Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 05, 1915, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 12

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f-- -agpt? s
"Larruping Larry" the
Talk of Balldom in
Southern Camp Per
sonal Popularity Will Be
Big Asset to Athletics.
tlOM A STAri-CORBF.Hl-O.irH.'.T.)
JACKSONVILLE, Fla., March 6.Tho
combination of Larry Lajolo's being In
this city to train and bolne a member
Of the. Athletics lina caused Inoro local
comment nnd Inleieat than anything that
has happened In the realm or baseball In
tecent yeat-H, The fan ot Jacksonville
have become more or less blase durliiK
the past few jenrs. J.ant season they
taw the Athletics, Cubs, Cardinals,
Drowns and Louisville. This season they
wilt bee the Phillies and Brooklyn.
So much good baseball has tended to
make them somewhat intllftorcnt, or nt
least he made them feci that they are
teeing merely what Is their right to sec.
But Lajole's presence has created a new
enthusiasm. The bin; frenchman has been
the cynosure of an eyes since his arrival.
Ho is constantly being sought out at his
hotel by those who would rake up nil
acquaintance on the strength of having
en his picture In the newspapers. At
Sunset I'nrk, too, where Lurry Is now
setting In shape for the American League
seaeon more people nro dnwn to watch
"Larruping Larry" than Home-run
Uaker and Collins combined.
And how does Lurry look on the Meld?
Oreat. He has taken such perfect care
or MinsclC that he seemed to have little
Cleveland Outfielder Threatens lo
Jump to Federals.
SAN' ANTONtO, Tex., March B.-Hatd
hitting prevailed nt League Parlt yes
terday. All the Cleveland pitchers took
turns on the slab.
Joe Jackson, who Is playing a the
ntrlcal engagement, in Winston-Salem,
X C, in an Interview today said that
he had received no word from the Cleve
land club nnd Unless he received In
structions to report by next Monday, he
would sign a thrcc-ycar contract with
Greenwood, Atlanta theatrical magnate.
When asked If Greenwood was nctlnn
In behalf of the Federal league, Jack
son stated that he did lint know, but
that he had been nppionclicd by Fed
eral Leagilf agents In several towns re
cently and that he had been offcicd a
three-year contract at $15,000 a year.
Washington Claims Prior
Contract With Promis
ing Infielder President
Baker Disappointed at
Not Seeing Team in Ac
tion Today.
Believe mg it
'Pocketful of
coim ofjee more
There. is. MOTHiurs
rnnii suit cnnitEsrosiiF.NT.
PUTEHSHUna, Fin., March 5.-
trouble In making up the few lost hours
that his teammates had on him In prac
tice. And tlili despite the fact that In
Cleveland last season he was adjudged
"through." To be sure Larrj was
"through" In Clevclind and he would
never have been able to piny well there
again Hut with the Athletics ho Is com
panionable,' highly thought of and has
Inhaled some of the JIncklun atmosphere
of enthU6tasm and desire to win.
As to Lajole's fielding, the department
which some Phlladclnhlans seem to think
Will be his weakness In 10t5, It Is above
criticism. There nro two Important fac
tors which will unite to bring the average
emclcney of the one-time $100,000 Inlleld
back to par: In the first place Larry
himself Is going better than those here
thought he would In the field; secondly,
Jfclnnls and Barry are going to help him
Jim ,u aiMpLG-ee.
nttrvef. iniTii- ws.T
KUOW, I'M 6661 tO(K
-, IT
Jim Vou'Rc the omlv
Fellow i Mu aa Tb
Fort thi 5 favor ofcausc
Will Now Train for National Events
to Bo Held Shortly.
"With the organization of tho city association
or the Ulantlc Coaat UowlInK Association
lo-nl tenpln experts will have ft chance to
Jcmonitrato their ability In three big national
championships, American, National and Atlan
tic Coast, to be held within the next three
jnonths. In theso tourneyit tho flvc-man team,
two-man teams and Individuals each bowl
three Barnes In each class, nnd tho?o knocking
down the highest number nf pins share ci a
percentage masis In the distribution of the
cash money prizes. The champions aro to ic
cclve gold medals.
The Ilrnt of the touman.ents Is the American
rpncrMs. to he rolled at Peoria. III., beginning
March 10 and concluding March ro. '
Tho ninth annual National Asportation cham
pionship will be rolled In the Ornnd Central
Palace, New York city, beginning Sa'urday,
March 27. It Is probable a dozen or more flvo
man teams will contest In these matches.
The local association of Hie National Bowling
5i5 "?"." "'r' uooiiera Hotel on
Monday. All league icprestrtntho. n wsll
Lameness Regular Game
Planned for Tomorrow.
President William F. Maker, of the Phil
lies, who arrived In tnwn late this fore
noon, was unable to sen his ailing of
baseball experts In action owing to the
wet field, left so by tho ton Mo. rainfall
during the night. The sun today shono In ' ATHT ITTiTQ (N IT ART V
July style, but not long enough to dry I rtJ.ilL.Li 1 1LO XIU liHIlLI
up the pools around oeitnln parts of the
Infield. i
Mr. Ruler came over from Hellalr,
Whom hn h.is boon Nnpiwllnir sivnrnl flnVA I
nt tho Hellalr Country Club, where a Playel'S ReCOVCl Fl'Om First
large number of Phllndelphlans nre en- I
Joying golf. Ho returned to Hellalr this
afternoon after having a conference with
Mannger Pat Moran and Business Man
ager Shotlsllnc.
Gavvy Cravath and other players
formed fishing parties nnd spent part of
tho morning lounging about the pnlms
along the shores ot the bny near Coffee
Pot Park. Practice was held this after
noon. Clark Griffith, mnnager of the Washing
ton American Leaguo club announced
that ho would mako n fight for Ttnmlro
Selglle. tho Cuban Infielder, who reported
with the Phillies. Griffith says that ho
had signed this player through Victor
Muno7., his agent In Havana, and enn
produce the cablegram binding the sale.
Selglle, however, sayB ho nover con
sented to piny with the Senators and
never negotiated with Griffith or hl.i
agent. The Phillies aro not In any way
worried ove the report, although Selglle
nns not signed a contract to piny any
where. It was only through the tlcrtness
of a Phlludolphlan that th6 Cuban was
snatched from the Washington fox.
fun, Joue-s ujou'i VoO
' " V ,
Me 'tbwnc. mkshtV thg Joy out of I
Got To Haue AfJOTtitR v-
ygsj MOAJDRED , " if .rfSTv
m IMTT v1vn a
ittli ALL-1'UK-.GLORFy
PlilVnn i'. rpl. . , , 1
.xxo hi xiuuk ana Finifl
ocnumenc as to Reward?
inuw unuergoiiig Ratjl
cm Lnange.
.umcLK n
Hefore n Imv ahm .. ., . ..
.. U....,.L ti,. iiininiiM -.
ho should seriously consider nct..?S
:" "" i,"-,u ",D l,,rco kinds of St
letea in tho world one who is eletn,
out for all that he' can get out . !!S
gnnio without being openly declarer
professional, ono Is tho "not lnmi.J
man who will not run unless he Is asi j
.. ,... Ul imue WHIl HUlo comn!
tion), anil the other tho Idealist H
Of tho three, by nil means. ,l,.fl
Inst course. Tho man who thinks il
the money to ho uccumulated by.ffl
nthlctlc work la not getting onn-thiw"
of nthlotlcs that ho should. Ill ,13
know thn pnniiinn i . .MTO
Idealist. ...03 or
.the "pot hunter." inoliablv i n, v...!I
' convinced that he la not sTeltln. S!?"1
sport all that Is Ida due The mere wtai'1
1" ""' ': njo mem up m ht .--J.""
. . . .f'W
bout I
mniKcir Hint hn Is hnwng a rbjai llm.am
will he l.o able to point with any iff
, tins or that tmphy In later "ears wltffi'S
I fenr in,, K,ne one il say, 'Anybo,W iJ!i
Jiao won those prizes If t hey hid XiM
I w...r MP.1H." N.. man can -not fti?.?4!"
expert to bo a Fatlsnrd Indlildual latw !
pr.t-hunt iir; ethlelo will most lk'lf4
pot-hunting" business nmn it I, Lnii
tlir nanlrliig to think of these thlnis 'iB
The Ideal In nthlotlcs Is romlni Jiist at SS
........ ..... mo nun- in i
trnrrnl swcenliic rh.iimn nf
nilly Conlon, n former Chicago boxer.
as unattached iowl,?, a cordUlly in?iled ' to i " organlnlng the West Philadelphia In
attend the meeting. dependent Lengue. Ho has signed up four
Deserves Decision Over Mike Daly
at Broadway Club.
.IJ!i& i.'".c! ?'fted Mike Daly, ths ftallan
featherweight. In the wind-up at the Broadwuy
Club last night before a big crowd. Tha bout
was fast, and Mack was In tha lead In ecry
In the semlwlnd-up nuck Fleming beat Joo
welsh i in a fast bout that went the limit. Al
though he won. Tlemlng did not have an easy
task, as Welsh used his left to good ad
vantage and often stabbed Buck, sending his
head back as if it were on hinges. Jack Brit
tpn beat Sol O'Donnell in six hard rounds
ODonneli proved tough and very game and
took a hard dillllnsr, coming back for more
jiery time. Jimmy Cochran defeated Wllllo
Hanmim In six rounds. Jimmy Moran put Lew
Flourlne to sleep in one round. There was
also a battle royal, with John Henry Johnson
as ringmaster.
Ifofnra a repnrrt nrnn'H !n.b .rr. -
Allentowri, knocked out Eddie Itevolr. of Phila
delphia, in the sixth round, with a short right
Jo tha Jaw. Revolr was also font to tho mat
for the count of nine In the nfth. and ho had
hardly regained Ills feet when Jack landed on
fil Jv Yi 8Kal"- ?rn!ln.htm 10 dreamland, but
the boll saved him The bout was scheduled
for JO rounds.
mA?i? s'lerIn;n' n.' ?an Francisco, and Young
2?fch",J!'),b"Ie', ,0 fa8t rounds to a
P fiaL"H,n la"t n",nt- ,!"n "n ""'Slit
rant throughout eapli round.
mills had the better of Hrvciy In a sIk
round go. while Shuck and Srlipste? fought
four fast rounds to a draw In the opening
Cornell Has Big Entry
tiiTi.'iv'- .Var?.h o-.-rTwenty-elBht sihletes.
the pick of thn Cornell track team, will s'nn
!" 'he Indoor lntercollBlatp games tn be held
In Madison souare (Jardtn toniorrow nlitht
Si- 'r,."n'!. '? "n "nnouneement trade hv rrnch
H5?i,clB5' toJav. The Ithni-atis will race In lt.i
JOOO-rartl and the SOU-yard relav raeei and
nrmoblv tn the !M)-ard and .iro-ard relay
raee well as the tlireo field events. No
team will eo In the WKl-iard eipnt or In the
Tnfti!w' rTla,!o Cornell. aud coninrl-ps.
1M1 and SCO lard relavs-Inserinll. I'riester.
Lewis. WtaiT, Rurtseh. Crlmm. loco-vard re
lav -Roe . ten. Irish. Pouder. Vlmlnnglo. 2m 0
V.Y.I rflav-Crhne. Burkf. Hoffmlre. Potter
High Jurnp Ilanrahm. Warner Cfidv sir
IJiron. rtlrhards. Polo vault T.ure Milton,
Jan Krnnan. t'henov Foss &hot-putMe-CutLheun.
Moore. Dlederlck. Howell, nichards.
Women's Fencing Meet Tonight
The woman's novice fenilng meet for the
rurr ofTered by Mrs. W. 11. nenjr, njtlonal
wonian'a champion, will bo hell tonight nt
itrrrinann's riymnaRluni Tli following are
the entries. Miss Irene Morrison, Mls Sara
Ferris. Mi's W IP"lii Ina Hales. Mlas Alice
JJliarton. Miss 1 . Wright. Jlhw J.'mmi
Hampshire Mlm Mildred Pldgeon. Miss Mabel
floekelman. Miss Eleanor Horden. Miss Frances
llamijngloii. SIUb Elsie White, Miss Hsther
Walton. Miss Marlon Clarrctt. Xlliu TH
The men's junior fencing meet will also be
held tonight at Herrmann',
1 earns to date and Is endeavoring to get
four more nines for an eight-club circuit.
A meeting will be held next Tuesday at
SOI S. COth street. Conlon Is particularly
anxious to have repicsontatlves of Vln
come, Shanahan and Colw.wi attend.
Irr.oit a siirr coiinrsrovtiEM.
JAUKSONVll-Ln, Kla.. March G.-Ycfl-terday'a
afternoon rest was followed by
i an early start fur the Athletics this morn
The weather ivns not altosethcr propi
tious nt the outset, but Manager Mack
hoped for a full day's work.
Nearly all of the lameness and soreness
had disappeared when the men rolled out
of their blinks today. They hnvo been
carefully taken care of by "Doc" Hbllug
nnd tho chances nie that there will bo
nothing even as serious aa a oharlcy
horso In the camp.
Tomorrow afternoon the nrst real
game of tho season will be played. Ad
mission will be charged and nil of tho
ethics of the pastime conformed to, nc-
cu.umg to mo present proginm.
Manager Mack has caused a buzz of ex
citement In the training enmo hv trying out
Jlinmle alsh at first bipo. It Is known that
a flrjt baseman's mitt has been bought for
the former outfielder, nnd ho was told bv
Manager Mack that ho wns exnected to cut out
tho outfield stuff nnd play nrst bnso In all
thn practice games
This i token bv sonic to mean that, should
Ionf and Boitlck fall to mnko good at Baker's
Job. Melnnls might ho switched over to the
last lonior with good results and Wnlsh nlaod
at first, nut tt Is more probable that Walsh
Is bi'hiK prepared for utllltv inscs. In tho
cem tint nnythlnir should hannen to stuffy,
rtulsh scorns tp fall In naturally with the
position nnd looks as if ho might bo success
fully deielopod Into a good mnn
Huston's Trip to Jacksonville
Sets Camp A-buzz Slugger
Wants More Money.
SAVAKXAII. March R. The cjuestlon berore
tho Yank camp today Is this: "Will or will
not John Franklin Baker become a member
of tho Yanks, and. if to. upon what terms?
This debate began raging at high beat when
the rumor Inured from Jacksonville to Savan
nah to the effect that Cnptaln T, I.. Huston
nns tonferrlng with Connie Mack over the
star slugger's shift to New York harness.
Baker had a thrco-voar. Iron-clad contract,
calling for something In tho neighborhood nf
f.'.OvO a jei-r. Then, shortly nftemard, salaries
for the stars began to boom with amatlng
rapidity, and Baker saw that he was left In
the lurch. Ho was unable to break his can
tract, and so. rather than play for $5000 whero
ether of less inluo and ability were getting
J10,(H)0. he decided to uult: or. rather, to
uulti until Mack cither hiked the ante con
siderably or another club stepped In, secure-
his transfer and met his url-e
KASTON Md.. March 5 -Frank Baker, third
huH?min of tho Athletics nho resides on his
farm near Trappo. was In Kastou yesterday,
and. when asked if he Intended to nlav lase-
u4ii mis eea.on, ueciarcu mat ne would not
Uv ulih the Federal league, ifiovall'a visit
to Trappo last ween was in me interest or
tho 'I'cds," but he Mas coldly received by
Ilal.pr was asked If he would play for the
New York Yankees, and said he would play
for any teem In organlzod baseball that would
pay htm tho salary he demanded, provided they
oulii obtain his release from tho Athletics.
He said he quit because ho felt that 'he money
he nas receiving from Connie Muck did not
justify his remaining In baseball.
Baker said If he remained at home this
summer ho would try and organize an Eastern
Oiivif Mrasur.
Five Matches Scheduled Tomorrow.
Other Gun Clubs Hold Events.
Four shoots nre scheduled In the Philadel
phia Trap Shooters' Leaguo Inmnrrnn, art...
noon, as follows. Clearvlow at Meadow
Hprlng. Camden Shooting Association at du
1'ont, I.ansdalo nt Olcn Willow and Highland
at it. b. While These shoots are next to the
nnal events on the sehodiile
The Beldmnn Oun Club will nice! the White
Marsh Val ey Country Club In a dual shoot on
the former s range In Camden tomorrow after
noon. Among tho club shontH scheduled are
the events nt tho Philadelphia -niectrlc Com
pany, Highland Park Countrv Club, of Olouces
ter City: Curl's Country flub, Mt. Morlah
Oun Club nnd Fox Oun Club.
Itlverton Yacht Club will hold a week-end
event nt niverton. N J , tomorrow.
At the Training Camps
George Church Wins Match
PAtdl BEACH, Fla.. March S.-In the lwst
ipanh ever witnessed here In th final of a
Florida singles tennis championship, George M
i 'hureh, of Princeton, the Intercollegiate cham
pion, defeated J II. B. Jones, of Providence
former Jlhode Island champion. The sum
mnrtea .
championship singles, final round fl. M
fhwreli, Prlneaton, defeated J, D. E. Jones.
MTa doubles- Church and F, C. Ininan.
!, York, defeated H. E. Racey, Palm Ileaeb.
mid Douglass Paige. New York. n-1. n-l.
Mixed doubles, second round Mrs. Ilarger
Us I la on, Vewport, and T. n Pell. New York
defeated Mrs Milton Work. Philadelphia, and
O f ttvan. Bridgeport ft-O. 8-1 Miss Con.
statue Rat-ertscn end F. T Frelinshuj-sen. New
York, defeated Miss Marl Whitney, New
Orleans, and Havemeyar Bull, New York, 8-3.
Shoemaker Seta Pace
J II Bhoemaker. tha ibami
sad In tha amateur national mckst-bjlllard
si ine snuuur ftuiiard nun
tsrwMsmaker. tha v. hamDlsw. taak tfu.
leal in tp
of .Var York Usl night whan h ds fan ted A
B llvmjn by a score of 1M to S7. previous
to the sanie thev war tissj at four vuou an.1
noil Mat, a Ui E. F. RaytMUa Hyiaan saw
is tn third place.
Princeton in Big Meet
PRINCETON N J . Msrob s. fwe Prince-
ah a Mnt mas is 1 1 1 df&m ridi A Ira wI'Lfe AvB . t1 s
-Mft HflSjItTassi n ( ihh(h m fasat sWU41
la Kaw York lonlght The quartel of
tareeilfciaia Indoor track ssisas to tw
in Maw York tonight The auartal of
niters which has deflated Miohliau and Yi
w enured In tb- lOUO-yard rotay, walla tha
othar tvaiu will run In tha 50P-yaro relay Tn
il.nl taaw la .omposad of Uoora. Alba. Hay an
aud Cjplaln Mokeasla and itse other turn la
um4t up of Barr. Kddy, Coola, IUII and
Dwelt or Praska.
MACON, fia., March 5 The Ilraves are
badly In ned ot an Inflelder. Manager Stall.
Inga lias sent several wires North In on effort
to get hold of a omgster.
CLEVELAND, O.,'' March S. Still speeding
toward She Hot Springs camp, the squad of
the Iteds' delegation passed through here early
today. The party Is duo at St. Louis at 0
o'clock tonight, nnd tomorrow morning I hey
epect to arrlvo In the "Valley of Vapor."
DAYTONA, Fla.. March 8. Muddy ttlalds ara
kenitn the Dodgers from getting any stiff
prattle. Jack Coombs la working- out tha
young pitchers.
MA It LIN, T.. March B. More batting
practice was given the Giants today, the
pi U hern taking; !ort turna in hurling the hall
at tha KWatwman. McGraw will send a team
of recruits to Dallas tonight fur games there
tomorrow and Sunday.
SAVANWAH. Oa., March 5. -Home nun
Dakar may tlll ba Man In tha Yankeea' line
UP. Toe latest word ia that Fritz Mirtsel and
a, casn Donua may ua givan tor tha (Hants'
BL PASO, Tax.. Marin 5. -Though Old Sol
was on tba Job early, there was much crisp,
twsa In tha air which nude tile St. Louia
Cardinals eoove fast to kaep warm.
Tinker Gets Mordecai Drown
Clever Fighters on Olympia Card
Monday Night.
Battling Leviiisky. of this city, ivhow nork
throughout the country has created a big de
mind for his eervit.es. maks his first nppear
ancn of the season hrro when ho meets Tommy
McCarti, the Montan cowboy. n the feat uro
bout at the Olympia next Monday night. Tho
latter Is a cousin of tho late Luther Mccarty.
Young Dlgglro, the local star, will be paired
",',L W,,A i"ew Jendler. newsboy champion.
Jlmmj Coster, the tough little Itallnn champ,
meela Jack Coyne, tho lad who rwently salve
Tommy Carey such a hard fight at the
Olympia. nits Walters, a comer, from At
lantic City, meeta llllly Horn, of the navy
yard, and Hughey Uugan, the knockout king.
ot South llethlehem, takea on clever Hobby
i.oughrey. '
Penn Freshman Sprinter Tears
Ligament in A. A. U. Cham
pionship 300 Race,
You've- hcaiii the debatu ot the expel ts
as to whether Amos Ruslo or Walter
Johnson carMd the greater amount ot
speed In pitching. Tho majority award
the olive boiiKh to Johnson.
Tho records show that of nil nltchorn
Mfithovvson carried nnd still carries the
Kreatost control.
But who, of all pitchers, had the"most
puzzllntr curve?
Donovan's Award
mil Donovan has seen most of them
work, nnd Bill has n keen oyo and (list
class Judgment. And Kill awards tin. de
cision In tho matter of tin inot deceptive
curve not to Matty, Kuckrr, Alexander
uui. to .cauio aununers, tho ex-T Icerlnc,
who faded out two years ngo.
'Hummers," says Bill, "hod a curve ball
that broke In at lonst three dltectlons. He
had tho finest sample of tho 'knuckle ball'
I hnvo ever seen. It was not only almost
Impossible to lilt-but almost as hard lo
catch. 1 liuvo seen him warming up with
Ire Thomas, who waa then with Detroit,
nnd almost every other ball would lund In
tho pit of Ira's stomach or brenk bis
glove nnd atriko bin knoe or shin. This
ball would frequently come up to the
plate, break llrst to tho right, then to the
loft, nnd then suddenly duck rinumun,,!
When tho batter lilt it. nn nccldent had
Not Spoofing, Either
Neither was Mr. Donovan spoofing his
audience In describing this magic ball
projected at good speed from the knuckles
of Summers. "I was telling Clark Grif
fith about it." added Bill, "and he gave
me the hearse huzza. So one day I got
Griff to put on a big mitt and wnrm up
with Summers. He tried, and finally suc
ceeded In catching ono ball out of four.
Tho others either landed on his shin or
up around his chest. When he nnnlly quit
ho had this to say: 'No batter can hit
him, but neither can his catcher catch
him If he uses that ball. I could almost
swear It broke two ways at the same
"Summers was almost unbeatable that
season. Even the JInckmen quit cold
when they saw him warming up. He
beat them 10 straight games, nnd he
hnd both Baker and Collins throwing
their bats away. This ball was pitched
from below tho top knuckles, tenting
away the skin down to tho finger nails.
And yet, even with this, Eddie hnd only
one great year, where he should havo
been one of the greatest pitchers of
nil time."
Boost for the Frenchman
Dining the courso of this fanning bee,
Donovan nlso Inserted a number of glad
tidings concerning Nnp Lnjole. "When I
saw him In Philadelphia," said tho Ynnlc
leader, "I was never more surprised tn
my life. He looked tit least 10 years
younger, nnd It was easy to sco that ho
was keenly Interested In mnklng good
agnln. He bad gotten Into a rut at Clovo
lanil, and the change Is sure to put new
llfo Into his play. If ho doesn't bat over
.300 and handle that bag above tho nver-
ngc I'll enlist with tho Itusslans now fac
ing Von lllndenburg."
Figure This Out
The way of tho magnate is bizarre, and
tho way of the athlete is zigzag, but
what of the way of the fanatic?
For example, figure this out: Tho Giants
last season played at homo to more peo
ple than nny other club in their league;
the Panics played to fewer people at homo
than nny other club In tho leaguo; yet
when the Giants played tho Ynuka on
the same field, two-thirds of thoso present
rooted for the Yanks.
can" Idens. but there Is
Defeats Huston, of Detroit, in
Amateur Titular Match at
Union I,- -uo, 400 to 93.
By a wonderful exhibition of position
piny nnd nursing tactics Joseph Mayer,
the Philadelphia billiard expert, defeated
Corwln Huston, of Detroit, 400 to 01, In
tho seventh game of the tournament for
the national nmnteur 18.2 balk-IIno cham
pionship, held nt the Union League, last
night. This gives Mayer tho lead in the
tourney, with two victories, without suf
fering a defeat.
In the sixth game, played yesterday
afternoon, Edward Gardner, or tho Arlon
Club, New York, tho present champion,
fccored an onsy victory over Eugene Mil
burn, of Memphis, the Southern cham
pion, by 400 to 219.
Tho iil.ivhic nf 1-Munrrl w nn...i.,n , ,
?,??r1'. 'Ul0,n C.ll,lh' holder of tho nmnteur
natlnnnl chaniplonshln. was moro llko that ef
n clnmnlon yesterday afternoon, when ho rlo
tn ''lo Ll,Kcno ' Ml'huni. of Memphis. -100
Exhibition Soccer Game
Tho Victor P. C. association football team
will lino up against the Seottlsh-Amcrlcani of
Newark In an exhibition contest tomorrow
uflrrnnnn on tha r.d street nnd Lehigh avenuo
Brounds, The 'Scots" nro tn plav Wcit Hud
son In ono of tho Amerlcnn Cup semifinal
TC '".' .. " '. ".'" ,"a against lieiniehem In
tho Natloii.il Cup scries.
Kaitlicl Lowers Record
CHICAGO, March fi. A. C. rtnllhel of tho
Illinois Athletic Club, lowere,! I tho ' world's
fniifvr 1" far"u' ,,e.w bl" himself, In the
iil l i,A .. championship stvlm here last
nlBhr, maklnjr tho distnnco In 18 U-fi seconds,
ills oivn record had been 30 eeconda.
old "Ket-ivhat.n,.
,... ." -.; ." " " .'"luercurreiu,
.i-i'iiiiK ninunir nnicini. ami nth ctes that ij,
tlmo iflll romo when there will not be . Vi
offered This mohahlj will create a liuM
etudy the comlltloiiB nil over the country it
'"" ui nun mat in "nine sect ons evtn
aprl7.o I, the se.ondnrj consideration. VS
athlete i Is made of the proper material Y m
i.Krco Hint runniiie 'all for glory" nltnnli
UfUtlmoro w.ia thn Hrt ntfioo it, i,. -..., JJ&
etagn n romplPto et of open handicap"
fnr-Rlory' trark nnrt field games-that wai h
ys keen coinpetltlon and ns much S
the meets in which medals are offered
J1K11 nnd n ncn then I hn i.lnn i.q ... t.." -
Well that live and six eeto of contests arkj5
at vnrlous pnrks nn Siturday afternoons dorS
tlm nmrnei ivlth nn other Incentive to tai
(ithlclc th.in Hie Kl,,rv of vvlnnlnR. WhuatS
Idea or "nl m lnr" comnelltlon wai ii
viiii. ci , mi i soihnritlca of tho country wi
fllctrci the ni. i would ho a rarco. The rami
were he! I In t'i Mh Ileglment Armory, S
colles.. htm nlh.tp from Johns Hopkiiii C
vcrslty 1,nlversnv of Virginia and all tliettt.
lellc chilis of that Kectlon took part. The mil
woe a rouslnc sin cess. Since then other clui
have tnken up the plan. Sj
WILIjARD'S manager issues!
Must Fifrht in Jauroz or Not at m
Curloy in Havana.
Two Players of Scholastic
League Champions Selected
Organization's Stellar Team.
Cleeland, Abrams and, Ward
other Winners.
CH1CAOO. March $ Mordecai Brown, for.
aw pltcUr tor tb I'hlciiro Natois w$a
tail year aunusd the St. Louis Peilarata and
a ilia ana tkt tha uaiflh nlnvarl urttT, Itia
WZ "Ortui3elMU Padercls. ts to Dlav this year with
gW tie CifiiWBfi FsderaJ. Brown il go Sauth
T- WUil IB LHHMU F9A4". VH . b.ai.UUJg
ilcAdoo Ftv Victorious
,'JIH.INOV CJTV sVu. March 3. M. Atloo
efetl lUkMkNr City, & t , to . Uvely
pwa kr lt nlW-
Tinker Shifts to Second Case
1'IHCAiJO, March -Joseph B. Tinker, raan
jjjr of tttt ChiefW FaderaU, after play In u at
sfasristot. Iram taafaWrt of Us loss arttr la
the aiikT Wu. has decided to switch to tec.
ood BM- TUksr wid Ms pUcs In tha short -0M
would be laksli by Janua BmitS. a 1-year-old
t v, wto iew(tl JO. baeJJSJ1 kaswt-
Tommy pennon, a freshman nt the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania, but who repre
sents the New York A. C. in open conipe
tltlon, nulled a tendon In his rluht leff
running tn the third heat of the SOO-yard
run in the A. A. U. senior cliamplonshlpa
at Madison Square Garden, New York
city, last night, and will be out of ath
letics for a long tirrje to. come. I.ention
is undoubtedly one of the best 300-yard
runners In this country, and his injury
Is deeply regretted by athletic followers
because ho had just attained the height
of his form. He appeared a certain,
winner of the 309 last night and was In
front V) jards from the start, when he
fell on the track and was carried off
by Trainer Bernle Wefers.
Neither Crane nor Stebblns, of the
Meadowbrrfok Club, nor Steele, of Ger
mantown Boys' Club, made a place in the
Jockey Club Meets Today
A BMjetliir of the Jockey Club has ben
callsd la New York for this aiternsoii. and.
nrovldau a auerum U uwnl, the racing dtei
for tho seasso will be decide.!.
The Kveni.no I,EnaEn today selects all
star varsity and scrub basketball teams
as the best quintets the Scholastic League
could put out. This la made after a care
ful study of the records and n full re
view as to the Individual qualifications
of the various plnyera who participated
in th campaign.
Northeast High School, winner of the
varsity championship after the most tor
rid race in the history of the organiza
tion, has two men on the first live, Wal
lace, centre, and Jledelt, guard, while
West Philadelphia High also has a brace
of representatives In the llno-up, Cleeland,
forward, nnd Abrams, gtiatd. and Woid,
of Central, is given the other forward
Shelton and Asauith. the cliamnlim'
star forwards, are both selected for the
second team, with Tarr, Central High's
lanky pivot man at centre, and Butler
and Welnstein, of the Central and South
ern, respectively, at the guard positions.
As Cleeland, of the Speedboys, proved
hlmsolf the coolest player in the league
and the best Individual scorer, he is
picked for the captaincy of ths first, team.
Of the men chosen for the second quin
tet, Shelton seems to be tho logical
player for the leadership.
In the second string- league, Dessen and
Mourdlan, according to the statlstlos,
were the best scorers and all.around
leading Door men, and, as a result, they
are picked for the forward places on the
first Ave of the scrub organization,
Michel, Northeast's centre man, Is deserving-
of the middle position as well as
the leadership nf the second teatn be
cause of ila good generalship In handling
the Red and Black would-llke-to-varsity
combination. Mason and Olim played
well enough to get the forward jobs,
while Mondros and I'adulla, both of
Southern, are selected for guard places.
Eynon Much Impressed With Local
Indoor Golf.
-.uB,.l?J"on' of the Columbia Country Club,
?L i-fhlnBt0!'.' ls vefy much Impressed with
ri.?nl?od00,.K0l'am'.,,, rrleu on In I'hlla
delphia. He bellevea It Is a much better pas
time than with the nettings and pockets.
ioeor.?c SrSit, the Chevy ("base (Washing
ton, u c.) professional, who will be In
charge or the new golf school to bo opened un
In one of Washington's leading hotels, an
nounces arrangements tro progressing and
that the new school will be -. .red this week
Ono of the smaller ballrooms has been turned
over to Sargent, and bo repots that a cood
m .crmul ca".he accommodated. The course
i.'.'i bf. on both day nnd night, und golfers
?il,?.r..,h.a.n ,8Ues,s ot (ho hotel will bo allowed
to use It for a jiom nal fee, equal to about
what tho caddy fee would he on a regular
Evening Ledger All-Star Interscholastic Fives
Hedilt NorthMit "i -.';Bt,w- Centra! Jlhjh
.' fU Welastela, Southern High
DeSiS: sSSLrn H.h tr-ant , SWrUB WUM8. Second Tsam.
MtSSduin qSS1 f!i.i Bt orwwd Msjioo. Watt PUU,
JiSaStL BoSSS iiiJS 'rwa aiM. Northeast Illih
BtoSta mitWuS l'.aF meW. Northeast High cpt
rst.r W4HPW, ., , Wiaa Fa4JU, gwithera High
Old Rivals Will Clash Again in
Star Bout Tonight at Up
town Fight Club.
Johnny Krause, of Nlcetown, and
Freddy Kelly, of Rising Sun, ring rivals
for several years, will meet again to
night when they answer the gong In the
main melee at the Quaker Cty A. A.
The program follows:
I'irU Bout Tommy Dunn, North Penn va
Teggy Leonard, Kensington! "' e"n' va"
Second Hout-Danny MeMann, Kensington.
v"J,lmml', Cijs. dy. Fails of Schuylkill, 8
Third Uout Joe I'helan, Kensington vs
Tommy Hudson. Manayunk '"11'. vs,
Sumlwlnd.up Ton'my itellly. North Penn vs
Hobby William Kalrmount. ' '
Wlnd.up-Johnny Krause. Nlcetown, vs,
Freddy Kelly, itlslng- Sun. '
George Clianay, the Daltlmore aspirant for
Johnny Kllbane's laurels, will meet Cal De'
laney, a former sparring partner of tho title
holder, at lialtlmore, tonight, "
Bammv Harris Is In town niih iu -n. f
who lias etarted,vworklng out for his contest
with Johnny Kllbane at" the Olympia, Ma"h
IT. Harris U confident that Williams will
surprise a lot of fans who believe "hi" Kllbane
.iB'!0vC?,rlly OrandeTwho fought a sensa
tional battle the ear y part of the Tweek afttr
being floored twlc. In' the first rwnd 'win
meat Buck Crou at Pittsburgh nji" tburi
day night. Jimmy Vox, his Mablaoifu, tackUi
Kerry Smith at the National tomorrow nlgnt.
Uwal flgjit fans ill have aa opportunity at
seeing Battling Lovlnsky m auton for tSi Lst
time since hU vlotory ovr Jim Coffey ii
He meet; Cowboy Tom Mfcafty at th On?".
ia Monday night, u'rra-
At the National A. C. tomorrow nlgbt Younir
Erno and Tommy CoUman will get togih if
a reiurn flght Vl-Yi was not MtisSad wi.t
the result of their last tSSitlog. "if. 4"
passed up several other roatclws to'get anotlar
track at the clever Negro. mr
Nlekalla Selects Crew
NEW HAVRN, March .-Ouy Nlokll Uu,
lou coaiJi. mad the following tentatlvi teiio?
turn of tbe Yj1 varsity elghted LrSvn y2.
t4y Stroke. Morse, T.'lxrir R & j
gturuvant. 4, Sheldon 3, ritln nEs&iira
Sa.H' l.,1"' c-loMolSo7
Wthr conlilions hv been unieSoU,!.
ror wk on lb luufbsr so far. ivawatnUhiz
conaned i0 tba nmefctoes Ji tW 1ria3uat
Basketball Title for Elis De
pends Largely on Victory
Tomorrow Night.
Yale's chances to win tho Intercollegiate
bafcketbull championship this year depend
almost entirely on tho outcomo of tho
gnme with Pennsylvania In the local
gymnasium tomorrow night. Tho Ells
aro now tied with rrlncoton for first
place. They have thrco more games to
play. In addition to their gamo with
Pennsylvania they must meet Dartmouth
and Princeton, but thev feel ronnnnoi,!,.
sure thnt a victory over Pennsylvania
will clinch the championship. All the
other teams in tho lengue havo been
uciiuiig jjurimouui regularly, so the Ells
should do tho same. The Princeton game
will bo played in New Haven, and Yalo
men think this ndvantago ought to mako
their victory sure. Thus they figure their
ultimate victory depends on tho Pennsyl
vanla game.
The Quaker team has been playing a whirl
wind tort of gamo for the last two weeks and
Coach Jourdtt thinks that by playing 'tho cams
I ero the lied nnd nine lias' rf than an
even rhanco to trim the nils. A stiff practlco
was held last night and there Is a poSslbllUy
the Yale'game. "' "6 r two cna" "r
De Neri in Other Eastern Leaguo
Game Defeats Jasper.
VV u IMS, w unc
Ti? -JrK ?9 rl "20 .150
.-1 3d .ICIO Jasper .... 14 'tai
1810 .4') Oreystook in ?T "-m
TonlBht's scheilule Heading at Orejatock "
Securing a Me advantage In tha first liair
enabie.1 Camden to defeat Trenton at tha
armorv In lit,irlA,i 1... .,.. , '.!." Jt the
Sm$l& WSliriff "i,an.Sr u'at'fn'g
Jasper by tho scorn of i to 21 in their Kas,?
TA, PASO. Tex.. March C Tom Jonesv mS
nger for Jem Wlllard, announces that Wlllirf
would flght In Jmrcz or not at all. Jot
for Wlllnrd. controli 70 per cent of tbe nod
In tho Wlel-Weber Syndlcato, which Is at
motlnir tho fight, aa a fniaranion of wiu.M-i
rait of the purse, and he la In a, position a 1
Htntnt. ... I.Ann lh t.. .,( . . " B
u.v.i,. ,,c,u imivs iiiti win uo neia. Jena
Pays- ""j
.. u.f ,ui. iiiuiu limn io,vAni on mil UIBI
nlremlv Consider what wo will joao tf tit
fight Is not held. This would be a total hi
lr wo wont elsowlierc, and besides, I wwa
rover consent to staging It In Havana f,
many reasons. Tex nickard Is the only n
I would sign up with for a fight atvar fri
... j-nso, u.nn i uo not Deueve ne Is to becmvl
Promoter Curley and ho Is hopeful ot rettlni
the Negro to ronio to Juarez, although l bu
again requested Wlllard'a terms for a dbl
"Johnson has a bad caso of cold ffct"Car
ley aya. "Ho has been 'strung1 bx tta
Havana sports, who have a motive In mUB(
him bellevo that ho will bo 'shot at runris
If hn enters Mexico The cash guaraaU K
.i",wu cnuieu jonnson by local business ml
is uuving us cnecr, ana no may yet ui
uulv) iu tome.
HAVANA, March B. Jack Curley cenfem
wmi govern, riavana men xoaay, aaKicj"a
thoy wouhl back him to tho extent ot HO.W
if lie staged tho Johnson-TVIllnrd flsht
Havana Instead ot at Juarez, Mex. The loo.
business men took the matter under ai)tl-j
mem. out uiey assi'rni uurioy xney were will
ing to ri-operato with him to overy citits
possible. 41
Curloy declared ho needed money to hW
certain El I'aso Interests which advtnni
money for holding tho fight at Juarez, unit
lore cimniiiiiK mo lOL-aiion no must setlis sju
them llrst Curley still Bays hj thinks It f
sfilo tn hold tho fight at Juarez, but It l
si'icittiiy iiiuufiiit iiq nuif given up uio iuc,i
InlorcolleBiato Meet Is Scheduled
New Haven. 'i
College swimmers will tnko part In l&
championship meet at Now Haven tonlibtf
Half a dozen sprinters ablo at their belts
covor 60 yardB between 25 and 110 seconds $
too tno marK in tno aaeh, and wmio itoiain,
of Yale, record holder ot the distance, is v
general favorite, tliere Is no telling who v
win. His teammates Schlaet and nosetmr
Masteu, of Pennsylvania, Loo, of Colintm
nnd Do Lacey, of Princeton, are so near W
on past performances that such trifles is
poor mart or u tun turn may tnrovv a newg
ono vvav or the other. m
At 100 yards It looks like a rattling
fight between Vollmer and Lee. of ColumMi
Shyrock. nf Pennsylvania, and Hoaale,.f
Vale. Vollmer has done &7S-6 aeconds loi
r.0-root pool; Shryock. B4-(l In a 100-fK
tank; Io and Hondley under ono minuter
a .ii-nra Datn i-retty even ngures, wj
couditlona aro considered. Good chance e&
record, too. The present standard 1 Mj-
second a.
Steve Latzo Wins Another 1
SCRANTON, Tn , Murch B. In the m
bout beforo the Town Hall A. C. here, Stt"
iJitzo, of Hazleton, defeated Special ueiww
Hlrsch, of Chicago. In 10 fast rounds. T0
Willie nichle, of Olnihant, knocked out W
Levlnsky. of Hazleton, In tha third round if
a scheduled 10-round affair, J
111 progress
consecutive triumph of the
niiintet or" I,. 'ih.SSff. .'5? P? Nrl
won .1 straight wn "evlowlyrSfvvffi
hem Uu, series by a roargfr. if sllr'vicVoViel
Miss Hammond High Gun
Miss Harriet P Hammond ami Miss c n
(Jentleu tle.l for high honors at ttUriSuiar -a'
target shoot of tlie Nemours Qui? riQu yoste?I
5,4.yi8f.rn,Lt Wilmington, illi'iunimond
mads the highest actual score, break I. J is ,t
?i rb? "" Mle", "W nvHddeafftu?ge4U
!?i"r H- cau.n tie for the li 5fJ
steP""' i"'!"1" m a Mh of thTwheeT
SH?"nf, cnditlons were excellent kores
Alias lla'tinriAnil 1fl Ti ni. .--.
Hi .": "! -1 IHley. 11! U. 18; it
yiw.iw Dprinsor. d ioi. iu.
Jr. "i 1; airs
Mf.C 0 Oen-
Mrs. J. A. deatleu, 13 (S), IB. " "
Yacht Istalena Sold
Couiuioioie B. Walter CUrk, of Pblladelohbi
ha purctwua aaorgo M. Pym-hon's Isuferlt'
and vvli race her under Commodore cSJSBb
J5K, "ftS1 ', n'r. JrolitaT Hi yS
that too DTOkant schooasr of thn. ,,., .f.T
heacefortli be known as tho Quseu, bar ToinuVr
nam, and undw which the was raciTbV &?t
Roxinc at Gnvctv Tonicht
four bouts contcste.1 In the 123-foa
In tho amateur boxing tournarnent m
ntereattng of any yet fought thero this fS
son. All tho winners aro clever ana s-
nuiera, aaa snoweu a gooa snewirun nai
gnme. Tonight somo of the others In tnHi
miiml pIulb will me.l nn from ttlO 7U9
thoy have lieen drawn It ls certain that Hffii
will be somo good contests, j
Bradford Still in Cup Race TM
..uJvii. fliaitii .,. i, iiicn p','j' utHl
rounc. Hngusn cup tie, urautora n u';;Z3t
Norwich City by a wore of a to 0 yffl
on the ground of the Lincoln City i l"jK9
I,fnroln. So us not to clash tth tno mm
round ties, which are set for derision lJI
row. the Football Association nau v xiTji
in. mi. forhlilrllnir tun ties to b' W'S1
during tho week, but It refused to al I
spectators to see the game
West Branch Five Wins
West Ilranch Y. M. C. A. defeated TrtW
by tho aoore of 53 to 23 In the former a dmS:
ball cage last night. '
On aiwrltBi
j-n new
K. ,, uudr Commodoro Clarl?
t family nair... Irolita. iirSs
it sehooiur of that name will
aown.M th juw, ber foim.;
bui. ilia Uta J, Ror Maxwell.
"fiu ,r $?- wvtd tali S
,il J? ef"b,o: ysrdL, at. Bruioi"
It I. She waa de.lgu.d and ; built hv ttTJ:
rewff.U 1MT. and it W fST v i HwluT a
wttr-lln Enittbof 8S fl ifw ltjSi,
breadth U 16; fr.t and she his a amught of 2
Uttto inoro than 10 feet "'" or
'fia du Pont Tripsr-ootiuu dub. of Wllmtn
ton. tlol., will n.4d its atb. annual uSfia
aunt Mareli IT, starting at 1 oJcgeklur''
r-tiMn valul t T.i 8 be .ir bkoS
Rnwlors. Takft Noticellll
Tim N. B. A. will meet 1 IK
Dooner's Hotel on
Monday, March 8, at 8 P- M. j
Tournament and other Importaai
matters ta be discussed. AH
bowlers cordially invited,
hiil.,11 arT Ci4fr SHOW
Quaker Citv A. A.!I,'JSK-
1AIIWV VimiTUIrl ... lilJT miv U.KL,
uuiinii. niiuvnu w-' ' si
1Mf j
fcinutLauui ciienvcii ! 1
Nutional A. C. till Sr"i
OLjYMFIA A A. nwr; KdBurdi'
R.MY. &.'f,.f. 11.1111 If
mjmiu iii. .-.. m
ui. S&e. 1m. HS. 30c. .1tuii JigF