tJ w&n- 3ST '( w- " r i f - r 1 iiJ -i r ii ii I TUESDAY March 2, 1915 J jmfji& -&. itlieittim SHHta fliMlltr v v-v f- -ty-r"v irvr 'Nssi'K-wiftfctaijBi r-"v v- "Jp J PERSONS, PLACES AND SCENES PROMINENT IN THE NEWS OF A WORLD'S DOINGS DAY BY DAY IbBwi JMHJKmH9HF3:W " r yfiHBffojf$r. iiLimrjJi-iuiJ. lujjjjj-lj iiiujrMnimim.i.iiLitimiiLjij .in mi i'iij. ' - $S32&4 Photo by New York Shipbuilding Company. LAUNCHING OP BIG STEEL LUMBER STEAMER WILLIAM O'BRIEN IN CAMDEN Taken just ns she glided down the ways and met the water, the timber supports forming a novel frame for the picture. She is 301 feet long and has a gross tonnage of 5535. She was built by the New York Shipbuilding Company for the lumber trade be- tween New York and Jacksonville. Photo by UndrwooJ & Underwood. LATEST WORK OP WEALTHY SCULPTRESS "The Fountain of El Dorado," by Mrs. Harry Payno Whitney, is on exhibition at the Panama-Paclflo Exposition, where it is attracting much attention. It represents two Indian custodians guarding the gates of Elysium, where dwells the sun deity, whoso throne all mortals strive to reach but ever fail. " ' I ' .' ' h3?T' k. ymmsBZ8am wmmmis ' n pm . l.-.". - ' 31 i.v a .s. .: m- . - am&visas&rzz&T&LimM i vzrwssi&z'zzvyzzic'' ,? s?w.2s&Viixaxcmc$szDa4w$& jyvwr. JWFK&amvsugarov if " MMSzara . ' . i.v mzjwns . , 6&smms&ra k 'raramomwvrv. asssss s , ..Mmamx. j& ! X.-," J ', THREE WOMEN WHO HAVE BEEN NOTABLY SUCCESSFUL IN PUBLIC LIFE IN OREGON Miss Marian Towne, on the right, the first woman ever elected to the Oregon Legislature, serving in tho lower house. Miss Katherlno Clarke, In centre, was appointed to a vacancy in tho State Senate by Governor West. As thero was some doubt about tho legality of tho appointment, Miss Clarke insisted on a special election, in which she won over two male opponents. Miss Fern Hobbs was secretary to ex-Governor West. Sho showed so much ability he mado her a member of the State Industrial Accident Commission, which decides all claims under the employers' liability law. YOU'VE SEEN HIM AND HAVE WONDERED WHO HE IS He walks jp and dowr Maiket and Chestnut streets with hia coat on his arm Swn in the coldest weatlw. ' healthier" he says. Ilia name ia Fred rltiJjiad.ha la not a noot. but an ssitant locomotive buildar. He aaswera jmw, 8'toly. tat 4mn ot .w to talk effuBlvery. LOOKING OVER THE DELAWARE TOWARD PHILADELPHIA FROM THE TOP OF THE OAMDEN COURTHOUSE A view of the Jersey city's principal business district and somu of jta leading Industrial establishments, the smoke from which prevents a clearer view TJia nnmw white ribbon in the distance U t&e tiver, only a strip of water .but ; sufficient to prevent Camden's population being Included in Philadelphia's census returns and a permS bar to4ha JezMy.toWi'B becoming a part of Greater Philadelphia. eom9-Pel:"",- Csw4ea us ii It were a village, but this picture jihi it has right to