Tel Ren l's . . . IMS 3000 Nir ft ii I'oacn i. Iiiiso Nort ft west cv is.. SiTHKi Nor I'ac iirl.ir 4s ?iw,, .In nan 5?M r.Ti III 4ll KCJI4 11121; 72 4.SI, N7I, 1)7 11214 III W 1111'. IC2S, 2l!'i, N4 IHIK ll.ll, 10114 7Si IIS Tll',4 too im'v IIS 7S'i 711 '4 l?,h J88H 1KH 7244 4Sl(, NTI, 117 IK IHS NJ IIII14 loss, 211?). Ml HS) US Tll'4 ion H'.i'a US 7.V, 71II.J 117',;, NO luils 100', 1H1, S Union True... ::5?4 ro Henna Salt... NO II Haldwln pfd.. Ii 18 do SO 1.1 Tonopnh Del. 4',. 2 ITn Coa N .I..22D 17 Henna S2 11.H1 14 Koyatono Tel. llli 1110 Hlllla n T t c 114 100 II S Steel 434 10 M K ft T 0', 2.1 Henna Salt... no 30 Henna ra 200 Tonopnh Del. 4'k 11 Henna Salt... Mi 1(1 do 414 I do Mi 1(1 Henna S2 0.10 ID do Nn I do S2'l 10(1 Hlilla It T t c It", lu llnldwln pM.. Ill 70 Cnlon True... 3.VI; IS Eleo Storage. Wt 10 nice Storaite. 4ST IIO.NDS. WOO Hhlla Elco Ss lOon Phlla Klec s l()i)0 Kejstono Telephone 1st Ss.. 1000 Keystone Telephone 1st Ss.. 01 Cam Steel scrip llllll l3 Com Sleel scrip 1IU7 1000 Keystone Tolephono 1st Ss.. 2000 llnldwln 1st Ss ..10214 . .1H2 j . . Ill . . Hi . . omi . . li.V . . 114 . .lcoi. 10:30 to 11 A. M pfd. I. .. 01 4354 S Baldwin 20 V S Steel ;mi l lllon 'I roe. .. ;;.i-i. 23 Keystono Tel. It'j 70 17 S Steel..,. 413-I 2 Union Trac... 30 12 Henna in V S Steel. 10 do 23 Henna .. .. M do ,".(l f U I.... ,5211-10 .. 43J4 . . S2X, .. 8l'k IIONDS. IOOO Clioc ft Okln ecu Ss 11 to 11:30 A. M. 0714 S Hhlla Kl 1 Am 'Ins . 23 Phlla Klo . 21 IT H Steel. 11X1 do 10 do 1(1 renmi S.ili 23 Ton Jlln. 11? Q I... 3-10 SlI lOO'l 24's 2.1 I'nlon Trac... 3.V), 41 100 l.ch Vnl Tr.. ll? 44U is r a i si: 44 100 rnlnn Trac... 3S'J o 23 llnldwln pfd.. Dili IIONDS. lOfiO Keystono Telephone 1st 5a 01 Reported Cancel lation of Con tracts From Abroad Caused Decline Today. rurCAflO, Mnrch 5.-OH reports of InrSo cnncfllfttlons of foreign contrncts for whent becnuse of tho rumoretl hobo tlatlons for pence In Europe aiul the fact that the nlllctl llect continues to lumish Hk xvay tlirough tho nnrtlnnclles. the Mny wh(it opened lower today, Knowing 11 Ions of 214 cents, at l.37'4. wlillo .tuly begnn 4 of n cent hlsher, nt 1.13U. 1-nlnr Mny dropped to M.34i, down 314 cents. wlillo July declined to Jl.10. on 2 cents. Ueforo tho close, however, soma support -Init orders wero put out nnd prices re corded from tho low. Mny ended nt J1.3S, showing n loss of VH cents from yeslcr dny. July closed nt the same prlco us yesterdny. The consumption of whent throughout tho United Kingdom Is very lnrge, nvcr ngiiig during thn pnst thrco months ,b00,000 bushels weekly, Argcntliin's shipments of whent nro lib eral nnd the wenther thero Is more favor able Switzerland Is reported buying heavily through Italy, Hnlea of cash onts to tho senbo.ird nt Western terminal markets yesterday aggreBnted about 2,600,000 bushels. Leading futures ranged on follows: estas wneai (ipen, num. Mny 1.37W 1.40 July 1.1.1H L134 corn (iisw delivery)- May 72S T24 Tl'i July 74', 74c, nxt Oa la May ,-ttV K t,i July si s2 r,o: May '..T....tl0.33 10.37 10.30 Juli 111.02 10.(12 HI.S.l ' Hllis-- My v 0.P2 0.P1 P.S7 an .. 10.23 1D.23 10.17 Hotk- May 17.40 17.40 17,27 July 17.77 17.S0 17.07 ulil. tAked. l.nw. Clne. (.Inm.. l.ai ti.as i.:ip4 1.10), M.12', 1.12H 7 71N tMMi fSll5 10.37 10.32 11.112 10.23 17.37 17.75 PS7 10.17 LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO, March B.-llO(lS.tlccolpis, 24. oooi market SiilOc. lusher; tnlxcd and linieh ers, fil.ri0fKl.s0i Rood heavy, jr..3.",(rin.77't: roiiKh liettvi, .tdosfliil.'lo; llnht. K...VI1KI.NS. plus, ffl.asirin.Mii imik. fn.safin.7s. CATTl.n. Itecelpts, inoo: market steady; tceea. fS.7S1fii.l."i; cowa and heifers, fulivris; storkern and feeders. fl.SOVH.40: Trxans, fil.tii fi7 10 nilvi", fS.S0fll0.2S. Slir.RH-Ilci'elpts, SOPOi market steadv. 10. Iilsher; native and Western, H.'SIU.l'O; lambs, ?0.SOii0.75. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YORK, Mnrch S. The coffeo mnrket i moaemto atiiiity future oliils iibocv the final yes- opened firm, and on moderate attlilty futures ., lu ,i iF.fuiin iiu.,c, nil' HI rriics ronoi ndvanccd S to 11 lerday March April Mny June July AllBllSt Hertcmber October November December Sales, noon 1'RKm. Hid. Today's Yesterday's opening. clne. .... S.B.-.(fjr3.S7 .". ? 4 IflK-. It I S.7SBS.S5 0.S0 (I NSn,n2 n.ns nn 7 ll',r7.0S 7.03 7.12 3.(iiiy ...IIV.1.T S.7.liJ3.7 4 S.73IJS.74 ll.Sllfll S2 o.n:ibii.ii(I Il.tfi1fll.ll7 7.0O'rt7.Ol i.lTifli.OT PHILADELPHIA MARKETS NEW YORK UUTTER AND EGGS NIIW YOltK, March S. Iliitler-Miirket. lower and imsettlU: receipts. i;il!3 pickoees; extra, '10c ; lilitli acorlnK, :nn.jW3l . ; Sinn dairy, 2Sc. ; Imitation creamery, 22fj22i-c. KstRB Market, llrm; receipts, 1S.23S cases: xtrn llratn. 2U'jf. ; firsts, l!iyn"20r. ; nenrby whiles, IMJi'ilc; mixed color, 20fi21c. BUSINESS OUTLOOK IIKItB RKl'OHTKI) AS BHKIHTER 11:30 A. M. to 12 JM. 23 Hhlla It T t c 114 S Henna S2v Wl Union Trnc... 311 3 do so .1, IIO IU .1 I Cl J .V .1 n -i'! loo Hhlla It T t o 11'4 100 Hhlla Klec... 24H n i-cnnn -.;t .m j-ciinti ceil. K Steel. . Illl'i 101!, 100!, looij UK! 12214 7N 1111 47'4 11.114 DP' Toco do cen 3a 2(100 do reK 4a WW I'ac Coast iBt Sa . IXtnoo Hinna cvt 4',js w 1.. lliOO Henna cv 3ita Kinco l'ublle Kerv N .1 Sa. . i!iHl(l ReadlnB sen 4s. . . .1300 Heptili Cuba Ss 1U04. 2000 Hock Island 4s 21IKIO no rtn -i .101 . noli "il" .' PIS .10.1's ,100 . 7, . I'2H . HP j . h2'4 IIIIK, i'ij KlSjJ imu Hl'i il loo lMi 101 mi'i Kl irj us Ml 101 HO (12 Hi II7 10.11J ion P2'i 11.14 '4(110 ny St Sprlnita S 1021. JW - .s-.r. r." V r t t Un ill . . till 111 ',.At,.n.rclal niiwr. II to 0 month. Hhllndei: phla, 3Cfl',i per cent. Reserve Banks' Discount Rates Daja SO or -'in or tin or Over (tMm, m. ia. ih). rhlladtfrhia lloston ,. New York Cleveland ItlsbmonJ Ailn St. l-o"'",,.- Minneapolis Kansas City enS!wncio"": 4 .... 4 ... 4 .... 4 .... 4 .... 4 .... 4 .... 4 .... 4 .... 4 .... 4 .... 4 4! a 44, b B NEW YORK COTTON MARKET NPW YOltK. Marii 5. Tfce cotton market ooened teidy toUay. 2 point, kluh.r. The arkt lacked feature. Twain wa. cat laxed There wa wraa awthwn and I4r oMrtmylnt and appartntly a little abort eaverlnK by trader who b4 rollowd the ... a of bH tt lioueea ywtay and aold. VM .. - ni.an Tllali I nw (On.a .:.3T " "m Las wfTsi ... S.J7 8-8S . B SO SSI S.! 0.QS 9.10 0.XS B.4H 0 SO 9.43 8. March May ... July, ... Swl ... is s.xs !a s.74 0.03 D.S1 D.li u.sa s..as Movement of Currency NEW YORK. March 5. Banks re clve4 (rom Interior 17,908,000 and shtpped to Interior 5.u.CW. Incliullns- ll.OTl.000 uational bank uote sent to Washington for redemption. Gain from iterlor wm ,S.Sr30. Hold Impoits tre Jl.900.000. lAtu on ub4rur overt'on Proper w W.tw.W. Thin iik a net gam of II. 169,008. icon k. LIMA So 4a 1(00 St J & K rfd 4h... "om do rfd 4s ata. ...... iron Seahoard A I. adj ss.. ' 7000 do rfd 4.. KSk'ft Fouth Hell Sa.; J S.-on South Hao cv 4a. . ... Mfj S1000 H cv rto In S 1IMI. ItTJ, timonn South I'ac rf.l 4; ' IVM Houth Hao term Sh . . Wl 70fJ) riouth Hwy Ken "J. 7COO South Jtwv vim Ss. . . Iiy liOOO Third Ave new 4a . . S- -4mo Third Ave "'Jl,"3- JT ;iiO0 Tol I'eo ft V 4s... .. 47 4O0O THh & 8 '"" Si1, incj) V S nealty Sa T4J, ii() V 8 Steel B" 100U snnn Union I'ac Ut 4a fn', "coisi I'nlon Haa,,"; 4 N KMo t'n n; a .11 1000 Wohash Ut Sa ino .13000 Walwsli i 2.1 5a . limltfl Writ Md 1st 4s 1S4 ....,M, ICant K & M cv Sa. . . . IMl'i ion 1224J llli), 34 7S II1M, 4S III P'l, HID in5; 10l 84Ji IlSii 100 my, lot 104'4 II irj S.1T4 IOS4 US Ml 101 ik)',; i)74 HIllJ 100 S7 0215 llt'i K2'4 1',11'i on (111 (14 33! 02 ion Went E ft M cv Da. . . . , ODWul dhore tex la.... ST y 1000 V I won went ;ii " "' .i .ul.. 12.R4O.O00. comnared IX)0 yesterdays tliua tar thla week, ll.t, aaine-period last week, fS,5S3,t)0o. f cm lis'.i mi (14 32(4 (12 m II74 RiW 07 81 TIM4 III. OS'S HI'S KOI? 47 llll 74Ji mot; PS hV, 4T 100 8S llsH no H74. 80S ompared nlih 2.S!)2, vuu.uw; 1 llnldwln pfd.. 1)1 if, 10 V 23 Ton Mln 73-10 2(H) 10 Henna Salt... SO 2o (I ih Valley. . . (17 lo 20 Henna 325J 23 ft Cam Iron 42!i 10 S Com Steel.... 43 100 nONDS. KKiO Keystono Telephone 1st Sa.. iiuo l.en ,av cons -i'.-js inoo Klec A: ceop 1000 rhlla Bloo 4i do. do do.... do do. . . . do.... M) 41U 44i 141 44'! Il'l 44 . PH. . lion, Tr 4a , 78ti . TSS 12 M. to 12:30 P. M. 100 Union Trnc. 40 U H Sleel... 100 U S Steel... 3 Haldwln pfd. 37 Penim Salt.. .'Ill 4 Hi as rtll 100 Cam Steel... 100 V S Steel... 1 Henna 11 IT (I I 10 Tonopah Del., BONDS. 43 44 S2J Nil's 4H 1000 Henna cons 4s 1018. . Kill) Am Una It Klec Sa loon Klec & .Heop Tr 4a.... sooo Henna rcta 4 lis w I. 10OO Hennr- rctH jnoo Henmi rctB I ',feS w 1 . 4Wa w I. 4la w t. 07?, 83f4 70 10.1JA 10.lt 10.V.I 400 V 100 100 100 lco 20 20 Inn 10 so 100 23 20 10 10 100 12:30 to 1 P. M. 441-j 10 Mo Hacttlc. , 12 . . 444 ICO lien Asm iifd.. IV) Hi 23 Ih Val Tr. . IS II' 14 '4 1011 Hhlla Klcc. 41VJ 41! ::::::"4$ 4i(; 44'4 44rl L'l'i ij -iu jen Asn diu.. tai ', 1IHI Hhllll II T i i: I IT. J. llllll circ. oo do i in, 81 U 07 SS 80 OS t 8016 47 !1 74'.4 1IH', US 811 47 100 hSli ItSUj IIOU S7I4 I Local Bid and Asked ru 1,1 a-ln do K'-. Cim 3lw JSieetrl? o aqi prer Kytoii Telephone. . . So nrf. I.ake Sup Corp- Mhl Nalillon ,1,. e IhJgh Valley ffn vaiivy r prei. . iBasylvawa llart iu Co da s pe "! BP- CtirA.fflR::: i Today'a Yesterday's Bid. Akd. Did. Asked. At DO 42i 4Sti i8 74 74 117 U Ha 3S 30 27H 20 4? 42 43 4&j, im, 4 . . 2(1 m . , i4) 04 m oi 7 .. 7 gl fiti sir as 27 2S !." S5 .10 30 3B 114, HVi ta-ia Ton nel a-i ti-w 4 T.,1, Mill Tlk T,. 7 f'a Trac .'Kl im, V u l IH ? MX i' York ly m Tfi Ifi 7S i- d prtl 0ft 83 IW4 SS neadlmr-.. T3!H 7211-10 71 1MB 7l JU S Sleel. do do do...... nn H. ... "" - - : :,, 00 -MVj 31 do 41U 20 do 41'- SO Hhlla ItT.... 1154 do 44'4 10 Hhlla It T t o 1HU do 44(4 200 Hhlla Klec... 2I . ..4i 2 Klec MtoniKe. 40 so do 4SH 33 do 48H 20 Am Itwis .TI IK) I'nlon Trac... .WJ IIONDS. 00 SS1J 41 hi.. 1000 Ih Nav cons 4lks 1000 Am Oas.& Klec f 1 to 1:30 P. M. 100 Hhlla n T t o llJJ 100 I' S Steel.... SOD do IV I! Da Id u-In nf.l- BOD l?o lilt SUIT tl I..:..., H1 173 Keystone Tel. 14'i 14 Haldwln pfd.. lit. 20 Eleo Storage. 4SJ 20 Klec Storage. 4S4 1:30 to 2 P. M. 20 Tonopah Mln. 744 S Hhlla It T t o 12 3 'Haldwln pfd.. UHK, 11 Henna .-S2H 100 IT S Steel 44K 8 do SL'ti 10 do 4141 10H I' S Steel. 10 do H'i MM Hhlla IITIi If do 44 8 Haldwln pfd.. 3 Hhlla It T t o 12 100 Cam Sleel..., ICO I' H Sleel.... 444 .'I Ele- Storage. 20 11 Q I MJ Kill H Steel..., lll South Haclflc. 81 100 do 10 U S Stel... 411, 2 to 2:30 P. M, 200 U S Steel,... 43 K(l North Cent.. lm SCO 10 so 111) ion Ci IU) SO do 10 Am O&a 40 U S Htal. ... 43 10 do 43 10 do 43 10 Am Itwy pfd. ICO HONP3. ltco Cona Traxi K J B 3000 BJec 'Heop Tr U do do do do.. Ca-fi0'si' ITS st Steel. Steal. 43 43 43 4S 43 43 .43 44I 44? S3 43 83 '? ;v.,".iib, 100 I' S Slml H) North Cent. 3S IT O I , n. ... ... -1 lo.a in,, ...... . Mt, 2!) u a 1 81&J 12 North Cent... .ss 10() TonoiJih Del.. 41', ti i' a t MJ 10 Henna ...S3 1S-10 SO Henna fait... 8n 10 rto..' 80 - 45 Tonopah Bel., 4!; .ion; 785 2:30 to 3 P. M, 10 le Am 2 10 Tan Hal.... 4 4 i; Tel Did . a 4 ft.16 3 Penna. Salt... Ml 10 Too Itln 73-111 2 do so 100 O 8 Steel.... 45 30 Tonopah Bel.. 414 ifo Toooiah Bel.. t SO HeaOlng- . .7J s-ld lo fauna -.o i-io qtt ine io . ... i 10 do S 10 Toaopah Bl . 4g IPO do. ........ 200 V 8 Steel, . . . 4S H 4o 4 joo da 20 do 48 20 do ,- 43 100 Phlla B T t 11H BQND3. )7&Cam iHeel scrip 14)16.... 1QQ0 WeSlWl) Co!, sooo ciCyirtwi lOoo ab &t 4 Me it aoou Phlla Bl 4a CiKOCKy 4 H1 reg 10ft V S S4eel.... 45ft 100 Phlla Wet.... 2444 376 lna Co ft A... 2111 SO Phlla R'tle IlS IW) Am Copper... 34 17 nm Asppm., o Actual Trade Coi'.ditions Show Little Change, However. AlthMtgh actual business conditions in riillnilelphln nro reported 10 bo llttlo cliniincil this week, tlio outloolt. Is much brihtcr. in tome lines oC trade slight Improvement Is noted, but the betterment is not general. In their weekly review of business con- tlous III tills city Jt. G. Dun & Co. Hay: Conditions in tho locnl cotton market are irregular nnd unsettled, buyliiR is of n desultory nature mid prices lack llrm ness. Whatever sales nrc made In tlio cottun yarn lino nro principally with those enKUBed in the manufacture of military Roods. Most dealers are still optimistic nnd uro loolcltiK for improved conditions. The iron and steol market presents no special features, and developments dur ing tho last week have been unimpor tant. Ttnllroad buying continues in a moderate way, but the shlpbulldlnK In dustry Is well employed and furnishes considerable tonnase to manufacturers of finished material. Good contracts are reported in hand by shipbuilding plants. There appears to bp a difference of opinion expressed with recard to condi tions now existing In tho hardwaro trade. In some quarters those consulted report n fairly Rood amount of business having been transacted during the Inst ivck, ns compared with 1914, while others report a falling off In trade. Conditions in the building nnd contract ing lines show somo Improvement nnd a fair amount of new work is being esti mated on. Competition is keen and fig ures at which work Is being taken In dicate n small mnrgln or pront. The new vork stnrted the past week, while nmountlng to less than the preceding week, which wns somewhat increased by several dwelling operations, wns a declled Increase over the Inst week of February, 19H. Wholesalers and Jobbers lit groceries report conditions below normal, buying being very conservative and of a hantl-to-mout'n order. Collections are also re ported slow. Retailers report conditions quiet. CONFIDENCE IN LONDON War Loan Harder; American Shares Inclined to Sag. LONDON. March B.-Conlldence in securities hoivad no ahatement on the Stock Kichange .h.. Tmdlnir. lianeier. was of the custom- art- week-end character. The war loan, was (RAIN AND FLOUR Wlli:.iT.- tterelpls, 4P.01B bushels The market opened 3r. lower under hearlsh aiieciila tlon In the Wrsi, liul with subsequent stronaer outside itihliea 1c of the los was since re ctvered. Quotation car lots, In ctport elevt-tor-No. 2 red, niot and March. it.40M.t.1; No. 2 red Western. fl.4i11rl.SU; No. 1 Northern Dulntli. t.4fll S3. MHINV Itecelpts, r.7.2S7 uuliels, Demand "as light nnd prices were He. tower. Quota tions: Car jots. In export elevator -No. 2. spot nnd March. 133770.; steamer, 73H7Sc ; No. a, 73M?T4c. ','ar lots ror locnl trade, ns to location No. 2 llow, i,4lftWc, ; atenmer jellow, 7o77r,; No. 3 vellow. "Ife'Sc: No, 1 jelinw, 7Hi74c- aamtilo yellow. nSfTJ2c; new cob, ief 70 lbs , 7"177c. OATH Ilecflpts, t7P,nrlS busheK Trade was quiet, with prices unchanued. Quotations: No. 2 white. fllfHISr.: slondnrd white, OOflOtr.; No. :i white. SOflCOe. .. .. IIVi: dull nnd lower We nuoto n t , 1 . 1 4 (Tf 1.10 per bush, as to quality. In export elevator, and m 11. 10111.13 ror small Ion of nearby grain In baas. ri.lltUt Itecelpts, SSS libla ami 807,300 lbs. In sacks. Trmln na slow nnd the mar ket was wenk and lower. We quote per Jim lbs In moo,I Winter clear. JJ0.tB4i; do., Uralaht, n40ft0.iv.1i do., patent. (l.nSfn.W); Kansas, stralKht. Jute sacks. JiMOflllfiO; do., patent. Jule sacka, J(iriO50 7S: spring. Ilrst elenr, $il.2".iri; SO; do, sirnlaht, $n Soflil ifl: 1o. paicnt, JHI.7SB7; do,, favotllo brands, i.2i'tj 7.7.1: clly mills, cliolco and fancy patent, 7.23 (??7.73; clij mills, ngiiliir crades-lv Inter, clear, SO Llflit lo; do. etralglit. fd Hvnn.os; do . pnt"P'. M.'lSifTit.H) HVI! ri.Ot'lt. Wnn In modern te, but nmplo supply and weaker. We quote nenrby and Western In wood nt $(.2Sjll.7S, ns to quality. PROVISIONS Trade wns quiet, but values were steadily licld. Quotations: CHy beef. In nets, smoked and nlr-drled, IMfrSiic.; Western beef, In sets, smoked, 2C!2. ; city beef, kimckle; and lenders, amokcd and nlr-drled, 3,'fr 28;.; Western beef, knuckles nnd tenders, smoked. 271i2c ; teef hams. $31fl32; pork, rntnllv, $23it23 SO; hams, S. P. cured, loose, i:'t',5flflii,c. : do.. Hklnned. looso, lS'iBWc.i do., do, smoked. 13tyt4c: other hams, moked, clly cured, ns to brand nnd avernsw, UdU'ic; do.. Western cured. HtfHVbe.; do., boiled, boneless. 21W2lc.i picnic shoulders, S. H. cured, loose. HlMllc.: do,, smoked. 111, 12c: bellies In pickle, nccordlnfr to aerngi. loose, I'lvliPie.: breakfast bacon. n tn.t'rnnd nnd nveniK". city cured, 17518c; do.. W,el"n cured. Klelse.: lard. Western. refliiiMJ, tlte. 11,ltlic : do., do., tuba, lllirllte.i,,oP,.i pure elty, kettlo rendered, In tierces HUM ll'.jO ; do., pure city, kettlo rendered In tubs, ll'iVil'ic REFINED SUGARS The ninrlict nna quiet but steady. Uennera' list prliea: Hmndard granulated. B.Mlc.: nno cranulated, 3.73c. , powdered, S.sSe., fontec tinners' A, ri.CISc.; soft srades. 4.Pi)1IS.S0c. DAIRY PRODUCTS nt'TTKIt. -The mnrltet decllnea lc. under a lliht itetnnnil nnd Increased pressure, to sell. Quotations: Western. fresh. solid-packed creumery. fnncv. eperlnls. 33c; extra, .lie. ; ex tra llrsls. ;U)i..; Ilrsts, 27i2:ic; seconds. -4rf 2ic: ladle-packed, HKI'.'U'., as to ipmllty, nearby prints, fnncv. 31c; do., nvernge. extra, .';.; do, llrsls. 30f'l2e.i do., seconds, 2MI2iC; spclal lirnnila o' prints Jobbing at 30S74lc. I'.tJOS. Deninml wns fairly active and the market tilled steadv nt tho Into decline. Quotations- In free cases, nearby extra. 22c. per do.; nearby flrits. fit. IS per standard case: ticnrby. runcnt receipt". $0 per case; Western, oitrn llrat. fn.13 per case; do., llrsls, fo per nse: Southern. f3.7nfifl per case: fancy se lected candled fresh crnts were Jobbed out at 2W'2d per dor. ClinilSK sold sleivly, but ruled steady un der mciieiaio nnennits. uuoiaiinri; ."" ' York, full cream, full make, choice. l.WliMic. : ; do., do., fulr to kooiI. limirilPic: do., cur 1 rent moke. liPjfllilc.: do., nnrt skims. S313C POULTRY I.IVH. Choice stock Bold fairly nnd ruled firm, with supplies well under contiol. rpivl.i were higher. Quotations: Fowls. liWtM'.; eld roosters. li,W12e.; chickens, soft menteri, llil7c: do.. slnCB.v, HWlSc; turkeva. 1IM 17c: ducks. l.VnlCic,: kccfp. 1217111c; Biilncas. n to quality, per pair. SOH'Oe.: nlueons. old, per nail. 225I2SC : do., vounn. per pair. illtiissKH. The mnrket ruled steady, with demand equal to the limited offerings pf line dealrnble-slzed stock. Quntatlona: Iresh killed fowls. 12 to box. dry-picked and dry-packed, selected, heavy. Ilc.s welahlng 4W n lbs. aplcco. fc; do., It's lbs. anlece, li 17,c: do., 3 lbs. apiece. ISfjlZlHc; do., under 3 lbs. nplece. lUflSc Howls, hbls., dry-picked nnn drv-p.iclted, Western. 41S lbs. apiece, 171 c; do., do. .T'j lbs. IWrHMic: do., do., :i iTih nnd under. llfISc. Old roosters, dry-pl-kert, 14c HrollInK chickens, nearby. U' 2 hs. apiece. aaiflWIc : do., fnlr to 'Rood. 19W20C.: Western. l'.J2 lbs. nplece, 2tVfT22c: do., fair lo Koud, ll'Hl'Sr. Chbkens. dry-picked nnd drv.pncked. In boxes, milk-red. at to 3(1 lbs. to clo'x ISc. : do.. 37 to 12 lbs. lo do.. 1Sc; do., IS to 4" lbs. lo dor... ISc; do . 4S lbs. to doz., 20c ; do., (10 Ha. and over. 21c; corn-fed, .11 lo 4! 1h. lo do., inc.; do., '3 in 4t lb, lis do., lie ; do., 41 lbs to do, 18c: do., CO lb, and oxer. 20. thickens, dry-plckeil and dry-pneked. In bhls . selected, heavy, lBc. ; Western, corn-fed, r. lbs nnd over, 18c.; do,, do., 4 11 liffll'it : do., do., 3'4 lbs.. 16'AC; dc... do., 2'4jflfi Ihs 14l.v. turkeys, dry plelted and dry-pcked Fanr y. nesrby, Slc.i do., Western, 21c. fair to (rood, lsgioo.; old torn. J0B2OO. Ducks, fancy, In boxes, l7 ise i do., ordinary to roo,i, 12f)ne. (leesa, nearby, 1l(Uc ! do... Western, lOfljie. Squabi; tier dor.., white. nelRl.lne it to 124bs, tier dog., ft CKitiri.iaV white, nelRhtnir I) to 10 lbs. pr iloz., II4,S0; do., do.. S lba. per dox., f3.40 3.r,0: do . do., 7 lbs. per do., f 2S0$3; do., do uflll'j lbs. ier doz., f292.23i dark and, N6. 4 .lOc.fffl 25. FRESH FRUITS There was a fair Inquiry for choice stock nt most descriptions nnd value generally ruled steady under modernte offerings. Quotations' AVJ-- Nw yor. P" hbl.-York Imperial. !?l3L0rln 22.7S! King, f2ff2.7a! Spy i .7sfe2.r,0: tialdwln. fl.7Sr2.s6; lien baviJ; fl.SOtli: other gnoil eating varieties. fl.7SB2.U! ?i"'J.".ml..lf','r?'' apples, Weatern, per box. 7i.tTt.S.i, npplcs, Dclawara nnd rennsylva nla. per hamper, Soft floe, ; lemons, per tiox, 2 2 iS; oranges, Florida, per box, f2sr3i un fruit. Florida, per liox, ilfri.TB. Hln'enppfeg, per crnte-l'ortn Itlco, $4.S0WS Florida, 34. VEGETAnLES Thn general market was dull and weak to sol!, under fairly llboral offerings. Quotations. White, polotoes, per bush. Hennsylvanla. bict $1.$.:. Maine. JBffBOe.i Now York, as to qualify, 40fv4.ic.; tweet potatoes. Dolaware, per hamper large, I.3jTI.S0; modlum, OOafsc.i sweet piitatoos. rajsttrn shore, per hbl.-No. 1, fSO 2.1S: No 2. fl.S01.7S: tweets, Jersey, per bbl.-No. 1, f.1.2swi.30: No. 2, 2ft2.DOi aweota. Jersey. Per basket, 7Sc.fl: onions, per bush., BilaSSc : do., choice, per lOO-lb, bag, fli do.! medium, uer loo-lb. bag. 7Se.i do" mconK !,or y,;1,1!'., bag, (loci cabbage, Danlth. per ton. fHinil. cauliflower, New York, per crate, fliiTl.iS; spinach, Norfolk, per bbl., f2SZ29, kale. Norfolk, per bbl.. flffl.231 lettuce Texas, per bush, basket, fl.5o2 do., Florida, per basket, ftiff.'l:. beans. Florida, per basket. X3d 4.2S: pens. Florida, per basket. f2.60flS: egg plant, Florida, per box, 2S3.S0: cucumbers. Florida, per basket. fS.sows: sauash, Florida, per raeket. f2.Vnfi1; peBoera. Florida, o-r car rier. 23.co; beets, Florida, oer 100 bunches. fM10: tomatoes. Florida, per carrier fancy, f2.BOaO: choice, fl2; ceierv, Florida, per crate, fl.2.HI2; do.. New York, per bunch, a.vorsOo, ; mushrooms, per 4-Ib. basket, 00c. 0 DIG GERAIAN LOAN Chicago Bankers Will Plnco ?300, 000,000 5 Per Cent. Bonds. HIIICAOO, March 3. Announcement waa made today by IVoIlonborgcr A Co. that they will receive suba:rlptlona until Mnrch 111 at PSVj for a now German 5 per cent, loan of 1,200.000 000 marks. Wolltnberger Company circular calls nttentlon to the Berlin marktt price of par for previous loan originally Is. sucl at P744. The circular pays that payment of fll.fid per each 10U0 marks subscribed for must ac compiny application. Interim certificates Is sued by them will bo delivered and remain outstanding until ponalhje to deliver actual bnnda. N. Z. Graves Co. Reorganization The creditors of tho N. Z. Graves Company,, paint manufacturers, whoso failure occurred In Slay, 1013, ore organizing a new corpora tion to tnke over tlio assets of the company, and continue the business, which has been carried on over since the failure. The new concern will bo callod the N. Z, Graves I'oriHiratlon, and application ror a charter will be made on March 29. The Incorporators are William A. Law, vice president of tho First National Dank; William T. Elliott, president of tho Central National Hank: ami Paul Clayton, of llrown & Clayton, commercial paper brokers. All three arc mem bers of tho Crodltora' Hrotctlve Committee. To Start New Sugar Refinery SAVANNAH. Ga.. March S. M. R. Soeli. man, Haltlmore; Jumps Imbrle. J. F, Wallace und Albert L. Kramer, of Now York, and ltobert M. Hitch, Savannah, have filed nppllca tion for chnrtcr of a f3,00o,O0O corporation ta establish at Bavnnnan tne seconn largest sug refinery In America. A flOO.OOO mlnlm amouiv" of capital has already been paid I'a ' BAR SILVER , NKW YOltK, JIarch 3. The price ot cr merclal bar silver today was 4D',i cents, ... "m Mexican dollars nt 37'4 cents. REAL ESTATE NEWS harder on the belief that the exrecte.1 ex chequer bond notation would be bought eagerly iy banks, and not reoffvrvd in competition with glAmericansUwero Inclined to sag. excent Har rlman'". Hupiort was given to Canadian Ha ...... The tlnanclul scheme for the segregation i-iiic. The nnuiii-mi . c,,.c ,u, i, vft.,i,.. of the coimiany'H aleanuhlra was awaited with Interest, ino "lwt''yl,B " " . ..a tronV although prlcis were Irregular on 7,roiit taking. Itussiana were Dougnt. - AmJlgainated Copper Atchison Canadian raclBo fhesapeake ei Ohio Chicago Great Waatern... C' cajo M & St Haul.... Denier Hlo Grande. .. l-.rle Mjoourl WanaaV ' Texas New York fential...... ... Norfolk & Western f3,w York Ont & Wt. . Henmylvanla Itsarflll Southern Paclflo Union Faolfla Iiwreae. -Decrease. .onuon n.i, close, eqidl, . R3U Ml, -- , PS IM4! - .1IW 13711 -ri . 4li 404, - ', .11 104 a, . 81) R.HJ a : 2,-s . 3.1 :n - ion io(! 3 . 2(1 2ft - U S4V4 1I14B - lfi - OT4 h;m - ' t ( Province of Quebec Loan MONTREAL, JIarch 5. The Quebac Legislature has passed a, bill providing; IS 000,000 for good roads in the province. The Legislature also patw a bill pro vldlns for a JIO.OOO.OOO temporary loan.' AUCTION SALE3 THOMAS D. LOVATT & SONS AUOTIONEBBS. 320 SOUTH aifHWU ST. WEST END MONEY LOAN OFFICE &. E. tor 17th & MARKET &TS. Sella CLTITHINO. MIST. 'iQMHft SHOES DIAMONDS. WAWHES. JEWBtBY. MONDAY, MiKCU 8. A. W. Flefgt Qv$r 4 axt micilJn wdi tJ4. TIoBn. from a renl estate stnnilpolnt, lias had Us tips nntl downs In the Inst six or seven yenrs, nnd there Is a good ileal KOlntr on now nnd there will be more when the spriiiK comes. Tho removal of tlte Home for Orphans of Odd Fellows of Pennsylvania from Its large property on the west side of 20th street, cxtendlnR from Ontario Btreet to Bstnugh street, has offered nn opportu nity for the improvement ot tho property. Two-story dwellings, with porch fronts and terraces, will bo built on the grounds. It hns also been definitely settled that the city of Philadelphia will take for ft public park tlio tract of land nt the north east corner ot 20th nnd Ontario streets. ....n.,.. in thn Phllailelnhla. Gcrninn- town and Norristown Railroad nnd Includ ing tho piopertics nt IKI-lll-ai uniano .. a ntiM r 7ri firni ulii Biiutii. On these properties tho city and the Keati ng Rullwny i-ompiiny " '":"" "" ..." -. i. ..luincro of nrmle In the proceedings to remove grade crosslnss. Tlio grade on Ontario street -was very severe and properties wero left -H) feet above the old grade, tin Nth street It was nbout n no reel ut me cuwir. m .., out nt about 3123 North !lh streetP.' Hearings will bo held before the Board of Viewers and owners will present testi mony to prove what their holdings are worth. It would seem us if an additional hardship had been placed upon them by lm double proceedings, Ilrst for the dam age by reason of the change of grade In Mil. nnd now for the entire tnltlng of WTlte ""section of suburban Tioga, from Allegheny nvenue to Tioga street, and from I8t.li street to 21st street, before the abolition of grade crossings, ivus ono of Uio most attractive of Philadelphia's su- blfmSvestnvorel8nd street, wltli free use of cement, nearly nil tho dwellings np near with terraces and steps. At the two corners of I'ber sticet the stores have been adjusted, yet there is no ru.lt of tenants. GraU street and I'ber street. from Westmoreland street to Ontario street have been altered even where the street dropped six feet. In these streets, where the rent wns formerly JtS to Jt! per month, the range toffny is from 13 to h. Were It not for the fact that many prop erties are occupied by owners, rents would certainly go lower. A complete re covery does not seem possible. Tho consensus of opinion of real estate men and of owneVs of property living on the ground seems to be that rents are pot coming back to old figures very fast. The trouble Is that after a change of grade like the conditions lu Tioga rows of houses built to conform are left up and down. Some owners do not think thai adjustments can be made. The properties nrc ruined far ns the owners are con cerned. They take the award, largo or small, and move nwav, leaving what Js left in the hands of nn ngent with direc tion to sell, If possible. Tho claim of the city and the railroad that they cannot make tho owners of property spend tho award in malting the adjustments, nnd therefore they nro not responsible for unsottled conditions. Is only true In part. A grnde like tho ono Tioga has had to adjust Itself In Is too severe to come sud denly and without warning. Many cases have been appealed, and a great many cases of Individual hardship could ba cited. One of these Is that of a man own ing i house In a row near the grade, but not actually abutting upon It, who had to lower his rent or lose his tenant, and who npparently, under the law as It now stands, Iiob little standing In court. How ever, In the past few months. Judges and Juries have shown an attitude more fa vorable to such claims where losses are proved and traced to the nearby grade. LESSOR. The Channel The channel that a security follows from its source to the investor is frequently tor tuous, sometimes treacher ous, seldom direct. Like a vessel, the security passes through various locks, each lock adding something to the cost, but nothing to the v1 e of the cargo. Tach lock takes a toll and that toll is paid by the con sumer of the cargo the in vestor. None of the toll goes into the value of the security. It is just TOLL. The relation between value and price in a security is governed largely by the length of the channel ft trav erses, from the Source to the Investor, Our offerings are direct from Source to Investor. There is no toll, Get our booklet. The White Investing Company WALTER WHETSTONE Philadelphia Manager Morris Building, Philadelphia Sound Investments CL Safety should he the. paramount consideration I'l in a k I u K an Investment. Yield, however, shoitjd not be lost sight of. Roth of these factss are the basis of our "souTiU in vestments." Correspondence or call Invited. Frazier & Co BANKERS 132 South ISth Street ..titiAI. AOVISIITISISMBNTS j3B INTlIKCOCnTOFCOilllONrtBAS No. 1, of Philadelphia County. December Term, 19U. No. 488$, Notice le bereb) given that an application will be made to the above fuurt oo Monaav. March Ti. 1D1S. at 10 o'clock a m , wider the act of Abrll 2t). 1S74, and the supplement thereto, fur a charter of an in ended ,-4irpo ration to be called JU'Tl'AL BENEFICIAL AND HHOTBCT1VB ASSOCIATION OF THt B1IPLOY88 OP THE BUREAU OK 1VATKH. DBPAnTJIBNT OF FUIir.lc WORKS," th character anil object of hli-h i; To Improve the emleacy of the norklns force of lit 11 urea u of Water, to develop the intellectual and (octal cotnpaalonihlp or its member, to promote ihilr welfare generous. n4 to areata a. tusd for the payment of certain benefit n eaM of lcJuj, lujury or dtata of walui. and far tu purpose to ha. ujhJ po and enjoy U the rijshU, ImMto and privileges of the wU tut of aMtnUr and It eupptemeut Tfea prPQd Charter U uvi on DU lit x$ Oliue of the J'rolhououry HEIWKRT I !. tfu-i'.'.w- jdMttfaj kjyjjjjjgjajjj
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers