Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, March 01, 1915, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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I K u
inin.fi jmmim
Knights of (he Golden Eagle
Kfnlhvorth Cflstls r v Idled February 22
by Supreme nnd Oram! Castle officers, who
were entertained In royat manner. Amonir the
ipeakera wero Supreme Chief John W. Ford,
Oraml Hlr. Herald John F.
uruuniey. J"mt urnna union
John w. Hooper, Walter C,
Ilaus and Dean J Deakyno,
Urand Trustee Max Trankntr
and drand Master ot rtecords
J,, h. pallaaher. , ,
Konllworth Castle la one of
the oldest nnd sturdleit
tallica in tho Order. It waj
instituted In. 1833 with S3
memberg and haa iws'"
uclhe. At Iho time It was Instituted there
were lees than 1000 members In thy entire
Order, while today there are, almost WOW.
The. total amount of funds In the entire stato
at that time waB less than UtOWitoday tho
csstles In rennsylvanla hne 1 895,000
Burlnir 1014 the 60 catties, in rhlladelphl
disbursed for the relief of 'heir member; over
HO 000 and Vet haM! . Increased, their fundi,
until today theeo castleB have $221000. , .
, Blnce the Institution of the Orand Cast e 1"
lato the subordinate eaitleo pf Pennsylvania
have enpended for the relief of hf'r rnembcrs
the mimioC I.WOOOO and havo lKa;f?o,,'i"r
fundi on tnd to the amount of 1.3M J7.,
Ited Cross Castle, conferred the PlUnm
decree on two candidates and received olKt
applications. They hao orennlied a aoneral
committee to open a campalim for 100 new
BU raul's Castlor received IQ.-J""'''
at Its last meeting and is steadily taklns In
new members. ., . . ,.
. UMnKstono Castle, of Allentown andtho
laraett In the entire Order In the United
H ates. conferred tho first dearco last week on
U candidates. This runs their, membership up
to over 700, and thev havo decided not to slop
work until they reach 1000. Tliov Intend to
admit 28 more candidates before, tho end ot
MAt'tho last session of the Supremo Castle n
funeral benefit association was nutlicrlsed tolie
created, and the committee to whom It nau
been referred to perfect tho details has finished
the wcrk and tho association Is now In opera-
tu T I. .li.rlA ln .urn errnith. nT S10U anu
2,-i0 benefits. Tho payments of. the benefits
Is stiarantecd by the Supreme Castle, and Jonn
W. Ford, the present supremo chief, Is presi
dent of the asr .elation nnd Supremo Master of
necorda John W. Trolbler Is secretory.
This association was formed In response to
numerous reijuests and for tho purpose I pro
vldlnK absolutely safe protection for our mem
bers nt a minimum cost. Tho secretary Is now
receiving applications for membership, which
are coming In rapidly. ,, . ,
Mrs Flora ICst, D. a. T. of AVenlonn
Temple and Clolrten Temple, both of Allentown,
and Lads Jackson Temple, ot Jacksonville, re
ports great progress.
D. O. T. Mrs. K. J. Marshall, ot IJeaco Tem
ple, of Oreeneburf, reports having proposed i
members Inside ot six months. .
Wist Philadelphia Ttmplo Initiated 10 mem
bers, -Bith prospects of many nioro.
Oreatcr Pittsburgh Temple la proud ot Its
Inland City Temple, of Ianeastor, of which
Past Grand Templar Mrs. nila Fox is a mem
ber, is lendlns In finances This not only In
creases tho s&MKtnctlon of tho workers, but
makes sound ,rinont, for new memDcrs.
Impruis'l Order Red Men
P. S. Hobcr- i. Drown' president of tho Al
lied Tribes ot T cat Philadelphia writes: "look
ing back ov he past great sun and compar
ing tho tribes of West Phila
delphia today wnn mo ran;
tribes of ono great sun ago, I
cannot help noticing, tho great
change which has taken place
In every tribe there It soir
llvo wire gathering up twins
to make the council flro burn
brighter. When Dr. T. C. Ber
wick, of Mondamln Tribe, No
455, caiiea a meewiK i itr
rcsentatlves from tho tribes of West Phila
delphia and Inspired them with the Idea of
forming an assoc atlon to bo known os the
Allied bribes of West Philadelphia I am sure
that ho had no Idea of the gigantic movement
he was starting and the wonderful amount of
good It was going to do the order In West
Philadelphia and the added strength It would
sle to that totemlo b-nd every time the trav
eling banner Is presented to tho different tribes.
Tl,ls association has now os3Umd the shape
of an octopus, with tho body composed ot
work and n arm that Is rcac.lng Into the
wigwam or jovery tribe, continually pulling
toward the centre, and a mouth hungry foi
a morsel of work, with which to feed that
great body and make It grow.",
Naunl Tribe will adopt 14 palefaces tomor
row's sleep. P. 8. Itobert S. Brown had urged
the members to capture a paleface and they
responded with 14 propositions ana pledged
themselves for 28 more before the end of
worm moon. Ue urged the members to call
at the homes of those brothers who were bo
hlrd In their dues and have a personal talk
with tho whes Out of 2l names read off, 27
of tho delinquent brothers have paid Tho en
tertainment com. lttee Is working on a. vaude-
111a lns nn ntiaa tn Va nlifAn at 4tlA nrinl-
vcrsary ef Naunl Trjfee In March. The raising
team Is rounding Into tiliapo for the public
raising at Roohootah Tribe on tho Uth sun
of plant moon.
Lakota Council adopted 12 palofaces on tho
sleep of the 10th sun, tho work being Impres
sively performed by the degree team of Ton
firwa. Council. Delegations were present from,
he following councils: Standing Elk, Crow,
Itah, Mingo, Mohican and Neantawanta, of
New York Several past chiefs gave Inter
esting talks on the order, Tho council In
tends to have a night for Palefaces on the
sleep of the 2flth sun warm moon.
Mingo Council Is rapidly Increasing Us mem
bership Two palefaces were adopted by the
team Februury 2J, and In honor of Washlng
ton'd Birthday a social was held. Brother Jo
seph Meiers, of Mingo Tribe, recited an in
teresting selection. The council hopes to cap
ture tho brother as a member Mrs Mary
flayburger, nccompanled by Mrs. Rebecca
Mackter, sang a solo. Refreshments were
served by tho entertainment committee. Among
those present were Past Pocahontas Katharine
Reuben, of Yolo Council. Past Pocahontas Hol
low ell, also of Volo Council, nnd Sister Mary
weir, of Chattahoochee Council.
Knights of Pythias
Ten esquires were advarcd to tho rank of
knighthood at Castle Hall, 1315 Columbia ave
nue, In ceremonies celebrating the 4Tth anni
versary or Aurora Lodge.
There was a largo attendance.
a special program being pre-
parea oy me femertainment
Committee, with music nnd re
freshments, and all present
were delighted. Aurora Is fast
advancing to be ono of the
leading lodges of the city, as
well ns one nf tho oldest, uney extend a
coidlal Invitation to visiting members on Frl
iia evening. W, A. Cook Is tho keeper of
records and etal.
l'hliudalphli Company. No. 2, uniform rank,
will hold Its tegular monthly assemblies on
the llrat MondnJ of each month In the hall.
Broail and Federal streets. The members of
the company have been hustling for new re
rrults and linvo secured several applications.
Tho members of the company are all "live
wires" and I'ythlans to tho core, and If they
can get a gcod Increase they may he able to
make Pittsburgh in August.
Dan.jn I-uJse celebrated Its 51st anniversary
Febru.r) SX In the form of a reunion of all
tho members and It was a succtss. The leal
feature of the meeting was the degree work,
which had been specially arranged for this
unit, A special supper was served In Iwior
oi a score of past grand chancellors who had
served this lodge In that capacity during these
many scuts
Integrity Iidse'B convention. February 22.
n. ado preparations leading up to the confeiring
of the knights' rank In long form upon four
eBqulres on March 15. when the new costumes,
costing J NX J. will bo used. Much Interest
was manifested In the report of the committee
on Pythian Hall, at the conclusion of which
f .'50 was subscribed, the lodge taking Alu
Southwark ldge, at tho convention February
S3, in addition to receiving several propositions
far membership, subscribed for stock In the
Pvthlan Hall Association,
The members, families and friends ot Red
Chestnut Street
is our new address.
George W.Jacobs & Company
Publishers, Booksellers and Stationers
Best Coai
lhhe6reatDumer$BanquetBeyemge l
Ef s $7, Stove $7.23, Chestnut $7.50
. Large Rouna Pea Coal, j'J.SO
targets Cwl larii in VhUu'Ull)lm
Trtoton Ave & Westmoreland St
Crosi Lodge hul a "get-together" nodal Feb
ruary J4 which was much enjoyed by every
one The banquet was prepared and served ly
the ladles very satisfactorily, A mandolin
club and phonograph were features of 'in en
tertainment . ...
Continental Lodge has aroused from lt som
nolence, electing four candidates to receive the
rank of the order on March 10
The annual convention at Trenton of tho
New Jersey Knights of, Pythias elected the
following officers, Urand .chancellor, C'harhs
Linden, Hoboken: grand vice chancellor,
Charles A Covert, Lecsburg. grand prelate,
Charles UogellUs, uloomneldi grand keeper of
records an! seals, Elmer E. Margerum, of
Trentoni grand master of exchequer, William
II Bverson, New Brunswick. The, convention
decided not to Incresso tho membership fee
from, $10 to 20. Palmjrn Lodgo was given
two flB.rs for having tho largest perccntago of
net gains In membership during tho year.
Knights of the Mystic Chain
Maurice Ifohlteld Castle, No 20, meeting In
Odd Fellows- Hall, llldge and Mldvalo ave
nues Sir Knight Commander James A, Collin
sou In tho chair, Initiated into the msstcrlcs
of the order William It. Shirley and Uustav
lllomever. A communication from the select
commander contained the information that he
would visit Maurice Hohlfeld Cnitle on Mnich
0 for tho purpose of conferring the marked
degrte on the past commanders Atrangoments
wore mado to give him a hearty welcome and
to ' treparo refreshments
The meeting on March 0 will start promptly
nnd business expedited. It In expelled that
cytry emtio In the city and alio several cas
tles In eastern. Pennsylvania will bo represented
at this meeting to witness the eonfcrrlnn of
degrees. The meeting loom is n place worth
gomg rillcs to see, as Maurice Hohlfeld Castln
prides Itself on having tho most beautiful and
modern-equipped meeting room In tho city,
rho casllo Is In excellent financial condition
lh, nrili,Ar nr Klniihl, n irntilfatfl r'natln (lie
James A, Colllnson, sir knight commander,
Joseph A, liraurkroan, sir knight vlco com
mander; Ernest Dawson, sir knight marshal,
Harry M, mown, recording scribe, Charles
Uiih, financial n.rlbe, John Adams, chaplain,
Benjamin Qldley, Irsldo guard; John Qulnn,
outlt,o guard; Thomas Moorehead, past torn
mnndor; Robert Moorehead, Cllf Tasker and
Sir Knight Hohlfeld, trustees.
Lllsworth Castlo held the lcng-looked-for an
nlverrary entertainment Februnry Zi, and It
was tho most successful event ever hold by
th's castle, rho committee, composed ot V
H. McCall, riialrman, C T. Hause, a, C
llause, H Haus, W. Dawson, II Llttlo W
Davenport and E. Dnvonpott, were congntu
fated on their effective work Tho celling of
Patterson Post hall was tastefully festooned
In colors nnd tho walls were completely cov
ered !v American flags. Tho tnlcnt was tho
best that could bo procured, nnd that It wns
thoroughly enjojed by tho lame audience pr--ent
was fully attested. The program, which
lasted from SO to midnight, did not mention
n surprise feature, which was the render ng
of "Vay Down upon tho Suwnneo River by
frlr KilBhts Nelthcrcott, Everett nnd Btown,.
vvhu have been members since tho birth of the
ratlo In ISRO. It. Is tho Intention of the cas
tlo to hold entertainments about onco a month
until further notice.
Royal Arcanum
Haverfnrd Council hns had a wonderful
growth since Its Inception, often doubling Its
merrtcrshlp In the cotirso of short periods It
now nns aoout u hiiq i
making strides for tho UOU
goal Ten candidates wero
initiated February ID by the
prise degree team, with IS re
plications In hand for the
medical examiner and a class
of 25 assured for tho first
meeting In March Tho Fn
tertalnment Committee re
norfpit the recent euchre nnd
dance a hugo success lickcts
for the "Billy" Sunday servlco on March
wore distributed Chairman Edward r.vans, ot
tho R A Bowling League was present to ar
range a schedule for tho Jlnvcrford team. Tho
league Is one of the new features developed by
tli Carnation Club that looks like a success.
VMtlng on this occasion was Brother Gcorgo
Nclsscr, of Ionic Council, who entertained the
co:ncil with a short talk. Tho nowli-inade
bro nrm all responded in a. happy strain. A
c -ai'nlcatlon from Lnfnyctto Council, uf
Pa,trson. N J., was read, ncceptlng Hnvcr
foid's challenge to a membership contest of
not less than 50 members from January 1 to
Gcrmantown and Ifaverford bowling teams
aro mat"hod to play a gamo at the Casino nl
levs on March S on tho same night Pennsyl-va-nla
Council's team and Philadelphia Coun
cil's team will also bowl n match game.
Philadelphia Council held Wnshlngton Night
Februarv 2.S The reading by Secretary A. 1.
Lavvscr of .1.1 applications was treated as nn
ordinary Incident by tho members present. Somo
big doings In the application lino Is expected in
th March meetings Tho unusual Incident was
tho presentation of an application by Regent
Wnttenberg. of Germantown Council Twenty
six of the applicants wero Initiated by tho
degree team In n very impressive manner.
Under the good of the order. Judge Raymond
McNelllo presented the council with a silk
AmerUn Hag, which was draped over the
altar, tho gift of uranu uegenc nrinur u
Eaton, nnd mado nn appropriate patriotic and
impressive address He was followed by tho
enne" regent himself In a stirring appeal to
the boss of old 2U.1 to make one grand rail) for
a i?SSffiySSSIP celebrated W nshlngton's
Blrthdaj at 1(111 Columbia avenue, by Initiat
ing 3 candidates nnd reading 10 applications
Tho council Is suro to procure Its quota of 23
for the grand regent's class by May 1
Dupont Council again Inducted a largo clnss
i?..-,ian, VI Th ntnrk was henutlfutlv ex
emplified ty the pist regent's degree team of
Pennsylvania Council, familiarly callei' the
"rosebuds" Chairman Alluan Is verj opmls
tlc for the council's growth One hundred new
m-mbers Is their goal by May 1 At this
meeting Dupont was honorod by two Supremo
Council members In tho persons of Supremo
Trustee II. K Lathy and Supreme Representa
tive Alex F Nicholas .
The Hospital Association of Philadelphia and
vicinity, which provides hospital treatment to
Its members free of expense, held Its 13th an
nual meeting last week at the office of tho
grand regent and elected the following officers
ror tho ensuing jear President, Fred T
Ktaake vice president, I D Maize, secretary,
M J O'Conner, treasurer. C. P Walter, along
with a board of trustees consisting of five
members, and a. finance committee of flvo
members 'Ihe association Is In a flourishing
condition, having ample funds In the treas
ury to nnffrd Immediate relief for tho sick
and disabled
District Deputy Cha. J Goldsmith installed
tho newly elected members of Glrard Council
on Tuesday evening, and the prospects promise
good work for the ensuing veat.
Order of Good Templars
The sixty-second annual session of the Grand
Lodge of Pennsylvania and Delaware will bo
held Julv 20-22 nnd the members ot Good Will
Lodge are planning a rovnl welcomo to the
lirsi' dxlegatlons that will attend tho gather
ings at Bethlehem. Pa
District Lodge, No. 8. held an Important con
feience at St. Paul's It. K. Chureh. Bioad and
enangn streets, und representatives from all
tho 'edges In the district weie present to hear
tint reports of progress. District Chief Templar
Georgo D. Turrer reported on the Individual
work ot the lodges and Ihornas Hartzke re
ported the Increases In numerical Mrength. Dis
trict Electoral Superintendent J K. Hauck ex
pressed gratification at the hearty response
upon the part of Good Templar lodges to the
request for petitions to Congress in favor of
the Sheppard-Hobson national prohibition reso
lution. Thd Congressional Record acknowledged
the arrival ot petll'ons from I O. G, T. lodges
The) are pleased to record the fact that the
Indian appropriation bill for the coming year
carried an appropriation ot 123,H)0 for the
suppression of the liquor traffic among In
dians. The degreo of charity was conferred
In an Impressive manner by the district of
ficers. The session decided to visit the Sun
day tabernacle In a body, and applied for
a reservation.
District Lodge, No. 12, held a quarterly
eonvttitlon at Wilmington, Del , nn February
20. with District Chief Templar Elliabeth M.
I'ylo presiding. Interesting leparts wero pre
3 For
Player Pianos
All the
Hits .
M HmsHf
(Ufa miiiTi m
Rose Valley Music Roll Company
15 S. 13th Street (Opposite WanamaUer's)
Since the opening of our new store, two weeks ago, hundreds
of Philadelphians have purchaseii, Rose Valley Music Rolis and have
found in spite of the low price at whlciVthey art; sold that they are
equal and even superior tp any rolls they have ever tried.
Every Roll Full Length and Guaranteed to Play Perfectly
,-m-f far flu itfui 1V Wil Ship ti, Jarc ft AJJrtf.
Rose Valley Musis Roll Company
Executive Office and Factory, Media, Penna,
sented by District Secretary Olive I Mr
forklo ami tho Stale of Order Committee
through .he chairman, Mary T Little Now
ark Lodge told of Its Interest In a number of
Mils now pending In the Delaware legislature
This lodgo had a large delegation present nnd
a number contributed entertainment to the
enjoyment of all, Sccntntj i:arl Dawson,
Treasurer IMna A. Campbell, I'dlth Robinson,
Leon Powell and Anna Miller wete among
this number. Grand Chief Templar I'.lwood
Tulcnolas, Orand Secretary ndnnrd Coleman,
Jr., Grand Treasurer Harry Cl. I lltle and Past
Grand Vice Templar Mary 15. Allston gavo In
spiring and Interesting addressee. The ove
nine rally was In charge of Margaret
McLaughlin, deputy nf Wilmington Lodge,
No 171, and was a splendid success, tho mu
slo and addresses being of nn excellent char
acter Tho superintendent of Tioga Temple, Kd
ward Coleman, Jr., reports tho Installation
or new officers, as follows May Rogers, chief
templar, niwn.nl L Coleman, vice templars
Beatrice Hunter, secretary, Lewis Marlln, ns
slstant secretary, Ralph Klnckner, financial
secretary! Caroline Helss, chaplain. Leila
flush, inirshal, Ruth iim, deputy marshal)
?.f.B,rre Ooobel, guard Albert Smith, sentinel,
vMlllam Ilo)er, past chief templar
Golden .Link r.oilge w III meet next Wednes
day evening In Lawson's Hall, 2472 Frankford
avenue A public meeting Is being planned
ror tho near future
Artisans' Order Mutual Protection
Tho lid annual seslon of the Most excellent
Jssemlilv will bo held on Wednesday next. 10
A. M , nt Artisans' llnll, King's Highway and
Groves stteet Hnddonfleld, N. J Reprerotita-
lllfta At,,! nll.rnillM fl TH 10
quested to nio their creden
tials with the committee at
U o'clock. Hoddontlcld Is
reached bv train or trolley
from Market street ferry.
Dorian Assembly through
Brother II. C "crhnrt. mado
Deputy Levi r . tjuplee a
much surprised. recipient or a
gold watch and charm as a
token 01 mcir tsitem !n -preelatlon
of ills service ini
oirird Assembly Initiated s'ven candidates
Fobrunrd 22 A lnrgo delegation from I cljlgn
Assembly wni, present A genuine treat wai
tho nddrc'i nf Rev Dr., John p. Hnnna and
musical selections by the , band of the -mil
Street M K Church, ot which Doctor Uanna
Is pistrr The address was brMHant pa
triotic, senllrrenlnl nnd wlttv. The church
band of w pli)ors proved themselves skilled
musicians Dr. Honnn and tho hand were
warmly urged to renent their visit, au-tird is
planning to add several hundred new members
this ycir and has under way a yecy actlvo
camp ilgn to accomplish that result. .
Memorial sen Ices for tho late Most 1-xcjl-lcnt
Chaplain, Rev Hugh Chae Mclirldo.
wero hold nt tho meeting nf Lnterprlse As
sembly, in Bank, Hall Taconv. Most Lxcel
lent Master Artls-vn C. Walter Hlgglns de
livered tho culog. Tho services wero largely
attended by the local assembly nnd many visit
ors from other assemblies Tho quartet pr
Dirtram Assembly rendered npproprlito
hvmns In a beautiful manner Tho pastors pr
tho soviral churches or Taconv took port In
t'ic ceremonies nnd P. M IX M A T I rank
Kcndilck also delivered an address 1'. M. E
M A CharlcB T Lvons preildcd. .....
Dr C. Carroll Sticker, deputy over Adclphl
Assembly was on Mlhndav evening last prei
ented with a loving' cup bv tho members of
tliit nssemblv Doctor Sticker has served
Adclphl Asecmblv well and ncceptoblv for sev
crnl vcirs and Is now retiring
The annual banquet of Gcrmantown Asiem
bly wna he'd In tho Town Hill on Thursday
evening last, nt which over 1U0 members of
the assembly wero irescnt Their vlitory over
ht John s Asscmbl) In the membership con
test wni eelebratetl In a Jubilant manner A
ver) attractlvo menu card with appropriate
reference to the victory was used A feature
of tho evening's entertainment was the sing
ing of tho Germantown alee Club under tho
leidershlp of Prof IInrr King The many
friends nf Brother Joseph B Wlsncll were
delighted thnt he waB able to bo present
Progressive Asscmbl) will entertain tomor
row nvenlng the representatives In town to the
M L. session at Iladdonilcld on Wednesday
lladdon Heights Assembly Is making prepa
lniioni for a big smoker to bo held at the
Town Hall on Tuesday evening, March 21
Tho crinmlttee will maintain the assembly's
reputation for tho character of its entertain
ments. The officers are F T Stow art. mas
ter artisan, J O D Dunlap, superintendent;
F E Cunningham, Inspector, E L. Show,
recorder, C. B Ross cashier
al Order of Moose
Philadelphia Lodge Is out for another record.
Besides being tho largeit ,'odgo of any fia
tcrnal order In the world, possessing tho
greatest total worth of any of
the lodges of the order, and
having the lirgfdt Junior ad
junct nnd ladies' auxiliary, It
will this month conduct a
beneflt for -herlty that is ev
pectod to surpass any similar
function In this direction over
attempted by a fraternal or
ganisation The Wnys and
Moans Committee of the lodge.
normally several hundred In number, has been
ifjiipeirariiv inernseil io ,uu rneiuues, hhu
this committee will have churgo o: the bene
fit which Is to take pl.tco at the Metropolitan
Opera House for two weeks beginning Mari-h 1
Composed of the officers and mst of the mu-o
active members of tho lodge, this suborginl
zatlon expects to placo In tno hunJa of tho
Relief Committee a very substantial sum if
money, tho same to be used, flrstl), for tho
relief of those members of tho lodge and their
families who are in dire need, and. tocoudly.
If an) thing remains after these provisions are
made, to turn tho balaneo over to the Emer
gency Aid Commltteo of tho clt.
The project Is very appropriate at this time.
The proposition was advancsd to tho mem
bership of Philadelphia Lodgo" at Its regular
meeting on February 14. and tho mora than
1000 members present indorsed tho recommen
dation of tho officers In this pnrtlcular In a
manner that was most gratifying and which
augured well for the success of tho affair
Tho Moose Journal, the official paper of tno
lodge, which has Just made its March appear
ance. Is filled with details coacernlni th
proposed beneflt, and It freely predicts lint
the function will result In tho greatest finan
cial success of any event ever given atonj
these lines by a fraternal organization.
For Callers
The hostess who keeps several
packages of Social Tea Biscuit on
hand is never at a loss to know
what to serve when friends call.
Serve with all beverages.
) T5?55. 77....
Always look for that Name
on the
fc ; Kir iAfrin j
Sf3tr CT esl I 1
Sons of Temperance
Fnlrvlew Division, meeting at 00th street nnri
tilrnrd avenue, was tho next In Hns for visits
ti in of tho grand worthy patriarch, who was
accompnniea ny represents
tlv.s riom .Silver Chimes, Key
stone, Progressive Dusker
fit), Amerlcus Diligent Nice
town anc! Norwood Divisions
Itemarks on the good of the
order were made b) T. T.
Jones, i iJctgmnnn, B. Dan
iels. Casner Miller. Annie
,, , .. Staclthourie. Thomas Stokes
urand Scribe spceco, ltepresentatlve C. C.
LUAjoii, Lllllo M, Lowry and Oeorge Panders.
Ittcltatlons and readings by H. Cooper, W.
Jowry nnd Sister N. cooper! pianos solos by
liiother Klnrsbury nnd sister Margaret Mc
Millan, vocal solos byA Sister Sylvia Cooper
and Ilrother I. W. Anthony wero features of
the entertainment. Refreshments were served
Diligent Division, Instituted December, I'll),
meeting In Irvln's Hall, nrldesburg, wns vls
lled by tho grand worthy patriarch, accom
panied by hit boatd or grand otilccrs nnd
large delegations from lacony. Union, Silver
Chimes, K) stone, Welcome, Progressive,
Champion. Quaker Cltjv Norwood and ralr
vlcw Divisions Short talks on good of the
order wero nndo by T T. Jones, C. Dergmann,
11. Cooper I, 1, smith, Casper Mllfer, T.
Stokes, Annie Stackhouse, II. 9 Morrcll and
Urand Scribe speere ltccltatlons by Miss
Jennie llrungan and a vocal solo by Mrs
Sjlvla Cooper were rendered, after which re
trrshments vere served.
Keystone Division, at Drood and Federal
streets, gave n midwinter roceptlon February
li, the spacious hall being well Illlcl and n
nne program prepared The alms of tho order
wrn presented bv C. F W Ilcrgnmnti fol
lowed by recitations by Miss Ada Hrnngan
Jiiss Mnry IJnrrntt and C llergmann, vocal
"", by Miss Mlna Applebnugh, piano solo by
," Blanche Craves, and a piano duet by
the Mlss-llelen Urown and Elisabeth Mont
gpnier) Refreshments wero served by tho
tVen. "' th0 division a W P. Charles W
immpton on February 21 was greeted by lnrgo
delegations from Union, Silver Chimes, Wei
fpmc. Progressive Quakor City, Star of I'rom
ie, Uolniont, Nlcetown and Falrvlew Dlvl-Ui0-118,
of. Pennsylvania, and rrlendshlp'. No.
Si1 ,,of New Jersey O. W P Albert A.
vvopire, of New Jersey, accompanied by sev
eral members of tho National Division if
ortii America, were received with duo honors
i, ,rf were five new members received by the
envision Short addresses were given by C. W.
Hampton, A A. Wool re l a W V. Jones,
Maxwell. llergmann nnd Miller. P 0. W A.
Mokes, ltepresentatlve C W llowen and Grand
Scribe Speeco P. G TV. P. Maxwell pre
sented a lnrgo bouquet of American Heauties
on behalf of the members of Kestone Divi
sion to n W P. Charles W Hampton. Tho
niwors were enjo)ed bv Sister Mnry J Hamp
ton Music and refreshments followed
Coat Illuff Division, meeting at Klrnma,
Washington Countv, was visited by tlrand
Worthy Assoclnto John Williams who found
tho division doing splendid work for tho or
der, having Initiations almost nightly
Grand Fraternity
Any npprehcnslons tho commltteo may have
felt concerning the sueccss of the recent dance
In Lu Ln Templo were speedily swept away
when over -lOO responded to tho call for tho
march The Grand Fraternity Orchestra,
Under the leadership of Prof. Louis Ulroux.
furnished 20 numbers and encores so that
thre was no lack of opportunity for dancing
Lost Park Branch Is planning a ladles' night
for their next meeting on March 4 The com
mittee In charge Is preparing a program ot
nterostlng features, but maintain their reso
lution to keep tho details a secret Theso
surprise" piograms aro hlghl) appreciated
''It members tho nlr of mystery being
mirriclent to nrouso curloslt) and bring them
out ln force.
Industrial Hrnnch will hold a "Night In
nnhemln" nt their March meeting on tho 13th,
when the entertainment committee promises to
outdo all foimei nfTorts ln the line of novel
feiturcs Frnler 13 A Rldgoway, formerly of
East Pari. Uranch hns ncrcpted tho difficult
poit or degree master In Industrial Hnneh
and promises to put a team ln tho field that
will crowd his former teammatos of Fnst Park
and mnko thorn hustle to retain their leader
ship Oak Park nrnnch held a "get acquainted"
meeting, with President Gaston as their honor
guest A musical program a pinochle tourna
ment nnd home-made cake and lco cream wero
the features of tho ovenlng
Philadelphia Branch No 4's meeting, on
rcbrurrv IS was full of pleasant Burprltes.
nnd n few new features wero added to tho
usual program. An umiBually large gathering
waH present The members of this hustling
branch arc certainly taking a grea Interest
In Its affairs and letting the world know of
tho merits of the Grand Fraternity A score
"'..J0? .members were admitted and viewed
with delight the features ot a boxing bout
fcy Praters Fleming, a professional singer
and monolojjst ords of wisdom and advice
b) the esteemed president also added to the
enjoyment of tho evening.
I. O. O. F., Manchester Unity
The 11th annual banquet of Keistone Lodge
of past grands was held on Fobrunr) , 20. with
100 covers laid P G Gcorgo Anderson was
toastmastcr, and after singing "My Country,
Tla of Thee," rianlst George Rochelle ren
dered boloctlons Address of welcome was
made by N G George Anderson, songs by
Mrs Wolstenholmo, Brothers Blllv Pember
ton and Harry Wilson, literary selections by
Doctor Groin toasts, 'Manchester Unity"
nnd the "Philadelphia District." by P. O.
George Smith, "Keystone Lodge" by John II.
Heyes nnd "Tho 1-ndirs." by John Ud. Aram.
Thli treat of tho committee and Caterer
C. J.
I, M. Wllhelm H
of Germany
The Vatican
Pope Plus X
II. U Qearco V
of England
Settlement may
Warrants of
Royal Appotntmont
II. M. Ferdinand I
ot Bulgaria
1 H
Brother lge.nhardt were! heartily jnjoyed
The Wellington Party heldr by Ixival
Frankford Lodge after tho rloae of the regu
lar meeting, frebrnary 2t, proved a great sm -cess,
Crmlfmnn George Mellor called oh P
G ,M James Stewart for th opening talk,
nnd he responded with ft flno oration on "Old
Fellowship' Recitations by Brothers Robert
Fines and Ben Hughes were followed by a
largo assortment of songs by visitors Green
hatgh, Dessllng and Sohoma, nnd .then good
thing! to eat Drother Dr. John Mellot1 gave
nn address on "Good.ot the Order." which
wan well reeelved Everybody united In ft
voto of thanks to the entertainment commit
tee Improved Order Hcptnsophs
Lincoln conclave held ft big meeting last
Monday, when several sppllcanls were Initi
ated by the degree team Brother Robert C.
Newell, of this conclave, was appointed deputy
supreme organizer and Is hard at work for
several conclaves) In this ctj, Two working
trams weru nppolnted, of which Brothers M)er
Straus and Shtlkop are enptalns, and It la
expected that through their efforts Lincoln
Conclave will be greatly benefited this )ear,
Raymond Conclave held ono of tho old-time
mot-tings, at which several candidates were
Initiated by the crack degree team of this
city, of which E. C Drown is captain, ns.
slsted by IS men Brother E. J. Dodaker,
who organlied Raymond Conclave 12 years
ago, wns presented with a purse ot gold, the
occasion being his T2d blr"iday, Past Archon
William II iloyd. In prertntlng tho token of
esteem to "Daddy," gavU a brief history of
the conclave nnd Its rapid growth. A re
ception was given In honor of Brother Dertn
Iter, and every brother, present expressed his
good wishes ltemarWi Verc made by. Brothers
II J Hartman, William 8 Hance, Alexander
Wolter and n J Dedakcr.
Ladies of ,jV(tccabccs
, Tho Martha Washington Tea Party fof tho
benefit of tho hospital and home funl ror
Enrtrnm Hive, Wd street anl Havertnrt ave
nue, was unique and a social and flnimiai
success. The hall wns decorated by Lady Com
mander Evans, assisted by Mrs IT II Co 'is,
of Quaker Clti Hive. Mesdames Evans lllter,
Euler nnd Cooko deserve speclil ijieriltn for
tl.elr quaint costumes, and Lad) Helnt' ,;nr
chairman of tho evening, was congratulated
for tho efficiency of herself nnd uldes
Botsy Ross Hlvo, Kensington, reoelvel jottr
applications for membership last Tuesday eve
ning, and arranged to give a reception Jo tneir
outgoing commander officers and now yj-m
bere, and nt tho same time -" lobrato tho! W
12th anniversary en March V Thev will nisi
Initiate tho now members, for which tho de
gree team has rehearsed. .,
West Philadelphia Illvo on Tuesday evening
had as vlsllors Miss Derll. of Olivet "jy?'
Miss Euler, ot Bartrnm Hive, and Great .Rec
ord Keeper llurgln. Mrs Ilehmnd. tno r tmr
man of tho "Measuring Social,", repjrt .il that
all arrangements had been male t3 hem tno
social March n, at lion Mnrket street
Kostone Hive, ,Md street and Haverford
avenue, received four applications for mem
bership on Thursday cvmlng tenJered their
popular pianist, Miss Mlnnlo SelWdeman, an
informal reception and preacntod l cr with a
crochet Jacket, nfter which refreshments weto
served Miss Pcholdetmn lus scrvct Kcvstonn
Hive 10 )enra as musician Great Iteco-d
Keeper Burgln arrived late All members
pledged their support for tho great com
minder's blrthda) class nnd tho convention
Mnnslon Hive lecelved three applications for
membership on Wcdncsdn) evening nt the home
of Ijidy Past Canfmnndrr Abrams, 2511 North
32d street, nnd they will try to havo a larger
number of candidates In line for tho birthday
Order of the Golden Sceptre
Court Philadelphia, No 1, celebrated its
14th nnnlversarv nt 170-1 North 20th street,
Februarv 17 Thev were hororod with tho
presence" of the worthy grand ruler of the order,
Sister lllooil accompanied by W G Recorder
Slstor Ralllnger, W G It Priestess S'ster
Ostrandcr and Brother Mcdcr of tho grand
court law nnd Appeal Committee Several
chancellors worn nlso present as welt nn vis
iting members from CourtR Washington Hnr
monv Peace, Franklin nnd Quaker City Tho
ceremonies wero all performed In full ritual
istic form nfter which speeches of congmtu.
lotion were made, followed by a collation,
music and a hop
5 AND 10t
"VNCE you have tasted tho
"' goodness of these Graham
Crackers, you will do a3 thou
oanda of other families do, keep
them on hand for daily use.
Buy biscuit bakmd by
Always look for that Name
Heppe & Son, I I 1 7-11 19 Chestnut Street 6th and Thompson Streets
The significance of
a Royal Appointment
The Royal Appointment is an honor reserved byevery regal
personage for those industrial leaders whose products'by unques
tioned merit, have earned this distinguished mark of royal approval.
A Royal Appointment to the subjects of a ruler is an indi
cation of unusual excellence. None but the best is good enough
for royalty quality is the only consideration.
A Royal Appointment to Americans is very significant be
cause it indicates a selection under the highest competitive circum
stances, where merit stands alone.
The Pianola honored
A single Royal Appointment, or several, may not-be of com
manding significance. But a practically unanimous preference,
such as has been accorded Aeolian-Pianola instruments, is an en
dorsement so absolute and unqualified that few, indeed, are the in
stances where superiority has been so marked as to win it.
Upon no other American manufacturer certainly no other
manufacturer of musical instruments have so many or such dis
tinguished honors been conferred as upon the Aeolian Company.
Although ihe Pianola and other Aeolian instruments are the choice of Royalty
and of the cultured everywhere, they are by no means the most costly. The great
Aeolian organization has so powerfully applied scientific management, quantity
production and other important methods which tend to reduce costs, that Aeolian
instruments today represent not only highest quality, but also greatest value lot? est
' actual prices, quality for quality.
The Aeolian Family
of the player-piano world, is on sale at Heppe's
At Factory Prices
as follows:
Stelnway Pianola (grand). 12100 Steinway Pianola ...51250 Wheelock Pianola.., ..$750
Weber Pianola (grand) 1800 Weber Pianola 1000 Stroud Pianola 550
Prancesea-Heppe Player-Pianos ... $450 Aeolian Player-Pianos. $395
be m cash of charge account or our rental-payment plan all rent appltes
Write for illustrated catalogue
Subscribers Readily Obtained
When Ledger Fejitures Are
The work of men And women entered
In tho subscription contest of tho Even
iNrt LKDotin and Pudmc Lboobh Is bo
coming1 easier every day ns the circula
tion lncrenncs, nccordlnir to what tlio con
testnnts havo to say about It. This 1
because rhllndclphlans aro learning more
every day abotlt both papers, and when
they know their Valuo It Is easy to get
their subscriptions.
All those taking part In tho contest are
enthusiastic, and every day, they say,
they are finding less dlfllculty In enthua
Ing possible subscribers to both papers..
Contestants aro finding that when they
aro equipped with a knowledge of tho
features carried by each pnper every
day they have "talking points" that aro
almost suro to get a subscription at every
These features aro designed to Interest
every member of tho family, ntpcrts
who know write them Ah tho contest
ant put It, selling papers that sell them
selves la not dimcult.
Thoso who wish to Join tho contest may
do so by sending In their names to tho
contest editor on the coupon provided In
tho advertisement. Tho contest editor
will supply nil necessary Information and
hints on how to got subscriptions.
There Is time yet to win ono of tho
GO free trips to tho Pacific const that
wilt bo given tho leaders whon tho con
test ends, Juno 30, but It Is obvious that
tho chances of winning aro lessened
every day, for the others get a better
start. Send In your name now and per
haps win a trlpi to tho Pnnnma-Paclflc
and Panama-California Exposition In
Moreno to Return in July
The supcrdrcadnought Moreno, which
has Just been constructed by tho New
York Shipbuilding Company for tho Ar
gentine navy, will return to American
waters next July to participate In tho
naval lovlcw at Hampton Roads.
Admiral John A. Martin, of tho Ar
gentine navy, who is here to make ar
rangements for her departure nnd to bo
present at tho flag raising this week,
mado this statement today at tho Belle-vuo-Stratford
Tho United States naval
maneuvers, which wero to havo been held
next month, will tako placo In July. Tho
Moreno will take part and subsequently
sail through tho Panama Canal.
The Philadelphia Art Galleries
S. E. Cor. 15th and Chestnut Sts.
Five Hundred
Oriental Rugs and Carpets
To Be Sold Regardless of Value
On Tuesday, March 2, and Four Following Days
This Remarkable Collectidh Contains Some Unusually Large
Kermanshahs, Keshans, Sarooks' and Afghanistans
Many Beautiful Chinese Carpets
t.lfrt Almnaf. RniiiTirt iltif-. W ft4ir4
puLvu v(uutver in iueietr.
Palluro to recall tho Peculiarities
tho auartcr gas meter nearly cost the lift!
of Joseph While, 17 eArs old, of SSj
unimiriuge street, who is recovering irornv
asphyxiation todny, nt the Polyclinic llosrJS
pital White entered his homo early tiling
day morning nnd left the gas Jot burnlftsji
when he retired, touring the night iltefl
supply of gas gave out nnd John Bradlry
n brother-in-law, dropped a nturtftr Into
tho meter when he came down for break!
fast- "
Two hours Inter ho delected tile Odor OlU
gns outside White's bedroom and broke) '
down the door, White wag Unconscious
and gas wob pouring from the open jet,-.
A pulmotor at tho Policlinic! Hospital,
where ho was taken, "evlvcd him oxtee
sovcral hours work by physicians.
Fruit Vessel Reaches Port
Por tho first tlmo In tlirco months, Ilia i
Atlantic Krult Company received a cargo :
of bananns and cocoanuta from the Wesfsl
Indies today. When ocaan freight rates
began soaring tho company found It morel
profUablo to charter Its own vessel The
fruit was brought today on tho Norwegian '
steamship Jolatido dl Giorgio.
THE very best of flour,
of baking, of care, make
Uneeda Biscuit the very best
of soda crackers. Delivered
fresh from oven to table.
Buy bhenlt baked By
Always look for that Name
Warrants of
Royal Appointment
M. Alfonso XIII
of Spain
H. M. Albort I
ot Belgium
Boston of Jlonop
Personal Decoration
' ho .President ot
the Aeolian Company
UttH-Crowa Frss
" Gustar Aiolt
ot lswe4eB
to purchase
Sri KCoS!i$ iJm
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